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itsmmatchaa · 1 year
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.*𓆩♡𓆪⸸・゚ “the red flags are big but so is my dick” :)
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𓆩♡𓆪.SEX: god male
𓆩♡𓆪.SPECIES: demon? incubus prince? sex machine? the name you'll be screaming tonight? a nuisance for sure. Half demon prince, half human
𓆩♡𓆪.NAME: Niccolo Cifarelli
𓆩♡𓆪.NICKNAMES: nico, nilo, "the angel of art department", nicky, asmoday, the son of asmodeus, your highness
𓆩♡𓆪.OCCUPATIONS: prince of second circle of hell (lust), art student and a barista
𓆩♡𓆪.AGE: 246-ish
𓆩♡𓆪.BIRTHDAY: 6/9 nice (6th september)
𓆩♡𓆪.HOMETOWN: hell/woods in Italy
𓆩♡𓆪.HEIGHT: 195 cm
𓆩♡𓆪.EYECOLOR: Nico's eye color changes accordingly to his emotions, thats why he hides his eyes with glasses or his hair. Usually they are blue with brown hues, but can have hints of purple when he use his demonic powers, when he's angry or feeding himself with sexual energy, blood or flesh.
𓆩♡𓆪.HAIR: thick dark hair that cannot decide if it's black or dark brown, wavy and fluffy.
𓆩♡𓆪.BODY INFO: Nico's body is ripped. he use a lot of his time working out and carrying weight, art equipment and stones or clays since he likes sculpting. all that activities helped to turn him into a very strong guy. He also enjoys deadlifting and helping his dad with mechanics when he's fixing up cars.
𓆩♡𓆪.SKINCOLOR: Nico has a tanned skin thanks to the amount of time he gets under the sun helping his mother with orange harvest and sketching people.
𓆩♡𓆪.ABOUT NICO: son of asmodeus himself and a human woman. his mother died in Triora centuries ago being judged as a witch, when in fact she was just a very beautiful young and intelligent woman without a husband and refunsing to marry a old man.
when nico's mother arrived in hell, the demon asmodeus was amazed by her beauty and kindness, he decided to woo her and take her as his wife. she was strangely kind even though she was in hell. Asmodeus knew that someone had probably misjudged her and sent her to hell, which at this point was a daily basis (seriously heaven/hell bureaucracy is a mess), but asmodeus didn't want to lose her and decided to hide her existence. asmodeus waited years for her to feel comfortable enough to get into a relationship and copulate with him and together they had only one child: Niccolo.
Niccolo was born human and very weak, unfortunally the infernal air was not good for his weak human lungs, he was always coughing a lot so Asmodeus took his wife and children to a wood cabin to live in the human world. years passed and despite the efforts of his mother and father, unfortunately Niccolo died at the age of 13, due to the plague and his fragile health, on the island of Poveglia, along with other infected people. Asmodeus knew that he could not interfere with his son's death, otherwise the boy could become a lost soul without memories of his life, however de demon lord had a little bit of hope that maybe his son could turn into a demon when he died.
after Niccolo's death, a search was made after all the dead souls hoping to find Asmodeus's son but without success. Nico disappeared for about 200 years until a young boy suddenly appeared in hell, looking for his parents, saying that heaven was too boring
"I really tried be a good boy, but I couldn't do anything and they were already pointing their swords at me.”
when asmodeus learned that the heavens had kept his son for all this time, he was pissed, but at his son's request nothing was done and he wouldn't declare war to heaven... this time
"it took me a long time to see you father, and I don't want to look at any angels so soon"
Niccolo was now dead, and as Asmodeus predicted, he became a demon and a refused soul (when you ascend to heaven but get kicked out). asmodeus was proud while Nico's mother was slapping his shoulders while crying after so much time without seeing her only son.
after spending time with his family, Niccolo had been given the title of Asmoday, reborning as a hell's prince, and no one demon ever speak his name again. * (please check trivia for more information)
𓆩♡𓆪.PERSONALITY: even if he's flirtatious, full of shit and sometimes mysterious, he's kind and caring, he's a goofball honestly. his demonic personality does get the best of him sometimes, he can't fight the urge of making jokes and stealing people's heart with his looks (and he will seduce you in purpose, yes) but at the same time he's also clumsy and cute.
hes the type of guy that makes every woman's heart beat fast not matter the age, the type all mother want to their daughters. the way he talks to mrs. Amelia, an old lady and his neighbor, like she's young again, it's so cute, and it's so beautiful to see her smiling and blushing because of the compliments that Niccolo has said. he knows that a little compliment makes the day of the old lady.
"Oh Mrs. Amelia, you're shining today! May I have the pleasure of your company to the train station my lady?"
Nico also enjoys his time alone, listening to music or running early in the morning, calisthenics or painting. But there's nothing he enjoys more than vacation, when he goes back to Italy and can see his parents in the human form, and pretend they are normal humans for a bit, helping his mother taking care of her farm, and helping his dad when he's messing up with old cars. that one hobbie made Nico a big fan of races, it's not rare seeing him in street racings with his white nissan 180sx and believe me, he's fast as fuck when wants to win.
Nico is like a puppy dog when in love, he'll cherish and love you, you're going to be his sun, his moon and all hi starts, he'll draw you, sculpt you and kill for you if necessary. he´s the type that would wear a "my girl is hotter tahn you" shirt and he would be proud about it, even if he's supposed to be bad, if you ask, he'll be the most loyal puppy in the world. but don't be surprised if one day you wake up with a very hungry half demon boyfriend next to you needing sexual energy. after all he's kind of the prince of sex demons and when incubus fall in love they can only feed from his beloved and oh boy he's insatiable.
𓆩♡𓆪.LIKES: playing bass, cars, sculping, oranges and tangerines, messing with cars, iced coffee with 2 spoon's of sugar and milk, cats, the smell of rain
𓆩♡𓆪.DISLIKES: flu, hospitals, extreme unhygienic people and places, blank pages, when he miss a race, pure milk (he only drinks milk with chocolate powder or sugar). Cooking (he can't cook for his life), churches
names are sacred to demons, so when a demon makes himself known he is given a false name or title. Some demons are so ancient that we only know their titles. If you speak the real name of a demon, you can end up dying or you will feel enormous pain. The only ones who can speak a demon's name are those close to them or to whom the demon has made a confession (the act of telling the demons name).
can't cook for shit, but he's very good at making drinks. he work as an barista with Yao Mei.
each demon has a way of protecting its name, by telling it to everyone and putting a seal on themselves, or being so powerful that even if everyone knows it won't change anything. Or killing everyone who knows their name.
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arino-ruuka · 1 year
Yo I had fun (literally in a mid of an artblock)
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Translations (like anyone out there needed it from this piece of trash):
Malleus: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Child of Man. Are you the new resident of this place? If it is, then that's quite unfortunate reminding me that this building was the only inhabitant one inside of this school. I am, frankly, a fan of this place. The silence made me feel calm. But ... I see. It is indeed quite unfortunate that this building is already occupied. I hope you take a really good care of this place, Child of Man."
My Twst player!Yuusona: HE'S ONE OF A BIG TALKER, HUH. Isn't he like 202 cm tall, but why is he seems like a 195 cm tho—
(*Malleus is cheating with his horns. /real)
--- a lil note, "bacot" in my language is a rude way to say "stfu" or also a rude way to call "a person who talks too much", but I've got nothing to translate it other than "big talker" lol
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lake-archive · 3 months
Track 5
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: Secrets & Trust
Characters: Ann Wolff (OC), Gentaro Yumeno
AO3 Link
Track 4 - Track List - Track 6
The face of the investigator had been something else the moment he saw the duo reentering the room. Gentaro saw how wide his eyes went when the two had walked  back in, sitting back down. It had been a look of irritation, the investigator glancing at Gentaro.
‘ What do you think you're doing!? ’ He asked with his gaze alone. Even if the young man had done nothing in the end.
“Please, go on.” It was going to be the last thing Gentaro intended to say in this conversation. This was no longer his to be held. This was now between Ann and the detective. Gentaro himself was no longer part of this. He would have left and yet he noticed the nervousness of the person right next to him. He only shot a glance, asking if he should stick around at which they nodded. The only reason he was still around to begin with. Yet he had decided to remain silent during the entire conversation.
“Please tell me that he forgot to–” The detective was about to sigh yet it got cut short in just a few seconds.
“Sir, I'm not going to leave without anything in hands.” They interrupted him. “Especially not after what Yumeno–Sensei has told me.”
“So he did… Good grief…”
“Well, kind of? He just said that it's family related. I assume that you already know who I am?”
“Yeah, your face and name give it away. And you know nothing, you poor thing… You know, ignorance is bliss sometimes. Are you–”
“Please, don't start with that now. If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be here.“ Their gaze narrowed, unusually sharp. They were getting annoyed, clearly, and their tone indicated just as much.
The man only sighed, then eyeing the envelope on the table. Nothing was said for a while, he seemed to think. The silence was unbearable, to say the least. He didn't want to, clearly. He really didn't want to say a word. And yet–
“Please, tell me! Whatever it is, I wish to know! If anyone in my family is involved espe–”
And then he passed it with one hand over to them, silencing them at this moment. “You're just as stubborn as your old man.” He mumbled out loud, only leaving Ann confused for a short moment. And yet, despite all of that, their hands slowly reached out for it, taking it and holding it up before staring at the informant for a moment. “Open up. You'll see.”
They nodded for a moment, then slowly opening it, careful to not rip apart whatever was inside. They then reached into it, their hand slowly pulling out a file with a photograph attached to it.
