#Mandarin Disney movies
bugmistake · 16 days
i should rewatch my neighbor totoro ..
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annaberunoyume · 11 days
The Tigger Movie - Pooh's Lullabee (Mandarin Chinese)
Imagine singing this to MK on one night where he just cannot sleep...In Mandarin.
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starshinerart · 5 months
Some of my Random LMK Headcanons
• Wukong is ambidextrous.
• Pigsy sings like Teddy Swims.
• Mei is a fan of Freedom Planet and she can't decide whether she likes Lilac or Carol more.
• Because he's immortal, Wukong doesn't need to eat or sleep, but still does because he enjoys it. Similar to Amethyst from Steven Universe.
• MK was born during the year of the Monkey.
• MK and Mr. Tang have gone to a few Monkey King conventions in the past and would cosplay as Wukong and the Monk respectively.
• Mei can't sing. She can dance though.
• Wukong CAN sing and dance, but because of his severe stage fright, you never get to hear him. He'll sing privately though (i.e. in the shower).
• MK and Mei are both fans of Sonic The Hedgehog. MK has even gotten Wukong into the series. Now Wukong will sometimes call Macaque "Shadow the Hedgemonkey".
• Macaque's got the abs, but Wukong's got the pecs!
• Sandy has a blog dedicated to Mo.
• Red Son will sometimes just casually snack on some ghost peppers. He also hates ice cream.
• During the Brotherhood, Azure and DBK would sometimes have arm wrestling competitions.
• Wukong and Macaque are both fluent in Mandarin, English, and various other languages that LMK has been dubbed in. However, Wukong still has trouble with spelling.
• Wukong's favorite Disney movie is actually Aladdin, not Mulan (though Mulan is a close second). He loves Abu, can relate to both Aladdin and the Genie in different ways, and even mentions to others that in the original version of the story, Aladdin was Chinese.
• Though they both like Traditional Chinese music, when it comes to modern music, Wukong and Macaque both think that the other monkey's music taste is garbage. Despite that however, the one song that they can agree on liking is "Dance Monkey".
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starfata · 2 months
Disney Songs Shen Yuan would have heard
I didn't include Disney Songs on my 'list of English language songs Shen Qingqiu might know' list.
Every song here has a mandarin counterpart on YouTube, so even if he didn't know the lyrics english speaking readers would, he would probably have heard the tune. This first section are disney films he probably would have seen at least once growing up, followed by the most notable song. I only included up to 2015, the year Scum Villain was first published online.
Toy Story- You got a friend in me
Little Mermaid- Part of your world, Under the sea
Aladdin- A Whole New World, One Jump ahead, Prince Ali,
Beauty and the Beast- A tale as old as time, Belle, Be our Guest
Lion King- Circle of Life, Hakuna Matata, Can you feel the love tonight,
Mulan- Reflection, I'll make a man out of you, Honor to us all, a girl worth fighting for
Hercules- Go the Distance, Zero to Hero,
Tarzan- Strangers like me, You'll be in my heart
This section are movies and songs he might not be that familiar with.
Frozen (2013)- Let it go. Easily the latest on the list, but I doubt he could have avoided hearing it, even if he didn't watch the movie.
Tangled (2010)- I see the Light, When will my life begin
Cinderella- A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes
Sleeping Beauty- Once upon a dream
Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are Disney Classics, but not that interesting to the average young boy. So they're on the list, but if he remembered the music well enough to possible reproduce it is another matter. Tangled is the opposite- a fairly new movie he may not have seen, being well into his teens.
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august-rivers · 21 days
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full name: august graham rivers
nickname(s): auggie, gus, grammy
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: hpansexual
age: twenty-six
relationship status: single
birth date: june 4 1997
birth place: new york, new york
time in town: two months since march, 2024
occupation: software developer
parents: logan & sarah rivers
siblings: sammy rivers, logan rivers, & skylar rivers
personality: insecure, intelligent, reserved & savvy
pet: none
celebrity doppelgänger: jacob elordi
height: 6'5"
hair color: brown
eye color: dark brown
color: navy blue
food: general tso’s chicken
non-alcoholic beverage: diet dr. pepper
alcoholic beverage: downeast cider
season: autumn
candle scent: cranberry mandarin
book: addicted to you
video game: call of duty
tv show: anything hgtv
animated tv show: king of the hill
movie: anything marvel
holiday movie: christmas with the kranks
disney movie: hercules
pixar movie: the incredibles
disney original movie: minute men
candy: sour patch kids
chocolate candy: reeses peanut butter cups
Fruit: watermelon
Vegetable: broccoli
cuisine to eat: homemade macaroni and cheese
cuisine to make: anything frozen
genre of music: pop
artist: dua lipa
song: jaded by miley cyrus
tw; drugs
Being adopted was never something that bother August. As far as he knew, the family that he grew up with was his real family whether they were blood or not. Of course when he was young, he thought that everyone was truly family but then he learned that the world worked differently than that yet it still didn’t change the way he thought about the siblings that he grew up with. His biological parents were a young couple who were addicts and weren’t ready for a child and that’s how he ended up in foster care before ending up with his forever family. 
When he was adopted into the family, that’s when he met Sammy. The two of them were connected to one another in a way that nobody was able to understand. They were hanging out with each other and doing things together that made a lot of people think that they were biological siblings. Auggie was never able to explain it but the safety he felt when he was with Sammy was something special to him. 
Being a wiz kid in class, a lot of people tended to pick on August. He wasn’t geared towards athletics and that painted a target on his back alone. He went to a school where being an athlete was very important and still he remained himself. He was pushed into a number of lockers and called multiple names, but it’s not something that ever got to him. At least not in high school. August excelled in math and science and he decided that he wanted to pursue a career in the computer world and that’s how he managed to get a full ride to NYU into their computer technology program. 
