#Lonnie x Glimmer
obi-troll-kenobi · 1 year
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Adora fanshippers rise!
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jellystarsdrops · 7 months
ship playlists i've made — 🌱₊ ⊹⟡
you can see how mentally ill i am lmao, will add more playlists if i make more :3
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ivywhowrites · 2 years
shy shy bunny~ (pt.2)
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It's been a few weeks since the injury and she's still calling you bunny,you enjoy just.. it flusters you,a lot,as you sit in your thoughts until you heard footsteps and turned to them to see exhausted kyle and rogelio "your so lucky you didn't have to train today,catra was going so hard on us!" Kyle says wiping his forehead and rogelio growls in agreement
"anyway,how's your leg healing?" Kyle asks,sitting down next to you "it's healing good..." yiu say shyly "it's been hurting a bit though.." you mumble "I hope you'll be able to train with m- us soon,it's been lonely without you.." Lonnie says smiling
You blush softly and smile,'caught off guard lonnie misses me?' "I.. hope I am.." you say shyly
"Good night,bunny.." lonnie says,holding you,after a bit you fall asleep in a half asleep way "youd never know how much I love you [your name].." you blush,still trying to make her think your asleep,lonnie continues on "I wish I had the guts to confess to you... but the hordes not a safe place for relationships.." her voice breaks
You cough,alerting her your wake by accident "bunny?" Lonnie asks,turning you,you blush "y..yea..." lonnie blushes "did you hear that?.." she asks quietly,you hesitantly nod "y...yeah I'm so-" Lonnie pulls you into a hug,your head on her chest "im sorry you had to hear that you probably don't like me back..."
You look up at Lonnie and shyly mumble "I do..." lonnie and you blush.. "the horde isn't safe to get in a relationship though..." lonnie frowns,you smile,trying to assure her "sure it is... we can keep it secret...or wait till the wars over..." you look into her eyes "i.. want to be with you but you could get more hurt.." lonnie says,her voice breaks "I won't don't worry..." lonnie looks into your eyes "a...are you sure you wanna do this?"
She asks you you nod shyly,she kisses your forehead,something she observed people do when they love eachother,you blush red and lonnie laughs "your so cute,bunny~" she holds you close and you fall asleep like that
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umbrum77 · 2 years
Lonnie: you and princess sparkles huh? I'm surprised.
Catra: yeah well things change she's...she's just amazing.
Lonnie: it great to see how you have changed for the better.
Catra: and her ass, hmmm I could hold it all day.
Lonnie: I take it back. Make it stop.
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stanlunter · 5 months
I'm kinda curious why you don't like catradora? Is it just not your thing or do you have reasons? Just kinda curious as I almost always only see the "they were enemies! And that makes it too toxic!" But I saw you like catra/glimmer so yeah, just curious as someone who personally likes it but also hasn't watched the show in ages
Thank you for your question
Yeah, I do hate it, mb not its fans (or at least not all of them, cuz most of them are actually super annoying, but anyways) tho. Also sorry for my bad English
As for the reasons, there are actually many reasons:
Starting with, like you said
1. Being toxic. But the difference with Glitra is that in their way It's not like Catra abuses Glimmer, no, they hate each other mutually, there ia no "abuser x victim" dynamic, bc they hurt each other mutually. Also there are no manipulations, guilt-trips, gaslighting and etc, they are completely honest with each other. While with Adora, their dynamic is rather "abuser x victim" than "enemies to lovers" bc Adora never wanted to hurt Catra, she was always only ensuring what Catra's doing and saying. Adora was always holding back, never tried to kill Catra or make her feel like nothing or hate herself and all her fights were litterally either self-defense or defense of her friends or other people who were attacked by Catra. While Catra always tried to hurt Adora, both mentally and physically, tried to kill her many times, tried to make her hate herself and etc, etc. She was the reason why Adora had such a strong hero complex and always wanted to sacrafice herself. Adora litterally had panic attacks bc of Catra. And the whole "it was a war" argument doesn't work here bc being a war criminal doesn't make Catra any better and bc Catra was toxic to Adora even when they were on the same side. She was always jealous, controlling, possesive and didn't want Adora to have other friends. She wanted Adora to belong to her, which was shown many times. Also she physically hurt her many times, gaslighted her and etc. So their relationship would be much more abusive than Glitra relationship. And what makes it even worse is that Catra has learnt all her abusive traits from SW - recognized Adora's abuser. Catra litterally copies everything the main abuser who has traumatized Adora in the forefront does, which is actually creepy af too. Even she tortures Adora in s4 she says that she took the idea from SW. So she just takes the abuse she (and Adora) has been throught and intentionally uses it against Adora
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Even if you have a kink for abusive ship, you should write them well and not put them in a kid show, normalizing abuse by this. There are examples of good enemies to lovers in kid shows which aren't abusive and It's fine (like Dipper/Pacifica, Talon/Penny, Bubblegum/Marcelin kinda, Amaya and Janai (It's good and It's wlw too), even Glimmadora would work since they were enemies too and etc).
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2. The whole being "basically adoptive sisters" thing. They aren't actual sisters, but they were actually implied to be so. I won’t even mention every time the CREW referred to them this way (however, there were many times), but the main problem is that their whole relationship is fully based on the "Skapegoat & Golden child" dynamic. And SW is a mother figure who loves one child and hates the other one, who always tries to earn her love and jealous and hate the favourite child. Some people say SW was just a teacher and not a mom figure, but it would be a lie at least bc 1. The crew has stated SW as a mother figure, so It's canon anyways 2. It was said by Adora that SW was like a mother to her 3. You don't try to earn your teacher's LOVE like Catra does 4. The whole thing that SW sees herself in Catra and wanted fulfil her ambitions throught Adora. Also SW wasn't a mother figure for other cadets, it wasn't actually her duty to teach Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio and others. She was a right hand, not a teacher and she was there only for Adora bc she decided so and for Catra bc Adora wanted so. So, even if you're trying to ignore it, It's a huge part of the plot and a base of their relationship. Oddly enough, but many catradora shippers actually love to admit that "SW was a bad abusive mother", "Catra & Adora have mommy issues", "Adora is a favourite child" and etc, yet when you point it out, they start denying it. I find it strange.
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Another thing is subjective, just my personal vision, but I highly dislike all "childhood friends" ships (mb with exceptions if they always actually had feelings for each other, but in catradora case we find out about it only later, especially from Adora's perspectice). Also there is a biological theory that if kids know each other since the age under 6, they see each other as siblings anyways, especially if they grow up together in the same house, especially with the sams parent figure. So, even tho it's subjective, It's an important reason to ms. And I actually did thought of them so and thought everyone does untill I joined the fandom. So even if I don't recognize "see each other as siblings" thing when it comes to usual friends who haven't been grown up together, I do with those who have. Flr example, Renora. This ship was always weird to me and when they become canon, it didn't make me love it. I don't think It's problematic, but it absolutely does make me feel uncomfortable. Like, if you haven't developed your feelings for each other for during these 10 years you were together, where are the feelings suppose to come from later?
