#MC Blocks
pixiemage · 2 years
MCYT Fic Worldbuilding Concept: BLOCKS, GRAVITY & CRAFTING
This is now the second time I've decided to ramble on about the way I picture the Minecraft universe functioning in the fic world. The first time I chattered on about armor and inventory space, and this time it's how Minecraft blocks behave in a world where the characters...uh...aren't so blocky. (This is gonna get long, so strap in!)
Blocks are such an intrinsic part of the Minecraft in-game universe that it felt wrong to exclude them from fics, even though the characters we portray are decidedly less cuboid and sharp-edged on paper. So when I write within the MCYT world, I tend to write under the assumption that both crafted items and hand-made items exist at the same time.
Now, this all comes down to the idea that any MC universe is based in code, that every single item and person and mob and - anything, is made of ones and zeroes. Crafting is the same, and it works as a shortcut of sorts to bring new items into being using specified supplies. Two sticks and a few iron ingots? Boom, you've got a pickaxe. However it's also possible to build one by hand, if you have the skills required to do so. (TFC is one such player who I tend to imagine built his mining equipment with his own hands rather than a crafting table because the craftmanship would have been higher quality and it was a more personal and enjoyable way to gain his tools.) Crafting tables often result in cookie-cutter, standard-built tools that work well enough for what the average player needs...but if you're looking for something higher grade, you'll want to go to a professional. For example, a crafted bed would be comfortable enough, but getting a bed hand-made would potentially be softer, larger, and/or more intricate than what would come from a crafting table.
(This also means that personalized items can't be stacked in your inventory. So if - say - Impulse was to hand-make the clock he gifted Bdubs in Double Life, then it would always occupy its own inventory space, even if Bdubs dumped half a stack of crafted clocks into his inventory with it.) (EDIT: It JUST occurred to me that this ACTUALLY ALREADY MAKES SENSE with in-game mechanics! If you name an item, that item is now different from other items of the same type and it cannot stack with items that don't also have that name. So this tracks!)
BUT coming back around to blocks - the same concepts stands. A single block of wool is a whole block, a standard item recognized by the coding of the MC universe as a craftable item. So is a standard chest, a block of obsidian - even Pixlriff's precious deepslate emerald ore. Blocks like those, when placed, are assigned that location by the coding of the server, and have the ability to defy gravity if no blocks are placed beneath it. (Excepting, of course, gravel or sand or concrete powder or - you get the picture.) Once a standard crafted block is altered, it no longer can defy gravity the way its unaltered brethren can.
For example: the burning of the ranch in Double Life. If I were to write this scene (which I definitely need to do in the future), then any blocks that were burned would lose their structure and have the capacity to fall and crumble. A ceiling could cave in or a wall could collapse or a door could fall off its hinges. Any unscathed blocks would remain in mid-air...but damaged ones wouldn't be so lucky.
On a related note, a player could alter blocks purposefully if they so choose, either to carve detailing into wooden walls or break pieces off of a block of ice or...so on. A block of wool could be torn apart into fluffier pieces or spun into yarn, and a block of wood planks could be separated into individual planks if a builder wanted to so something a little more hands-on than simple block placement. Copper could be hammered into jewelry, glowstone could be chiseled apart to make small ornaments, and slime blocks could be...uh...separated into...smaller slime? (I'm not sure what the practical application would be for that one, but hey, it's possible.)
The crafting-vs-hand-made concept also works for food, in that a crafting table (or furnace, sometimes) can give you good food, but the choices are more limited and you can't personalize it the way you can if you cook/bake something yourself. Though I suppose, it also would mean the flavor of what you've crafted would be consistent and reliable every single time, meaning that - for anyone who has sensory issues - there would never be a risk of a favorite food being different and unpalatable if that favorite food is a crafting table recipe.
