#Merry Christmas a bit late lol
copiousloverofcopia · 9 months
🎄Hey there ghesties for some late Yuletide fun here is a little something!!! 🎄
We are back again for another story featuring the adorable Sister Saccharine and her beloved Copia! A little Yuletide story for my ghestie @sistersaccharine
Thank you so much for letting me continue creating Saccharine's story with you! I hope you and everyone else enjoys!!!!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
The Dysfunctional Emeritus Christmas
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Sister Saccharine takes a winter stroll when her fellow Sisters of Sin invite her to her first Yule celebration with the Emeritus family since her and Copia were wed. Shenanigans ensues when the family comes together in a way only an Emeritus dysfunctional Christmas could.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Read below!
The snow was glistening over the fields that once held flowers. Icicles firmly established along the branches of all the trees. And wicked chill took hold in the wind as Sister Saccharine walked along the path sitting along the edge of the grounds. The western woods, just beyond, like bare bones in the cold. Not a leaf to speak of as she heard the crows cawing in the air and noticed the family of little ruby-eyed rabbits. Their white fur barely visible as they huddled together beneath the root of a tree.
Saccharine bent down to greet them. Lifting the smallest one up in her soft mittens. Watching them warming their little body asked the yarn like a hug. Her own breath, visible in the blistering cold as she spoke.
“Oh, my little one. This must be your first winter here…poor thing. You must be so cold.” she cooed, holding him gently in her hands. Saccharine, taking a moment to think before being struck with a brilliant idea. “Here... hopefully this will help.” she told him, placing the bunny back with its family. Now covered by her sacrificed mittens, help to insulate the heat of their bodies from the bitter cold. 
It made her smile to see them warmed by her gift. Despite the winter solstice having taken hold, Saccharine didn’t mind the cold. Managing somewhere to be warmed from within. Her heart, so full and her pink-tinted nose, kissed by winter, nestled against the fabric of her favorite coat. Saccharine contentedly took in a deep inhale. Breathing in the scent of Copia’s cologne, still lingering there from their shopping trip from the day before, as she continued her walk. 
Nothing made her happier than to think of him. Her beloved husband, for only a few short months, but already a lifetime lived between them. Her thoughts were never far from him. The dear sister, unable to control the smile that reached her lips. His voice echoing sweet nothings in the forefront of her mind. 
She had often thought of him when she was alone. Even in the times when only moments had passed since they’d been together. Today was a bit different, with her thoughts occupied by the weight of Yule this year. It was to be her first Yuletide with Copia as husband and wife. Her first time as a true part of the Emeritus family, and the thought of it filled her with so much joy—and weary. 
She wanted to make a good impression on them. Hoping to consult with Ren, Secondo’s Prime Mover, and her friend for many years. She had been a great mentor to Saccharine since she first arrived at the Abbey. Surely, she would be able to empathize with her, guide Saccharine as to how she could settle the nervousness in the pit of her stomach. She knew that her friend would have the exact right thing to say to calm her. It wasn’t too long after that Saccharine swore she heard her name being called. Stopping a moment to shake off her confusion before hearing it once again. 
“What are you doing out here in the cold, we’ve been looking all over for you?” Prime Mover Ren called over to her. Saccharine turned to see her friends approaching her in the snow. The lot of them, bundled up in their winter best and carrying cups of hot chocolate in their hands. The rich smell, catching Saccharine’s attention as they drew closer. She instantly perked up. Ren, quick to hand her the extra cup she was carrying as Nova and Knell sipped away from their own.
“I am sorry, I must have lost track of time.” she laughed nervously, taking her first sip from her cup. The taste of the warm chocolate with a hint of cinnamon, glorious on her tongue as it filled her mouth. 
“I’m honestly shocked you’re not frozen solid.” remarked Sister Knell. “You…ah…not own a pair of gloves?” she continued, noticing Saccharine’s bare cold scorched hands. 
“Oh I do…well did.” she laughed.
“Never mind that Saccharine, come to Yule tonight with us!” Nova beamed, so excited to be the one to invite her. The ghoulette’s tail, swishing happily from side to side as she awaited her answer.
“You mean the ministry gathering? Isn’t that tomorrow night?” she asked her.
“What she means…” Ren continued shaking her head, “that you and Copia need to come to Secondo and I’s suite this evening for Yule celebrations. You’re an Emeritus now. This time is just for the family. Plenty of Ministry celebrations for later.” 
“Oh well of course, I am sure Copia would be thrilled.”
“Indeed, now let's get you back inside before you become a snowman.” Ren laughed, wrapping her arm around Saccharine as the four of them walked back to the Abbey. 
Saccharine spent the rest of the day getting ready. Outfits tossed to every inch of her and Copia’s bedroom as she searched for the perfect thing to wear. Settling on an adorable black dress with matching shawl, similar to her husband’s former cassock. Sheer tights and the most adorable black boots with matching bows. The focus of her outfit, a new blue sapphire encrusted necklace. Carefully draped over her decolletage—-a gift that Copia couldn't resist giving her early. 
He watched her from the doorway. A smile, pulling at the corners of his mouth as she turned back to face him. Holding out her arms and twisting around so he would get the idea of the flow of her dress.  
“What do you think?” 
“You look incredible dolcezza. Most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” he replied, his words sending a blush of pink over Saccharine’s cheeks. He quickly took her in his arms, hugging her close before planting a small kiss on her forehead. 
“Think they’ll like it?” she asked him, the worry unable to be fully hidden within the tone of her voice. Copia tilted her chin up to face him. 
“Saccharine, they are our best friends and family…they will love you even if you wore a potato sack to dinner.” he laughed, his wife giving him a playful tap to the chest. 
“I know, I know. I just want to make a good impression; you know what I mean?”
“I know. This is perfect…you are perfect. I promise.” he assured her. Saccharine, hugging him once again. Gripping him so tight, never truly wanting to let him go. This lovable, silly man who always knew the right thing to say. 
Finally, hours later, they had made it. The two of them standing in wait before the door of Secondo and Ren’s Papal suite after ringing the bell.  “Are you ready amore?” Copia asked her, feeling her uneasily squeezing his hand.
“Ready.” she told him, taking a deep breath. Her nerves, on edge for what may come next. When the door opened, Saccharine was awestruck. The suite was lavishly decorated. All of the Yuletide trimmings on full display. Garland lining every surface, with bright warm lights that twinkled a delicate glow. Ornate holly wreaths, hung carefully on the walls and a sprig of mistletoe in every doorway. The beautiful glow of candles, serving to fill the room with a warm ambiance which complemented the scent of poinsettias, cinnamon, and pine.  
It was clear to Saccharine that Prime Mover Ren had spared no expense when it came to Yule. After all, an Emeritus celebration was always a bit of a show, but somehow, she had managed to make it still feel cozy and quaint. The warmth and inviting nature of it, reminding Saccharine of the Christmases she had back at home. A bittersweet smile sweeping across her face just as Ren spoke.
“You know the party's ALL the way inside, right?” She laughed, catching Saccharine’s attention before Copia and her finally breached the threshold of the door. “Would you both be a dear and put these candies in the stockings for the children. I have been meaning too, but I am swamped in the kitchen with dinner. Primo has taken over and has been shooing everyone but me and Knell out all afternoon." Ren told them, handing over the sack of candies to Saccharine.
“Oh…why yes of course.” Saccharine smiled. The two of them took to the mantle located in the main parlor, placing little chocolates and peppermints in each of the little ones' stockings as they carried on.
“They are so small.” Copia remarked, sending a sweet glance her way. They were, and charming just as everything else and the look on her husband’s face made Saccharine wonder if their own mantle would be home to small stockings someday. It was a small moment between them that made her heart soar as she filled the stockings. When she went to open the last of them her eyes widened in surprise. There, all curled up together and sleeping peacefully in the bottom was little Gnocchi and Rigatoni. Copia took a look for himself, placing a finger over his lips, hushing the both of them before waking the mice.
“Sweet Lucifer Secondo the sweater looks just fine, stop fussing about it already.” Ren said as she reappeared to check on them. Secondo huffed and crossed his arms as Ren went on, rolling her eyes as she tapped Copia’s shoulder. “Papa, do you think you can help us with reaching for something in the kitchen?”
“Oh course, I will be right back.” he told Saccharine as they headed into the kitchen. It made Saccharine a bit nervous to be left on her own, especially since Secondo. She never was quite sure how to approach him. It was moments like this Saccharine knew having Copia by her side always made everything seem more pleasant and comfortable. 
It was the first time she had been to any gathering as an official member of the Emeritus family. Trying her best to hide her anxiety behind a soft smile, she turned to face out into the belly of the room. Immediately taking note of Secondo sitting quietly in the middle of the sofa. The former Papa was serving as both a jungle gym and lion tamer for his many children as they chased each other around the room. 
All of them were brimming with excitement at the sight of their gifts, devastated that they would have to wait until after dinner to open them. It was then she noticed that Secondo and Ren wore matching sweaters, both black with sparkling holly wreaths and pentagrams. Saccharine immediately went to cover her mouth. Hiding her giggle at his grumpy, yet proud papa disposition. 
The two youngest of the children were playing with Nova on the floor beside the tree. The ghoulette tangled up in the tinsel like a kitten as little Lucian clapped away. Nova was always so good with the children. Her heart was so pure, one of the best friends Saccharine had ever had.
Maybe I can relax a bit after all, Saccharine thought to herself as she took a seat opposite the bunch. Secondo, sending her a knowing nod and a welcoming smile as they both watched Nova and the children play.  Suddenly from the corner of her eye, Saccharine caught sight of Sister Knell peering out from behind the door frame, leading from the kitchen. The sister’s eyes, shifting around as she snuck Nova and the children some cookies. 
It was amusing to see everyone together like this. The joy of the season, reminding Saccharine just how much she loved all her friends. When she felt she wouldn't be missed, she took her leave. Deciding to check on Copia as she politely dismissed herself. “I’m gonna go see how Copia is holding up.” she smiled as she headed to the kitchen.
Immediately as she walked inside, she saw Primo shooing Knell away from the counter. “Sorella go—go. I told you I can do it myself.” he respectfully snipped, stirring the gravy in the pot as Sister Ren began making the final touches to the pies. 
“Just trying to help out Peepaw…don’t get your panties in a bunch.” Knell winked. Saccharine smiled softly at her. Knell was quite the character and even though they had become fast friends, Saccharine was sometimes unsure of how to read her. Primo must have sensed this. He, better than anyone able to pick up on Saccharine’s mood. Caring for her, as her own father would have in his stead. 
“It’s alright piccola…you know she won’t bite. Well maybe?” Primo laughed as Knell shrugged, handing Nova another cookie, before the two of them disappeared into the dining room to help set up the table at Ren’s request.
“Agh…it's been like this all afternoon…” Ren began as she passed by Saccharine to grab the cinnamon, “...but at least Sec and her are no longer going at it.”
“We will celebrate small favors.” Primo laughed before taking a moment to pull the turkey from the oven. Filling the air with the most mouthwatering scent of thyme, rosemary, and sage.  
“I personally find it rather amusing myself—-ow!” Terzo howled, getting his hand swatted for swiping a bit of the gravy on his fingers. 
“Tieni le tue mani sporche fuori da quello stronzo, non è ancora finita.” Primo hissed, furrowing his brows and shaking his wooden spoon in his brother’s direction. 
“We are ready for the food!” Nova announced as she and Knell walked back into the room. Nova, taking Terzo’s hand to kiss the sore spot before he continued.
“Best part is the sweaters.” Terzo snickered under his breath, both him and Nova trying to contain their amusement. 
“Alright, alright that's enough…” Ren began, motioning for her and Primo to bring the rest of the food into the dinning room. “...I’m lucky I got him dressed at all this morning. I swear the man is determined to make his own Ministry little league.” she continued sending a playful wink to Saccharine. 
“Dinner children, fratello!” Primo called out as they all began making their way to the dining room. Saccharine watched as the family all filed in, each of them taking their seats. Happy faces and rumbling tummies ready for a delectable meal. As she watched them, she felt the familiar weight of arms around her waist. 
“While everything for dinner smells delicious…what I am most looking forward to is dessert.” Copia purred, his lips grazing the shell of her ear. Saccharine turned to face him, her cheeks flushed by his words. “Do you see what I see?” he asked her. His eyes, calling hers to follow as they both looked up above them in the archway to see the mistletoe hanging there.  
“Oh Copia, I love you so much.” She told him, waiting for him to make the first move. Her lips anticipating the sweet press of his against her. 
“Amore, there is no one I would rather kiss for the rest of my life than you. Sei la mia vita, mio mondo, mio tutto. ” he confessed, closing his eyes before kissing her passionately in the archway.
“Come on now you too, dinner is getting cold.” Laughed Terzo from across the room. Both Copia and Saccharine pulled apart, playfully smiling as they approached the table. Both of their hearts, pounding. Their hands still locked together as they took their seats.
The table was a sight to behold. Its length, filled with a delightful spread of savories and sweets. It was clear that Ren and Papa Primo had worked so very hard on it. Everything made their mouths water as they all began filling their plates with the bounty of food. Just as the last roll was passed and the rest of the turkey was carved, Primo began tapping at his glass of punch. Announcing a toast for the occasion. 
“May I have all your attention please.” He began, waiting for all eyes to be upon him. Even the children stopped their chatter to heed Primo’s request. Himself, more of a grandfather to them than Nihil ever could be. They loved him so very much and listened to his every word as if it were gospel. “I want to take this moment to thank our beloved Prime Mover…and Secondo, for hosting us this Yule. Such a fine spread and bountiful celebration we have here indeed.” 
“Oh It’s nothing.” Ren smiled coyly as the group all lifted their glasses of wine and punch in the air.
“I want you all to know that this year we have so much to be grateful for. Lucifer has bestowed upon us a multitude of dark blessings. It is at this time we remember that through him, we find what is truly the most important in life…and most of all this year he has blessed us with a new member to the Emeritus family—-Sister Saccharine.” Primo smiled, his eyes doing their best to conceal his tears, “We welcome you to this family with open arms and wish for you and Copia nothing but all the happiness the Morning Star can provide. Nema!”
“Nema!” Everyone cheered. Saccharine immediately felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. Copia, sending a squeeze of her hand before the two of them began staring into each other’s eyes. Saccharine, feeling so in love and loved by those around her. 
“Here, Here! Now let's eat.” Secondo called out. All of them holding their glasses out to cheers before taking a drink. Just as the swig entered his mouth, Primo immediately spit out the punch in a comical spray to his left. Nova and Terzo, erupting with laughter at the other end of the table. 
“Now that I think of it…maybe that second bottle was a bit too much.” Nova chuckled, knowing they had spiked the punch with a bit of Ghoulish rum. The whole of the room, even Primo, joined them in their amusement.
After dinner they had all gathered in the parlor. All of the children had unwrapped their presents so fast that the air filled with the sparkle of wrapping paper and ribbon. Terzo trying his best to assemble the dolls house he and Nova got little Marianna, only to have him snap the stairway while forcing the peg into the slot. 
“They don't make these things to last, you know?” he nervously laughed. 
“Well not when un pagliaccio such as yourself is in charge of building it.” Secondo barked, Terzo raising from the floor to meet his gaze. The two of them, quarreling like small children themselves while the real kids played, ignorant to their father and uncle’s antics, alongside them. 
The night had been filled with so much charm and love. Of course Nova had gotten everyone the best gifts. Something she had a talent for, even making Secondo get choked up by his pair of platinum and emerald cufflinks. Surprised that she had remembered he'd lost his old ones quite some time ago. 
After all the presents had been opened and everyone's stomachs settled, Prime Mover Ren and Sister Knell offered everyone a cup of hot chocolate. Ren, making sure she offered one to her husband, lest it find its way to his lap. Sister Saccharine had settled herself alongside Copia on the chaise. The two of them cuddled up as they listened to the crackling of the fire. The sound, just audible beyond the children's laughter.
Saccharine sighed. I don't believe I have ever had a Christmas as wonderful as this before, she thought. So excited that this would be the first of many wonderful Christmases spent at her husband's side. She sat quietly, her smile beginning to spread across her face without her realizing. 
Copia took note, watching her as she took in the scene before them. Now more than ever, feeling like a true part of the Emeritus family. With all its dysfunction and chaos, but also its love and compassion. Wondering to herself how she could have ever felt nervous before as they continued to watch the children gleefully playing with their gifts. Copia took her hand in his, inspiring her to glance up at him. Tears, filling her eyes once more as they desperately tried to balance themselves along her lashes.
“Is everything alright principessa?” he asked her. Saccharine smiled, nuzzling her face against his warm chest as they cuddled together on the sofa.
“Everything is perfect…just perfect.”
Tieni le tue mani sporche fuori da quello stronzo, non è ancora finita.- You keep your filthy mitts out of it stronzo, it's not done yet.
Sei la mia vita, mio mondo, mio tutto.- You are my life, my world, my everything. 
un pagliaccio- clown
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mrsoharaa · 9 months
❥Ꮺ 𝑪𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒆 𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉
characters: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
content warnings: mostly fluff!, slight suggestiveness, a tinge of tension between Miguel and reader 👀
a/n; this was suppose to be a Chsritmas themed fluff...but my mind decided to twist it a bit. still like it tho! and honestly...I wrote this while indulging in a bit of cookie dough myself lmao. so, yeah incredibly self indulgent with this one rofl!
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"What do you think you're doing?"
The stern tone of Miguel's voice bellowed deep into your ringing ears, immediately tensing and freezing up your body, you tried your absolute best not to turn around and display your current appearance. You simply stood there, spatula in one hand as a opened roll of cookie dough in the other (some, still greedily sprawled across your stuffed cheeks).
"Mm?!" you could only muffle a silly grumble, feeling the sheer intensity of his darting eyes pin onto the back of your head. A dark over towering shadow casting over you, every muscle in your body twitches and stiffens even more.
Fuck fuck fuck!
"Are you seriously eating the cookie dough?! oh por dios!" he scowls down over you, pinching the bridge of his nose as he twirls you fully around to see the splattered mess you had made along the kitchen counter and your face.
"You're going to get sick eating that! plus those are for this stupid Christmas party" he grumbles deeply, hastily snatching the spatula from your grasp along with the half eaten roll of cookie dough.
You whine at the loss of both, brows furrowing as you wipe the remains uncooked pastry smeared across your lips.
"They should've known better to put me in charge of baking cookies!" you barked back with a imminent pout on your face, Miguel simply rolled his heavy eyes and groaned in growing annoyance.
"No, it's just common sense not to devour the damn dough, Y/n" he scolds lifting the cookie dough in his from your greedy reach, secretly admiring the adorable pout still stretched amongst your sweet messy face. His eyes begin to ponder a bit too long.
"I was just...hungry" you sigh in defeat, slouching your shoulders, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
He inaudibly snorts to your childish tune, his heart puttering lightly to your cute behavior.
"So you decide to eat the uncooked treats for tonight's party?" his voice softens, as does his expression, watching you roll your head and meeting his tender gaze.
"I一" Your heart batters against your chest from the sudden look, a soft faint of heat creeping into your puff cheeks.
You watch him carefully place the half eaten roll of cookie dough to the side, along with the spatula as he took a step forward to you. Caging you with his looming figure and the kitchens counter, eyes still intently connected with yours.
Your mind going hazy, your hands shakily trying to grasp onto the edge of the kitchens counter that stood behind you, as your body stumbles on your own two feet. Watching the soaring, careful man finally sturdily encase you with his height and the solidity of the counter.
You swallowed a hard gulp, the burning intensity of his gorgeous cardinal irises insinuating estranged feelings. Illuminating the forming butterflies fluttering wildly deep within your warm belly.
He stops his movements, places one hand on the counter next to you, leans down to meet your face and delicately uses his free hands thumb to brush off the remaining small smudges of the cookie dough stuck at the corner of your parted, plush lips.
His weighted eyes softly leers down to meet your lulling, painted lips. Thoughts beginning to stir around in his cranking brain, as his stiff body stills all movement.
The swift, gentle caress of his thumb felt like it lingered on forever. Almost lasting to what seemed like a life time, especially holding that intent, unwavering eye contact with you. Nothing but your low, shaky breaths could be heard between the two of you within the vast kitchen.
Your eyes are quick to find his thumb pull away from you subtly, watching the pad of his dough covered thumb meet his slick tongue, hums softly as the sweet substance melts against his hot muscle. You part your lips a bit, trying to collect words to formulate but was quickly silenced once more as you listen to upcoming boisterous cackling approach from the door opening of the kitchen. Watching Miguel inaudibly sigh in what to seem like disappointment, and groans, rolling his eyes as he abruptly pulls away from you.
Freeing you from your temporary imprisonment of his stocked body and the counter against your mid back.
"Oh...I thought the kitchen was in the clear...sorry to disrupt kiddo's, carry on~" the sound of Peter's coy tone wafted through the air, fishing out a prolong grunt from Miguel's chest and a soft, awkward chuckle from you.
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artbywaffless · 9 months
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some of my warioware faves
this may become a multi part picture if i feel like drawing the others
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endofyouth · 8 months
Ed on Instagram. Dec 24, 2023
"Merry Christmas everyone, thank you for everything this year xx"
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daegall · 9 months
☆ macrocosm
➷ in which Luke would send you the sun and every asteroid, and you'd send him the moon and the stars.
pairing: Luke Castellan x daughter of Apollo!reader
genre: hurt comfort, fluff, slight angst, established relationship!AU
warnings: one tiny injury, some cheesiness, and um issues with parents? also reader is implied to be female!!
word count: 1.2k words
a/n: hi all!!! my first time (and probably last LOL) time writing anything pjo :000 unless my brainrot gets bigger, i think this is the only thing i will only release, I hope you all enjoy and I'm sorry if I made any mistakes!! dont hesitate to tell me if i did or if i forgot to add a warning ^^ have a great day and merry late christmas!!!
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Luke Castellan is a great source of your happiness.
Whether it be bringing you a small snack while you work endlessly in the infirmary, or sitting there with you, waiting for you to finally be free of work to finally have a chat with you, with the biggest smile on his lips.
Or it could be from how he always strives to protect you, jumping right in the middle of an attack during capture the flag.
"I can handle myself, Luke." You'd tell him.
He believes you. Every bit of his being believes you. You're amazing with a sword, even more with a bow. Yet something in him pushes him to shield you from any form of danger.
Even when you feel the need to be annoyed at him, in the slightest. His sheepish, almost apologetic smile he gives you pulls at your heartstrings, like a magnet. To be honest, you'd surrender your entire being for him, you'd send him the moon and the stars if he asked you to. You just love him too much.
However, Luke Castellan is also sometimes (never) a pain in your ass.
Such as now, as he once again, shoots you a sheepish smile as he shows up at the entrance of the infirmary.
"What are you doing here?" You question him instantly. Although you have a rough scrunch in your eyebrows, and your arms are crossed, Luke knows you like the back of his hand.
