#Maya’s just happy to have more friends and family
englishstrawbie · 21 hours
Station 19 7x10
I snuck in a rewatch during my (slightly longer than it should be) lunch break. It was an excellent finale, IMO. I really wanted to enjoy whatever they gave us and go out on a high. And they delivered for me.
Once again, this is going to get long…
Maya being stuck in the fire and imagining everything that’s waiting for her set up the theme of the episode. It felt fitting that she thought about Carina and the family they’re trying to build, it’s where her storyline has been leading all season and, once again, shows how much she has changed and grown since the Maya we first got to know.
I’m very grateful that the incident didn’t put her off being a firefighter. I was trying to make peace with the idea of her moving on, but I’m much happier with this outcome, knowing she will continue to grow and thrive both personally and professionally.
Do I wish that we’d seen more of Carina’s reaction? Of course. But we got to see Carina fighting the wildfires too and I’m so glad they included her in that way. Although they definitely missed a trick not having Maya see her in the forest, rather than at the hospital – I expected to see Carina just after Andy was taken away in the Aid Car. That would have been a really emotional moment.
“Suit up”… the scene of Carina getting dressed in the yellow suit was a highlight of the episode for me, especially with the superhero-esque music in the background. 🔥 (Gif-makers, I can’t wait for you to do your thing!)
Carina telling Maya that she’s pregnant, all their happiness, the kiss, the throwback to the proposal – even their annoying hand placements were back! I loved that moment, it was perfect for them. 🥰
I loved all the firefighting, watching them working together and struggling but eventually getting their part of the fire contained. This show is at its best for me when it’s about the team and fire, the scary moments and the way they always come together and win.  
Powell dying in the fire tornado, watching her little body get pulled in… I’m sorry, but it made me laugh. 😂
It took a while to get used to the flash forwards, but I like that they showed us what each character wanted in their future, without making it canon, because it leaves the possibilities open.
Carina and her three kids – and Peggy and Dayna still being around! (Running her own clinic, just like she also dreamed, I’m sure.) Travis living his best life with Vic and Dominic. Sully and Ross getting married. Vic taking Crisis One national. Argh, seeing Dean again made me emotional. 🥺 Sully doing more for vets. Ben watching his kids grow up. Pru becoming a firefighter too. Even Beckett (and you know how I feel about Beckett) envisioning his future with Ross’s sister, that made me lol but it was sweet.
I didn’t see Andy and Jack coming. I saw a few jokes about it earlier this week, but I didn’t take them seriously. I don’t think it was necessary. I can only think that they meant it to be a full circle moment – but, for me, the full circle moment was Maya as captain of 19 and Andy as Chief, because that’s what they used to talk about. And I absolutely loved that, especially with Pru being there too. ❤️
The wigs though. 😂 I took me a minute, but Andy’s hair reminded me of a girl I used to go to school with.
ETA: oh, I forgot! Captain DeLuca-Bishop finally! 😍
Ben going back to being a surgeon… yeah, we all saw that coming. 🙄
Vic and Travis, true soulmates, getting their happy ending. I love that for them.
This show has been such a big part of my life since Marina came along four years ago and I’m going to miss it. It’s given me so much – friends and community and a return of my love of writing. I’m grateful for all of it (except 5B 😜).  ❤️❤️
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doctorsiren · 7 months
In the Split Phoenix au, do Feenie and Nick split inside the courtroom, or out of it? What were everyones reaction if it was inside?
Also are you cool with people writing fanfics based on your aus? You've probably answered this question before, but I want to make sure
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Bro got split once he got disbarred 💀 so it was in his office, but Maya was there, so that’s why it’s just Maya’s reaction here
And yeah!! I’m super open to the idea of people writing fics based on my AUs! I’d love to see what others would do with these different ideas I have and it’s always fun to see!
Transcript under the cut since Tumblr decimates quality
Page 1 -
Letter: “ur fired lol - Bar Association”
Bottom Phoenix: Ough
Top right: Oh man! I have a splitting headache! *laugh track*
Page 2-
Nick: FEENIE?!
Feenie: NICKY!!
Feenie: YIPPEE!
Page 3-
Maya: Nick? Are you okay?
Nick: I can explain
Feenie: MAYA!!
Page 4-
Feenie: Hihi Maya!
Feenie: I’m Feenie!
Maya: Then who are you?
Nick: I’m Nick
Nick: I guess Phoenix’s psyche couldn’t handle getting disbarred and split
Page 5-
Maya: Wait you got disbarred?
Feenie: mhm
Feenie: WAHHHH
Maya: Feenie!
Feenie: WAHHHH!!!
Page 6-
Feenie: Thankie Maya. ILY you’re a lot like Mia
Maya: (best compliment she’s ever gotten)
Maya: Do you want a hug too, Nick?
Nick: No
Maya: Too bad!
Nick: Oh come on-
Page 7-
Page 8-
(Steel Samurai noises)
Maya: See! Look!
Feenie: WOAH!!
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talaok · 8 months
ok hear me out!!!!! pedro and y/n are super good friends (but they secretly love each other) and y/n has a cute 3 year old daughter that’s obsessed with pedro and for halloween she asks him to dress up as mando and she will be grogu and they act like father and daughter all the time and y/n almost burst seeing them looking so cute together and pedro never thought about having kids but he loves y/n daughter so much and is so over protective with both of them and idk pedro and y/n end up getting together and they are a beautiful family, i just love picturing dad!pedro wearing cute halloween costumes with his kids 😭 i love being delusional
pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
a/n: this is the cutest effing thing that anyone has ever thought of ohmygod
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What? That was it? He didn't need any convincing?
"I-I'm sorry what?"
He smiled, watching your face frown in puzzlement 
"Of course I'll dress up for Halloween if that'll make Maya happy"
"As the Mandalorian?" you asked, just to make sure he understood what he was agreeing to
"as the Mandalorian" he nodded
"And she'll dress as baby Yoda"
"It's Grogu, not baby Yoda"
You didn't know if you wanted to roll your eyes or laugh.
"you're incredible you know that?" you chuckled, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him "She's gonna be so happy" 
"Incredible, huh? I like the sound of that" he chuckled as he hugged you back
"shut up" you laughed, soaking in his scent and warmth for a moment "Thank you"
__ __ __
Your feet were kind of hurting, and Maya had gathered enough candies to feed an army, but she was so happy and excited that you didn't have it in you to tell her it was time to go home.
The neighborhood was filled with kids dressed up as every type of monster laughing and running around, and Maya, Maya was over the moon.
She looked so incredibly cute in her costume, and the way she insisted on holding Pedro's hand every living moment just made it all the more heartwarming. 
And Pedro... Pedro was more than happy to comply. 
He'd been making her laugh and smile the whole night, going with it every time she wanted him to say his character's lines or reenact a scene in the middle of the road.
You had spent the whole night watching them, and with every gesture, your heart warmed and your eyes threatened to spill.
Now maybe you were being dramatic, but there just was something about the image that was making you feel all sorts of things, half of which you couldn't even name.
And you weren't the only one, because Pedro was having a realization of his own. He always knew he loved you and your daughter incredibly, but now... now a deeper feeling was igniting in his stomach, one that didn't want this night to end, that maybe, just maybe wanted this to be the rest of his life.
"Aren't you just the cutest little monster?" the old lady at the door cried as soon as Maya stepped closer.
"'m not a monster!" She protested, clearly not happy about it "I'm Grogu, and this is my dad, Mando" she explained, pointing at Pedro.
And he knew she just meant in the show, just like you did, but hearing that word come out of her mouth so easily made time stand still for a moment.
"Oh I'm sorry" the lady laughed sweetly "Here, let me apologize with some candy"
"yes please!" Maya smiled, forgetting all about the lady's mistake as her bucket filled once again
"thank you ma'am, have a good night," she recited as you'd taught her.
"have a good night sweetie" the lady smiled, watching her and Pedro walk away.
"I'm sorry about... that" an awkward chuckle left your lips "She just gets very defensive about her costume"
"Oh don't worry" The lady's eyes crinkled as she drew a reassuring smile "She's a nice kid" she said, finding your eyes after a moment of silence "You're a really beautiful family"
"oh-" you stopped, because as you were about to correct her, you realized... you didn't really want to, 
"t-thank you" you nodded "Have a good night"
Your head was spinning, and your heart was racing and-
"Are you ok?" Pedro's hazel eyes looked concerned, and it took you a moment to understand he was talking to you.
"Y-yeah, it's nothing" you tried your best to smile 
"Are you sure?" he asked "Maybe we should sit down a minute"
"I'm fine Pedro" you let out a breathy chuckle "I promise"
"I can hold your bag if you want" he offered, not ready to give up just yet.
"Pedro..." you only raised an eyebrow
"alright, fine" he held his hands up in surrender "I give up"
But before you had time to say anything else, Maya was already dragging him to another house.
It was only ten minutes later that he noticed something change in her, she wasn't talking as much, and her eyes were getting all droopy, and as a big yawn left her mouth, he smiled to himself.
She was finally tired.
"You sleepy sweetheart?" he asked, stopping to look down at her.
"a little" she murmured.
"oh baby" you pouted, "you wanna head back home?"
"mh-mh" she nodded 
"c'mon let's go then" you gestured,
But for some reason, she stayed exactly where she was.
"you don't feel like walking anymore?" Pedro asked, to which Maya slowly shook her head.
"I can carry you if you want"
It was like a match had lighted inside her eyes from how much they sparked.
"if that's ok" he said, turning to you
"of course" you nodded, watching as your daughter wrapped her tiny body around Pedro's the moment he picked her up.
It was a ten-minute walk back to your house, and in those ten minutes, two things happened: 
Maya fell asleep, softly snoring into Pedro's ear and making both of you laugh
Every doubt Pedro had in his mind, dissipated into thin air. 
He wanted this. 