I'd love to see how this concept could be expanded upon as well! I imagine that it would be fun to write into other worlds, or fold this idea into the mold of certain characters and their known tropes and characteristics. Grian, as a known skilled builder, may be more likely to alter his building blocks once he has a crafted-block base built for the sake of detailing, while Mumbo - who has only begun to expand his building skills in more recent seasons - may rely more heavily on crafted materials. Tango, being knowledgeable in intricate redstone, may have a custom set of tools he uses specifically for manipulating his circuits, while Bdubs' fascination with the intricate inner workings of clocks has led him to acquire a very different set of tools of his own. Maybe Gem is skilled in hands-on gardening the way TFC is skilled in the world of true mining, and maybe Welsknight creates his own armor by hand since his more medieval apparel isn't something that can be made on a simple crafting table.
Just...some food for thought. 😉
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limelocked · 17 days
It would be funny if we goncharoved a better minecraft movie
It would have to have a proper name and not The Minecraft Movie TM so the abomination doesn’t get clout but
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bluewolfangel01 · 2 months
-The way to a demon's true form is cuddles-
When comfortable and very relaxed, and mainly alone with mc/you, the demon brothers shift into their demon forms, on purpose or not, and you can't change my mind about that
I imagine when cuddling or sleeping with Levi or Belphie and they'll let their demon forms out, they'll curl up slightly and wrap their tail around you
Levi's tail will wrap his tail mostly around the legs and arms, and maybe if he's a bit more needy then normal, around the torso
Belphie's tail will wrap around any and everywhere, he'll even let you use the fluffy bit of his tail as a pillow or cuddle buddy sometimes the tail will even move on its own to be held by you but Belphie will never admit it
Sadly Satan's tail is too sharp to be allowed to be cuddle with, unless precautions are taken, but if there's a nice plush blanket wrapped around you or his tail then it can be cuddled with
When cuddling or sleeping with Mammon or Lucifer and their demon forms make an appearance, they tend to wrap their wings and arm(s) around you
Mammon being the clingy boy he is, likes to fully wrap both of his arms and both of his wings around you, he requires to be held or doing the holding there is no other way (unless you just don't care to have demon form cuddles)
Lucifer is okay with almost any cuddling position (he's a bit iffy if you want to be big spoon though) he's happy as long as he's holding you to some capacity, although his two favorite ones are where he is big spoon and he'll wrap his wings and arms around you or the other where he'll hold you with an arm and 2 of his wings
Although Asmo and Beel both have wings their wings are not as sturdy and a tad more delicate then Luci's or Mam's are which sadly means theres a slight risk if their wings are laid on, but that doesn't stop demon form wing cuddles
Idk why but I feel like Asmo probably has the weakest wings so he can't just wrap em around you while sleeping to make sure they dont get crushed, but he does like holding your hand and laying his wings on top of you while laying on his stomach if his demon form does decide to show itself
Although Beel's wings are stronger then Asmo's, he still has insect wings, so he can only lay them on top of you sadly, but when he's really happy/comfy, which mainly happens when he's holding you in his arms, his wings will make buzzing sounds
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the-king-of-lemons · 2 years
“im new to tumblr from mcyttwt what do i need to do :(”
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seriously dont fucking crosstag its a whole separate community
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pastelaeqy · 1 year
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happy 3rd life everyone!!!
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apoorhuman · 1 year
Levi: *crying and bawling hus eyes out*
Mc: *comforting him*
Lucifer: .... What happened? *raising an eyebrow at the two of you*
Mc: well... Levi-
Levi: HE FUCKING CHEATED ON MEEE *cries harder*
Lucifer: he? I didn't know you have a boyfrien-
Mc: it's not a boyfriend lucifer
Lucifer: then what is it?
Mc: he's Levi gaming buddy, apparently he found a new much more 'good' gaming buddy so he played with the new game buddy while still with Levi, and couple hours earlier Levi just got dumped by him.
Lucifer: ....... Where's mammon? *Levi cries and wails can be heard in the background*
Mc: well as soon as he found out what that demon did he immediately flies to go to they're place
Lucifer: for what?
