#Luffy knew btw
itsrainingbubbles · 23 days
Thinking about love potions so what if a devil fruit eater 'made' law fall in love with Luffy
The hearts and strawhats are together fighting an enemy, then suddenly a blinding pink light appears and when it's gone there's a girl standing in front of a passed out law
They try to get her but she gets away and so they have no choice but to hope whatever she did to law isn't permanent
When law wakes up he swears he feels perfectly fine and he does look fine but chopper insists on running some tests on him which law eventually agrees to
Word gets around that law woke up and people drop by to check on him which is fine, as far as they can tell law isn't in critical condition so visits are okay. They're okay until luffy comes to visit
As soon as law spots Luffy his heart rate speeds up and it's shown via the machine law is attached to showing his vitals which panics chopper and he looks up at law all worried but when he sees him he has literal heart eyes and his heart just keeps getting faster while Luffy comes up to him and talks to him about how worried they all were
Halfway through their conversation law turns to chopper, who has just been standing there shocked at what was happening, and he says something along the lines of "there's nothing wrong, yeah? I'll be leaving now" and then walk away with luffy
When chopper comes to his senses and goes out to follow law he finds law giving Luffy a ride on his shoulders while Luffy points excitedly where he wants to go which is freaking out everyone nearby because law is smiling
They manage to convince law to let chopper run more tests and everything looks normal again until luffy comes wondering in again and that's when the results get all wonky
He shares his findings with the crews and they immediately piece it together that the devil fruit made law fall in love with Luffy, as they say this they're all staring at law who's hugging Luffy from behind and resting his chin on Luffy's head
They do research on devil fruits and find that the effects will wear off on their own in a couple days or weeks depending on how much power the devil fruit user used so they decide to just leave it since it isn't too bothersome, just weird
Besides the crews don't mind sailing together for a bit while law is under the influence of the devil fruit and refuses to go their separate ways
They get used to it, to walking onto the deck and seeing luffy on laws lap while law plays with Luffy's hair, law staring at Luffy from across the room with hearts in his eyes, law taking Luffy to eat and paying for him everytime they land on an island
Eventually it becomes normal and they don't even bat an eye, but before they realize it weeks have passed and law is still acting more or less the same
They give it some more time, maybe he just got an extra large dose. But then 2 months pass and laws still acting the same
That's when they start to worry and start running more tests on law, that's when they realize law no longer gets heart eyes when looking at Luffy, not literal ones anyways
Law is perfectly fine, just in love with Luffy, and judging by Luffy's behavior he loves law back
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quaggyday · 6 months
Ace's death is a tragedy because it was both preventable and inevitable
After like a thousand episodes of an impossible goal of rescuing Ace and losing thousands of lives in the process, at the last moment everything goes to shit because if ONLY he had just ran with his family. If only he had just swallowed his feelings and got the hell out of there to live another day
But like
Of COURSE Ace would never run from a fight, something shown time and time again. Of course he would defend Whitebeard, the only Father figure in his life to tell him "You deserve to be here" and showed again and again he loved Ace no matter what. Of course Ace would put his love and pride all out for somebody he loves, its simply who he is
And of course if Luffy, the crying baby brother who told him he needed him around was going to die in just seconds Ace would give up everything for him. His own pride got him in this despairing situation, and he took the consequences by saving his brother for another day because that's what big brothers do
What Akainu did was basically playing Ace's worst weakness, a weakness that came from a government that normalizes hunting and killing kids for just existing with things they can't control. And the fact that Akainu wanted Ace and Luffy dead not because of any of the crimes they did as pirates, but because their Fathers were technical criminals is what honestly makes this more of a gut punch of cruelty
Luffy and Sabo better get the chance to punch avenge their brother eventually
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hauntingblue · 1 month
Gear 5 luffy's laugh is so contagious I just hear the drums and go insane how does this work. What did he do to me
#i still cant believe how much this new opening theme goes off.... DREAM SAVE ALL OF US 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 💥💥💥💥💥💥#wait a second. the robot attacked 200 years ago. the void century was 800 years ago no????? what#oh see it was made 900 years ago.... but why did it attack 200 years ago then.... what happened#it is still so funny how they made evegapunk einstein but with some cunty long legs#200 years ago they gave rights to the gyojin!!! i see i see ✍️✍️also i still wonder why law and kuma have similar hat and pants designs#like there is NO WAY that much similarity isnt done on purpose. NO FUCKING WAY!!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!#are they annihliating cp ships akdhakskd yeah vegapunk letsgo#also the opening song is about dreams and the end one is about luffy reaching shanks...... havent got a clue why but there it is#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1098#also is lucci named lucci bc it kinda sounds like luffy. SERAPHIM KUMA HAS HIS DEVIL FRUIT???? vegapunk could only make zoan fruits????#also wdym when cp0 acts it means its some historic event. lucci is like 25. where are the experienced people here#sentomaru works for vegapunk??? maybe i forgor about this tbh also do theu have a doffy seraphim??? the fact they have animal names....#stussy letting kaku get hurt akdhsjsn oh atlas has lamb ears..... and lucci said she is is prey... no..... the foresahdowing :(#lucci you fucked up she just gave luffy food... that a death sentence look what happened to kaido#episode 1099#<- oh my god btw. god. jesus.#why is akainu telling the cp0 what to do or thinks he can do that... thats the world gov... also thinkng about how garp should fight him#and not luffy.... because of ace you know... i still wonder how did sengoku know who ace's father was... there is only one man who knew....#everyone trying to stop them from fighting ajdhsksjks two rabid dogs fr#LUFFY TAKING OFF HIS JACKET WHEN LUCCI ASKS FOR HIS WANTED SIGN!!!! GO OFF KING!!!! SLAY!!! THE CREW SAW HIM!!! FINALLY!!!#i have been smiling since he started the transformation this is so sick...... i have got a case of the luffy brain#zoan fruits steal the personality of the user when they awaken ✍️✍️ luffy???? nami being the only one who saw gear 5 <3 twins manifesto#robin being so shook about luffy being a god ajdbjansk wdym devil fruits exist because people wish for them. fairy magic real????#WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE FROM ALTERNATE REALITIES WHERE SOMEONE DREAMT ABOUT THEM??? DOES HE TRAVEL THRU REALITIES FOR THEM???#jinbe has been making this face 😧 every episode three times it is amazing ajdhaksnsk poor man... now he sees a kid angel version of himself#after seeing hia captain turn into a god... he is gonna get a stroke OMG SENTOMARU WE JUST GOT YOU BACK#episode 1100#<- CRAZY. INSANE. OH GOD. ONLY 12 LEFT. THATS A WEEKEND!!! I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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psy-ay-ay · 6 months
going merry TwT
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cozage · 1 year
this is my first time doing an ask but,, can I have a Law/Luffy/Ace (all or any, either is fine!) where the reader accidentally keeps seducing them without knowing? like a few incidents where the reader is oblivious to the way she is affecting them would be very cute <3 love your writing style a lot btw, it gives me butterflies hehe~
A/N: Thank you Anon :) that was such a nice compliment ahhhhh i love you
Characters: f reader x Law, Luffy, Ace
Cw: SFW in bullet points, some suggestive content in the “story” portion and alcohol mention in Law’s and Ace’s
Total word count: 2.4k
Oblivious Flirting (and one very obvious one!)
Some things you do without knowing that makes his heart flutter:
Touching the small of his back when you move behind him or lean in to talk to him. It’s just something you do with everyone, but it makes him freeze whenever you touch him there specifically. He feels electricity bolt through his body whenever your skin makes contact with his. He hates when you pull away, and has to swallow the knot in his throat and attempt to act normal. 
You consistently tease him about his earrings, telling him they’d look good on you. You beg and beg to try them on, and he always waves you off. He lowers his hat to cover his face, feigning irritation and trying to end the conversation, but really he’s trying to cover his blush. (And he has to admit, he thinks they’d look good on you too)
You’re one of the few people Law allows to sit in his study with him, because you don’t bother him. Occasionally you’ll be reading, or see something interesting or funny, and you’ll gasp or laugh or make a funny expression with your face. Law finds that so endearing, and he loves it even more when you say “Captain, listen to this!” and then go on to repeat whatever you just read. It’s one of the few times he finds himself smiling and something so small and trivial, and he always loves how excited you are about it all. 
The crew had just gotten in from a long night, and you were just a bit too tipsy to function normally. You cursed the tight dress you were in, and the zipper that always got stuck. You opened your door, looking for anyone who could help loosen the damn thing just a little, but nobody was around. You ventured down the hallway, looking for the one man you knew would be awake at this hour. 
You found yourself at his office door, and you knocked softly. Your captain had been the one member of the crew who hadn’t gone out to the bar with you all, claiming he needed to work on some project. He opened the door a crack, and you smiled up at him.
His eyes scanned your body and then quickly snapped back up to your face. “Is there something you need?”
You frowned and turned around, sweeping your hair away from your back. “Help,” you whined to him. 
“With what?” You could hear the irritation in his voice, and you held back the urge to laugh at him. 
“My dress. Can you unzip it?”
His voice comes out in a low hiss, and you can hear that you’ve caught him off guard. “What?”
You laugh now, and you turn your head to catch his gaze sliding down your back, trying to find where the zipper ends. His face is beet red with embarrassment and full of shock. You can’t help but laugh even harder, looking at your captain so tongue tied. 
“Not like that!” Your voice is a tad too loud, and Law shoots a look down the hallway to see if anyone will emerge, but it stays silent. “Unless you want it to be like that,” you say more seductively, giggling lightly and scrunching your face at him in a teasing manner. You wink and turn around, waiting for him to unzip the top part of your dress. 
He stands there, frozen as a statue. He’s so confused about this interaction and if it means anything more than drunken teasing on your end. He knows you’re one to do harmless flirting, but this feels like something more, he just can’t explain why. 
“Lawwwww,” you impatiently sing his name out, and he snaps out of his frozen state. His fingers hover over your zipper, and he pulls at it gently. It doesn’t budge, and he has to use more force, finally getting it to budge. He unzips it a third of the way down your back. 
“Further,” you hum to him, and he obliges after a moment. He unzips it all the way to your waist before stopping himself from going lower. He stands there silently for a minute, transfixed by the view he got now that your back was so exposed to him. 
“Thank you, captain.” Your voice is low and full of exhaustion. The events of the night have finally caught up to you, now that you were more comfortable and the dress wasn’t squeezing your body. You rub the drowsiness from your eyes and turn back to him, giving him a sleepy smile and bounding off down the hallway. 
He wished he was capable of telling you how desperately he wanted to follow you in that moment. 
How to make Luffy’s eyes to widen at you: 
Putting on lipgloss. The first time he saw you do it, the shine it gave your lips, he was awestruck. You caught him staring, and offered him the tube. “Wanna try? It’s cotton candy flavor.” He didn't know how to explain he wanted to lick it off your face, not the tube. 
When he’s close to you, you like to scrunch your face up at him and give his nose a little tap. Sometimes it’s prompted by him being silly, sometimes you’re just walking by and get the urge to do it. It can be accompanied by a “boop!” which usually makes him laugh so hard he falls over. He doesn’t know why, but he likes being so close to you and having so much fun with you. 
Whenever you refer to him as captain, he falls a little harder for you. He loves hearing “Luffy'' out of your mouth, but there’s just something so sweet about the way “Captain” comes out. Where others use the words begrudgingly, you always sing the word, making it light and fluffy and the word passes through your lips and floats around him.
Your shouts of glee rang out across the Sunny as you jumped over barrels and bounded across the deck. 
“Give it back!” Luffy called out, but his tone was light as he chased after you. He laughed as he shot his arm out at you, trying to grab the strawhat off your head. But you ducked at the last second, and his arm whipped past you. You jumped over the balcony onto the lower deck, turning around mid leap to stick your tongue out at him as you fell. 
You dashed across the deck, and as you went to turn left, he shot across to cut you off. You yelped in surprise, turning on your heel to dash the other way. You could hear Luffy behind you, groaning in frustration. 
“Wow, this strawhat has such nice shade!” You called out while still running. “I think I’ll just keep it forever!”
You could hear Luffy laughing behind you, and you knew he was planning another attack. 
“In your dreams!” You heard something slingshot past you, but you didn’t bother looking to see what body part it was this time. You just kept running.
And then you were at the bow of the ship, and you realized you were cornered. You scrambled to the top of the figurehead, desperately trying to find a way out of your position.
Rubber arms wrapped around you tightly and secured you to the top of the Sunny’s mane. Luffy had pinned you down, and though you tried to get out, you knew it was futile. 
“Luffy, let me go!”
“Give me my hat back!” He swung up to stand on the figurehead, directly in front of you. His face is twisted in a pout, but you can tell it’s not a serious one. 
“Take it back yourself if you want it so badly!”
He pulls himself closer to you, trying to get his arm free enough to grab his hat off your head. But he’s stretched out as much as he can, and his arms are tangled up in eachother. 
You laugh out loud at the realization that both of you are stuck in a strange stalemate. You can’t be freed without giving his hat back, and he cant get his hat back without freeing you. 
