#Longevity Foods
niteshade925 · 2 months
Apr 4 evening, China:
In China there is a custom called jiefengxichen/接风洗尘, which roughly translates to "welcome the winds and wash off the dust", and it's a way of welcoming guests from faraway. In old times the host would provide a basin of fresh water and a clean towel for the guest, then provide a small meal. In modern times this is mostly simplified down to a big meal or a trip to the restaurant, called a jiefengfan/接风饭. In our case we just went to a restaurant.
Mixed vegetables with starch noodles and sesame paste (it's a cold dish, an appetizer, kind of like a salad):
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Lightly stir-fried octopus:
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Stir-fried beef and king oyster mushrooms with cashews. The yellow bowl-shaped decor on the side was apparently fried egg??? I have not the slightest idea how they fried the egg to look like that:
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Red braised Chinese yam:
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Steamed turbot fish:
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Red braised pork belly on rice:
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Duck soup with tofu:
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Last but not least, a traditional pastry called shoutao/寿桃, or "longevity peaches". These are peach-shaped steamed buns with sweet red bean paste or sweet lotus seed paste fillings. They are made to look like peaches because peaches are associated with longevity in Chinese culture and are usually served at birthday banquets (for older people).
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We weren't celebrating anyone's birthday that day, it was just a gift from the restaurant because my relatives were regular customers there. Picture was taken after we started eating so that's why there's only four buns left (four is not a lucky number so the restaurant definitely would not serve just four buns; if I remember right it was eight buns at the start, and eight is a lucky number)
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buffetlicious · 2 months
We often purchase ang ku kuehs or red tortoise cakes from Ji Xiang Ang Ku Kueh (吉祥红龟粿) if we are around the vicinity of the stall. This lot of colourful snacks are for both my family and sister’s friend. Each colour represented a different filling except for the red ones which is either Peanut (花生) or Sweet Bean Paste (豆沙). Grey is Salted Bean Paste (咸豆沙), Green is Coconut (椰子), Purple is Yam (芋头) and Yellow is Corn (玉米).
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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graygauze · 9 months
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I really like his design, also super saturated color under the cut
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smackdownhotel · 4 months
Tonight’s special
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Longevity noodles 🍜 with pork dumplings 🥟
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Happy Chinese new year 🧧/year of the dragon 🐉!
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Kung Hei Fat Choi!
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cherrypikkins · 7 months
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon hot water
mix together in a mug
fill it up with hot water
adjust to taste with sugar, salt, vanilla, etc.
enjoy your easy homemade hot cocoa! :3
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spiked-mall-goth · 1 year
funny how i thought that drinking some coffee would help me better study for my next exam but in reality i just spent 30 minutes researching how to replace the batteries in my old mc donald's hello kitty watch
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longevity food list ♥ Blue Zones
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spiritmaiden · 1 year
A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
TAGGED BY: no one! found this from an old blog heheh
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NAME: zelda AGE: varies but 1000+ was 18  SPECIES: human... goddess. mortal goddess, yeah that sounds better.  GENDER: female   ORIENTATION: demi?  PROFESSION:  Professional Alarm Clock for sleepyheads. she’s also in charge with bringing the rest of skyloft to the surface and help leading people. something with leadership...
—————————————————————————- { PHYSICAL ASPECTS } BODY TYPE: it’s most certainly a body adjbhkdhb sorry i guess close to how she looks in ss where she has a small almost delicate looking build. there’s light muscle definition in her arms and abs... area thanks to swordplay and just being pretty active. she’s petite and all.  EYES: blue    SKIN:  i guess a sort of warm peach color?  yeah... HEIGHT: 160.2 and trust when I say she’s going to insist on the .2 point to seem taller (around 5′3″ for my fellow americans) WEIGHT: pls... it’s a secret to everybody  —————————————————————————- { FAMILY } .  PARENTS: owl dad gaepora   ANY PETS?: yes [ x ] the adorable mia || no [  ]   —————————————————————————- { SKILLS } PHYSICAL PROWESS: 9/10 SPEED: 10/10  MAGIC: 10000/10 INTELLIGENCE: 9/10 DEFENSE: 7/10 but 10/10 when it comes to link protecting her OFFENSE: 10/10... all in all she has cheats since she’s a literal god.  —————————————————————————- { LIKES } COLOURS: pastels because she likes warm colors, pink being a huge favorite.  SMELLS: clean linen, pumpkin soup, smell of the scrolls and ancient books in her father’s archives FOOD: pumpkin soup, any veggie based food. she can’t eat animals she feels too bad to </3 FRUITS: strawberry! apple! DRINKS:  tea! hot chocolate, and water is a given.  ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? yes [ ] || no [ x ]  (please she’d be a light weight) 
FAVORITES: books, writing, knitting, her loftwing, friends, family, the earth itself and everything it has to offer. 
—————————————————————————- { OTHER DETAILS } SMOKES? yes [ ] || no [ x ] || Occasionally [ ] DRUGS?: yes [ ] || no [ x ] || Occasionally [  ]  DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [ ?] || no [  ] I mean she can ride her loftwing ;v;   —————————————————————————- DONE! Now tag other people: bops whoever is reading this, you’re it!!! 
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eatclean-bewhole · 7 days
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While Ozempic may help regulate insulin and suppress appetite, it doesn’t rewire our core thoughts about food and the lifestyle patterns that got us to a state of imbalance in the first place. That is where the real work is if we want to enjoy health long-term and end the internal war.
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Understanding the Risks of Ultra-Processed Foods: A Comprehensive Analysis
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In a groundbreaking study recently published in BMJ, researchers unveiled a startling correlation between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and an elevated risk of premature mortality. This 30-year investigation, conducted among a cohort of over 100,000 health professionals participating in the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, has shed light on the profound impact of dietary choices on longevity. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the intricacies of ultra-processed foods, dissect the key findings of the study, examine the categorization of associated risks, and explore actionable insights for mitigating these risks.
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buffetlicious · 3 months
Have you tried Ang Ku Kueh (红龟粿) or red tortoise cake before? My family enjoyed munching on these sticky and chewy snacks that comes in a host of sweet or savoury fillings. Shown here are the Coconut (椰子) and Peanut (花生) versions we bought near our place from Ji Xiang Ang Ku Kueh (吉祥红龟粿) popup stall.
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self-care-tips-free · 3 months
Fueling Your Body: Exploring Nutrient-Rich Foods for Long-Term Health
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patmccashin · 4 months
The Whole Food Plant-Based Diet Protein Myth: Unshelling the Truth
In the kaleidoscope of dietary trends and nutrition myths, the whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet often finds itself at the center of a particularly crunchy debate: Can you really get enough protein from plants alone? Spoiler alert: Plants are packing more protein than a powerlifter in a pea pod. So, let’s dive into the verdant world of the WFPB diet and debunk the protein myth that’s been…
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chopeglobal · 8 months
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rouletteweekend · 8 months
The Sourdough Experiment Gone A-rye...
I’ve been getting more and more interested in food, fermenting, gut health and the like. The more research I do, the more I am pointed to whole food plant based eating and making your own food when possible. And fermented foods. Growing up we would always eat sauerkraut on New Year’s day with mashed potatoes and pork. Other than that, we were not fed fermented foods. I didn’t even know what…
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