#jjba season six
jojosbizzaretitties · 2 years
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mrshobbit · 2 years
Alrighty finished one piece so...
i'm currently watching spyxfamily and THAT PUNCH WOOOOOO
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Survive pt. 1
Dio Brando x F!Oc
Summary: Ever since Elise Pendleton fell through the ice that had formed over the lake behind her family home, all she has ever wanted to do was survive. Her survival came in many forms, but the new addition to the Joestar household has caught her eye and her very soul and she is determined to have him.
Warnings: slight, more platonic Speedwagon x F!Oc, canon typical violence (injuries/death by childbirth, murder, broken arm, near drowning, mention of blood)
Word Count 2.7K
Setlist: Dio x Elise playlist
A/N: So this is kind of more backstory for my oc so it's heavier on the oc than anything else really buuutt if you choose to read I hope you enjoy and expect more of this to come!
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Tag list: @cinnbar-bun
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When Elsie Pendleton was born, she tore her mother so badly that she nearly died. Had her husband not been a renowned doctor, she might have bled to death then and there.
But the damage had been done. 
A year later, when her sister was born, there was no hope of saving their dear mother. Lady Pendleton had been a husk of her former self all throughout this pregnancy, having been unable to fully recover from Elsie’s birth. The coming of their new daughter had been the unfortunate end of her. 
At the age of six, Elsie fell through the thin ice covering the lake behind her family’s estate while skating around with her younger sister, Erina. Her father had warned them not to, the cold of winter only having just shown its fangs that season. The ice wasn’t thick enough to venture out and play, yet Elsie had done so anyway. 
The water had been biting against her skin. Water that filled her mouth as she screamed and thrashed as the heavy wool of her clothes dragged her further and further away from the light. 
Her lungs burned as they tightened in her chest, screaming out for a single breath. Her vision blurred and blacked in the corners. 
She was dying. Drowning.
Erina had only stared down at her. Had screamed yet did nothing to try and save Elsie. Did not try to grab her or even run for help. 
Their tutor had been making his way home after another grueling session with the girls when he spotted Elsie fall through. He had just dove in to grab her when the numbness of the cold waters set into her skin. 
He had pulled her from the water, disciplining shouts falling from his lips the moment his head met air. He had thrown Elsie to the ice, which tore into the skin of her hands and knees, as he continued his hissing reprimanding. 
Elsie shivered and sputtered, scrambling to her knees as she turned to look up at her tutor. 
The sun had cast behind him like some sort of heavenly glow, making him look oh the more imposing. All the most strong. 
He had power. He was powerful. He was powerful enough that he could get the girls in trouble with a few simple words to their father. He was powerful enough to save Elsie. 
Death had come for Elsie in that lake. Had grabbed hold of her throat and pulled her further into the darkness and yet her tutor had been strong enough to keep the reaper at bay. 
She never wanted to be that close to death ever again.
She was determined to survive, no matter what it took and she knew in that moment this man would be that survival. 
As Elise had watched her tutor walk off in a raging storm, Erina began her nerve-grating sobbing once more. 
“Your--your hair.” Elise had brushed her off and rushed after their tutor, but she knew what her sister had been so upset about the moment she caught sight of her slowly drying hair in her mirror. 
The once golden locks, which she shared in color with her sister, had been shocked into a pure white. 
White like the snow outside. Like bones and teeth. Of the death her tutor had saved her from.
It was a physical showing of her icy will to survive.
A year went by and Elsie became the ideal pupil. She was quiet during instruction. She did her work and excelled at it. She did not roughhouse with her sister as she once did. Did not run about the halls as she once had. 
Erina continued in her childish ways and it drove their tutor utterly mad. He turned to Elsie in those moments. He spoke to her of the irritation Erina grew in him. Spoke to her about how he wished Erina would think before she did. How he wished she would shut her mouth and never again speak. How her behavior was going to drive him from their home.
Elsie wouldn’t have that. 
No. No, not one bit. 
Her tutor was her savior--he would keep her alive and protected. Erina was threatening that safety and in turn, threatening Elsie’s very life. 
That night Elsie lashed out at her sister. 
At first, her sister thought Elsie had finally come around and was just playing as they usually did, but when Elsie threw open the window to Erina’s room and shoved her out of it, her sister knew it had been in nothing but cruel malice. 
Elsie had found her sister lying on the ground, arm bent at an angle it shouldn’t have been, and screaming her pain to the world. 
Fear had been in her eyes as Elsie descended upon her, grabbing her by the collar of her night dress and yanking her close to her bared teeth. Elsie shook her sister as if to shake some sense into her, rattling her broken arm and causing all the more pain to radiate through her little sister.
“You are a child. You act like a child. You will stop these childish musing or nothing in this world will stop me from dragging you back through the manor to find a higher window to throw you out of.” Elsie had hissed down at her sister, a look so wild it pulled Erina’s mind far away from the pain in her arm. 
This wasn’t her sister. 
This body before her was not her sister. 
It hadn’t been her sister for months, Erina gravely realized. Her sister had gone into the ice and this creature had crawled its way back out. 
Erina fell back to the ground once Elsie let her go, her screams having turned into mere whimpers of pain as she watched the creature’s face twist into that of utter panic and fear. Watched the creature cry out and rush back into the manor, looking for help. 
Erina kept as far away from whatever sort of hellish creature her sister had become as best as she could. She became quite--reserved. She kept her eyes averted from all and began taking long walks through the countryside just to keep herself out of her own home. Walks that even led her onto the bordering family’s lands, a boy with jet black hair and a nobel will catching her eye. 
And it was enough to keep their tutor around. Enough to make him happy and in turn make Elsie happy.
At the age of eleven, Elsie witnessed the murder of her tutor. 
They had been making their way back home after her tutor had brought her on a venter to examine some unique flora a museum in London had found when their carriage had been stopped. A gang of unseemly men had dragged them onto the cobblestone street, now covered in the blood of her coachmen. 
Elsie had been unworried. Had hardly let out a single scream because she knew her tutor would save her. 
He was strength. He was power. He was--begging for his life. He was begging for his life and in turn offering Elsie up to keep it. 
His pathetic pleas had been silenced by the sharp edge of a blade slashing through his vocal cords.
Weak. Powerless. 
He had never been strong enough to protect her. To keep death from knocking at her door, looking to claim her soul. 
Fear had turned her mute. Had made the hands digging into her skin an afterthought. 
She was going to die. 
She didn’t want to die. 
Couldn’t die.
Death was cold. Death was--was--it was the unknown it scared Elsie down to her very soul.
Elsie needed to survive but how would she manage that now that her savior had been slaughtered right before her eyes?