The way your fingers fiddle lightly with the loose string of your orange T-shirt shows how you're genuinely worried, and there's just the slightest curl at your lips that he catches.
Luke pouts at you. You ought to punch him at how cute he looks.
"What? Am I not allowed to visit my favorite girl?"
You scoff, but don't distance yourself from him when he walks forward to wrap his arms around your waist. "Not when I'm pretty sure you have counselor duties,"
Warmth spreads through you, a familiar, nostalgic one. Such as a warm home, or a campfire, it ripples through your soul and body, as Luke's fingertips caress you gently.
"I got hurt," He replies simply.
As expected, his words cause you to pull away almost immediately, your hands cupping around his cheeks softly, as you tilt his head to check every surface of his skin.
Although Luke hates making you worry, he adores the way you care for him.
With a sly smirk, Luke raises his index finger slowly, watching as your eyes trail from his own, to his hand, and finally, the small cut on his finger.
In an instant, you push Luke away playfully, huffing in relief. "You idiot! I thought you were hurt!"
"But you don't understand," He sighs dramatically. Your lips curl up from his overexaggerated sad expression, holding a hand to his heart. "how much my heart hurts when I'm away from you,"
With a roll of your eyes, you step away from your boyfriend, walking to the other side of the infirmary to grab a bandaid. Luke follows you, as if a magnet, watching and admiring your every move.
He watches as you unwrap the bandaid, adores you as you wrap it around his finger carefully, and if he could, he would praise you as you place a small kiss on top of it. Praise you more than he's ever praised to his father, or any other god.
And when he looks in your eyes, he sees his whole universe. Doesn't matter if he's a human, or half god, or if the whole mystical world existed in the universe. As long as it had you, he knew he'd yearn for it for eternity.
And suddenly, there's a flicker. Luke doesn't know how he notices it, not when it's there for only the slightest moment, but he doesn't care.
You're sad.
Another great thing about your great boyfriend, he loves to comfort you.
His fingers caress lightly at the skin of your cheek, frowning worriedly. "Are you okay?"
You're surprised at his attention to the smallest details, confusion evident on your face. "How did you—"
"—I just know, baby," He chuckles. "now tell me, are you okay?"
You can't explain it. But you try, for Luke. You'd do anything for him.
"My dad," You start. This time, it's Luke's heartstrings that are pulled dangerously at. He knows how complicated your relationship with your dad is—hell, everyone at camp has a complicated relationship with their God parent!
Luke's thumb strokes your cheek dearly, urging you to continue.
"He... visited my sibling? I guess? I mean, not directly but, yeah,"
You are a person who's strong, who's always put together, even more so when you have to take care of people every day. Seeing you so... hurt, so vulnerable and weak, Luke wants to curse at Apollo himself, but knows better. He's not worth it. You, however, Luke will stay and wait forever for.
"He visited my brother in a dream. They had a whole conversation, caught up, and I'm happy for him, I am! I just—" You can't keep your lip from wobbling, your heart shaking just at the thought of what your brother had told the whole cabin just this morning.
They were all happy, so were you, asking him countless questions and eager to know how their father is doing, but you can't help but feel jealous.
Luke nods in understanding as you tell him this.
"I mean, he visits my brother, has a whole conversation with him all night in his dream... and he can barely spare a single word for me? What, not even a sign the he cares, that he's here?"
And when tears cascade down your cheek, Luke wants to destroy Olympus with his own bare hands. Maybe for another day, for now, he'll coo and bring you into his embrace, stroking at your back affectionately.
"It's okay baby, it's just me. Let it all out,"
Pent up stress from the week, added with your jealousy and confusion results in a full sob into your lover's shoulder, as he mumbles sweet nothings into your ear.
"I've got you, and I'm not going anywhere."
Your soul cleanses from the hatred and envy, replaced with the love and care that Luke provides, feeling safety and solace in his embrace alone.
"I'm sorry for burdening you like this,"
Luke's heart nearly physically cracks at your words, even more at your defeated eyes peering up at him.
He shakes his head, pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. "Don't be sorry, baby," He mumbles, before pressing another kiss to your cheeks, pecking away your tears. "you could never burden me."
Finally, immense joy and love resonates through you, as it radiates off Luke and onto you, like the sun shines its rays onto earth, you feel complete with him.
"Thank you," You breathe out, staring into Luke's eyes with the most gratitude and love. And once again, he sees those eyes. The eyes that hold his universe, the eyes he'd yearn for forever. And when he leans down to connect your lips in a soft, loving kiss, he knows he will yearn them forever.
You'd send the moon and all the stars his way.
Luke would go to hell and back for you, he'd destroy Olympus for you. He'd be your sun and every asteroid, and you his moon and stars. Together, you'd have your own little universe, just for the two of you. Doesn't matter if you're human, or demigod, as long as he has you, and you have him, it'll forever be complete.
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whorekneecentral · 9 months
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Carlos Sainz Jr x Fem!Reader
Warnings: loose version of spanish new years traditions (might not be accurate, I googled lol), carlos has wandering hands, red underwear means good luck, dirty texts, carlos sr is over his son and his nonsense, you and carlos are on grape prep, kitchen sex, oral (f!receiving and m!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), hair pulling, 'whore' used in a sexual context, cumplay sorta, ana is over you two as well, midnight kisses.
Word Count: 1,839
Author's Note: sorry for the late upload, it's been a hectic day!
merry smutmas series
Coming back from Christmas with your family, the two of you return to Spain to celebrate new years with his family and all their traditions. 
The holidays were a big thing for the Sainz family, both Christmas and New Year's warranted a big party.
It's 8pm on New Year's Eve and you were getting ready for the party that would be starting in an hour. You're in your boyfriend, Carlos's bedroom, sitting at the vanity doing your makeup when he got out of the shower.
You can see Carlos's reflection in the mirror, the white, fluffy towel hanging off of his waist to the beads of water still dripping down his bare chest. "I can feel you staring." He says, walking over to you.
Rolling your eyes, you speak. "Admiring, not staring. I have manners, unlike someone." You teased, watching as his arms snake around you, hands pulling on the bow that kept your robe shut.
"Behave," you scolded him, swatting his hands away. Carlos ignored you. "You look beautiful, mi amor." He whispers in your ear, your cheeks now red and the same colour as your bra that was peeking out.
Seems Carlos noticed the same thing, undoing your robe to confirm what he saw.
"What's this?" He asks, admiring the red lace you were wrapped up in. He seemed a bit confused to see you in the red set, knowing that it was something that you kept solely for when he got good race results.
Your brows furrow, "do you not know? Your sisters say that red underwear brings good luck."
"You don't really believe that," he chuckled, walking off to get dressed. You roll your eyes, "as if you don't. Your mom told me about your Ferrari contract and the red boxers that you keep for special occasions."
Carlos peeks out from his closet, "she told you that ?"
"Of course, do you think we sit in silence when we have lunch?" You laughed, taking the curlers out of your hair.
At some point after that, you two ventured down to the party.
Things were well underway, Carlos's parents entertaining, his sisters with their husbands dancing around with a few friends.
Carlos had separated from you to talk about his racing season with a few of his cousins who had arrived to the party late while you were pulled into a conversation with his father and his colleagues. Your father in law liked to show you off, his arm over your shoulder as he tells all his friends that you were like another daughter to him.
Your phone buzzed in your hand, glancing at it to see who had texted you.
It was your boyfriend, the same man who had been making heart eyes at you all night long.
From Carlos: meet me in my room.
You rolled your eyes, knowing what he wanted but you shot him a quick reply anyways.
To Carlos: what for? can you not see that I'm busy ?
From Carlos: a quickie, what else? I can't take my eyes off of you.
You snorted a laugh, he was ridiculous; he acted like a horny teenager around you, despite the fact that he was 30.
Carlos Sr seemed to notice your little laugh, glancing over at you. "Que pasa cariño?" (what happened dear?)
You decided to give Carlos a mini heart attack, knowing he's looking at you right now. You show your phone to his father, his dad rolling his eyes at his son's behaviour, giving him a disapproving look from across the room.
Carlos Sr takes your phone from you, texting something you don't see until he passes the phone back to you.
To Carlos: ella está ocupada ahora mismo. (she's busy right now.)
Your lips pressed together, biting back a laugh as your father in law led you to the dance floor, his hand in yours as he spun you around. You indulged the man, dancing with him for a bit before passing him over to Blanca for the rest of the song.
Reyes finds you shortly after, her hand in yours as she drags you to Carlos, also grabbing her son by the wrist. The two of you exchanged a glance, a bit confused as to what was going on and unsure if you were in trouble for something. The woman takes you two into the kitchen, there are little bowls lined up on trays as well as 4 massive basins of grapes.
"I forgot to ask the catering staff to put these together, they've left for the evening. Can you two do it?"
Carlos nods, "of course, no problem."
They had a tradition, 12 grapes at midnight was a symbol of the upcoming 12 months and would bring you good luck.
You and Carlos were left to sort out the grapes, putting twelve of them into each bowl; you started lining up the bowls while Carlos was washing the grapes off in the sink.
The two of you split it up, as he dried them and put them back into the basin, you sorted and dropped the 12 grapes into the small bowls.
You were on the last set, Carlos was moving the ones that were done to the table by the door so it'd be easier for the guests to grab.
The man comes up behind you, arms around your waist, lips on your neck. His stubble poking at your skin, kissing it softly. You rolled your eyes.
"What do you want?"
"I can't give my girlfriend a kiss?"
"No," you scoffed, "a kiss is never a kiss with you."
Case in point; Carlos's hands wandered down from your waist to your hips.
"Carlos," you mumble, feeling his fingers meet your bare skin, the hem of your dress moving higher and higher with each passing second. "Don't," you warn him, the man ignoring you.
The grapes long forgotten, your hands gripping at the counter as you feel your boyfriend drop down onto his knees behind you, a trail of sloppy kisses on the back of your thighs.
“Carlos,” you call, “we shouldn't.”
“Don’t you want to?” He asks, fingers dancing along your skin. You let out a breath when you feel his lips on your thigh, soft kisses being peppered across the surface. “Of course I do.” You whispered.
“Then shut up,” he smiles, his head disappearing under the dress.
Your head falls forward against your arms when you feel his tongue on you, he’s yet to move your panties and you're already a mess.
He finally does, smiling to himself when he notices that it’s also red; matching the bra he saw peeking out the top of your robe earlier. “Fuck-” you breathe, fingers still gripping at the marble counters.
He looked up, fixed on you; your hair tossed in every direction and your head tipped back. He can see the necklace you have on, the 55 pendant hanging from it, the same pendant and necklace he gifted you all those years ago for your first Christmas together.
The man gets up, kissing you when he does. You can taste yourself on his lips, Carlos turns you to face him properly and pushes you back against the counter once again, your hand slipping between the two of you as you undo his pants. He pulls your leg to hitch on his hip, your panties already pulled to the side and your dress rolled up at your hips.
Please don’t let there be wrinkles you think, the thought being cut off when Carlos pushes into you. His lips find yours, muffling your moans as he fucks you. Your nails dig into his bicep, his shirt sleeve definitely wrinkled.
“Hold on,” he tells you, pulling out and you whimper at the loss of the fullness. Carlos turns you around and you get what he’s doing, letting you feel a bit more comfortable.
Soon enough, you’re bent over the counter, the last row of grapes discarded off to the side.
His hand is placed on your hip, holding you in place as he pushes into you, picking up the pace again. Your head drops down onto your arms and he didn’t like that. He pulls you up by your hair, your back arches and his arm wrapped around your middle, holding you up.
“You don’t want everyone to hear what a whore you are, do you?” He asks you, his lips against your ear.
You shook your head, knowing if you speak, you’d just be rambling incoherently. “Gonna cum for me, aren't you ? You’re my good girl.” He says.
He feels you clench around him and his hand reaches between the two of you, his fingers finding your clit once again. “Oh my god,” your hips bucked, Carlos' fingers matching the pace of his hips, your body rocking back and forth to get the most out of him.  
“C’mon amor, want you to cum for me.” He says, knowing it won't be long more. 
He watches as your eyes flutter shut and he reaches you with his other hand, holding your jaw and pulling you up a little, your elbows holding up the weight of your body. A few more sloppy thrusts and between that and his fingers, you’re over the edge. 
He kisses you, muffling the noise you were making. 
Without warning, Carlos pulls out of you and pulls you off the counter. You were confused as to what was happening, still in a post orgasm daze. 
The man has you on your knees, looking up at him. 
The dots connect the moment his cock’s pressed to your tongue and he watches as you circle your tongue around the tip. 
“Fuck,” he leans back against the counter, pushing your head down to take all of him in your mouth. His eyes are fixed on you, hand tangled in your hair as you take all of him in your mouth. 
The sight alone was enough to get him to cum and it did. 
You look up at him through your lashes as swallow. 
His hand finds your chin, leaning down to kiss you. “Good girl,” he mumbles against your lips. 
It takes you two a moment to re-situate yourselves, fixing your clothes and hair. You had Carlos wipe the counters down while you washed your hands rather thoroughly before finishing up on the grapes.
There's a knock on the wall, Ana peeking into the kitchen. "Mama wanted to know if you two got lost in here." She joked.
Carlos shook his head, "we were just talking."
Ana eyes your smudged lipstick and her brother's messy hair. "Hm, okay. Help me bring out the grapes?" She asks and you push past Carlos, ignoring his smirk as you helped her carry out the trays and pass out the grapes.
Shortly after, you find Carlos in a corner. You passed him a bowl of grapes and kept the other for yourself as you sat on his lap. One by one, you ate them until all 12 were gone.
The clock struck 12, the fireworks popping outside. "Happy new years, mi amor." Carlos whispered to you, kissing you softly.
Your thumb brushed over his cheek, "happy new years Carlos."
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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a/n: merry christmas eve and happy sunday! the promised andrei christmas fic (written extremely fast and edited even faster lol) title is from cher’s new christmas song which is a bop and a half so i suggest listening. going to be quiet the rest of the year to stockpile some writing, but happy new year everyone, i’ve been beyond grateful for the love my fics have gotten this year 😘
word count: 3.9k
tw: minimal smut, unprotected sex, brief fingering
summary: christmas eve at the svechnikov house is a chaotic but fun affair
“Yes, my love?” You look up from the bowl of cookie dough batter. Evie was supposed to be helping after waking up at the ass crack of dawn, but the lure of rearranging all the decorations on the small tree in her room was more appealing. Your little perfectionist oldest daughter had shifted ornaments no less than fifteen times since you’d put the decorations up right after Thanksgiving.
Alina hops from foot to foot and you don’t necessarily love the sparkle of mischief in her eyes. “I catch Santa!”
You squint at her. “You’re catching Santa? Santa’s not a lizard in the backyard,” you say gently.
“I catch Santa,” Alina repeats. “Tonight! With presents!”
It clicks in your head - she means that she wants to stay up late and catch Santa leaving presents - and you laugh. “Oh, baby, you can’t stay up to see Santa, otherwise he doesn’t leave presents, remember?” You set the bowl of dough aside and scoop Alina up into your arms, sitting her down on the counter. She pouts at you, chubby little fingers reaching to play with the strings on your hoodie.
“Wanna see Santa,” she huffs. Her little pout is identical to Andrei’s and it makes you smile. You love seeing your husband’s traits and mannerisms in your girls.
You lean in to whisper conspiratorially, “guess what? Someone better than Santa is coming in a little bit.”
“Who?” Alina perks up, eyes going wide as she bounces a little. “Mickey Mouse?”
Another laugh bursts out of your mouth and Alina giggles with you, always ready to laugh with whoever’s around. “No, not Mickey Mouse,” you giggle, tickling her sides lightly and enjoying her childish laughter. “Babushka and dedushka!”
Alina shrieks happily and you catch her when she launches herself forward off the counter. The kids love when Elena and Igor come to visit and they don’t know that this trip will be extra long, as they’re staying for nearly three weeks. Once Andrei finishes his workout, he’s supposed to be going off to pick them up from the airport.
“Bring puppy?” She asks, little arms locked around your neck and wide awake considering it’s not even seven in the morning.
“No,” you shake your head, “they’re not bringing the puppy. He has to stay home where he has his bed and all his toys.”
That would be the last thing you need in the house - in-laws, three kids, a husband who’s traveling several days a week, and to add a dog on top of that? No, thank you.
“I share my toys,” she says sweetly.
You press a kiss to her cheek. “Yeah, you do share your toys with Evie and Kira. But puppy toys are different. Why don’t you go draw a picture to give Babushka when she gets here?”
Alina nods wildly and wiggles her way out of your arms and down your body before running off to the kid sized table you have set up in the den with all their craft supplies. She’ll be distracted for at least ten minutes, which gives you enough time to get the cookies on a baking tray and in the oven. Why you waited until Christmas Eve morning to make the cookies for Santa is a question for another day.
You’ve been awake since 4:30 already and your energy is starting to flag, so you make a quick mug of coffee before portioning out the sugar cookies and dipping them in the green and red sugar sprinkles. While you sip at the drink and finish the cookies with your other hand, your mind wanders to everything that has to get done today. There are a few more gifts that have to be wrapped, but for the most part you’d managed to get everything you and Andrei bought for the kids and his parents wrapped at night. You’d also wrapped all the gifts Elena and Igor had bought for the girls and had shipped directly to your house.
Dinner tonight is going to be chill and Elena had insisted on handling most of that, so you don’t worry too much about the menu. You’ll be helping her, since most of the recipes are from your childhood, but she loves cooking when she visits so you don’t mind letting her.
You decide that you’ll have Andrei take all three girls with him to the airport so you can have a minute to shower - hair wash and shaving included - without little hands knocking on the bathroom door.
Otherwise, you have to iron the girls’ outfits and tidy up the chaos before the girls hopefully go to sleep early so you and Andrei can set out the presents.
“Thinking hard?” Andrei’s teasing voice startles you out of your mental to-do list. You turn away from the counter and take him in with a smile. He’s sweaty from his workout, hair falling over his forehead that he swipes back with his free hand. Kira is on his hip, a giant four-toothed smile on her face. You nudge at her round cheeks with your knuckles, grinning back at her.
“Were you Papa’s workout buddy?” You ask her in a bubbly voice. “How’d he do?”
“Papa!” She yelps, smacking at Andrei’s chest with her hands and cuddling closer to his side. She plants a smacking kiss against his cheek, her favorite party trick to get adults coping over how cute she is.
Andrei kisses the top of her head and rests his cheek against the crown. “She’s a good cheerleader,” he laughs. And as if they practiced it, Kira waves her hands in an imitation of jazz hands. You laugh and kiss your youngest on the tip of her nose, making her giggle.
“Give me the baby and go shower,” you say, already taking Kira into your arms. She transfers easily, snuggling into your neck, one hand splayed over your chest. “I need you to take all three with you to the airport and you’re going to need to get going if you want to get your parents on time.”
He looks at the clock over the stove and frowns a little. “They don’t land until 9:30, plenty of time.”
“Yeah,” you nod, untangling your hair from Kira’s grip, “but you have to shower, the girls have to be changed and put in the car, and you have to drive to the airport. Time goes faster than you think, please just get everything going?”
Andrei nods and grips your chin in his hand to tilt your face up for a kiss. You melt a little, humming quietly. “Okay, solnyshka. We will go when everyone is ready. Do I need to pick anything else up?” He asks, tickling Kira’s back.
You shake your head, “just your parents. Next year they’re coming here earlier. None of this flying on Christmas Eve business.”
“I will tell them,” Andrei laughs before heading upstairs to shower.
Four hours later, after you’ve finished taking the cookies out of the oven, showered, and pulled together a quick little breakfast spread, Andrei’s car pulls back into the driveway. You pull open the front door with a huge smile on your face, laughing when Elena’s dragged into the house by Evie and Alina, Kira held on her grandmother’s hip. Andrei and Igor are back at the car, handling all the bags.
“Moya devushka,” Elena greets you with a warm smile and a tight hug, Kira squeaking and complaining when she’s caught in the middle of the two of you. “Ah, prosti, myshonok.” She kisses Kira’s head.
“Mama!” Evie dances at your feet, tugging on your sweater. “Babushka said she’s staying forever!”
“Mid-January, at least,” Elena shares a smile with you, helping you usher the girls inside. Kira clings to her like a koala and you love how much the girls love their grandparents.
Evie widens her eyes - Andrei’s eyes - at her grandmother, “that’s like forever! And look,” she grabs Elena’s hand, pulling her to the living room, “r’member we showded you our tree on the phone? Now you can see in real!” Alina trails along after them, clutching the stuffed Grinch that she’d recently decided was her new best friend.
Confident that the girls are handled, you head back outside to help Andrei and Igor with the bags. Your father-in-law greets you with a kiss to the cheek and waves off your help, “you have strong men. Go with Elena and girls.”
You know from past experience that it’s basically useless to fight with him, so you grab up Elena’s oversized purse from the backseat of the car and run back inside with it, wearing a sneaky little smile, before Igor can chastise you. Andrei’s laughter follows you inside.
“Elena,” you call out, “do you want your purse or should I put it in your room?”
“Oh! Bring it here,” Elena looks over her shoulder at you from where she’s sitting on the ottoman, having been oohing and ahhing over the drawings the girls made for her. “I have surprises.”
You hand over the bag, talking over the girls’ excited squeals, “you shouldn’t have. It’s Christmas Eve.”
Elena waves a hand in the air at you and if it were anyone else, you’d be annoyed at the dismissive gesture. “Small things,” she explains, reaching into the bag and drawing out little toys and Russian candies for the girls. “These were your Papa’s favorite,” she explains, handing Evie a wrapped chocolate.
Andrei appears behind you and leans forward, snatching another candy out of his mother’s hand. “Still are,” he winks at the girls. He unwraps the chocolate and pops it in his mouth before giving you a quick kiss. “I’m going to clean out the car,” he gives Kira a faux-glare, “one of the myshonok spilled her Cheerios.”
“It was Kira,” Evie pipes up, chocolate smeared around her mouth. “She spilleded out the whole bag!”
Kira, recognizing her name, giggles and chants, “Mama! Papa!”
“Our messy little girl,” you ruffle her hair gently. “Not too much candy, okay? It’s still really early.”
You know you’re going to be ignored, but you have to say it if only to stave off the mom-guilt. With the girls distracted by their grandparents - Igor’s wandered in and is telling Alina a joke she surely doesn’t understand yet - and Andrei busy with the car outside, you take the opportunity to slip upstairs and finish wrapping the few gifts that had been delivered in the last few days.
When you come back downstairs after finishing up and taking a few extra minutes to just breathe in the relative quiet, everyone’s huddled around Elena’s phone FaceTiming with Geno and his family. Everyone chatting in rapid fire Russian, even your kids, and you smile. You love that the girls are fluent in Andrei’s native language and it’s good practice when they talk to his family. The girls giggle with their cousins and you pull out your phone to snap a candid shot before joining the call, waving to Geno and his wife.
