#Love you anon-sorry I got so ranty
bentlands · 4 months
ranty anon here post-episode 7 and they addressed a lot of the things i was worried about. becca is still a mess but that is just a fact of the plot lol
how did you feel about cam and dusty's scenes this episode? they were my favorites aside from Suman's scenes.
YES... watching that episode i was simultaneously relieved and physically ill for other things. rebecca being a hot mess especially now that we're almost done with the show has me like...? because a part of me understands the emotional turmoil of reliving your worst memories and i'm sure rebecca irl went through it when writing and researching the book but the other part of me is like wow. you guys are almost doing her dirty there's no way she was like that. sorry for that rebecca tangent!!
yes i loved them... i think dusty, along with reena and even warren (not so much yet but you could see the roots take hold this episode) became disillusioned with the gang mentality, and with dusty in particular i think she understands cam now, and cam understands dusty better now. that shot where cam flips through the lord of the rings and sees the picture dusty has really got to her, and i think the idea of her being reunited/reconciled with her family got her to go easier on her, because that is an opportunity that cam alone can give dusty, while also being an opportunity she herself never had.
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bacchicly · 1 month
An anon sent another tumblr user who shows appreciation for fat people's body's an ask laced with pure fat hate.
I am making another post because the irony of the op's response is going to be lost on so many that I am not willing to engage directly - but the patient falseness of the original ask deserves to be addressed somewhere by someone...so here goes.
This is very not pretty btw and could be very triggering.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but the beliefs stated in that ask are FALSE.
Here's the ask:
The number of times IN A DAY I forget I am very fat is astounding. People need to stop assuming that all people in fat bodies spend all their time thinking about being fat, feeling sad or mad or bad about being fat. Just stop it.
"i believe that when u are fat, everything u say/think is underlaid by the fact that u are fat — any advice given or idea raised comes with the asterisk of obesity, signalling that u hate beauty and have made ur body a monument to ugliness, and are dying as a consequence. "
Here's my slightly ranty reply.
It does not change EVERYTHING I think. Fuck off. It does make me think that some people are close-minded assholes slightly more often than I would prefer...but no. Sorry. Pretty sure many of not most of my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings I have are not remotely connected to my fatness. Some are sure. But they are also influence by the fact I am white, a woman, from an upper middle class family, with supportive parents and have a love for cats. People are not one dimensional! Which actually seems to be this Anon's actual problem...imagine taking up space? Being multi-dimensional? WILD.
"The Asterix of Obesity". I CAN'T EVEN. FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Monument to ugliness? Made my body into a monument of ugliness? So that's what I have been spending my weekends doing eh? And that year I spent growing another delightful human in me? Yup real monument of ugliness stuff right there.
Also - for the record I love beauty and I feel VERY FORTUNATE that my definition of it includes all types of bodies and creatures. As the kids say these days...go touch grass. You poor poor beauty starved creature. How can you not live in a world and marvel at everything from the Nobel walrus (what would you do if it knocked not the fairy) to the polar bear?
And the old "you are dying as a consequence of being fat" thing? This is not a gotcha. Stop it. I am not arguing the whole "but you can be healthy and fat/unhealthy and slim" uwu thing...because EVERYONE DESERVES RESPECT regardless of their health or weight or income. Everyone is dying sweetie or may have death catch up at any time. Everyone is making choices and trade offs everyday. We are all doing the best we can with what we got. Even you - with your running scared false hateful comment. So who hurt you? Why did you swallow this ugliness? Why do you feel you can and should spout it out loud in the direction of another human being.
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tame-a-messenger · 8 months
honestly at this point it feels like it's on purpose. we know angela was part of the shooting week because courtney is using the same clothes in today's video that they wore on the don't win and the all rise game (the court one), chance also wore the same on those videos. amanda is also wearing the same one from all rise on today's video, and angela was part of both those games.
