#Love potion 🧪
windwakerpony · 6 months
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Overdue on this, but I wanted to do the redraw too!
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kurishiri · 3 months
official IkeVil JP twitter role-played with fans as Roger
translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
and here are some of my favorite responses and some tidbits about Roger (and some others, through his eyes) 🥹👌 also I wouldn’t consider these spoilers; they’re more like bite sized fun facts you might find in a random scene in some random side story or event or something lmao also I don’t like the green gun emoji on my phone so I’m using the beer one instead.
1. Roger is trying to get along with Alfons (it’s not working so well though I guess, haha)
💬: Roger!! Have you been getting along with Alfons recently?
🍻: That’s always my intention, but whenever I see him he gives me a kind of disgusted look. So maybe he’s just shy or something.
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2. maybe Victor is trying to get everyone drunk…?
💬: Roger, have you gone out to drink with Victor before?
🍻: I don’t think Victor really drinks outside. If anything, he’s the one bringing some good booze back to Crown for us. Could it be — he’s scheming something and trying to get us drunk?
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3. Roger can crack a joke 😂👌
💬: I kind of just ate this without knowing what that liquid is, but what is it, actually? 🧪
🍻: That’s a love potion. If you drink it you won’t be able to think about anything but me——just kidding.
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4. Roger and Ellis are the strongest!
💬: Who is the strongest in Crown?
🍻: Me, followed by Ellis. You wanna compare our strength now with an arm wrestle? Though I reckon you wouldn’t be able to win against me even if you used both hands.
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5. Roger’s worst fight with Alfons
💬: Please tell us the worst episode of a fight you’ve had with Alfons〜!!
🍻: Once during a mission we got into an argument where Al and I almost died — that day I’ve never seen Victor look that quietly angry before.
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6. drinking with William! (they’re the older bros of the group)
💬: What do you talk about with William when you drink with him?
🍻: Will knows a lot, so we’ll talk about all sorts of stuff. Like how Victor’s overworking himself, or how Jude’s got bad feet, or how Liam hurt himself again——wait, what are we, their guardians?
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7. Alfons bombed the drinking date
💬: Hey Roger, what sweets do you like? Other than Alfons’ scone.
🪞: Are we talking about me? Oh, that’s my handmade scone that I put a lot of love into. Don’t you feel naughty with just one bite? What do you think is in it?
🍻: Hey, you, get out and go somewhere else already.
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8. drinking with Elbie!
💬: Have you drank with Lord Elbert before? 🥺🍻💚💙
🍻: I have, yes. But I can never tell whether he’s drunk or not.
🪞: That’s because he always looks drunk.
🍻: Oy, Al, what are you doing here? Tonight’s supposed to be just me and the lil lady, so don’t get in the way like that. Shoo shoo!
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9. Roger doesn’t just drink beer (surprise surprise!)
💬: What do you like to drink other than beer?
🍻: I also drink whisky, though I always prefer beer. What about you, lil lady?
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10. Roger comforts you after a long day of work
💬: Roger, I finally finished work…
🍻: There, there, you did well. I remember your efforts very well. Good job today.
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11. Jude and drinking, according to Roger
💬: When you’re drinking with Jude, have you seen him when drunk before? I want to know what he’s like when he’s drunk.
🍻: Can’t say I’ve seen him drunk before. It seems like that guy always got a calm look on his face, no matter how much he drinks.
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12. what Ellis is like when drunk
💬: Cheers! I have a question, what is Ellis like when drunk?
🍻: Ellis isn’t that weak to alcohol… but he becomes a bit more fluffy than normal, I guess. But he can walk back to the castle just fine.
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13. trying to get Ellis drunk…?!
💬: I heard Ellis is a little weak to alcohol. Have you taken care of him when he was drunk? Also how many cups does it take for him to become drunk?
🍻: Pfft, haha… Are you trying to get Ellis drunk? I’ll have you know Ellis is like a cute younger brother to me, so I won’t tell. I have taken care of him though——let’s leave it at that.
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14. who can hold their alcohol in Crown?
💬: Who is the worst at holding their alcohol in Crown?
🍻: I think everyone in Crown is pretty good at holding their alcohol. But should we put that to the test? …No way, this really isn���t for me to gather information on them?
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15. he be takin care of Crown when they’re drunk
💬: Who do you drink with most often? And have you taken care of someone when they got drunk!?
🍻: Taking care of someone… Ellis — no, Al, maybe? Oh, and also Jude… whoops, can’t say any more than that, or he’ll be after me.