When the vile men had their fill of the killing and pickpocketing of Elsie's former tutor, they turned their gaze onto her. Had just begun to pull at the gemstones around her neck when a black bowler hat came flying through the air. The brim flashed silver in the lamplight before it cut through the vile men like they had been made of butter. 
Elsie tracked the hat, her fear lessening and lessening as it mowed down man after man before returning to its master. 
Awashed in golden lamplight, the boy grinned down at her, placing his hat back onto his head. He offered her his hand and she took it in moments, her skin pricking at the feel of his skin on hers. 
Strength, power.
He held more strength than her tutor had. Held the power that he needed to win out against these vile men her tutor had been unable to win.
This boy was her savior--her survival. 
He would slaughter any man that tested him, she could see it in his dark brown eyes. 
She could also see his eyes filling with a sense of unease the longer he looked into her own. 
Somehow, Elise knew he could sense her overwhelming need to survive and the fact she would do anything to keep her life intact. She knew that as soon as he saw it in full, he would leave her without someone to keep death far far away.
And Elsie couldn’t have that. 
Elsie had been quick to pull tears to her eyes that spilled over her cheeks in a cold stream. She let a whimpering sob fall from her lips as she attacked her savior in a hug.
“Oh, that was utterly terrifying.” She cried, burying her face in his chest. “Thank you. Thank you. You saved my life.” She felt the boy's unease melt away at her tears, a hand coming up to rub her back in soothing circles. 
“Least I could do for a lady.” She pulled her head away from his chest, looking up at him with her watery green eyes so full of the fearful emotions she knew in her gut she should be feeling. The ones she had felt when she thought she had been about to die.  
“You must let me do something for you--reward you.” He shook his head, grabbing hold of her shoulder to pull her away, but Elsie’s hold on his black jacket only tightened. 
“I don’t need anythin’ from you--”
“Then tell me your name? I could not possibly go on without knowing the name of my valiant savior.” The boy’s chest seemed to puff in pride at her words. 
“The name’s Speedwagon. Robert E. O. Speedwagon.” Elsie smiled bright up at him. 
“And what a handsomely fitting name for such an honorable man.” Robert had half-heartedly brushed her off again.
“Eh, it was nothin’.” He said, glancing about the dark street at the chaos that had been wrought within. “Maybe I ‘ought to walk you home? Why a pretty lady like you is traveling down this street is beyond me--can’t have you gettin’ into any more trouble now.” Elsie was quick to latch onto Robert’s arm, pulling another whimper to her lips.
“I fear I live a two-day travel from here. We were heading home when--” Fresh tears sprung to her eyes. “Oh--oh god! What horrors.” She cried, burying her face back into his chest. 
Speedwagon instantly wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight to keep her from gazing upon the bloodshed of the night. And how safe she felt. She never wanted to leave his arms.
“It is alright now. I’ll keep you from harm.” His words filled her heart with a warmth her tutor had once made it feel. A warmth that let her know death would be a small thought in the back of her mind whenever he was around.
“Thank you…could you--could you please walk me to my aunts? She lives here in the city. She can make sure I get home.” Speedwagon nodded, beginning to guide her away from the scene. 
“Of course.” Speedwagon walked her all the way to her aunt's house, who had been more than happy to invite Elise and Speedwagon into her home. 
Her aunt offered to pay him generously but the boy had declined, declaring it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of a poor girl and her handsome aunt. He had just been doing what he felt in his heart to be right. 
Before he left, Elsie was sure to walk him out. She hugged him and placed her initialed handkerchief in his pocket. A handkerchief with the gemstone lines necklace she had been wearing moments ago. 
He had shown up the next morning to see her off under the guise of making sure she got out of the city with no trouble. 
And out of the city she did and oh how her protected heart had started to wither. She made it home in two days time and begged her father to let her go live with her aunt for a while. 
She begged and begged every day for weeks. Her aunt would teach her piano and art. Nothing more, she promised. Nothing more her father needed to be aware of of course.
He caved in after she started locking herself in her room. She refused to eat, drink, sleep. She shut her curtain so no light would seep into her room and finally, her father agreed to let her go off and live with her aunt for a years time. Only a years time
Elise knew she would change that time limit.
Speedwagon visited her every chance he got, bringing her flowers and sweet treats and Elise couldn’t have been happier. Couldn’t have felt more needed and protected. 
At the age of twelve, Elise Pendleton saw him.
She had just moved back home from living in the West End of London with her aunt due to the agreement she had made with her father a year ago. Elise had been planning and planning of ways to get back to London to be around her savior once more. 
Oh the overwhelming itch she felt to get back. The panic. It was enough to make her appetite turn. Make her nights sleepless.
Elise took to taking nightly walks. Ones she hoped would tire her mind out enough that she would stop thinking of danger and death. Danger and death she was ever closer to, being oh so far away from the person who had kept her safe from thugs and murders. 
She thought of the man who had saved her from Death’s clunges. Thought of his dark brown eyes, always so full of honor. Of his mane of blond hair which he had been starting to grow out. Of his bravery in the face of danger--his will to keep her safe.
Robert Speedwagon was everything she needed in a protector and yet as Elise’s green eyes spotted him, glowing in the silver light of the moon and stars above, all thoughts of the gentle street thug flew from her mind. 
He looked like an angel. No--no he was too beautiful for such a lowly life form. 
He looked like a god. 
Elsie had heard her sister whispering to their father of the boy the Joestars had taken in when she thought Elsie wasn’t listening. Of a boy as evil as the devil himself and just as cruel. 
His supposed evil was shown on the three moles on the curve of his earlobe. Elise had taken an interest in the occult a long while ago and knew those marks were seen as evil by most. 
But they were marks that also showed tremendous luck. 
He was utter luck--he was power.
Elise watched him walk over the grassy hills that made up the border between her family's land and his adopted family's. He walked with grace--purpose. His blond hair was slicked back, not a single strand out of place. His eyes, which she could just make out from this distance, were a sharp gold. Eyes she prayed and prayed would turn her way to gaze upon her trembling form.
He was her salvation. Elise felt this in her gut. 
She knew he would keep death far, far away from her soul.
And her soul also knew, without even having to speak with him, that he would only grow stronger and stronger. So strong no man on this earth could ever dare to challenge him and Elise needed that protection. 
As Elise watched this god-like boy disappear over the grassy hills she made a vow to herself. 
Elise vowed that she would do anything for him--be anything. As long as she had his protection, she would be his.
Elise Pendleton vowed she would be Dio Brando's one and only love.
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When I get depressed I try to think about things, little things that keep me going. Sometimes I want to give up. I feel empty a lot due to Borderline Personality Disorder and a lot of shit circumstances in my life. But it’s the little things that accumulate and bring me down, so why can’t there be little things that accumulate and lift me up out of depression?
