#Lucid dreaming is the best
whoopsyeahokay · 2 months
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i had a dream this man was graduating from some kind of military training thing and let me tell you. letmetellyou. he looked fine as hAYell in uniform. thank you, brain, for your service in delivering that image to me. much obliged.
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nerdmutant · 30 days
ok i need to tell someone about this dream i had with daniel a few nights ago
i wasn't going to tell anyone cause it's embarrassing but I've been laughing to myself too much and i need to curse someone else with this mental image
in the dream i was at a hotel and daniel was staying at the same hotel so i approached him and told him how much of a fan of the show i was and he was great in it
(keep in mind this is REAL IN-UNIVERSE daniel molloy)
and suddenly we're talking like we're besties
we go up to (his? my?) room and then we WATCH HORROR MOVIES THE ENTIRE TIME
like a fucking sleepover
we had matching socks
we ate popcorn
I had a sleepover with thE daniel molloy
(i saw armand at one point too but i don't remember what he was doing)
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cosmictapestry · 9 months
lucienne grinning crying barely breathing on her knees in the sand clutching her god's hand you're home my lord dream first facial expression we've seen from him biggest dopiest grin hazy sick thin fevered so desperately relieved i am. and he is what she believes he is. later in the throne room dream hunched broken exhausted wondering fond proud and yet you stayed while others fled. the royal librarian of an abandoned kingdom. lucienne tall sure matter-of-fact conspiratorial familiar i never felt abandoned. i knew you would return. and he is what she believes he is
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lyrashifts · 6 months
Hiii! I was wondering if it possible to shift and still be awake? Or have those dreams people have where they think they already woke up and started their day but they’re still dreaming?
i'm sorry for answering this so late... i replied earlier but forgot to post it 😭.
in short: yes! you can shift while awake. lots of people have reported doing so or have had success with awake methods. i think one of the most popular is the julia method.
for the second question i'm not quite sure what you mean. if you mean whether false awakenings are possible i can confirm that they are as i've had a few before. in relation to lucid dreaming those can occur especially if you've tried to lucid dream. i tend to do a reality check every time i wake up just to make sure it's not a false awakening (which actually made me lucid during one of them!)
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armaansays · 2 months
Everytime I see you,
Everytime I am
with you,
even subtly ...
Wildflowers grows
All over
my dead chest.
And then,
Every once in a while
bend & sway
towards the wind of your Heart
to play
with you.
Armaan 🪶
~Wildflowers 🌾🌿🏵️
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syndromealice-blog · 7 months
Snape lucid dreaming
I looked at my mom curiously.
“I am dreaming…” I said looking at her.
I can’t be near her.
She disappears and I understand I can control my dream. A door after another, I open them all. I was looking for someone in particular. I was looking for Snape.
“Severus!” I yelled wondering if I am yelling in reality too. I am hoping I won’t wake up anyone.
“Severus!” I am trying to force my brain to show me him. I was opening doors. I knew one way or another I will get to him.
I always had so good imagination. But his face always was something blurry. I can’t imagine his face. I can’t imagine his body. Just someone slender, tall and long black hair. Just a figure. I am trying to force my brain. It’s too hard when I don’t believe in this myself.
“Severus!” I caught myself to feel embarrassed. If I am screaming while dreaming my grandma would hear it and think I am crazy.
But now I am in control. Here is no war, no harassment and abuse. No evil people. Just me and him. I must find him.
I see him in the couch. He wears beige pants and sweater. I know it’s him. Face is blurry but his long fingers and pale hands and black long hair. It’s him.
I smile and hug him. I feel the pressure like in real life. Like it’s real. Baphomet bless my brain. I feel his heat. Like it’s all real. I am saying something but I can’t remember it anymore. We speak same language. I understand him even he is not opening his mouth and I can’t hear his voice.
I open my eyes. It’s been almost a year I was in control.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
Why is the miserable piano cover of Mad World the popular one when the original is such a fucking banger
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vicewiccanblog · 3 months
7 / 1 / 2024
I feel like I'd be more of a 'medium' type Witch. I wanna get into Cooking and Herb magic, but I seem to have a natural affinity for the more spiritual side of it all. Especially when I was growing up.
I remember when I was growing up, I'd have 'future vision' type dreams (don't remember the term atm) where I'd see events well into the future. And it was always accurate, I'd get 'deja vu' moments out of nowhere and sometimes I'd even stop myself from saying the same things as I had in the original dream. But I couldn't control when these 'dreams' happened, nor could I determine how far it was into the future...though, now that I think back, the visions came true normally two whole years after I have them. But I wouldn't have any more until after they happened either.
I ended up losing that ability as I reached adulthood, and I feel kinda sad about it. I was never trained to learn how to keep that ability, plus my trauma got really bad and I closed myself off for a long time to those parts of me. And now I want them back, but I don't know how to start. The only ability I gained (after opening myself up again) was Lucid Dreaming, but even that felt like a 'natural' ability to me. Like I was meant to gain it, and every time I Lucid Dream it just happens. I gain abilities in those dreams, ones that I feel represent my personal progress and show how much stronger I've become. It's really cool when it happens, I feel like my dreams always mean something even if I don't remember most of them.
I'll probably look into how I can get my old prophetic dreams back, and help myself Lucid Dream more often. But it does feel like, when I want these things to happen, they just don't. And I'm scared that I'll lose these abilities for good one day. But I'll still try, because I want to open myself more to the spiritual side and explore that myself. And I hope that my protector will help guide me through it, along with my deity who I know is watching over me and probably laughing while they enjoy seeing me work through mt struggles.
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stickeykeys · 9 months
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amourjins · 2 months
you guys .. im on a walk rn (while lucid dream is on repeat) adn tell mr why somebodu jusf HAD to walk pasys me whirlw i was whispering “i dont know what else to say you drive me crazy”
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bobmckenzie · 1 year
KMHFGJGHB RICHIE WAS IN MY DREAM AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE HAD A CRUSH ON ME AND GUS WAS BEING A WINGMAN FOR HIM 😭😭😭 I hardly ever even get CRUMBS of selfship dreams, this one was like a whole meal 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
man i wish i could think abt characters to fall asleep. youd think that’d be something my brain would like. i actually have my best character thoughts in the morning tho bc I’m also really bad at waking up so I can get a lil lucid dreaming going on… so many fics born that way
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therewithinthestars · 10 months
shout out to levi to still somehow being my comfort character that i remember in the middle of nasty sleep paralysis attacks despite not being in aot fandom for years (the only comfort character i can remember in those moments btw)
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sameaslastnight · 1 year
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how it feels trying to do anything in a dream
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
Goa'uld: Hmm... Which of the humans I've captured will be my next host... Everyone: 😨 Goa'uld: ...YOU! (me) Everyone: 😱 Me, whose dream it is: Oh what a coincidence! How could anyone have expected that?
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lilidawnonthemoon · 1 year
AOTY 🥇💯🙌🏼
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