#Mention of osoro
kozuwhore · 6 months
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the one that got away.
𝜗𝜚 synopsis: osoro always knew she would fall in love with someone one day, but what is she supposed to do if her dad finds out? especially since her first love is a girl?
𝜗𝜚 warnings: lesbian!osoro, homophobia and mentions of abuse / violence / the word 'queer'.
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can't stop thinking about osoro who is terrified at the idea of falling in love with a girl. all everyone knew about osoro shidesu was that she was a violent character. everyday, she would come into school with bloodied knuckles and a new scar from her now defeated opponent, which only caused more people to cower at the sight of the female delinquent as she walked past or even looked in their direction.
it was nothing new to her but it's not like she cared. it's like she could never care about anything unless it's winning in a fight. but then, one day, she heard a snapping sound and it was the shackles that boarded up her tough heart being broken off. and that was all because of an unfamiliar feeling that rushed through her blood and up to her cheeks, which heated up upon seeing a particular girl in the hallways.
truth be told, osoro knew nothing about her, not even if she was an upperclassmen or under. all she knew was that the girl seemed ethereal enough to almost be the most perfect human being or maybe the most perfect girl. and she hated that. i mean, even though no one would predict the osoro shidesu to be in love, that wasn't what she hated about the whole situation. you were a girl for crying out loud and while osoro couldn't care less about what kind of person she falls for, it was her dad.
osoro doesn't remember half of the beatings he gave her growing up, but one of them was the reason why she was panicking now. even now, she could still feel the smack of a belt smack across her head from when she was six years old, making her drop her half undressed doll onto the floor. and once the tears fell, more misery followed along onto her black and blue body with the final hit being a single sentence; "not having my kid being a fucking lesbian".
of course, osoro never knew what that meant at the time, but she knew it was something her father hated by the way it laced off his tongue as though it were venom. all she was doing at the time was taking off her doll's dress to put another piece of clothing on, but maybe her eyes wandered to certain parts and that's what set the old man off. that sentence never left her mind after that day and now that she was older, she was more terrified at becoming what her dad hated.
or rather being what he hated because now, all she could do is suck up her feelings and try to chain up her beaten-up heart. maybe after high school, things would be different and maybe, she wouldn't have say that girl was the one that got away.
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canonically47 · 1 year
"the rivals are canonically bisexual" is probably the shittiest take i have ever heard like. you do realize that is not true. they like taeko in some universes, taro in others. in the ones with taeko, they could be lesbians or mspec, and in the ones with taro, straight or mspec, hell they could be aroace (in my hcs osana, mida, osoro, hanako & megami are aroace anyways) and yes they CAN be bisexual but they are not canonically.
i just think it's bullshit logic. whenever somebody gets mad at my hcs and goes 'oh but they are canonically this or that' just remember nothing yandev says is interesting or accurate. all of the lore regarding background characters is boring, none of the sexualities (except for the study guys, which i do see as a couple) are canon, not even their ages are accurate as depicted by yandev, those are some fucking high schoolers.
i hate being queer in a widely non-queer fandom because it results in the shittiest takes, everyone forgetting aro/ace people, and the most plain gay ships ever. (i can't even mention the straight ones, those are a thousand times worse.)
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mzmarionette · 3 years
Head Canons No One Asked For But Yall Are Getting Anyway
- His thing for Osoro is totally one-sided.
- Like, I'm sure it's possible, but I haven't found a fanfic/oneshot realistic enough for me to really imagine it myself
- Says he's neutral on family? Haha, you fools..
- Knowing me there's gotta be some lore
- So, his dad is always working, and his mom usually stays at home- pretty neutral, right?
- Well, keep in mind that he's got a sister!
- An older sister who's just left prison (ooh, drama)
- But here's the deal- she's not actually a criminal.
- See, back in middle school, Umeji had these "friends"
- These "friends" forced him to do less-then-legal things
- When they got caught, his sister was on the scene, and took all the blame
- Here's the thing- she knew something was up, but she never knew what it was
- So when she caught them and took the blame, she didn't realize that the sentence would be a couple of years
- When she came back, excited to see her brother again, he only ignored her
- This is simply because he felt guilty, and of course he denied feeling that way
- I dunno about you, but when i see Pre-Hayanari, I see someone who's nervous af
- So, that's how I made him
- He treats any and all wounds the others gets
- He (usually) plays it safe
- And he has the biggest conscience out of them all
- It says he dislikes family, so i've decided to give him a verbally abusive and neglectful mom
- They're a very rich family, so she buys all that she can when she can
- But then you may be wondering: how did Hayanari end up as such a(n internal) sweetheart?
- Well, that would be because of his doting father
- Rich, but on his deathbed
- Struck with a fatal illness, all he can do is wait for Hayanari to come daily so he can check up on him
- Of course, by the time his father does pass, his mother might as well kick him out for whatever reason- at least that's his fear
- He was used to a lush life as a kid, so thinking of what could happen when his dad dies brings him a lot of anxiety
- Of course, despite this, he still tries to be there for his gang whenever they need it, giving him the tough love he only half received in his life
- Guess what? He's the shortest of them all lmao
- Not only that but he has the shortest fuse, too
- He wants to prove his worth, despite having been picked on 24/7 before
- He had a BROKEN ARM for god's sake
- Plus, with his family, his parents died long before he could remember
- Ever since, his brother's been doing whatever he could to make money
- The older he got, the less time he had to spend with him
- Eventually, Gaku only knew him as "the guy who paid rent"
- Or quite possibly "the guy who left him a couple hundred every morning"
- He lives his life lonely, aside from his gang
- They're a big part of his family simply because they were THERE
- They were present when times got tough- and when his brother wasn't
- He doesn't know what's up with his brother- if he can even call him that
- But at this point he's quite nearly fed up with how his life's gone
- He LOOKS like a playboy
- Pre-Hokuto KNEW he was gorgeous- and boy, he still knows it now
- He's literally the only one who will send a playful wink to whoever gazes at him too long
- Of course, this is the exact reason he was picked on
- Not only that, but life at home wasn't too good either
- His mother and father are workaholics, which only leaves his sorry excuse for a brother
- Be it one of his girlfriends or his buddies, Hokuto's brother will always call him out
- He comes home upset about something, he'll call him out
- He'll call him emotional or just discard him as some kid going through some punk phase
- His older brother was always the favorite
- He had the better grades, had "great" company over, basically he was perfect
- Hokuto? Some emotional teenager.
