#May & Noxia
AprilYT Introductions
Character: Origin: Otherworld
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“Brother, why do you look different?”
In his middle school years, this is CarlosYT… or at least a concept version of him. Thanks to Len, he was able to get the sword… although he was a first timer with the Adventurer’s Sword”
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“Is that me?!”
This girl is AprilYT, also known as me. I used to be a staff user before my staff became the blooming blade inbetween Main Story and Pre-events. Also was a 6th grader at the time.
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“Len, Isn’t this you by this picture?”
As the trained bow user, this is Len… like both AprilYT and CarlosYT, he is a concept version… or we could say from the otherworld for now… He is a 7th grader, like CarlosYT.
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“Investigation never e- Renri…?”
This is their timeline’s Renri, not to be confused with ours. Renri happens to be a sword user instead of being an Ax user… odd…
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“Time we- No, for House Ramses- No, for House Blue Velvet!”
I believe this is Kaito from their timeline… Huh, I guess this is some part of Kaito I never knew of… wonder what Defstirius was at the time…
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“My what a lovely aria- wings?!”
This is their timeline’s Heidi, she recently graduated from school, but my other self thinks that this Chronos has messed up the timeline by some pieces, not sure…
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“I barely recognize that bunny!”
This is their timeline’s 7th party member, Mercia. Not affiliated with August or whatever, but I think this is the previous light crystal holder before it was passed to August for his specialty?
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“Please pull ticket to reveal next member!”
This is the 8th party member, May, with her pet, Noxia. All I know about them is being an idol before quitting the industry because of a scandal or something… our timeline’s May, I know you’re somewhere out there! We are taking your popularity to higher levels by carrying it with the help of D4DJ!
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rileyvthorn · 2 months
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Hiiii! I'm Riley V. Thorn. I'm a siren, and a pisces sun, cancer moon, and pisces rising. I'm nothing but water ♓💜! I live with the lovely Miss Noxia, and take an interest in all things occult. I myself am a solitary witch and a pagan. I follow the Greek, or, Hellenic Gods, and am from Ancient Greece myself 🏺🥰! I love anything and everything purple and absolutely adore cats. I may not be in the know about current things because I spent most of my life underwater, and now I have an obsession with reading ancient and occult texts, so I spend most of my time doing that. I hope to do tarot readings and book reviews, along with gaming, when my streaming career begins! 🧿🔮🌙
Some other facts about me are I'm a Gray Aroace Lesbian and a Cis Woman. I have bipolar disorder. I rarely watch TV, but am very interested in horror movies and some anime. I am obsessed with tea and coffee. I am a hoarder when it comes to books (seriously I'm getting a 3rd bookself for my room, and possibly two more after that). I enjoy playing casual games the most, but I also watch a lot of games get played on YouTube (mostly Game Grumps and Vinesauce). I have no idea who other vtubers are, I'm actually not into watching them myself 💀
Favorite Games: Danganronpa, Everquest 2, Free Realms, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Minecraft, Palia, Picross, Stardew Valley, Vindictus
Favorite Anime/Fandoms: Arcane, Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro, Kakegurui, Mob Psycho 100, Saiki K, Scott Pilgrim, The Locked Tomb
Favorite Characters: Jabami Yumeko (Kakegurui), Jinx (Arcane), Kaido (Saiki K), Ritsu (Mob Psycho 100), Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Sparkle (Honkai Star Rail), Toko Fukawa (Danganronpa)
Tag System:
💜 all games/anime will be tagged accordingly as well as the characters in the post.
💜 #riley cackles - personal posts
💜 #cats
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💜 #audio
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💜 #lgbtq
This blog is strictly for fandoms! If you want to see my witchy and pagan content go to @delightingintragedy. If I'm not on this blog I will be on that one.
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checkers-dance · 2 years
Ten and Hendery get back from the doctor's office. They all knew SOMETHING was going on with Hendery but they didn't know what. It wasn't until Haechan (who is a autistic) said "Guys. Come on. He's clearly autistic" but no one believed him and they were all like "Oh Haechan <3 You silly deranged man. ("WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS TO DEAL WITH THE ABLEISM HERE, FUCK NCT, I HATE IT HERE").
Daddy SM has been drinking again and hasn't been checking up on them, so Ten was the only one who could join Hendery on his appointment. His hands are shaking as he holds the papers.
Taeil: (singing) How was it?
Ten: We got the results... Hendery is autistic.
They all gasp in shock.
Hendery: Guys. It's not a big deal. I'm just autistic, it's fine. Sure, I'm a bit hyperfixated on beauty and the beast, but that's about it.
Johnny: Oh that explains the beauty and the beast sex role play you made me do with you.
Mark: What?
Johnny: What?
They all go to bed and no one wants to sleep with Hendery because they think autism is contagious.
Next morning they are having cereal and Hendery pours the milk before the cereal. They all gasp in shock and start saying he acts like this because he's autistic.
Johnny: Your mom is autistic?
Daddy SM gets home and they all get excited because he's back from the bar.
SM: Hey, you were gonna take Hendery to the doctor, how is he?
Taeyong: Well... He's autistic.
Hendery: Guys, it's okay. It's just autism, it's not a big deal.
SM: I'm sorry but if you're autistic.... you may be joining Lucas in the basement.
Hendery: NO. COME ON. IT'S NOT THAT BAD. Haechan is autistic and we don't do anything about that.
Haechan: Yeah, but I wasn't diagnosed.
SM: I'm sorry, but this could affect our image.
Taeil: Seriously? Out of all the things, THIS is what could affect our image? Not everything else?
SM: We just can't take any risks after what happened with Lucas.
Mark: I thought we couldn't take any risks after what happened with Sticker.
Hendery: Guys, it's fine. I can act neurotypical. I like football. I like women.
Taeyong: I think you're confusing acting heronormative with acting neurotypical. Besides, we all know you're gay.
SM: You're gay?
Hendery: NO. I LIKE FOOTBALL. I LIKE WOMEN. I SWEAR. Come on guys. No one has to know that I'm autistic, right?
As he says that a sasaeng is listening through the window. She immediately posts on tik tok that Hendery is autistic. Daddy SM gets a phone call immediately.
SM: Well. Turns out everyone knows you're autistic.
Hendery: FUCK. Well, okay. Listen. This could be good for us. We can use this for brownie points! I can make a song and use it for autism awareness or whatever.
So they let him record a song and make a music video for it. The song is literally called "I AM #AUTISTIC." They use Haechan for the back up vocals.
