#Maxine Sanderson
the-dark-mirror · 1 year
Twisted Tales: Welcome to the Villains World
Chapter 1: Strange Awakings
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To say that it was Elizabeth’s first time in a coffin… it would be a complete lie.
The first thing she saw was nothing. Just darkness. Pure and utter pitch black darkness encased her body. Groaning, she shifted and then froze when she felt the smooth wood underneath her finger tips. She felt around and from what she could feel she concluded that she was definitely inside of a coffin.
For a moment she thought this was a prank. A prank that the inhabitants of her home frequently played on her. More specifically, Phineas, Ezra and Gus who loved to play this little prank on her.
She rolled her eyes, only guessing that this was the case and pushed against the door of the coffin. Her eyes widened when the door didn’t budge. The coffin door would always be unlocked, her ghosts wouldn’t be that cruel to do something like that to her.
Elizabeth fell back against the wood and was preparing to kick it open to the best of her ability, her coffin started to rattle, “What the?” She whispered in confusion.
She blinked in surprise when she heard a voice coming from the outside of the coffin. It was a little gravely and scratchy but it was also higher pitched and honestly sounded adorable, “I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me…”
Elizabeth had never heard of the voice before. She knew every single ghost that walked her grounds, no one had a voice like that.
“Urgggh… This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha!” The voice exclaimed and suddenly blue flames ignited the coffin.
“F-fire?! What the hell?” Elizabeth screamed and launched herself at the lid of the coffin. Her entire body went translucent as she kicked off from the wood under her.
“Now to grab the goods… Nyahhh!” A small gray cat-like creature with a little black and white striped bow and bright blue flames dancing in his cat-like ears and the same colored blue eyes screamed as Elizabeth’s translucent body flew out, more like through the coffin and stumbled onto her feet.
“H-how did you do that?! You ain’t supposed to be awake either!” The creature exclaimed.
Elizabeth found her footing, her body turning back to normal and stared at the small creature in question, “What the hell are you?” She looked around and her jaw dropped at the massive number of floating coffins in this one single room she woke up in.
“Holy shit. There must be the same amount of coffins that the mausoleum has. Never saw floating ones though.” Elizabeth stares in wonder at the beautiful, ornate coffins.
More banging filled the room, coming from six other coffins.
“Ahh!” One coffin opened right next to the now semi charred one that Elizabeth floated out of. With a scream, another person started to fall out of the coffin.
Elizabeth’s eyes widened as she recognized the person immediately. “Esma!” Elizabeth thrusted her hand out, her teal eyes glowing along the veins in her hands glowing the same color and with the guided motions of her hand, Esma was gently set on her feet.
Esma shuddered out a breath and bowed her head to her friend, “Thanks Elizabeth… woah, what are you wearing?”
“I could say the same for you.” Elizabeth replied, letting her hands fall and the glowing ceased. Both girls were wearing beautiful dark purple and black robes with golden embroidery, black fitted pants with small heeled boots sharing the same colors. Both had their hoods up, completely hiding their hair and a good portion of the faces.
A bang rang out the room, louder than the others and a third person jumped down from their floating coffin, holding her laser flintlock. The person sighed when they saw the others in the room, “Thank god. We’re not dreaming are we?”
The flintlock disappeared from their hand in a flash of golden light, using said weapon to blast their way out of the coffin they were in.
Esma smiled at the person, “Jamie. I don’t think we are.”
Jamie frowned, “Seems dream-like to me.” She says, walking over to her two other friends. Her friends blinked in surprise as a floating blob of pink with big eyes flew out of the hood of Jamie’s robs.
“Morph got here too?” Elizabeth asked.
Jamie shrugged and opened her palm for Morph to place himself on. He babbled happily and rubbed himself against Jamie’s fingers, happy to be with his owner, “I guess. Morph, do you know how we got here?”
Morph shook his head and acted out that he was asleep just like Jamie was. “Huh, nope. He has no idea.”
Two more coffins opened and the two occupants landed gracefully on their feet. Elizabeth raised a brow, “Kim? Mira?”
Both said girls looked at the group and then at each other, “Okay is this some elaborate prank done by the Hitchhiking Ghosts?” Kim asked, crossing her arms.
Elizabeth shook her head, “I don’t think so. They are good at what they do, but I don’t think they could ever go this far.”
“Ahh!” The last two coffins opened and the last two girls were way less than graceful, tumbling out of the coffins that were thankfully not that high in the air.
Jamie winced and jogged over to her two other friends, “Ally, Maxine. You two okay?”
Ally giggled a little, taking Jamie’s helping hand, “Oh yeah, I’ve fallen from places higher than that and came out unscathed. Maxine?”
Maxine sprang to her feet and bounced on her toes, “That was fun. Can I do it again?” She looked back up at the coffin, hoping to try falling out of it again.
“No.” The entire group of girls groaned in unison at Maxine.
Maxine frowned and stopped bouncing in her place, “Boo.” She mumbled.
“Oh-ho! You got a lotta nerve ignoring me, humans!” The cat-like creature screamed at the group.
Maxine’s eyes widened and squeaked, “What an adorable kitty! He kind of reminds me of Thackery.”
