#Luka Charm: writing
calyxthenerd · 3 months
i learned my passion in the good old-fashioned school of lover boys
Percy stood in front of the conference room, as several guys poofed in “Hello, my dudes, welcome to the ‘bi guys who love their girlfriends’ meeting, my girlfriend’s cousin did something like this and I wanted to do it too, I am Percy Jackson, he/him, and I got pretty cool water powers, feel free to introduce yourselves”
“I’m Leon Vargas, he/him, and I’m in a band?” He phrased it like a question, because he was very confused and slightly panicked, the closest he has ever come to magic is sharing dreams with his girlfriend
“I’m Sokka, I use the guy pronouns I guess? I don’t know, I don’t really get that stuff, and I am a pretty awesome warrior” he grins
“I’m Dexter Charming, he/him, and I love gaming” he waves awkwardly, man he was bad at this
“I’m Hunter Noceda, and Luz taught me about the difference between pronouns!” He beams “I use they/them and I’m a clone!” Everyone is disturbed, but they decide to ignore it
“I’m Adrien” he paused, letting the blue haired boy he was holding hands with, talk “and I’m Luka” “I use he/him and I can speak four languages” the blonde countinued “I use he/they and I’m also in a band” he looked at Leon briefly
“And now, we rant about how cool our girlfriends are and bond over it” Percy explained “My girlfriend, Annabeth, is soooo smart, her plans are always awesome and she’s so pretty too! missions with her are the best” he rambled, a lovesick grin on his face
“My girlfriend, Suki is really smart too! I’m usually the one with the plans, but she’s an incredible warrior and she’s taught me so much, when she joined us on our missions it was really great as well” he and Percy went to the corner to bond over fighting in wars and having girlfriends who were the same brand of badass, completely ignoring the rest and the fact that Percy was supposed to lead this meeting
“Violetta, my fiancé, is the best, she’s one of the most wonderful musicians I’ve ever met, and that’s saying a lot, considering I know so many of great ones, she’s my soulmate, it still baffles me how in sync we are, we wrote at least five songs together in our dreams over the course of our relationship” Leon smiled
“That’s so cool! My girlfriend Raven, is a witch, and she’s also really good with music! She’s the most talented person I know! And the way she gets when she’s arguing for something she believes in, it’s the most beautiful thing…” he trails off, zooning out in a daydream
Hunter looked at Dexter weirdly before starting his rant “Willow is the best! even when I was… not the best person to be around, she stood by me and helped me see the error of my ways, she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, in the form of caring for all our friends, but she does it with such grace, it took me a while to realize it was doing her harm, but now our dynamic is much more balanced and healthy, at least that’s what mama Noceda told us” leaving Adrien, Luka and Leon, the only ones still listening, very concerned
“How do you do these trips across universes? I’d like to talk to this girlfriend of yours” Luka said
“I’m afraid I don’t know, I’m sorry” Hunter lowered his head
“How about we talk about Mari now, Luka?” Adrien asked, desperate for a subject change
“Melody is wonderful, she’s so lively and creative, she inspires me to do things i never saw myself doing before, and her being the one person, besides her girlfriend, to truly understand my sister certainly doesn’t hurt her case” Luka stated
“Mari is amazing! She helped me understand the world in a way I haven’t been able to before, being homeschooled and never having any friends, she is my guiding light, I love her so much” he sighed, his gaze far away, as Luka squeezed his hand
“I really need to get him and Vilu in a room together” Leon mumbled
“What was that?” Adrien questioned
“Nothing” he pooked Percy on the shoulder, interrupting a discussion between him and Sokka about the best kind of weapon
“And that’s why swords are supe- what?” the demigod turned around
“I was just wondering how you chose us specifically? Because aside from those two” he points to Adrien and Luka, who are flirting back at the table “none of us know each other”
“Well, you see- look at the time! You guys should get going, I’ll tell you as you leave” he declared
“Hunter is from a show my friend Clarisse pretends not to like” he poofs back to the Noceda house, where he decided to stay after everything that happened
“Leon is from a show my friend Piper told me about” he poofs back to the apartment he shares with Violetta
“Dexter is from a show my friend Will loves” he poofs back into his classroom, where a class was still happening, not even noticing anything was happening around him, still daydreaming about Raven
“Sokka is from my baby sister Estelle’s favorite show” he poofs back to the room he was staying in on his diplomatic trip to the fire nation
“And lastly, you two” he looks at Luka and Adrien “are from my brother Tyson’s favorite show” they poof back to the liberty
Magnus pokes his head into the room “how’d it go?”
“Perfect, thanks for teaching me that trick, Maggie!” He smirks
“I told you not to call me that, now let’s go, Alex and Annie are waiting on us for lunch” he grumbled, and they walked away to meet their girlfriends who they loved very much
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pocketsizedq · 8 months
The ways they show affection
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Lukas Dostal
-wakes you up with coffee
->come into your guys shared room.
->place a few kisses on your head helping you sit up handing you coffee either from your favorite place or some made at home if you are up when he’s getting ready for practice
-giving you all of his attention
->always loves to hear about your day or any new gossip you have learned
->would never tell you that he loves hearing the gossip but just loves seeing your eyes light up as you tell him all that’s going on at work
-always orders food if you say no
->He always makes sure to get extra food so you can have some too and that you never getting hungry and not have some food at home
-takes you to skate
->he loves skating with you as it’s his to favorite things and you both can just enjoy being on the ice together and can talk about things
-always text you reminds about things
->oh you’ve got a doctor appointment? He’s already texted you remind you. Have you drink any water today? Did you take your medicine? I love you.
->thoses are some of the things he would text you
Jamie Drysdale
- wearing a simple bracelet around his wrist for when you get nervous
->he’d notice how you would play with his fingers or like play with his arm hair when you are nervous so started wearing a bracelet around his wrist so you could play with it.
-always stands up for you
-whether it be you getting uncomfortable in a conversation or not wanting to face conflict. He’d get out of his way and push past his own anxiety to help you.
-deep conversations
->he loves when you both can just sit on the porch drinking a new bottle of wine he had gotten and talk about the future of your relationship or how you both are feeling mentally
-always does something out of the blue
->writing little letter to you,sending little voice messages about how much he loves you or taking you out on a random date
-complimenting you
->he always makes sure to compliment you everyday to make sure you know you are loved and special to him
Cole Caufield
-lets you wear his shoes when your heels get uncomfortable
->you both would be walking out of a club or something and he’d notice that your feet would start to bother you so he kindly offers you his shoes to which he has to insist on
->he would carry your heels and walk barefoot with you back to the car happy that you aren’t in pain
->he never would say no to traded shoes as he just wants you to be comfortable
-wears a bracelet you made him around his wrist
->he nearly cried when he found out you made him a little bracelet out of some of your old beads you had
->never takes it off as it’s a good luck charm now and always kisses it before putting it back on his wrist to go play a game
-always buys you alittle something every where he goes
->if he’s playing an away game he’d go and buy you something like a charm or something in the city that reminds you of the city he went to
-always reassuring you
->if you ever feel insecure? He’s your hype man
->always makes sure that your smiling around him and always tries to keep that frown upside down
-always tries to keep things positive around you
->he’s your sunshine. if you ever down he tries to pick you back up and wipe you off. Always makes sure your happy wither it’s cracking a joke or making a fool of himself always tries to keep a smile on your face
Adam Fantilli
-keeping a pad/tampon in his wallet for you
->always has one of him if you ever need it. he keeps both in there as he never remembers what you use but just keeps it on him
-spraying his cologne on your teddy bear when he has to leave
->he had gotten you a teddy bear with a umich shirt on it and he sprays it so you can cuddle it and know he loves you
->it even has a button on it that you can press and it says “I love you princess”
-wears a dog tag around his neck that has “I love you” engraved in your hand writing on it
->never takes it off and always wears it. You had gotten it for his 19th birthday and now calls it his lucky charm
-has a playlist made for you
->he had a made a playlist of songs that would remind you of him and that remind you that he’s all ways there for you and loves you.
-lets you rant
->he even if he has something big coming up would stay up with you after a game to listen to all of the stuff that is bothering you or is coming up.
Luca Fantilli
-kissing you every time you pout
->he’d jokely say no to something like going to get ice cream and you’d put on a fake pout to which he’d kiss and say “I’m just kidding baby”
->every time he sees even a small pout on your lips he’d kiss it
-love letters to the max
->he’d leave small letters in your car,backpack,your sports bag and dorm
->he just wants you to have something that you can take with you to remind you that he loves you and sometimes it’s just even a small smiley face saying “thinking of you”
-smacking your butt
->if you watch out for booty man.
->in a loving way if your walking up the stairs or in front of him he’d give your butt a squish to remind you that he’s there
-putting his head on your boobs
->He started doing it more when you got pregnant with your guys first kid and would always keep his head on your chest and a hand on your bump rubbing it.
-keeping a hair tie around his wrist
->he always has one around his wrist which comes in handy sometimes if you ever need your hair pulled back
Nico Hischier
-keeps eyes on you at all times
->wether you are cooking or out in public he always keeps an eye on you in a protective way making sure nothing happens to you.
->as he knows the dangers of Newark and the area of the city and he also doesn’t want you to silp up and accidentally cut yourself without him knowing
-braiding your hair
->he started doing it by himself but was worried he would tangle your hair so he asked you to teach him
->now anytime your sick or need your hair up he would braid it. Also has started watching YouTube videos on more ways to braid it
-puts his beanie on your head
->if he notices your ears even getting a hint of red in color he’s will take his beanie off his head putting it on yours and says “shush just wear it”
-writes your initial on his stick
->always after you both started getting serious he started putting your first and last letter on his stick with a heart as he thinks it would bring him more good luck
-always checks up on you
->wether it’s a small message or a 10 minute call every day he makes sure you are okay and doing okay
Jack Hughes
-covering corners when you lean over
->he’s like a slient protector. If you ask him about it he wouldn’t know what your talking about but he would always cover corners so you wouldn’t hit your head
-warms up a towel for you
->anytime your about to shower or in the shower he always makes sure to throw your towel in the dryer so it’s nice and warm when you come out.
-cooks for you
->from the articles it’s says that Jack is a good cook so he takes his chief abilities and makes you dinner when ever he can
->learns how to cook your favorite meal and cooks it for you every now and then
-being your cheerleader
-> he always has someone shouting for him including you but he wanted to be shouter for once and always cheers you on in anything you do whether it’s your job or just working out
-always sending you good morning and good night text
-if he’s not home he always makes sure to tell you good morning and night with a heart and I love you with it
Luke Hughes
-always has your favorite snacks at his place (Jack’s)
->literally has a sticky note on the snacks that say “don’t touch theses are for y/n”
->always makes sure you are fed and happy
-showers you with compliments
->he always reminds you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you
->always is holding you close and just keeping you close
->is strong cuddler and just knowing you are right by him gives him peace of mine
-compromising with you
->is always open to hearing your side before barking down the bush with you and never wants to upset you with arguing
-scratching your back
->every night before you fall asleep you always fell him start to scratch your back to help you fall asleep
Quinn Hughes
- definitely a play fighter
->you both would be cuddling then he’d start tickling you which would turn into you both play fighting and him just loving at you with loving eyes.
-always tries to make time with you
->he’s a busy man with being captain and everything so he always try to find ways to spend time with you
-reading with you
->would let you lay your head in his lap as he read the new book he had bought to you
-buys you different rings from stores he goes to
->he buys a ring for you in all the different places he goes so it would be like you went there with him
-has a keychain of your initials on his keys
->it’s a small way of him showing you that you have his heart
Maveric Lamoureux
-leans down to hear you
-> he’s a tall dude
->so he has to lean down to hear you which makes you blushy which he finds cute but he also thinks communication is important so to him leaning down to hear you is a way of showing he love you
-buys you new flowers every week
->always likes to get you fresh flowers. It’s a little thing he started when you both got serious and he’s continues to do it. It has now became a tradition
-rest his elbow on your head
->he does this to annoy you because he loves seeing the way your face goes and also a way of showing he is by your side
-translate different items or conversations
->if you are around him when he is talking to someone in French he would take his time to translate it all for you or if your in a all French grocery store he would translate the items for you
-leaves cute little sticky note affirmations on your stuffs
->leaves sticky notes everywhere so you know how beautiful and special you are
Mason Mctavish
-remembers the small things
->he reminds when you both first met and the place where you met. When he first asked you out.