But yeah, childhood friends thing is my subjective reason
3. Catra's redemption arc was horrible. And redemption arc is one of the most important things when it comes to enemies-to-lovers, since It's the thing that suppose to help them become canon. Everyone immidiatly has to forgive Catra and no one calls Catra out for what she has done. Even Glimmer, who's mom was killed bc of Catra or Adora who has been abused by Catra for years. And so Catra doesn't even actually changes. She just swaps sides and immidiatly becomes Adora's gf. That's the problem. If you write enemies-to-lovers, do it well
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4. The whole way the shis was handled. It just doesn't make sense and completely ruins the whole development of almost all characters. Adora's development is getting destroyed and she just comes back to s1 Adora. Her whole arc was about stopping blaming herself for Catra's actions, separating from her abusers and getting a life. But she just ends up forgiving Catra and considering Catra a victim of herself. And starts blaming herself for "leaving" Catra again. They just forget everything they've been throught. And what about Catra? Catra was obsessed the whole time. She hated Adora and liked hurting her. Catra was litterally addictive to Adora. It wasn't love, it was possesion. And giving an addict a drug isn't a way to go. Catra should separated from Adora, learn how to live without the idea of being "either with her, or againt her". That's why I think her leaving the Horde with Scorpia and going to a Crimson waste would be the best happy ending for her. She would get a life, get what she wanted (being loved), what she needed and what she deserved and let her issues go. So they just aren't good for each other. Having Adora around was always hurting Catra, Catra never was able to fully show herself when Adora was with her in the Horde and she even saya that Adora leaving gave her a chance to fulfil her actual potential, so Adora leaving was the best thing happened to her. Even if Catra wasn't fully agree with her own words, it was basically truth, bc Catra actually did feel bad bc of Adora when they were together (it wasn't Adora's fault, but still). Catra was always blaming Adora for her problems and didn't stop even in s5. So It was bad not only for Adora, but for Catra as well
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Also Adora never even loved Catra before. If Catra's possesion can be called love at some point, it doesn't work this way with Adora. Yeah, Adora cared about Catra as a friend, but DT was right, Adora didn't need Catra. She didn't have such big problems with letting Catra go. After s1 she forgot Catra and never recalled her as a friend, only as an enemy. So her whole "I love you too" thing just came out of nowhere and was a lie. Just like "I never hated her" bc Adora did and it was shown. Adora got new friends who care about her and getting Catra was absolutely unnecessary for her. It doesn't work even as a Stockholm Syndrome or a trauma bond, bc it was never shown and Adora got a development
Actually, if it did make sense, mb I would like it, but unfortunately it really doesn't and only ruines everything the show has been building for years, which is sad, cuz I used to love both Catra and Adora
It's also strange to me how shippers compare catradora to so many actually good wlw couples like Korrasami, Harlivy, Caitvy, Lumity, Bumbleby, Chaggie and etc, while in reality their relationship is much closer to Tauradonna (which is actually hated by Bumbleby shippers, which is ironic) and Citrus and actually Shin Soukoku and Simon/Grace, or even some actual/ almost actual siblings like Vi/Jinx, Zuko/Azula, Rapunzel/Cassandra, Claudia/Soren, Qrow/Raven, Maki/Mai, Nightwing/Red hood, Thor/Loki, White queen/ Red queen and etc.
But I would prefer to compare it to Shin Soukoku tho
So, these are the main reasons. Actually I don't understand why can't catradora shippers just admit that their ship is problematic and enjoy it as it is, bc it doesn't really make sense to just make ship a full ooc and make it romantic and sweet to like it, bc it litterally goes against the whole point and everything it always has been. So I have a big respect for those shippers who do admit the problems and enjoy it without lying to themselves and gaslighting others tbh
Anyways, thanks for a question, it was actually interesting to answer it and you can feel free to asnwer, desagree or agree, Im not a hater or smth
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baggebythesea · 1 year
What if character X became She-Ra?
Adora - the show
Glimmer - All the powers she ever dreamt on PLUS the political power as defacto leader of the princess alliance PLUS the one everyone looks up to for moral judgement calls and the one everyone expects to save them from all the ills of the world. I'm sure that responsibility and call to her overwhemling hubris won't target her crippling insecurities or anythying.
Bow - Wait, who's that masked stranger? It's BOW-RA! HERE TO SAVE YOU, CITIZEN. Plays really well at defence but not the offensive force for the Princess Alliance that Adora was. Also, you know how stressed he is to be the Friend Guy that tries to keep everything together? Now he's the friend-guy with the entire WORLD.
Catra - The Horde is fucking WRECKED in a week. Hordak is dead. Catra sits on the throne. Shadow Weaver… bows for Cat-Ra in deepest respect. She tells her that she was wrong to treat Catra the way she did. She always, secretly, respected Catra. She… YOINK! SWORD STOLEN! HAH, CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT.
Shadow Weaver - Run. Just run.
Angella - Finally she can keep everyone safe. The sound of cannons outside the wall? If she tries REALLY hard sometimes she can block that sound out.
Micha - Would turn out pretty much like Adora, I think.
Lonnie - the war is over in a day. I hope your opinion of "peace" is "magically enforced military dictatorship", because that's what you are getting - regardless of which side she is on.
Entrapta - SCIENCE! Forget heroics, someone just handed ENTRAPTA the master admin password for the entire PLANET! She can run Doom on this thing. Just look out for when she starts overclocking.
Mermista - SEA-RA! (Being a hero is too much like work, once the heroics grow stale. But everything considered the war wouldn't be TOO different from the main show. Also - Sea Hawk would be even more insufferable, singing her praise).
Perfuma - Good vibes for EVERYONE. She would try SO HARD to find peaceful solutions, but once in awhile give in to the temptation of hitting people with flowers.
Scorpia - Oh, gosh... um, sorry about breaking stuff?
Hordak - On no, magic is heretic. Not even Horde Prime… can… stand… against it… punches a hole in reality, stomps up to the Velvet Glove "HI FATHER-BROTHER, ARE YOU FINALLY PROUD OF ME?"
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antispopausandstuff · 9 months
no one asked, but here we go:
every spop-centered AU i have so far ( most of them are not public and just live in my brain or in some discord chat )
Virtues Universe - A universe that centers around Adora and Catra's ( positive ) sisterly relationship, Catra joining the Rebellion alongside her sister. Includes Adonnie and Catfuma ( Adora x Lonnie, Catra x Perfuma ) and Adora becoming a Rebellion Leader before becoming She-Ra ( in s2 ). I think this is the one AU I have where Catra isn't a bad person, lol.
