#M: Webhead
naveadraws · 6 months
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More Spidey sketch. I am liking the less rendered direction.
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redcell6 · 8 months
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Non-Stop Spider-Man #2 Variant
illustrated by Takashi Okazaki
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cyanidespideycup · 1 month
I think a lot of people conflate superheroes as a whole to specifically Batman when it comes to the importance of a life. It makes sense, supers are meant to be put on pedestals and represent what we should all aspire to be. But it's weird when this gets applied to Spidey.
Just like everything else with Peter, he is a regular guy. Other superheros represent what we should aspire to be, but Spidey represents what we can be. He cares for every life. He hopes to give everybody a second chance. But if someone asks for it, Pete will beat their fucking skull in.
When his cop/detective friend Jean DeWolff was murdered, he hunted the man down and physically fought his way past Daredevil to kill the guy and ended up beating him within an inch of his life. When Kingpin got May shot, Peter broke into his prison, effortlessly beat him to a smear, and then promised that when May died, not if, he'd come back and finish the job- violently. There are just countless instances of him deciding "I'm actually going to kill him now totally" with Norman. Most notably of course is the glider incident, which Peter didn't actually go to with the intent to kill (weirdly enough despite Gobby killing his fiance). However, he took pleasure in beating him senseless and wasn't exactly broken up by the final thud.
Peter's a guy who meets every situation with the intent to help someone. He tries to find every opportunity to help another person, even someone who's trying to kill him, even if it's at his own detriment. He's not a perfect manifestation of morals and purity. He's just some guy. Some guy who cares a whole lot for people. And that makes it all the more special when he does help someone. When he talks a girl off a roof, or inspires a kid to be better than the system set him up for, or befriends his own rogues. It all feels so much more personal. This is just a person, one of us. Someone who fails more often than not, who makes bad jokes and gets angry and feels hate and love and pain all at once and most of all, someone who tries his best no matter what.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 16 days
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Hey, is it too much to ask we bring back their cleft chins? Cause I don't care if it is, I'm demanding it. Bring back their cleft chins.
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vertigoartgore · 6 months
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Peter Parker, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man celebrating his 30th anniversary among family, friends and foes. Art by Erik Larsen (soon before the start of his Savage Dragon run at Image Comics).
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bobjackets · 8 months
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Awesome Spidey by Dakota Alexander.
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Superior spiderman is probably one of my favorite spidermans of all time hes being controlled by Doc Ock and when doc discovered that peter was holding back his strength he was genuinely shocked especially after breaking scorpions jaw.
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evilhorse · 6 months
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Don’t tell me, lady—yer webhead’s sister!
(Marvel Two-in-One #30)
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ashecampos · 9 months
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Sweat and blood stains my suit as the rugged man drags the knife across my skin again. All I can think of in this moment is my family, tessa, Emily and Kate. Thankfully Tessa is with me in the room. Yet unthankfully she isn’t responsive at all. Through all of my screams and pleading all I can see is the man’s face. Black slicked hair with a taper fade, a few strands falling onto his cold face. Thick eyebrows, one with a scar running through it much like my own. His piercing black eyes, his defined cheek bones and large nose. His small lips and his tidy beard. The tattoo that runs up his neck and the uniform that reads HYDRA. He swings the hammer to my face as I scream once again. Darkness.
My body shoots up. Sweat covering my body, a cold feeling lingering as I take in my surroundings, assessing the potential dangers. With heavy sharp breaths my eyes dart around the room, a mixture of dark purples and blacks decorate the walls.
A warm hand reaches for my shoulder as a light is flicked on. I prepare myself for another slash to the face but it doesn’t come.
The person instead positions themself in front of my face. One of their hands fall onto my waist as the other reaches up to caress my cheek. I wince in pain as their finger traces the newly stitched cut on my jawline. A lavender scent fills my senses and it hits me. It’s just Kate. Looking up at her she gives me a lopsided smile. Concern evident on her face.
She speaks but I cannot hear what she says, her lips move but I cannot listen. I’m zoned out completely.
I try to concentrate on her face. The raven haired girl, comforting blue eyes, full lips, a cute nose and shaped eyebrows. Her hair is down and wavy. She is wearing my purple sweater. One of her favourites of mine.