-sitting with you in the mornings
-> his mornings are usually pretty busy but always tries to find time with you in the morning just to go over what you both are doing that day
-sleeps by the door
->always tries to make sure you are safe and makes sure you know that he will protect you and one the ways he shows you that is by sleeping near the door
-kisses you every time you walk by
->every time he sees you or goes near you he will kiss you on the lips with a big smile
-gives you space when you need it
->always can tell if something going on and you need space
Fraser Minten
-holding hands
->would kiss your knuckles one by one looking up at you with a soft smile before he starts driving
->while driving or walking around he’d subconsciously rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
-talking with you at late nights when you can’t sleep
->he’d always stay up with you talking random things or tell you how the game went if your still up and can’t sleep at night
->he’d tell you random stories or memories he had as a kid
-putting a blanket over when he finds you asleep
->he’d come back home from a late game to find you sleeping on the couch and would put a blanket over you
->anytime he finds you sleeping on the couch he’d put a blanket over you
-feeding you
->if you are sick or tired and had eating anything he’d sit there and feed you every last bite of what you have to eat as he doesn’t want you to get sick or sicker from not eating
-wears a chain around his neck that has your lucky number
->the number reminds him of you and the necklace has now became his lucky charm and it always reminds him he has you to come home to.
Juraj Slafkovsky
-patting your head
->if your shorter than him he likes to just pat you on the head when he sees you doing something like homework and cooking dinner instead of wrapping his arms around your waist
-washing your hair
->he enjoys washing your hair especially when he knows it relaxes you and gently scratches your scalp too.
-teaching you sovak
->He noticed how you were trying to learn it on your own so you could talk with him more so he started to teach you.
->he would say something in sovak and then make you point at what he meant
-sitting with you and telling you stories
->he tells you about his hometown and how he’d love for one day that he could bring you there
-late night ice cream
->once you both moved in together is when you both started to have a late night ice cream run definitely when he is home
Jeremy Swayman
-cleans with you
->if he ever comes home to you cleaning he would throw on some music and start helping you clean
-always has a hand or arm on you or around you
->he always keeps a arm around you to keep you safe when you both are in public and even when not in public always has his arms around you
-gives you hugs and kisses through out the day
->if he doesn’t get his morning kiss from you he’s a grumpy man
->always loves giving you Hugs and kisses
-gives you his full attention
->will sit there and listen to your day and just nods his head until you want him to speak
-always says thank you to you
->wether it be you cooking dinner or just telling you how much you appreciate him he always says thank you
Trevor Zegras
-has a nighttime routine with you
->whenever it’s a home game and he can come back to you you both have a routine you both do together.
->a shower together then skin care and then you both talk about eachother days together
-will pull you into his lap and tell you he loves you
->he would do it right in front of the boys and not afraid to show affection to you even when around the boys
-Surprise you With a Fun Activity he doesnt Normally Do
->would bring you to a movie theater out of nowhere or go to the park and plays on the playground with you like little kids
-always randomly squishing your face
->when you pout your face gets squish. when you just smile at him? Your face gets squished.
-has his favorite picture of you in his wallet
->the picture is from your guys first date and he keeps it on him to remind him how lucky he is to have you
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sillysiluriforme · 3 months
Hi hello! In la terreur au, do the heroes develop corruption proportional to the time they spent with their miraculous? So, like, at some point Luka is already sunbathing and eating rats and Juleka has not yet developed her zoomies and mood swings? (And Marinette has already had her ocd-like acidic-coloured worldview for a while?) Or is it like flu, and when Cat and Ladybug get corrupted, everyone gets corrupted like a snowball?
I like your au and your style a lot! It is so uncomfortably charming, i like how colours you choose match the vibe you choose :> corruption scares, I rarely considered it before. It's cool
Your first guess was correct ! It’s proportional ! Prolonged exposure leads to aggravated symptoms.
And thank you !! I love writing unnerving things and putting down pretty colours. My biggest art pet peeve is bad contrast. If it’s a night scene just make everything blue. I hate when you can’t see shit. Unless it adds to the scene. Most of the time I hate it tho.
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trainsinanime · 10 months
Miraculous Ladybug jokes in fanfics that will never not be funny
Not complete, not ordered. You can combine them for even more fun!
Identity shenanigans
Marinette steals someone's phone
Marinette does something weird; Adrien looks at her with soft eyes and earnestly goes "she's great"
Monsieur Pigeon is at it again
Pre-reveal, pre-relationship: Adrien is in love with Marinette but at most 50% aware of it
Pre-reveal, pre-relationship: Ladybug is in love with Chat Noir but at most 25% aware of it
Random side character (within the context of the story) has a crush on Marinette that they may or may not know about
Several random side characters (within the context of the story) have a crush on Marinette that they may or may not know about
Marinette has a bit of a crush on a random side character (Kagami is a great choice for this, although/because Marigami is also a great ship in its own right)
Gabriel has opinions on child-rearing
Plagg compares things to cheese
Alya and Nino are up to something
Luka responds only by strumming his guitar
Any mention of T-Rexes or space trash
Kagami tries to solve an issue by using a sword
Characters have opinions about what Marinette's hair color actually is
Detective Nino
Cat puns
Fanfic writer tries extremely hard to avoid writing a Lucky Charm plan
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artsekey · 2 months
A Spectacular, Spooky Spectacle!
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I feel like I always preface these little game recommendations with, 'I'm not a gaming blog, but...', so I'll spare you this time.
(This post is not in any way sponsored-- I just like highlighting games that really knock it out of the park!)
Beacon Pines is a well-paced choose-your-own-adventure game with a compelling narrative that delivers at every turn. You step into the shoes of 12 year old Luka only a few months after his mother goes missing. Armed with nothing but the help of his good friend Rolo, the sly wit of his newest neighbor Beck, and the power of Charms, it's up to him to unearth the truth behind their quaint town... and save it from catastrophic ruin.
Without spoiling anything, Beacon Pines is gameplay light. Instead, it takes it's cues from the visual novel genre... with a twist. The story unfolds as a narrator guides you through the various chapters, and through your journey you'll encounter branches where one word makes all the difference. That's where you come in! Using the collection of terms you pick up by exploring the world, you can radically alter the course of fate. You'll rarely get everything right on your first try, but don't worry-- even failure is rewarded with new clues, new threads of the mystery, and new hooks that will draw you further into the story.
Sitting at a runtime of 5-7 hours, Beacon Pines is short but satisfying. The art is bright, fun, and well-rendered. The characters are all well written, and the music perfectly encapsulates whatever mood the story demands-- whether it's the comfort of a slow morning or a warning of danger in the dark.
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However, the thing that really sets Beacon Pines apart from other visual novels is the writing! The mystery is a fun romp that keeps you guessing, the "multiple paths" mechanic is executed so well that you never really feel like you've made a bad choice, and best of all, the characters and their interactions feel sincere. I found myself smiling, laughing, sometimes stunned silent, sometimes teary-eyed... Though the game is short, the world is just deep enough for the story and it's characters to swim.
Beacon Pines is really just... sweet and genuine. I think that's the best way to describe it. If you need something to whittle away a few hours and get away from it all and like story-driven games, give Beacon Pines a go! It was recently on sale for $4.00, but it usually retails for $20.00.
For reference, other games I love that I'd put in a similar category (note, not the same-- I'm mostly looking at high-quality narrative games here! I'm providing this so you can decide if my taste aligns with yours!):
Disco Elysium
TellTale Games (Tales of Monkey Island, Tales from the Borderlands, etc)
Night in the Woods
Slay the Princess
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Bug-a-boy ~ Luka & Adrien x Male Reader
Idk about this one... but I wanted to write it. Basically a miraculous holder reader x adrien and luka College Au: Luka - 19 / Adrien - 18 / Reader - 18 word count: 1.2k m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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Your college class is huge
But it's to be expected, you do go to the most popular college in Paris
You share the class with a group of friends that came from Francoise Dupont
Luckily, the groups appointed leader befriended you pretty early into the year
Marrientte Dupain-cheng was the kindest girl you knew
And her friends: Alya, Nino, Adrien and Sabrina weren't too bad either
Actually, you liked them a lot, and you were glad that they wanted to be friends with you
There was also this other guy from the year above, Luka
You didn't talk to him much, but the others were fond of him
But the few times you two did talk, he was nothing but calm and welcoming
All in all, you love your college and your friends
The one setback to coming to Paris for school, was the Akuma's
After Hawk-moth's fall, a new owner of the Butterfly miraculous came to power
But to counteract that, Paris has its own team of Miraculous bearers
The only problem was, currently, Paris has no ladybug...
During a massive fight against a very powerful, akumatized villain, Ladybug was hit, and her powers disappeared
Well, not literally, she remained transformed, however the villains power made it as if she were a regular adult wearing a superhero costume...
After sending Chat Noir, Rena Rouge and Viperion off to distract the villain, a now powerless Ladybug was running over to your college
After swapping out her miraculous from the Ladybug to another one, "Ladybug" finds you, hidden inside of a locker
"AHHHH! ANOTHER VILLAIN!" You shout, not recognising Ladybug with a new miraculous
"Not quite, (y/n)" she chuckles
"It's me, Ladybug. But my miraculous has been rendered useless..."
"Oh... I'm so sorry, Ladybug, wish I could help you somehow" you sympathise
"There is." Ladybug looks into your eyes with determination
"(Y/n) (L/n), here is the miraculous of the Ladybug, it offers the power of creation. I entrust you with this miraculous to fulfill my role while I can't, after that, you're to return these earrings to me - understood?" Ladybug explains with a grin
"Yes, Ladybug! I won't disappoint you"
After putting on the earrings the kwamii appears, explains the whole shtick and you get going
"Tikki, Spots on!" You shout and then you're set
"Once I'm fixed by the miraculous ladybugs, I'll use the horse miraculous to teleport you back to me, okay?"
"Of course Ladybug!"
And you were off, using your yo-yo to swing around the streets of Paris until you reached the action
A now powerless Rena Rouge trying to distract the villain as Chat Noir and Viperion try to figure out a plan while fighting the thing
"What the fuck..." Chat mumbles when you catch his eye, waving at him in a coy manner from a roof top
Both men watch you, confused as you jump down to them
"Who are you? Where's Ladybug??" Viperion questions frantically
"She decided to pass her miraculous onto me for a little while until we solve this little issue"
"Fine by me as long as you know what you're doing, bug-a-boy" Chat noir slyly remarks as he leans on his pole
"Bug-a-boy... I like that" you giggle and then get to business
Immediately you call on your lucky charm
"Yep, defiantly a real Ladybug holder haha! What you gonna do with that bugg-a-boy" Chat noir laughs as you hold onto a seemingly useless looking lucky charm
"I do, actually!" You say with a smile
"Just follow my lead boys, if you can keep up" you chuckle as you use your yo-yo to swing into action
"Damn, that boy has more charisma than you Chat Noir" viperion chuckles
"He does, doesn't he..."
The two of them follow you quickly
"Rena! I'm gonna need you to get that thing under the arc-de-triumph!" You shout as you wizz past
"I'm on it"
"Viperion, once that villain" is under the Arc, use your second chance immediately please"
"Of course bug-a-boy" viperion smirks
Chat Noir looks at you smugly
You start to mark X's on the Arc using the bucket of paint your lucky-charm gave you
"I can see where this is going" the black cat chuckles
"Then you know when and where to use your cataclysm, kitty noir" you tease and spring into action when you see Rena Rouge and the villain coming your way
Once the villain is under the Arc, you use shout for Chat noir
He heads to one of the marks but before Chat can call his power, Viperion shouts
"Not that one! Try the one below it"
And so, once Chat Noir cataclysm's the Arc, it crumbles to pieces and buries the villain, one of the pieces crushing his akumatized item
"Bye bye little butterfly" you say with a chuckle, as the 3 other hero's watch you
The 2 men chuckling as a faint blush cover their faces
"Not a bad job for your first time, bug-a-boy"
"Do you really need to flirt with every Ladybug holder, Chat?" Rena jokes
"Yeah! Look at him, he's creeped out by you, he'd much prefer a snake over a cat" Viperion joins in
"What is up with you two"
"Haha, I like this team.... Miraculous Bug-a-boy!" You shout as you throw up the lucky-charm
5 seconds later, a portal appears next to you
"Good work, everyone!" A horse miraculous bearing Ladybug pops out
"Ladybug?!" Everyone questions
"Good job picking this one, Ladybug" Viperion chuckles as he puts an arm on your shoulder
"I look forward to seeing you soon again, mi'lord~" Chat Noir teases as he kisses your hand
"That's enough Chat Noir, you'll see him soon enough!" Ladybug chuckles as she brings you through the portal after your goodbyes
After handing back the miraculous, life went back to normal, except that Ladybug started to call on you more often, but with a different miraculous this time
Life at school was normal as always
However when you were out with the hero gang, you'd noticed Chat Noir and Viperion becoming cosier to you than they were to the others...