The photo portrayed an old man, though he looked middle aged at most. Who would think he was a little over his 60s? Short, ravenblack hair, one side of his face covered by said hair. The eyes are dark green. The skin is a little pale. His face profile resembles Ann's a little – A similar eye shape for one… And also the mouth somewhat, the resemblance was there. His clothes in the picture are formal, a black suit with a black tie. This was him… A man they knew better than anyone else in this room…
“Dad?” Ann said, confused. “What the–”
“That man is Karl Wolff. He is… The leader of The Demented.“
As soon as that sentence fell they dropped the file onto the table, no longer looking at it. Their body was frozen in that position, as if still holding said file in their hands, yet they knew that they did not. The body may as well have been a statue, just sitting there in place. “Wh… What– That's… A joke. Dad would never–”
“Man's sure got his kid fooled. Believe me when I say that he would. “
“But… That…”
“Let me fill you in on something here kiddo… Because that man isn't who he seems. “
Karl Wolff
Age: 60
Birthday: 9th January
Height: 195 cm
Weight: 85 kg
An old man who has been one of the local politicians within Tokyo before the H–Age. He is living in Japan due to his current wife, Leonie, having been transferred here for her job. With her he has one daughter, Ann. Though this is not his first family. Apparently he has lived in Japan for almost a decade with his first wife. Though he traveled back to Germany after divorcing her and having been forced to leave her with his son. There is not much information on his first family at the moment yet I doubt they are of any relevance. He and his old family are out of touch for almost twenty years, even his son.
He has been thriving, having been seen as a ‘man of the people’. Most of the locals know him and had nothing but positive things to say. How he is always friendly and polite. Not just that but he advocated for changes which benefited the community in the long run and spoke out on the pressing issues. Yet he comes off as a ‘klutzy old man’. Despite being a foreigner he quickly won the people over. And yet, no one is aware of the dirt he has on him. Rumor has it that he has had a hand on some downfalls here and there – Making sure to dispose of the headmaster at a school to expose a mayor in the shadows. All because they crossed paths with him. I couldn't confirm how far his involvement reached in any case nor how legal any of those instances are yet they always occured when he seemed to not be pleased with the people in question. Given what he went on to do I would not be surprised if he played dirty yet just enough to not build a case against him. Basically this guy has abused some loopholes or gray areas. He managed to avoid prison just fine.
Shortly after the H–Age had begun however he disappeared from the public eye, kind of. He has gone into hiding, most likely from Chuohku. His daughter still has some contact with him yet it is few and far between. The man keeps her at an arm's length, enough to not involve her in his current endeavors I take. At least he isn't heartless… 
Karl has been thrown out by his wife. The locals who know Leonie say that it had been a surprise and she herself has changed into a man hating devotee of the Party Of Words. The change came from one day to the next.
I'm not sure why he has gone through the lengths but he has decided to form a group to oppose the current government. He called it The Demented and its members are growing more and more by the day. He recruits individuals he personally deems worthy. Apparently this man still has his connections despite being a retired politician. That is how he is able to collect information he needs about everyone he wants to recruit and tells them what they want to hear.
The attacks of The Demented only become worse. All of these are Karl’s orders, no doubt about it. He stops at nothing.
This was difficult to dig up. The man knows how to get rid of his traces a little too well. A desperate old man if you ask me… But I'm just here to give you this information. Do with it what you want.
“Wh… Why?” The last word Gentaro heard Ann utter before falling completely silent. There was not much of a reaction afterwards. All they did was leave in silence moments later and then not speak a word for days.
Track 4 - Track List - Track 6
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rhyselinn · 3 years
Gather round folks, it’s time to talk about Shovel Knight characters’ canon heights!
First things first, let’s talk about our friend Reize Seatlan.
His creator, Seizui, has been building canon around this character for years, and this link tells us that Reize’s canon height is 160 cm (5'3").
Let’s take a look at this boy’s sprite: (complete with blue Photoshop rulers in case you want to see where I measured from)
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*caveat: Reize’s hair is extremely fluffy. It runs in the family, so I counted his height as being shorter than the height of his hair. It makes sense and it makes the math easier
Counting the pixels in Reize’s sprite, we can see that he is 32 pixels tall. So when we divide 160 cm by 32 pixels, we discover that each pixel in the Shovel Knight universe is 5 centimeters in real life.
So, what does this mean for the rest of the Shovel Knight cast?
Great question: I’ve got the rest of the math (with screenshot proof) under the cut:
Alright, in no particular order, let’s talk about Plague Knight next.
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--Worth noting that I’m using playable/Showdown sprites as opposed to boss sprites when possible. This helps keep characters proportional to each other
--Plague Knight is 31 pixels tall = 155 cm tall = 5 foot 1. Tiny plague knight, but as we’ll see later, not the tiniest member of the cast
Tiniest member of the cast, you say? Could you mean... Tinker Knight?
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--Tinker Knight slouches in almost all of his sprites, so I tried to find a sprite of him NOT slouching. That extra pixel makes a difference for this tiny character lol
--27 pixels tall = 135 cm tall = 4 foot 5. tiny tinker. But still not the tiniest member of the cast, believe it or not!
Shovel Knight:
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--fairly straightforward. i did wonder if his victory pose was any taller than his regular pose, but it's not
24 pixels tall = 120 cm = 3 foot 11. tiny. tiny shovel. the average 9 year old child is between 120-145 centimeters. So not only is Shovel the size of a 9 year old, but he might actually be the shortest in the class...
Black Knight:
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--there are interesting things i could say about the bird feather situation but eh. imma go with eh. bird feathers do not count as height, final answer --other than that, pretty easy here
24 pixels tall = 120 cm = 3 foot 11. same size as shovel, aka also the size of a 9 year old. adorable
Propeller Knight:
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--slouches REALLY BAD. ALL THE TIME. --his least slouch-y sprite is his tuxedo sprite from the end of Plague of Shadows, so I used that initially... only to realize that he's the exact same height in his other sprites as well. How about that! Maybe he has some kind of a battery pack for his propeller hat in the back of his shirt. It would explain his terrible posture.
--39 pixels tall = 195 cm tall = 6 foot 4. Tall, but not unreasonable.
Mole Knight:
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--has some fascinating squash and stretch in his sprite sheet --fabulous from an animation standpoint. difficult from a math standpoint --i refuse to count his fire-hair as height lol
Squash sprite: 32 pixels tall = 160 cm = 5 foot 2 Normal: 36 pixels tall = 180 cm = 5 foot 10 Stretch sprite: 46 pixels tall = 230 cm = 7 foot 6 (!!!)
I have no explanation for this other than artistic liberties lol
Specter Knight:
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--i'm so glad player sprites exist lol. Specter's boss fight sprites are just piles of cloth with him slouching underneath. I will gleefully ignore them for this exercise --that said, even with player sprites, specter knight is HUNCHED OVER ALMOST ALL THE TIME. AUGH. --fortunately, cold shoulder sprites exist, and a few other action-y type poses. they’re pretty consistent with each other (within a pixel or so) --how much of Specter's hood is fluffy cloth vs actual height? good question. I compared to one of Donovan's sprites to give us a good estimate, give or take 1 pixel or so
37 pixels tall = 185 cm = 6 foot 0. Pretty average here.
Treasure Knight:
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--also slouches in a lot of his sprites, but at least has a few non-slouchy sprites for us to examine. I chose the taller of the two for consistency (difference of 50 vs 51 pixels)
Treasure Height: 51 pixels = 255 cm = 8 foot 4 (!!!?!) This man is huge!
King Knight:
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--his normal standing sprite met my requirements, so I used that --I included his boss sprite without the crown for comparison, because a crown does not actually make one taller lol (sorry not sorry, king) --this also shows the importance of using player sprites vs boss sprites. the difference between the two is pretty obvious here
32 pixels tall = 160 cm = 5 foot 2. tiny. tiny king
Polar Knight:
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--hunched over. like, all the time. --there aren't really any sprites of him not hunched over, but the least hunched over is him doing his shovel up attack, so I'll use that, and his normal sprite for comparison
Normal sprite: 47 pixels tall = 235 cm = 7 foot 8 (!!!) Tall sprite: 58 pixels tall = 290 cm = 9 foot 6 (!!!?!?!?!) tl;dr polar knight is a beast of a man and we all knew that already hahaha. the tallest man on record in medical history was 8 ft 11. This is absolutely bonkers
Shield Knight:
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--while she does have hunched over sprites, i simply avoided them lol. --how tall is her head inside her helmet? great question! the world may never know. Since our only reference for this is concept art (which does little more than tells us her head is shaped like a human’s and not, say, a squid’s), I kinda winged the exact pixel count. --also worth noting is that she grows a few inches when she sticks her leg out lol
Normal sprite: 35 pixels = 175 cm = 5 foot 8 (tall but normal height for an adult woman) Tall sprite: 40 pixels = 200 cm = 6 foot 6 (!!!!) (hOLY MAMA beautiful big buff lady)
And just for fun, I added a few other important characters from the main stories:
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--we know she is a tall lady, but exactly how tall? --all of her sprites seem pretty consistent in height, which makes my job easy!