When the song is released, everyone is talking about it on twitter, but it isn't the response Hendery expected. People are going "what does it MEAN? What is the song supposed to be about?"
Kpoppies have somehow managed to reach the conclusion that the song is about being gay and now they no longer think Hendery is autistic. There's a couple of people going "Guys. The song is about autism. He literally says I was diagnosed with autism in the lyrics." But kpoppies are getting mad at them and going "NO THIS IS CLEARLY ABOUT BEING GAY. WHY ARE YOU HOMOPHOBIC?"
Either way, they're still getting a lot of views and hype.
SM: Well, I guess your plan worked, just not the way you wanted it to. But they think you're gay and now they're shipping you with Haechan, so you're gonna have to pretend to be in love with him.
So they release another music video and it's really yaoi bait. The focus is on Hendery and Haechan, but they also put Mark and Johnny there for the incest rep. However, fans this time somehow think the song is about being autistic.
Haechan: Dude they're NCT fans. They're used to twisting things in their heads to make it good, it's what they do.
Taeil: Guys, get ready, we need to go to our flute recital.
Hendery (??? I actually can't remember who said this): Oh are we taking Lucas with us?
Taeil: *laughing* Come on. You know we never take Lucas to anything.
So they go to the flute recital and it goes as good as you would expect. But Hendery is feeling lonely because he feels like everyone is being distant after his diagnosis. He can't stand his members, but they are still his only friends and he kinda likes them, so he doesn't want to be excluded. He decides to talk to Haechan.
Hendery: Haechan, you're autistic, but everyone likes you. How do you do it?
Haechan: Well, I was never diagnosed so they just keep saying that I'm just "autistic coded."
Hendery: Haechan, PLEASE, give me an actual answer, I can't take this.
Haechan: Okay, okay. I actually do have a secret... no. I shant say it.
Haechan: I CAN'T. IT'S TOO MUCH.
Hendery: PLEASE.
Haechan: Fine. Everyone in NCT.... is a little.
Hendery: WHAT
Haechan: I'm sorry you had to find out like this.
Hendery: Oh my god.
Haechan: If you can accept the little life style, they're going to start liking you again.
Hendery is determined, so he starts purposely behaving like a little in the next few days and the NCT members pick up on it. They start going "ONE OF US. ONE OF US. ONE OF US."
So they decide to do the initiation ceremony. They make a circle of sprinkles around Hendery and they give him a chocolate milkshake.
Hendery: I'm lactose intolerant, guys. And I also don't like chocolate that much, I don't know why you guys are so obsessed with this stuff.
They start to get suspicious of him so he quickly takes it back.
Hendery: Haha, never mind, I love chocolate milkshakes! Especially when they have marshmallows and oreos!
He drinks the milkshake and they burn a mark into his thigh. Hendery can't really tell what it is but he doesn't ask because he doesn't want to blow his cover. Later that night he is in his room and Haechan visits him.
Haechan: Hey. Did they accept you?
Hendery: They did but.... I don't know. I don't really like being a little. And I don't like chocolate milkshakes or sprinkles.
Haechan: Yeah, I don't either, but it's what we have to do to survive. We need to conform.
Hendery: Is that why we keep releasing bad music?
Haechan: Yeah, pretty much.
Hendery: By the way, I got the mark thing, but what is it? I can't really tell.
Haechan: Let me look at it, it should be the same as mine.
Hendery shows him his thigh and Haechan gasps.
Haechan: That... is not like mine.
He shows him his own mark, which is very clearly a birthday cake.
Hendery: A cake? Why?
Haechan: *singing* It's your birthday, make a wish.
Hendery: Well, what's mine then?
Haechan: I've only ever seen it once before... it's a fire truck... it's the same mark Lucas had.
Yes. It ends on a cliffhanger. Noxia said she will continue the plot next call... shaking and crying and throwing up. The NCT noxiaverse has gotten so extensive, it's a whole show at this point.
Crying and shaking, how do I even respond to this. Has noxia considered writing nct rpf crackfic? This was so unhinged and there were so many comedic plot twists, I'm in shock. Nct being littles rlly sent me tho. And the "it's what we have to do to survive" line re drinking chocolate milkshakes and eating sprinkles 😭😭😭. Do u think there's an nct dark ageplay fic out there, bc if not, noxia should write it
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
Hi. Hello. So there's this one post on Reddit I haven't been able to stop thinking about. It's this guy just asking for help finding a film, and I tried to find what film it was but couldn't figure it out. And every day since all I can think about is wow, what if Noxia knows.
SO it was described as a Cinderella adaptation. The only other description given was that it was animated and either set in the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, India or Anatolia. The film was in English. I'm just curious if you may have come across any films that could fit the description.
OH hm.... Unfortunately nothing rings off the top of my head. Unless its outright said or heavily influenced by the culture, I wouldn't know where it's set.
Could you send me the reddit link? I have to find this too now.
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gothgirlshowdown · 1 year
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Welcome to the Goth Girl Showdown! A competition where we will determine the ultimate fictional goth girl (gender neutral)!
This bracket will include 64 characters. Each round will last a week, and there will be 24 hours between rounds for me to set up for the nest round! I tried to seed it traditionally, but I’m not familiar with some media, and therefore am unsure about its relative popularity. I’m hoping to start getting everything uploaded on Saturday, June 10, 12am EST!