He wanted you, he wanted to be there for Maya, he wanted to wake up in the morning and make both of you breakfast, he wanted to come home to a full house, and even if he'd never really thought about having children, now it seemed like the easiest decision ever.
He'd always loved you, and he'd always loved helping you out with Maya ever since she was born, but for some reason, maybe fear, maybe cowardice, he'd never told you, but now... now for some reason it felt like all the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, like he had finally gotten it, and as terrifying as it was, he needed to tell you.
Which is why, after you had put Maya to sleep and joined him on the couch, he said:
"I had a lot of fun tonight"
You laughed at that for some reason "You don't have to lie, Pedro, I know Maya can be a handful sometimes"
"No, No I'm serious" he insisted "I love spending time with her... and with you of course"
"oh" you breathed, surprised "Well I'm glad" you smiled "and for the record, I like spending time with you too, and so does Maya"
His lips twitched into a big smile then, as some of his anxiety melted away.
"So I- uhm" he cleared his throat, and you couldn't help but frown at his sudden change in demeanor.
Why did he look so... scared?
"I wanted to tell you something" he finally spoke
"you're scaring me Pedro" you attempted a half-laugh 
"N-no it's nothing bad" he reassured you "or at least I hope"
"Ok..." your frown only deepened "What is it?"
You watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed thickly.
"Well the thing is that..." he murmured, his trembling eyes looking into yours as he took the longest pause known to mankind "that I love you y/n"
there, it was out. No turning back now.
"I felt this way for a really long time," he said "Well since before Maya was born, but... you know, you were with-" he stopped himself, not able to say that piece of shit's name "and then when she was born your life was already hard and I didn't want to give you one more thing to think about, or maybe the truth is just that I was terrified of losing you" he laughed softly "and I still am, to be honest" he confessed "but I just wanted you to know now, because y/n I really do" he promised, gingerly taking your hand in his as your eyes watered "I love you, and I love Maya, and-and I- I understand that it's difficult and it's fine if you don't feel the same way... but I'd really love for us to be a family,"
It was your turn to speak, but it took you a while to remember how.
"I-" you sniffled as tears fell from your eyes "of course I love you too Pedro" A laugh bubbled inside your chest "B-but- Are you sure you want to do this?" you had to make sure "Taking care of Maya it's not always easy, or pleasant, and it's not a part-time thing, it's all day, every day" you spoke "So before you make any decisions I just think you should consider that"
He looked at you like you'd just explained to him the hardest physics theory to ever exist.
"Y/n" he couldn't help but smile "I know all that, and I know that I don't fully understand what it means yet, but I promise you that I'll do everything I can, that I'll try as hard as I can, that when I say I want this, I mean it"
A wide smile pulled at your lips as you leaned closer
"you sure?"
"one thousand percent" he promised "I love you y/n"
And that's all you needed before you finally let your lips meet with his, tasting all of him for the first time, and melting in his arms like ice on a summer day.
"I love you too Ped-"
But just as you were speaking, a softer, smaller voice caught your attention.
You let out a small chuckle before turning towards Maya, who was standing in the hallway to the living room in her pjs, hugging Berry, her teddy bear.
"what is it pumpkin?" 
"I had a bad dream" she murmured, looking exhausted.
"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry" you cooed, "you want to come here on the couch with us for a little while?"
She complied immediately, stumbling towards you, until she was close enough for you to hoist her up and next to you.
"there" you murmured, as she settled right against your side "feel better?"
"mh-mh" she nodded, her eyes already closing 
"it was just a dream baby, it's not real" you murmured, petting her hair as she clung to your arm "I'm here now"
And all Pedro could do, was watch mesmerized, as he dreamed of when he too, was gonna be able to do that.
"see" you whispered after Maya's soft snores started filling the room "This is what I was talking about. You still sure you want this?"
His lips pulled into a soft smile as he answered.
"Y/n" he murmured, "I think it's all I ever wanted"
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targaryenluvs · 2 months
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PAIRINGS: Evan Buckley x Girlfriend!Reader
SUMMARY: Evan would go to great lengths to make sure his girlfriend never leaves.
WARNINGS: Stalking, baby trapping, sexual depictions, obsessive behaviour, invasion of privacy, babying, isolation
A/N: Uhm, let’s not talk about this…
Evan was in love.
For the first time in his life he was truly, head over heels for someone. Even he himself couldn’t believe it. His friends all noticed the change in demeanour. The excessive happiness that he seemed to radiate at all time. They couldn’t find it in themselves to be anything but happy for him.
He’d had his fair share of relationships, but of course they didn’t last. Whether it was off on travels, untrustworthiness or a bad connection. They didn’t last. But with you, he knew you were the one. From the way you looked up at him, the way you smiled when he held your hand. You never judged him, dealt with his family issues as well as his own recklessness.
You were perfect, in every way. And Buck knew it. It’s why when he found out you were think about breaking up with him that he found himself spiralling.
He’d been using your phone to text Bobby, to tell him he wasn’t coming in the next day. You’d both planned to have a beach day, since the both of you had been busy lately. After texting Bobby, a text from your friend has caught his eye.
Just break up with him!
Evan could feel his heart racing, what the hell?
So he pressed on the conversation and found his worst nightmare. You’d been talking to her about how you found yourself with less time alone, almost always being dragged out to a restaurant or some other place by Buck. You felt smothered, but didn’t have the heart to tell him. If you’d told him he was being clingy he would’ve tried to dial it back. But speaking about him behind his back? To your bitch of a friend?
It wasn’t right of you. And it wasn’t right of her to encourage these thoughts. She’d met Evan before, multiple times. She always talked about how perfect the two of you were for each other. And here she was, trying to get you to leave him, your soulmate.
So he texted her, on your behalf.
I’m not breaking up with him, don’t text me. I don’t want to see you anymore.
Then he blocked her number.
“Evan?” His head rose from the pillow, looking down at you as you walked into the apartment. “Yeah babe? Everything okay?” He heard you jogging up the stairs, “Maya blocked me, I think. I tried to talk to her on Insta and she told me to screw myself. I don’t know what I did wrong.” Bucks heart hurt at the sight of you crying.
“Oh baby, you didn’t do anything. You shouldn’t be thinking about a friend who can be so rude with no explanation. C’mere.” He held his arms out for you as you settled into his arms, tears dampening his shirt. “I’ve got you, you’re okay.” He cradled your head against his chest. “I— I just don’t know what I did.”
“Shh, don’t waste your energy on her. Okay?” Your head lifted, “Okay…” He could sense your uncertainty, you’d been friends with Maya for a while, almost a year. He knew it’d be hard for you to get over it, but it was for the best. Evan knew what was best for you.
Your boyfriend was acting strangely, to say the least.
He’d been much more involved with your friends now. Always asking after them, what you guys were doing, whether or not Maya came back in touch. It felt as if you couldn’t breathe in their presence without a million texts from him.
Evan ❤️
Where are you right now?
Who’s with you?
When are you coming home?
Home. He always assumed you were coming to his place. As if you were already living together when you’d only been together for five months. Even when you brought it up to him, he’d brush his actions off.
“I mean we’re practically living together already no? What’s the point in you having your things somewhere else when you can have it here. Saves you a trip in the morning baby.” Evan murmured into your neck as you stood in the bathroom. “I… I have my own place Evan. I like having my own place. It’s not just my things that are there. It’s my place.” His arms briefly tightened around you at the sound of your protest.
“I know, but don’t you want to live with me? Be with me?” Buck retracted his face from your neck, his arms circling around your neck as your hands held on to his arms. “I do! I do want to be with you. I am with you baby.” His frown disappeared in a second, replaced with an unsettling smile. “That’s what I thought.” He kissed your cheek before walking out the door.
You stared into the mirror. What the hell does that mean? That’s what I thought? You shook your head in an attempt to collect your thoughts. Did you want to be in this relationship? Where you felt like you were being babysat? As if Buck was your parent, always asking where you were and who with. As if you couldn’t handle yourself, needing supervision.
It took you another month to realise this isn’t what you wanted in a relationship. You wanted to be equals, to rely on eachother and trust each other. The ability to go out and not give your exact location every ten minutes. To not feel as if you have an overwhelming pressure behind you, always looming. Like a shadow.
But it was a month too long. You’d given Evan even more access into your life. He’d sweet talked you into sharing your live location with you. Even your bank account was accessible to him, being able to overlook your transactions. He had keys to your apartment and even his face ID on your phone (not that you knew he had access to your phone).
You’d confided in your best friend. And she’d encouraged you the whole time. She herself hadn’t noticed Evan’s overbearing behaviour, he always handled himself properly in public. Not a single person would suspect him of being so controlling. He was to sweet for that. And even if they noticed his clinginess, they viewed it as a sweet trait.
He loves you so much he can’t breathe without you. Half of his personality had become you. His wallpaper was a photo of the two of you, his password was now your birthday. His pantry and fridge were filled with your favourite foods, even when you weren’t staying over.
It was all you. Evan finally had someone to love, to spoil and to hold with all his might. He’d be damned if someone tried to take you from him. So when he used your phone to call an Uber since you’d both walked to the restaurant, imagine his surprise and anger in finding another friend of yours against him.
Y/n: I think I’ll tell him tonight, at his place. Somewhere he feels comfortable and won’t be embarrassed.
Rebekah: Good idea, I hope he takes it well. I don’t think he means to cling in all honesty. Might just be a subconscious decision since he hasn’t had many long term relationships. Hopefully he finds someone for him.
Y/n: I know, me too. I just feel so bad, he’s had like two or three girlfriends before me and none of them worked out :(
Rebekah: I know babe, but don’t stay with him out of pity. That’s even worse for him.
Y/n: It’s not pity, I’m not still with him out of pity. I really do love him, but I can’t help feeling as if I have no space. He’s always asking for where I am, and with whom. It’s overbearing. And he seemingly can’t handle me being independent, as if I need him to do everything for me. I’m not a child.