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16. what Harry drinks
💬: I always get the impression Harry drinks strawberry milk a lot, but when it comes to alcohol, what does he drink? I want to know 🦊🍸
🍻: Harry likes whisky soda. It goes well with chocolate, and I’ve seen him eating it together with the drink. Noww then, now that I’ve told you some important information, you’ll stop that lying fox from eating too much sweets for me, won’t you?
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17. Roger’s advice for those who simp to the point of illness 😆
💬: My friends love you to the point they might be a little ill, Roger. They love you so much it’s too much for me to handle. Is there medicine to make them feel better?
🍻: I can introduce you to a doctor I know who has some good medicine. Want me to? His name’s Roger Barel.
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18. he cooks?!?!
💬: I want to eat a meat entree with you, Roger! (this is sausage and roast pork that I made) 😋🍽️🥩✨ What’s your favorite type of meat? And what other foods do you like?
🍻: I would say steak, but any meat is good. But I also like salty things too. Sometimes I make things that go well with alcohol. Want some?
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19. oh..? 😳
💬: Yippeeee✨✨✨ it’s everyone’s older brother Roger!! Congrats on your main story🎉💕 I really look forward to this summer! (I have 🦑 with beer)
🍻: You have as much excitement as Victor! For sure, look forward to it. I’ll make it a summer you won’t ever forget.
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20. Roger’s recommended drinks
💬: I want to know your drink recommendations!
🍻: Mine is beer, beer, and more beer. Ah, having some ginger ale in between seems pretty good too.
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21. he drinks with Ellis and Jude often!
💬: Out of the members of Crown, who have you been drinking with recently? Have you drank with them several times…! 🍻✨
🍻: I go out to drink with Jude and Ellis quite a bit. Well, I think I prefer drinking together with you the most though.
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22. he loves meat at the end of the day eheh
💬: I’m thinking of drinking with you tonight🍻 What do you eat (snack) with alcohol? I’m thinking chips goes well.
🍻: My favorite is salty meat. But chips go well with beer too. Should we order some?
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23. Roger’s advice for those who just turn the legal age
💬: I’ve turned the legal age, what do you recommend for a first timer…? Was your first drink a beer…?
🍻: At first, you should go for drinks that don’t have high alcohol content to see if you can drink it or not. Other than that, drink together with someone. For example, with me. And of course, the first drink I had was beer!
24. Roger’s favorite drinking partner is… ✨✨
💬: Is there anyone you want to drink alone with?? What types of things would you talk about with them!?✨
🍻: The one drinking in front of me, right now.
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teardrop-scales · 11 months
Hi I have a request! How about a love potion one shot or head canon with lmk Wukong and fem (s/o)? Please and thank u 🙏🏻
Love potion: Sun Wukong x reader headcannons 🧪
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A.N: I decided to do this in a headcannon format, but more story-driven one, and I actually changed your request a bit so Wukong and reader aren't a couple yet in this. Hope that's okay!
You were having a peaceful afternoon after your early morning shift at work when MK called you.
You were surprised at this; you knew he was supposed to be training with your friend/crush Wukong and usually that made him quite busy and unreachable. So you knew that something must've happened.
When you picked up the phone , it turned out that The Monkey King himself somehow accidentally drank a love potion that he had in his stash of artifacts and other useless things.
MK wasn't exactly sure how the potion worked; on the bottle it was only written that, thankfully, the effects last only for a day or so, and the poor kid couldn't exactly ask his mentor about it right now. Besides, you were sure that Wukong wouldn't know even in the right/normal state of mind.
According to MK, the monkey acted somewhat normal for a few minutes, until he saw you in the photo he had of you two stashed somewhere. Then the potion truly started to kick in. At least that's what you think happened, provided you understood MK's frantic explanation correctly.
And to summarize, the boy wanted you to take care of Wukong for a bit until the potion stopped working, since the monkey was apparently constantly bugging him about wanting to see you. You could even hear Monkey King gushing about you and cutting in through MK's phone "to say hi".
You kinda feared what it would be like. You just hoped he wouldn't be too overbearing and that you won't explode from flusteredness, given you had a crush on Monkey King and thanks to the potion, he was in love with YOU of all people.
But you knew that MK had to go to his afternoon shift at Pigsy's, and Wukong couldn't be left alone in this state, so of course you agreed.
So in a short amount of time MK was standing in front of your apartment door with the Monkey King behind him. The boy thanked you once again and then he was gone. Leaving you alone with your lovesick crush.
His eyes were much wider than normal, and there was a slight pink gleam in them. He also had a wide smile on his face, his tail swishing behind him. Basically all the signs that he was happy.
"Peaches, I'm so glad to see you!"
He exclaimed in a much more higher pitched and cheerful voice than normally before crushing you in a hug.