Mc: .... To kill him
Lucifer: *dialed mammon immediately* mammon do not kill him
Lucifer: no, I said do not kill him, don't drop him yet, we need to torture him first
Lucifer: good, I'll tell Satan that he can have a stress relief toy, yes bring him here
Mc: ... This is why I love them (the brothers) *smiles*
Mc: Levi... Do you want to watch the whole tsl from season one to three?
Levi: *sniff* four?
Mc: ok *smiles* four season, let's go, help me get the popcorn
Levi: *sniff* okay... *little smile*
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yunoftheclouds · 2 months
This is how lesson 16 went right (blood warning)
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deernozone · 7 months
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bugpip · 8 months
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first kiss
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nondelphic · 1 month
i fucking love writing a healthy best friendship between a man and a woman without making it weird or having them fall in love
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that1notetaker · 9 months
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When I was about 14 I thought Endermen were so cool and I'd give them tragic Greek backstories and I wanted to be their friend so bad. They're just existing. They don't like eye contact. They hold blocks just because they can and destroy public property like the god intended. They get overwhelmed and rampage out of their control and probably wonder why there's blood on their hands.
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raycatz · 3 months
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Some dungeon predictions (and things I'd just like to see xD ) for the upcoming arc!
(inspired by boards I've seen in the past. like this! Art from @/linkeduniverse!)
I love Zelda dungeons and LU dungeon crawling fics are some of my favorites! I'm so excited to see what puzzles Jojo's come up with! Nine person puzzles? Let's goOOO!!! There's so many possible interesting things to do with the chain's items and abilities.
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jeena-says-hi · 9 months
Secret life spoilers
Grian jumping off a cliff after winning third life
Scar jumping into a ravine in order to win secret life
Nobody talk to me, I am not ok
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bluewolfangel01 · 14 days
I love the unhinged idea that if Mc is angry or dissapointed with the demons, that they would create a circle of salt around themselves and just stay in it
And no matter the immense combined powers that Diavolo, Barbatos, and the Brothers hold, they ain't getting past the salt circle no matter what they do
Salt is the most powerful thing in the Devildom, confirmed
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Imagine how soft Lucifer would get if he woke up to MC looming over him and peppering his face with endless kisses. He'd melt into a happy little demon puddle while they tell him about all the little things he does that make them fall in love with him harder.
He'd spend the day grinning like a fool and making dumb little mistakes like walking into doors or overfilling his coffee cup because he's distracted.
Time to bring back soft!luci hours 😌 reader is gender neutral!
The brothers were wary of Lucifer this morning, and more than usual.
His smile was far too content this early- Hell, it was weird to even see a smile from him! They know that he’s not a morning demon, but to see him so wide awake and happy about was…unsettling.
They never knew of the special wake-up call you gave him. How you softly peppered his face with kisses, not even missing his scrunched nose or the lids of his tightly shut eyes. How gentle you caressed his cheeks while whispering how much you love him and all that he means to you.
It took all that was in him to get out of bed- even if the reason were to merely meet and return your kisses.
But his brothers or anyone else weren’t aware of that, and it only made them more leery of him. To have such a bright aura surrounding him was something everyone should be fearing- especially when he was making such simple mistakes. Signing paperwork in the wrong spot, knocking over his coffee, even finding himself being pranked by the Anti-Lucifer League.
Satan couldn’t even find it in himself to laugh or gloat in Lucifer’s mishaps because of how he wasn’t even affected by them. It left him and Belphie baffled when he just shook it off and continue smiling as if nothing happened.
While Lucifer was somewhat aware of people actively avoiding him, he welcomed it, and hoped that it continued for the rest of the day and throughout the night.
Because it meant that you could continue your session from this morning uninterrupted- and he wants to return the favor as soon as he could.
He wants you to know just how much you’re loved by him, and how much he keeps falling for you even more as each day passes.
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solardrake · 2 years
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Oh The Biomes You'll Go - Lush Stacks House
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