#Mariana Fried
jujuygrafico · 2 years
Jujuy Film Commission en Ventana Sur
#Jujuy #Cultura #Cine | #JujuyFilmCommission en #VentanaSur
La Jujuy Film Commission está presente en Ventana Sur, el mercado más importante de contenidos audiovisuales de América LatinaEn marco de la 14° edición de Ventana Sur, el mercado cinematográfico latinoamericano que se realiza en Buenos Aires, la Jujuy Film Commission fue invitada para conformar la mesa panel organizada por el INCAA con representantes de territorio nacional e internacional, la…
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mayhasopinions · 3 months
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some sherlock and co things i forgot to post on here
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zivaninja · 2 months
new marianas trench album in 5 weeks and a new bleachers album a week later is for me personally
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999moreyears · 8 months
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could u draw the skrunglies,,,slimariana,,
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love wins ... and alsooo. my og idea but then i realized it sucked.. yah
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royalarchivist · 2 months
Mariana: What's your favorite food?
Jaiden: Oh, my favorite food... uh, wait–
Mariana: Taco Bell? Something like that?
Jaiden: Uh, amo las papas... fritas.*
Roier: Ohh, french fries!
Jaiden: Uh-huh!
Mariana: Oh my god, Jaiden! Ohhh, you speak so good, man! You're Mexican!
Jaiden: Oh, thank you!!!
Roier: [Laughs] Yes!
Mariana: Oh, yes Jaiden, yes! I'm gonna hit you! I'm gonna hit you! :D [He gives her a friendly punch]
Jaiden: Si! Aaa! [Laughs]
[ Transcript continued ↓ ]
Mariana: Ok, you like papa fritas, the french fries.
Jaiden: Mhmm. Si!
Mariana: And- and what's your favorite restaurant? Like Popeyes, Chick-fil-A, tell me.
Jaiden: Umm...
Roier: Doña Lupita's Tacos?
Mariana: Yeah.
Roier: Yeah!
Jaiden: I dunno if you guys have it. It's called– I don't know if you have it in– uh, if it's–
Mariana: Don't worry! We are Mexican, but not stupid.
Jaiden: It's called– I- I looked it up–
Roier: [Laughs]
* [She's trying to say "I like fries"]
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solarkarii · 1 year
Which team are you in for qsmps court case on Wednesday
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silent-raven13 · 9 months
A Spider-woman named Billie! 5
(Part 4)
The group kept heading to the cafeteria, while they talk. Gabriella holds her dad's hand, "Papá, I want a chicken nuggets with french fries and strawberry milkshake!"
"Okay, mija."
"Oh me too!" Mayday said to her dad, "But with two cookies."
"Daddy, you pw-omise us cookies." Mariana 2020 being carried by Hobie 138b as she pouts at her daddy.
"I know, mi amor. I never break a promise." Miles 2020 said, "But you have to eat your lunch first then have your cookies. I don't want to see you three eating cookies first."
"Who's to say what needs to be first? Why not we eat the cookies then eat lunch. All of these ideas come from the system trying to control us." Hobie 138c said holding Aaron in his arms.
"Because children... our children need a balance diet. If they start off eating sugar, they will have horrible tummy aches. Aaron is delicate like that." Miles 2020 added, "You don't want to hurt my babies, do you?" He gave the cutest puppy eyes and pout.
The Hobies fell for it, so hard. "We apologize, luv!" They hover around Miles 2020 like hungry love struck teenagers.
"Your forgiven, papas!" Miles 2020 wink at them with a smirk on his face, he knows he got all the Hobies wrapped around his finger.
All the other Miles watched their Hobies turned pink which made them giggles. Miles 43 said, "Wow, ya'll so quick to leave us, huh?"
"For real." Mimi 1015 teased, "I guess, I should look for a new man then, right Miles?" She nudges Miles 1610's elbow with a wink.
"Yeah, maybe I should go find another-" Hobie 138b met his face with his hand squishing his Miles' cheeks "Darling, don't you dare finish that sentence." His eyes gazing into his Sunflower's eyes.
"Yeah, papá is a ha-wd wo-wking man!" Mariana 2020 waves her arms around.
"Okay!" Miles 1610 saw the other Hobies already talking to their own Miles/Mimi. They are all jealous at the end of the day.
"Love you." Hobies 138b happily leans over to kiss his boyfriend's lips.
Miles 1610 puff his cheek when he pulled his face away from his boyfriend's hand after the kiss. "Hmph, you can't take a joke?"
"Sunflower, not when you mention other blokes." He commented.
Billie 1610 runs over to hug her big brother's leg, "Miles, I'm hungry!"
"Oh, we're almost there to the cafeteria, boo-boo. I promise, we'll get your favorite." He picks her up, "You want some pizza?"
"Mmm yum! Perro yo quiero empanadas de pollo!" She said in Spanish.
"Ohh that sounds good too!" Gabriella overhears empanadas, "Chicken is the best one!"
"I could eat an empanada." Gabriel and both Miguels said to themselves.
"Wow, I guess we all have a specific favorite." Petie said, "I know I love a good New York Pepperoni pizza."
"Ugh, yes! A whole pie with a cold soda." Peter 616 gawks at the thought.
"Chinese food!" Gwen and Pavtri chimes in. "We some delicious egg rolls!"
"Please, no more food talks. I'm so hungry." Mariana's stomach growling.
"Yeah, I'm starving!" Mayday said to her dad.
"We're almost there." Jess said. "The adults will make the orders and you guys can watch the kids. I know there's going to be a lot of food to order."
"Oh, I wonder if our other friends are eating lunch, too." Pavtri asked going into his Smartphone to text the Spider band. "Sun Spider did say she's there with Ben and they were arguing about this episode from the Walking Dead."