Round One
Wednesday Addams (the Addams Family) vs Emily Strange (Emily the Strange)
Marceline Abadeer / Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time) vs Creepie Creacher (Growing Up Creepie)
Sinead (But I’m a Cheerleader) vs Alice Lendrott (The Duke of Death and His Maid)
Misa Amane (Death Note) vs Marnie (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
Claudia (The Dragon Prince) vs Crimson (Total Drama)
Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Goth Girl (Turning Red)
Maddie Flour (Amphibia) vs Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Trish (Devil May Cry) vs Gwen (Total Drama Island)
Spock (Star Trek: The Original Series) vs Enid Mettle (OK KO: Let’s Be Heroes)
Mandy (Billy and Mandy’s Grim Adventures) vs Ruby Gloom (Ruby Gloom)
Nancy Downs (The Craft) vs Karina (Guardian Tales)
Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice) vs Scary Girl (Total Drama Island)
Gerry Keay (The Magnus Archives) vs Esmerelda Tusspells (Ace Attorney)
Laudna (Critical Role) vs Dru Blackthorn (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Serana (Skyrim) vs Hanajima Saki (Fruits Basket)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck) vs Arachne Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) vs Lenore (Lenore the Cure Little Dead Girl)
Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Claire (The Summoning)
Janis Ian (Mean Girls) vs Noxia (Guardian Tales)
Sam Manson (Danny Phantom) vs Onyx von Trollenberg (Trolls)
Harrowhark Nonegesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Maria Gorey (The Great Ace Attorney)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) vs Courtney K (Craig of the Creek)
Brigitte Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps) vs Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa)
Morrigan (Dragon Age) vs Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do in the Shadows)
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) vs Serenity Rose (Serenity Rose)
Vanessa Doofensmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) vs Misery (Ruby Gloom)
Allison Reynolds (The Breakfast Club) vs Queen Lilith (Guardian Tales)
Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon) vs Nana Osaki (Nana)
Death of the Endle (The Sandman) vs Courtney Sithe (The Great Ace Attorney)
Magenta (Sky High) vs Tabitha (Craig of the Creek)
Ruby Rose (RWBY) vs Nico Minoru (The Runaways, Marvel)
Rose Lalonde (Homestuck) vs Vampire Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Round Two
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family) vs Marceline the Vampire Queen)
Sinead (But I’m a Cheerleader) vs Misa Amane (Death Note)
Claudia (The Dragon Prince) vs Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia) vs Geen (Total Drama Island)
Spock (Star Trek) vs Mandy (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Nancy Downs (The Craft) vs Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Gerry Keay (The Magnus Archives) vs Laudna (Critical Role)
Hanajima Saki (Fruits Basket) vs Arachne Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) vs Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Janis Ian (Mean Girls) vs Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
Harrowhark Nonegesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Goth Girl (Turning Red)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa) vs Morrigan (Dragon Age)
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) vs Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Allison Reynold (The Breakfast Club) vs Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon)
Death of the Endless (The Sandman) vs Magenta (Sky High)
Nico Minoru (The Runaways, Marvel) vs (Vampire) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Current Bracket:
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dew-creek · 2 years
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Hi I'm Noxia and I draw sometimes
↳Tags: #noxiart (all art); #dewdles (doodles/WIPs); #vernished (specific completed art)
USAGE OF MY ART: you may use my art as an icon, in an edit, repost to other sites, etc. with credit. You may not monetize my art for any reason. Please do not upload art that you have traced from mine.
►☕Tip me on Ko-fi
⬇Other Reblogging information⬇
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Can I tag art as ship even if it isn't tagged that way in the post? Sure, go wild.
Can I tag art as me, kin, etc.? Yup!
Can I reblog with photo IDs, translations, etc. of your art? More than welcome!
Can I spam like/spam reblog? Brotha this is the spam like/spam reblog website, yes you may
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Chapter 21: Carry & Sunny
Sunny liked the way Joss' messed-up hair framed their face. Joss only wore it open when presenting female; it was the biggest cue Joss had given. Clothes may vary on how they felt, Joss generally preferred pants and suits so that wasn't much to work with and not every day Joss felt female, Joss also had the energy or mind to put on make-up or such. For Joss personally, hair was an important issue. It had always been an important part for her to feel it frame her face, falling loose, play with the slight curls she would get if not straightened, while during his time thinking he was trans, he had found it empowering to shave it off. Either way, there was never a hair out of place with Joss though; Joss was quite the perfectionist overall. So to see it not just loose – which Sunny had seen a lot already – but messed-up and fluffed-up was... very endearing.
“Are you staring at me...?”, grunted Joss, voice gruff from sleep, dark eyes blinking open.
“Yes, I am. You're cute when you're sleeping”, hummed Sunny unapologetically. “Good morning.”
“Mornin'... coffee...?”, asked Joss hopefully.
“I don't drink that awful stuff and since I wasn't expecting you to stay over, I have none”, chimed Sunny, maybe a little more apologetic. “I make a mean hot chocolate though, if you'd like.”
“...Fine”, sighed Joss, sounding clearly disappointed.
The two of them had been on a relatively spontaneous date last night. They had gone dancing and afterward, tired and with Sunny's place closer, they had both gone there. Nothing had happened, Joss had even slept on the couch, being perfectly polite and a little flustered, but it was somehow still nice to wake up with Joss right there. While Sunny prepared breakfast, Joss disappeared into the bathroom. The whole time, Joss' phone was buzzing with new messages. Curious.
“Emergency at work?”, asked Sunny when Joss, with the phone in hand, walked in.
“No. It's... something else”, sighed Joss, running a hand through their hair.
Once they stood right beside Sunny, they kissed her softly on the cheek, making Sunny smile. Daisy, Sunny's very much beloved little terrier, was chirping and circling Joss in excitement. There was something Joss was hiding, but Sunny was content to wait until Joss was ready to share it.
“You know you could tell me, if you wanted”, offered Sunny, picking Daisy up and kissing her little forehead. “I'm a good listener, or so have I been told. And whatever it is, it seems to weigh on you.”
“...We're planning a jewelry heist and we can't seem to fully agree on the details.”
“I can't tell if that is a joke-answer or a metaphor or... oh you are literally planning a... what.”
Joss rubbed their face and sat down on a chair facing Sunny. “Literally. There is a... very valuable jewel that is... in the possession of someone who is not the rightful owner... to put it mildly.”
“So you're... stealing it back?”, asked Sunny intrigued.
“You could say that”, confirmed Joss, tapping their fingers against the table.
“Who's we?”, asked Sunny next, concern evident on her face. “I mean, a good heist needs a good team. Ocean's 8 is all I'm gonna say there.”
“It's... a good team, I suppose”, chuckled Joss softly. “But... I think it's better if you know as little as possible... just in case anything goes South. I don't want you involved in this.”
“Okay. Let's talk about something different then. When am I going to meet your friends? We should schedule that soon, because planning your birthday party with total strangers would be awkward.”
Joss made a face, while petting the very insistent Daisy with one hand. “You're really going to throw me a birthday party, aren't you...? I'm not much for parties, Savitri...”
“I know that. So let's not call it a party”, offered Sunny gently. “I just... You, me and your best friends. A small round. We could play... board-games and eat good food together, that's all.”
Joss grumbled softly and with a head-shake gave up. “I have to leave. I have to get home and get showered and changed before work. We'll talk later, okay?”
Sunny pouted, just a little bit, but she leaned in to kiss Joss gently before they left. Toward the end of her breakfast, her phone started buzzing. Her mug of hot chocolate in one hand, she reached for her phone with the other to check. She had been added to a group-chat, titled Joss' Birthday Not-Party. Joss had started the group-chat. And left it, after adding various numbers. Angelique Lamour, Sebastian Weinberg, Sander Hancock, Melanie Maguire, Elizabeth Liddell, Noxia Black, Alina Preston. For a not very social person, that was a rather impressive list.