"Yeah, good to see you too, Wukong" You replied and awkwardly reciprocated the hug, while Sun buried his face in the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent.
Overall Wukong was much more cheerful, talkative and emotional than normal under the effect of the potion.
After the hug he started asking you a ton of questions, like, how was your day? How are you feeling today? No demon tried to attack you since he last saw you, right? Etc.
You also noticed that he called you 'Peaches' a lot. Of course, sometimes he did call you that before the potion, but only sometimes and he always acted like that was a slip up. He usually calls you by your name or similarly to MK, 'bud'/'buddy', maybe 'pal' sometimes.
To be honest, you weren't sure what to do with Wukong and how to keep him busy and not bored until the potion stopped working. So you suggested watching a movie.
And of course, probably 'cause of his lovesick state, he chose a romantic comedy...
It's not like you've never watched that kind of movie with him before, you actually did - you both liked to make fun of the characters and point out the corny and cringy aspects of the movies, but this time Wukong was really invested in a way he never was before.
The second you both sat on your couch, the monkey clung to you, hugging and cuddling you like a teddy bear. He was so close it was impossible for him to be any closer to you. Wukong pressed his furred cheek against yours and curled up to your side, his tail curling around your ankle.
Meanwhile you just sat there, inwardly screaming and having a panic attack at how close and intimate he was right now, and how much you liked it and secretly wished he wouldn't let go. And he didn't for the whole movie, being too invested in it to notice or care about you blushing.
This time he also made comments during the movie (that's just the way he is, sometimes he just can't keep completely quiet for that long), but not snarky/mocking ones. Instead he kept staring at the screen with sparkles in his eyes each time the characters did something which could be considered "romantic" and saying something along the lines of "Ooh, that is so romantic! Wouldn't it be nice if we did something like that, Peaches?" Or change his mood completely and ask with a smug expression "Soo, what did you think? What would YOU think if SOMEONE did something like this for YOU?"
Summarizing, he was VERY subtle...
You tried to answer both honestly and nice enough not to hurt his feelings. But, truth be told, you lied a few times so he wouldn't feel bad/hurt. You felt slightly guilty about lying to your friend/crush, even about such stupid things. Oh well, if you're lucky, Wukong won't remember any of this.
To be honest, you were thankful that this whole love potion experience took a pretty lovey-dovey route and not... Y'know, the more suggestive and lustful one? Because when it comes to Wukong it sometimes could be both. It probably also depended on the potion itself.
So yeah, you were grateful that the most he did was throw a more suggestive comment with this smug face of his here and there.
After the movie ended, you figured it was a good time for dinner.
Right after you started getting off the couch and out of Wukong's grasp, he asked with a pouty tone where were you going.
"I'm just going to the kitchen to make pancakes for dinner. With peaches~" You added in a sing-songy voice. You knew how much your monkey friend loved those fruits, so you always made sure to have some at your house just in case.
"Oh!" Wukong's face lit up slightly at the mention of his favorite fruits. "You don't have to get up though! I can make the pancakes with no problem, you don't have to do anything, in fact, you don't even have to get off the couch! I'll do everything for you, no biggie. You must be so tired after your morning shift today, Peaches! Besides, I'm a pro at cooking!"
You barely managed to hide a snort after his last sentence. It was endearing that he wanted to spoil you and do things so you wouldn't have to but he definitely wasn't a pro at cooking. You taught him some basics and thanks to that The Monkey King was able to cook simple dishes so they were actually edible. But not much more than that.
However, you agreed for two reasons: one, so you wouldn't hurt his feelings (it was so cute how his eyes and entire face shined and how bright his smile was when you said "okay"), and two; you were quite curious how this would turn out.
"Okay, but call me if you need help."
"You're so sweet, Peaches! But that won't be necessary."
After that Wukong went to the kitchen.
In short, it turned out that Sun mistook powdered sugar for flour, so the pancakes were... Quite a disaster, honestly.
You had to console the poor Monkey for a few minutes, because he felt like he failed and disappointed you. He was practically close to tears (that potion really did make him much more emotional, huh?)
He only cheered up after you suggested ordering something from Pigsy's. And of course, being the gentleman he suddenly became thanks to the potion, he insisted he should be the one to make the call. You could imagine that the pig wasn't very happy to hear him, but nonetheless after some time your order arrived with MK to your door.
"So, how is he?" Asked the teen. "I hope he was... Umm... Well behaved?"
"He was actually. It's just that he's much more cheerful and emotional than normal." You chuckled.
After that you invited MK inside, since he just ended his shift while bringing your and Wukong's order.
You and your crush ate your dishes and MK ate some chips you had in the kitchen. Meanwhile Wukong kept gushing about you to the teen, making you very flustered and flattered at the same time.