- But yknow what? He's got a couple more punks at school who'll admit that he's a hot mess (emphasis on hot) and still hang with him
- Probs the quietest
- His gang's in trouble? Hang on, let him finish his ramen
- Not that he doesn't care- he's just naturally tired
- Maybe that's because he's surrounded by girls 24/7
- His younger sister who literally only parties
- His older sister who's stressed and works at home and out
- And his mother, who takes care of the house
- The father? Ran off round 20 years ago- before even he was born
- Right now, Dairoku's trying to get a job to support his family
- He does what he can in such a rundown house, and with his reputation
- If anything, he longs to have a conversation with his mother
- He wants her to tell him "good job" for being so helpful- instead of pleading for him to keep his grades up
- Not like he had a dad to do it for her
- Of course, until that day comes all he can do is work harder
(Btw this is totally not my sad excuse of an update because i've been lacking as of recently)
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equizona · 2 years
Any of the male rivals from yan sim with a reader who is a freaking gremlin and has the title weirdo of the school but really there just a bit wild and is actually very kind sorry if this is long 🥲
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feat. Kizano Sunobu, Aso Rito, Osoro Shidesu
warnings : mentions of bullying
note : Oo, first request for the male versions, yay <3
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He gets a whiplash every time you do something stupid. Why are you climbing the school fence? Why are you climbing the bookshelves? Why are you trying to fit on top of the vending machines?
You give him a heart attack every time he sees you doing something 'stupid', and he is almost in awe over your confidence and your creativity. Of course, he's way more confident and creative..
But he knows you're kind from when you stay back to help him finish things in the drama club, or when you remind him of something he forgot. Because of this reason, whenever he hears someone talking bad about you, he will shut them down, pointing out every flaw they have instead.
And trust me, Kizano is by far the best of the crew at picking at people's insecurities and making people feel utterly worthless. Don't cross him. Or anyone he has even the slightest affection for, he will make you lose all affection you have for yourself. And a bit extra.
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He thinks you are hilarious. Why shouldn't you try to fit on top of a vending machine? That's the best seating place idea he has seen in ages. Is Kizano's opposite, he will absolutely encourage you to do all the dumb stuff, and he might actually join you, if he doesn't have an important event coming up and he thinks he's safe to get injured.
Though don't get him wrong, he does make sure you don't do anything that can lead to any serious injures. He is all for being wild and having a good time, as long as you don't risk your life for it, or anything like that. Other than that? Sign him up!
Much like a certain purple-haired drama club dude, Aso will shut down anyone talking bad about you real quick. He isn't as effective as mentioned person, but he's so well loved by the school population that his word is almost law. And besides, who wants to disappoint the school golden retriever?
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What in the actual fuck are you doing? Why are you doing that– Wait no stop that might get you killed– Oh that one's fine, DON'T DO THAT—
He's a mix of the two above. He isn't overly encouraging like Aso, and he isn't overly against your antics like Kizano. He does his fair share of stupid shit that nobody else would dare to do, and every time he is in awe that you join him, but there are some lines he won't cross, and won't let you cross. He's responsible, but also he's exactly like you.
Osoro will also beat up anyone who talks bad about you. And he scares the students so much that nobody really calls you a 'weirdo' or anything like that again. At least, not around you or any of the delinquents. Osoro does have connections with Info though, and he will find out. People are too scared to even mention you anymore.
Osoro is like your guardian dog, who is also very reckless and with join you but with slightly more responsibility.
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biggestxsimps · 2 years
Quick A/N (Owner 2): 
Hello! Owner 2 here, I just wanted to say thank you for viewing our account so far! I want to quickly explain something about this one-shot. This one-shot mentions killing. In this, both Ayato (Ayano) and Y/N are Yanderes. I've made it so Osano (Osana) likes Ayato  and where Osorō likes Y/N type of thing. Disclaimer the female rivals in this are males to fit the story.
Kohai= Underclass men/younger
Senpai=Upperclass men/older
The rush of adrenaline coursed throughout Ayato's body, his thirst for killing his fellow rivals growing each time one of them interacted with HIS senpai. He balled his fists, watching Osorō talk with Y/N from afar. A small growl fell from his lips, he just wanted Osorō gone and for good in that matter. Y/N laughed a little, crossing his arms in response, trying to mimic the delinquent boy's moves. 
This made Ayato furious, his mind completely fogged. All that was on his mind was ripping the delinquent apart, putting him back together, then ripping him apart all over. He stomped off, leaving the other two boys there. 
Y/N's POV:
I was having a great time with Osorō, mocking him was one of my favourite things to do. It was funny watching him get all flustered from embarrassment..But I already miss MY Kohai dearly. What if he's with another girl..or guy even?!
End of Y/N's POV:
Y/N panicked slightly, looking at Osorō as he spoke softly. "Uh Osorō, I just forgot, I was meant to go meet up with someone. I'll talk to you later." He smiled, the blonde sighed and nodded. "Be safe Y/N." After the two said their goodbyes, Y/N left and set off to find his beloved Kohai. He walked around the hallways, coming to a halt when he suddenly heard Ayato's..but also Osano's voice? He hid around the corner, listening in on their conversation.
"Senpai! Where were you? You're late..again.." The orange haired boy mumbled, Ayato letting out a small chuckle in response. "Sorry, sorry. I got a little..caught up.." he muttered, his mind suddenly flashing back to the sight of both Y/N and Osoro laughing with each other and looking so happy. His face turned slightly pale, the thought of losing his Senpai, all cause of one stupid delinquent.
Osano blabbered on about how Ayato was late, whilst he himself was off with the fairies. He was suddenly pulled out of his trance when he heard nearby foot-steps fade, his eyes lingering over to the sound as he watched Y/N walk away, past him. He smiled a little, at this point staring the boy off as he walked into the distance. 
"Senpai! Were you even listening?" Osano asked, slightly irritated.  Ayato nodded a little and looked back at him. "Yeah. Hey I'll see you later.." he said, before he suddenly jogged after Y/N, Osanos mouth gaped ever so slightly as he watched Senpai run off with no explanation or anything.
Ayato's POV: 
I run after Y/N, calling out to them as I soon catch up, clearly out of breath. "Hey Y/N.." I pant, smiling sheepishly as I slowly stand back up right, looking over at him. My heart is racing a million miles per hour..I'd always get this weird feeling in my gut every time I spoke to Y/N in person. It makes me really happy for some weird reason.
End of Ayato's POV:
Y/N stopped dead in his tracks when he heard Ayatos voice, a slight smile appeared as he slowly turned around and looked at the younger boy with a slightly raised brow. "Ayato. What's up?" Y/N asked. "I was uhm..going to ask if you wanted to hangout at my place later  on after school?" Ayato responded.
Y/N's POV:
Did I hear him right? Kohai invited me to hangout after school with him..just me and him. I immediately nod in response. "Sure, why not." I smiled, keeping myself calm so I didn't start freaking out over the fact that me and Ayato were going to be spending time with each other all alone...and at his house.