Her Heart Universe - A universe where Adora is an alien on Earth, and is in the care of Mara and Razz. Includes learning values, social struggles, and episodic stories turning into a serialized "we gotta get our shit together or die" story.
Two Suns Universe - A universe where the key sibling relationship is Adora and Kyle, rather than Adora and Catra. Includes loving siblings, redemption arcs, Crimson Waste Kyle, and Kyle x Rogelio x Bow. Lots of Kyle love.
The Wilted Flower Universe - A universe where Adora's 'dead' ( bc Catra ), but her spirit resides, and She-Ra has taken over her form, desperate to keep her wielder alive. Includes a lot of violence, arguing, and blood, as She-Ra is unhinged in this universe and I love it. Not self-cest or a She-Ra x Adora AU, don't be weird.
Pearl Of The Sea Universe - A universe where Adora is a mermaid and Entrapta finds her in her boss' lab. Includes lovers to enemies to ??? ( entrapdak ), found family, and typical corrupted workforce.
Until It Ends Universe - A universe where Adora suffers from amnesia, She-Ra is an unknown entity, and the only thing she remembers is the Sword of Protection and is meant to serve it and its legacy. Includes folklore, forming friendships, ??? to enemies ( catra ), and discovering lost memories. Inspired by BOTW.
Ready To Go Universe - A modern universe where Adora and co use social media to boost their cafe's reputation. Includes Angella being Adora's mother figure, long distance relationships, found family ( again ), and cutting ties.
The Ghost Of Her Universe - A universe where Adora is a ghost, and a friend of hers tries to figure out how she died. And Glimmer and Bow are there too. Includes abusive background, manipulation of the higher-ups ( SW and Catra don't talk about why she died ), and friendly, but sad ghost.
To Be Loved Universe - A universe in the process of being reworked, but is essentially a s5 rewrite ( with some rewritten details of previous seasons ), and Adora is allowed to swear. Incluces Catra being a cunt and getting told to fuck off, rebuilding friendships, and an unexpected pairing.
Can't Sleep Universe - A universe focused around my c*tradora kid, Elizabeth Randor ( Izzy ), who is very bitter and angry with her parents ( mostly Catra ). Includes abuse, divorce arc ( that's a thing, apparently ), and healing.
The Whispering Woods Universe - A universe where Adora is raised by Madame Razz and Light Hope and is a fierce protector of the Whispering Woods, setting up traps and making spells. She-Ra most likely doesn't exist in this AU. Includes learning about the past, Grandma // Grandkid dynamic, and Adora being a nerd.
Desert's Flowers Universe - A universe where Entrapta raises Adora instead after the little one runs away from the Horde. Includes loving mother, family to complicated, strangers to allies to friends to ??? to enemies ( entrapdak again ), and Horde Prime being a douche.
The Lightning's Song Universe - A universe where Adora was locked away in the Prison Dimension for 100 years, and is considered a 'corrupted heroine'. However, Glimmer and Bow decide to unleash her, hoping she'd be their best bet against the Horde. Includes discovering the truth, unhinged rageful Adora ( we stan ), and earning trust.
The Soulmates Universe - A more historian universe where Adora and Bow have to fake-marry for social reasons, and struggle with internalized queerphobia as they fall in love with people that aren't each other. Includes best friends, what love really means, and identity metaphors.
Cross-Over Universes
Danganronpa - Adora is the Ultimate Warrior, who may be considered the 'second Mukuro', depending on who you ask. Is best friends with Sakura and Hina ( including others ).
Teen Titans - Adora gets involved in a freak accident and is sent to the TT universe and joins the group. Adora x Starfire is a thing.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Light-hearted fun, mainly just Adora thinking Sonic is really cool and vice-versa.
Mario - Again, simply light-hearted fun, Adora thinks Peach is amazing and has her as an idol.
Voltron - I know. I know. But she'd be best friends with Lance, and that's all the reason I need.
almost all AUs feature Catra getting her ass whooped.
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anti-spop · 6 months
Have any headcanons to share about Kyle? Also, your feelings on Bow x Kyle?
Hmm, I can think of a few:
I've read a fanfic once where Kyle found a diary (which belonged to someone else in the Horde, but they don't know what happened to the original owner). I like to think Kyle confides in a diary to talk about his days and his private thoughts, especially the "negative" ones.
I imagine Kyle being interested in tech like Bow. He seemed to know how to repair the vehicle he, Lonnie and Rogelio got stuck in during that storm (s4). Kyle might secretly take some broken devices or pieces of robots to dismantle them. Idk if he would be the kind to build robots like Entrapta, though. But I think he likes playing with machines when he's stressed or after he's been kicked out of training.
This one is very personal, but I once imagined Kyle and Adora being close friends when they were younger. However, with Shadow Weaver erasing Adora's memories, and Catra being extremely possessive of Adora, Kyle realizes Adora doesn't seem to recognize him, and ends up not treating him well because of Lonnie and the other cadets. This is really just me liking angst + the potential of Adora and Kyle being friends or siblings in some way.
As for Bowkyle, I am the captain of Bowkyle, lmao. Just kidding. But these two are one of my favorite pairings in the show. That is, I like what it could've been if the writers weren't so mean to Kyle. If anything, I'm sure those boys would be besties. Bow seemed to feel out of place as he's "the only one who's not a princess" (at the very least Bow isn't harshly bullied by his peers, even if some characters might mock his passion for arrows though), while Kyle must feel like he doesn't belong in the Horde. They both really value friendships and sadly they're taken advantage of. Not to mention that, ironically, they both finally snap in s4, but their character arcs don't really go anywhere. Bow's case is more infuriating considering he's the black best friend character and he has little to no arc in the series overall. Kyle's arc also made me sad because he had to nearly kill himself for Lonnie and Rogelio to actually give a shit about him.
Overall, I think Kyle would've been a great addition to the Rebellion. He and Adora could rely on each other when it comes to Horde trauma (plus Kyle could tell Adora about the memories she lost of their friendship if you count my last headcanon), besides Kyle possibly telling the princesses about what the Horde might be planning (I will never forget he risked his life to tell Bow where Glimmer was, and Kyle was still thrown away). He and Bow could be friends and be totally annoying (affectionate) around each other. Like Bow would show Kyle his arrows and they would talk about tech for hours and hours. I think Kyle deserved better friends. If Scorpia did, why not him, too?
