#McLaren catalogue
wanderingblindly · 3 months
Could I request a snippet of WAG Fest AU? Please and thank you ☺️
of course you may!! I unfortunately withdrew from the WAG Fest @f1wagaufest due to health issues, but!! I hope to finish it one of these days! And definitely make sure to check out the fics when they go live, it's gonna be banger after fucking BANGER
The general concept is Actor!Lando x F1!Oscar, with the underlying plot of like... fake dating as a means to clean up their bad-but-in-different-ways public image.
Lengthy snip below, sorry about that :)
"Can smell you from here," Oscar says when Lando moves to his mark, standing next to the gorgeous McLaren Senna in the pitlane. Well, gorgeous is a word for it; Lando takes in the vibrant orange, somehow still reflecting neon despite the cloud cover. Bit heinous if you ask him, but clearly no one in McLaren's entire marketing and design department agreed.
"Dior Sauvage," Lando replies, plastering on his media smile and looking over at Oscar with just the right amount of playful crinkle in his nose. "Among other things. Hard to pick just one, y'know?"
Oscar's eyes trace up his body slowly, as if he's cataloguing every thing he can pick apart. "I was gonna say Jägermeister."
The word almost makes Lando gag, visceral and nostalgic. Memories of aniseed and cough medicine burn his nose, stab his brain. "Oh fuck off," He scoffs, blasé. "Think that's all I can afford?"
The photographer's flitting around them, capturing some candid promo shots before they move on. Lando takes care to keep his face pleasant, to keep the acidity in his esophagus away from the end-result.
"Don't have high hopes for your…" He trails off, moving to place his hand on the car – changing his underwhelming pose for the camera. Lando follows suit, leaning against the side casually, arms crossed and head tilted.
"My what?"
Oscar seems to change the subject. Lando can't find any trace of the last sentence on his face, in his posture. Hard to read. "Better not get sick in this thing."
He hardly resists rolling his eyes, instead choosing to look directly at the camera with a sunny smile – excited. "I'm a professional actor, man, I'll be fine."
"You can call yourself an actor all you want, yeah." Oscar stands up, straightening his race suit collar with practiced hands. Nimble fingers, not shaking. Confident. Their eyes meet, almost challenging. "But professional's a bit of a stretch."
(original post)
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
For the Hell of It - Anniversary
Tumblr media
Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: G, no warnings.
Word count: 1,800
Summary: After two years together, Jason takes her out somewhere special for their anniversary.
It was mid morning when Jason called. 
That was deeply unusual, this month especially. He had been so busy lately she barely saw him except for the days she got up and found him dead to the world on the other side of her bed.
Idly cataloguing the possible reasons for the call, Andy turned down the radio and stepped away from her laptop.
A serious injury? Unlikely, that call typically came from Alfred and would have happened three hours ago. Location compromised, maybe? Pretty good chance, although it wasn’t usually a call but an emergency alert telling her to get her ass out the door. Maybe he was loopy on fear-toxin antidote again and needed to hear she was still alive. 
Most likely situation was Jason calling to tell her he was leaving the country, or the planet, or possibly the universe. Given the timing, it would be… well. Not crushing, but disappointing. 
Two years into this relationship, she knew better than to get too precious about calendar dates. 
“Hello?” she said with a jaunty tilt of her head. No pre-emptive sulking, she refused. 
“Hey beautiful,” Jason’s voice came through the little speaker. It was warm and low. “I’ve missed your voice.”
Her eyebrows rose and relief lit up her face. “Did you just? I’ve got a presentation tomorrow that needs some rehearsing, want to listen to my dulcet tones talk about community support funding?”
He laughed. “I would actually, but I’d rather hear the whole story from the beginning. Are you free this saturday?”
“Hmm, am I free this saturday?” she drawled. “On our anniversary?”
“Yup, that saturday.”
“Why, yes, baby, I think I am. Why do you ask?”
“You’re not free anymore. I’m calling dibs.” 
“Oh?” She dared to feel not just relief but anticipation. 
“8pm. I’ll come get you.” 
“Alright. How am I dressing? Steel capped boots? Running shoes? Ballet flats?” She had learned the vital importance of this question since going out with him. Jason’s plans were best faced prepared. 
“Heels,” he said, and she could hear the smirk in his voice. “Wear that slinky red number you hide at the back of the closet.”
She paused. Of course he’d seen it. “I’ve… never actually worn that before.”
“What did you get it for then?” he asked, teasing. 
“Oh, you know. Maybe I’ll get invited to the Oscars.”
He laughed, low and promising. “I’ll make you feel like you did.”
She bit her lip. She was grinning like an idiot, alone in her own apartment. Two years in and she could still melt her with a word. 
“I’ll see you Saturday, sweetheart.” 
They hung up and she drifted to her closet, eyeing up the dress. 