"I just love you Peaches so much!" Happily exclaimed Wukong at one moment.
Then a small, quiet gasp escaped your lips. Oh, how much you wished he truly meant those words. But you knew that this was just the potion talking, sadly.
After that MK suggested he should take Wukong back to the Flower Fruit Mountain since he ended his shift now.
Unfortunately, Sun heard that and he wasn't pleased. He immediately embraced you and squished you tightly against himself and kept saying how he needed to stay to protect you from demons or burglars breaking into your house. And also claiming that he doesn't want to be alone and that he had such a good time with you, so he didn't want it to end. Wukong was pretty much like an emotional child thanks to the potion at that moment. MK tried to pry him off you, but to no avail.
You had to promise Wukong that he could come over the next day in order for him to let you go and calm down.
Finally Sun agreed to go with MK, but not before hugging you tightly once more, kissing your cheek and saying "Love you, Peaches!".
You couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when Monkey King left with his successor. This was an interesting experience, but it was quite tiring too. You also had many complicated emotions after this and needed a lot of time to process them. All of this just made you realize how hopeless you were in your crush on Monkey King himself and, how badly you wanted him to truly love you.
Later, in the evening, you suddenly grew curious about the love potion which your friend drank. So you decided to call Tang to check if he knew something about it; after all, who else could have such knowledge if not him?
"A love potion you say? Hmm... Well I do recall hearing some myth about some deity or someone who wanted to invent a potion which could make people fall in love. They kind of succeeded, but actually later it turned out that the potion didn't create those feelings from scratch."
"What do you mean?" You had a feeling where this was going, but you needed a clear confirmation.
"In order for the potion to work, the person who drank it had to already have some feelings for someone. The potion just caused those feelings to grow abnormally stronger and made the drinker more emotional, confident and bold about their feelings. Umm, but why are you asking?"
You were flabbergasted. Could it be...? "Oh, it's nothing, I was just curious. Thanks Tang, I have to go now, bye!" After that you ended the call, not even letting the scholar say goodbye.
That meant that Sun Wukong, aka The Monkey King himself had a crush on YOU. A REAL CRUSH. SINCE WHEN?! How long was he hiding it? Either you were really dense and oblivious or he was really good at hiding his true feelings. Honestly, it was hard to determine which was true in that situation.
For a solid minute you just sat there with your mouth open. Your mind literally screamed "error". Then you suddenly squealed like a teenage girl, jumped in the air and said "YES!"
Well. It seemed like you needed to have a little chat with Wukong.
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taylornation · 1 year
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After all the midnight rain in Foxborough, we deserve a little love potion. 💜🧪 Don’t move in slow motion! You have less than 24 hours left to shop Special Edition Midnights Love Potion Purple Marbled Vinyl while supplies last.
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nevbo · 2 years
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Pansy and Draco. Draco is definitely NOT making a Love Potion 🧪 🐍
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retrotard · 3 months
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💕🧪Love Potion 🧪💕
Riley x Salem 💕
Requested by @animationgirl89 for @outrightelm 😄✨
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namiusedbubble · 1 year
What they’re like as parents
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TW: Everything related to pregnancy and parenthood. Reader can get pregnant but no pronouns used.
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Sebastian disappears for days when you tell him you’re pregnant. He’s never thought about having children, never really thought anyone would want to have them with someone like him. He worries about being a bad father, that his impulsiveness and curiosity will get either you or his child hurt, and he can’t bare the thought of it. So he goes to the one person he knows will give it to him straight; Anne. 
You’ll find him sitting next to her grave, his eyes raw from lack of sleep. He doesn’t even notice you sit next to him until you lean your head against his shoulder, and it’s then that he breaks down. He confides all of his fears to you, and you do your best to reassure him that he will be a wonderful father and that Anne would have been over the moon for him. You two eventually return to your home hand-in-hand, Sebastian’s chest a little lighter and his heart full of tentative excitement. 
Sebastian is the stereotypical father. He’s the “fun” parent, the one who lets his child away with anything so long as he finds the humour in it, but he’s also extremely protective of both of you. He’ll do literally anything to keep you both safe and happy, and that can sometimes come off as controlling. Don’t worry, though, the minute you tell him off, he’ll take a step back and trust that you know what you’re doing. 
Before your child even starts Hogwarts, they will be well-versed in all manner of defensive spells. If you happen to have a girl, Sebastian will be a strong advocate in naming her after her beloved aunt.