48 pixels tall = 240 cm = 7 foot 10. (???????!!!?) She is the size of Shovel Knight and Black Knight stacked on top of each other. Amazing. I have nothing but awe and admiration for this incredibly tall lady
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--He has a bunch of funky tumbling/hunched over sprites and very fluffy hair. like father, like son. I did my best to pick the most reasonable sprites of the bunch --after that, I decided two pixels of hair is enough. voluminous hair is impressive but is not height --similar to Shield Knight, he grows a few inches when he sticks his leg out lol
Normal Sprite: 39 pixels = 195 cm = 6 foot 4 Tall Sprite: 43 pixels = 215 cm = 7 foot 0 (!!) All the better for reaching those hard-to-reach platforms in the Tower of Fate, I guess?
King Knight’s Mom:
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--last but not least, the best character in king of cards (you know it's true lol) --she also has somewhat fluffy hair. i'm not counting her bun as height.
41 pixels = 205 cm = 6 foot 8 (!!!). It's not Mona tall, but it's still very tall. Tallness may run in the family, but King Knight seeems to have missed out on all of those genes hahaha.
Special thanks to https://www.spriters-resource.com/pc_computer/shovelknight/ for having all the sprites in one easy place! Thanks for reading!
*disclaimer: I am only human and if I flubbed the math or measurements on any of this, I hope you’ll forgive me. I promise I didn’t mean to slight whichever character was affected
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bread-writes · 3 years
Hello. May I request a oneshot about Jake Kim celebrate valentine's day with his girlfriend please? Thankyou!
i’m late for valentines rip-- oh well lmao 
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, anon!
Spoilers for Jake if you squint near the end.
Writing under the cut!
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Jake Spending Valentine’s with His Girlfriend
Jake is--and probably always will be--a busy man. Whenever he completed a stack of paperwork, three more would suddenly appear before them. But, despite his misgivings and less than favorable life, he had you; the light in his usually dark life.
With Valentine's just around the corner, more and more work was passed on to him so the others could spend time with their lovers. As much as he wanted to just pass all of his work onto Jerry (he knew that the boy would do it if he so much as asked) he felt bad for leaving a kid with so much paperwork.
The door creaked open, revealing Jerry. Jake sent the younger boy a nod of acknowledgment, ushering him closer with a flick of his wrist before turning back to the paperwork with a sigh.
"Was there something you needed, Jerry?" Jake squinted at the small text of the report in his hand, running his free hand through his hair as a means to calm himself down. A soft sniffle came from the seventeen-year-old, causing Jake to raise a brow as he looked up from the document in his hand.
"Jerry, seriously, are you alright--"
"I deeply apologize, Jake." Jerry wiped the lone tear from his cheek, "Please forgive me."
"Wait, what--?"
Two familiar sets of arms wrapped underneath his arms, lifting him off the chair with ease. Jake could only blink as Jason and Brad continued to drag him down the winding path that led to his apartment complex They finally stopped at his doorstep, dropping him unceremoniously onto the ground before knocking on the door.
You emerged from the apartment, tiredly rubbing your eyes as you glanced between the four men. When your gaze landed on your lover, you rose a brow before slapping your forehead with a groan in realization.
"When I told you it would be nice to spend Valentines with Jake, I did not mean abduct him--what if he was busy?"
"I actually was busy. Thanks for asking, by the way," Jake cut in, rolling his now stiff shoulders. Jerry visibly deflated as he fiddled with his fingers while mumbling an apology. You accepted Jerry's apology with a pat on his shoulder before offering Jake your hand. He gratefully took your outstretched hand, pulling himself onto his feet.
"This was a pleasure," he began, "but I really should be getting back." He turned around, only to be stopped by Jason and Brad blocking the exit. Jake rose a brow, glancing between the two, "...What are the two of you doing?"
"We're putting you on temporary leave. Don't worry about the paperwork, we'll handle it." Jason brushed off his unspoken concerns motioning to you with his wrist.
Jake could only sigh, letting out a chuckle as he pushed his hair back, "I suppose a few days off wouldn't hurt." He glanced at you, a minuscule smile making its way onto his lips. You grinned back up at him, leaning in to place a peck on his cheek. The two of you bid goodbye to the three other Big Deal members before making your way into your shared apartment.
"So... Valentine's Day is tomorrow, right?"
"Wow, I'm surprised you actually remembered; being swamped up in your work and all."
"Oh, shut it." He snapped back, letting out a grunt as he flopped onto the worn couch. You snorted, taking your seat by his side as he continued to scroll through the seemingly endless amount of shows the streaming service had to offer. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders to pull you into his chest. You sighed contentedly at the familiar feel of his body heat, tracing the carefully inked lines of his tattoos.
At the sight of your favorite show, you tugged on his shirt, eyes sparkling as you excitedly pointed at the screen. Following the point of your finger, Jake grimaced, "Seriously, that one again? Haven't we watched that eight times already?" You shrugged, grounding one hand on his chest while the other reached out for the remote. He smirked down at you, outstretching his arm just barely out of your reach.
Curse him and long limbs.
Jake let out a garbled cry as you shoved his face away, lunging and successfully retrieving the remote.
"Ow, what happened to treating your boyfriend with love for Valentine's, huh?"
"What happened to letting your girlfriend watch her favorite show for Valentine's, huh?" You dangled the remote tauntingly in front of his face before resuming your place by his side.
He rolled his eyes, glaring at the show from the corner of his eye, "Fair, but can we at least pick another show?"
"Watcha gonna do if I say no, Mr. Big Boss?"
What you weren't expecting were his nimble fingers to dance along your sides--a dirty tactic that would only work on you, seeing that Jake was, unfortunately, not ticklish in the slightest. You screeched, dropping the remote before succumbing to a fit of laughter. Jake's eyes softened at the sight of you laughing, tears streaming down your face as you begged for mercy.
How he wished these sorts of days would last forever.
As his fingers ceased their movements, you greedily gulped in air, wiping at your tear-stained cheeks. Just as you were about to berate him for using such an underhanded tactic, he slanted his lips against yours in a soft kiss. The kiss was similar to the ones the two of you shared in the mornings before he left, yet far different at the same time. Gentle, yet passionate. Soft and somewhat greedy.
Just like him.
He parted slightly from you, "I love you."
"I love you too, Jake," you mumbled before once more placing your lips against his.
The remote and show remain forgotten as the two of you cuddle on the couch.
You were the first to awaken. Your limbs ached from staying in such a position for so long. As you tried to get up, Jake's arms anchored you in place. With a groan, you wiggled your way out of his arms, already missing his warmth as you entered the kitchen. Haphazardly scooping some rice onto a plate, you warmed the rice in the microwave whilst preparing some leftovers in a few separate bowls.
Lost in your thoughts, you missed the drowsy drag of Jake's feet until he once more wrapped his arms around your waist before placing a soft peck to the crown of your head, "Happy Valentine's Day."
"Right back at you, Mr. Big Boss."
The two of you took a seat at the dining table, sharing a few laughs and stories from your respective jobs.
"What're we going to do first?"
Jake hummed, "We can go shopping, I guess."
"You guess?" The teasing lilt in your voice evoked an eye roll from your boyfriend as he scoffed.
"Do you have anything in mind, shortie?"
"Sho--?! You agreed not to call me that!"
"Well, you agreed not to call me Mr. Big Boss, you hypocrite."
You glared at him, "Touche... Shopping does sound good, though. I heard a new bakery opened up nearby if you want to check that out."
"Sounds good to me." He nodded, gathering all of the plates and bowls on his way back to the kitchen, placing them in the sink with the rest of the dishes before making his way to your shared bedroom.
The two of you made your way through the crowded streets that were filled with couples out on dates and friends just goofing off. In one of your hands, ingredients to make chocolate swished around in a plastic bag, while the other was interlaced loosely with Jake's. 
So far, the day has gone off without a hitch. Though, you suppose it would be difficult to approach the man (teen) at a terrifying height of 6'5"(195 cm) and the woman (also a teen) smiling so freely with said teen man. The bakery the two of you planned to go to had some of the most delicious chocolate you've had in a while, hence why you bought the ingredients to make your own.
You clapped your hands lightly after laying out all the ingredients, your phone propped up a little ways away, displaying the recipe for some simple chocolate. Jake stood next to you, tying the apron behind his back before sparing you a wary glance from the corner of his eye.
"[Name], are you sure about this? We've never made chocolate and this recipe isn't... exactly "simple"."
You only smiled at him, rolling up your sleeves as you briefly scrolled through the recipe, "We'll be fine, Jake. You trust me, don't you?"
He fought the urge to shake his head, forcing himself to let out a hum of agreement.
By the end of about three trials, the kitchen--along with both you and Jake--was splattered with chocolate. Half-eaten and burnt pieces littered the counters and filled the trash bin. 
"I told you it wasn't easy."
"Shush, it looked easy." You puffed your cheeks, grabbing a rag to wipe down the counters, scrunching your nose at the smell of burnt chocolate. Jake chuckled, gently taking the rag from your and leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Happy Valentine's Day, [Name]."
"Happy Valentine's, Jake."
Jake Kim was a busy man--too busy, some would say. At only nineteen years old he was able to lead one of the Big Four Crews to find his taken friend. But, he'll always find time for you; even if he has to be kidnapped to do so.
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I hope you enjoyed this! this was actually so fun to write, but sorry I couldn’t get it out on Valentine’s oof. My fingers hurt ( ಥ_ಥ) oh the price to pay for satisfaction--
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kanri-tea · 3 years
Fem! Jakurai
A take on a female Jakurai in the world of Hypnosis Mic
"I don't know who you are, but thank you for rescuing us," Jakurai bowed, thanking their mysterious savior. Next to her, she hears Yotsutsuji's flustered thanks.
"T-thank you from me as well!"