“Is there anything else I can offer up in exchange for my release?” You smirk, and he knows he won’t get his hat back yet. Not that he minds. He likes chasing you around. 
With you this close, he notices how your lips are shining against the sun. You must’ve put on that lip gloss before you took his hat. 
“I want to try your lipgloss.”
You giggle, assuming his mind was always on food. “Sure, but that’s in my pock-”
He cuts you off as his lips press against yours, his tongue licking your lips to gain entry to the rest of you. For a second you tense, shocked that he would be so bold, but then you relax into his touch, letting him explore the inner parts of your mouth. Finally. 
You feel his arms release you from captivity, and his hands rest on the back of your head, pulling you into him further. You stand there together, liplocked for a moment, before he finally breaks away from you, his eyes clouded and dazed.
“That tasted great! Let’s do it again some time.”
You leap off of the figurehead and back onto the deck, his hat still atop your head, racing away from him and laughing for the whole Grand Line to hear. “You’ll have to catch me first!” 
Ways to unintentionally get Ace to burst into flames:
The way you are always touching his shoulder to get his attention. Anytime you say “Oh, Ace!” it’s always accompanied by a soft touch or an eager tap on his shoulder. He loves your excitement and your eagerness to share things with him
Whenever your confidence comes through, he swoons. You don’t take shit from any other crew members, and you never let people talk over you. He loves watching you hold your own against others. He’s always ready to jump in if he needs to, but he gets so giddy watching you yell at other people and stand your ground.
You are always making fire jokes. Sometimes it annoys him when other people do it, but never with you. You’ll spot him in a crowd and yell “Oh, I knew it got hotter in here!” and it makes him want to melt into a puddle. You’ll eye him and joke “You look hot today,” and the shock and embarrassment will ALWAYS make little flames appear across his body, to which you follow up “No, Ace. Now you’re literally on fire.” You know you’re the one who sparks it, but you still find it funny nonetheless.
“Like hell you can beat me!” 
He heard your voice ring out across the deck of the Moby Dick, and he shuffled through the crowd to find you in a stand off against Curiel. You both raised your tankard, hit them together, and down the grog in a matter of seconds. 
You slammed your tankard on the ground moments before Curiel, and the crowd erupted into cheers at your victory. Ace found himself laughing along with everyone, proud of your accomplishment. 
“She’s something, huh?” Marco’s voice came from behind him, and he turned to face his fellow commander. 
“She told me she’s working her way through drink offs with all of the commanders,” Ace replied with a soft chuckle. “Looks like she’s making progress.”
Marco snorted at the thought. “I’ll be impressed if she ever faces off with either of us.”
Hands reached around from behind him, and fingers danced across his chest, giving him goosebumps. “Ace,” you whined in his ear, and his entire body tensed at your closeness. “Give me a piggyback ride back to my bed please.”
Marco raised an eyebrow at him, and Ace blushed as you jumped up without waiting for a response, certain he would wrap his strong arms around your legs and carry you. And he did. 
“You can walk you know, Y/N,” Marco said, watching your head rest against Ace’s, your eyes already beginning to close. 
“Ace is more comfortable,” you mumbled, rubbing your body against his bare skin to prove it. “He’s hot, you know.”
Ace’s body erupted in small harmless flames at your comment, and Marco burst out laughing. The second division commander got flustered so easily, if you were the one complimenting him. 
“Let’s go,” Ace grumbled, hauling you away from Marco and off to your room. 
He walked silently through the corridors, painfully aware of where all your bare skin was touching his. Your fingers laced together on his chest. Your arms atop his shoulders. Your face, resting against the back of his head and on his neck. His hands held the underside of your thighs, and your inner thighs pressed tightly into his back and his waist. There was so much of you, so close to him. 
He placed you gingerly on the bed and covered you with a blanket. He tiptoed out, giving you one last look before he closed the door. 
“Come join me,” you called from your bed, hoping he hadn’t already left yet. 
Ace’s face flushed, and he stepped back inside your room to close the door, hoping nobody heard. “In bed?”
You hummed in agreement, patting the empty bed beside you. 
“I cant,” Ace stammered, trying to think of some kind of reason to avoid a night of torture for him. He didn’t want you to regret anything in the morning. “I’m, uh, dirty.”
“Join me in the shower then? If you prefer,” Your voice was devious and gleeful at the same time. He could hear the smile spreading over your lips as you spoke, and he realized he had caught fire from embarrassment again. 
He wished he had said something witty, or cocky, or said anything really, but all he could do was swing your door open, run out, and close it quickly. 
“Goodnight Aceee!!” You sang from the other side of the door. He could hear your giggles and he ran down the hallway, too flustered to put his own flames out.
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gigislesbo · 9 months
↳ “such a pretty girl.” || op sanji fic
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╴sanji never understood why you were too embarrassed to take charge when riding him. it was cute to him but he heard that you wanted to try it and so he let you.
╴word count: 1.2k
╴pairing/dynamic: top!sanji and powerbottom!reader
╴content warning: use of fem prns, made with afab body in mind, smut, sweet sanji, insecureish reader, grinding lead by reader, riding which is lead by ji, praise from sanji, slight dumbification, little bit of begging, slight cussing
╴requested: no but it’s self indulgent 😝
╴a/n: hopefully this will makeup for my wack ass luffy smut 😭😭. keep in mind english isn’t my first language so if there’s any grammar issues apologies. overall, ENJOY!! Btw i wrote this in an hour and didn’t feel like rereading 😭
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↳ SANJI (my everything)
"Ji, I'm scared that I'll disappoint you if I take charge." You said it in a low, whisper-like tone, trying your best to avoid your lover's eye contact.
"Y/N, you could never disappoint me! "I'm just happy you thought about coming out of your comfort zone. No matter what, I'll always stand behind what you want." Sanji said with a smile on his face that he was trying his best to comfort you because he knew you get insecure over these types of things.
"Do you really mean that? Even if it’s bad, you wouldn’t be disappointed?" You picked up your head, staring directly at him like a puppy waiting for their owner's approval.
"Of course I mean it. You’re mon amor, so anything you do would never be bad," Sanji said with a cheeky smile, meaning every word he said.
After a few minutes of silence, you finally decide that maybe trying to take over wouldn’t be so bad. It’s not like you haven’t wanted to try it.
"Ji, I think I want to try that if it’s okay with you." You say you're a bit embarrassed by what just came out of your mouth.
"Go ahead, babe." Sanji just smirked at you, walking over to your shared bed and sitting down.
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After a few seconds, you decide to join him. pushing him down, taking his clothes off while he took off yours.
You stare at your love in admiration; everything about him is just so pretty, especially his pretty dick that your mouth is already watering for.
After unconsciously staring at him for a bit, you decide it’s time to step out of your comfort zone.
You straddled him, slowly picking yourself up so your bare pussycat could grind on his big cock. You go back and forth in slow motion, watching as Sanji groans from it.
"Mmm, that’s it, baby." He said in a low tone that even if it was just simple grinding to you, to him it was a lot more than that because you were showing yourself you could take charge, and that just made him feel more pleasure.
You continue to go back and forth a couple more times. You were a moaning mess when you saw how Sanji’s dick just reacted to your slick; you honestly couldn’t wait any longer to have his dick inside of you, so you decided it was time.
You stop your motions, watching how Sanji groaned from the sudden loss of friction.
"B-babe, you should've warned me about stopping." Sanji said playfully.
You just smiled at him, moving his hands to your bare back so he could help lift you up so you'd be able to position yourself on Sanji’s cock properly.
"f-fuck." You say you're going down on his cock; you can feel him inside you, and for some reason your pussycle clenched around it.
"Your cunt really loves my dick, huh?" He says it teasingly, slowly smirking at you in the process.
"M-mhm!" is the only sound you can let out before you’re lifting yourself off his cock and right back down to his base.
The more times you tried to find the perfect spot, speed, angle, and rhythm, the more your legs trembled from it. You weren’t used to having to find your own pleasure spot yourself, but you knew you could do it.
After a few minutes of trying to find it, you did. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the sudden contact between the spot and your cock. You couldn’t help but drool a bit as you continued to fuck yourself in that exact same spot.
Sanji smirked as he noticed you had found your spot. The more you squeezed around his cock like you were, the more he just wanted to thrust right into you, but he decided against it.
Instead, he needed something to take his mind off of it, and that was your perky nips.
Sanji loves every body part of yours equally, but when he sees how your pretty tits react to him, he can’t help but tease them a bit.
He slightly pulls and rubs them, making sure your nips are equally taken care of.
Sanji gets pulled out of whatever he was thinking about when he hears your cute little fucked-out voice.
"Mmm.. ji’ feel too good." You're babbling a bit too much, lost in your own pleasure.
"You’re doing really well, love." Sanji praised the feeling that you're close from the way you’re clenching him.
You could feel your legs giving out from his praise and your hard work. You didn’t want this to stop, so you looked at him with pleading eyes.
Sanji decided to ignore those eyes as he told you, "Pretty girls gotta beg for it, so beg."
That’s all it took for you to beg, "Fuck m', please.. too hard for m'. I want your cock bad."
He coos at you, thinking how it was so easy to get you to beg for it, and that’s when he decided to help you out.
He places his hands on your hips, moving you back and forth along his cock.
"Gotta get off on my cock? I know you can." Sanji says to fasten the pace between the thrusts. "
"Yeah.. m’ gonna cum soon." You say in babbles once again to be lost in your own ecstasy.
after a few more seconds of the insane amount of pleasure you feel.
That final clench from your pussy was all it took for Sanji to cum as well.
filled with sanjis cum, you stay on top of him for a bit. slowly calming your body down.
After calming down, you try to get off of him, but Sanji just whispers in your ear, "Not so fast, pretty, we aren’t done yet. I still gotta fuck my pretty girl."
Your face flushed at his words, but then you nodded. I mean you wanted to be fucked, but what you didn’t expect was for Sanji to give you a thrust, forcing his cum to go further into your tight pussy while hitting your cervix.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the pleasure. "See, we’re just getting’ started?" he says seductively into your ear.
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© gigislesbo on tumblr !!
a/n: hope you enjoyed.
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heartsforseo · 2 months
Skincare with the strawhats
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A/n: I'm somewhere on episode 500 in One Piece. And looking back at my valorant post... I really did Franky, Jimbei, Chopper, and Brook wrong. But uh... I'll try to do better :D!! Btw this excludes Chopper cuz...how?
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⭑Luffy, I'd say wouldn't understand much about it. I mean, he probably knows and have heard a bit from Nami and Robin but that's that.
⭑When you first explained it to him, he was half-listening, so he was a bit shocked when you sprayed some water on his face.
⭑Would think of it as a fun game and splash some water onto you too (your clothes sadly got wet :[)
⭑When you start adding some cream onto his face he found it funny and started making weird faces.
⭑Over some time, he'd actually start liking it and would start expecting one every week (and maybe even every day)
⭑And even if you guys were to do skincare every day, he'd either fall asleep or cause some ruckus. No in-between.
"Hey, Y/n!! Can we do the skinmare thing again??"
"It's skincare, Luffy, and yes."
⭑Overall, 6/10. He's not the worst, but there is definitely better.
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⭑It's either Nami who will bring it up or you.
⭑She's the best to do skincare with since she got everything. Like everything
⭑Would prolly make you pay when you use one of her stuff (w/h or w/o permission)
⭑Would actually give you a piece of advice on what or what not to do though.
⭑While doing skincare, Nami will tell you gossip about the crew or from the last island.
⭑If you get on her good side, she might give you one of her equipment.
⭑Would secretly charge you money for all the wrongdoings you did though. And an extra 10,000 berries because you asked her to do skin care.
"Alright Y/n. This session would be 96,000 berries."
⭑Overall, 9/10. Definitely one of the best. con= -1 because she charges after skincare. Pro= You guys will now have skincare every week.
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⭑You have to convince Zoro numerous times (and maybe even guilt trip him) just so he'd say yes.
⭑He'd be embarrassed at first and try to stay quiet (he doesn't want the lovesick cook to see him with a headband on and foam on his face)
⭑He's blushing so hard from embarrassment so be nice to him. It's also a good opportunity to tease him.
⭑Although too much teasing would opt to make him leave. Unless you ask Sanji instead or tell the crew what was happening to Zoro, that would make him stay back and listen.
⭑While doing skincare, he'd let you take the lead (considering he doesn't even know anything about it) and would only let out some grumbles and whines.
⭑After skincare, he'd look himself in the mirror and touch his face, noticing how smooth it was.
⭑He'd then look after the skincare and would ask you about it for more. He won't say it again though, so you better have good ears because he'll be all muttering.
⭑Overall. 7/10, he's very quiet and wouldn't do much unless you say so.
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⭑Sanji would beg for it every. single. day
⭑And you finally had enough and said yes.
⭑Now before entering the bathroom, you can already smell the rosy perfume outside.
⭑WOULD have everything and anything. Maybe even more than Nami's skincare collection.
⭑He'd know what type of face skin you have AND the type you use. So it was no surprise when your essentials were already out.
⭑He'd beg give you assistance 24/7 while doing skincare
⭑He'd also ask you if you're feeling uncomfortable, having fun, and would ramble on about some new recipes he's learned.