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Ominis is conflicted when you tell him the news. You hadn’t been trying, but it’s not like you weren’t, either. He’s happy because he loves you, he loves the life you two have created far away from the influence of his family, but he’s also scared. He’s sure his family will learn of the new baby Gaunt and come looking for him. He’s heard rumours of their desperation, years of inbreeding causing most of them to become infertile, and their fear of “polluting” their name with muggle blood meant that the Gaunt line was finally dying out. 
He approaches you one evening and declares that the child should have your surname. For that matter, he will also be taking yours, or you can both create an entirely new one and start your own little family without the shadow of cruelty and extremism hanging over your heads. He’ll tell his child about the Gaunts one day, but until then he wants nothing more than to protect them from an ideology that causes nothing but pain for everyone involved.
Ominis turns out to be the most doting father. He is so, so gentle with his child, but he’s not afraid to be stern with them when need be. He makes sure to instill acceptance into them from an early age, and you’ll find yourself close to tears when you find your child frequently standing up to bullies on behalf of others.
It feels like something shifts in Ominis after becoming a father. Suddenly, the empty crevice in his heart from everything he’s been through is full of joyous laughter and love. This is where he’s always meant to be, he thinks. With you and the family you have gifted to him.
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Garreth is over the moon, immediately rushing off to tell everyone and their dog in his excitement. You have to finally sit him down and tell him to stop sending owls when you receive a congratulations note from someone you’d only spoken to for five minutes outside the Three Broomsticks almost a decade ago.
You won’t need to lift a finger during your pregnancy, that’s for sure. Garreth will turn the world over if it means easing any of your discomfort, so prepare for breakfasts in bed, countless foot massages, and questionable potions (don’t worry, he tests them multiple times to make sure they won’t turn the baby into a dugbug). You start to feel guilty when every chore in the house is done before you even wake up, but he’ll insist that it’s the least he can do.
There is never a dull moment with Garreth and your child. Not only will you have dozens of little Weasley cousins flittering in and out of the house, but the two of them will team up to play innocent pranks on you all the time. Can’t find your broom? It’s been transfigured into a spoon and hidden amongst the cutlery, good luck! It’s not all fun and games, though. Garreth is a loving and doting father, and although you can sometimes feel like the “killjoy parent”, he’ll always have your back when it comes to parenting decisions and saying “no” to your child, even if it kills him to see their sad little expression. 
Garreth will be happy with as many children as you’re willing to give him, but he would prefer a large family. All of that chaos can seem a bit overwhelming at times, but the Weasleys are more than happy to look after your child/ren whenever you need a break or want to spend some alone time together. 
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He is thrilled at the news, but also full of anxiety. He feels a deep responsibility to provide for both of you and that overwhelms him quite a bit in the beginning, but he’ll settle down after a few reassuring discussions with you and multiple assessments of your budget. 
Amit will spend countless hours reading books on how to be a great father and how best to care for you during pregnancy. There isn’t a single book on the topic that he won’t read, and by the end of it, he considers himself a bit of an expert (”that’s all just theory, Amit!”). He is the type of person who will read to your stomach every night without fail. It could be the history of wizarding chess, or it could be The Tale of Beadle and the Bard, but these nightly stories quickly become the highlight of your evening as his soothing voice eases you into sleep. 
He is the most supportive father on the planet. Although he would love it if your child shared his passion for magical history and stargazing, Amit will immerse himself in whatever they choose to do. Quidditch? He’s the dad cheering from the back during a practice session. Music? Your house is now full of various instruments, both muggle and magical. He’s convinced that his child will be the best at whatever they set their mind to, and he encourages them to never doubt their own mind or abilities.
Amit dedicates every single one of his books to you and your child/ren, both because he loves you, and because you’ve given him the motivation to work even harder at what he does. He wants all of your names to live on forever, and so he’s determined to publish books that will be read by many for years to come. 
