#Marty Mcfly headcanons
usernamesarehard1 · 2 years
I noticed that on most social media platforms there are roughly two Back to the Future sections, one for the movie/franchise as whole and one for specific characters.
Like here on Tumblr I have noticed that when you search Marty McFly you are much more likely to find fan art, character analysis, etc than in general BTTF tags.
And I was on reddit and found out there was an r/backtothefuture but no r/martymcfly for stuff like fan art.
So I made one. Check it out of you want. I have literally no followers on it right now.
Thank you
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audhdlittlebitch · 1 year
“music lover with strong autistic vibes” is one of my favorite genres of character
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moxxpoxx · 28 days
thinking about marty mcfly just a little too hard and now suddenly back to the future is a psychological horror film
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daryfromthefuture · 3 months
mcflyjuly 2024//🌲//day 3: book signing
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text version:
Dad has a book signing today, and I had the ridiculous idea to try and find a perfect signature for when I am a famous rockstar. It didn't really work out well, but eh, what gives? Now I know my handwriting can't be easily fixed.
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doctorbrown · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 16 / 31 * SYNCHRONICITY 」
September 12, 1885
Maggie always cautioned him his bleeding heart would get him into trouble.
He couldn’t help that, though. There was already enough suffering in the world—what harm did it do to be kind? To look after others as if they were your own?
Mr. Eastwood was a good soul. Oh, like his brother, poor Martin, may God rest his soul, he had his troubles, that all-consuming need to try and prove himself—he’d wager the farm he was somebody’s little brother too, so certain was he of that—to win the fleeting gossip of a group of people whose affections only lingered on whatever was most exciting in this dust bowl of a town.
The only people a man had to prove himself to was himself and to God.
But, like Martin, Mr. Eastwood had a heart as big as the country, caring just as much about others as he did for himself. That much was obvious that very first night he blew into their lives like a whirlwind, taking the fence with it, only to slot into their little home—their lives—almost like he belonged there.
It's funny how just a few short days can really make a man feel like he knows somebody...
And little Will had taken to him almost immediately, reinforcing his opinion that, whether this be an act of Providence or sheer luck, Clint Eastwood had entered their lives for a reason and had a place amongst them, if he so wanted.
He’d never felt quite a connection to anyone like that before, not since the day his younger brother was ripped away from him, taken somewhere he couldn’t follow. Not yet.
Just like Martin, Clint Eastwood, too, was gone, and Seamus wasn’t planning on that news to tear a hole clean through him.
Supposing it was a man’s time, there was just nothing that could be done, but like he did what feels like an eternity ago now, Seamus lifts his head heavenward and stares long and hard at the perfect blue. Squinting against the afternoon sun’s harsh light, Seamus searches for something, though he isn’t quite sure what. A glimmer in the sky, perhaps. A flash of something, a revelation, a gust of wind rolling through the countryside carrying a message for his ears only, anything.
The heat lashes across his pale cheeks as he waits. Nothing changes, not so much as an errant cloud in the sky for his troubles or to signify that someone was listening, but Seamus keeps his eyes trained on the sky.
Why, God? I did everything I could. I thought You were trying to tell me this was my second chance—isn’t that why You put Clint Eastwood in front of me, gave him Martin’s face, and gave him the same troubles?
He did it—he didn’t fight that brute, he made it out okay—and this is what he’s given for overcoming that? A freak accident sending him to the bottom of the ravine?
“Seamus!” Maggie’s voice cuts across the silence like the crack of a whip. “When you’re done, hurry up inside—we’ve got guests. Mister Brown has come to pay us a visit. He says he has something he wants to share with us. And don't you forget to wash up first!”
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 10 months
guys, i’m gonna be honest. i was watching back to the future and even tho Marty looks like Steve he is literally so Eddie coded. lead guitarist and singer in his band? ‘too loud’? dysfunctional family? known as a ‘slacker’? starts playing metal at a dance in the 50’s?
and at the same time i’m like, ‘docs energy is so eddie tho.’ the way he loves inventing and is so crazy and intense ab it? sounds like a certain D&D nerd we know.
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nemmet · 2 years
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autistic headcanons: marty mcfly (back to the future) ⚡️🎸
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lilypads17 · 1 year
i think it would be infinitely hilarious if danny fenton and marty mcfly knew each other but without the information that the other is also a time traveler
like. they meet in the 20s or something when marty's still a teenager. so he doesn't realize until he sees the fentons in the paper for some ghost invention in the early 2000s. bonus points if danny never realizes at all he's just like oh wow!! rock legend marty mcfly wants to fund my parents thats so sick!!
