#Marshall lee imagine
parkvcrs · 1 year
Boyfriend!Marshall Lee Headcanons
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• Contrary to popular belief, Marshall Lee is actually a good boyfriend and treats you like a princess… but you have to squint a bit because he doesn’t directly tell you. He’ll act almost the same way he does with Fiona, but underneath that façade, he does care for you.
- (Which is very surprising to Fiona because of all the shenanigans she and Cake get into because of Marshall, but I digress).
• He is extremely flirty with you. He even likes to tease you a bit.
• He loves it whenever he gets the chance to sing to you or show one of his new songs to you. He won’t make it a bit deal and gather a crowd. He’ll keep it lowkey. Just between you two.
- If you can sing? Then by all means, PLEASE join in!
• Marshall definitely writes songs for you and about you. And if you’re comfortable, he’ll try bringing you along to every party he attends where you can watch him sing.
• Because he’s a vampire, he is more active during the night. So, expect him to try and bother you (with the best intentions) in the dead of the night.
• When you go out on dates, don’t you dare touch his french fries! You already saw how badly that went with his mom.
• He won’t admit that he loves physical touch and I feel like that’s his top love language. So, whenever you get the chance to hold him or cuddle him? He is as happy as he can be. :))
• He would try and play pranks on you.
- And fail because you know him like the back of your hand.
- The aftermath would be very awkward. Marshall would just be standing there like: 0-0;;.
• This man showers you in compliments whenever and wherever he can!
• He loves watching movies at his place with you in pajamas.
- Would love it if both of you even wore matching ones. It would be so cute! 😭
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Marshall lee dating headcanons?
He’s a twat (affectionate)
Night dates where Marshall takes you to go either stargazing somewhere or scaring people together because seeing them hightail it out of there was possibly the most comedic thing either of you had seen all day.
‘Did you see how fast that guy tan?’ Marshall would ask, all the while slinging his arm over your shoulder, keeping you close. ‘I’m pretty sure we scared him shitless or to the point he might’ve actually pissed himself.’ He adds while cackling into the night.
‘Alright, alright. You’ve had your fun for one night.’ You began, already smiling at how cute your boyfriend was being. ‘But we should probably head home now before Fionna figures out that it was us scaring people out of the woods shitless…’ Marshall was about to open his mouth to say something when you continued. ‘Regardless of how funny it maybe.’ Marshall proceeded to pout all the way home.
You’re basically his impulse control but then again even you aren’t immune to causing some form of chaos every once in a while.
This dude defiantly is the type to have pages upon pages of songs he had written just for you and only you. What can he say, you’re his muse, his biggest inspiration, so why wouldn’t he express that through the way he knows best; music.
He has so much of his songs dedicated to you that he has a song for everything that you do, whether that be from waking up looking like a beautiful/handsome/adorable/charming mess to going back to bed a handsome/beautiful/adorable/charming mess, it even went further then that as during days where you didn’t feel at your best and brightest, Marshall was already there to serenade you with his heavenly voice. 💕❤️
Marshall is such a sweetheart, and a gigantic one at that, no matter who says otherwise because to you Marshall has been nothing but the most supportive, loving and caring man you’ve ever met with all the kisses and cuddles he gives you during movie nights when he grows bored of what he’s seeing on the television and deciding to turn his attention elsewhere; that elsewhere being you ofc. Plus you’d never have to spend another day feeling insecure in yourself when Marshall Lee is constantly complimenting you and reminding you of your worth on the daily.
Yet I feel like Marshall would be the type of person to hide in the corner of your room with the lights off at night, so when you look over at him, you’d only see his silhouette as though he was some fucking type of sleep paralysis demon. You don’t talk to him after that, going so far as to give him the cold shoulder, whilst he pouts at your blatant disregard of his need for your constant affection and attention.
Overall Marshall treats you right whisky still being his goofy prankster self.
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danothan · 9 months
i like how gary and marshall's heights flipped when fionna returned
ep 6/7:
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ep 9:
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marshall is only allowed to be taller if magic is involved
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
Marshall Lee and Gary Prince x reader dating hcs? NSFW and sfw plssss (can either be together or separate IDM)
Assjdhdhjd finallyyyy, thank you so much for requesting this! I’ll keep it sfw for now but I’ll post some nsfw headcanons for them later! Hope you enjoy!