The cat creature let out a noise, offended that he possibly was compared to a cat, “I’m not a cat! The name’s Grim. Believe me, you won’t forget it!”
Grim folded his arms and glared at the group, “Now, one of you gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!”
The girls all exchanged a look, suddenly uneased, not believing what this creature named Grim was saying. Even if one of the girls gave him the uniform, he would be swimming in it.
“‘Cause if you don’t… you’re gonna regret it!” Grim exclaimed, waving his arms, the same blue flames that Elizabeth experienced, surrounded them for a split second. Like a warning.
The girls let out their own noises of shock, “Getting roasted by a kitty! We gotta be dreaming!” Maxine exclaimed.
Ally shook her head, “We are totally not dreaming. Those flames felt way too real.”
Grim scowled, “Well keep dreamin’, cause I ain’t no kitty!” He shot out even more flames at the group and that was their cue to get the hell out of there.
“Run!” Esma shouted, taking the lead and slamming her body against the doors of the room they were in, and flung them open with a loud bang.
The other girls quickly followed, “Seriously?! That’s something you see down in the Underworld!” Elizabeth announced to the group as they ran throughout the building they found themselves in.
They exited said building, their heels clacking loudly against the cobblestone underneath their feet as they ran through what they all could only guess was the courtyard.
“Let’s try there!” Mira pointed to another building just a little ahead of them. The group agreed with Mira, and all ran into the building, closing the doors behind them and leaning against the walls or against each other to catch their breath.
“Woah.” Ally whispered when she finally catched her breath.
The group returned to breathing normally and lightly pushed off each other or the wall, stepping deeper into the room in awe. Books were floating or even flying through the large, ceiling high bookshelves. Rows upon rows of books filled the room.
“Gotta be the library.” Mira guessed and smiled when she had to duck an oncoming flying book, putting itself back in its rightful spot.
Elizabeth grinned when a few books flew past her as well, almost fluttering at her in greeting. “Kind of reminds me of home.” Her mansion had a huge library that definitely competed with this place, though with more cobwebs and ghosts wandering about.
Ally looked around, eyes wide in awe. “Man, I wish the books in Halloween Town could fly.” The place just reminded her of home in Halloween Town, a library that her and her father spent days reading in. Though unfortunately, the books didn’t fly.
“Amazing.” Kim mumbled out before grabbing a book mid-flight, struggling with it a little, to read the title, “ Species of the Coral Sea . Huh?” The book flew out of her hands, obviously not being plucked mid-flight.
Each one of them had smiles on their faces. Obviously magic had a mind of its own wherever they ended up. In a weird way it was comforting.
Jamie chuckled as Morph ‘ohed’ at the books. His eyes going comedicaly wide at the new environment. He started to dart ahead but Jamie caught him before he could stray from the group. “Hold it, buddy. I get it’s cool but we don’t know what this place is.”
Morph made some noises, obviously upset that he couldn’t explore but didn’t protest against Jamie’s words.
And their smiles disappeared as a wall of blue fire roared around them in warning and dissipating as quickly as it appeared.
A chorus of screams and a few curses rang throughout the library as the girls avoided the fire. Morph even screamed, flying into one of the pockets of Jamie’s robes, peeking over the edge.
They turned and saw Grim, smirking with his hands on his hips… or what the girls could assume was his hips, “Foolish humans! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?”
“Mean kitty.” Maxine whispered under her breath with a small pout. Kim nodded in agreement, her eyes glowing bright blue, her fingers twitching, preparing if Grim decided to attack the group again.
“Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that-” A whip snapped, wrapping around Grim, stopping him mid-sentence, “Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?”
Kim blinked, her eyes stopped glowing, but still remained her bright blue color. The group watched on as a man dressed from head to toe in black, dark blues and purples, almost dressed in a formal tuxedo with raven feathers adorning his cape. Pale skin, a crow mask hid half of his face and his eyes were seemingly glowing yellow and no pupil was visible. A top hat on his head with the motif of mirrors and keys incorporated in his entire outfit.
He glared at Grim as he lifted him wrapped in his whip. “Consider it tough love.” He declared.
Esma raised a brow at the man. Who the hell just carries a whip around? Not really the best way to discipline anyone. Let alone a cat-like beast trying to attack them.
The man’s glare went away and smiled at the group, “Ah, I found you at last. Splendid, I trust you seven are this year’s new students?”
The girls looked at each other, not really understanding what this man was talking about. School? As far as they were concerned, they were all hanging out at Elizabeth’s mansion for a sleepover. Then… Well, they couldn’t remember anything past a carriage rolling up to the mansion's gate.
“My, were you lot ever eager to make your debut.” He narrowed his gaze, “And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school’s rules.”
“Um, sir, he’s not-” Elizabeth was cut off when Grim interrupted her.
“As if I’d serve some lowly humans! Now lemme go!” Grim struggled in his hold, clearly more than upset by the crow-man’s accusations.
The crow-man sighs, “Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won’t you?” He lifts Grim into his arm and places a hand over Grim’s mouth to prevent him from speaking any farther.
Ally’s eye twitches at the treatment of Grim. Yes, he was causing trouble, but this was… unsettling to say.
“Dear me. Of all the students I’ve dealt with, you’re the first with the temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it.” He ignores the confused stares from the girls who had no idea what this bird-man was saying.