"Oh yeah, I heard Peni, Margo and Noir are there too! They finished a mission together." Gwen pointed out.
"Oh, I wonder if Lupe is there! Billie, you should try to ask her to be your mentor." Mariana happily said to Billie.
"Really? You think she's good for me?" Billie 1613 asked.
"Huh uh, she always willing to teach new comers all sort of skills."
Gwen points out at Billie 1610 and Gabriel 660, "But that means you guys won't hang out much as before. Lupe always make sure your on top your skills."
"Wait, I won't see her no more! Do you even need a mentor?" Gabriel asked Billie.
"I dunno... maybe. I would like some guidance. Sometimes I wonder if my powers still need to be focused on." She look at her hands having electricity coming around, "I need to get better."
Gabriel pouts under his mask, "Well, who's Lupe? I'll see if she qualified to be your mentor!"
Miguel 970 said, "She's pretty good."
"Yes, I think one time your dad and her went at it one time, too. She doesn't like sarcastic attitudes, it was pretty funny. I never seen your dad shut his mouth so quick when she lashed out of him." Mariana 1022 giggles.
"Ohhh, I remember that." Jess chuckles at the memory. "So that was your father, Gabriel?"
"He had on this white silver and red suit on, so he can stand out from the other Miguels." Mariana added.
"Yeah, that was him. I'm sure he's on a mission with someone..." Gabriel said, then saw Billie 1613 looking at him.
"You know, I always find time for us to hang out, Gabe. I promise I will find ways to be with you."
"Awe, and me, too?" Mariana buds in, she can tell Gabriel is giving her a slight glare. He didn't want to share their time with another person. "Just kidding! I guess it will be me and Miguel 970, right?"
"Yeah! I don't mind." He looks happy to be Mariana's partner on missions.
"That reminds me... Miles," Petie rub his chin with a curious question at Miles 2020, "Where is your husband?"
"Oh he's probably on a mission. I know, he got my text." Miles 2020 hums, "Probably with Alpha-" All of sudden a very angry tall well fit Spider-man came shouting and growl out loud, "I can't believe that idiot! If I have to look at that nitwit, I swear I'm going to fucking kill him!" He sends out a raging pheromones that stink up the hallway that only Petie and Miles 2020 smelled.
The children with second gender noticed it too. They were quite afraid of the power raging Alpha, it gave them shudders.
"Daddy," May runs to her dad for comforts.
The triplets snuggles against the Hobies needing safety. "I got you, honey. Looks like Alpha got into a group to his dislike." Petie picks up his daughter to send out his own calming scent.
Alpha saw the massive group and scowls, "What? Never seen an Alpha so damn pissed off."
"Calm down, Alpha. There's kids here." Jess said.
Miguel 928 sighs, "What happened on the mission?"
Miles 2020 and Petie went over to Alpha already knowing his frustrating, his foul distasteful scent spreading around them. Sometimes it'll make a Beta or Omega feel sick, and worse it can upset another Alpha Spider-hero. "There. There. Alpha!" The two uses their strongest calm pheromones on his.
Miles 2020's scent seems to be more powerful considering he produces way more because of his pups. The triplets were able to calm down at their daddy's scent. Alpha sharply inhales and exhales with his arms crossed as he each side he had an Omega sending him sweet calming scents. "That idiot Deadpool! He spend most of his time trying to grope me then on the mission. I fell into a purple blob! It was ridiculous!" His sharp golden eyes glares with his canines showing from his growling.
Miles 2020 said, "Alpha, relax. You're sending out too much of your scent."
"Who cares! I'll murder anyone. Your mate spend more time trying to steal than the mission!"
"He was with you?" Miles 2020 asked. "I thought he went on his own."
"He joined with me, Peter 616b and that ridiculous assassin!" Alpha growls almost sounding like small beastly roars, "We did not follow any plans at all."
"No plans? Ugh, let me guest... Deadpool winging it?" Miguel 928 asked almost annoyed as Alpha.
"Yes, that fool! I had to walk away before I rip his head off! Peter 616b had to beg me not to!" He scowls as he punches a hole in the wall leaving a massive burst of shredded metal.
"Whoa!" May watches the Alpha showing off his anger. It's normal for Alphas having these outbursts, in fact it's always recommended instead of bottling it up. Yet, she saw all the other kids looking terrified.
Gabriella and Gerald stood in front of the younger kids while Mayday stomp her foot in front of the Alpha with a scowl on her face, "Hey, don't be scary! Or I'll have my daddy put you in your place!"
Peter 616 nervously said, "May, honey... I don't think-" He glanced over at Alpha, who's growling at him. "Hah, um... Jess."
"Alpha, calm down. The children are getting scared. They aren't used to your rants." Jess said in a serious tone, she wasn't gonna let this man upset her baby boy.
"Calm down. Calm down." Miles 2020 and Petie uses their calming pheromones which had a light floral sweetness to it, it's almost felt like Alpha smell lavender with herbs.
"Ugh, whatever." Alpha crosses his arms trying to sharply inhale the Omegas' pheromones to calm down.
"Oh wow, that's an Alpha." Billie 1613 gawks, "He's tall! Maybe taller than you, Gabe!" She slowly went up to check out the Spider-man.
"Billie! Don't go up to him! He's pissed off." Gabriel pulls her back. "God, I swear it's like I'm raising a kid."
Mariana giggles, "Gabe, it's fine. let her meet Alpha."
"No, he looks like he would hurt her." Gabriel didn't like the thought the guy would lash at his crush.
Billie 1613 already standing in front of Alpha to stare at him, "Wow, are you an Alpha Peter Parker."
"Yes." Alpha leans over to look at the young woman. "And you are?" His piercing golden eyes on the teenager.