(Also there are a few references to Adventure Time characters in the beginning, so if you recognize those you get a cookie!)
TW: Mentions of abuse, skip the section marked with “***” if you want to avoid these, mentions of homophobia, rich people
Poly! Marshall Lee x Reader x Gary Prince Relationship Headcanons
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• Since we already know a bit about Marshall, I wanted to touch a bit on Gary’s backstory just for funsies. This is where the TW comes in so skip this part if you aren’t comfortable with that
• His parents died when he was very young, so he was given custody to his Aunt Griselda and her family.
• He also has a little sister, Nadine, who has autism and is nonverbal.
• Sadly, he and his sister were verbally and sometimes physically abused by them, so at the age of 16 he got emancipated and started to live on his own while taking care of Nadine.
• He’s currently enrolled in Community College classes and hopes to improve his financial situation to help support them both.
With that out of the way, onto the headcanons!
• Gay gay homosexual homosexual gay-
• Y’all are that totally-in-love queer couple throuple that make homophobes that see you in public clutch their pearls (the lemoncarbs).
• You all make sure to spend time together individually as well as all together so no one feels left out.
• Gary’s dates consist of taking you to a cozy café or sneaking into the bakery after hours to make you all kinds of sweets.
• Marshall is much more unorthodox in his choices, taking you to a bar on the other side of town or exploring a vacant building before chilling on the rooftop.
• Marshall will also steal his mom’s credit cards and take you two out to fancy restaurants, ignoring several missed calls and dozens of texts from her while the three of you try everything on the menu.
• If you want to learn how to play guitar, Marshall would be happy to teach you, or have a jam session if you know how to sing or play another instrument. As for Gary, there isn’t a musical bone in the poor man’s body. Karaoke night is always a struggle to get through with him, but you both love him anyway.
• You and Marshall have a never ending supply of sweets and pastries to try, as he has you two sample all of his pastrymanchen(?) before he starts selling them.
• Now that you’re all dating, Marshall will usually crash at either your or Gary’s places instead of Fionna’s. This means Ellis P is also around sometimes, but if he gets too annoying (which he often does) just let Marshall know and he’ll gently but firmly kick his ass out.
• You all sleep in a big pile with Marshall and Gary on either side of you, basically this but with you sandwiched in the middle
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• Sometimes Marshall takes you out for drives in his van, parking by an overlook and just watching the sunset with y’all.
• In the winter you guys will go to the ice skating rink! Gary is a really good skater, so he’s the one guiding you both while you and Marshall hold onto the railing and try not to fall
• Marshall wants you all to get matching tattoos, and Gary is kind of hesitant about it, but if you want it too then he’ll agree to getting a small one.
• Although it would seem like Gary does most of the cooking, Marshall isn’t bad at it either and he’ll help out in the kitchen quite often (his Dad taught him how to make a few dishes when he was a kid)
• Both of them are very supportive of your goals in life and will help you to achieve your dreams in whatever way they can.
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a1m3v · 1 year
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gomsemarii · 2 years
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yeah hey but what if i actually managed to make that mod-
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the-possum-writes · 4 months
hello everything is fine? I hope so :)
I saw that you are taking requests and decided to ask a question.
you could make marshall lee x pregnant reader but reader is pregnant with a beautiful little girl 🖤
Waiting Room Woes
❥Character: Marshall Lee the vampire king
❥Wordcount: 1200
❥Tags: SFW, tooth rottening fluff, babyfic, pregnancy, hospitals
❥Synopsis: Marshall struggles to keep his nerves in check as he sits in the waiting room while their spouse gives birth to their firstborn.
❥Taglist: @foxpearlwilder
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Marshall Lee paces back and forth in the waiting lobby of the rock kingdom's hospital in restless agitation knowing that his spouse is just a few doors away giving birth to their firstborn child, he should be there right next to them as they go through this important moment together but the doctors rushed him out of there when something became complicated. So for now he waits alone.
Or atleast that was the case until Ice Queen showed up with a gift basket in hand.
"Make way for the world's greatest godmother- Marshall? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in there-?" She didn't manage to finish her question since Marshall Lee silently and abruptly went up to wrap his arms around her in comfort.