Sunny recognized the names, having listened closely whenever Joss was telling her something personal. She knew Angel was Joss' best friend, they had met through work. Alina, Noxia and Elizabeth – Lizzy, Laureen's little sister – also worked with Joss. Sebastian, Sander and Melanie were part of Joss' book-club that Sunny was considering to join.
A small smile found its way onto Sunny's lips. She knew Joss acted grumpy but even Joss wanted to be surrounded by the people they loved on their birthday. Sunny hummed happily, before getting distracted by an incoming text from Joss on their private chat.
Hope you're happy now. NOTHING big though.
Sunny smiled to herself at that, but before she could type an answer another text came in. When is your birthday? You haven't told me yet.
That was right. Joss' only had come up because, well, it was coming up. October 8th. So you still have five months go go, no worries ;)
With her mood high, Sunny went about preparing herself for the day.
 Carroll Lewis was a woman with ambition. Her ambition had brought her where she was... and would bring her where she wanted to be. At the top. Being pulled into the Zodiac-nonsense was the best that could have happened to her; the power she now wielded.
If only her boss wouldn't have a personal agenda. Making these things personal was... never a good idea. This should be treated like business, because it was. They could make so much money with this, instead of playing cat and mouse with the goodies. It was going to end in a disaster, she could already tell. However, she was not being listened to.
When out of nowhere, she was suddenly wrapped up in vines in her own living room, she blamed that very not listening to for that. If they had just cleaned up and taken care of this earlier, then there would not be a merry band of heroes in her villa right now, leaving her – and her bodyguards – tied up in thick, sturdy vines. She gritted her teeth. Her reflexes were good, if she was expecting it.
“We're not going to hurt you. We just want Libra”, stated Sagittarius seriously.
Carroll rolled her eyes irritated. “So boring. Harming is half the fun.”
Leo approached her and took the brooch from her. She did wonder how they had figured out her secret identity. That was the problem. One could not take the jewel while actively bonded with the Zodiac and using the powers. And this had come too sudden for her to act.
“I'd like to pay you back for what you did to me”, whispered Leo, sounding bitter.
“Oh, bu-hu”, sighed Carroll bored. “I told Serpentarius I should just finish the job and take the jewel from your body, but she had... 'plans', whatever that means.”
“Who is Serpentarius?”, asked Taurus, pointing her golden lance at Carroll.
“You'd have to hurt me to get that out of me and you wouldn't”, snorted Carroll unimpressed.
“You're awfully... neutral on this whole situation”, observed Gemini with narrowed eyes.
“Libra is strong, yes. But there are so many constellations to choose from. Take this from me, I will not be powerless. I'll find out who you are and you'll regret this.”
The great heroes exchanged looks at that. All very dramatic, really. How annoying. At least with minions, they simply followed orders. This bunch, they were probably all 'democratic' and made decisions based on not harming others. Morals, such a hindrance. Though she was going to have some strong words with a certain snake-bearer about this mess. If they had done it Carroll's way, they would have at least half the Zodiacs already, instead of letting the 'heroes' get away with everything and for the main part just play around with them, waiting. Carroll was done waiting.
 Sunny was admittedly surprised to find Joss in front of her apartment when she got home. She had spent the past two days texting with Joss' friends about the birthday not-party and she felt like she could quite like them – especially Angel seemed like such a cheerful and delightful person.
“Did we have plans? Did I forget something?”, asked Sunny softly when being pulled into a kiss.
Joss was wearing his hair in a tight bun and, pressed up like this, Sunny could feel that today he was definitely binding. Two very clear indicators. He was also looking that very nicely cut vest that Sunny loved so much because it outlined his frame so nicely.
“I'm sorry I didn't contact you much since our last date”, whispered Joss.
“I assumed... you were busy with your... heist”, hummed Sunny and unlocked the door, leading Joss upstairs to the apartment. “I take it, everything went well, since I'm not visiting you in jail?”
“We stole a jewel from Carroll Lewis yesterday. Yes, the Carroll Lewis. It's... not just a jewel. You've been paying attention to the news too, right? The superheroes. There are jewels that bestow these kind of powers to humans. She... was using it for bad things so we took it back.”
“You... took it back...? What does that mean?”, whispered Sunny, trying to keep up.
Joss sighed and rubbed his cuff-links, just to be surrounded by a bright glow – and who remained was Gemini... one of the heroes that were all over the news. Sunny gasped and stepped back.
“I wanted to tell you, however I also did not want to get you... dragged into this”, admitted Joss.
“Then... Then why are you now?”, asked Sunny, eyebrows furrowed.
“You're a Libra. October 8th”, said Joss like that was in any way an explanation.
“...Is that supposed to mean anything...?”
“There is a lot I have to explain to you in detail, but the short of it is that... these Zodiacs can only bond with those born under their sign. As a Libra, you can bond with the jewel of Libra. Me and... my team... spent all of yesterday debating who to give it to and...”
“And you volunteered me?”, yelped Sunny, to equal parts flustered and shocked.
“You're the kindest, sweetest person I know, you would use it for good... and you would treat Libra right. He's... been abused by Carroll and above all else, he deserves to be treated right.”
His eyes fell onto Daisy there, peacefully sleeping on her pink little bed. Confused but intrigued, Sunny accepted the pink marble. It immediately started glowing and Sunny somewhat understood. A dog appeared, an all-pink dog with his tail between his legs. Carefully, Sunny sat down.
“Hello there, sweetie”, whispered Sunny gently. “It's okay. No one's going to hurt you. Are you hungry? I have some very good dog-treats here – Daisy can attest for that.”
Daisy stirred at the sound of her name, shaking her head which made the pink bow in her fur flop back and forth adorably. Curiously, she jumped out of her bed and went to sniff the new dog.
“...Treats?”, asked the pink dog, sounding unsure – and okay, the dog could talk.
With both eyebrows raised did Sunny regard Joss. “You owe me so many explanations there. But for now, please change out of that silly outfit. And you, little guy, get some treats.” Daisy yelped. “I'm sorry. The both of you are getting some treats.”
“Can I have treats too? Non-dog please”, requested Joss with the fondest smile.
“You. You are glad I am fond of you”, huffed Sunny, wagging a finger at Joss.