Rebekah: You aren’t, no where near it. I get that you love him, but this isn’t healthy. You both deserve better. Some girls love a guy who cares so much. Wishing you all the best, I have a wine bottle waiting for us x
Y/n: Maybe I can wait to do it another night? I’m having a good time, reminds me why I love him :(
Rebekah: No!! If you keep going you’ll never get away.
Y/n: Pleaseeee??
Rebekah: Breakup sex isn’t a horrible idea. Might soften the blow lmao 🤣
Y/n: That’s not what I meant! I’m gonna go, and am NOT leaving to have sex.
Rebekah: Whatever you say, happy break up day xx 💋
Happy break up day? What a bitch.
If there was one aspect of your relationship that never suffered, it was in the bedroom. And Evan couldn’t help but notice when he was closing your open apps, your cycle tracking app. His thumb hovered over it, he looked around to make sure you weren’t returning from the bathroom. Only a few words stuck out for Evan.
High chance of getting pregnant.
You soaked in the ride back to Evans place. One more night with him, that’s all you were giving him. The idea of breaking up with sounded alright over text, but actually facing it? Your hands were sweating, heart racing. You didn’t want to let go, but you knew you had to.
Now or never.
Your eyes darted around Evans apartment, soaking it all up for your last time, when his hands came around your waist as he kissed your neck. “A bit eager aren’t we?” You joked as his hold tightened, “Mhm.” He grabbed you by the hips before turning you to face him, “You look amazing, and you smell so good.” You couldn’t help but blush at the compliments, Evan always knew how to make a girl blush.
“I do?” His hands cradled your face, kissing you on the forehead, “You do baby.” Evan’s hands travelled down to your butt, “Up.” He only needed one word, and so did you. He carried you up the stairs, then softly laying you down on the bed.
Evan was swift in taking your dress off, then his own outfit. “I love you.” He spoke as he thrust into you, your hands held on tightly to his hair, “Oh god Evan!” He couldn’t contain his smirk, he loved you like this. An absolute mess, all for him.
“Say it back.” His fingers dug into your hips.
“Ow! What?” Your brain was foggy, Evans words went in and out your ears.
“Say. It. Back.” His voice held no sweetness, it was purely demanding. His pace was brutal, and again it felt as if you couldn’t breathe. The pleasure was overwhelming, you felt so good. “I…” Your heart was racing again, it felt wrong to tell him you loved him.
His teeth bit down on your collarbone, “I love you!”
You shouldn’t have said it back. It was all that you could think about as his demeanour changed again, a lovesick grin on his face as he kissed you passionately. His hands felt heavy on your skin, burning into you. All you could feel was Evan. Your head was hazy as he carried you, bridal style. The water was warm, and so was he.
Evan slid in behind you in the bath, his arms were strong around you. He took his time in cleaning you off, savouring the moment. “You hungry?” He sounded so casual, as if he hadn’t literally bruised you moments before. “A little.” Your voice was quiet for some reason, you didn’t know why. “We’ll have anything you want.”
That night you spent with him was one of the weirdest of your life. You felt safe with him, more so than you felt with anyone else. But you couldn’t shake the memories of prior times. Him literally crashing a birthday party to make sure you were where you said you were. Evan dragging you back into bed when you needed to work. Him telling you to not reach for the top shelf, saying it was ‘too much for you’. Or him cutting up your food.
Everytime he looked at you, you felt conflicted.
Was this what love was? Uncertainty? Through the night you found yourself tired. Your brain was constantly filing through a million thoughts, about Evan, about yourself and your life. You loved him, but would it be wrong to stay with someone who seemingly infiltrated every aspect of your life? You didn’t know, all you knew was that the pizza was amazing and he was snuggly.
So you stayed the night. You’d fallen asleep in his arms halfway through ‘Me Before You’. You’d spent majority of the movie arguing over whether she should’ve stayed with him or left. And whether he should’ve lived to be with her. “It’s not right! He’s miserable! She should be understanding of him wanting to leave! Which she is in the end.” Evan shook his head as he tossed his slice into the box. “You’re so wrong.” You gasped.
“He should stayed for her. He knew she loved him and it was selfish of him to leave.”
“He was miserable Evan!”
“Would you leave me if I lost my ability to walk?”
Well that sentence shut you up quickly. “I—, I wouldn’t. I’d stay with you. But the movie is different, she meets him afterwards. He’s already miserable, and she makes it better, yes. But he knows he can’t give her the life she deserves. So he’s selfless in letting her go. And also, if you wanted to go, I’d support you. I’d be sad, yes, but you’re not happy. And I’d want you to be happy.”
“I’d never tell you to leave me. You’re too good to let go. Having you by my side is all I need.” You remained staring at the screen, unable to move. “Thank you.” Evan raised his eyebrows at your dismissal of his words.
“I love you Y/n.”
You turned to him with a small smile, “Love you too.” And within ten minutes, you were sleeping in his arms. Evan glanced down at you with a smile before pulling out his phone. He typed out the date of yesterday. It seemed like a date he’d need to remember. And it was lucky, in about nine months, he’d be holding a mini you in his arms.
You woke up with Evans arm draped over you, locking you in place. You slipped out slowly, grabbing a shirt and leggings of yours. You’d failed in breaking up with him, you knew you had. Last night had sucked you right back in to the storm that was Evan Buckley.
He looked at peace when he slept. Content. Maybe you could have a talk with him about boundaries. You weren’t ready to let go of him yet. And it was exactly what he was counting on, he’d wormed his way into your life. To the point where you weren’t sure what life was like without him.
Evan kept his eyes closed as you left. Letting you think you’d gotten away without him knowing. Last night was amazing in his opinion, and when you didn’t respond through out the day he surprisingly kept his cool. He had a good feeling about the night, and if he was lucky, you’d come crawling back either way.
The day had been quiet, you ran some errands, completed your laundry. And with only one text for Evan compared to the usual twenty.
Have a good day ❤️
You found yourself smiling at the text. Simple and sweet. Maybe he’d read your mind and was now reeling back? God you hoped he was adjusting his behaviour. And through the rest of the week, he didn’t show up. He didn’t randomly come to pick you up from work, or bombard you with calls and texts when you went out for drinks. You’d become so accustomed to telling him your location that he didn’t have to ask.
You called every day, barely over an hour. Just debriefing eachother about your days and gossiping. It felt as if you were both improving in your relationship. You were lowering your guard, and he was working his way in. He wasn’t being too pushy, and you weren’t being protective.
And it was a new chapter in your eyes. Since he’d stayed that way. You found yourself even happier than usual. Going out with him more willingly, especially to dinners with the 118. In two months, they saw more of Bucks girlfriend then they had in the previous 7-8 months.
And whilst you may not have noticed any changes of your own physically, Evan sure did. He felt them, your chest was heavier, and a slight bump was developing. You’d recently been an avid sushi lover when it came to eating out, and you’d been having cravings.
You’d confided in Evan about missing your period, and whilst he acted concerned, it was probably the best news he’d ever gotten. He’d come home the next day after his shift with about six different home pregnancy tests. And you’d been willing to take them.
His world stopped when each one came out positive. But first he had to gauge your reaction, the relief was unmatched when you turned to him with a smile. “We’re having a kid.” You whispered as he nodded, “A mini you, or me.” Tears fell down your face as you squealed before jumping onto him. He laughed as you buried your face into his shoulder before facing him, “You’re gonna be a daddy.” And he couldn’t help but cry himself.
You were going to be a family.
Evan was outstanding when it came to taking care of you. Anything you needed was in front of you within the hour. You’re tired? Here’s a pillow, blanket and soothing sounds to help you sleep. You’re hungry? Here’s every craving that he’s logged of yours, with delivery on the way. You’re sore? He’s got oil in his hands and eager look on his face, to which you tease him.
“Missed me that much huh?”
“You have no idea.” He whispered before kissing you.
It was a Friday dinner at Bobby and Athena’s when you announced the pregnancy to them. To which you were met with blank stares which eventually erupted into cheers and hugs.
“Oh god, Bucks having a kid before me.” Chimney shuddered as Evan slapped his bicep, “Evans going to be an amazing father.” You smiled as he grinned, “Why thank you Mrs Buckley.” He kissed you before you could react, is marriage around the corner for you?
“Well actually…” Maddie spoke out as you all turned, “Oh my god, are we pregnant at the same time?” Her small nod caused chaos to erupt amongst the home, “Two new additions to the family!” Bobby cheered. Chimneys mind was close to exploding as he hugged her.
“I’m so happy they all know.” You spoke happily as Evan sighed, “I can’t believe she’s pregnant.” You kissed his cheek before holding his hands, “Do we need to have the butterflies and bees talk?” He rolled his eyes as you pretended to pout, and he poked your cheek.
“Can’t believe we’re going to be a family. The three of us, forever.” Evan kissed the top of your head as Athena and Bobby smiled, “They’re going to be great parents.” Bobby nodded along, “Can’t believe Buck’s going to be a father. I remember his first day, and now he has a whole family.” He couldn’t help the slight tears in his eyes.
As Evan stood in the middle of the room he felt happier than ever. He had a family he loved and a family member on the way. He knew he finally had everything the could’ve ever wanted. Especially with the girl he loved in his arms, and he’d never let go.
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AITA for getting my childhood best friend a new friendship bracelet even though he has a girlfriend?
Basically my mom and her best friend got pregnant within a year of each other. As a result me and Dylan were raised as siblings. Our families are super close, spend holidays together, we've gone on vacations together, and Dylan and I have always called each other brother and sister.
Dylan's been dating Maya for the better part of a year. Maya is nice, but clearly has some feelings on me and Dylan being as close as we are. We've both explicitly stated there have never been romantic or sexual vibes between us, and I have made the hard choice to pull away from Dylan quite a bit to give Maya more room.
(For example I stopped our weekly hang outs, only really hang out with Dylan in a group setting, we don't hang out on FT anymore, ect.)
