drawotion · 2 years
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Remembered an OC of mine. Icye, my beloved... 💙
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
me catching up on b.nha cause i’ve been behind!!!!!! there are way too many thoughts here wtf. if you read this, i am sorry for my chaos self in advance.
ep. 120: ERI AND ALLMIGHT CUDDLED UP WATCHING THE NEWS AIZAWA BEING A BADASS. MIDORIYA COMING IN WITH THE SAVE. & omg compress KEEPING toga extra clothes?!?! AHHHHHHHH!!! how did i NOT remember that?! that is the cutest THING?!?! / toga vc: thanks dad! every time mt. lady talks in english all i can hear is canna from fairy tail. asdljkfn. CEMENTOS (sp?!?!) DESERVES MORE LOVE. YOU GO MAN.
midnight: who's quirk can stop that beast?? no one but me: .... OCHAKO COULD FLOAT HIM ?! like in the future
but the kids got this, but i am still not ready as,kdhjfb. so fucking proud of momo in this. & all the kids tbh
honestly. you know what i am not ready for? the togachako fight.
ep. 121:
MINA'S ACID MANNNNN!!!! LETS GO MINAAA!!!!!! GET THROUGH DABIS FLAME--- the fact that her acid is so powerful & people fucking FORGET that. also how tf did i forget MACHIA was THE VILLAIN from her childhood?!?!-- its been too long since i read the manga .... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH KIRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT MY BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII in shiggy;'s speech-- THE IMAGE OF CHAKO HOLDING THE LIL GIRL!??! STUDIO BONES MY HEART. omg gran torino!!!!!!!!!! thank u deku and ryukyu for punching the shit outta shiggy.... fuck. i wasn't ready for it to hit aizawa even tho i knew it was coming.
ep. 122:
.... holy shit aizawa even held it together with the slice.
DEKU IS SO FERALLLLLL. how'd i also forget this is where he unlocks float? P-P-PONYTAIL CHAKOOOOOOOOOOOOO :DDDD also ochako yelling @ bakugou for being mean to deku is SOOO my ochako!! LMAOOOO
also bakugou sitting there watching them and hiding in his shirt?! i cannot with this gremlin!
watching deku beat himself up is giving sm anxiety i fucking cannot
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FUCKING KATSUKI YOU FUCKING````````````````````klawejuhrfflakwjerh ----- ....
holy shit, didn't think my ASS you kNEW what you were doing --- OMG.
i need a NAP.
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storge · 2 years
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I'm going to quit the company. Keep at it, Kaneda. Is this really okay?
Senpai, This Can’t be Love! 1.04
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pistolslinger · 3 years
why does time move in such a stupid way when u have adhd
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watchmakermori · 5 years
today I learned that brendon is one of few artists to actually sing the operatic section of bohemian rhapsody live?????? even queen doesn’t do that. they didn’t even do it when freddie was alive. marc matel doesn’t seem to do it either. fucking power to mr disco
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scngstcss · 5 years
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         “My goodness. Crest babies, huh?”
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rnswrths-blog · 6 years
chocolatya started following you
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Addidentally Injuring Their S/o
Part Two Here
YT Video Here (thanks @vanillaicedlatte-yt)
Genre: a n g s t
Type: Drabble/ Headcannons
Summary: in the heat of an arguement, after a battle, etc., they activate their quirk and Y/n somewhat permanently.
Warnings: gore, blood, fighting/ cursing, crying, burns, toxic relationships, 290 spoilers, endeavor
Other: This was meant to come out yesterday, but shitty mental health got in the way, so yeet. Also, I’m sorry these get worse and worse as they progress, that’s usually how things go for me. This was also inspired by a Tik Tok that I can’t find where Shigaraki accidentally dusts y/n who’s trying to comfort him. It was a Cosplay, if anyone can find it please let me know so I can link it and credit the creator.
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Bakugou, Todoroki
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist)
Tomura Shigaraki
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It had started as a great day, a perfect day even. Everyone was listening to him, the league was getting news coverage, people were afraid.
Everything was too perfect.
Something was going to go wrong, he was sure of it.
He hated the way everyone was laughing and joking together, Toga helping Magne do her nails, Spinner playing video games with Twice backstage, and you were chatting with Dabi and Compress about the league’s next moves.
Kuroguri was off doing something or other, and he’d mentioned another ‘follower of All For One.’