There was a sheepish look on Joss' face as he changed back to his regular outfit, though... an owl appeared next to him. A pretty black and white one. Sunny had so many questions.
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👑 #NewRelease #DarkParanormal 👑
Happily Ever Crowned: An Underworld Royal Tale is #LIVE
By Anna Edwards and Lexi C. Foss
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"I do."
Two words that signed over my soul to a monster, all to save a kingdom I knew little about. This isn't a fairy tale. No knights in shining armor, only kings fighting for power. And my heart is the key.
A game designed to shatter even the harshest of resolves.
My husband wants to debase me. To break me. To destroy my spirit. To possess every inch of my soul through acts so heinous, I can hardly breathe. And he's using six men to do it. Including him. Adrik, Prince of Noxia.
Such a wicked twist of fate. Happily-Ever-After may not exist here, but amorous energy rises after a night of unbridled passion. A night I should hate, but don't.. A night I long to repeat.
"I love you."
A statement I will never say. Not even to him--my dark prince who plays in the shadows, engaging me in a forbidden dance of hope and adoration. He promises me a new crown, in exchange for my heart.
I will not be owned.
I will rise above them all.
And the only crown I will wear is the one drenched in their blood.
#happilyevercrowned #lexicfoss #annaedwards #newrelease #ku #amazon #happilyevercrownedrelease
Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions
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cieden · 5 years
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Personnages :
Grey Noxia, 17 ans, étudiant Studieux et intelligent, Grey se débrouille en tout mais n’est maître de rien. Ce qui ne l’arrange pas beaucoup pour choisir sa spécialité militaire à l’Académie… Comme de nombreux natifs d’Avianta, il possède un pouvoir magique bien utile, mais le sien est un peu plus compliqué à utiliser que celui des autres : il peut remonter le temps. Oh, pas de beaucoup : dix minutes, un quart d’heure grand max, mais cela suffit à rendre de nombreux services… et causer beaucoup de catastrophes !
Suite au décès de ses parents adoptifs, leur fille Lua est désormais sa seule famille. Ensemble, ils tâchent malgré tout de faire honneur à leur nom en servant fidèlement la faction des Anges.
Lua Noxia, 28 ans, Agent secret du Conseil Espionne au service du Conseil, Lua travaille dur pour éduquer et subvenir aux besoins de Grey  -son petit frère-, quitte à ne pas avoir assez de temps libre pour lui.
Elle aurait l’esprit plus tranquille s’il faisait preuve de plus de maturité : aux yeux de Lua, rien n’excuse l’utilisation de ses pouvoirs à des fins futiles, surtout au risque d’attirer l’attention sur lui. Ce qui l’inquiète également, c’est l’idée d’avoir pu subir les conséquences de ce don, à plusieurs reprises et sans s’en rendre compte. Malgré ces problèmes, Lua garde tout de même l’espoir que Grey se prendra un jour en main.
Rion Syoh, 32 ans, Soldat au service du Conseil Rencontré pendant la guerre, cet homme fort et courageux est devenu un modèle et ami de longue date pour la fratrie Noxia.
De cette amitié est né un sentiment d’amour entre Rion et Lua, ces derniers envisageant de se marier bientôt.
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👑 #NewRelease #DarkParanormal 👑
Happily Ever Crowned: An Underworld Royal Tale by ➜ Anna Edwards and Lexi C. Foss is #LIVE #OneClick now or #Download under #KindleUnlimited
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2Yp792Y
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/2m8MGyn
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2nH77TA
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/2nMbtsM
#TBR ➜ http://bit.ly/2mLvyPN
"I do."
Two words that signed over my soul to a monster, all to save a kingdom I knew little about. This isn't a fairy tale. No knights in shining armor, only kings fighting for power. And my heart is the key.
A game designed to shatter even the harshest of resolves.
My husband wants to debase me. To break me. To destroy my spirit. To possess every inch of my soul through acts so heinous, I can hardly breathe. And he's using six men to do it. Including him. Adrik, Prince of Noxia.
Such a wicked twist of fate. Happily-Ever-After may not exist here, but amorous energy rises after a night of unbridled passion. A night I should hate, but don't.. A night I long to repeat.
"I love you."
A statement I will never say. Not even to him--my dark prince who plays in the shadows, engaging me in a forbidden dance of hope and adoration. He promises me a new crown, in exchange for my heart.
I will not be owned.
I will rise above them all.
And the only crown I will wear is the one drenched in their blood.
#happilyevercrowned #lexicfoss #annaedwards #newrelease #ku #amazon #happilyevercrownedrelease
Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 years
Science Says Silence is Vital for Our Brains
Studies show that noise has a powerful physical effect on our brains, causing elevated levels of stress hormones.
The Proof that Noise Hurts and Silence Heals
The value of silence is felt by everyone at some point in their life. Silence is comforting, nourishing and cosy. It opens us up to inspiration, and nurtures the mind, body and soul. Meanwhile, the madness of the noisy world is drowning out our creativity, our inner connection and hampering our resilience. Science is now showing that silence may be just what we need to regenerate our exhausted brains and bodies.
Studies show that noise has a powerful physical effect on our brains, causing elevated levels of stress hormones. Sound travels to the brain as electrical signals via the ear. Even when we are sleeping these sound waves cause the body to react and activate the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with memory and emotion, leading to the release of stress hormones. So, living in a consistently noisy environment will cause you to experience extremely high levels of these harmful hormones.
Interestingly, the word noise is said to come from the Latin word nausia, (disgust or nausea) or the Latin word noxia, meaning hurt, damage or injury. Noise has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, tinnitus and loss of sleep. We’ve all experienced the detrimental effects of noise pollution. Excessive noise can be a major affront to the physical senses and today, more and more people are identifying as highly sensitive and unable to function in chaotic and noisy environments. But now science has the proof not only that noise hurts, but also that silence heals.
The Effects of Silence
In 2011, the World Health Organisation (WHO) examined and quantified its health burden in Europe. It concluded that the 340 million residents of Western Europe (about the population of the United States), were losing a million years of healthy life every year, due to noise. WHO also said that the root cause of 3,000 heart disease deaths was due to excessive noise. A study by Professor Gary W. Evans from Cornell University, published in Psychological Science, charted the effects of airport noise on school children near Munich’s airport. The study showed that children exposed to noise developed a stress response which actually caused them to ignore the noise. He found that the children ignored both the harmful noise of the airport, along with other more everyday noises, such as speech.