You stand behind the couch, looping your arms around Andrei’s neck and resting your chin on his shoulder, just enjoying the lively conversation. You’ve learned some Russian over the years, but you’re nowhere close to fluent and once they all start talking so fast, you’re basically lost at sea.
Andrei leans his cheek against yours, holding out his hand while he talks to block Evie’s foot from hitting him in her attempt at showing off a cartwheel. She pouts at Andrei when he tells her to sit down - that you understand, at least - and Andrei huffs in exasperation when Elena turns right around and clearly reprimands him for stopping Evie. Your head is starting to swim a little from all the noise and you press a kiss to Andrei’s cheek before standing up and heading into the kitchen.
A dog barking joins the chaos and you know Geno’s brought Igor’s dog on the screen. The girls squeal with delight and you know this means you’re going to get a barrage of begging for a puppy.
“Mama,” Evie skips her way into the kitchen, “can we show Babu and Dedu Belle’s christmas?”
The call with Geno is either done or the girls had gotten bored of sitting in one place. You nod, knowing she means the Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie, and say, “sure, bunny. Ask Papa to put the movie on the TV.”
The movie keeps them occupied for a little bit, even after Elena leaves to come help you in the kitchen. You work quietly with your mother-in-law, chatting easily about the girls and the plans for their extended trip. You’ll have a more involved celebration on January 7th - when Christmas is traditionally celebrated in Russia - with Elena making dishes that Andrei remembers from his childhood. But with the girls being raised in America, it’s easier for them to have Christmas traditions in line with their classmates and friends.
You’re incorporating some of your holiday traditions - namely the relaxing aspects of the day, watching movies and spending time with the kids - and it’s nice to not have to worry about going super over the top. Tomorrow, Andrei and his dad will grill steaks and you’re making a few side dishes and Evie helped make some cookies during the week. More than anything, you’re just excited to see them get into Christmas and to make memories with them.
The girls go down for their naps and you and Elena get to finish prepping dinner. It’s a quiet rest of the day, until suddenly it’s after dinner and the girls are bathed and changed into their matching pajamas - little candy canes printed on a white background - and Alina’s chattering about catching Santa.
“Where did she even come up with that?” You ask Andrei, laughing a little. “She said it this morning too.”
“Ah,” he gives you a sheepish smile and you’re instantly on guard, “maybe I said something. They asked about Santa and magic.” He shrugs. “I don’t know how to explain so I said to stay up and see how he does it.”
You snort a laugh, filling Kira’s bottle and closing the lid. “Yeah, that’ll do it. Better hope she knocks out like usual or we’re going to have a long night.”
Andrei settles his hands on your hips and pulls you close, kissing you gently. “I think there was enough excitement today. They will sleep, solnyshka, don’t worry.”
Resting against his chest, you loop your arms around his lower back, excitement bubbles up in your chest for the girls to see their gifts. “I know I’ve said it before,” you mumble into his chest, “but thank you for agreeing to do two Christmases.”
“Anything for you, solnyshka,” he replies, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. And then you’re interrupted by the two older girls, running in and begging to set out the cookies for Santa. Andrei lets you go and lifts both girls up onto his hips, telling them, “make sure you pick good cookies. I think he likes ones with a lot of sprinkles.”
He winks at you over the girls’ heads and you suppress a little smile while you put the cookies the girls select on a special plate. The plate of cookies is carefully arranged on the coffee table, next to a glass of milk that Evie had very carefully carried from the kitchen.
“Can we watch Frosty, Mama?” Evie asks, giving you puppy eyes. She’s already tucked up on the couch in between her grandparents, one little hand wrapped around Elena’s forearm and the other clutching her Stormy plush - this version has a little Christmas sweater on and you’d tried to resist buying it but you’re weak when it comes to saying no sometimes. Alina’s already looking like she’ll pass out any second, head resting on Igor’s chest. Andrei has Kira in his arms, rocking from side to side so she’ll fall asleep.
“Okay,” you nod, “but as soon as Frosty’s over, it’s time for bed. Remember, Santa doesn’t come if you’re awake.”
Behind you, Andrei snorts a quiet little laugh and you know exactly why, but you refuse to dignify him with a response. You press your lips together to smother a laugh of your own.
“I’m not gonna sleep,” Evie informs you, apparently on Alina’s side with wanting to catch Santa. “I’m not even sleepy, Mama.”
Her sentence is punctuated by a huge yawn and you catch Elena’s eye, both of you muffling laughter.
“It would not be so bad,” Elena says, stroking Evie’s braided hair, “to close your eyes a little, zaychik.”
Evie wrinkles her nose and shakes her head, but you’re not surprised when all three girls and both grandparents are all passed out before Frosty even gets on the train to the North Pole. Andrei’s already brought Kira up to her crib and now he helps you bring up the older girls, lifting their combined weight easily into his arms while you wake up Elena and Igor.
“Jet lag,” they both laugh tiredly, Elena giving you and Andrei kisses on the cheek before retiring to their room. Igor offers to help bring the gifts down to the tree, but Andrei says something in Russian and his father nods, closing the door behind him.
You leave the doors to the girls’ bedrooms cracked a little, hoping you’ll hear them in case they get up. Tossing Andrei a Santa hat you’ve kept around just for this moment, you grin, “let’s get this done, Saint Nick.”
Andrei jams the hat on his head and gives you a crooked smirk. “Red is my color, solnyshka,” he teases and swats at your ass gently when he follows you to the second guest room that’s been serving as your gift and wrapping room.
Between the two of you, all the gifts are brought downstairs in less than an hour. Andrei likes to deposit the boxes randomly, leaving the huge box that you know is a Barbie Dream House for the girls to share right in the middle of everything. You shake your head and move it towards the back, making sure the presents are arranged nicely and there’s room to walk around all the furniture. You spot a handful of gifts labeled in Andrei’s messy scrawl and it makes you smile.
“Last one,” he says, setting a smaller box on top of the rest. “Time for bed?”
You survey the scene, skipping over the gifts and landing on the plate of cookies. “Oops, no! We almost forgot the cookies, take a bite out of one or two,” you suggest, knowing his massive sweet tooth. Andrei bites off half of a tree shaped cookie and holds out a second to you for you to bite.
A yawn escapes as you’re chewing and you cover your mouth immediately, mumbling an apology. Andrei scoffs and rests his hand on your lower back to guide you up the stairs, “let me take my zhena up to bed.” His voice is low and deep, warm despite the tiredness lacing his tone. The Santa hat is crooked on his head and it makes him look boyishly handsome. You recognize the look in his eyes and you add a little sway to your hips on your way back to your bedroom.
“Your parents are right down the hall,” you say quietly, even as you pull your pajama top over your head and push your pants and underwear to the floor.
Andrei raises an eyebrow at you, hungrily taking in the sight of your bare body. Your nipples tighten under his scrutiny and you feel a rush of warmth between your legs. He steps forward, crowding you until the backs of your knees hit the bed and you fall back, landing flat on the mattress with your legs splayed open. He leans one knee in between your legs and covers your body with his to kiss you deeply, sliding his tongue into your mouth. You moan softly when he pulls back, one of his hands sliding up your side, over your chest, to rest at the base of your throat, “guess you’ll have to be quiet, solnyshka. Can you do that for me?”
You nod, hooking your ankle around Andrei’s hip and pushing at the waistband of his joggers. “Get rid of these,” you demand and Andrei kisses you again before standing up and stripping, his clothes discarded to the floor in seconds.
“Remember,” Andrei grins, running his fingers over your sensitive clit, making your back arch off the bed and a sharp gasp escape your lips, “quiet.”
You bite down hard on your lower lip to prevent any noise from escaping as Andrei pumps his fingers inside of you, curling and flexing them until you’re dripping down the curve of your ass. “Andrei!” You can’t help but moan his name when his fingers press up against your g-spot.
“Ah,” he tuts, pulling his fingers from your cunt and covering your mouth with his palm. “Quiet.”
With his hand muffling your noises, Andrei kneels between your open legs, lining up his cock at your entrance and sliding into you with one smooth thrust. You whine behind his hand, clenching immediately around his length, legs coming up to wrap around his waist. Sparks dance behind your eyes, pleasure building low in your stomach.
Andrei fucks into you with a steady rhythm, his hand warm over your face. You roll your hips, meeting him thrust for thrust and before you realize it, your orgasm is building and cresting, flooding your veins with fire. You bite down on Andrei’s palm and he hisses, finishing inside of you with a few more thrusts.
Everything is hazy and sticky and you blink up at Andrei, trying to focus on something other than the selfish desire for a second orgasm. Andrei’s hand shifts from your mouth to cup your cheek. His eyes twinkle with mischievous glee and you brace yourself for whatever he’s about to say.
“Santa was not the only one coming tonight, huh?”
“Oh my god,” you burst out laughing, push at his chest, “I hate you.”
Andrei kisses you sweetly, laughing too. “Sorry, that was bad,” he climbs off the bed, pulling you to your feet so you can both shower quickly and he can change the sheets before you go to bed.
It feels like you’ve only gotten ten minutes of sleep - thanks to a pair of wandering hands on your husband - when your bedroom door bangs open and Evie’s screaming, “SANTA BROUGHT PRESENTS!” She jumps onto your bed, bouncing on her knees in between you and Andrei, shrieking with delight. Andrei catches her around the waist and pulls her into a big hug.
“You’re going to wake the whole house, zaychik,” he teases, giving you a sleepy smile over her head.
“Everyone’s awake! Babu’s makin’ coffee and she said I had to wait five whole minutes before I woke you and Mama,” Evie informs him. “Can we pleaseeeee go open presents now?” She throws her arms around Andrei’s neck and pokes her lip out in a pout until he nods and she scrambles off the bed, racing for the stairs and screeching, “Papa said we can open!”
You yawn and slump against Andrei’s side, grinning tiredly, “I wish we could bottle her energy.”
“I will work on it for your birthday,” Andrei teases, kissing you warmly. “Merry Christmas, solnyshka.”
“Merry Christ—“
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shoukiko · 9 months
Merry Christmas, Simon
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
Tags: Fluff....just fluff lol
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I've been working on this for a bit, just waiting to post it today, I'm all antsy, I really hope you guys like it.
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You’ve worked with TF141 for the past three years. Price spoke to Laswell, saying that he thought the team deserved some type of break, so he and Laswell came up with an “amazing holiday getaway” to “a hidden oasis where the only sounds you hear are the rustling leaves and the soothing melody of birdsong.”. It was a small cabin in the middle of nowhere, for safety reasons, but you were all grateful for it. It was 2 weeks away, a day would’ve been fine, but she insisted.
It was a week and two days into the trip, snowing outside, your turn for chores. Soap and Gaz sat on the couch in front of an old television watching some soap opera. Price is sitting in one of the lounge chairs, asleep with his arms crossed as his head dangles. You’re tidying up the kitchen after a late dinner, you turn to look at the clock hung on the wall which reads, 12:05. You realize what this entails as you turn to the three men.
“Merry Christmas, guys!” You say cheerfully in their direction. 
“Merry Christmas, Lass.” Soap says from his seat, he nudges Gaz to respond. “Ah- Yea Merry Christmas…” He seems to be too focused on the TV show, who can blame him, those telenovelas are addicting. You decide against waking Price up, the man needs his sleep. As you turn back to the sink you feel a tap on your left shoulder, you turn to see Ghost’s tall dark figure hovering over you, sporting his casual skull balaclava.
“Oh, hey. What’s up?” You tilt your head as you ask, genuinely curious as to what he could need that requires a tap on the shoulder instead of him outright asking.
“You got a minute? Wanted to see if we could have a quick chat.” His tone is somewhat nervous? He isn’t as husky or gritty as usual. “Sure, let me finish up and-” He cuts you off before you can finish. “It’s important. I’ll help you out after.” 
Must really be important if the Ghost tells you it is. “Alright.” You wipe your hands on your apron, untying it from your back and hanging it up on a nearby chair. “Grab your coat.” He dons his own coat, all in one fell swoop. You grab yours, putting it on. 
You both head outside to the porch, each taking a seat on the swinging bench that hangs from the veranda. “Ah wait here-” He says, standing once more, he heads inside and comes back hiding something in his coat. “Whatcha got there, Mister?” You ask him as he sits back down, the bench shifts slightly from his weight.
He pulls out a plastic bag that contains multiple little things, he hands it to you. Taking notice of the slight blush at the end of his fingertips you slowly take the bag. “Merry Christmas… Sorry, didn’t get to wrap it.” A bashful tone in his voice.
“You.. got me something? Man, I feel a little bad, if I would’ve known I would’ve done the same..” You say, hesitating to open it. “Don’t fret over it… Are you gonna open it or just stare at it?”
“Ah right- Sorry” You carefully reach into the bag and pull out one of the small items. It’s… 
“Socks! You got me socks?!” A smile appears on your face, beaming in the night. Despite the mask, his eyes crinkled with a smile. “There’s more if you look.” 
You open the bag more and find more small items, a small tube of vanilla scented lotion, a notepad, and some cinnamon wax melts. You’re happy, but oh so confused by the difference of each item.
“This is… Thank you. I really love it, but what’s with the theme?” You ask with a laugh.
“Well…” He pauses to think for a minute. “It’s all things you wanted.” “Huh..?”
“A couple days ago you said you couldn’t find your winter socks, then you said you forgot your hand cream back at home, then you said while eating dinner two nights ago that you love the smell of cinnamon during Christmas because it reminds you of good memories from your childhood.” You’re taken aback, you don’t remember saying any of these things until he brings it up, such small things and yet he remembers. 
“You… you actually remember?” A faint blush appears on your face as you scan over your new gifts, suddenly feeling warm despite the subzero temperatures. “Uhm.. Thank you.. Really. Was this what you wanted to talk to me about?”
“No, actually.” His expression becomes somber as he closes his eyes and takes a breath, he turns his body slightly and rests his arm on the back of the bench. “Look, I don’t know how else to bring this up.”
“What’s wrong?”
Ghost grips the back of the bench before meeting your eyes.
"Listen, I've been thinkin' a lot lately, and I reckon I need to be straight with you. You mean a proper lot to me, more than I can put into words. I'm mad about you, every single goddamn I hear your voice or that stupid laugh.. It’s like something shifts in me. I care about you, more than  I have about anyone in a long time, but…”
Your heart beating out of your chest, uncertain on how to respond. All you can let out is a
He looks down, almost like he’s ashamed before responding.
“I’m.. scared, terrified. Of hurting you.. Or you getting into an accident during a mission. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.” His tone is serious, but you can hear a sense of fear.
You look at him with genuine eyes, you almost can’t believe what’s happening in front of you, the Ghost confessing his feelings for you. “But…” He continues. “If you’ll have me, I’m willing to take that leap into uncertainty with you. If… you want.”
You look at him as if you’re a deer caught in headlights. You begin to lose your breath, blinking,  unable to process what was said to you. You take a moment before replying…
“I- I….” You struggle to find the words, you want to scream, but you also want to take it slow and really talk about it. You can see him become antsy, your silence bringing tension to the cold air around you. “Ghost I..”
“It’s fine.” He interrupts.
“It’s fine, I know it’s sudden. I’m sorry.” He says, there's a slight hurt in his voice, he goes to stand. Just then you grab his arm, stopping him.
“I want.” “...What..?” “You said if I want…. Well.. I want, I don’t know how else to say it. I do want to be with you. I want to jump into that uncertainty with you. Please.” There’s a tinge of desperation in your voice, you feel as if you say nothing now, you will never have this opportunity again.
Ghost looks as if a wave of relief has washed over him. 
“I thought you were gonna make me think I said all that for nothin’.” His eyes crinkle slightly as he adjusts himself once more.
“I’m sorry, I got nervous, I didn’t want to say the wrong thing.” You begin to fidget with your hands in your lap, a faint blush appearing on your faces as you turn away. 
You feel him inching closer to you, the heat from his body radiating, bringing warmth for both of you to share.
He softly grabs your face with his right hand, turning you towards him. You take glances at his mask and eyes, unable to lock on a single thing. He pulls up his mask just above his nose and leans in, pressing his lips against yours. Only a few seconds before you lean into him, grabbing onto the sleeve of his coat. He places a hand on the back of your neck, pulling you in closer. You pull away for just a second to catch your breath. The both of you share a look, complete silence, then..
He chuckles, “Well then..” You place a hand on your mouth as you stare at him, stifling a small laugh. “That was something.” You manage to say through your giggles. You place your hand on his, a loving smile forms on your lips. He begins to caress the back of your hand, his touch gentle, yet warm. “Thank you…. Merry Christmas, Doll.” He looks up at you with gentle eyes.
“Merry Christmas, Simon.”
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twicecorner · 2 years
Smoked Out - Part 2
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Twice Jihyo x Male Reader
4299 words; smut
A/N: i didn;t think Smoked Out would gain much traction, but seeing as it did and i kinda like where I was going with it, here’s part 2 with highly requested smut LOL again same warnings apply from pt 1 that this is an AU etc etc... anyways this ones a bit longer hehe and MERRY CHRISTMAS here’s a lil gift for you lovelies :) cheers to a small twicecorner cb
Damn these comebacks are stressful... Having to go from venue to venue, keeping track of multiple packed schedules, and with other corporate busywork has been piling up on you. The past few comebacks since you’ve started working with Twice had been relatively easy, but now that you’re in the thick of it in your position and with Covid taking out a few of the other staff members, a lot of work had been placed on you. After the first week of promotions you needed a breather and a much-needed break away from your laptop which you’d been working on for the past 5 hours after your normally scheduled work day. You crack open a beer, grab your jacket and head up to the rooftop of your building. Luckily it as a nice night, so the weather and fresh air felt great. You take a seat on one of the benches overlooking the city.
Since your kiss with Jihyo a few weeks ago, nothing much had happened with how busy things got. The most that came from passing by during schedules was a few flirtatious looks or comments. Neither of you had the time to really talk about it and you both decided on your own to table it until things at work had died down. 
You put down your beer next to you and stood up to stretch. While stretching you feel something in your jacket hit your body. It seemed you’d forgotten this was the jacket you were wearing that night. The same jacket that hid your last single cigarette. You pull out the pack and look at it, remembering that night and that faithful kiss. You smile as you think about Jihyo, nothing compared to her. Even with work being a handful, having Jihyo around never failed to help ease any tension. Just her being in the same room put you at ease. Grabbing your beer again you toss with the idea of lighting up the cig or leaving it for a later date or for good. A sudden voice jumps you out of your deep thought.
“Hey stranger.”
You whip your body around to see who the voice belonged to, but you already knew. 
“You scared me,” you say laying your eyes on a leisurely dressed Jihyo.
“Well, I didn’t think anyone would be up here this late” she says walking towards you.
“I was up late working on the schedules and such. Needed a break and some air.” 
“I can tell. That’s a dead giveaway.” she replies nodding at the beer can and pack still held in your hand.
“We really need to stop meeting this way” you say letting out a chuckle, placing the pack back in your pocket.
“Did you already smoke?” Jihyo asks now coming up to stand next to you, her arms resting on the railing.
You turn around so now both of you are looking out to the skyline. “No, actually I was debating on it, but that night I’d thrown all the others out except one. I guess I was saving it or something” 
“Wow, how poetic” she jokes sarcastically letting out a giggle.
“Shut up. I still can’t believe I made a world-renowned idol smoke” you roll your eyes and nudge her lightly. 
“What came after it was far better” Jihyo looks at you. 
You notice Jihyo’s only dawning a black tank top and seeing at how late it was getting, it started to get a little chilly. “Are you cold?” 
“No I’m okay, I’m used to it” she says, but her actions of her arms now folded over each other say otherwise. You pull off your jacket and drape it around her shoulders. “Here.”
She smiles and pulls it around her body, “Thanks.”
After a few minutes of small talk and looking out into the distance, Jihyo fumbles around your jacket. She pulls out the pack.
“Jackpot” she says grinning holding it up.
“Hey! What are you doing with that? No, don’t open it. Jihyo! No.” you try to get it out of her hands but she steps back and now you’re foolishly dancing with her like two kids fighting over a toy. In the midst of it, she’s able to pull out the cigarette and put it between her lips. She stands and poses with it there, mimicking the motions without lighting it. You stop and watch her. 
“I’m just pretending, I’ve never actually felt it between my lips or in my fingers.” You’re in awe of her beauty, even in the juxtaposing situation of having the nations girl group leader with a cigarette between her lips. 
“Okay fine. Just for fun.” you throw the white flag and let her have her fun. You step close to her and pull her towards you grabbing your jacket. “I won’t lie, you look good with it. It’s hot.” you say only half joking. Jihyo laughs and holds it between her fingers, she plays along and strikes some poses trying to look cool and edgy. After a small laugh you easily take it back from her, reaching into the pocket of your jacket and pulling out the box.
“Wait...Is it bad I want to see you do it again?” she says referring to you smoking.
You raise an eyebrow as you slide the cigarette back into the box. “You mean see me smoke?” the question rolls from your mouth with confusion. 
“Yeah... I don’t want to sound weird, but now every time I’m out and see someone smoke I pay some attention to them. But... none of them do it the way you do, not that I’ve seen anyways. You know, the thing with your nose.” She points to the space between her upper lip and her nose as she says that. 
“Ah.. the french inhale...” You trail off still fighting with the idea of it. Grabbing your beer you take another swig and hand her the can, “You want some?” 
“Of course” Jihyo says, her eyes lighting up, “These past few days of learning the new choreography and dealing with promotions have been intense.” She takes a few gulps. 
“Should we go out for some drinks then? It is Friday after all, I’m surprised you’re not already out with the other girls tonight.” You say watching her and toying with the box in your hands.
“Most of them went straight home earlier. I had to stay back to finish recording, I could call up Jeongyeon and Nayeon, I’m sure they’d want to go out, but I’m already here with you...” Jihyo turns to look back out at the skyline. “Let’s go. There’s a bar I like not too far from here, about a 5 minute drive”
Soon you find yourself in a taxi with Jihyo on the way to a bar you’ve never heard of. Of course it’s a bustling Friday night and the bar is lively and crowded. You have a couple of drinks and laugh and talk about whatever. You’ve never felt so comfortable with someone before especially considering Jihyo’s rank in society. After a few drinks and shots of soju, both of you are happily tipsy and stumble out of the crowded bar. 
“Oh! Wait! My place isn’t too far from here!” You notice in your daze. 
“I’ll walk you home then!” Jihyo replies, seemingly not as drunk as you are. The cool air calms your nerves and redness from the drinks. 
“Yeah, I think a walk will help...” Still in your nicely drunken haze, you pull the pack from your pocket. 
“Oh finally!” Jihyo exclaims clapping her hands seeing you pull it out.
“Wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get excited over smoking before” You laugh at her. 