End of Y/N's POV:
The two boys were both beyond happy, both of them slowly getting what they wanted, apart from certain obstacles blocking their paths which they would both discard of very soon. Who would've known that the two love struck boys had both happened to have an unhealthy obsession with one another.
(Part 2)
As the remaining few periods of the school day ended, Y/N made his way out of his classroom and walked down the hallway to the lockers. When he arrived, he put his books away and grabbed out his bag before shutting his locker door as he made his way outside whilst waiting for Ayato.
Ayato's POV:
At the end of the day, I quickly scurried to my locker after being held back for some idiotic reason. Once I grab my stuff, I shut my locker door and quickly make my way outside before I glance around for my Senpai..there he is! My eyes land on the perfect boy. I smile and wave at him. "Y/N!" I called out and went over to him.
End of Ayato's POV:
Y/N's POV: 
I look up from my phone, hearing my name being called out. I look to see Ayato not even a few metres away from me. I smile a little, my heart racing ever so slightly. I felt butterflies in my stomach, it was such a warm and fuzzy feeling. "Hey Ayato." I respond softly.
End of Y/N's:
The two boys begin to make their way out of school, starting to head over towards Ayato's house. After a bit of time, they soon arrived at his house. Y/N taking a moment as he glanced around the house. He still couldn't believe that he was spending time with his crush outside of school, let alone in his house!
Y/N took his shoes off, setting them to the side as Ayato does the same before he walked into the kitchen with Y/N following. "Make yourself at home Senpai. Would you like something to drink?" Ayato asked, Y/N nodding in response as he responded with "Yeah, just some water will be fine for me thanks." He smiled. Ayato filled the glass up with water before he placed it down on the counter as Y/N took some sips occasionally as they made small talk.
Some hours passed, the two boys were sitting on the couch, Laughing and talking happily to one another. Both of them are more in love with each other the minute goes by...Y/N couldn't help but stare at Ayato, his eyes slightly dilated. This is when Ayato noticed, he looked him dead in the eyes as he spoke softly. "So...is there anyone you like?" He asked, Y/N snapping out of his trance as he nodded a bit. "Mhm..what about you?" He responded, earning a nod also from Ayato.
 Ayato's POV:
I tense up, slight anger ran through me when I heard his response. Who did Senpai like? Was it Osoro? That fucking bastard-. I keep myself calm. "Who do you like?" I asked, keeping myself together.
End of Ayato's POV:
Y/N's POV: 
I listened to his question, suddenly raising a brow as I sighed a little bit. I took a moment before I spoke up. "I like you." Was all I said. I watched Ayato's cheeks grow redder in colour, a small chuckle fell from my lips. 'Cute..' I thought to myself.
End of Y/N's POV:
Ayato sat there, looking up from his lap as he smiled a little bit. All that anger and fear he held almost a moment ago faded within seconds when he heard Y/N's confession. "I like you too Y/N...very much." The raven male hummed contently.
Ayato's POV:
I just confessed to him- the one person who I loved most also has feelings for me as-well. I still don't believe it. Without hesitation, Y/N gently cupped my cheeks, placing his soft lips on mine. I rest my hands on his chest, smiling a little bit.
End of Ayato's POV:
Y/N's POV:
I kissed Ayato softly, slowly pulling back after a few moments as I looked straight into his dark eyes, a sudden wave of warmth hitting my body. Words couldn't describe how happy I was. I'd been waiting for this moment ever since I laid my eyes on him.
End of Y/N's POV:
Both Ayato and Y/N shared another tender kiss. The atmosphere is calm and quiet as the two boys cuddle close, Y/N whispering into Ayato's ear quietly. "I love you...so much.." Ayato smiled, looking up at the boy with a soft expression. "I love you more.." he muttered.
Both of them got their happy endings, well for the moment at-least.
A/N: Our account is purely male reader, so if you have any requests please ask here or on our wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/BiggestxSimps
Written by Owner 2!
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kirnx-art · 2 years
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Osoro sketch and some thinking about AD79 warehouse and Osoro's connection to Saikou
I have long wondered why Saikou was invited to Ryoba for a meeting, and now I wonder how Osoro knows about the location of their meeting (which happened in 1989)
About Ryoba, I had assumption that Saisho Saikou wanted to study her and experiment on her. Maybe also make some deal. But I never attached importance to the place of their meeting - warehouse AD79. However, given that Osoro probably knows something about it, this warehouse plays a bigger role than just a meeting place.
If Saisho designated meeting point at the warehouse, then this is the safest place for him to hold a hostage, which means that warehouse possibly belongs to Saikou Corp. (or the yakuza who are secretly collaborating with them)
If Osoro knows about AD79, then there may be some things in this place that give away Saikou's dark secrets. Osoro may also know about Ryoba and Saikou's secret affairs.
Everything is starting to fall into place. Dev mentioned on a recent stream on YouTube that Osoro is Akademi's poorest student. But how did Osoro get into an academy for gifted/wealthy children if she is poor and doesn't pay much attention to school studies?
Most likely, Saikou had a hand in this, giving Osoro the opportunity to study at Akademi (and maybe something else). So, for some reason, Saikou needed Osoro, and later they repaid her. But what did they do with her? Why now Osoro wants to reveal some of their secret? And why does she trust this secret to Ayano?
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loulikesyansim · 3 years
Could you please do headcanons for the delinquents? ^_^
TW: mentioned su!cide pacts
Played baseball and basketball in middle school
Had a small crush on Osoro when they first started looking up to her, but it faded throughout the year
Tries to be protective of Osoro when they get in fights with other groups, even when she can take care of herself and he needs way more help.
Likes cooking, was in the cooking club until they kicked him out for associating with Osoro.
His mom is the lingerie lady (as is accepted in fanon)
Dating Hayanari, only Osroro knows (hcs) (fic)
Had an e-boy phase in middle school
Sneaks into the school plays
Steals alcohol, weapons, and cigarettes from his dad for the group
Hasn’t been on time to school in over a year, even before he joined Osoro. The guide
Has done inktober before
If yansim (or something similar) existed in their universe he would love it
Wanted to join both the art and the occult club, but he never knew which to join so he never did.
(TW) Came up with the idea of a suicide pact after reading about them
Hates the idea of academic cheating, he feels guilty when he knows the others are doing it but never snitches.
Cannot stand the way the sun glares where they hang out
Cares for the incinerator cat the most, with Hayanari and Shiromi Torayoshi tied for second
(TW) Kept the written-out suicide pact, still has it somewhere in his basement.