Gabriel quickly got in front of a bashful Billie, his hand push Alpha back, "Hey man, back up. She's a minor."
Alpha growls assuming it's another Miguel, the young man is almost the same height as him. "Relax, Alpha. Billie is a new comer." Petie tries to calm the two. "Alpha this isn't another Miguel, it's Miguel 660's son!" The Omega could smell the Alpha's dominating scent, even Miles 2020 had to amp up his own calming scent. Such a dominating scent can trigger other Alphas around to want to fight or challenge Alpha.
"That nitwit got a son?" Alpha asked a bit with scowl. "Where's Lupe? She can put this child in his place."
"Child? I'm not a CHILD, old man!" Gabriel hissed getting in the Alpha's face already being temper mental like an O'Hara.
Alpha smirks, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, huh, brat? Speak to your elders with respect." Almost getting annoyed by the young Spider-man going into his personal space.
"Gabe, stop. We're not supposed to fight!" Billie said with a panic, having to push him away from Alpha.
"Yes! Calm down! There's children here!" Petie panics with him and Miles 2020 holding Alpha back. They knew this Spider-man have a terrible mood, and when anyone continues to push his buttons... let say it's not pretty.
"Fight. Fight! Fight!" Mariana 2020 chimes out loud.
Miles 2020 gave a look at his daughter, "Mariana, who taught you that?"
"Umm... Ummm...." She turns her head away, "I dunno."
Mariana giggles at Billie and the Omegas trying to separate Gabriel and Alpha. She turns to Miguel 928 with a wide smile, "Isn't this your job, boss?"
Gabriella nodded, "Yeah, papá! Stop them!"
"Yeah, daddy Miggy." Mimi 1015 giggles.
Miguel 928 sighs, "Alright. Alright." He went over to pull Gabriel away from the Alpha, "Aye, stop it. Challenging an emotional Alpha is the biggest mistake! Relax. Calm down!" He lecture at his variant's son.
"Hey, I'm not emotional! Just damn pissed off!" Alpha snaps.
Gabriel never felt so embarrassed by Miguel 928's hand grabbing the collar of his suit almost picking him up like a child! Billie watched with awed, "Oh wow, you're so strong, sir!" She admires Miguel's strength by the way he use one hand to pick up her friend.
The rest of the gang tries to hide their laughter at the sight. Miguel 928 with one hand on his hip while lecturing at a very tall and muscular teenager is a funny sight to see. Pavtri seek in a picture with Lyla for his blog.
Miles 2020 said to Alpha, "And you need to calm down. It's bad enough dealing with a teenage O'Hara. They are liking ticking time bombs!"
"Hey!" Gabriel scowls.
"Aye," Miguel snap his fingers at Gabriel, "that's enough. He's over there. Honestly, did your dad teach you this?"
"Well, Miguel 660 is a bit of a..." Billie trails off.
"Douchebag?" Miles 43 asked.
"Bad word!" The kids went to Miles 43 with shock. "No-no word!"
"Sorry, guys." Miles 43 giggles.
Mariana nodded, "Oh yeah, he's a massive cocky jerk! He got this big ego, thinking he's better than everyone and likes to brag how smart he is because he's a big ole' nerd!" She went on hitting jabs on Miguel 928 as well which made the rest of the gang had mix emotions. "Like we get it you can genetically modify DNA and play god. Or he thinks he's so great when all I hear nothing but a rude, cranky old man!"
The Hobies were cracking up while Jess cover her mouth. Peter bite his bottom lip while the younger Spider-heroes were shock. Miguel 928 asked, "Is that all?"
"Oh I don't mean you, sir! Your a bit different."
"A bit?" Miguel 928 asked out loud as he set down Gabriel.
"Well, he pisses off Lupe all the time!" Mariana said being bubbly.
Jess rub her chin, "Oh that's right. Those two are so bad together."
"Really. I enjoy seeing him acting like a dog to her." Alpha grins widely.
"I wouldn't be surprise if we see them soon. They were on a mission with other Spider-heroes." Jess commented.
"I'm nothing like my old man! I'm waayyyy mature." Gabriel huffs with his arms crossed.
"Sure, kid." Alpha snorted being a bit calmer with the Omegas help.
"What did you say, jackass!" Gabriel snapped.
Billies 1613 quickly stood in front of Gabriel, "Gabriel, stop it!"
"Easy man. There's kids watching." Miguel 970 placed his hand on Gabriel's left shoulder, "Callmaté." Gabriel merely grumbles while Billie 1613 tries to cheer him up.
"Don't be so upset, Gabe! I think you're a man." She hypes him up, "Hehe, you're big and tall! See I have to go on my tip toes."
"They are so cute together." Mariana said to Miles 1610.
"Yeah, they do." Miles 1610 saw the way Gabriel slouch over while Billie being preppy to cheer him up. They can be a cute couple.
Miles 42 stand between Billie and Gabriel, "Not on my watch!" Somebody got to be the older brother that ruins his little sister's crush.
Miguel 928 and Jess looks over at Alpha ranting, "And that idiot decided it was a great idea to add explosives when we didn't remove the bombs!" He mentions about Deadpool destroying on of the buildings in another world while they were trying to stop an anomaly of the Green Goblin.
Miguel 928 was pinching the bridge of his nose, "Why would he do that!"
"He's Deadpool." Jess grunts.
Petie uses his pheromones to calm Alpha down with his hands rubbing his shoulder. "What about Hobie 2020?"
This made the Hobies and other groups listen, so Miles 2020's mate is a Hobie. They wonder what was the Alpha is like and is he a Spider-man? How? Is there two or more Spider-man in Miles 2020's world.
"That one thought it was funny the place was burned to a crisp." Alpha shouted, "He literally stolen like five African masks claiming that place stolen artifacts from the ones that build America. He's always political."