An example here are some things I think about:
Dio Brando’s six pack 🙏🏻
The pumpkin spice scented candle I burn every morning. 🎃
The fact that goldfinches always land on my backyard’s palm trees around the same time each day and they look so playful!
The feeling of velour fabric on my skin.
The way my phone alarm plays Bloody Stream from JJBA season 2.
How I dance in my room in a silly way, a fun way, a way only I dance.
Otters holding hands.
Etc etc etc���. If little things can drag you down, let them lift you up too. Let them heal you. And NOTICE them.
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sumeria · 1 year
idk how to say this. but like. as much as im like yay nice gay archie 👍🏻 i also do not care as much as i wouldve if it had been MY archie i spent six seasons with. like ultimately i miss grimdark riverdale im sorry im having a hard time enjoying s7 the same way i do not like jjba p4 and dont like slice of life manga/anime or 99% of problem-of-the-week teen dramas. its just not giving its not Enough
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adenthemage · 1 year
tell me about the works in progress you have
Oh shit thanks for indulging me anon!! I've been super busy with work lately, but has that stopped me from starting new projects? No because i am a foole. So I have a decent bunch of them stacked up atm
Seeing as I am in tmnt hell with no end in sight yet, a majority of it has been centered on fanworks for that! In the art department I have:
-draw the rottmnt gang in your outfits
-just. SO many screenshots I wanna redraw
-animating rottmnt boys as youtubers I think are funny (<- this one is VERY CLOSE to being done, I just have a few segments I'm dragging my feet on. I have the boards I just don't wanna liiiinnnne)
-animation sent to a Thriller remix focusing on the 03 villains. This one is heavily inspired by a PHENOMENAL Jojo animation of which I will be plastering all over the promo for when my version is finished. I don't even watch Jjba (yet) but I am obsessed with that video. Part of me is excited to finish just so I can show more people that video. I am stealing so many techniques from it
-I have a TH storage account full of characters I mean to draw as warmups, but I keep forgetting. They're either set to be sold (and adding art gives them more value) or I just don't have anything for them to do yet and they need a little detail (sometimes drawing helps me flesh out a character's personality and backstory, by way of it reflecting in their design)
-Another TOH six fanarts! The video of me speeddrawing the first one went viral on both Youtube and Tiktok, so I had plenty of character requests to fulfill. I've decided on the ones I want to do, but it's been hard getting motivated to work on it-- presumably because I've moved fixations and brain gets very mad when I think about anything else
On the writing side, I've found myself being a bit more engaged with a little community that's made up of a lot of talented fic writers! I've never had the skill or motivation to finish a fic, but recently I've been trying my hand at fixing that, largely because of their influence. I have a few I'm considering polishing and one I'm nearly ready to actually post!!
-Fire and Stones is, I guess a character study, and the one I'm hoping to post very soon. It examines Agent Bishop in phases of life that aren't really represented in the show, with an emphasis on his odd relationship with death and all the different ways he's experienced it (as in every conceivable way except actually dying, himself.) I'm a little iffy on the first chapter because it takes place so early on, there are no canon characters even alive to interact with. I worry it won't be as fun or engaging as the next two, of which I'm actually pretty happy with! (This is rare as I am a very opinionated mfer and my own work is not immune to my strong need to critique.) I guess I'm just overthinking it because I intend to post it publicly and I'm a little nervous about it. I've never shared any of my fanfiction before!
-a new piece that spawned from Fire and Stones is a "sickfic" that begins hitting the usual fluffy beats with a hint of strangeness, and then quickly devolves into angst and political drama as the sick character in question becomes sure they were actually poisoned and this is an attempted assassination. It will be fun, if I can manage to stick with such a long pace.
-There is also a fic set in the 2012 tmnt universe, heavily inspired by another fic out there where Donnie and Mikey run away and start their own life and begin to heal. I absolutely adored it, and after discussing it with a buddy we were like 'what if they hid out in EPF with Bishop lol' and then it spiraled into a found family drama hoorayyyyy. Most of what I have so far is just waxing poetic about utrom Bishop, though, because I like him and am apparently allergic to writing povs in anyone else's voice.
-ok so. Confession time. I like Rick and Morty. During one of the season finales a villain gives Morty the option to join him and escape Rick forever, and genuinely I feel it is ooc that Morty did not take them up on it, because they were RIGHT. Anyway I have the beginning of a canon divergence fic where he does accept the offer. I actually really like what I have so far! It's just one scene, but at the very least I might try finish the one setup chapter. I might never do more, but I really like what I do have and wouldn't mind showing it off.
-I have a little self-indulgent story about Naruto OCs learning the basics in genin training. I have one scene done but it kinda tapered off in the next rip
I love all my projects but I am always so tired from work I just end up not working on them. But I hope I can have some cool stuff to show sooner rather than later! May it bring someone joy
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inkher0 · 2 years
Hoe would you recommend one start jjba?
If you've decided to Watch The Show, I'd always recommend starting from Part One. But if you're not sure if you'll like it or not and don't want to commit to six seasons and a few books, I always say this: Whatever genre you love the most, start on that season.
If you like classic, 80's horror? Start at part one, Phantom Blood. Classic 80's action? Battle Tendency. Classic Shonen? Stardust Crusaders. Slice of life? Diamond is Unbreakable. Gang Thrillers? Golden Wind. You like cowboys and dinosaurs and feeling sad? Steel Ball Run!
The only ones I wouldn't recommend starting with are part six and eight, Stone Ocean and Jojolion. There's a Thing that happens that is a bit hard to understand without the context of That Bastard, Dio
But, yeah! Start on whatever season you want! If you like the show, you'll watch the rest of it start to finish. Trust me.
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jacks-obsessions · 3 years
JJBA characters' reaction to having a s/o who lives on a farm close to a small town, because I can.