Like when Chat Noir started bringing you roses every time you were called on
Or one time, Viperion used his second chance to have "a perfect conversation" with you during patrol with you
You were flattered, but a little worried that the two were taking it too far
It had gotten to the point where the two of them were fighting, passive aggressive remarks and even disrupting fights against villains with their arguing
That was until Ladybug struck then a deal
"I will tell you his identity if you both stop this bickering, its becoming a problem. If you don't, I will take your miraculous"
Of course they both agreed
And that's when your school life changed as well
Because Adrien and Luka started bombarding you during your school day
Adrien already sat next to you in class, but during lunch Luka was on you like a snake to a rat
You were getting overwhelmed, but then again you loved the attention you were getting from them
After all, you hadn't ever had a boyfriend, this could be a nice change
Soon, the two of them started noticing that the other liked you
So they decided to combine their efforts
"Which one of us do you like the most!?!?" The two of them shout at you in frustration after weeks of trying to win you over
"I... I don't know! Okay?! I like you both... I don't wanna hurt one of you by rejecting you for the other"
"Then.... date us both?" Luka suggests with a smile
It took some convincing but the two of them managed to convince you
And life has been so much better since
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chaithetics · 1 year
Can you please do something like youngest Roy is secretly dating Stewy and he sees Lucas Mattson hitting on her. And he gets jealous and wants to go public with their relationship thank you!!!!
Jealous Disclosures
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) Reader
Word count: 4.6K
Author's note: Thank you so much for this request Nonnie! I'm sorry for the delay in getting it out to you! It's been busy and I take a bit longer with jealousy/find it harder to write. I really hope you enjoy this, please do let me know! Also, this is obviously not proofread lol. I hope you all enjoy it and would love feedback :)
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established/secret relationship, some smut, jealous Stewy, icky Lukas Matsson, and douchey, douchey Roman! (Sorry about that).
It was Kendall’s 40th birthday party. You knew that this event was going to be something else, Kendall Roy always went above and beyond for a party, especially when he was in these kinds of states. Your more timid nature in comparison to your siblings' abrasive one meant that you naturally weren’t the biggest fan of big events but you could and would be able to suck that up for a night for your older brother. 
You and Connor were the only ones of your siblings to have been officially invited. It was especially tense amongst Roy siblings at the moment, which was saying a lot because frankly, when wasn’t it? Fortunately not being involved at Waystar meant that you didn’t have to bite the bullet and deal with the tension like the middle three Roy children did. But you certainly still felt its effects. 
You were in a corner chatting away with Rava, you’d gladly clutched to her company as soon as she had arrived despite the fact that she initially wasn’t intending to stay for long. She was the nicest and most genuine of any of the partners that the Roys had ever brought back to the family. Well other than Willa you quickly thought, you liked Willa and had from the get-go, she was down to earth and easy to get along with. She also made an impressively good balance to the often well-intending but very chaotic nature of your eldest sibling. 
“Wow wee, Little Bo Peep!” A voice blurted, grabbing your attention and forcing you to turn. You found that Roman had awkwardly jumped onto the seat next to you with a poor landing that he brushed off as he completely ignored Rava, solely focusing his attention on you. 
“Wait what? Is that a nickname? What kind of nickname is that? And  Rava was talking-” 
“The kind that losers like you get.” He instantly quipped back. 
“How charming.” You sighed as you took a sip of your drink. 
“You didn’t bring a date?” Roman questioned. 
“Rava and I were having a conversation, Ro.” Roman just looked at you blankly. “Remember Rava? Kendall’s wife for over a decade, the mother of your niece and neph-” 
“Hey Rava,” Roman says turning to face her for a brief second before turning his attention back to you, Rava just scoffs, already exposed and more than used to these antics. “So, did you bring a date?” 
“No, did you?” 
“Not tonight didn’t really feel like it.” He says dryly and then looks back up at you. 
“Fair enough.” You respond. Anxiously waiting. 
There’s bound to be more. There’s always a biting and inappropriate comment seconds away from leaving Roman’s mouth. 
“But so, are you like seeing anyone?” 
“What the fuck Roman?!” You spoke and Rava had an expression of disbelief over the audacity of Roy men but not in shock, she was well acquainted with it. 
“Well, I’m not asking because I’m interested. Because trust me, I’m not.” He says with that proud, troublemaking smirk. 
“Oh, my god.” You sigh, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Perfect! I’ll take that as a no!” Roman practically leapt out of his chair in the most chaotic way possible. He pinched your arm once he was out of his chair as he grabbed your arm to pull you along. 
“Come on, I barely touched you. I want you to meet someone.” Roman said as he held your arm in his grip leaving to navigate the crowd. “You have treehouse access right?” 
“I was talking to Rava, Rome!” You said trying to squirm your way out of his grip. 
“She’ll still be there and if not, you can get brunch and get drunk off mimosas and cry over those really mean but rich Roy men.” He teased as he said the last half of that sentence in a mock crying voice. 
“Jesus, Rome!” You sighed. “Who are you introducing me to?” 
“Lukas Matsson.” 
“Wait what?” You halted in your tracks making Roman stop his walk, he turned to face you looking irritated that you’d delayed his plans. You weren’t too familiar with the name but you recognised it, certain that Kendall had mentioned it earlier in the week. 
“Kendall won’t give me fucking  treehouse access!” Roman practically shouted, loud enough to be heard over the party, and then his voice quietened down to a more reasonable volume. “And Matsson’s like a weird, bored giant apparently so I’m introducing you two. I don’t know, maybe money once removed from the family business is new money’s type?” 
“Before we even get into what you just said, did you only come to Kendall’s party because of that guy?” You sighed and asked looking at Roman. He scoffed and looked down for a moment, kicking at nothing.
“It’s in our name isn’t it?” He looked back up, with a smirk on his face.
“Oh my god Rome.” 
“What, come on. You’re my little sister, not my mom so maybe quit that tone, yeah? And maybe Matsson will be a philanthropist and you can get off your moral high horse and you two can fuck it out and I’ll be namedropped in your wedding speeches. Doesn’t sound too shabby for a Roy does it?” Rome quipped, in his cartoony, douche voice, signalling that talking to him was a losing battle. “Just get me in, maintain a conversation for a couple of minutes and I won’t tell everyone about that summer with mom.” 
“You’re such a tool.” You huffed out and started walking towards the treehouse.  
“You adore me.” Roman teased as he held your arm less tightly than before as you made your way over. 
“So, as the adored older brother you are, you’re trying to pimp me out for a business deal?” 
Roman just laughed at that and didn’t answer. But that verbal silence minus the laugh was more than enough of an answer. You entered the treehouse with surprisingly little fuss. You looked around and raised an eye at Roman.
“The Swedish giant over there. Come on, get that award-winning therapist smile out. If you diagnose him with something in five minutes, I might say happy birthday to Ken-doll.” 
“You’re literally the biggest jerk of my brothers right now, you know that right? And I have three, so that kind of says a lot.” You said quietly, as Roman and you made your way over to the tall blonde man that looked bored out of his brains. “Full disclosure, I’m telling Ken about this.” 
“Ugh, you’re such a bitch. Do you really need to be a narc?” Roman said as you both continued to walk over. 
You rolled your eyes at your brother, as you got closer you were able to fully see the tall blond man. Personally, you thought it was almost rude, the way he was sitting and playing some crappy game on his phone, looking the most bored you’d ever seen someone. He was like a child dragged along on errands with their parent but wanting to be anywhere but there. Roman started the conversation with him, he said your name as a means of introduction and the Swede visibly perked up slightly. 
“The youngest Roy finally comes out to play!” Lukas said with the look of an overexcited child. 
“I suppose so.” You pause for a second. “It’s nice to meet you, Lukas.” 
“Romey, I think you should get your sister a drink, she looks thirsty…” 
You shudder at that, he hadn’t given you good vibes and this was uncomfortable, you looked at Roman to beg him not to leave you alone with Matsson but he completely ignored you and went off. 
“So you’re not in the family business essentially at all, right?” Lukas asked as he quirked his brow as he looked you up and down. 
“Nope, my involvement is pretty non-existent.” You paused for a moment watching him. Rome would owe you big time for whatever the fuck this is you thought. You hated it. “But based on my brother’s eagerness over you, I’m assuming that you’re looking at an in?”  
“To the business or the family?” He has a large smirk on his face as if he’s said the wittiest thing ever. Lukas leans forward in his chair watching you intently. 
“I was meaning business but I guess there’s not much separation in family or business matters there.” Lukas raises an eyebrow briefly at that, he’s not surprised at that observation but he is a little taken aback at your air of candour. 
But that’s how you are with everyone. You tell yourself that if Roman didn’t want you to say such things, he wouldn’t have left you alone, he knows you. He was practically asking for it by bringing you into this awkward mess of an interaction. 
“The business potentially, I suppose the family is a bit more complicated…” He teases. 
“Buy into Waystar, you’re in the Roy’s den somewhere.” You respond somewhat cynically and absentmindedly as you look away trying to find Roman or well any familiar face. 
“Well, Miss Roy-” The way he says it makes you shudder and you immediately correct him. 
“Dr. Roy.” His eyebrows raise again, he looks borderline amused and laughs a little. He has the nature of a spoiled child in a tall, 40-something-year-old’s body you think. 
“Dr. Roy. Sorry, you’re not quite what I was expecting.” 
“Why, did you meet my sister first? Then Rome?” You quip back with a dry chuckle. 
It wasn’t the first time and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time that somebody had said something to that effect, often because of what they’d assumed based on either their interactions with your family members or the general reputation of your family. 
“I haven’t met her yet. But no, you’re just different- which I’d heard of course, but still. It’s different seeing different in the flesh you know?” “I guess so.” “Not a bad thing though.”
“Well thanks, I really needed that ego boost.” You sigh. 
He licks his lips and leans even closer, “Did you maybe want to head out? I’d love to pick your delightful brain amongst other things-” 
“How the fuck did Ken get you here Matsson?” Stewy’s voice cuts in, more serious than usual. 
Lukas doesn’t seem to notice and they must be acquainted you think, it doesn’t surprise you though. If Ken knows him, Stewy’s bound to, and regardless of Ken, Stewy magically knows everyone. You look up at Stewy, feeling slightly more relaxed as he stands near your chair. He doesn’t look at you, not even for a second which is unusual for him, even at public events. There’s always some acknowledgement in his eyes at the very bare minimum. 
You knew that Stewy was coming tonight but you didn’t expect to see him so soon. Like every event you both attended, your entrances and exits were perfectly timed. Coordinated flawless, unsuspicious executions. You’d come 3 hours earlier than Stewy to this and you’d leave with at least an hour gap between you both. That had been the plan but you didn’t think it had quite been the 3 hours yet, just over 2 hours you thought. It made more sense optics-wise for you to be here longer and Stewy to just pop through.  
“Oh, Hosseini- what a sight for bored eyes you are man,” Matsson says as Roman appears.
“There, slurp up.” Roman’s eyes hesitantly shift to Stewy as he hands you the mysterious alcoholic drink for your ‘thirst’. 
“I’m not drinking that.” You quickly respond, giving the drink back to Roman and he rolls his eyes, nonchalantly taking a generous sip from the glass as if to prove a point. 