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spopsalt · 9 months
Spop episode one rewrite
Fair warning, this is a very long post, here are some changes I made for people who are curious but do not want to read the whole thing 1. Made slight tweaks to Glimmer, Bow, Adora, and Catra's personalities 2. Emphasized the consequences and effects of war more 3. Added more dialogue and interactions 4. Catra is actually a good friend to Adora 5. Brought up Glimmer's dad, he will not be coming back in this rewrite. 6. Made it very clear that Adora and Catra are siblings 7. Kyle best boy is treated with respect Tell me if you have any suggestions! I am also unsure if I want to keep Adora single or have her date Glimmer, let me know what you think I should do in the comments! Rewrite under the cut
Adora woke up smiling, clinched her belt around her waist, put on her boots, and put her hair in a ponytail. She was a pretty girl, with blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she was around 17. She jumped out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and looked over at a punching bag, it had a princess taped on it, she punched the bag without hesitation with a smug smirk "Hey princess, why are you looking at me?" she asked, talking to herself. She saluted the mirror, and did finger guns to it, giggling for being such a dork.
A voice over the pa boomed "All squadrons, report to the training area immediately for evaluation." She immediately went there and saw three other recruits, she was wondering where her sister was, she had dark brown hair, heterochromia with blue and yellow eyes, freckles, a tail, cat ears, claws, and a crimson headband. She looked around, where was she? She asked one of her other recruits "Psst. Hey, Lonnie where's Catra?" The recruit she had, an African American girl with brown hair shrugged her shoulder "I dunno." Adora sighed "This is the 5th time this week." She mumbled slightly frustrated. A horde commander walked back and forth, commanding them "At attention, cadets. Your simulation is about to begin. Here's your scenario. You'll be passing through the treacherous Whispering Woods to reach the heart of the rebel insurgency, Bright Moon." a blonde boy whimpered, Adora put her hand on his shoulder, smiling, she whispered, "We can do this, what's your name?" Kyle smiled a bit, feeling a little more relaxed "Kyle." He said, still slightly scared, Adora smiled, putting her fist up for a fist bump "Adora. Don't worry, there's no need to be scared, remember it's just a simulation. Either way, we can do this!" Kyle smiled and they bumped their fists, giggling, The horde commander eyed them, and towered over Adora, crossing their arms "Hey Adora. Where's Catra?" they asked annoyed "She'll be here! I promise!" Adora said, defending her sister once again.
They just narrowed their eyes "Mm-hmm. Sure. The Whispering Woods is full of princesses. Vicious, violent instigators. They will take you out if given the chance. Don't give it to them. Good luck, recruits." Adora put on her game face and walked into the training area. The rest of the recruits followed suit and Kyle gulped. Adora noticed this and put her hand on his shoulder "We can do this." She whispered encouraging him. He smiled meekly and a hologram of a purple princess appeared over them, Adora narrowed her eyes and everyone else was freaking out, and Kyle was about to run straight into danger, she grabbed the collar of Kyle's shirt "Be careful!" Adora said, Kyle sighed of relief "Thanks, Adora" Adora hurled an explosive "Follow me!" Adora yelled, the rest of the members following suit.
Kyle was hit and jolted back, Adora caught him, and X was on his chest plate. "Aww...first out again..." He complained, Lonnie narrowed her eyes at him "Great job Kyle, as usual." she said sarcastically. Adora narrowed her eyes at Lonnie and said "Don't be so harsh, he's trying his best, he lasted longer than he did last time!" Adora looked at Kyle and smiled "You'll get it next time." She encouraged, dusting him off. Kyle smiled meekly "I hope so..." Three princesses towered over them "Great Kyle! That's just great!" Lonnie snapped, Kyle frowned and looked down. "Watch it!" Adora yelled, slightly losing her temper "Everyone run!" everyone except Kyle followed Adora, putting their shields up, Adora, ever the overachiever, ran ahead of all of them.
Lonnie looked worried "Adora!" An alarm started beeping, and Adora looked around confused, and red hexagons glowed red under Adora's feet and a robotic orb shot up from the floor. The orb morphs into a four-legged robot. Adora runs at the robot with a saber. She pulls herself onto the robot's head and bashes its guns with her saber, sighing after she was done, believing she would be fine now, but then the robot sunk into the floor. Adora leaps off and flops onto the floor face-down. Someone strode past her and pushed the crackling robot into the floor. Adora raises her head and, sure enough, it was Catra, smiling smugly and pointing at the red symbol beneath Adora. Adora fell in and held onto a branch. Catra giggled, and looked down at her "Hey Adora, how's it hanging?" Catra teased, Adora rolled her eyes "Seriously Catra. Again? Showing up late and letting us do all the hard parts? That is low, even for you" Catra giggled "Awww, you know nothing's too low for me" Catra smirked and then reached out for Adora "Now come on! You look stupid hanging from there." Catra giggled. Adora smiled for herself and held Catra's hand, and Catra helped her up, smiling. The voice over the pa said "Training successfully completed." Catra smiled and ruffled Adora's hair "Not bad for you." She teased.
Adora smiled to herself and said "I wish I could say the same about you cat, letting us do all the hard parts again? Really?" Adora teased, giggling, Catra rolled her eyes and slightly pushed her sister "Pshh, you shouldn't complain when I swooped in to save your butt!" Catra defended, Adora rolled her eyes and smiled "I would've done fine without you cat." Catra smirked "Sureee because you were doing so fine, hanging from a branch" Catra giggled "It was a simulation cat." Adora said, walking out of the training area, ruffling her sister's hair. Catra ran after her "Wait for me!" Adora smiled "Last one out is a rotten egg!" Adora challenged, now running. Catra whined, giggling "Heyyyy no fair! You got a head start!" Adora got out first "Hah!" Adora said smugly, Catra rolled her eyes "You only won cause you cheated!' she giggled, pushing Adora lightly, Adora rolled her eyes "You're just a sore loser." Adora giggled.
Lonnie smiled, holding her hand up for a high five "Nice job girls." Lonnie said, Adora high-fived her "Thanks! You didn't do so bad yourself." Lonnie looked at Catra, still holding her hand up but Catra just glared at her hand, and Lonnie awkwardly put it down, she looked at Kyle "Hey, sorry for being a jerk Kyle, I was just stressed." Lonnie apologized, looking down "We're still good right?" Kyle smiled slightly "Yeah, It's fine." Catra smirked "You should've seen Adora's face! She was like, 'Aah, no! Betrayal'." Catra giggled, dramatically falling to the floor while Adora just rolled her eyes, hiding a smile, taking off her chest plate, "I can't believe you're so childish and immature- Oh my god is that a mouse!?" Adora dramatically gasped, Catra jolted up "Where!?" The rest of the cadets laughed and Adora asked "Are you ever gonna not fall for that?" Catra rolled her eyes "It was only once! Are you ever gonna let me live that down?" Adora giggled "Nope."