But something felt off.
And of course you would notice him.
You were hiding at an abandoned theatre, and he was sitting on the edge of the stage, staring out at the empty audience.
You were with Dabi and Compress in the wings, and glanced away from them towards your boyfriend.
He seemed stressed, scratching at his neck vigorously. You sighed, standing up and heading over to him, sitting beside him.
You placed your hand on top of his spare hand, offering him a soft smile.’
“Hey, baby~” you cooed. “How’s my boyfriend doing?”
He grumbled, yanking his hand away from you. Your theory was correct, he was stressed about something.
He didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially not you. You always tried to comfort him and convince him everything was ‘okay’ even when it wasn’t.
“Go away.” He growled. “I’m trying to think.”
“Thinking about what?” You asked, scooching closer to him.
“None of your fucking business!” He snapped at you, and you flinched away from him.
“Tomura, I was just trying to help-“ you frowned at him. He could be immature and bratty at times he’s, but he usually made sure not to get that way with you.
“I don’t give a shit! I don’t need your damn help!” He stood up, marching over to the wings to head backstage. You followed suit.
Compress and Dabi quickly rushed off the stage when they saw Shigaraki heading towards them. Dabi stopped for a moment next to you, looking at you.
“Good luck with him.” He said, jerking his head towards Shigaraki. You shrugged at him.
Shigaraki overheard Dabi’s notion, anger and distress intensifying. Good luck? Good luck?! What the hell was wrong with him?
Dabi and Compres joined Toga and Magne in the red velvet chairs, Compress requesting that he gets his nails done in orange and black when she finished with Magne’s.
Shigaraki pushed aside the large heavy curtains blocking his way backstage, finding Spinner and Twice huddled near a small TV, an old PvP game loading onscreen
They both looked over their shoulders, staring up at their boss. You quickly darted backstage, crouching next to the ‘gamer boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis’ as they had nicknamed themselves.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered to them. “He’s in a bit of a mood. I’ll take care of it, okay?”
Did he hear you correctly?
A mood?
You’ll ‘take care of it?’
Of it?
“Say that again, to my fuckung face!” Shigaraki screamed at you. “Tell me I’m just ‘iN a MoOd’ again!!”
You turned to him, eyes wide and scared.
“I’m sorry, Tomura, I didn’t mean it like that- I just didn’t want our friends to worry!”
“They aren’t our fucking friends! They just work for us- they work for me!” He corrected himself.
You stood up, flicking your wrist to motion for Twice and Spinner to leave. They quickly turned off their game and rushed away.
“You might not consider them our friends, but they’re certainly my friends. And I won’t let you scare my friends.” You stood your ground, taking a step towards him.
He scoffed, turning around and marching back onstage. You sighed, following after him, again.
“Please, Tomura talk to me. I’m your partner I want to help you!” You exclaimed. “You’re worrying me, please!”
“Well I don’t want to fucking talk!” He shouted, “and I don’t have to!”
“Please, Tenko!”
He saw red.
His hand flew away from him before he could stop himself, a target missile. It’s destination? Your face.
You lifted your hands instinctively, and he grabbed your wrist, fingers curling around your skin.
In that moment, all he felt was relief. Thank fucking god you’d lifted your arms. It was the one thing that has saved you from him.
You screamed, pain shooting up through you from your arm. Your skin peeled, falling away in tiny fragments of dust.
The dust fell around his fingers, your hand and wrist were completely gone now.
You felt someone pull you backwards, and you saw a glint of silver as Toga quickly severed your arm, blood spilling onto the floor of the stage where the pile of dust that used to be your arm lay.
You fell to your knees, screaming, reaching up and clutching at your elbow- the point of separation- desperately, trying to will your arm back into existence.
“TOMURA!” You shrieked, tears falling down your cheeks. “TOMURA! FIX IT!!”
It was hopeless, you knew there was no way for him to un-dust you. You fell forward, forehead pressed against the floor.
Shigaraki took a step back, glancing at his hand. There were a few speckles of dust resting on his palm. His breath quickened, eyes widening as he cupped his other hand over his mouth.
He stared down at you, Blood staining your shirt as you screamed and cried.
It must have hurt.
He remembered the promise he’d made after you’d started dating, when he’d protected you from some assholes trying to mug you.
