#Lu sun x reader
mishwanders · 10 months
• Sky • Sun & Moon •
Summary: A prophecy leads to Sky having to find someone willing to be the mother of the Hero’s spirit and to your surprise he chooses you, his moon.
Warnings/tags: AFAB!reader, mention of pregnancy but not in detail, prophecy, poly relationship, older Sky and Sun who already have a kid (Sunflower <3). No smut, safe for everyone.
Author's Notes: oh my god I’m finally getting around to the ideas I had that I’m so completely normal about and not obsessing over. I tweaked a bit more (moving it from kings + queen to village leaders) but that’s okay, the premise still stands. Prepare for lots of symbolism. Written by Mishwanders.
All Sky wanted to do was stay in bed, fast asleep with Sun, snuggling with her and his darling Sunflower in between them until late into the afternoon, but he knew better. As a village leader, he had to get up. There were things he needed to tend to.
Like the prophecy.
Sky silently made his way out of bed and made his way into the next room, dawning on his clothes for the day. He intended to go out and explore the area more, see where they could expand further, what was safer, cull any more of the demons that Demise left behind. It would give him some more time to think about the new situation he’d found himself in, and what he could even do about it.
The spirit of the goddess and the hero would have to be passed down in one way or another. He and Sun had brought life to their darling Sunflower, a little girl who looked just as beautiful as her mother in his eyes, one of the sweetest things to exist in his life, someone he would also give everything for, just as he did for Sun.
But there was also the matter of the hero’s spirit - his spirit, his predecessor's spirit. No matter how many times they had attempted for another, no child would come. It weighed on him heavily. If Demise’s prophecy were true, he knew the evil beast would return in some way, and Sky had to ensure that there would be someone there to stop him and save his goddess everytime.
It was crushing to even think of the possibility of his soul not being there to protect his goddess from Demise. It was a thought he tried not to dwell on too much, for he needed to find a way to pass the spirit down.
After a matter of many long discussions about it, he and Sun decided that he should look for other prospects - someone who would be befitting as the mother to the hero’s spirit. It wasn’t a painful decision, if anything Sun was very hopeful about it. She loved him all the same, just as he did, but prophecy had its way of taking life from those it deemed fit to carry the weight. This was just another weight he had to bear.
At least, that’s what he thought at first.
That all changed when you appeared, an answer to his silent prayers for guidance, the Moon to light his way through the darkness. He hadn’t realized how incomplete he felt without you. No sky could be complete without its Sun and Moon.
It had all happened so abruptly too that day, he was out in the woods, fending off an attack from a crew of no blind when you descended down from the tree above, moving like water through the battle, as swift and precise as a current cutting down the ones at his back. Once it was all over he turned to you, seeing your face come into full view as you removed your hood and mask. Your voice came out with a hint of confused worry as you spoke.
“Commander? What are you doing out here this early?”
He smiled at him, putting away his blade. “I could ask the same of you.”
You put away your weapons as well. “Scouting. I’ve been following these pests for a while now.”
“All on your own?” He asked curiously.
You nodded. “You know I can take care of myself.”
“But you don’t have to. Allow me to assist you, I know the area, I could be of some help.” He replied.
He could see you mulling it over, weighing out the pros and cons before you finally agreed to it. That was good. It meant that he could get closer to you.
He spent many moments with you in the morning out scouting missions, taking out the demons by your side. Your passion and courage knew no bounds, rivaling that of his own, but that wasn’t all. You tended to his injuries with a gentle touch, cared for him in a way he’d only ever seen with Sun, seeing him not just as your commander, but something more. It stirred something within him, his spirit recognizing yours and it longed for you.
Sun had noticed it too, felt the same pull as he had when you entered their home as a guest. They both knew you were the missing piece to them, one they hadn’t realized was missing until now. They both knew it was time to attempt to court you as their love.
Sky continued to do so by spending time with you, growing closer through training and scouting, getting to know you better through the intimate moments he had when he forced your back to the wall with your blades clashed together. He could see the desire in your eyes when he had you this close, but he could also see you fighting it at every turn, pushing him away and attempting another attack.
Sun even made her attempts too, knowing you were more practical than most. She had a pair of sleek daggers made for you, stitched together a sailcloth of your own, even embroidered a tunic for you. All of which you happily accepted, but she noticed the wavering concern in your eyes too, something she intended to address with Sky, and soon.
Before she could though, you had made a move to surprise them both. You had set up a date, a sunset loftwings ride in the sky to an undisclosed location - one you had spied out for a while now. You had taken the lead on your loftwings, guiding them through the pink and violet sky, when the sun and moon hung at the edges of the world. Sun stayed close to you with Sky on the other side, taking in what felt like a picture perfect moment. Both of them were even more surprised when they descended down below the clouds, straight into a secluded area surrounded by trees, a clear pond, and a lovely camp set up. They both looked at it all in awed surprise, to which you chuckled at their reaction.
“I’ve been spying on this location for a while now, it’s completely safe.” You stated, getting off your loftwing. “I thought it was the perfect place for a date.”
Sky and Sun looked between each other and you chuckled at their reaction again. “You two aren’t very subtle. You think I don’t notice when courting is occurring? Besides, it took you two so long to confess your feelings for each other, that an evil demon god had to get involved. I figured it’s not best to risk something like that happening again with you two.”
Sky looked at you apologetically, as if he’d been caught red handed. “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Perhaps. Still doesn’t mean that I don’t have a plethora of questions.” You stated, crossing your arms.
“We’ll be happy to answer them.” Sun replied, taking up to Sky’s side.
“In due time.” You say, moving over to the camp and grabbing three flasks. “But first I think some drinks are in order.”
Sun and Sky follow you, their Moon over to a short cliff side where you all sit together. They’re stationed on either side of you and you hand them their flasks before drinking our own, taking in the sweet taste of the liquid within. There’s a moment of comfortable silence between the three of you as you watch the sunset together, taking in the sounds of the forest, the caw of the birds, the cicadas, the little lightning bugs that were beginning to appear under the trees, the slow movement of the water below you as fish surfaced for food. You took another swig of your flask before finally asking.
“So, why me?”
Sun and Sky both glanced at each other, trying to gauge who would go first in this conversation, but you immediately turned your attention to Sky, whose ears and cheeks pinked as you looked at him.
“Was it your idea or Suns?”
“I - uh - it was kind of a joint idea.” He stated
You looked between them both. “So it was discussed? I’m not going to lie, it makes me feel better knowing that, but uh, again, why me?”
Sun placed her hand in your free one, dragging your attention to her. She smiled at you, her pretty golden locks framing as if she were a picture perfect example of beauty. Her smile and voice knew how to draw you in. “Because we didn’t know what we were missing in our life until recently, in our little family. We both care about you so much that we want you to be a part of it as well.”
Sky’s voice pulled your attention away from her and to him. “We both feel something for you, something that’s much deeper than even I fully understand. But above all of that, we both love you.”
Those words took you off guard as your mouth hung open in surprise. “You love me?”
You felt Sky’s hand on your back and Sun hand gently squeezing your other hand before he replied, “We do. We wouldn’t know what we’d do without our Moon.”
The nickname made your heart swell, they had already been drawing you into them for much longer than they realized. “I guess I should confess too that I’ve had feelings for you both. I’ve been conflicted, however. I didn’t want to be the divide in your happy relationship, but when I noticed you both making efforts to get closer to me, I figured this would be the best way for me to do so as well - or at the very least have somewhere that you could have fought this out without everyone else seeing it.”
“Did you think we were cheating on each other?” Sky asked
“I mean - not necessarily? It was a bit of a toss up there for a moment on what was happening since neither of you made mention of it.” You stated
“That’s fair, maybe we weren’t the best as we’d hopped on making a confession earlier.” Sun replied
“But I’m happy we’re here now, together. I love you two.”
You could see the glimmer in Sun’s eyes as she rested her head on your shoulder, feel the warmth of Sky’s lips on your temple as he kissed you, settling in closer together. It was a nice moment between the three of you, quiet and relaxed now that the issue of courting was out of the way. Sky gazed down at you two, happy to have you both at his side.
He was happy. Happier than he’d ever been.
Well, almost.
The months after were spent with the three of you tangled up together, enraptured in the other, unable to be pulled away from the other. It was the moments when he had both of you in his arms when he felt the happiest, right before he dozed off to sleep.
The next happiest would be when he was told that he would be a father. Twice.
His sweet little Sunflower was his beautiful blessing sprung out of pure adoration, but his little Starlight was the light of his eye, his strong little warrior whose courage knew no bounds, just like himself and his mothers. Sky felt as if his heart would burst with all the love he had for his family, how much adoration he had for each and every one of them.
Yes, prophecy may have forced his hand, but if he had to choose once more? He’d choose each of you again and again and again, until the end of time.
For the Sky could not be the same without his Sun and Moon. He could not live a single day without seeing them and his darling Sunflower and his courageous Starlight.
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isasan347 · 3 months
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chainbakery · 1 year
Oooh, can I request horror centric yandere headcanons for Poly Sky and Sun or TimeMalon?
note; it’s been a long while since i last wrote yandere hcs! and the first time i’m doing it horror centric, too, so i hope you like it! time and malon already have some yandere hcs here tags; tw for manipulation and yandere characters (no blood nor actual murder), established triad (polyam) and unhealthy relationships.
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As yanderes, Sun and Sky would be a terrifying duo.
Who would even consider that the mortal incarnation of the goddess and her chosen hero would have such obscure thoughts? They have a perfect mask, especially with the fact that they have a pretty good relationship with everyone in Skyloft.
To make it worse, they love each other as much as they love you, and make a terrific team to make sure you will stay with them.
Sky is a delusional and overprotective yandere, thinking that you’re just joking when you exclaim that you don’t love him, that you hate him. He doesn’t understand your humor, but he knows that you love him, you just aren’t good with words. Although you have felt the way his grip tightens around your wrist when you yell about how creepy he’s being.
He won’t ever left you alone. What if some creature appeared to kidnap you? Maybe something like what happened to Sun could happen to you! He insists it’s for your own good. Holding hands with him it’s more like being handcuffed.
Sun is also a delusional type, but also manipulative. She knows how to make you stay with the two of them, or at least make you hesitate. Planting the seed of hesitation, she knows it’s a matter of time before you come back to them. She’s sure you love them too much to stay away, don’t you?
But it’s more about the way others avoid you for all the things she’s innocently spread about you unknown reasons, leaving you feeling completely abandoned, and craving the attention from the two that promised to never stop loving you.
They try to make it look like a healthy, happy relationship, and everyone would believe this mask of theirs. Although, in their heads, it is a healthy relationship.
Both are relatively harmless when it comes to causing physical harm besides some bruising caused by how hard they grab you sometimes, but most of what makes them terrifying comes from how they can make you depend on them.
They would make you betray your own brain. You know that you should stay away, that all those smiles and soft praises are just appearances, hiding the fact that they’re trying to chain you to them. Hiding how many awful things they would do if you were to try to fully escape from their grasp.
Sun has it easy to make comments about you, acting all oblivious and making others believe her. Why would such a sweet girl lie? And so, you’d only have her and her lover to stay with you.
There aren’t many people you can talk to in the first place, and hylians are social creatures, so you’d end up walking to them, answering them even if you tried to avoid it, and that’s enough for Sun to get you to feel comforted with a smile. Once again, you’d be caught in their web.
Even though Sky asks you if he can join whenever you’re going out, he’d stalk you if you say no. Following you from a distance so you won’t notice, but close enough to be able to hear you should you talk to someone. And, depending on the person, he might tell Sun about it. They can’t have you finding comfort anywhere else.
And, if you ever managed to ignore Sun’s words and escape from Sky, it’d be useless. The Master Sword would guide him to you, just as it did when he was looking for his blonde lover during his adventure.
No matter how fast you run or how well you hide, they would find you, even if you ran to the end of the world.
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servamp234 · 2 days
Random record of ragnarok idea
What if the student/successor of sunwukong participated in Ragnarok to save humanity?
Did I watch too much lego mokie kid?Yes
Have I been reading too many yandere fanfics?Also yes
Edit:I made the book as an oc one(I write better when it's an oc thing)
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
— newcomer
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pairing: dark!luke castellan x childofaphrodite!reader
summary: luke becomes quite infatuated with you, the newcomer of the camp.
tw: obsession, stalking, distancing from friends, intimidation, luke is like deep in love, my horrible attempt at describing love? kinda lovebomby, mentions of violence/luke attacking others
word count: 1k words
a/n: my second pjo fic! i think percy is next 👀 - i don’t think i outright described a female reader, let me know if i did so i can change it!! i i’m going to try and be more inconspicuous with genders to fit all ❤️
right from the start, luke could tell there was something special about you.
of course he was to introduce himself to the new kids but for once he wanted to meet you. with a warm smile and his reassuring words, you were made to feel at home quite quickly.
you’d thought of luke being friendly in general before learning of the hermes cabin and his welcoming nature, but it didn’t seem to change anything between the two of you. luke was an excellent guide in your eyes, helping you settle into your new life, you were undeniably thankful for him.
he was a pitstop for many, if not all campers once they entered the place, a familiar face to help them all. but for you he seemed to go above and beyond. he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible, and he believed himself to be the key in your life at camp half-blood to happiness. you made him happy.
your bright smile and endearing personality melted his heart, you were a breath of fresh air and he couldn’t wait to bask in it.
even after you were claimed, by aphrodite nonetheless, you stuck around. it made sense to him, you were the most breathtaking person he’d ever seen. whether it was a smile from afar or a long conversation, you always made it a point in your day to spend time with him.
you wouldn’t do that for nobody now would you?
no, your sweet self was kind, especially to him. you liked him, like he liked you, and he’d be damned if he let you go.
you seemed to be the only person who didn’t notice his disdain towards those around you. the way he’d linger around the ares boy who’d been chatting you up at breakfast, the same boy who’d been attacked from behind during capture the flag, suffering a nasty slice on his back.
or how he’d humiliated one of your friends during archery, correcting their stance, taunting their attempts to hit the bullseye, throwing them off and laughing at them when they missed. it was all in good fun, right?
he was like a shadow, unwavering and lurking.
it wasn’t uncommon to find luke a few metres away from wherever you were. to find him accompanying you to dinner, to find the two of you practicing together early in the morning, alone, to focus better of course. slowly but surely he wriggled his way back into your life, all consuming and prominent.
until it was seen as odd to find you alone.
seemingly tied together, woven, meant to be. you completed him, you made him feel alive. you made luke feel electric, on fire almost. your presence and touch began to comfort him most, your voice being the only one to bring him down.
and when you were taken from him, whether by others or in general, he was unbearable.
the shining luke castellan crumbled without his support. he needed you, depended on you, like fire and oxygen, plants and sunlight, a song and dance. you kept him going, you filled his life with purpose, he wasn’t luke castellan, son of hermes, counseller, confidante, friend.
he was lu, he was yours, he was your ‘sunshine’.
and as if he wasn’t already insatiable with you as his friend, when you’d admitted your crush on him, luke was on a whole other level.