Once again she speaks but this time I listen “Milo, I swear to god if your high again I will murder you in your sleep with a pillow. I mean I’m not saying you’re not allowed to get high of course, but you are completely out of it right now. It’s getting bad, Nat and Wanda are staring to ques…” she pauses suddenly as my arms wrap around her waist and my head falls into her shoulder. I let out a small sigh which is a mixture of relief and pain. I can’t let her know that I’m having nightmares, I need to ‘be a man’. I need to ‘man up’ as Tessa’s father would tell me when Tessa and me where playing with one of his guns and she accidentally shot my in the arm.
I take deep breaths, breathing in as much of Kate’s lavender scent as I can to calm me. She strokes her fingers through my hair, slowly to not trigger anything but fast enough for me to count how many times she’s done it without getting distracted by something.
“time?” I mumble not knowing if Kate even heard or understood what I was asking. Without missing a beat she turns her head and replies “it’s 6am Milo, remember you have to go meet your brother at eight, then you have training with Natasha at ten.” She starts to list off things in my new/forced to do by the avengers daily routine.
I grab a pair of black chucks, I make quick work of lacing them up and webbing one of Kate’s many bracelets onto my wrist for safe keeping. She had left for training with Clint half an hour ago now. I check the clock on my phone and it is half seven. Fuck. I stumble out of the room putting my phone in my pocket and walking straight into someone.
Just as their body moves to hit the floor I web their waist and pull them up to their feet. “Fuck shit I’m so so sorry I wasn’t looking at what I was doing I’m sorry” I say flustered and rushed, I look up toward the victim of my clumsiness and it’s none other than Wanda. A sigh of relief escapes my lungs, Wanda lets out a laugh at my actions before shaking her head and telling me to run along.
Luckily my brother Brogan had a first class pass into Tony Starks school for the future geniuses of the world. Is my little brother a genius, absolutely not, however his big brother is and got him a scholarship to the school, he is safely accommodated in a private mansion built specifically for the students who attend the facility, meaning he is no longer than a five minute stroll away.
Walking across the hallways of the building I hear gasps and chattering, students gawking at me like I’m iron man or something better. The next thing I know a weight is rested on my shoulders, looking down I see legs dangling from my shoulders, a pair of black and white high top Jordan’s on those legs. I don’t even need to look up to know that brogan has safely planted himself on my shoulders. A low laugh escapes his throat as he jumps off of me. We walk around campus for a few hours, I help him improve on a new mode of weaponry for hero’s he’s been working on. Before I leave I give him a long needed hug which weirdly he reciprocates, wrapping his arms around my nearly healed shoulder blade.
Now for the worst part of this travel. The walk home, yes I know I can just web my way back to the compound but why do so when walking is so much more fun.
Reaching into my pockets I search for my favourite thing. Eventually finding it, my weed pen. I know Kate said I have training in like 20 minutes but just a few little drags won’t hurt. It helps with everything, the pain, the anxiety, the flashbacks. Everything.
A tall brown haired man walks into me, brushing past my shoulder, he has a beard, slicked back hair and is wearing black work out gear. I don’t take another breath before taking off, my legs taking me as fast as I can. Before I know it I’m back at the compound. Running up the stairs and collapsing into my room I don’t even turn back to greet Tony or cap who both say their hellos to me.
Once in my room I see Tessa. Thank god it wasn’t Kate. “Milo” Tessa screams while looking up from her phone as she throws something at me, before my mind can comprehend what she threw I catch the it, looking down at a pillow. I look up giving her the ‘seriously’ face before we both burst out laughing. “Your tingle is getting better” she says between laughs. Groaning I throw the pillow at her, not looking at where I aimed, the pillow goes flying into her face, earning another laugh from the both of us. “you wanna come train with Natasha?” I ask knowing either way I’m going to make her take self defence classes now that hydra knows she is associated with me.
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My brain fuzzy and my vision fuzzier, Nat lands another punch to me. Sparring was never my strong suit in the first place. “Seriously Milo you have to try” she shouts as she goes for another punch, I swerve my body so she barley misses my ribs, then i sweep her off of her feet before walking over to my water bottle. Tessa sits there observing me and fangirling over Nat.