“Oh shut up!” Jihyo playfully punches you. A smoke after a night of drinking and walking in the cool air never fails to ease any stress in you. You place the cigarette between your lips and cup the end while you light it. The first breath warms your mouth and you pull the smoke instinctively through your nostrils. After letting out a puff of smoke, you sigh in relief. 
“Wow.. daebak” Jihyo says intently watching you. You continue to talk and walk, by the time you smoke half of the cigarette you’ve made it to your apartment building.
“Here it is...” You say slightly disappointed that this is where Jihyo would leave you, “It’s getting a bit colder. Do you want me to call you a cab?” You ask.
“No it’s okay. Is it okay if I come inside? I can warm up a bit and then head out.” Jihyo offers. 
“Sure I have extra jackets and sweatshirts if you need too” you respond. 
Up in your apartment you give her the tour of your small space and head out to the small balcony. “Wow even a balcony!” Jihyo says in surprise as if she doesn’t live in luxury. 
You bring out two beers and pull out the other half of the cigarette and light it again. Jihyo rests her arm on the railing and turns to watch you. 
“Do you want to do it again?” You ask, knowing she understands you.
“Yeah...” she replies stepping closer. You follow the same motions as that night and pull her face towards yours before exhaling a bit of smoke into her mouth. As she takes it in, she closes the distance letting the smoke escape from the corners of your mouths as your lips touch. Her arms wrap around your neck and yours around her waist. You pull back for a moment, placing the cigarette in the ashtray. “Are you sure this is okay?” 
“Just kiss me.” She responds, her voice low, pulling you back into her. The pace of the kiss increases as your lips dance together, and her tongue darts out and licks your lower lip. Allowing her to cross the bridge, you open your mouth to let her in. Your tongues circle and dance exchanging saliva and lust. Jihyo moans into your mouth as you grip her hips tighter and pull her body flush against yours. 
You pull away and place your mouth next to her ear, “I… I want you Jihyo” You saw lowly, eliciting a breathy moan from the girl who runs her hands into your hair. As you start to place messy kisses along her jaw and neck she breathes out, “I want you too.” The green lights flash and something wakes up in both of you. You peel your jacket off and throw it blindly towards one of the chairs on the balcony and run your hands down Jihyo’s back down to rest on her supple ass as you continue to make out. Jihyo pulls at the hem of your shirt and you step back, allowing her to pull it off of you. Jihyo takes a second to admire your naked upper half. You smirk at the newfound confidence and hunger growing within you. Jihyo lunges towards you licking, kissing, and sucking on any bare skin she could find. Your head falls back and her hand darts towards your quickly growing bulge. Upon feeling your crotch she gasps at your size.
You massage her ass and your hand runs up under her tanktop to unclasp her bra. Finally letting her godsent milkers free. You watch as they freely recoil on her small tight body. “Can I?” You ask taking hold of the hem of her tank top. “Take it off baby… I know you want my tits, don’t think I don’t see you staring every day” Jihyo says slyly. She wasn’t lying, as much as you’d want to deny, how could you. You tear off her top and let your eyes feast on her naked upper half, her perfect round tits set upon her torso, her tight abdomen and prominent collar bones. 
“Sculpted by the gods” You say under your breath admiring her body. 
“Don’t just stand there loverboy… Taste them” Jihyo presses her chest out towards you. Grabbing onto her thighs you hoist her up and rest her on the railing so her chest is at face level. You drag your tongue between the valley of her breasts before kissing and making your way to suck on one of her taught nipples. Jihyo lets out a long moan and throws her head back, her hands intertwining with your hair. “Oh fuck yes baby… suck on my tits… good boy” she encourages you. You moan around her nipples as your other hand moves to massage and play with the other. Soon you switch and look up at her, her chest now heaving and her legs wrapped around your body. You could feel your pants getting tighter by the second. You needed more. 
Hoisting her up again, you bring her inside to your bedroom. You toss her onto the bed and she scoots up, crawling up after her you help her out of her pants so she’s left in her small black panties. “Holy shit…” you say in awe of the situation. Park Jihyo, technically one of your bosses, almost naked in your bed, begging and waiting for you to ravage her, to please her. It was a dream come true. Jihyo hops up onto her knees and switches places with you so you’re laying back on your elbows. She travels down your body and undoes your pants leaving you in your underwear. Seeing the outline of your cock practically made her mouth water. She slowly pulls your underwear off and your length springs freely from its cotton confines against your stomach. 
“So… big” Jihyo says looking at you. You don’t know how to respond so you just give her a silly smirk. She takes hold of it and that sight alone could’ve made you bust instantly, but you knew you needed to hold out. “I can’t wait to taste this” She moans starting to slowly stroke your cock. 
“Holy fuck Jihyo… this is so hot… you’re so hot” you moan, barely able to piece sentences together at this point. 
She licks her lips then brings her mouth to your tip. She circles your tip with her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking deeply. You let out a loud moan and your cock twitches in her hand. Jihyo slowly starts to bob her head up and down taking every inch in deeper and deeper. Your hand instinctively runs through her hair to hold her head. Every now and then you open your ecstasy-shut eyes to peak at the beautiful woman sucking your cock. You feared that watching the whole thing may lead to an unexpected bust. Jihyo pops off your tip and licks the underside of your length before going back down, stroking your cock with your hand she wraps her lips around each of your heavy balls. “Ohhhh my god JIhyo that’s so good… fuck you’re so good” you moan out. Jihyo looks up at you with hooded eyes, fogged over with lust. Sucking down your length one last time she moves her body slightly up. 
“I know you want to… and I want you to too… this big cock.. Between my big tits…” Jihyo says, dripping with sex and lust.
She encases your length with her heavy tits and your hips jerk at the feeling. Her soft, warm skin, around your wet cock. Jihyo starts to move up and down, licking your tip whenever it peaked through her mounds. She speeds up her movements, intermittently slowing down and speeding up, almost in an attempt to edge you with her breasts. 
“Fuck… Jihyo if you keep doing that I’ll cum… let me eat you out please I need you” you beg in hopes of not ending the night before you could even fuck her. 
“Mmm fuck please baby… I’m already so wet for you” Jihyo coos getting up to switch positions with you.
Between her legs, you pull her panties down with your teeth, getting a quick whiff of her scent. A sweet mix of her perfume, her sweat and her essence. After pulling off her underwear you sit in awe again, her naked body on full display for you in the low light. You lift her legs so that they’re propped up on the bed and your arms hook around her thighs, spreading her pussy for you. “Eat me baby” Jihyo moans in anticipation.
You start by placing kisses on her inner thighs, trailing your way to her core. You blow lightly on her pussy making her back arch as you watch her wetness increase. Finally diving in, you lick a strip from her hole to her clit which you clasp your lips around and suck, swirling your tongue around it. Jihyo moans loudly and writhes in pleasure. “Ohhhh fuck baby! Just like that… eat my fucking pussy!” 
You continue your feast, licking and sucking on her folds, dipping your tongue into her wet hole before starting to tease with your fingers. You look up at her throughout your assault, her eyes shut in pleasure, her mouth gaped open with streams of beautiful moans flowing out. It was like a masterful, sensual painting. “You look gorgeous Jihyo” the words slipping out as you admire her. 
“God you’re making me even wetter baby” she moans back smirking. As she does so, you sneakily press a finger inside of her waiting hole. “OH! Yess babyyyy” Jihyo moans in surprise. You pair your fingering with continuing to suck and lick her swollen clit. Her legs start to shake as you find her spot, “Oh fuck holy shit… baby right there oh my god yes….”
Jihyo starts to move her hips, wanting more of you. “Damnit baby fuck me already… I wanna feel that big cock inside me so bad… I need to cum all over you” 
Her words shock you, you never thought such dirty words would come from the leader of the nations girl group. You couldn’t resist so you pull your fingers out of her and suck her juices off of your digits, making sure she’s watching. “Kiss me. Let me taste” she yearns
You oblige and lean down to kiss her, as the kiss ensues you line your cock with her entrance and slowly push in. She digs her nails into your shoulders and moans into your mouth. You were surprised with how long you’ve been able to last without even fucking her yet, but now was the real test. Letting her adjust to your size, her tight wet pussy grabbed onto your length for dear life. Slowly starting to withdraw your hips and push back in you both moan in pure pleasure. “Fuck me” she moans into your ear, before latching her lips onto your neck. You pant and grunt as you start to push in and out of her tight hole. Her legs wrap around your waist keeping your cock in at all times. Speeding up you lean up, Jihyo admiring her work of a dark red hickey on your neck and you thrust harder and faster, delighting in watching her tits bounce with the force of your body. “God you’re so fucking tight Jihyo” You groan, “Your tits look so fucking good holy shit” 
Jihyo, wanting to encourage you even more, grabs hold of her chest and presses them together, toying with her own nipples, even testing her limits, pulling one up to her own mouth, darting her tongue out to lap up her taught nipples. “Oh my fucking god….” you moan, ramping up your speed. Your grip on her small waist tightens and you pull out so that your tip is barely held in by her hole before slamming back into her. At this point you’re both a mess, hungry animals just in search of pleasure and release. You pull out and quickly flip her around, hoisting her hips up and stradling her legs you press your cock back in her to prone bone her. You instantly hit her spot and her head whips back to look at you, “RIGHT THERE FUCK ME RIGHT THERE HARDER!!!” She practically yells. 
You do as you’re told and press her hip into the bed, your other hand gripping into her hair and pulling back as you fuck her harder and faster. Jihyo’s moans readh a new level and her legs start to kick up in pure ecstasy. You lean over and moan into her ear, your back pressed against hers, the sound of your balls hitting her wet pussy adding to the thickness of the room. Your wrap your arm around her head and move her to face you, “You like this JIhyo? Getting fucked by my big cock? Your tight wet pussy, gripping my length?” You urge her on, driving her quickly towards her edge. 
“Oh my god yes baby! Fuck I love it holy shit I love your big cock in me!” Jihyo moans back, spit dripping from the edges of her open mouth. 
“Cum for me Jihyo… cum all over your loverboys cock” You command her, placing your hand around her throat and fucking her harder, deeper, and faster. Jihyo’s moans become even higher in pitch and you can feel her walls start to pulse around you. “I- I’m gonna fuck.. I’m gonna cum baby… I’m gonna cum all over your cock baby!” With that her entire body tenses and twitches in your arms, her eyes shut and her moan cuts out. Her pussy pulsates and wettens around you as you slow your thrusts. You place soft kisses on her neck and shoulder, rubbing her hips and ass to ride out her intense orgasm. After a few minutes she recovers and it takes everything from you not to cum with her. In her post orgasm haze she turns to face you. “I want your cum in me.” she declares. Your eyes lock with hers in shock, “Huh?” you question, thinking it would be too risky. “It’s fine, I’m on the pill anyways… plus if you cum in me I’ll probably cum again too, but I want to see you.”  
“O-okay babe” you reply pulling out as she turns over onto her back again and holding her legs up for you. Her juices drip from her now gaping hole. You line yourself up once again and you push into her, your head falling back at the now familiar feeling of her walls. You want to imprint this view and feeling into your mind, since you didn’t know if it would ever happen again. You lean down and kiss her passionately as you start to fuck her fast and hard, the way she likes. Her tongue dances with yours and her arms find their place around your neck and wrapping up in your hair, her tits pillowing against your chest and her tight pussy squeezing your cock as you fuck her. 
Starting to fuck her even harder and faster her hands move to scratch down your back, her moans again exceeding the sound barrier and her tits bounce freely. You hold her legs open, looking down to see your cock impaling her small body. You spit down onto her pussy and move your hand to rub her clit as you fuck her. “Oh my god fuck! Baby if you do that… oh my god… fuck it feels so good!!” Jihyo’s voice raising in octaves, signifying her pleasure at your doing. The sights and the sounds were starting to become too much, you could feel yourself nearing the edge. “Jihyo.. I- I’m gonna cum soon… Fuck…” you grunt out. 
“Baby keep doing what you’re doing… I’m gonna cum again too… holy shit… Fuck I want your cum in me so bad baby… please cum in me… cum in my tight pussy” Jihyo begs. You fuck her faster and rub her clit just as fast. You start to feel her pussy pulse yet again, but this time it’s wetter. It feels as though her pussy is trying to push you out yet keep you in at the same time. Suddenly Jihyo lets out a loud yelp and your cock is forced out as she squirts all over you, her body racking with intense pleasure. This was it… This was your breaking point. Taking your cock into your hand you quickly jerk off at watching her squirt, you feel yourself about to cum, your toes curl and you start to see stars so you push your cock back inside of her still cumming hole and release your fat load. “Ohhh fuck I’m cumming Jihyo holy shit…” You paint her walls with your thick white cum, both of your bodies twitching and writhing with ecstacy as you both orgasm together. You lean your tired sweaty body ontop of hers, both heaving, your cock still buried and twitching inside of her. 
“Oh my god that felt so good… You came so much in me… Fuck…” Jihyo breathes out. 
“Jihyo.. That was amazing… I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard holy shit” you lightly chuckle, kissing her cheek. After a few moments of catching your breath, you pull out and watch some of your cum escape her overflowing hole. You watch it run down her puckered ass hole and onto your sheets. She lets a hand down to scoop some up and she brings it to her mouth, cleaning her fingers. “Mmm of course it tastes yummy too” She smirks, raising an eyebrow. Jihyo wanting even more moves to lay on her stomach between your legs and cleans off your sensitive cock. She pops off and looks up at you, licking her lips, “So good baby” she moans. The two of you catch your breath and hold each other, cuddled up on the bed for a few minutes before you break the silence, “So… cigarette after sex?” 
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 21 - My Fair Lady
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📜 Merry Christmas, you filthy animals! 😏😂
❗️+18, strong language, godmother reader/original female character, mentions of an original child character, reunions, sexual themes (I mean smut, so get out of here if you ain't +18, I mean it!!!), they finally do it! (first times, nakedness, sex, all that jazz --> So yes, that is a spoiler!).
#10k words (this one is long, and I'm not apologizing for it, LOL)
Part 20 | Masterlist | Part 22
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With Sadie away at camp, you finally got the time and the opportunity to surprise her and redo your guest room into her room.
The house was a mess. Boxes of new furniture waiting to be built: a desk, a bookcase, a new bedframe. Her mattress slanted against the hallway. Old white sheets covered every inch of the floor and things that could not be moved.
You'd taken the shade off one of the bedside table lamps and stuck it in the corner of the room, its soft, warm light guiding you as you stood on a ladder, carefully stroking a painter's brush covered in green paint just below the edge of the ceiling, balancing the paint bucket on the top step.
The problem you had with projects like these was that you didn't really know when to stop. Staring when it was still light out, nothing but music playing softly through the speakers from your vinyl player, it was well past 2 AM before you knew it.
At least this passion project was one of the few things keeping you from obsessively worrying about Jake. And Bradley.
The static noise popping through your speakers was a welcome relief for your neck. With one last paint stroke, you climbed down the ladder, picturing your records and what one you could put on next. You bit your lip, reaching up to grab the bucket and the lid from the top step, covering it and hitting it closed with a thump.
You knelt next to the crate, searching for the record you had in mind when a persistent knock at your front door startled you. You weren't expecting anyone, let alone in the witching hours of the early morning.
Everything that happened with Tyler left you weary. Every white car you passed on the street made your skin crawl, and when Penny finally re-opened the Hard Deck and you returned to work, each time the door swung open in a dramatic fashion, you half expected to see Tyler standing there, a predatory glare in his eyes.
People also had a habit of knocking on your door late at night to deliver bad news. But something told you you needed to answer it anyway.
You slowly tip-toed down your hallway, plastering yourself to the wall, hoping to stay out of sight of whoever knocked on your door before peering through the peephole. Shocked to see the person pacing back and forth along your front porch, you whipped the door open.
She stopped pacing, twisting her body towards the sound of your voice.
As long as you knew her, Lyssa had never once cried in front of you or came close to being visibly upset. She was direct, used humour in the most inappropriate moments, and always played things close to the chest. To see her face, beat red and tears streaming down her face, you couldn't help your unease.
Something had to be seriously wrong.
"Is Will okay?" you asked her.  "What's' wrong?"
She shook her head, stepping in front of you. "Um, no, he's okay. We need to get down to Top Gun. Now."
"Top Gun? It's almost three in the morning."
She shook her head again. "Will's father got word an aircraft carrier got caught in a hurricane somewhere overseas. It sunk. They're bringing in the survivors now."
Heart dropping into your stomach, your legs wobbled. You fell against your door frame, hands gripping the wood tight enough to hurt. Your throat was screaming at you, and you couldn't swallow. 
There was only one other time you could compare to how you were feeling now.
Friday nights were the worst fucking days of your life.
"Please don't tell me..." you croaked. "Please don't tell me it was theirs."
You gripped Jake's dog tags tight as you caught her harsh gulp, her face remaining stark. She didn't say anything. Not that she needed to. The very fact she was on your doorstep told you everything you needed to know.
She wouldn't have come to get you otherwise.
"Come on, we need to go," she managed to say through a harsh swallow.
You don't know how you managed to loosen your grip on your door frame or how you laced your shoes without screwing up the knots. Or how you got your key in the lock with your shakey hand.
You don't know how you got into the passenger seat of Alyssa's car, either. Or how you managed to put your seat belt on or not throw up as she sped out of your driveway and down to the highway.
A small part of you whithers when you realize you wouldn't have known, wouldn't have been here, hadn't Alyssa's Ex caught wind of it. Nat, Bob, and the rest of the daggers would have, too, eventually, but they probably wouldn't have been informed until it was too late.
You don't even know what's waiting for you at Top Gun, whether both Jake and Bradley were or weren't there. Or only one of them. Or if they would even let you in.
The gates were open to the facility when the two of you arrived. Lyssa followed several cars that were already pulling into the winding entrance, the line starting to build as more and more started to appear from the opposite direction. You leaned forward in your seat as she pulled into the parking lot, your heart in your throat as you tried to see behind the building to the runway. All you saw were blinking red and white lights against the night sky.
Alyssa hadn't even moved the parking brake when you threw yourself out of her car, not bothering to wait for her. The cool night wind bit at your face as you searched the building, looking for any indication they were letting people in. You spied a group of people charging across the parking lot to an open side door, someone in dress kaki's manning it. You followed them, skidding across the pavement as you reached the door, trying not to run anyone over and barrel through the crowd.
Cyclone saw you before you saw him, shouting out your full name amongst the chaos to urge you to the front to let you in with the next group. The words spill out of your mouth before you realize you're saying them. "Do you know if...?"
He shook his head. "If they did, they'll be on the next plane that came in."
A million thoughts skitter through your mind, like spiders across a floor, yet you push them aside.
"I have a friend, Lyssa. Let her in next."
He nodded without complaint, knocking hard on the door to let the group in.
Whether it was the threat of being yelled at for running or that they were inside the famous Navy facility, nobody moved quicker than a brisque walk.
You'd take on any military officer who would dare yell at you for the way you tried to weave in and out of the throngs of people.
The hallway you were guided down led to a hanger. The space had been turned into a temporary relief centre, with tables, cots, and supplies filling every inch. Medics were already helping a few of the officers who looked worse for wear, and dread filled you each time you spun, another injured officer upon another.
You weren't sure you were relieved or scared with each face you saw. Whatever they had to go through to get here, one thing was for certain. They had to do so in a rush.
You halted when you spotted the large military-like plane Cyclone spoke about sitting on the runway in the distance, viewable from the wide open door. Whether it had been there before or it had just arrived, you didn't know. Nor did you question it any further. The only thing that mattered was if Jake and Bradley were on that plane.
But with each group of people that passed, there was no sign of them.
Alyssa finally caught up to you, grabbing your arms from behind and tugging you backwards. "Liz," she started to say, but you tore out of her grasp.
"We didn't have time. We didn't have time," you said repeatedly, threading your fingers through your hair next to your temples. Alyssa reached out again, this time turning you by your raised elbows as you continued to force yourself to breathe. She pushed, and you slowly lost your hold on your roots, lowering your arms until she was grasping at your hands.
"I didn't want to tell him I loved him over a letter. I didn't want our last words to each other to be over a piece of paper," you cried out, trying to tug away. She didn't let go, her grip tight. It made you sob harder.
"I can't go through this again! Not with them, not with him. Not after everything Sadie and I have ever suffered through. It's too much, Alyssa!" you were on the verge of screaming. "We've been through enough!"
Lyssa opened her mouth, words just barely sounding out before her eyes locked on to something behind you. She gasped, and you twisted sharply, watery eyes searching a new crowd of officers making their way off the tarmac and into the hanger. You squinted your eyes, the night sky and the bright white lights from inside making it harder to make out faces.
A cluster of Navy officers broke off from the crowd, parting the way.
Then you saw them.
Both of them.
Jake was favouring a leg as he leaned against Bradley for support, hobbling along as they finally reached the entrance to the hanger, searching for a temporary cot. Even at a distance, you could make out a cut framing his eye, and one side of his face was bruised.
But he was here. He was whole.
He was alive.
You couldn't help it. You charged forward, no feeling in your legs as you zoomed past other families and officers, probably a few high-ranking officials in your paint-smattered shirt and overalls. Time slowed down for you as you ran, even if you were running as if your life depended on it.
Jake lifted his head at the sound of your voice, urging Bradley to stop. Bradley looked at him funny, watching his eyes glaze over and wondering if Jake hit his head harder than the medics originally thought. But then he followed his gaze, only to see you charging forward without a care in the world to reach him, and he knew.
Bradley unhooked his arm from around Jake's shoulders, steadying him for a second and then letting go, stepping to the side so you could have your moment.
You slid along the floor as you came to a halt in front of Jake, worried he was more damaged than you could see, arms reaching for him. Jake bracketed his arms tightly around your back the second you touched him, and you buried your face into his shoulder. He grunted as he pulled you tight, shoving his nose into your collarbone.
Jake smelt of the sea, of gasoline and sweat. His flight suit felt ripped under your hands as you tried to find a grip. Or maybe you were trying to assure yourself he was really there. Your mind flashed through all the possible things he might have gone through with each caress, your cries getting louder with each one.
Yet in your panic, you pulled back from his hug, only to take his face into your hands and kiss him hard.
"I love you," you gasped out between kisses. "I'm not getting you go. I'm here. I love you, I love you, I love you."
Jake's response was instant, fingers quickly gripping the back of your neck, the roots of your hair, to drive your head at all the angles he wanted, all the ways that made it easier for him to devour you.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, pulling away from his lips with a tightness in your chest. Your eyes fell on his lips, red and slightly swollen, and you were positive yours were the same. Until you looked up at those green eyes and the rest of the hanger, everyone else, faded away.
Jake smiled at you.
"Hi, Darlin.'"
You huffed a sad laugh through your tears, letting yourself fall into his body, hiding your face in his chest, sobbing.