He couldn’t make their first anniversary. The planet was under an invasion while Bruce was off-world dealing with some other, separate invasion, so Jason and Dick split up cowl temping duties. Dick went to go play Batman with the Justice League and Jason stayed to play Batman in Gotham. 
He was more than capable of it and the average criminal didn’t even realise there was a different guy under the cowl. They just thought Batman was feeling extra mean this month. But it more than doubled his workload.
It didn’t blindside her. They were both disappointed but didn’t make a fuss, they had a system in place for these things. Both made compromises and extended grace to the other, and their relationship was stronger for it.
All the same, when Saturday night rolled around and she heard the purr of a car rolling up outside, excitement fizzed in her chest like bubbles in champagne.
She put on her finishing touches and went out to meet him. 
Jason waited for her in a perfectly tailored black suit. He didn’t fancy himself up very often, or ever, in fact. Having him dressed up was more of a luxury than the McLaren sports car he was leaning against. 
She drank in the sight of him. He looked like he could put Brucie Wayne to shame. The smirk on his face completed the ensemble.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said. 
She wore her floor length evening dress, with a halter neck and the most indulgent plunging neckline she had ever worn, to say nothing of the split in the skirt. It was also bright red. She felt a little shy in it, but it wasn’t a dress for hiding in. She had towering black stilettos on her feet and a lazy swing in her hips. She wanted him to look his fill. 
His eyes roamed over her with open appreciation. They were shortly followed by his hands, settling on her hips. He pulled her to him.
How was he still so much taller than her? 
He kissed her, slow and deep and hungry. She leaned into him. He luxuriated in her. 
Her night was off to a wonderful start. 
Once they could bring themselves to part, he helped her into the car, and drove them off into the night. She put her hand on his thigh. He interlocked his fingers with hers and drove one handed. Gotham’s lights flashed by as they left their native little corner of the city behind. They wound through the Diamond District. 
They slowed to a stop in the courtyard of a softly glowing restaurant. There was a cellist playing in the foyer. She recognised the name in a looping font over the door. She’d read it on some list of world best’s. 
“You did not get a booking here on Wednesday. Did you?” 
“I booked a year ago.” He shrugged. “I wasn’t going to miss it twice.” 
She squeezed his hand. A ‘thank you’ wouldn’t encapsulate just how much it meant to her. She knew the case he was working on wasn't wrapped up yet. He lifted her hand and kissed her palm. 
She looked out the window at the people getting out of cars ahead of them. Doubt niggled at the back of her head.
“I may not actually be fancy enough for these people,” she confessed. 
Jason scoffed. “Sweetheart, you’re gonna put everyone else here to shame.” He killed the engine and turned to her. “They should be grateful for the privilege of seeing you. I know I am.” 
She smiled, ducking her head a little. He tilted her chin back up and looked into her eyes, leaning down towards her. 
“You know these windows are tinted?” he said. 
She snorted a laugh. He snatched a kiss. 
“If you smudge my makeup, so help me.” 
“Sweets, you know that’s a challenge.” He tipped her chin higher and kissed her neck, expertly dodging where she had blended her foundation into her skin. 
She sighed. She loved this ridiculous man so much.
A valet tapped his window and Jason drew back with a sly grin. 
He got out and came around to open her door for her. It was a necessity given how low the seats and how tall her heels were, but she was happy to lean into the fantasy as he took her hand. 
Doubt was for behind closed doors. With the world watching she stepped out into the courtyard in a flutter of red silk and her chin held high. Jason slung an arm around her waist, resting low on her hip. They walked like they belonged because who the hell was going to tell them they didn’t? 
They were welcomed in by the maitre d’ and led across the packed restaurant floor. Jason caressed the curve of her hip without shame. 
She spotted the empty table their path led them to. Jason stiffend at her side. 
At the table directly next to it sat another couple, presumably also on a date. Bruce Wayne and a gorgeous brunette with a pixie cut, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. 
Bruce glanced their way only briefly, and his expression froze. 
Dread broke through his public persona for just a moment, a look perfectly mirrored on his son’s face. The collision course was set. Jason walked like he was approaching the gallows. 
The brunette noticed the hiccup and looked back, revealing Miss Selina Kyle. She looked at Andy and rolled her eyes in commiseration. 
“Actually,” Andy said, tossing her hair back and stopping in place. 
The maitre d’ paused in his path. 
“I would love to sit on the mezzanine floor. With the wall of flowers? It must be so beautiful.”
She ruthlessly silenced her internal scream over making a fuss. She was not surrendering her evening to Wayne bullshit. She got waxed for this. 
“I’m so sorry, Ma’am, the orchid display isn’t currently available, we are preparing an exciting new display for the spring after Poison Ivy-”
“It’s what I want,” she said pleasantly. 
“Of course.” 
The maitre d’ redirected them with perfect poise. He whispered in a passing waiter’s ear, and led them to the stairs. 
Jason took her hand and squeezed it in silent thanks. The tension seeped back out of him. She squeezed back. 