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thelambliesdown1974 · 2 months
Okay but like walking across 🚶‍♂️ the sitting room 🐒🪑 I turn the television 📺 on 🔛 sitting beside you I look into your eyes 👁️ as the sound 🎼 of motor cars 🚗 fade in the night time 🌝 I swear I saw your face change 😲 it didn’t seem quite right 🤔 and it’s hello babe! 👋 with your guardian eyes so blue 👀 hey my baby 👶🏼 dont you know our love ❤️ is true 🫂 coming closer 👬 with our eyes 👁️ a distance falls around our bodies ⬅️➡️ out in the garden 🪴 the moon 🌙 seems very bright 💡 six 6️⃣ saintly shrouded men ✝️ move across the lawn 🏡 slowly the seventh walks in front 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ with a torch 🔦 held high in hand 🤚 and it’s hey babe! 👋👶🏼 your suppers waiting for you 🍝 hey my baby! 👋👶🏼 don’t you know our love ❤️ is true 🫂 I’ve been so far from here 🌄 far from your loving arms 😘 it’s good to feel you again 🥰 it’s been a long long time ⏳⌛️… hasn’t it🤔…………………… I know 🤓 a farmer 👨‍🌾 who looks after a farm 🌾 with water clear 💧 he cares for all his harvest 🥕 I know 🤓 a fireman 👨‍🚒 who looks after the fire 🔥… cant you see he’s fooled you all 😈 yes it’s him again 🤯 can you see he’s fooled you all 😢 share his peace ☮️ sign the lease 📑 he’s a super sonic scientist 👨🏻‍🔬 he’s the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man 🙏 look! 👀 look into my mouth 👄 he cries 🗣️ and all the children 👧🏼 passed down many paths 🛤️ I bet my life you’ll walk inside 🚶‍♂️ hand in hand 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 gland in gland 😵‍💫 with a spoonful 🥄 of miracle 🕊️ it’s the guaranteed eternal sanctuary 🙏 (we will rock you 🪨 rock you 🪨 little snake 🐍 we will keep you snug ☺️ and warm 😊…………………… wearing feelings 😁 on our faces 💁‍♂️ while our faces took a rest 😴🛌 we walked across the fields 🌾 to see the children 👦🏼 of the west 🧭 but there was a host of dark skinned warriors 🤺 standing still below the ground 👇🏻 🌎 waiting for battle! ⚔️ fights begun they’ve been released 😡 killing for for peace ☮️ bang bang bang! 💥 bang bang bang! 💥 and they’ve given me a wonderful potion 🧪 but I cannot contain my emotion 😭 and even though I’m feeling good 😌 👍 something tells me 🧐 I better activate my prayer 🙏 capsule 💊 todays the day 📆 to celebrate 🎉 the for have met their fate 🪦 the order for rejoicing 🥳 and dancing 🕺 has come from our warlord 🤴…………………… wandering through the chaos 🥾 the battle has left ⚔️ we climb up the mountain of human flesh 🗻 to a plateau of green grass 🏞️ and green trees 🌳 full of life 🕊️ a young figure 👦 sits still by a pool 🌊 he’s been stamped human bacon 🥓 by some butchery tool 🔪 he is you 🫵 social security 🧑‍⚖️ took care of this lad we watch 👀 in reverence as narcissus 😌 is turned to a flower 🌸 a flower? 🌸 …………………… if you go down ⬇️ to willow farm 🌳 to look for butterflies 🦋 flutterbyes gutter flies 🪰 open your eyes 👁️ it’s full of surprise 😲 eye one lies like a fox 🦊 on the rock 🪨 in the musical box 🎶📦 there’s mum and dad 👨‍👧👩‍👧 and good and bad 😇😈 and everyone happy to be here 😋 there’s Winston Churchill dressed in drag 👠 he used to be a British flag 🇬🇧 plastic bag 🛍️ what a drag 🙄 the frog was a prince 🫅 the prince was a brick 🧱 the brick was an egg 🍳 the egg was a bird 🦅 have you heard 👂 yes! We’re happy as fish 🐟 and gorgeous and geese 🦢 and wonderful clean in the morning 🧼 we’ve got everything 🤑 we’re growing everything 🌱 we’ve got some in ⬅️ we’ve got some out ➡️ we’ve got some wild things 👹 floating about 🕴️everyone 👦👩🧑 we’re changing everyone 😧 you name them all we’ve had them here 👈 and the real stars are still to appear! ⭐️🤩 feel your body melt 🫠 mum 👩 to mud 🪱 to mad 😡 to dad 👨🏻 dad diddly office ✏️ dad diddly office ✏️ you’re all full of ball 🏀 dad 👨🏻 to dam 🦫 to dumb 😛 to mum 👩 mom diddly washing 🧽 mom diddly washing 🧽 you’re all full of ball 🏀 let me hear you lies 👂 we’re living this up 🆙 to the eyes 👀 mama I want you now! 😩
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titans-kanza · 5 months
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Yandere Levi Ackerman makes a love potion takes some work though 🧪 ❤️
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windwakerpony · 1 year
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I wanted to try the Self Ship Dynamics chart too! This was a challenge to come up with how to describe some of the ships. And the last three are from platonic F/Os!
The original chart is by @candyheartedchy
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gothicswiftv · 1 year
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“What a beautiful nightmare this was!” 🧪💘
I’ve been wanting to draw this scene ever since I first read it! Inspired by “The Love Potion Episode” by triciajoy
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noxxytocin · 3 months
Sebastian x Ominis — Hogwarts Legacy 🧪 “The Mishap”
Sebastian: enters the Undercroft Oi, Ominis? You in here?