It was no shocker that at the end of high school, August graduated at the top of his class and he was the valedictorian. College was completely different for him though. He wasn’t sure if it was just the atmosphere or his lack of caring what others thought of him but he felt a sort of solace with his nerd buddies. He made a friend in school, named Sadie and they became close to the point that others thought that the two of them were together romantically. It was the only other person, other than Sammy, that August felt at comfort with as he geeked out on current events and what was going on in their industry. 
After graduation, August decided to stay in New York because it was a city that meant so much to him and he knew that there is where he wanted to build his career. While he was working in a random office job, he was approached by a coworker who was starting his own software and he wanted August to come join him in Blue Harbor, Illinois. He felt honored, scared, and a million other things but he knew that this was the opportunity to do what he needed to do. He decided to quit his job and he joined in on his friends starter up company and hasn’t looked back since. 
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skylar-hartman · 24 days
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full name: skylar hartman
nickname(s): sky, sj
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: pansexual
age: twenty-six
relationship status: single
birth date: june 4, 1997
birth place: merrock, maine
time in town: since birth 
occupation: licensed mental health counselor
parents: mr and mrs hartman
siblings: Livvy Hartman & Marty Hartman
personality: maticulous, overly independent, peaceful, & superstitious
pet: orange tabby cat named oli
celebrity doppelgänger: tom holland
height: 5'7"
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
color: navy blue
food: chicken wings
non-alcoholic beverage: unsweetened iced tea with extra lemon
alcoholic beverage: tequila seltzer with a splash of cranberry
season: autumn
candle scent: cranberry mandarin
book: what if it’s us
video game: spyro: year of the dragon
tv show: 911: lone star
animated tv show: bobs burgers
movie: 10 things i hate about you
holiday movie: the grinch
disney movie: aladdin
pixar movie: toy story 2 & ratatouille
disney original movie: lemonade mouth
candy: sweet tarts
chocolate candy: reese’s peanut butter cups
Fruit: pineapple
Vegetable: brussel sprouts 
cuisine to eat: surf and turf shrimp/NY strip with crumbled bleu cheese
cuisine to make: anything microwaved
genre of music: pop
artist: dua lipa
song: jaded by miley cyrus
Skylar would give the shirt off of his back for someone, even if he didn’t know them. He has always been selfless and have always cared more about others than himself. While that’s great, he also has struggled to take care of himself at times so that plays into his insecurities a little bit. He tries not to show that side of himself unless it’s someone super important to him. At the same time, his family doesn’t know and it’s hard for anyone to tell he’s going through something because he’s so bubbly. 
triggering / sensitive content: drug usage
Growing up in a family where you constantly felt the love was something that Skylar was grateful for. He knew that not everyone was able to have the luxuries in life that he was able to have. He also knew that not everyone had the older siblings that he had and that’s why he made sure to cherish it every single day. Family was never anything that Skylar would be able to take advantage of because they always had each other’s backs through thick and thin. 
When he was in high school, he had a natural act for volleyball. He loved playing and he was actually really good at it. He wasn’t someone who liked to be modest about it as he was a humble individual. He was kind to everyone that he saw walking through the halls as he didn’t see the point in making anyone feel ostracized. While some of his teammates thought differently, he knew that there was no talking any sense into them so he just tried his best to make up for them. 
When Skylar was sixteen, he noticed his best friend acting differently. He didn’t know what to do but eventually he had found out that they were using drugs and Skylar wished that he could have helped them through whatever they were going through. This was his best friend and he didn’t want to see them struggling so he did something that he didn’t think he would have done to them, but he went to their parents and reported his concerns to them in which they had sent their child to rehab to get some help. 
Skylar tried to visit them multiple times, but they refused so he felt awful as all he wanted to do was help his best friend. As he was deciding what to go to college for, he realized that his best friend’s predicament showed him that he wanted to help others through their darknesses. He went to school in New York State for psychology and then got his masters in mental health counseling. 
Skylar continues to work day after day to help others and he wanted to save his best friend. After graduating and finishing his internship, Skylar was in New York still and so he decided to move back home to Merrock where he knew that he could be truly happy. 
As graduation was nearing, Lucas had ended up sleeping with one of his fraternity brothers. It was not something that he was planning on but they were hanging out and one thing let to another and that’s when Lucas realized that he was in love with him. Once he heard that he was leaving and going somewhere else, Lucas was disappointed but he knew that he needed to think about his own future.  He decided that what he wanted was to be near his brother so he applied to colleges in Kismet Harbor and once he was accepted into their mental health counseling program, he accepted and he hadn’t told his brother because he wanted to just show up. 
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ: TotK - Sky Island Fruit
I wonder what Fire Fruit, Ice Fruit, Dazzle Fruit, & Splash Fruit taste like.
I'm pretty sure we all know that Shock Fruit tastes like lemon. No, Starry or Ghost Citrus! And I think it'd tingle on the tongue like pop rocks, but what about the rest?
For the sake of worldbuilding, I need to figure this out.
Guaranteed, Splash Fruit is juicy af. Like, watermelon juicy. Maybe it tastes like a combination of apples soaked in white grape juice & white grapes soaked in lemon juice. It's the relative shape & color of a calabash, so it has a slightly bitter edge to it & a scent of squash & coconut water.