“lu,” he hummed, turning his head your way, “i want, i need to tell you something.” the soft grass, the warm sun and gentle breeze, they all calmed his erratic heart. what did you have to say? he despised the idea of not knowing what you were thinking.
luke waited with bated breath, his nails digging into his palm, pressure building, his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, not that you’d notice, he wouldn’t let you. “what is it sweetheart?” the two of you were sitting now, previously laid next to eachother on the picnic blanket.
“i think, i think i like you.”
and how could you not?
luke was the epitome of a gentleman, the kindest man you’d ever met. he made you feel special, you could always rely on your sunshine. in the months the two of you had known each other, it seemed he now knew you like the back of his hand. what you liked, what you disliked, the places you wanted to go and the places you’d been. you’d bared your soul to him, and you could only pray he loved you as you did him.
he was your strength, your courage, your friend, even if you hoped for more. he’d been there for you since the start, and you’d be forever grateful. so why not raise your relationship? fully commit to the one person who knew everything?
he’d crafted himself to be yours, to be everything you could ever wish for, as you were for him. luke had been waiting for your complete devotion, and he had it now, no one could make him let go. people often came and went in his life, leaving him in the past, he often felt taken advantage of, he gave up on the idea of someone to stay.
but you’d stay, blind with devotion and poisoned by his love, who on earth and in the heavens could treat you better than him?
your loyal luke.
“well i have a secret for you, only you.”
your eyes lifted to meet his, a small smile on your lips, “tell me luke,” his hand reached for yours, “what’s your secret?” your favourite flower, suddenly pulled from behind your head, placed behind your ear.
“i love you too.” he surged forwards, capturing you by surprise.
was this bliss? is this what it felt to be in love?
luke was intoxicating, his strong hands and loving voice, it consumed you. it was all so much, and it was all you’d ever wanted.
but a small voice in the back of your head was prominent.
you’d never said a single thing about love.
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angelicsoka · 3 months
❛ he so likes her! ❜ wiru quinn and jack noticing luke is crushing
PROM NIGHT, l. hughes
part two <3
word count | 832 words
pairings | luke hughes x best friend!reader, platonic!jack & quinn hughes x reader
summary | luke’s brothers notice his crush on his best friend
prompt | ❛ he so likes her! ❜
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. mutual pining. reader and luke are oblivious. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | i’ve been trying to write but i have very little motivation, but here's this! might make a part two if the people want it :)
being in love with your best friend was horrible. knowing he didn’t feel the same was down right torturous. at least, you assumed he didn’t feel the same.
luke hughes had been your best friend since sixth grade, when one of his buddies cruelly pushed into a locker as you had walked past. luke, angered by his friend’s actions, proceeded to shove him into a locker before going to check on you. the rest was history.
you were the golden retriever to his black cat, the sun to his moon, his ride or die. you two had been through thick and thin together, somehow managing to stay friends when no one else thought you would. 
unbeknownst to you both, jack and quinn had a bet going on how long it would take for one of you to admit your feelings for the other. a bet that had been placed after your senior prom, a night you could never forget.
it was chilly as you sat outside the gymnasium, no longer caring about dirtying up your dress, the night already ruined. you had found your date with his lips locked with another girl, but that wasn’t what hurt the most: it was seeing your best friend slow dancing with girl; a girl that wasn’t you. 
you wiped at the angry and jealous tears as they streamed down your rosy cheeks, angry at yourself for being jealous, angry at yourself for falling for the one boy you could never have.
“hey, there you are! we’ve been look– are you okay?” luke poked his head out the door, concern growing when he noticed the tears that stained your rosy cheeks. you were quick to wipe the remaining tears as luke walked out, letting the door shut behind him. he joined you on the curb as you tried to get rid of the evidence that you had been crying, but it was too late.
“i’m fine, lu. go back in there, have a good time. i’m gonna head home, i’m not feeling the greatest.” you felt guilty about lying to your best friend, not only about not feeling well, but about your feelings.
“you are a terrible liar, you know that?” you couldn’t even look him in the eyes. “fine, don’t tell me, but at least let me drive you home.” you attempted to argue, but luke was stubborn. you both were.
“i don’t want you to miss out on the fun.” you said as luke guided you to his car.
“eh, i wont be missing any fun when the life of the party is in my passenger seat.” luke attempted to entice a smile out of you but it just sent a pang to your heart. “plus, i’d rather hang out with you.” he shrugged.
“what about your date?” 
“oh, she snuck off to make out with ex.” you shot him a look of pity, luke shrugging it off as he backed out. “i knew she was using me to make him jealous, but honestly i don't care.” you knew though that luke was hurt by it, at least more than he was letting on. the rest of the ride was silent, your eyes trained out the window until luke drove right past your house.
“luke, you just passed my house.” you looked to your best friend, eyebrows furrowed.
“i know. i figured we could watch a movie.” you internally groaned. he was not helping you get over this crush, that was for sure. still, you went along, following him into the house when you arrived. 
it was late, his parents still out wherever they had gone, and quinn and jack were somewhere around the house. you accepted the sweats and shirt luke offered you, going to change out of your dress. when you entered the living room, luke had already picked out your favorite movie and was microwaving popcorn. you sat on the couch, cuddling into a blanket he had laid out.
luke joined you moments later, handing you the bowl of popcorn and taking a seat next to you. he started the movie, but you couldn’t focus, not with him as close as he was to you.
soon, the tiredness began to take over, your eyes drooping. it wasn’t long before luke heard soft snores coming from you, your head resting on his shoulder. it brought a smile to his face as he too began to fall asleep. that was how quinn and jack found the both of you; luke’s head rested against yours which was on his shoulder. quinn placed a blanket over you both, before taking a picture of you, a smile on both your faces.
“he so likes her.” jack snickered, quinn nodding along.
“i bet you fifty bucks he tells her first.” quinn whispered as he sent the picture to his parents who were rooting for you two to get together.
“make it a hundred but it’ll be her.” they shook on it before you leaving you to rest.
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Masterlist Here
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Synopsis: Luffy is hungry, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He doesn’t care where it happens, how it happens, or what exactly happens - all he cares about is the who and when. The who is you, and the when is right now and until his hunger is fully satisfied.
Warnings: Luffy x afab!reader, established relationship, no gendered terms used, NSFW, smut, overstim, Luffy is hungry, Luffy is eating, Luffy is persuasive, Luffy is dominant - do not read if you are not fond of Luffy in this way, afab!reader, without plot, no penetration, oral afab!reader receiving, MDNI it's not meant for you.
Notes: This is a gift for my moot-wife, @sordidmusings. In light of the post directly below this one, this is without much plot at all.
Tag List: @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @cinnbar-bun @vespidphoenix @i-am-vita @sexc-snail @since-im-already-here sssssssorry...
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Fingers absentmindedly sought out the scalp of your captain, his head reclining in your lap, his straw-hat lying beside you both while enjoying the mild heat of the afternoon. You hummed a small melody, joining your other hand in his dark curls and tugging lightly on a few key locks. You soothed his skin, fingers circling down and massaging the scruff of his neck and behind his ears. 
As you both sat on the top deck of The Sunny, enjoying the cries of gulls and crashing waves against the wooden hull, you felt the creak of wooden slates dipping slowly as Luffy turned in your lap. Placing his hands on the floor, his knees rising beneath him to hoist his body up: he slowly stalked towards you. Before you even turned your head to acknowledge this change in demeanor, you knew the sight that was awaiting you. When he prowled that slowly toward you, he was a beast consumed with a lust that was truly insatiable. 
He was ravenous.
There was nothing you could do about him when he got in this mood but take what you were given, with a smile on your face and a hot flush swelling in your cheeks. You elected not to look at him, angling your face away as he prowled on all fours towards you across the wooden planks lining the floor beneath you.
“Luffy,” you shot him in a warning tone, “We’re on the deck.” You heard a soft humming melody from the kitchen, along with a small stream of cigarette smoke wafting from the kitchen bay window. A clack of bolts and powders shifted from a metal cylinder into a glass orb, Usopp’s latest craft being siphoned into a bolt.
“Don’t care,” he growled in a feral growl, his hot breath tickling at your shoulder as his grabby hands pulled at the hemline of your shirt, “‘M hungry.” A clatter of a porcelain teacup meeting its dish had your attention splitting over to the tangerine grove aboard the ship, a wisp of Robin’s ebony hair blowing in the gentle breeze and reflecting the risen sun. 
“Luffy,” you again uttered, shifting your body away from his and scuttling over to the mast, “Someone will see.” A small coughed grunt littered the air, a rumbly snore following as Zoro rolled onto his side: blissfully and soundly slumbering while basking in the sun. 
“Hungry,” he repeated, his arms surrounding your shoulders and caging you against the base of the crowsnest. You squeaked as his lips connected to the exposed point of your neck. A trail of desperate nips, licks, and bites littered your collar, pulse and jaw. 
“Luffy,” a breathy call of his name pricked his ears and encouraged him to continue peppering your body with insatiable kisses. “Luffy, somewhere else. Anywhere else. Please, Lu.”
“No, ‘please, Lu’,” he taunted, his lips curling into a taunting smile as he continued to consume your flesh, “Please, you. Need you. Please, please.” His mocking chant growled at you, “‘M so hungry.” The way his lips hummed against your throat, the way his eyelashes fluttered into your skin, every aspect of his insatiable touch shot sparks into your flesh and raised your follicles to stand alert in anticipation. 
When Luffy said he was “hungry,” like this, you knew it was never a hunger for food. Although his appetite for meat was vast, when he said “hungry,” in this tone, what he truly meant was: “hungry for you.” 
“Lower decks?” you breathily sighed at him, his lips curling in contact further against your skin, “Bedroom, bathroom, the map room, Lu,” you listed, inching away from him in a last ditch effort to halt his advance, “Anywhere, but here.” 
Luffy hissed out a dark chuckle into your neck, nuzzling the flesh with his nose and grinning into your throat. He pressed a chaste kiss against the center of your throat before rising to his feet, hoisting you into the air, and throwing you over his shoulder. 
“Knew ya’d see it my way,” Luffy chuckled, his palm meeting swiftly against your ass cheek in a crisp clap before pawing at the flesh below, “I’m gonna eat ‘ya until you’re all dopey in the head,” his chuckle grew darker, his voice lowering in that feral rumble you knew meant trouble. 
“You’re gonna sit back and take it until I say you’re done,” his tone turned serious the longer he walked below decks, kicking the door to crew quarters open with his heel, “Gonna’ have ‘ya regrettin’ stopping me and makin’ me wait.” 
As soon as the door clicked behind you, your clothes were flung from your body and piled in careless heaps on the floor. Your body was flung onto the mattress, Luffy’s arms hooking over your thighs and raking you down to the bed where his famished lips awaited you. 
He was ravenous.
Your left hand clapped over your lips, your eyes widening almost beyond their natural capacity, and pupils going black as your world came crashing down around you. Your toes curled, thighs shaking and caging Luffy’s head deep against your gushing pussy, writhing and squirming against his face as his tongue greedily lapped your glistening core. 
Luffy was a messy eater, a common feat he wore as a badge of honor each time he ate like this. If his face was not covered by your slickened arousal from the sheer number of times he had you whimpering and sobbing for him, he would not stop until it was. 
Lips, nose, tongue, chin and teeth were bobbing, weaving and slobbering over your throbbing cunt. Your stiff clit was prodded, sucked, nosed at, rubbed, and licked: Luffy’s saliva mixing with your slick juices and coating his face and your thighs with its sheen. As he paid attention to your quivering entrance, pistoning his moist muscle in and out with the precision you had seen showcased with his heavy punches in battle, he growled into your core. 
“L-Luffy p-please. No more, please,” you begged him, writhing and grinding against his head in an attempt to pull away. His arms caged you in, feeling the way your walls gripped and beckoned him in with its throbbing and squeezing. 
“Nuh-Uh,” his muffled voice taunted you, his lips open and mouth wide as he slurped and bobbed his head. Luffy’s eyes rolled back as another wave of your arousal snapped, an orgasm coaxed and ripped from your body with a particularly sloppy circle of his tongue over your aching bud. He continued rolling his tongue, repeating that movement as you screamed his name. 
He was ravenous.
Your hands flew to his hair, gripping onto the curled locks and holding his face against your throbbing core as your hole clenched in an attempt to draw in further contact. It was hypnotizing Luffy with its rhythmic summoning, calling his name in a beckoning chant of fluttering walls as waves of release washed over your body. 
After fully riding through your high, your body fell limp in his arms. Each part of you felt empty of substance: your lungs, your mind, your pussy - everything numb and dumb of all thoughts as the hazy fog swelled throughout your afterglow. 