Scientists didn’t actively set out to study the effects of silence, but instead discovered its benefits by accident. Silence first began to appear in scientific research as a control or baseline, against which scientists compare the effects of noise or music. Physician Luciano Bernardi studied the physiological effects of noise and music in 2006, making a startling discovery. When the subjects of his study were exposed to the random stretches of silence in between the noise and music, they experienced a powerful effect. The two minute pauses were far more relaxing for the brain than the relaxing music or the longer silence that was in place before the experiment started. In fact, Bernardi’s ‘irrelevant’ blank pauses became the most important aspect of the study. One of his key findings was that silence is heightened by contrasts.
Many meditation teachers and practitioners can attest to this, and spiritual teachers advise students to take frequent meditative pauses throughout the day. Though we may think of silence as a lack of input, science says otherwise. The brain recognises silence and responds powerfully. Later research by a Duke University regenerative biologist, Imke Kirste, discovered that two hours of silence per day prompted cell development in the hippocampus, the brain region related to the formation of memory, involving the senses.
Taking Time to Switch Off
According to the Attention Restoration Theory, when you are in an environment with lower levels of sensory input, the brain can ‘recover’ some of its cognitive abilities. With our digital world, our brains get less time to switch off. We are constantly processing enormous amounts of information. Research has shown the constant attention demands of modern life is placing a lot of stress on our prefrontal cortex–the part of the brain responsible for making decisions, solving problems and more. When we spend time alone in silence, our brains are able to relax and release this constant focus.
Researchers found that silence helps new cells to differentiate into neurons, and integrate into the system, and that when we experience silence, our brains are able to work at better understanding our internal and external environments. We can make sense of our lives and gain perspective, something that is vital for our overall wellbeing.
While noise creates stress, silence relieves stress and tension in the brain and body. Silence is replenishing and nourishes our cognitive resources. Noise makes us lose our concentration, cognitive powers and causes decreased motivation and brain functioning (as backed up by research into the effects of noise), but studies show that spending some time in silence can amazingly restore what was lost through exposure to excessive noise. The ancient spiritual masters have known this all along; silence heals, silence takes us deeply into ourselves, and silence balances the body and mind. Now science is saying the same thing.
The healing benefits of nature and stillness are well documented, but now we can add to this quest for health and wellbeing, the nourishment of our brains. The simple yet ancient experience of silence could be just the healing balm we need to quell our crazy modern lifestyle.
Much Love
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paula-lawrence-blog · 5 years
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👑👑The only crown I will wear is the one drenched in their blood.👑👑
Happily Ever Crowned by
Lexi C. Foss and Anna Edwards
Available now: https://amzn.to/2Yp792Y
“I do.”
Two words that signed over my soul to a monster, all to save a kingdom I knew little about. This isn’t a fairy tale. No knights in shining armor, only kings fighting for power. And my heart is the key.
A game designed to shatter even the harshest of resolves.
My husband wants to debase me. To break me. To destroy my spirit. To possess every inch of my soul
through acts so heinous, I can hardly breathe. And he’s using six men to do it. Including him. Adrik, Prince of Noxia.
Such a wicked twist of fate. Happily-Ever-After may not exist here, but amorous energy rises after a
night of unbridled passion. A night I should hate, but don’t.. A night I long to repeat.
“I love you.”
A statement I will never say. Not even to him—my dark prince who plays in the shadows, engaging me
in a forbidden dance of hope and adoration. He promises me a new crown, in exchange for my heart.
I will not be owned.
I will rise above them all.
And the only crown I will wear is the one drenched in their blood.
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katsbookcornerreads · 5 years
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💜 Surprise Cover & Project Reveal 💜 I'm so excited to announce that I'm working with Anna Edwards on a brand new standalone project. But I have to warn you, it's dark. Like darker than anything I've ever written. And I'm loving it... 😈 Details ➡️ https://geni.us/F14SZX Cover Design: Sanja Balan with Sanja's Covers Group "I do." Two words that signed over my soul to a monster, all to save a kingdom I knew little about. This isn't a fairy tale. No knights in shining armor, only kings fighting for power. And my heart is the key. A game designed to shatter even the harshest of resolves. My husband wants to debase me. To break me. To destroy my spirit. To possess every inch of my soul through acts so heinous, I can hardly breathe. And he's using six men to do it. Including him. Adrik, Prince of Noxia. Desire. Such a wicked twist of fate. Happily-Ever-After may not exist here, but amorous energy rises after a night of unbridled passion. A night I should hate, but don't.. A night I long to repeat. "I love you." A statement I will never say. Not even to him--my dark prince who plays in the shadows, engaging me in a forbidden dance of hope and adoration. He promises me a new crown, in exchange for my heart. Vengeance I will not be owned. I will rise above them all. And the only crown I will wear is the one drenched in their blood. Pre-Order ➡️ https://geni.us/F14SZX https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RpP33g1-s/?igshid=olqv8iqalq97
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checkers-dance · 2 years
anyway after that we ended up talking about nct AND THIS LEADS ME TO THE FICS I WAS GONNA TELL YOU ABOUT BUT FORGOR. anyway, i was telling noxia abt how i remember discourse over the johnny/mark ship because people thought they "acted like brothers." so we ended up watching a video compilation of them (ill admit, i think they're kinda cute, they have this very dudebro x dudebro dynamic that i find really amusing). we read the comments and people are like genuinely terrified of admitting they like the ship its so fucked up 😭
so i got curious. i wanted to know if anyone had taken that idea and played with it. and yeah there were some incest fics IVNFJNJFNV. there was this one where johnny and mark hadn't seen each other and then when mark was asleep Stuff Happened. kinda messed up. and then there was another fic inspired by that one where the same thing thing happened but mark woke up and then they consensually fucked. good for them. im kinda obsessed with that idea ngl VBFJVNFJ.
anyway there was also some incest play so like not actual incest but still fun.
so the first one is this omegaverse fic where johnny goes in a rut at the same time mark goes into heat and bro. BRO. im such a fan of siblings doing stuff impulsively and then regretting it immediately and thats exactly what happened. neither of them were thinking straight so the next day they are both disoriented and confused and they both feel awful ITS SO GOOD, I NEED INCEST WITH GUILT AND COMPLICATED FEELINGS. but the fic hasnt been completed yet, and it was posted last year... im so scared it may never come back. i think im probably gonna dowload it just in case it gets deleted because i would not be able to handle it, im so attached.
