#M23 rebels
ana-bananya · 1 month
Some resources for Congo
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On the ground efforts in the DRC to support:
Focus Congo
Friends of the Congo
Action Kivu
City of Joy women's community
Panzi Foundation
The Ntibonera Foundation
Save the Children
Humanitarian support for displaced civilians in the DRC
Voluntaryism In Action - Community gardens in the DRC
Emmanuel's Peace African Hope Organization ($5,441/$45,000)
The Humanitarian Crisis in Congo will not go unheard (£4,049/£10,000)
Agissons Ensemble ($10,375/$20,000)
Goma Upendo ($18,205 CAD/$50,000 CAD)
Goma Actif (€57,561/€75,000)
Support displaced women in eastern DRC, organized by the Congolicious Foundation (€12,478/€50,000)
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($425 CAD/$3,000 CAD)
Give2Goma ($57,434/$100,000)
Together for Congo (€6,886/€12,000) *The gfm is till set at the initial goal of €6k but €12k is the next target to help fund a second shipment of aid
Nurses For Humanity ($4,686/$50,000)
BEL AV ($2,690/$30,000)
Support Congolese Refugees: Help Us Bring Hope to Refugees ($16,729 CAD/$100,000 CAD)
Relief for displaced civilians in the DRC (€6,929/€20,000) *the funds from this campaign will help ship clothes and shoes to deliver to displacement camps
Congolese families that need your support:
The Busimba Family ($15,110/$20,000)
Leon's Family ($1,492/$25,000)
Amina'a Family ($1,161/$5,000)
Help Mugisha come to Columbia ($1,952/$2,500)
Additional resources
Send a Letter to U.S. Lawmakers to demand that Your Tax Dollars Stop Funding Conflict in the Congo
Amnesty International report on cobalt mining in the DRC
Amnesty International report on human rights abuses in the DRC
Understanding the Congolese Crisis: A Starting Guide by @/baobaboperation on ig
Info, updates, and resources on Congo and Sudan by @/red_maat on ig
Who is funding the violence in the Congo? by @/voluntaryisminaction on ig
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sayruq · 5 months
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A rebel group with alleged links to Rwanda this week seized Rubaya, a mining town in eastern Congo known for producing a key mineral used in smartphones, the group said Thursday in a statement. In a statement shared with The Associated Press, a spokesperson for the M23 rebel group said the town was “liberated.” The Congolese army declined to comment on the situation. The decades long conflict in eastern Congo has produced one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with over 100 armed groups fighting for control of the mineral-rich area near the border with Rwanda. Many groups are accused of carrying out mass killings, rapes and other human rights violations. The violence has displaced about 7 million people, many beyond the reach of aid. The town of Rubaya holds deposits of tantalum, which is extracted from coltan, a key component in the production of smartphones. It is among the minerals that was named earlier this month in a letter from Congo’s government questioning Apple about the tech company’s knowledge of “blood minerals” being smuggled in its supply chain. “The fall of Rubaya is in a way the embodiment of this systemic plundering,” Ernest Singoma, a civil society activist in Goma, told the AP on Thursday. There’s been an upsurge in fighting in recent months between M23 rebels and Congo army forces, and it comes as the United Nations plans to withdraw peacekeepers from the region by the end of the year.
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swdefcult · 2 months
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foulwitchknight · 3 months
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nando161mando · 2 months
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🇨🇩 #Congo: Over a million children are now at risk of severe malnutrition as violence continues to spiral in the eastern Congo. This comes as millions of Congolese civilians continue to be displaced by the conflict between the Congolese military and #Rwanda-backed insurgent group M23.
(via Reuters)
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the-amazing-boop · 7 months
What to Know About the Crisis in Eastern Congo | TIME
For anyone looking to catch up on the crisis in Congo.
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jloisse · 2 years
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phaon1 · 7 hours
Rwandan forces and M23 rebels shelled refugee camps in DRC, report claims
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
On July 12, during a Cabinet meeting chaired by President Félix Tshisekedi, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Defence Guy Kabongo reported that while a humanitarian truce was being put in place, the M23 rebels were "forcibly recruiting young people” while receiving "continuous reinforcements of personnel and equipment” from Rwanda and Uganda. This was the first time in recent times that the government was accusing Uganda of supporting the M23. But National Assembly Speaker Vital Kamerhe had, on several occasions, cited Uganda as one of Congo's "aggressors," but the government in Kinshasa never backed him up. For several months, some Congolese have been claiming that Kampala has provided support for the rebels, without offering any proof. Only four days after the publication by a United Nations Group of Experts report pointing to Uganda’s alleged role in the current war in eastern DR Congo did Kinshasa voice its accusation. Uganda People’s Defence Forces rejected the allegations. According to the UN experts' report published on July 8, Ugandan military allowed M23 and Rwandan army to transit through Uganda without restrictions. 