The mezzanine was comparatively quiet, with a giant print of Monet’s water lilies erected to cover some construction works. It had a lovely view of the rest of the restaurant however and the glinting chandeliers hung down over the main floor. 
Table settings were arranged for them with a swiftness and subtlety even Alfred Pennyworth would approve of. Jason got to sit with his back to a wall and with sightlines over the entire pace, which always made him more comfortable. The table was small, they sat very close together, making it feel more intimate and private. 
There were no prices on the menu and she didn’t grasp what the minimalist dish names actually meant. For a moment it filled her with a mute panic. Jason gave her a calm look and played with her hand on the table.
“We’ll have the chef’s menu, and the paired champagne for the table,” he said. 
She was more than happy to be swept along. And she could pronounce the champagne better than the waiter, which calmed her fear of making a fool of herself. Jason managed to look exactly as at home here as he did while having a smoke on top of a dumpster in the Alley. 
The food was all delicious, albeit in tiny portions on very large plates.
Below the table Jason ran his hand up her bare thigh, his fingers sneaking under the split in the dress.
She made eye contact as she licked the last of a creamy sorbet off her spoon. He watched with unadulterated focus. She ran her bare leg against his briefly, tastefully, and then retreated. He smirked at her. It was the smile of a man who knew exactly where his evening was heading.
He lifted his glass, with the last of its golden liquid in it. “To another year, beautiful.” 
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scrollonso · 5 days
Race Winners — Pedroscar
Pedro scrolled through the extensive collection of movies on the TV catalogue in front of him, finally breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over the room. “Wanna watch another film?” he asked, his tone light and casual, though he already sensed what the answer might be.
Oscar, slouched on the sofa beside him, gave a small, unsteady shake of his head. “I dunno, Pedro,” he slurred, the effects of too much celebratory champagne making his voice thick and his words lazy. He’d earned the indulgence, though — winning his first race was a moment that deserved to be savored. But now, the alcohol was pulling him toward sleep. “Think I might head to bed.”
Pedro straightened slightly, trying not to let the disappointment show on his face. “Oh. Yes, 'course.” He smiled, a gentle curve of his lips, understanding and fondness in his gaze as he looked at the obviously inebriated Aussie sprawled on their shared sofa. He stood and offered Oscar a hand, which was quickly and gratefully taken.
“Thanks,” Oscar murmured, his fingers gripping Pedro’s a bit tighter than usual as he rose to his feet. The room tilted slightly, and he swayed, leaning heavily on Pedro's shoulder for balance. For a moment, he seemed to pause, gathering his bearings before making the unsteady journey toward the stairs. He almost bumped into a bookshelf, causing Pedro to wince in sympathetic concern, but he managed to right himself in time. “‘G’night,” Oscar said, turning to smile at Pedro, his words softened by the alcohol still in his system.
“Goodnight, mi amor,” Pedro replied, his voice tender as he watched Oscar disappear up the stairs. Once alone, Pedro let out a small sigh, turning to look at the room they had just been in. He could still feel the warmth of Oscar’s presence lingering in the space, making it feel fuller, more alive. But now, with Oscar off to bed, the house suddenly seemed too quiet.
Pedro made his way to the front of the house, busying himself with the mundane tasks that filled the silence when Oscar wasn’t around. Cleaning, organizing, tidying up — these were the things that kept his mind occupied in the quiet hours of the night. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the peace; the world was beautiful at night, the kind of beauty that poets wrote about and artists tried to capture. But it was a different kind of beauty, one that came with a sense of solitude that Pedro was learning to navigate.
He started with the little things — straightening the small shark figurines that lined the windowsill, each one a gift from Oscar, a token from every country they visited together. It had become a tradition since they met in 2021, a small but meaningful gesture that made Pedro feel connected to every place they had been, even when they were back home. Next, he rearranged the stack of books next to the phone, ensuring everything was in its rightful place. He checked the door, making sure it was locked, and finally, when there was nothing left to do downstairs, he headed upstairs to their bedroom.
As he entered the room, Pedro’s gaze immediately fell on Oscar, who was already fast asleep. The sight made him pause, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. There was something undeniably peaceful about seeing Oscar like this, his features relaxed, his breathing slow and steady. Humans often agreed that people looked more serene in sleep, and Pedro found himself agreeing with that sentiment as he watched Oscar. It was strange, he thought, how someone so full of life and energy could look so angelic in their sleep, a sight that was both beautiful and calming.
Oscar had curled up on his side, just as he always did, his McLaren shirt discarded on the chair beside the bed. In its place, he wore the soft koala pajamas that Pedro had bought him last Christmas. Pedro chuckled softly at the memory of that holiday — their first Christmas as a couple, a time filled with shy smiles and awkward exchanges as they tried to navigate the newness of their relationship. It had been a holiday full of learning, both of them figuring out how to function together in this new dynamic. And now, here they were, comfortable in each other’s presence, their lives intertwined in ways neither of them had fully anticipated.