He's really excited to see it
The inspiration is endless
He is a bit bothered with your home being just outside of a town of barely 2,000
He is about to burst because he can't get things drawn fast enough
His favorites are the barn, the horses, and the gardens
He is more than willing to help out around the farm, no better way to get inspired then to get your hands dirty
Yes he does participate in hunting season
He is immediately in love with your dogs and cats
Is fascinated with the dynamic between the chickens and rabbits
Is tickled pink when he gets to collect the eggs
Finds it funny when the cattle get in the feed bunk
Loves the horses and loves riding them along with wagon rides
Eats the hard corn off the cob
Doesn't care to much for hunting season
He's practically vibrating by the time he's in the car
It's only because of Fugo that he knows brown cows don't produce chocolate milk
Really really loves the cows and loves graining them
Shows up in a full on cowboy costume
Is in love with your rabbits
Very intimidated by the draft horses
This guy uses Aerosmith when you take him out to hunt
He’s nervous because of the Pistols
The Pistols end up eating the grain, chicken food, rabbit food, and whatever they can get out of the garden
Is terrified of your flemish giant because it could definitely beat him up
Loves wagon rides and watching the cattle
Actually likes gardening alot
Likes to go hunting with you, and the Pistols like to eat what you get (only person to hunt with a six shooter)
Finds it to be very quaint
He's very interested because of his upbringing as a fisherman
Really likes the chickens and rabbits but he also really likes the horses
Finds gardening to be very relaxing
Loves seeing the cattle running around and having a good time same goes for the horses
Likes hunting with you and this includes fishing (he sees it as bonding time)
Finds it to be a nice get away
Big beefy man, very, very good at helping with farm work
Has no problem helping out with working cattle
Is in love with the draft horses (big horse for a big man)
And your flemish giant
He is even more thrilled when he gets to not only ride the horses but the wagon as well
Yes he uses Metallica for camouflage (he enjoys bow hunting because it's more of a workout)
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daisys-gard3n · 3 years
Just got off work, I'm tired and horny so have some various assorted Thots™️
- Shark!mer Squalo and hexapus(cuz talking head only has six limbs)!Tiziano taking an interest in u and breeding u with Tizianos eggs n Squalos cum stuffing u to the brim
- moth Risotto not realizing the effect his pheromones has on you, a human, until his breeding season starts and he's now dealing with a very horny human who is wiggling for more than he can physically fit in them so he has to pin u down and keep his cock in u to keep the eggs from slipping out
-literally any of the service tops in jjba noticing you're grumpy and stressed from overworking yourself so they force u to self care and fuck you so thoroughly that you have the call in the next day bc u can't walk and they're just next to you like :) oh no :) guess I gotta :) take care of you :)
- the doms (I'm thinkin more specifically Lulu, Prosciutto, etc) easing you into subspace so deep that when they move you in front of a mirror and order you to admit you're hot, you can't do anything but babble the affirmations. Bonus points if this is yanderes who have Had It with you having negative self esteem you are Wonderful you are Lovely you are GOING to love yourself damn it
Probably more in the future but thats all I got on the brain rn lmao -🛤 (railed anon)
You give all this food???? For free????
- Biology got in the way of their quaint life in the sea, their urge to breed and procreate grew stronger every day and there were literally no females in the general area on the seafloor for kilometers. Poor Squalo was taking it hard, Tiziano could no longer keep up satisfying his lover's needs . No matter how many tentacles Tiziano used or his cock, Squalo would automatically rut against a surface and mutter to himself about wanting to breed and to create offspring. And it's not like Tiziano wasn't feeling it either, he felt the urge to go to land and snatch a human female of all things just so he could lay his eggs inside of her and make her give birth to his brood. But he managed to force himself away from shore to not give into his desires.
They use a small cave connecting the land and ocean as their secret lair, trying to get off with each other and trying to contain their urges for the meantime. But that tiny human just had to wander in, smelling so fertile and looking so adorable in a swimsuit and a jacket covering it. You walked closer to the pool of water, thinking it looked cool and thought you could find some cool sea shells or something - only to have tentacles grab onto your limbs and drag you into the water. With Tiziano using some of his tentacles binding you and keeping your head above water from behind, and Squalo who swam up to you with the fin on his back ripping through the water until you saw those hazy ocean blue eyes staring at you like a piece of meat. Just bite marks, lips, tentacle suckers, and rough hands handling you as you were stuffed with one tendril-like cock wriggling inside of you and able to brush against your cervix and make you cum so hard around it as Tiziano laid his eggs inside of you. Then you felt Squalo shove two barbed cocks inside of you at one, stuffing you full and rutting into you roughly as he tried to reach for his orgasm and wanting to breed you.
"Squalo, you're going to break them if you keep going so rough. We need this human to keep breeding, who else is going to take our eggs and cum so good, hm? This tiny human needs to be taken care of, Amore. H-Hng, oh, I could get addicted to their tight holes."
"A-Ah, fuck, fuck fuck! I-I wanna breed them so fucking bad. I-I need to cum inside of them! A-Ah, fuck! H-Hnng, so tight! A-Ah~! Aaah! Hahh~! Fuck, cum around me. Y-Yeah, I'm gonna breed you so much. You're going to have my pups, tiny human!"
- Risotto during his mating season is a horny monster, but he didn't want to impede it on you. He was just going to lock himself up in his portion of the house and hopefully get over it. That was until you got a good whiff of his pheromones and you were all over him, it was an invitation to rip you clothes off and rut into your tight hole as you moaned so deliciously for him. At one point, you flipped him over and started to sink yourself on his cock, making one pair of his hands grip onto your waist and the other play with your chest as you fucked yourself on his large and tendril-like cock.
His wings flapped furiously with pleasure as he came inside of you, reaching you so deep inside of your cervix as he filled your insides with his hot cum. But he had to be quick - the end of his ovipositor rising up and extending to replace his cock with it so that his eggs could fill you up on the inside. Risotto was going to comfort you, but stopped when you moaned and bucked your hips at the feeling of hundreds of eggs filling your uterus. He could feel his cock twitch and wriggle with life seeing the erotic sight, you bouncing on his ovipositor and trying to get yourself stuffed to the brim as you babbled incoherently and drooled. But when you tried to milk it was when the problem occured, when eggs started to drip the sides of the ovipositor from out of your used cunt. Risotto had to let his four hands go to you and shove you so deep onto his ovipositior, making it slip so deep inside of your uterus and to continue filling you up alongside his cum and holding you down so that nothing drips out. His cock was writhing and leaking with precum from the erotic sight.
"A-Ah, fuck. Y-You're too tiny, you can fit anymore. O-Oh, fuck. H-Hng, fuck, I wanna breed you again so bad...I-I wanna fill you up so much more that you look like you're going to have my kids right now...O-Oh, fuck. Bounce on it more, please. I need to breed you so good!"
- This is some real Bruno Buccellati or Noriaki Kakyoin shit right here. They just pick you up from your office chair and make you actually clean yourself, feed yourself, get out of your work clothes into your comfy (and kinda erotic) oversized t-shirt, and put you to bed. They would actually get in the shower with you to help wash your hair if you feel like you can't do it and brush your hair while you sit in front of them with your back turned.
They see you're frustrated from overwork and decide there to break your back for ✨mental health✨. Full on mating press, eating you out until youre shaking and crying, rearranging your guts, and filling you up with so much cum.
And when you have to make that call into work, they're just smiling. "Oh, what a shame. Guess I need to take care of you more."