Fire Fruit are inspired by uchuva, so they'd likely taste like them too. So, sweet, yet tart & tangy when ripe, but sour when not. Possibly has a flavor profile a bit like spiced mandarin oranges, tomatoes, & cherries. The fruit has a similar texture to a cherry tomato. I do also think that if you were to remove the lattice leaf protecting the fruit inside & tear the actual fruit open, the juice that'd spill out would be on fire. Just liquid fire or napalm, but edible. I remember in the Wrinkle in Time movie that Disney did (the 2004 one, not the remake), Mrs. Whatsit pries open a fruit to spill its contents on a bundle of wood, the juice was on fire, which starts the wood on fire. That's sort of what I think it'd be like. The juice would also sizzle on your tongue, but wouldn't burn. Instead, it's pleasantly hot. Not warm, hot. Like a hot bath or a hearth.
Ice Fruit would be cold & refreshing, & per a really good suggestion I got, they'd taste like champaign grapes, but also a little bit like white grapes.
I'm still not sure what Dazzlefruit would taste like, though. It'd probably have a bright, light flavor, hmm??
If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Beautiful Monkey King (2009) 美猴王
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Director: Chen Jiaqi / Geng Shaobo / Shao Jianming / Wu Hanqing / Ma Hua / Ni Jun
Screenwriter: Wu Chengen
Starring: Hao Youyue / Liu Xiaoyu / Zhang Biyu / Li Jinyan / Gao Feng / more...
Genre: Action / Animation / Fantasy / Adventure
Official website: http://space.tv.cctv.com/podcast/mhw
Country/Region of Production: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Premiere: 2009-05-26 (Mainland China)
Number of seasons: 1
Episodes: 52
Episode Length: 22
Also known as: Monkey King
Type: Retelling
The 52-episode large-scale cartoon series "The Monkey King" created by CCTV Animation Co., Ltd. over the course of three years will meet with young friends during the winter vacation. "The Monkey King" is the fourth animation blockbuster produced by CCTV Animation. The film will be broadcast on CCTV's "Animation City" program starting from January 25, 2010. In addition, starting from January 26, CCTV Children's Channel will also broadcast the film at the same time. This powerful three-dimensional broadcast mode will allow children who have been looking forward to the film for a long time to enjoy an all-round animation feast during the holidays.
"The Monkey King" is an inspirational and growth-themed cartoon with a strong sense of the times. The scenes of the film are beautifully drawn, and a large number of three-dimensional visual effects are used, reflecting the first-class level of domestic animation production. The whole cartoon uses the well-known classical literary image, the Monkey King, to tell the growth process of a young man who overcomes himself and discovers himself. While inheriting classical themes such as the pursuit of justice and bravery, the film embodies more spirits of the times, such as growth, friendship and teamwork. The team spirit, setback education and self-improvement involved in the story have an important enlightening effect on today's children. 
It is understood that in order to make "The Monkey King" a double harvest in both ratings and the market, CCTV Animation adopted a brand-new operating concept and successfully held the first "Monkey King" brand authorization auction, making China's original animation on the market for the first time. auction table. The auction integrates industry resources such as animation, books, audio-visuals, and toys, as well as various social resources such as the government and the Toy Association. The number of participants, the intensity of publicity, and the enthusiasm for participation are all unprecedented in the field of animation licensing. Related pre-sales are as high as 1,700 ten thousand yuan. 
While cooperating with the main winning bidders of the "Monkey King" brand authorization auction, including People's Literature Publishing House * Tiantian Publishing House, to integrate and develop the "Monkey King" book, audio-visual, and toy industry authorization, "The Monkey King" The development of related products and related industries, as well as the derivative chain of the animation industry of the film are also being fully expanded. It is reported that CCTV Animation will also sign an agreement with Walt Disney Company on the broadcasting of "The Monkey King" on the Disney Channel in Asia. broadcast platform. The projects signed on the same day also included the movie "Monkey King" and the touring project of the stage play of the same name.
Source: http://chinesemov.com/tv/2010/Monkey-King.html
Link: https://m.bilibili.com/video/av12784222 https://www.youtube.com/@monkeyservant4164
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queeniewp-29 · 3 months
Dagger Squad Head canon || Part One
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Bradley is a theater kid,he done musicals and plays such as Willard Hewitt (footloose), Kenickie Murdoch (Grease), Sky (Mamma Mia), John Proctor (The Crucible), Juror #8 (Twelve angry men ) etc.
Bradley plays baseball from when he’s a kid in Elementary up until his College years, In all honesty he could've made a career out of it if he wasn’t so hell bent on being in the navy.
Bradley got the callsign “Rooster” when he was drunk when he was stationed in Japan and drunkenly decided to do a Rooster call on a roof early in the morning unfortunately it was his boss roof who was telling him to knock it off. Hench people started calling him Rooster, his original call sign was little goose.
Bradley has a stuffed duck that he calls him duckie . He has had it since he was a baby.
Bradley knows how to speak multiple languages because of his job as a navy. His languages are mandarin, spanish, italian, chinese etc.
Bradley hated hospitals which really didn’t hold really any good memories until his daughter Elizabeth was born.
Bradley would have laughed if you had told him that he and hangman would become friends, let alone him being his best man and godfather of his daughter.
Bradley knows how to play all types of instruments, the first instrument he knows how to play is piano.
Bradley's favorite color is Blue.
Bradley’s favorite childhood movies are the Aristocats, Oliver and company, Treasure Planet, and The Rescuers.
Bradley’s favorite Disney cartoon shows are The Replacement, Proud Family, The Emperor's new school etc.