I pour some water into my hands then rub my face with the ice cold liquid. A hand grips my shoulder and spins me around. It’s Nat, I can sense it is but why is she attacking me? I’m out of the ring. She pushes me back to the ring.
We go a few more rounds before she stops randomly midway through a segment. “Milo” she says using her intimidating voice. “Look at me milo” she demands. Fuck. I keep my head down, avoiding eye contact with the older widow. She takes a few steps towards me and grips my chin moving my face so I have no choice but to look her in the eyes. “for fuck sake milo” she mutters before letting my chin go and stepping out of the ring, grabbing her phone and typing something. “Sit down right now” she orders, I follow her order like an obedient puppy. I stare at the clock on the wall trying to act normal. Nat and Tessa converse for a few minutes before someone else storms into the gym. Probably the hulk. A hand grabs my arm and guides me out of the gym, leaving Tessa and Nat to talk or train. looking around I see who the culprit is, Wanda looks at me, sadness in her eyes. Panic engulfs my brain as I think the worst. She takes me into her own room and sits us both down.
“When I was younger, around your age actually, me and my brother joined this family, fresh out of HYDRA’s torment. My brother struggled with his new found powers and the new environment” she says in one breath, confused I nod allowing her to carry on, she takes a deep breath before starting again. “He started associating with the wrong people. Started taking substances, he was suicidal. He died on a mission while he was high, tried to grab Thor’s hammer while it was flying through the air” she finished before holding my hand. “I’m so sorry Wanda” I say genuinely, she shakes her head. “Milo me and Natasha have noticed you’re acting weird, coming home later than curfew and Kate has informed me that you have been struggling with sleep” she looks me dead in the eyes. Shit. “Wanda I’m fine, nothings weird about my behaviour. Even ask Tessa” I say praying she won’t ask Tessa. I’ve just got this avenger job and I can’t loose it now, I need to protect everyone.
Wanda stays silent and nods letting me off with a warning, I leave her room and head back to my own, not risking going to Kate’s as Nat has probably already told everyone now.
I run straight to my bathroom, my back hitting the cold tiles of the wall, I slowly slide down it and press my knees up to my chest, trying to take deep breaths. Without thinking or even hesitating my right hand shoots a web onto a set of draws attached to a vanity, I open the drawer and pull out a small metal box with my ‘shaving’ tools in it. I make quick work of grabbing my chosen weapon. A small razor blade, the silver glistens against the harsh light coming through the windows from the suns rays. I pull my hoodies sleeves up to my biceps and look at where to start. Angry red lines mock me as I stare at them. Ignoring the pain I slowly and harshly drag the blade across my wrist making a multitude of lines ranging from my wrist to my inner elbow. Then the same on my other arm. It’s only when my vision starts to become blurry that I realise how much shit I’m in. My eyes start to close and darkness.
A knock on my bedroom door startles me awake, with spotty vision I manage to make out that I am on the bathroom floor, not sure why though. I hear the bedroom door click open then a few seconds later I hear it click closed. That was a close call. “Hey Milo I noticed you haven’t been out of your room in hours I decided to bring you some food” I hear a woman’s voice, a hint of sokovian dripping off of the American accent. Footsteps come closer to the bathroom door and then another knock. “Milo? I can see you have to light on in there, please let me know your okay” she says quietly. Another few seconds passes and for some reason I can’t bring myself to answer. Maybe it’s because I know if I speak my shakey voice will give it away or maybe I’m frozen in fear and confusion. “Milo I’ll give you three seconds to either come out or say something or I’m coming in” she says a little louder. “One” fuck she must be bluffing she wouldn’t actually come in, right? “Two” say something Milo or she is going to find out, I grab a towel and press it to my arm, grabbing another and doing the same to the other arm. The once white towels turning red. “Three” she twists the door knob and starts to open the door, fuck she wasn’t bluffing.