Like they aint the cause of it.
- real soft (yet rough) dom energy here. I can see them stuffing you full with his cock while he forces you in to look in the mirror.
"Look at yourself. Don't you see how gorgeous you are? These beautiful curves, this soft skin, this adorable mouth, this beautiful complextion. Look at how sexy your chest is, how good you take me in...Don't you think so? Answer me."
"Y-Yea...I-I'm b-beautiful and...And I'm sexy..
I-I'm always pretty!"
"Mm, that's right. You're always so beautiful, look how well you take this cock. Say it again."
And he'll make you repeat if and telling yourself that you live yourself until you cum. Kissing ylu on the temple as you twitch in his arms.
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chainsawcorazon · 2 years
WIP Meme / Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Then tag some people for a no-obligation mutual wailing/cheering/complaining session!
I was tagged by cousin k aka @bobafvcks
chimera 2.0 (the sequel to my first chimera post-canon fic)
apollo 55 sequel (to that one gay ass fic i wrote years ago crying over ryusuke taguchi and fergal devitt hopefully reuniting (they never did))
gintama scraps (literally just that, half-assed drabbles sitting in my WIPs for almost ten years that never got published bc sorachi pissed me tf off with his manga ending)
chlark earth two (a smallville post-canon fic (not including anything after season ten) that incorporates the earth two characters, been also sitting in my WIPs for almost ten years, will eventually see the light of day, inshallah)
jjba drabbles (scraps, scraps, scraps, will likely post some when i EVENTUALLY resume stel bull ran)
like wings of a demon (the ending to a fic that has been sitting incomplete.... for ten years LOL)
ryght fic (the gay ass human au of light/ryuk i will write one of these days)
nana & ofa fic (darkfic galore, outline done, now just need to regain interest in bnha long enough to write it)
mito fic (my naruto pre-canon epic novel that’s still ongoing)
prison playbook post canon (the outline is finished, but lizard brain picked up six other special interests at the time and vomited several fics that were not prison playbook, will EVENTUALLY return and write this fully when brain calms down)
charmy epic 2.0 (sequel to my charmy backstory fic, will be written when i regain interest in black clover)
hikasai epic (been in the works for YEARS, and finally coming to fruition in the coming months as it is my ramadan writing project hehe)
asuliebe orpheus & eurydice AU (outline done; waiting for tabata to influence me into writing it)
forest of secrets pegging fic (number three of a planned trilogy)
forest of secrets gay people (number two of a planned trilogy)
psychopath diary post canon (the one where in woo gets victimized by dong sik)
Some of these WIPs are really edging on being a decade old LOL. I don’t feel bad tho, they’ll get written EVENTUALLY. life is long, alhumdulillah, y’all will see them come down the pipeline one of these days. don’t be surprised if you see me posting shit hours before my own wedding. i will probably be writing fanfiction until i die tbh
I’m tagging: @spindaonateaspoon, @backwardshirt, @loafingdragon, and @crazedstoryteller, @oedotai, and @saathiray. have fun, cousins!!!
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nolvini · 5 years
i want to get into jojo, but i dont know where to start lol, do you think you could summarize it:?
ok ok so despite what people say, my friend gave me a flash drive with all of part 3 (stardust crusaders) on it, and after that i watched 4 and 5 and then went back to 1 and 2 and god i’m terrible at explaining but I’ll try my best lol
Anyways tbh,,, each part can be watched on their own since they all have a different protagonist and plot/setting. I don’t recommend watching it completly out of order (like 4->2->5->etc) but recurring characters from other parts are present so you may not fully understand their importance at first.
SO it’s very long like not as long as homestuck but maybe a tier or two below so I’m going to go over the main aspects of each parts below with a copied-pasted summary from the wiki in italics and a better understanding underneath:
Warnings: gore heavy, sexual assault, I’ll add more as I think about it (i’m sorry it’s almost 1am here)
Some good ol’ vocab
Hamon/Ripple: a technique used in the early parts of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Through the use of controlled breathing, the user can fill their body and attacks with sunlight energy, making it very effective against Vampires, Zombies, and Pillar Men.
Stands:  a visual manifestation of life energy, unique to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. It generally presents itself as a figure hovering over or near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand User, can be wielded for good or evil.
Part One: Phantom Blood (9 episodes)
In 19th-century England, a youth named Dio Brando is adopted by the wealthy George Joestar to repay Dio's father for seemingly saving his life. Jonathan Joestar, who aspires to become a gentleman, finds himself shunned by his family and friends as part of Dio's plot to take the Joestar fortune for himself.
This is the beginning of JJBA. Each protagonist of each part is nicknamed “JoJo” (i.e. Jonathan Joestar), so like it’s the protag’s bizarre adventure, and they are super weird!!!
Anyways Dio is Jonathan’s adoptive brother, and he’s like just pure evil and is the antithesis of Jonathan and later he becomes a vampire. Jonathan meets a man who teaches him Hamon/Ripple which he tries to use against Dio.
Part Two: Battle Tendency (17 episodes)
Taking place in 1938-39, the story follows the misadventures of Joseph Joestar (a.k.a. JoJo), grandson of Jonathan, as he masters his innate Ripple abilities in order to combat hostile, ancient super-beings named the Pillar Men, creators of the Stone Mask that plot to become the ultimate lifeforms.
Joseph is Jonathan’s grandson, so this shows that this series follows the JoJo bloodline (so like descendants of Jonathan) and their misadventures. But yeah like the summary above states, Joseph also learns Hamon/Ripple (it’s the same thing idk why it has two names).
Part Three: Stardust Crusaders (48 episodes)
Jotaro Kujo and his friends as they journey from Tokyo to Cairo to save his mother's life by defeating his family's resurrected archenemy, DIO.
OK the concept of Hamon/Ripple here is just, completly removed lmao and in my opinion i think it’s better. Hamon is replaced with Stands, which many characters have. Jotaro Kujo is Joseph’s grandson, so again, follows the bloodline. HEY I LOVE THIS PART!!!! The majority of the story takes place in south Asia, the Middle East, and Egypt which is great bc i’m brown and it’s nice to see some rep in anime even if it’s not the main focus lol ANYWAYS sorry for the tangent just if anything I recommend starting with Stardust Crusaders since Jotaro is kind of the mascot of JJBA, but of course up to you
Part Four: Diamond is Unbreakable (39 episodes)
Takes place in the summer of 1999 in Morioh, a midsized japanese town. Jotaro Kujo has come to visit for two reasons. One, to meet Josuke Higashikata, Joseph Joestar's illegitimate son. And two, to find a serial killer, and figure out how he got a stand.