Pedro moved quietly, changing into his own pajamas — a matching set with sharks on them, because, as they had joked, sharks and koalas were clearly meant to be together. He pulled back the duvet and slid into bed beside Oscar, settling himself against the headboard. He wasn’t quite tired yet, so he grabbed his phone, turning the brightness down so as not to disturb Oscar.
As he scrolled through the familiar feeds on his phone, Pedro couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander. Maybe it was sin, he pondered as he read comments he had read so many times before — hardly ever processing the words on the screen at this point. — Maybe this was sin in Heaven’s eyes. But lying there, with the being he loved most in all of God’s creation sleeping beside him, he couldn’t bring himself to care. Instead he set his phone down on the bedside table, pressed a soft kiss to Oscar's forehead, tapped the lamp off, and laid down to sleep.
The room was dark now, save for the faint light of the moon filtering through the curtains. Pedro settled down, pulling Oscar a little closer, his arm draping over his shoulders. He let out a contented sigh, closing his eyes and letting sleep finally take him.
Maybe it wouldn’t be such a waste, he thought as he drifted off, if he got to wake up with Oscar beside him. And when morning came, with the sunlight streaming through the window, Pedro woke to find Oscar still in his arms, his race winner safe and sound, and for that moment, everything in the world was just as it should be.
The early morning light filtered softly through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow over the bedroom. Pedro stirred first, his senses slowly waking him to the peaceful quiet that enveloped the room. He could feel Oscar's steady breaths against his chest, the gentle rise and fall of his body a comforting rhythm that grounded him in the present moment.
Pedro opened his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep, and his gaze settled on Oscar. The Aussie was still fast asleep, his face nestled against Pedro’s shoulder, looking every bit as serene as he had the night before. Pedro couldn’t help but smile at the sight, his heart swelling with a quiet joy that only Oscar seemed to bring out in him.
Careful not to wake him, Pedro shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow so he could get a better look at Oscar. His hair was a mess, sticking out at odd angles from where it had been pressed against the pillow, and his lips were parted slightly, his breath slow and even. Pedro reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from Oscar’s forehead with a tenderness that belied the strength in his hands, fingers lingering for just a moment longer than necessary.
As much as he wanted to stay like this forever, Pedro knew they both had a busy day ahead. Races, meetings, and the never-ending demands of their careers loomed just beyond the walls of their quiet sanctuary. But for now, in this small slice of morning, it was just the two of them.
Reluctantly, Pedro began to pull away, but as he did, Oscar stirred. His eyes fluttered open, squinting against the light, and a soft, sleepy smile spread across his face as he looked up at Pedro.
“Morning,” Oscar mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. He reached out, his hand finding Pedro’s and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Morning, race winner” Pedro replied, his voice soft, filled with affection. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to Oscar’s forehead, then another to his lips, lingering just a moment longer than necessary, savoring the warmth of the connection.
Oscar hummed contentedly, the sound vibrating through Pedro’s chest where they were still pressed together. “What time is it?” he asked, his words slightly slurred as he tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.
“Early,” Pedro said, glancing over at the clock on the bedside table. “We’ve got time.”
Oscar let out a small sigh of relief, snuggling closer to Pedro, his arm wrapping around his waist as if he could pull him even closer. “Good. Don’t want to move yet.”
Pedro chuckled, his hand coming up to rest on the back of Oscar’s head, fingers threading through his hair in soothing strokes. “Then don’t,” he whispered, his breath warm against Oscar’s ear. “We can stay here a little longer.”
And so they did. The world outside could wait, for just a little while. In these precious moments, it was only the two of them, wrapped up in each other, the rest of the world fading into the background. It was in these moments that Pedro felt most at peace, most at home, like everything had finally fallen into place.
Eventually, though, the demands of the day began to creep in, and Pedro knew they couldn’t stay in bed forever, no matter how much he wanted to. He pressed one last kiss to the top of Oscar’s head before gently nudging him.
“Come on, cariño,” Pedro said, his voice gentle but firm. “We’ve got to get up.”
Oscar groaned in protest, burying his face in Pedro’s chest. “Five more minutes,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by the fabric of Pedro’s shirt.
Pedro smiled, his heart swelling with affection. “Alright,” he relented, lying back down and pulling Oscar close again. “Five more minutes.”
And for those five minutes, they stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, savoring the warmth and comfort of the moment. Because as much as the world demanded of them, as much as their lives revolved around speed and competition, these quiet moments of peace and love were what truly mattered.
Finally, though, reality called them back, and with a reluctant sigh, Pedro began to pull away again. This time, Oscar let him go, though he stayed in bed a moment longer, watching as Pedro climbed out and stretched, his movements slow and unhurried.
“You’re too good to me, you know that?” Oscar said, his voice still laced with sleep but filled with sincerity.