Shadow weaver, Adora and Catra's adoptive mom approached them, she had a red and black mask with a jewel on it, and a red and black gown. "Adora, you have done well, you have completed the course in record time, I have high expectations for you, and you never let me down." Adora smiled a bit and said "Oh well, Catra completed it at the same time as me, she actually helped me." Shadow Weaver glared at Catra "Oh Adora, you don't have to always defend her. She is simply unmotivated, that isn't your fault." Catra glared "You're also sooo supportive aren't you Shadow Weaver?" Catra snarked. Shadow Weaver glared at Catra, towering over her "Silence! Insolent child. You're lucky Adora is fond of you. I would dread to know what would've happened if she wasn't." Adora looked down and gulped, rubbing her arm, and Catra gulped, and looked down, frowning "Sorry Shadow Weaver...it won't happen again." Catra apologized. "Good." Shadow Weaver said, she looked at Adora "Walk with me." Adora put her hand on Catra's shoulder "Are you o-" Shadow Weaver glared at her "Adora." Adora quickly stopped "We'll talk later." Adora said to Catra.
Adora began following Shadow Weaver. They walked down the hallway, it was an awkward silence before Shadow Weaver spoke "Lord Hordak has been watching you. He thinks you are a fine candidate for Force Captain." Adora smiled "Really!? Me!? That's- wow! Haha! I've been dreaming of this moment but I didn't think I would- " Adora stopped herself and took deep breaths to calm herself "That's a high praise. I am honored." Adora said, trying her best to hide her smile. Shadow Weaver nodded "It is. In fact, he sees such great promise in you. That, he has elected you the honor of leading a squadron in the invasion of the rebel Fortress of Thaymor." Adora's eyes widened and she smiled uncontrollably, but then cleared her throat and put her game face back on "This is a big honor. I am honored that I have been chosen to see active duty." Shadow Weaver continued "Exactly." Shadow Weaver held out the green force captain badge "This is your chance to prove yourself." Adora squealed quietly and took her badge quickly, putting it on her shirt. "My team will come along as well right?" Adora asked. Shadow Weaver shook her head "No, they are not yet ready."
Adora widened her eyes "But- but Catra will come at least right? She has been working ha-" Shadow Weaver cut her off "She is unmotivated. She is not worthy." Adora frowned "But-" Shadow Weaver continued "Isn't this what you have always wanted since you were old enough to want anything?" Adora nodded "Yes. I understand. Thank you for this opportunity." Adora said, bowing slightly and going back to the porch where she and Catra hanging out, putting her elbows on the balcony, sighing, wondering what she will tell Catra. Looking over the fright zone.
Somewhere not too far away, a girl with pink hair is shown in a white castle, complaining to her mom "Mom you can't expect me to just stand around while the horde takes over our land! I want to help! Let me help!" The mom shook her head "No, you are too young." the girl narrowed her eyes "I'm 17! I can help! Please let me help!" she begged, she narrowed her eyes "Glimmer. I told you no. I already lost your father in this war, I won't lose you too!" Glimmer gasped, tears appearing at the corner of her eyes, she quickly wiped them away and continued "Mom-" she interrupted her "I am only protecting you." Glimmer snapped "I'm not a child anymore! Let me do this! I won't stand idly by while another city gets taken over by the horde! I won't let anyone lose someone close to them! You have to let me help!" The mom narrowed her eyes "I said no." Glimmer continued "Dad would want me to-" The mom snapped "You're grounded Glimmer! Room. Now!" Glimmer went to her room and sat on her bed, crying softly.
Adora was still looking out at the fright zone, and Catra jumped on her "Adora! I was looking for you everywhere! What did Shadow Weaver say?" Her eyes focused on her badge, as she took it off of Adora's red jacket "Huh? What's this..? Force captain!? You got promoted!? Adora this is awesome! I'm so happy for you! Just imagine the two of us defending the horde! The two of us conquering the world!" Catra smiled, while Adora frowned "Catra..It won't be the two of us." Catra looked crestfallen, "What do you mean..?" Adora sighed "Catra...it's...it's just me..." Catra looked down, frowning but then quickly shook her head and smiled "I...that's..." she sighed "That doesn't matter...I'm really happy for you Adora.." Catra insisted, with a sad smile "So...I guess you'll be gone for most of the day on missions huh..?" Catra asked.
Adora said "I wish I didn't have to...I can quit if you wa-" Catra shook her head "No, don't do that idiot, I won't forgive you if you do that, you'll be a great force captain, do your best okay? I won't forgive you if you don't. I just...wanna know what's outside of the fright zone..." Adora looked down "Y'know...how about we go together?" Adora asked, Catra moved back "Huh? How-" Adora jingled some keys "I've got the keys to the skiffs" Catra blinked in surprise "Adora! You idiot! Don't you dare!" Catra commanded, lightly pushing Adora "If Shadow Weaver knew-" Adora shrugged "She won't now come on." Catra sighed "If we get caught, I'm not taking the fall for you." Adora replied, "I didn't expect you to cat." They got to the room with skiffs and Catra's eyes sparkled "This is awesome!"
Adora, you're officially even more awesome!" Catra said, beaming, Adora smiled smugly "I know." Catra rolled her eyes "Ew. I regret saying that." Adora giggled and went to one of the skiffs, Catra jumped in one of them, "Oh man! I always wanted to drive these things! You know how to right?" Catra asked, looking at Adora, she jumped in "No, buttt how hard can it be?" Adora asked "I'll just press uh...this button!" Adora said, pushing a random button, the aircraft shot up and Adora yelled "Ahh! Hold on tight Catra!" They both held onto tight, and Catra tried to control it, Adora screamed "Catra! Tree-" The skiff crashed, and Adora fell to the floor, she saw a sword in a blue light entangled in vines and heard a voice "She-ra you must be the one...to save the world. You have been chosen." Catra asked "Adora?! Adora!" Adora got up "Ugh...my head..." Catra hugged her, crying "You scared me...I thought...I...I might've because I ran the aircraft into a tree...I thought you wouldn't of waken u-" Adora hugged her "I'm fine cat." Catra sighed "Good..." Adora looked around "Did you see a sword around here?" Catra looked at Adora confused "What? There's no sword what are you talking about? Are you feel feeling okay?" Adora shook her head "Yeah...It was nothing.It was probably just a dream..." Catra said "O...kay...come on, let's go back to the horde." Catra said, holding Adora's hand and getting back in the skiff "I hope this isn't broken..." Adora said, Catra shrugged "It's probably fine, thanks for this Adora." Catra said, smiling and hugging Adora. Adora looked down and smiled "You're welcome cat, we should do this again sometime, it was fun." Catra smirked "Sounds good to me!" Adora pushed a button, and the skiff took them back to the horde.