“Shouldn’t you be in a bathroom with Kendall somewhere?” Roman directs at Stewy. 
“No, unfortunately, we’re waiting. They’re all occupied.” His eyes meet Roman’s but before they do he finally makes eye contact with you, his gaze is firm and he doesn’t look impressed. 
The whole energy of this interaction is making you severely uncomfortable. You’d seen and heard of Stewy giving others non-impressed glances and quips but you’d never seen him make eye contact with you before with an expression like that. That paired with Roman and Matsson playing some weird business game of chicken at Kendall’s birthday was not how you wanted to spend the night. You wished you were still talking to Rava or chatting to Willa wherever she and Connor were. Or that you were home. That was the ideal situation here. There’s a tense air between everyone and despite it being earlier than being agreed upon, you’re ready to head off now. You’d already talked to Ken and given him a present, seeing him and showing face for a bit for his sake was the priority of the evening.
“I need to go-” You start to say before you’re cut off. 
“Don’t abandon us, Dr Roy!” Lukas exclaims playfully like a spoilt child. 
“Sorry but I need to hit the powder room, I’m on my period.” You lie in a manner as if you’re just bluntly stating a fact as you stand up. Stewy chuckles softly, it's the softest you’ve seen his eyes look all night, well for all of the duration of your awkward interaction with Matsson. While Stewy sees through the lie and you’re sure that Roman does as well, the false candour, unfortunately, intrigues Lukas more. 
“Regular? Super? Wait, just bring me back your tampon please?” Roman asks looking up at you. 
“I don’t use tampons.” You sigh as you start to walk off. Immediately regretting your genuine candour this time. 
“Right, sorry.” Roman then looks at Lukas and Stewy. “Well you’ve seen my mum’s vagina tonight but here’s a secret about my sister’s, it’s that tight she can’t use tampons.” 
You glare at Roman who looks absolutely chuffed with himself, he starts to giggle like the child he still is inside and you roll your eyes. Stewy looks at you with a very tight lip smile, struggling not to laugh, even with jealousy coursing through his veins. 
“Maybe stop talking about your family’s vaginas Rome?” Stewy raises an eyebrow at Rome. 
“I don’t know how I always forget about your condition, always snapping dicks. Serial pad user this one.” Rome says to you, directing it at Matsson and completely ignoring Stewy. 
“I don’t have vaginismus which is a very real and not a birthday tech/finance bro over drinks discussion, so stop implying that please and go back to your weird networking.” You say as you walk off, not looking back at the trio of the men. 
“Moderna vagina dentata!” Roman calls out after you. 
“She’s like a diplomatic firecracker right?!” Lukas laughs looking at Roman who smirks and shrugs. 
You finish washing your hands and unlock the door, getting ready to leave. You’ve gone toilet and you know Roman will be busy sucking up to Matsson and you can make a quick, silent, unnoticed exit. You’ve stepped out and are leaving the bathroom but as soon as you do you feel hands immediately pounce on you, it’s a blur at first and you initially flinch but quickly see it’s Stewy. 
“Get in.” He says as he holds your hips firmly, guiding you back into the bathroom. 
Stewy’s hands leave your body for a moment as he locks the door behind him once you’re both in but they quickly return to where they previously were. 
“Somebody might’ve seen-”
“I don’t fucking care.” He says as he presses his lips against your neck, pinning you to the wall. “Everyone can know baby.” You scoff slightly at that. 
“Well, that’s interesting and surprising, considering you wouldn’t look at me two minutes ago.” He stops kissing your neck and sighs, he tilts his head against your shoulder. “What was going on Stewy? We’re always amicable in public…” You gently probe. 
He nods as his head is still pressed against your shoulder, he sighs again and tilts his head. You can feel his breath on your collarbone and his fastidiously trimmed beard brushes against you, it’s a brief little burn. In another moment it would probably feel more ticklish than it does right now, you’d probably giggle at it like you have in the past. 
“What if we weren’t?” Stewy implores. You pause for a moment, deciphering his meaning. 
“And be what…hostile?” You question somewhat incredulously. 
A change in the method of the public side of your relationship now would surely draw more attention, it certainly would raise eyebrows and questions from those closest and it would become ridiculously complicated. Even with you not being involved at Waystar. 
“No, no. Just open. No more running around, hiding, game of fucking cat and mouse. We don’t even need to say anything, we can just do it. It’s so simple.” He’s moved his handsome head so he’s now looking at you with those wide brown orbs. You exhale slightly and move your hands so that they’re now combing through his hair. It’s handsomely styled but you like it when it has less product and his natural curls are freer. 
“What’s prompting this?”
“And that’s relevant?” 
“I’m just surprised, can you please talk to me?” You ask softly, pleading with him as you continue to gently run your hands through his hair. His hand is rubbing a burning circle on your waist. His eyes are wide and there’s something there that you don’t think you’ve seen before, he almost seems manic. 
“I didn’t like that discussion out there baby.” He says, his tone becoming a bit more serious. 
“This might come as a surprise to you honey but I also am not a fan of when Rome talks about Shiv’s and I’s reproductive systems.” You reply, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. 
“No, I-I didn’t like that but I was meaning with Matsson.” 
“Oh, he’s a creep.” You immediately respond. 
“You’re telling me.” He kisses your lips softly but quickly deepens it, his hands firmly grip onto your hips. You lightly tug on his hair as you moan into his mouth. “He was eye-fucking you like his goonie life depended on it.” 
You chuckle at how he describes it but his face is serious, similar to how it was when he came over during that awful interaction. You don’t know why it took you so long to pinpoint it, it’s jealousy. Stewy Hosseini was jealous. 
Stewy Hosseini was jealous of that interaction, even though you’d both immediately agreed Lukas Matsson was a creep. You kiss him softly and move one of your hands to his shoulder. He eagerly returns the kiss back, filled with hunger. 
“Stewy?” You ask quietly. 
“Are you jealous…?” 
His brow noticeably furrows at that question, it’s quite a sight. His hair was now tousled and curlier from your tugging and raking through them, his eyes wide with lust and the aforementioned jealousy and his lips kiss-swollen. He was painfully handsome and you wished that you two weren’t in a bathroom at a party. 
“Did you only just put that together baby?” He asks after watching you for a moment, a cocky smirk on his face. You sigh with a small nod and roll your eyes, which just makes his smirk grow even more. “I don’t want anybody to ever look at you like that again and nobody ever gets to touch you but me.”
He immediately presses his face against yours for another passionate and extremely hungry kiss, you open up your mouth for him and he immediately accepts the invitation. It’s a fiery clashing of teeth and lips, you quickly get lost in it, one hand gripping onto his shoulder as the other one tugs on his hair not so gently this time. 
He groans out against your mouth as you tug on his locks. His hand pinches your hip before he moves it down and then pushes up your dress, his hand then dances along your thigh while the other bruisingly pinches your hip. 
You moan out against his lips as his fingers press against your underwear, you can feel him pressing his fingers against you and dancing along the clothed area. You writhe slightly against him at the pressure. 
His lips leave yours and he kisses along your jaw, trailing the kisses down your neck. He sucks and licks softly around your pulse, then as his mouth gets closer to your collarbone he nips you teasingly. You whine out at the sensation as your fingers dig deeper into his hair and he immediately kisses over where he’d bit you. 
As he does this, he pushes your underwear to the side so that his fingers can slip through. Your arousal had already started to quickly build between your legs and now he was able to take advantage of that. You moan out as his fingers now run through your folds without the barrier of your underwear, he slips a finger inside of you as his thumb gingerly traces over your bundle of nerves. He kisses your shoulder as he hears your breathing quickly change. 
“You’re so beautiful like this, you know that right?” Stewy asks. His voice was slightly more gentle. “Nobody else ever gets this.” He says more firmly. 
“Only you Stewy.” You breathe out as calmly as you can manage as he inserts a second finger into you. He continues on with his ministrations as he kisses along your neck, reaching that spot he knows you cannot ever get enough of. 
“That’s my girl.” He chuckles as he leaves your neck to kiss your lips again. You're desperate to feel him, it can’t have been more than 2 minutes since his lips left yours but you need to feel him there again. Especially when he’s having his way like this with you. You need Stewy in every sense of the meaning. 
His kiss to your mouth is firm and hungry, you get lost in the feeling of his plump lips as he continues to overwhelm you and provide the most delectable of sensory overwhelms that you could ever imagine. But it is of course, unfortunately not long enough. The world’s longest kiss wouldn’t be long enough with Stewy though, which you of course know but it never stops you from wanting, needing longer, needing and craving more. 
When he breaks the kiss, Stewy slides down to his knees on the floor of the bathroom. In your right mind, you’d probably be too focused on the unhygienic nature of this environment but you don’t even think of that. You are just desperate for Stewy, aching for him in any and every way in which you can have him. You don’t think anyone has ever felt as desperate for someone as you do for Stewy.  
He expertly but gently spreads your legs out, putting one over his shoulder as he softly kisses along your thighs. The kisses are soft and hot and as you feel his breath against your sensitive thighs, you feel your core clench and every nerve ending of yours tingle in desire and anticipation for him. 
Stewy continues to pump his fingers in and out of you as his kisses get closer to your core, you squirm slightly as he does. He gives a few gentle kisses to your vulva, your arousal is covering his fingers and running down his hands and he licks through your folds. Softly groaning at that as you let out a whimper at the contact, the noise coming from you is so beautiful, melodic to Stewy. 
The noise spurs him on and his tongue gingerly circles around your bundle of nerves, the pressure is so perfect and the build-up from his teasing and the making out just adds to the feeling. Your hands tangle in his dark hair, gripping it for leverage and as a way to communicate just how he makes you feel. He continues to lick and kiss at your clitoris and you know it won’t be long till you reach your peak at this rate. 
Stewy’s fingers continue at their work, getting deeper and reaching that spongy spot that makes you sharply gasp. Stewy smirks against you as he hears that, he hums against your bundle of nerves and the vibrations make you shudder, bringing you so much closer. 
“Oh my god, Stewy!” You moan out as you roughly tug at his hair. 
“Come on, come for me, baby. I want to taste you and feel it all over my face.” He says in between kisses to your bundle of nerves and around it. You nod and he continues to finger you and to give your clitoris attention, it isn’t much longer until you feel your climax coming on. 
“I’m going to- oh baby!” You whimper out, and he continues at the same pace as you shake against him as your peak arrives and you ride it out. He smirks against you as he tastes you. 
After your orgasm, he stays there, looking up at you in awe for a moment, supporting your body as it’s still somewhat weakened from that orgasm. He then stands back up, he pulls your dress back down and smirks.  Stewy holds your hip gently and his free hand comes up to gently stroke your cheek. The pad of his thumb feels so soft against your cheek. You can’t help but smile at him, so absolutely in love with him and he returns the grin. 
“You might want to clean that up, honey.” You say with a smirk as you lean against the wall, enjoying the feeling of him pressed against you so intimately. 
“Nope.” He immediately firmly says. 
“I don’t care who knows, honestly I want everyone to know. Everyone should know about us and that I’m the only one who gets this baby. Fuck Matsson, fuck anyone else.”
“I think a decision like this should have a proper conversation, one that isn’t just jealously induced sweetie.” You respond as softly as you can, as you close your eyes for a moment. You hear a small scoff.
“Such a tease.” He says and you can’t help but smile when seeing the devilish expression on his face. He’s simultaneously charming, and handsome but also arrogant and you love it so much. 
“I don’t want you to regret it.” You genuinely mean it. “I never would.” He immediately responds. 
“I love you.” 
It’s not a conversation you can have right now, the bathroom at your brother’s 40th birthday party is not the right environment for this. It needs to be one at home that isn’t post-sex acts either.
“I love you too.” He says as he rubs his forehead and sighs briefly. “Go home, I’ll leave fifteen minutes after you. I know- small risk but it’s worth it.” You chuckle and kiss him on the cheek. “I expect you to be in bed waiting when I get there though.” He says earnestly but still playfully. That’s your Stewy, always playful and blunt. 
“Sure thing Mr. Hosseini, maybe write me a love poem on the way home?” You tease with a small giggle. 
“Oh baby, you didn’t get my love poem?” He has that loveable but chaotic, cocky smirk on his face. 