Pedro turned back to him, a soft smile on his lips. “You deserve it,” he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Oscar’s heart swelled at the words, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the sunlight now streaming through the windows. “I’m lucky to have you,” he murmured, his voice soft, almost as if he were speaking more to himself than to Pedro.
Pedro’s smile widened, and he walked back over to the bed, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Oscar’s lips. “I’m the lucky one,” he whispered against his mouth, and Oscar felt a surge of affection so strong it nearly took his breath away.
As Pedro pulled back, Oscar finally swung his legs over the side of the bed, stretching as he stood. The day was waiting for them, full of challenges and responsibilities, but as long as they had each other, Oscar knew they could face anything.
“Let’s get going,” Pedro said, offering Oscar a hand, just as he had the night before and just as he will every day after.
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mistressemmedi · 4 months
re: cash is king this year mclaren marketing theme feels a lot like a magazine catalogue. in fair to them they're hitting it out of the field - every soc med had a subtle (or not) tag of a merch sell - though some of the seasonal/gp centric merch looks good (or compared to other competitors). tbh, it also feels a bit nostalgic? (target market - adults with cash flow - grew up with magazine catalogues probably existing, and tv ads)
Well, they either sell merch or they'll be forced to sell one of the boys from the twink farm to One Direction, and Zak doesn't want to separate them 😞
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boonesfarmsangria · 1 year
In March 2022, Ben Howard was sat in his garden when he found himself unable to think clearly, form sentences or speak for almost an hour. A month later, after the same thing happened again, the Ivor Novello Award-winning singer-songwriter learned he’d suffered two TIAs (transient ischemic attacks - known as mini-strokes). “It was out of the blue,” says the 35 year-old. “It was a confusing time.”
That June, after a month of inconclusive hospital tests Howard and his band returned to Le Manoir de Léon recording studio in south-west France, where they’d previously worked on his acclaimed third album ‘Noonday Dream’.
“We went in and put down ten songs in ten days, then spent the rest of the year tinkering with them”. The record was produced by Bullion, known for his work on Westerman’s ‘Your Hero Is Not Dead’ and Orlando Weeks ‘Hop Up’. Howard says, “We worked through the heatwave, the air conditioning broke, after what had happened I was so tired in the afternoons that I slept a lot. We just played solidly and slept, they was no time for retrospection”.
The result is ‘Is It’, a lush, sonically splintered album which captures Howard working through those moments of seismic shift. “I found it impossible not to dwell on the absurdity of it, that with one tiny clot, one can lose all faculties. It really ate into the writing of the record”.
The songs range from the peaceful quotidian Days of Lantana, to cut up samples and driven beats of Walking Backwards, the formers’ pitched and warped Linda Thompson chorus reminiscent of Malcolm Mclaren´s ‘Madame Butterfly’.
Moonraker, a song about climbing in the Guadarrama mountains touches on the meditational, while in the cyclical Richmond Avenue Howard talks of shared childhood moments with his father.
There are colourful, left-field production choices throughout- a staple of Bullion - but with a twist
“We really bonded over records in the studio” he says. “Nathan has an incredible ear and catalogue of sampled beats and rhythms which quickly became the bedrock…There were contributing factors also. Our mainstay drummer Kyle lives in Seattle and as we made the record on the fly we just leaned into drum-machine world, and really left almost all of that side of things up to Nathan.”
“We also did a session at Real World Studios and put most of the record through an echoplex”.
That session featured additional instrumentation from Raven Bush (violin, viola) and Mick Mcgoldrick (flute, Eileen pipes) as well as Howards mainstay band of Mickey Smith (Bass, guitars, percussion) R.D. Thomas (synths, keys, harmonium) and Nat Wason (guitars).
“It’s actually mostly a guitar record, but there are some nice additions. We bought an old harmonium at the beginning of the trip which made its way onto most tracks. I was very much stuck in stuttered delay and synth led guitar patterns. Mick McGoldrick came in to play on Richmond Ave and straight away played Liam O´Flynn lines from the Mark Knopfler record ‘Cal’ which is a long favourite of mine and a big connection to my Dad who had it on tape. That was a beautiful moment, perhaps one of my favourites moments in the studio ever.”
“It was a refreshing way to record, unweighted by the past”
The change is evident on ‘Is It’ - an album which represents a further creative evolution from an artist known for never repeating himself throughout his already-storied career.
¨I was so aware of the overwhelming information coming from everything, almost like my brain couldn’t filter what was happening and had to start again. So we just pushed forward, lyrically it seems obvious to me in parts, It’s about sitting there wondering what the hell is going on.”
Yet with each listen it feels like more than that. A characteristically onion-layered record which rankles like a series of questions, or a series of vignettes throughout Howard´s life, perhaps best distilled in the whirling chorus on ´Spirit´.
‘What’s mine anyway?
My feelings seem to be arranged.
What´s mine anyway?