Daggers Squad headcanons part 1
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raspberrysmoon · 10 months
soooo @rtcshipweeks day 13 is t4t... i give you t4t blackrose with transfem constance and newly cracked transmasc ocean
also this was written and 2am and subsequently edited later, so pls excuse (and point out) any typos or capital letters lol
ocean didn’t care for paying attention to herself much. if she could work, it didn’t matter.
until the cyclone.
something about the warehouse- and the weeks afterward in the hospital changed her. for the first time since she started school, she was alone with only her own thoughts.
and it certainly wasn’t fun.
the longer she thought, the less she comfortable she became. her skin began to itch, and she could feel the heat of tears on her cheeks if she laid silent for too long. she thought, at first, that she could outrun this. she started writing, drawing, she started using duolingo and had her mom bring in her crochet basket from a few years ago.
but eventually her hands started to hurt, and she ran out of tries.
and it came back.
so she started watching shows and movies. she would ask the choir for recommendations and add them to a list that she finished every week, if not less. she watched anything she could get on netflix, and started to comb through hulu and disney+ as well. it only lasted a few weeks, though. she practically finished everything she could bear to watch.
and it came back. as soon as she let the room go silent, it was back.
and so, music. she made playlist after playlist, about her friends, her family, other classmates, activities and even teachers and their classes. she started trying to write out popular songs, and she would write out lyrics how she heard them and check it against the official lyrics.
she tried to learn about cars, and history, and religions, and food. she quickly became able to hold a conversation with mischa in ukrainian, and watched noels french movies and understood them. she started trying to learn mandarin, even.
but it didn’t work. and the itch came back.
and after months of trying to ignore it, she broke. she clawed at her arms, her thighs, her stomach- anything she could reach, really. she never felt the sob bubble in her throat when she scratched, but when she stopped she felt her throat close, and her chest tighten.
but she had to stop. every time, she had to stop. nurses would see marks if she made them, and her friends would notice if she started to hide her arms from them.
and every time, she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle the pathetic whimper that escaped her when she released her skin.
she kept up a routine, for a while. she would wait until everyone else was asleep, and she would scratch. not too much, but enough to hurt. she would muffle her cries as she fell asleep, and wake up the next morning exhausted, and blame it on her healing wounds.
but it couldn’t last forever. she knew that, deep down. someone would find her, or hear her, or she would scratch too hard and leave a mark.
and sure enough, she hit two of three boxes. always the overachiever.
“ocean?” constance. “are you okay?”
she dug her nails into her wrist with a muffled hiss. “i’m okay! just struggling to fall asleep, is all.”
constance rounded the curtain slowly. “are you sure?”
ocean pushed her wrist down, keeping her nails pressed into it. “yep! i think i'm right at the lull between pain med doses.” she forced a grin, praying silently that her friend would leave.
instead constance looked at oceans hands. “why do you always do that?” she asked softly, “i hear you at night sometimes.”
ocean shrugged, careful not to release the pressure. “my arm itches sometimes.” she lied smoothly, “i scratch it.”
“you only ever do it at night after everyone else is asleep,” constance pointed out quietly, “does it only itch at night?”
ocean nodded slowly. that was a good lie to use, actually. it was partially true, even, so it wasn’t really even a lie.
only a half-truth.
“i’m sure you could ask for anti-itch cream.” she murmured, walking over and gently taking oceans wrist. constance pulled at her fingers until she let up pressure and ocean choked on a half-sob.
constances head shot up in alarm, and ocean tugged her arm away, pulling tight to her torso.
“really, connie, i’m okay.” ocean promised softly, “you should go back to bed.”
constance nearly scoffed at her. “like i’m going to bed when you’re hurting.”
ocean shook her head. “i’m okay. it just.. itches sometimes. when it’s quiet like this.” also technically not a lie. she really was doing fine, and it really did just itch sometimes. it just.. hurt to not itch.
constance sighed, “scoot over. we’re having a sleepover tonight.”
and tonight turned into a week and a half. a week and a half of ocean carefully waiting until she knew her friend was asleep before scratching lightly and falling asleep.
she was okay. she was perfectly fine with this routine. until, of course, she wasn’t.
she woke up shaking. her whole body. all she could think about was the itch, and scratching at herself didn’t help. nobody noticed until she failed to keep her first sob quiet. constance rounded the corner, and ocean shattered in her best friends arms.
she sobbed for what felt like hours. she could distantly feel constance pinning her hands apart, but she couldn’t even bring herself to fight it.
constance. she had mentioned, once, how dysphoria felt. she said it felt like ants, or fire, crawling under her skin. ocean could feel the ants. and they were certainly crawling.
she cried herself to sleep in constances arms that morning. and she had quite the dream.
“river! dude, we’re gonna be late.” noel pushed open the door of the bedroom.
river hummed, adjusting his hair for the fifteenth time that night. “i know- just give me another minute.”
he could hear noels eye roll, and a hand soon came to rest of his hip, turning him away from the mirror. noel reached up with a small sigh, tucking a stray piece of hair into place and smoothing down rivers collar.
“i promise, riv, you look amazing.” he giggled a bit to himself, “constance is going to drop dead when she sees you.”
river bit his lip, looking back to the mirror. he couldn’t say he looked bad in the deep purple velvet of his suit jacket, but compared to noel in his sparkly, bright red dress, he looked like nothing.
"okay, lets go."
short, fiery red hair, pale hazel eyes and too many freckles. river. what a name. ocean chewed on her lip, thinking back to the boy in the suit.
the gift of prophecy is more often a curse. A curse of disbelief, denial and banishment.
river o'connell rosenberg. that was a name she quite liked, actually.
river bit his lip.
ocean bit her lip.
river bit his lip.
maybe this is what constance meant when she talked about the click. the itch calmed a little. river pressed a hand into his arm. the itch, once in his arms and legs and stomach, settled itself in his chest. he closed his eyes, pressing a hand in the middle of his rib cage.
he allowed the itch to be. a reminder of himself. of river, and of ocean, though she certainly wasn’t gone.
he settled deeper into constances arms, and waited for her to wake.
when she did, he'd sit up, hold her hand, and ask her a question.
how did you know you were trans? specifically that, i mean. how did you know it wasn’t something else?
and constance would shrug. it felt the best, she told him quietly, it felt less like a box, and more like a building. like a home.
he'd pause, and let himself think for a moment. how would you feel if i was trans?
constance would hum. you’re my best friend, she'd say simply, you couldn’t change that if you tried.
can you call me river? he'd whisper, letting his gaze drop to their hands, now intertwined.
i'd call you anything you wanted me to, river. she'd promise.
and for once, river believed her.