“One more, ‘kay? One more and I’m done,” Luffy panted, his eyes dark with his pupils black to cover his caramel orbs, “Just one more,” he kissed at your thigh, “I need one more from you. Just one more, and I’ll be all full.” You had no energy to move your lips, no air in your lungs to form words as you felt him maneuver your body up onto the bed further. He flipped you over, ass up and shoulders firm against the mattress as he dove in behind you. 
He slunk you down into the bed, hooking his arms around your ass beneath your thighs, as he rocked you against his face from behind. Laying his torso down onto the bed, his clothed cock made twitching contact against the mattress as he felt your walls flutter around him. He moaned into your pussy, thrusting his tongue into your entrance while using his chin to stimulate your clit. 
You couldn’t take much more, exhaustion hanging over you as no words strung into cohesive sentences. Babbling his name, mewling and keening for him, as he ate you from his position behind your body, had tears prick at the corners of your eyes and threaten to spill through another release. Your body responded almost against your will, your aching cunt rocking against his chin as his tongue fucked into you. 
Luffy’s ravenous appetite was insatiable, him eating at the sweetest nectar he had ever sampled while subconsciously rutting into the mattress at each drag of his tongue against your walls. You cried for him, shoulders shaking as you felt the tight swell within your stomach threaten to teeter over the edge again. Your brain fog had each moment seeming as if it were to be your last as Luffy spat and slobbered against you. 
His deep growls vibrated through your walls, his soft hum hitching as his knob ground beneath him. His precum beaded at the slit of his cock, his veins throbbing and velvetty shaft desperately thrashing and grinding against the mattress as he felt you near your release. You whimpered for him, hands gripping the fabric of the mattress and squeezing the material hard enough for it to fray. 
“L-Luffy I-I-... ngmm-a-ahhh-... I-I’m g-g-,” you couldn’t make it through your sentence, lightning striking within your stomach as you ground against his face. Your toes curled and legs shook with every radiant shock sourced from your clit to your spine, stomach, eyelashes and down your legs. You gushed in his face, mixing your arousal with his saliva connecting to his tongue in hot strings. 
Moaning into your fluttering walls, Luffy’s cock wept through his shorts as hot ropes of sticky cum shot through his throbbing slit. His eyes rolled back at the taste of your cunt, propelling a long and encumbering orgasm to shudder through his own body. He ground his understimulated cock against the bed, shifting and stuttering through his orgasm as he held onto the flesh of your ass more. 
As you both rode through your bliss, Luffy licked another stripe along your overstimulated walls, a flutter from your entrance enticed him to kitten-lick another small kiss against your bud. Flipping you onto your back, he was mesmerized by your flushed cheeks and puffed lips, bruised by the amount of times you stifled your more violent cries within your mouth. 
“O-One more?” Luffy asked, kissing your thighs and nodding against your groin, “One more, okay? Just one. One more and I’m done.” His dark eyes glowed up at you, his face coated with the glistening sheen of your arousal smearing over his lips, nose, cheeks and chin. His greedy smile rose against his damp cheeks as your hands reached for his, lacing your fingers in between each of his digits. 
He couldn’t get enough. He loved you like this. His appetite sprung up once more, leaning down and beginning the slow and sensual roll of his tongue against your body: consuming more of your essence until he drank his fill and stifled his hunger.  He was ravenous.
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suguru-getos · 4 months
| Bully!Satoru Gojo x F!reader | Part 3 |
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Part I, II
Summary: You had just transferred schools, and your first day was an encounter with your new bully. He’s mean, terrifically hot & absolutely a menace. Though there’s more to that personna.
Chapter Summary: After taking an off from school, you are back & Satoru is hovering around you like a looming threat. Suguru is there to defend you this time, but with your rage spiralling, you couldn’t help but ruin the two weeks of you being amicable.
Warnings: Bully!Mean!Satoru ofc, but hey he’s a pookie at heart & he’s contemplating whether to stop!! ✋ Reader-chan snapped in this chapter, soft Sugu<3
Comment down below if you want to be tagged ^^ New chapter comes out every week!
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Satoru feels upset and sick to his stomach, as someone who can be often used to people grovelling for him, being scared of him, and just respecting him as the honored one. You weren’t doing any of those and yet, you were suffering all the same. Any other girl would have chosen the easy way out, what does it need really? Apologize? Cry a little? Why aren’t you doing that?
All he could see was you going back home, the summer sun not being kind to you as you drag your feet back, after carrying his school bag for him. Suguru isn’t talking to him either. He simply said he doesn’t like to associate with feminine men who want to proclaim their ego more than their humanity. Boy that fucking stung & Satoru told Suguru to piss off before he’s beaten to a pulp. It’s not how Satoru was treating you which was a problem for him, he never hoped it would drag so much. All his blinding rage of the moment is fading off easy. He couldn’t drag this for a month for the life of him.
People love hanging out with Satoru also, despite whatever worshipping there is — he still has friends. This is surely one of the reasons they lurk around despite his intrinsic, domineering brattitude. He rolled his eyes upon realizing that he’s been standing there watching you walk away & scoffs, going inside.
Your shoulders hurt but you know his and your home is too far. You decide to use whatever pocket money you have to book a cab and leave home. Once you’ve reached, of course there are questions. Questions from your mum who’s calls you ignored. “Where were you? Why are you coming home from a fucking cab?” She snarled, raising a brow at your tired features. Your parents are normal, not too supportive not too toxic. However, normalcy when you’re imposed with external toxicity sounds toxic. Or maybe they just were… toxic. How would you decide either way? It’s not like you’ve taken trial periods of new parents to come to a decision.
“Sorry; head hurts. I’ll be in my room.” You dragged yourself across the expensive marble flooring of your home. You weren’t poor, per se… you just weren’t made privileged either.
Once you reached home, you sighed, back laid across the mattress and staring out into space. The sight of you drenched in cold water, the way your shoulders have red markings of the bag straps, all because you threw some gravy over the fucking bastard! You grit your teeth, jaw clenching. Fuck you hate him.
You hate that you’re crying again, tears and frustration bubbling in your eyes as you sniffled. Leaning your forehead against the mattress and curling up. You want to kick his ass so bad. If only this parental thing wasn’t involved…
The next day you’re not in school, your period had been unbearably shitty & so was your mental health along with migraines. The next day either, and not even the day after. Satoru is getting restless every day, walking to your class and seeing your seat vacant, walking away. Why the fuck does he not have your number? Why the fuck does it even matter… did he make you leave the school? Nah- why would you leave the school it wasn’t that bad right?
It was Friday again, four days of you not being here… you really thought maybe he would count this in the month? It’s almost two weeks over! Then again, Satoru Gojo would just push it for another four days of you serving him because you were absent. When you enter the school premises, you take a long breath, alright. No biggie, he’s just an annoying bully with Daddy’s money in his pockets.
The moment you enter, you find him lurching towards you, a beaming smile with black glasses. He looks so beautiful if he wasn’t so fucking shitty. You looked up at him and before he could say anything, “I was sick, even in companies and where you work, people are allowed to be sick. You can’t really extend the number of days because I was sick. That’s h-how it normally happens.” You mustered, defensive in your stance.
Oh… wow. He was just here to say hello, ask where you were and that if he had been too annoying that you decided not to come to school. Satoru was going to be nicer. Again, broken a little because you think so shitty of him. Not that he cares… he doesn’t… he— doesn’t…. Does he?
“Yeah, yeah I get you; damn do I scare you that much?” He chuckled, hands in his pockets. You knew you couldn’t say any of the twenty ass biting replies that you had logged at the back of your tongue. “Yeah, you’re my highschool nightmare, Gojo san.” You hummed, walking away.
He’s shamelessly following you, holding your wrist. “Didn’t say I was finished, did I?” His playfulness is gone, replaced by something carnal, icy again. You only manage to shake your head no. “Four days at home got you forgetting how to act right, hm?”
Satoru leaned down, making eye contact with you. You glanced at him back, pouting helplessly and shaking your head no. “Just- didn’t think you need me.”
He didn’t really plan on it, he just wanted to have a conversation! Why were you sick? His stomach was turning upside down at the thought of you handling Japan’s heat at 3 PM that Monday. He could’ve asked if you wanted some water… fuck this. He made this bet to make you suffer & you were suffering. What’s the problem really?
The problem was he wasn’t an asshole he pretended to be… and he didn’t think this would drag so long. Haven’t you seen other girls? They fawn over him endlessly, buzzing around him & always eager to have a speck of his attention. This is what makes him pissed off, again.
“You think a lot for someone who’s as dumb as you.” He chuckled, jabbing at your self respect once more like it’s free reign. “Sorry, tell me what is it you need from me?” You just ignore everything he says and focus on one goal. For this hellish month to end so you are free from Satoru Gojo’s clutches. Though with the way he talks to you, it does seem like you could handle your mother taunting you for months about how stupid you are after giving him the money. At least… she’s blood.
“Hey” the next voice that echoed was Suguru. He was the best friend who was around him of course. You remember his gaze, it wasn’t pity towards you when Satoru practically bore you naked in the cafeteria by spilling water over your white shirt. It was rage, subjected for Satoru & Satoru alone.
Satoru raised his brow, “Don’t interfere where you’re not needed, Suguru.” He snapped, while the latter only smiled in an annoyingly calm manner. “Wasn’t talking to you.” He simply answered your bully, looking at you. “Welcome back, I thought you had left the school.” He smiled, giving you the same popsickle that Satoru had you fetch.
You didn’t take it from him, why is he so hell bent on making things worse for you? Though his act of kindness doesn’t go unnoticed. It was like rain on lava. Bubbling emotions rushing down as you couldn’t help but blink furiously to evade the tears you find coming. “N- no, I’m uh… okay. I was just sick.” You managed, gnawing at your lip and wanting the world to swallow you whole. People on their way to classes were already seeing you between the two hot-shots of the school.
“So you can cry huh?” Satoru laughed, almost in disbelief. This is what he wanted didn’t he? Anything said by Suguru which made you emotional had you snap back instantly. “Do you need anything from me or can I go to class?” You say with such hatred it’s truly shocking.
“Yeah, write one thousand times that you will not leave my side until I’m not finished talking.” Satoru says simply, oh he’s pulling off Suguru’s rage on you now.
“You don’t have to do shit- it’s-” before Suguru could say anything else, you nodded. “Mkay. Can I go to class now?”
Satoru gnawed at his lip, he didn’t want today to be like this. He really thought he could make some progress. “Yeah, handwriting can’t be shitty or you rewrite.” He pushed your boundaries once more, hoping to earn a reaction out of you yet again.
“Understood.” You nodded, walking away. Just two more weeks… just, two more weeks.
During the lunch time, you go to him naturally. “Heh, shouldn’t she sit on the floor?” One of his classmates smirked when you walked to him. Oh?
“Shouldn’t you lay down on the floor?” You asked him, before launching a kick right at his face, knocking him unconscious as he dropped down. Wow… everyone was stunned, including Gojo Satoru. Another reminder that he only has you on a leash because he played dirty, another reminder that you are different.
He snickered, of course he wouldn’t chide you for kicking some random asshole’s ass? He would’ve done the same. How he treats you is his problem. Though, you’re pissed, “This is what I didn’t want.” You looked at him, gritting your teeth. “You treating me like shit gives other people the right to treat me like shit.”
You were… wrong. This wouldn’t end after a month? What were you even thinking? There would be other people who would rise up after him to bother you. “I’ll get you the fucking money to shove far up your pathetic ass.” Here you go, losing it again…
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0-animelover-0 · 5 months
Summary: So'lek was protective before but now that his little mate is pregnant, he grown even more protective.
(So'lek x Human!Reader)
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Warnings: pregnancy, possessiveness, fear of losing child, mentions of birth
kelku = home
ma'tìyawn = my love
Angstik = The hammerhead titanothere
Tulkun = large marine species native to the oceans of Pandora
Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu = I love you my little warrior
You think So'lek was protective before but as soon as he found out that you were pregnant with his child he became 10X more protective. He always has his hands on your waist or stomach. He also refuses that you go places alone.
One day So'lek arouse from his sleep and you weren't next to him. Panicking, he got up and grabbed his bow. He ran out only to be met with you laying in the hammock just outside of the kelku. Sighing in relief, he leaned his bow against the entrance and walked over. “Good morning, ma'tìyawn.”
You looked at him from the hammock and smiled. "Good morning."
You could see that some of the worry still remained on So'lek's face as he looked at you. He walked into the hammock and got in next to you, wrapping his arms around you holding your pregnant belly protectively. "Don't scare me like that again."
You can notice that as he is breathing in the smell of you, he seems relieved that you are still alright and not in line of potential danger.
You smiled at the way his tension left his shoulders. He sighed as you put a hand over his that rested on your rounded stomach. "I'm sorry, I just thought sunlight would be nice."
He looked up at you with a warm smile on his face as you placed your hand over his. His ears and tail flinched at the sun's bright light that broke through the leaves over head. "It is, but I do not want to lose you. Not now with the new life you are carrying within you."
You chuckled softly, honestly finding his words amusing. "Ma So'lek, I am only a few feet away from the kelku. I will be alright."
He groaned in annoyance as he was beginning to get annoyed with your playful attitude towards his overprotectiveness. "I know that you would be but I do not want to take the risk. You are not only my mate but you are the mother of my child. I will not take any chances whatsoever."
His ears continued to twitch at the sound of his own words.
You knew you couldn't change his mind on it, once his mind was set, he was determined. Like a stubborn Angstik. "I know."
He looked down at you with his pretty green eyes. Even if he is trying to be stern with you he is still having a hard time fighting back the urge to pull you close and hug you. He takes a deep breathe before he finally speaks to you in a gentle yet firm tone. "Please do not go far from the kelku from now on until you give birth."
You fingers intertwined with his. You knew you couldn't promise anything like that. You would loose your mind and become restless. Your lips touched his cheek and then kissed along his jawline. "You know I can't promise that."
He growled in annoyance at the thought of you not keeping the promise he requested from you. He also grumbled at the thought of other Na'vi men seeing you outside of his protection. He was starting to get possessive.