Does Urban Exploring, he still can’t convince any of the others to go with him
Hates unfair games/sports, he’s fine with it in physical fights though
Youngest of the group, as well as the shortest and constantly gets made fun of for it
The only one with a somewhat good family life, he has a single mom and his dad died when he was in middle school
He also has a family cat
His house has an old shed that they use as a hangout spot
The most willing to punch one of the school bullies
(Bonus) Osoro
She has two pet pitbulls (along with her pet bird, which is canon for whatever reason)
Used to do kendo
She doesn’t view any of them as ‘on her level’, and thinks they still need more training
Was friends with Aoi for a while,
Not quite the mom of the group, more like the ‘dad friend’
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sakis-sweets · 3 years
sorry to bother you, but a random question, who's your top 5 favorite character in YS?
This isn't a bother at all! I love getting asks like this!! These aren't in any particular order by the way.
1. Hazu Kashibuchi. It was love at first sight with that character. He's just a little baby... 🥺
2. Osoro Shidesu. We know so little about her but I'm so excited for what direction YandereDev will take her character! I feel like she was thrust into her lifestyle and didn't ask for it. I also feel like she has a complicated relationship with the delinquents; guilt that they've followed in her footsteps, obligation to protect them, and maybe also a comeraderie that she's reluctant to give up. I also think out of all the rivals, she and Senpai make the most interesting pair! And on that note,
3. Taro Yamada. I love everything about his character; he is soft and kind and unique and brave when his ideals are challenged. He's just amazing.
4. Saki Miyu. Obviously! I wasn't all that attached to her initially; I just chose to make her my muse since my main blog has a Miku profile picture. But I've grown very attached to her and I reblog Saki fanart whenever I can. She's so sweet and a great friend!
5. Kokona Haruka. It's so haunting to see her walk around the school like the other background characters, given all that she's been through. Is she sad to be taken out of the spotlight, or relieved? She's not even necessarily safe either; she could still end up in the wrong place at the right time. I just think it's a neat concept.
Bonus honorable mentions: The guidance counselor and the bathroom ghost.
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morosexies · 7 years
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header for the wonderful @osorofightingdev !!!! they're a new crit blog and i love them, go follow them!!
@enchantinglanddreamer for u bro
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You know my love for Taro, so I want to give my opinion on some other characters. I’ll first start with the rivals:)
Osana - She’s alright. She’s really cute, but also really annoying. Just glad she doesn’t physically hurt Senpai.
Amai - Very cute. Probably the best option for Taro out of all the rivals.
Kizana - Meh. She’s one of those characters that will grow on you as you get to know her. 
Oka - Very cute too. I’ve mentioned before that I treasure the friendship she and Taro will have.
Asu - I like her. Too forgotten in this fandom, but I can kinda see why (I sometimes forget about her😬).
Muja - Gross.
Mida - Even more gross.
Osoro - Second favorite rival. She’s so interesting, and I can’t wait to see the history she and Taro will share.
Hanako - Very cute also. Kind of annoying, but I could never kill her. I hope we get to learn more about the Yamada’s during her week^_^
Megami - Favorite rival. She’s interesting, and she’s one of the few characters that’s not afraid to take a stand against Ayano, and I love her for that.
Send me asks about my opinion of other characters if you like:)
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
An English flower in the cherry blossoms.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ypCHEG
by Snowqueen43
Wisteria Potter leaves England after she stops receiving letters during the summer of 5th year, sick and tired of being manipulated and used as a scapegoat, little does she know that when she finally starts school. Reverse Harem, FemHarry, Major Weasley, Dumbledore and Granger bashing.
Words: 6174, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Male Rivals - Character, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Osano Najimi, Aso Rito, Osoro Shidesu, Amao Odayaka, Kizano Sunobu, Oko Ruto, Mujo Kina, Draco Malfoy, Mido Rana, Hanako Yamada, Megamo Saikou, mr saikou, Yakuza - Character, Info-chan (Yandere Simulator), The Journalist (Yandere Simulator), Iba Hachiro (Hakuouki), Yukimura Chizuru
Additional Tags: Male Rivals (Yandere Simulator), Female Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Hermione Granger Bashing, Ron Weasley Bashing, Harem, Powerful Harry Potter, multi crosover, Past Child Abuse, Angst, mentions of eating disorders, Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ypCHEG
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raphies-art-blog · 5 years
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I took a short break from my canvases to work on this. I was intrigued :3c...I just wish I could see it better
Ayano x Budo- It’s the OTP, no questions asked.
Taro x Kizana- It’s pretty interesting, not to mention I can’t really see anyone else tolerating Zana mama, besides Taro.
HANAKO X IRUKA- BOY. I love this and I know the chances of it being canon are 0, but I just need to hurry and get to making CONTENT for them! It’s so friggin cute!!!
Otohiko x Hokuto- I think that’s Hokuto anyway...purple guy— anyway a pal on Amino got me into the ship and now I’m hooked.
Otohiko x Osoro x Hazu/Otohiko x Osoro/Osoro x Hazu- Osoro has two hands people. Anyway, I really like soft boys and tough girl ships. My heart...my poor heart...
Rival-chan x Osana- I shipped them the minute Rival-chan was announced to be the obstacle. Sorry Taro uwu
Amai x Shoku- I love them??? Together???? Cooking Mama??? And Cooking Papa???? Yes?????
Riku x Kokona- The first matchmaking pairing will always have a special place in my heart.
Ryuto x Pippi- Ah, a classic ship uwu
Geiju x Hojiro (I know the line is actually towards Unagi, but give me a break, I couldn’t see)- It’s no longer a joke, I ship them now...whoops...
Hojiro x Asu/Hojiro x Itachi/Hojiro x Unagi- I adore Hojiro (obviously) and his ships would be endless if I had just a little more content, for now I’ll stick with what I’ve been given and so far I love it.
Asu x Itachi- PLEASE LET THEM BE CANON!!! The amount of hurt/comfort potential here???? Like??? PLEASE
Iruka x Mantaro- Iruka doesn’t have many ships with anyone because he’s a quiet boy, but I like the idea of Manty and Ruru practicing to grow strong together and develop a deep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) relationship.
Musume x Hojiro- I dunno why, don’t ask...
Megami x Aoi- The implications of their story is enough to make me wanna ship them.
Yui x Haruto- I miss them. But they were my spiteful duo. Pour one out for them.
Ayano x Yan-kun (I forgot the name YanDev gave him...)- I like Yandere x Yandere, it seems really interesting...and they aren’t really hurting anyone if they’re yandere only for each other...
Kuu x Horuda- Quiet girl ship, I like.
Saki x Kokona- Eh, I don’t really care about Saki, but I like their friendship....kinda...I mean Saki did let Kokona get bullied to the point where she’d kill herself...bad friend.
Oka x Shin- It’s in the ok zone because it’s too obvious, but I think it’s pretty cute still...