"Haha! It was nothing! It's a pleasure to meetcha! ☆I'm Amemura Ramuda," the pink-haired boy cheerfully introduced himself, "And you're Jinguuji Jakurai and Yotsutsuji!"
"...How do you know our names?"
"Hmm~ How should I explain...? I'll tell you after you check on all those wounded folks! ☆"
Jakurai felt conflicted, on one hand, she definitely wanted to make sure none of them were seriously wounded, on the other, this Amemura Ramuda might actually prove to be dangerous to both her and Yotsutsuji. Taking a deep breath, she reasoned to herself that this wasn't the underworld, trust had to be given to be proved after all.
"May I ask you one thing, Amemura?"
"Whatcha got~?"
"...Will you teach me how to rap?"
"Sure thing! ☆ You're definitely going to be a great MC!"
"Aah.. but..."
"Aren't MCs something that Chuouku assigned to men?"
"...Amemura, I'm a woman."
When she was in middle school, her school had sent her the wrong uniform, but she simply shrugged it off and requested for the right one.
When the military accidentally marked her off as the wrong gender, she simply sighed and had it fixed.
When the Party of Words took over the government, she took note of it and moved on, after all, it had nothing to do with her. So why exactly was she being pushed into all this Hypnosis Microphone nonsense? It was a men's only thing, wasn't it?!
Jakurai sighed, staring into the mirror as if it had all the answers to life.
Tall and slender (although leaning towards underweight), she felt that her body wasn't that bad. Cupping her breasts she wondered if maybe they were too small. Having a B cup wasn't too bad, Jakurai thought to herself.
Maybe it was because of her unnatural height, after all, how many other women could claim to be an amazing 195 cm?
Jakurai cursed her genetics once again for making her so tall and 'masculine.' When she had asked Ramuda to teach her how to rap, she hadn't thought too much of it, after all, hypnosis microphones were pretty common nowadays. It was always better to be safe then sorry.
Even when Ramuda knew of her past of being Ill-Doc, he somehow had still thought that she was a man. God, this was her curse in life, wasn't it? Cursed to be never be able to get a date and constantly be mistaken for a man.
"A-ah, I'll be out in a second, Ichiro!"
Curse Ramuda and his constant need for chaos. Curse Ichiro and his innocent puppy eyes that Jakurai refuses to admit to be weak to.
Sulking slightly, she started to put on one of the many dresses that Ramuda chose for her to try. Honestly, it wasn't a big deal that she rarely wore anything but her black turtleneck, jeans, and lab coat. They were comfortable and practical.
Of course, the others (*coughcough*Ramuda*coughcough*Ichiro*coughcough*) vehemently disagreed. Which then turned into a wardrobe overhaul and shopping trip in Shibuya of all things.
Resigning herself to playing dress-up doll for the next couple of hours, Jakurai stepped out of the dressing room.
"Ooh! Huh, I guess sensei really is a lady."
Jakurai felt the urge to slap someone over the head, namely Ichiro hard.
"...Excuse me."
Ichiro stuttered, backtracking and realizing what exactly he just said, "I- I mean, you usually don't, y'know, uhhh..."
As Ichiro descended into mumbles, Ramuda laughed, fully in his element of chaos and destruction.
At least one of us is having fun, Jakurai couldn't help but think uncharitably, feeling rather self-conscious. There was a good reason she rarely wore feminine clothing, and it wasn't just because it was difficult for her to find anything her size (though it played a large part of it.)
"It, uh, it looks good on you, sensei," she turns, startled, having forgotten about Samatoki.
He's blushing, which is, on one hand, is rather adorable, but on the other, she really hopes that he's blushing from embarrassment and not a crush.
"Thank you," Jakurai smiles slightly, wishing to be out of the dress and back into her usual outfit.
Was it too late to run away?
"So I guess we're a team."
"Yup~! ☆"
Jakurai tilted her head, a small smile on her lips. A team, huh. She supposed it was time to say goodbye to Kujaku Posse.
"It'll be us four against everyone else! We'll be the best!"
She listens to Ichiro's exuberant yelling and Samatoki's curses that follow soon after. Nearby, she watches Ramuda cheerfully egg on the two, mixing in his own brand of chaos and calamity into the fold.
Chuckling, a though pops into her head.
"We never did figure out if I was allowed to participate in the rap battles, did we, Ramuda?"
"What are you talking about?"
Watching at the visible confusion on both Ichiro and Samatoki's faces, Jakurai sighed. Oh dear.
"I'm a woman, but the rap battles are a men's only event," she gently reminds the two, or rather inform them. Honestly, she might be extremely tall, but her voice and chest should've at least hinted that she wasn't a man.
Observing the startled faces of her new teammates, she wondered if she was going to have to wear a badge or something to indicate that, no, no she was not a man.
If this was an indication of how this team was going to be, Jakurai thought to herself as Ramuda laughed himself silly, then God, please give me patience. A lot of patience.
"Ooh, is Jakurai going on a date? You look super pretty in that dress! ☆"
"Ah, well it's been a while," Jakurai hummed, "so I thought I'd put a little extra effort today."
Having styled her hair into a waterfall braid and applied a bit of makeup, Jakurai felt that she looked pretty good. Twirling around, she teasingly asked for Ramuda's approval.
"Definitely a ten out of ten~!"
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots Ichiro and Samatoki huddled together. Shaking her head, she laughs at Ramuda's praise and elects to ignore whatever Ichiro and Samatoki were planning. It probably wasn't going to be good for her stress levels anyways.
"Alright, I'm heading out now. Don't make a mess of my apartment, children," Jakurai calls out, receiving eye-rolls in return and mumbled promises of behaving.
Heading towards the cafe where her blind date was, Jakurai couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious. They're all adults, or well at least close to adults, she reasoned to herself. They're not going to do something stupid she hoped.
"Hi, you're Jakurai, right?"
Startled, Jakurai flinched, not having realized that she had already reached her destination. Politely smiling, she nodded her head towards the man.
"I apologize for not paying attention," she began, "Jinguuji Jakurai. It's nice to meet you."
Settling down, Jakurai felt that her date was probably going to be okay. Neither of them really had anything in common, but he wasn't a bad conversationalist.
"- pretty cool person, Jakurai. But, wow, I really didn't expect you to look so much like a man."
"-and if you wore makeup and got bigger breasts, you'd look really hot, like model-levels of hot, y'know like-"
Jakurai felt her hands twitch. God, this was why she almost never went on dates, especially blind dates. Doing her best to be as polite as possible, she tried to excuse herself.
"Excuse me, I-"
Turning her head, she came face-to-face with Samatoki. Wait. Why was Samatoki here? And with Ichiro and Ramuda too, to boot. How did they even know where she was?
"Hi, sensei!"
"Jakurai! What a cool coincidence to see you~! ☆"
"Samatoki! Ichiro! Ramuda! What are you-"
Behind them, she hears her date spluttering indignantly. Good.
"He~ey, Jakurai, I saw this super duper cool candy store a couple of streets down," Ramuda giggles, it's not a nice one, Jakurai notes, and the gleam in his eyes as he pulls her away from the table is downright vicious.
"H-huh? Ramuda!"
"We're off~! ☆ Ichiro, Samatoki, have fun!"
"Yeah, yeah."
"See you later, sensei!"
Hesitantly, she glanced at her date who was currently trembling and sweating in fear, and then towards the rest of the TDD. Shaking her head, she let herself be pulled by Ramuda.
I can take care of myself, she wants to say, why are trying to protect me, she wants to ask.
Instead, she tosses out a "don't hurt him too much" before walking next to Ramuda.
She hears the screams of terror behind her and a part of her wants to go back, wants to help even the ones who desire to hurt her.
"Ne, Jakurai, you doctors are always helping so many people," she hears Ramuda humming, "but, y'know, sometimes doctors should let others help them too~!"
She's crouching, Jakurai realizes halfheartedly, and her vision is blurred.
"Haha, Ramuda, what are you even talking about," she laughs as tears obscure her sight, "I'm not a damsel in distress."
"Nope! But it's nice to see you as a lady sometimes. You're much better than this annoying onee-san that calls me all the time!"
"...Better enough that you don't have to pretend with me?"
"Hmm~ Who knows!"
She feels Ramuda's arms around her shoulders. It's a comforting feeling, and she can't help but feel guilty. For her to feel happy while having so many sins still weighing upon her shoulders.
She hears footsteps approaching them and looks up to see Samatoki and Ichiro. They're sweaty and out of breath, but the bloodthirsty grins and bright eyes tell her everything she needs to know.
Around her are the TDD, and she can't help but feel content and happy. The dark feelings of self-doubt are clawing at her again. Was she allowed to be happy? After causing so much death, so much pain, was it okay for her to-
Jakurai forces those feeling down, forces them into a box for now. Right now, she basks in the warmth that the others provide.
She can't help but love Ramuda, can't help but love Samatoki, can't help but love Ichiro. They're her precious boys, her friends.
It's a nice feeling.
Very few good things last, and the TDD ends up being one of the many that fail, and it h u r t s.
It's been several months since Yotsutsuji fell into a coma, several months since that fateful email.
Suddenly, Jakurai couldn't help but feel all her thirty-something years weighing down on her shoulders. God, she was getting old.
I guess, she bitterly thinks, I was simply the fool for believing that we would last.
Nothing ever lasted. Not family. Not Hitoya. Not even the TDD.
Pulling herself together, she prepared to close her clinic for the night. It was getting late after all.
Knock. Knock.
"Hey, sorry to bother," she watches Samatoki stumble into her clinic, his shirt red with blood.