"I hope you had fun today Y/n. I'm looking forward to the next."
⭑Overall, 10/10. He knows what you need and what you like. He also think of your situation/feelings, and that itself makes it 10/10 already.
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⭑Ussopp would fly over the moon when you asked him.
⭑He'd gladly accept it and tell you he had a lot of experience in skin care (which isn't technically a lie since he knew some of it from Kaya)
⭑But of course, he'd still be scared and shaking. What if you didn't like it? What if you don't wanna do skin care with him again?
⭑He'd be rather stiff at first. Scared to disappoint you.
⭑But minutes later he'd start to cool down and come back to his normal self.
⭑Now every time you both will have skincare time. He'd have a bunch of stories saved up only for you.
"Oh Y/n! I have another story for you later."
⭑Overall, 9/10. He's really fun to be with and is def one of the best to do skincare with.
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⭑You'd have to ask Robin to join you
⭑She never really thought of doing skincare together unless you bring it up.
⭑And you really know when to pick out the dates since she was so stressed at first T~T)>
⭑Being around a chaotic and childish crew could really stack up stress.
⭑But a simple skincare could really help it get out.
⭑Robin really much appreciated what you did. Especially when you massage her face and shoulders.
⭑It isn't only one-sided. She'd help you out by giving some advice and ideas when she sees you frowning at your own face. Even giving out some compliments.
"This has really helped out my day, Y/n. Thank you very much."
⭑Overall, 9/10. Really nice to hang out with, and would crack a dark joke once in a while.
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⭑Franky would definitely say yes and strike a pose.
⭑He'd know a lot of this from Mozu and Kiwi and would sometimes buy them the products that they wanted.
⭑And since he's basically the crew's shipwright, he had definitely tried to recreate the product the stores have.
⭑But wait. It felt itchy when you tried it? Don't worry, he made a new one already. One that you'll definitely find lovely.
⭑You don't like how he designed it? Don't worry, he made an even bigger one with a design you'll like.
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⭑Brook is jumping in joy and is asking to see your panties.
⭑Until he realizes he's a skeleton.
"Yohohoho! I'm really exci--oh..."
⭑Overall, 7/10. He's good for emotional support...I guess?
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⭑Lastly, our good man Jimbei.
⭑(I only saw Jimbei a few times due to Impel down and Marineford so uh...)
⭑I'd say that skincare never really crossed his mind. I mean he IS a fishman after all.
⭑But once you told him about it and how it can help you relax, he decided to take up the offer.
⭑He's probably embarrassed and just standing dumbfounded. What was he gonna do?
⭑But dw since you helped him </33
⭑But back to the story. I'd say he really enjoyed that. AND OF COURSE HUGS!!! HUGS ARE VERY MUCH NEEDED!!!
"Thank you for this, Y/n. I very much appreciated it."
⭑Overall, 7/10. He's pretty much quiet and doesn't know what to do. But the silence is really comforting.
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It took the better part of a year, but I've finally figured out where to go with Joyride. A lot of people have been asking for this, so I hope it lives up to your expectations.
Joyride (Part 2)
Part 1
Yandere Ace x GN Isekai Reader
4.8k words
Warning! This contains pretty much every Ace related spoiler btw!
When going into a world you already know everything about, you don’t exactly expect to be surprised by anything. Sure, there will be slight changes and alternate interactions now that you’ve been unceremoniously dropped in, but you had been anticipating for the story to follow all the same beats.
Which is why you were really thrown off when Ace didn’t go his separate way when he was supposed to.
Luffy had succeeded in defeating Crocodile and stopping his plan for dictatorship of Alabasta, but Ace was still here. Granted, having Ace around was hardly the worst thing that could happen, but you didn’t understand what was going on with him.
After your downright bizarre interaction during the little joyride he took you on, you’d honestly had every intention of avoiding him going forward. Then he threw a curveball at you by sincerely apologizing later that night. With everything going on right now he just got a little carried away, that’s all, he won’t harass you about it again. Or so he claimed.
You were skeptical initially, but true to his word, he hasn’t brought up you joining the Whitebeard Pirates since. Between that, and him having an unknown advantage over you by being a favorite character of yours, it was easy to find it within yourself to forgive him. You two have been borderline inseparable since, much to the chagrin of your crewmates. 
While Ace hadn’t openly made further attempts to convince you to join his pops’ crew, he’d found a thinly veiled loophole in the form of telling you all kinds of stories about them. You knew this was in and of itself, a method to win you over, but deemed it not worth calling out. Besides, who were you to refuse the opportunity to get some Whitebeard Pirates lore?
There were many late nights filled with quiet conversations about various shenanigans the crew got up to in their free time, of which there were many. An unsurprising fact because of course having that many sibling jam packed onto a ship would turn it into a vessel of chaos. 
If you had a weaker resolve, these stories might have won you over. But no, you need to go home.
Even though you weren’t convinced on switching crews, or even just staying here, there was a different problem arising from all your quality time together.
The longer you spoke and goofed around with him, the deeper and more intricate the conversations became, the more human he became to you. Or course, he’d technically always been a human being, but your mind had always registered him (as well as everyone else here) as a “character” first and foremost. A figure in a fictional story which you just so happened to be in temporarily. 
Now? After spending so much time with him, aftering seeing him make decisions based off his own experiences and preferences rather than being dictated by some omnipotent author, things have changed. He wasn’t Portgas D. Ace, the fan favorite character from One Piece. He was just Ace, your friend.
With this came something you never saw coming. Guilt. An all consuming, agonizing guilt that picked away at you every single second of the day.
You knew what was to come. You knew what was going to happen to him. What were you doing about it? Absolutely nothing. And for what? For the sake of preserving a story that’s already been altered from your mere presence?
What a disgusting excuse of a friend you were.
The internal conflict you were going through hadn’t gone unnoticed, not when it was taking such a high toll on you. Nami was the first to start grilling you on it. Naturally, she immediately started pointing fingers at Ace as being the cause, which while not wrong, she wasn’t correct in the way she believed herself to be either. It was hardly his fault that you had a heavy conscience. 
Sanji had also picked up on your struggles and was very concerned about the bags under your eyes, even offering to make some tea to assist with sleeping. An offer you turned down perhaps more harshly than truly necessary, but being trapped in a deeper sleep sounded awful with the nightmares you’ve been having.
It had been upsetting enough to watch Ace die through a screen, but in your dreams you were right there. It felt so real.
A suffocating heat burned at your skin and seared your lungs with every panicked breath, which only became more frantic as hot blood splattered over your face. Life was rapidly draining from Ace’s eyes as he collapsed into the waiting arms of his now deeply traumatized brother.
Your feet were rooted to the ground, all you could do was stare in horror as he looked up at you with tearful, pleading eyes. “Why?” The word was more so coughed out than spoken, spraying out more blood that he couldn’t afford to lose. An arm extended towards you, the hand locking onto your own. His nails dug into your skin, drawing out blood of your own to mix with his into a revolting cocktail. “You could have stopped this. How could you do this to me?”
The last word was wheezed out and his body went limp as his dead, lifeless eyes stared through you. A soul wrenching scream tore its way out of Luffy’s throat, only to morph into your own as you were mercifully ripped from your slumber.
The screaming damn near gave Ace a heart attack, you’re sure of it. This nightmare had occurred after you and him had become separated from the rest of the group while traversing the desert, and you had found a compact cave for the two of you to pass the night in.
What made it worse was how he reacted. He was so concerned, even fretting over you as you desperately tried to get your breathing under control. The compassion in his eyes had done nothing to comfort you, it only served to further sicken you. Here he was wanting to save you from something as trivial as a nightmare, yet you couldn’t be bothered to speak up on and prevent his upcoming demise.
The guilt was killing you, and the solution was not only clear, but easy. So why couldn’t you bring yourself to just tell him? To plead and beg for him to give up the chase and not throw his life away. Yet your lips remained sealed. 
All of these elements came to a boil and demanded your attention, so you did what seemed to be the easiest thing to do in your situation. Drink it away.
Now that Luffy had awoken from his brief coma after fighting Crocodile, Alubarna Palace was hosting a lavish party in celebration and thanks for what everyone had done. And what high end party would be complete without absurd amounts of alcohol?
It started with one, purely to help ease your nerves. However, when it didn’t, you poured yourself another. And then a few more. Zoro had initially been thrilled to have you as a drinking buddy, but apparently even he had his limits and had cut you off.
“The hell’s gotten into you? You’re drinking like you’re trying to run from demons,” the bottle of expensive liquor had been moved out of reach when you tried to go for it again.
“You have no idea,” you slurred out, head spinning from your evening of poor decision making.
Zoro shot you a questioning look, but didn’t press it, likely knowing full well that getting a coherent conversation out of you right now would be impossible. He heaved out a sigh and stood up, “I’m going to get you some water, stay right there.”
Thoroughly defeated, you slumped back into your chair. After all that, you still couldn’t get your dilemma out of your head. Your “demons” continued gnawing at your soul, and all that your drinking had done about it was ensure that you would have a miserable hangover in the morning.
Your head lulled to the side, and you caught sight of a familiar orange hat. Speak of the devil. While you were in the throws of self inflicted misery, Ace was happily taking advantage of all the food being offered. Good for him. He deserved a nice night. 
As if acting on its own, your body managed to get up onto its feet. You shambled towards him, doing your best not to fall flat on your face with each uncoordinated step. Whatever invisible force that had been helping you to make the walk to Ace failed you at the last second, and you crashed into him from behind.
“Shit! Wha- Oh, it’s just you,” Ace whirled around, visibly agitated, but his features relaxed when he realized who it was. He appeared to be ready to say more but you cut him off.
“I need to talk to you.” 
Ace quirked a brow, “Yeah? What’s up?” 
From the expectant look he was giving you, it’s clear that he’s waiting for you to spill your guts here and now. You shook your head, “No, it’s… It’s a secret. We have to go somewhere else.” Realization flashed across his face and he nodded. Fortunately for you, he led the way. You honestly did not think you’d be able to scout out a place for this discussion. You were finally going to come clean and tell him everything before you could sober up and come to your senses.  
It was going well. At least it was, until he passed out and took you down with him. You both collided onto the floor with a resounding thud, him on top of you. The hall you’d slipped into was empty, meaning there was no one here to help you. 
You groaned as you attempted to move, the fall had hit you harder than it should have thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol in your system. You were also mentally kicking yourself for not seeing this coming. He was eating when you stumbled into him, of course it was only a matter of time before this happened.
Whatever, there isn’t time to be bemoaning a minor inconvenience. You manage to shimmy out from under him and use the wall to get to your feet. Ace is snoring on the floor, not a care in the world. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon. 
Taking a look around, you see a door just a couple steps away. You inch your way over to it and try the knob. It clicks open, and you peer in. Looks like some sort of guest room, and it’s empty. Perfect.
Pushing the door open fully, you turn back to Ace. He’s still asleep, but you don’t want to wait around for him to wake up on his own and run the risk of being seen. You lean down to grab the closest part of him, his right foot, and pull. You’re not sure if he’s actually heavy, or if you’re just too drunk for this, but you tip over while trying to do this and fall flat on your ass.
“Huh?” Ace’s head snapped up and he looked around owlishly. The second his eyes connected with yours, he remembered what he was doing before his narcoleptic tendencies took the wheel. He laughed, a light blush on his face, as he got to his feet, “Sorry about that, you alright?”
“I’m fine, get in here,” you urged him to hurry, which he did. In the time it took you to stand again, Ace had already slipped into the room, closed the door, and flicked on a lamp so you two wouldn’t be talking in complete darkness. You eye the door for a moment, then grab a chair and drag it over to wedge it under the doorknob. Someone walking in on the conversation you were about to have would be something of a worst case scenario.
Ace watched this curiously, “Is everything okay?”
This probably looked weird, but oh well, it’s about to get a lot weirder. You decide to sit on the bed and motion for Ace to join you, which he does. You take one of his hands in both of yours and stare at him intensely, “I need to tell you something. It’s going to sound insane, but you need to promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.”
He repeated his previous question, asking again if everything was okay, but you cut him off, “Promise me, please!”
Your desperation got through to him, “Okay, I promise! What’s going on?”
Here goes nothing. You take a deep breath and take the leap, “You need to stop going after Blackbeard.”
Ace recoiled immediately, and if you hadn’t been holding onto his hand for dear life, he probably would have backed away from you. “What? I can’t do that, why would y-”
“Let me finish!” You snapped at him, only to immediately regret it. You sighed, “Please. There’s more, please let me finish talking first, and then you can talk.”
While he did not look happy about it, he did relax his shoulders and settled back into the bed. You took this as your cue to continue, “You need to stop going after Blackbeard because you will die if you do.” Ace exhaled sharply and rolled his eyes at this, assuming that this was coming from a place of fear and doubt.
“I know this because,” you took in a shuddering breath, steeling yourself for what was to come. “I know this because in the world that I came from… This world is a story.”
Ace stares at you wide eyed and slack jawed. He laughed, but was very clearly uncomfortable, “I, uh, I think you’ve had a little too much to drink tonight. How about I take you back to your room to sleep it off, okay?” 