Maya is generally polite, but there's been tension and a few pointed remarks over the months. I know the girl best friend is pretty much a pariah in boy/girl friendships, so I've tried to just be as unobtrusive and respectful as I can.
Onto the current problem: Dylan and I have always had friendship bracelets and a few matching items. For example we have matching photos and photo frames from the holiday to Greece when we were little, we both have matching hoodies from a concert we went to, and one or two other bits. Its not a lot, but I guess it would all fill a small box if you put it together.
Dylan's friendship bracelet broke last month and couldn't be fixed. He put it away in a keepsake box but was pretty bummed about no longer being able to wear it. It took the whole month of scouring secondhand sites and ebay but last week I actually found one and was able to get it for him as a replacement. I gave it to him when our families met for dinner on Tuesday and he was super happy. He put it on immediately and hasn't taken it off.
We all met as a group to hang out today and Maya seemed a little...Vaguely annoyed toward me? When you can just tell someone's got an issue with you, even if they're not outwardly acting any different.
But she came with me when I went to the bathroom (as girls do) and as we were washing our hands she told me she was really 'surprised' I got Dylan another bracelet. I wasn't really sure if she meant in general or that I was able to find the exact same one, so I asked what she meant and she said she didn't want to be 'that girlfriend' but when the bracelet broke she was internally relieved, because she thinks its kind of inappropriate that we wear matching bracelets and have a 'claim' over each other like that.
She said she's been thinking about the future a lot more recently and she doesn't want anything 'held back' or 'obstructed' by my obsession with Dylan and the 'premade family' we have.
I'll admit I got annoyed by that, and immediately asked if she'd have an issue with me if I was a guy. She said I know that's different, and then one of the other girls from the group came in to look for us because we'd been gone so long and we kind of had to put it on a shelf for the rest of the day.
She text me a bit ago saying 'think about what I said.' Internally, I want to tell her to get a grip on herself, but I also know that I'm the girl best friend, and pretty much anything I do from here on out is critical and could make me the asshole. I also didn't want to hurt her or cause problems for Dylan, I was just trying to replace part of our friendship that's always been there.
AITA for replacing it? I can't exactly stop wearing mine (he'll ask why) or tell him to stop wearing his (again, he'll ask why) but honestly I'm also unsure of what to do now. Maya's the only one who thinks us being best friends is a problem, even our families know we've always had a sibling relationship and not one that might change to romantic.
What are these acronyms?
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infamous-if · 8 months
Seb? Underrated? Nonsense!
My MC would give their life for him. Their career, their friends, music, you name it. They'd give anything up for a normal life with Seb and Maya. For a normal family and a home full of joy and love. Nothing else is worth more than this. Seb has them in a chokehold your honor.
Happy to see Sebastian is still #1 in some people’s hearts! I quite literally have not seen an ask about him since clearing out my inbox. (Maybe that’s just me missing some but 😭)
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mariemarieohcontrary · 4 months
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Choices MCs (Filipino Edition lol)
Finally drew four of my Choices MCs inspired by @cassiopeiacorvus and her wonderfully done OC compilations (how do you have the patience to draw all of em omg)
I'm thinking of doing the same for my Romance Club MCs too (background would be the purple of the homescreen there)
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source! 💗
Evangeline Marie G. (Guzman) Lakandula - Ah yes, my soft, anxious babie with self-worth issues. She comes from a messy background with a horrible father. She was close to her late (paternal) grandparents and had a very complicated relationship with her late mother. One of her relatives shes v close to is her older cousin, Ethan.
She's a college dropout thanks to her father's bad choices and worked the moment she had a chance to.
After her mother passed, that was it for Evangeline. She kinda needed to go away from her dad and his loud voice and other issues. So she left home and Ethan helped her out before he left for a business trip abroad.
He had her go to a house he owned in Laguna where she could live in provided she just do the cleaning in there. She found simple work that she was qualified for and that was her life for the next few years until a certain bachelor party came into her life.
Diwa Kalangitan M. (Masangga) del Rosario - My chaotic good and very protective MC who definitely rabbleroused in the school she works in.
She was raised in a household that follows some precolonial beliefs and traditions. She has a stepfather who's an albularyo and two half-siblings. One is studying in college, the other is still in high school. She has a close relationship to both her parents.
And she is rather happy with her job as a teacher in a private school. Sure she sometimes goes against curriculum to make sure the kids enjoy her lessons. She's a class advisor also so when she found out their math teacher humiliated one of her students, she confronted said teacher.
Her trip to America is really just a birthday trip until the events of the book started. In the end she ends up in a poly relationship with Nik and Cal. (She does end up pointing out to the boys that she'll have to go back to her work and family at least just to properly resign and find work near them and also to assure her family she's safe.)
Maya Chelidonia C. (Caacbay) dela Rosa - The local tired detective who had to move abroad for their own safety. Love them SM.
Maya is the child of Jaime dela Rosa, a cop in the Philippines who does not follow in corrupt practices and tries to do right by the community. He was killed after coincidentally seeing signs of corruption in the force and wanting to expose it.
After their father's death, Maya also followed in his footsteps. On their end, they wanted to try and do some good in their job but ended up experiencing some discrimination in the work force. Enter them finding the same evidence of corruption that their father found as well. This time they managed to expose the corruption but in the end, one of their few friends in the force warned them that they'll have to flee the country due to some v angry officials.
So they fled with their mother and younger sister.
Their sister became a fashion designer. Maya found work as a private detective and the two teamed up to be able to live a decent life. Their sister travels with their mom on fashion shows. They're fine living nearby their maternal uncle with their dog, Spudge. (He's a scaredy cat and a lil crybaby who doesn't like strangers and by that I mean he starts crying when the strangers notice him. It's not out of trauma, he just likes Maya and their fam more than anyone else and is v shy with others. He's also scared of the dark and loud noises.)
Inocencia Honorata G. (Galang) Valenciano - and finally, my love's embarrassing bby. My Rafael Aveiro romancer. Love her sm.
She and her mom, older brother and little sister ran away from their father when they were a kid. Her parents annulled their marriage after a few years.
Her older brother became the youngest lawyer in the country and had a firm in New York seek him out. This led to him helping Inocencia and her sister (who had skipped grades and managed to enter college the same year as Inocencia).
Inocencia is v non-competitive that she chose De La Salle University while her sister went to their grandfather’s alma mater, University of the Philippines. At college, Inocencia got dubbed as SiaSia because of the repeated -cia in her first name and surname.
The two got accepted into Edenbrook when they were gonna start. Inocencia being 27 and her sister being 25. By then, Inocencia still isn't competitive and didn't sign up for the competition for the diagnostics team but her little sister shoved her to try it out.
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writerfae · 16 days
Okay! Here's the promised ask! (Idk if I'll get to everyone's parents, so sorry for everyone who gets left out)
Now, I don't know if you meant writing for them before they had kids, so this will probably be a mix
Starting off with Ranva and Milan, of course! (Their's will probably be the longest because... yeah)
Milan seeing Ranva for the first time and he's jaw drops, because look at her!
I think hearing about the time when Milan helps Ranva get away from the fae realm would be really interesting (plus baby Henry 🥺)
Ranva having the exact opposite problem of Henry, as in he had to adjust to the fae realm and her to the human realm (the parallels of these two kill me every day)
I'm actually really interested in the time before Aiden was born (as in they're already in the human realm, but he's not born yet), because we never hear about it
(or rarely)
Fenna and Cyrus
Ngl I keep thinking about modern au them, because cute baker Fenna is top tear!
Also, that thing you mentioned about Fenna holding Cyrus after their son died
Also, them just bickering 🥺
Hela's parents
I don't think I know a lot about her dad (or if I do, I forgot again)
And her mom looking for her, and her being mischievous is adorable ❤️
Now... I know very, very little about Maya's mom... so... sorry❤️
And meanwhile I want to come up with something fluffly for my guys but I've got nothing...
But listen 👏 (I think I made a post like this actually, but I was listening to the song again, so:)
Bendegúz: The soldier
Ákos: The poet
Endre: The king
Adél: The one who's singing
(Yes, I love going on rants about songs and my ocs. When I go on a rant about an Odette song that will be... well, you know what she's like🤣 there'll be emotions( but her playlist is one of the best)
Also, can you imagine Endre holding up Ákos to your ocs lion king style 🤣
Thanks, that’s so nice of you ^^
My initial thought was to write fluff for them as couples (with no kids) but since I have no actual plans for this god knows when I’ll even get around to do this I’m open for everything!
Milan was completely star struck when he met Ranva. Ranva’s sister noticed it first and told her. They were both giggling like crazy stealing glances at him stealing glances at Ranva xD and at one point he gathered his courage and really formally introduced himself, with hand-kiss and all.
To be honest, Ranva’s sister, her teacher and her maid were the ones who had the most part in arranging her and Milan’s “escape”. More interesting is probably the time before that (their secret meetings, Ranva telling Milan about Henry and about wanting to leave with them) and after (Milan helping her adjust, helping her with Henry, refusing to hunt for people who talked bad about his wife).
The way Henry’s story is mirroring his mother’s (but reverse) is one of my favorite things about the two. Also how different yet similar their way of freedom looks like!
When Aiden was born, Ranva already spent six years in the human realm. In the time till his birth a lot of her adjusting and dealing with missing home happened. Her learning some customs she had to adopt. Her making friends with Holly. Her, Milan and Henry being a happy little family despite some sullen grumbles from other villagers.
I wouldn’t really know what to tell you about it though, if you don’t have specific questions…
Fenna is already adorable, but baker Fenna from the modern au is even more so! Her and young Cyrus meeting in France is so cute too. I like thinking about younger them lately, even in canon. Not that they’d play any role significant enough for me to think about them, but I do and I adore them xD
The thing is that Fenna loves Cyrus. She remembers the man he used to be and she still sees that man in him, deep down. She’s hoping to one day get him back out. He might never be the same like he was before they lost Thorin, but she holds on to him because she knows deep down he’s still a good man. Flawed, but good. And she loves and believes in him still, though she doesn’t approve of the way he handles his relationship to their kids.