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tonynl83 · 8 months
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ana-bananya · 4 months
Hi! My last donation post reached the 100 link limit so this is my new one. I'm going to work on getting individual lists for each cause and linking them here, so it's a bit more organized than the last one.
I have added a few new links, but for the time being, I am focusing on the campaigns I have listed. While I do not have the capacity to take on anymore campaigns, I will still reblog ones I see others post about to help share them.
I will do my best to keep the links updated with their progress.
DISCLAIMER: I do not vet fundraisers. I do not know enough of the vetting process to do so properly. The few posts I've made where I've spoken with people were just me trying to help show proof they are credible and help them share information. I did this for Wafaa and her family, but I am refraining from doing it for others as it's led to some people thinking I'm a vetter when I'm not and I'm uncomfortable with that. My intention in sharing that post was to help others be able to draw their own conclusions about whether or not to trust the fundraiser. The only other accounts you will see me share information about are ones sent to me by Wafaa or her brother Mohyi because they can vouch for those people.
As for the fundraisers linked on this post, they are all either vetted by others or credible enough to be shared. Majority of the links will take you to the original posts I made when I first shared the fundraiser, where I share how they are vetted or where I got it from. The links for organizations will take you directly to their website or socials.
Links to more causes:
Hurricane Beryl Relief resources
Arab.org - Daily clicks
World Food Programme trivia game - play to generate donations
‼️ indicates that a fundraiser has experienced a decrease in donations or has been without donations for some time
Stand with Jordan: Transgender Refugee's Battle ($135/$700 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help the LGBTQ Refugees of the Kakuma Camp ($194/$1,000) ‼️
The Levin House Child Foundation (gfm: £5,429/£35,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support an Uyghur orphan's education (79.10% raised) ‼️
Uyghur Human Rights Project
Static & Noise - Film and Advocacy
P4H Global Education Development
P4H Canal Support
Hope for Haiti
Action Against Hunger
List of resources for Haiti made by @/hobiebrownies on twitter (places to donate, accounts to follow, news sources, and educational links)
Thread of gfms for Haiti
Progression Society Art School Fund - A New Start ($3,312 CAD/$5,500 CAD) ‼️
Rohingya Refugees
Donate to help provide education to K-12 students living in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. ($5,725/$15,000) ‼️
Stand with Rohingya Families Escaping Genocide in Aceh: The Rohingya Women's Network ($6,130 AUD/$10,000 AUD) ‼️
Qurbani Emergency Aid for Rohingya Refugees ($11,470/$12,000)
Advocating for Peace and Building Hope: RCP Appeal (£12,030/£50,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Donate to the Humanitarian crisis in northwest Nigeria ($2,505 CAD/$15,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($420 CAD/$3,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Claire Aid Foundation
Action Against Hunger
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yohane23 · 2 years
Can the East African Community bring the Rwanda-DRC tension to an end
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mileenaxyz · 7 months
Rwanda WTF???
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feminegra · 1 month
Humanitarian Disaster in Congo Continues as the World Continues to Look Away
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is currently experiencing one of the world’s most devastating humanitarian crises, yet it remains largely ignored by the global media and international community. Despite the severity of the situation, the focus of global attention seems to be elsewhere, notably on conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. This silence is deafening, particularly for those on…
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foulwitchknight · 3 months
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peachie-keane · 5 months
If you want your donations to go the farthest, I recommend donating directly to people in need and local nonprofits. For the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, I suggest Goma Actif
Goma Actif is a Congolese nonprofit that has boots on the ground in Goma, DRC, at the Kanyaruchinya displacement camp, providing food to people who have fled the latest offensive by the M23 rebel group.
The Congolese people have expressed frustration that international organizations are slow and fickle when it comes to distributing aid. Goma Actif functions entirely within DRCongo and therefore bypasses international red tape to deliver aid more reliably than external sources.
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