“What?” You raise an eyebrow at him. 
“That was my love poem.” As he delivers that line his smirk somehow grows by ten times. You roll your eyes at him as you kiss him on the lips softly. “Wait, do I need to better emphasise next time?” He teases with a wicked grin and laughs. 
“Get better material, Hosseini.” You immediately quip back with a smirk as you leave the bathroom stall to make an Irish Goodbye from Kendall’s birthday to go home, our home you think. 
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
concept based on the “what if?” of “what if Ivan didn’t go back with Till when they ran away and instead ended up with the rebellion?”
(also based on this post from @alalnsted)
note: this is going off of the assumption that they were in their early teens during their escape attempt (~13-14)
While watching Till run back to the garden despite being given a chance at freedom, Ivan comes to the conclusion that nothing he can ever give Till will be enough. If nothing Ivan could ever offer Till would compare to Mizi, and he only annoys Till, then he has no real reason to stay. Ivan believes that Till will be happier without him around bothering him constantly and he will be forced to watch Till be in love with Mizi, as well, so he chooses to leave instead. He thinks of it as a selfish decision, leaving his friends and his beloved behind, but he also thinks that they will be better off without him, so it’s not that hard of a pill to swallow.
After leaving, Ivan kind of just drifts for a while before crossing paths with Hyuna, who he recognizes from the Garden. Hyuna recognizes him too and scoops him up off of the street because he reminds her of Luka and if she can take care of Ivan, and he turns out fine, then maybe that will mean that she didn’t fail Luka (and that she didn’t fail Hyun-Woo, by extension)
Taken under Hyuna’s wing, Ivan grows up into someone a little more crass and brusque than his charming persona in canon- as Para (@shakingparadigm) said, his child self is actually really close to his real self, and his child self is blunt, quiet and stoic- and I think that if Hyuna, Dewey and Isaac were some of the figures he was growing up around as a teenager, he would end up presenting more authentically insofar as he would kind of lean into that more brutally-honest side that we can see when he's a little kid. He might be a little more sarcastic and outright rude but he would still have some of his more playful nature we see in his canon adult self (after all, Hyuna’s definitely easygoing and witty, and she, Dewey and Isaac definitely seem like they enjoy just fooling around and shootin' the shit together)
Ivan becomes the rebellion’s bookkeeper! He would still be able to fight and go on missions himself but he would mostly make sure that the money and the documents are in order, allowing the rebellion to execute more covert missions and stay on budget. I just think he’s more of a strategist/planner than someone on the front lines.
At his canon age of ~22 (I think), the new ALNST contestants are announced and he realizes that Sua, Mizi and Till are part of that group, I think he would probably panic. The human rebellion in and of itself seems like it is focused on dismantling ALNST as an institution anyways so having a mission surrounding the upcoming season makes sense but Ivan initially removes himself from it, because it’s personal and he doesn’t want that kind of attachment to cloud his judgment. Hyuna drags him into it, either right before Round 1 or after Sua dies (I really don’t know if I want to keep Sua dying in or not because as much fun as it would be to have Sua, the whole point of this AU is kind of to have Ivan and Mizi both grow on their own, separate from their partners. Ivan would get to do that pre-ALNST and Mizi would do it afterwards). Ultimately, they save Mizi. She and Ivan have a tearful reunion. Though she isn’t happy with him for making her think he was dead, she forgives him.
Eventually they save Till, too, but that’s actually less important tbh. I mean. Ivan and Till have a reunion and Till is glad to see that Ivan is still alive and that Mizi is still alive and he has to work through his own guilt and Ivan is kind of just . . . tired because he might still be in love with Till but at the same time, he came to terms with the fact that Till would never love him back a long, long time ago and he’s way past hoping for something like that
I'm thinking of writing something with this idea but if anyone has any notes or ideas in regards to this AU please let me know! I have some doodles for it that I'm probably gonna post later today or tomorrow . . . who knows though haha
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
A-chan!! I have some mew ideas, hope you don't mind me making some request 👉🏼👈🏼
Could you write fooooor Adrien, Luka (Miraculous) Shinji, Asuka (Evangelion), Torhu, Yuki and Momiji (Fruits basket) with a S/O who is serious most of the time because is easily bored but whenever S/O is with them is always smiling and cheerful (like never get bored when is with them)
You can make as many requests as you like Moonie-chan! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Adrien finds himself fascinated by his S/O's serious personality, as it is a perfect contrast to his own outgoing nature. While Adrien is known for his animation and charisma, his S/O brings an aura of seriousness that intrigues and draws him to the core. His S/O's ability to find such joy and enthusiasm in his presence despite being prone to boredom is something Adrien can't help but admire.
• Adrien is truly honored to be the person able to bring a constant smile to his S/O's lips. He feels special knowing that he is able to dispel any trace of monotony that may exist in his S/O's life. It's as if your own contagious brilliance and energy combined with the seriousness of your S/O, creating a unique and engaging synergy.
• Every moment with his S/O is an opportunity for Adrien to show them a new world of possibilities and adventures. He strives to make every encounter special and memorable, constantly looking to find ways to liven up and bring joy to his S/O. Whether it's through exciting activities, deep conversations or simply sharing laughs, Adrien values ​​every moment with his S/O and is determined to make them feel happy and satisfied.
• His S/O's buoyant and infectious presence is like a breath of fresh air in Adrien's life. The energy they radiate is capable of illuminating any environment and bringing a special glow to shared moments. The way your S/O's smile lights up the room is a testament to the positive impact they have on Adrien.
• At the same time, Adrien feels deeply connected to his S/O. Their seriousness is an invitation to delve into meaningful conversations and explore the deeper aspects of life. They are able to bring balance to Adrien's life, offering a unique perspective and a sense of stability that he values ​​immensely.
• The constant presence of his S/O is a constant source of inspiration and motivation for Adrien. They represent an inexhaustible source of happiness, animation and renewal of energy. Adrien feels privileged to be able to bring joy and relief to his S/O, knowing his presence has a lasting impact on his life.
• Your S/O's serious and easily bored personality fascinates and charms Adrien in ways beyond description. He is honored to be the person able to bring joy and excitement into his S/O's life. The connection between them is a perfect mix of seriousness and fun, creating unforgettable moments and making their relationship special and unique. His S/O's constant presence shines a bright light into Adrien's life, reminding him of the importance of embracing the joy and pleasure found in every moment shared together.
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• Luka is a laid-back, laid-back soul, always looking for peace and harmony. However, he is deeply intrigued by his S/O's serious personality, as it is an endearing contrast to his own nature. While Luka delights in living in the present moment and appreciating the simplicity of life, his S/O brings a serene intensity that fascinates him.
• What most delights Luka is his S/O's determination to avoid boredom and find joy in every situation. He admires the willpower his S/O displays, as he knows that the ability to find happiness even when feeling bored is a special gift. S/O's ability to make the most of every moment with Luka is a constant source of surprise and delight for him.
• When Luka is in the company of his S/O, he feels truly special. He understands that he has the power to transform his S/O's life, bringing joy and liveliness to shared moments. His S/O's ability to find happiness alongside him is a confirmation that Luka is capable of filling his S/O's life with unforgettable moments full of emotion.
• Luka finds immense happiness in removing any monotony from his S/O's life. He is always ready to bring new experiences and adventures, looking for ways to make every moment special and memorable. The happiness on his S/O's face when they are together is Luka's greatest reward, as it shows that he managed to create an environment full of joy and charm.
• The presence of S/O is like a ray of sunshine that lights up Luka's life. His constant seriousness is an invitation to delve into deep conversations and moments of introspection. Luka is honored to be able to share these moments with his S/O, knowing they are rare and precious. Through these moments, they connect on a deeper level, creating a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding.
• Luka immensely values ​​the joy your S/O brings to his life. He is filled with happiness when he sees the radiant smile on his S/O's lips and the way they enjoy every moment together. The seriousness of your S/O is a constant reminder that life is full of opportunities to find joy and wonder, even in the simplest of times.
• The seriousness of your S/O fascinates and delights Luka in unique ways. He is inspired by his S/O's determination to avoid boredom and find joy in every moment. The S/O's constant presence in his life is a source of happiness and gratitude for Luka, who values ​​every moment shared together. With his S/O, Luka discovers a world filled with joy, fun and a deep connection that transcends boredom and monotony.
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• Shinji is a young man with a sensitive and introspective soul, often sunk in a sea of ​​boredom and loneliness. However, when he meets his S/O, a serious and easily bored person, everything starts to change. The seriousness of his S/O appeals to Shinji in a special way, as he understands the sense of monotony that accompanies them. He feels a deep connection with his S/O, knowing they share a unique understanding of the search for meaning and fulfillment in life.
• Shinji feels deeply grateful to have found someone who is capable of finding joy and happiness in his presence. He is surprised and delighted by the way his S/O smiles and radiates an infectious energy when they are together. This joy that his S/O brings into Shinji's life is like a ray of sunshine that penetrates the dark clouds that surround him, filling him with hope and renewal. They manage to dispel the boredom and melancholy that often consume you, providing you with happy and rewarding moments.
• His S/O's smiling and cheerful presence touches Shinji's heart in a unique way. They are able to see past their shell of seriousness and reach their true essence. They bring with them a sense of renewal, as if their presence is a balm that heals Shinji's emotional wounds. With them, Shinji feels invigorated and encouraged to explore the world with new eyes, knowing that they will be there to share in the joys and overcome the challenges that life may present.
• The fact that his S/O finds joy in his presence is something Shinji never thought possible. He often sees himself as someone burdened with sadness and pain, unable to bring happiness to others. However, your S/O's presence in his life teaches him that his seriousness is valued and appreciated. They show Shinji that he has the power to touch someone's life in a meaningful way, even when he feels plunged into a state of monotony and hopelessness.
• With his S/O, Shinji discovers a special connection that overcomes any boredom or monotony. They are able to create moments of joy and satisfaction together, even in the most challenging circumstances. Your S/O's constant presence in your life is a constant reminder that life can be full of precious moments, even for those who feel trapped in an endless cycle of boredom and loneliness.
• In short, the seriousness of his S/O captivates Shinji and fills him with gratitude. His smiling, cheerful presence has the power to dispel the boredom and melancholy in your life, bringing a renewed hope and sense of purpose. With his S/O, Shinji discovers a new perspective on life, where his seriousness is valued and his ability to bring joy to others is recognized. They create a special connection that transcends boredom and monotony, filling Shinji's life with moments of happiness and gratification.
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• Asuka is an intense and passionate young woman, always looking for a deep and genuine connection. She is drawn to the seriousness of her S/O, as she believes they have the ability to appreciate the intensity of emotions and feelings she carries with her. Her S/O's seriousness creates a special bond with Asuka, as she feels that they are able to understand and appreciate her fiery nature.
• Asuka feels truly honored to be able to bring a smile to her S/O's lips and overcome any boredom that may arise in their lives. She takes pride in being able to offer special moments and joy to her S/O, as it makes them feel alive and fulfilled. Her S/O's ability to find joy in her company brings a sense of validation and happiness to Asuka, as she sees that her presence is valued and appreciated.
• Her S/O's presence is a constant reminder to Asuka that life can be exciting and full of smiles, even in the most serious moments. She loves the feeling of sharing special moments with someone who is able to find fun and joy no matter what the circumstances. Her S/O's infectious energy and radiant smile inspire Asuka to let go of any sadness or monotony, embracing life with enthusiasm.
• With her S/O, Asuka discovers that it is possible to find joy in even the most challenging of situations. They are able to bring lightness and animation to your life, providing special moments that will be etched in your memory forever. Your S/O's ability to enjoy and have fun with her company creates a special dynamic between them where every shared moment becomes an exciting adventure.
• Asuka finds comfort and strength in her S/O's presence. They are a safe haven where she can be herself without fear of being judged. Her seriousness is a source of balance for Asuka, as they help her find a more stable perspective during times of emotional turmoil. With her S/O by her side, Asuka feels empowered to face whatever challenges life throws at her.
• In summary, the seriousness of its S/O captivates and enchants Asuka in a unique way. She feels honored to be able to bring joy and overcome boredom that may creep into her S/O's life. Her S/O's constant presence is a reminder that life can be lived with enthusiasm and smiles, even in the most serious moments. Together, they find a special connection that allows them to share intense and emotional moments, creating precious memories that will last a lifetime.