“Whoa, hold on, rewind.” Mira spoke up, waving her hands, “Those coffins we fell out of were portals?” Mira questioned. She knew about portals; fortunately, she used them often to go back and forth from her home on the mortal plane and to Coventry.
“Huh, never thought of using coffins before.” Ally mumbled. Portals were common enough, but coffins were certainly a new way to go about them. Maybe if they walked back into them, they could get back home?
It wouldn’t be much different than her and her dad using mausoleums to get to the mortal plane like Mira and back to Halloween Town. Of course doorways were a thing, like what her friend Splendora uses to get to her own home. Or even other forms of portals like Jamie used.
Apparently, crow-man had no interest in listening to either of them, “Does the very notion of patience elude you all? No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.”
“Orientation? What like, student orientation?” Esma questioned, tilting her head. They were already in school. If this really was a school, it gave off cult vibes more than anything.
“You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not? All of the students here at campus arrived by passing through such gates.” He explained.
Esma stared unamused by him, so yeah, he basically answered Mira’s previous question.
Mira herself was irked by him, sighing and rubbing her temple.
The crow-man continued, “Although typically the students have enough restraint to wait until I open them before waking up.”
Elizabeth crossed her arms, “Yeah, well, waking up to someone trying to burn me to a crisp is quite motivating.”
“Not to mention, easy to shoot out of.” Jamie mentioned. She hated confined spaces, guns always helped.
The girls hummed and murmured, each not wanting to stay in such a confined space with no recollection on how they got there.
The man was baffled at the group. They just left their coffins without anything from him. He shook his head, not wanting to fully address their ways of leaving the coffins, “The design is intended to symbolize a parting with your former world, and a rebirth into a new one.”
Maxine’s heart dropped, “P-parting?” What did that really mean? Could they not get back to their homes? They should be able to have a choice in this matter. They didn’t choose to come here.
“But now is not the time for such prattle.” He continued, “You’ve got a student orientation to attend! Go on, now. Make haste.” He waved them along, gesturing for them to follow him out of the library.
Jamie huffed, “Look, we aren’t going anywhere until you tell us where we are and who the hell you are.” She just wants a straight answer from this guy.
He tilted his head at the group, “Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness? The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories…”
Jamie furrowed her brows, “Timespace?...” Did the gates work like her portkey? Her eyes widened at the thought and she quickly patted down her pockets, quietly apologizing to Morph as she searched for the one item she always makes sure she has on her person. She sighed in relief once she felt a metal, spherical object in her other pocket.
“Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless.” He smiled, praising himself despite not fully answering Jamie’s question.
Unfortunately, the girls, without much knowledge on where they were, they kind of had no choice but to follow this strange man. Defeated, the girls follow him out of the library and through what they could only guess is a courtyard. Apple trees grew everywhere, a well was placed in the middle that looked oddly familiar to a few of them.
“This is Night Raven College.” Well, that answered half of Jamie’s question.
“It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland.” He explained.
They had to admit, the college was impressive, beautiful even. Some of the girls were used to the gothic architecture while others weren’t used to the castle life.
“And I am Dire Crowley.”
“Thank fuck, we got a name.” Jamie sighed and Maxine giggled at her friend.
Crowley gave Jamie a pointed look before continuing, “Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage.”
Esma speaks up, “Magic?” It wasn’t that none of them heard about magic. Hell, they lived in worlds full of magic and had magic themselves. Each one of them is special and unique to themselves.
Crowley nodded, “Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college.”
Maxine hummed at his words. Maybe that explained why they ended up at Night Raven, hell in Twisted Wonderland altogether?
“Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those “gates”, which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.” Crowley explained.
Flashes of multiple carriages showing up at Elizabeth’s mansion flashed in the girls' heads. But… none of them had heard of Twisted Wonderland or Night Raven College. And did he say Dark Mirror?
“The black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honored tradition.”
Silence hung over the group. “So these carriages basically dragged us here against our will?” Maxine asked. They never asked for this.
Grim started making noises of protest from Crowley’s hold. Seriously, Maxine was starting to think that this treatment of the poor cat was unnecessary.
Crowley ignored Grim’s noises of protest, “Now, let us attend to your orientation.”
The girls all shared a look before following Crowley. What did they get themselves into now?
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theflashzoom · 1 year
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Justice Society of America Legacy Characters Collage Poster
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cowboybuckleys · 2 years
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starscribes · 11 months
StarScribes Introduction
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About Me
Star (she/her)
Middle School Teacher
I have a lot of responsibilities and don't get much time to myself but when I do I spend that time watching TV, writing, reading, playing D&D, playing video games (the Sims 4), and spending casual time with my family
US located
I used to be @houndsofcorduff but then I disappeared and started a simblr blog and now it's time to get on writeblr again
Mostly fantasy of varying levels, although I have dabbled in science fiction (I like to watch sci-fi more than write it - that's where my name came from actually, the Stargate franchise)
My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson
No, I don't think I'll ever publish anything, just scribe vibing
I love worldbuilding, magic system building, monster building, etc
Warning: I rarely finish anything I start
Ask game, tag game, ask, etc friendly
Reblogging stuff I like about writing
Posting snippets of my own writing
Participating in Nanowrimo (buddy me: stargatetribe)
Main/Simblr: @starandsims
Thanks for visiting and learning about me!