"I am Simone, I am. But there were some complications with the pregnancy and I got kicked out by the doc."
Ice Queen held the basket in one hand as she pats Marshall with the other hand. "And you want me to break you in!?" Her hand started glowing with blue ice magic, a bit dangerous but Marshall knew she meant well.
"Nah, I'll let the experts do their thing." He removes himself from the hug, rubbing a hand to suppress a sniffle.
Despite her madness and less than desirable behavior towards princes and any other male in Aaa, Ice Queen gently places her gift basket in Marshall's gray hands, shaking slightly as he tries to subdue his nerves, stroking the side of his head in a comforting manner as she would do towards her penguins. "Well, in any case I'll wait with you until there's any news."
Gumball and Fionna were the next few people to shortly arrive after hearing the news of you and Marshall's delivery, they're holding their own baskets in hand where Gumball's is nicely wrapped in a pink bow and Fionna's looks like hand made and honestly quite last minute, it didn't take long for the three of them to take a defense stance once they saw eachother.
"Ice Queen!" Fionna and Cake exclaim.
"You little brat!" The older woman prepared her ice powers but she gave one side glance at Marshall and pulled back with a grumble. "We’ll settle this later in the parking lot, I'll fetch you something to drink Marshall." Is all she said before flying away to the hospital's cafeteria.
"Hey Marsh, we came as fast as we could after hearing the news." Gumball explains, putting aside his basket on the waiting room chairs while Fionna does the same so the three of them could have a well meaning group hug.
"Thanks guys, I haven't gotten any updates and it's been driving me up the wall if I'm being honest." The vampire king explains.
"In any case, we'll wait it out with you. That's what homies are for." Fionna adds in, joined in by Cake soon after.
"That’s right sugar!"
And so they waited for what Marshall felt was an eternity and that's saying something when he's lived as long as he has, but nothing in that lifespan can compare to what he's going through at the moment. It only seemed like yesterday when you gave him the news of your pregnancy, and the months following up went by in a blink of an eye with your mood swings, your cravings, the nights where he couldn't get some sleep cause you were sleeping sideways and his unborn kid was kicking his back. Okay, that one was quite memorable. It brought a smile on his face for a moment but it only made him all the more scared at the thought of loosing that kid he hasn't met yet, or you, and glob forbids the both of you.
Fionna, Cake and Gumball tried to distract him with small talk during the while, he appreciated the gesture but he couldn't pour his heart into it fully. Eventually when Doctor Prince came out to check on him did Marshall practically fly out of his seat and started asking a billion questions before the doc could utter a single word.
Doctor Prince removed his gloves as he informs with a calm tone. "I came to inform you that the baby is undead."
It's in that instant Doctor Prince realizes he needs to reconsider his approach towards his patients, quickly raising his hands as he corrects himself. "Oh no no no not like that, I mean it's a good thing, you're a vampire right? Looks like she took after you! she doesn't have a heartbeat but she's alright and kicking, you can go see her in the incubation room."
Marshall Lee flies in the direction the doctor pointed at him as he repeats the words in his mind. "Took after me?" By the time he reached the incubation room he came to find out what he meant, she was a small thing but easy to spot through the multiple baby containers, the only one with gray skin and a small turf of dark hair- the nurse guarding the shift allowed him inside and he was able to get a closer look at the kiddo that has been nerve wracking him for months .
And she is perfect.
She's wailing and fidgeting in her little incubator with her closed eyes but still kicking and her pudgy little hands still attempt to grasp at the air, Marshall then slowly lowers his hand so she could wrap her little digits around his larger finger, it's then that she stops crying and coos curiously in Marshall's direction as if she recognizes him by instinct. If he wasn't crying already then he certainly was quietly sobbing now, all the anxiety and nervousness that was devouring him whole just seconds ago had completely evaporated the moment she held his finger. The nurse informed him that despite the lengthy procedure the baby was in good health and had Marshall signed a few papers before he was allowed to carry her and- dear glob he feels like he's gonna cry again.
Meanwhile Fionna and Cake have their faces glued to the glass of the incubation room as they marve at the sight of Marshall's baby, Gumball looks curiously and even Ice Queen is comically wailing at the sight of her tiny goddaughter... Even though Marshall never officially gave her the title of godmother. They all wanted to get a closer look at the baby but if there's anyone who deserves to see her first it's you, you're left in your room lying in bed rightfully exhausted and still somewhat out there due to the anesthesia but you're still aware enough that you smile tiredly at the sight of Marshall carefully walking on the ground with the bundle wrapped in his arms.