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Trăind printre demoni 3 (2021) ONLINE SUBTITRAT IN {ROMANA}
Trăind printre demoni 3 (2021) Online Subtitrat – filme noi subtitrate cu claritate hd și fără întreruperi, De asemenea, acestea au subtitrare si o calitate exceptionala.
Daca esti pasionat de filme Trăind printre demoni 3 online hd si nu stii exact cum poti sa le accesezi fara sa fii abonat la un serviciu de streaming online, te poti inspira din lista noastra cu recomandari de site-uri de filme si seriale gratuite.
Trăind printre demoni 3 (2021) Film Online Subtitrat Full HD 1080p in Româna
➤ Trăind printre demoni 3 online în română : https://ro.4dxstream.com/ro/movie/423108/the-conjuring-the-devil-made-me-do-it
Titlu : Trăind printre demoni 3 (2021) Eliberată : Jan 02, 2021 Durata de rulare: 83 min. Gen: Comedie, Romantic Stele: Nicole Cherry, Rareș Mariș, Bogdan DLP, Cesima Nechifor Director: Matei Dima
Synopsis du film: Trăind printre demoni 3 și Legenda celor zece inele este un film american de supereroi din 2021 , bazat pe Marvel Comics , cu personajul Trăind printre demoni 3 . Produs de Marvel Studios și distribuit de Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures , este al 25-lea film din Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Filmul a fost regizat de Destin Daniel Cretton dintr-un scenariu pe care l-a scris împreună cu Dave Callaham și Andrew Lanham și îl are în distribuție pe Simu Liu în rolul lui Trăind printre demoni 3 alături de Awkwafina , Meng'er Zhang ,Fala Chen , Florian Munteanu , Benedict Wong , Yuen Wah , Michelle Yeoh , Ben Kingsley și Tony Leung . În film, Trăind printre demoni 3 este forțat să-și confrunte trecutul când tatăl său Wenwu (Leung), liderul organizației teroriste Zece Inele , îi atrage pe Trăind printre demoni 3 și pe sora lui Xialing (Zhang) în căutarea unui sat mitic.
Un film bazat pe Trăind printre demoni 3 a intrat în dezvoltare în 2021, dar munca nu a început serios până în decembrie 2021, când a fost angajat Callaham. Cretton s-a alăturat în martie 2021, iar titlul filmului și distribuția principală au fost anunțate în iulie. Acest lucru a dezvăluit legătura filmului cu organizația Ten Rings, care a apărut anterior în MCU, și liderul său Wenwu, care a fost adaptat după personajele problematice de benzi desenate Fu Manchu și Mandarin . Trăind printre demoni 3 și Legenda celor zece inele este primul film de la Marvel Studios cu un regizor asiatic și o distribuție predominant asiatică. Filmările au început la Sydney în februarie 2021, dar au fost suspendate în martie din cauza pandemiei de COVID-19. Producția a reluat în august și s-a încheiat în octombrie, cu filmări suplimentare în San Francisco. Brad Allan și alți membri ai echipei de cascadorii Jackie Chan au coordonat secvențele de luptă.
Trăind printre demoni 3 și Legenda celor zece inele a avut premiera la Los Angeles pe 16 august 2021 și a fost lansat în Statele Unite pe 3 septembrie, ca parte a fazei a patra a MCU. A încasat peste 432 de milioane de dolari în întreaga lume, devenind al nouălea film cu cele mai mari încasări din 2021 . A stabilit mai multe recorduri de box office și a primit recenzii pozitive din partea criticilor, dintre care mulți au lăudat explorarea și reprezentarea culturii asiatice care a diferențiat filmul de restul MCU, precum și secvențele de acțiune și performanța lui Leung. Filmul a primit diverse premii, inclusiv o nominalizare pentru cele mai bune efecte vizuale la cea de-a 94-a ediție a Premiilor Academiei . O continuare este în dezvoltare.
Who are all the actors from from Trăind printre demoni 3? Tom Cruise. Hayley Atwell. Ving Rhames. Simon Pegg. Rebecca Ferguson. Vanessa Kirby. Henry Czerny. Shea Whigham.
Is Trăind printre demoni 3 Marvel or DC? Trăind printre demoni 3 is a production of DC Studios and The Safran Company. It will be released theatrically on August 18th from Warner Bros.
Will Trăind printre demoni 3 be good? According to the first reviews of Trăind printre demoni 3, it’s got a lot of heart, great Latino representation, and a star-making performance by its lead. However, while many reviews say it’s a good sign for DC movies to come, others do call it just more of the same.
Is Trăind printre demoni 3 a good movie? Director Ángel Manuel Soto has crafted a highly entertaining film that lovingly spotlights the Reyes family and their Mexican American culture and allows Maridueña to shine as a hero that everyone can cheer for. August 16, 2021 | Rating: 4/5 |
What is the plot of Trăind printre demoni 3? Storyline. An alien scarab chooses college graduate Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host, bestowing the teenager with a suit of armor that’s capable of extraordinary and unpredictable powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Trăind printre demoni 3. He’s a superhero, whether he likes it or not.
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Trăind printre demoni 3 disponibil pe Netflix?