The Hobies happily smiles at the annoyance of the Alpha, and Miguel 928. So they know Hobie 2020 is on their side if anything.
Miles 2020 rubs Alpha's back, "There. There, Alpha. You should be glad my husband only stolen five artifacts. He normally likes to tag and make a statement. It's a whole thing..."
"Down with the establishment!" Mariana 2020 shouted, "Papá is the best!"
"Yeah, papá is awesome!" Aaron spoke up.
Karl nodded, "Huh uh!"
Alpha grunts at Miles 2020, "Remember that you agreed to giving him pups."
"Hehehe, I'm not complaining." The dark skinned Omega giggles being proud of his pups, "They are cute. You always protect them."
"Because your Alpha is weak." Alpha grunts, seeing how Karl's hand touches his hands.
Karl gawks at the Alpha's claws, "Whoa!"
Hobie 138e held Karl giving a gentle nuzzle, "He's an alright bloke, but I'm better."
"Ah-hahaha," Karl laughs at the punker with his hands touching his face. "Papá! I'm hun-gray!"
"The baby fever is strong with the Hobies." Mariana said to the Miles who looked worried. "Good thing ya'll don't want kids!"
"And what about you?" Miles 1619 asked, "Your the female version. Haven't you met someone with a weird..." eyeing at Punk Miguel, "breeding kink!"
"Wats that?" Mayday asked Gabriella.
Gabriella didn't know what it was, but tries to use her book smarts, "Oh um... umm... hmm..." She looks up at her dad while her two hands holds Billie 1610's hands to help her walk without wobbling so much. "Papá, what's a breeding... kitty?"
"Qué?" Miguel's heart stops, then turns toward Miles 1019, "Aye, children are here! Don't bring that up!"
"But what is it?" Gerald asked.
"When you're older, Gerry. You're too young." Jess said.
Mariana giggles, "No, why? You think someone wants to give me a baby?"
"Oh, if you don't want it! Can I have your baby, Mariana!" Gabriella chimed in, "I always wanted a baby sister like Billie!"
Miguel choked up some air before coughing, "Gabriella, don't ask that!"
"Why? If she don't want it, I can have it!"
Punk Miguel said, "There's no baby, kid. It's only talk..." His mind was slowly drifting at the idea of Mariana being pregnant and being a wife. What are these thoughts? He never wanted a family or get married?
"Yeah, sorry Gabby." Mariana 1022 giggles, "But I'm sure if I got married I'll have two babies! A boy and a girl."
"I always wanted two, too... but," Miles 2020's eyes went on his triplets, "Things happen."
"Dios mio, imagine if I got triplets!" Billie 1613 chuckles getting in the conversation. "I would who would my husband be! Oh, I would like to have one boy and two girls. A nice house with a wooden picket fence, away from New York- maybe Pennsylvania. A nice neighborhood with a great school!"
Gabriel sharply inhale, "Your too young to be thinking about that! Are you crazy?"
"Awe, it's all fun! Haven't you thought about it?" Billie asked.
"No, I never liked kids or settling down." Gabriel explains, but saw Billie's big eyes staring at him, "but, if I meant the one... maybe."
"See! How many kids? Oh! You look like a boy dad. Maybe a boy or two?"
Gabriel gulps, "No... I'll be fine with triplets... a boy and two girls..." He trails off having the same reasons as Billie.
"Wow, really? Just like me. See we are the same!" Billie being clueless of Gabriel's dream to be with her.
Miguel 970 shook his head, "I would never stoop so low-" Mimi 1015 hums, "Mariana wants to live in a nice apartment in New York!"
"Yeah, with a nice community!" Mariana smiles at the two, "What about you Miguel?"
"Ummm, same..." Miguel 970 trails off.
"Wow, the same thing like me, huh?"
Mimie 1015 snickers with the other Miles, "Hehehe, the O'Haras are so out of it."
"I give them five years before anything comes out of it." Miles 1019 snorted.
Gwen said, "I'm hearing a bet going on? Okay, what's the wager?"
Pavtri chimes in, "Oh, a bet! Okay, I would totally put this on my blog and have the fans vote, too! I say, someone have to do graveyard shift for three months!"
"Ohh, I would totally want to call dibs for level eight missions." Miles 43 asked.
"Cleaning duty too!" Mimi 1015 added.
"Ohhh, those are good."
The group huddling together as they make their bets. Miguel 928 shook his head.
Peter 616 said, "Come on, Mig. They are just having fun."
"Yeah, I use to bet on you so many times." Jess said.
"Why me?" Miguel 928 being in shocked.
Petie 2010 placed his hands on his hips, "Oh really? You don't know!"
"Tsk. Tsk, Miguelito. You forget you're a handsome guy." Miles 2020 commented.
Miguel being so lost, "What? Huh?'"
Jess explains into detail, "There's so many Spider-heroes that have a crush on you. I always bet with Ben and Petra about you never noticing them. So many flirt, touch or grope your pecks and muscles. I mean, come on... you never noticed?"
"And it's always our variants, too." Peter nodded, "So many Spider-heroes wanting to be with you."
"I am offended..." Miguel finally said, "I'm not worth it.. I'm moody, grumpy and could care less-" Jess added, "Duh, I always win."
"TBH, I use to have a massive crush on Miguel 928," Mimi 1015 whispers at Miles 42 and Miles 1610, the look on their faces with mouth dropping and eyes widen. Miles 42 having a mixture of disgust.
"MIMI!" He hissed.
Mimi 1015 giggles, "What? He's so fine. A cranky moody Latino daddy! Ugh, that's like the dream!"
"Shh," Miles 1610 hushes her, "Don't let Hobie 138d hear you!"