Jake didn't let the grip on your neck go, curving his hand against the skin, holding you to him. His other arm, at some point, had dropped down to your waist. Whether it was to keep himself upright or keep you from falling over, he wasn't sure. Nor did he really care. Because Jake was pressing his mouth into your hair and closing his eyes to relish the feel of you in his arms.
He was home.
You turned your head against his chest to look over at Bradley, slightly surprised to see him hugging Alyssa. Her forehead was leaning against her hands, currently shaped into a triangle against his chest. She was shaking with silent sobs as Bradley hugged her back, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
The panic you felt before settles in your chest, warmth wrapping around your rib cage. As if he felt your eyes on him, Bradley opened his eyes, resting his cheek atop her head. You reached out, Bradley instantly extending his arm to grasp your hand. You smiled sadly at him with a fresh wave of tears in your eyes, squeezing his hand before burying your head back into Jake's chest, not once letting go.
Feeling you move against him, Jake lifted his head, catching your hand holding Bradley's. He found Bradley looking at the two of you with a smile, in a similar position, with Alyssa wrapped around him.
"Is there something you want to tell us, Rooster?" he said, eyes gesturing to Alyssa. You shook with silent laughter against his chest.
Bradley smiled at you, at Jake, before closing his eyes and letting his lips graze Alyssa's forehead. "Is that any way to speak to your saviour?"
There was no malice in Jake's words when he dropped his head back down to press a kiss into your hair, flippantly shooting back, "Don't push it, Bradshaw. I'm still ahead by one."
The ride home had been quiet.
After some harsh convincing by you and Alyssa, Jake and Bradley were allowed to leave. You had gotten the run down by one of the medical officers about Jake. He had no concussion and no broken bones but had ended up with quite a large amount of water in his lungs and a significant amount of bruising the days before.
You caught snippets of Rooster's conversation with the medics, enough to know what happened. You didn't want to know the deeper details unless Jake wanted to talk to you about it. Knowing he almost drowned and Bradley had saved him was enough.
He wasn't at risk of a secondary drowning, but more so pneumonia or an Edema. You'd be calling an ambulance at the first sign of a cough.
Bradley was helping Jake up the steps of your front porch as you went ahead and unlocked your door. Lyssa spotted Jake from below, hands out and ready. Despite her tiny frame, she was there, ready to catch him should he need help.
You were quietly surprised to see Bradley being the one to help Jake. You knew it wouldn't have been easy for either of them: Jake, who didn't want to need to accept the help at all, and Bradley, for whom he was helping.
But once Jake cleared the last step and straightened himself, he patted Bradley on the shoulder, murmuring a 'Thanks, Rooster' before limping over to you.
You looked up at him with a smile, cocking the side of your head in Bradley's direction before saying, "I'll meet you inside?"
Jake nodded, then nodded once to Rooster before continuing inside. Lyssa had walked off back to her car around the same time, leaving only you and Bradley standing alone on your porch. You pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you, Bradley. For saving his life."
Rooster stiffened at your touch but slowly relaxed, arms coming up to wrap around your back. "I know it's not worth much, but I'm truly sorry Lizzie," he murmured. "For all of it."
You shook your head against his shoulder, murmuring a low "Don't," but Bradley pressed on.
"I've been an ass since the start. I've been the one doing all the things I said Jake would do," he said next to your ear, refusing to let you go. "I think I was more worried about being replaced.. and everything else... I just didn't want to see you and the bug getting hurt. The rule was to put Sadie first. Instead, I was the one doing all that. He really does care about the two of you despite some of his faults."
You pulled back from the hug but still left your hand on his shoulder, wiping at your eyes. "Can I ask what made you change your mind?"
Bradley gave a fond look, and you could only stare at him for a second before a smile shot across your face. "Sadie?"
You had wondered what she had scribbled in that letter. She was shifty about it, too, refusing to let you see anything anytime you walked by.
Something told you you'd never know.
Rooster grinned. "Yeah," he said, scratching the back of his head. "Her and the fact, this one saved me yet again. Then gave me a heart attack."
You smiled, looking back at your open door. "I'd like to think he was giving you the chance to make it up to us."
Bradley dropped his chin to his chest, still smiling, before he looked over to Alyssa, leaning against the driver's side of her car.
"Call me if you need help?" he offered, stepping forward to place a hand on your forearm before turning to proceed down your front steps.
"I think we'll be okay," you replied softly, not really caring if he heard you, still staring at your front door.
 The tension inside the house hit you like a wave the second you closed the door. It was just Jake and you now, and despite everything that transpired the past few hours, you felt nervous. 
Looking down, you spied Jake's boots neatly lined up next to some of yours, making you wonder how he managed to get them off. It made you undo your laces slowly, tactically, as if to stall time. 
Something about standing here made everything more real. 
There was also the bit about you sending him that partial nude. And that letter - which you weren't as concerned about. But that damn photo, all inspired by a moment of brevity, had you yelling to yourself, what the hell did I just do? when you dropped it off at Penny's.
You couldn't worry about the shame currently building in the pit of your stomach. You had to press on.
Jake was hurt. He needed you. 
“Jake?” you called out softly, not expecting to find him hunched over, leaning against the wall of your hallway, facing you. You held out your hands, ready to grab him and support him. That was until he sharply lifted his head, eyes the only thing you could truly make out in the dim lighting, the dawn just peeking through your windows. You froze, lowering them, your voice stuck in your throat. Those eyes were challenging you to move, daring you to escape, to make a sound in the dead silence that wasn’t what he wanted to hear. With the predatory glint in his eyes, you knew right away what he wanted to talk about. 
Yet, Jake is the one to break the silence first.
"Where's Sadie?"
You feel like you've just given him the green light for something with those words. He seemed to know it, too.
"What can I do to help you?" the question comes out more quietly than you were anticipating.
Jake straightens himself with a groan but doesn't remove his eyes from you. On the contrary, they are still sharp and as intense as when he first saw you.
"Liz," he spoke lowly. 
He takes a step forward. You take one back. 
"I think you know the answer to that." 
"Do I?" you breathe out, taking another step, and he stalks forward as much as he is able. 
He nods once. "I got your letter. And your photo."
Your back hits the wall - you can go no further. 
It's not as if you couldn't escape him or tell him to stop. Jake is pinning you with his eyes as he approaches you and cages you against the wall. You know if you told him to stop, that all this was too much, he'd back away. 
You don't want him to, though. 
"Darlin," he roughs out, a hand reaching for your hip, his mouth next to your ear. "I've thought of nothing else."
Your trembling, heaving though no sound is coming out. You knew Jake was tall, muscled, and built like a freaking horse. It's stupid how the thought crosses your mind once again. You feel small against him, pressed up against the wall. 
"I take it you liked it?" 
You have no idea where this courage is coming from. 
"Liked it?" he pressed a kiss on your neck below your ear. "I got hard just looking at it." 
You title your head back against the wall; eyes closed, an arm coming up to wrap around his neck as Jake continues to press small kisses into your skin, slowly starting to add his teeth. An arm shoots around your waist, tugging you into him, and you gasp, racking up the wall with the movement. 
"Jake," you gasped to the ceiling, digging your fingers into his hair. He winced against your neck with a groan, pausing. You wondered if you had accidentally injured him more. Because as much as Jake was desperately trying to merge himself into your skin, as much as he was trying to show you just how much he loved you, how much he wanted you, he was utterly exhausted.
And he was hurt.
"There's nothing more I want than to be with you right now," you said calmly, stroking the hair at the back of his neck, sobering the moment. "But you're exhausted. And hurt, Jake. When was the last time you slept? "
Jake sighed into your neck, weight sagging with him, "Only a few minutes on the flight home. Not sure when before that."
It was true. Bradley had managed to resurface with him strung across his back, carrying Jake the rest of the way up that stairwell. His memory was fractured into bits and pieces of moments when he opened his eyes. Him being carried on a stretcher, Rooster sitting next to him in a med tent, voices yelling, and people poking and prodding at him. The flight home was when he really started to get his memory back, but he didn't dare fall back asleep, wondering if it had all been a dream and he really did die back there.
You frowned. "Let me take care of you, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
Pressing a long kiss on his cheek, you carefully untangled yourself from his hold, sliding down the wall. Hooking your arm around his waist, you led him down your hall to your bathroom. Jake's grip on your body was anchored tight. Hand threaded through the opposite pocket of your overalls, a part of him always touching you.
Leaving him to lean against your bathroom counter, you spun to turn on the shower, ensuring the water was okay before coming to stand in front of him once more. Resting your hands on his chest, you toyed with the zipper of his damaged flight suit.
"Do you need help?" you asked him softly.
He knew he could manage without you, even with his back being out of sorts. Yet, he still softly replied, "Go ahead."
You ranked your eyes over the fabric as you pulled down the tab of his zipper. His suit was ripped in some places, and large chunks were torn out, revealing the black tank he was wearing underneath. The zippers of the side pockets were misaligned, and while both of his patches were still intact, the threads were sticking out around the borders, making them unusable.
You made a note in the back of your mind to steal them the second you could.
Once the zipper reached the end, you moved both of your hands down to his chest, taking both sides and pushing the fabric off his shoulders.
Yet you stilled when you felt something hard in one of the pockets, instantly unfolding the fabric and unzipping the pocket, Jake watching you with hooded eyes. You pulled out a water-tight bag, gasping when you saw your letter and the various polaroids through the clear material.
"You.. You saved them?"
Jake let go of your hips to shrug the piece of clothing off, freeing his arms. He placed one hand on your hip, the other taking the bag from you, holding them.
"Why wouldn't I?" Jake's voice was quiet.
You felt a lump in your throat, tracing the bag in his hands. You were curious to know which one is the cockpit photo, but you also know your spontaneous, risky shot is also in with them. It's not that you didn't regret it, nor did Jake's enthusiastic reaction deter you, but you still felt that little bit of shame and embarrassment knowing the physical proof still existed.
"I... I didn't think they would mean that much to you. It was just a thing Sadie and I did so you wouldn't feel left out," you admitted, feeling vulnerable.
"They were all I had of you and Sadie out there."
It guts you, the simplicity of such a statement, yet packed with so much meaning.
Jake placed the bag behind him on the counter, ready to resume his grip on your body. Except his eyes caught sight of the pieces of metal dangling over the front of your chest, and he reached out to take his Dog Tags into the palm of his hand.
"You're wearing them."
You followed the chain to stare at the two pieces of metal. Your reply was soft, "I rarely took them off."
He didn't need to know about your breakdown. Not yet. You had said enough in your letter for him to know you had done what you needed to do, but he didn't need to know about the events that led up to it.
That was a conversation for another day.
Jake sighed, letting them drop back down in between the two of you, hand curving around your hip and pressing his forehead to yours. The two of you stayed like that for a few seconds until you felt him fiddling with the clasp on your hip, never fully releasing it from its hold.
He didn't need to voice it for you to know the question behind the action. It was clear as day as to what he was asking of you.
Will you join me?
Remember all those times over the past year you told yourself to fuck it? This was definitely getting added to all those other times.
Because you found yourself reaching down to your side and finishing the job, releasing the button from his hold. You felt Jake's breath against your mouth, warm and wet, as he slid his hand up to one of the front clasps, popping the buttons out of the hooks as he tugged, repeating the process with the other.
The two straps fell down your back, and you held your arms up in a silent invitation. Jake seemed to hold his breath as he pulled at your battered shirt, up over your head, to reveal your bare breasts.
He tossed your shirt to the side in the general direction of your laundry basket, but you didn't take your eyes off his to find out if it hit its mark. You feel no shame as he dropped his gaze. He's seen them before, kissed them, touched them. But the way his eyes rake over them makes it seem like it's the first time he has.
But when you reach for his black tank, pulling at the hem to work it over his body, you catch the view of his back in your mirror and let out a terrifying gasp.
His back is one big purple bruise, marring his skin. It spread from the curve of his right shoulder blade, sinking its way across his spine and ending near his hip. The only comparison you could draw to it was a painter's palette of cool colours mixed in with black. Whatever he had hit, it was clear the impact had been severe.
"Jake," you cry out, stepping to the side so you can turn him and see the damage for yourself, not in some reflection.
"How bad is it? The medics told me it's there."
"It's not pretty." 
It was the most accurate statement you could give him without wanting to double or even triple-check the work of the medics on him. He let you investigate the bruised skin for a few seconds more before moving out of your grasp and facing you. 
"Come on," he uttered. "Let's get under the water." 
You quickly removed the rest of your clothing, letting the rest of your overalls and underwear fall to the floor, using your toes to work off your socks. Jake managed to get the remainder of his flight suit off with little struggle, boxers included. 
You weren't ashamed of your body. But you were a little apprehensive, letting Jake see everything in its entirety. It makes you step into the shower first, almost as if you were trying to run away. 
All this is new to you. And the internal battle currently raging on in your head was making you hesitant. Because even standing here, naked in your shower, Jake's eyes ranking over you like you were his last meal from behind the glass door, you still fought with yourself not to look at him.
But let's be real. You were a virgin, new to all of this.
You definitely looked.
And tried to mute the squeal that was trying to crawl its way out of your throat as you turned to let the running water hit your face. You could hear Jake's warm chuckle from behind you as he stepped into the boxed space.
"Like what you see?" he spoke lowly into your ear, dragging your back to rest against his front by your elbows.
"I'm not going to answer that question. 'Cause we both know if I do, it's going to lead to something."
You could feel all his ridges and sharply defined muscles against your back, and it took you everything not to mould yourself into him. Jake pressed a kiss to your shoulder, then another to your neck, before resting his cheek against yours. "And what would that be?"
"Jake..." you warned, your voice slightly shakey.
"Not tonight," he replied, dragging his hands up your arms. "I just wanted to see how far that blush of yours goes."
"Oh, you kinky.." but he didn't let you finish, catching your mouth in an opened-mouth kiss. You moaned, tilting your head back before turning to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You released his lips to glaze up into his eyes, taking the moment to assure yourself yet again he was here with you. You matched his soft smile before he zoned in on your cheek, reaching up to thumb the skin. His face was hardened in concentration, no doubt rubbing at a stroke of paint you'd accidentally marked yourself with, working to get it off. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his wrist.
"What's this from?"
"I'm painting Sadie's room, trying to make it more hers as a Birthday gift."  
Jake hummed. 
The two of you continued to shower together, you mostly helping Jake. You tried not to get too caught up in staring at him, biting your lip in concretion as you rubbed body wash over him. You felt his eyes on your face the entire time, and you tried to resist the urge to lean up and kiss him. 
Jake made you spin around to face the showerhead to return the favour. Feeling his hands caress your skin, letting him work the soap under the swells of your breast, along your arms, even down the panel of your stomach, you had to fight the arousal pooling in between your legs. 
Not to mention, you could feel him growing hard and heavy against your lower back. 
"This isn't fair. I'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of you," you murmured, leaning your head back against his shoulder.  
He pressed a delicate kiss to your collarbone. "This is taking care of me." 
You ended up getting out first, picking up each of your discarded clothing, throwing them in the basket, and reaching for the towels you kept on the makeshift shelf on your wall as Jake finished with his hair. You saw the frown on his face when he stepped out, and you rolled your eyes affectionately at him, handing him a towel.
Helping him to your room, you left him to sit on the corner of your bed. You rummaged through your top drawer, pulling out the pair of his boxers you had accidentally missed when you packed up his bag. You found them on the day you were getting things ready to visit Ridley.
He took them without a word while you pulled on your sleep shirt and underwear, ironically the same baggy nightshirt you wore the night of that damn thunderstorm where he kissed you.
Climbing into your bed, you held up your comforter as an invitation. He fell face-first into your chest with an aching groan, grabbing your sides to pull himself half on top of you, his head finding a home in the crook of your neck.
Your suspicions from before are finally confirmed. Because even as he held you, Jake was desperately fighting sleep.
Pressing a delicate kiss to the cut on his cheek, you grazed your lips up until you could press them just below his hairline, your fingers threading themselves soothingly through his hair.
"Go to sleep," you whispered into his forehead. "I'll be here when you wake up."
You slowly awoke to the sensation of lips delicately pressing soft kisses into your forehead and fingers stroking along the back of your arm, the occasional touch of warm metal accompanying the touch. You mewled, curling yourself deep into the apex of his shoulder, lulled by sleep.
"I'm sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep."
You pressed a sleepy kiss to his bare chest. "I should be awake. I'd sleep the day away like this if I could."
Jake hummed, resuming his gentle caresses. He had raked down your sleep shirt along your back, fingers now dragging up and down your spine, getting lower and lower each time he did it, causing you to shiver.
"I had a dream like this. While I was away on the carrier," he spoke, pressing another kiss to your temple. "At the ranch in Texas. In my room above the barn."
"Tell me?" you yawned, still half asleep, warm and content.
Jake nosed into your cheek, trailing it over your skin as he spoke, "The two of us. In my bed. Naked."
You shook silently with laughter, turning your head back against his arm. "Of course you did."
You would have seen Jake smiling down at you had you decided to open your eyes.
"I'd dream I woke up with your back to me, sheets resting low on the curve of your back." He slid the back of his fingers across your exposed shoulder, getting lost in the image in his head. "The barn door was open, catching the first rays of sunlight in your hair. There must have been a storm cause the grass was so green, everything was so right."
You leaned away from his chest, resting your head further back on his arm to peer up at his face. Jake's hair is dishevelled, his eyes harbouring the remnants of sleep, worn and puffy. His bruise had already begun to yellow, and his cut didn't appear red or as swollen. Yet, looking up at him from within the safety of his arms, huddled against his massive chest, you find yourself wishing you could control the way air catches in your throat.
"Sounds perfect."
Jake smiled softly, leaning down to kiss you. You moan in protest, turning your head away and barely managing an "I have morning breath" to Jake as his lips land on your cheek.
"I don't care," he rasped into your ear. You turned your head back, and he placed his mouth on yours.
You give as much as he is giving you, letting Jake caress your tongue with his, letting him take and take at his pleasure, until he is releasing your mouth and mouthing across your cheek.
He’s taking his time with you, something so different from the previous times you've found yourself against or under him, at the mercy of his mouth and hands. There's hesitation in his movements, wary of making any sudden, intense movements that might have you bolt. 
"You're taking your time," you say aloud, carting your fingers through his hair. Jake laps gently at the corner of your neck, hand stroking down the side of your leg. He pulls back to stare at your face, you meeting his gaze.
"I almost didn't have time."
God, you know how true that statement is. And the fact, the Jake who left you standing at the end of your driveway all those weeks ago wasn't the exact same one who returned to you. 
Jake travels down the length of your body, and you let him push up your oversized shirt, revealing your breasts. "Hello, girls," he grinned, pressing a single kiss to each breast. "Oh, how I've missed you."
It makes you laugh, carting your fingers through his hair, messing it up even further. You can feel him smile against your skin. But then he is trailing his nose down your core, down your stomach, lightly grazing your skin with his lips as he goes. You watch him with careful eyes, your breath picking up quickly.
You know his intentions, where this is going, what it would evidently end up being. And you’re okay with that. You trust him, and you love him. There wasn’t anyone else you could imagine having your first time with. 
Working himself down to the end of your bed, Jake’s face hovers over your underwear, his eyes searching yours. You nod, reaching down to help him remove them, Jake flinging them behind his head in a dramatic fashion, making you laugh once again.
Until he’s lining up kisses down the inside of your thigh, stopping when he’s just that close to your core. And then he looks up once again. You can hardly see any green in his eyes, just a thin strip on the edge of being overtaken by black.
“Can I put my mouth on you?”
What do you do but stutter an embarrassing reply of, “If you want to.” 
Jake wouldn’t ask if he didn’t want to. You knew that. He even chuckles at your answer teasingly.
“You’re going to have to keep these open if I do,” he says, tapping the back of your thigh. “I’m not going to nearly perish a second time, though what a hell of a way to go.” 
You huff in amusement, tinting your head back against your pillow only to drop your chin to your chest, looking at him between your legs.
“Just be gentle with me, Jake. I’m not…” 
Experienced is the word you leave out, but you know Jake understands you. He always seemed to when it comes to you.
He places both of your legs on his shoulders before reaching up to thread his fingers through yours at your side. He barely has time to punch out the words, “Tell me to stop if it’s too much,” before his nose is parting your folds and he’s swiping his tongue up and down your cunt repeatedly. 
You pull against his hold on your hands at the feeling, wailing and then biting your lip to quiet yourself, muffling your sounds.
Jake lets go of one of your hands to thumb your bottom lip, removing it from your teeth. He lifts his head and says in one breath, “Sadie’s not here, Liz. Let me hear you moan for me.”
And then he’s sucking on your clit, and you can’t hold it in any longer. The noise you let out is practically a scream, and the vibrations from Jake’s moan against your cunt push you that much further. Cause the fact he mentioned her name while headfirst deep between your legs is filthy. 
And the sounds that follow, echoing around your bedroom, are raunchy.  The night Jake kissed you in your hallway, your worries about Sadie hearing both of you come to mind. Because thank God she wasn’t here, or else she’d think Jake was murdering you.
You’d have to work on being quiet if you ever wanted to do this again with Jake once she came back home. 
You felt hot with your shirt racked up around the top of your breasts, gripping the hem to rip it over your head, your back leaping off the bed as far as it could go. Jake glances up, still working his mouth against your cunt to watch, the only remaining piece on your body is his tags.
You buck into his mouth, having no control over your body as he just sucks and sucks and sucks, your grip on his hand getting tighter and tighter, and you’re gripping your comforter to the point your hand throbs from the force. Cause everything burns and feels so good and yet so bad, and you cry to whatever part of you decided you needed to wait to experience this.
But in the back of your head, you know nobody could make you feel the way Jake was making you feel now.
Something snaps, hard, your muscles pulling tant and the cry blaring out into the ceiling of your bedroom is anything but salacious.  And Jake's voice is muffled when he works you through it, chanting, “Good girl, that’s my good girl,” over and over as you chant your hips to chase the feeling.
You are a shaking mess when Jake finally lets go, and slides back up your body, letting his weight settle against your chest, arms threading themselves under your shoulders.
"Was that okay?" 
You don't even have the words to describe how you are feeling. Your eyes are wide, staring up at him, wondering why the hell he'd be asking such a question when he caused you to be in such a state. 
Instead, you lurch up and kiss him hard, your hands gripping the middle of his back, sliding down to slip under the fabric of his boxers. Jake jolts when he feels your hands cupping his ass. 
"Are you sure, darlin'?" he pants, pulling away from you. "Are you sure you want this? With me?"
This was Jake. He wouldn't have you without your consent.
"I only want you."
It's slightly cheesy. But there was no other way you could put it. You couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. But he challenges you again, asking, "Are you sure you want it to be me?" 
You wanted to smack him for his sheer idiocy right now, bringing up his shitty perception of his self-worth. But you don't want to ruin the mood, and you know where it's coming from deep down. It has nothing to do with you. 
"I do," you say instead, rubbing your nose against his. "I just don't know how to make you feel good, though."