“I promise you, I’m going to protect you. Nothing, no one, will lay a hand on you ever again.”
It was a promised meant against anyone who posed a threat to you.
He never meant to become a threat himself.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
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Some days were always going to be better than others, that’s simply how it works when you’re recovering from trauma.
Today was one of the bad days.
He’d woken up with a thick, heavy, dark feeling in his chest.
He wasn’t even comforted by the warmth your body produced next to him.
Most days he’d roll over and wrap his arm around your body, pulling you close to his body to cuddle you.
This morning however, Dabi rolled away from you and climbed out of bed. You looked over your shoulder at him, confused and slightly hurt. Did you do something to make him upset last night?
You followed after your angsty boyfriend, walking out of the bedroom and down the hall into the kitchen.
He crashed at your apartment a lot, being a villain it was hard to get his own home. You didn’t know where he stayed when he wasn’t at your place.
He grabbed a box of cereal out of the cupboards, pouring himself a bowl. You pulled the milk out of the fridge, handing it to him with a smile.
He scrunched up his nose at your kindness, snatching the carton from your hand and angrily pulling the cap off.
You sighed, nervously pouring yourself a bowl as Dabi started to eat. He didn’t even bother to sit at the table.
“Hey, babe? You okay? You seem kind of... off today.”
Your boyfriend glanced down at you, cerulean eyes seemingly staring right through you.
“M’fine.” He grunted. Your frown tightened.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that.” You shook your head at him.
Dabi glared down at you in annoyance. His scowl deepening. You took a step back, concerned and scared.
“Dabi, please talk to me.” You pleaded with him.
“Uzéndayo.” He grumbled angrily. “Fuck off.”
“Please, you’ll hurt my feelings.” You scoffed sarcastically. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
“Don’t fuckin need to. Leave me alone.”
“Dabi, this is my place. I’m not leaving you alone.”
“Then I’ll leave!” He snapped, brushing past you and leaving his cereal on the counter to sog.
He snatched his jacket off the back of the couch, shrugging it onto his shoulders.
“Seriously, Dabi! What the hell’s going on! Did I do something wrong?”
It pissed him off further to hear you blame yourself. You always thought it was your fault, but it never was.
“Oh shut the fuck up for once! Quit thinking it’s all about you! It’s not always about you!”
“Dabi just fucking talk to me! I’m not letting you leave until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You stepped in front of the door, flinging your arms open to block ilhis exit. He looked you in the eyes, seething.
“Nothing happened!” He shouted “Sometimes I’m just angry for no reason! Get out of my way and I’ll take my anger out on some rando and not on you. Then I’ll come back and we can pretend this never happened.”
“Dabi I won’t let you just kill some innocent person because you’re upset! Just sit with me and we can talk it out and-“
“That’s always your solution! Quit being a wimpy pacifist and move!”
“I’m not a pacifist, I just don’t think you should kill without reason!”
“Well I have a fucking reason!”
“And what’s that?”
“I want to!”
“That’s not a reason!”
“Just get out of my fucking way or I’ll make you!”
“Dabi, just talk to me!”
It was the last thing you said before he grabbed your arm and pulled your body forward to meet his. Your chest pressed against his, his face right in front of yours.
It’d be hot if you weren’t so scared.
“Listen here you little shit,” he growled, low and angry “I’m stronger than you in every fucking way.”
“I could kill you in an instant if I so desired.”
“Incinerate your filthy annoying ass any day I want, so be fucking grateful for once and watch your damn mouth!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN! I am superior to you in every way, you should be grateful I even share oxygen with you!”
“I DON’T CARE IF IT HURTS, LISTEN TO ME YOU DIRTY MOTHERFUCKER!” He screamed in your face, eyes wild with unchecked rage.
Tears flowed down your face as you sobbed, indescribable pain was shooting up through your arms.
Dabi’s eyes finally drifted downwards, and he froze, mouth falling slack.
Smoke was billowing off his hands, and his knuckles were white with how hard he was gripping you.
He snapped his hands away from you, curling them into his body as his eyes widened. He took a few steps back.
There were black scorch marks on your body in the shape of his hands. They looked real bad.
“Get out.” You whispered, so soft he couldn’t hear.
“GET OUT!” You screamed, pointing at the door despite the intense pain in your arms. “GET OUT OR I’M CALLING THE POLICE!”