Body on autopilot, she tends to his injuries. The silence between them is oppressing. What was there to say, she wondered, but a small part of her was glad that even though they've all gone their separate ways, Samatoki still trusts her to treat his injuries.
She smiles, it's not quite as warm and as fond as it used to be, but she manages. She asks how he's doing, how Nemu is, asks him to take care, to not aggravate his injuries.
Samatoki grunts and shrugs off her questions, is ready to leave before she hears a soft, "Do you regret it?"
I don't know, she thinks; yes, she wants to say.
Instead, she tells a half-truth, half-lie.
"No, our time in the TDD means a lot to me, but I believe it is time for us to move on."
She sees the hurt that roles off of Samatoki in waves, sees how badly the younger man is taking the separation and a large part of her wants to hug him, to tell him that everything will be okay even if she doesn't believe it.
When he leaves, Jakurai can't help but think of Yotsutsuji and his discovery that made Ramuda want him dead, can't help but think of Ichiro and his resolve to raise his siblings himself, can't help but think of Ramuda and what they had.
Can't help but think of what-ifs.
In another life, would things have turned out differently?
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JoJo’s Disney Adventure!
Thank you @lostinthe-jojos for this request for the raffle! It was SO fun to write, and I loved having Joseph go to Disney (I go all the time and think he would absolutely love it) 
Summary: You and Joseph go to The Magic Kingdom at Disney World! JoJo is basically an oversized toddler and gets distracted by absolutley everything, but you two finally make it on your favorite ride (Splash Mountain) and things take a wet turn.
You looked up and saw Joseph giggling madly as the Mickey shaped confetti rained down around you two. After waking up at an ungodly hour and taking the Monorail to the park, The Magic Kingdom was finally open! 
The way his smile spread from ear to ear, somehow bigger than the toddler’s next to him, warmed your heart. It was worth standing in line so early just to see him like this. You gently reached up to dust a few of the sparkles out of his hair. But the sweet moment ended all too quickly as Joseph grabbed your hand and hurtled through the crowd into the park.
 Holding your hand with an iron grip, he started pushing past people, small and medium sized children not excluded. You tried to spare a look back, to make sure he hadn't actually pushed children to the ground, but you were scared to face the reality of this particular situation. Thanks to his reckless disregard for everyone else around, you two were some of the first people in the park. 
Joseph stopped and spun around trying to take in all of Main Street at once. “OH MY GOD! Look there’s a horse drawn carriage! A trolly! THE CASTLE!!!” Joseph was tugging you around, pulling you in each direction to every little detail, each more exciting than the last. Suffice to say the man was thrilled and you couldn’t help but smile at how happy he was. He truly was like a child, actually that wasn't quite accurate, you were pretty sure he was more excited than any child around you. 
“Come on! Let’s get some ears first!” You called up to him, just to make sure you didn't squander your day away looking at the park rather than actually being in it. Before you actually got to the park for the opening, you had thought you were the most excited for this vacation. But you were proven wrong very quickly. No one’s excitement could compare to Joseh’s. 
“Great idea!” He nearly shouted and pulled you into the little hat shop. Apparently the man had been looking over maps of the park before you two got there. Honestly you were very impressed, he didn't usually have this sort of dedication or attention span. 
You didn’t think it was possible, but his eyes were blown even wider as he took in all the possible choices for his very first pair of Mickey ears. 
“OH! Look at this one!” He pulled a Snow White themed pair of the rack and tried them on in front of a mirror. He scowled a bit and went on to his next choice: a pair of Elsa themed ears. This time he stuck a pose in front of the mirror, earning some odd looks from the couple wearing newlywed pins behind him. You supposed it wasnt everyday that you came across a 195 cm man wearing a crop top. Aside from just his stature, he sure warranted a stare when he tried on a “Just Married” pair of bridal ears. 
“Look at how it swishes!” JoJo was frantically waving his head side to side, watching as the veil trailed past him. You could put up with a lot of his shenanigans but you were pretty sure he was just doing it to piss off the couple behind you… 
“Joseph!! Come on, put those back, why don't you try these?” You pulled out a classic pair of ears, “Look, you can even get these monogrammed!” You held out the pair to him but his eyes were glued to another pair. Oh no. 
He reached up and grabbed a pair of bedazzled rose gold ears. He was awestruck as he slowly placed them on top of his head. You were pretty sure he was imagining an elaborate coronation service for himself in his head. Or at least that was what his expression looked like. 
“Okay those are cute!” You were literally fine with any pair he got, you just wanted to go on some rides before the lines got terribly long. 
“Okay okay, we'll take two of these!” he walked up to the cashier and very happily made his purchase. “Why two?” You giggled. You wouldn't have put it past him to buy an extra pair for himself...
“Well one is for you silly, they match your eyes,” He leaned down and coed in your ear. You weren't sure if it was cute or cheesy so you gave him a light shove and put them on. Now you were one of those annoying matching couples, but you supposed you could make this fun. 
Okay, now that you were finally outside of literally the very first shop in the park, your next task today was to get a photo in front of Cinderella’s Castle. Joseph was not satisfied with a single picture, so he made sure to strike a pose in some of his favorite looks.  
“Okay,” the photographer pointed to you, “hold your hands out in a little cup…” you did as you were told though you were a bit confused. Luckily Joseph had no hesitation asking. 
 “What’s that for?” His face was scrunched with confusion. 
 “Well we’re going to digitally insert Tinkerbelle in her hands-“ 
Joseph swatted your hands down, “Put her in mine!” You elbowed him a little, but his little pout was so genuine and he was so excited you couldn’t really stay mad. So you settled for a small eye roll. 
Alright now that photos were done you could head to the first ride on your list, Splash Mountain. But that idea was quickly derailed when Joseph noticed a concession stand. And my god this boy could eat. You sighed a little, just wanting to go on some rides, but you couldn't deny that those mickey pretzels smelled divine...
“Okay so I want two Mickey pretzels, three churros, a souvenir bucket of popcorn, aaaand two American cokes!” He has spent nearly 40$ on these little treats but damn they were good. 
You munched on your own pretzel as you walked around the castle, hopefully to your ride. But just as you were ready for a taste of a churro you noticed they had somehow disappeared. And that JoJo’s face was covered in cinnamon sugar… 
“JoJo did you eat all of the churros?!” It had been probably four minutes since you two had gotten your snacks.
“Mmm no I think one of those ducks stole it!” He pointed into the moat around the castle to a suspiciously inauspicious duck. You glared at him but there was plenty of time for snacks later. And later happened to be right now. 
“Is that a FUNNEL CAKE STAND?!” Joseph tugged you so hard some popcorn flew out of his princess themed bucket. But that funnel cake smelled delightful, so it wasn't hard for him to convince you that this was a necessary part of your trip. So you waited in an outrageously long line, luckily it was very easy to pass the time with Joseph. 
“I spy with my little eye, something tan and caramelly.” His nose was pointed in the air, a look of ecstasy spread across his face.
“Is it the funnel cake that person just got?” You pointed to the woman a few people in front of you. Joseph was literally drooling at the site of it. 
“How did you know?!” Somehow he managed to look actually confused.
“JoJo YOU'VE been staring at them as they go by for the past ten minutes.” He pouted a bit and somehow his stomach grumbled. How could he possibly still be hungry?! 
 Finally you two made it to the ordering booth, and he asked for two funnel cakes. You figured they were probably mostly for him, but this time you would definitely snag a few bites for yourself. JoJo speedwalked to a table, balancing a funnel cake in each hand.
“JoJo you have to share this time!” And you attacked with your fork before he could do anything but gape at you with a look of utter betrayal. 
“That isn’t sharing, you’re STEALING!” His eyes were blown wide with betrayal.
“JoJo! You look just like that kid over there in the stroller!” You laughed as they both shared a scrunched up, red face. Though it looked like the boy was more upset about being buckled into a stroller rather than having to share a cake. 
Somehow you managed to negotiate about a quarter of one cake, and that had been enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. So Joseph ever so kindly offered to finish the rest of yours. 
At this point of your food coma, Splash Mountain was looking a little daunting... Maybe you should just do that Haunted Mansion next. It was basically around the corner from you two. You turned to Joseph but he was bent over a little listening to his stomach grumble… As Joseph stood up you heard his stomach gurgle again. And his face was looking slightly green. Oh no, his stomach hadn’t been growling, he was getting sick. 
 “Wait JoJo,” you quickly stood up and moved behind him. Obviously to comfort him, and not just to get out of projectile vomit range. If that was going to happen. 
“Are you feeling alright?” You were a little worried he seemed to be having some issues standing up. “Oh for sure. Perfectly fine. Now let’s go get wet!” You were pretty sure going on a ride where you plunged 60 feet down a waterfall was an awful idea with him in this state. 
“JoJo you look really pale…” you looked around frantically, “Why don’t we go to The Hall of Presidents? It’s cold and dark and a great place to sit down!” 
 “Sure that sounds great,” he sounded relieved but quickly covered his slip up, “because it’s really hot and I don’t want you to get burned.” You giggled. Sure it was definitely because it was hot, and not because he had eaten so much junk food his stomach was violently protesting. 
 As soon as his tight butt hit the seat he leaned back and kicked his legs up, noticeably sighing. As soon as the George Washington animatronic started speaking, Joseph was already snoring. You snickered to yourself, he was like an oversized toddler. Buuut a cuddly one, so you snuggled in close. 
 Apparently you had fallen asleep too, because you were jolted awake as Joseph screamed, “WHY IS ABRAHAM LINCOLN MELTING?!” You were pretty sure your heart was beating out of your chest, not because of the weird animatronic, but because your boyfriend has pretty much thrown you out of your chair in his moment of panic. 