Spirit? Is it?´
‘Is It’ stands quite starkly on it’s own, buoyed by the circumstances of its creation. “Just to be playing music in the studio felt like a real privilege and a luxury,” says Howard. “It was probably the best studio session we’ve ever had.
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f1 · 2 years
BEYOND THE GRID: Jan Magnussen on breaking Sennas records reaching F1 and what hed do differently
Jan Magnussen’s short-lived stint in F1 was something of an puzzle at the time. But now, almost 25 years on from his final race in the sport – which yielded his only points finish – the Dane tells the Beyond The Grid podcastwhy things didn’t click for him in Grand Prix racing, and how he’s using the lessons he learned to help son Kevin succeed today... Jan’s single-seater career started like a dream with victory in the prestigious Formula Ford Festival in 1992, a taster of British F3 the following year that yielded a podium in only his second race, then a full-time assault for 1993 that saw him rack up 14 wins from 18 races – eclipsing Ayrton Senna’s record of 12 in the process. Surely, the next step would be F1 stardom? Not quite, as it transpired, with Jan telling podcast host Tom Clarkson that something was missing from his apprenticeship: “I won a lot, but it didn’t really teach me how to fight for it. All the success in F3 went against me in the following years”. READ MORE: Kevin Magnussen and father Jan to compete in Gulf 12 Hours endurance race After a solid stand-in performance for unwell McLaren driver Mika Hakkinen at the 1995 Pacific Grand Prix, Jan secured his first full-time shot at F1 for the 1997 season, joining Jackie Stewart’s newly-launched operation a few years on from that dominant campaign with son Paul’s F3 outfit. What came next was a run of 23 races in midfield machinery that featured no fewer than 15 retirements, with Jan’s P6 finish at the 1998 Canadian Grand Prix marking his only point in his final F1 outing – Stewart opting to bring in Jos Verstappen as a replacement midway through the campaign. Candidly admitting that he did not fully understand the “enormity of the task” that faced him in F1, reaching the grid is nonetheless something Jan still feels “super proud of”, along with the successful career he has forged in endurance racing – which includes four class wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Now, Jan is watching his son, Kevin, plot his own path to success in F1 via an impressive return with Haas for 2022. While Kevin has “done it his way”, Jan says he is more than happy to “watch from the side, giving him the advice I can give him” to avoid the pitfalls he once experienced. READ MORE: Magnussen says it’s been a ‘massive privilege’ to make F1 comeback as sitting on the sidelines ‘hurt’ Listen to a wide-ranging and fascinating Beyond The Grid interview with Jan Magnussen in the player above or head here to catch it on your preferred platform. And to listen to the stories of other F1 personalities, click here to explore the full back catalogue of Beyond The Grid, featuring a host of the sport’s stars from past and present. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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c-40 · 6 days
A-T-4 156 So Def So Def So Def...
It's a Def Jam. It's 40-years since the first hip hop records from one of the genre's definitive labels Def Jam came out. The first two albums I bought as a kid were on Def Jam so the label holds a special place for me
Def Jam Recordings actually debuted as a label two years earlier. Before the hip hop records the label, which was being run out of Rick Rubin's NYU dorm, had released two punk rock records. The iconic hip hop track It's Yours was produced and put out by Rick Rubin before he meets manager and promoter Russell Simmons and they become business partners
Rick Rubin's friend Ed Bahlman encouraged him to out his own records independently and Bahlman's label 99 Records handled the distribution of the first two Def Jam releases. The first two Def Jam Recordings records are records by Rick Rubin's punk rock band Hose. The inaugural release carries the Def Jam Recordings logo that is still used today on the record label and its sleeve. The logo was designed by Rick Rubin who was studying art at NYU at the time. Because of Def Jam's significance to hip hop these releases are nearly always written out of the label's history but they have Def Jam catalogue numbers and a Def Jam Recordings postal address (Rick Rubin's dorm)
As well as being the year Rick Rubin released the first Def Jam record 1982 was the year the Beastie Boys put out their debut the "Polly Wog Stew EP". Like Rick Rubin's band Hose the Beastie Boys were punk rock. Adam Horovitz wasn't a Beastie Boy yet he was in another punk rock band The Young and the Useless. Both bands played the New York hardcore circuit sometimes opening for each other and they shared the same manager, Nick Cooper
Why is the early history of the Beastie Boys important to the Def Jam story?
In 1983 guitarist John Berry leaves the Beastie Boys. Horovitz, who was still a member of The Young and the Useless,  takes his place. DJ Anita Sarko is described by the NYT as a 'crucial bridge between the city's punk and disco scenes', this is certainly true for the Beastie Boys who would dance to the records she spun at Manhattan club Danceteria. One record was "Buffalo Gals" by Malcolm McLaren and the World's Famous Supreme Team which the Beastie Boys loved so much they decided to make a parody of sorts. This became the group's next release "Cooky Puss" and amazingly it became an underground club favorite
Why am I still on about the Beastie Boys?