Ominis: A little help, please!
Sebastian: peering around Where are you?
Ominis: three inches tall and hopping mad on the floor Down here, you dolt!
Sebastian: looks down, utterly gobsmacked before erupting in laughter
Ominis: Don't you dare laugh at me! Do something!
Sebastian: still chuckling O-Ominis, you're... you're so tiny!
Ominis: Oh, really? I hadn't the foggiest.
Sebastian: Sorry, haha, it's just... your legs are like matchsticks.
Ominis: Sebastian!
Sebastian: Right, how did this happen?
Ominis: It was a rather regrettable incident with a potion. Now help me before I become a midnight snack for some rodent.
Sebastian: snickering Fair enough. We could search for a reversal spell. I could carry you about in my pocket.
Ominis: And how precisely does being in a pocket benefit me, Sebastian?
Sebastian: not listening to him Think of all the places you could infiltrate!
Ominis: Ah yes, because that's exactly what one ponders when they're reduced to the size of a dust bunny!
Sebastian: picks up Ominis
Ominis: squeals and flushes crimson WHAT ARE YOU—ahhHHH!
Sebastian: slips Ominis into his front vest pocket To the spell books! dashes off
Ominis: tiny shrieks of protest
Character Voice Tag
Thank you @the-golden-comet for the tag! I love doing these so much. 🫶✨
My line: “A little help, please?”
Your line: “This is crazy.”
Tagging: @luminousecho @moltenwrites @the-letterbox-archives @celestial--sapphic
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legacygirlingreen · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
Scroll down for one shots / Farmer Seb Masterlist!
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⋆。˚𖦹 This Series was previously titled "Times in Sebastian's 5th year!!
As a reminder, this diverts heavily from Canon, using the characters from the game as foundations for a different story. Written in y/n (but slowly going back through to remove and leave only a few sparingly), it has more of a focus on Victorian standards for courting/relationships instead of just “hot and heavy” so to speak. If that appeals to you, please feel free to read and comment your suggestions for future parts.
Parts with NSFW Content are marked! Also some chapters now have AI Audios with links!
(UPDATED May 20 , 2024): 137, 000+ words
On AO3 here & Wattpad here
Playlist on Spotify made by @urbansaint !
Part 1: Becoming a Proper Gentlemen (SFW) Audio: X
Part 2: Christmas with the Sallow Family
\_> Chapter 1: Dusty Boots (SFW)
\_> Chapter 2: Admissions (Semi NSFW but mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 3: Jumper (Semi NSFW but mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 4: Sugar Plum Fairy (NSFW) Audios: X
\_> Chapter 5: A Locket and a Promise (Mostly SFW) Audios: X
\_> Chapter 6 - Yuletide Cheers (Mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 7- Birthdays and Hogmanay (NSFW)
Part 3: Stardust (NSFW) - Audios: X, X, X
Part 4: Hero of Hogwarts
\_> Chapter 1: "Leave Me" (SFW)
\_> Chapter 2: Revelations (SFW)
\_> Chapter 3: Graphorns & Phoenix (NSFW) Audio: X
\_> Chapter 4: A Reckoning (SFW) Audio: X
\_> Chapter 5: Repository I (SFW) Audio: X , X (battle)
\_> chapter 6: repository II (SFW) Audio: X
\_> chapter 7: repository III (SFW)
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Farmer Sebastian Series Masterlist : x
Completely separate short fic that's got 14 parts, 50k words!
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“Drenched in Magic” 💦 🌕
what happens when MC and Sebastian are running for their lives and he can’t stop flirting even for a second? Even worse what happens when a major mess leads to them needing to clean up in a small pool in the moonlight?
Slight NSFW ; Word count 4K
\_> with audio by @darch7995
“The nose knows” 👃🏻 🧪 💕
What happens when a mixup involving amortentia leads to MC accidentally revealing her crush?
Word count: 4k
\_> with audio by @darch7995
Part 1 ; part 2
“Live, Laugh… Lizard?” 🦎 💋
What happens when a fun outing turns into a slightly frightening experience for MC, and ultimately leads to Sebastian confessing his feelings?
*slight NSFW*
Word count: 4k
\_> with audio by @darch7995
“Strumming Hearts” 🎸 🥃 🚬 (Modern! AU rocker Sebastian)
What happens when MC's friends drag her into a packed night club to see a band she hates purely on principle? She meets a cute guy and in the midst of a miscommunication Sebastian goes far to get the attention of the girl who caught his eye
Word count: 6k
\_> with audio by @darch7995 : Part 1 ; Part 2
“Strumming Hearts II : Mad Sounds” 🎸 🚬 NFSW (Modern! Rocker AU)
In which the freckled guitarist of The Undercroft finds his muse…
Word count : 12k
“That time of year again…” 🎄 💕 NFSW
Sebastian reflects on Christmas’s of old as his holidays worries are put to rest by a sweet love confession, which turns into something more…
Word count : 7k
Sebastian Dad Audios 1 & 2
Brief audios about Sebastian and his life after Hogwarts where he's taking care of his child...