Sukubi x Roger- However tf his name is spelled....I like their friendship...that and they seem like chaotic buddies....or more than buddies...I dunno, that part isn’t my business :3
Itachi x Unagi- I saw it on Intstagram, and was like...yeah??? I can vibe with that. Not to mention, they’re kinda the inverted versions of the other (eye color and hair color).
Mantaro x Hojiro- Meme potential. That’s all I have to say.
Kencho x Hanako- It’s kinda cute. Rich boy and sweet girl. Kinda reminds me of Kaiba x Téa, but it’s YanSim.
Kyuji x Osana- Is that lobster hair boy’s name? Anyway, I know it’s canon, but??? I want Osana to get with her best pal? It’s a trope that overused in anime and I like that!
Turtle x Bird- I forgot their names....forgive me...but I don’t really care about the student council ships other than Megami x Aoi...I guess it’s an ok ship...but it’s meh...not even enough effort for an ‘m’ more like...eh....
Aoi x Shiromi- Again, I don’t care about this ship...and honestly I’m tired of seeing it everywhere, but I want people to enjoy what they like. Even if it is meh...
Seiyo x ....who is this chick again?- Yeah I don’t like them together, but I don’t hate it...so there’s that...
Taro (Male and Female) x Hanako/Nemesis- Yeah incest is disgusting. Don’t bring that anywhere near me.
Basucest- What is it...Inky and Pinky? Anyway, incest, once again, is gross.
Horuda x Any of the bullies- No. leave her alone. The bullies are monsters, and Horuda isn’t down for that.
Any Delinquent x Any Bully- The bullies tormented them til the boys wants to commit suicide...that’s unacceptable, no forgiven arc. No remedy, no “secret forbidden love,” just no.
Ones I forgot
Iruka x Asu- Meh
Umeji x Horuda- HOT
Unagi x Sumire- Ok
Megami x Kencho- Ew
Taro x Ayano- Nah
Taro x Osana- Hot
I don’t really care about half of the students,
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raibaru-fumetsu · 5 years
I’m quite bored so I guess I’ll talk about who is who’s suitor. This may be interesting for those who don’t know I guess.
Raibaru: Raibaru will have to be matched with Budo so that Osana becomes alone more frequently
Kokona: We already saw Kokona get together with Riku so I don’t think I need explaining
Pippi: Pippi and Ryuta like eachother so we may be able to matchmake them soon?
There may be more side quest matchmaking eliminations in the future
Osana: Osana expresses that she likes muscular guys and she mentions one of Mantaro’s physical features, A ponytail. This makes it safe to assume Kyuji is her suitor considering he has 2 hair models and one of them has a ponytail.
From here onwards we don’t really have much proof but they’re obvious anyway
Amai: It’s highly possible that Shoku has feelings for Amai and they would be perfect together since they both have similar talents in cooking
Kizana: Even though it doesn’t seem like it, Tsuruzo probably has feelings for Kizana. At first he did not have a crush for weeks/months but it eventually got added so it’s safe to assume that he’s her suitor
Oka: Oka with Shin, Don’t think it needs explaining
Asu: There’s a student who joined her club to impress her so I guess Iruka is her suitor
Muja: Otohiko gets sick a lot so he’ll spend time at the nurses office a lot which would mean it’s not strange for him to fall for her
Mida: Toga doesn’t know what career path to take so Mida’s job is to find him a career path for him and perhaps they’ll both be doing the same job?
Osoro: Umeji is her suitor
Hanako: Hanako’s suitor is Hazu
Megami: Even though Kaga doesn’t seem to love Megami, Looks like we will have to trick Megami into going with him and probably not knowing he doesn’t truly love her
Now that I’ve said all the suitors it’s time for a small complaint/rant?
Some of the rivals and suitors look like siblings and that’s just weird? Otohiko is literally a younger male equivalent of Muja, Shin is very similar to Oka and as you can see quite a lot of the suitors share similarities.
Some people will probably complain “The suitors are this obvious?” The answer would be yes because it makes more sense, Imagine Osoro going with someone like Otohiko? It would make absolutely no sense. The challenge is not to find out who the suitor needs to get matchmade to, the challenge is suppose to be the process of matchmaking a suitor to a rival.
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darling-blurbs · 5 years
Why Aren’t You Scared of Me? Prologue
(This will turn into a series. I promise you. Also, This is a BNHA OC Story and won’t go with the right order of events. I am going off of the wiki pages and some fanfics I read. I only watch a bit of the first season recently and forgot things also will not be word for word but I am trying to find all the transcripts I can find. This is episodes 1 + 2. I’ll start 2 + 3 tomorrow. Also my spelling is trash as well as my grammar so if it’s bad in those areas, I know. )
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Summary: Esther Osoro is an enigma. She was born to two wealthy pro-heroes who seemed dissatisfied with the female. Her quirk was more of a villain then a hero but again she had so many that they made it into one. This is the beginning of the most powerful person in the world.
Warnings: Swearing, Murder, Death, Gore.
Esther was happy. She finally realized what all of those voices were and she was quick to talk about it to her elder brothers, who were all named after famous gods as well as not being related to her ‘mother’ and ‘father’. The Quirk Doctor was surprised that her DNA held so many quirks that he told her parents that they made it into a whole category in of itself called Fear Raiser. 
“You Monster!” Her parents didn’t seem so happy when they got home. Esther heard their conversations of giving her up for adoption for the words she spilled. 
[Background on this young girl’s quirk:
Fear Raiser: A combination of multiple quirks. The most powerful of them all is Fear. Fear as a Quirk makes the user hear others fears and can create them. The user can also make it an illusion and use other people’s fear. Example of this is if the user is fighting someone who is scared of losing someone and the user can’t create them so they create a thunderstorm as someone else that is near or that they previously met is scared of thunder or the lighting. The User can also turn into that fear, but it does have it limitations. If someone’s fear is someone dying or themself dying, she cannot make that person die or the victim die unless she is not IN CONTROL. Ahem. Sorry. Anyways, another Quirk of her’s is Life or Animalia. They are close enough that they were included. Life makes her able to make plants grow or wilt. She can make vines appear if she wishes. Animalia gives her more power to become any animal, fictional or not so fiction. It doesn’t have to be someone’s fear. The next one is Angel. She can make beautiful black angel wings appear from her back. It also is very strong in that sense and is unbreakable. The last one is Black Sand. It is another Fear based quirk where she can make black sand appear. Think of Pitch Black Sand and then the villain in Big Hero 6 hand movements and replace the little robots with black sand and you got her last quirk.]
“We can’t set her up for adoption! That would tarnish our rep!” Her mother would always scream. Her father would whisper something that seemed like a good idea.
Faster than her 3 year old mind could realize what was happening, Esther was held up by the throat by her father. Her father had the quirk of strength which was not helping the young girl. 