I truly just don't get why we haven't see them together in a video for a while now. with the amount of videos the cast shoot, especially games where it's almost always a whole group of people, the fact that they haven't been on at least one feels way more improbable than the contrary.
i'm getting really frustrated now because people were starting to really enjoy their dynamic and shine a light on asking for them to do more things together (the escape room for example) and the reddit episode they did was totally filled with compliments to their dynamic and how well the two of them and shayne click on their opinions and even when there was some disagreement they opened up an open conversation and heard each others points.
and more importantly they were getting the views, the reddit episode has more than 2 million views, compilations of them interacting got 158k, 160k views. people like them, people enjoy their dynamic together. it just seems like a no brainier to put them together more in videos because they are two of the most beloved cast members and they get the views.
at the end of the day smosh is still a corporation that cares a lot about what brings views and make their content spread out. it's weird that they are not leaning on that at least a little bit. because we know that they do things to make people watch. like they do with their thumbnails and courtney and shayne. almost always when they are in a video together they are the thumbnail because smosh knows that they bring people in, that those are view they can get. and for what i learned it's been like this for a while.
sorry that this turned a little bit ranty but i'm just missing them so much and every single new uploaded gets my hopes all up just to drop to the ground because they are never together anymore.
smosh loves to makes duos, to have new dynamics and bonds between their cast members. and all of them are amazing. it just makes me sad that we don't get to see the one that really grabbed our attention, that felt special. especially because they got to a point where they were so comfortable together, making fun of each other, bantering, having a blast :(
Anon, I also literally have no idea why they haven't been in uploads.
Like you said, their dynamic is always talked about in comments under videos, I really don't get why we haven't been getting more videos with them. (in my little bizarreo brain it feel like Smosh is doing it on purpose too. Though that's probably wrong lmao)
The ONLY thing (that's not just us being unlucky) is that Smosh is trying to curve shippers?? even that doesn't seem right.
I could kinda(?) see a world where that's what they're doing? and if it is (I really don't think it is, I think we've just been unlucky recently) putting them in less videos isn't going to do anything? people are still going to ship or whatever.
Plus, Smosh has had a long track record of PROMOTING ships! most of the videos Shayne and Courtney are in together they're in the thumbnails!!!
"and more importantly they were getting the views, the reddit episode has more than 2 million views, compilations of them interacting got 158k, 160k views. people like them, people enjoy their dynamic together. it just seems like a no brainier to put them together more in videos because they are two of the most beloved cast members and they get the views."
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weirdestcornelius · 3 months
there's old art of doom having a more crooked, "ugly" design that was probably changed for doomi reasons and making him clearer as a good guy, but honestly I think it should've been kept. he looks like a stereotypical villain but hates what he had to do and is good, whereas cuddles, disguising as a cute bunny, is pure evil. it'd be an interesting contrast
I'm a bit biased when it comes to this because I just genuinely love unsettlingly cute or fucked up looking characters but I think this would be such a cool concept to have kept.
I liked Doom and Moods original designs more because it shows they're twins, but gives more differences between them. The way Dooms nose is scrunched up and they're all sweaty and hunched over whereas Moods nose is curled and she just looks really bouncy (?) for lack of better word. Gives more contrast between them, mainly from shape theory; Doom is more "sharp" looking which sets off the "bad guy" signal in our brains while Cuddles and Mood are more "round" which makes them seem more inviting and appealing. If you don't believe me look at literally any marketable mascot out there, I can guarantee you that many of them are rounder looking instead of being made out sharper shapes.
I've always liked Cuddles' original design more because I know I'm not the only one who could look at him and say there's something off. I'm a sucker for characters that look so cute and innocent to the point where you KNOW it's fake. You KNOW there's something wrong with that guy because there's something there that is off putting. Even if you removed the saw he's holding in that one old art piece he still looks uncanny with how fluffy and stereotypically cute he is paired with that really big smile. Now with Cuddles' new design, I really can't tell how outsiders are supposed to find him welcoming or appealing? A big chunk of his character (to me, at least) is how he's used pretty privilege to his advantage by making himself look more marketable to lure more people in, considering we can only assume that naked mole rats are not considered attractive on Spinch with how much Kc jokes about him being ugly. I personally love naked mole rats and could infodump about how cool they are for hours but. That's beside the point.
I've always taken the way he was originally designed as a way to show how big corporations or famous people in general paint themselves in a friendly, appealing light when in reality a lot of them take advantage of the poor and ruin lives. As for Doom I just thought his looks were a good contrast to his sister, not just how I stated above but also how it shows off the different sides of coping. Doom themselves looks sweaty, nervous, and angry whereas Mood has seemed to block off any negativity and is painting herself in a happy eccentric light despite the onslaught going on around her, seemingly cutting herself off from what is happening entirely. If you looked at the older art, at first glance you'd probably assume Cuddles and Mood are the good guys considering how cute and appealing they look, but even though there's something obviously off about Cuddles I feel like it would still be surprising for the cute little bunny man to end up being the guy who has killed people compared to the tall, multi-limbed rat.