Halea’s parents’ names are Arian and Sofia. They are actually least developed, so I can’t tell you much about them. Except for that Sofia is originally from the Oak court, where her mother was one of the queen’s ladies. And Arian is head of the House of Hummingbirds, who married her and took her to the Willow court with him.
It’s funny how you know little about Maya’s mother, yet she’s the first parent beside Milan and Ranva that actually got a backstory xD
Gwen is a witch. She and her family before her, like many witches, were follower of the old ways. Which is what you call people in the human world that still believe in the old religion (the goddesses, the existence of fae and magic…) and follow old customs.
She grew up living with her grandmother and mother in their little cottage by the forest. She learned the old ways and her craft from them. Now she couldn’t do real magic, since humans are incapable of it, but she knew old rituals and little “spells” and knew how to make potions and (lucky) charms and she knew lots about herbs.
She and Maya lived from what Gwen sold on the big market in their hometown. Things like wool, eggs and goat milk and woven baskets. Dried herbs, balms and medicine. But also charms, potions and other stuff for the more “superstitious” people. Ranva was one of her customers, too.
Gwen was never interested in marriage. But she did want a child. Which is why she wished for Maya!
Oh yeah I remember you mentioning that! I think it fits your characters very well (both the song and the positions you applied to them like who’s the king and who’s the poet…)
Music can be a very good way to get close to our characters! I like doing that a lot too!
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mytragedyperson · 6 months
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OK I'm sorry, I'm back with this same monologue again because the wording here. "found out I was gonna have a chance", not found out you liked me, no, not found out about Maya's feelings. He was gonna have a chance, as if he'd thought about it before, considered the possibility, but ultimately decided he didn't have a chance. And we do know from season 1, that he did consider it, from the conversation he had with Farkle about asking one of them out, where he asked Farkle about what he'd do if he asked each of them out. But that seemed more hypothetical, until now. He wanted a chance with her and never thought he'd get it, but he did... and he gave it up. Like, you can't tell me this man doesn't or didn't ever have feelings for Maya, that he only ever liked Riley, because the wording here suggests otherwise, and I feel like most people have accepted that, yes, Maya's feelings for Lucas were genuine and Maya turning into Riley was a cop out. I genuinely believe Maya and Lucas's characters would've ended up together eventually.
I feel like it's a shame Lucas didn't ask more questions when she told him he'd picked Riley either way, because season 1 or 2 Lucas would've shut that down and been like no that's absolute nonsense, you're you. Like the fact everyone just went along with that is insane. They made her feel bad for developing as a person and being happy and forced her to go back to how she was before. That's just sad. Could you imagine if anyone but Riley did this? I feel like Riley only got away with this because she's Riley. And to be clear I don't hate Riley, I don't think she had bad intentions here, but Riley has been shown to dislike change, and that could apply even if that change is good. I don't think Riley really considered how much of Maya's change came from the fact her home life, her personal situation had changed. Because Riley's always had a loving family and frineds that support and protect her, so she doesn't quite realise how much that would change for someone who never really had it. An the Matthews did try to treat Maya like one of the family, and while I do think Maya wanted to be part of the family, I don't think she ever truly believed she was. They were a family, but they weren't her family. And a lot of what Lucas said, if i remember that scene correctly, came from before she "became Riley" so no he didn't pick Riley either way. We'll never know who he picked by the end of that episode. But, either way, whoever he picked, he chose them because of who they were.
Also I genuinely feel like the season 1 and 2 versions of most of these characters would punch their season 3 versions in the face, but none more so than Riley who would never stand for anyone talking to her best friend the way Riley does in season 3. Even late season 2, not yet in a love triangle but clearly heading that way Riley would destroy season 3 "you became me" Riley. This season only really happens if everyone is put of character which they were
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snazzilystoopid · 9 months
Back with another Ninjago little sister AU....
Now it's time for Kai and Nya's turn! Hope you guys enjoy it, especially since its a little longer
Enjoy anyways!! <3
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Hua Smith-Jiang
Hua means "flower!"
(For timeline's sake, Nya was 3 years old at the time of Ray and Maya's disappearance, and Kai was 5.)
Hua was only a couple months old when Ray and Maya left
She was a very well-behaved baby, however, something that Kai is still grateful for to this day
Kai had a lot of trouble raising both of his little sisters all alone, both Hua and Nya feel guilty
Before meeting Master Wu, Hua loved playfighting with the wonky swords that Kai would make
After recovering the golden weapons, Wu offered to become her teacher, since her old school was too far away from the monastery
So Hua basically spent the better part of her years in the Ninja's care
She would always hang about with Nya while she was creating her samurai X suit
When Sensei Wu's academy was opened, she became a pupil there
She would always behave in Nya's lessons but never in Kai's, and that would really piss him off
While her siblings and the other ninja were away because of their missions, that was when Hua began to feel really lonely
She would sometimes sit staring at the wall for a whole day because she literally had nothing better to do
Around the time of Possesion (She's like 12 years old at this point) she started to feel jealous of Lloyd because Kai would always treat him as a little brother
So she and Kai constantly got into arguments, Nya having to break them up all the time
She had a much better relationship with Nya
Once Jay and Nya officially became a couple, Hua never left her big sister's side for the next 2 weeks in case Jay stole her away
During the Hands of Time, Hua was kept in the dark about A LOT and it was getting to the point where no one would even tell her what was actually happening
The ultimately led to the worst argument her and Kai had ever had, Kai swearing at her and calling her a bunch of names
She sobbed her heart out afterwards
When her parents returned and Wu had disappeared into the time stream, Hua immediately went to live with Ray and Maya
She started to feel lonely all over again and she was sad because she thought her brother didn't love her anymore :(
Even Lloyd visited once apologising for making her seem invisible, and he felt guilty for the way Hua was feeling
(She forgave him and they became besties ehe)
But on New Year's Eve (a few days before SoG begins) Nya and Kai paid a suprise visit and Hua isntantly jumped into Kai's arms and balled her eyes out
Kai only rolled his eyes and was like "Did you seriously miss me that much?!"
But in all seriousness he did apologise for all the hurtful things he said and then they were a happy family again hehe
Hua was on a solo trip to Ninjago City around the time Garmadon returned, bear in mind she had absolutely no clue what was happening
She was on the street below the Bounty when Garmadon crushed it and she thought Kai had died
The first thing she did was find Nya
They both cried together because they thought their big bro was gone forever and also because Nya had lost her two best friends + her bf
But in the end Kai was ok so they were all happy again <33
I hc that around this time Skylor and Kai officially started dating, though it was on and off
But Hua LOVED Skylor so she didn't mind
Nya, Skylor and Hua went on girl's day outs like every other week
She would stay with her parents for two weeks, then stay the monastery for 7 days, before going home again
Bc she gotta see her big bro and big sis ofcc
Lloyd + Kai + Hua + Nya= the ultimate sibling squad
Hua had never felt more hopeless than when Nya turned into the sea
Her whole family sobbed for days and Kai was hit the hardest
Some days when Kai was just curled up on the corner of the couch silently, Hua would crawl up next to him and hug him, then he'd just start crying his eyes out
So you can imagine how happy these two were when Nya came back in Crystalized
By the end of Crystalized, Hua is 15!
Hua does also make an appearance in Dragons Rising, she's usually found at the crossroads and hung out with Arin and Sora a lot, telling them stories about the ninja
Obviously they don't know that Kai and Nya are her siblings so they never tell the ninja, and at this point they don't actually know her wherabouts.
That is all for Hua's story! Moving on to more facts about her:
Hua was really glad that she wasn't born with an element, because she hated the idea of going on all of the missions her siblings had to go on
Zane and Pixal were basically Hua's second parents after season 8
While she was staying with the ninja, Zane sometimes would give her the answers for homework, and Pixal would take her out at times where Nya couldn't
Even after they made up just before SoG, Kai and Hua were always butting heads
She loves wearing beaded bracelets and bangles on both her wrists
Hua once walked in on Kai and Skylor making out, the poor girl was so flustered she turned around and ran straight into the door 😭
Skylor laughed it off but Kai was so embarrassed
Jay always treaded lightly around Hua, since she wasn't really keen on Nya having a bf
She thought Nya would forget about her, even though her big sis tries to convince her that she'd never ever do that
Since Ray and Maya basically weren't a part of her life at all before Hands of Time, Hua sat them both down and brought together all her favourite things like bracelets, photos, etc, and she told them essentially everything there was to know about her
Somehow is probably the best Prime Empire player in all of Ninjago, both Jay and Kai are pissed about it
That is all! Zane is probably going to be next!! ^^
When she was younger (seasons 1-4) she'd dress up in the ninja's old gis for fun
Since her hair was quite long, she used to let the ninja style it for her for fun. Cole once created this beautiful twin-braided hairstyle and now Hua wears it like that all the time.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Station 19 request:
A oneshot where Reader is a good friend of Maya, Carina, Vic, and most of all Andy, but does not work at the fire station. She comes to eat lunch with them whenever she is free from work and they notice that she got thinner. Maybe something angsty with death/illness/sickness? I just have this plot in mind and no ending so maybe you could do something with it. Just wanted to share it with you because your stories are wonderfully writing and always allowing me to dice into another world when life gets rough. Thank you for writing and sharing ❣️
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⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of cancer, throwing up and some swear words. These plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Summary: Life and death are two ends of the same rope. You can be dead while living your life or you can live while slowly fading away. You are fading away. Drowning because you have lung cancer. There is no putting it nicely. Every breath you take feeds your life a new chance, but also takes it away. Being diagnosed with cancer was a painful punch in the face and it did not help as you watched your family crumble apart under the weight of the news.
You stared at the stack of new documents on your lap, your body bolt upright in the seat of your car. You closed your eyes, sat back with a sigh and shook your head, tears slowly feeling their way to the surface. "Fuck!"