“Once you die, we can have a normal hero life without the worry of your horrid quirks. We will cry to the press saying that we tried to calm you down once you became berserk!” Her mother’s eyes twinkled. Unlike their daughter, the ‘father’ had green eyes and brown hair while his wife was blonde with pink eyes. 
Esther looked nothing like any of her ‘family’. She sported black hair and icy blue eyes. Both her ‘parents’ side looked all the same. Brown hair, green eyes, blonde hair, pink eyes. Their quirks were passed down each gen no flaws until their ‘daughter’ was born. 
Maybe I should be controlling you. Will you let me out Blue? 
The voice was back. Esther knew who it was. It wasn’t Fear Raiser quirk. It was her other catagorized quirk. She nodded as she lost breathe confusing her parents. 
Thanks Blue. Let Red Handle THIS!
Her previously blue eyes changed to red quickly as Red took control. Her ‘father’ faltered in his grip as Red took that as a chance to use her quirk. 
“Hell Raiser.” Red whispered as her hand landed on the husband and erupted in flames. The man screamed and let go. He tried to shake his arm to put out the fire as his wife tried using her water quirk to put the flames out. No luck.
Red chuckled darkly as she lifted her head with her black hair covering one eye. “You can’t put it out old man! It is Hell Fire after all!” All of a sudden her body erupted in flames making the wife scream.
Red stepped out of the flames with devil horns and a devil tail with dragon-like wings. “Maybe you should have double-checked with the doctor before you left you BITCH!” 
The wife ran at the little girl who seemed a little taller. Red chuckled when she was pierced with a water spear through her stomach. Red ripped it out and the hole started to become whole again but not before some black substance dripped out. Red used her hand to get some of the black substance on her entire hand. 
She used it to create a weapon, scythe in fact. It looked like it was dripping but it quickly solidified at it’s master’s command. “Now let’s fight you asshole!” She smiled showing her sharp teeth. 
After a few minutes, Red yawned after she realized this women would not give up. She looked at the blonde female who was bleeding, had a broken right arm that was bent the opposite way, and a clean, chopped off left arm. 
“You know, I’m getting bored and I’m getting tired so I’ll just set this place on fire,” Red pondered this. Red had not a scratch on her, thanks to her multiple quirks. 
The blonde looked straight up at her. “No! Please! We didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Red growled. “You meant to hurt her! She told me how she was scared that you would hurt her and look at what you did! You made me ANGRY!” 
Red erupted in flames again that quickly dispursed around the entire mansion. The screams of the blonde was muffled by the demons that Red summoned. Like how Esther could summon Fears, Red could summon demons and ghosts from the depths of hell.
She walked away from the scene and snapped her fingers making the fire grow stronger in it’s power before going away entirly. The only thing left was ash. No bones as her power was enough to cremate one, no matter how fast. 
“Are you sure it’s alright if I stay?” A few days later and a bunch of explaining, Esther was with her brothers. Her real brothers. Apparently those people she called her ‘parents’ were fillers just so the girl could have a life and not be restrained up in heaven, hell, and the afterlife. 
“We said yes a million times Esther,” Loki sighed. Loki, everyone knows him. Norse God of Mischief among other things. 
“Don’t say it that way Loki,” Satan growled. Satan is the devil obviously but not the only one-
“It would be amazing if you stayed little sis!” Lucifer said. Lucifer was the other devil, or really servant of his older brother. He was the ‘next in line’.
God silently nodded as Jesus said Jesus like the meme he tried so hard to be. 
“My name is Esther Osoro, but you can call me Esther!” Esther said with confidence to the little boys. One with ash blonde hair while the other had green hair.
Keep these boys. They are adorable.
“I’m Izuku Midoriya and this is Kacchan!” the green haired boy exclaimed. Even though flustered by the sudden appearance of this girl, he always was open to new friends. 
“Can I call you Broccoli?” 
“Huh?” The sudden question broke the boy into a stuttering mess. 
“I call him Deku but Broccoli is a good one,” The ash blonde spoke for once since the girl approached them. “And why are you with us? Don’t girls play with dolls and have cooties?”
Esther giggled making both boys blush, one more than the other since his determination and confidence would not let his do so. “Well, I thought you guys seemed like true heroes and good knights! Maybe you could protect me?” 
Izuku and Katsuki nodded their head and shined with determination. “We will protect you!” They smiled at each other as they ran off. 
“Kacchan, w-why are you doing this?” A young Izuku looked up at his former best friend. Katsuki got his quirk recently and became popular quickly. Sometimes fame can get to your head. 
He started bulling Izuku but haven’t been caught by their little angel as she was on a week trip to China. No one asked why but she was coming back that morning.
“Because I can’t be friends with a quirkless person!” Maybe that is what made the angel appear.
Kicking Katsuki to the ground was not something Esther wanted to do, neither was using a bit of her quirk but what Katsuki said sent butterflies of rage to consume her. Did we forget to mention that was part of her quirk. Little butterflies that appeared when she was feeling a very very strong emotion. 
Katsuki looked up at the girl, whose black hair swayyed in the wind. His goons were laying on the ground around them, he never noticed her hurting them. 
“What do you think you are doing to him?”
Red’s demonic voice mixed with Esther’s making it seem distorted. Like a glitched voice that a hacker would use to mask their own. Katsuki was scared. No that was an understatement. He was terrified. The girl’s eyes weren’t their icy blue but a mix of red and blue, swirling pools of pure rage. 
“K-Kacchan didn’t mean it Bunny. H-He was joking around,” Izuku stood up to his little angel who seemed more demonic than angel like. Esther/Red wipped around to see a teary eyed Izuku. Her red/blue eyes widen in realization as the red faded leave the blue eyes that Izuku and Katsuki loved to look at. 
“I-I am sorry I lost my temper then. I hope you can forgive me,” She bowed to Katsuki as she lifted him off the ground. “But that doesn’t mean that I forgive you.” Esther growled before walking away, with Izuku’s hand in her own. 
Katsuki glared at the joined hands before glaring at the floor. “She didn’t even see my quirk...” Katsuki growled. 
Ah Middle School... That Esther was currently late for. After the incident when they were younger, Katsuki tried to redeem himself to his former best friend. She let him do that until she finally forgave him. Of course Katsuki still bullied Izuku but not as much. The beating weren’t noticable and Esther was fine as long as Izuku wasn’t in pain. She saw how Katsuki would feel and took it into consideration as she walked with him on a few days, unlike today. 
Esther ran into class with her juice box in mouth. The teacher looked up from the chalkboard to get ready to yell at whoever the person that was late but shut his trap once he realized who it was. Esther’s quirk was not well known, noting that Izuku and Katsuki don’t even know if she even has one/know what it is, but the adults fear it. Funny as her quirk is fear. 