So yeah. I miss a lot of things about older Cuddles and Doom. I miss Dooms bitchiness and annoyance towards the patients. I miss how Cuddles used to actually have good character that could make room for so many character arcs compared to what he is now, just existing to be the bad guy and that's it. I'm honestly hoping he actually has some sort of backstory and it isn't just "he's mean because he was born that way" because I know that people aren't bad from instinct. It's how we're raised and influenced that makes us bad people. I have some personal headcanons for Cuddles that tie into this.
this got so long and ranty I'm sorry anon
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 11 months
Absolutely stunned and if I'm honest appalled by what's going on. I came on here and really enjoyed the vibe. So many people together sharing their love of Ewan and I felt included in something.
You've answered many of my insane ramblings about Ewan/HOTD, and yes I have used anon because I get extremely shy about asking certain things.
Writers can write what they want/don't want, they have their reasons. I've been absolutely blown away by some of the creativity I've read, mixing Ewan's characters in with AHS as well as other horror franchise characters, how incredible.
But to come on here and see people having to leave what should be a safe space because of anon haters, just saddens me greatly.
Its such a shame, that the haters ruin it for the rest of us.
Stay Safe and your awesome btw, thanks again for answering my silly questions.
Your questions aren't silly! I genuinely enjoy talking to people, so it's always nice to hear from others, and I appreciate you giving me the time of day - it's as much effort to send an ask as it is to answer one. So, thank you.
I just want all of this silliness to blow over, so we can go back to enjoying each other's art and writing, the entire situation has been blown wildly out of proportion, and some of the anons myself and others are receiving are beyond disgusting.
To clarify to fandom as a whole: just because I want to wait to write/read fics for Michael Gavey, does not mean I'm in some sort of war with the people who already have. I don't care what other people do, as long as they aren't hurting themselves or others. I've had two of the people who have/were planning to write fics for this character reach out to me directly and it's all love. People need to grow up and stop spreading hatred/division where there is none.
Sorry I got a little ranty. Hope your Tuesday is going okay! Lots of love to you xoxo
I am technically still "not here", just wanted to clear through my asks so I can start tomorrow afresh and put all this drama behind me where it belongs.
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bi-bats · 1 year
hello!! i was just wondering, since the damitim fic is ongoing, does this mean know yourself updates are slowed/paused? (not a complaint i’m loving both!!)
Hiya!! Sorry that I never give easy answers 😂
So yes, Know Yourself updates are slower (not paused or on hiatus!! I am working on it still), but it's not because of the DamiTim fic.
I've been writing Know Yourself for over a year now (even though I haven't been posting it that long) and I'm just struggling with getting the words on the page to be what I want them to be. The plot is sorted out and I'm content with what I'm going to make happen, but also when I think about the fic my brain starts to feel the way my eyes do when I stare at a screen too long 😂 so I'm trying to be patient with myself and let myself take my time with it instead of pushing something out that I'm really not happy with, because 1) I think it'll show, 2) I'll just burn myself out, and 3) if I treat it like a chore it'll never get finished.
Also I've realized (post-jaytimweek) that I prefer writing in present tense, it makes everything feel more natural to me and I can control some writing things like timing and flow a little better and I WROTE OVER 100K WORDS IN PAST TENSE FOR THAT FIC AND I'M NOT FUCKING SWITCHING NOW!!!! SO I GUESS I GOTTA FINISH IT IN PAST TENSE!!!!
And also we're at the point in the plot of Know Yourself where I'm really stepping on the gas on the number of things happening per chapter, and the chapters are overwhelmingly long. And I would love to simply be more brief, but everything happening is relevant to the plot, so. Sigh.
Now, the DamiTim fic.
That one is just going up because that fic is happening to me. I can't prevent that fic from occurring. I would love to think about something else, actually! That boy is so unwell! But that's what I'm feeling inspired about and lately I've only been able to write when something worms into my brain and I have to put it on the page immediately no matter where I am or what I'm doing (I have a newish manager who doesn't know how to write a schedule, so I'm currently on day 7 of a ten day stretch of work where I only had one day off, which I had to spend doing all my chores and then hosting D&D. So basically, gone are the days off where I could just sit at my computer and write for a day 😭😭😭).