"It's not about me right now."
Except it was. It was about both of you.
"Get on top of me."
The both of you rolled, Jake grabbing your hips as you landed on top of him. You sat up, placing your hands on his chest. The action had you rocking yourself back onto his clothed cock, and Jake let out a moan, hands tightening on your waist to push and pull with your movements.
Leaning down to kiss him once, you followed his jawline, reaching his ear. "You want to know something?" you asked, suddenly emboldened.
"What?" he gasped, nails biting into your skin.
"I've been dying to do this since the first time I saw you on the beach."
You felt the pinch of his nails as you kissed down his neck, making sure to catch a patch of skin between your teeth softly. You continued down his chest until you finally got to your desired place.
The divet.
The perfectly sculpted yet slightly crooked valley that split the entire length of his chest in half. You had a brief moment of panic, a stutter in your heartbeat, when you realized just how forward you, the freaking virgin, were being. Hell, you didn't even know if you were doing any of this right.
All you knew, you had waited long enough.
Spread out beneath you, Jake's body is spread out for you like a personalized meal. You pressed a kiss into his skin first before letting your tongue press deep into that valley and swirl all sorts of patterns across his skin. His eyes nearly bugled out of his head before Jake groaned, chest puffing out and hand fisting into your hair. 
You work your way up, getting ready to take one of his nipples into your mouth, when Jake suddenly shouts and lets out a fevered, "Stop." 
You reel back in shock, scared you overstepped. But Jake only tugged you up by your hips, using you as a counterweight to pull himself to sit against your headboard with a painful groan. He settled you directly against his pelvis, where you can feel just how hard he is through his boxers.
He grips the back of your neck hard and slams his lips into yours. You whimper into the kiss, worried he's using it as a tactic to let you down gently. When he finally releases your lips, you burst out, "I'm sorry, I overstepped. I shouldn't have.." 
Jake grips your throat, thumb resting just barely on your Adam's apple, enough to know it's there. You can feel it with each hard sallow you take, his hand big enough to encompass the entire length and width of your neck. 
"Don't ever apologize for that," he states firmly. "I'm yours to do with what you will. And trust me when I say there is a lot more you can do to me than just a simple kiss on the chest." 
And there's the blush. 
"I told you I'd corrupt your innocent little soul," he smirks, pulling you to his mouth once again.  
The next few moments are filled with long, passionate kisses and heavy touches until Jake is reaching for the hem of his boxers, and you find yourself helping him pull them down, him kicking them off in some unknown direction. 
Unlike this morning, there's no hesitation when you take him in, his cock hard and standing to attention. You regret your reaction to the comment you made about his helmet last year. Cause there was truth behind that one missing letter. 
Jake reaches for you, helping to position you over him before he suddenly freezes.  "Shit," he gasped, pushing you to sit on his thighs. "We don't have anything."
You ducked your head shyly. "We don't need one if you're okay without one. I... I'm on the pill."
"You're on the pill?"
You know what he means behind the question instantly.
"Two months before Penny asked me back. Other reasons, though. Not that I was expecting to get laid at any point in time," you answer him quietly, lifting your head. "You know me, Jake. I don't do one-night stands. I never have."
Jake relaxed under your hold, a small part of him sighing in relief.
"Worried I moved on?" you ask him softly, stroking your finger across his brow.
"You had every right to," he's almost ashamed to admit. You shook your head. "When are you going to get it through that stubborn head of yours that you are worth it, Jake? I love you. I'm not going anywhere."
Jake sighed again, dropping his forehead to your collarbone.
"Besides, you painted a pretty picture in the flatbed of your truck," you tease, quickly reciting the words he had rasped into your ear when his fingers were almost knuckle deep in your cunt. You drop your head forward and whisper into his ear, "The day I can have you gripping my cock?"
Jake growled at your words, reaching for your thigh to properly position you over him. Straddling his waist, you rest on your knees. Jake grabbed his cock, angling it just so as to rub the tip against your cunt slowly. You weren't sure whether he was teasing you or getting you used to a feeling.
Maybe it was a bit of both.
Then his tip caught at your entrance, and you let out a whimper. 
He stops, not doing anything else except letting go of himself to latch onto your other hip. Tilting his head, he places a kiss on the underside of your jaw, breathing in deep.
You understand why Jake had you move on top of him for this. He was letting you control the pace and do what only felt comfortable to you. It warms your heart, even if it is on the verge of jumping out of your chest.
"Take your time, darlin," he encouraged you softly, mouthing at the skin under your collarbone. "I'm here whenever you are ready. And we can stop at any point."
You took a deep breath, finally finding the courage to press yourself down onto him.
Something between a whine and a gasp escaped your lips as you felt the tip of his cock enter you. You had no previous experience to compare this to, but you were sure you weren't supposed to feel this stretched out. Or this full. 
You got about halfway down before you cried out, sightly in pain. Jake's grip tightened on your leg and hip, muscles flexing as he halted you. You're slick, but it's a tight fit. And his breath was just as ragged as yours.
 Sliding the hand that was griping your hip up your back, Jake encompasses the nape of your neck in his hand, tiling your head down so he could take your mouth into an open kiss.
"Jake," you whimpered into his mouth, your nails digging hard into his shoulder. Jake kept a tight rein on his control, but it was a battle he was struggling with. You just felt too good around him.
"Such a good girl for me," he cooed. "Taking my cock." 
"I don't know if I can go any further," you whimper. But Jake is quick to reply, "We don't have to, not if you don't want to. But you're almost there, just a little bit more." 
"Fuck," you whined, tearing yourself away from his mouth to bury your face into his shoulder.  His hand tightened against the nape of your neck, fingers tangling themselves into the roots of your hair. The grip is reassuring and grounding, and you take several deep breaths before you press down once again.
Then, just when you think you can't take anymore, he bottoms out, his hips pressed tightly into yours. 
That's it. You were a virgin no longer. 
And suddenly, with that thought, you felt nervous. Because, of all things, that damn fucking sign in the girl's bathroom of the Hard Deck flashes in your mind.
Jake is experienced. You're not. It was one thing for him to say he didn't mind you were a virgin, but it was something else for him to be the one to change that status. Because every story you've ever read about how men would compare their previous partners to their current one eats away at you.
There was no way you would stack up to the long list of women Jake had bedded, for lack of a better word. But Jake only nuzzled the valley between your breasts, tongue delicately tracing the underside of one while rubbing soothingly down the curve of your spine.
"Perfect," he murmured softly. You can't help yourself when your next words come out more anxiously than teasingly. "Live up to your imagination?"
If Jake caught on, he didn't let you know.
"Better," he groaned. "I don't care if we do anything else. I'm perfectly content to be like this the rest of the day."
He twitches inside you, and you gasp, dropping your mouth to rest against the top of his head. You know what he is doing. He's letting you adjust, letting the pain subside, assuring your anxious thoughts.
"Like this? Me, wrapped around your cock, barely moving," You manage to pant, and he hums against your chest. "What if we have company? Rooster tends to show up unannounced."
"He better not," his growl vibrates off your skin, hand flexing on your thigh in an effort not to thrust. "He should know better than to show up at your door when he knows damn well what we're getting up to."
Jake titles his head to set his teeth into your collarbone in a warning, making you clench involuntarily and whimper. He snarls into your neck, "Don't mention him when I'm inside you. This is not going to end badly, not for your first time."
The heat laced in his voice did nothing to stop the small chuckle that racked your chest. Your muscles pull tight across your stomach, and you choke, "Are you trying to make me combust?"
"Is it working?" 
Jake doesn't move. Not at first. Not until you decide to test the waters and flex your hips once, rocking yourself on his cock ever so slightly. 
Your mouth is resting open against his forehead, and your nails are biting into his shoulders as you moan, letting the first thumps of pain, turn into pleasure. He's tense under you, Jake, using every ounce of willpower not to thrust himself hard up into you to match your rocks. He wants to take this slow. He wants you to enjoy this, no matter how badly he wants to feel you clench around him.
Instead, he rasps into your breast, “Feel good?” 
Why is he so obsessed with asking you questions?
You’re unsure if your noise is intelligible, but you try to force out an affirmative hum. Then he hits the back of your cervix, making you howl and curl into him.  
It must have been the sound you let out because Jake growls. Gripping the flesh of your butt tightly, he flipped the both of you. You weren't expecting him to, not with how beaten up he was. The movement of your back hitting the bed caused him to hit something deep inside you, causing you to cry out and grip the planes of his shoulders, nails biting hard and uncaring if you happened to touch his bruise.
The slow movement of you rocking on him was nothing compared to the way he started to thrust in earnest. 
"You have no idea how much I've wanted you," he panted, increasing his pace. "The day I saw you at the Hard Deck when you were dancing in your kitchen. The clean fucking slate."
You whimper at the growl he spun on the word fucking, adding to the heat already spreading across your body. Even with the pleasure he’s bestowing across your body, you know this must be somewhat painful for him.
"Jake.." you gasped. "Your back."
"Fuck my back," he grunted, angling his hips in an urgent thrust. It made you tilt your head back into your pillow, your head almost hitting your headboard, your nails biting into his back, letting out a heated cry. Jake went for your neck, teeth, and lips, pressing hard to your pulse point.
"I don't care if I fucking break it," he growled out. "I'm not stopping until you cum for me." 
A particular thrust caused you to turn your head, and Jake sunk his teeth into your neck. You lifted your leg, wrapping it around Jake's waist. The angle of this next thrust changed, and you whimpered loudly, tears leaking down the sides of your face as Jake lurched over you with a desperate groan.
It has you wrapping your other leg around his waist, your hips slanted downwards, his cock pounding you at a new angle.
His hand, supporting himself on the bed next to you, shot out to grip your bedframe. Alternating between deep thrusts and shallow teases, Jake watched you underneath him. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, your eyes fighting to stay open, and dog tags - his dog tags - jangling against your stomach.
 He almost didn’t have this, the stark realization haunting him. He had literally been a breath away from never seeing you again, never feeling your warmth or hearing your cries of pleasure or even your laughter. He would take any chance, any glance, anything to assure him you were real. And that you were his.
His back spasmed, and he fell on top of you, saving himself from crushing you at the last second. But it doesn’t deter him. No, Jake still flexed his hips, more than determined to get you over that edge, to have you cum. Even if he didn’t, he wanted you to experience at least that. 
But those dog tags cause a possessive feeling to rise in his chest - because the only word going through his head right now is mine. 
"You’re mine, Elizabeth,” he grunted. "Say it. Please say it.”
There's the possessive kink you know and love. 
“I’m yours,” you cry out, consumed by the feeling of him driving his cock into you. “Yours Jake, just please…”
It is then a mantra of "pleases" and "I needs" fall from your lips, of which you aren't sure what for. All you knew was that Jake was working you higher and higher off that edge, fully determined to see you tumble over it.
“Cum for me Liz,” he whines.  “Cum for me, just for me. Please my darlin’ girl.”
He drops his hand between the two of you, seeking out your clit and rubbing hard, tight circles that have you screaming. Your soaring, going over that somewhat unfamiliar edge he’s brought you over only twice before.
You swear you black out, just for a few moments, until Jake is at your ear, whispering praise after praise about how good it finally felt to have you cum around him. How only he would ever be the one to experience this, how proud of you he is.
Then he thrusts, once, twice, before your hips jolt up, and he's pressing himself deep, flooding your core. You sob, burying your face into his neck and tightening your legs around him. Because amongst the overstimulation, you can feel another one creeping up from out of nowhere. Pure white heat shoots up to your chest as Jake's haunting moan vibrates your entire being.
Then it's quiet, and you want to bury yourself in this moment. 
You don't even care that you're crying. Because, with all the thoughts and feelings flying back and forth through your mind, there's one that stands out the most. 
Your so fucking glad you waited.
"Are you alright?"
When you don't say anything, too blissed out to form words, Jake pants out your name against your neck; his voice laced with urgency.
"I need... I need a moment. Just a moment," you manage to pant, forcing breath into your lungs. Jake moves, trying to bring himself onto his elbows as his back screams in protest.
"Did I hurt you?" he asks, stroking your cheek. You manage a small shake of your head, the sides of your mouth turning upwards. "No," you reply softly.
You finally open your eyes to see Jake staring down at you. His brow pulled together in concern. And, of course, you, being you, had to say the first thing that came to mind.
"I guess you did give me a good time after all."
Jake tilts his head for a second before his memory catches up with him, and he shakes his head, though you can see the puff he takes out of pride. 
"What am I going to do with you, Elizabeth Beck?"
You grin up at him. "Hopefully, a repeat of that sometime in the near future?"
Jake rolled onto his side with a groan, pulling you with him to lie half on his chest. The action caused him to slip out from you, which you were grateful for. The quick movement only caused a brief amount of pain, and you were sure if he drew it out, it would have been worse. 
Jake was pressing kisses to your forehead as the aftershocks finally made them known. You trembled against him, hands trying to find purchase along his chest, and Jake didn't stop until he was sure you were okay.
But, in the blissful silence, once you calmed down, Jake playing with your hair against your back, did he finally ask the question you knew was coming since he walked through your front door.
"Does she hate me?"
You weakly lifted your head from his shoulder, watching the conflicting emotions play across his face.
"The day at the beach. She was devastated..." Jake trailed off, absentmindedly staring at your bedroom wall. You pressed a kiss to his chest. "We've both had a lot of people in our lives that have hurt us."
"I'm used to disappointing people, but her? She has every right."
You frowned. "She missed you so much, Jake."
He shook his head, slamming his eyes shut. You lifted your hand off his chest to cradle his jaw, your thumb stroking across his cheekbone under the newly darkened skin. "She could never hate you. She asked me every day when you'd be coming home."
Jake didn't open his eyes, but he did lean into your touch, his shame and guilt still evident.
You wanted to tell him about the most recent thunderstorm, Sadie waking up and crying out for the both of you in the middle of the night. You had done your best to soothe her, but deep down, you knew she wanted Jake. Nothing could compare to his words of reassurance or the way she felt when he hugged her that night.
In the end, lifting his dog tags off your neck and placing them around hers was the only thing that worked. Huddled in her bed with your arms around her, she fell asleep with them gripped tightly in her hand.
Something told you even if you did tell him, it would only make him more upset.
You stroked your fingers over his forehead, asking him softly, "Come with me when I pick her up from camp next week? I promise she will prove you wrong."
There was a silent pause, and then he opened his eyes. He searched you for any hint of deception, not that he would find any. Sadie was just as important to him as you were. In the end, he nodded once with a sigh.
It was a few more minutes before he carefully untangled himself from your hold. He swung his legs over to the side of your bed with a groan, his muscles spasming as he sat up. Even in your blissed-out state, you reached out and placed a hand on his upper back, where his bruise was the least dark, hoping to soothe some of his pain.
"Where are you going?"
"Getting something to clean you up."
"You don't have to, Jake. I can take care of it."
"It's my job," he countered, turning his head to look at you with a cheeky grin. "Let me do this for you."
He stood, lumping slightly to your bathroom to grab something to clean you up. You watched him go, taking him in in all his naked glory, biting your bottom lip hard.
You still couldn't believe he was yours.
You weren't expecting this: the gentleness as he took the rag between your legs when he returned, the kiss he placed on your thigh when you whimpered from the sensitivity.
After tossing the rag into your laundry hamper to be dealt with later, he maneuvered himself back into the position he assumed last night when you fell asleep, head buried in your neck, arms wrapped under your shoulders.
It was soothing, his weight on your chest almost counteracting the dull throbbing in your core.
"How long do I have you for?" you asked, threading your fingers through his hair.
"I have nowhere to be for the next two weeks," he mumbled into your chest.
"Stay with me?"
"As if I'd leave you now."
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😏😘 You hate me now?
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Part 22 - Jump in progress
Wickett ;)
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cupidskissx · 9 months
Thanks for the fics! Are you thinking about writing something Christmassy? If you use this ask for that, I wouldn't care...lol
kisses and happy new year
Hello sweet anon,
Happy belated Christmas to you and those that celebrate!
I started this yesterday with no intention or direction whatsoever. By some Christmas miracle it’s the first thing I’ve “finished” in 6 months. I hope you enjoy ~1k of something for you ❤️🎄
When Max’s phone vibrated on the glass-top table the last thing he expected to see when he turned it over was a notification from Charles Leclerc.
Merry Christmas 🎅
He stared at the simple message, unsure what to make of it. They hadn’t spoken since before Max missed their padel game — his previous one line apology left unanswered.
Twisting his wrist, he checked the time and did the calculation. He frowned, it would be past midnight in Monaco, he couldn’t reply and wish him a happy Christmas now.
He picked up his phone and excused himself from the conversation. He walked inside while opening Charles’ contact and clicking call. Max didn’t know why he felt so compelled to speak to him, but it was too late now, he was closing the door to the guest bedroom when Charles answered.
“Hey,” a muted rustle followed Charles’ greeting, likely him rolling over in his covers.
“Hey,” Max sat on the end of the bed. “How was your Christmas?” Max asked.
“Nice, how was yours?”
“Yeah, nice,” Max didn’t know what else to say, maybe calling wasn’t the best idea.
“That’s good,” Charles stifled a yawn, then he asked, “How’s Brazil?”
“Hot. How’s Monaco?”
“Checks out.”
“When do you get home?” Charles changed the subject, taking Max by surprise that he’d want to bother keeping up their stilted conversation.
“Err, in a couple of days.”
“We should catch up before I head to Maranello.”
“Really, why? Have you missed me?” Max joked.
“A bit. Which is weird.”
Charles was kidding, surely, Max was the one who was left on read, “How much did you have to drink today, mate?” Max laughed, until he registered Charles’ mumbled response.
“Not enough.”
Oh. Max laid back on the bed and stared at the crack running through the plasterboard ceiling.
“I guess I just miss racing,” Charles clarified, now that is something Max can relate to. He supposed he missed Charles too, in the same way he missed Sunday morning briefings. Because setting the strategy meant driving, and driving meant racing and racing had always meant Charles. Except Charles didn’t only mean racing. Not anymore.
“I really am sorry I missed that game.”
“No you’re not,” Charles was the one to laugh that time.
“Okay, not the match so much, but I am sorry that I let you down.”
Charles was quiet for a long moment, “How’s Kelly’s family?”
Max closed his eyes. “Most of them are drunk and diving into the pool, not the best combination.”
“No, not the best.”
“How’s your family? How’s Arthur, I heard he lost his seat?”
Charles rustled on his end of the line again, “Yeah, he’ll be okay, but it’s still shit. We tried not to talk racing at dinner and that helped.”
“And your mum?” Max asked. The vision of Pascale in his mind was still the one he formed at karting tracks when they were young. When Max was shorter than her and she’d bring a pack lunch in a wicker picnic basket, an old thermos full of coffee never far from reach. One miserable afternoon in Italy she’d let Max hold it to warm his hands while they waited for the rain to clear.
“She’s good,” Charles answered, “Having us all home together makes her happy.”
“Because she can keep an eye on all of you at once for a change?”
“Yeah, definitely,” Charles sounded like he was smiling, Max wouldn’t have sounded much different when he replied.
“My mum is the same, she’ll pop her head in to my room at 6am just to watch me sleep.”
“Mum has definitely walked into whichever room I’m in to make sure I haven’t evaporated if I’m quiet for too long.”
“Typical mums,” Max rolled his eyes fondly at the same time Charles said: “I guess we’re the lucky ones.”
“Yeah, we are,” Max agreed because Charles had a way of making him more honest with himself.
“Will you go see Sophie for Christmas?”
“I’m flying up after New Year’s.”
“So you’ll be in Monaco for New Year’s Eve?”
“If everything goes to plan. Will you?”
“Yeah, I don’t leave until the 3rd. You should come over, I’m doing a small get together, nothing crazy.”
“I’ll check and let you know.”
“And if I can’t make it?”
“Then I guess I’ll see you when the season starts.”
Max’s heart performed a peculiar acrobatic act against his ribcage. “You won’t be home in between?”
“Not really.”
“Well I suppose I do owe you a game before you leave, if it can’t be New Year’s.”
Charles all but giggled on his end of the line, “So now you want to play?”
Max opened his mouth, the words: no, I want to see you nearly tumbled out but he caught them before he had to think too hard about what they meant. “I wanna beat you,” he said instead.
“Naturally. We’ll see,” Charles said but Max didn’t appreciate the open-endedness.
“Afraid for a little one-on-one, we both know Tom carried you last time.”
“You talk big game for someone who lost.”
“Guess there’s only one way to—” there was a single knock on the bedroom door before it creaked open, “I better let you go.”
“Oh, okay, yeah, see you soon then.”
“Yeah, book a court and I’ll be there,” Max started to pull his phone away from his ear when he was called back.
“Max?” Charles asked, voice wavering.
“Yeah?” Max’s brow pinched as he kept his eyes focused on the ceiling. Not quite ready to sit up.
“Get ready to lose again.”
Max snorted, “Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming.”
“I will,” Charles was smiling again, “Night.”
“Night,” Max ended the call. He settled his smile into something less cheesy and pushed himself up onto his elbows to find himself alone in the room.