“Sorry I am late my dude. I had to deal with my crusty dusty brothers this morning,” Esther said as she strolled to her desk that was in front of Izuku’s and next to Katsuki’s. 
“It’s fine Osoro. We were just going to talk about everyone’s future,” The teacher said. He blabbed on before saying something about quirks. Katsuki was being quiet when he said something about how everyone wanted to be heroes.
Now that Esther thought about it, both of them were being silent. She was now very very worried at the silence until she was jump scared by everyone using their quirks. 
“Hey Teach, don’t let me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucking to be a sidekick to some busted deal lister. Ha!“ Katsuki said with pride as Esther rolled her eyes. The normal, ‘I’ll fight you and be number 1′ was now a normal thing to the young female.
The class screamed at him and he countered. The teacher said something about his test results and the rest of the class said something about him going to UA. Esther was going to UA no matter what she did. Either she would ace the test, or if she didn’t she would be recommended by her best friend and brother from another family.
Then the teacher said something that Esther almost stood up and used her quirk for, “ Oh Yeah, Midoriya, don't you want to go to UA too?” And everyone started laughing and mocking him until they heard a chair slam through the window. They all turned to the source and shrinked away to see Esther glaring at all of them. 
“I think you forgot me Teach. I am going to ace them. As the person in this class with the most intelligence as well as the most powerful, I might as well just Thanos snap you all right here,” the student cowered while Katsuki and Izuku stared at their best friend, thankful they are not the student right now. 
“W-What is your quirk anyways?” A male student asked. Esther whipped around to glare at the student. 
“Well, that ain’t any of your concern you sad excuse of a person? Because you are not going to be a hero,” Esther stated as she snapped her fingers, making a black chair make of ink, appear from stains on the floor to create a regular chair. She moved her hand as the window repaired itself with black ink until it was normal.
“Continue teach,” Esther said with an innocent smile.
Of course after her outburst, only Katsuki would yell at Izuku after, as he knows Esther won’t scream at him.
After class ended, Esther turned in her desk. “I heard there is a Sludge Monster somewhere and All Might put a stop to it.” Esther’s face was practically touch Izuku’s but not so much that their breathes mingled. 
Izuku blushed profusely at the closeness of his best friend. “I-I’ll write that down in my notebook Bunny. Be s-sure to wait for me!” Esther giggled as she stood up. 
She ruffled her friend’s hair and waved at him as she left the doorway. She stood outside the school entrance. She knew Izuku made her leave so she wouldn’t have to see Katsuki hurt him again. Esther’s black wings erupted from her back as she flew to the window that was conveniently open. She watched as Katsuki used his explosion quirk on Izuku’s book and threw it out the window.  
Esther dove for the book before it landed in the fountain. She flew back up to the window as Katsuki threatened Izuku about applying.
“I don’t think that is very nice,” Esther crawled in through the window. 
All of the boys in the room watched as the angel wings shrinked back into the female’s back. “Threatening someone for their hard work is a low, even for you Kacchan.” 
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “What do you want bitch?” His mask was faltering the longer she was around and her smirk confirmed she knew it. “I am trying to have a lovely talk with Deku.”
Esther hums and snaps her fingers, making one of his goons flinch while the other one let out a squeak. 
So they know who we are. Why don’t Broccoli and Kacchan know?
Eh. I don’t want anything. I just promised Broccoli I would let him see All Might as I am his best friend. All Might I mean. Oh you didn’t know. Ya I know you love him sweetheart but-
She couldn’t say that so she instead said, “I have a date with him today and we are running late to our reservations.” Katsuki and Izuku choked while the goons said nothing as their boss seemed more angry until he heard her voice in his head. 
‘What I am saying, is just let him fucking go or I will hurt these goons and never talk to you again. I’m not going on a date with Broccoli so don’t worry.’ Katsuki relaxed to that and let Izuku go. He glared at Izuku before turning to Esther. 
“You win this time dipshit. But next time, have a better lie prepared.” Katsuki turned and left the room. 
Izuku turned to his best friend, “Wahhhh! You didn’t need to say that out-”
“I told Kacchan to fuck off in his head so I don’t hurt his popularity. Don’t worry Broccoli. Kacchan wouldn’t do shit and if he heard that we were actually dating, he would murdered them.” Esther giggled at Izuku’s expression which held confusion. 
“What is your quirk?” Esther shrugged. 
“A story for another day... You want to get out of here now?” Izuku nodded as they walked out of the school. Izuku went one way as Esther went the opposite. Katsuki waited in the shadows and lifted himself off the wall as he began to walk with Esther, but far away with his goons. He did this whenever he had his so called ‘friends’. 
Esther heard them talk trash before she heard a gurgling noise and a scream of villain. Esther’s eyes flashed red as she turned to see Katsuki consumed by a villain. 
“It’s a monster!” Someone screamed. Esther’s anger only intestified. 
What the hell are you doing? Let’s roast this popsicle stand!
Esther’s ears picked up another voice saying a kid was there. When Esther saw Izuku, her entire body screamed to help, so she did. Fuck the no power rule, she was going to murder the police if they said it one more time.
She ran onto the scene, using her black sand to use as a way to get there faster. 
Water is scary but strong force is worse
“Gotcha,” She whispered as Izuku’s eyes widen at the sight of his best friend. Going to scream at her to get out of there until she lifted her hand in the middle of the field of flames. Her hand was outstreched towards the sky with her hand done. 
Suddenly, A blur of something passed and grabbed her hand. “All Might!” Izuku exclaimed. 
“Never fear for I am here!” He said, while holding Esther’s hand which she seemed to be doing something with. He turned to Esther “What shall we do Young Esther.” 
Esther lifted her head, “Detroit Smash!” She said in unsion with All Might as he punched the villain, secretly using her hand as a power source so he could keep his form longer. 
The heroes were scolding Izuku and praising Katsuki yet seemed to be sympathetic with Esther, asking if her quirk was doing it’s withdrawls again. 
“This is Esther Osoro. She told us that her parents tried to kill her so she used her other quirk.”
“She has another quirk?” All Might, or Toshinori Yagi, asked the officer. He nodded. 
“She has two quirks that are actually multiple in one. The first one is named Fear Raiser with the quirks Fear, Black Sand, Angel, and Life or Animalia. The Second one was what caught my attention. When the doctor was checking for quirks, they said they saw another form or creature. Apparently, the Second Quirk is someone else entirely-”
“Like another entity?” Shota Aizawa asked suprisingly awake from his nap. 
“Yes. Before they had a chance to check the first time, her parents became odd at the sound of her first quirk and left quickly with her. Now that we have her here and at least alive, the doctors ran it again to find out the quirk is called Hell Raiser.”
“Not a very appealing title,” Midnight stated.