With the back of your hand, you wiped away the cold, wet sweat that had formed on your forehead and took a deep breath. You could not lose your composure now. A little too hectic, you widened your eyes again and stuffed the papers roughly into the glove compartment.
You did not want to see it anymore. You just did not want to know anything more about your condition. You did not want to deal with it anymore, not now when you were trying to have a nice lunch with your family after being unable to come for weeks.
Annoyed, you started the engine and drove out of the hospital parking lot. But you could not ignore and forget it that quickly what the doctor had told you based on the blood count and the subsequent tests: bronchial carcinoma.
But you did not understood it. You had never held a cigarette in your hand and always thought about your health. Every minute your thoughts wandered to the words of your doctor, hardly really concentrating on the road. It was a miracle when you parked your car near the driveway to the fire station safely.
The engine rumbled to a halt, unbuckled your seat belt and stared at your second home. Your heart sank in your chest at the thought of sharing the news with your family. You took a deep breath, followed by a cough and opened the door.
A fake smile crossed your lips as you stepped onto the threshold of the vehicle hall and looked around. Everyone was deeply engrossed in their work, chattering and laughing wildly. And you would completely destroy the happy atmosphere in a few minutes.
"Y/n!" you heard someone yell surprised and your gaze shifted in that direction. You discovered Vic, who came towards you beaming with joy and a big grin. "What are you doing here?"
On one hand, you would love to let her pull you into a strong, comforting and warm hug. On the other hand, you just wanted to hide away and be alone. Not talk about it with anyone, especially those whose hearts you would break.
They would give you hell if they would find out you have knows for months.
"I wanted to surprise you with homemade and delicious stuffed chicken fillets in rosemary sauce," you explained, earning cheers from the entire crew who had overheard your conversation.
A moment later you found yourself squeezed between Vic, Ben, Jack and Dean in an embrace and your body intuitively responded to this warmth and protection. You really had to pull yourself together not to grab onto the woman in front of you and collapse into her.
Even when your friends broke away from you, you were still stuck in a void. Only a door that opened and closed somewhere far away made you become a woman over your body again.
"Look at this," while Dean gently pulled your car keys out of your hands and set off with Gibson to get the food from your car, a blonde trotted towards you with Carina by her side. Her gaze was hard, her iron blue eyes pierced you before her facial expressions softened and a smile crept onto her lips. "The lost Y/n L/n has returned."
"Come here, principessa," the brunette added with a laugh to her wife´s comment and happily hugged you. You started losing yourself again, this time in the lovely, elegant and timeless perfume of the OB/GYN. "We have not seen you for weeks!"
Maya, who was standing nearby, inspected you and raised her eyebrow suspiciously. "Have you lost weight? You have gotten thin, practically disappearing," the blonde said simply, the words just gushing out of her.
"Just been extremely stressed lately," you sidestepped her, which was not even a lie. You have been stressed between hospitals, bad news and decisions. You looked at Maya intently, swallowed audibly, letting her frown without dwelling on it further.
During the time you stood there between your friends, trying to be happy, reality blurred before your eyes and you imagines how separate parties would mourn you.
Andy, you knew that for sure, would have the most trouble with it. After the deaths of her father and Ryan in such a short time, she would be completely devastated with your loss of life. She would run through fires aggressively and completely wrecked for a time, with no qualms about losing her own life. She already lost everything she ever cared for.
Made of steel, the gold medalist would look tough on the outside but would break down on the inside and hide it from everyone else. Even though you did not get along at first and she saw you as a competition, you won her love by showing friendship, softness and kindness towards her. She was incredibly fond of you.
Victoria would walk around happily after a short time of your death, even telling strangers stories and experiences from your time together outside of work for just remembering you, before the moment comes when she suddenly realizes the reality of you not being here anymore.
Carina, who brought you into the Station19 family in the first place, would grieve just as much as she did for Andrew. Starving for days, her appetite disappearing while being depressed and unable to express her emotions.
"Y/n, are you really okay? You look really pale," the Italian hooked and you felt her hand on your shoulder, shaking you slightly. You just nodded, tried to smile genuinely while you saw the intrusive look Maya gave you, which was literally crushing you from the inside. "Sorry, what did you say?"
"It is time for a delicious lunch. Come on, honey."
As you walked down the long and seemingly endless hallway, your only thoughts revolved around the forthcoming conversation with your friends. It was not going to be easy and you knew tears would flow, albeit your own.
"I need to tell you something," you started the final and most important conversation. Big eyes stared up from their full plates and judging by your look, all smiles from their lips and happiness in their eyes disappeared. Their facial expressions matched your confused, stunned and sad one.
"Uh oh.. let me guess, you are pregnant!" came from Jack and you bit your lip hard, his jokes not getting through to you.
"I am sick," your gaze frantically wandered around the room and you felt your heartbeat quicken. Your hands started to tremble and with difficulty, you were able to cling to the wooden table you stood at. Your vision blacked out for a little moment, the quick jump-up a little too much for your battered body.
Shock settled onto the silenced room and Jack looked down, embarrassed and remorseful at his stupid comment.
"What do you mean by that, preciosa?" exclaimed Andy. Her voice suddenly sounded thin and not at all like her own. Fear reflected in her eyes. She was afraid of what kind of information awaited her. She swallowed hard and briefly closed her eyes while the words you said swirled around in her head.
Seconds passed with everyone sitting across from each other in silence. "Answer me, please!" Actually, the Spaniard did not want to hear the answer at all, the fear over-weighing her but she had to know. "I was diagnosed with cancer," was your simple reply.
All noises died down and the expression on your friend´s faces showed sheer shock. Andy felt herself getting sick and made it to a trash can just in time before she emptied her stomach contents. You slowly walked up to her, gently starting to stroke her back.
"Tell us that´s not true!" Salty tears ran uncontrollably down Victoria´s cheeks and you looked at her with sad eyes before she jumped up and threw herself into your arms, clinging tightly to you from behind.
"Chances of recovery?" Maya asked, dropping into her chair. Her voice sounded broken. You could tell from the vibration in her voice that she was trying to stay strong and swallow her tears. She was a wreck, more shell than a person in this given moment.
"Please do not worry so much," you whispered almost inaudibly, earning serious and angry looks that sent shivers down your spine before Maya laughed bitterly. "Y/n, how do you picture that? You are our family!"
"What are your chances of recovery?" Andy meanwhile had stood up from her garbage bin to look you in the eyes. Her eyes were glassy, her pupils wide open. She was in visible shock. You gave up, tears falling unhindered down your face, which you tried to catch with your sweater sleeve. "Almost none.."
"Oh god," she hastily pulled the trash bin back towards her and vomited again. Her head was spinning and she felt like she might faint at any moment. Again, you rubbed her back soothingly, like you always did when she was feeling bad.
But what would happen if at some point you could not do it anymore? If you.. if..
Andy swallowed hard. She could not finish that sentence and the idea that there would soon be a world where you were not there for her whenever she needed you the most. You were her best friend. Her lifeline. Her better half.
"Despite the slim chance I will make it, trust me. You will not get rid of me that easily,"
"Y/n.." Victoria whispered in your ear and pulled you closer. Upset, she cried like she had never cried in her life. She leaned further over you and placing lots of small kisses on your beautiful hair.
"We trust you, bella," Carina forced out through sobs, her first words since your statement. She was in shock too, even though she had seen it more than enough times in the hospital. But hearing about it in her circle, in her family, broke her heart. "But not this illness."
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Joining Station 19 and dating Andrea Herrera (female!reader) please?
Joining Station 19 and dating Andrea Herrera hc
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Andy Herrera
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When you joined Station 19, Andy was fresh out of her divorce with Sulivan.
You befriend yourself quickly with Travis and Maya. Who were also queer and sadly to you the only ones. Cause you may or may not found Andy incredible hot. But Maya broke your fantasy of dating this Woman, who is and I may quote super Straight.
So you tried to put the aadmiration you have to this woman beside. But just wouldn't leave your side. Andy wanted to be your friend and not just any she wanted to be close to you. But didn't even know why and it confussed you.
One thing Andy didn't want, was falling in love that fast again. But shit happens.
And this was more confussion than any other crush she had, who ended up to be boys.
She got this butterflies like when she crushed on a boy when you touched her arm unintentionally. Or when you smile to her. Once she wondered what it feels like to kiss a girl or better kissing you. As she couldn't hold it any longer for herself, so she talked with Maya about this. The blonde freacked completely out.
But Andy was not the only who felt this way. You also got little crush on her. It was the typical queer woman falls for straight woman thrope. So told your frustration to Carina, who also happened to be a close friend of your.
So with both Maya and Carina knowing you have a crush on each other, they played wingwomen. Both tried the other to build up the courage to ask the other out.
But nothing happened. You just couldn't believe that straight Andy isn't straight. So kept it all to yourself.
Your relationship started on a night shift. Both of you laid on top the truck the one where tey always lay on when something happened just don't know the name anymore
You both looked at each other, starring into each others eyes with glanced to the lips. This was the first time Andy felt confident about herself and sexuality, she doesn't wanna label.
So she was the first to lean in. You followed.
Your lips touched each other and started to move. The moment you realized what's happening you stopped the kiss and apologized and ran away. Andy right behind you.
"Look I'm so sorry for that. I know your Straight and-" She kissed you again.
This was just the start of a beautiful relationship.
You both went slowly with your relationship. The opposite of what Andy is usualy used too. Maya was confussed how the 'I fell fast and everything in my relationship goes fast' latina to 'let's starts slowly with everything'. It was your idea to go slowly. First of all it's your type of starting a relationship and it was Andys first relationship with a woman.
You helped Andy to find herself and to come out to her friends, family and the Station. Everyone was shocked but didn't make it a big deal. Sulivan was also there and her and you the best luck
Since this is her first relationship with a woman she's a little scared to do something wrong. But she quickly realized that there's nothing different.
You're getting invited to her families weekly park afternoon.