“B-baby I’m sorry!” He shouted “I didn’t mean to, I promise!”
Dabi stumbled past you, quickly rushing out of your apartment and shutting the door behind him.
His back was pressed against the wood as he slid down, covering his face as he listened to your sobs on the other side, hearing your footsteps fade into the bathroom, probably to run cold water on your skin.
For a moment, all the could think about was the cereal on the counter, getting soggy.
“Fuck.” He muttered, eyes burning as they tried to produce tears without his tear ducts.
“I’m so fucking sorry.”
Shoto Todoroki
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Shit wrong emo scar boy with daddy issues, fire powers, and an evil older sibling with blue fire
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There we go
It was a shitty day. 
Well, most days were shitty days, but today was shittier than usual. 
A home visit, Endeavor trying to act like he was ‘upset about everything that happened,’ and pretending he was the victim in the situation.
It would be enough to set anyone on edge, especially Shouto. 
So it wasn’t much of a surprise when he returned to the dorms with a deep frown on his face.
Even when Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka tried to talk to him, he still seemed angry the whole time. There was really only one thing that should be able to cheer him up. Let’s hope you do your job well.
“Knock knock~ Shouto it’s me!” you stood on the outside of Shouto’s dorm. You knew Shouto must be stressed, so you’d gotten him some brownies from the sweets cupboard, Sato’s locks were easy to pick.
“I don’t want to fucking talk.” his response was blunt, clearly annoyed that you’d bothered his brooding. “Go away.”
You sighed, he could act like such a child sometimes!
“Shouto, I just want to cheer you up! Let me in, babe.” a moment later, he swung the door open, am annoyed glare on his face. You smiled sweetly at him, handing him the plate of brownies. His hands remained in his pockets, glancing down at the brownies then back up at you.
“Um... can I come in?” you asked quietly. He shrugged, stepping aside to let you in. You stepped past him, sitting on the edge of the platform bed, setting the brownies on the nightstand. 
Shouto closed the door behind him, turning to face you.
“Do... do you want to talk about it?” Shouto huffed, shaking his head and looking away from you.
“Do I look like I want to talk?” he snapped. You flinched, his tone was harsh.
“Shouto I just want to help, you don’t need to be rude.”
“I don’t give a shit if I’m being ‘rude.’“ He growled, arms crossed. 
His eyes stared coldly at you. Yeah, he was definetly upset.
“That’s okay, we can chat about something else. Oh, Sato probably needs to change the lock on the sweets cupboard, I kinda broke it getting you these brownies!” you looked up at him, smile faltering as he looked down his nose at you. “Are... are you mad at me?”
“Wow, you just noticed that.” he rolled his eyes. “I told you to go away but you didn’t.”
“I-I’m sorry, I was just really worried about you. You’re my boyfriend and I love you, I don’t like seeing you upset.”
“Then maybe you should try fucking listening to me for once. If I don’t want to talk, then you can’t make me talk.” You nodded, apologizing again.
“Oh my god shut the fuck up!” he shouted. “You’re always talking, always apologizing, you’re getting on my fucking nerves!”
“Okay!” you stood up quickly, lifting your hands defensively. “I’ll just leave!”
You brushed past him on your way to the door, hesitating on the handle. You glanced over your shoulder at him.
“Would you fucking stop with the pity?” you looked at the ground, not saying anything.
You heard the slap before you felt it.
The sting shot through your face, and you could hear Shouto shouting at you, but it was muffled. You didn’t know what he was saying. 
You lifted your hand to your cheek, hissing in pain. He didn’t just slap you,
He used his fire.
You choked on your words, turning to look at your boyfriend with tear-filled eyes.
Shouto was looking at you with a look of sheer horror on his face.
“I’m sorry...” you whimpered. “I’m going-” you slipped out the door, ignoring Shouto’s shout for you to turn back and talk to him
That it was an accident.
That he didn’t mean it.
That didn’t matter.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
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Fuck Icy-Hot. 
Fuck. Him.
He said he’d gotten stronger since the Summer Camp, but he hadn’t at all.
He was still loosing to Todoroki, and no matter how hard he was working, he still kept loosing to him.
His hand was buried in his hair, tugging harshly every so often as he listened to you ramble about something that happened during your work study.
Even you were getting ahead of him, his own partner was getting stronger than him. He’d promised he’d protect you, but that would be useless if you kept improving faster than him.