"Mimi 1015 grins, "I'm just saying..." her voice low, "he's so damn fine."
Miles 2020 could only snicker having to hear them, then looks at Miguel 928, "Oh, there's always someone liking all this- temperamental, cranky Miguel."
"Eck, they have horrible taste." Miguel 928 commented. Mimi 1015 giggling in the background while the two Miles next to her giving her looks.
"Well, I always believe-" Jess being cut off when a metal claw hand appeared from above caressing Miles 2020's cheek, the most gentle touch with such a dangerous weapon.
"Hmm?" Miles 2020 looks up already knowing it's his Alpha. The rest of the group had their focus on the Alpha.
It was a Cyberpunk Prowler wearing black with purple accents to his black hiphop cargo pants, wearing thick black boots and thick tactical tech wear jacket with pockets and zippers. He had long locs up in a pony tail with a bit of purple dye or other gold and silver cuffs into his hair. Some of his dreadlocks are loose on his shoulders. His eyes being covered by black futuristic glasses.
"Darling," His voice a bit deeper but curious at his mate, "Why are my lads holding mi pups?"
Miles 2020 smirks being amused, "What took you so long, bae?"
"OMG, is that a Prowler Hobie!" Pavtri said out loud being so in shock. He had heard Prowler Hobies, but never seen one. This one looked so cool in person.
The Prowler had a wire line attach to his right metal claws as a grappling line. He slowly got down, having to move his wrist to have the wire line rewired back into his claws. This Hobie stood being the same height as Miguel 298 and Alpha 2010, with a wide broad chest being so well fit under all his thick outfit.
"PAPA!" His triplets smells his scent being super excited for him.
"Hello, darlings." He said to his children with his glasses disappeared from his face showing off an adult version of Hobart Brown.
Miles 1610's had no words, this man is clearly handsome. Hobie 2020 had a goatee, his face more masculine with all his subtle baby fat gone, those dark eyes intense sharp shape of an Alpha. Oh yes, he's one fine ass man, even Miles 42 had to turn away to avoid his bashful lip bitting. "Luv, what are you gawking at?" Hobie 138b went over to his darling Sunflower.
"Um.. Umm," Miles 1610's mouth watered, "Nothing!"
Miles 2020 laughs at the other Miles trying to keep their composer. "Bae, you got my variants sweating."
"Oh?" He grins widely showing off his canines making the Miles' heart pound against their chest, and body weak in the knees. "And he got fangs! Oh lawd!" Miles 43 shouted.
Miles 1019 lick his lips, "He's too damn fine."
All of their partners became pleased yet jealous. They felt as if they never had their partners like that before. "Papa!" Mariana 2020 shouted with joy.
"Hello, my lil anarchist." Hobie 2020 spotted his daughter in the see of Hobies.
"Hehe!" Mariana 2020 happily giggles.
(Part 6)
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faithghoul · 2 years
II and IV are my favourite little ship. When Vessel and III are going horny and insane onstage, II and IV is just enjoying their time swaying their body following the music.
I have made a post where I said II and IV's (bro can we just call them VI at this point) (or VIII if you multiply them) love language is quality time. They often spend the night by having late-night drive, IV usually driving and they will play the lofi-chillhop playlist. They will drive off to any fast-food drive thru and eating the food in the parking lot. They will just eat in silence, vibing t9 the music and the night.
Sometimes they will talk about the most mundane things in order to keep any work-related topics away. Tonight is for relaxing, no talking about work, we can talk about it tomorrow.
IV will ask II questions about deep-sea creatures, how does it feels like to be stuck in Mariana Trench, etc. II will answer all that based on his own opinion, weighing the possibilities fairly, and IV will hop on it to add or debate it. Both of them has a thing for deep sea creatures. II said that Great White Shark reminds him of IV, while IV jokingly said that II looks like Flapjack Octopus.
"Not the Flapjack Octopus!" II said, while trying to keep munching on his french fries. IV laughed and tried not to get choked on his coke. "Flapjack Octopus is the cutest motherfucker on earth. You should be happy that I call you that."
"So you're calling me cute, huh." II smirked in a funny way. IV quickly tidied up his hoodie (he didn't know why he did that) and smiled. II then leaned his back to the door on his side, "Well maybe do not call me Flapjack Octopus when I call you a Great White Shark." II rolled his eyes and smiled. "It's fair. Think about it." IV responded, and they were silent all over again and enjoyed each other's company.
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sannylity · 1 year
hi boss just chekcing heres the list of aus youve made up that i know of but id love to hear if you have any more/what theyre about
president and his maid
prince (omg ur writing this one :0)
coffee shop
artistic director and prostitute
assassin and civilian
am i missing any?