She's telling you about her family drama, the death of her bestfriend and father. When you first heard that, you didn't know what to say but just hug her.
When anything is in her life she goes to you and visca versa
She helps you with your insecurities
Going to Joes after day shifts alone or with the team.
Babysitting Pru together and putting her against Miller and Hughes
Since Andy lives with Maya and Carina and they time alone need, since they are married, Andy asked you if she could move in with you. Of course you said yes. You were happy that you both make the next step.
You always wanted to speak Spanish because it sounds sexy as fuck, so you found a teacher in Andy. Who needs a lot of patience.
She is always worried about you when you both are not in the same team. And asked Maya always to put you into the same team. Something she can do everytime, so still has to worry when your out.
You both would run into a building of fire for each other and fight everyone who gets in their way.
She fell fast, again. But this shouldn't end like her last relationship. She married to soon. She loved him but it looks like it was not enough. So she got a little scared. But you prove her everytime she doesn't need to be scared.
This relationship is perfect. The perfect dream she deserves. And she definitive wants to marry you in a few years. With no rush. Just pure love. And time.
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intocleanness · 10 months
kill six billion demons brainvomit: the sequel nobody wanted, everyone groans at my bullshit
lets talk about her for a minute. not like you can stop me.
Maya’s like Solomon David, she’s learned the folly of Sword Law the hard way on a smaller scale but the fact remains: she had everything and then she lost everything. Her entire life, she chased power. When she was a child she came to Meti, begging her for strength. Time and time again Meti denied her. She grew, the war of the demiurges erupted, she got the training she wanted alongside the street urchin-turned-swordsman Incubus. She became a god of the fractured world and returned to her master in all her splendor and glory.
And Meti destroyed her with a single fucking question: “Suppose you win, what then?”
This is where the paths of Solomon David and Maya diverge. Maya realized she had no answer for that, what would happen after there was no more recourse by violence. What do you do when Sword Law is no longer necessary?
She took Meti’s advice: she laid down her swords as ugly pieces of metal for idiots and built a house, learned the herbs of the forest and the taming of animals. She raised a family and was happy for a time. She learned the correct lessons.
And now we must turn to look at Incubus. Because we cannot talk about Maya without talking about Incubus. I apologize but it simply must be done.
The first word I think of when I think of Incubus is “desperate.” He needs above all else to be validated in any way whatsoever, friend or foe. He tells Allison “You need this” like some creepy dream stalker and Maya is only still alive out of hatred for him. It makes sense though, the first we see of him, he’s a feral street orphan that hears Meti and Maya and without hesitation carves his scalp to the bone with a rusty sword. Incubus fundamentally needs to be important to somebody, anybody, in any fashion. Present him with a rat, say “kill it,” and he’ll chop it in half without hesitation. He will do anything to be more than nothing.
He and Maya seem to have a good relationship right up to the moment she decided to actually listen to Meti and cast off the trappings of godhood in favor of leading a normal life. At which point Incubus thought “you can’t discard me. I need to matter. I won’t be discarded!”
And then he murdered her family and ripped the syllables of God out of her head. Then he tried ten times to decapitate her and failed.
Here is where I wind back around to talking about Maya. I don’t have a specific word to describe Maya, but gun to my head? “Hate.” Maya hates Incubus so much she has lived for thousands of years. Maya hates so hard, she can not so much cut as hate you in half. The fundamental principal of her technique, the Maybe Sword, is that the wielder can simply will something to be cut, But as she says, its foundation is in anger and grief, so it is a terrible thing to wield.
Can it kill a god? Maybe.
Maya regrets that she has this knowledge and wishes she was a simple noodle seller, just like Meti told her all those years ago. Incubus? guy sucks wish i didnt have to talk so much about the fucking stinkboy. hes an extraordinarily poor swordsman
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 months
Omg I'm the anon who came up with the ex-delinquent Damian and yr new fic is WOW!! ^×^ I loved it sm!! loved the friendships Damian has now bc honestly he deserves it and it's canon that he has more friends than Jon 😭😭 now we gotta add Kathy for Jon/lh also the brotherisms of kon and Jon... Hes so in the principals office talking shit to Clark and Lois on the family gc(that does or doesn't include Jon,whichever is funnier)
Another fun idea but u totally don't have to include is Damian going to a rave/party with his friends,decked out in rave or punk fashion,not knowing Jon is ALSO THERE (Jon is convinced he's hallucinating until kathy or someone else throws a drink at him) - Damian and his friends are there rocking out till like 4 am,Jon for once doesn't confront Damian but takes pics/vids "for evidence" (blackmail/looking at yr crush being cool like a weirdo lol) Damian shows up to school completely functional with his partners in crime Colin and Maya who maybe threw themselves into the pit;; Jon is astounded and maybe a little infatuated.. at this point I'm gonna make a fanfic out of yr fanfic 😭😭
Again love yr fic feel free to not use any of these btw!! Can't wait to see what you do with yr fic no matter what route you go!! :po happy writing!!!
IM DEF BRINGING IN KATHY AT SOME POINTTTTTTTTT i might reuse ocs from some other fics bc jon doesn’t have a lot of people???
Dude i love that idea I would be absolute shit at writing it tho LMFAO I’ll probably give it a shot sometime regardless probably in more of like a college setting then high school BUT LIKE JONS R E A C T I O N CAN YOU IMAGINE
Damian’s absolutely pristine and energized but secretly dying inside and then Colin with horrendous bedhead and eye bags next to him bitching about a headache LMFAOOOOO let’s be real maya would just be maya she could totally handle it
Making fanfic out of fanfic and someone will make a fanfic of your fanfic and they’ll be fanfic of fanfic of fanfic
Tysm for sharing ur ideas :D
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h0ney-fiction · 1 month
Synopsis: Stephon (Swerve) Strickland's childhood best friend's baby sister has a birthday party...
Word Count: 2,166.
A/N: *fans self* I guess something about Swerve brings out my nasty lol. I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it! Written to the same song by Tyla.
Ratings/Warnings: Grown. Alcohol Use. Devil's Lettuce Use. Unprotected Sex.
“Happy birthday!”
The room burst with cheers as I walked through the door of my older brother’s house. I was dressed in a mid-length cowl cocktail dress under the impression my brother was taking me out to dinner with my family. Instead, I see my family and all of our closest friends gathered in his living room which has been fully decorated in my favorite color for my birthday. There was even an arch of balloons that led to his backyard. 
“You didn’t think we were gonna let you turn 29 and not celebrate, did you?” My brother, Shawn, teased. I punched his arm playfully.
“29 is such a boring age. The real party is 30,” I retorted.
“Not in this family, every year is a party!” My mom interjected from the crowd causing everyone to laugh. 
The party quickly got into swing as friends old and new mingled. Through the crowd, I saw my brother’s childhood best friend, Stephon, come towards me.
“Stephie!” I cried.
He smiles, “I have not heard you say that in forever.” 
I blushed. “It hasn’t been that long since the last time I saw you.”
He raised his eyebrows, I could see him do the mental math.
“There was your grandmother’s funeral…” he started
“Then the family reunion. You and Shawn were too busy trying to flirt with these girls on vacation.”
“Hey! In my defense, your brother did marry one of them.” He put his hands up defensively. 
“And that was what? A year ago? It sounds like we see each other all the time.”
“Yeah,” He started, his eyes focusing in on me. I couldn’t help but heat up underneath his gaze. He opened his mouth to say more but my brother’s wife, Angie, walked toward us.
“What are you guys doing?” She said, her tone teasing.
I blushed, and Stephon backed away. It wasn’t until Angie’s presence I realized how close our bodies were to each other. 
“Nothing!”‌ I said quickly, not helping the situation. 
“We were just calculating the last time we had a conversation with each other,” Stephon rolled over my awkwardness. 
Angie raised her eyebrows. “Well you two love birds don’t take too long, there is a whole party here!” She said before walking away to the food table.
My face was beet-red as Stephon laughed. 
“I’m gonna go…” I trailed off, walking aimlessly to the backyard.
“Cam?…Camila!” I could hear him call after me but I slipped through the door and had a conversation with the first person who made eye contact with me. 
I avoided Stephon for the rest of the party. I could feel his eyes throughout the night as I skated through conversations, ate food, or made a drink pretending he wasn’t watching me. 
It was a little after midnight the party started to die down and it was only my brother, his wife, and Stephon left. We were all sitting outside on their back porch, stargazing. 
“You’re wasted, babe,” Angie teased my brother.
“That is the last time I trust Aunt Maya with the house punch,” my brother hiccuped.
“She overdoes it every time, don’t you remember Thanksgiving of 2015? Everyone was wasted before the turkey,” I laughed causing Stephon to join me.
“I remember that! I came for dessert and everyone was throwing up or asleep,” He added. 
“You’re sober, Steph. Why don’t you take the birthday girl home?” Angie smiled.
She knew what she was doing, but Steph obliged in being naive.
He took the hint to go and got up from the porch. 
“Your chariot awaits, madam,” He teased putting out his hand to me.
I rolled my eyes and took it, letting him pull me up. I lost my balance, causing him to pull me to him, holding my shoulders. 
“Woah!” I said, catching my balance. I looked up at Stephon and began to feel the warmth I felt earlier that night. 
“Let’s take you home,” he mumbled.
“Yeah,” I agreed.
The walk to his car was quiet. He opened the door for me and strapped the seatbelt.
“You don’t have to,” I argued.
“I want to,” He replied before checking my dress wasn’t hanging over before closing the door. 
“Do you still live in Glenmont?” He asked, pulling up his phone’s GPS.
I nodded. 
He turned on the radio and a Tyla song began to fill the air.
“I love this song!” I shouted, realizing how much alcohol I consumed that evening. 
He smiled and left the station as it was before driving off. It was a hot night so he let his windows down and opened up his sunroof. I loved the night sky so I took the view from his sunroof in. 
“Is this a new car?” I asked.