Parts 4-6 explore the Stand concept in depth, where they came from, why certain people get a stand while others don’t, etc. while also havinf their own plots aside from that. Part 4 is more slice of life-ish but of course still has it’s fair share of gore and sadness, but compared to others I personally think it has a more uplifting endings than the other parts which is great bc Josuke deserves the world
Part Five: Vento Aureo aka Golden Wind (39 episodes)
Set in 2001 Italy, the story follows Giorno Giovanna and his dream to rise within the Neapolitan mafia and defeat the boss of Passione, the most powerful and influential gang, in order to become a "Gang-Star". With the aid of a capo and his men, and fueled by his own resolve, Giorno sets out to fulfill his goal of absolving the mafia of its corruption.
This is the season that just ended (summer 2019). Giorno is actually Dio’s son, but is still considered to be part of the JoJo bloodline because of.... spoilers. ANYWAYS this is kind of where jjba becomes more “feminine” in lack of a better word; with its floral/art imagery and Giorno not being as masculine as the other parts’ protagonists. Anyways i cried.
Part Six: Stone Ocean
In 2011, Florida; Jolyne Cujoh, daughter of Jotaro, is wrongfully accused of a crime she didn't commit and sent to a maximum security prison. While imprisoned, she struggles within a longstanding plot agreed between dead villain DIO and ideologue Enrico Pucci.
Here is our very first female jojo (wow gif) but let me tell you all the female characters in this part are so badass and powerful in their own ways it’s just... wrow. This part isn’t animated yet but hopefully will be bc I need to see Jolyne or else I will die.
Part Seven: Steel Ball Run 
Set in the U.S. in 1890, the story follows Johnny Joestar, a paraplegic ex-jockey, and Gyro Zeppeli, master in a mystic art named the Spin, as they compete with a vast number of others in the Steel Ball Run race: a mad-dash across America for a grand prize of 50 million dollars.
Steel Ball Run describes a new continuity apart from that detailed in Part 1-6 of the series. On top of core features to JoJo such as Stands, the story is marked by many references to the original series.
Legit I just finished reading this in the last week and it is a fan favorite. I’m still processing everything that happened honestly kjsdhfsjkdhfj but yes it’s good 9/10 imo. Anyways this is on a different timeline from parts 1-6 because of the events that happened in Stone Ocean.
Part Eight: JoJolion
The story begins in 2011 and follows Josuke Higashikata, a young man afflicted by retrograde amnesia, in his search to uncover his identity in Morioh Town, a coastal Japanese town affected by the Tohoku earthquakeW. However, his digging pulls him and his adoptive family into the unfinished business between his previous life and an impending inhuman threat.
I haven’t read this part yet but i will, but know that this part is in the same timeline as Steel Ball Run.
OK THANK U FOR READING i didn’t do any of my hw and I’m going to sleep now but I hope this helps!!! IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS MORE THAN YOU WANTED I’m just extra and hopefully this can be summed up in a better way but yeah: that’s jojo’s bizarre adventure in a nutshell.
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
Anime asks: 6, 24 and 27 maybe?
YAY!!! lol i’m such a negative nancy in this lol.
Anime asks because why not
6. popular anime you didn’t like: HMMMMMM i dunno, most anime that’s popular i don’t like is one’s i’ve not seen like sailor moon or something cause they get talked alot, idk why it has an affect for me. ones i have watched...uhhhh...does usagi drop count? like, the anime was cute the whole...six/seven eps i watched but learning bout wha happened in the manga...EW don’t recommend.
i mean there’s also litt///le wit///ch acad///emia i guess isn’t one i look back on liking? i liked the third episode involving the tree? or maybe it was the second one? and i loved amanda o niel, but like everything else i didn’t care much for.
WAIT i just re-remembered dar/////ling in the Fr////anxx i watched the first half of the first ep and left cause i didn’t see the appeal.
24. popular character you hate : hmmmmmm depends on my fandom i’m in or we mean popular characters of all time. fandom first: cairngorm from hnk honestly, i just never liked em from the start, but i’d gladly take winter cairn instead of moon cairn. of all time: bakugo from BN///HA, i just, never liked him.
27. anime you plan to watch in the future : the other seasons of haikyu i finished the first season, have been wanting to try finishing cheer danshi the first anime i got into. might also catch the new season of osomatsu-san coming soon, and praying that yuri on ice’s movie still happens soon, otherwise idk wha else i have a drive to watch. maybe Dr. stone but idk yet. JJBA is also one my mind has in mind but like, idk the length of the series scares me.
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heartoferebor · 5 years
I was tagged by @kaschra​ and @secrettoupeecollector​ (ehrmagehrd ppl who I admire have noticed me 😭). Thank you! 1. Name- Seb! 2. Nicknames- Grandpa, Dad, Li (that last one is a remnant of my deadname and only my parents get to call me that. Offlimits for everyone else ;)). 3. Zodiac- Capricorn 4. Height- 175 cm 5. Languages- English, German, and a small smattering of Swedish & Latin 6. Nationality- German! But I left the country over ten years ago lol. 7. Favorite season- Early spring or early autumn. When the days are just long enough for endlessly long hikes in tshirts but not hot or sunny enough to be above 23 degrees celsius. 8. Favorite flower- Sunflowers and orchids :). 9. Favorite scent- Fresh bread.Fresh cookies/cake.The way it smells when sunlight hits old wood. 10. Favorite color- Dark blue & wine red. Purple. 11. Favorite animal- Spiders!!!! Also partial to birds of prey, crocodiles, and wolves. 12. Favorite fictional character- If you want a full list we’ll still be here tomorrow x’D. Here are some random ones: Shay Cormac & Haytham Kenway (AC III/AC Rogue), Aya & Bayek of Siwa (AC Origins), Yusuf Tazim (AC Revelations) Dwalin & Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit), Motoko Kusanagi (GITS, GITS: SAC), Bucky Barnes (Marvel Comics), Sam Wilson (Marvel Comics & MCU), Magnus Burnsides (TAZ: Balance), Enrico Pucci & Dio Brando (JJBA), Miranda Barlow & James Flint & Thomas Hamilton (Black Sails), Anne Bonny & Max (Black Sails), LIKE EVERY SINGLE MAIN CHARACTER IN UNCHARTED (Uncharted), The Joui 4 (Gintama), AND I COULD GO ON FOREVER 13. Coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate- Tea. At the moment I really love White Tea. 14. Average sleep- 7-8 hours, but to function properly and feel rested I ideally need 9-10 every night lol. Not that I’d ever get that. 15. Dog or cat person- TARANTULAS! I love both tbh, and one day I hope to have both, but at the moment I have a wonderful Maine Coon who has grudgingly accepted me as her guardian (and a beautiful tarantula. And an aquarium:)) 16. Number of blankets- 2 17. Dream trip- I want to go to New Zealand and hike the Te Araroa Trail one day. Not that I’d ever get this much time off work though. I also want to go to Fireland, and hike the Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland. And return to Iceland, I’m p sure a piece of my heart will always remain there. 18. Blog established- I made the first (now abandoned, oops) one in 2010. I think this one’s been around since January 2014. 19. Followers- 2,674. A remnant from my Hobbit fandom days lol. 20. Random fact- Me and bones have a thing. I’ve broken my own bones six times and actually have a PhD related to morphology/anatomy, which I earned by staring at dead things for quite some time. Tagging: anyone who reads this and wants to do it! Yes I mean you! YOU!