Glimmer was lying in her bed, writing a note, she read it aloud, quietly "Mom, I know you'll never read this, but I need to let it out, I feel like you don't see me as capable, but still as a child who needs protection, I'm capable. I can handle myself. I'm not a child anymore." An arrow shot through the window, right next to Glimmer, she saw a note attached to the arrow, and she read it "Look outside?" she looked seeing her best friend, he was wearing a crop top with black hair, Bow. She narrowed her eyes and whisper-shouted "Bow!? What's wrong with you!? You nearly hit me!" Bow shouted "What?!" Glimmer said the same thing "You nearly hit me!" Bow looked confused "Wha-" Glimmer teleported Bow to her. "Shh! I said you nearly hit me! Why are you here? I'm grounded!" Bow whispered "Calm down, I saw first ones tech in the whispering woods, if you get it, Angella is sure to let you help out!" Glimmer thought about it and smiled "Let's do it." she went to the door "Mom! I'll be asleep! I'm tired!" Angella said "Okay! Goodnight!" Glimmer got some items to make it look like she was under the blanket, and went to the whispering woods with Bow.
Adora was tossing and turning in bed, she couldn't stop thinking about that sword, whenever she tried to sleep, a voice just kept saying "Adora. Adora. Adora." it was a voice she never heard before. Finally having enough, she shook her head, took the skiff keys and whispered "I must be crazy..." she walked out of her bed, careful not to wake Catra, right as she stepped out Catra went behind her. "Adora, what are you doing?" Catra whispered, Adora sighed "I'm going back, I swear I know it's there..." Catra sighed "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm in." Adora shook her head "No...stay here." Catra looked hurt "But Adora-" "Please. I don't want you to get into trouble. We'll do it some other time ok? But it's too risky for now." Adora begged. Catra looked down and sighed. "Adora, you've been acting weird ever since we got back, are you sure you're ok?" Catr asked, slightly concerned, Adora sighed "I'm fine just...stay here ok? Just cover for me, please?" Catra looked down and then sighed, crossing her arms "Finee. You're lucky you're the only one I like, I would've ratted anyone else here." Adora smiled, hugging Catra "Thanks cat." Catra smiled, hugging her back "Come back soon, okay?" Adora smiled "Of course cat." Adora took the skiff.
it was a lot smoother this time, probably because she didn't press random buttons while walking though the woods, she heard two voices, one sounded like it belonged to a girl, the other one sounded like it belonged to a boy, the boy said "Come on, we're close I can feel it." the girl sighed "Please tell me we're not lost." Adora saw a bright blue light and ran over to it, she heard people running, it was probably the boy and the girl.
They both saw each other and gasped Adora yelled "Princesses!" and the boy and girl yelled "Horde solider!" Adora grabbed the sword and moved back, pointing it at them she yelled "Stay away from me! I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to!" Glimmer grabbed the sword out of Adora's hand and threw it to Bow, Bow caught it, Glimmer rolled her eyes "Since when do horde soliders not want to hurt anyone?" Adora narrowed her eyes "Says the princesses! The horde is just trying to undo the damage you caused!" Glimmer yelled "Oh yeah!? Well the princesses didn't kill my father!" Glimmer yelled crying, Adora stayed slient, "I...I didn't know I-" Bow glared at Adora and started walking towards her. Adora took the sword from him and a bright light emulated from it, sparkles appeared and everyone was stunned. A blue hologram appeared "Hello. I am Lighthope. This sword was meant for you, will you fight for the honor of grayskull?"
Before Adora could say anything, a bright blue light blinded her, and she was knocked back, and passed out. She woke up with her wrists bound, she struggled and Glimmer said "Listen up horde spy! You claim to not know about my dad, but I know you're lying, tell us everything you know." Adora said "I really don't let me go now!" Glimmer rolled her eyes "No, horde scum! You tried to steal our sword." Adora said "Uhm excuse me!? You were the one who took the sword from me!" Glimmer said "Well too bad for you, the whispering woods is under the rebellion's protection, horde scum." Adora narrowed her eyes "Stop calling me that! My name is Adora!" Glimmer said "I don't care what your name is! Not only did I get First Ones tech for the rebellion but I caught a horde spy! Mom will be so impressed!" Adora screamed "I am not a spy!" Glimmer rolled her eyes "Whatever you say Horde scum, follow us!" Glimmer said, tugging on the vine they tied her in like a leash, she was dragged on for what felt like hours, Bow looked around "You positive we are going the right way Glimmer?' Glimmer snapped "Yes Bow! Please trust me just this once!" Bow flinched back and Glimmer started taking deep breaths "Sorry...just stressed." Bow smiled and looked at Adora "See? She's super nice." Adora looked away "Hmp." Bow rolled his eyes and they kept walking.
Glimmer teleported, leaving on sparkles, Adora glared at Bow "You know she's a princess, right? How can you follow her? Princesses are a dangerous threat to everyone on Etheria." Bow sighed "I guess that's what the horde told you." Adora said, "It's just common knowledge." She attempted to shrug her shoulders but was unable to, due to her arms being bound. Bow said, "And I suppose you've met a princess before?" Adora said "Yes!" Bow gave her a skeptical look and Adora caved "Well maybe not but still-"
Before they could finish, Bow heard Glimmer scream, and Bow ran over to her, dragging Adora with him, Glimmer was holding onto a doll that was burnt, she rubbed her thumb over it and held it close to her heart, tears rolling down her cheeks, they all looked at the city, or rather, what remained of it, people were fleeing, burning buildings, ash and smoke everywhere, Adora could hear people screaming, kids crying, it was horrible. Adora looked out at the wreckage, tears forming at the corners of her eyes and she quickly shook them away "Look at what you princesses did!" Adora screamed, Glimmer defended "What WE did!? Look at the horde robot genius!" Glimmer screamed, pointing the the horde robot, Adora gasped "They...they must've been defending it, protecting it, from you princesses." Glimmer sighed "You're a heartless destroyer. Just like the rest of your people, come on Bow, let's help people evacuate."