Having a club hit meant playing that track at club appearances. "Cooky Puss" is unlike their earlier punk rock material to perform it the band decided they needed a DJ, like RUN DMC had. The Beastie Boys manager Nick Cooper contracted Rick Rubin to be the Beastie Boys' DJ who used the name DJ Double R
A television commercial made for British Airways uses a segment of "Cooky Puss" b-side "Beastie Revolution" without permission and the Beastie Boys and their manager, being the middle class children of art gallery owners, art dealers and collectors, and playwrights, sue British Airways for copyright infringement. The case is settled the out of court for $40,000. This gives them the financial freedom to concentrate on their music. With his share of the payout Adam Horovitz buys a Roland TR-808 drum machine
Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, and Michael Diamond begin spending a lot of time with Rick Rubin in his dorm. They share an appreciation of hip hop. Adam Horovitz is bringing round his 808. It's the beats Rick Rubin makes on Horovitz's 808 that convinces Russell Simmons to go into a partnership with him and provides the beats for many Def Jam Recording releases, including all of those featured on this page. With the success of "Cooky Puss" Rick Rubin convinces Horovitz, Yauch, and Diamond to ditch their drummer Kate Schellenbach and punk rock in favour of becoming three MC's and one DJ
The last thing I want to say about "Cooky Puss" is the Beastie Boys logo on the sleeve is made by Cey Adams who will become Def Jam's first art director
Boom Bap
Rick Rubin is deejaying for the Beastie Boys and creating beats on Adam Horovitz's TR 808 and he wants to make a credible hip hop record. This record would be "It's Yours"
"First I met Kool Moe Dee from the Treacherous Three, who were my favorite group. And I said, “Let’s make a record together. Let’s make a Treacherous Three record.” And he said, “We can’t really do that. We’re signed to Sugar Hill, but talk to Special K, another guy in the group, because he has a brother who can rap, and maybe he’d be good for you to do this with.” I didn’t know that there were contracts, I didn’t know anything. I had no experience whatsoever. I was just a fan. So I met with Special K, and Special K introduced me to his brother T La Rock, and he wrote the words." - Rick Rubin interview for Vulture in 2014
"It's Yours" isn't by T La Rock alone, it's T La Rock and legendary DJ, member of the member of Soulsonic Force, Jazzy Jay. But Jazzy Jay wasn't the first DJ considered for "It's Yours". T La Rock had a DJ named Louie Lou (who would co-produce later tracks like "Breakin Bells" with T La Rock.) According to his brother Special K and Louie had a falling out over the demo recording and Louie was out. Luckily Rick Rubin had a connect with Jazzy Jay and the rest is history
Jazzy Jay tells a different story he's pretty bitter about the record and Def Jam Recordings in general. He doesn't think he gets enough credit for his contribution or royalties. Jay Quan asks Jazzy Jay about making "It's Yours"
"[Jay Quan] Whose idea was it to use the Uncle Louie break in the [intro]? That “Da-na Da-na Na--?”
"[Jazzy Jay] It was mine. Every bit of scratching was done live--no takes or punch-ins or whatever. Everything other than the beat and the rap, I put in it. There’s so many tracks… The scratching on that is meticulous.
"Louie Lou had done a draft on a cassette… Rick gave him the beat and he did some scratches, but it wasn’t full orchestration like the way I did it, where you had scratches coming in and I’m complementing everything. He just had a couple of scratches going in and out and that was about it." - check out Jay Quan's interview with Jazzy Jay here
The beat on "It's Yours" was made by Rick Rubin on the aforementioned 808. Jazzy Jay claims it was him who taught Rubin to program the 808 and that he also did additional work on the beat for "It's Yours." On the record label Jazzy Jay gets a co-production credit just like Special K gets credit for writing the lyrics
Something there's no disagreement on is that the Beastie Boys were in the studio when the track was being recorded and were conscripted into providing the atmospheric crowd response on the chorus and on the Scratch Party Death Mix version
As I've said Rick Rubin didn't know Russell Simmons at this time. The record label Rick Rubin had used to distribute his first two Def Jam releases, 99 Records, was in a legal dispute with Sugar Hill Records in 1984 and struggling financially. So Rick Rubin approaches Streetwise to see if they will distribute the record. Streetwise is run by Arthur Baker who produced "Planet Rock" and "Looking For The Perfect Beat", Jazzy Jay was also involved with those records as a member of The Soulsonic Force. Streetwise like "It's Yours" so much they offer to release it on their subsidiary Partytime. "It's Yours" becomes a massive hit and gets a 2nd pressing, the difference between this and the first press is that this one has the Def Jam Recordings logo underneath the Partytime logo on the label. All subsequent 1984 represses also include the Def Jam logo. The picture sleeve for "It's Yours" features Rick Rubin's now legendary Def Jam tone arm (according to Stacy Gueraseva, the tone arm was created by "a girlfriend of Hose’s lead singer, Mike Espindle," working under Rick’s direction), there is a Def Jam catalogue number on it's spine, the Def Jam logo on the back and most importantly a postal address (still Rick Rubin's dorm)
When did T La Rock realise he's made a hit? He was working in a pharmacy and heard it on the radio
"There was a DJ named Tony Humphries who played it around noon when they’d do a master mix hour. So Humphries mixed in my song and it was so unexpected that I damn near lost it. Back then, you might hear Kurtis Blow or Run DMC occasionally on the radio but that was it. After the song was over, they said that it was the most requested song of the day!" - T La Rock interview with David Ma 
T La Rock & Jazzy Jay - It's Yours
T La Rock & Jazzy Jay - It's Yours (Scratch Party Death Mix)
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exoticautoparts · 2 years
MCLAREN Car Parts Catalogue| Exotic Auto Parts
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Are you looking for MCLAREN auto parts online catalogue? Exotic Auto Parts is always there for you, you can get genuine parts for sports cars from our store at a very fair price. We are supplying McLaren with genuine original manufacturer parts & performance tuning products. To buy the top-rated car accessories, visit our website!