He tried to stand, but you yanked him back down, “No! I’m not drunk! Well, I mean, I am, but I know what I’m talking about! I can prove it.”
His expression was nothing short of incredulous, but he indulged you, “Yeah, okay, sure. Go ahead, prove it.”
“You’re hunting down Blackbeard because he murdered Thatch so he could steal his devil fruit,” you started light. Ace had told you about Thatch being the one he was avenging, but he’d never mentioned the devil fruit before, likely not deeming it an important enough detail. His brows knit together and his eyes drifted upwards as he racked his brain to remember if maybe he actually had said something about it.
“Before you were with Whitebeard, you were captain of the Spade Pirates. Your first member was Masked Deuce, who you met while being stranded on an island together. It’s where you found your devil fruit and built Striker,” he hadn’t told you anything in regards to his old crew, and his face reflected that. You definitely had his attention now.
“You and Luffy were raised by mountain bandits because Garp couldn’t raise you two himself. It wasn’t just you guys, though, you had another brother named Sabo, but he was killed when he tried to set sail and got shot down,” at this point, you were saying whatever came to mind with no regard to whether or not it was a good idea to say this right now. You couldn’t bring yourself to keep looking him in the eye, so you settled for staring at his hand in yours. It was completely slack.
“Your parents are Portgas D. Rouge and Gol D. R-”
Before you could finish the sentence, Ace’s free hand clamped over your mouth with such ferocity that you almost fell off the bed. Forcing yourself to make eye contact again, you see that his are blown wide and wild. The color has been drained from his face and he looked physically ill from hearing everything you just threw at him.
An extremely tense moment passed with nothing to be heard beyond his labored breathing. Then, he hesitantly let go of your face and with a shaky voice said, “Okay. I’m sorry. I believe you. What… What’s going to happen if I keep pursuing Blackbeard?”
You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat, but it refused to go away, “When you catch up with him, you’ll fight, but lose. Your powers are no match for his, you don’t stand a chance against him. After your loss, he turns you in to the marines. 
“Because of who your father is, they decide to make an example out of you and sentence you to death.”
“That bastard turns me in and I get executed?” He sounds like the wind has just been knocked out of him. Disbelief and bitterness are the two most prevalent emotions in his tone, but many others brew beneath the surface.
“Not exactly,” it’s true that he gets turned in and killed, but it’s nowhere near that simple and straightforward. “Luffy comes to your rescue at Marineford, and so does Whitebeard and a lot of his crew.”
Before you could go more into detail, Ace speaks up, “They… W-Why would they do that?”
“Why would they- You have to ask?!” Your voice raises and you have to remind yourself of just how much character development he has to go through in that arc to finally realize and accept the fact that he’s genuinely loved. “Because you’re family, their family! They care about you and don’t want to see you die!”
Your outburst shocked him, but not as much as seeing you start to cry did. His hand is abandoned and you lurch forward to bring him into a suffocatingly tight hug, “Y-You are so loved, you know that? They l-love you so much! A lot of people do! I do! We all want to see you live and be happy!” You limply hang off of him as more tears bubble to the surface, greedily taking the chance to escape with every sob as you finally let out everything you’ve been keeping in. Ace makes no move to return your embrace, he just sits there stiff as a board. 
“A-And, at that battle, you’re killed by Admiral Akainu while protecting Luffy. He’s devastated by it, being forced to watch you die hurts him so bad,” you cling onto him tighter upon feeling him flinch from your words. “Whitebeard dies there too.”
“What?! How could anyone kill him? That can’t be right!” You’re wrenched off Ace violently and his stare is almost as unhinged as it was when you said his parents’ names.
“Blackbeard does it,” Ace freezes at this. “That should give you an idea of how strong he is. If he can kill Whitebeard, fighting you is nothing to him. Besides, you of all people would know how hard it is to kill him,” you chuckle but it’s humorless, empty even.
A heavy stretch of silence follows after that. Ace’s eyes don’t leave your face for even a second, desperately searching for anything that would tell him that this is all one big, sick joke. But there’s nothing of the sort. 
Slowly, he releases your shoulders and he shifts away from you to rest his head in his hands. Without his support, you allow yourself to fall back onto the bed. Between all the alcohol and your emotional outburst, you’re exhausted and want nothing more than to sleep. You try to force yourself to stay awake, but it feels like an insurmountable task. 
“Hey, Ace?” There’s no answer, but you continue anyway, “I’m sorry. I know that was a lot. If, um… If you don’t believe me about knowing what’s going to happen, stick around until after we set sail again. Bon Clay- Mr. 2- is going to bring the Going Merry over here so that we don’t have to backtrack. Marines will be all over the place, but he sacrifices himself so that Luffy and his crew can get away. Once they’ve lost the marines, Nico Robin will reveal herself to have been hiding on the ship and joins the crew.”
Ace continues to not react to what’s being said, you’re not even sure he’s listening to you at this point. As much as you want to comfort him, your limbs feel like lead and your head is swimming. The last thing you see is the jolly roger of the Whitebeard’s staring you down as you fade into darkness.
Consciousness comes back to you slowly. Painfully so. Before you can even make out your surroundings, you’re assaulted by the worst headache of your life. The stabbing pain behind your eyes is crippling, all you want is to retreat back to the comfort of sleep, but you know that’s not going to happen.
It doesn’t help that your mouth is so dry that you feel like you’re back in the desert. One hand comes up to gingerly massage your eyes. The action brought more discomfort than relief, but it did clear up your sight a little. 
As your senses ebb back into you, you hone in on the pressure all over your body. It takes considerable effort, but you manage to lift your head enough to take a look. Your nose is less than an inch from bumping into someone else’s. Chopper’s to be exact. He was curled up into your side and using your chest as a pillow. Looking past him, Luffy was sprawled across your lap, belly up. Both of them were still asleep.
You prop yourself up on one arm. Chopper shifts, but doesn’t wake. Off to your side is a bedside table with a glass of water on it. Oh, thank God. Using the arm you aren’t propped up with, you grab it and bring the cup to your lips. The water is divine, an absolute blessing for your dry throat.  
As you enjoy your drink, your eyes glance around to observe the rest of the room. It’s the one you all have been staying in since saving Alabasta. Most of your friends are in their respective beds, except for Chopper and Luffy, obviously. Zoro was also not in his bed, instead being slumped over in a chair next to your own.
Your eyes flicker over to the massive windows of the room, and you spot Ace sitting in the windowsill. From the way he’s positioned, he appears to be awake already. Your gaze narrows as you focus on him. Something tickled at the back of your mind, demanding to be remembered. But what?
“Y-You are so loved, you know that? They l-love you so much! A lot of people do! I do! We all want to see you live and be happy!” 
The water going down your throat is suddenly going out of it when you choke. Memories come back and hit you like a train as you realize what exactly it is you did last night.
Naturally, this wakes up Chopper and Luffy, who are both jolted from their once peaceful sleep by you choking on your drink. Chopper immediately starts to panic, “AH! Don’t die, (Y/N)!”
It was crucial that you speak to Ace again, but it seemed like the world itself was committed to making sure that didn’t happen. Ace slipped out of the room while everyone was fussing over you, and it honestly felt like he was avoiding you now. Everytime you thought you might be able to catch him alone, either he vanishes, or someone else comes out of nowhere to drag you away.
Today was the day you all set sail from Alabasta, and while that did put you in close proximity with Ace, it also put everyone else within earshot of you two. And considering the delicate nature of what you needed to talk about, that was extremely inconvenient. 
The only good thing was that the events following leaving Alabasta played out exactly how they were supposed to. Hopefully that meant that Ace would believe you and give up hunting down Blackbeard, but you won’t be able to confirm that unless you speak with him. 
You were so stressed that you’d barely been able to focus on Robin being here. She “introduced” herself to you as if she hadn’t had an extremely uncomfortable run in with you in an alleyway back in Rainbase, but all you could manage was a half-assed handshake before excusing yourself.
For probably the fifteenth time today, you checked to make sure that Striker was still tied to the Merry. It was, much to your relief. But where was Ace hiding? You haven’t seen him since Robin showed herself.
The stress of trying and failing to corner him was doing nothing to help with your hangover, your head felt like it was about to explode. Did you still have Advil in the bag you got isekai’d here with? Maybe. Pushing off the railing, you march to where your room is while praying that you’re right about the painkillers.
You open the door without much thought, only to stop dead in your tracks when you catch sight of Ace rummaging through your belongings and stuffing them into his backpack. The door opening did briefly make him stop and peer over his shoulder to see who it was, but the second he saw it was you, he went right back to pillaging. 
“Can I help you? Why are you robbing me?” You stomp over to where he’s crouched down and shove his shoulder. 
“I’m not robbing you, I’m packing for you,” Ace mumbled, sounding lost in thought.
“Why would you be packing for me? Actually, you know what? That’s the least of my concerns right now, we need to talk about last night.”
“We’ll talk about it later, not here.” He still hasn’t properly faced you, and you were getting sick of only making eye contact with his tattoo and not him. 
“Where else would we talk about it?!” You hissed.
Seeming content with his work, he stood up and kicked the dresser drawer shut, “On the Striker. Or maybe the Moby Dick, I guess. I’m going back and you’re coming with me.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing, “Excuse me?”
“I’m going back to the Moby Dick, and you’re coming with me.” Ace had finally turned to face you. His eyes were sunken and vaguely bloodshot. 
The sight catches you off guard, “Did you sleep at all last night?”
He shook his head, “No, we’re going to have to stop somewhere else to sleep before going the rest of the way back home.”
“Ace, I’m not going with you. Look, I’m happy that you’re calling off your hunt, relieved honestly, but I’m staying here.” You will ideally be figuring out how to go home sometime soon, there’s no sense in hopping around from crew to crew now.
One of his eyes twitched, and he looked exasperated, “You can’t stay here. You aren’t safe here.”
“What are you-”
“Let me finish,” the words were spoken calmly, but very firm. “I don’t think you understand how serious this is. You apparently know everything about this world and what’s going to happen in it, do you have any idea what will happen to you if word gets out about this?”
“You’re the only person I’ve told, so as long as you keep your mouth shut, I’ll be fine.”
“Until you get drunk again and tell someone else, then what?” His words were just as scathing as his gaze.
Your face flushed in shame, “That won’t happen again.”
“You don’t know that!” Ace snapped at you, then sighed and dragged a hand down his face, “This is for your own good. Nothing good will come from anyone else learning about this. If it ever got back to someone like Big Mom, she would send every single one of her children after you so she could have you on her side. And that’s the nicer option. I’m sure the marines would be more than happy to kill you off so that no one else could have you if they can’t.”
Throughout this entire conversation, his face had remained uncomfortably neutral, but now it cracked. Fondness peaked through the exhaustion as his expression softened ever so slightly. He steps forwards and brings you against him in a crushing embrace. His skin is hot to the touch, effectively chasing away any chill that you may have had.
“You said you wanted to see me live, and I want to see you live, too.” The words are hushed, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him if he hadn’t been speaking right next to your ear.
Reluctantly, he pulls himself away. His face is serious again, “We’re leaving tonight, be ready to go.”
“If you don’t come willingly, I will make you. The only thing that you resisting will accomplish is making this messier than it needs to be. Even if you don’t like this now, you will thank me for it later.”
Ace spins on his heel and heads for the door. All you can do is stand there gawking at him as he leaves. Just before the door closes behind him, he spares a glance over his shoulder to say, “I’ll see you tonight.”
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sexydoffyman · 10 months
May I please request monster trio HC’s reacting to their sensitive fem!s/o (who’s sensitive to being yelled at) not only being yelled at by a complete stranger but being harassed by them? Basically just them stumbling upon the sight of their s/o being grabbed by the hair while being yelled at.
Also if possible to mention could you do pre time skip instead of post?
Hope it’s not too much for you<3
Have a great day:) (btw it’s completely ok if you decide not to do this since this is very specific)
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genre: fluff
characters: Roronoa Zoro, Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji
word count: 707
A/N: sorry Sanji is a little short. But really. No one really gives a shit.🦬
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You were shopping for the crew when you accidentally dropped a can of beans on the ground.
You didn't think much of it and just went to pick it up.
You weren't even able to reach for it when some old man started yelling at you.
"That's why women belong in the kitchen!"
You looked at him with your heart racing.
You were scared, so you closed your eyes and put your hands in front of yourself just in case.
Fortunately, the idiot of a boyfriend you had stumbled into the shop because he got lost.
He was confused since Sanji was in the kitchen on their ship.
He came close to the man and leaned down.
"So if a woman is supposed to cook, then the man is supposed to fight, right?"
The man looked at him with an annoyed face. He wanted to scold the brat.
Unfortunately for the man, the only thing he saw was a fist right in front of his face.
He flinched and fell on the floor, but to his surprise, Zoros's fist didn't make contact with his face.
You were the one who stopped his punch from landing on the bastard's face.
Zoro laughed "Well look who just got saved by a woman." He said with a mocking grin on his face.
You thought that you did the right thing.
But apparently, the man didn't.
He grabbed your hair to pull you back.
Just in a second Zoro's sword almost cut the man's arm off.