Also, Ive been having problems with Know Yourself since May, but the DamiTim fic is just fucking pouring out of me fugue state style. My brain hasn't latched onto DamiTim and released Know Yourself in favor of it, it's that the claws of Know Yourself began to unsink from my flesh like, 2 months ago and DamiTim saw its chance. Like, this isn't about to be a cute analogy, but I feel like I'm vomiting out the DamiTim fic because it's a virus. It can't be in my brain anymore okay? I need it out. And it feels like a shame to have like, almost 40k words of it written and just sitting in my drafts when I could be updating it (which I'm sure you appreciate if you're loving that one too 😂), and it has the added benefit of yall knowing I haven't abandoned the fandom/preventing yall from thinking that something horrible has happened to me!
Tldr/to reiterate: yes I'm slowing down on Know Yourself, but it's not because of any of the other chaptered fics I'm working on.
Anyways, sorry this got long and ranty, I think I needed to vent all this out anyways so thank you for giving me a chance to do that!! And also thank you for phrasing your ask the way you did, I really appreciate you specifying that you're not complaining 😂 this is a valid question (that did not upset me but could've if the phrasing was different) and I didn't feel pressured so thank you!!! Ily anon 💕💖💚
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So… I’m in a relationship with a man. I’ve only recently started getting into radical feminism over two years into our relationship. The biggest issue is that he is muslim, and I am a bisexual female, and an atheist of course. He has always treated me fairly throughout our relationship. He doesn’t watch porn, he agrees with my position (and reasoning for that position) on it and sex work, along with most radical feminist beliefs actually. However, obviously, as Islam dictates, he is against homosexuality. I have told him that him being against homosexuality is the same thing as me being against Islam, which I know deep down it isn’t, as religion is a choice, whereas sexuality isn’t. He also tries to tell me that Islam is not truely sexist and that men simply use it as an excuse’ to be sexist.
I know the obvious answer is to leave, but I don’t think I am financially or medically in a position to do so. As well as this, it is hard to throw away two years of love as I hope you can be empathetic with. He helps with the cooking, does almost all of the cleaning, we both are interested in the same hobbies, other than his religion, I genuinely believe he is the best mate possible for me. He has told me that he never expects me to convert and will not force me to veil or anything even after marriage, but it’s still the fact that he believes i’m going to hell that I can never seem to get out of my mind.
I’m sorry that this got kind of ranty, but I was just wondering if you have any advice at all other than ‘just leave him’? If not it’s okay but if you do I would appreciate it so much.
Hi anon, thanks for the question! It’s a challenging one. I’m going to opt not to comment on your partner’s beliefs, opinions, or actions, and just focus my attention on you. I’m also going to respect your request not to suggest ending your relationship.
If I’ve interpreted this correctly, you’ve been with your partner for two years. Within that time you’ve become, to some extent, financially and medically dependent on your partner. I believe all women should aim to be as independent as we can be, and when we need to depend on others (as all people do) to aim to avoid being dependent on men, particularly male significant others. This is because that dependence hinders or prevents your ability to leave the relationship if that did become necessary. Also, even if you remain in this relationship for the rest of your life, becoming tied together isn’t healthy and puts pressure on both of you and your relationship.
With this in mind, my recommendation to you would be to try and regain your capacity for independence, and/or redistribute necessary dependence to a broader group. Obviously you’re the only one who can know what that looks like, but it might involve looking at your income and outgoings and making small changes, looking into the available evidence on your health concerns to see if there’s anything you could be doing to self-manage or improve them, or enlisting elements of support from (chosen) family or friends rather than your partner.
It sounds like you two are living together, but aren’t married yet. If your relationship continues long-term, I’d suggest holding off on marriage for as long as you can, both so you can be sure you want to do it and so you can investigate how you can maintain your independence within that legal/religious structure. Also, so you can be sure you are able to leave in a good position should that become necessary at some future stage.
A relationship should be a choice freely made and maintained, and the only way a choice can be made is to have multiple choices available. I feel you should work to maximise the choices you have available to you, so you know your choice is freely made. I hope this is helpful, and good luck!