AND THEN THE OTHER ONE.... i didnt think i would enjoy it much because it was dadson but bro. the writing is so good and the dynamic is so interesting. so basically mark is johnny's kid except he didnt know because it happened when he was a young teen and the mom never told him and gave up mark for adoption and its only now as an adult that hes making effort to contact his biological parents. (actually they meet when mark is like seventeen but they dont actually start interacting properly until mark is an adult). anyway, his adoptive parents turn out to be shit and they kick mark out because they find out hes gay. and also his ex was a dick and they broke up. he moves in with johnny and bro. they are so sweet. like they have this really interesting dynamic where they have a really cute familiar bond but then they also have a clearly romantic/sexual thing for each other thats also really loving and caring. BUT johnny isnt as happy about it as mark is because he wants mark to have a normal life eventually. but then he also indulges both mark and himself and then pulls away so mark is rlly messed up about it and it all ends up leading to this really bad argument between them. and then when johnny comes home mark is fucking GONE, HE LEFT, AND THERE'S JUST A NOTE TELLING HIM HE'S LEAVING, AND JOHNNY HAS NO IDEA WHERE HE IS. WHEN I TELL YOU I FELT PHYSICAL PAIN READING THAT, I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED AND THEN THIS HAPPENED, NOOOO. AND THATS THE LAST CHAPTER... THE FIC HASNT BEEN FINISHED YET.... IM SO FUCKED UP ABOUT IT.
NOOOOOOO NOT BOTH OF THE FICS BEING UNFINISHED.....AND THE CLIFFHANGER TOO....why are u so unlucky when it comes to this 😭. I hope at least one of them is continued. Also yes, please download the fics, it would be devastating to have a repeat of the jackson/jooheon fic deletion situation
And gjskfksjf, it seems like the discourse over this ship has spawned a lot of fucked up ideas in fic, I love that. The dead dove writers always win in the end <3
But hmmmm....dudebro4dudebro.....I was going to compare them to jookyun but I don't think either jooheon or changkyun can rlly be considered dudebros 😭
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
tell me about hikaharukao
ANON IM SORRY THIS TOOK 20000 YEARS TO ANSWER but i've just been staring at it and thinking. how do i respond. because believe it or not this is hard for me to answer.
because i really really like hikaharukao but my view on it is?? so complicated. because okay. i do not like hikaharu. i've made a long ass rant before on why i (respectfully) do not like it and thing narratively they're better as friends. i def get why people like it it's just not for me. and also besides not liking it for Narrative reasons I'm also petty and don't like it on the basis this kinda makes Kaoru alone kjdbehjfbreh (it's anime i'm allowed to be petty) (which is funny because i like kaoharu???? fuck hikaru i guess)
ANYWAYS hikaharukao....... so. ok it's not secret i love hikakao and i've already said i like kaoharu. so let me try to explain how i think hikaharukao works.
(side note hikaharukao is the whole reason this answer on my shipping chart exists)
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Firstly my headcanons for the characters' sexualities n stuff play a big role in this. Haruhi is bisexual/placiosexual + grayromantic, Kaoru is biromantic homosexula, and Hikaru is homoromantic bisexual.
So, the best way I can put it is they are all qpps who fuck sometimes. but like. its mostly hikaru and kaoru doing Unholy things and haruhi is just There sometimes but not really In It (because I headcanon she doesn't like being touched in most cases). she contributes sometimes but it's very hands-off. or at least she'll touch them but they are not allowed to touch her.
as per my headcanon Hikaru is into her sexually but not really romantically and vice versa for Kaoru. altho haruhi is barely a woman as much as she is a man so it gets a Little Confusing there. But it usually goes by those rules.
yeah best way I can put it is that they are a group of bestiiiies with benefits sorta. i dont think they call each other bf/gf so they are mistaken as friends as often as they are lovers. im sure half of the strangers outside of ouran school who know them Haruhi is just dating One Dude who has a wildly different personality depending on the day you catch him.
you could also view this as a "kaoharu + hikakao they are just sharing kaoru" which i think is true in a way. i mean if you throw in a massive hikaharu brotp in there so it's like kaoru/haruhi half-dating, hikaru/haruhi besties, hikaru/kaoru my lawyer has advised me not to say anything further.
but as said haruhi is grayromantic so like she isn't really DATING either of them. it's weird. like i said just a group of bestiiies <3 (also i have a complicated viewing on hikakao in general too so i dont think THEYRE dating either. like this is just "normal" to them)
now you may say "noxia you sound insane" and "noxia what do these labels mean" and also "noxia did i mention you're insane" and yes yes i know. but listen. i have no clue how else to explain it. all i know is i like hikakao but i wish haruhi was there sometimes. also i think haruhi has a great dynamic with both twins and they would watch cinderella together :) kaoru is talking at 100mph and hikaru and haruhi are leaning backwards to blink morse code at each other. they go to the mall later and hikaru and kaoru are fucking it up and haruhi must reign them in like they are dogs. kaoru and haruhi having a very chill thoughtful discussion about some book they read in a bookstore and then hikaru rounds the corner with "they have EVERY warrior cat book here" and kaoru and haruhi are like "omg every single one ?" this is how i view them.
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inashen-blog1 · 6 years
The Virtuoso's Dilemma
ch.1 pt.1
The sun was setting.Painting the blue skies to a vibrant red, bright sphere descended slowly.It was past six now, a normal hour for dark to fall.
While light leaving the sky, cold evening settled slowly onto the warped streets of Zaun.Only few people were still on the outside and most of them running.Everyone just wanted to get inside some walls, saving themselves from night of the Zaun before the light completely dies out.Nights are dangerous in Zaun and none can guess what ill will befall on those who stay outside...
"Hmph." Stooding tall before the sole window in the room Khada Jhin looked upon running Zaunites.Heavy mask on his face strangling his already low voice, turning to a throaty whisper.A whisper suitable for the mysterious figure in a play.Suitable for making people shiver.Oh how he loves his mask...
"Let me go..." said other person in the room half crying half begging."I'm no one."
Hearing desperate plea, virtuoso turned around to see her face.Big black eyes filled with tears nearly to the brim.Tears of desperation and fear.Coupled with long ravenous hair her face may found appealing by others but not by Jhin.Not in that form anyways.While sitting on bed, bounded, she is just a canvas for him to paint.A tune to compose...She was nothing.But at the end of the night, she'll be unforgottable.
Jhin smiled at her comment under his mask."You're right." he said taking a dancing step forward.
"Then why are you doing this to me?" she asked struggling to holding tears back.Jhin told her to do so, and noted if she were to disobey, a punishment will be waiting her.'Scream, shout, sob, kick, run...Act as you wish.' he said, while covering her bruises with a fluffy brush.'But never cry.It will ruin the make-up.'There was no words of warning, but the tone of his voice made up for the lack of it.