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synthsays · 1 year
Headcanon idea:
Marty goes over to Doc's whenever it thunderstorms. Not for a long time, just enough to check up on him. More specifically, to see if he's still there. Idk sounded cool to me B]
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sadgirlbaby · 2 years
MARTY MCFLY - back to the future (1-2)
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status: alive
birth date: 1968
family: george mcfly (father), lorraine mcfly (mother), dave mcfly (brother), linda mcfly (sister), stella baines (grandmother), sam baines (grandfather), milton baines (uncle), toby baines (uncle), joey baines (uncle), sally baines (aunt), ellen baines (aunt), marty mcfly jr. (son), marlene mcfly (daughter)
relationships: jennifer parker mcfly (spouse), emmett brown (doc.) [best friend]
height: 5’4” (163cm)
occupation: student, musician
HEADCANONS & PREFERENCES (marty x female reader)
some “headcanons” are inspired on true information from the movies.
he really loves being in the spotlight
he always wants to make you have some great time with him
he always brings joy even during your worst days
he’s ESFP
he’s a gemini
you and him often hang out hoverboarding somewhere
he looks like the sweetest boy alive but trust me when I say that he’s very dirty minded
he is so friendly and he gets happy every time he has to meet new people (like your friends)
he will NEVER forbid you a meeting with your friends
he is so understanding
he could be moody sometimes but nothing exaggerated
he literally can’t wait to have children with you
reminder: requests are always open!
+ I accept any kind of tip about my writing/grammar and also about the structure of the imagine/preferences post.
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constablequodo · 1 year
Share your back to the future hcs i beg of you
Alright!! Here we gooo:
Marty is transmasc, and his parents don't really care if he is or isn't that much. Doc finds out one day and is absolutely ecstatic to support Marty and asks him questions about it.
Marty and Doc are both autistic and equally socially awkward. Marty has learned to mask, but tends to unmask a bit more around Doc
If Doc could, he would absolutely adopt Marty at the first chance he gets. He doesn't tend to admit it, but Marty is absolutely like a son to him.
George Mcfly is fucking autistic and I genuinely think this is almost canon.
Marty is a sci-fi fan cause that's all George ever used to watch. Doc is also a sci-fi fan and ended up infodumping to Marty about Star Trek once while they were working.
Marty definitely thinks Kirk and Spock were gay./hj
When Marty was younger, he climbed out of his window once and ran all the way to Doc's after an argument with his parents. Doc was awake, thankfully, and they both sorta just chilled out and talked till they fell asleep.
Doc never sleeps. Like. Ever. Marty doesn't know how the man still functions
Marty TRIES to stay up late, but ends up passing out at about midnight (unless he's had coffee or something)
Einstein LOVES Marty. I mean, I'm pretty sure he loves everyone, but if he was sitting in a room with people, he'd go over to Marty to lay on him.
Doc almost never gets sick and is surprisingly strong for a 71 year old (especially after the rejuvenation in part 2).
When Marty gets sick, he refuses to acknowledge it. It becomes a real issue sometimes.
Marty has fallen asleep in Doc's garage more than he'd like to admit.
Doc definitely bit people as a kid/hj
Marty will defend Doc with his LIFE. He constantly combatted the rumours about Doc around the school and always tried his best to let everyone know Doc was actually a great guy.
Twin pines timeline George and Lorraine didn't give a shit that Marty was with a man deemed to be literally insane and disgraced by the town , but Lone pine timeline Lorraine and George met Doc at some point and like him somewhat.
Doc is terrified of cats, but Clara LOVES them. He was hoping that when they got a cat, Einstein would chase it away or constantly bark at it enough that it just left.....Einstein loves the cat.
Jules and Verne absolutely adore Marty and see him as a big brother. Marty loves them just as equally.
Hope you enjoyed it!! Sorry, it was kinda short 😅
I know most of these wete about Doc and Marty, but I just love their friendship so much
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Here is a list of characters I think have He/Him Lesbian vibes
- Howl Pendragon
- Kyo Sohma
-Branch Troll
- James team rocket
- Marty Mcfly
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arumidden · 2 months
McFly July Day 16!
“Synchronicity” and “Paradox”
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daryfromthefuture · 2 months
mcflyjuly 2024//🌲🌲//day 18: "roll with me henry"
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Doc acquired a really fancy jukebox today! Apparently, it's an old one from "Lou's Café", a diner that used to be where the aerobics place now is. He called me over to test it because he knows I'm well-versed when it comes to music, and I'm truly honored.