He stopped when the man fell on his ass again. Trembling in fear.
Zoro took your hand and ran out with you. Not willing to pay for the food.
Zoro doesn't care to make a little mess in the town or a village you're in
He is warned by Nami that he will bring attention to the fact that pirates are in the town.
He will not hesitate to cut off some civilian's arms.RIP can of beans
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You were checking out some bars that the crew could hang out at until the log pose found a new island.
You walked into one bar, and immediately some drunken idiot started yelling at how you can't even properly close the door.
You apologized, but apparently, that wasn't enough.
The man walked in front of you and smirked.
"You think a bitch like you should even be here?" He said mockingly.
He grabbed your hair to pull you closer to his face, to which you let out a quiet whine.
He stopped as you both heard something unusual.
The man stood there in confusion.
You, on the other hand, ducked, knowing what was coming.
Suddenly, Luffy came flying through the door knocking the man down in the process.
Not you, tho.
You ducked.
You ran beside him, looking uncomfortable.
"WHADUUUP" Luffy greeted you.
The man stood up. "I'm gonna kill both of you, you bastards!"
Luffy gave him a glance and said "How?"
To a normal person, it would seem as if he was trying to be rude. You knew that he was just confused.
The man threw a punch Luffy's way.
Luffy just stretched, scaring the shit out of him.
"Oh, he fell asleep... Oh well NIKUUUU"
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He was actually with you.
You think he would ever leave your side? Well, you thought wrong.
Sanji only looked away for a second.
Some rando laughed at you and slapped you in the face.
"Do you break all mirrors you look at?" He laughed at you.
As soon as Sanji heard that sentence leave the rando's mouth, his leg was in his face.
You didn't even have time to flinch at the slap. Sanji looked at you "Are you all okay, mademoiselle?"
The way his eyes softened with worry made you feel so relieved that he didn't let the man continue.
He grabbed your hand and took you to Robin, who was standing close by reading a book.
"Robin-chan, please stay with y/n for a while."
He ran off to beat that man's ass again.
He wouldn't let a man slapping a woman just slide that easily.
The man's face won't be the only thing that will not function after this encounter.
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portgasdwrld · 11 months
Hii!! I came across ur page and ur writings are so good and nicely written!!(*^^*) so I was wondering if I could request like a scenario of ASL (+any character of ur choice!) accidentally finding/stumbling upon the readers diary and inside the reader wrote their true romantic feelings about ____ (character) and they (!character) felt the same way about the reader and the rest could be up to u!! Please and thank uu in advance :]
Pretty much just fluff! (๑>◡<๑) Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night!!^^
Hi lovely 💕, thank you so much. I’m happy y’all enjoy my writing ! I would love to do that but I’m still not that familiar with Sabo so I can only write about Ace and Luffy 😔🫶🏻I hope you still like it nonetheless 🍃the idea is so cute btw 🤍
📂Op men + stumbling on your diary
Featuring: Luffy, Ace
Warning: None, vomiting fluff
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Luffy was always dense about things such as love. He knew what it was and he believed he loved a lot of people in his life like his family and his friends, but he wasn’t one to think farther about it as such as a relationship. He loved a lot of things in life such as adventures and being true to himself.
He didn’t know that you admired him a lot for that. You thought he was such an amazing person. The way he would turn a situation to his advantage with his mental & physical strength, was inspiring you to do the same, to never let a fight end without absolutely giving your all. He gave you the courage you were lacking at critical times and that made you admire him even more as your captain.
On his part, Luffy do notice your fond smile when you walk up to him at the end of a day on the Sunny and simply stare at him. He would jokingly ask you what was making you happy, but you would shook your head telling him it was nothing. Staring off at the sea with eyes glittering at the thoughts of new adventures waiting for you next to Luffy.
It was feelings you wanted to tell him. Too nervous, you filled the empty pages of your diary with emotions that couldn’t find their way out of your lips. You wrote how much you admired him but slowly that admiration turned into a crush. When you realized, you couldn’t shake away the rush of anxiety that took over your every nerves.
You? Thinking you had a chance with the person you knew was going to be the future King of pirates?
A severe frown on your face, you read again and again, and over and over the pages you wrote about him. Your eyes widened and with shaky hands, your pen fell from your grip. You let out a shaky breath as your head fell into the palms of your hands in despair.
What were you going to do, it was the the first question to pop into your mind.
You had to forget about them. You couldn’t be in love with your captain. You quickly closed the diary and threw it behind a pile of clothes and books. As you looked at the now hidden diary one last time, your teared up.
You took your distance with Luffy ever since that day. He noticed and he asked you if you were okay. If you were sick, if you were hungry? But you let him know you were fine and walked away. Luffy could feel the atmosphere between you two wasn’t the same and he hated it.
One day, Nami had sent him to look for her book in your room. He grumbled that he didn’t want to but after a beating from the redhead, he walked into your room. He searched in your room but fell instead on a purple book with « Diary » written in bright yellow on the cover.
He grinned mischievously because he knew what were those. When he was a kid he was definitely noisy and would read diaries of anyone who had the bad luck of leaving it next to him. He laughed as he jumped into your bed and started to read it. He quickly went through the pages not truly taking his time to read it, but his eyes caught a page that have been ripped but tapped back into the book.
His eyes grew big as he read your true feelings for him. He was shocked because he never knew you felt like that about him. He couldn’t help but also notice the way his heartbeat picked up from the indirect confession.
He closed the book and ran to you, screaming your name across the ship. He finally found you in Sanji’s kitchen helping him with the dishes.
He yelled at you. Assimilating the information he just said you stared at him blankly completely confused. The plate that was in your hand fell on the floor. You blushed and furrowed your eyebrows.
-Wha-What are you talking about !! I don’t like you !!
He screamed again overly excited when he rubbed your diary in your face. You grabbed the familiar book and looked at him with a mix of fear and anger. You took a big breath and looked at him with confidence.
You yelled back with tears at the corner of your eyes. He looked taking back but his faded smile was now replaced with his infamous warm grin.
-What are you talking about? Worth? What’s that all about, if you like me and I do too, it’s just natural for us to start dating.
You asked in a little voice with your diary held tightly on your chest. You couldn’t truly believe him, it felt too good to be true.
-If you two could please leave your romantic drama out of the kitchen, I have to serve the food.
You heard Sanji softly say while picking up the broken plate from the floor and making sure you weren’t hurt.
Sanji scolded him as he pushed him away from the boiling pots.
You whisper. He looked back at you and stretched his arm and pulled you against him. He hugged you tightly.
-Now, you don’t have a reason to be distant from me.
You had sent Ace to search for your notebook that was lying on top of your desk. He couldn’t miss it and you were too busy right now to get it, so he accepted. The notebook mentioned a lot of interesting information about the next island y’all were about to visit, that you gained from the citizens of the last island. Ace was curious so you told him to grab it in your room while you finish your task.
Ace looked around but saw a bunch of books on top of your desk. He sighed confused at what to do now because he had no clue which one was the right one. He sat on the chair and started to go through each of the books at the research of your precious notes.
With a bored expression he looked through them until he stumbled on one that was at the bottom of one pile. It was a crimson read notebook with Diary written on it. He didn’t thought much of it, thinking it was probably a diary keeping up with your journey on the sea, which it was but there was a little twist. Curious he started to read quickly through the pages and a faint smile curved his lips at the mention of your family and the friends you made on the sea. He started to wonder if you possible talked about him somewhere.
His stomach clenched in nervousness. He started to think that maybe he was invading your personal space and maybe it was better to let your thoughts about him unknown. What if it was something bad that could completely ruin your friendship with him, but maybe he should know if there was. He was stuck in a dilemma. He sighed as he looked up at the ceiling wondering what to do.
Fuck it, it was too tempting.
You two have been quite flirty and had even shared a drunk kiss but he didn’t count it because he doesn’t even think you remember. He always had feeling for you, the moment he saw you. So now it was maybe his chance to see if you felt the same or maybe not.
-Alright let’s see~
He started to read from the moment you mentioned being a member of the Whitebeards and how it felt. He smiled when you mentioned thinking Marco looked funny with his pineapple hair and how giant WB was. Little things that you thought, but still felt worth writing down. Then his eyes fell on his name. His heartbeat quickly picked up, now nervous. You wrote about one guy grabbing your attention.
“Then, this guy named Ace, I think, walked up to me to present himself. I never met someone as charming as he is or maybe I did, but my heart never reacted the way it did with anyone else. I felt like I was about to faint, he probably noticed the way I started to blush. Quite embarrassing..He has the cutest freckles and wear this unique hat all the time. He’s funny and everyone seems to very like him on the ship. I hope we could eventually get closer and I could get to know him more.”
He couldn’t help but grin at your short description of him and how it felt meeting him. He did remember that day, how nice it was to welcome a new member on the ship. Especially, someone that made him feel some type of way that few did. It was a little bit funny to him to see you write that and now seeing how close you two got. You were inseparable.
He continued reading the pages at the research of something more. He knew curiosity killed the cat, but he was ready to risk it in that moment. Then he found it, his eyes widened and a smirk covered his face.
So you did remember.
“I can’t believe this. I can’t tell this to no one so I might as well write it here. Ace and I kissed. We were both drunk, but I can clearly remember this happening. How am I supposed to face him now, I’m truly panicking. The best thing is probably acting like nothing happened. He will simply think I was too drunk to remember. God I need to watch how much I drink. I wish our first kiss didn’t happen like that though… wished it was more intimate”
-What are you doing ?
You asked lowkey annoyed as you opened your door.
What was taking him so long honestly? That’s what you thought before you decided to help him out and walk back to your room. When you walked in, you saw him sat on your chair with a familiar book in his head.
His eyes widened in shock and his face quickly got red as he roughly closed your book and pushed it with the others.
-Don’t tell me, you said as panic ran through your system. You walked quickly to your desk and saw your Diary not too far from Ace. You grabbed it and held it tightly to your chest as you glared at him in embarrassment and anger. You blushed as your mind started to wonder what did he possibly read.
-I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have invaded your privacy when you trusted me in your room and-
He started explaining while standing up.
-What did you read?
You sternly asked cutting him to go straight to the point. You couldn’t make him unread the pages of your journal anyway. You were mad if you were to be honest with yourself, but you were also nervous wondering if he read too much and how it could affect y’all relation.
-I…I was at the part where you talked about the time we kissed when we were drunk.
He admitted as he scratched the back of his wavy black hair. You sighed and walked to your bed were you sat defeated. So he knew how you felt about him. He stared at you with guilt.
-Then you know how I feel about you ?
His eyebrows furrowed and he looked at you a bit confused but nodded at your question. You rubbed your eyes with your hand as the other one was still holding your journal closely. You looked up at him and smiled accepting your situation.
-I like you, Ace.
You admitted while slightly looking away too embarrassed. You stared back at him to watch his reaction and the man in front of you simply grinned. A smirk creeping on his lips, he walked towards and took your free hand in his weirdly rough but soft hand. He pulled you up, standing now at few inches of you.
-You said you would’ve wished our first kiss to be different right ?
You smiled back and hummed as you looked at his dark eyes. He was even prettier up-close.
-Then let me fix this.
He whispered before pressing his slightly chapped lips against yours. You smiled before kissing him back, letting your lips fold into his. You threw your book on your bed as your arms found their way around his neck where you brought him closer to you. Ace pulled back a little to catch his breath, he felt that his heart was about to explode.
-I like you too, y/n.
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moonydustx · 2 months
Hii, i was wondering if you would like to write something about zoro being jealous? Just that haha :) btw i love your writing!
Hi Hi Hi! First, thank you for the request and the compliment, they really make my day. And second, sorry for the delay in writing, I ended up getting stuck with some work deadlines. I loved the idea and although our little greenie has a tough exterior, I think he would be one of those jealous people who refuses to admit it, you know? I think I ended up going on a more protective side with this one, but I hope you like it.
A not so friendly friend
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader Warnings: Zoro is jealous and a little protective of his girl, he and F!Reader have a kind of secret relationship. A little smut at the end, nothing super explicit. Summary: The Straw Hats arrive on one of the islands where you lived for many years and, to your delight, you meet a long-time friend. Someone in the crew doesn't seem that happy.
requests open | one piece masterlist
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It was almost impossible to keep your euphoria contained within your body. You hadn't set foot on that island in years and finally, you could spend a few days there - even if it was just long enough to record the Log Pose.
"Someone seems anxious to me." Usopp leaned next to you as the Sunny finished docking in the small port.
"Right after I left my home island, I spent a few years here, I believe I can still find some friends."
"I hope they're nice people."
"They sure are!" the two of you quickly turned your attention to Luffy, who was shouting that everything was ready to disembark. The two quickly walked towards the group, this time Franky would be responsible for taking care of the ship.
"We're finally here!" Robin joined the two of you. "From what you told me, there's a big library around here."
"Yes, I'll take you there, we also have great restaurants…" you listed. "Wait, how are we going to split up?"
"Well, from what you told me, it's five days until Log Pose finishes recording and since it seems to be an important island for you, we can do most of the things together." Nami explained and waited for the others to agree. "We've already distributed everyone's money, but today we're going after…"
"Food!" Luffy interrupted her and immediately felt Nami's hand slap him. "But you promised to take me out for that delicious pie." he turned to you.