"Why not? Your health and my child is at risk the further you go from the kelku. What reason could you possibly have to go far away from here?"
"I have people and duties in Hometree. You know that." You told him with your gentle tone of voice.
So'lek thought for a moment about what you said. It was true that you did have responsibilities and people to look after back at Hometree but he couldn't fight this protective instinct anymore. He was already too worried and anxious about losing you and the unborn child.
"Then I will be coming with you. I don't want to lose you or our child. I will protect you and keep you close to me."
You smiled at his decree. At least you wouldn't be cooped up at your home. "Alright, I have no objections."
He let out a relieved groan and pulled you closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. This made him feel so much better now that he knows that he can still keep an eye on you while you attend to those matters at Hometree.
"It's settled then. I will make sure to keep a close eye on you and keep you safe from any danger."
A few minutes passed and you slowly stroked your big stomach that would soon hopefully birth a strong child for your mate. "How much longer do you think?"
So'lek looked down at you and took note of how big your stomach had gotten. This baby must be growing at an extraordinary rate. He has never seen a woman get pregnant this quickly before. He also could only imagine how much you were uncomfortable dealing with all this change in your body.
"We are approaching the 8th month so this baby will grow much quicker. I predict that it will be born in less than two months."
You sighed and laid your head on his chest. "Oh thank goodness." Carrying his child felt...uncomfortable on your body to say the least.
He rubbed your head while looking down at you. His eyes were filled with love and relief as he thought about how soon you will be able to give birth. The thought of the baby being born also made him have all sorts of thoughts like how much of you was in the baby and how much of him was in the baby.
"How do you feel? Is the pregnancy getting too uncomfortable for you?"
You nodded and shifted in the hammock to be more comfortable. "It feels very uncomfortable. I think the baby is going to take after you the most. I feel like a Tulkun."
So'lek felt his ego inflate at the statement that your child would be taking after him. However, he didn't like that you were experiencing major discomfort from the pregnancy. This really showed him just how much this pregnancy was taking a toll on you. He continued to rub your head as he spoke.
"I will tell you a secret ma'yawne. When I was young I was a very loud child. Perhaps our baby will be as well."
You groaned and rolled your eyes. "Just what I need, a rambunctious child. AND a baby on top of that." you teased. You only meant it half jokingly of course.
He scoffed at the comment but didn't seem to mind it at all. If anything, the thought of having an energetic child to take care of with you is something he actually looks forward to. However, the thought of having a rambunctious child is also going to make him an overprotective father.
"Well you mated with me didn't you?" So'lek chuckled in his raspy voice as he ran a four fingered hand down your arm. "So it is only fate for our child to have our personalities."
You smiled at his first statement. You did mate with him, and you'd never regret it. You nuzzled into his side, your hand caressing his chest. Your fingers gently traced patterns on his blue skin. After a minute of silence, you spoke up with a request. "Rub my stomach again? It felt good."
He didn't have to be asked twice. As soon as you asked, he pulled you closer and started to massage and caress your belly. In this position, he could really feel how big you were getting. The thought of his baby being inside you was making him feel excited yet nervous for the day that you will give birth.
He put a feather-light kiss to your temple and hummed as he traced circles on your soft skin. "I promise to be a good father to our child. Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu."
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mishwanders · 1 year
Thinking of an AU with older Sky as king and being told that he has to have another kid by someone who isn’t Sun to continue on a separate line for the future chosen hero because of fate/destiny and what not. Like is it practical? No, but I think it would be fun to explore the insane political and religious mess that it would be, especially with it the beginning of the Hyrulian monarchy since leaving the sky and it would be so spicy and there would be so much tension between him and the chosen MC that I just can’t stop thinking about it.
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 10 days
Look who it is - Lucien x reader
A/N: Here's the second part of "fun night", I couldn't let Lucien and reader be after all those drunk confessions, right? It can be read as a stand-alone too!
Warnings: injury, pining (tiny bit of angst), hot daycourt!lucien, happy ending!
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Your head was pounding because of the alcohol you drank yesterday, when you lazily strolled into the sitting room that connected Lucien’s bedroom to yours. Lucien was casually lounging in the couch, a book in his lap. “Look who it is, mrs drunk face!” he grinned. “Ugh” you could only answer when you fell next to him on the couch, your palm on your forehead. “I’ve got some tonic for you, over there” he nodded to the table. “Oh you’re the best Lu” you smiled.
He was always so sweet to you. Yes, he could be a prick sometimes, but that was out of love. Probably because he felt some sister/brother relation between the two of you, to your disappointment… “You said something like that last night” he snickered. “I-what?” you asked confused. But Lucien only stared at you with his signature grin. “Nothing, nothing” he sighed.
“Well, I hope I didn’t make a fool out of myself, because I was obviously too drunk to be aware of what I say” you chuckled. You could’ve sworn you saw hurt flicker in his pretty russet eye, the metal whirring next to it. You really hoped you didn’t say something horrible to him last night. “I didn’t… insult you or something yesterday, right?” you hesitated, carefully placing your hand on his leg. Lucien only shrugged, “Of course not, nothing to worry about y/n/n." Relieve washed over you, but your hangover still felt horrible. That stupid excuse of a high lord Helion feeded you alcohol again, you scowled him in your head, laced with affection.
“What you should worry about though, is the fact you look horrible, with all do respect” the man next to me teased. “It’s not like I have to go anywhere today, it’s Sunday”. But Lucien started laughing at what you said, “it’s Monday honey, we have a meeting with the lord of Tevedra in… half an hour”. You shot out of the couch. “What?!”
Tevedra was an important city in the day court, the meeting you, Lucien and Helion had with him was also very important. How could you forget this, how could Helion possibly give you that much alcohol the evening before? “I’m going to kill your father” you groaned, stomping to your bedroom to get ready. You heard Lucien laugh behind you.
You quickly dressed appropriately to meet the nobility, choosing a sparkling white dress that squeezed your hips and flowed around your ankles. You also put on some jewelry and make up and you curled your hair, trying to cover up the fact you had a hangover. You ran out of the bathroom, back into the joined living room. Helion and Lucien were already standing there, both very handsome in the typical Day Court gowns. They both looked up when they heard you run in. “Just in time” you breathed out. “You look really beautiful y/n” Lucien was staring at you. The compliment, if it was one, made you blush. You tried to hide it, but it was no use, both males saw. “T-thank you Lucien” you stuttered. “Let’s go” Helion grinned, looking at the both of you with a big smirk. 
You followed them into the corridor, you couldn’t help but notice how much they look alike when you walked behind them. The power radiated from both of them, they both walked with such grace and strength, the sun reflecting on their beautiful skin. When you first met Helion you had a little crush on the High Lord. But it was nothing compared to how you felt when you’d first met Lucien. The same beauty and flirtatiousness as his father, but with such beautiful copper locks and an interesting metal eye. You felt different with him, it was more than just a silly crush. 
“How are you feeling y/n? Not to worn out I hope?” Helion teased, looking at you behind him. "You got me drunk" you grumpily said. Helion laughed, "don't act like it wasn't your choice too y/n, luckily our dear Lucien was so kind to put you in bed”
“Oh, yeah, I remember” you tried to think about what had happened. “You do?” Lucien suddenly snapped his head to you. “Well, not that much, just… I don’t know” you sighed. Lucien seemed disappointed by that. And then you remembered. Oh shit, this was so embarrassing, you practically told him that you wanted him last night. You said you'd get over him. “Oh no, I-I remember…” you stuttered. It was a challenge to face Lucien, you were too scared of his reaction, but in the corner of your eyes you saw the distraught look on his face.
And before you knew it, Lucien was falling. Hard. Tumbling down the big marble stairs you were descending. You weren’t even surprised by how graceful he fell, Lucien was always graceful. But he kept falling. His head smacking against the stone. “Lucien” Helion shouted with worry. Your own heart stopped beating for a moment. He was Fae, he would survive this. But still, it was like your instincts were screaming at you, like a rock crushed your whole body. Worry flooded your senses. “Oh my god” you breathed out, running down the stairs to him. He looked unconscious.
And then you felt it. A snap. A thread, trying to pull you closer to him. “No, no, no, this can’t be real, this- this..” You started to panic. All this time? All those years that you've been pining over you best friend, he was actually your mate? “Don’t worry y/n, he isn’t that injured, he will heal quickly, I promise” Hellion said. But that wasn’t what you were so panicked about. “I know.. but he’s… he’s…” the words were stuck in your throat. Helion grabbed your shoulder, “Hey y/n, he'll be okay, calm down”
“He’s my mate”
Lucien still looked so beautiful and powerful like his, that subtle halo still shining around his bronze skin. Even when he was laying there, on the bed you were sitting on, so vulnerable, bruises that where already healing all over his face. You stroked his hair carefully. Then he stirred. "Y/n", his voice was raspy and soft, eyes still closed but a soft smile on his lips. It was love and appreciation you could hear in that voice, you then realized. “Gods, I’m so embarrassed, a High Lord’s heir, falling from the stairs like a clumsy human boy” he groaned. You laughed softly, playing with the copper strands between your fingers. “You are embarrassed? I should be the embarrassed one when I think about what I told you last night” you giggled. Lucien laughed with you. "How are you feeling?" you breathed. "I'm okay, it'll heal fast." There was a comfortable silence for a moment. Just you and him, your hands stroking him lovingly. "Lucien, we... we need to talk."
"If it's about last night, it's okay, really, you don't have to be sorry for things you didn't mean" he sighed. But you shook your head. "No, not about that." Lucien's brows furrowed. You didn't know how to put it into words, so you just tugged on the invisible thread between you two. Lucien gasped, eyes in shock. "W-Where...W-what" he stuttered. "You're my mate" you whispered, your fingers softly traced his cheek. "You know? It snapped into place?” he said, tears lining his eyes. "You knew? Why didn't you just tell me Lu?"
Lucien shook his head, speechless. He carefully placed his hand over the one you had on his cheek. "I wanted it to be yours too. I wanted you to have the liberty. And I-I thought you didn't want me." he whispered with desperation is his eyes. “Lucien, I’ve been in love with you from the first day I met you” you smiled shakily, tears in your eyes. Lucien only stared at you, his expression unreadable. “Tell me what you think” you sighed, hopeful. Lucien smiled, “It’s not often that I’m at loss for words”, he waited for a second, “I-I love you y/n. I really do. I’ve wanted to tell you that for so long. I got scared, I’m so sorry”
“Oh Lucien” you sighed “don’t apologise, can I… can I lay next to you?” He opened one arm slowly, inviting you. “I love you too” you whisper, while laying down next to him in his arms. You placed your leg over his and burried your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. Your mates scent. You could feel it in every sense now, that he was yours, and you were his. Finally.
“Guess I should wait and offer you some food when you’re healed, right?” you smiled. He laughed. “Yes, when i’m in good shape for the… acceptance phase…” he smirked.
You couldn’t wait for all that was ahead of you. Your life, with your best friend and mate.
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icypopz · 5 months
with an expressionless + calm s/o  ♡
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↬ from anon ; if it's okay, could i request marius and vyn with a female reader who is mostly expressionless and calm and very hard to impress or fluster?
↬ notes ; marius von hagen (lu jinghe), vyn richter (mo yi) x gn!reader
↬ from ice ; hihi first post of 2024 !!! also i switched it to gn!reader, i hope that's okay :> marius is so silly ueueue,,, also i'm not sure if i interpreted the prompt correctly i hope u like it ! T_T
↬ warning(s) ; none
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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[ marius von hagen / lu jinghe ! ]
marius and you make quite a pair. while he's rambunctious and whiny, often acting like an overgrown child around you, you're his polar opposite - calm and quiet, watching his tantrums with only the barest hint of a smile. people tend to wonder how you put up with him, but the truth is that the two of you balance each other out and bring out the best in one another; you're the ying to his yang.
whenever he's upset about something like the old men in the pax board of directors nagging him, marius will always come rushing to complain to you. he adores how you offer him a listening ear and a third-party opinion, and your tranquility always helps chase away his irritation. he always says you're like the sun pushing away the storm clouds of his anger. as the heir of pax, he's grown up around people always attempting to gain his favour, so marius really appreciates your ability to judge any situation objectively, even those involving him. it's a breath of fresh air to actually get scolded by you whenever he does something nonsensical instead of always being praised no matter what he does.
as for you not getting flustered easily, rest assured that marius will still try his absolute hardest to do so. when his usual trademark playful smirks and winks don't seem to work, he has to up his game, switching to super lame pickup lines which succeed only at making you laugh instead of flustering you (he still counts that as a win). however, he loves seeing even the smallest changes in your expression, such as you being unable to meet his eyes after he peppers kisses all over your face, or you burying your face in his shoulder after his hands travel under your shirt... even if you aren't as audacious with your expressions as he is, marius loves you wholeheartedly for who you are.
more content utc !
[ vyn richter / mo yi ! ]
vyn is actually quite similar to you, he's not the type to have wild expressions or wear his heart on his sleeve, so the two of you get along really well. he needs to be calm in his field of work in order to get people to open up to him, and you're just naturally a very serene person. even vyn feels at peace when he's around you, as being around you is a welcome break from his hectic life running the giannovyn mental health research center.
as a psychologist, vyn is well-versed in analysing body language or facial expressions to determine what someone is thinking. however, since you aren't a very expressive person, vyn becomes more attuned to your needs by communicating verbally with you instead of just assuming based on your body language. you both rarely argue as the two of you prefer to discuss your disagreements in a calm manner instead of getting too heated and saying things you don't mean. vyn also does his best to always ask you for your opinion on everything, from dates to presents, and in this way he manages to keep you as the world's happiest romantic partner.
you not getting flustered easily isn't something that bothers vyn, because he himself isn't someone who actively teases you that much. however, he adores seeing even the slightest changes in your expression when he does something for you, like when your nose scrunches up because you're trying not to cry happy tears, or your wide eyes when he surprises you with another grand gesture - it all feels like those are special sides of you only he gets to see. and that is exactly why vyn always goes over-the-top in extravagant preparations for you, whether it's growing your favourite flowers in his garden or baking you the perfect pastries - he loves you so much that he does everything he can to see your happy smile.