WIPs under the cut
Current WIP
Crescent Unbound - A stand-alone fantasy novel following Astrid Vale, a girl left orphaned by the last battle between good and evil. 20 years later she awakens an artifact with great power, it whispers of the return of evil. She must return it to the Chosen One so that it can be used to banish evil once again, but the quest is not as easy as it may seem.
Main Series: The Destiny Chronicles
Overall Synopsis: A generational series that follows a variety of supernatural beings: The Devlins (monster hunters); Seers (see the future), Sandmen (travel/control dreams), Mages (control a variety of magics), Cruth (control elements), and hybrids. Follows certain individuals chosen by Destiny to stop a great evil, and involves a lot of crossover until the end when everyone meets up for the big bad battle.
Book One: Retrospection - 1976 Earth - Russell Walker is a 16-year-old Seer dating Alexis Devlin a 16-year-old monster hunter. When she reveals his identity as a Seer and subsequently explains he's being hunted by a Seer-eating monster, they run away together - unfortunately not to fall in love but rather to save his life.
Book Two: Otherworld - 2007 Otherworld - Maxine Devlin was born into a family of monster hunters, but after 17 years she still hasn’t been allowed to fulfill that role. She has read every journal her ancestors have written and knows everything there is to know about monsters…or so she thinks. After her uncle and cousin go missing, she takes it upon herself to investigate and find them. Very quickly she finds herself in over her head as she travels to a dimension called Otherworld, where she discovers there is much more to magic than she once assumed.
Book Three: Shades of Night - 2010 Shadow - Sebastian Devlin has been to other dimensions before - technically just the one other than the one he was born in. That doesn't make it any easier though when he's dragged through a portal by the monster he's hunting. On his own this time, he'll have to find a way home, if that's even possible. Before he can do that though, he'll have to solve this new dimensions monster problem.
Book Four: Lost in Atlantis - 2011 Atlantis - The Devlin family is back together on a special mission to search the dimension of Atlantis for a particularly dangerous monster - the one that's been hunting Sebastian. The dimension of Atlantis has been abandoned for centuries, but almost immediately they find a single survivor, an impossible face from the past.
Book Five: Vengeance at the Door - 2013 Earth - Sebastian Devlin the monster hunter has become the hunted, chased across multiple states and dimensions by a horrifying visage either of his imagination or reality. Now in Boston, he's just trying to live off the radar of any monster or creature. As the patients at the mental hospital where he works begin to see the same visages he's been seeing, does he run again? Or get himself slaughtered?
Book Six: Heartwood - 2015 Shadow - Janina Heartwood is a good little sister, she picks food off of her brother's plate, puts leaves in his hair, sticks up for him, and trusts him to the edge of the world. After a mysterious man reveals that her brother, Jake, is adopted and descended from a line of monster hunters called the Devlins, she follows him to another dimension to protect him. Now she, Jake, and her boyfriend, Ethan, find themselves trying to destroy an evil entity known as the Sluagh. Janina fights shapeshifters, gremlins, pirates, and more to protect her brother, but will it be enough?
Book Seven: Bring Me a Dream - 2015 Earth - Reynolds McNeil is a Sandman slowly turning into a Nightmare just trying to live out his final few months keeping his friends out of trouble and protecting his little sister from his scary world. Instead, he gets kidnapped and taken to an underground fight ring for augmented humans like himself.
Book Eight: Dream Treader - 2016 Unnamed Dimension - Rescued at the last second by their thought-to-be dead brother, Reynolds and Louie discover there's a lot more to their strange powers than they thought. Things continue to get complicated as they are hunted by a different kind of enemy determined to rid the world of Destiny's chosen - them and their friends.
Book Nine: Moonlight Dreams - 2017 multiple dimensions - Still on the run but now without their leader, Reynolds and his friends try to learn everything they can about why they're being hunted. In the process they rescue their leader, who now must accept that it's time to start the endgame and bring together all of Destiny's chosen before they're hunted down.
Book Ten: Among Infinities - 2017 Isfyd - Carson has lived his entire life in the middle of a Civil War, and most of that was on the wrong side. Although he's on the right side now there are few who believe he's anything other than a spy. When Carson discovers there is a real spy out there he must discover the spy's identity before he's found guilty himself.
Book Eleven: Diplopia - 2018 Isfyd - Carson, now a prisoner of his mother and in the process of resisting her brainwashing, discovers this isn't the first time she's brainwashed him or erased his memories. Exploring his memories and his old home reveals answers and more questions.
Book Twelve: Splintered Crown - 2019 Earth- Freshly rescued, Carson and his friends flee to Earth to find the one thing that can stop his mother and her army - a girl with no idea who she is or how to use her powers, and absolutely no interest in joining their rebellion.
Book Thirteen: Destiny - 2020 Earth - Earth is invaded by soldiers from Isfyd, it will take all of Destiny's chosen to defeat the great evil they've been waiting for. The Devlins, the McNeils, the Moons, and Carson and his friends are the only chance this dimension has. It's looking increasingly like it won't be enough.