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• Tohru is a young woman who deeply understands the feeling of boredom and the search for meaningful moments. That's why the seriousness of her S/O appeals to her so much, as she knows how easy it is to fall into a rut and lose the spark in life. She is attracted to her S/O's ability to find joy and pleasure in her company, even when monotony threatens to set in.
• Tohru's gratitude for finding someone who never looks bored in her presence is immense. She values ​​the fact that her S/O is able to always smile and rejoice when they are together. This ability of theirs is a constant source of inspiration for Tohru, as she learns to appreciate every moment with her S/O in a more intense way. She is honored to be able to bring happiness to her S/O and strives to make every moment special and full of fun.
• Her S/O's presence is a constant reminder to Tohru that love and companionship have the power to drive away any monotony. She understands that life is full of exciting possibilities, even when it seems dull at first glance. Her S/O's contagious joy brightens Tohru's life, making it more vibrant and filled with radiant smiles.
• Tohru finds immense joy in sharing special moments with her S/O. She is always ready to create unforgettable memories together, exploring new adventures and enjoying the little things in life. Her S/O's positive energy and constant smile inspire Tohru to see the world more optimistically, filling every moment with enthusiasm and joy.
• Tohru's relationship with his S/O is a source of happiness for both of them. She deeply values ​​the connection they have, knowing they have found someone special who shares her vision of enjoying life to the fullest. Together they become a beacon of happiness and fun, chasing away any monotony that may arise. Your S/O's ability to bring beaming smiles to Tohru's face is a testament to the love and connection they share.
• In short, Tohru is drawn to her S/O's seriousness, as she understands boredom and the search for meaningful moments. She is grateful to have found someone who never looks bored in her presence, and their ability to always smile and rejoice together is a source of inspiration to her. Her S/O's presence is a constant reminder that love and companionship have the power to chase away any monotony and fill life with radiant smiles. Together, they discover a special connection that drives them to enjoy every moment and create treasured memories that will last a lifetime.
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• Yuki is a young man who deeply understands the feeling of boredom and the search for something deeper in life. Therefore, the seriousness of his S/O attracts him in a special way. He values ​​the connection he has with someone who shares his propensity for boredom and craves meaningful experiences.
• The smile and joy his S/O finds in his presence are constant sources of inspiration for Yuki. Even during long periods of time together, his S/O is able to maintain an infectious enthusiasm. Their ability to never get bored when they're with Yuki is something he values ​​deeply. They bring a special glow to his life, making every moment exciting and meaningful.
• Yuki feels special for being able to bring happiness and excitement to her S/O. He strives to fill his S/O's life with moments that are both memorable and emotionally fulfilling. His presence and dedication to bringing joy to his S/O is a testament to the love and care he has for them. Yuki feels fulfilled seeing the happiness written on his S/O's face, knowing that he is capable of creating heartwarming moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.
• The seriousness of his S/O is a constant reminder to Yuki that they have a special connection. They understand and value the search for something deeper in life, sharing a mutual understanding of the importance of meaningful experiences. With her S/O, Yuki is encouraged to explore her own journey in search of fulfillment and purpose. They are a source of inspiration, pushing Yuki to find joy and meaning in even the simplest of moments.
• Yuki's relationship with her S/O is a source of growth and learning for both of them. They support each other in their individual quests for a more exciting and meaningful life. His S/O's constant presence brings balance and enthusiasm to Yuki's life, encouraging him to enjoy every moment with intensity and purpose.
• Yuki is attracted to the seriousness of his S/O, as he shares the search for something deeper in life. He is inspired by the smile and joy his S/O finds in his presence, even over long periods of time. S/O's ability to never get bored when he's with Yuki is something he values ​​deeply. He feels special for being able to bring happiness and excitement to his S/O, filling his life with exciting and meaningful moments. With his S/O by his side, Yuki discovers that seriousness can be a gateway to fulfilling and meaningful experiences, creating a special and lasting connection.
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• Momiji is a playful and lively soul, always ready to bring joy and fun to everyone around her. However, he is delighted by the seriousness of his S/O, as it is a contrast to his own nature. He is drawn to the depth and seriousness that his S/O carries with him.
• His S/O's ability to find constant joy in his company thrills Momiji. He feels privileged to be able to bring a constant smile to his S/O's face and overcome any boredom that may arise. Seeing the happiness written on his S/O's face is one of the things that brings Momiji the most joy, as he knows his presence is valued and appreciated.
• Momiji loves to share moments full of laughter and fun with his S/O. They are like partners on adventures, excitedly exploring the world and creating special memories together. Your S/O's ability to appreciate your playful and lively nature is something Momiji values ​​deeply. He feels fulfilled knowing that he is able to create moments full of joy and laughter that will be cherished for a lifetime.
• His S/O's presence is a constant source of inspiration and joy for Momiji. He is driven to be the best version of himself when he is with them, as their seriousness strikes a perfect balance with their lively nature. They complement each other, bringing a special harmony to shared moments. His S/O's presence is like an inexhaustible source of positive energy that pushes Momiji to enjoy every moment with enthusiasm and gratitude.
• Momiji's relationship with his S/O is filled with moments of happiness and fun. They are able to create an atmosphere of lightness and joy, where boredom simply disappears. With his S/O by his side, Momiji discovers a whole new world of possibilities, where each day is filled with infectious laughter and unforgettable memories.
• Momiji is charmed by his S/O's seriousness, as it is a contrast to his own playful and lively nature. He feels thrilled to be able to bring a constant smile to his S/O's face and overcome any boredom that may arise. The joy they find in his company is a source of happiness for Momiji. He loves being able to share moments full of laughter and fun with his S/O, creating special memories that will be cherished forever. Your S/O's constant presence in your life is a source of inspiration and joy, bringing a perfect balance to your own lively nature.
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indigomarina · 11 months
Fanfic Idea
Ugh! I had this idea to write a fic about what-if Marinette was evil instead of Gabriel! But now with the whole Shadybug and Claw Noir special coming, I feel I have to wait, so things like 'Good Gabriel's good guy name' and what he calls who makes heroes (currently I'm calling them champion but I don't know anything) are more accurate to the show!
Essentially, it would've been in this universe, so no Shadybug. Instead, her name would've been Miss Fortune (I've been in this fandom since the beginning, I've always wanted that name to be canon). She takes the image of a shy sweet girl Marinette Dupain-Cheng but when things don't go her way, she becomes Miss Fortune.
Luckily, Paris has a hero in its corner, the amazing Chat Noir who battles the evil Miss Fortune. However, he also has an ally in the form of Papillon, a mysterious benefactor who helps him by sending him champions.
Adrien will still be our innocent sunshine child, but he has a whole lot more on his shoulders, trying to stop Miss Fortune from wrecking havoc and eventually becoming Guardian.
As Chat Noir, he and the champion have to work together to fight Miss Fortune. I have this system where Miss Fortune has a anti-charm (like Anti-bug) and if the two destroy it, the world healing begins.
Alya is still how she is in the show. Except she despises Miss Fortune. Her blog is towards Chat instead and she insults Miss Fortune anyway she can. She wants to rid the world of Miss Fortune, unaware she's her best friend.
Chloe would be a much better person (she still has some of her original flaws, so she would be not be like Zoe), liking Adrien like a brother and treating Sabrina like a real friend. Of course, Marinette doesn't see their relationship as platonic so she targets her. This version of Anti-Bug would've have Papillon give Chloe the power of the original Ladybug miraculous until Chat decides to give her the bee miraculous to use.
Lila would've been a person who always told the truth and while not all of her stories from canon were true, she does have some real amazing tales. This attracts Adrien to her (again platonically) much to Marinette's chagrin. One story is that Miss Fortune stole her bag once and Chat Noir got it back for her. Marinette thinks Lila is lying and Chat doesn't remember Lila specifically but he does remember giving someone back their bag.
So she briefly becomes Miss Fortune to embarrass her but this just inspires her to become Volpina and her and Chat briefly work together to take her down.
Gabriel is a much better father here! He's still busy and Emilie is still dead. But he's allowed Adrien to go to school and have a less stricter lifestyle. He still misses his wife but goes on a more healthier path instead and tries to move on while helping Chat Noir as Papillon.
Zoe would've been a person who acted nice when in reality, she's a massive witch. She still has feelings for Marinette but Marinette takes advantage of these feeling instead. She assist Miss Fortune also, not liking when things don't go her way. Half of Chloe becoming akumatized episodes would be Chloe either needing the bee miraculous or her helping Chat as a champion. Zoe would play dumb when confronted but some people start seeing the truth through her and Marinette's lies.
So Marinette likes Adrien to disturbing degrees. Finding her strange since kindergarten, Adrien at best can be civil towards her. In the Animan episode of this AU, he would've weirded out by Nino's crush on her but would've still helped him, because he's a good friend and he feels he would be a good influence of her.
He and Miss Fortune jokingly flirt with each other sometimes, but they really hate each other with a fiery passion.
Adrien is bisexual in this fic. Who is Adrien's partner? Luka. Instead of liking Marinette, he takes a shining to Adrien instead. Adrien is smitten as both himself and Chat Noir. Luka would be a frequent character in season 1. Often times, Chloe and Juleka (and sometimes Nino) would try pairing them together frequently.
Marinette used to have a crush to Luka and he used to give her a chance but with all the lying and her accidently making it clear she likes Adrien, he also can now only be civil to her.
Chloe is also bisexual. Nathaniel initially has feelings for her instead of Marinette in 'Evilluastor'. Season 1 would plenty of cute moments. Not sure I should write whether they broke up but are on good terms or have them be in a poly relationship with Marc and Kagami.
Down the line, Chloe gains feelings for Kagami. Marinette in this AU, never lets go of her mean feelings for Kagami and instead Kagami enters the scavenger hunt in 'Ikati Gozen' with Chloe, causing the two to bond. Kagami never has feelings for Adrien (but I'll say it again, Marinette doesn't see it that way).
That all I have to write, bye!
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hello! Do you still take request? If so, can you maybe write your recent post about vbs came to reader's concert but instead with wxs (separately)?
Thank u and have a good day/night bee!!!
Hiii! And of course! Sorry it took some time but I hope you like it!
Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Rui on reader's concert
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen @m3g-luka
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⊱ Tsukasa is the loudest in the crowd and in the room!
⊱ you know that "Tsukasa is banned from Leo/need concerts" theory? That's him right there.
⊱ okey but anyways, he just adores you so much he can't help but be the biggest fan
⊱ music can play so loud you cannot hear your own thoughts and yet, you'll be able to hear this energetic star
⊱ definitely learned small part of your dances if you have or thought of his own so he can cheer even with his actions
⊱ he's not necessarily dressed fully in your merch but he gotta have light sticks
⊱ surprisingly he never joins and sings along, but that's simply because he wants everyone to look at you and hear your charming voice!
⊱ gives a loud applause after and before every song you play
⊱ after show he'll quicky come up to you and hug you tightly as he's telling you how well you did right there and how proud he is from you!
"You were so amazing right there!! And when you had you solo, I thought I'm gonna cry from all the emotions! Let me treat you to some dessert for all the great work you did just now!"
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⊱ Emu literally had so much fun there! She was cheering for you, singing and even dancing a bit!
⊱ she wasn't the loudest there but you could still hear her voice in the crowd
⊱ she knows all of your bands songs by heart so she immidietly know what song is playing by the first few notes
⊱ definitely comes with like a hairband or a shirt from your merch to show some additional support
⊱ won't be surprised if she actually has a little dance that doesn't take much space but makes herself more visible to you for additional cheering
⊱ you go for taiyaki after every single show because she treats it as a special reward!
⊱ also wouldn't be surprised if security had to be additionally carefully because of her trying to sneak into backstage before or after show when she still didn't had the official permission
"Y/N! I wanted to give you some water before your show! I don't want you to hurt your voice... oh no! Bear guy is coming again!! See you!"