 He looked at you in terror, but pulled you up and ran out of the theater before more judging soccer moms could glare at him for interrupting their educational show.
“Oh my god! What was that?!” He was bent over gasping from shock. Still. 
You were laughing so hard at him you could barely speak, “that- was the Hall of Presidents!” You bent over to his level laughing still. 
“Why would they do something like that? It was TERRIFYING!” 
“JoJo this is America. They like presidents even if they're old and wrinkly.” He was certain that the show was a plot to scare children into submission, and despite your best efforts you could not convince him otherwise.
“Okay let’s go on Splash Mountain now!” Joseph was quickly trying to change the subject. Apparently all his stomach needed to feel better was a little 16 president nap. 
“It does look like you’re a bit hot anyway.” You threw him a little wink and your hint was not lost on him. He held your waist and pulled you against him on the walk there. It actually was very hot and standing so close against him was getting a little sweaty, but you wouldn’t ever want to let go. 
Oddly enough this time he was busy pointing out all of the odd wildlife that seemed to infiltrate the park. Everything from ducks to egrets, turtles to lizards. Joseph was excited about them all. You had to repeatedly pull him back on track to get to the ride. But once you finally saw the waterfall leading down into a pit of pretend thorns, you felt your gut drop with excitement. And JoJo’s expression wasn't that different, a glint of excitement and danger danced in his eye. 
Despite your many detours, the line was still pretty short because most people don't want to go on thrill rides at 9:30 in the morning. So you two got on pretty fast. 
“Please keep all hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Please stow away any sunglasses, hats, and ears in the netting below.” The recorded voice played and you promptly tucked your ears away under the seat. 
“JoJo you have to take those off.” You gently nudged him but he pretended not to hear you. “JoJo…” you asked exasperatedly. 
“Oh come on they're not gonna fall off! Plus I want to look cute in the picture!!” You laughed at him, of course that was his reasoning. You were about to tell him he looked cute in every picture, but the ride started before you could.
It was a little long, and every small hill made you nearly jump and hold onto Joseph. You were just a little scared, just like a smidge, of the big hill. And then it came. You were paused at the precipice of the mountain, looking down at the monumental drop and you clung to Joseph’s arm so tightly he gave you a teasing look and let out a loud howl as you started to fall. 
You had your eyes scrunched closed but you felt Joseph lurch back but not even that could get you to open them. Only when you were slammed with a wave of freezing water could you open them. 
You gasped as the water seeped through all of your clothes. Not leaving a centimeter of clothing dry. You sat there like a wet fish, and turned to Joseph to see he was perfectly dry. How the hell did it just get you? 
Joseph finally heard your teeth chattering and wrapped an arm around you as you two walked to go see the photo taken on the ride. You were ducking into Joseph’s lap, and he was aggressively leaning backwards reaching for his ears that had flown off. 
“I TOLD you they would fly off!” You scolded him a bit, but from the frown on his face you knew he was already pretty upset. 
“And I told you you should wear a white shirt today.” He countered and that cheeky grin on him was absurd. 
“Oh shut up you pervert!” you shoved him a little, though you immediately missed his body heat. 
“It was a joke, I swear!,” He pulled you closer to him, “But I wouldn’t have minded getting a little peek…” 
“Just stop talking and hug me, I'm freezing.” You rolled your eyes but snuggled in close to your cheeky bastard of a boyfriend. 
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hopeaterart · 4 years
Me: Maybe I should work on those drawings-
"I thought I told you to spend the day at school-"
"Yeah, well I think the school nurse trying to kill me is a good reason to come back early. Now let me in, jackass." Jotaro hissed at his father, forcing him to the side with his shoulder as he entered the house.
Sadao' eyes widened. "What?! Why would the school nurse- what were you even- not important, just- go wait in the kitchen, you'll explain this shit to me here."
Jotaro nodded at his father, the shorter man wheeling around and going to there as the teenager bent down to take off his shoes, still thinking of the nurse suddenly doing a 180°, shaking an ink pen around and screeching at the top of her lungs. He momentarily thought of the delinquent she stabbed in the eye, and shuddered.
He got up, walking to the kitchen as the hushed voices of his parents got progressively louder. The whispers stopped when he slid the door open, both Holly and Sadao turning toward him. "Okay, I'm here. Now, what?"
A pause. Then: "Well, you got attacked by the school nurse, right?" His mother gently asked, putting her mixing bowl on the counter. She then sat down next to were Sadao was sitting cross legged, twisting some of his long hair around his finger as a distraction. It was the first time in a while Jotaro saw his father nervous, and he didn't like it one bit. "Could you please tell us more?"
"I don't know." He admitted as he sat down in front of them, frowning. "She just… suddenly went crazy and tried to stab me with a pen."
"You think it has anything to do with the evil spirit?" Sadao asked, tilting his head.
Jotaro shook his head. "When it starts acting up, I can see it. The only time it manifested was to keep her away from me while I looked for an escape."
Sadao hummed in acknowledgement as Holly frowned. "What were you even doing at the nurse? Did you get hurt? Did someone hurt you!?"
"Mom, I'm a 195 cm tall delinquent, my neck muscles are larger than most people's arms and I'm possessed by an evil spirit who beats up anyone who even as much as look at me wrong. No one is going to hurt me."
"Okay, but then what were you doing at the nurse?" Sadao asked, tilting his head.
Jotaro groaned. What a fucking pain. "I fell down a flight of stairs and ended up cutting my leg."
"I'll be right back." Holly said, hastily getting up and running to the bathroom where the first aid kit was as Sadao looked at Jotaro, perplexed.
"How do you cut your leg from falling down a flight of stairs?"
"I don't know, I guess I fell on a sharp rock."
Sadao nodded in understanding. "Anything else that happened today that was weird?"
"No, just the usual: me leaving, mom kissing me goodbye-"
"You really gotta stop calling her a bitch, by the way."
"Shut up, I'm talking. What else- right. About half-way to the stairs, the usual girls started annoying me, and after I fell down the stairs, I just went to- wait. I met that weird guy who's apparently a new student, Kakyoin Noriaki."
"Okay, and how was he weird?"
"I don't know? He looked really… delicate, kind of like a doll, actually? But at the same time, it felt like he was stronger than most people I've fought with. And his eyes were… empty."
Sadao awkwardly nodded after a second. "... Okay, but I meant in a physical appearance sense."
"Oh yeah, that was weird too. Who the fuck has a bright red hair!?" Jotaro asked to no one in particular as Holly came back in the kitchen, a first aid kit in hand and a frown on her face.
She sat down next to Jotaro, opening the kit and taking out some bandages. "Alright Jotaro, where did you get hurt?"
The teenager rolled up is pant sleeve, showing the still open cut as he had left before the nurse treated it. Holly winced, disinfecting the wound before bandaging it. Jotaro simply gritted his teeth at the sensation of alcohol being poured on his wound. All his mother was doing was helping. No need to snap at her. “Thanks.” He mumbled out.
“You’re welcome!” She cheerfully answered before leaving a kiss on his cheek. As Holly closed the first aid kit, Sadao told her what happened. The woman simply nodded along, before turning toward Jotaro. “I’m going to call the school to let them know you’ll be spending the rest of the day at home, okay? I’ll say you weren’t feeling well and came back.”
“Okay.” Jotaro mutters. He’s much more polite with his mother when no one but his parents are watching, after all.
“So,” Sadao says after a moment, “wanna get started on the evil spirit thing? I went and got a book about this stuff, and found something on how to exorcise people.”
“It’s crazy what you can find on the Internet.” The shorter man said with a incredulous shrug. “Mainly porn, but I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“It’s fine, you already told me a bunch of stuff about that anyway.” Jotaro hisses, bringing his hat over his eyes in embarrassment at the memory. Sadao Kujo was apparently incapable of feeling shame of any kind, and had sat down his son before puberty striked to tell him about the birds and the bees and how protection and consent was important. Thankfully, Holly was also there and had stopped her husband from going into details like he usually did when he started talking.
“Just making myself clear.” Sadao said with a shrug, getting up. “Where do you want to talk about your spirit?”
“Living room.”
“Alright, I’m gonna go get the book, and I’ll join you.” He then turned around, his long hair swishing behind him. Jotaro got up, walking to the living room where his mother was currently talking on the phone. He quietly sat down on the couch as Holly hung up before turning around, doing a small jump when she saw him.
“Oh dear!” She exclaimed, before giggling nervously. “Didn’t see you there, Jotaro.”
“Don’t worry. Sadao’s just getting the book he got about ghosts and we’ll get started.” He explained shortly. His mother nodded before sitting next to him with a concerned look.
“You’re sure everything’s fine, sweetie?” She asked. “I’ve noticed you’ve been quite on edge, lately.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, it’s just the evil spirit.”
“No, it’s not just that.” Holly sighed, shaking her head. “I know school is difficult for you. You don’t like anyone, everything is too loud, constantly, the teachers are condescending and the classes, non-challenging... and it’s been taking its toll on you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, first of all, you’ve been much more rude to me lately.” She said with a slight frown. “I get that you don’t want me to be affectionate in public, but you’ve been more snappy at home, too. Has anything new come up at school, lately?”
“No, nothing new. I guess I’m just… stressed.”
“About what you’re gonna do after?” Holly asked in a soft voice. Jotaro numbly nodded, and she hugged him. “Don’t worry! It’s not that abnormal for people to take a gap year. Just focus on finishing high school, and mama will help you, alright?”