Hello! Hmm, I’ll try to break down a few things I can think about for each AU. But I feel like this post will be long so I’ll break it down into three posts if that’s alright😁
Teachers AU:
Charlie vents to Wilbur about Mariana, while Mariana vents to Quackity about Charlie. Both of their friends individually think, “wait, that sounds familiar…” because that’s how Quackity and Wilbur started off as before they started dating and then inevitably being heartbroken. So respectively, they’re the two people trying to keep Mariana and Charlie away from each other because they don’t want them to end up like Quackity and Wilbur who barely even acknowledges each other’s existence despite being up all over each other a year ago😔
A teacher from a different department has a crush on Charlie and that teacher would often try to get his attention or even join him for lunch or breaks. Mariana will not admit the fact that he’s jealous
And at the same time, a lot of senior students have a big crush on Mariana and Charlie will not admit that he’s jealous, that he might be a little harsh on them when he sees them not following dress code or something
After a tough hell/exam week for students as well as teachers having to grade papers, they decided to unwind at a bar. With Charlie being new, they quickly discover that he is a lightweight and also an emotional drunk. He cries over Jaiden giving him fries and Mariana secretly thinks it’s adorable. But then, Charlie started over sharing, he tells them about how he had to fight his dad just to defend his siblings, how he never liked being walked over because he had to endure most of his dad’s abuse before he could finally stand up for himself and his siblings and it makes Mariana feel like shit and he wants to hug and kiss Charlie’s forehead and tell him he’s safe now
Roier gives Mariana another piece of advice, to be a little kinder to Charlie because he’s been trying. Mariana eventually does, and at first it weirds Charlie out, but he soon finds that he likes this version of Mariana, the kind and sweet, which who she really is
Toxic/Infidelity AU:
Charlie knows he’s risking losing his friends, his reputation (it’s a small town), his value as a person for intruding on a relationship but he doesn’t care. He has endured and struggled for so long yearning to return to Mariana and it can’t all be for nothing
Charlie had set out a plan to seduce Mariana. He’d try to isolate and keep themselves alone, use all the things and tactics that he knows would rile him up, surprised to find that he could see it working. At first, Mariana would push him off and avoid him, but he can only take so much before his patience snaps and he gives in
When pent up lust and frustration wears off, Mariana is mortified by what happened. He tells Charlie that they keep this between them and it will never happen again. But then they have mutual friends and they end up attending this formal suit and tie event and Charlie looks so good and he is obviously doing things for Mariana to break his own words and it works. They do it in a supply closet of the event venue next, Charlie taunts him “last time, huh?” and Mariana pushes him off and walks away
From then, Charlie knew a part of him won, because he gets to have Mariana all over again. So, they continue having this arrangement
But Charlie gets a rude awakening when Foolish hosted a party celebrating him and Mariana and he sees how happy their friends and family are for them. He sees that he Mariana doesn’t belong to him at all, not really, so he leaves the party early. Comes up with some poor excuse
Charlie tried to stay away, he really did. For days he ignored and avoided Mariana, he tried going to a bar and picking up men he could go home with because in his head, maybe he was just horny and it didn’t matter. So, one time he goes home to this guy, and halfway through, he doesn’t want to do it anymore and the guy wouldn’t. So he punches him and dressed himself back, going outside to do the walk of shame. He ends up calling Mariana to at least take him home
Mariana asks him what happened, Charlie doesn’t say anything. He drives him back home, Charlie thanks him by the doorstep with a kiss on Mariana’s cheek. He doesn’t invite him in, he doesn’t jump him like he normally would. It’s the first time they’ve seen each other without ending up with sex
President and Maid AU:
Charlie’s favorite part of the day is when he has to get ready because his maid always helps him. It’s not even in her job description but according to Mariana, “You can’t wear your suits correct. A president always have to look his best.”
Charlie being an unmarried president has a couple politicians turning heads, so during function events, they mostly try introducing women to Charlie that he could be linked with. Fellow politicians, businesswomen, public figures. Mariana would see them and would get jealous, insecure because she’s neither a woman or in any position of power, but Charlie does their secret sign and in the end, the president only has his eyes set on his maid
In exchange, fellow staff members would often tease Mariana if she’s in love or if she’s seeing anyone. Mariana is considered to be one of the most attractive staff members in the palace, so he can’t be single, right? Mariana often brushed those questions off, lies through his teeth saying he’s too busy working to think about love and romance. But when Charlie calls for him, he drops everything that he’s doing and staff members share looks
When Charlie has to work late in his office, Mariana would always come go to him with his favorite drink in hand. Charlie would motion for her to sit on his lap, and that’s really the only time he feels himself relax, with the only person he holds dear in his arms
When rumors first started breaking out, a paparazzi photo was taken of Charlie making with a tall figure on a balcony. It was a dark and blurry photo, so it cannot be mistaken to be Mariana, but regardless, it has caused unwarranted attention. Charlie’s publicity team proposed that they release a statement saying Charlie is seeing someone and that he would like to keep things private, even going as far as to hire some random person to act as the person Charlie is seeing
What happened had freaked Mariana out so much, he thought ignoring and avoiding Charlie would be in his best interest. But the palace is not as big as everyone thinks, not unless you know where to look, and Mariana can’t run away forever. Charlie confronts his maid, forces him to answer why he’s being ignored and such. Mariana ends up confessing his feelings, it’s the first time he has said he loves Charlie
I’ll do parts two and three for the other AU’s soon. But I hope this was helpful!! Part 1/3
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khalilhassan · 9 months
location — the burger joint.
character — @alesolcno
Takeout and coffee, coffee and takeout. The agent had barely left his apartment in a week's time, only opening the door to accept the food he'd ordered, or to step out on occasion to make an appearance with Mack. Favor after favor, he'd called those he trusted most to dig until there was nothing left. Phone logs, geolocation records, text exchanges, social media posts... they'd combed through every single piece of Mariana Solano's existence within Providence Peak and yet, he hadn't actually looked at a single word of it. Instead, he'd gathered everything into an unmarked file. Jaw clenched tight as he thought of the woman on the other end of it all. His lungs constricted and his lips burned with the memory of New Years. The buzzing of his phone pulled him from the memory, but the name illuminated on the screen had him swallowing down a thickness that had coated his throat. She was there. "Thanks for coming. You hungry? They have good fries and milkshakes." As much as he wanted to ask, wanted to know why she'd melted into him and faded away in an instant, he didn't dare utter a word of it. What mattered now was what did or didn't rest within the file. "I haven't looked through any of this yet. I thought... I thought it was something we could do together." It was her sister and his work, but only she would know what it was that they were looking for. "We can get out of here if you want. I just needed to see four walls that weren't my apartment for a little."