"Yes, we will. Let's go down first, shall we?" you asked and everyone immediately agreed.
Like many other times, you watched Zoro go down first and almost automatically stretch out his hand for you to support yourself and go down. That gesture didn't go unnoticed by your crewmates, but they knew your personality well enough not to question it.
The group continues calmly to the island's central square. New stores, old schools, even some salespeople were the same and seemed to have recognized you when you waved, your cheeks already hurt from the fixed smile.
"I remember in that bar over there one time…" you commented and heard something in the background.
Everyone immediately turned towards the voice that called you as they watched you become a figure as you ran towards the blonde haired boy.
"Leo!" recognizing your former friend immediately, you threw yourself into his arms, allowing the man to lift you off the ground.
"Seems like she's well liked here." Robin chuckled as he watched you practically spin around.
"Is he also a pirate?" Brook analyzed him. "What do you think."
"He seems like a nice guy." Chopper replied smiling
"Kitten?" Zoro practically groaned when he heard the nickname, muttering under his breath.
Even with the man's hands on your waist, squeezing you tightly and your laugh being heard from afar, the way the word had come out of the other guy's mouth made it clear that Zoro wouldn't like his stay there in that city.
"Guys, I need to introduce him to you…" you pulled the man by the hand, bringing him closer to the gang. "This is Leo, he was one of the best friends I had here."
"I went?"
"Still one of the best friends." you laughed, being pulled into a side hug by the man. "Let me introduce my friends, Straw Hats."
You made a point of introducing each friend one by one and again that seemed to bother Zoro. Friend? His little rationality reminded him that you had never made anything clear about the implicit situations between the two of you, but the small bad feeling - which he refused to name - bothered him.
"Come on, I'll take you to our base." the man continued holding hands with you and guided the others.
"Wow, how different you look." "So, how has it been exploring the sea?" "I bet you haven't found anyone as good as me."
Every time the man opened his mouth to praise you, Zoro felt his hand grip tighter against the sword in his sheath. Just one of the three and he would do all the damage that crossed his mind. It was a strange feeling, watching you there with someone else, even if they were talking. Something that stirred any butterfly that might exist in his stomach, that made his eyes turn red, his hands itch to get him out and take that Leo's place. Zoro hated this new feeling that came over him.
"Hey Zoro." your voice woke him up from his trance. "Did you know that Leo is also a swordsman?"
"Interesting." His tone of voice was almost cynical, going unnoticed by you.
"This one is the executor." Leo pointed to the sword in his sheath. "It was supposed to have another name." the man turned suggestively to you.
"I would never let you use my name for that thing." you grumbled, turning back to Zoro. "He's one of the best swordsmen on the island."
"What's your bounty?" the provocation was implicit in the cynical smile that adorned Zoro's lips and this time, it had reached your eyes.
"I don't have one." the man replied calmly, reassuring you.
"Interesting." Zoro repeated and followed in silence.
The others seemed distracted, talking amongst themselves, but your eyes started to turn around a few times, following the green-haired man who started to walk further behind the group.
The afternoon passed quickly on the island. You met up with some other friends who didn't seem to be as close as Leo and when night fell, everyone decided to go to a bar. Everyone except one person.
"Zoro, can we talk?" you asked, moving away from the group that entered the place full of drinks and noise. "What is happening?"
"About what?"
"You barely spoke to me today and now you're refusing to drink?" you stood on your tiptoes, to touch his forehead. "Are you sure you don't want me to call Chopper to make sure you're not sick?"
"Everything is fine." he responded directly, even if he wasn't harsh, his eyes made it clear that something was wrong. "I'm going to go back to Sunny, take advantage of the free time to train."
"Greenie, please." the nickname you used so much to irritate him came out sweeter than he expected from your lips. That made it even harder for him to deny any of your requests.
"It's okay sweetie." his hand touched yours and the memories of watching you all day arm in arm with Leo made him pull away. "Your friends are waiting for you, go."
You watched him leave and even though your body almost involuntarily wanted to follow him, you let Zoro return to the ship.
The remaining four days felt like an eternity to Zoro. Something told him not to move away from you and on the other hand, with every laugh you gave Leo's direction, it was as if he was hurting himself. Why did he have to feel this way? It was just a friendship, wasn't it?
He managed to control himself, many times he managed to control himself. Seeing you have lunch next to him, watching the man carry you from one place to another, the stupid gifts he insisted on giving you and even Leo daring to say he could train you with swords.
Zoro didn't know if there was a god or something, but he thanked the heavens when the last night began to fall. The next morning, you would set sail and he would no longer be forced to share his attention with the idiot who called himself your friend.
The tall bonfire at the edge of the small forest was surrounded by members of the Straw Hats, Leo and some other friends. Drinks and food piled up, as did stories and songs that Brook made a point of singing. Your lips no longer smiled so much, especially when your favorite swordsman met your gaze. He was distant, it had been five days since you had barely been able to speak to him and when you did, he seemed to be as dry as the Alabasta desert. On the other hand, these days you had met a much clingier version of Leo, even uncomfortable and you didn't know how to get away - and apparently the person who could help you with this, didn't seem to be so worried.
"Kitten?" Leo bent down, stopping at your ear level. "Can we talk alone real quick?"
"Why?" you asked, seeing him find the question strange.
"We need more booze!" the man ignored what you said and said it out loud. Pretending he wasn't already talking to you, he nudged you. "Come on, help me, kitten."
Zoro watched the man say something to you and your expression changed, sulking. Leo repeated the gesture again, ignoring that he had already spoken to you. Something possessive took over Zoro - something was wrong and he wouldn't sit still until he found out what it was. Leaving the sake aside, the swordsman stood up and, following a more hidden path than yours, accompanied you to the back of the warehouse - which was the supposed base that Leo had presented a few days ago.
"What is this, Leo?" you stopped in front of him, seeing that they had taken a different direction than you expected.
"I know you're leaving tomorrow, but… Why wouldn't you stay here?" he asked and you immediately shook your head, before your lips could even say it.
"They're my family now. I still adore you, everyone here, but I'm going back to the sea." Your answer seemed to disappoint him. "You know it's always been my dream."
"I know it's selfish of me." the man approached, holding your wrists and, more gently than you expected, he guided you against the wall. "I like you, I always have. If you want, we can go to the sea together, we can form a family, we can…"
"I have a boyfriend." Leo laughed in disbelief, still keeping your arms tied to his, in an even tighter grip. "Leo, you've always been my best friend. Let's not ruin that."
"Friends? You've been missing for years!" he growled, slamming your fists against the wall.
For a few seconds Zoro chose to just watch, hatred was in his eyes and if it weren't for your presence there, Leo would already be just a memory in this world. He knew you weren't a lady in distress and that if you wanted to get out of there, you would get out easily. But there was something written in your eyes, something he saw very few times in battle - fear.
Before the man repeated the gesture, you watched Leo's face get closer and when he was millimeters away, he stopped. His eyes immediately widened and before you understood what the glow was on the side of his neck, you saw a small trickle of blood appear on the man's jugular vein.
"Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend…" Zoro's low tone was even more threatening than if he had been shouting. "Before I take them out of your arms."
"So it's him." Leo muttered, frustration clear in his voice. "I should have suspected."
"I'm sorry." you whispered, without even understanding why you were apologizing.
"I could kill you right now and believe me, I'm still debating whether to do it." Zoro approached, now allowing Leo's entire neck to be covered by the blade. "But I'd hate to ruin the banquet."
"Don't worry about that." Leo threatened to pull his sword, but this time it was you who held his hand.
"Just go back there Leo, let's pretend this didn't happen." you asked and Zoro could now notice how stressed you looked, but at the same time relief appeared on your face.
"She's right." Zoro muttered, moving even closer to the man. "Let's pretend none of this happened and maybe tomorrow you won't wake up just to choke on your blood and die."
"Zoro!" Your voice sounded like a warning to him, who lowered his sword and let the man leave.
For a few seconds, the two of you just watched each other. It was good to be able to have your boyfriend there, finally within walking distance of you.
"How are you feeling?" Zoro took the initiative and held your hands, as if analyzing where the man touched you. When you felt them trembling, he placed a quick kiss between your fingers. "Did he do anything else?"
"No, he just wanted me to stay here." you let your body lean against the cold wall. "Why just now?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"All week I've been trying to reach you, bring you with me, integrate you with my friends here." you huffed, feeling Zoro get even closer to your body.
"I wanted to give you space." he lied and saw you laugh. The sound - which this time was exclusively for him - made Zoro's ego inflate.
"I didn't know you were the jealous type." a moan of relief almost escaped you when you felt his arms wrap around your waist.
"Not jealous, just protective."
"What's your bounty?" you imitated him, laughing again. "Isn't that jealousy?"
"No, kitten." this time, he let a soft laugh escape his lips.
"I am sorry dear." you sank into his chest, letting his hands slide down your back. "I was excited to see everything again and I didn't understand Leo's real intentions."
"And why didn't you defend yourself?" your eyes met his and then Zoro realized his mistake. "I mean, I'll always defend you, but I've seen you get out of worse situations."
"I know." Again you cuddled up, the cold wind sent shivers through your body. "It's just that he was a friend, you know? He saved me many times and I guess I didn't expect to have to fight with him. He was never a threat." The sound of Zoro's heart against your ear was comforting, it was like going back to any of the crows nest nights, where you would stay tangled up for hours. "I found his behavior strange, he was never like that, clingy. But I didn't know who to ask for help."
"I imagine it would be difficult." Zoro murmured, letting his lips touch the top of your head. "Sorry I didn't show up sooner, kitten." he teased you, getting another laugh from you.
"Time to stop this kitten."
"Are you sure, kitten?" he said again, but Zoro's voice came out a few octaves lower, his provocation took a new turn.
His hands that had been caressing your back found themselves on your waist and pressed you against the wall. One of them went up to your chin and held you steady, looking into his eyes, but not for long. Eliciting a moan, Zoro took your lips intensely. No time for little kisses, or any affection that could come first. His lips brought longing and the taste of sake, mixed with the sweetness of your lips.
One of his legs fit between your thighs, the hands that held your waist forced you against the fabric of his pants, moving you like an incentive. While the assault on your lips didn't stop, the heat in your intimacy began to accumulate and form a knot.
"Zoro, please." a strangled moan left your lips, trying hard to contain the noise and not attract the attention of anyone nearby.
"I'm here, love. I got you, just give it to me." his lips that bordered the sensitive spot below your ear took your lips and held all your moans just for him.
Zoro held you there for some time, sweat accumulated on your face as you were still panting. It was a version that didn't appear that often, but you loved it when Zoro lost himself caressing your face, letting his lips slide delicately across your skin.
"Zo, I think we should go back." despite yourself, you moved away from him a little. "By now, Leo should already have contact for everyone."
"Great, at least for one good thing this good-for-nothing will do." upon noticing your lost look, Zoro continued. "I was tired of hiding it."
"Are you sure?" his hands cupped your face, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
"I love you woman, how can I not be sure of that?" the confession brought a huge smile to your lips.
"I love you more greenie."
Zoro took the lead and with his hand tied in yours, he guided you back to the fire. It was as if nothing had happened, everyone was still talking and drinking. Still feeling your legs weak from the little time you and Zoro had, you sat down and let him go get drinks.
Upon returning to his place, Zoro saw that even without saying anything, Leo was still staring at you, practically on the other side of the fire. With his chest puffed out in ego and relieved to finally have you back in his arms, Zoro sat behind you, so that you were between his legs and when he handed you your drink, he placed a kiss and a light bite on your neck. You were his and from now on that would be very clear.
"It can't be! It's too bad luck all at once!" Sanji's tearful voice attracted the attention of both of you and made you laugh out loud when you saw that the blonde was complaining precisely about the little scene between you two. "What does this mosshead have that I don't?"
"I knew!" Nami screamed and ripped Chopper's hat off. "You can go give me your money, you idiots."
"You guys bet on us?" you asked indignantly and to Nami, Usopp and Franky's joy, apparently they were the two winners.
"This world needs to end…" you laughed even harder when you saw Sanji handing the money to the navigator.
"That's it, now there are two idiots wanting what's mine." Zoro pulled you even closer to his body. "Only mine."
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
When op characters throw their backs out
a/n - I watched househusband today 👍
Warnings ⚠️ - crack, g/n reader, shanks is a manbaby
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- you thought an emperor of the sea could throw his back out??? Ridiculous!!
- … *crack* “OW DAMMIT-“
- literally on the floor struggling not to start bawling
- this was more painful than losing his arm 💀
- starts calling your name with that slight break in his voice at the end 😭
- he requires cuddles and absolute pampering right now
- will start crying like a baby 😐
- “Baby it hurts so bad- I want you to know that I love you so much.”
- “Shanks baby you’re not dying, you just hurt your back a bit.”
- *gasp*
- “I’M ONLY 40!”