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satoruzlove · 2 years
hello! i recently found your account and i love every bits of stories you write! can i request something like atsumu, sakusa, and suna having an underground garage with over 12 cars or more? and their s/o jokingly claims that they love them only because of their money and cars? lol idk, you can decide about the other details. i would just love to read something like this. i hope you understand my messy and clumsy imagination :' )
i hope you have a good day/night! merry christmas also! 🥰❤️‍🔥
I LITERALLY SAW THIS AND DIIIIEEED ANON CUS I RLY LIKE THIS IDEA, and THANK U MWAAAH IM SO GLAD U LIKE MY WRITING <333 HUGS & SUGAR COOKIES 4 U. i’m sorry about how fawking late this is & i rly hope u do like this- it took me a whole while to rly grasp what i wanted to do with this glorious prompt, i wrote a lot these past few days BUT WHATEVER HERE U ARE MY WONDERFUL BUBBLE ANON ( cute af choice btw)
[k. sakusa , r. suna , a. miya ]
- suggestive at some parts , boys with cars, praising and touchiness ( kiyoomi ) , alcohol and FLIRTINGGG ( atsumu’s ), friends to lovers & lots of tension ( rintarou ) , also kiyoomi is called a sugar daddyLMAO but he isn’t i swear -
your boyfriend is meticulous in every aspect of his life. his looks, his health, his belongings- everything. from the way he keeps his clothing folded to how he cares for his multiple expensive , beautiful race cars. as a pro athlete it’s expected of him to have such things , but you’d never expect to see how he handles them with such care - almost as if they were people. he gets them serviced and checked every other month, and polishes the luxurious leather of the seats frequently. when you two were dating, he often picked you up from work in different cars each time - claiming to want to make you look like you were some kind of vip. although, whenever you requested to drive one of them, he’d give you a look. it’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just knew that you couldn’t drive for shit and there’s no way he letting you do trial and error on his multi million dollar mobile.
that’s how you got here ; standing beside him as he folds away some of his summer clothes and practically begging him to let you drive one of his babies. “i’ll even let you tell me how to drive, kiyo, you can be my instructor,” you whine softly. he muttered a ‘nope’ popping the ‘p’ to emphasise his adamancy on the topic. you tugged his shirt sleeve, nearly forcing his dark eyes onto you- before he even knew it, he was convinced. the thick lashes surrounding the swimming, sparkly pool of your irises bored up at him only interrupted momentarily by you blinking.kiyoomi’s eyebrows crunched , mimicking the way his heart squeezed in his chest, despite knowing you just wanted to use his car. he let out a loud, dramatic sigh before running a hand over his face. “fine, you can use one. i will be there, i will tell you what to do and i definitely will stop you if you screw up,okay?” your boyfriend bossed. you smiled up at him, “nono! you can just teach me yourself, i’ll pretend i don’t even have my license,” and when you saw the bored look on his face you added to your statement,” to y’know, ease your mind.”
kiyoomi poked his cheek with his tongue , only to stop a smile from forming on his face. “go get dressed into like,” he paused for a second, his tone questioning when he continued, “..driving clothes..?” and you laughed at that. happily you got dressed and headed to the lowest level of your two story house- the underground.as the sleek metal doors opened, multiple shiny, elegant cars came into view but kiyoomi made a beeline for one in particular. she was black, a two seater that had neon green highlights on her gorgeous sides. “ porshe 2022 911 gt3,” he muttered, slender fingers lightly brushing over the glossy hood. you gawk for a second, “ i have no idea what that is, but holy shit,” you mutter. he huffs a laugh before unlocking the machine.
you hop into the drivers seat, and kiyoomi stares you down. you nearly choke under his gaze , “ don’t tell me you changed your mind,” you challenge him. he laughs- heartily almost- until a smirk overcomes his pretty face. “ you said i could teach you, didn’t you? get up. you’re gonna be on my lap.” his tone is smooth, weight panging in your tummy as you process what he said. your hands hesitantly slide off the steering wheel, allowing him to get in. he adjusts his weight with his hips, hands resting on his upper thighs until he pats them. “ come,” he says, “ sit , we don’t have all day.”
you oblige, your own thighs caged by his as his hands find home on yours. he’s guiding them to the wheel, you observe. “ i’ll worry about clutch, acceleration and breaks. you just steer and change gears for me , okay?” you notice his tone is soft, gentle because of how close he is to your ear. his breath hovers right over the shell of your ear. you nod, and he turns the key in the ignition. little lights and buttons exert an array of colour- almost tempting you to press them. he revs the engine - a low, prolonged echo ringing throughout the underground garage and vibrating your intertwined forms. you close your eyes and soon you come to understand just why your boyfriend loves his cars.
“you know,” you mutter, head dropping onto his shoulder, “‘might steal this thing and flee the fuckin’ country. it feels so-,”,” freeing, huh?” he practically steals the words from your mouth. you nod, smiling breathlessly, “ exactly,” before continuing ,” maybe you being away so much isn’t that bad , considering how my friends think you’re my sugar daddy,” and your boyfriend scoffs. a thick, black brow raised,” atsumu was right, you really do want me for my money.” kiyoomi chuckles, earning another giggle from you. dreamily , you sigh, “ absolutely, you’re my lovely little sugar daddy,” kiyoomi’s body shakes with laughter and his dimples cave in- you swear you get butterflies every time they do.the warm up light on the car goes off and from that point , the drive was smooth sailing.
you didn’t go far , seeing as your house was quite far from anything else , you had a lot of room. you drove mainly around your area. you two had come to a park, very secluded and probably privately owned, and you parallel parked. kiyoomi’s lowered his head , muttering a ,” you’re really good at this, dunno why i was so worried. even i struggle to parallel park sometimes,” he admits shyly. you smile, but you don’t miss the way he gazes at you as your eyes train on the park just outside the window. as soon as your head turns, you’re met with kiyoomi. his lips on yours. your lover’s hand is on the back of your head- guiding you like he was as you drove- and his latter hand on your waist. for a moment he broke away, nose smushing against yours. “did so good for me today,” he muttered against you. you had no time to reply or even be surprised at his remark, as he dove in for another kiss. this one was hungrier, more passionate and less shy than before. of course, you followed the pace happily.
his lips left yours with a deep exhale , “ move to the passenger seat,” he instructed, “‘ wanna get us home real fast, gonna continue this in a more comfortable setting, yeah?” and as you moved, tumbling over the gear stick and quickly plopping yourself onto said seat, “gonna take my time with you, yn.” you heard from kiyoomi as he revved the car once more. you were definitely in for a ride.
suna rintarou is your best friend. you’ve known eachother since child hood and have gone through absolute hell together. puberty, your first crushes, the trauma’s of young adulthood, dealing with the miya twins. you started liking him in middle school, only ever telling aran about it and swearing him to secrecy. you couldn’t tell if suna liked you, you knew that if he did feel the same he’d never tell you, because that’s how he was. any person he’s ever entertained had the same complaint , that he didn’t know how to express his feelings properly and they couldn’t take how badly he blows at communicating.
you don’t understand, and you could never ; because he knows how to communicate with you. you two have an inexplainable bond- and he doesn’t feel the suffocating, degrading feeling in his chest when he talks to you about how he feels. he trusts you with everything. he always has, he has no trouble telling you.
he trusts you with everything, except his cars. all 11 of them.
which is why you slapped his arm when he showed you his underground garage , claiming to ‘ wanna show you something really, really cool ’ he wasn’t lying. his black t shirt seemed to look godly under the stage lights of his garage, as he strolled next to you- taking in his collection and carefully watching your pupils blow in awe. “ you’re such a dick, rin,” you laugh, “ i can’t believe you kept this from me, knowing damn well i’d give my left tit to drive one of these” he snorts, head throwing back and eyes scrunching at your choice of words. he comes to a halt infront of a shimmery, matt- finished car. you eyes drag over the hood, the cat- like head lights and your eyes scrunch up in delight at the ‘ mommy’s boy’ sticker barely in sight. “ it’s a-“,” mclaren, 765lt right ?”
his moss green eyes betray the stoic look on his face. they widen, sparkling in amusement. “ i always forget that you have no friends and read all day,” he feigns a sugary sweet tone. you shove him by the hip, toddling over to the passenger seat. “stop being an ass and take me for a drive.” you sigh. rin tries to ignore how right it feels to have you in his passenger seat , the way his mind quickly flicks images of you two going out at odd hours for icecream, his hand in a wedding ring- your wedding ring- on the gear stick. “ rintarou, come back to earth!” you bark laughter, now infront of him. his eyes screw shut and widen, he hadn’t even realised that he zoned out. he’s looking down at you, eyebrows raised as he attempts to ease out of his daze.
“stop being so bossy, you little tree stump,” he mumbles, making his way to the driver’s side door. it slides open smoothly, and he practically jumps inside. as you do the same, a smell- his smell- envelopes you. old spice and a tinge of something sweet. you both reach for the radio at the same time, and as his hand makes contact with yours he nearly jumps away as if your hands were a burning hot coal. he clears his throat, starting the car and ignoring the furious flutter i the pit of his stomach. you connect your phone, skipping through your playlist. you finally choose a song, and rintarou swears he could fall over and giggle like a little girl at your choice.
“love you like a brother, treat you like a friend,
respect you like a lover, oh,oh,oh”
your best friend’s eyes flit over to yours, only for him to spot you lip syncing the words of the song. as he pulls out the drive way he imagines you- calling him your lover, holding him, kissing him, being his. he smiles softly when you turn to him, lip syncing the words with conviction. “ if you be the cash, i’ll be the rubber band,” you mumble along with the song, hands coming out to poke him to punctuate your words. he mirrors you, eyebrows lifting as he sings.”painter baby you could be the muse, im the reporter baby-,” you two look at eachother in unison, your hands finding his cheeks,” you could be the news,” and for a moment, he doesn’t realise that you’re holding him so sweetly.
when the chorus comes, you two sit in silence as he pulls over to a mcdonald’s drive through. it’s quiet,lights of the glowing sign washing you with hues of colour and making you look of another world. you turn to him, boredly saying, “ you’re not so bad if we get to do this ,” and he rolls his eyes. he clicks his tongue , “ you’re literally like inlove with me, shut up,” he jests. your eyes don’t move for a moment, neither does your body, until you mutter a ‘true’ and turn away like it’s nothing.
rintarou waits for you to make a joke- but you don’t.
his face is pink, your tone was so genuinely that he could believe what you said. that he could think you’re being serious. he sips his sprite, “ good.” he replies to you. whether you were kidding or not, it’s a safe response. you sit there in silence for hours, and for once, rintarou isn’t properly communicating with you ; because he values you too much. too much to lose you, too much to love you, because he doesn’t know how. he’ll take you for drives as much as you want- forever even- if it means he gets to keep you.
you and your lover stumbled into his mansion, a heap of giggles and whiskey flavoured kisses. atsumu’s grip on your hips is hard, loving , equal parts stable as he ushers you down to his garage. the blond smiles at you, lovesick, “thank you for coming back with me, sweet cheeks,” he mumbles. you giggle, eyes shiny and doe like- not a single thought behind them- “ thank you for inviting me, tsumu,” you mewl in response. he grows tired of stumbling and picks you up, earning a girly giggle, and practically running down the stairs with you. “ tsumu!” you laugh heartily, tears in your eyes as he nearly falls but somehow manages to keep you off the ground. he gets up sloppily, converse squeaking against marble floors right before he enters the garage. the man puts you down, planting a disgustingly wet kiss on your cheek and rubbing it with his large, calloused thumb.
he spreads his beefy arms, “ welcome to my pride and joy,” he stumbles a bit, “ apart from you, and my dog, my babies of course” he smiles. your lips part in awe looking at them all, and he smirks with pride. you feel playful - “ glad i gave you a chance, babes, this is really impressive. might just marry you for all this,” you say. he raises his eyebrows, a smile on his face and the apples of his cheeks rising, closing the gap between you he gets so close that you smell your favorite champaigne on his breath. “well baby, if it’s the money you want i’ll give it you. cant say ‘no’ to the prettiest baby in the world, can i?” his eyes are glazed under the influence, but his tone sounds so kind. so tender with you. you knew that atsumu would put the ocean in the sky for you, but something about him saying made you fall for him again. your blond lover melts at the blush on your cheeks, and backs away again.
when he drags you to a car you pull him to a halt. “ tsum,” you say, “ we can’t drive- we had alcohol,” you say. atsumu laughs , grabbing your neck gently and placing yet another sloppy kiss on your cheek, “ i wanna make out with you in my car, honeybunch, not drive,” he slurs. he gets in the back seat,hauling you onto his thick thighs and kneading at your hips. “ so gorgeous, so handsome , so perfect for me,” he says in-between kisses placed lovingly on your puffy lips. “ my good baby, my baby.” he’s babbling, mindlessly saying whatever his heart desires, “ mine, mine, mine,” he continues, like a mantra , sacred and ancient- like the only thing that he knows.
he kisses your lips hungrily and squeezes your sides, as if to keep you and this moment in his grasp forever. the leather under you is hot with passion and affection, the most innocent lust he’s ever felt because you are worth everything. whether it’s all his money or his entire soul- he’d give it all to you.
brain went wOmp for sakusa’ s i’m not sureeee how i feel. also not proofread cus my phone is dying but i rly rly like atsumu’s like woah. tbh i’m JUST NOT SURE ABOJT KIYOOOOOOMIS AAAAAAA but this was fun af !!! kiss kiss fall inlove
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol consumption, smut, dirty talk, some dom/sub dynamics, nothing too crazy this time lol. Covers the "only one bed" square for xmas bingo and the "forced proximity" for @resanoona 3k bingo! Also covers a prompt requested by anon.
It was honestly a miracle that the BAU had managed to not only wrap their last case, but get home, finalize paperwork and have nothing else come up before Christmas Eve. Everyone was beyond thankful for that since it was the night of the annual Christmas at Rossi’s party, nothing too fancy, or too huge, usually just the team and any respective partners that wanted to come maybe a few extra agents or assistants that helped them out majorly through the year. The evening was full of laughter, amazing food, fancy wines, expensive bourbons and an all around sense of family and quality relaxation time.
Once dinner was finished, dishes were left for the morning and the party would end up spreading its way through the house. There were often cigars being smoked out back, Dave wandering through the rooms showing off any new fancy things he’d collected over the year or telling stories of his wild days. As the night wore on and the candles began to burn low the crowd would begin to dwindle, people slipping off into the night after a quiet goodbye and Merry Christmas, knowing they had family to see early the next morning. Eventually it was only Dave, Spencer, Tara, you and Emily left in the living room, fresh glasses of wine poured, alcohol flowing through your veins, keeping you warm and relaxed, helping everyone let go a little bit more than normal. Dave always extended the offer from dinner to everyone able to stay overnight, considering just how much alcohol he had provided it was the smart choice. Spencer was tipsily rambling on about one theory or another, pulling laughter from the girls as Rossi drained his glass, letting out a small groan as he stood from the couch.
“It’s late. You kids know where the guest rooms are.”
There was a chorus of goodnights as he reminded everyone they were more than welcome to stay as long as they wanted and breakfast would be available in the morning before he disappeared down the hall. Spencer’s theory finally wrapped up a bit later and Tara finished her drink, moving to put her wine glass in the sink.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Emily protested with a laugh and Tara chuckled.
“There’s four of us and only three rooms, I just bunked with Reid all week, it’s not happening again tonight. Besides, you two had private suites, learn to share.” She teased.
Emily let out a mock offended scoff as Spencer tried to object and you laughed rolling your eyes at Tara as she flashed the group a smile and a wave along with good night. It didn’t take much longer before you were yawning, doing your best not to lean into Emily’s shoulder as you finished your drink.
“Guys…” you started, “never thought I’d be this person, but I think it’s bedtime for me.” You sat up stretching your body out with a soft groan, “see you in the morning.” You shot Emily a lingering look as you moved from the couch, your glass finding home on the kitchen island before you wandered down the hall.
You would forever and always be thankful for Rossi and his level of hospitality extending beyond anyone you’d ever experienced. There were unopened toothbrush packages and makeup wipes in the en suite you were able to help yourself to, along with some cozy clothes stashed in the guest room’s closet. You simply tugged down a comfy cotton t-shirt, pulling it over your bare body before plugging in your phone and letting out a happy sigh as you shifted under the covers.
You weren’t surprised at the small murmur of voices in the hallway before the light flicked off, the sound of the other guest room door clicking shut and the door to your guest room opened, Emily slipping through it with a grin on her face, the soft lamplight washing her in a golden glow.
“You coming for a sleepover?” You greeted with a grin and she laughed quietly.
“You heard Tara.” Her hands moved to her shirt, sliding down the buttons she undid them, “apparently it’s our turn to share.”
“If only they knew just how much sharing we had done this week.” You purred, sitting up as you shifted onto your knees and Emily chuckled.
“Are you gonna be quiet this time?” She raised a brow, beginning to crawl up the bed, “because I’ll only touch you if you’re quiet…. I don’t want you to risk waking anyone up again.”
“I’ll be good.” Your breath caught in your throat, “I promise…”
“Good.” One of her hands wrapped around the back of your head, pulling her to you, her lips brushing against yours when she spoke, “such a shame there’s only one bed.”
“It is a king… could build a wall of pillows?” You offered with a grin and Emily chuckled, her breath warm on your skin.
“I was thinking we could take advantage of it….”
“Hmm… I do like the sound of that better.” You barely had moment to let out a huff of a laugh before Emily’s lips were on you. Your hands fell to her bare waist, wrapping around her and pulling her body tight to you while her hand wove into your hair.
The kiss built up, starting slow, a familiar dance between all too familiar lips until Emily’s tongue slid across the seam of your lips, her teeth nipping into your lower lip and you groaned. She took the opportunity to sink her tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of you she could while her free hand started to toy with the hem of the shirt you had on. Your hands drifted upward, swiftly un doing her bra and she tossed it to the floor before her hands tickled up your bare thighs, tugging at the hem of your shirt. The kiss broke long enough for her to pull the garment over your head and it joined the growing pile on the floor.
“So fucking gorgeous.” She cooed, nudging you backwards towards the pillows, “lie back for me baby.”
You did as she asked, getting comfortable on the bed as she stepped off it to rid herself of the rest of her clothing, smirking at the way your eyes lingered on her body as if you were trying to memorize every inch. A hand on the mattress she settled over you, lips meeting yours again, this kiss deeper than the last while her hand snuck between your legs. The tips of her fingers began to play with your pussy, trailing through them feather light, teasing you, leaving you whining for more.
“Quiet…” she warned, “can’t have us getting caught…”
“Sorry M’am.” You murmured in return as Emily kissed across your jaw, her lips trailing down your neck, teeth scratching at your skin ever so lightly until she bit deeply into your pulse point and your hand flew to your mouth to muffle the gasp escaping your lips.
“That’s my good girl.” Her lips curved into a grin against your skin as they trailed across your body, her tongue swiping across your collarbone before her lips wrapped around a nipple, sucking it into her mouth while her tongue flicked across it. Her finger tips continuing to tease you, the heel of her hand randomly pressing against your clit as your hips rocked upwards in need of more.
She sunk lower on your body, lips leaving little kisses and love bites on your hips and thighs until she was settled between your legs. Her hand ran up your cunt, smearing wetness across it while her fingers widened, spreading you open for her and you let out a breathy sigh. It was only a moment later her mouth was on you, kissing at your folds, tongue slipping as deep into as you could and you bit back a moan, your fingers clenching into the bedspread. Emily continued to eagerly lap at your pussy, groaning into it, the vibrations pulling quiet whimpers from you as she buried herself between your legs. You were doing your absolute best to keep quiet, knowing just how easy it would be to be overheard by any of the others. But when Emily’s hand snuck up to join her mouth, her lips shifted up wrapping around your clit and she sucked, hard and you weren’t expecting it.
“Oh fuck!” The moan left your lips before you even realized and even faster Emily’s hand and mouth left your cunt, instead, her teeth quickly and sharply bit into your thigh, “oww!” You hissed in a whisper and she raised an unimpressed brow in your direction when she looked up at you. “That hurt!”
“And you had one rule sweetheart.” She husked back, “shame I can’t spank you, that certainly would call attention to what we were up to. Guess you’ll have to get that punishment tomorrow night. Now…another outburst like that and I’m shoving your panties in that dirty little mouth of yours, understood?”
“Yes ma’am…” your breath caught in your throat, hitching when her mouth returned to your pussy, slowly licking through you before gently wrapping around your clit once more. You tugged your lip into your teeth, holding back any noises aside from quiet whimpers as Emily’s fingers sunk into your pussy. She let out a quiet groan at the feeling of you tightly wrapping around her, how wet you already were, juices slicking her fingers within seconds. She twisted and curled them within you until she found that sensitive spot and your hips jolted up off the bed, a soft gasp leaving your lips and she smirked against your body.
“Right there?” She murmured, pressing on the spot again and you nodded, eyes tightly scrunching shut, “you like it when I touch you here?”
“Oh god Em!” It was barely above a whisper, a shuddering breath following it as she continued to brush against the spot, chuckling softly before her mouth returned to your swollen nub.
Her lips wrapped around it, sucking it into her mouth while her tongue flicked patterns against it, harder and faster until you were trembling under her. Her fingers worked in tandem, feeling the way your cunt began to flutter around her, your clit pulsing in her mouth in the same rhythm. Fire was burning through you, your body shivering with each touch of Emily’s fingers or mouth, each pass of either bringing you more and more pleasure. You let out a muffled cry when the fire broke the surface, biting down so hard on your lip you swore you’d broken the skin. Emily’s lips slipped from your clit when you orgasm hit, watching the way your juices lightly dribbled out of you, leaking down her wrist as your body shook on the bed.
“That’s my good girl… so pretty…” She praised before her fingers slipped out of you and she delicately licked around your pussy, cleaning up the smeared juices before she crawled back over you, straddling your hips and she extended her slicked fingers to you. You eagerly accepted them into your mouth, lips wrapping around them as you sucked them clean. “Taste so good sweetheart, thought I should share.”
“Thank you.” You breathed out and she chuckled at the way you dropped back against the pillows.
“Oh I’m not done. I know you can handle another one.” She sat up on her knees, shifting lower on your body as she swatted at your hip, “roll over.”
You did as she asked and she grasped at your hips, pulling you up on your knees while your head remained buried the pillows. Her knee nudged at your leg, shoving yours further apart so she was able to settle between them, a hand running up your back, pressing you into the pillows and you let out a quiet groan. Her free hand trailed up the inside of your leg, fingers brushing through your still dripping pussy before her thumb sunk in as deep as it could and moaned softly into the pillows. Your hips began to rock back onto her hand, fucking yourself on her digits as you moved and she leant over you, pressing a kiss to the small of your back.
“That’s my good girl.” Her fingers pinched your clit before they swapped places with her thumb, sinking deep into your cunt. With each thrust of her hand her hips rocked forward, body meeting yours as your hips thrusted back, eager for more, for her fingers to find that spot within you again. “Just like that… you keep fucking yourself on my fingers alright sweetheart?”
“Need more…” you whined softly and she huffed a laugh out, fingers curling within you as she picked up the pace, her body rocking into yours with more force, fingers moving faster and going as deep as they could into your wetness.
“I guess you’ve been good enough for a bit of a reward.” She purred, her free hand moving from your hip to the bag you hadn’t even noticed her bring into the room.
Your head dropped onto your arms, chest beginning to heave as your cunt fluttered around her fingers, your body burned, ached to be stuffed with her cock, but you knew that wasn’t going to be able to happen tonight. Though, you couldn’t really complain about that, Emily was just as good with her hands and mouth and judging by the punishment comment earlier, you would get everything you desired in the very near future. Her hand crooked within you, finding your g-spot once again and the pillows muffled your cry as your fingers tightened into the bedspread. You barely heard the click of the small vibrator being turned on but you certainly felt it as Emily pressed it onto your clit.
“Fuck…” you muttered, your hips jolting back towards her as it began to rub at your body.
“Give me another one, I know you’ve got it in you.” She practically growled, her fingers flicking faster within you as she turned the vibe up a notch and you gasped. She could see the sheen of sweat glimmering on your skin as pleasure rocked through you, your thighs had began to shake, your hips faltering as you continued to try to fuck yourself on her hand.
She picked up the pace of her hand, making sure she was giving you everything she could, pressing the vibrator harder against your throbbing clit before she turned it up to the highest speed. It was quiet, but the room was full of dirty noises, your squelching pussy, juices leaking down your thighs and onto Emily’s wrist, the quiet cries and whimpers muffled into the pillows as you tried to not moan, the whir of the vibrator.