Other WIPs
Hounds of Corduff - 1800s Isfyd - A four-book series following the three Cruth apprentices of Corduff as they battle with and against each other in the middle of propaganda and other lies forcing them each further away from the truth.
The Elder Mage - 1976 - 2015 Various dimensions - a series of short stories following Denham Moon, who some would call Earth's most powerful mage. He's been entrusted with bringing together Destiny's chosen at the appropriate time, but he's mostly just procrastinating since he's pretty sure he won't make it through that appropriate time.
Old Gods - a 9-book series following Em'het, a curious and multi-talented boy with great magics who fights the gods to save his family, but after several years of doing the same thing over and over again he wonders if there's a point to any of it if the gods he faces just keep getting stronger and smarter.
Prince of Fireflies - a TV series that follows teenage twins Charlie and Riley as they attempt to keep their younger brother Liam out of trouble with his mysterious light powers. They're mostly unsuccessful.
The Peculiar Adventures of Michael Mallory - an unnumbered book series that follows 9-year-old Michael Mallory after he sneaks aboard his older brother's spaceship. While in the process of trying to return Michael, Nicholas Mallory and his crew are attacked and forced to hyperjump without their navigation machines online. Now they're lost in space, who knows how far from home, and somehow raising a 9-year-old.
The Disappearing Place - just one book - 12-year-old Martin Ramsey has a bad habit of disappearing, blinking in and out of existence seemingly at random. His brother Bartholomew tries to help but ends up making things worse when he starts disappearing too. In a wacky time-traveling dilemma the brothers have to figure out what is happening and why to try and get back home, while continually randomly jumping in and out of time and space.
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maswartz · 2 years
DC Legacy
The basic premise of this is that the time has come for older heroes to step down and the next generation take their place. Clark Kent is now the editor and owner of the Daily Planet and vows to lead them into the future while keeping their dedication to the truth. Diana Prince is now Queen of the Amazons and has relinquished her title as Wonder Woman though she still joins the Justice Society when needed. Bruce Wayne has become mayor of Gotham City and intends to use the power of the office to fight crime at the root. However the intensified spotlight means he must give up the cowl. Others such as Oliver Queen have stepped down from active duty to become teachers to the next generation, passing down their skills and knowledge. Justice League Superman- Clark Kent Batman- Dick Grayson Wonder Woman- Donna Troy The Flash- Wally West Aquaman- Garth Red Arrow- Roy Harper Starfire- Koriand'r Beast Man- Garfield Logan Raven- Rachel Roth Cyborg- Victor Stone Green Lantern- Kyle Rayner Green Lantern- Jessica Cruz Shazam- Billy Batson Captain Thunder- Mary Bromfield Power Woman- Karen Starr JLA Reserves Supergirl- Kara Zor-El Thunderbolt- Freddy Freedman Thunderstorm- Eugene Choi Thunderblast- Pedro Pe��a Thunderspark- Darla Dudley Batman Beyond- Tim “Jace” Fox Captain Atom- Nathaniel Adam Green Arrow- Connor Hawke Zatanna- Zatanna Zatara Doctor Mid-Nite- Beth Chapel Argent- Toni Monetti Firestorm- Jason Rusch/Gehenna Black Canary- Dinah Lance Atom- Ryan Choi Plastic Man- Patrick “Eel” O’Brien Jade- Jennifer-Lynn Haden Obsidian- Todd Rice Zauriel Justice League Universal Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz Green Lantern- Simon Baz Green Lantern- Sojourner Mullein Jemm Hawkman- Carter Hall Hawkwoman- Kendra Saunders Adam Strange Darkfire- Ryand’r Metamorpho- Rex Mason Captain Comet- Adam Blake Orion Tomorrow Woman- Clara Kendall Starman- Will Payton The Titans Nightwing- Tim Drake Superboy- Conner Kent Fury- Cassandra Sandsmark Mercury- Bart Allen Blue Beetle- Jaime Reyes Static- Virgil Hawkins Green Lantern- Tai Pham Monkey Prince- Marcus Sun Miss Martian- M'gann M'orzz Empress- Anita Fite Titans West Batgirl- Cassandra Cain Spoiler- Stephanie Brown Red Devil- Eddie Bloomberg Solstice- Kiran Yellow Arrow- Mia Dearden Tempest- Jackson Hyde Power Girl- Tanya Spears Wonder Twins- Zan and Jayna Velocity- Wallace West Outsiders Black Lightning- Jefferson Pierce Thunder- Anissa Pierce Lightning- Jennifer Pierce Grace- Grace Choi Inertia- Thaddeus Thawne Tengu- Asami Koizumi El Dorado- Edward Dorado Jr Longshadow- Ty Longshadow Halo II- Gabrielle Daou Ravager- Rose Wilson Jericho- Joseph Wilson Quake- Atlee Tsunami- Lorena Marquez The Signal- Duke Thomas Offspring- Luke O’Brien Young Justice Red X- Damian Wayne Nightbird- Chris Kent Flamewing- Jon Kent Wonder Girl- Yara Flor Kid Flash- Iris West Impulse- Jai West Teen Lantern- Keli Quintela Green Beetle- Milagro Reyes Speedy- Lian Harper Jinny Hex Amethyst Twister- Traya Sutton Animal Girl- Maxine Baker Aquarius- Cerdian Justice Society Mr Terrific- Michael Holt Green Sentinel- Alan Scott The Flash- Jay Garrick Wildcat- Ted Grant Doctor Mid-Nite- Pieter Cross Wonder Woman- Diana Prince Hourman- Rick Tyler Liberty Belle- Jesse Tyler The Boom- Judy Garrick Stargirl- Courtney Whitmore Cyclone- Maxine Hunkel Tomcat- Tom Bronson Sand- Sanderson Hawkins Jakeem Thunder/Johnny Thunderbolt- Jakeem Williams and Johnny Thunder Atom Smasher- Albert Rothstein Damage- Grant Emerson Dr Fate- Khalid Nassour