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hikariarts501 · 5 years
My childhood husbandos
(And why I never talked about them)
Okay! Like every other person on this planet, I have had crushes on fictional characters in movies and tv shows, weither it's Legolas from Lord of The Rings or *cough* Kakashi Hatake from Naruto.
Though I never talked about them growing up because I was worried other kids my age would make fun of me.
But we're getting right into it, so let's go! :D
1. Legolas Greenleaf, from Lord of the Rings
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I formed a crush on Legolas when I first watched Lord of the Rings when I was around five or six yrs old. I think it was his voice that captivated me from the start. And the fact that he was played by Orlando Bloom. Like, yes please.
When I was in elementary school, I was talking with one of my few friends about what characters I had a crush on from movies and tv shows. When I brought up Legolas, a boy from our class overheard and started teasing me and saying things like "Hikari likes fake characters!".
But seriously, how many of you out there fell in love with Legolas after watching Lord of The Rings?
2. Peter Pan
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Like all little girls, I absolutely LOVED Peter Pan. I don't think I need to go into detail as to why, since I'm pretty sure everyone knows already.
3. Loki Laufeyson (Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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Oh god. This handsome man. I actually first fell in love with Loki after watching most of the animated cartoons (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Avengers Assmeble, etc.) It wasn't long after that watching Thor:God of Thunder and seeing Tom Hiddleston for the first time that I was just smitten. Also, Loki is very relatable in so many ways.
The reason I never talk about Loki is because...well when I say he's my favorite character and one of my husbandos a lot of people would give me crap about it. Mostly those hardcore(if not a rather obessive and just flat out mean) loki/tom hiddleston fangirls on here would start calling me names and saying that I have no right to be liking him and yada yada yada. It's the same in real life too.
4. Captain Rex of the 501st (Star Wars the Clone Wars 2008)
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This one. Like everyone else, when Star Wars the Clone Wars aired on tv in 2008, I was ecstatic and watched every episode I possibly can. Seeing Rex for the first time made me head over heels in love with him and most of the clones.
I mostly kept this crush to myself until around middle school/ high school when I discovered a website called Quizzazz (now known as Quotev. To anyone who has an account there knows me as Ren Leonhart. :) ) From there I found as many star wars fan groups as I can and ended up meeting tons of wonderful fellow Clone Wars fans and I became more opened up about my husbandos, and started creating my first set of ocs and fanfics. A lot of people were supportive and so sweet about my choices.
However, there was the toxic side of the fandom who immediately started leaving negative comments on my stuff, saying how my oc is killing their Rex/Ahsoka, Rex/Cody, etc. ships. Like...dude. You got your own taste in ships and opts and I have mine. I honestly don't want to hear it, you know?
5. Kiku Honda, Japan (Hetalia)
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This one is a bit more of a platonic love than a romantic one. The reason I say that is because ironically, my dad kinda reminds me too much of Kiku. Which I found extremely weird since when I first watched Hetalia I was all like "Awh, Japan's a freaking cutie." until I started seeing a lot of similarities between him and my dad.
6. Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko (Star Wars Rebels)
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In the Rebels community we all have our favorite Rebel, and our favorite Imperial. For me it was Commandant Aresko. I joined the Rebels fandom a bit late into the series, Season 2 at best, but quickly got caught up after getting Disney plus a few months ago.
Seeing Aresko, there was no doubt in my mind that I freaking loved him. I think I say it alot in the tags of every artwork of him I post on here. Just how he goes from acting all high and mighty to a nervous wreck in a short amount of time is adorable. Also I'll admit it I have a thing for guys with british accents, dark hair and blue eyes.
I don't talk about him as much as I do about the others, because when I do, people will immediately say that I'm not valid for liking him, or will immediately be talking trash about him. And to be honest, I never asked for anyone's opinion on him when I just decide to go and spread love about him or any other character.
7. Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure; Stardust Crusaders)
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So like I said in a previous post of some fanart, I just recently got into JJBA, and fell inlove with Jotaro. I've always loved the delinquint characters who have the hearts of gold.
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kaoarika · 4 years
One of the few series I have been following nowadays in Naver Webtoon is “Devilish Romance”, and I was quite surprised that it was officially picked up by LINE Webtoon for an official ENG translation.
...especially since it isn’t as popular as other VERY popular series in the South Korean webtoon platform on its publishing day (it is always at the END of the Monday’s series!!!!)... but I guess it was one of those series that might do better abroad than in its origin country (also, I think LINE Webtoon wanted to fulfill the empty space that “Devil Number 4″ -that I will read this week, just when Daily Pass is around the corner to paywall it- left, while also waiting for “Brimstones and Roses” to come back for a 2nd season), considering that stuff like “Lucifer” or even “Obey Me!” have been pretty popular nowadays (although, can we stop... you know, comparing DR to Lucifer, please?)
I like the art (it makes me feel THINGS), and I think the story offers a fun and interesting rom com story with a seemingly evil demon and a cold-hearted prosecutor.
...The series is quite slow, however. As far as spoilers I go by, the story and its “romance” aspect doesn’t pick up until much later. And I mean, I like the slow burning in building the characters and their relationship, showing up their personalities, their motives and the worldbuilding... but it doesn’t really pick up until later. And it’s a shame it will take some time to arrive there. There’s... quite spicy stuff  👀, hence why I also have been following it, lol.
Even though I understand why ppl do not like Gye Seah/Narcissa Gye, and I’m not sure how much that will change later on, but MY GOD, you HAD ME when you have a complete doofus demon as Ma Gwinam/Damon Ma, LMAO. THAT’S MY KIND OF MALE CHARACTERS THAT I FALL FOR AS OF LATELY.
So, basically it is about a demon (who was reluctantly reborn as a human as some kind of punishment...) that is working in the Investigation Law Department. He has a goal working there, and that is finding the King of the Demons, who is probably the one who will return him to be his former demon self, Sitri.