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✧ thank you for reading ! if you have a request, feel free to send it in 🌠
© icypopz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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ahockeywrites · 3 months
swimwear season - ax72
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word count: 4.2k pairing: arber xhekaj x fem!wife!reader warnings: 18+ only!!!! dom!arber, sub!reader, smut, swearing, oral m!receiving, cum swallowing, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it as always), butt stuff (please do your research before engaging in this) choking, mentions of a safe word but not used, rough sex, urm I kinda went a little insane with this one… I’m sorry but I’m also not sorry, let me know if there are other warnings I should add because I don’t really know what else to say. I’m sorry, but enjoy :)
authors note: again, apologies 🤭 but I can always write more like the wedding/more of the honeymoon
Those skimpy bikinis and swimsuits would be the death of him, today’s tiny leopard print two piece was no exception, as he watched you frolic about in the crystal clear water. The weight of the gold band on his ring finger felt odd, but the memory of you walking down the aisle in a white dress was one he would never forget. 
The memory of how he pounded into you in the dressing room, bridal suite, hotel room (twice), was also something he would never forget. He was ravenous for you and he didn’t think it would ever stop. 
You turned around so your back faced Arber and he took in the view. Your ass, your back, fuck. You, his wife, covered in his love bites, his scratches, filled with his cum. 
You turned once more and started walking out of the water, breasts bouncing and covered in a few droplets of salty sea water. The two rings on your finger glistened under the sun and as you looked back up onto the private beach of the villa, you saw Arber sitting on a sun lounger with a Canadiens cap on, playing on his phone. 
You waved towards him and he waved back before moving his phone so that the camera was directed towards you. A laugh escaped your lips as you threw your arms out to the side, smiling with all your teeth out. 
The rays of the sun beat down onto you as you made your way back up onto the sand and to the lounger next to your husband. It felt weird to say, you had just got used to calling him your fiancé and now he had a new title. But it was one you would settle into quickly, you were sure about it.
Arber was shirtless, in a pair of five inch inseam shorts with his thighs out to the world. His lap looked so inviting but you were tired following the morning’s excursion, he had you bent over the villa’s kitchen island as you were attempting to make breakfast. The pancakes were eaten eventually, after Arber had put his face between your legs and brought you to climax once more.
The sun lounger was comfy and you settled into the book that you were reading on your kindle. 
An hour or so later, once Arber had dragged you away from your book and into the water once more, the pair of you headed inside to shower and get ready for the dinner that was booked for that evening. Arber had found an Italian restaurant with amazing reviews and was able to get a table booked for sunset. 
He knew how excited you were for the restaurant but he couldn’t let you head off to the bathroom without a kiss. Well, maybe a bit more than a kiss. His lips kissed a path down your neck, nimble fingers undoing the knot at the back of your bikini.
The gentle burn of his beard on your skin was delicious and your brain almost short circuited when his hands moved down your back, finally resting on your ass and grabbing the muscle. 
“Fuck,” you moaned as your husband, yeah you liked that, wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, sucking and nibbling gently. 
“You like that,” Arber rasped as he continued his assault of kisses down your body, worshiping you. “My wife fucking loves this.”
The ring of an alarm broke the pair of you out of the heated bubble you were in. It was the alarm that you had set to make sure you were off the beach and headed inside to start getting ready for the evening’s meal. 
Arber rolled his eyes as he pulled away from you, looking clearly unimpressed. His eyes were dark and full of lust.
“We can skip dinner,” his lips reattached to your neck, starting to nibble on the skin. “Order in.” His voice became deeper, breaths louder. “I know what I want for dessert already.”
“Baby,” you groaned but leant your neck to the side, giving your husband more access to the skin. “I want to see sunset over the water.”
“And I want to see the sunset from between your legs,” Arber replied, sass evident in his tone. “Pleasuring my wife, my fucking wife.”
It was painful to pull yourself away from him but you knew that if you wanted to make it to dinner and not turn up in your bikini, you needed to escape Arber’s grasp. You wiggled in his arms and it took him a moment to realise that you actually wanted to get ready. He pouted and attempted puppy dog eyes which didn’t really work when he was taller than you.
You pushed yourself up onto your tiptoes, lips flush with the shell of his ear. “Tonight,” you started, “I’m all yours.”
“You’re always mine baby.”
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You swirled the glass of wine around in your hand forming a small whirlpool in the centre, looking Arber directly in the eyes. His eyes wanted to wander. Down your neck to your collarbones and even further if he knew he wouldn’t be spotted. The low neckline of your black dress was teasing him and he couldn’t help think of what he wanted to do when you got back to the villa.
Your tongue darted out to lap up the droplet of wine that rested on your lips, painted a sinful red. You watched as Arber closed his eyes for slightly longer than usual. The plan was working. 
Rile up Arber until he couldn’t take it anymore and wait for him to throw you against a wall and take you on the first surface he could find. It had happened before in Montreal after a win in the playoffs and you knew after that, you wanted it again. Wanted more. Wanted anything that he would give.
“Dessert?” The waiter asked and you shook your head.
“Just the bill, thanks,” Arber replied. You both knew that it would take them a few minutes to bring the bill over so you started a conversation about the plans for the next few days. The plans that didn’t involve you between the sheets. More time spent on the beach, a hike up in the mountains and more lavish dinners with delicious wine.
As Arber was speaking, you took a risk. You raised up one of your feet, clad with a pair of black, heeled Louboutins, and placed it in his lap. The long tablecloth was a godsend as you stroked his clothed cock with the base of the shoe. 
It was something you hadn’t felt the confidence to do before. You’d had sex in public, well, outside of bars, in toilets at friends weddings (that was one hell of an apology to the bride that you had to make). But you hadn’t actively teased Arber like this outside of your house.
You watched as his eyes darkened, gaze flicking between your face, chest and where your foot was currently resting. His hand grasped your ankle, gently stroking the smooth skin. It contrasted with the callouses on his hands from years of hockey. You tried to get him to moisturise, but he never did.
Arber tilted his head slightly and gave you a look without expression but you knew exactly what it meant. Stop being a brat. A small part of your brain agreed with him, but the devil on your shoulder was louder than the angel. 
You shook your ankle in protest, purposefully working over his clothed cock which you could feel hardening. Not like he wasn’t hard for you the entire wedding season. He was ready to go whenever you wanted. 
The waiter returned, holding the bill and Arber passed across his credit card to pay for dinner. It went quickly but you could tell that he was struggling because your foot didn’t stop moving over his groin. 
When the waiter confirmed that everything had gone through and you were free to leave, your husband walked over and pulled your chair out before offering you his hand. His arm wrapped around your waist as you thanked the staff for their hospitality during one of the best dinners you had ever had.
There was a slight breeze when you both exited the restaurant and the ends of your dress started to raise slightly, exposing more of your legs to the elements. It wasn’t uncomfortable by any means but Arber noticed you shiver slightly so he slipped off his jacket and draped the fabric over your shoulders.
“Even when she’s a brat, my wife deserves the best,” he commented when you began walking once more. The walk back to the villa wasn’t far and with Arber’s jacket swamping you, you kept yourself nice and warm whilst ogling your husband slightly. The fabric of his shirt was straining slightly with his muscles underneath but you were not complaining, especially not when you knew that you’d be the one taking it off later. 
When the villa came into view, you hurried off in front of Arber, leaving him to look at you in heels and his jacket as that was all he could see from behind. It was a private road so he knew that he could palm himself over his slacks without anyone else seeing, but he couldn’t. He needed you, even if you were in a bratty mood.
The front door had been left ajar and Arber knew that you had taken your key in that tiny clutch of yours that usually just held your phone and lipstick. That fucking cherry red lipstick. The one that had stained the base of his cock more times than he could remember.
He slipped his shoes off, emptied his pockets and walked over to the fridge to grab himself a beer. The top unscrewed easily and he heard your feet padding down the stairs from the master bedroom to the family room. You had decided to make your presence known then, he thought.
As he rounded the corner, he spotted you in a black lace bra with a matching thong and garters wrapped around your thighs. Sitting on your lower legs, ass just touching your heels. There was no way that you had that on underneath the dress. That must have been the reason why you sped off quickly, to get changed. Not that he was complaining.
There was nothing to complain about, not when his wife was sat, waiting for him in almost nothing. Not when his cock jumped when his eyes took you in.
You watched as he walked over to the chair in front of you, cock straining the front of the slacks. Your brain was telling you to undo the pants and get your mouth on his cock, get his cock in your cunt, anything. 
Arber swirled the bottle of beer in his hand as he looked at you, sat in only lingerie on the floor. His muscular frame filled out the chair he was sat in and he looked so inviting. But you knew better than to move without instruction. 
The smell of need filled the air. He lifted the bottle to his lips to take a sip of the alcoholic beverage and your pussy fluttered at the way his hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle. You knew exactly how those fingers felt inside you, pleasuring you in the way that only he knew how to.
His black suit jacket was draped over the back of the chair and a few buttons were undone, exposing a slither of Arber’s chest. His thighs were barely contained by the black slacks he was wearing and on another night, he would have made you come by you riding his thigh. Not tonight though.
You felt his eyes take all of you in, the way the black lace hugged your curves, the sharp contrast of the lace and your red lipstick that he couldn’t wait to have painted all over his cock.
“Crawl,” Arber demanded, dark eyes piercing yours. A shiver went down your spine, wetness pooled between your legs. “I don’t want to ask twice.”
You meant forward onto your hands and obeyed him, crawling the small distance to where he was sat. Between his legs had become a place where you were incredibly comfortable and it was somewhere you had spent a lot of time recently. In bed, on the private beach, a closet at an event. 
Arber undid the button at the top of his slacks and followed that with the zipper. His skin was immediately on display and that’s when you realised that he had foregone boxers for dinner. He didn’t do it often and it shocked you almost every time he did. Arber just reminded you that on most nights out you went without a bra and occasionally panties. As always, you rolled your eyes at him.
Your husband shuffled in the seat, freeing his weeping cock to the cool breeze. The tip looked a painful red and you watched as Arber wrapped a hand around his thick shaft. He gently stroked himself, watching how you looked up at him longingly, wanting to replace his hand with your mouth. He was in a mean mood tonight, but not too mean.
“Open,” Arber commanded. You obliged, allowing him to push two fingers into your mouth. You sucked on his fingers in the same way that you would do to his cock, giving the tips gentle licks. 
After a few moments, he pulled the fingers out of your mouth and then worked his cock with the same hand, using your saliva as a lubricant. Fuck, it was hot to watch your husband fuck his hand as his eyes trailed down your body.
It took all of his self control to not burst then and there, but somehow he found the tiniest slither and removed his hand from his shaft.
“Suck,” the words echoed around the room but you barely had time to notice what he had said before your mouth was full of his cock. His hand rested on the back of your head, pushing you down so that your nose was almost flush with Arber’s pubic bone. 
Almost. To work him fully, you needed to use at least your mouth and a hand but truthfully, watching his cock go in and out of your mouth was one of the hottest sights he had ever seen. 
The grip on the back of your head loosened and he allowed you to dictate the pace. At first you started slow, but very quickly increased the speed. You could feel Arber tugging on your hair, his nails scratching your scalp due to the pleasure that you were giving him. 
His hips started bucking up, forcing his cock further down your throat. Tears started pricking at the corners of your eyes, not for the first time on this holiday. 
A few rogue tears did drop down your cheeks, bringing your mascara down your face.
You loved it, the way that Arber could take control on the ice and in the bedroom. He was a gentleman in public, but a freak in the sheets. The side that only you got to see was one of your favourites, along with Arber in the mornings who woke you up with kisses to your face and neck and followed it up with gentle sex. 
Or the Arber who loved to watch you bake in the kitchen and crowned himself the official taste tester of the Xhekaj household, ensuring that all the baked goods were of an acceptable quality. 
Or the Arber who used one arm to pin your hips down on the bed and used the other hand to rub tight circles on your clit as he buried his face in your cunt. 
But this Arber, brat tamer Arber was one that rarely came out.
“Lean back princess,” you obliged your husband and watched as he jerked himself off, it took him moments to come, painting your chest with his seed, claiming you as his once more. 
You took a finger to the mess he had made on your chest and collected some of the come onto the tip of your index finger. Your eyes met his and he watched as you put your finger into your mouth and sucked off his cum. It made him almost want to orgasm again at how sexy you looked.
“Upstairs, now,” he ordered, using his hand to direct you in front of him.
Arber watched as your ass swayed as you walked up the stairs. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the thin, black lace that sat between your ass cheeks and how he wanted to bury himself there. 
The pair of you rounded the corner and a strong hand came to your shoulder. “Lay down princess, or I’ll make you.”
You listened and rested your chest on the soft fabric of the comforter, feet still planted on the floor. The globes of your ass were on display to your husband and you couldn’t help but wiggle your ass. 
A moan caught your attention, and you turned your head as much as you could to see Arber undoing the buttons of his shirt and fully taking off his slacks. He was stood behind you fully naked, except his chain, in all his glory. 
Hands roamed over your backside, massaging the muscle, moving the material of your thong from between your ass cheeks to the side. 
You heard it before you felt it. The sound of bottle of lube being opened and the cold sensation of it resting on your tightest opening. One of Arber’s large fingers circled your asshole, testing the waters, asking for permission.
“Fuck yes please,” you moaned, knowing that he needed your consent. 
“What do you want baby,” he growled in your ear, finger still skirting around where you needed him.
“You,” your words were breathless, you could barely speak. You were so strung up, wound so tight that any movement could tip you over the edge. 
“Me?” Arber questioned. “Where do you want me?”
“Want you in my ass, want your fingers,” you groaned before he slowly pushed his middle finger past the tight ring of muscle. Your moans bounced off the walls as Arber slowly moved his finger in and out, the sounds of the lubricant on his finger were drowned out by you. 