Din liant, „Este Trăind printre demoni 3 disponibil pe Netflix?” Nu. Nici nu va fi curând! Este greu de crezut că au trecut 20 de ani de când Wes Craven a lansat capodopera horror Trăind printre demoni 3 în lume.
Un film de referință din multe puncte de vedere, a devenit un clasic instantaneu care a inspirat nenumărați regizori și a dat naștere a patru continuare în câțiva ani. Acestea fiind spuse, ne putem aștepta să apară o mulțime de trivia-uri legate de Trăind printre demoni 3 în mass-media în lunile următoare, dar deocamdată, să ne concentrăm pe o întrebare foarte simplă.
Is Trăind printre demoni 3 Available On Disney Plus? Trăind printre demoni 3 is a movie that may be streamed on Disney Plus. You can watch Trăind printre demoni 3 on Disney Plus if you’re already a member. If you don’t want to subscribe Trăind printre demoni 3 trying out the service for a month, you can cancel before the month ends. On other streaming services, Trăind printre demoni 3 may be rented or purchased.
La un an de la ocupație, Jake conduce o campanie de gherilă împotriva RDA. În timpul unei misiuni de contrainsurgență, Quaritch și subalternii săi ii capturează pe copiii lui Jake. Jake și Neytiri sosesc și îi eliberează, ucigând câțiva dintre soldații lui Quaritch, dar Spider rămâne capturat de Quaritch, care îl recunoaște ca fiind fiul său. După ce RDA nu reușește să obțină informații de la Spider, Quaritch decide să petreacă timp cu fiul său pentru a-l atrage de partea lui. La rândul său, Spider îl învață pe Quaritch despre cultura și limba Na'vi. Conștienți de pericolul reprezentat de faptul că Spider cunoaște unde se află, Jake și familia lui se exilează din Omatikaya și se retrag pe litoralul de est al Pandorei, unde clanul Metkayina le oferă refugiu. Acolo, familia învață căile oamenilor de recif, Kiri dezvoltă o legătură spirituală cu marea, iar Lo'ak se împrietenește cu Tsireya, fiica șefului Tonowari și a soției sale, Ronal.
După ce l-a apărat pe Kiri împotriva lui Aonung, fiul lui Jake, Lo'ak își cere scuze la insistențele sale. Aonung și prietenii săi îl atrag apoi pe Lo'ak să facă o excursie pe teritoriul unui prădător de mare și îl lasă blocat. După ce a fost salvat de o fiară uriașă de mare, Lo'ak se împrietenește cu Payakan, un Tulkun - o specie inteligentă și pacifistă asemănătoare unei balene pe care Metkayina o consideră frații lor spirituali. La întoarcere, Lo'ak câștigă prietenia lui Aonung luând vina pentru călătorie, dar i se spune că Payakan este un proscris printre Tulkun. Mai târziu, Kiri se leagă de Arborele Spirit subacvatic al Metkayinei și „întâlnește” spiritual mama ei biologică, Grace, a cărei conștiință trăiește în Pandora. În timpul transei induse de legătură, Kiri suferă o criză și cade inconștient, aproape înecându-se.
Jake îi cheamă pe Norm Spellman și Max Patel pentru ajutor în folosirea echipamentului lor medical, unde o diagnostichează pe Kiri cu epilepsie și o avertizează că nu se poate conecta din nou la Arborele Spiritelor, deoarece acest lucru o poate ucide. Deși Ronal o salvează pe Kiri, Quaritch urmărește aeronavele lui Norm și Max până în arhipelagul unde locuiesc Metkayina. Aducând pe Spider cu el, Quaritch își unește forțele cu operațiunile maritime ale RDA, conduse de căpitanul Mick Scoresby, și comandă o navă de vânătoare de balene care vânează Tulkuns pentru a extrage un ser anti-îmbătrânire numit amrita. Echipa lui Quaritch face raiduri în arhipelagul, interogând triburile despre locația lui Jake fără niciun rezultat. Quaritch le ordonă apoi vânătorilor de balene să omoare tulkuni din apropierea satelor pentru a-l atrage pe Jake afară. Lo'ak se leagă mental de Payakan și află că a fost dat afară pentru că a fost împotriva modalităților pacifiste ale speciei sale și a atacat vânătorii de balene care i-au ucis mama, provocând multe morți.
Când Metkayina află despre crimele lui Tulkun, Lo'ak îl avertizează pe Payakan, urmat de frații și prietenii săi. Ei îl găsesc pe Payakan vânat, iar Quaritch îi capturează pe Lo'ak, Tsireya și Tuk. Jake, Neytiri și Metkayina au pornit să se confrunte cu oamenii și să-i salveze pe copii. Quaritch îl forțează pe Jake să se predea, dar Payakan atacă vânătorii de balene, declanșând o luptă care ucide mai mulți membri ai echipajului, schilodește nava și îi taie brațul lui Scoresby. Neteyam îi salvează pe Lo'ak, Tsireya și Spider, dar este împușcat mortal de Quaritch. Devastați, ambii părinți se întorc pentru a-și salva copiii rămași care au fost recapturați; când se confruntă cu echipa lui Quaritch, Neytiri zboară într-o furie îndurerată și îi ucide cu brutalitate pe mulți dintre ei, rupând accidental arcul tatălui ei în acest proces. Jake se confruntă cu Quaritch, care îl folosește pe Kiri ca ostatic, iar când Neytiri face același lucru cu Spider, Quaritch la început neagă relația lor, dar renunță odată ce Neytiri încearcă să-l omoare pe Spider.