"Because no one will ever miss you." Cutting Jhin, the other man in said.An albino with platin hair and red eyes resembling droplets of blood.
Ignoring him "You are...pure." Jhin said, started walking in the small room.He's always talking in a polite manner."You have no home, no family, not even a name other than the ones customers gave you.What do they call you?"
"Apple, mostly..." Started sobbing despite all of her attempts to stop it, a single tear roll down onto her cheek.
Jhin turned blind eye to little taint caused by lone teardrop."And what is your real name?" His voice was low, yet melodious and sweet.Like an actor...Even in the situation she found herself, Apple can't help but liked the way he talk.
"I don't know." she answered."I am an orphan..."
His only eye fixed on her face and "From Ionia?" he guessed after a moment of halt.War between Demancia, Ionia and Noxia left many children without family.Demancians took their kids under the wings of unyielding Demancia army while Noxians enlisted theirs, training little boys and girls turning them into ruthless soldiers.
On the other hand, peace loving Ionians were acted differently.Following Ionian ideals, they sent childrens to orphanages around the country, hoping Wuju masters and Kinkou Order would protect them.To their luck, ninja order fall apart when Zed compromised with brotherhood and Yasuo killed his master just when Noxia invade Ionia.Left alone, Wuju masters can't stand against legions of Noxian soldiers... At the end most of the orphans killed by the very war Ionians sought to protect them from while others escaping untouched countries like Zaun, joining drug cartels as rookies or Yordletown.
"How'd you know?"
"You have the face of an Ionian." he said, never stopping his walk."Round with hawk like features, especially at eyes, and dark but not overly, like Zaunites."
A moment of silence fell between the artist and the girl before she mustered her courage and speak."What will you do to me?"
"I certainly will not do anything to you."Stopping his aimless walk, masked man went to corner of the room and reach for a bag.While pulling the zipper of leather, tied girl can hear his breathing, ragged, and heavy."I will make something 'with' you.I'll take your insignificant being and turn it to something...beautiful.When they found you, they will cry."
"Will it hurt?" She managed to stay still but with last syllable, one after another drops of salty tears started running down on her cheek.Fearing that will anger Jhin, Apple gasped in fear and making him look at her unintentionally.
"What did I said to you?" he asked, droopping things he holding back to bag.
"I'm sorry..." Shivering in fear she squealed.
Jhin got onto his feet and walked to her.Expecting that he would hurt her, Apple get back till her back hit the wall.When realized that she can't escape shut her eyes tightly and wait for her painful punishment.
But instead of a slap, or worse, what she felt on her face was just the soft hairs of a brush.Opened her eyes to see whats happening, Apple saw Jhin kneeling on bed covering her bruises that become visible again."Do you know have any idea about how hard painting these?Your skin is oily and it's not accepting the paint." Huffing under his mask, virtuoso keep painting her face diligently."And why did you tried to escape?You think that I'm going to hurt you?For this small of a thing?"
Not wishing to disturb brush, Apple nodded slightly.
"Hmph...I never touch someone so beautiful, even if my own life at stake." Jhin uttered a scorning murmur."Did Liev's gang hits you much?"
"Occasionally." she answered."Mostly if someone got snatched during a job.Or they heard you coming to town.."
Jhin let the brush go."So they beat you for relaxation." His only eye, green as the seas,was fixed upon her face."Or out of frustration."
Apple nodded again.
"Well, you don't have to worry about that ever again.For I found you." Jhin said, softly touching her face.Virtuoso's fingers were long and nimble on her skin."Nobody will hurt you again."
Holding her by the ropes around her body, Jhin bring Apple closer to edge o the bed then reached beyond girls shoulder and cut the ropes.Loosened ropes around her body fell to her legs and to bed.Letting girl, the man turned back to leather bag he left.
He's looking like searching something inside that bag, not that Apple can tell his true intentions.
"Get naked.Lost everything." He ordered nonchalantly.Between his sentences Jhin was murmuring, sounding like he was debating ideas with himself."And don't go crying again.I'm not about to rape you."
"But maybe I'll." man in red capes talked.
"No he won't." Jhin assured the girl much to Vladimir's dismay."He's an eunuch."
Still the fear of pissing Jhin lingering deep in her loins, Apple did as ordered without saying anything.She lost her white shirt first, then discarded grey skirt clunging to her legs loosely.
Hearing the sounds of opening buttons Jhin looked upon his shoulder.Terrified girl standing next to bed with the underclothes are the only things on her body.She really are good looking, he had to admit.In addition to beautify of her face also her body was curvy at the right places."Lost everything." he repeated."Call me when all done."
Slowly Apple lost her undercloth too."I-I'm done."
Without turning his back, or giving a look, he threw her things he took from his bag.A high cut silk dress, colored rosy pink and a silver crown adorned with little diamons pieces here and there."Dress up."
Fabric of dress was better than anything Apple wore in her short, miserable life.It felt like water flowing between her fingers...And the crown, craftmanship was incredible and the diamonds shining like they are real.
"Dress now, gawk in ave later." Jhin said, when he heard no noises of movement behind him.
"S-sure..." She started slipping into the silk, noticing that, dress fitting like it was made for her body.
"Did it fit?" Jhin asked, still not looking.Art or not, watching a young women while dressing is an inappropriate act.
"Yeah." Apple replied."How did you know my size?"
"Eye of the artist.Also my dashing friend over there has a deep understanding about human physiology." He closed the zipper then went to the mirrored desk in the room, pulling a chair."Can I look now?"
Virtuoso turned around at once."My, my, it looks good on you." Studying details of her body, Apple felt crushed.It was amazing that his gaze was this intense.She could only image how strong it will be, if his whole face were open."Sit in front of the mirror."
Taking comb in front of the mirror, Jhin started combing her long hair.He was careful in his movements, Apple's hair tangled more than one place and a strong tug at the strings could hurt the girl.Of course he can pull tool harder, forcibly unraveling knots without caring her cries.But there was no need.Jhin got all the time in world...
"Tell, what you mean when you say, Liev and boys beat you because of my arrivals to Zaun?"
Girl looked Jhin upon mirror, making an eye contact."Probably out of fear.Even saying your name is enough for getting Liev angry."
Virtuoso smirked under mask to girl.Not that she can see..."My name has that kind of effect on people." (English is not my native language so go easy on me)(Probably post it in my native language later)
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