“Alright.” There was a short pause before Jotaro pushed her away. “Is everything alright? You look pretty sick.”
“What’s that about Holly being sick?” Jotaro and Holly jumped in surprise at Sadao, who had a heavy-looking book under his arm.
“Oh, don’t worry about me, you two!” Holly waves off with a cheerful smile. “I’m just a little tired with everything that’s been happening.”
“Do you need to take a break?” Sadao asks as he sits down. “I could take care of the food tonight.”
“You’re gonna cook something that requires more skill than putting a pop-tart in a toaster?” Jotaro snarked.
“Joot, everyone in this room know I’m abysmal at cooking. I was gonna order.” Sadao answers before opening the book, ignoring his son’s protest at the nickname.
Outside of the house, a young man with red hair sighed. “Well, guess I’ll have to find a way inside of this house.”
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candle-heart · 6 years
Today on What Allen Wastes His Time On:
How tall is Hawks??
Okay so, as well all know, a new chapter of bnha came out a couple days ago and we've all be on top of that shit and there were a lot of highlights. Shouto literally not giving a flying fuck about Endevours now scared to hell face, a todoroki name reveal (fin a lly) and some cute and worrying Hawks panels! But what Im talking about today is the update on Hawks's wiki page.
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We've always kind of known Hawks was a bit short, at least next to Endevour, but I never payed attention to it as much until its mentions he is relatively short right here. Honestly I think a LOT of people are short compared to bnha characters but I was curious so here we are.
Anyway, the pictures I used are these:
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As you can see, Hawks is around shoulder height of Endevour (his high tops might be adding some extra height.)
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And honestly Hawks looks a bit shorter here with him standing straight and more alined with Endeavor in this panel. So right now we know he's shoulder height or around that to Mr Number One here.
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As the wiki says, Endeavor is 195 cm, or around 6'4 and 3/4 but for the sake of not wanting to have those pesky fractions, we'll say hes 6'5
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So the guessing game begins
As we see here, 6'0 is only around ear height of 6'5, meaning our goth bird man is already shorter than Aizawa and Present Mic who are at 6'0 and 6'1 respectively. Lets bring it down 2 inches-
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And we still arent there. We're slowly approuching the height average of a adult Japanese cis male (which is around 171.2 cm or 5'7.4, for refrence that is around Bakugou height currently). Lets bring it down another 2 inches-
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Still not quite there. And REMEMBER, his hair does NOT count towards height! It certainly adds some on but lets be honest, its a mess, it adds a couple inches and im not accounting that into this. From what we're seeing right now, if this keeps going, Hawks will be shorter than Bakugou, a 16 year old boy thats still growing. Lets get rid of another 2 inches-
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Hawks is now shorter than the average of 5'7.4 and is STILL a bit tall in this diagram from what we're seeing in the pictures. His HAIR is what reaches just a little bit past the shoulders , so we gotta keep trucking on. Lets take another inch or two?
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Lord we've reached the end and a surprising conclusion. To be shoulder height with Endeavor, Hawks is around 5'4, 162.3 cm. With this height he is shorter that Izuku, who stands at 5'5 and 1/4, or 166 cm.
Heres a nice little diagram displaying my previous height examples:
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Tl:dr: SO IN CONCLUSION, PAST MY LONG UNESSISARY RAMBLINGS AND VISUAL AID, Hawks is around 5'4 and we love a small bird son.
I hope you enjoy this knowledge that Horikoshi will probably prove wrong in the next couple chapters because thats just how it is. I will still enjoy a small Hawks in my heart.
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monsieur-de-paris · 5 years
REALLY LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
TAGGED. @kigakurutta​ thanks ^-^ TAGGING. @bourreau-de-roi​ @princely-alucard​ @thesarcasticviclet​ @devilsmark @xxsacrificiumxx​ @farnese-ojousama​
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FULL NAME: Charles-Henri Sanson de Longval
NICKNAME:  Charles or Charlot (lolol)
AGE: Verse-dependent, between 14 and 54
BIRTHDAY: February 15th
LANGUAGE(S): French, a word or two in English and German
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse-dependent, gets married at the age of 27
CLASS: As in social class - 3rd estate (commoner)
PROFESSION: Executioner & doctor
HAIR: Black, very long, straight or later wavy, thick, silky
EYES: Doe-eyed, gray/black of colour
NOSE: Straight, long, narrow
FACE: Diamond-shaped and long, not so defined cheekbones
LIPS: Plump and soft, red
HEIGHT: 195 cm ( 6'5'' )
WEIGHT: unknown
BUILD: Tall and skinny, well-trained
FEATURES: Soft enough to be able to dress like a lady and not attract attention
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: The parting changes over time (it’s either parted on the right side or combed back), but always open
USUAL FACE LOOK: Distressed lmao
USUAL CLOTHING: 18th century clothes
FEAR(S): People’s cruelty, having to execute the ones he cares for, generally having to kill people, he hates his occupation a lot ;O;
ASPIRATION(S) : To abolish executions, later: to make executions more humane
POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind, polite, open-minded, accepting, loving, caring, a strong sense of responsibility
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Naive, anxious, unassertive, easily led, manipulable
ZODIAC: Aquarius
TEMPERAMENT: Emotionally volatile, cries a lot
SOUL TYPE(S): Helper
ANIMALS: Dogs, horses
VICE  HABIT(S): None (crying?)
FAITH: He is religious, yes
GHOSTS?: I bet he believes in them
ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE: No idea (what is economic preference?)
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: He supports His Majesty wholeheartedly
EDUCATION LEVEL: Mostly home-schooled, very good medical skills
FATHER: Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson
MOTHER: Madeleine Sanson
SIBLINGS: (Oh gosh, here we go with the list) Marie-Joseph Sanson, Louis-Charles-Martin Sanson, Nicholas-Charles-Gabriel Sanson, Louis-Cyr-Charlemagne Sanson, Madeleine-Claude-Gabrielle Sanson, there was later a baby too, called Pierre-Shanks Sanson, but I think it vanished (?)
EXTENDED FAMILY: His grandmother Anne-Marthe Sanson, his stepmother Jeanne-Gabrielle Sanson, his wife Marie-Anne Sanson, his two sons Henri Sanson and Gabriel Sanson, his uncle Nicholas-Gabriel Sanson, his cousin AND brother-in-law Jean-Louis Sanson, like 500+ other cousins, I think the Sanson family is rather large (and I need a drink after listing so many)
NAME MEANING(S): Apparently,Charles means “man” and Henri means “home ruler” lmao 
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: He was actually the royal executioner of France? He is based on a real person 
BOOK: The bible prolly, also the memoirs of the first Sanson. He used to be very interested in science and philosophy, but I think his occupation sorta sucked the life, and the hunger for knowledge, out of him 
5 SONGS: He enjoys Bach
DEITY: The Christian God
HOLIDAY: Christmas and Easter, like the good boy he is
MONTH: April
SEASON: Spring
PLACE: Anywhere he can be left alone by his grandmother and father (lmao), I think generally among nature
SOUND: His violin <3
SCENT(S): Roses
TASTE(S): Wine, fruit, mild tastes
FEEL(S): Satin on the skin, but also pain
ANIMAL(S): I already answered this
COLORS: Black, red, blue
TALENTS: Riding, very good with a blade, very good medical skills, I guess singing too since he does it a lot 
BAD AT:  Killing, asserting his will
TURN ONS:  Pain (he won’t admit though, but because of the torture he had to undergo, his body got accustomed to pain a lot)
TURN OFFS: Irrationality, cruelty, chaos
HOBBIES: Playing his violin
TROPES:  Fragile Flower xD
AESTHETIC TAGS: Roses, Skulls, Black Hair, Edgy, Goth, Death, BDSM, Emo Quotes, Sad, Depressing, Velvet, Thorns, Blood
GPOY  QUOTES: I can’t think of any rn
MAIN  FC(S): None, unfortunately
ALT FC(S): None
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?: I wouldn’t. I can’t picture Innocent as a movie, I can’t even picture it as an anime, because its beauty and style would just get lost, I feel.
Q2: what would their soundtrack / score sound like?: Something sad and gloomy
Q3: why did you start writing this character?: Well, I really love him ;_; I loved him from the moment I picked Innocent, but his development was nothing I expected - it actually made sense, unlike with many other characters, whose developments only make sense in a fictional, trope-driven setting. But Charles-Henri “matured” in a way a real person would, and even his character traits, which I would possibly hate on every other character aside from him, like his kindness and his gullibility, were somehow lovable to me, because they felt real and genuine, and not like the traits you give a character only to make them likeable. And then a good friend of mine picked him as a muse, we wrote together for sometime, and he just stole my heart completely.
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?: His hair. Also his face, I had seen pictures of him before and I always thought his face looked very unique, because I’ve never seen anyone with a similar drawing style.
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse: I dislike, that he changed so much, even if it made sense. I just miss the old Charles a lot ;_;
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?: I think I have a lot in common with him...except for his kindness and his patience with people. I do share many of his negative traits  though, I also act on impulse a lot.
Q7: how does your muse feel about you?: He is angry, because I contribute to his torment lolol
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?: All his interactions are interesting, those which aren’t usually get dropped :o
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?:  Books. Oh, and my love for him and for writing in general, I don’t think I could just stop writing. And also, he is very easy for interactions. He is very timid and not the most extroverted person in the world, but he would give everyone a chance, so having him meet other characters and actually show interest in them isn’t difficult (*cough* unlike Griffith *cough*)
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?: Tbh, I think ca. 2-3 hours.