He nodded. “I’m working with a good promotion now. Things are steady.”
I understood and let the song finish and a new one filled the air. Stephon and Shawn met each other in the first grade. He’s been in my life longer than the years without. When I was a teenager I used to have a massive crush on him but he enlisted and didn’t give me the time of day beyond being Shawn’s baby sister. I stuffed those feelings in me for over a decade.
Could there really be a chance? 
Stephon took the exit off the highway and began to approach the quiet street where my house resided. As he parked in front of my place, he took the keys out of the ignition. 
“I have a birthday present for you that I didn’t want to give you in front of your family,” he started.
“Oh? And what is it?” I inquired.
“Open the glove box.” He smiled.
I opened the glovebox and found a rectangular box wrapped in gold paper. I unraveled it to reveal a pack of gold-foiled pre-rolled joints. I squealed at the sight.
“How did you know I had my eyes on these wrappers?”
“You should be more careful about what you like on Twitter.”
“Who checks other people’s Twitter likes?” I tease. 
"People who care for you do," he shrugged.
He took the pack from my hands, opening and taking one out. He takes the lighter from the compartment and lights it for me, passing it over.
I take it and inhale deeply, feeling the effects instantly.
I exhaled. The night air felt sticky from the humidity.
I take another puff.
He watches me intently.
I feel like a teenager again.
"What if I told you that I liked you and have liked you since I was 15?"
He looks at me surprised.  "I didn't know that."
"You never paid attention. Even when you left for the military. I used to bug my mom to send you a care package under the guise it was from all of us."
I pass the joint over. He takes it and smokes it.
"You're drunk, Cam."
"Not that drunk, Stephie," I mocked, taking the joint back.
"What would happen if I told you that I liked you?" he asked
"Then I'd say you're full of shit," I took a hit.
"Well I like you, Camila," He said.
I could hear the honesty in his voice.
"Stephie," I started.
"Cam," He mocked.
He took the joint.
I watch him take a drag. I take a second to think, the high hitting me harder than I expected.
"Okay, then why didn't you make a move on me back in the day?"
"You're Shawn's sister. I've seen a side of him you haven't. I never wanted to be on the receiving end of his fists."
I rolled my eyes, "Shawn loves you. He'd understand."
"You're also 4 years younger than me."
"You just turned 15 when I left for basic training. It wasn't right."
"So you're telling me that if I was older, you would've made a move?"
He put out the joint.
"Well, I'm 29 now," I declared.
"You are."
"You tell me."
He leans into me and presses his lips against mine, gently. I returned the kiss, the effects of the joint mixing with the alcohol made everything more sensitive. I felt myself moan against him as I let him open my mouth with his tongue.
We parted for a brief moment.
"Let's go inside."
I guided him to my bedroom. We slowly took each other's clothes off, kissing and licking each inch of skin we exposed.
I let my hands caress his face and ran my hands through his locs. They were up in a ponytail, but he took off the elastic to let them hang down. When we were fully naked, I got down on my knees and kissed his happy trail and thighs before taking him in my mouth. He took his head back and moaned my name. I rolled my tongue around him as he took a clump of my hair into his hand.
"Who taught you this?" he teased.
"I've had practice" I smirked, before returning to the task at hand.
I took as much of him in as I could before gagging, causing him to let out a deep moan. He pulled me away from him and brought me back up, pushing me onto my bed. He spread open my legs and began to teasingly kiss my toes. He was deliberately slow kissing upwards to my thighs, hips, and up to my breast where his tongue began to suckle and play with. His hands finally found my sweetness. He let his thumb and middle finger find my bud as his other fingers massaged my folds.
I moaned loudly.
"Shhh, don't wake up the neighbors," he teased before continuing his assault on my breast.
When his finger finally entered me, I arched my back at the sensation. I couldn't contain my moans as his finger curled in me and his thumb pressed hard on my bud.
"Shhh," he reminded me before switching his attention to my other breast.
When his tongue met my nipple, it sent a shockwave down my body and into my core.
"Stephie, I need you," I whispered.
"Not yet," he replied.
His finger quickened its pace and another digit entered me. I cried out in pleasure, not caring about the neighbors anymore.
"Fuck," I whimpered.
He released himself from my nipple, leaning over my pussy. He began to eat me out. My legs were shaking in an instant. He took his free hand and pushed down on my stomach.
"Stephonnn," I whined.
I could feel myself coming close. I couldn't form a sentence, instead, my moans increased in pitch.
He pulled his face away and let his thumb continue the assault on my bud. He suspended me right at the edge, waiting.
"Stephie, pleaseee," I begged.
He smiled before taking my bud into his mouth, sucking and rolling his tongue one last time before pulling away.
I moaned, being so close yet so far from orgasm.
"Do you have a condom?"
"I have an IUD," I replied.
"Birth control, huh?" He teased, entering me.
I was moaning before I could think of a quick enough retort. He was stretching me out in the best way.
"Fuck, Stephie," I cried.
"Cam," he groaned.
He continued to push deeper into me, causing me to roll my eyes and arch my back. I wasn't going to last long from all of the teasing.
"Stephie, Stephie, Stephie," I panted in his ear as he fucked me.
"Come, baby," he said.
That was the only thing I needed as my orgasm came over me, hard. He thrusted harder, riding it out and talking me through it.
"You're doing so good, baby."
"Fucking beautiful,"
"I love how your pussy is gripping me,"
My body was twitching as he continued to fuck me through my orgasm, not letting up.
"Don't stop," I begged.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned.
"Please," I said, feeling another orgasm creeping.
"That's right, cum for me, baby."
His command made me lose it as a second, even stronger, orgasm washed over me.
"You're taking me so well," he encouraged.
I couldn't stop the string of curse words that were escaping me.
"I'm so fucking close," He groaned.
He grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back, kissing me. It was sloppy and desperate.
"Fuck, Cam, you feel so fucking good."
"Cum in me, Stephie."
That was the final straw. With a few more thrusts he released inside of me. His moans were deep, almost a growl.
He slowly rode out his orgasm before pulling out.
"You're amazing," He mumbled, kissing my forehead before leaving the room.
I couldn't reply. I was spent. He returned with a warm washcloth and cleaned me up, then himself. He pulled the covers over us and cuddled me, holding me against his chest.
"Happy Birthday, Cam," He mumbled, falling asleep.
"Thank you, Stephie," I said, before falling asleep.
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neteyammeowmeow · 4 months
HII kai headcanons if you have any??? i’d love to hear what u think about him
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I headcanon Kai to be Japanese, Malay/Indo (Maya is Japanese/Indo, but Ray is Malay). He looks more Indo-Malay though, Nya's the one that takes more of her mom's genes.
He has BLUE eyes, a contrast to his sister, who has red. No further reason whatsoever to this, just a funny design detail. Another I'd like to bring up is that I actually believe that he'd have short, tied up hair! I don't see him with his canon version, but I'd get to drawing that one day.
This kind of, diverges from canon, but I believe that Nya was kind of the more outgoing sibling compared to Kai. He was always focused as a child, and he wanted to be trustable and determined, he also wishes to keep going and be strong for his little sister - who was unfortunately clumsy, but she always seemed to wander around places. Once they grew up, they became the vice versa of who they were, as Kai gradually felt like he was able to become more laidback with his friends, and family, it was Nya's turn to push herself to face the world.
Um... A bit of a sudden transition, but his favorite food is specifically seafood fried rice, but the funny part is that he actually can't handle spicy food that well (completely ironic due to his SEAsian side)... Jay made fun of him one time like, "Why would you go around saying you're the master of fire, but you can't even take hot stuff?"
Kai's habit is that he likes to snap his fingers and spark fire, he does this when he's bored or subconciously. There's something satisfying with being able to do it.
His body temperature is warmer than the average, this becomes even more prevalent when he's stressed, or angry. Though when he's excited, he also gets the same reaction. But in general, it's always been odd, and it becomes an unfortunate cause when he's sick, because the Ninja find it difficult whether to differentiate if it's just him, or he actually has a fever. But on winter days, everyone just snuggles around him because he's just that warm.
Kai's hands are scorched and burnt, but they are old scars due to his clumsiness when he was still trying to master his element. His hands are also littered with scars due to his experiences blacksmithing.
I actually, REALLY love the fact that Kai blacksmiths, it's something that's barely brought up. I reckon if he were to visit weapon shops or equipments, he'd start judging them off the bat.
Actually, there should he more emphasis on the fact that Kai blacksmiths, he has so much knowledge upon tools and weapons... He must definitely take part in the creation of most of the Ninja's weapons, and maybe he also helps Pixal as she builds certain weaponry too, despite the fact that he knows, she probably knows many things already. Likewise, Pixal is always happy to hear Kai's pieces of knowledge, whether Kai knows it or not, his experiences are naturally not "accessible information" she can just find anywhere, listening to him talk about his trials and errors- they are priceless.
He's a weapon collector too! After a mission is finished, sometimes he'd bring himself a souvenir or two (obviously, they're weapons). He likes to study blades, or the things his foes have used, and he tries to understand their works to be able to improve his own. He doesn't hoard them, but there are times where he finds out he's out of storage to store his findings, so he just piles them up, but he doesn't leave them unorganized for too long because he knows it'll affect the quality.
Have I mentioned that I personally think Kai has adhd, like both him and Nya. In a way. Yeah.
AND... Since u know Neteyammeowmeow habits... Deepseaenergy mentioned! When Benthomaar wanted to ask for blessings from Lloyd's family, the ones he first approached aside from Misako- were Nya and Kai, who were both startled by his actions. Benthomaar brought up how it was Lloyd's words that made him believe they were a genuine part of his family- Benthomaar said that, he understood the significance of how important it truly was to have a sense of belonging, and acceptance, though the start was a rocky journey. There was so much more, but of course at the end of his words, it was unforgettable to remember the confusion upon Benthomaar's expression amidst Nya's amusement, as she comforted an incredibly touched Kai.
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