- has an existential crisis about how he’s so old 💀
- “You were there when joyboy was born lmfao.” -yasopp
- “Yasopp now he’s sad again!” -you
- You start hugging him in your lap, running your fingers through his hair while trying to soothe his pain
- he loved seeing you take care of him so much that he literally got hurt more often??
- “Y/n I scraped my knee!”
- “Hehe I broke my leg-!”
- “I lost my other arm can you give me hugs and kisses?”
- so dramatic 🙄
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- with that shrimp posture of his it’s no wonder he threw his back out
- have you seen the way this man walks during pre timeskip? 🦐🦐🦐🦐
- he stood up one day, already feeling uncomfortable tension in his lower back that day
- straightening his back pushed it, *crack*
- the way his eyes widened and he immediately just collapsed into the chair, struggling to support himself
- he’s usually very good with pain and has a super high tolerance, but why tf did this hurt so bad?!
- he knew he threw his back out- he specifically took steps to avoid this (minus fixing his posture)
- you walk in to see your poor lover struggling for his life
- he’s pretty much out of commission for the rest of the day.. So you mostly do everything for him (he’s not happy about this btw)
- “y/n, no you don’t have to hug me- I’m fine-!”
- “shut up and let me hug you.”
- “….fine.”
- lmao this poor guy
- he hates how you’re babying him all day, feels like he’s useless
- “Well I mean- you are.. But only for today!” -you
- “was that supposed to help me?”
- just cuddle him, he’ll start to calm down after a while lol 💀
- he’s like a pufferfish, he’ll deflate eventually 👍
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- lifting 4099 lbs on a normal ass typical day 💀
- And then when he raised it over his head, he felt something snap in his back
- he grunted, falling backwards, the massive weight falling on top of his chest, trapping him underneath it
- literally choking on the weight while his back throbs 😭
- you’re struggling to kick 4099 pounds off this idiot
- “Y/n- *cough* it’s not that heavy!”
- “SHUSH.”
- Luffy had to come in and help you guys. He took about a minute or two to laugh first though
- *flashbacks*
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- he’s literally running out of air pls 💀
- when he finally got out, he tried to stand up to get back to training, ignoring your protests
- “I’m fine! Just leave me be-“ *dies*
- literally on the floor in agony
- chopper comes over and gives him some patches while you let him rest his head in your lap
- ok he’s not happy about his back hurting.. but- if it means he gets to rest his head on your thighs? He’d hurt his back again if needed
- the soft flesh that cushioned his head was absolutely perfect, so much so that he wrapped his bulky arms around your torso as if telling you not to leave
- you both stayed there for the rest of the day while Zoro took the best nap of his life in your lap 💜
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a/n - help I threw my back out once and I’m not even in my twenties yet 🫠
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sillylittlestoryblog · 3 months
(Not) Hard to Love
Part 2 (2/2)
Trafalgar Law x Reader
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Warning:⚠️ smutty situation, angsty thoughts
Authors Note: sorry that it took so long to post this. I was having a few bad days, just struggling with my confidence. Now I m doing a bit better. So here you go. Hope you have fun 🥰
this is by far the most suggestive thing I have ever written. lol. I hope it doesn’t suck too bad. If you like it, leave a comment. It does wonders to my mental health ❤️ (btw this raspberry jam is just in the story because I have been planning on making it for the past months and this is my reminder to get up from my lazy ass and make it! )
You were relieved, after days of almost doing nothing, because the sun was too hot and your thoughts too distracting, you were finally able to work again. It was one of those days were everyone was doing their best to restore and repair their beloved home.
The Thousand Sunny was a big ship. And after days of not doing much, it often needed some time to get everything organized and clean again.
Knowing your captain wasn’t the biggest fan of an organized living space, most of the work was split between the rest of the crew. While Nami was always on board keeping an eye on the ocean, Sanji was the one who was keeping the kitchen organized, while preparing the dishes for the day.
Franky and Usopp were repairing something in the library, while Brook and Robin were sorting the newest books, they got on the last island.
Luffy and Zoro were supposed to take care of everything on deck, which already wasn’t much. But after cleaning the girls bedroom, you walked towards the kitchen and saw both of them sleeping in the sunlight. Random, uncomfortable looking items being their pillows.
You just rolled your eyes and smirked. These two weren’t really cleaning themselves regularly, so why would they clean something else. It didn’t really make sense why you guys kept asking them to organize, even though you kinda knew they weren’t gonna be much of a help.
Opening the kitchen doors a warm sweet smell came towards you.
Sanji was standing at the stove, filling sugar into a red liquid.
"Uhhh, this smells amazing. May I have a taste?" you point to the boiling jam in front of you with an outstretched finger.
"Of course, my dear."
The cook gave you a spoonful of the sweet liquid and without blowing for long you tasted it.
"It tastes wonderful, Sanji! I'm already dreaming of how it will taste on the fresh crossaints you make from time to time."
The blond man grinned. He had to concentrate now. Not get distracted. Even if he particularly liked compliments from you.
"I'm glad you like it. I bought lots of raspberries so I could cook them for you.
I just realized that a little vanilla is still missing. Could you do me a favor? I have fresh vanilla in our storage room, I just forgot to bring them up from downstairs earlier. Could you get them quickly from below deck? I don't want the jam to burn.“
"Sure thing." With a smile, you walk back towards the door. You suck in the wonderful smell once more before quickly scurrying outside.
You had given Sanji the recipe for this particular jam a few months ago. Your mother used to make it when you were a child.
With quick steps, you skip down the stairs towards the storage room.
Your mind was full of warm memories of sunny mornings. Jam on baked goods. A table filled with fresh food. The last good days of your childhood.
Being on the thousand sunny was kind of like that time. With a smile on your face you walked towards the entry.
The groaning door gave you the creeps. Chopper had accidentally locked himself in down there once before. So, to be on the safe side, you put a box between you and the door. That way, it won't fall shut the next time the wind blows.
The light was already turned on in the storage room. You expected the little reindeer, who often spend time organizing and storing medicines down here to refill them in his little doctor's room when they were empty upstairs.
But it wasn't this doctor who was waiting for you in the far corner of the room.
Law was sitting on the floor looking through several boxes of pills.
Presumably he was going to take care of refilling the medicine room. Chopper probably send him, because he was still scared of last time.
You whisper a quiet "hey" in his direction so as not to startle him.
Law just looked up briefly and mumbled something in your direction.
What was his problem? You were starting to get angry again. Everyone was trying to build a home, be nice and him?! He was just not accepting you whatsoever.
How could someone be so arrogant and ignorant ?
A loud bang snapped you out of your thoughts.
The heavy door had slammed shut.
How could that be? You had just put something in between.
Annoyed, you turn to Law.
"Shit, now we're locked in here. I can't believe Franky still hasn't fixed the door!"
You push against the door with all your strength. It doesn't move. With a loud groan you press on the door again. But it doesn’t help. A large hand rests on your shoulder.
"Hey. let me try it, Y/N-ya. I'm sure I can get the door open."
You step aside and let the dark-haired man go at it. He also pushes against the door with all his might, but it doesn't move a bit.
Frustrated you started screaming for your friends to help you out of this awkward situation.
"Hey Namiiiii! Luffy! Frankyyyy!!! Help!"
"fuck! don't shout in my ear" Law
dramatically put his hands to his ears and stared at you angrily.
"do you want to get out of here or not?! Apparently mister-I can do anything- wasn't strong enough to open a simple door after all."
"Excuse me?"
The captain turned to you. He looked down at you, annoyed.
You took a step towards him. Pointing your finger on his chest.
"I finally want to know what your problem is?"
"I don't have a problem"
"Oh? Really? You're a fucking liar, Law."
"It's none of your business, what's wrong with me. Don't talk to me like that.
Your crazy captain has decided to form an alliance, and if that's a problem for you then talk to him and not to me."
Annoyed, Law turned to the side. He only took one step before you pulled him back by his shirt sleeve.
"Hey! Stay here. I don't have a problem with you or the Alliance at all."
Your back was against the cold iron door.
Law actually turned back around and took two steps towards you.
Only now do you realize how close he was to you.
"Why are you making it so difficult for me?"
His gaze was still avoiding yours. How much you would have liked to look him in the eye now. But then you probably wouldn't have been able to hold back. Your emotions were already getting the better of you.
You spoke to him much more calmly than before.
„What's so hard, Law? I can understand that you don't like me as much as the others. But why do you hate me? Is it that hard to just like me? Or even less. Just to accept me?"
Tears welled up in your eyes. Your own words stung your heart. All you wanted was to be looked at him. Be seen.
Law still stood rooted to the spot in front of you. One hand in front of his eyes, he shook his head.
„What makes you think I hate you?"
Your voice wasn't ready to answer that question. You just shrugged your shoulders, sobbing. You would like to sink into the ground. Now you're crying in front of the man who has no interest in you. You were a failure. A pathetic girl crying in front of her crush. Nothing more.
"hey. Shh. Don’t cry. Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Sternly but without anger in his voice, Law put his index finger under your chin. So that you can't help but look into his gray eyes.
" I don't hate you, Y/N-ya.“
A sigh escaping his lips. His eyes looked different then before. You almost thought he was leaning in. And the air around you got thicker and filled with more tension.
„I really don’t. Quite the opposite in fact. Ever since I saw you for the first time, I've been attracted to you. I just can’t act on it.
I have responsibilities and… I'm not a particularly good person. I've done bad things. I've taken lives when I should be saving lives as a doctor. I don’t want more people to get hurt because of me. And to be honest, I've never had feelings like this before. I have no idea how to deal with it.“
He looked down. Almost debating if he should say the next part.
„I think of you. All the time. I lay awake at night and all I see is your face. I long for your touch. And I want to learn to love, Y/N-ya. But I'm afraid of it. Fuck."
He took a deep breath. And exhaled.
"I want you. I need you.... And I don't know how..."
Now it was you who put your index finger on Law's lips and slowly stroked his cheek with your hand.
"Just kiss me"
Horrified by your demanding words, Law looked down at you. He forgot how to breathe for a moment. His heart was beating so fast in his chest that he could hardly hear anything else. Your lips opened to say something. He didn't want you to change your mind. He took your face in both hands. Before he pressed his lips to yours.
"Just so you know. it isn't hard to fall for you, Y/N. But I m afraid, I have no clue what I m doing. My life is..."
"Law... just kiss me"
You moved forward again, pressing your lips to his. Law felt like the walls he had build up so maticulously, melting away by your kisses. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore, letting his desire take over.
Soft moans escaping your mouth while he pressed you against his body and the door behind you. You were caged in by his arms fully accepting whatever was gonna happen now. Your hands exploring the doctors body, while kissing each other hungrily. Law let out a low groan. This was better than in his daydreams. Your soft hands roaming his chest. Tracing his tattoos with lingering touches. One of Laws hands firmly placed against your hip. Shoving you against the metal door. Law was overwhelmed by his emotions. Not a single thought in his mind while he started grinding against you.
Using your moaning as chance to slide his tongue into your mouth.
His lustfull eyes being the most beautiful sight to you, while you buttoned down your summer dress.
Law was breathing heavily. His hair fully out of place by you tugging at his dark strands.
He can’t remember the last time he didn’t take the time to unbutton his shirt, but right now he was rushing to get it over his head. Throwing it down on the ground next to your dress.
Moving towards each other like magnets, lowly groaning between kisses, Law lifted up your thighs around his hips. Moving you against the door again.
His jeans rubbing against your panties. Making you cry out his name.
And for the second time that day you were interrupted by the same door you were making out against. The (stupid ) door opened with a loud hiss. Falling out of its angle. You and Law tumbeling and falling to the wooden floor.
This was a very annoying disturbance to your newly found passion. But it definitely wouldn’t have stopped you from showering Law with kisses, if it wasn’t for the circle of people and a very shocked reindeer standing around your almost naked bodies.
You and Law got up from the floor with red heads and stupid explanations. Feeling humiliated but kinda happy.
Law held his shirt protectively in front of you and hoped fervently that no one was looking at his jeans.
You looked at a bunch of different expressions.
Nami grinning. Robin, playing shocked, with one hand over her mouth. But she couldn't fool you. Her giggle was the first to be heard from the crowd.
„We really only planned for you guys to finally talk about it… that all… -
Nami made some hand gestures towards your half undressed bodies and the broken door on the ground.
„ - was not our intention.“
Usopp covered his own and then immediately afterwards Chopper's eyes. While Franky and Zoro toasted with sake in their hands. Apparently everyone was part of the stupid bet.
Luffy just looked back and forth between you and Law, confused. Obviously he hadn't quite understood yet, what was so exciting about this situation. He had seen you guys in swimwear before, not really something different in his eyes.
Sanji had blood all over his shirt and on his nose but tried to control himself. And thankfully pulled the others towards the exit.
"Don’t you guys look at Y/N-san like that. That’s not how you look at a lady.
Lunch is almost ready… let’s go Luffy.
Let the two of them go. We'll get the food ready."
Nami pulled Usopp towards her by the collar.
„So Usopp... I hope you remember our agreement... right?"
Laughing, the Strawhats left on after the other. Leaving behind two embarrassed pirates.
Franky mumbled something about "now I really have to fix the door"
While Chopper desperately tried to figure out what had just happened.