The jukebox came with quite a few old vinyls, some of them being Elvis or Chuck Berry. But it was even more hilarious to pick out random artists we've never heard of before and listen to what kind of music they made. That's the story of how we were forced to listen to awful 50's dance music and children's songs. Doc said he'll try and get his hands on better songs soon, and also pulled out his Beatles collection from the 60's! Didn't know the guy was a Beatles fan.
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I don't know of you've done this or not, but I would love to hear you opinions on Roran. Most people in the Fandom see him as a Chad, a better hero than Eragon, more badass etc etc. Me? I can't stand him, it scares me how he seems to take no no for an answer
In my return to my IC hyperfixation, I've found I don't like Roran quite as much as I did a few years back. My feelings on his character are a lot more complicated and I definitely see where you're coming from in your dislike. To summarize my thoughts right off the bat, as a character, I think Roran is a good person with his heart in the right place and he gets involved with a war that brings out the absolute worst in him.
The situations Roran gets pushed into cause a lot of friction with his worst qualities like his stubbornness, his aggression, his recklessness, and his arrogance. But these qualities don't garner much critique within canon because, similarly to Nasuada's flaws, the circumstances of war actually reward these questionable behaviors.
For one, despite how he's presented, Roran is not a good leader. In fact, he's pretty fucking awful at it. He's very good at a few specific skills that a leader needs, particularly inspiring loyalty, but he's entirely incapable in other aspects. Namely, dealing with other authorities. The argument with Orrin over the envoy that I talked about before is a perfect example, really highlighting his inability discuss and collaborate with anyone else or to think through any viewpoint that contradicts his own. Also, I didn't point it out before, but Roran ends that argument by promising to kill any envoy Orrin sends. Which is insanely stupid and barbaric. He thinks he has the right to openly murder an innocent man of their army solely because he decided that would be best, even when that'd give Orrin full right to have him executed. The risk of sending an envoy is only hypothetical and unclear while the damage of Roran murdering a Surdan is absolutely certain, but he can't see past his own sense of superiority far enough to realize that.
The chapter in Brisingr where the Urgals challenge his right to lead also really shows what a terrible leader he is. He doesn't even try to talk, to establish that an army doesn't follow their cultural hierarchy, and if they don't want to obey, they can simply defect and try fighting without the Varden's allies or resources. No, he instantly accepts hand to hand combat to the death. His conviction that he can do anything is so bloated it blinds him to any possible consequences. If you strip away our outside awareness of plot armor, his choices go from admirable and badass to outrageously careless. He can't handle conflict or disagreements with other leaders with anything but brute force. His interactions with Brigman in Aroughs also comes to mind.
What Roran actually is is a very good problem solver. He is very observant and creative and that gets him through very tricky situations. And he genuinely wants the best for the people he loves, he always takes their needs into consideration and does all that he can for them. But that doesn't necessarily suit him to leadership and being put in such roles during the war buries those good qualities under the soaring peak of his arrogance. The real shame is that his flaws never had real consequences that made him grow as a person, wouldn't that have been nice?
I just want Roran to go back to being a farmer and stop taking himself so insufferably seriously, then maybe he'll realize not every single thing in life is a matter of life or death and he'll become more yielding and humble. Honestly for his sake, I want him to learn to coexist with the world around him instead of perpetually struggling against it.
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biffbulliedmetoo · 7 months
Cringe isn’t a thing I’m currently hyperfixating on bttf but also PAW patrol…
Marty and Doc in PAW patrol. I have three ideas.
1: Doc’s just…doc (obviously his character would be dumbed down a bit because I mean my nine year old sister can’t even understand bttf lol) and Marty’s his pup companion. Think Jake and Everest, Carlos and Tracker. They still do science stuff and are close companions to Ryder and the pups.
2: the same thing, but Einstein is the pup companion and this time Marty is a human alongside doc!!! I can’t think of a time when there’s been a pup with two owners in the show so this would be interesting!
3: Marty and Doc are both pups. Well, dogs. Doc’s a fully grown dog which again, we haven’t seen any adult dogs in the series so far so this would be cool!!!
In all versions, they’re involved with science and would help invent new things for the PAW patrol. Also Pup!Marty would defo skateboard and I’m thinking his vehicle would either be his truck or the delorean..perhaps time travel could come into the picture?
Please vote on the poll which version you like best, and feel free to help me with this au sort of thing!
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