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angeldcgs · 6 months
it’s maxine day and i’m literally at the studio getting my pearl tattoo as we speak so please give this a like if you’d like a starter from one of my m.ia g.oths <3
buffy bloom- she/her, 26, bisexual, switch (dom preference), exotic dancer/adult film star, inspired by x (2022)
lux laurie- she/her, 27, bisexual, dominant, heiress/model/murderess, inspired by i.nfinity p.ool (2023)
winifred “winnie” perkins- she/her, 24, bisexual (closeted), submissive, farm girl, inspired by p.earl (2022)
cricket caulfield- she/her, 28, pansexual, switch, aspiring singer songwriter, inspired by d.aisy j.ones and the s.ix (2023)
faye sanderson- she/her, 25, bisexual, submissive, ballerina, inspired by b.lack s.wan (2010)
e.nvy a.dams (from the s.cott p.ilgrim franchise)- she/her, 26, bisexual, switch, pop star
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
More stuff about Bullworth’s rival school that I made aka Heartland Academy. (Specifically hierarchy and clique leaders)
Their clique hierarchy goes from jocks, preps, punks, bullies, and nerds.
There’s also side cliques. JROTC kids, gossip girls, the gays that you wanna stay FAR away from, the gays that are actually genuine, art kids, and band kids.
The jock’s leader is Sonny McDowell. He’s from California and is the school heartthrob. He’s very friendly towards everyone and is the last to fight. Many rumor that he is gay, when he’s actually your friendly neighborhood pansexual. He has a huge crush on the running back, Maverick. Even though Maverick supposedly hates his guts. He would probably be an ally to Jimmy throughout most of the gameplay. Sonny stands at 6’3 and has long blonde hair with sunburnt skin and green eyes. He’s lean with more build in his chest and shoulders. His HP is 450.
The second in command is Maverick Sanderson. Maverick is much more hostile than Sonny, and is always trying to get a rip at him despite Sonny’s very blatant love for Maverick. He’s a closeted bisexual who has no clue how to deal with his feelings for Sonny, and lashes out with jealousy rather than affection. He was the youngest of three and has always been made fun of and jabbed at. He stands at 4’10 with brunette hair and brown eyes. He has a very compact muscular build mulch like Jimmy. He’s also extremely fucking fast so he’s a bitch to fight. His HP is 500.
Harrison Kenshin is the leader of the preps. He doesn’t seem like much at first, but he is a mythic bitch. His weapon of choice is a golf club, and he does have a golf cart that he can run you over with. Harrison’s pride and joy is his success in golf. He enjoys old shows and music, and you can actually find him dancing in the dorms. His wit and charisma can often overshadow his spiteful and petty nature. Harrison is a huge minor inconvenience that’s infuriating to deal with. It’s small things you wouldn’t pay attention to. Marbles in halls, vending machines out of Beam Cola, and your gym clothes swapped with a hot pink Juicy couture tracksuit so you get made fun of the whole day. He’s 5’9 with black hair and dark brown eyes. He has a slim-athletic build. Harrison’s HP is 300.
Maxine ‘Max’ Gallen leads behind Harrison. Max is very cutthroat and hostile. Even with high respect she will actively taunt and attempt to attack Jimmy. Max is a very loud person, and is always ready to hack up the latest gossip. She boxes, and is on the same level as Bif. Max bears the title of the female champion. Miss girl can absolutely deck you if she wanted to. However, she is very terrified of male students, often her dialogue consists of her stressing over somebody stalking her. She’s very alert, and afraid of everyone. Max has been met with sexual harassment multiple times from the male student body, but Heartland kicks it under the rug. (As most schools do.) Harrison will actively protect her, and will be seen by her side. Rarely will you find Max by herself. She’s 5’6 with a muscular build. Her hair is shoulder length and light brown, usually styled with half of it up in a ponytail. Her eyes are a brown-hazel color, and she has a bunch of crackles on her cheeks. Her HP is 450.
Judge ‘Judd’ Jones leads the punks. He’s widely known for not complying with school rules and getting in trouble constantly. Despite his rep, if you get on good terms with him he’s actually cool. Fun fact he’s also a vegetarian, and is an animal rights activist. He’s very mature and level headed most of the time. He really just breaks rules to piss off the prefects and teachers, as he hates them. He’s always been seen as a bad influence, and decided to actually embrace it, to show adults what him being bad REALLY was. Judd has neon green hair shaved and styled into liberty spikes. He has many piercings such as a septum, snake bites, eyebrow, and multiple bars in his ear, along with gauges. Not to mention his neck and back tattoos. He’s 5’11 and has a pretty athletic build. His HP is 600.