Jake, Quaritch, Neytiri și Tuk sunt prinși în vasul care se scufundă. După o încăierare tensionată, Jake îl sugrumă pe Quaritch inconștient și este salvat de Lo'ak și Payakan, în timp ce Kiri îi salvează pe Neytiri și Tuk. Păianjenul îl salvează pe Quaritch, dar refuză să meargă cu el și se alătură familiei lui Jake, moment în care este primit ca un fiu adevărat. După înmormântarea lui Neteyam, Jake îl informează pe Tonowari despre decizia sa de a părăsi Metkayina. Totuși, șeful îl identifică cu respect pe Jake ca parte a clanului și îi urează bun venit lui și familiei sale să rămână. Înainte de a jura să-și reia campania împotriva RDA, Jake și familia lui își acceptă și își trăiesc noua viață pe mare.
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Trăind printre demoni 3 (2021) film online subtitrat – Taking control – Tipul liber: Preluarea controlului. O pelicula unica de actiune, aventura si comedie regizat de Shawn Levy dintr-un scenariu gandit de Matt Lieberman si Zak Penncu cu urmatorii actori principali: Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Taika Waititi. Povestea suna asa: Un tip care lucreaza la banca realizeaza ca este de fapt un NPC intr-un joc video violent, insa in lumea reala. Acesta stie ca tot ce poate sa faca este sa incerce sa termine jocul pentru a se putea salva, inainte ca, contructorii jocului sa il poata incerca. Pentru a face asta el trebuie sa devina un semizeu in joc si are un timp limitat. Vezi aventura acestuia si daca va reusi sa se salveze urmarind Trăind printre demoni 3 online subtitrat in limba romana neinrerupt – Filme noi 2021 gratis.
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rom-e-o · 1 year
So an amazing human (Memento Mori) on YT created this amazing video of “Later Never Comes” in 35 languages! Netflix U.S. has the og English as well as Spanish, Mandarin, French and German, and I’d heard the Japanese. Thai, Italian and Czech versions thanks to other gracious uploaders. It’s a 2.5-PLUS video. Each version begins with the conversation’s prelude with Marley and goes until Isabel’s “Goodbye, Ebenezer.” So yes, each language gets its own full version, including conversational bits! It’s such a treat for the ears!
I mostly just wanted to share because, um, WOW. This is so awesome? Like seriously??? I love this!
However, if you want some very bias notes and insights, they’re under the cut! (Also, all singers are listed in the video’s description!)
Fav Ebenezers:
English - It’s superb, 10000/10. Perfect.
Hungarian (also my fav Marley and Isabel!) - an almost operatic Scrooge, and his voice when saying “No! There is no later” sounds so sad and broken, almost aggressive and mad. So goood.
Catalan - His “GOODBYE” was so immaculate and high that I thought Isabel had stolen the note first. Nope. Like, I cannot stress how immaculate his belts were in this song. Man sang like his rent was due.
French - His voice is just glorious. The “Prends sa maaaaaaaaain” had me clutching my chest.
Danish/Dutch - I COULDN’T CHOOSE.
-Fav Isabels
Hungarian - Very operatic as well! Reminds me of the Hungarian Disney movies I watches as a kid - mainly “Sleeping Beauty”! I cried listening to her, ngl. 
Polish - SO PERFECT. SHE SOUNDS URGENT YET SAD. It’s perfect??? I mean all the versions are perfect, but this one especially.
Dutch - Sweet when she’s talking and powerful/emotional when singing. 
French - super powerful voice that also makes me weepy with joy.
English - Amazing. Iconic. Perfection.
Ukranian - Seriously angelic.  
-Fav duets
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
notes on my interpretation of the character Mulan...
Mulan as a character is first mentioned in the Ballad of Mulan, which was composed during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-535 CE). My research (which compiles the findings and hypotheses of many scholars) shows that Mulan (if she was a real person) would have been ethnically Xianbei. The Northern Wei was founded by the Tuoba Xianbei, who sought to protect Inner Mongolia from the nomadic Rouran (not the Huns, as shown in the Disney movie). They bore a genetic and linguistic similarity to Mongolian peoples. Emperor Xiaowei of their dynasty forced almost all Xianbei to sinicize their surnames to look like Han Chinese surnames (specifically, Qiumuling (丘穆陵) -> Mu (穆)).
Today, the Xibe/Xībózú ethnic group claims to be the descendants of the Xianbei. The eastern section (Northeast China) has adopted the culture of the Han Chinese ethnic group, primarily speaking Mandarin and wearing traditional Han dress. The western section (in Xinjiang) speaks the Xibe language, a Tungusic language that has been influenced by Mandarin, Russian, Uyghur, and Kazakh. In the past, the Xibe have been known to practice shamanism as well as Buddhism. Like in the 1998 Disney movie, arranged marriages were common and women had little to no autonomy.
Most who adapt the story from the poem use "Mulan" as the protagonist's given name. One of the most popular surnames given to her is Hua, which means "magnolia" (kinda refers to that quote from the movie: "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all"). Anyway, I decided to give her the name "Mu Lan", which is explained below. Note that in traditional Chinese names (and many Eastern Asian language-derived names), the surname is written first...
岚 (lán): given name; mountain mist (like mystery?)
穆 (mu): surname; solemn, reverent, calm
I chose this to reflect the calm Mulan shows in the poem. She's calm while she chooses to go to war in her father's place. And her disguise is only seen through after the war is over; like thick mist, it can only be seen through if you have a reason to look through it.