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Over the last, I don't know, two weeks? I've written a few confessions down and sent none of them in. They've felt like I've rambled too long, too ranty, or whatever. I always close out. And I've come to the conclusion that is okay. Sometimes you just need to write something down, say something out loud, for the mere reason to get it out of your system. Someone else seeing it may not matter. A lot of the time, I feel better better after some frustration of "not being brave enough" or however the internalized guilt-tripping goes despite being anon. This isn't really an aroace confession, but the majority I have tried to send have been on here. So if you need to whisper something to yourself, do it! If you want to, the whole point is not making yourself uncomfortable. idk.
Some of the confessions I've summarized, in case they relate to someone. I already got them out of my system and I now I just want to share: (this ask is still probably too long and unfocused, I'm sorry.)
Tag. Please. If you don't trust community labels and Tumblr taking down your blog, at least use something. That's just good marketing, right? So people can find what they like easily and people who aren't interested can not see it. (Tumblr, your algorithm is too young and drunk, how many iterations of "smut" do I need to have in my filtered tags and content for you to stop recommending them to me)
I think I'm projecting on a family in-law-to-be with how he described falling in love. I'm more worried that my excuse of "well they're not married and are older than me" will be gone in a few years.
Amatonormativity and heteronormativity are a pain. I should be able to talk to people without feeling like I'm leading them on. I should be able to post about platonic relationships without someone taking it the wrong way.
A happy one :). The one time I came out to a friend they accepted it. No having to awkwardly explain, no "you'll find someone ;)," no nonsense. It was nice.
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chernayavidua · 2 years
your rendition of nat is not as lit as you seem to think for how arrogant and elitist you’ve become. all this petty behavior to fit in with people that are more concerned about aesthetics than writing and friendships. do you feel cool now? the cool kids let you sit with them at lunch. please grow tf up and work on your writing, personality and priorities.
I was 100% going to delete this because I thought it was hate about my portrayal but then it when into stuff about ME... You have the wrong person, Anon. I don't have *friends on here which makes the rp experience very lonely and this is something people do not talk about. Friends are usually the ones that send anons about the person's muse and character development questions etc etc. Friends are the ones who like your posts and hype you up. If you don't have more than 3-4 people who do that, seeing other blogs with 10+ likes or that get memes all the time is hard. It is very discouraging and I've found myself comparing my blog and writing to theirs. But I keep telling myself that having 3-4 people who like my stuff is better than none. Writing with 3-4 only is better than having no one. I do talk to like 4 mutuals on disco but it is always about our character/hot celebs/stuff that is currently draining our muse/keeping us busy and never about other writers/rpers. Also ! Funny thing actually, I have a ranty post in my drafts about tumblr friendships and how I cannot understand them because one minute you're besties and then six months later you're on their DNI with vague posts being made about you all because the situation couldn't be handled in private like adults or things got lost in translation. This, along with a few other scenarios cause me major anxiety.
I don't know what "petty" behavior you're talking about as I keep to myself on here for this exact reason. You either have me confused with someone else or are simply lumping me in with a group that I am wholly unaware of simply because I write with one or two people of said group. I care more about writing than I do about aesthetics. I've made this post and this one along with a few others that I've since deleted where I address my feelings about my own experience on here. Overly saturated icons and heavily formatted replies are in my top 5 rp pet peeves. I'm outing myself here but last week I sent an anon to a mutual praising them for the minimal formatting they use. I love minimal formatting and I’d use the normal size font if it wasn’t so big and ugly. My writing always needs work but my personality and priorities are doing just fine, thank you.
All that aside, I’m sorry someone/a group of people hurt you and or you feel hurt or invalidated by these people. It really sucks. I understand how you feel / have felt very similar ways in my almost 10+ years of rping online, but I can assure you that I am not part of whatever group you are lumping me in. If people are saying I am they're lying. The only advice I can give you anon is block/blacklist and move on.
*the term friends is subjective && everyone has different definitions.
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kisstytea · 2 years
What really got you into music?