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cutaepatootie · 5 years
41, 50,52,53,46, 17, 13, 35 (any story for you), 36(animal 7 hehe) omg i’m so sorry for too many questions i hope i’m not too late 😅
Hahaha, don’t be sorry! I’m glad you asked bc I love this type of things hehe. You’re not too late dw. There are some answers I’ve already answered, but I’ll copy and paste them. Lots of love sweet! 🖤
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
Rn I’m working on 4 hehe. But I like to post one at a time bc I lose interest really soon and I know that if I’m posting one and I start posting another story, I’ll get more invested in the second one. Tho, rn I’m working on one that I’m planning on posting soon even if I haven’t finished posting Animal.
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
You can read it here.
52. How did writing change you?
I don’t know if it changed me bc I’ve always written and imagined stories, even when I was a kid. But posting them has changed me for sure, I can share my stories - my thoughts - and see how people think about them, I can see people enjoying what I write and that makes me feel... Full? hahaha I don’t know how to describe it with words, it just feels right, like it’s what I should be doing.
53. What does writing mean to you?
The whole world! I think I’d suffocate if I didn’t write. It’s like my mind is always working on new stories, always imagining and creating, and I feel that, if I didn’t write them I’d explode or something hahaha. I’ll put a really visual example. When you want to pee so bad that you feel as if your bladder is going to explode and you’re going to die? Well, the pee is my stories and the bladder my brain xd.
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie? 
Hmm I’d love to see how the new Fantasy Tales I’m writing would look like if it was a tv show. I’d love to think it would look like Game of Thrones, but I think that’s wishful thinking hehe. About a fallen bookmark on a Thursday afternoon, I think it’d look like a Makoto Shinkai movie, so sad yet beautiful, with the cherry blossoms, the train and all.
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
Hmm... Whoa, such an interesting question. Guess I never thought about it. Usually I come up with the plot first, and then I guess I adapt my characters to it. But again, I usually get inspired by people, their personalities and all and then I create the story. It depends on the story? There are stories inspired by characters and their personalities and there are characters inspired by stories that my mind created (sorry, that was such a bad answer hahaha)
17. On avarage, how much writing do you get done in a day?
It depends on the day. If I’m really busy, I don’t write. Yeah, I love writing, but it’s not my priority :( If I’m not busy I usually spend 2 - 4 hours aprox. if not more.
13. How do you deal with writers block?
I HATE WRITERS BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU WRITERS BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it’s so frustrating... UGH! I don’t deal with it as you can see by this answer hahaha, I just let the frustration take my body. I guess I just stop writing and go on with my life, and as I said, I need to write, so eventually I start to feel the need to write and I write again. 
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________.
Hmmm... I’ll tell you the backstory details about Jungkook in Animal Don’t know if this is the answer you wanted hahah but I’m telling you the backstory of how Jungkook’s character in Animal was born. Okay, so I think I’ve already said this, but Jungkook’s character was insipired by a patient I met during my practices at the hospital this year. I was his nurse, and he was this really tall man (195 cm I think) broad shoulders and all that. He was old but he had eyes that looked like crystals of how clear they were, white hair and strong features, he sure had been really pretty a long time ago. A bit grumpy, rude sometimes and jumpy and scary. He hated most of the people at that floor, but somehow he grew fond of me and we became friends. I would talk to him and accompany him because he was always alone, like, no one ever came to see him or called about him. Me and my nurse grew curious of him and searched his name in Google. Turns out he had been a famous underground boxer in Russia and had had troubles with the law and he had scaped from them. I was talking one day with him when he told me that, when he was young he had loved a girl that reminded him of me. I think he grew fond of me bc I wasn’t scared of him and I always took time to speak to him or visit him. He never told me about that girl anymore, but that’s how Animal was created (he wasn’t dying either, he was sent to a refuge bc he didn’t have a home) 
36. A spoiler for story _________.
Akhsjfkhgads 😈😈 do I have to answer this? You know how much I love creating hype and not telling anything about my new chapters... But I’ll do it for you! (maybe it’s a shitty spoiler but it’s the only one I can say for now) I’ll tell you okay!!Jungkook’sbeenshotanddramaisgoingtohappen. AJKLSHDLGASJDGHAJH
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dratinimartini · 6 years
Jotaro, Joseph, Jonathan? :v
OOOO THE 195 CM BOIS... got it
How I feel about this character: I really like him. He’s a big fuckin jerk but I like him, he really gets a level of character development on par with joseph, probably for being the ‘mascot’ of jojo LOL.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: U know I’m gonna say kakyoin. He really seems to gravitate towards him during sdc, just because he’s a calm guy around his age that he probably feels more comfortable around than his embarassing grandpa, grandpa’s mystery friend, and... Polnareff. I can see them havin a bit of a crush on one another, only for it to be cut short.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Also kayoin. and all of the other crusaders. they’re bros 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think he got too much screentime. in DIU and even I’m sure in stone ocean, it’s always ‘jotaro this, jotaro that!’ Like holy shit, give josuke and jolyne some space to breathe dude!!! I know SDC was the big moneymaker but jotaro’s part is over!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I haven’t read stone ocean or finished DIU so I can’t confirm that this DOESN’T happen, but I wanted him to pass down the joestar family tradition of running the hell away like he did in the rubber soul fight. just ‘this is a longtime family tradition josuke/jolyne... it’s been passed down for generations...’ and they’re all like ‘nani?! w-what is it??!’ and he just fuckin high tails it
How I feel about this character: Lov him. He’s incredibly spicy and absolutely the most fleshed-out jojo. Jojo I’d be most likely to date
All the people I ship romantically with this character: OH MAN. Caesar (bc u just gotta. they’ve got such an unfortunately short lived dynamic, which is one reason why I wish battle tendency had been longer), wamuu (oldseph getting carted around by his giant undying bf? YES), avdol (here’s my *cough* FRIEND I met in egypt), and suzie q ofc. (She doesn’t deserve him tjdhkgdkhj)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Joseph and Wamuu warrior solidarity BROTP. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think this is unpopular, but I hate that joseph just gave up hamon. sure his stand uses it, but I would have KILLED for an arc in diu where joseph has to teach josuke a little bit of hamon to take out an enemy stand, or even him finally passing in stone ocean, and perhaps leaving his last wisps of hamon energy to jotaro or jolyne. It would have been a cool way to see him go. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: I always wish that he had a photo of caesar. idk, the fact that there’s no memento of his lost friend just sucks. He did get that with the crusaders though. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dioooooooooooooooo omg. DJD is definitely my favorite ship for jojo. I don’t really ship it in a way that I would try to convince myself that it’s canon (aside from dio having an incredibly weird boner for him) but from a fic perspective, it’s incredibly interesting and takes a clever author to pull off believably. I ship him with erina as well, definitely. They’re both great and deserve each other. I hope erina enjoyed the one legendary plowing she got JHDGFXJDFHKJ. Oh, and speedwagon from time to time. There just isn’t any jonawagon content that isn’t overly sugary, they’re a couple of sweaty men on a kill mission, let them bang in some gross dirty tent in the woods or smth. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Speedwagon. Speedy holds such an immense respect and admiration for jonathan for his whole life, and I wish they could have had a long and loving friendship ;o;
My unpopular opinion about this character: Fandom schmoops him up too much. Jonathan is definitely the ‘purest’ of all the jojos, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a hardcore guy who isn’t out to pull dio’s tongue out through his own asshole. He’s a little selfish, and I think if he wasn’t already out for revenge and zeppeli had come to him asking to defeat some rando vampire in the countryside, he would have passed and kept going on with his comfortable life.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I really can’t think of much? I mean, he got all the character development he needed for his arc, the drama in his life feels real, and even his death was sad, but made for an incredibly interesting premise for part 3. I wish ofc that he’d led a life like joseph’s, but it just couldn’t happen. the only thing I want to see of him now is that shitty phantom blood film, release the dark animes to us araki
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theluceya · 7 years
I was tagged by @mauschen  Thank you cutie! <3 <3 <3
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to know better!!
Name: Lucia Nickname: my best friend calls me Lucifuk (It’s a name of a little devil from a really REALLY old Slovak tv show for kids LMAO) Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 170 cm Orientation: heterosexual Ethnicity: European Favorite fruit: watermelon, BLACKBERRIES, tangerines, nectarines...I have a lot :D Favorite Season: autumn  all the way Favorite Book: Masahikovými očami by Masahiko Shiraki (Trough Masahiko’s eyes) It’s a book by a Japanese man who came to live in Slovakia more than 10 years ago and he is comparing Slovak and Japanese culture in a really inetresting but funny way. I think I’ve read it like 5 times already LMAO. Favorite flower: FORGET ME NOT and burgundy roses Favorite Scent: rain, smell of new things, BOOKS, my dog (Is that wierd? LMAO I just love him too mcuh) Favorite Color: black Favorite Animal: Dogs all the way Average Sleeping Hours: 9+ hours  Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: TEA Favorite Fictional Characters: Satou Tatsuhiro, Gintoki Sakata, Oh Sangwoo, Yoon Bum, Everyone from 19 days, I could go on forever.... :D Number of Blankets You Sleep With: one or none Dream Trip: JAPAN and then Vietnam or anywhere in Asia tbh Blog Created: back in 2015 Number of Followers: 195 I tag: @alittledevilofanangel  ILY :*  @fishyinmycoffee @itsadarkparadize @bruhmyaesthetic @dovedarko @konekopon <3 Feel free to ignore me tho xD
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