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Comfort food(s): Tacos. Pizza. Spaghetti with Mariana, Fries
Comfort drink(s): Cherry Blossom Sparkling Water
Comfort movie(s): Beetlejuice, Pirates of The Caribbean ( 1,2 and 3), Interview with the Vampire
Comfort show(s): Why Women Kill (S1), Coupling, Smash, Swingtown, The Boys, Gen V, Sailor Moon ( anime but it counts because I say so ) , Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
Comfort clothing: T-shirts and Jeans all the way
Comfort song(s): "False Kings" and "Carnival of Rust" by Poets of the Fall
Comfort book(s): The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
Comfort game(s): RPing online count? lol
Tagged by: @awkwardcourage
Tagging: @hom3land3r , @slicinggazelle , @mages-pandoras-box , @vyrulent
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ben-learns-smth · 1 year
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hypothetically, you're only able to keep 20 of your books. only one book per author/series. so what books are you keeping?
thank you @the---hermit and @selkiestudies for once again testing my inability to choose <3 not being allowed to pick more by one author helped to decide and so did having lots of my faves as epubs only
the long way to a small angry planet (becky chambers)
harrow the ninth (tamsyn muir)
the mask falling (samantha shannon)
was man von hier aus sehen kann (mariana leky)
lakelore (mclemore)
she who became the sun (shelley parker chan)
ich bin linus (linus giese)
disability visablility (alice wong)
the hunger games (suzanne collins)
heimat (nora krug)
das neinhorn (mark uwe kling)
devotions (mary oliver)
you better be lightning (andrea gibson)
ella minnow pea (mark dunn)
gender kram (louie läuger)
the secret life of addie larue (v.e. schwab)
the gloaming (kirsty logan)
reasons to stay alive (matt haig)
liebesgedichte (erich fried)
blutbuch (kim de l'horizon)
in case you haven't done this yet but would liķe to I'm tagging @oneanxiousstudybuddy @septemberstudies and @yourneighborhoodbibliophile
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kakabelorias · 5 months
W E L C O M E, S I N N E R S !
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͙͘͡★ Hello! My name is Pon and I play the character, Kakabel Orias
͙͘͡★ Early 20's ┆ Straight ┆ Female ┆ She/Her
͙͘͡★ Girly Things and SImp Things🩷💗💕💖💞💓
͙͘͡★ Current Hyperfixation; Hazbin Hotel ┆ Helluva Boss ┆ Camp Camp ┆ Power Rangers ┆ Stardew Valley
͙͘͡★ Digital Artist ┆ Fanfic reader ┆ Chronically online
͙͘͡★ Simping for ・ • ● Vox, Lucifer, Alastor, Saint Peter, Striker, Daniel, David, Antonio, Shane
͙͘͡★ Favourite Foods ・ • ● Fried Ramen, Chicken Alfredo, Spaghetti, BLT, Regular Potato Chips, Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Milk
͙͘͡★ Listening To・ • ● Aqours, Hazbin Hotel, Marianas Trench
͙͘͡★ 18+ content DOES appear on the blog. MInors are to not interact with it or else they will be banned
͙͘͡★ YouTube ┆ Discord (18+ ONLY)┆Carrd
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦  
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threefoldbullet · 4 months
why do you drink
i actually don't drink unless i'm hanging out with beautiful sexy men from la mancha [or if a friend hands me an artisanal beer from the south of france (or if a friend just hands me a beer. period.)]
But the title of my blog comes from the caption on this drawing by mariana [who i coincidentally drank a superbock with in april. the cause for drinking then Was we were having delicious fried sardines]
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gkathleenk · 4 months
My flight from Minneapolis to A.B. Won Pat International Airport (located in Tamuning) in Guam was a long journey. My flight took off at 11:25AM, and it took 13 hours to get to my layover in Seoul. We got to Seoul at 3:20PM (their time), and I was in Seoul for 18 hours. My flight to Guam finally took off at 9:45AM the next day, and we arrived at 3:15PM. My ticket cost $1,675.
After landing at A.B. Won Pat Intl, I wanted to check in at my Airbnb located in Dededo, a city located outside Tamuning. I am staying in the Vibrant Mini House. The Airbnb has a 3 night minimum and the total overall for the 3 nights is $274. Guam is a US Territory, so they use the US Dollar as their currency.
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The drive from the airport to my Airbnb was 14 minutes. The most common form of transportation is bus, even with locals, but I decided to drive because it was faster and easier. While in Dededo, I decided to stop and get some food. I chose to get Dish-N-That, which is an American-centered restaurant. Their main focus is Smash Burgers. I apparently didn't wear my glasses, so I could barely see the menu. I decided to get an appetizer of onion rings which were $4.30 and for my meal I got the Bacon Double Cheese Burger which was $11.30. I didn't have to tip for my meal, because gratuity is included in the overall bill.
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After getting food, I drove 12 minutes away to Ague Cove, located on the cost. Because Ague Cove is technically private property, I had to get permission to hike here first from Operations Officer Jesus Pangelinan. The hike down to the cove is pretty moderate and can only be challenging if it had just rain a day or two prior. Ague Cove can be very dangerous once you get to the bottom, due to the waves and super sharp coral. The hike back up can cause you cardiac arrest, so I had to be safe and bring extra water. The hike lasted about 3 hours to complete.
By the time I was finished with the hike, it was around 8PM, and I decided to head back to my Airbnb and get some sleep.
I woke up and decided that today I would spend the day in Tamuning. I woke up around 11 and drove 17 minutes to Sakura Noodle House. I ordered the Chopseuey Noodles (fried) which was $10.50.
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After eating, I drove down to Guam Ocean Park. You can get a free pass to spend the day there, and you can go jet skiing, snorkeling, kayaking, play volleyball, and swim all for free if you have the pass. The pass costs $200 for and an adult and $30 for a child. I chose the snorkeling tour. It lasts around 3 hours. After snorkeling, I went jet skiing.