Jonesy Kal is Judd’s second in command. He’s ridiculed amongst the student body for his former drug addiction. He lives in the slums, and has to bear with an abusive father who is an addict. He lost his brother in a shootout, and as a result spiraled into addiction that was fed by his father. However, after an overdose Jonesy put himself in rehab, and he has now been clean for 6 months. He’s your typical punk, and while he is more violent he really does care. He’s like your scary knucklehead older brother who beats up the kids who bully you. He’s also an arsonist, so yeah. Jonesy has fire engine red hair shaved into the fluffiest Mohawk the world has ever seen. He’s 6’3 and has a full sleeve tattooed on his right arm and piercings on his lips and in his ears. He’s very skinny due to recovery. His HP is 200.
Christian Beauregard is the main bully. He grew up pretty rough, he was in the foster care system because of his parents being too young to care for him. When he was 6 he was adopted by a very wealthy couple, all due to his blonde hair and blue eyes. However they have absolutely no business having a child. His adoptive parents cut him off from most of his childhood friends, and forced him to do things to make him successful. Such as piano, choir, and track. However Christian���s true passion is musical theatre. He enjoys the spotlight and singing, much like Trent. He can’t see very well, so he has to wear glasses, although his adoptive parents really pressure him to wear contacts. Christian is 5’10 and has a HP of 200.
Scotty Russo is behind Christian. He’s a baseball junkie, and a MASSIVE Yankees fan. His prized possession is a baseball signed by Babe Ruth. He could ramble for hours about baseball and it’s history, you can never get him to shut up. Scotty does not have a good relationship with his parents, since he started acting out and tormenting others his parents have no clue what to do. However, Scotty only loves and trusts one adult, his grandpa. His grandpa always understood Scotty, and was the one who gifted him his baseball. Scotty is very hotheaded and is always confrontational. He makes up for his height in attitude. He has straight natural red/ginger hair parted in the middle. His face and body are entirely covered in freckles and sunspots. His eyes are a dark grey and he stands at 5’4. His HP is 250.
Dennis Todd is in charge of the nerds. He isn’t your typical nerd, rather he’s just the valedictorian who’s got a serious case of senioritis and is so done with everyone’s bullshit. He’s got a very diplomatic personality, although he can be extremely impatient with others. He doesn’t like having to explain things, especially multiple times. He is the only member of his family to get to their senior year in highschool. His dad is a rancher with old school ways and his mother is a stay at home wife. He has a paint horse named Rootbeer. Dennis Todd is pretty lean standing at 5’8, and will not physically fight unless provoked. His HP is 180.
Cameron Brown is Dennis Todd’s best friend and is actually a class clown. He’s considered a nerd because of his very RARE moments of genius. He’s also just hella good at all of the hard classes and makes bank off selling HW and test answers. His pockets are packed and he is proud of it. Cameron usually makes jokes, but can sometimes cross the line. Occasionally he also has difficulty reading the room and picking up on social cues. He wears glasses and his hair is usually either in locks or cornrows, but he also likes to go natural or do the occasional fro. He’s very lanky and skinny, he’s 5’10 and is also less inclined to fight. His HP is 180.
There’s many more students who I haven’t fleshed out yet who aren’t clique leaders or second in commands. Right now I’m just doing skeletal work for the student body.
Anyone is allowed to make Heartland Academy ocs as long as you credit Heartland Academy to me, since it’s my work. I’d really love to see stuff about this.
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (780): Mon 6th May 2024
Tuned into tonight's Hollyoaks which featured Freddy Roscoe breaking through a secret wall in The Loft to get at the lost money that Frazer Black stashed before he died. Perhaps I'm just being stupid here but Warren Fox owned The Loft before he went to prison the first time. In the time since then Frazer Black evidentially built that fake wall in the office. So when Warren returned did he never think “I’m sure this room used to be twice as big”?. Anywho Warren ended up catching Freddy and intimidated him into leaving without taking any of the money and Freddy just backed down and did it/ So Freddy has gone from being able to go toe to toe with Warren in a fight to being a scared little pussy whenever he walks in a room? There was a side plot where Maxine was trying to pursued Carter's estranged daughter to move in with her and we got this amazing shot:
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I mean did Nikki Sanderson not get suspicious when the director said “I think we’ll really be able to capture the gravity and emotion of this scene if we film from just behind your arse”? I mean I'm not complaining, in fact I think that there should be at least one shot of Nikki Sanderson's amazing arse in every single episode of Hollyoaks, even in episodes that Maxine isn't in (It could be like the hare from Inside No 9 or Alfred Hitchcock's cameos where the audience have to spot how Nikki Sanderson's arse has been smuggled into each week's episode
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wildhecrt · 10 months
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don't blame it on me- independent & private multimuse loved by k. pst. 21+ only. mutuals only. iconless. i'm here in and out, reserve the right to block whomever i want, and oftentimes get brainrot for one muse over another. i'm just here to have fun. at the end of the day, really. <3 blame it on my wild heart.