You felt Arber climb onto the bed as he continued to finger your ass. He caged you into the bed, pressing your chest further into the bed, the cool metal of his chain adding to the difference in sensation you felt in different parts of your body. It was a sight as your tried to arch your back into him but he didn’t let you, he needed to have you learn that you couldn’t be a brat in public. 
“If my wife wants to be a brat in public, she’ll get punished when she gets home,” he whispered in your ear before pulling his finger out of your ass. 
You rolled over onto your back, sweat dripping down your forehead. A pout formed on your lips and you tried to look as though you were in a mood with your husband. 
Arber completely ignored your look and walked over to his suitcase. You watched as he squatted down, appreciating his hockey training, and rummaged through his belongings. He was looking for something and your pussy clenched around nothing as you wondered what it could be.
Your husband was no stranger to using toys in the bedroom, he loved the way that he could make you writhe and squirm when he pressed your vibrator to your clit as he pounded in and out of you. The man could multi task better than anyone else you had been with.
He was muttering something to himself, you couldn’t make out the words but you could hear the jangle of metal on metal and you realised what he was looking for. The butt plugs. 
Before Arber, no one had ever entertained your interest in anal play but your then boyfriend relished the idea. You had mentioned that you had masturbated with butt plugs in before and you loved the sensation. From then, he helped you get more comfortable with the feeling of his fingers then, and eventually his cock.
He would never forget the moans you made when he played with your clit as his cock pushed past the tight ring of muscle. How you moaned into his mouth as he pressed sweet kisses to your lips when he slowly started moving his hips back and forth. The feeling of your orgasm and the way you arched your back into his chest and he watched your eyes roll back in your head. Absolute bliss.
“There it is,” Arber exclaimed when he found the right one. “Ass up again baby, you know what I want.”
“Yes sir,” you rolled over and arched your back, pushing your ass into your husbands face. His hand slapped the smooth skin of your butt, giving each cheek a hard spank. It stung, but the pain was pleasurable. You had taken more spankings before.
“It’s gonna be cold, but you already knew that,” Arber explained as he opened the bottle of lube again, coating the metal in the liquid.
You felt the tip of the plug press against your asshole and took a deep breath, knowing what was to come. 
“Breathe out baby,” Arber coached and eased the plug into you as you followed his instruction. “Fucking beautiful.” He stepped back to admire his handy work. The jewel tucked between your cheeks sparkled under the dim lights of the room and his cock hardened instantly.
He was quick to cage you back into the bed, slipping his cock into your dripping pussy. Expletives left your mouth as Arber started thrusting hard and fast into you. One of his hands roamed your back, grasping one of your breasts and using it as leverage to pull your back flush to his chest, the other snaked it’s way to find your clit and started rubbing tight circles on the bud. 
The pressure built in your core, from the sensation of the plug, your husband’s length hitting that spot over and over again and the sustained attack on your clit. Arber knew exactly how to get you to the edge and over it, if he was feeling nice.
“Fuck,” you moaned, leaning your head back to rest on your husband’s shoulder. “I’m gonna,” you didn’t have time to finish your sentence before he pulled out of you and flipped you over so your back was pushed into the bed.
“Brats don’t get to come unless I say,” he said before lifting your legs up so your ankles rested on his shoulders. He positioned himself in front of your wanton cunt before pushing himself inside your tight walls once more. 
His hands wandered again, as they always did when you were naked and on display for him. His right gently wrapped around your neck and his left played with your nipple. The extra sensation meant that you twitched up into him and he could tell that you were almost at the end of what you could handle before shouting your safe word. 
“Come for me princess,” Arber encouraged you. “Don’t hold back.” His hand that was playing with your nipple moved down to your clit and started drawing figure eights on the nerves. 
You leant into the feeling of pleasure that started building. You couldn’t say anything, your entire body was overtaken in the sensation of Arber doing everything he needed for you. 
He watched as you gasped and then he felt your walls constrict around him. Stars filled your vision as Arber fucked you through your orgasm that seemed to last forever. You were on a different planet with how he made you feel, he knew exactly what you needed and when you needed it. The strength it had taken to keep your legs on his shoulders had gone as he let them fall down.
Arber was quick to follow on your orgasm as he felt his balls tighten and he shot his seed into you, coating your walls. His large body fell on top of yours in a sweaty tangled mess. His lips found yours once more in a sweet kiss and he could tell that he had tired you out. 
“I’m gonna pull out now baby,” he told you and you groaned as you felt the sensation in your core change from full to empty. “The plug too.”
You moved your body slightly but Arber took the lead and spread your legs to get the best access to the plug without rolling you over. 
“Deep breath again baby,” you obliged Arber as he gently pulled the plug from you. Your body shook slightly at the second change in sensation but you started snuggling yourself into the comforter on the bed. 
Arber walked into the bathroom to clean the plug and then quickly walked back out with a damp, warm washcloth and started wiping between your legs. A smile made its way onto your face as your husband looked after you, even after ruining you. 
In his other hand, he had a makeup wipe. He gently ran the wipe across your face, collecting the mascara that had run down and cleaning off the last remains of lipstick.
“I know it’s not your twenty step skincare routine,” he joked. “But it’s better than nothing.”
You found the energy to run a hand through his dark locks and bring him in for a kiss. 
“If you think that’s gonna stop be being a brat, think again,” you smirked, only to be met with a bigger smirk from Arber.
“Sometimes, the sheriff needs riding darling,” he replied. “And that’s where you come in.”
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the-moon-files · 4 months
Man, I love the trope of aliens being terrified of humans, and I've seen some fics of human!reader reacting differently to stuff like posions/plants in hyrule, but this is in another level! We are indestructible! I mean, I could live on Death Mountain! With the Gorons! It's literally a dream come true!
Also, the urge this would give me to give them all the hugs and piggy back rides whenever it gets cold/windy/whatever extreme condition.
If Hylians would be surprisingly light, would they be light enough for me to pick up Time? Just get that big ass man with a bunch of armor on my back? Because new need unlocked.
NEW NEED UNLOCKED INDEEEEDDD. (touches my fingertips together like a villain up to no good)
CREDIT FOUND!! (Who did it first!):
IDK who it was but someone mentioned in a rlly old 2023-2022? LU x human reader post abt the hylians being lighter in comparison to humans!! If i find who it is, or if u recognize u wrote abt smth similar pls leave a comment so I can @ you!! /gen
@wayfayrr :D ive been in humans are space orcs fandom (is it a fandom? More like endless AU idea ppl wrote abt on tumblr) for Years, and ofc i never thought to put with Loz this past year or 2 getting into this fandom dammit - UR WORKS AMAZING THANK YOU SM FOR MERGING MY 2 FAVS AND LIKING/REBLOGGING THIS HOT MESS 😭😭
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GOD i NEED to play TP bc u can hold cats like this?? and u get to see LINK do it??? 😭😭
Sun: technically Masc! Reader but not explicit (you/he/him), coule be Gender Neutral, Human Reader
Orbit: headcanons-ish
Stars: The Classic Chain of Links
Comets & Meteors: Content: in Four’s desc. mentioned “diving into chest”, & Triggers: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
A kinda 2nd part/expansion to this post!
no bc the “i can live wherever tf i want” was secretly part of why i wrote that post (so sue me, i wanna be able to follow wild around his hyrule w/o getting nuked)
There’s only 2 types of Links in this hyrule(s):
Who’s already down with being cuddled at the slightest/not so slightest inconvenience??:
(unsurprisingly, also if anyone teases him he just teases right back that not only is it “for survival”, but also look he’s “getting Guide Cuddles™️ and You’re Not” lmao,
would sleep right up against ur bedroll every night if u let him, likes when you commit to the cuddle (even if he goes a little red), like wrapping arms + legs around him, adores fireside cuddles, has said on multiple occasions that nothing makes him feel safer than holding onto you, and how he can’t go back to doing things like this on his own anymore 😭😭😭
his favorite cuddle is whatever you give him LMAO u can always count on Wild if your ever feeling like u need to cuddle smth blonde and cute lol - he constantly offers or initiates it himself <33 )
another unsurprising one, his favorite time to cuddle is when it’s cold outside, or windy, and he can just get under a blanket and take a nap with you,
esp if it’s both and he can convince you to lay partially on him for heated + weighted human blanket purposes, he’s literally staring at you with sparkles in his eyes as soon as a breeze goes by lol
his Loftwing/Crimson wasn’t rlly able to fly u long distances u find out!! :( Hylians are just so light that ofc that explains why they can ride these pelican/ostrich creations for hours, whereas the bird can only rlly manage 20 minutes of low flying with you (+ Sky) on its back, but that’s fine, bc u figured out how to “shield surf” rlly fast down slopes to keep up with Sky flying low, and by “shield surfing” i mean, shocking Wild into jaw-dropped silence as he watches you fly by completely barefoot 👍
(after all, ur skin has to be pretty tough/thick to be able to handle the weather/environmental conditions, and finding out u can withstand lava? yeah this is nothing turns out)
secretly loves piggyback rides, but never asks, u just see him get this look in his eyes, and shuffling in place just behind you lol
touch starved, but what Link isnt lol
his favorite is piggyback rides, since he was raised by his grandma, and there weren’t a whole lot of close, young adults to pick him up as a kid
so now, he takes FULL advantage of u being able to easily pick him up lol
one time u guys were going uphill while a pleasant breeze was blowing-
actually it was gale force winds.
but ur you, so it took Wind flying backwards into you to realize. he also screeched at you for “ABANDONING ME- YOURE GONNA MAKE ME, A LITTLE GUY LIKE ME, CRAWL UP THIS?? HOW COULD YOU-” you give him piggy back rides whenever it’s windy.
will treat u like his own personal ship whenever ur both in the water, which consists of him yelling sailor terms like “turn starboard! raise the sails!” while sitting on ur shoulders while u get slammed (gently buffeted, really) by waves
shy, shy, shy, shy-
the quintessential:
“👉👈 🥺 is it okay, if we maybe hug rn?? I'm just rlly cold, and i know u said you didnt mind, and I saw Wild and Sky just laying on you, sorry if this is weird-”
Hyrule, sweets, you literally love him more than life itself, of course you’ll cuddle the fairy boy
the more excited he gets = the more likely to jump on ur back/wrap his arms around ur waist happily, esp since he’s an extra cutie patootie and will subconsciously seek u out if the environment gets a little rough
Sets an Amazing example for the other Links, not too clingy when ur busy, great at latching onto ur back when things get tough for him, asks politely and thanks you everytime he gets down <3
Hyrule is eternally fascinated by whatever u do, u just walk thru flood waters like it’s nothing and while the rest are used to it by now, he’s the only Link looking at you like your some kind of god 💗💘💖💕🙈
accidentally squeezed ur arm muscles one time when he saw u doing that thing where u curl ur arm and Wind/Wild were able to hang off of it,
you both just stared at each other for a solid minute before his ears turned down and he went completely red and apologized profusely for 5 minutes, before you just scooped him up too lmao (his face after tho)
depending on the cuddle he gets shy sometimes, even worse if more than 1 Link is looking at you two, in which he will attempt to escape ur arms.
keyword being attempt.
you just wrap ur legs around him and trap him instead lol
likes to cuddle you somehow where he’s not in the way but you can keep doing whatever it is you were busy with
if he splits, then u can fucking bet Red is the first to dive into ur chest- unless there is literally, actively, a threat right in front of him, he’s going for it lol, Green loves to wrap his arms around one of yours and just hang off u all day, Blue will wait until ur sitting somewhere and flop on ur legs to purposely trap u there, the little shit, and Vio just likes hugs. he’s such a sweetheart, he just loves being wrapped up and wrapping you up 🥺
And who must be Convinced. (most to least)
fully expected,
silly man thinks he’s above love and cuddles, and all the good things in life LMAO came for ur throat again
it'll be below-freezing temperatures, in a cave with a barely there campfire, a blizzard outside, the other heroes complaining at him to just get under the blanket so you’ll get under the blanket,
bc you two are just doing that thing where 2 characters have like a table between them and are fake-out dodging left and right to try and catch the other lmao
is most susceptible to cuddles when he’s tired/injured/sick/sleepy.
it’s a cold morning and u just scootch the Links into a pile and use him as a pillow lol, and as long as no one, not even gods, perceives you two, he’ll let you stay
ok but you definitely caught him from falling into lava one time while on Death Mountain, and had to bridal carry him across half a lava lake back to shore, hehe,
Legend swore everyone there to secrecy on their own graves and favorite items
also refuses to let Ravio know of ur human advantages lol
he just wants the attention on himself as much as he can in between the other Links, no need for more competition
silly man just doesn't think of his needs including affection/emotional comfort,
he only rlly initiates when the circumstances are dire, like gale force winds that he can barely walk thru/starting to slip, desert heat getting to him thru his armor and needs ur cooling touch, etc.
he keeps it as professional as he can, like wrapping an arm around ur shoulders, but you just snatch him by the waist and pick him up half the time, was surprised at first, chain giggled at him, then complained lightly, finally just accepted his fate anytime he touches you lol,
YES you have given him a piggyback ride, when a flood of water burst a dam during a battle/the other Links got out but Time didn't bc of his heavy armor,
so u yoink him up and just stood ur ground against the raging waves and climbed a rock until u weren't submerged anymore, poor guy was so worn out from the battle + the flood that he just let you carry him all the way until u camped for the night, and secretly took a nap 😭
like Legend he can be convinced to rely on u when he’s already vulnerable like sleepy/tired/injured/sick, but he does find himself secretly appreciative someone in the group can just lift his heavy ass in full armor/or someone else if it gets bad enough,
got converted and no longer has to be convinced usually, he just doesn't initiate much so u have to lol
whats with all these idiots neglecting themselves, both physically and emotionally??
like boy u cant stand the heat of a desert or blizzard, just let in the cuddles 👹
similar to Time, just more vocal abt how appreciative/advantageous it is to have someone to be able to carry comrades out of harsh conditions or battles easily.