⊱ tells everyone about her experience and you can hear from your mutual friends that she was jumping from happiness when she was explaining how much she liked your show
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⊱ Nene most likely was really nervous before coming there and asked you what she should wear to blend into the crowd as much as she can
⊱ she doesn't want to be in the center of attention which leads to her not wearing any merch during your show
⊱ she also tries to not cheer too loudly and instead just sends you bright, shy smile every now and then
⊱ of course she knows your songs by heart and suffers every time you play hear favorite song and she's trying her best not to hum it
⊱ overalls she's a bit scared to be left alone right there so there's a high possibility of her bringing someone with her to your concerts
⊱ it's also really possible that she refused to go backstage even when she had a pass
⊱ after show tho, she'll tell you all about what she liked and what she didn't to repay her lack of cheering
"It was really great. My favorite part had to be your solo! I think you really made the atmosphere right."
⊱ if you're the type to cheer loudly on her performances, she might just have sudden burst of confidence and cheer a bit louder then usual, like clap her hands or so!
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⊱ Rui is the type to wear WAY too much merch on your shows
⊱ literally the only non merch outfit is his pants and shoes just because you didn't sold these
⊱ he's also cheering with light sticks which leads to him dancing a bit, he doesn't go as far as singing tho... he may hum but won't sing along whole songs
⊱ he's also easy to stop in crowd, not only because of how much merch he wears but because of his height and you really don't mind! It only makes noticing his happy expression easier
⊱ before he got the pass, he used to get close to backstage and call for you just to wish you great show and kiss your hand (security had enough of him)
"Hey darling! Good luck on your show! Look for me in the crowd because I promise to give you a wink once in a while~"
⊱ when he got the pass, not much changed except location and him teasing you about how much you wanted him to be there before your every show
⊱ after each show he'll treat you to some cafe date or so to give you a bit if a relaxation time
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vera-deville · 1 year
Hi! Could you please write Luka Couffaine x fem. reader who has trouble talking about their feelings? Writes him letters, love poems or plays the drums for him because it's easier for her to show her feelings like that? Sorry for my English it is not my first language.
02/28/2023 - 03/29/2023
Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Reader
Word Count: 867
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
In which Luka has a significant other who has a hard time expressing her feelings.
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Luka Couffaine absolutely adored Y/N. The girl had captured his heart, mind, and soul, and he had no trouble expressing it. However, the same could not be said the other way around.
Other people labeled Y/N as someone cold and uncaring, but only a select few knew of her true nature - she simply could not express herself in the ways others would. And Luka understood completely.
Y/N had a small group of friends (most of whom had never even met each other, but knew the existence of). She wasn't one to stick to one particular friend group after all. A good friend was a good friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
And two of her very good friends were Juleka and Rose. Originally, Y/N had only Juleka (since she went to the same school as Luka), but quickly became acquainted with Rose as well. And for that, Y/N thanked whatever lucky stars she had.
The whole process of confessing to Luka was already gut-wrenchingly terrifying, seeing as she had no idea how to go about it, whether Luka would return her affections (even though Juleka said he would), and if she was actually dateable material.
But after the confession, a lot of her worries were put to rest. Luka was the sweetest boyfriend she could have asked for, and she was extremely grateful for having met him.
Luka was someone who was fairly affectionate (not like some of the couples she's seen walking in Paris being overly lovey-dovey), but he also never shied away from letting her know what was on his mind.
If there was a particular moment where Y/N was caught up doing something and was quite focused on it (such as homework), Luka would find himself simply staring at the girl, absolutely in awe of the work of art he had the honor of calling his girlfriend. (Yes, he's tried sneaking some photos of her when she wasn't looking).
And when he was caught, Y/N would ask, "what're you staring at?"
Only to be met with, "just caught up in the ethereal masterpiece in front me."
To which Y/N would feel her face heat up and a warm sort of buzz envelope her whole being. She'd become a little flustered and brush off his oh so charming and teasing self, but looking at him once more, she realizes every time that Luka wasn't teasing at that moment. He meant every word.
So when others meet her and find out she's in a relationship with Luka, they wonder how on Earth the relationship works. Luka was pretty well known and well-liked. But Y/N wasn't like that. She stayed to herself for the most part, and she'd never initiate any sort of PDA with her boyfriend.
And some of these people would take to whispering about this behind (or so they thought) Y/N's back.
She'd feel bad about it, but not to the point where she'd find herself spiraling down a rabbit hole of self-hate and whatnot. But that didn't stop her from wanting to improve. And what better way to improve than by asking two of her best friends?
"Aww, it's so cute that you want to be more lovey-dovey with Luka!" Rose gushed. Juleka had a slight smile on her face, finding the situation slightly humorous. The involved parties were her brother and one of her closest friends. How could she not be entertained? Especially when said close friend was going on a tirade vaguely reminiscent of Marinette's tirades about Adrien.
Rose suggested making a perfume for Luka, and Y/N thought that it was such a good idea that she'd probably do that for his birthday. "What if you write him a letter?" Juleka asked. Pondering over the idea, Y/N decided that it indeed was a good idea.
But what to write?
And so some amount of days passed, and Y/N finally ended up finishing her letter to Luka. It wasn't anything elegant or pretty or anything of the sort. It was goofy, filled with her typical sarcasm, and most importantly, it was heartfelt. Now, the only thing left was to actually give the letter to Luka.
Which was still quite hard surprisingly.
Y/N assumed that once the letter was finished, she'd just hand it over to the turquoise-haired boy and bada-bing bada-boom, romance!
Apparently it doesn't work like that.
Apparently you pour your heart out into the letter, but then you feel nervous to actually give the letter to your oh so accepting boyfriend.
But somehow Y/N pushed down her anxiety and gave the letter to Luka when they sat down after getting their ice cream. Opening it, Luka's face gradually morphed into one of extreme joy (and if Y/N didn't know any better, smugness), before he pressed a chaste kiss onto Y/N's cheek.
And from that day onwards, Y/N would (every once in a while) gift Luka letters, love poems, and even play the drums for him as means of physically showing her affection for him. It was their own little dynamic and some may have found it odd, but to them, it was perfect.
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Author's Note: Once again, I'm really sorry for taking so long to complete this fic. I hope you enjoy it (if not, feel free to request again, since I honestly don't feel like I did my very best with this one).
I'm still in the middle of trying to find a specific fic format to stick to. I've tried looking at a bunch of other fanfic writers' profiles and the format they use to write their fics, but I'm still not 100% sure if what I'm doing right now is what I want to continue doing.
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helpmeimblorboing · 1 month
Imagine a world where, after Tim lost his brother, he went to the Cult of the Lightless Flame for help
Imagine Desolation Avatar Tim, with fire that springs to his fingertips on command, and a disconcertingly amiable personality, kind and charming and so, so similar to our Tim, right up until he sets your house on fire with your children inside
Imagine an Eye avatar Jon who got his powers organically, without meddling from Elias.
Imagine a man conflicted and torn about his actions, orchestrating events where technically, he never directly hurt anyone - think feeding on social anxiety, exposing people’s secrets and feeding on their despair.
After all, if they didn’t want to be his dinner, they shouldn’t have kept secrets, right ? He’s not a bad guy. He’s just…doing all he can
Now imagine a Tim who feeds off of Desolation by following closely behind Jon’s actions.
Oh, Jon revealed that so-and-so was cheating on his wife ? Well, that sounds like a mighty painful experience for the wife. Seems a shame to let all that good fear go to waste, right ? Might as well feed !!
Now imagine Web Avatar Annabelle Cane , watching from the shadows as all this happens.
Eventually, she reaches out and makes contact with Tim, and makes a deal - call a local fast-food place, and Cane will trick them into believing Jon’s a police officer. Then Jon can make the employees humiliate one of their own, as Tim feeds on the target's pain and Annabelle feeds on the control she's exerting, both over the employees, via social conditioning, and her fellow Avatars
Perfect deal. Why would Jon go along with it, you ask ? Why would Tim ? Well, if Annabelle conveniently made them forget the meaning of the terms “strip search”, then they have no reason to turn her down, right ?
Seeing how well this turned out, the three decide to make their dynamic a daily thing, each one orchestrating events that let all three feed. True symbiosis
Maybe they get Spiral Avatar Michael in on their shenanigans too, sometimes - he makes someone hallucinate their way into believing all their secrets have been exposed, killing themselves in front of a loved one, and feeds on their madness as Tim feeds on their loved one’s pain and Jon on their humiliation
Maybe they find that even more useful and now he’s part of the team too !! Woo gang !! Friends forever !!
Maybe they try to get Flesh Avatar Jared Hopworth in as well, only to realize he’s already made a deal with Hunt Avatar Daisy Tonner - she hunts and kills one out of a pair of travellers, and Jared convinces the survivor to feed on the corpse
Maybe they decide - hey, fuck it - and form an alliance with Slaughter Avatar Melanie King. She kills, and the others feed on the chaos that ensues. Maybe Jared and Daisy get in on it too sometimes - one big happy Avatar family, each one feeding everyone with their actions
And maybe one day Jon has an epiphany - maybe he accidentally hurts someone he cares about or sees the consequences of his actions. Maybe he decides he doesn’t want to be an Avatar anymore
Maybe he runs away from the group. Maybe he goes to the Magnus Institute, using his position as a fellow Eye Avatar to get Elias to help him out
Maybe Elias agrees and sets him up in a small house by the countryside. But wait - unfortunately, he’s going to have to share the space. You see, the Institute recently helped a prized pupil of Peter Lukas escape his grasp
Oh, who ? Why, Lonely Avatar Martin Blackwood of course !!
Sorry, just having thoughts about my Avatar Crew AU. Do y’all want me to write it ? I might
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ilikekidsshows · 1 month
Hello. :)
Can I asked for your opinion? I've talked with some of my friends and they said ladybug miraculous is exclusively a leader miraculous while I think it's more strategy related miraculous, not necessarily a sign of a leader, just like the snake.
This discussion is started when I want to write a story about Adrien take over as a leader of the miraculous team after Marinette got vetoed as a not good leader by the team (the story take place three years after s5 finale and they're all adults, Adrien also take times to heal and not Marinette boyfriend). so while she remain as a guardian and strategist, Adrien will be the one leading the team and my friends said it won't work because of the reason that I stated above.
I've seen some example where the leader and the strategist are two different people that's why I think it will work, that ladybug miraculous isn't an exclusive leader miraculous. What do you think? I'm confused because while I was pretty confident before about my opinion that any holder can be the leader, my friends keep saying the same thing that only ladybug holder can lead because the lucky charm ability and it make me doubt myself now.
Thank you and take care.
You are absolutely correct, the fact that you can find examples of the team strategist and team leader being two different people with the team still functioning proves it. Your friend has simply fallen into the trap of thinking that, since one thing is what we mostly see, it's therefore the only way to do things. The team leader and the strategist being interchangeable is what we more commonly see, which is why I, too, used to think Marinette's strategic thinking made her a good leader back during the pretool era.
Furthermore, the Lucky Charm ability is not what makes the Ladybug hero indispensable, since Luka has also shown that he can strategize with the Snake Miraculous, it's the Miraculous Ladybug and purification abilities. The reason Marinette is the most important member of the team is because only she can purify Akumas and fix the damage caused by any fights. Basically, Marinette has three times the amount of abilities any other Miraculous, outside of the Dragon.
Regardless, post-retool Marinette has repeatedly failed at everything else a leader should do outside of strategy. What Miraculous she's holding can't change that. Who cares that you can purify Akumas when you lead your team like a dictatorship and are inconsistent with what the rules that you yourself alone enforce are? That's extremely stressful for the team members. Who cares that you can fix the buildings after the fight when you play favorites on your team and never listen to any dissenting opinions even when they're absolutely correct? This tendency has caused problems that could have been avoided if Marinette just stopped viewing her teammates as drones.
Her go-to tactic in a fight is “keep my distance and think of a plan while others actually fight the Akuma”, which makes it obvious she should be more of a strategist instead of a front-lines leader. But, I’ve even grown disillusioned with Marinette's strategic ability. It's one thing to, in a desperate situation, after deep deliberation, make the sacrifice play, to sacrifice something or someone else so that more can be saved. Even with the Miraculous Ladybug ability, Marinette treats sacrifice plays extremely casually and she's very willing to make them when they're her idea. Way too often, Marinette comes up with a convoluted plan that can still be summed up as “sacrifice Cat Noir and fix him with my Miraculous Ladybug later”. Backwarder is the most obvious example, but whatever she was doing to him in Reverser is pretty up there too, never mind how casually she leaves him as the sole cambatant every single time she's getting backup and whenever she's busy implementing a plan. Way too many of Marinette's plans rely on having Cat Noir do most of the heavy lifting for her to sacrifice his well-being so casually even from a logical perspective.