Robin gave you a wink while walking up the stairs.
Embarrassed, you looked at Law.
He took your hand and kissed it gently. Although it was hard for him, he tried to stand in front of you as confidently as possible.
" umm that was something… you know…
We still have some time before lunch. Would you like to… continue?! … What do you say Y/N-ya?"
You look at your intertwined hands and then back to Laws face. His face blushing, his eyes looking on the ground even though he would much rather look at your beautiful body before him. You stand on your tiptoes to give a quick peck to Law's lips.
"You may be right there is still some time. But I'll only follow you if you promise to use your devil powers this time. I wouldn't survive being caught like that again." Giggling, you put your arms around Law's neck.
"Okay then, let's pick up where we left off."
He gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead before lifting his hand. A smile on his face as he heard your heart beating loudly.
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hauntingblue · 4 months
I wanna know more about law hanging out with the strawhats and how he is slowly finding out luffy is like the second coming of jesus christ
#like if i could be in his head......#he goes from yeah he has fought so many strong people it looks like a miracle to oh he literally has the same 'powers' as gold roger#ELEPHANT ONE HIT JACK!!!!!! HELL YEAAAAAH#now go drown in the sea#waitwaitwait a den den mushi that looks like the music guy is communicating with kaiodu about jack.... betrayal???#the guy from the on air pirates... i remember everything but the guys name#betrayal incoming for kid and the tarot guy???#which btw what happened with kid and the others when kaidou fell from the sky onto them... did they all ally with him?? to take down shanks?#episode 774#navigation chart.... nami.... lola gave you her mom's card....#like she hasn't connected the dots not has anyone else looks like#law teasing zoro about getting lost....#poir carrot having to carry all that food ajfjaldjs#carrot wants to be on the sea <3#luffy take her with yooooouuuuu#episode 775#I WAS THINKING ABOUT FRANKY HELPING NAMI WITH THE CLIMA TACT AND LOOK AT THIS!!!#it looks like a magic wand.... but it extends okay....#see franky gave her so much desteuctive power.... i knew it could be the case#i do not like the orange......... blue all the way you know... contrast#mirage tempo when usopp asks for money ahdkahdk#wanda not coming is a travesty.... that's nami's gf.....#zoro is so jealous...... saying he might be bleeding out at the thought of marrying a woman.... i mean yes but he is jealous#everybody saying goodbye to luffy: 😁☺️😄 law: 😐#so brook is coming with them.... well....#nami and luffy adventures... and some people tagged in#luffy is such a little shit.... like 10km of free fall for everyone else#ARABASTA?????#VIVI YESAAAHAHAHAAHAHHA#episode 776
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
there's just something so inherently poetic and romantic about zoro's devotion to luffy during all of wano that makes me go completely insane.
he sees luffy for the first time in like a week, which might not seem much but for them, who are used to feeling each other's presence all the time and did not have a good experience with being separated, it's torture to not be together. so of course they go all happy, kicking their feet and blushing when they reunite. then his captain is like "hey, this is tama. tama is our friend now" and zoro takes it extremely seriously and protects that random kid he has no connection to because luffy says so and, well, because she's just a kid and everything, but still i think zoro instantly accepting to adopt tama is really cute.
zoro acts like luffy's enabler during this arc, because his captain might do the most impulsive and reckless shit, and the dude will support him to death. even when he's just competing against kid and law to see who's stronger (or the dumbest), luffy is the most serious he's ever been here. of course, zoro has some moments of "okay, gotta stop this idiot" but it turns out zoro is fucking stupid too, and getting into a fight in the middle of a party while you look for your captain is just,,, so them.
and all of this is just silly moments that make you think "oh, okay, zoro is whipped, yes. we already knew that". but then he pulls the most romantic and poetic things we've ever witnessed in anime history and honestly, i fucking lose it every time he does things like this.
drake goes to them and asks if he can be on their side (btw dude could have just told luffy he knew koby somehow but okay) and zoro instantly goes 'protective first mate' mode and says "haha no the fuck you're not. disloyal people are the worst and you'll always be like that. once you betray someone there's no going back" which is something i love about zoro because, even if from his perspective drake was actually a member of kaido's crew and they're supposed to be the bad guys, zoro respects loyalty so fucking much that he doesn't care whose side are you on as long as you have your priorities and beliefs on the right place. i find that beautiful, especially knowing what comes next.
zoro is gifted a sword that theoretically could cut hell, to then being then perceived as the king of hell for the same reason, and then actually going to the battlefield and referring to it as hell itself because they're fighting to death against two emperors and saying "if you're sending our captain to hell, you'll have to take me with him" because he would quite literally go to hell for luffy. and then the guy goes and tells law "hey, this is going to hurt like a bitch and i might probably die. if that happens, you know, just take care of the rest because luffy trusts you too" and he goes and awakens his conqueror's haki without even meaning to and not even giving a single fuck when kaido tells him because his only ambition and will at the moment is protecting luffy and fighting for him. that, and also the countless times he saves luffy without hesitation during this fight, which are too much to remember but i swear every time he gets in between one of kaido's attacks and luffy, my heart does a backflip and i die. and also, the gentleness in which zoro treats luffy when he can't fight. the way he protects him when luffy puts all of his undying trust on zoro. they make me go wild.
the fact that luffy is constantly saying in this fight (and always, of course) that he's going to be the pirate king and showing it clearly with all of his parallelisms to roger, and then zoro pulling things that make him quite obviously the king of hell, just makes the whole "captain and first mate" thing seem so little for what they actually are. because we have 3 different couples of this kind in this story, and nobody compares to these two, because they're not just a captain and his first mate, they're literally kings. and i haven't watched more (i'm on episode 1030 if you're curious, uta time!) but i'm so excited to see how this develops. especially knowing the religious undertones behind whatever the fuck gear fifth is supposed to be (except for a lil cute and powerful af looney tune).
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cozage · 2 months
Gm!! I saw your inbox was open!! I was hoping to request something with Sanji, Ace n Franky with a selective mute (gender neutral) reader talking to them through their voice for the first time to confess? 👉👈
(Btw I wanted to let you know that your writing has such a grip on my heart, I must have re-read your Sleepy Afternoon hcs at least a hundred times 🥺🫶 and i hope you have a wonderful day!)
So sorry I didn't get a new chapter out today...the holidays kept me busy! Enjoy these sweet short stories instead <3 Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Ace, Franky Cw:  none :) Total word count: 1600
First Words
Ever since you joined the crew, you had found yourself gravitating toward the kitchen. 
Being with Sanji was easy. He never pestered you with questions or asked you to speak. If he did ask questions, they were always non-invasive, yes-or-no questions that you could answer with a shake of your head. 
You realized you had feelings for him when he came into the kitchen one morning, dark shadows under his eyes. And before he began cooking, he signed good morning to you. You had signed back the same phrase before you realized that he had signed, not spoken. 
He beamed with pride as your eyes widened in shock. 
“You learned how to sign?” you signed quickly. 
He focused intensely as he watched the way your hands moved, and then slowly nodded. 
“I stayed up all night trying to learn the basics. I figured it’s lonely up there in your head.” He tapped his temple with his forefinger for effect. “I’m not very good yet, but I’ll try my best to follow you if you ever feel like communicating.”
You gave a soft nod, the thought making your eyes shine. Even just the effort of knowing good morning made your heart swell. 
As the days went on, Sanji got better at sign language. So much better that he indirectly became your translator for the rest of the crew if you ever felt like adding to the conversation. He came to your defense whenever Luffy begged you to speak, and helped make sure your voice was heard without ever judging you. 
As the two of you were sitting out on the deck one night under the stars, you decided you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You had to tell him. 
“I have to tell you something,” you signed.
Sanji stood up a little straighter, looking at you with slight concern. “What is it, my love?”
“I think-” you paused your signing. Saying the words with your hands didn’t seem right. You trusted Sanji with everything. You wanted to tell him. You wanted to say it. Out loud. 
“I think-” you whispered softly, your voice raw from time unused. But you grew more confident when you spoke again. “I think I might just be in love with you, Sanji.”
You could see him struggling to understand your words; the fact that you had spoken was enough to send him into shock. 
And then he leaned in and kissed you. 
You melted under his touch. Your body craved the feeling of his skin as he held your face against his. 
“I love you too, my dear,” he whispered back. “And my name on your lips is sweeter than anything I could ever cook up.”
Ace didn’t mind that you didn’t speak a lot. Or speak at all. He did enough talking for the both of you. 
Still, you liked being around him. At meals, you often found yourself sitting next to him. At parties, he was often at your door, dragging you out onto the deck to have a few beers with everyone. 
You liked how he could bring people together. He was always the life of the party anywhere you went. You enjoyed his warmth, both through his devil fruit ability and personality. 
You often found yourself staring at him, admiring everything about him. You knew every other person on the ship was doing the same thing. So even when his eyes locked onto yours and the two of you had silent conversations, you did your best to ignore that ache in your chest. He was loved by everyone. You weren’t special. 
“Thank you for coming tonight,” Ace said, taking a seat next to you on the deck. “I know you didn’t want to, and I know these parties can be overwhelming. So thanks for coming for me.”
You shook your head slightly, smiling softly. It’s no big deal.
“It is a big deal! You-” the rest of his sentence was cut off by a few of your crewmates screaming at each other and everyone cheering loudly. 
“Come on,” Ace mumbled, rising to his feet and holding out his hand for you. “Let’s go somewhere quieter. I can’t hear myself think here.”
You smiled and nodded, taking his hand. It was loud and overwhelming. You were here for Ace, to celebrate him being promoted. But that didn’t mean you liked being around crowds or rowdiness. 
There was only one place that was quiet on a night like tonight: the crow’s nest. So the two of you quietly snuck up the ladder and hid away from everyone. A moment of quiet amongst the sea of noise. 
“It's so peaceful up here,” Ace said softly. “I love it up here.”
You hummed in agreement. “I love you.”
Both of you froze. You hadn’t even been thinking about a confession. It had come out entirely on its own. 
You could feel Ace’s sharp gaze on you. “What?”
You cleared your throat, ignoring the heat on your face. “The view. I love the view.”
“You’re speaking.”
You finally looked at him, your voice rough. “I speak sometimes.”
“Never to me!” Ace ran his hand through his hair and took a long drink from the bottle in his hand. “You’ve never spoken to me!”
“I-” you stopped. You hadn’t spoken much since you had joined the crew. Only to Pops, really. And only whenever you were asked a direct question. Ace had probably never heard your voice. “I thought you had. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize!” Ace said, laughing. “I just want to hear more of it! Tell me a story! Your voice is- is like-” he struggled for words, and then he smiled as his eyes locked onto yours. “It’s like a breath of fresh air.”
“It is not,” you smiled at his words, though. “You just feel that way because we can breathe up here without smelling our lovely crewmates.”
Ace barked out a laugh. “Stunning and funny. You really are the total package.”
You quieted at that. A true compliment from Ace didn’t happen often, and you could feel the blush creeping its way through your face. 
Instead, you laid back and turned your head toward the sky, choosing to watch the stars instead. You were almost asleep when Ace spoke again.
“I love you too, you know.”
You liked being in the workshop with Franky. Franky never tried to get you to speak. Most of the time it was too loud in there to hold a conversation anyway. The extent of your conversation was him asking you to get a tool for him, and you silently retrieving it. 
You weren’t sure it changed into something more, but you began watching him closely as he worked. After a day or two, he began explaining what he was building and all the steps that went into it. It wasn’t long before you were working on the bench next to him. 
Some days, Franky was chatty. He talked about his home, his old life, and other projects he had done. Sometimes he asked you simple questions about your past, but he never pried too deep. 
That’s what you liked most about Franky. Everything had been on your terms, and Franky had always received your decisions enthusiastically. He always supported you when you wanted to help him build a bench, but he also encouraged you to take rest days when you simply wanted to observe. 
Franky was always on your side. No matter what you decided, he was going to agree. He was your biggest fan, always cheering you on. 
And as his strong arms wrapped around you, both of you holding the torch to weld two pieces of metal together, you realized the heat on your face wasn’t just from the flame. 
Franky pulled his welding helmet up. “So, do you like welding?”
You nodded. “I think I like you more, Franky.”
Franky’s mouth fell open in shock. For once, you had stunned him into silence. Only the hum of the generator buzzed in the air. 
The silence made you feel strange, and words began falling out of your mouth in an attempt to fill it. 
“You’re so kind and supportive to me and you always help me learn new things. You’ve been so amazing and patient these past few weeks and you’re always so encouraging and…I just…I like you a lot, Franky, and I was just thinking about how I wanted to tell you and then it just…came out.”
Franky was still staring at you, awestruck. “You can speak?” 
You covered your face. He was missing the whole point. Maybe he would forget the words you had actually said. 
He seemed to remember your words at that exact moment. “Me? You like me?”
A small smile creeped across your face. No backing down now. “Yes, I do.”
“Super!” His words made you laugh. “I’ve liked you for quite some time as well. Just didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
Your smile finally widened, full and genuine. “You’re the place I feel most comfortable, Franky.”
He gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for an embrace. “And I will never stop being that for you, I swear it.”
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