“Then afterwords, FatGum took me, Kirishima, and Amajiki to this resturaunt, and the owner turned out to be a huge fan of FatGum, she gave us free desert! Oh my gosh the cake was so good!” you exclaimed, laughing a little.
Bakugou grumbled under his breath a little, keeping his eyes away from your estatic face. 
“Great.” you glanced back to your boyfriend from where you sat at your desk, eyebrows furroring. Usually, Katsuki would give you one of those proud smirks all like ‘that’s my partner,’ but today he seemed upset.
“You alright, Katsuki? Was your provisional licence class stressful today?” you asked sympathetically, moving your hand towards him to comfort him. 
He yanked his hand away from you, shooting you a pissed off look.
“Fuck no.” he growled. “Even if it was, I can handle it. I don’t need your damn help.” you rested your hand on your lap.
“I know, Katsuki. My boyfriend’s so strong!” you smiled brightly at him. Usually complimenting him would make him feel better, but today it seemed to only piss him off more.
“Shut up.” he hunched over, curling into himself more. He pulled one leg up to his chest, holding it under his knee. 
“Uh.. are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, cocking your head to the side gently.
“I’m fucking fine!” He snapped, keeping his eyes anywhere but on you. “I don’t need your pity!”
“Pity? Katsuki I’m not pitying you, I’m worried for you. You’re my boyfriend and I want you to be happy so-”
“Didn’t I say to shut up?” he stood up, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Don’t give me your worry, fight me instead!”
“Why the hell would I fight you, Katsuki? I already know you’re stronger than me!”
“Fucking how? You got that new work study you’re constantntly talking about! How haven’t you gotten stronger than me?”
“Is that what this is about? I’ve only been at my work study for a few days, how in the world could I have leaped leagues in that amount of time to reach your level?”
“Then why even join that stupid work study if you’re not getting stronger?”
“I am getting stronger, just not fast enough to be at your level that quickly!” you explained. “Sorry?”
“Ugh just shut the fuck up!” he shouted, storming out of your dorm and down the hall to the common room. There were a only a few people in there,
Yao-Momo and Jirou in the kitchen, Kirishima and Kaminari on the couches, and Sero was leaning over the back of the couch. They all looked up when Bakugou stormed in with you on his tail.
“Katsuki, you’re confusing me! What’s going on? How can I help? Is it something I did?” 
“Just leave me alone, okay? Go away!” he shouted over his shoulder. Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Jirou, and Yaoyorazu all snapped their heads towards you and Bakugou.
“Katsuki, please! You’re scaring me!” you glanced over at your friends, Jirou and Yao-Momo glancing between each other and muttering. 
“Yo, Kachan, the hell’s going on between you and Y/n?” Kaminari asked, standing up. Sero hissed at him to sit down if he wanted to keep his head.
“I’m sorry, Kaminari, Bakugou’s upset and I don’t know why-”
“Don’t know why? Quit it with the lies! I hate liars!”
“I-I’m not lying! I really don’t know!” you reached forward, latching your hand onto his wrist. “Please just talk to me!”
“BULLSHIT!” he snapped his hand away from yours. “You’re a fucking liar!”
“Bakubro, calm down!” Kirishima stood up, briskly walking over to the two of you. 
“STAY OUT OF THIS!” Bakugou slammed his palm against Kirishima’s face, setting off a small explosion.
“KIRISHIMA!” You ran to his side as the smoke cleared, finding his face hardened.
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” he assured you. He offered you a small smile, suddenly, he yelped and ducked, avoiding another hit from Bakugou.
“LET GO OF THEM!” he shouted, and his hand sparked twice before setting off again. This time right next to your face.
You hit the ground first, then felt stinging pain across your face and shoulder.
You didn’t even hear your own screaming because of the fact that he blew up your ears.
You didn’t register Kirishima picking you up, or Bakugou staring after you in fear, or the others in the room scolding Bakugou or worrying about you.
All you knew in that moment was pain.
Pure, white hot, agonizing pain.
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neale-47-rwby · 4 years
Oscar nicknames 
Oscar: hey Ruby?
Ruby: what’s up?
Oscar: you know how Jaune is vomit boy in your scroll.
Jaune: what!
Ruby: yeah, what about it?
Oscar: what am I in your scroll?