Sebastian, Solomon and Abuse
Random Headcanons with no rhyme or reason
My HC about Sebastian's lip scar, captured by @animasola86
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Aesop Sharp:
"Burning Eyes & Laughter" NFSW
Aesop Sharp meets a new professor whose grumpiness rivals his own. Vignettes throughout the year where he slowly begins to see the truth behind her highly build ways leading to a mix up involving a laughing potion which causes him to see her in a new light...
Audio from story HERE
Word Count: 7k
"My Undeniable Miracle" SFW AUDIO
Aesop narrating John Mark Green's poem with violin in the background
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celestial--sapphic · 4 months
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I thought it would be fun to create graphic versions of all the signs, letters, notes, newspaper clippings and other documents which feature in my Poppy Sweeting x f!MC fic Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) 🎨
These notes appear in the third chapter during potions class 🧪
You can read a snippet of the scene where it features below the cut ⬇️
I am sure we can arrange that, Evelyn eventually writes back, going with her gut and adding before she can second guess herself further, meet me after class? I hear the greenhouses are empty next period. 
That would be a great time to ask about the party, Evelyn thinks. Asking Poppy to go with her amongst the pretty botanicals of the greenhouses would definitely be romantic. Or, maybe instead, she should put it in her next note? Poppy could keep it if she wanted. Poppy is most certainly the sentimental type when it comes to things like this even though, as they have established, this is the first romance for either of them. 
The following piece of parchment from Poppy, which lands in front of Evelyn in the form of a dragonfly, is snatched away before she can pick it up. Her smile – which she did not realise had been stuck on her face since the first note – falters when she looks up to see Professor Sharp holding the folded note between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Miss Caddel, I expect this is related to your assignment?” He asks rhetorically, his face set in a stoney expression of displeasure. 
Opening the note up his eyes scan across the words and Evelyn can feel her face heating up, knowing exactly what he is seeing. Her gaze darts to Poppy who is frozen at her own brewing station, spoon halted mid-stir and mouth hanging open slightly in surprise; blood rushing to her face and tinging it as pink as Evelyn’s. 
Poppy’s potion immediately begins to bubble incorrectly at the lack of stirring, the liquid within the cauldron rising up dangerously towards the rim.  
“Right, well… Miss Caddel, Miss Sweeting.” The potion master clears his throat awkwardly, his usual stern persona replaced with an expression of genuine discomfort. “20 points from Slytherin and Hufflepuff. In future keep such… correspondence outside of my classroom. I will also be informing Professor Garlick of your less-than-academic plans for her classroom.” 
Professor Sharp crumbles the parchment in his hand and shoves it into his trouser pocket before turning on his heel and stalking back towards his desk. 
Evelyn feels like she is about to melt into the ground, made only worse by Sebastian nudging her side, questioning what happened and a loud bang coming from Poppy’s cauldron across the room. Everett and Leander are forced to leap out of the way as angry liquid spits out with a crack of smoke, coating the front of the Hufflepuff’s uniform and filling the classroom with an unpleasant, acidic smell.  
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savagemagician3 · 13 days
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meet amelia, created for my Make it Weird CAS Challenge!! 🛠️🧪⚓
i love her so much 🥹🥹
amelia didn't become a pirate for the sake of pillaging, she was brave and daring in her pursuit for knowledge; her reason for leaving the steampunk city behind. she spent her days mixing various chemicals to create new types of fuel for her airship, or concocting unique potions for healing, invisibility, and enhanced strength. sometimes this would require a lot of trial and error, and unfortunately it could yield unexpected results. she one day misjudged her measurements and gave herself nasty chemical burns from a corrosive explosion. on the plus side, she did figure out a new formula for jet pack fuel!
my rolls were: failed experiment, grey skin, vivid hair of my choice, armor, tears
outfit cc: hat - harness - corset - steampunk glove - claws - skirt - garter - wooden leg - boots other stuff: hair - eyes - tears - rotten flesh markings - skin tone
thank you talented cc creators 💕
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mikatoonist · 11 months
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total drama witch au with gwen and courtney 🔮🧪
happy halloween!
gwen is a creative witch, who loves to paint and draw and is learning to shapeshift! courtney studies hard and is talented at making potions and telekinesis.
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