Did Not think abt this applying to himself until you literally swept him off his feet like a classic damsel in distress- mans let out a shriek after taking a second to process everything LMAO-
Loudly and Dramatically complains abt u coming to cuddle him, both just to love on him, and to heat him up in a rainstorm, but hugs you back and holds onto you anyway hehe.
Became the 2nd person to find out you’re immune to lightning.
See, everyone heard Legend talk abt u getting struck in a storm in Wild’s hyrule, but no one really came to full terms with it bc they didn't see it. Warrior is now a full believer. He actually got the closest to pissing his armor he ever has in all of his battles bc he forgot abt the metal in the storm = bad idea, until it was too late and u guys were trying to retreat to regroup, bc there were too many black-bloods, only to get full body tackled by you to avoid getting hit by lightning.
You had to bridal carry him for a minute after bc u just got back up after being hit, (it just felt like you rubbed ur body on the carpet and touched a metal wall, like a full body small static shock) bc he was in such a state of literal horror/shock,
Wars saw your life flash before his eyes 💀
goofy wolf man has wolf instincts that help ur case as to Why You Need to Pet Twilight’s Hair and Hold His Hand at All Times if Possible.
main reason Twi’s here is bc he thinks his height + weight = him not needing u to hold onto/cuddle as much, and he would be proven wrong HA
actually gets all blushy/shy anytime u pick him up, freezes like a puppy who’s gotten scruffed too lol
likes a lot more casual touch/cuddles, like arm around ur shoulder or his, sitting with legs touching, leaning against u when he’s cold, etc.
omfg funniest thing abt Wars/Time/Twi is that they’re the tallest out of the Links, so they make for extra fun when picking them up, cuddling etc.
but the best thing ever happened one time when Twi was still recovering from the Shadow’s wound, it got reopened/ached so bad he couldn’t run, but u all were trying to retreat at the moment bc Big Boss,
and u just snatched him up into a piggyback ride, his legs comically sticking out, but the best part was that Hylians are light.
so you were able to run full tilt adrenaline powered run, to the point you surpassed the other Links ahead, and had everyone laughing and simultaneously trying to conserve their breath to keep running LMAO
Twi grew up tall/bigger than kids his age, and is another victim of “no adult figures to pick him up when he was younger”, so he gets this little giddy smile when u pick him up lol <3
the first time u put him in a bridal carry for smth like river rushing waters, mans blushed, stuttered abt smth the whole time, and then didnt let go after you tried to put him down, u didnt have the heart to insist, so u just carried him around half of the day 😭
sorry some have less than others, its nearly 2am I'm just riffing kicking my feet and shit, so I'm not being very thorough
i hope u liked my spiral into blonde twink insanity (well theyre kinda on a spectrum of twinkness)
anyway goodnight, and have a great weekend!!
to the 2 other ppl who sent asks, ill get to you soon and thank you sm for sending stuff :’)
Please feel free to send asks for requests or just to chat :)
Peace out,
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bbrissonn · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 - 𝐥𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which luke realizes he's fallen for his brother's best friend's little sister
warnings: not proofread
disclaimer: english is not my first language so excuse any mistakes. also, this is a work of fictions, this doesn't reflect how these boys act in real life :)
pairing: luke hughes x zegras!reader
wc: 2.06k
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Luke let out a soft grunt as his body hit his mattress, his energy drained from their two games on Friday and Saturday night, which they had both won. So, the seniors had decided a party was to take place on Sunday, from sun up to sun down, something the Hughes boys hated. 
He wasn’t a big partyer, sure he liked going out every once in a while, drink a little here and there, but big scene with a bunch of strangers, drunk strangers wasn’t somethign he enjoyed. He tried to find some positive to the day he just had, but he couldn’t find any. He hadn’t even drank half a beer, having to make sure his friends didn’t do anything that would get them in trouble. 
He was more than ready to call it a day and end to bed, he had successfully put all of his roommates to sleep, meaning there was nothing stopping him from falling asleep. He quickly changed into something more comfortable before hiding under his blanket, checking his phone one last time. Just as he was about to put his phone down, a notification came in. 
He groaned a bit before checking it, hoping it wasn’t one of the freshman asking him to come help them back to their dorms, or anything important really. Instead, he was meet with a text from you, a short and simple one. 
hey lulu, you seemed a bit stressed tonight and i didn’t want to bother you, hope duker wasn’t too much of a hassle to put to bed. just wanted to say you played amazing this weekend :) 
sleep well, you deserve it <3
The youngest Hughes couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face as his fingers moved across his phone screen, his index hovering over the send button, wondering if this was a good idea or not. 
hi y/n/n, surprisingly duker was the easiest to put to bed, can’t say the same for eddy though… thank you, and i will especially after today. i know you have an early class tomorrow, but maybe we could get lunch after? on me
The boy didn’t understand why he felt nervous when he sent the text, the two of you get lunch together pretty much every single week, this wouldn’t be any different. So why was he feeling the way he was? 
i’d love to! only if i get to pick the place though
when have i not let you pick the place? 
never because you’re a smart man :D
exactly, night y/n/n
night lulu, see you tomorrow xx
And there it was again, that weird little feeling in the pit of his stomach, one he had been feeling way too many times in past week whenever he’d talk to you. Luke truly didn’t understand what that feeling was, or why it appeared every time you were around or when you would text or call him, but he loved it. He was addicted to it. 
The same feeling came back the next morning as he saw you walking towards his car, talking with one of your friends that was in your class. A smile creeped it’s way onto his face as you bid your goodbyes to your friend before joining Luke in his car, sending him a wide smile. 
“Hey, Lu.” You said as you buckled up, the boy’s eyes never leaving your figure until your eyes met his. 
“Hi.” He whispered with a smile before snapping back to his normal self, turning the car on and driving off towards your favourite place to eat lunch in the area. It was a small little cafe, one you wouldn’t even know existed if it wasn’t for one of your friends working there. Said friend had brought back a leftover chicken wrap she had as dinner one night, and you grew obsessed with them. 
“You know me so well, Hughes.” You mumbled with a wide grin as he pulled into a parking spot, chuckling a bit at your expression. 
“It’s not like you pretty much force me to eat here every week.” The boy answered, his tone light and teasing making you roll your eyes with a smile. 
“Shut up.” You told him before getting out of the car and making your way into the place, Luke following closely behind you. 
A couple of minutes later, your food arrived, it wasn’t noon yet, meaning there was barely anyone inside, something you loved because it meant your food would arrive quicker. You then started telling Luke about what had happened in your life during the weekend, barely ever letting the boy speak, but he didn’t mind. The sound of your voice was something he loved, the way you would invest into your storytelling leaving him in awn. 
Once again, that feeling in the pit of his stomach came back as your laugh echoed in his ears, your beautiful smile staring at him as all your attention was focused on him, and him only. You were quite the talkative person, always finding a group of people at a party to talk the night away, much like your older brother, and Luke was total opposite, choosing to stay with his teammates at every party. So, whenever your full attention was on him, it made him feel so special. 
He was the only that mattered to you in this moment, your whole mind and spirit were only thinking about him. Just like you had his whole attention, you always did. Whenever the two of you were in the same room, you were all Luke could think about, always letting his eyes drift towards you, finding you easily even in a crowded room. 
“Luke? Luke, are you listening?” He heard your voice ask making him blink a couple of times. Your eyes were looking into his with such worry, he loved it. 
“Yeah, yeah, ‘m listening.” He answered, his voice low as he scratched the back of his neck, clearing his throat slightly. Thankfully, you didn’t ask anymore questions, instead continuing your story, Luke letting out a quick sigh when you did. He relaxed in his seat, paying full attention to what you were saying, realization settling into him. 
He was in deep shit. 
“What’s up with you?” Ethan asked later that night as all the sophomores were sitting in the couches in their living room, Luke quiet than he usually was. The question made the other three boys look over at the youngest one in the room, a slight red colour appearing on Luke’s cheeks. 
“Nothing.” He answered, trying his best to ignore the looks his best friends were giving him. 
“Bullshit.” Dylan called out, pausing the hockey game that was currently playing on their TV, none of them paying attention to it anymore. Luke bit his lips for a moment, debating wether he should tell them about his new found feelings for you, or stay quiet. Knowing his best friends, especially Duker, Trevor would find out in probably less than a week, so option two it was. 
“I don’t wanna talk ‘bout it.” He mumbled, Mackie rolling his eyes at his answer. 
“Boo hoo, whore. Tell us.” The boy said, making the other three chuckle slightly, but nodding their heads at the same time. 
“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone.” Luke started, his friends laughing between them, only making the youngest one angry. “I am serious! You can’t tell another soul about this, or I will murder all of you.” 
“We won’t, chill.” Mark said, the others nodding along with him. Luke took a large sip of his beer, his roommates all watching him until he spoke again. 
“I think I am in love with Y/N/N.” The boy admitted out loud for the first time, and gosh did it feel weird. He was in love with his brother’s best friend’s little sister. He knew Jack probably wouldn’t have a problem with them dating, but Trevor, yeah that would be another story. 
“You just realized?” The other New Jersey pick laughed, the others boys doing the same. A tint of red grew on Luke’s cheeks again, this one darker and more noticeable than before. 
“I think you’re the last one to realize that, buddy.” 
“You just realized?” 
“It’s like the more obvious thing, Hughesy.” They all teased, not making the boy in question feel any better than he already did. He just put himself in the worst position possible, the memory of Trevor introducing you to him, clearly stating that you were off limits to the boy and to never get any ideas. Of course back then, Luke just shrugged it off, after all he was fourteen, the last thing he was thinking about was a relationship, but now, now it was totally different. 
He wanted you, needed you, to be his. He’d do anything for you, if it meant you could be his forever, something he had never felt before. He’s had a couple of girlfriends and flings in the past, but this was a new feeling, stronger than he’s ever felt before. But he could never tell you about this, never, it would ruin your friendship, Trevor would hate him, then Jack and Trevor’s friendship would be all messed up because of it, and it’d all be because of his. He couldn’t. 
“So, when are you gonna tell her?” Dylan asked from besides him, bring the boy out of his thought. Luke furred his brow slightly before answering the Duke boy. 
“Never. It’d ruin everything.” He explained, scoffs being heard in the living room. 
“Trust me, Lukey, if you were to call her right now and ask her on a date, she’d say yes. The girl’s like head over heels for you, it’s so obvious it hurts.” Mackie said, everyone else agreeing with him. 
“Z would kill me, than Jack’s gonna get pissed at me, too risky.” 
“God, you’re the biggest idiot out there.” Dylan mumbled before pressing play on the remote, the sound of the commentators being the only noise in the room. 
Luke didn’t pay attention to the rest of the game, his whole mind being focused on you. What were you doing at this moment? Were you thinking about him like he was thinking about you? Would you go on a date with him? Did you love him the same way he loved you? Or were you in the arms of another boy? Having a girls night with your friends, him being the last thing on his mind? He needed to know. 
The Hughes boy left the living right before the third period started, his finger hovering over your contact. He shouldn’t. But he did it anyways, the sound of the phone ringing soon echoing in his ear as he bit his nails nervously. Only for him to be met with the sound of your voicemail, crushing his spirit a little. He tried his best not to let it bother him, instead deciding to watch a show, when he received a text only a minute later. 
hi lulu, it’s sibling night, i’ll call you when we’re done facetiming :)) 
A sigh of relief left his mouth, monday nights were always siblings night, how he could he forget that. They started back when Trevor left for the NTDP, at first it would be you, Griffin and Ava all together, and then eventually you were all in different places over the country. You had made it very clear to Luke that no plans could ever be made on Monday nights because of it. 
The boy felt a lot more at ease now, relaxing in his bed as his show played. And the moment he heard his ringtone and your contact popping up on his phone, a wide smile grew on his face. He sat up in his bed, clearing his throat slightly before answering the call. 
“Hi, you. What’s up?” You asked, the sound of your voice only making the boy smile even more. 
“I just, uh… Do you wanna go on a date with me?” He asked starighforeward, bitting his lips after, scared of your answer. You stayed quiet for a while, making the boy even more nervous than he already was. 
“I’d love to, Lu.”
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augustinapril · 11 months
Heyyy Spence
So I saw that you wanted some batfam requests (especially platonic ones) so I was wondering if I could ask for a batfam (you pick whatever characters you want to be added) x bat!sibling reader who’s getting a special award but doesn’t tell anyone about it? Not bc they don’t think the family will care, they just think that the rest of them are busy and don’t want to bother them. They somehow find out though and are all there so surprise the reader?
If not- that’s totally fine too!!
Take care <333
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Spider || Batfam
Paring: Batfam & gn!reader
Sypnosis: You're Brooklyns resident Spider, or The Insect, as Heaven likes to call you. It's a job you've taken with honor, and you're being thanked for it by the city. What you didn't expect was to see your family in the crowd.
Warnings: kind of a spiderman x dc crossover? r is basically the spiderman of DC, talks of heights, violence and terribly written fight scenes, reader is threatened by a villian, swearing, mentions of food, its poorly written I'm sorry!!
wc: 3.2k || nav || m.list
a/n: shout out to @lu-vin-it for being a character in this fic! he also happens to write so you should definitely go check out their stuff (that's a threat not a request). thank you @lemkay-luminary for proofreading!! <3 reblogs > likes!!
˗ˏˋ ★ ´ˎ˗
Gotham City was constantly buzzing with life, along with death. It was a violent city, full of murderers, thieves, robbers, and villians drowning in a thirst for blood. More times than you could count, the city has stolen the life of people you've cared for. 
It held too many bad memories for you to stay. You loved the city, and it would always be your home, but you had a new home in Brooklyn, too.
Brooklyn gave you a breath of fresh air, here you could see the sun most days. It was calming, the warmth of it a comfort. You love it here and the people here love you in return.
"Spider!" A little girl from down below shouted, strawberry ice cream smeared across her face as she pointed up at you. "It's Spider!"