This got a little bit ranty under the cut…
Well I’ve always liked music. It’s my taste that’s changed over the years. I used to really like Katy Perry when I was super super little. But my aunt let me listen to Blink-182 and Green Day with her so punk was my music taste for a while. It wasn’t really until middle school that I started getting into rock music. Well, by rock music I mean I listened to emo and nu metal. Until my grandma’s death over the summer, I didn’t really have a deep connection to classic rock (besides KISS and Queen, which I’ve listened to since I was seven). But now whenever I listen to it, it almost feels like part of her is still with me! My love for 70’s and 80’s music is clearly related to her in some way, because the 70’s and 80’s was when she was in the prime of her life. That’s when she was happy. Maybe that’s why I don’t like modern music too, because in the past few years before her death, she wasn’t happy at all. That’s why she… you know.. killed herself. I refuse to listen to anything at all that was produced in May 2022 to now, because these past few months have been really hard to cope through. Because when you lose someone that’s influenced your life, your sense of fashion, your taste of music, your personality and who you are as a person and what you stand to gain, it’s hard to relive the memories of when you learned you’d lost them. My entire existence was because of her, she convinced my mom to not give me up for adoption because she knew that my mom could give me the happiest life I could have, she let me live in her house with my mom until we could finally move out, she didn’t think I was a mistake for being born out of marriage. She was so kind, she never put herself before anyone, even if they hurt her in the past. Before she could deal with her own problems, she wanted to help someone else first. Even up until the day she died, she made it her responsibility to put a smile on someone else’s face, even if it meant she’d never smile again.
So to answer your question anon, what really got me into music? It was my grandma, the woman who introduced me into classic rock in the first place. I want to be like her, I want to make other people happy like she did. And the fact that we both enjoyed the same music makes me even more like her. And I hope that on this blog I’m putting a smile on my follower’s faces.
I’m sorry that got kind of ranty, but that’s the truth. That event of her death really did impact my personality and the way I am.
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Um I love Tobin but that anon is ridiculous, Tobin has never been much of a goal scorer or assister - look at her stats per game played. She’s a defensive forward who has great vision… Reign doesn’t need that. She certainly would help, but her playing more wouldn’t have won them the title. Their biggest problem is they have no good finishers in their team, Tobin isn’t a good finisher. That’s not hate that’s just a fact about the way she plays, she’s a completely different style of forward to what they need.
An opposite but equivalent example would be like saying a PL team needs Trent Alexander Arnold to win the title because they keep leaking goals lol. People may be called “defenders” or “forwards” but have completely different attributes.
Another fair take, imo.
What i got from the rant (sorry anon but you went after everybody 😂 so it was kinda ranty) but what stood out to me about the Tobin comment was not skill based but mentality based.
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asterekmess · 4 years
I think Scott McCall and Jackson Whittemore are more alike than either of them would ever willingly admit out loud. You can see in Scott the need to be a part of the popular crowd, the need to be better, superior, and more important than everyone else. The only difference between them is that Jackson is a decent friend, naturally talented, and didn’t need a werewolf upgrade or to cheat his way into first line to become popular
I mean, Jackson isn’t naturally talented. That was why I liked him actually (and by like I mean, not hate, because he was still a total dickhead). He didn’t have anything special that helped him get to the Co-Captain status, or Captain of the swim team. Not even ‘natural talent’. Jackson worked for what he got. He spent tons of time lifting weights outside of gym and studying lacrosse videos to learn strategies, giving himself insane standards when he practiced lacrosse like trying to hit an itty bitty paint can with the ball. He did a ton of swim practice outside of normal swim too. He put in the work, and he got the results. That’s all canon. We have explicit scenes of him doing those things to get better at what he’s doing. That’s why his parents say he’s so hard on himself. He pushes so hard to be seen and to feel worthy. To keep the tenuous grip he has on worthiness by staying popular. The rest of the time, he fakes it till’ he makes it. We use that phrase so often, but fail to realize that’s exactly what Jackson was doing the entire time. Yeah, he was an asshole about it, but the main thing that people didn’t like about Jackson was his Overconfidence. “I’m everyone’s type.” “Only with actual competition.” And that overconfidence managed to both be Entirely justified -- because Jackson was the best at what he did. He was insanely good at bowling and lacrosse and swimming -- and also a Complete front. We know Jackson doesn’t actually feel like he’s the best, he doesn’t feel successful. He’s terrified all the time.
If we take Lydia and Jackson’s relationship at face value, the way it’s shown in the show? Lydia didn’t fucking help with his issues at all. She constantly made him feel insecure by cheering for other people (and yeah, cheering for other people isn’t inherently cheating or bad, but she specifically did it to upset him, as a warning that someone was getting close to his level)  and by insinuating that he could never ‘go pro’ unless he sunk to taking steroids before the game. By pushing and pushing him in an extremely unhealthy way, and then treating him like a toy when he tried to actually interact with her on her level. She always made out with him like aggressively and the one time he seems to have been the one instigating it (at Lydia’s party in the first episode) she stares at another guy and completely ignores him.
