#Mer fic
just-a-drawing-bean · 10 months
Read this cute Mer fic last night called Ripple by @starryeyed-queer
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I had to draw the watercolor painting that reader makes of Sun because it was written so descriptively and I could just see the image in my brain grrrr. Tried to mimic watercolor best i could but i am not a watercolor artist haha. Love this fic, very wholesome cant wait to read the next chapter <333
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icypantherwrites · 3 months
Fic Update: Bottled Ocean, Chapter 43
Been forever since I posted a Bottled Ocean update on Tumblr (or really any fanfiction updates, but just not really feeling the energy to do so since not too many folks reading anymore and no audience on Tumblr on top of AO3 still not unlocking my story despite removing the link and mention to/of RAINN (which is also still bullshit)). Lots happening though in this Mer!Lance and Slaves! Shiro and Keith whumpy story so might try to resume chapter snippets for it at least (if I can remember). Enjoy :)
Chapter 43 snippet:
It took Shiro a second to realize Lotor had addressed him in his spiel as his brain combined ‘inside’ with the knife and he’d thought Lotor was about to cut Lance but he…
Wanted Shiro’s blood?
Shiro held said appendage out with only the back of his mind knowledge that Lotor was not so stupid as to remove his arm — and the knife was not a bonesaw, it wasn’t — lending him the ability to do so.
He still bit down on his tongue as Lotor, after sliding the arm sleeve back, cut a sliver on Shiro’s arm that immediately welled with blood.
And Lance’s head shot up so fast Shiro winced at the whiplash as those dark ocean eyes zoomed in right on Shiro and he had the strangest sense of deja vu of Lance doing the exact same thing when—
Shiro’s breath caught as he realized it was the exact same reaction as to when Keith had been brought above deck injured and sick and how Lance had been hyper aware of the other boy.
And the common factor?
Shiro glanced down at his arm where crimson was starting to drip down.
“Ah,” Lotor’s voice was soft and delighted and it made a shiver roll down Shiro’s spine. “And so the legends are true. Mers,” his thumb smeared along the wound and lifted up a now red finger, “are attracted to blood.”
He turned to Lance, who shrank back at his approach, and Shiro could see the corner of Lotor’s mouth curl up in amusement at the reaction. “Tell me, Lance,” he knelt in front of the boy and thrust his bloodied finger at Lance’s face and he recoiled even more. “Do you smell it? Taste it in the air? What drives you to it?”
Lance’s voice was barely a whisper and he was shaking, face pale. “I just… do.”
“That is not an answer,” Lotor’s voice hardened slightly and he turned to look over his shoulder at Shiro. “That sounds like insubordination, does it not, Shiro?”
“I, I don’t know,” Lance stammered, voice rising in pitch as Lotor summoned a crackle of lightning to his fingers and turned to face Shiro and Shiro fought to remain impassive as he knew what was about to come.
It was just pain.
“I, I swear. I don’t,” Lance continued. “Pl-please. I don’t know. I, I just felt it—”
“Felt it?” Lotor interrupted him and Shiro held his breath as a purple wreathed hand remained inches away from his chest. “But you did not touch it.”
Lance shook his head. “The, the wound. I felt—”
“Of course,” Lotor breathed, whirling back around so quickly his hair slapped Shiro in the face but it wasn’t lightning and the man’s voice was back to excited. “Of course,” he repeated, pulling out his notebook. “With Mers' affinity for healing magic it would make sense that they can sense the wound and therefore are highly attuned to blood. Fascinating. The legends are true but,” he chuckled, “not in the way we interpreted.”
Read the full chapter here
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glitchysquidd · 2 years
Heya Glitchy, hope you’re doing well. how’s that undertale mer fic going?
Uh let's see....
um, it's going!
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darkwater-fic-recs · 2 years
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(Completed, oneshot)
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sinnamoneyy · 2 years
I did it!! Mer fic!!
Two peas in a pod. You grew up with him. You’ve fought with and for him. You’ve seen each other wounded and watched each other heal, everything that the two of you have been through put you here. You trust him. This is your safe place, more of a home than the noisy shack a couple miles down.
But learning he’s been hiding his brother up until now feels like a slap in the face.
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kittonafoxgirl · 1 year
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welp. Looking through my posts I spaced posting chapters 7 and 8 on this site... good news is that 9 is like half done!