Frankly, the only reason to argue that Marinette should still remain the leader after all this is if you want her to keep doing a bad job or shield her from criticism. Like, her tendency to treat Cat Noir as expendable cannon fodder would be brought to question by everyone on the team if Cat Noir was the leader instead of one of her drones. Marinette's standard for leadership can only be maintained in a team where only she's allowed to do any of the thinking, with everyone else going “Well, she's Ladybug, and she can do no wrong”. If she loses this cover, she's far more likely to get called out on her willingness to sacrifice anything or anyone but herself.
Meanwhile, Cat Noir brings a lot more to the table as a potential leader. He’s friendly to new team members even when he doesn't pick them (contrast how these two greet Volpina, who they had no reason to be suspicious of the time), he considers how their team members might be feeling (even when they aren't on the team anymore like Chloé) and he's concerned over things like having consistent rules for everyone on the team instead of playing favorites for his favorite team members (he was appalled when the found out Nino and Alya were being held to a lower standard than anyone else even though Nino is his best friend). He’s also far more open to perspectives other than his own and he'd never hold others to standards he doesn't also hold himself to.
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the-west-meadow · 2 years
hi! i’m not sure if you have anymore request slots open (if you don’t just ignore this) but could you write a roman roy x reader with the prompt “you’re an asshole, you know that?”
i’m obsessed with your roman fics!!
one more just for fun :) I'll open these again in a little while. in the meantime, more Roman dysfunction!
Roman Roy x Reader
prompt: you're an asshole, you know that?
It had been Roman’s idea. Invite Siobhan and Tom over for dinner, impress them with how mature and normal you both were. Roman finally had something he could be proud of: you. And he wanted to show it off.
But Tom couldn’t make it. Sick with a cold, or perhaps just unable to be around Shiv in public at the moment. So Shiv showed up alone in a pale pink pantsuit and the three of you proceeded to drink into the night. 
The Roy siblings held their liquor surprisingly well. Shiv didn’t even blush. The only thing different about Roman was how his hair became increasingly disheveled as the night went on. You sat at the head of the table, getting more and more tipsy, endlessly amused by their banter. 
“And what about you?” Shiv said, turning to you. “I heard you’re the only reason Roman was able to seal the deal with Matsson.”
“Oh, come on,” Roman said. “That’s bullshit. You know that was all me.”
“Hold on,” you interjected. “We double-teamed him, Roman. Did you block that out or what?”
“It was my deal. Dad trusted me to do it. And I fucking did it.”
“So you didn’t have any help?” Shiv chided. “None whatsoever?”
“If you count standing there looking pretty, then sure, Y/N contributed.”
You felt the sting of his words through your buzz. 
“That’s bullshit,” you murmured, stirring the toothpick in your martini glass. 
“You want credit for helping? Okay, fine.” He stood up, performing a theatrical bow. “My deepest appreciation for charming Matsson with your wiles.”
“Fuck off, Roman,” you snapped. 
“You know,” Roman went on, “He only listened to what you had to say because he wanted to fuck you.”
You stood up, staring him down. You saw him cower slightly under your gaze.
“Fuck you,” you hissed, then stalked out of the room.
Shiv looked at Roman and blinked.
“Wow. Great job,” she said.
Roman collapsed back into his chair, sulking.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” Shiv continued.
“Yeah, so what. I guess it’s the Dad in me.”
“You’re going to lose Y/N at this rate.”
“Maybe I don’t give a shit.”
“Then you’re an idiot and an asshole. Go back there and apologize. I’ll wait.”
Roman stood with a dramatic sigh. “Don’t make me do it.”
“I’m not making you do anything. It’s in your own best interest.”
He shuffled out of the room, towards the bedroom. He tried the door, which was unlocked, and slowly crept inside. 
You were curled in a chair by the window, gazing out at the city. The room was otherwise dark. Roman collapsed onto the edge of the bed and lie back. 
“Fuck,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I guess.”
“Yeah, but you meant what you said.” 
“Did I?”
“And you were right. Lukas probably only heard me out because he wanted to fuck me. And you were jealous.”
Roman went silent for a long moment.
“Sorry, I’m not capable of jealousy.”
“Bullshit, Roman.”
“Seriously, I don’t care if guys look at you like that. It doesn’t bother me at all to think of Matsson imagining you naked. Maybe I get off on it.”
You looked at him, unable to tell for once if he was being serious or not.
“It’s okay to be jealous.”
“Nope. Not jealous. If I was jealous it would mean I had feelings. Which I don’t.”
You sighed. “Do you think you’ll ever tell me what you really feel?”
“Probably not.” There was a long pause, then he went on in a softer voice. “I don’t really know what the fuck I’m feeling, anyway.”
“You don’t have to know,” you said. “But that’s a start.”
He got up suddenly, then sat down at your feet with his arms around his knees.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
You put your hands on his head, further disheveling his floppy hair. 
“It’s okay.”
Without another word, you both stood up and went back to join Shiv, who had made herself another cocktail. She watched the two of you enter the room with an amused grin.
“Y/N made me talk about my feelings.”
“What’s the verdict?” Shiv said.
“I don’t have any and I hate you both.”
You shoved him lightly as he sat down. He dipped his fingers in his drink and flicked them at you, spraying your face. You rounded on him but stopped. His eyes crinkled with a mischievous grin that melted your heart. Beneath the table, you felt his foot hesitantly touch yours. He glanced at you with a tentative smile. 
Shiv sighed and shook her head, tossing back the rest of her drink.
“You guys are perfect for each other.”
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ilyuan · 10 months
hello,could you write kafka with a fem reader in this scenario: she meets her gfs friends for tje firts time and her gf is usually shy and reserved but more less with her friends. her friends dont know that she got a gf yet so they flirt with her as usual(they always do that)and rest is up to your imagination? like yn being awkward and trying to explain herself lol sorry this is a bit messy but i hpe you undertand! have a nice day and take care <3
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I WON’T STEAL HER ! ft. kafka
a/n. apologies that the requests i’m getting are nearly taking a long time to fulfill, it’s partially because of storage and partially because of my mental health, but i’m back i think lawl, and thank you for the request anon! 🤍
cw. fem!reader, kafka gets a lil jealous, ooc himeko, a little ooc kafka? idk lol, tbh idrk what i’m yapping about in some of this i just woke up, i think that’s it lmk if i missed anything 🤍
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your girlfriend’s mind was slowly turning into mush because of how much she was overthinking the moment you told her that you were going a little too far away from her to visit your friends.
“kafka, relax, it’s only gonna be for a few hours,” you explained to her, your voice as reassuring as possible, “it should only be for four hours, just like my usual night-shift,” you finish.
“that’s not the only issue, dear,” she contemplates at you, her eyes practically glued onto your frowned expression, “you know i get jealous easily.” she whispers, which you somehow didn’t catch onto.
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after enough convincing, here you were with your now stubborn girlfriend.
the magenta-haired woman’s brows furrowed in confusion ever since she noticed how much longer it was taking just to see your friends.
she did pay attention to you telling her that it would take a long time to see your friends, but she didn’t think it would take this long.
not to mention, she’s an impatient woman.
after a couple minutes, you turned your view to the darkened screen of your phone, turning up your brightness a little bit.
noticing that kafka was still driving, you texted your friends that you were almost there.
kafka paused her driving.
“who are you texting?”
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as soon as you both finally got to the somewhat big cabin that your friends were in, you noticed kafka’s now calm facade, which you quickly got confused by.
however, not thinking much of it, you creaked the old cabin’s door open and finally met eyes with your overly-enthusiastic friends.
kafka slowly walked in, as if she was accidentally going to break all the wood keeping the cabin up.
you signed and turned your head towards her, to which you were met with her smirking, which you were even more confused by.
“kaf?” you whispered over to her, to which she gasped, then let out a small chuckle.
“sorry, darling, i’m coming,” she emphasized the word ‘darling’ louder than usual to alert your friends of knowing you were hers.
you playfully rolled your eyes at her as she let out another chuckle as soon as she noticed.
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knowing kafka was not a stoic woman whatsoever, you had an opportunity to finally introduce her to your somewhat big friend group.
first, there was luka.
luka was practically the dad of the friend group, his outgoing personality making everyone feel as if the atmosphere was warmer than usual in dangerous situations most of the time.
for example, you and everyone else went into the woods and he kept going on and on about how his last wrestling match went, while… winking at you, to emphasize that you were the one that gave him the best luck in that match.
furthermore, you were the only one in your friend group that was excited to go to luka’s matches, that was most likely why.
then, there was serval, the charming rockstar who would never shut up in her room up in the attic of her and gepard’s shared cabin.
…which gepard would usually wake up, breathing heavily as if he was running laps, when in reality serval was practicing for her next concert.
third, jingliu.
she didn’t really do much, she just wandered around and occasionally came to hang out with the rest of your friend group.
as much as you wished she hang out with the rest of you more, she wasn’t really one to have any opportunities to engage in fun activities, her “duties came first” is what her only excuse was.
lastly, himeko.
himeko was never quiet about you, always trying to help you whenever you needed help with relationship advice with kafka.
however, she was more of the playful type than the rest of the friend group.
she always blew fake kisses to you as a joke, and she always had her ways with you, whether it was if you refused to go to the store with her, she would practically beg you either way.
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kafka didn’t think much of your friends, she was just trying to get comfortable, to which it took more than a while.
and finally, after hours of convincing her to go to the fair with you and your friend group, she finally agreed.
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the next couple hours consisted of himeko clinging to your side to what felt like 24/7, even though it was only a day.
kafka quickly noticed, and quickly got uncomfortable.
“…himeko, please,” you begged, “my girlfriend is here,” you continued, your heart beat racing out of nervousness, sighing, to which you were clearly uncomfortable with.
“GIRLFRIEND!?” himeko yelled, probably louder than the screams of the people on roller coasters at this point.
kafka quickly flinched, luka turned around, jingliu who surprisingly came with, blinked a few times, and serval screamed back in agony, a rush of fear quickly flowing through her body for a split second, but then realized it was just himeko screaming.
kafka smirked, walking slowly towards himeko with a menacing gaze and you rolled your eyes at her playfully.
“relax,” you spoke to your magenta-haired girlfriend, who rose her brows and quickly pulled you away.
“who is that?” she questioned you, her voice a little shaky, despite trying her best to keep her somewhat seductive demeanor towards you.
“a girl from my friend group,” you replied, raising a brow in confusion.
what kafka didn’t know is that himeko was not interested in you whatsoever, and that himeko was one to be the flirty type of woman.
“ah,” kafka replied, “tell me more about her.”
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“[name]!” serval and luka yelled, luka lifting up his mechanical arm in an attempt to wave at you.
you chuckled, your shy demeanor coming back into view.
they both came rushing towards you, eager to ask you if you wanted to go on the highest roller coaster with them after they finish their funnel cake.
“[name]~” luka taunted, walking towards you with a smirk on his face, “luka, go away she’s mine,” serval elbowed him playfully.
kafka’s breath hitched in her throat.
nonetheless, she didn’t want to mention anything for now, so she decided to think back on your friends’ question.
kafka, still standing right next to you, raised her brows in confusion because she knew you were not one for roller coasters at all.
“erm-“ kafka interrupted you, to which you gasped, “she doesn’t like going on those,” finishing for you.
you whipped your head to look at her and sighed in relief, tapping her shoulder twice as if letting her know you were okay.
“thank you,” you whispered to her.
little did you know, the only reason why she did that was because she wanted to stay with you for the entire day.
“you can see your friends another day,” was her excuse.
“shhh,” she interrupted once more, “come home and comfort me, sweetie, will you?” she faked a frown.
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“miss, i am not intending to steal your girlfriend, don’t worry,” himeko apologized to the practically frozen-in-place stellaron hunter.
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@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms, thank you 🤍
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