#Maladaptive Daydream
dreamdropsystem · 4 months
in my daydreams i am loved and cared for. i will hide in my mind
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So, it's called Story Plotter on android and you can make a load of characters as well as their whole backstories and also plot and very handy diagramms where you show the characters relations to each other.
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This is what part of mine looks like, its very easy to navigate and you have infinite options for everything!
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starspd · 6 months
begging people to understand that maladaptive daydreaming isnt just "likes to daydream" or "vivid imagination". no, it means i struggle to control when i daydream. most of the time i cannot listen to music or funny media without it triggering a daydream. i often spend hours a day daydreaming, and if im not at a place like school or in a car i cannot stop myself from pacing while i do it, even as im in excruciating pain from it (chronic pain). it can be physically painful when i try and resist daydreaming (though luckily that has started to get better).
it has impacted my mental health in many ways. i consume media that hurts me because its good for the daydream. it has impacted me participating in activities i want to do because its hard to stop daydreaming until it dies down on its own. it has impacted my memory. some days its easier, in some situations it can feel beneficial (though is that just the "coping skill" part of it talking?), but others it gets in the way of everything.
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alyssasmaddworld · 10 months
that sickly sweet feeling you get when daydreaming a love scenario and it almost makes you a bit nauseated at how sweet it is >>>>>>>>
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lilqu33rboi · 8 months
anyone else with madd & autism find themselves repeating the same daydreams over and over again, especially when stressed? i think it's because i like to have a sense of consistency when things seem uncertain, but maybe it's just a me thing, idk 🤷🏼
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barramundi · 11 months
alrighty maladaptive daydreaming community, I have news (who—
so apparently I have mixed personality disorders, I have traits of both schizoid AND schizotypal so!!!! yes sir I have a hard time keeping up with reality how did you guess!!!
but in all seriousness, if daydreams are affecting your life, especially if it's causing you some kind of paranoia, ideas of reference or like magical thinking etc, do consider seeing a professional about it!! you might be in the schizo spectrum!!!
again, take care and never forget that you are so brave and cool!!!
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crash-freak · 9 days
That soul crushing weight of coming out of a daydream and realizing the perfect people you created in your mind will never be real and you will never be them and you’re so so alone. All I daydream about is my para in the most painful situations and yet I wish I were there instead of here. Because despite all of the pain he’s in at least he’s not me. Why can’t I be him instead of me.
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madmadder · 1 year
People have been sending me messages about MaDD I am genuinely so happy like. Yes please let's share imaginary people together and get excited over their silly selves I beg of you
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Maladaptive Daydream Things 3
• losing yourself in music
• making plushies, dolls, toys and objects paras
• making picrews of your paras
• being magical in your paracosms
• daydreaming about and with fictional characters from series you seen/like/love
• making paras to daydreaming go in the fictional worlds you seen/like/love
• finding voice actors for your paras
• finding the perfect soundtrack/playlist for certain paracosms
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cognizantluxation · 2 months
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vlupshittous · 11 months
Finally making my intro post🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
My name is Eve and I use she/her pronouns. My paracosm started when I was 10... it grew out of something my dad and I used to do that we called "talkplay" which was basically like playing D&D without any of the external resources. Dad would give me a situation, I would say what I my actions were and we played out entire adventures this way.
I distinctly remember playing with Legos on my grandma's carpet one day when I was 10 and building a medicine cat den from Warriors... then I decided, hey I'm going to pretend characters from my other favorite books are coming in for care too and I need to fix them up.
And the Guardian World was born.
I'll make more posts about the timeline/mechanics/history/locations of the Guardian World, but the main idea is that Guardians are sort of an artificial species (they can start as any species and then be reborn and trained) that have the ability to bend one of the elements like in ATLA. They can also teleport through space and time and dimensions at will, something 10 year old me named blipping. This allows Guardian me to go into any world I want to.
From this, the biggest influences into my world have been the Legend of Drizzt series, Dragon Age, K Project, actual history (lol), the hilariously mediocre Warcraft movie (but not the game??), Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, and most recently Baldur's Gate 3.
Guardians link themselves to Guardees and are then able to sense whenever their Guardee is in need and blip to their location. Guardians also live 100x the length that they would have lived as their original species, so human Guardians would get ~8,000 years but high elf Guardians would be neigh immortal.
The Guardee's life force is bonded to the Guardian so when the Guardian dies, so do all the Guardees. The trade off is that they could live for eons, or they could be killed at anytime through no fault of their own.
Most Guardians are polygamists and they have exceptional strength due to their elemental magic. They're very OP and Mary Sue, but this is a paracosm, not a fanfic and these are paras and not OCs so I really won't apologize for making my fictional self as powerful as I want.
There are some big changes happening in the Guardian World rn that are taking it away from it's roots, but those are the basics!
I look forward to posting more and learning about other people's paracosms!
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dreamdropsystem · 7 months
Maladaptive Daydreaming things
making AMVs of with your paracosms
losing sleep to daydreaming
lying in bed daydreaming
acting out daydreaming
having multiple paracosms you switch from
daydreaming in everyday life, getting lost in daydreaming when you're supposed to be doing things
daydreaming mid conversation
listening to music to get you in a daydreaming mood
starting to daydream after getting triggered
not being able to talk about your paracosms cause theres so much of it and its very complex
daydreaming irl scenarios to see all the options that could happen
maladaptive daydreaming instead of other coping mechanisms like cutting
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Maladaptive Daydreaming Ressources
first of all please don't use this term lightly, its a serious condition that can affect your whole life, if you relate to the daydreaming part but not the negative parts, you might be an Immersive daydreamer, which is not a disorder but instead just another term.
I'll add to this as I go!
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escapedaudios · 1 year
It is with immense pride that I present part two of Neon Wings. I put a lot into this episode and I think it's one of the best episodes of anything I've ever made. Strap in, it's going to be a wild ride.
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alyssasmaddworld · 10 months
im not sure how to talk about my para's! i have (what seems to me) an extremely elaborate blanket paracosm that is constantly being re-written and adapted-- both present and future. it's hard to even begin explaining the plot especially when i've got multiple subparacosms happening that are so similar just slightly different deviations or alteration to the main plot line.
theres SO much going on in my head.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
It's five in the morning and I haven't slept yet cause my brain won't stop hyper fixating on a fucking book series!!!!
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