Also, the former-demon dork there basically attempted to do some “investigation” in a victims’ residence because “it reminds him of his demon life”, but, to any human being he looked like a pervert creep and got in trouble because, remember, kids: tresspassing is BAD, especially if it’s a crime scene.
And the first encounter that Gwinam/Damon has with Seah/Narcissa goes “love at first punch”, lmao. They don’t like each other at first? But I’m pretty sure that he was struck with an arrow when he first saw her, hahah (and before a rude throw from her side).
Sorry if I’m going to be nitpicky, however...
My only complaint about this series is related to its localization. 
From every new series that LINE Webtoon has been picking for an English license/translation in the past six months, I have been noticing that they have been reducing (dropping) this practice of localizing Korean names to be more “English or Western friendly”.
I’m probably not the best person to complain about this, but I have talked about it before when I was reviewing series like “Oh! Holy” and “Ghost Wife”, which is a bit... “uhm... Kpop is mainstream? Kdramas are more popular nowadays? Worldwide?” and this is one of those practices that other Eastern media (Japanese mostly)’s localization have mostly left in the past (unless you are doign smth for kids or you are afraid of copyright infringement, like it happens in JJBA). It ruins the immersion, I guess? when it becomes... glaring... when the main cast have English names (while retaining their Korean last name) and other characters have full Korean names, you know? So, from all the series that have been released recently in LINE Webtoon... this is one where they are doing this.
While I don’t particularly agree or like this decision... I perceive it might be similar to what happened with “Oh! Holy” and “Ghost Wife”... because... the use of puns in the characters’ names.
Damon Ma = Ma Gwinam, the pun being that “Gwinam” literally means “demon” in Korean. In one scene, he basically mumbles “I’m a demon” (unconsciously or not, giving away his real identity because “I don’t like being a human, and yet I cannot believe I’m stuck in this situation :|”). Damon sounds like “demon”, so... the joke is there as well. (YEAH, the doofus of a demon is LITERALLY named “Demon”... what happened for his parents to name him as such, LMAO).
I am not sure why Gye Seah = Narcissa Gye, however. At least... not yet. Unless I’m missing a pun? or specific meaning? (I can’t tell, and maybe her name doesn’t have a particular meaning compared to, say, Gwinam/Damon). I do think “Narcissa” fits her personality, however?
What I do think what happened in the TL process was something like: “we cannot simply change the name of one MC for the pun, we need to change the other, because if we don’t the other would stand out like a sore thumb”.... however... they still didn’t change minor characters’ names that have been already introduced (like the Captain Jungi Yang or Sunam Ma, Gwinam’s brother), so they DO still stand out like sore thumbs (and more characters are introduced later, although I cannot yet confirm if thy retain their original names or what in LINE Webtoon, cause I am not buying/using Fast Pass, atm... but Cpt. Yang and Sunam are more “support cast”, so...)... especially if the setting is still EXPLICITLY happening in South Korea (the Han River is seen in the first chapter, the office where Gwinam and Seah work is in Seoul). 
However, you know what’s even more glaring? I mean... the TLs left “hyung” (hyeong, but still making my point) when Sunam is introduced, and they even had to literally explain a “this word and this other word are similarly pronounced and read in Korean, hence the visual joke of this scene”), and it feels a bit... silly, to change Gwinam and Seah’s names when you STILL are leaving Korean honorifics (Sunam is Gwinam’s younger brother, and he loves him, regardless... he is also a priest, so, you know, lmao) or explaining a joke in the original language setting. Although, you never know and the next round of translators might change smth around, back and forth as usual (i.e. changing the Korean Won currency to USD).
(EDIT: I just found out that the series had an earlier French official release on the FR Webtoon site and... both Gwinam and Seah retain their names there? was it not hard to do the same in English? puns or not?)
This is just me being nitpicky, obviously... and I’m not letting this affect my experience regardless... but, again, you know... this is one of those practices in localization you KINDA wish they would have dropped or abandoned nowadays... I mean, for real. If other translations seem to be abandoning this specific task in localization (I don’t have many problems with localizations! You cannot offer a 1:1 translation, either! I MEAN, they COULD have gotten around the “this word sounds as this word, hence the joke in visual form”!), I mean...?
On one hand I’m glad this series is getting an English official translation... But my little “purist” side is all “but at what price?” (at least this is not as somewhat annoying as in “Scorching Romance”, although some localized jokes there WORKED... but frick, why Aspen as a name???? I understand it HAD to be a very obscure reference to understand the meaning of his name... but seriously? Aspen, from Aspen, Colorado? and when other character name is OBVIOUSLY NOT RELATED TO THAT AND IT’S BLATANT OBVIOUS WE KNOW IT ISN’T... sadsaafdfg... and that’s just the type of the iceberg because the SPA release of this series is also doing the same ‘pun names = localized’ thing...)
TL;DR (don’t read my nitpicky criticism) - READ THIS SERIES IF YOU ENJOY FUN DEMON-HUMAN (LOVE) RELATIONSHIPS, especially if the demon is some kind of doof compared to his female protagonist. But don’t get too picky as myself, because even if the demons’ categories are realistically wrong if you do a “one-click-away” research (according to some commentators), or the localization might be sticking as a sore thumb, the series is STILL GOOD, and the art is attractive to the eyes (AND YES, SPOILER: IT GETS GOOD AND IT MIGHT GET SPICY LATER).
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mute-8ox · 4 years
Was tagged by @assofedwardkenway​ to do another tag thingy, so here it is:
Rules: It’s time to love yourself. Choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the things you’ve brought into the world. Tag whomever you want.
These are all gonna be from my art account @mute-chan​ so feel free to check it out if you’re interested!
This one’s gonna be from 2019, but to this day I’m still heccin’ proud of this Demon Slayer fan art. I made it soon after I started watching the show. I was very inspired by the animation style and how the artists did the effects for it, so I wanted to incorporate that aspect into the work.
(The rest of these are from 2020) 
A fan art piece I did of Lio Fotia from Promare. It was originally gonna be for that challenge where you draw six characters, but I just decided to draw him on his own instead. Never watched it, but I did always like the aesthetic of it.
Some artwork I made after finishing season one of Fire Force. I was really inspired by the style they used for the show’s opening in the first half.
I also started watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure this past summer, so I made quite a few fan art pieces for it. One of which was of Death XIII from part 3 (one of my favorite JJBA villains tbh,,).
My very first 3D render of a character. I wanted to use her for a project I’m working on, but it got too complicated for me once I tried to figure out how to add textures and physics so I’ve sadly abandoned it (maybe one day I’ll get back to her...).
So yeah, that’s it for me. Not gonna tag anyone in particular, but if you want to do it feel free to tag me so I can see your posts!
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