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I spent around 5 hours at the Ocean Park, I drove to Three Squares Restaurant to get some dinner. For starters, I got the Local Sampler, which consists of tinala katne, coconut dinanche, chicken kelaguen, fried corn titiyas, and empanada dippers, costing $19.95. Tinala Katne originates from Guam, while Coconut Dinanche and Chicken Kelaguen originate from the Philippines. The reasoning behind the Filipino influence is because a third of the population of Guam is Filipino, with the other thirds being Chamorro and mixed. For my main meal, I got the Asian Chicken Salad (salad with teriyaki chicken, cucumbers, edamame, mandarin oranges, and fried wontons), which cost $15.95. My overall bill was $39.40 which included my tip.
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After dinner, I went back to my Airbnb to go to bed.
Since today is my last full day in Guam, I thought I would do some research into the history and culture of Guam. The population is currently 171,774 people, the largest ethnic group being Chamorro. Chamorro is an Indigenous group of the Mariana Islands, and their ancestors come from Southeast Asia (mainly Indonesia and the Philippines) during 1600 BCE. In the 17 and 1800s, Spain got a hold of the Mariana Islands and spread diseases and violence, causing the Chamorro population to drop from 70,000 to 1,000 in 1820. Now in the 20th century, there are around 50,600 Chamorro descendants in Guam alone. They developed the Chamorro Language, which is most similar to Tagalog, and it is the 2nd most used language in Guam, after English. The main religion of the Chamorro people is Roman Catholic. 94.2% of Guam is Roman Catholic. The reasoning behind this is because of the centuries when Spain had control over the island. Guam became fully colonized by Spain in 1668, and they left in 1899.
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After my research this morning, I wanted to get something to eat. The food that Guam is most known for is Chicken Kelaguen. Chicken Kelaguen is inspired by Philippine cuisine, but it has Latin American influences as well. The dish is chicken marinated in a lemony and spicy sauce with coconut added as well. You usually eat it with titiyas. To get this meal in Guam, I went to Chef's Inasal BBQ House located 7 minutes away from my Airbnb. The price for the Chicken Kelaguen was $21.30.
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After lunch, I thought it would be best to visit the Micronesia Mall, located 4 minutes away. Micronesia Mall is one of the best things to do when visiting Guam. Opened on August 8, 1988, Micronesia Mall is the biggest mall in Guam. The owners chose that date because the number 8 is a lucky number in a lot of Asian cultures. The 4 anchor stores are Ross Dress for Less, two Macy's, and a 24-hour Payless Supermarket. The mall has a 24-hour food court, a 12-screen movie theater, and Funtastic Park, an amusement park with 7 different rides. Because all the stores and restaurants are the same ones found in America, I decided to not buy anything.
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After the mall, I decided to check out the UnderWater World Aquarium. General Admission costs $23 for an adult and $15 for children. The aquarium is open from 10AM to 6PM, and since it was 4PM, I had plenty of time. You are 14 feet below water in the tunnel. Not only can you walk through the tunnel, which takes around 45 minutes to complete, but you can actually do a SeaTREK, which is when you get into the tank and swim with the animals. I obviously chose to do SeaTREK because that sounds amazing, it cost me $99, but it was an experience of a lifetime. Because the SeaTREK takes around an hour and 30 minutes, I decided to just do that and not walk through the tunnel.
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Today is my last day in Guam! To start my day off, I went to the Guam Museum, located in Hagåtña. The Guam Museum was made to help people better understand the culture and history behind the Chamorro people by mediums such as sculpture, paintings, and short films. They started collecting art in 1887. The museum officially opened in 2014. The most recent artifact added to the museum was a photograph taken in 1916 of three Chamorro men preparing higai to repair the roof on their house.
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After the museum, I went across the street to Plaza De España, which was the Governor's Palace in 1734 until The Battle of Guam in 1941, but it was refurbished in 1885. Most of the Palace was destroyed during the battle, except for the three arch gate to Almacen, the back porch, and the Chocolate House.
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After leaving Plaza De España, I decided it was time to head to New Zealand and continue my Oceania adventure there. I really liked visiting Guam. Despite being a US Territory, Guam is its own country with its own unique culture. They offer so many fun activities for locals and tourists to participate in.
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first-blight · 5 months
illegally mixing two tag games together because they overlap a little:
"nine people i'd like to get to know better" (tagged by @vanoefucks) and "mutuals i'd like to get to know better" (tagged by @opaleyedprince and @strixhaven) thank you all kindly 🫶🏻
last song i listened to: masterpiece theatre iii - marianas trench
currently watching: well....series-wise, not really anything unless you count a sporadic rewatch of the ace attorney anime. i frequently put on an ace attorney let's play on youtube, too.... those are the only things i currently watch
currently reading: mass effect andromeda: annihilation - catherynne m. valente
current obsessions: look upon my current url and take a guess (it's ace attorney (and phoenix specifically), of course)
currently craving: fried egg......
three ships: my oc ship rhidian/iska (plus wyll); due to current interests of course wrightworth; uhh annnnndddd...... let's say beaujester
first ship: i don't remember but probably inuyasha/kagome or some winx club ship?
relationship status: in a relationship with my fixations, of course. (aro spectrum, no partner or interest in one)
fave color: purple <3 but honestly it depends on the day, i am also quite fond of blues and yellows and greens and........ (every color)
sweet/savor/spicy?: all of them, it really depends on the day and my mood. meal-wise i guess savory or spicy, snacks i prefer sweet unless i'm actively craving sth salty. (so, basically. it depends. LOL)
tagging: @dilfbuck @woohooincoffin idk if you wanna do the mixed version but y'know! and as always, YOU! 🫵🏻
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