Ruby: oh this! (Shows Oscar her scroll and over his number is the name “My cinnamon roll”)
Oscar: what why!?
Ruby: why not! (Blushing a little)
Nora: yeah we all gave you a nickname Oscar!
Oscar: What!
Blake scroll: reading buddies
Oscar: I like that!
Weiss scroll: coffee buddies
Oscar: I agree early morning buddy
Weiss: (smiles sweetly)
Jaune scroll: little bro
Oscar: (dead pan look) No
Jaune: yes!
Ren scroll: Jr chefs
Oscar: why?
Ren: because we are cooking buddies.
Oscar: yeah, ok.
Nora scroll: Farm Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Oscar: (looks Nora in the face)
Nora: (smilies)
Oscar: that’s to many I’s
Nora: No it’s not!
Penny projects her contact on the wall: Freind Oscar
Oscar: seems about right.
Qrow scroll: small green kid
Oscar: ...
Qrow: what?
Oscar: at least it’s descriptive
Oscar: what about you Yang?
Yang: aaaa well, you see, I don’t want to show you.
Oscar: ... ok I guess that’s your choi-
Blake: (grabs her scroll) let’s see.
Yang: hey!
Blake: oh my, ... (shows scroll)
Yang scroll: Future brother-in-law
Ruby: YANG!!!
Yang: what! (Laughing)
Oscar: (blushing) ok then.
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i love seeing new dialogue in my different playthroughs
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hikaruvargas · 7 years
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I FUCKING die (^:
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soft-ship · 4 years
I'm totally exhausted and probably incoherent, but. I'm overwhelmed with how much I love Edward Elric??? Like, I don't even understand why or how because I know I wouldn't be able to stand him if we went to school together or smth, but I just think. He's very brave, and he makes me laugh, and he's really cute and over the top and I just kinda fell for him at first sight and it's so confusing but I'm not complaining cuz I'm happy and in love so. Yeah. Love him.
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And no, no no worries I know exactly what you mean about possibly not liking him.... I mean, this firey free spirit? In a SCHOOL SETTING???? Dear lordy no
But out there in the world? Having adventures and shit??? Saving lives???? That's where he SHINES
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ayzrules · 6 years
 tagged by @elissastillstands love u girl hope all is well <3
o Name: Alicia o Star sign: Leo/Virgo cusp but i ~identify~ more w virgo tyvm o Height: 5′5″ o Put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle: "Ace of Hearts” by Zella Day
“Girls Chase Boys Chase Girls” by Ingrid whateverherlastnameis
“Rearrange” by VERITE
“I’ll Rust With You” by Steam Powered Giraffe
“Cardiac Arrest” by Bad Suns
my music is just a random disorganized amalagation of songs i like tbh o Who is your celebrity crush? idk man cillian murphy??? tho i’m more likely to loudly obsess over how pretty an actress is than how good-looking an actor is TBH
o What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love? high heels on tile floor, my spanish prof’s spanish lisp (spanish spanish sounds diff from latin american spanish and they have this lisp that softens the hard “s” and “c” sounds, which is usually pretty annoying but like his isn’t obnoxious. also it probably doesn’t help that he’s like, 30 something and good-looking LOL). i hate uhhhh idk the fucking annoying ass notifciation sound for snapchat if i forget to turn it off in iphone settings o Do you believe in ghosts? nah bro o How about aliens? sure why not but like....miss me w that edgy sci-fi going out to space to find aliens bullshit. ya girl cant even find her way to the local grocery store w/o getting lost o Do you drive? ye but not often cuz i don’t have a car. fml. (i don’t have insurance either so its technically illegal to drive for me LOL)
o What was the last book you read? uhhh for fun i forget I re-read some stuff from middle school over the summer but the most recent book i read for fun that i hadn’t read before was probably “How to Marry a Werewolf (In 10 Easy Steps)” by Gail Carriger which was fuckin LIT yall read her books. Stalk her pinterest/tumblr (@gailcarriger). 12/10 would sell my soul for her.
for school um. idk some dumb textbook. we read two short stories by Emilia Pardo Bazan for my spanish lit class today does that count. she’s lit af too, one of the first spanish “”””feminist””” writers. also her stories have such an ~aesthetic~ i’ll make a pinterest board for one of them probs
o Do you like the smell of gasoline? eh o What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? sprained my wrist or some shit in pre-school. don’t really remember what happened, my friend was pulling me up a slide and then next thing u know i have a purple cast. *shrug emoji*
o Do you have an obsession right now? uh, the aesthetic of Crazy Rich Asians (SUCH. A. GOOD. MOVIE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) or like, nanowrimo? i’m hype for it this year, really excited to write my idea thing partly cuz the main char i have planned is just as extra and sarcastic and cynical as i am :^) maybe even more so lmfao
ALSO plants vs. zombies 2 YALL such a GOOD GAME. the puns are great. the music/graphics are great. the dialogue is on point. EVERYTHING IS GREAT.