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exoticautopart · 10 months
Discover Personalization with McLaren Auto Parts Online | Exotic Auto Parts!
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Embark on a journey of automotive individuality with the MCLAREN auto parts online catalogue at Exotic Auto Parts. Unleash the power of personalization as you explore a curated collection of genuine and aftermarket parts, meticulously designed for your McLaren. Elevate your driving experience with precision-engineered components, ensuring your McLaren reflects your unique style and performance preferences. Craft your own automotive masterpiece, setting new standards for excellence on the road. Your McLaren, your distinct signature, awaits discovery.
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dasupercarblog · 2 years
Saudi-bound McLaren P1 HDK by Lanzante revealed
Lanzante has rolled out the third McLaren P1 HDK. It is the third out of 9 P1 HDK conversions planned by the company. It will be delivered to a collection in Saudi Arabia. Lanzante offers bespoke upgrade packages for the McLaren P1. Besides the ‘Longtail’, the company’s catalogue includes the HDK or High Downforce Kit, which transforms a regular P1 into a street-legal P1 GTR. The latest car to…
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slagclaren · 3 years
kajs my dear i need some jenson content
gimme your top 5 jenson moments ✨
eve my beloved!!!!! such a difficult question but uhhh as a moronsexual i love evrything stupid he's done (which is a lot)
1. the story of him as a kid rolling down the driveway in his dad's car, effectively demolishing it (and almost killing his sister, who jumped in front of it to try to stop it)
2. THE CAMPING VIDEO WITH LEWIS!!!! (oof it's a bit chilly innit? we're gonna have to cuddle up)
3. seb.... everything with seb... the bowtie moment in 2011, the "i think seb's the only one who still thinks of me as a competitor, so i'm happy", the burnt asscheek moment, the CONSTANT mentioning of seb in jenson's book (<- JENSON'S STUPID IMITATION OF SEB'S ACCENT IN HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY "ahh jenson i alwayz love being on ze podium wiz you" or however it went)
4. inventing the nickname britney... c'mon we all knew it was gonna be up there. it's genius n i don't think jenson thought it through bc he's been suffering the consequences (having to hang out with nico) ever since
5. breaking his hand punching a gong and stuffing his face with painkillers so he could continue racing
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gcsly · 3 years
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LANDO NORRIS for mCLareN (inspired by dELiA*s)
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 years
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Anglomania, the craze for all things English, gripped Europe during the mid-to-late 18th century.  As perceived by Anglophiles such as Voltaire and Montesquieu, England was a land of reason, freedom, and tolerance, a place where the Enlightenment found its greatest expression.  What began as an intellectual phenomenon, however, became and has remained a matter of style.  Through the lens of fashion, AngloMania examines aspects of English culture, such as class, sport, royalty, pageantry, eccentricity, the gentleman, and the country garden, which have fuelled the European and American imagination. AngloMania presents historical costumes with clothing of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in a series of theatrical vignettes staged in the Museum's English Period Rooms. In the book, images of the Kirtlington Park Dining Room (ca. 1748), the venue for "The English Garden," teems with figures wearing eighteenth-century gowns made from Spitalfields silks and sporting twenty-first century hats by Philip Treacy. Although the gowns and hats are separated by time, they are united through their bold floral motifs that are startling in their botanical naturalism. The Lansdowne Dining Room (1776–79) becomes "The Gentlemen's Club," in which dandies, gentlemen, and punks, wearing designs by Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood, clash in a scene of Hogarthian intensity. Around the Hampton Court State Bed (ca. 1698), Queen Victoria in widow's weeds mourns the death of a figure wearing tartan trousers and an elaborately embroidered cape-jacket by Alexander McQueen.
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Fall 2021 - full catalogue
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astonmartin021 · 3 years
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