Anyway. What I’m saying is that Jackson is a severely insecure person, who works his ass off to try and stop feeling so insecure, and it makes him Very Talented, even if it doesn’t make him feel better.
That was part of what made his desperation for the bite So Upsetting to watch. When you actually look at it, you can see that to Jackson, the bite is his last chance. The bite is the next and last possible step in him becoming the thing he keeps forcing himself to try to reach. All of his work, and Scott McCall can outdo him in Seconds because he got the bite. Jackson needs the bite to feel like a fucking Person worthy of any kind of affection. You’re telling me he figured out Scott was a werewolf, but he couldn’t figure out that Lydia cheated on him? What the hell do you think that did to him?
Even though Jackson has never tried to take shortcuts in sports, except when openly pressured to by Lydia (and we never actually get told he got that extra shot before the game, so maybe not even then), and suddenly he wants the biggest shortcut in the world. He wants the bite, and he’ll do anything to get it. The kind of fear and anxiety and low self-esteem that must’ve fueled his decision doesn’t negate the horrible things he did, but it does make it a lot harder to hate his guts. He was exactly the same as Erica, Isaac, and Boyd. He was a perfect choice for Derek to give the bite to. Someone who needed what it would give him.
We see when he goes to Peter, drunk and desperate and sad, he doesn’t just want the bite. He wants to be ‘one of you.’ He wants pack and security, and a family he got to choose.
Then he helps kill Peter, not knowing that Derek would take the Alpha spark. As far as he knew, he was destroying any chance at being a werewolf, but it was worth it to stop a killer. To Stop the person who attacked Lydia. To Stop the person who murdered Derek’s family (did you see his face when Stiles told Chris he knew about the fire? Jackson was horrified). He did that Selflessly.
And then Derek became the Alpha and Jackson saw his chance, but he knew he’d already fucked up by pissing Derek off in a dozen ways, so he goes back to him riled up and claims what he is “owed” because he thinks it’s more likely to work than falling to his knees and just begging.
I don’t personally think that Scott and Jackson are at all alike. One of them wanted to be popular for popularity’s sake. The other was driven by fear, anxiety, and insecurity to be popular because it was the only way he could feel validated in being human. One of them was nice to everyone but the people closest to them, the other was nice to only the people closest to them. When push came to shove, One of them disregarded any kind of empathy for the people around them to demand they get what they wanted regardless of the lives that were at stake, and the other gave up his one chance at feeling worthy to stop a monster.
Jackson is a complete asshole, and I’d still pick him over Scott.
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jooniez · 3 years
This is gonna sound so sappy but it's 4am and I'm emotional damn it I think a big reason why I don't mind the shift in bts music/english releases is that their music is personal to them and reflects what they're currently feeling. A lot of their older releases were dark bc they were having a really rough time (hate, self confidence issues, depression, anxiety, fear, identity crisis) and they were coping as best as they can. And if they're feeling happy rn, enough to make sillier, happier songs to spread the joy... well good for them, it makes me happy too :')
Yes I know, separate the art from the artist and all that, and yes, there's always room for constructive criticism, but that's how I feel about the whole thing. As long as they're happy, I'll support them.