(one time I had a quest to “defeat peasant zombies”. they were like, “They’re not pleasant, they’re peasant! And that’s terrible!” and I just burst out laughing cuz i have the IQ of a 5 year old and that’s peak comedy to me)
OH ALSO vine compilations boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. i love some good vines YEET
o Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not really but i don’t forget that they did it either, it just sort of stays as a like extremely neutral “oh yeah so-and-so was a dick to me in 5th grade hmm wonder how they’re doing” o In a relationship? nah LOL my annoying nosy gossipy asian mom keeps bugging me about it. smh.
tagging: @morningstar1399 @livesinabluebox @vampirkaninchen @hugsandnoregrets @officialdarklord @kzombi3 @ anyone else who wants to do it
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losvcr · 7 years
Ik there’s discourse going on but imagine Eleven in IT just throwing Pennywise around like “ho you think you’re so scary hmmmmmm????” Just. Kicking the shit out of him with her mind powers like yes you go kid. Whoop the clown boy’s ass
BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lmfaoooo. this made my day. eleven would totally demolish pennywise if the losers club could. eleven is a goddess. my child.
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skippitydippity · 6 years
Can i get a motherfuckin uh 💖 for uh overwatch or nuclear throne? (boi i know jack shit abt both of these uh oh)
neither of us remember what this ask was for but we THINK it’s on what ya fav character from something is.
overwatch - all around, Lúcio is. My Boy. he is sweet and funny and a musician and as happy as i strive to be. gameplay and personality are equally as good. other favorites for gameplay are junkrat or widow, because i love moving and being a fucking nuisance + i love some of the cool-ass spots n shots u can get w em. personality wise (other than lúcio) are genji or mccree. i love how smart n nice and funny genj is and he’s the cutest boy in the world + i got a lot headcanons for him, and mccree’s character comforts the fuck outta me and is where i strive to be, too. he’s kinda the person i wanna be, cowboy aesthetic and all. thats a joke i only want a cowboy hat
nuclear throne - oh shit boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. uh. i fucking LUV melting’s character and general apathy bc. Mood. also horror!! the cutest and sweetest little buddy!! i love playing as rebel, yv, horror and melting the most. as far as (the limited) lore goes, i fucking. Love. Lil’ Hunter. So. Much. he got left behind by all his IDPD pals and froze to death and went insane and it makes me sad. also hunter’s theme, the technomancer and the sewers + ballmom’s themes are the BEST and nobody can change my mind. also the oasis theme is good.
sorry. i like things i like and took this to Yell About Em As Much As Possible.
send me a 💖 and a fandom and i’ll tell you my favorite characters!
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schxbetta · 7 years
Xviperinae. Gimme the positive things mah dude. Love me some positive things.
Send me a url and I’ll write some positivity for it.
(( Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
What can I say about you, other than, my dude - you’re awesome. I feel like I say it every time but we’ve been friends for so long now and we’ve written together for so long now that I feel like this is a friendship that will last the ages (unless like, we both die or some shit which hopefully wont happen like fuck that amiryt? but then again i’d haunt you so lol). 
But honestly, I know we speak in segments and we both kinda come and go and we write together sporadically and stuff but you’re still my oldest friend here and you probably always will be. I love chatting to you about whatever old shit, whether that’s doggos (the beautiful boy himself), bananas (aka me and you), or actual writing (idk what that is lmao). But just know I always love our conversations, I always love annoying you and I always love our talks and the like.
You’re a beautiful bean and if I wasn’t such a lazy fuck-nugget, I’d voice chat with you a whole lot more (lmao, I’m shy -blushes-). 
You’re my FAVOURRITTEE DEPUTTYYY, in the words of Woody *did he say that, probably?*. Keep being awesome, my dude. Love ya.
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