"Hi dear," you greet him.
"Hey, sorry I couldn't be there with you."
"It's alright, I would've called you names by then," you chuckle weakly as you hold your arms out so Marshall can hand you the baby, immediately feeling your eyes prick up. "Hi there little one, so nice to finally meet you."
You take in the moment to hold your little one, placing your nose against the swirl of short hair on her head. "She's just like you, but so, small. I hope it's just the looks or we have a troublemaker in our hands." You joke, pulling her close to kiss her little forehead.
"I mean she kicked a lot before, I don't think we'll be getting a moment of peace from now on." Marshall plays along as well, wrapping an arm around you as he floats beside you.
"She's perfect as she is."
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
Hey, i was wondering if you could do headcanons for jealous Marshall Lee? Thank youu!🫶
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warnings: none really just fionna beating someone up (it’s only mentioned)
marshall lee is just ugh i love him
- he says he isn’t jealous, but let’s be honest he 100% gets jealous pretty easily he just doesn’t wanna ‘ruin’ his bad boy persona
- if it’s someone flirting with his s/o he’s going to be kind of touchy to prove a point or even act like a show off to try and intimidate them
- y/n doesn’t even have to show any interest back, he just sees someone talking to them as an insult to him
- marshall is definitely making faces at whoever it is behind y/n’s back or hissing at them quietly. whatever will scare them off more
- sometimes he even wants to flat out just interrupt the conversation and tell them to go away, but he knows his s/o hates being rude unnecessarily
- sometimes he gets jealous even when the person doesn’t want y/n, he does get jealous from them stealing his attention
- marshall does have a lot of faith in his partner though so even though he knows he shouldn’t be jealous, he can’t help but be
- considers y/n to be so perfect he just automatically assumes everyone wants to be with them and has to fight them off like their knight in shining armor
- the only time he gets embarrassed over it is when his friends notice. gumball and fionna tell him he’s overreacting and then he feels dumb being made fun of by two idiots
- one time he flat out just sent fionna to beat whoever it was up after because he didn’t want to leave y/n’s side to do it himself, fionna only agreed because she thought the person was scummy and she loves y/n
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azuremist · 1 year
It would be funny if Gary Prince was the smoker (a common reason for people to smoke is to soothe anxiety), and Marshall Lee was the one constantly snacking on lollipops and bubblegum (always pink or red, as a reference to both Gary himself (of course), and to vampires drinking the color red in the Adventure Time universe).
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catboyglover · 11 months
need a vampire trobed au and a royalty braddadvid au so bad you don’t get it
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frothy-commissions · 1 year
I had a dream that Fionna and Cake made Fionna, Gumball, and Marshall an open poly and I feel like my third eye was forced open.
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thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
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you have now reached the miscellaneous shelf
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✦ fluff | ♛ suggestive | ♫ platonic | ☽ angst
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@knight-of-flowerss , @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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Marshall Lee (adventure time)
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Alex Law (shallow grave)
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Dorian Gray (dorian gray)
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Artie Pendragon (Shrek the third)
this shelf is empty
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morgandr · 9 months
Your husband, Hank putting you to bed as you been exhausted for the entire day.
(Hank Marshall X Reader)
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
hey!! who do you write for in fionna and cake??
That’s a good question! Currently I’m writing for:
• Adult Finn (Main Universe)
• Farmworld Finn
• Fionna
• Simon
• Marshall Lee
• Gary Prince
• Hunter
• Winter King
• Candy Queen
• Prismo
• Scarab
• Marceline (Main Universe)
• Marceline (Vampireworld)
• Princess Bubblegum (Main Universe)
• Bonnie (Vampireworld)
• Martin Mertens (Vampireworld)
• Huntress (Vampire World)
• Huntress Wizard (Main Universe)
• Hana Abadeer
• Betty Grof
• Whatever that dude based on Lord Monochromicorn is called idfk
• Jay Mertens
• Little Destiny
• Baby Finn
• Jake the Dog
• Cake the Cat
That’s all the ones I can think of right now, if there’s a character you want me to write that’s not on this list just send me an ask and I’ll let you know if I’m willing to try writing for them or not! Thanks for asking!