Glimmer ran and Bow followed suit, leaving Adora alone, Glimmer went over to a little kid, with broken legs "Come on, let's go." Glimmer said, picking the kid up, the kid was crying "My daddy's in there!" Glimmer looked where the kid was pointing, it was a burning building, the dad was upstairs, surrounded by flames. Glimmer said, "We have to go now!" The kid cried "Please no! I don't want to lose my daddy!" the kid cried, Glimmer looked at the kid and the burning building, the dad was consumed in the flames, and set the kid down gently yet quickly "I won't let another kid lose their father in this war!" Glimmer yelled, then she teleported to the balcony of the house, breaking the window with a rock, and picking the dad up quickly, burning herself in the process, she held back her screams and teleported him back to his child, they hugged and Glimmer said "Now come on! Let's go!" They went away and Glimmer looked at the burn marks on her arms, she ripped off farbric from her shirt, covering her arms so nobody else would see, her mom would freak if she knew that Glimmer got burnt saving someone, they helped evacute the rest of the people, meanwhile Adora was just loking at it "No...no...Hordak wouldn't do this...he wants to change things for the better...make Etheria more orderly...but then why would Glimmer and Bow help evacute the people...they are the bad guys right...?" Adora shook her head, she was far too confused, after a while Glimmer and Bow came back, Glimmer asked "Did we get everyone? I almost used up all of my teleports." Bow said "I think so, be careful with them ok? We need to get back to bright moon." Glimmer nodded and glared at Adora "I hope you're proud of yourself." Adora said "The horde is my home! My family! They took me in when I was a baby! You don't know them like I do." Then Bow said, "Maybe you don't know them like you think you do." they heard thudding from somewhere below, they all looked down and a big insect like creature went up, everyone gasped and Adora heard the voice again "Will you fight for the honor of greyskull?" It kept playing it her head, the beast knocked Glimmer into a tree with it's tail, causing Glimmer to drop the sword on the ground, right next to Adora's foot, she kneeled down, and grabbed the sword and yelled "For the honor of grayskull!" A blinding flash of light caused everyone to shield their eyes, Adora broke through the vines and what was left was an 8-foot woman with glowing blonde hair that fell down to her ankles. She was wearing a white dress and a golden headband with a jewel in the center of it.
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polls-showdowns · 1 year
Best Poly Ship Round 3
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Here are the links for the round:
Caleb Widogast/Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve (Critical Role) V.S. Fezzik/Inigo Montoya/Westley/Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Chel/Tulio/Miguel (The Road to El Dorado) V.S. Leonard McCoy/Spock/James Kirk (Star Trek)
Rilla of Exile/Lord Arum/Damien the Pious (The Second Citadel (Penumbra Podcast)) V.S. Kevin Ball/Veronica Fisher/Svetlana (Shameless)
Piper Mclean/Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase (Riordanverse) V.S. Scott McCall/Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Jack Sparrow/Will Turner/Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean) V.S. Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee/Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Eliot Spencer/Alec Hardison/Parker (Leverage) V.S. Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash/Applejack/Rarity/Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)
Mai/Ty Lee/Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender) V.S. Beauregard Lionett/Yasha Nydoorin/Jester Lavorre (Critical Role)
Caleb/Fjord/Jester/Beau/Yasha/Veth/Caduceus/Mollymauk(Critical Role) V.S. Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson (MCU)
Crona Gorgon/Maka Albarn/Soul Evans (Soul Eater) V.S. Sabrina Spellman/Nick Scratch/Harvey Kinkle (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Lonnie/Kyle/Rogelio (She Ra) V.S. Shaggy/Fred/Daphne/Velma (Scooby Doo)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar the Last Airbender) V.S. Thomas/Minho/Newt (The Maze Runner)
Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji/Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) V.S. Scott Summers/Logan Howlett/Jean Gray (X-Men)
Mako/Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) V.S. Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta (Les Miserables)
Zane/Kai/Cole/Zane (Ninjago) V.S. Cassandra/Eugene/Rapunzel (Tangled the Series)
Sadie Kane/Walt Stone/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) V.S. Glimmer/Catra/Adora (She Ra)
Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere (Arthuriana Legends) V.S. Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
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Out of curiosity, why did you not include more... Actually Canonical poly relationships?
Sure a lot of them are in underground stuff so garnering interest is hard, but it feels kinda sad to have a poll where most of the things on the list are just fandom wishful thinking instead of actual works with polyamory in them. TV tropes has a whole page of examples if you couldnt find much.
Like theres quite a bit of modestly popular canon poly stuff, The Kane Chronicles, Xenoblade 2, Hades, Fate/Stay-Night, Sense8, Demon Slayer, ...technically Sekirei if fanservice slop is fine, X-Men 2019 comic run, technically Homestuck with the quadrants, and Steven Universe all have some level of not too underground-ness to ride on.
You have a couple on the brackets already sure, but I just wish people would rec actually canon rep instead of wishful thinking more is all.
because i took nominations and most people nominated headcanons. im not in most of the fandoms that were nominated, these arent my ships, in fact i didnt nominate anything myself. So i didnt go on tv tropes to pick because i didnt nominate anything.
That said, homestuck, the kane chronicles and hades were already in the poll, as is iron widow which is canon, the throuple from penumbra podcast: second citadel, the girls from amphibia, and leverage as well. i did mention in another ask that i intended to include one of the sense8 polyships (the confirmed canon one), but i forgot. steven universe was also included, also not one of the canon polycules. i considered including fluorite which was one of the 3 su nominations (and the only canon one i got afaik) but i wanted to pick smth that i thought would be more recognizable so i chose amelapidot which later i discussed w some participants that informed me peridot is aroace, and some ppl agreed they worked well as queerplatonic so i decided to keep them in becauee of that. i did preliminary polls for spop and catra/adora/glimmer/bow won, even though i personally wanted to include rogelio/kyle/lonnie (canon) but i hesitated because they're less popular characters and i didnt know which ppl would prefer (thus the preliminary poll).
also, i personally like headcanons very much because idk a lot of canon rep so im always finding it in characters i relate to, which i imagine might be the same for many ppl here.
all that said, if you decide to make ur own poll w only canon polyam relationships, please let me know!! id love to vote on it and if be happy to promote it here!!!
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ivywhowrites · 2 years
Hi hello, please can you write a fic where the reader is a Horde soldier and is a bit shy but goes especially shy around Lonnie as the reader has a crush on her? Thank you so much. :)
Shy shy bunny~
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"And I fell, agian.." Kyle said to the two of you,explaining a story "my gosh!-" you reply,then turned looking at the footsteps you heard from behind you.. "hey [nicknameee!]" Lonnie smiled,walking to you three "whatcha talking about?" She asks you two
Kyle laughs "just a funny story that's all,wanna hear it?" You felt lonnie put her hand on your shoulder,listening to his story you blush,getting more shy then before,letting out a small squeak "you okay [nickname?" Lonnie asks you,you nod,a light blush on your face
"If ya say so!-" Lonnie gets cut off by catra "why are are just talking!? Get to training!-" catra gripes out at you 5 "s..sorry.." you apologize and start to get ready "psh... we just trained there's no point!-" Lonnie says,stopping you "yeah..." you feel Lonnie hand on your shoulder agian "i- agree-" you squeak out
You got back from an attack "bunny!-" you hear lonnie say,your confused till.. she touches your shoulder "did you getting injured?" She looks at your injured leg,you blush at the nickname "i- yeah-" you stutter on your words and lonnie laughs a bit, trying to muffle it "hey- it's not!-"
Lonnie cuts you off "could you patch you up,bunny?" You blushed,and look at her face that has a smirk that's shows she knows what she's doing "yeah..." you say and she patches you up "w..why the n..Nickname suddenly?.." you shyly ask as she's patching you up,lonnie blushes "its... nothing it just fits you,y'know?" You blush at the basically compliment
"Can I call you that?" Lonnie asks,getting worried its making you uncomfortable "it's fine,just.." you blush red,pausing "caught me off guard.." you smile at her,lonnie smiles "alright.. and..." she finishes patching up your leg "thanks.. lonnie.." you shyly say "your welcome,bunny."