“It isn’t meant to be. Hell Raiser is a very scary and powerful quirk. It consists of four or five quirks. When Hell Raiser, or Red as Osoro calls it, is in control, her eyes turn red. Red isn’t like Osoro and instead is more scary than sweet like her ‘master’.”
“Master? Why do you say master?” Enji Todoroki asked. Now he was interested. A potential quirk user who could make a very powerful quirk with his son? He was already thinking quirk marraige when he said two quirks but realizing they were a front for a bunch of different quirks screamed ‘I will surpass All Might without trying.’
“Red only listens to Osoro. Before Red... Possessed? Esther’s body, she asked permission. Red only appears if either Esther let’s her or if Esther is in a state of weakness. If Esther is scared or weakened phsyically, Red will come out and show hell.”
“What are the quirks in her Hell Raiser Quirk?” Yagi asked. 
“There is Devil’s Sister, I didn’t name these, which means she can summon demons from the depths of hell as well as use something called Hell Fire, which cannot be tamed unless she snaps her fingers or commands it too. She can also make devil horns and a devil type tail appear of her with dragon like wings from her back. The second one is Toxic Kiss where she can kiss someone and control them. The only way to get out of this state is if you are kissed in the spot that she kissed-”
“The third one is Fire Dancer, where she may dance and fire is left there. Osoro can also use this quirk but it isn’t hers. Another quirk that Osoro also shares with Red is Black Ink. It has multiple uses but is mostly used to create objects. It mends all types of object except organs, which is the next quirk. Black Blood is not something Osoro shares with Red. Black Black mends Red’s wounds as well as other’s if she smears it on them. It can also be used as a weapon on command. The last one is Death which let’s Red see people’s death dates. If she kills them later in life, she cannot see them. There is always changes in people’s death and how they will perish. What I mean is that she can also see how they die. She can also make darkness consume places but there isn’t much on that.”
“Not so Kinky,” Midnight whined. 
“Well, we need to make her feel comfortable. Her parents almost killed her!” Yagi said as he looked at the said girl who seemed lost in thought.
That day forward, all of the heroes heard of the girl and her abilties as well as feats and promised to protec her at all costs.
-Flashback End-
Esther walked away from the scene and heard running footsteps behind her. She knew it was Kacchan’s from the scent of smoke filling her lungs. She guessed his conversation with Broccoli ended. 
She slowed down as Katsuki caught up to her. She paused when he put himself in front of her. She tilted her head before he wrapped his arms around her waist. She was small but enough to be cuddly. 
She heard his sobs as he broke down in her arms that were quick to wrap around him. He nuzzled his face into the girl’s neck. 
“I-It was so scary... I w-was so scared and I-I didn’t know what to do.” Katsuki poured his emotions out to the small girl. She kissed the side of his neck and whispered how she was there and she helped him.
After a while of standing in the middle of the street, Katsuki pulled away with such hesitance that he almost never let go. Esther stood on her tippy toes to wipe away his tears and give him a peck on the cheek. His outbursts of tears were normal to her. She was the only one he cried in front of other than his mother one day when he was little. 
“You did well Kacchan. You tried your hardest to fight back and it was beautiful,” Esther smiled at the boy who seemed confused at her random praise. 
“But, Fucking Deku came and almost got himself killed and then you were there and-” Katsuki widened his eyes. “And All Might knew you.” He whipped his head to his best friend who look anywhere but his red eyes. “You know All Might! Since when!”
“Since I was like 3. He is like an older brother to me. I was never kidding about autographs.” Esther chuckled as they started walking home with Katsuki chattering about random shit and Esther mindlessly nodding.
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Author’s Note: I might remember to write again but this series is what I call ‘Me writing a story with no plot.’ Hope you like it and it will be more exciting later. There is an alteration of a million things such as placement of people in 1A and how the seating will be weird since there will be one extra as everyone in that school is equally important (Even Mineta). There isn’t one set love interest but I am trying to lean towards Bakahoe. I like him, todoroki, hitoshi, and monoma so I rlly don’t know. Maybe this will turn out to be a Esther X 1A, 1B and Villains (Because I will put some villains who are attracted to her second quirk)
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shapeshiftinterest · 6 years
osoro shidesu + delinquent boys ideas
everyone’s just hanging out, possibly after a big fight, one of the delinquent boys either punched one of the guys who attacked osoro from behind OR beat up one of the tougher rival delinquents
osoro looks a little surprised before grinning and slapping the delinquent boy on the back, “haha good job kid thanks”
he smiles back and says “thanks mom”
everyone freezes and it’s kinda awkward until osoro coughs and decides to just let it go before patting his back one more time and sending him to the convenience store to get bandaids or whatever
it gets really weird later on though, when the other delinquent boys keep accidentally calling her mom,
not to mention those 2 times she got called dad
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yanderesleuth · 6 years
The Pending Delinquent Update: A Sleuth Review
Wooooo! We got delinquents! ...sort of. And I can’t speak for anyone else, but I find myself with more questions than answers.
Yandere Dev released a teaser video of what’s in store for the game in the near future. This video consists of in-game footage and also some interesting illustrations.
Maybe it’s just me, but I noticed a huge improvement in the graphics. The quality seems much higher. Maybe it’s just a certain lighting he’s testing, or a new look for zero atmosphere. Regardless, it looks AMAZING.
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Initially, when we would provoke the delinquents, we would get an automatic game over. Seeing ayano beaten up was a huge surprise for this reason. I’m curious to know that if we were defeated by a delinquent, would we have the ability to heal? Would our bruised and beaten appearance lower our reputation?
Orrrr.... maybe getting beat by a delinquent will be on PURPOSE. This would give ayano the ability to get access to the nurse’s office to get the emetic poison for senpai and Osana! Very interesting stuff.
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The fight sequences were mentioned in a failed proposal by Yandere dev, but it seems like he is going to keep part of it. It’s a very fun and different twist to the game and helps the delinquents stand out more than what they already do. I’m loving every bit of this update!
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In another video made by Yandere dev, he mentions some sort of connection between the guidance counselor and the delinquents. In this specific illustration, I feel ... depression. Maybe embarrassment. Her cheeks are flushed; maybe she has been crying?
For the life of me, I just can’t come up with any form of a theory. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will have the same shock value as the headmaster’s tapes did for me!
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I think we now know why Osoro was expelled for the first seven weeks. The wounds match up with the bandages she has in the rival introduction video. I’m counting 9/10 bodies in this photo easily, and they appear to be ‘normal’ students? Also making the assumption the one in the white coat is probably in the science club. Very interesting, but what provoked her to take them all on? Was she being bullied?
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It’s as I said. The delinquent video has given me more questions than answers. However, I am extremely pleased with the progress! 10/10!
What did you all think!?
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