In Pursuit of Cold Water Podfic ch. 8
AO3 Link: In Pursuit of Cold Water [Podfic]
Fandom: Star Wars (Mer AU)
Pairing: Obi-Wan x Anakin
Writer: @jswander
Text: In Pursuit of Cold Water
Reader: Kittona
Rating: T+
Chapter 8 Length: 22:19
Summary: Obi-Wan resolves to rescue a very stubborn merman from captivity and back to the ocean.
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solarrush · 3 months
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The specimen has begun exhibiting…violent…episodes. Further observation required.
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cipher-the-sidhe · 4 months
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A couple of wet beasts, suffering the ✨consequences of their (Moon’s) own actions✨💜
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aerknight · 9 months
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@naffeclipse orcas beach themselves to hunt seals orca!eclipse beaches themself to hunt y/n :)
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melanirana · 1 year
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ra-archives · 6 months
Yes Yes, I see your Mermaid Legend this and Merman Legend that, however,
Might I offer up some Siren Legend
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icypantherwrites · 23 days
Fic Update: Bottled Ocean, Chapter 51
(Bottled Ocean is a Patreon exclusive fanfiction)
Chapter Snippet:
“Hey,” Shiro gave Lance’s knee the barest bump with his blanket-clad own. “It’s gonna be okay.”
No response other than another tremble.
“I know it’s… it’s not what we’d hoped for,” Shiro continued quietly. “But I think it’s the right idea and even with Lotor involved you’re going to become a Mer again. And then we’ll—”
“I can’t,” Lance finally looked up then and his eyes were bright with tears. “I c-can’t.” 
“You can,” Keith countered, a touch of fire in his voice but gentle for him. “I’ll be right there. Even if it’s hours I won’t let you go.”
“No,” Lance whimpered, shaking his head and trembling anew.
Keith’s eyes met Shiro’s, the same confusion and touch of fear Shiro felt mirrored back.
What was going on?
This wasn’t a matter of Lance just being scared of Lotor.
This couldn’t just be a fear of going back into the aquarium.
“What is it, buddy?” Shiro asked gently. “What are we missing?”
“It’s, it’s too cold,” Lance choked out. “I, I could f-feel it. In, in the moonlight. It was c-cold. In, inside me. Too cold. I, I don’t think…”
Another tear dripped down his cheek.
“I don’t think…” his voice was barely a whisper. “I don’t think Mers are supposed to go back after they become Human. I, I think if they try…”
He swallowed.
“They die.”
Read it here
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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So @fortheloveofexy posted a snippet of their fic for wip Wednesday (here) that I just. It got my heart, and I’ve been wanting to draw more mers and Andrew’s design is so cool in this au i couldn’t help myself
I’ll reblog and link when the corresponding chapter comes out but for now, here’s the general fic link in case you haven’t been following it already 👀
Bonus lil merDrew
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jiveyuncle · 8 days
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When change enters people's lives, it often enters like that. Slowly. Ahead of the ingress are little hints, sneak previews of things to come, the years of foreshadowing finally culminating in a pyroclastic burst that alters the landscape of your world forever. Changes like growing up, or like parting ways with your childhood best friend, or like deciding what to do with your life and how to spend your time on this Earth.
But sometimes, the biggest changes of all happen the fastest. They give no foreshadowing. They simply come down on you all at once, like the heavy release of a summer storm, or the rush of cold air when you open the door to a small, seaside cafe. They come without preamble. They come at you quick and quiet and without any fireworks at all, so sudden that you might just miss them if you’re not paying attention.
Hell, you might even walk right past them.
-Chapter 8 of Where the Water Meets the Sky by speaks on AO3
This passage hit me hard - had my heart aching. Then had me smacking my pillow as realization started to dawn. Then shrieking with excitement when I got to that last line. Fuck, this story is beautiful. Anyway, that's the inspiration for this art, and this is just me attempting to show my immense love and adoration for the way @speakswords weaves a story like poetry. I highly recommend it. You can read the fic here:
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darkwater-fic-recs · 1 year
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(Completed, oneshot)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 18 days
The noise is deep, yet carries a lightweightedness, reaching every corner of the cavern and bouncing its way back to your ears. It’s like a rattling throat mixed with the lowest purr to ever exist. It comes again, followed by a string of uneven warbles. Now that you’re more alert, you start to pick up a little of what it’s—
…What did it just say?
Slowly, exceedingly slowly, you look from the corner of your eye, and against the dull colors of the cavern you see a lot of yellow. You’re not sure whether it is excitement or anxiety that compels you, but you quickly whip your head to get a full view, and look up. Your jaw drops.
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