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findyourrp · 1 year
hii!! 18F who is looking for someone that is interested in doing a she-ra or my hero academia rp with me! I'm semi-lit but I could possibly try to adapt to your writing style! I'm also cool with doing NSFW as long as you're 18+! I'm fine with doing ccxcc, ocxcc, fxf, mxm - I can also do double up with ocxcc!! I will try my best with whatever character you need me to be!
purple represents the characters I can play- if both is purple that means I can play either or
For she-ra:
Bow x Kyle
Adora x Lonnie
Catra x Glimmer
For my hero academia:
Bakugo x male oc
Toga x female oc
Kirishima x male oc
Mirko x female oc
Bakugo x Iida
Bakugo x Todoroki
If you're interested, just add me on discord and we can discussed plots and ideas! I also love doing headcanons and ooc talk so don't be shy! 🪐
discord- ghostly.stars
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
The owl house (if you know about it) or she-ra
God thank you for asking about she-ra I just got back into it <333 (also I will answer your question on my other blog soon I swear, I’m just trying to come up with an answer <3)
spoilers under the cut for she ra and stuff, so if you haven’t finished that. Don’t go down there
favorite male character: absolutely bow, since the very first episode I decided that he was perfect. I will project hard on him he’s great.
favorite female character: Entrapta, she is my highest ranked character she plagues my brain. I want to hear her explain tech to me. I have a lot of favourite character that I’d let explain things to me.
least favorite character: horde prime. Just I hate him sm. He’s the worst.
prettiest character: okay so this is one is a tie between a few different characters. One is she-ra cause oh my goodness she Is beautiful, two is double trouble I am in love with them and as a shapeshifter enthusiast I want to be them and three. Wrong Hordak. I’m sorry everybody but he’s pretty to me.
funniest character: Probably sea hawk or scorpia.
favorite season: this is one is really difficult cause I loved them all but either 3 or 5. 
favorite episode: another hard one, because there is so many and I have a bad memory. But I think it was either the season three like finale episodes with the portal stuff. Or The episode where not only did double trouble tell hordak that catra was lying to him about entrapta, but also told catra what she needed to fucking here. That she was pushing everyone away.
favorite romantic ship: Entrapdak is my number one ship, they plague my brain at all hours of the day and I love them. I have a thing for really angry or grumpy people with issues meeting someone who is one, not even remotely afraid of them and two gets them to open up. These two are so perfect for eachother istg, he blushed when that fucking imp baby replicated him saying her name. He started crying when he found out what happened to entrapta. Entrapta didn’t want him to leave with prime, she wanted him to stay. She cares about him so much, she worries about him and Omfg I love them sm.
favorite family ship: I do not know what a family ship is but I assume it’s like, what’s your favourite like family dynamic, like oh these two are good siblings or this guys a father figure. Or this kid has a good relationship with their mother? I have no clue So anyways uh I’d have to say probably uhh I have no idea. I like glimmer and her dad, seeing her leave bright moon as soon as he got there tore out my fuckinh heart. 
favorite friendship: I love Rogelio, Lonnie and Kyle, I loved that episode where all of them got stuck with those fucking fireflies and Kyle went out there to get the ship fixed and he got so hurt and his friends came to protect him and honestly I’ve always loved those guys. As an added thing I also like scorpia and entraptas friendship with those two and eachother.
worst ship: this one is hard (I’ve said this way to much but whatever) because I really don’t hate a lot of ships, but like I don’t exactly know what to put here. The worst ship can be uh horde prime with fucking anyone.
ship that is overhyped: hmm, I mean I think a the ships get hyped to a good amount, everyone should get ducking insane with their ships but uh I guess catradora??? I have no clue dude I just chose the most popular ship.
ship that is underhyped: I haven’t been in the fandom for a while, but when I first started watching I really liked perfuma x bow &lt;3
an unpopular opinion: I have to check what exactly is considered an unpopular opinion in this fandom, but uh give me a minute. And there isn’t any actually gap In your time cause you’re seeing this all typed and stuff but yk I disappear for a minute In between writing this to go google stuff so uh brb. Anyways I’m back and couldn’t find anything I agreed with enough to talk about so I have to have an original thought about opinions now but uh, I really just love all of the show and think all the seasons and characters were really well written. I also like when they focus on redemption arcs and shipping because I kind of just like seeing that stuff happen a lot. 
Anyways it’s 4:30 am and I hope this was good 👍
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findroleplay · 1 year
hii!! 18F who is looking for someone that is interested in doing a she-ra or my hero academia rp with me! I'm semi-lit but I could possibly try to adapt to your writing style! I'm also cool with doing NSFW as long as you're 18+! I'm fine with doing ccxcc, ocxcc, fxf, mxm- I can also do double up with ocxcc!! I will try my best with whatever character you need me to be!
for she-ra, the ships I'm interested in is Adora x Lonnie, Bow x Kyle, and Glimmer x Catra
for mha, I want to do a oc x cc with my male oc and bakugo!
if you are interested, just add me on discord and we can discuss plot ideas!! I also do mind talking outside rp, I love making new friends!!!! 💕
discord- ghostly.stars
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evisamora · 5 years
You know what I love about She-Ra?  Is that even if Catradora doesnt become canon, we still have Glimmadora and Scorptra. If these doesnt become canon we still have Glow, Catrapta, Scortrapta, Adora/Mermista, Adora/Scorpia, Catra/Lonnie, Pertrapta, Bow/Perfuma, Seamista, Scorpia/Lonnie, Kyle/Rogelio, Kyle/Bow, Lonnie/Adora, Lonnie/Glimmer, Scorpia/Glimmer, Adora/Huntura, Glitra, Bow/Catra,Adora/Perfuma, Perfuma/Catra, Sea Hawk/Bow, Sea Hawk/Glimmer... AND if these doesnt become canon either we have... spinnetossa! 
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