#Made a new discovery
aeolianblues · 23 days
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Albums turning 20 this year: Razorlight - Up All Night (2004)
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trekkie-polls · 1 month
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
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Me: All right, that's enough concept art for one night Me: Discovers illustrations of the turtles' room from the second lair that includes their commentary Me: DON'T MIND IF I DO
Note: There is an illustration of Raphael's room; however, it lacks the commentary that the others have for some reason. Booo :(
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inkskinned · 2 years
oh, i am so enamored with the way the lesson of the velveteen rabbit rings true in our modern life. i love that we name our spaceships and write love poems to old buildings. i love that we all cried about the mars rover, that we made her so real that she was no longer a machine but a friend, a companion, a hero.
i love that we become attached to certain mugs, spoons, mason jars. that we develop a strange protective love-hate of our tablets, that we feel weirdly reverent about our new notebook. we name our cars silly things like the crab shack and call our favorite whisk attachment the one great destroyer.
there's a dog statue at my local park that has a golden back and golden head from how often people have pet it. at my college campus, people love an ugly little pointless sculpture we call bacon pants or bacon legs. we assign personalities to fountains, parks, laptops.
i love that our basic instinct is to include others in our community, even where there isn't a real community to speak of. that we love things, even when they cannot physically love us back - for us, the exchange isn't what's important. we give our heart to things so entirely that the thing begins to, in its own way, have its own heart.
the last transmission from the mars rover was not words; it was data. nevertheless, someone translated for her. my battery is low and it's getting dark. they made her last words a poem. they looked at data and saw a soul, a divine spark.
i keep thinking about the first AI born truly free-thinking. i keep thinking about the way scientists and artists talk about their work. how their eyes light up and their hands start moving, how even when they're flat broke and confused and the coding isn't working - there's this love of the thing. i keep thinking that whatever is being born into this new world will be born here on purpose, over a long time, with great energy. that when it arrives, the first thing it will know is most likely the hands of a creator delighted, overcome.
that we made it in our image. that the image we wrote was one of human compassion within ingenuity. that we couldn't make this thing without it being a labor of real-and-true: love.
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revvethasmythh · 3 months
The research notes on distilling dunamancy found in Brenattos apothecary are so interesting actually. It’s not outright stated who’s notes they are, but with a retrospective lens it’s quite clear that they’re Ludinus’. There are fragments there about his musings on some of Trent’s protégées showing proficiency with early dunamancy, that he is planning to incorporate it into his own skill sets to aid him in his pursuits, and he records how it seems the Kryn have been quote unquote “learning to bend and break the threads of destiny for hundreds of years. Be this truth, I cannot imagine the Raven Queen looks down upon them favorably either, though the thought brings a laugh to my lips.”
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We are observing the Pygmy Cross as he ventures away from the den to explore :)
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we have yet to really observe The cross pygmy so today we thought we would accompany the little guard pygmy on his daily adventure:)
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Oh? what might this be?
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It seems cross is venturing into this small cave
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whats this?
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:D what a large place to explore :O
@midnightstarshadow you can see your newly planted Western springbeauties
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and here :D
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momonokopan · 17 days
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join the jouishishi gintoki
based on this amazing footage
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rhinexstone · 11 months
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Vegas crying while kissing Pete, tears rolling down his nose and feeling so much love for Pete... Pete who is sighing, shuddering, almost slumping with relief and happiness into Vegas' kisses.
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duusheen · 7 months
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Rowena got her art degree and she has her own place at Leif's Art Gallery 🥹💖 where she sells her paintings. He even gave her one of the offices so she could set up her art studio. Both spend most of their time together there
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rohirric-hunter · 7 months
There is no reading of a text that is so boring as the overtechnical sort that leads to completely serious conclusions like, "Morgoth created rot and decay and hobbits love mushrooms, so hobbits ought to be dedicated to Morgoth." Like I hated reading comprehension tests in school same as everyone but some people really needed more.
Based on the author and characters' attitude towards what he describes as "rot and decay" and the author and characters' attitude towards mushrooms, do you think they classify mushrooms under the broader category of "rot and decay?" Why or why not?
(Research question) Mycology (the study of mushrooms) was considered a branch of botany until 1969. When was the book published? When was the author in school? When did he die?
Based on your answers to the previous two questions, do you believe that, in the fictional universe the story is set in, Morgoth is responsible for the existence of mushrooms?
(Bonus question) Do you hate fun?
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knightotoc · 4 months
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trekkie-polls · 4 months
I’m excluding movies, animation, and other media because it’s just not the same.
Examples below the fold
1. The Original Series
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2. The Next Generation
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3. Deep Space Nine
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4. Voyager
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5. Enterprise
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6. Discovery
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7. Picard
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8. Strange new worlds
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numbuh424 · 4 months
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was debating on whether I should post this or not but I spent so much time on it...🍎 I've been studying the death note art style, and for me studying an art style just means drawing myself as practice 💀
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poebrey · 11 months
still think its funny that the S3 Disco finale made a whole big to-do of showing the crew in their new starfleet uniforms to welcome Captain Burnham into the captains seat, only to completely redo them in between seasons because both the audience and crew noticed it had everyone blending in with the walls
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ohhfarts · 3 months
OK so final season of Discovery coming up. Anthony Rapp was in the original cast of Rent and Wilson Cruz was in the first run of Rent. It's going to be a CRIME when paramount fails to deliver us a musical episode.
Anyways I'm just sad it's ending so soon :(
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