Her father gave her a light lecture on how it was rude to point when you attached yourself to the side of a building, offering the little girl a wave. She waved back, squealing in excitement at the fact that the Spider was waving at her. 
"Y/n, you know those guys we've been tracking for God knows how long?" Heaven's voice spoke through the comms, startling you.
"I don't, actually, I think they've managed to slip my mind." You retorted sarcastically as you jumped off and swung your way to a nearby rooftop.
"You were bitten by an insect, I can treat you like an insect." 
"Spiders aren't insects, they're—"
There was an annoyed huff that cut you off, it made you snicker. "Fuck you. I should make you do all this by yourself, but I don't. Be grateful. Anyways, so I've gotten a location on them, Visage is most definitely there."
"Where?" You asked quickly. Visage has been tormenting the city for a while now.
"Near Plymouth Church. They've been spotted in some run down building near it." 
"Thank you." You responded and the comms cut out.
That's when you jumped, arms behind you, the breeze pushed against your suit. It was exhilarating to fly through the air, being so high above everything else. 
Helping people in the way you do, swinging through the city and hearing people like that little girl call out to you was worth every risk the job came with. You'd put yourself on the line every time because you're here to protect them. 
Which brought you here, on top of some building across from an abandoned grocery store. Your eyes were glued to the doors, as you watched and waited for something to happen.
A man walked out, wearing protective green gear. It was Visage, you knew it was. There was no mistaking him and his rather ugly suit. 
"Visage, my man, what's up?" You jumped over to the power line nearby, standing on top of the wooden pole. His head snapped up to you, and the second it did, you webbed him. Jumping up you yanked him up with you. You grabbed ahold of his head and slammed it onto the pole. There was a crack in his helmet, him falling to the ground and letting out a pained groan.
"Fuck," You heard him hiss under his breath, struggling to pull himself off the ground. You didn't give him much of a chance before you leapt down in front of him, landing before swiping him off his feet.
"I'm gonna kill you," He raised his gauntleted hand and he fired at you from his spot on the ground.
It was one of his weird creations, Vistech as he liked to call it. It made you realize that villians are extremely uncreative when it comes to naming things.
"'I'm gonna kill you' blah blah blah, I've heard it all before. Your words mean nothing." You retorted, moving out of the way of whatever it was he shot at you. He had a nasty habit of creating new concoctions and testing them on you.
You were sure you probably seemed cocky, and the way he tensed made it evident he wasn't very appreciative of your attitude. "You're really annoying, you know that?"
After that he charged at you, gear adding power to his steps. Your senses spiked, making you leap out of his way. His gauntlet grabbed hold of your arm, as he throwed you towards a nearby wall. 
The impact knocked the wind out of your lungs, falling to the ground with a wheeze. You could hear his heavy boots hit the ground with each step he took towards you. You pushed yourself off the ground, then you lifted your hand and shot webbing at his face. His cries were muffled by the substance, his hand scratched to try and get the webs off. 
You fully pushed yourself off of the ground, wincing in pain. Much to your dismay, the second you were on your feet Visage had pulled off the webs. He ran towards you again and you were lucky to move out of the way on time.
You put your hand behind his head and slammed it full force into the wall, knocking him unconscious. You crouched down, inspecting Visage's guantlet, lifting the heavy metal. It was warm to the touch, most likely because of the weird substance in them.
You looked them over, searching for a way to remove them . It was more sophisticated than you originally thought, but you found it eventually. 
You knew Visage wasn't the highest of rank in whatever business he worked for, but he was high enough on there for you to get some information on the entire organization. 
You tied him up with your webbing, and when you heard police sirens you leapt up to the rooftop of the nearest building, Visage's guantlet in hand.
The fight had been all over the news.
Some people praised you for your efforts whilst others said you were nothing but a menace, but the mayor, much to your surprise, was extremely pleased with your work.
She made an announcement on television about wanting to thank you personally for everything you've done for Brooklyn.
Which led you here, stood near the entrance of the building the mayor did most of her work in. She looked elegant, black pencil skirt hugging her legs and waist, a matching jacket on top of a white dress shirt. She was so put together it made you nervous.
You didn't look put together. Not that you really could in your spidersuit but you still felt self-conscious. 
Yet she offered you a warm smile, holding her hand out towards you. "Spider! It's nice to meet you in person."
You smiled back, though she couldn't see it from underneath your mask. "It's nice to meet you too, Madame Mayor." Her hand was warm against the fabric of your suit.
"So you and I will just walk out that door," She began, pointing over towards the door. "And I'll greet the crowd, give a speech, and then I'll shake your hand once more. I'll warn you now, there will be a lot of people."
It was strange how you could fight dangerous people and yet the mention of a crowd made your heart rate pick up. 
You nodded, and she smiled again. Her heels clicked loudly against the white flooring of the office building, your steps quieter than hers. You made sure to wear your converse here. There had been many times you forgot to slip on your shoes before heading out of your bedroom window, your mind racing to find reported criminals.
The doors opened, sunlight shined through as you exited the brick building. There was an abundance of people in the crowd, the snapping of pictures and shouts of Spider filled the atmosphere. There were news reporters that surrounded the barricades of the stairs, keeping the rambunctious crowd from getting too close.
"Hello people of Brooklyn!" The Mayor waved, sun reflecting off of her white painted nails. The way she handled the crowd made you envious and it took everything in you not to teeter on your feet to calm the nerves. 
The crowd gave a series of shouts and greetings in reply, making the mayor laugh. She was good at this, but you suppose she had to be. That's when she introduced you, another wave of excited noise spilled from the ocean of people across from you.
"Hello." You replied as you waved and cringed at how awkward you probably sounded. Another group of greetings sounded around you.
People could be loud when they wanted to be, and that amplified in groups. You eyed them, and noticed the little girl from a few days ago again. She rested on top of her father's shoulders—her face was ice-creamless now—and her abundance of red waves was put into braids with ribbons tied at the end.
She made you smile from under your mask, as the beginning of the mayor's speech slipped past your ears. You moved your gaze from her, your eyes looked over the people and that's when you saw them. Your family in the very back.
Dick looked silly. The entirety of his outfit was just Spider merchandise and you were sure he seemed like an obnoxious fan to the rest of the crowd. Jason stood away from him, probably upset that he had to stand so close to Dick when he looked like that. He blended in more with the crowd, he wore simple attire that any normal person would wear in public. Not that he was normal, he just didn't like to stand out in such a way. 
Your father wore a suit. A very pristine suit, as usual, no one except reporters ever wore something so proper to an event like this. 
Steph had the biggest smile ever on her face, hair pulled back by a purple headband, dressed simply in a long skirt and a purple cardigan to cover it. Tim stood next to her, adorned in a sweater Bernard had given him and a pair of shorts. The both of them were on the opposite side of the crowd. Cass was not too far away. 
She had never enjoyed crowds, or people in general. You wouldn't have noticed her if not for your enhanced senses. She leaned against Bruce's car, the entirety of her black attire blended in with the car's paint. Damian was beside her, arms crossed. The warm weather had him in a simple pair of brown cargo shirts, his green t-shirt blended nicely with them.
Damian probably didn't want to come. Not that he didn't love you or anything, no he often talked about how you were the most tolerable out of the rest of his family, he just never saw the point in coming to something he could very easily watch on TV. You were going to make sure to thank him later.
You returned your attention back to the mayor. As she was nearing the end of her speech she turned to you. "—And I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming here today. The Spider has done so much for our city this last year, and it seemed rude to not provide our hero a proper thank you."
Her hand reached toward you once again, but before she could grasp your hand an intense feeling of danger hit you. Your head snapped up, turning over and noticing a man—one of Visage's men it seemed from the apparel he wore—directing one of the  special guns directly at the mayor. You shielded her quickly, pulling her away just as he pulled the trigger. 
The crowd screamed at the sound, erupting in panic. You should've known this would have happened. Nothing is ever so easy.
 "Are you okay?" You asked the mayor, and she nodded, mumbling a thank you. You once her over just to make sure before jumping back into the crowd. It was almost as if the man multiplied in your short time of making sure the mayor was okay. 
"Can't you guys take days off or something?" You asked, annoyed when you webbed one of the weapons, yanking it out of his hands and sticking it up against the wall of a building. "Seriously, you guys are everywhere. I think you might need to bring this up with your boss."
One of them charged at you, which you swiftly moved out of the way but kept your foot in place, snickering when she tripped on the ground. 
You jumped, legs pushing you high enough to land on the top of a street lamp. You'd yanked one of the men up with you, slamming his head into the light before webbing him to it, leaving him dangling when you jumped down. 
"Do you ever shut up?" A woman shouted, irritated with you. She lunged at you, but hit the wall—hard enough as to where you could hear a loud groan.
"Only if you say please."
There was only one person left, he radiated irritation. It was easy to piss these people off. If it were a sport you'd have 1st place medals galore.
"And then there were two." You joked, watching as he pulled out a similar weapon to the first guys.
"Shut your fucking mouth!"
You scoffed, preparing yourself to attack him before you answered. "Do you people have no manners?"
It was a swift motion, webbing the weapon so he couldn't fire. He tried to rip off the webs before you got him in the face. His sounds of confusion were muffled, and you took this time to kick the legs out from under him, sticking his hand together 
Within minutes, you'd gotten all of them tied up. It was a swift battle—if you could even consider it one—and now you made your way back to the Mayor.
With a quick once over, you knew she was okay. Shaken up, but overall physically okay. You still asked to be sure. "Are you okay?"
She looked at you, offering a smile. "Yes, I'm okay thanks to you. Thank you again, Spider. For everything. I don't know where Brooklyn would be without you."
You couldn’t think of a response. Talking to people was hard, but talking to the Mayor was harder. Especially when she said something like that. “It’s no problem.” You said, though you questioned if it sounded awkward.
After assisting to make sure everyone was okay. You felt a small tug at the stretchy fabric of your suit. Your head drifting in the direction of the source, your heart warmed. It was the little girl from before. “Spider!”
You grinned underneath your mask, crouching down to see eye-to-eye with her, taking notice of the adorable crochet beanie in her head. “Hello. I really like your hat!”
She giggled, the brightest smile you’ve ever seen crossing her features. “It has you on it!”
"It does! Did someone make it for you?"
Her waves bounced around her head when she nodded, grabbing ahold of her father's hand and shaking it around. "My daddy made it for me! Isn't that right, daddy?"
He gave a proud grin, though it wasn't as bright as it would be if he didn't look so exhausted. "Yeah, that's right, sweetheart. I did make it."
"You should convince him to make me one," You joked, looking up at her father. "It's an awesome hat. I'm honored to have such a hat with me on it."
"She wouldn't stop pestering me until I finished," He replied, shaking his head with a chuckle. "She asked me everyday if her hat was done. She loves you."
You warmed and looked back at the child. "And her love will always be appreciated."
After a rather hard goodbye, he led her back towards their small car. It took a few hours, but eventually you were able to make your way back home for a quick meal. You had some spare time before you decided you were going to force yourself back out into the city, hoping to finally give yourself a chance to relax.
Though it seemed your plans had been foiled, the smell of Mac & Cheese filled your apartment, and the slight chatter of familiar voices bouncing off of the fake wooden walls.
"Alfred?" Your eyebrows rose when you saw the man that was basically your second father standing in front of your stove, a pot in front of him as he stirred a wooden spoon through the creamy noodles. "You're making Mac & Cheese?"
Alfred never enjoyed making Mac & Cheese like this, far more into homemade foods rather than the cheap store-bought boxes. He enjoyed putting care into his cooking, and boxed Mac & Cheese took that away. In his eyes, at least.
You set your stuff down, listening to Alfreds words even though he didn't look at you. "I would have made something else, but it seems this was all you had in your cupboard, L/n."
"Fair." You shrugged before you heard someone clearing his throat.
"No hello to your father?"
You looked at him and smiled. "Hello Father."
Jason snickered, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You sound like Damian." His feet on your table made you send him a light glare.
"Better him than you, Jay. And get your nasty ass feet off my table." You shoved his feet off of the fake wood, as you ignored the glare he sent you when you walked by, and ruffled Damian's hair. "How's the favorite brother?"
He huffed in annoyance and shoved your hand away, an incoherent grumble being your only response.
"Y/n!" Steph interrupted, a blur of purple passing your vision as he gave you a swift hug, arms wrapping tightly around you. "We missed you!"
"I missed you guys too." You grinned, brushing a few strands of blonde hair that fell out of her headband behind her ear after she pulled away. "Where's Cass and Dick?"
As if on queue, Dick walked through the door, his hand in the air as he answered. "We're here!" He had a flare for the dramatics, his high-school yearbooks and his years of theater could prove it. 
Cass' entrance was far more tame, as she carefully walked through as to not drop the big yellow box in her hands,closing the door with her foot. "We brought cake."
"Cake?" You weren't expecting cake, and especially not store bought cake. Alfred would be quivering in his boots if he didn't have to hide his irritation. 
"You didn't tell us about the Mayor." Damian interrupted, his arms crossed. Irritation was written all over his face—which seemed to mask his slight pain about the topic—and you were hit with a sudden pang of guilt.
"Sorry, Dami." You began, as you gave an apologetic smile. You looked at all of them, trying to explain yourself. "You guys are all so busy, I didn't wanna pull you away from your work."
The explanation seemed silly now that you said it out loud. It was a stupid reason, your family cared about you a lot and it probably seemed like a kick in the face. You continued, words spilling out of your mouth in an anxiety consumed guilt.
"It's not that I thought you guys wouldn't care or anything I just— I don't know, I didn't wanna pull you guys away from something more important."
"No work could ever come above you," Bruce spoke quickly, taking your hand within his. He squeezed it, as if it were to make his words stronger with meaning.
And in a way it did, it reminded you that your family may be busy, but you all would always put each other first.
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sorry this was all over the place!! constructive criticism is always welcome!! please consider reblogging if you did enjoy it!!
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