that’s a really good point actually and now I’m going to be sappy with you 🥺 I feel like some armys forget about that a lot as well and I hate when ppl pull the ‘I miss the old bts’ because it’s like??? I’m sorry, bts aren’t teenagers anymore .. like they debuted eight years ago .. you realize how much people change in eight years??? especially when you’re moving from teenage years into twenties you’re doing so much growing and changing and for bts as artists of course that means their art and the music they make will change with them!! change isn’t always a bad thing and there’s a difference between experimenting and evolving compared to just making different music because you think it’ll sell better and I think it’s pretty obvious that in bts’s case it’s just them changing and evolving and that’s reflecting in their songs!! but true it’s also important to remember that art is separate from the artist. I mean bts released ly tear which is a dark concept during the time where they were really getting popular globally and sometimes they just do certain sounds because they want to and not necessarily because it’s how they’re feeling at the moment!! Idk my feelings on this whole english singles/korean songs debate is that armys really just need to let people have their own opinions pls!!!! stop policing others feelings and telling them how they should and shouldn’t react or how they need to act in order to be a “real fan”!! I’m really happy seeing bts happy as well and I think it’s great that they’re trying new sounds and challenging themselves by singing in all english but I also just don’t really like permission to dance and that’s okay!! I appreciate the positivity and the message but I just don’t care for the song itself. I mean I’m a fan of bts FOR bts obviously so yeah I would rather listen to lyrics they write rather than lyrics that random english speakers write. bts are incredible lyricists and producers so I would just prefer to hear a song made by them!! armys can dislike stuff bts do but still appreciate them as people and musicians yknow? as fans we aren’t obligated to like every single thing, in fact it’s perfectly normal to not love every single thing!!✨
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raeofgayshine · 4 years
hey i just wanted to mention all the aro and ace stuff youre reblogging really warms my heart, i was recently told that aro/aces dont belong in the lgbtq+ community, i tried to explain but they were not very open minded, this is just a thank you
Hey anon, I’m sorry I didn’t see this before now (yay Tumblr for letting people know when they have asks on mobile). But I’m really glad that whatever I reblogged could help you. Honestly I started on the spree because I was feeling pretty shitty because of those types of people, and I just need to find some positivity and spread it.
Anyone who says that Ace and Aro people don’t belong in the LGBTQIA+ community are wrong.
We belong here, just like everyone else. If you are Ace, or if you are Aro, that is enough. You do not need some other identity tacked on to be considered queer. Because both of those alone are queer use ties. AroAce people are queer, straight Ace people are still queer, straight Aro people, lesbian aces, bi aros, it does not matter. We all belong here.
And if anyone says otherwise, well they can fucking fight me. Because they are wrong. I’ve been queer for 6 years, I’m AroAce, and nothing will ever keep me from belonging in these spaces, even if I have to raise hell in order to make my place.
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marlahey · 6 years
No pressure but I just wanted to ask how part 13 of wsitd is looking? :) xx I love it so much-1
Hi anon! She’s getting there. Very slowly lol. We’re a couple thousand words in and I do have the majority of the part thought out, but I’ve been pretty busy with school and having a hard time with writing lately. Thank you so much though I’m so happy you like it. 
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goatedgreen · 3 years
idk this might be discoursy so you dont need to answe but i keep seeing ppl being crirical to inniters for being confused over no ctommy mention and i think they just entirely miss the point. we arent mad bc our fav hasnt made an appearance, its because they are just ignoring a major part of the plot. ctommy is intrinsically tied to the prison arc and cdream especially, and not even a namedrop feels like ignoring every single plotline ctommy has ever had within these storylines. you cant have a conversation about cdream (therefore the prison as well, ctommy DIED in there you know) without bringing up ctommy. its just a bit frustrating to watch.
i think the imagery i can best use to describe it is the confrontation against sam, chewing his ass out about the prison, and not mentioning ctommy ONCE meanwhile his suicide pole and logstedshire are in the background.
sorry if this is incoherant or a bit ranty, just frustrates me a bit
no anon i completely get this. a c!tommy mention isnt just to appease the inniters, and claiming that they "only care about ctommy and thing everything is about him" is not only inaccurate but also just misconstruing everything we're saying in bad faith
the reason a c!tommy mention would have made sense (esp in sams stream) is because that was literally the most important factor as to why c!dream got put in prison in the first place. its why c!sam hates c!dream to the extent he does: because he is the only one who knows, first hand from c!dream, what happened to c!tommy in exile and in the prison.
to not bring that up at all in an argument between them about c!dream being a bad person feels not only completely out of character for c!sam (he has been the one in the past to mention it the most consistantly) but it also would have served so much more to the weight of the stream to remind the characters and the audience of the part of c!dream which makes him so bad. some of the most horrific actions that c!dream has done were committed against c!tommy, and to have that fade into the background in a position where bringing it up would lend to the plot feels... idk if just feels wrong.
obviously c!sams whole purpose isnt to bring up c!tommy when the plot calls for it, literally no one is saying that and they never have and people claiming that are literally making up people to be mad at, BUT its a disservice to both of their characters to remove one of the major contributing factors to c!sams hate of c!dream.
however overall i will say that i did actually enjoy sam's stream :) i love c!sam as a character and i love how c!dream just doubled down on being The Worst, you could tell that both the CCs were having a lot of fun acting it out, and i dont think this stream was a failure by any means, it just could have been stronger with a ctommy mention imo
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