muses under the cut; all are mostly headcanon based. nancy wheeler from stranger things star from the lost boys
spooky szn muses:
marnie cromwell - halloweentown series sally - nightmare before christmas barbara maitland - beetlejuice lydia deetz - beetlejuice (note: not seeing the new film until tba) allison watts - hocus pocus sarah sanderson - hocus pocus morticia addams - the addams family (films, series, and "wednesday" based) emily - corpse bride
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MUSES (* = test muse ** = request only)
glee - quinn fabray gossip girl - blair waldorf gilmore girls - lorelai "rory" gilmore (starts at S4) gilmore girls - lorelai gilmore* sons of anarchy - tara knowles (note: i ignore past S5) riverdale - elizabeth "betty" cooper (mostly headcanon based) stranger things - maxine "max" mayfield daisy jones and the six - margaret "daisy" jones (mixed media) boy meets world - topanga lawrence* lizzie mcguire revival - elizabeth "lizzie" mcguire** this is us - rebecca pearson so weird - fiona "fi" phillips**
clueless - cher horowitz the breakfast club - claire standish ready or not? - grace le domas the labyrinth - sarah williams beauty and the beast - belle twilight - rosalie hale fear street 1994 - samantha "sam" fraser repo! the genetic opera - shilo wallace scream - sidney prescott harry potter series (film and novel) - hermione granger star wars - leia organa**
misc: harry potter series - narcissa black harry potter series - lily evans seven husbands of evelyn hugo - celia st. james* wicked - elphaba thropp
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extr4normal · 11 months
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#extr4normal. a private, selective, mututals only portrayal of both canon and original characters from various superhero media. primarily headcanon based with influences from canon. adored by b, twenty-three, she&her. est. oct of 2023. muses under the cut.
affiliated with: @ahtlas.
magenta "maj" lewis, shapeshifting. fc: chase sui wonders. laura kinney, accelerated healing/adamantium claws. fc: isa briones. aña "anya" corazón, spider physiology. fc: jenna ortega. courtney whitmore, cosmic energy manipulation. fc: brec bassinger. william "billy" batson, superhuman strength. fc: judah lewis. maxine hunkle, wind manipulation. fc: quintessa swindle. jason todd, hand-to-hand combatant. fc: tanner buchanan. cassie sandsmark, superhuman strength/lasso created by ares. fc: rain spencer. sanderson "sandy" hawkins, geokinesis/precognitive nightmares. fc: adrian öjvindsson.
shelley birch, chlorokinesis. fc: chloe rose robertson. isadora "isa" velasco, invulnerability/regeneration. fc: olivia rodrigo.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Hollyoaks spoilers: Cindy struggles, Eric's fate revealed and The Dog intruder exposed
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/3TOMo
Hollyoaks spoilers: Cindy struggles, Eric's fate revealed and The Dog intruder exposed
Eric Foster’s (Angus Castle Doughty) fate is finally revealed next week as the day of sentencing arrives in Hollyoaks. Maxine Minniver (Nikki Sanderson) joins Tony (Nick Pickard) and Diane Hutchinson (Alex Fletcher) as they await news on Eric. Eric taunted the village with his radicalised misogynistic views leading to a siege where he held hostages […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/3TOMo #DogNews
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bronva · 2 years
Hollyoaks spoilers: First look as Maxine Minniver catches Eric Foster out in surprise tattoo twist
Hollyoaks spoilers: First look as Maxine Minniver catches Eric Foster out in surprise tattoo twist
Maxine makes a major discovery in her mission to catch the spiker (Picture: Lime Pictures) Eric Foster (Angus Castle-Doughty) is very much on borrowed time in Hollyoaks after Maxine Minniver (Nikki Sanderson) makes a shocking discovery next week. Maxine, as viewers know, is determined to make the eponymous village a safer place for women in the wake of being attacked on the walk home after a…
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Give Brandon Sanderson (specifically Stormlight Archive) a try if you haven't already! Fantastic world building, insane plot twists, amazing women, colored royalty (paler skin is in fact regarded as a sign of being an outsider!), believable relationships where the woman is held in high regard, none of the constant catfighting bs, & realistic autistic disabled characters. The only thing he doesn't have is LGBT+ rep, but he's working on that, too. He even semi-confirmed an OT3 on Twitter
I read Mistborn a couple years ago but it took me like 4 years to read. His emphasis on magic system and plot over character doesn’t really work for me, nor does the man:woman ratio (it was about 9:1) or his writing style/aesthetic. There’s also this thread on Sanderson’s comments over the years re: LGBTQ people. His views seem to have shifted this way and that over time but the entire thing has still made me wary of his work. I don’t see myself reading more of his books for all these reasons, but thanks for the rec! Also, for future reference, it’s better to say “[x] of color” rather than using “color” as an adjective.
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haleselenagomez · 5 years
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Sienna doing what everyone in the hollyoaks wanted to do to Maxine
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jackbatchelor3 · 5 years
Hollyoaks' Nikki Sanderson Reveals Whether She'd Return to Coronation Street Lorraine
🏘️🏪🏫 - 🏪🏠🚋
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Jessamy Stoddart (Liberty in Hollyoaks) has a very similar face to Carly Rae Jepsen. And I've always thought that Nikki Sanderson (Maxine) is the spitting image of Ella Henderson, just slightly older.
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