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monsta-x-star · 1 year
Get To Know Me ✨
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+ about
#stage name - star #birth name - yun cho-byeol #birth name meaning - 'cho' means 'beautiful' and 'byeol' means 'star'. it translates to 'beautiful star' #birthday - july 30th, 1996 #birthplace - dalseo district, daegu, south korea #hometown - chicago, united states #nationality - american-korean #ethnicity - korean #languages - korean (native), english (fluent), mandarin (conversational) #MBTI - ENFJ (the protagonist) #representative emoji - 🐿️/🦁 (chipmunk/lion) #zodiac - leo | #chinese zodiac - rat
+ appearance
#look alike - jang yeeun, former clc member & south korean host #natural hair color - black #natural hair type - straight #eye color - dark brown #height - 168cm (5'6'') #blood type - A+ #dominant hand - right hand #birthmarks - she has a red birthmark that covers the right side of her face #scars - she has a scar on the back of her head & a burn scar on her left collarbone #modifications - coming soon
+ career
#occupations - dance (100%), rap (100%), producing (70%), vocal (40%), songwriting (40%) #positions - dancer, rapper #company - Starship Entertainment (2010-present) #training period - 5 years (early 2010-early 2015) #group debut - May 14th, 2015 #debut age - 19 years old (internationally) #years active - 2015-present #associations - NO.MERCY, Monsta X, Starship Entertainment
+ statistics
vocals: 6/10 rap: 10/10 dance: 10/10 acting: 4/10 variety: 2/10 modeling: 5/10 songwriting: 8/10 producing: 9/10
+ health
#mental - star struggles with insomnia #physical - she is lactose intolerant #phobia - hemophobia (fear of blood) & aichmophobia (fear of needles/pointed objects) #allergy - coconut & penicillin (Bicillin L-A), which is an antibiotic
+ personal
#strengths - receptive, reliable, passionate, altruistic, charismatic #weaknesses - unrealistic, overly idealistic, intense, overly empathetic #talents - touching her elbow with her tongue; freestyle rap & dance; reading fast #hobbies - photography, rap, eating, yoga, skateboarding #likes - Disney movies, summer, sunflowers, the color yellow, funky accessories/clothing, babies, spending time with her members, going to skateparks, eating, taking pictures (especially from landscape), her skateboard, mint chocolate, the sunrise, bananas #dislikes - bullies, her scars, diets, horror movies, being alone, seeing her members cry, winter, darkness, the feeling of scratching on chalk, Twilight movies, the smell of cinnamon, being cold, wet clothing sticking to the body, cold fries
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Hey, thanks for giving this post your time and I hope you will enjoy my stories. I appreciate you 🧡
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners. ©︎ monsta-x-star - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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javasquats · 11 months
Pinned Post :-)
Hi, I’m Toby. I have deleted my 2016-2018 blog and started again with a clean slate. Art blog is @javasquats-art. Spirituality blog is @veneration-of-truth.
Expect posts about:
The comics medium and storytelling generally
Gender abolition and rebooted bioessentialism
Science communication and media literacy
Beloved stories such as better call saul, the penumbra podcast, the adventure zone, ACD Sherlock Holmes, cyrano de bergerac, Star Wars (in a Disney critical way), X-men (movies), skulduggery pleasant, pjo, good omens, dragon prince etc etc
Aromanticism, queerness beyond romantic frameworks
Philosophizing (qualifications: my brain, eyeballs, and ear holes)
Languages I’m learning:
Swedish: 4 years
Swahili: took college classes for 1 academic year, I’m trying to continue independent learning. Defo beginner level
Mandarin: took 2 years in high school, promptly forgot most of it. My skills are so stale
(I’m aspiring to learn Arabic or Scottish Gaelic one day)
PLS hit me up if you want to be language buddies I’ve deleted duolingo and I need to learn by using
Ok that’s it for now byeeeeeee
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Tagged by @samiholloway a million years ago. I just found this in my drafts. Sorry Sami! I got distracted
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
1. A ton of bandaids because I’m always nipping myself with my gardening clippers, weeding places I shouldn’t be weeding without gloves, or biting my nails
2. Bright orange reusable bag with Hello Kitty all over it
3. Lucky 2 dollar bill my grandfather gave me
4. So much ibuprophen
5. One of those little hair clips that’s also a multitool
Five things in my bedroom:
1. Usually at least one cat
2. A seven inch tall jointed anthropomorphic unicorn doll
3. Stripy rainbow afghan
4. A tambourine
5. Underpants
Five things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
1. Publish a children’s book
2. Go on a proper ghost hunt
3. Figure out how to get meatballs to come out like my grandmother’s
4. Live somewhere that has an autumn
5. Crochet
Five things that make me happy:
1. My husband and kids. I mean, I know, boring right? But there was a time that I was pretty sure I was absolutely doomed to die young, and now I have a family.
2. Grabbing my cats and smelling their furry heads
3. Digging around in thriftshops. Specifically when I find hilariously weird shit
4. Looking for cool rocks
5. When a monarch is all lazy and chill right after it comes out of the chrysalis and it sits on your hand like you’re a Disney princess
Five things I’m currently into:
1. Sandman. Woo boy did that take over my brain at the speed of light
2. Anything by T Kingfisher
3. Butterfly gardening. I mean, always butterfly gardening, that never changes
4. Trying and failing to learn Mandarin
5. Writing (again, thank god, finally, after years)
Five things on my to-do list:
1. Dig out banana plant pups before the banana tree patch gets out of control
2. Fertilize everything
3. Sew patches on half my pants because the pockets always pull at the corners
4. Actually sit down and watch the new d&d movie
5. Write
Five things people may not know about me:
1. Big spaces freak me out— like giant rooms with really high ceilings. Walking through Grand Central Station the first time nearly gave me a heart attack.
2. I can’t stand grape flavored things
3. I love coconut flavored things. Give me ALL the coconut things, please.
4. Im fascinated by horror movies but they do terrible things to my brain afterwards so I can’t watch them
5. Something in chocolate syrup makes me wicked sick and I don’t know what it is
Tagging @shironi-pepperoni , @xxsneepsnoppxx , @alleythegaycat , @cuchullame , and @dutifullygreattimemachine
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