Once the door is fully open she scans the room before lowering her eyes to meet my own. Not even a second passes before she is running over and knelt down beside me gripping the towels to my arms. “Fuck fuck fuck what the fuck Milo” she whispers while caressing my cheek with one hand “bandages, where do you keep them” she mumbles while standing up and opening all of my drawers. Without needing an answer from me she finds a first aid box, one that every room has, kneeling back down and opening the box she starts placing things on the floor, alcohol wipes, bandages, and scissors. She opens the wipes and takes the towel off of my left arm, looking me in the eyes, her own turning a hint of red, she’s using her powers. She quickly disinfects my wounds and wraps both of my arms before letting me out of her mind control.
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She does as she intended and escorted me to Kate’s room, first making sure I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie down and had eaten some food so I didn’t end up loosing consciousness on the way to the room next door to my own. Kate is none the wiser to what had happened. Me and her cuddle until we both end up asleep.
Kate wakes me up with breakfast in bed while informing me that tonight we are attending a stark party. I eat a little bit of the breakfast before giving her the majority of it, I then make my way to hang out with Tessa, kissing Kate on the cheek before I leave of course.
Me and Tessa stay in her room most of the day gossiping about our time and what we have seen in the compound, she scolds me for showing up to a training session high before realising we need outfits for the party tonight. We always match for these things, this will not be an exception.
After searching for what seems like forever, Natasha agreed to let Tessa borrow one of her dresses and Tony handed me one of his vintage suits a simple yet elegant black suit with a black dress shirt, I pair these with my favourite pair of doc martens, then to complete the outfit I tie my hair up into a slick man bun, combing down any loose hairs. I get pushed into the bathroom by Kate and Tessa to put it on while they put theirs on. I stumble out of the bathroom before straightening my posture and looking at the two most beautiful girls in the multiverse.
Tessa is in a floor length satin gown, a modest yet revealing slit runs down the front of the dress revealing a glimpse of her legs. Her hair and makeup is done, not too much but the perfect amount.
Alike to Tessa, Kate picked out a Lilac coloured satin dress with a lavender glitter on the top of the sweetheart neckline. Kate’s hair is half up, half down, she has mascara and a winged liner on. Both of their dresses are paired with heels making them a little taller than me.
While walking into the party me and Kate loose Tessa on the way in while we greet people, Tessa probably just went to the bathroom to freshen up Kate reassures me.
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Looking into my eyes as a slow dance song plays, she wraps her arms around my neck, mine take their respective place on her waist, she smiles. A gentle, genuine smile. You don’t see many of those these days. I smile back a goofy one, earning a chuckle and a slap on the shoulder from her.
As if on que a loud bang is heard throughout the party hall. I wasn’t planning on this type of workout tonight but I guess it’ll have to be done. All of the avengers look between one another and sigh, running to the noise. A few of us are commanded to stay behind and keep the guests safe and entertained. Those people being me, Kate, yelena, Clint and some woman named Jennifer, she has some relation to Bruce but I haven’t really met the whole extended team yet. What better time than in the present though I guess.
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saintsummerz · 1 year
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Pavitr prabhakar in my artstyle, he was one of the funniest characters in the movie I hope we get to see more of him in the second part 🕸️
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naveadraws · 5 months
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Another Spidey sketch.
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redcell6 · 3 months
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Cap & Spidey
illustrated by Billy Martin
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cyanidespideycup · 12 days
Broke: Being bit by the spider fixed Peter's eyesight and his need for glasses.
Woke: The reason Peter has those big lenses on his suit is because he can't wear his glasses under the mask and the lenses are actually prescription.
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thekhoipham · 3 months
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Spider-Man pencil drawing! Pencil on 8.5"x11" 110lb paper.
Spidey being auctioned at
Starting price only $100! This auction ends Friday 6/21. Good luck! 🤘🏼 Sharing post is super appreciated, as always. 🙏🏼❤️
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vertigoartgore · 6 months
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2007's Sensational Spider-Man Annual Vol.2 #1 cover by Salvador Larroca (both a tribute to John Romita Sr. and Ross Andru). When Fraction & Larroca (then the future Invincible Iron Man creative team) used this issue to say farewell to this married couple (several months before the start of the reviled "One More Day" story arc).
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bobjackets · 1 year
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Alex Maleev.
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