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iidsch · 3 months
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now that i've completed all the character episodes and fought with or against all characters i can finally make a tier list with my opinion on everyone ✌
#m#tekken#i like alisa more than leo asuka and xiaoyu but i think all four + lili have a great relationship dynamic#like they could all be a group of besties who do sleepovers and kick ass togetherand get into adventures!! but alas bandai namco hates fun#katarina is SO hot but i need her personality to be shown a little bit more for her to become a fav of mine#i like miguel and bob mostly bcs of the online tekken comic but once again im asking for more content of them#also i think their opposite personalities match very well and they could be good frienemies#imagine that miguel wants to beat people up for no reason but bob keeps stopping him and he's just extra angry all the time#also. miguel showing bob spanish food. eating paella together........ bandai namco PLEASE put them together more often#i dont even need to defend that heihachi and lee are the funniest characters in the franchise you know im right#i hated lucky chloe bcs she looked like weeb bait but then i saw her episode...... genuinely super funny that she's secretly an asshole#AND extra funny that Eddy has to deal with her in t7. honestly i'd love to see eddy work for her and try he kawaii lifestyle#all the while lucky chloe is mega rude and bad mouthed in the behind the scenes#also they could have older bro and younger sis energy... or the reverse bcs we dont know how old is she. actually she should be older#wouldnt it be hilarious if she was like 35 or something#i like the characters in the orange tier mostly because of their designs#julia and lidia are both very cute! and master raven very hot#claudio kazumi leroy and hwoarang have cool designs and marshal law and the kings have funny backstories#i like kazuya when there are family shenanigans otherwise i dont care much about him#the williams' designs are very boring but i like how much they despise each other#the bears are funny too#everyone else.......... i legit dont care
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
I don’t know why but this came up in my head🤣🤣🤣 btw I love and enjoy your work it gives me entertainment 🥰🥰🥰
Can I ask? Vil having a Marshallee like S/o or boyfriend like how they were at first when they met (or probably them annoying vil always like flirting and popping out of nowhere and singing song) and how they became a couple and few years of there relationship them or Rook invited Vil to a concert before vil could even go he saw there music journal when vil reads them making him realise that the songs they made and sang are meant for him all along the love song to break up song (they made it out of there frustrations thinking they’ll break up) when vil arrived what do you think he’ll react when it’s them singing “Good little girl” (or boy) or “Slow dance”? I hope your doing well btw author 😊😊😊 don’t forget to take care of yourself 😊😊😊
Hi, thank you for the ask! So, I really wish people didn't expect me to know all characters they want a mashup of because I usually don't know. And even if I do, like Nobunaga from HxH, there's other characters named "Nobunaga" so please just be specific with where you are pulling a character from, like Marshal lee who I never knew was a thing until now. I think I get what's going on with your request, but honestly I have no idea if it's completely accurate or not. Hope you enjoy it though, and for this I just left the s/o gender neutral.
Vil x marshallee!s/o
At first, to be honest, it probably bothered him a bit but because he's friends with Rook who's a pretty eccentric character himself, I doubt he would find you upsetting. He might tell you not to bother him if he's busy studying or memorizing lines for a film, but otherwise he won't mind
If he knows about your singing hobby or career, he'll support it. It's nice to have something you're passionate about, and if that's music to you then he'll be there to be your #1 supporter.
When you do invite him to a concert, he'll be honored to see you perform in a big event. He'll tell you he wants to buy the tickets but you insist that it's free, but he'll still buy the tickets anyways because he wants to :/
Before heading out to watch you, he might take a look at your music journal if it happens to be lying open. He doesn't like looking through others' things because he knows privacy's super important (something he sometimes misses out on because of his life in stardom) but this time his eyes wandered onto it.
The songs have a mix of happy and sad love music, of course some of them does make him wonder if you were upset with him.
After the concert, which he loved btw, he might ask you about the songs and if you had anything you wanted to vent to him. You can trust him with anything. The angsty songs during the concert were some of his favorites though, he's surprisingly into songs like that haha
Overall I feel like it will be a pretty chill relationship. He's your biggest fan btw
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