“You’re almost there, I can feel it baby, let go for me.” She cooed, fingers brushing right over the sensitive spot, pressing harder and lingering for a second longer than the last thrust and you couldn’t help it, your orgasm tore through you like a wildfire.
“Oh fuck Emily!” The cry was louder than you’d intended and you winced the best you could as your body dropped to the mattress, shaking and trembling with pleasure. Emily clicked the vibrator off, her fingers slowing down, gently fucking you through your orgasm, watching the way your body twitched as she did so before she finally pulled them from you, sucking them clean. “Sorry.” You whimpered, little shivers and soft cries leaving you as pleasure surged through your nerves.
Emily’s hand softly ran up and down your back, nails scratching into your hair ever so softly as you continued to come down from your peak, a whimper escaping your lips whenever her nails traced over a sensitive spot of your body. A quiet knock on the door made both of you jump, Emily beginning to scramble to get the both of you under the covers as Spencer’s soft voice floated through the air.
“Is someone crying?” He asked and you stifled a laugh as Emily struggled to come up with an answer quickly.
“I—uh, accidentally elbowed her in the face, we’re fine.”
“You sure?” He asked quietly and you let out a quiet shriek at the sound of the doorknob turning.
“Yup!” You called back quickly, “totally fine, just hit the cheek. Serves me right for being a blanket hog.”
“…okay…” He replied and the two of you held your breath until his footsteps faded down the hallway. You heard his bedroom door click shut and a fit of quiet giggles took over you as Emily scowled down at you, swatting at your ass.
“I told you to be quiet.”
“Well then I guess I’m getting extra spankings for Christmas.” Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you looked up at her and she playfully rolled her eyes.
“Damn right you fucking are.”
@svulife-rl @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @cabotfan42 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @leelizzzle @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @loverllyhurtswithoutyou @disneyfan624 @bluetodie @borg-queer
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 9 months
Here to say a quick Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those who celebrate them! I hope you all have a wonderful day.
I've been a bit inactive lately because work has been crazy busy (many floral centerpieces were made by my very holly-cut hands over the last few weeks, lol).
But! I'm here to give a little update on my first 8k event fic - I'm about 20 pages in so far and I've barely scratched the surface of what I want to get into, so, obviously, it's going to be a long one! I don't know when I'll be uploading it, but I hope I can find the time in the next week or so to finish it up.
Once more, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - much love!
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whorekneecentral · 9 months
A New Tradition
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George Russell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cheesy christmas traditions, first christmas as a married couple, matching pjs, handsy george, penetrative sex (p in v), oral (m!receiving), cream pie.
Word Count: 1,148
Author's Note: this is a short one and it's late lol, my apologize to the george girlies
merry smutmas series
You and George spend your first Christmas together and you mash together the traditions from both of your families. 
Your first Christmas as a married couple was a special one.
When the two of you were dating, you bounced from place to place. Your family or his depending on the year and the holiday. Now that you were married, George suggested that the two of you spend the holidays at home, just you and him.
You agreed with his suggestion, the two of you calling your families and letting them know that from now until new years, you'd be unavailable as you'd be spending time together.
Most of the racing season, you don't get to see George. You're stuck at work and there are very few weekends that you're able to hop on a plane and go see him. When he's home from racing, he's exhausted so you don't get to go many places or do much.
It wasn't the ideal way to spend your first year as a married couple but that's life I suppose.
The holidays were a much needed break from reality; you and your husband cuddled up with nothing to do and nnwhere to be.
As a married couple does, you had old traditions and new ones.
George suggested stockings be your new tradition, seeing that neither you nor him had one in years. You got customs ones made, all your favourite places and things on there, your names stitched into the top and hung on your fireplace.
As for old traditions, your family always ordered Christmas breakfast opposed to making it. So you ordered from your favourite spot, a few minutes from the flat in London.
After breakfast, you two opened your gifts, FaceTiming your families to wish them a Merry Christmas.
The rest of the afternoon was spent lazing, you two went for a walk around the block, getting some fresh air before George started on Christmas dinner - his family tradition. He made sure to get everything done for 7pm on the dot, of course his mum on FaceTime so the two of them could cook together. That was mostly because George had no idea what he was doing. You popped in and out to help when you could but George shooed you away, assuring you he knew what he was doing.
For a first attempt, things came together quite well. He did burn the potatoes but if you look past that, it was just as good as his mum's.
A new tradition, a Christmas movie marathon topped with matching pjs.
Your lives were so hectic, you barely saw each other, let alone had time to watch a movie together without the other falling asleep.
The two of you had debated quite a bit before you settled on a pair. You wanted something fun like the Grinch and George wanted the classic flannel.
As any married couple would do, you compromised; flannel pants for George, flannel shorts for you and you both had these cheesy custom shirts that Lewis had made for you two as a joke - George's race car with the Roscoe sitting in it.
The two of you were sprawled on the couch, the tv playing quietly in the background. You tried to focus on the movie but all you could feel was George's fingers on your legs. Your husband traced patterns into your skin, his fingers wandering higher with each passing second.
"George," you mumble, his hand wiggling away from your grip as it continues its hike up your legs.
"What?" He looks over at you.
"Are you even watching the movie?"
"I've seen it a million times babe."
You roll your eyes, "yeah? So what's happening?"
George looks up at the screen, trying to make up something but he shrugs. "I don't know." He admits, making you laugh.
The man pulls you to sit up, his hands on your hips as he helps you up and over onto his lap. "How am I meant to watch the movie if I'm facing you?" You asked him, arms over his shoulder.
"I'm much better than the movie," he says, a smile on his face.
You roll your eyes yet again, playfully of course. George pulls you flush against him, his hands under your shirt. "This isn't very family friendly, George."
He pulls the shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere behind you. "Good thing there's no family here."
You lean into your husband, kissing him softly before moving to his cheek and down his jaw.
The kisses trail down his neck to his collarbone before you scoot back on his lap and begin kissing down his chest, his shirt joining yours on the floor. You follow the pattern of his freckles all the way down to his hips.
Sliding off his lap, you settle onto your knees in front of George. Your husband smiles, his knuckles rubbing along your jaw.
“You’re so pretty,” he hums, leaning down to kiss you.
Your hands slide between the two of you, undoing the knot on his pants, George lifts his hips and helps you slide them off. His eyes fixed on you as your lips wrap around his cock, his chest dropping and raising with each breath.
He can’t help but watch the way your head bobs up and down. His hand pulls your hair away from your face, letting you set the pace.
His head falls back against the couch, breathing out a string of explicits as you hollow your cheeks. “C’mere, sweetheart.” George whispers, pulls you off him slowly, savouring the feeling of your tongue sliding up the underside of his cock.
You're back on his lap now, George's hands reach under you to pull your shorts to the side. You're kissing him again, he was about to pull your panties to the side only to realize you don’t have any on. He smiles against your lips.
George lets you sink down onto his cock. Both of you letting out a satisfied sigh, your nails dig into his pale skin. The red marks on his shoulders match the nail polish on your fingers.
It’s hot, heated, and heavy.
He bucks his hips and your nails drop down from his shoulders to the scratches along his back. He lets out a groan, his face buried in the crook of his neck.
Your hand tangles in his hair, pulling his head back so you can kiss him. You kiss all over his face, his cheeks red from the blush forming on his cheeks.
He loves when you love on him like that.  
“You’re so good to me,” you mumble against his cheek, rocking your hips back and forth. “Mmm there,” you breathe, chest pressed to his. Charles’s lips find your shoulder, he bites down softly when he cums, feeling you clench around him.
You're lying against your husband, his giant hand on your back. "I think your movie is over," he whispers in your ear.
You giggle, shaking your head. "That's okay.
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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zyhkoo · 3 months
little spark ☆ ー REGULUS BLACK X READER. chapter 6
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fluff, angst, regulus reunites with you, friends to lovers, co-parents, reader used to have a crush on evan lol
synopsis: with james and lily dead and sirius’s false conviction. regulus had escaped the death eaters with harry in his arms. his last resort was go to you, his former best friend and james’s sister. mlist
a/n: merry super late christmas …
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It was christmas, you woke up to Harry crying. Since he was in your room, you would usually be the one feeding him first. You ventured downstairs and into one of the kitchens. This kitchen was more of a personal use than the kitchen Clervie uses. But anyway, you started to make him some food while he cried his eyes out.
“I know, I know.” you groggily said, Harry was only five months old. Why does he still cry like that? You placed him in a high chair and started to feed the boy. “Morning Reg.” you flashed a smile. "Morning," Regulus grumbled, his voice still a bit rough with sleep. He rubbed his eyes with one hand, still trying to shrug off the remnants of exhaustion.
He took a seat at the table, his gaze fixed on you feeding Harry. "He's awfully loud, isn't he?" He commented, his tone somewhat dry. “Like his father.” you said. Regulus rolled his eyes at your comment. "Of course, blame James. It's always the Potter genes that cause trouble," he retorted, his tone somewhere between sarcasm and light-hearted.
He leaned back in his chair, watching as you continued to feed Harry. "He takes after his dad in more ways than one, including the volume of his cries." You chuckled, you looked at the calendar and processed what day it was. “Yeah, oh merry christmas.” you greeted him. Regulus chuckled as well, a small smile on his face. "Merry Christmas," he replied, his voice softened somewhat.
He took a moment to rake a hand through his messy hair, attempting to tame it at least somewhat. "I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that we weren't woken up even earlier by this little one." You sighed “You’re right.” Regulus let out a soft huff of agreement, his expression growing somewhat more serious.
"Though, sometimes I do wonder if he'll ever grow out of his habit of early morning wake-up calls." he mused, a hint of exhaustion still lingering in his voice. “He will when he grows up, right Spark?” Spark was the nickname you gave to him. He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. "I hope you're right. It won't be long before he starts walking and talking. Then the real trouble will begin."
“Umm maybe.” you shrugged. You kissed Harry’s cheek and placed his empty plate on the sink. Regulus rolled his eyes, a mixture of annoyance and resignation crossing his features. He knew better than to argue with you. "Of course, why am I not surprised?" He grumbled, his tone laced with sarcasm. "You just want to sit back and have me deal with all the trouble he causes."
“I mean, have you seen me in hogwarts? I’m a mess, so discipline is Reggie’s job.” you said, taking the free daily breakfast Clervie and her staff members prepared. “Yes, thank you for that.” you smiled, a hint of fondness in your face. Regulus couldn’t help but smile back at you, his expression softening at your show of appreciation.
"It was a tough job, let me tell you." He quipped, his tone light-hearted. "Keeping you out of trouble was like trying to tame a wild creature." He watched as you placed Harry in his play area, his gaze lingering on the infant for a moment before returning to you.
“Oh wow, the food they made looks delicious.” you commented. Regulus glanced down at the food in front of him, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of the delicious breakfast spread. "Indeed it does," he agreed, his tone tinged with a hint of surprise. He reached out and picked up his fork, starting to pick at the food. "Clervie's staff always makes excellent meals. They don't know how to make anything subpar, really."
“High praise from you.” you said surprised. Regulus nodded in agreement, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "It is high praise, coming from me. I don't give compliments lightly." He took a bite of his food, his expression lighting up at the taste. "But this is truly delicious. The chefs here certainly know how to satisfy our taste buds."
You took a spoonful of food “Oh yeah, Clervie wants. Us to Join. The christmasf party she's hosting.” Regulus couldn’t really decipher what you were saying while you were talking with your mouth full. "Chew, swallow, and then talk. I can barely understand what you're saying." he sighed. You swallowed your food “Sorry, anyways. Clervie wants us to join the Christmas Party in the restaurant.” you clarified.
He leaned back in his seat, a small frown on his face. "Why would we want to attend that? It'll be filled with strangers, and we'll have to endure small talk and mindless chatter.. You tried to change his mind “Come on, it’s gonna be fun. You’ve seen a few of the staff members yes? And Clervie wants Harry to join too.” Regulus let out a heavy sigh, clearly not convinced. "I have seen a few of them, and they're all nice enough, I suppose. And Clervie does seem fond of Harry..."
He paused for a moment, his thoughts contemplating before letting out another small sigh. "Alright, fine. We'll attend the party. But I swear, if it's a bunch of dull conversations, I'm leaving early." You chewed on your food “If you don’t want to attend thats okay. I won't force you, I’ll just bring Harry.” Regulus's expression shifted, a hint of reluctance still on his face.
"No, no, it's fine. I'll come with. I don't trust you won't get yourself into some sort of trouble." he huffed a little, still somewhat annoyed. "Let's just get this party over with, and hope it's not as dull as I expect it to be." you smiled “Sure. I have a christmas gift for the two of you but you’ll have to open it later.” you said, gesturing to the christmas tree in the living room.
Regulus raised an eyebrow at your words, his curiosity piqued. “A gift for us? What is it?" He asked, his tone a mix of intrigue and skepticism. “It's a secret, what else?” You smugly retorted “Also where's mine?” you said.
A smirk tugged at the corner of Regulus's mouth. "A secret, of course. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, now would I?" You huffed “Touché.”
Time passed by, it was now four in the afternoon. You Regulus the restaurant. There were a bunch of people, wearing in colorful clothes or the most horrid sweaters Regulus has ever seen. You were carrying Harry in your arms, he seemed to be intrigued by the Christmas lights around him. Clervie walked into the both of you “Vennette and Harry! Oh and. Hi Regulus.” she looked at him, though Clervie has known Regulus for a while she still was not fond of him.
Regulus stood beside you, his expression a mix of annoyance and indifference. He nodded his head in acknowledgement to Clervie's greeting, his eyes scanning the room full of people. He was not looking forward to the event, that much was clear.
"Clervie." he replied, his tone somewhat cold. “Hi Clervie!” you greeted “Thank you for inviting us.” she shook her hands “It’s okay really, I have a gift for the three of you.” Clervie went to the counter and gave the three of you presents.
Regulus eyed the present in his hands, inspecting it with mild curiosity. He was not used to receiving gifts, let alone ones that were given by people who he had a somewhat strained relationship with, such as Clervie. "A gift, huh? Theres a bomb on this." he said, a hint of skepticism in his voice. Clervie scoffed “If you don’t want it Black then give it to someone else.” you cleared your throat ��Okay, lets not fight.” you said.
Regulus rolled his eyes at Clervie's comment, but quickly composed himself at your interjection. "Fine, fine. No need to fight," he muttered, his annoyance somewhat quelled. He clutched the present in his hand, though his expression remained somewhat guarded. Harry was very happy with his gift. Though it was still wrapped in the box, he kept on swaying it up and down.
You smiled at Harry “He loves it, he hasn’t not even opened yet.” you chuckled. Regulus watched Harry intently, his expression softening somewhat at the sight of the infant's excitement. "It seems like he's quite easily amused," said Regulus, a hint of affection in his voice. "Maybe I should try shaking boxes too, see if that entertains me."
You elbowed his shoulder “Reggie are you five?” you joked. Clervie made fun of him “That’s so stupid.” He rolled his eyes at Clervie's comment. "And your opinion matters, why?" he retorted, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Harry began to whine softly in your arms, clearly getting restless and wanting to be let down.
Regulus glanced at the infant, a small frown on his face. "I hope he's not going to start crying." he muttered, his annoyance beginning to rise. “Oh no. Spark, what's wrong?” you soothed him. You looked at his hands, the gift wrapper was a bit torn. Regulus watched as you tried to soothe Harry, his expression somewhat concerned. He glanced at the torn gift wrapper in the child's hands and let out a small huff.
“Looks like he’s starting to get impatient with that box,” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice despite his irritation. “Well I cant open it, I’m holding my gift as well.” you said. Clervie took his gift. “Let me.” She unwrapped the box and out came a stuffed lion.
Regulus watched as Clervie unwrapped the box to reveal a stuffed lion, his expression somewhat surprised. He had not expected the gift to be anything so... cute. He glanced at the toy, his mouth curling up into a small smirk. "A toy lion? I suppose it's not entirely awful."
Clervie looked at him irritated “This isn’t just any lion. It makes sounds if you touch its belly.” Regulus raised an eyebrow at Clervie's words, his curiosity somewhat piqued. "It makes sounds?" he said, his tone somewhat less sarcastic. He looked at the stuffed lion with a hint of interest, a smirk still on his face. "Alright, I'll admit. That's somewhat impressive for a toy."
Harry touched the lion’s stomach, the toy made series of mini lion roars and purrs. Harry really enjoyed it. “He loves it even more.” you remarked “Hey, maybe a sign he’s going to be in Gryffindor.” you smiled smugly at Regulus.
Regulus rolled his eyes at your Gryffindor remark, his expression somewhat annoyed. "Oh, spare me. That toy doesn’t mean anything about his future house. Besides..." he added, his tone slightly teasing, "He could always turn out to be in Slytherin, like me." You laughed again “James would’ve hated that.” you reminded him.
Regulus chuckled at the mention of James’ reaction. “Oh, he would have absolutely *loathed* it if Harry ended up in Slytherin.” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Clervie raised her brow “A what?” Regulus looked at Clervie, who had raised an eyebrow in confusion. “It’s just something we had in our old school.” he clarified, hiding the real fact. “Ohh.” she said “Well, I’ll be going. You three have fun now.” Clervie waved goodbye to tend to her other friends.
Regulus watched as Clervie left, his expression somewhat neutral. He wasn’t particularly fond of the woman, but he could appreciate her generosity in hosting this party. He turned his attention back to you and Harry, his gaze resting on the infant who was still playing with the toy lion.
You hummed “Why don’t you get some food? We’ll wait here.” you said. Regulus nodded, though he looked somewhat reluctant to leave the two of you. "Fine, fine. I'll get some food. But don't cause any trouble while I'm gone," he said, his tone somewhat admonishing, though it lacked its usual sharpness.
You nodded “Yeah sure.” Regulus gave you a final glance, making sure that you were both okay, before he walked away to go find the food table.
A girl accidentally bumped into Regulus. “Ah! Sorry…” Regulus stumbled slightly as the girl bumped into him, a slight irritation flickering across his expression. He turned to look at her, his grey eyes studying her for a moment before he spoke. "It's fine," he said, his tone somewhat cool. "Are you okay?” Regulus noticed the girl blushed. She looked back in awe of the sight of his appearance. “Oh, um. Yes, I’ve never seen you before. Are you Madam Clervie’s guest..?”
Regulus raised an eyebrow, somewhat taken aback by the girl's reaction. He was used to receiving stares, but this one was more intense than usual. "I am a guest, yes," he confirmed, his tone somewhat guarded. "And you are?" “Oh! I work here.” she clarified with a shy smile.
Regulus gave a small nod, his expression cool but not unfriendly. "I see.” He couldn't help but notice the shy smile on her face, the way she seemed to be somewhat star-struck in his presence. It was a reaction he was familiar with, but still found somewhat amusing. “Yes, I’m Melrose.” she told him.
"Melrose, huh?" Regulus said, "That's a nice name. But I need to go.” Melrose looked quite disappointed “Oh, okay. I see, I hope we can talk again..” Regulus gave her a small nod. "Maybe." he said, his tone somewhat dismissive. He then continued to the food table, his mind somewhat distracted by the encounter.
Regulus approached you, you had just finished talking to one of Clervie’s employees. “Oh, there you are. What took you so long?” Regulus rolled his eyes slightly at your question. "I got distracted," he said, his tone somewhat gruff. "Some girl bumped into me and I had to be polite for a few moments."
“Oh?” you raised your brow, a small smile tugged your lips. Regulus glanced at you, noticing the small smirk on your face. He knew that look, knew you were going to tease him. “Don’t start with that stupid smirk of yours. It was nothing to make a fuss about."
“I’m not! What did you say to her?” you asked. Regulus sighed, somewhat exasperated by your line of questioning. "It was nothing noteworthy. She bumped into me, apologized, I said it was fine, and then I left." he said, his voice somewhat curt.
Regulus rolled his eyes, his expression somewhat irritated at your question. "Bloody hell, this is why I didn’t want to tell you." he muttered under his breath. “I’m just joking. I know you’re not the type to like someone instantly.” you chuckled.
Regulus rolled his eyes, his expression somewhat irritated at your question. "Bloody hell, this is why I didn’t want to tell you." he muttered under his breath. “I’m just joking. I know you’re not the type to like someone instantly.” you chuckled.
Regulus let out a low scoff, his expression somewhat amused at your comment. "Damn right I’m not. Those people who fall for others at the drop of a hat are morons." he said, his tone holding a hint of arrogance. You pouted “I'm quite offended.” You looked away from his gaze “Maybe so.”
Regulus smirked slightly at your response, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Of course you do," he said, his voice holding a hint of tease. "You fall for anyone who bats their eyelashes and calls you pretty."
“Oh my heart just flutters at the thought.” you playfully said. Regulus scoff slightly, amused by your dramatic response. "Tch. Typical," he said. "Always the hopeless romantic, aren’t you? You’d probably fall for the first person who gives you a compliment."
“Yeah, remember Evan? I used to be head over heels for him.” Regulus raised an eyebrow at your question, his expression neutral but interested. "Evan, huh? My roommate? Yeah, I remember. I also remember how much it pissed me off that you had a stupid little crush on him." Of course Regulus remembered. He was quite annoyed by your crush with his roommate. But he held his feelings for you. You nodded at his question “Yeah, eventually I fell out.”
Regulus let out a scoff, his expression holding a hint of amusement. "Thank god you finally came to your senses. I was tired of watching you follow him around like a lovesick puppy." You laughed “Yeah, same here.”
Regulus chuckled, his expression somewhat amused but somewhat sincere. "Honestly, you were so irritating back then," he admitted. "Always going on and on about how adorable Evan was, how charming he was. I had to endure so much whining."
You raised a brow. “You never said anything about it.” you remarked. “You never said anything about it.” you remarked. Regulus shrugged, his expression nonchalant. "What was I supposed to say? 'Hey, stop swooning over my roommate and pay attention to me instead'? That would have been completely pathetic."
You chuckled “Yeah that would’ve been affective.” suddenly, two people approached you. “Miss Potter! It’s been a while.” you looked behind you and saw Mr. and Mrs. Florence. “Oh! It’s been a while.” The Florences looked at Regulus and Harry in your arms. “I never knew you had a husband and a son.”
You shook your head “No, no, no! He’s my friend, and this is my brother’s son. I only adopted him because my brother passed.” you clarified.
Mr. and Mrs. Florence looked somewhat surprised by the explanation, their gazes flicking between you, Regulus, and Harry. Mr. Florence spoke up first. “Ah, I see. I apologize for the misunderstanding, Miss Potter. We were under the impression that you were married.” Mrs. Florence nodded in agreement, her eyes flicking to Regulus and Harry once again.
"Yes, we assumed you had a family," she said, her tone somewhat apologetic. “I think im too young to get married.” you said nervously. Mr. and Mrs. Florence chuckled at your comment, their expressions somewhat amused. "You may be too young now, but time flies quickly," Mr. Florence said, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Before you know it, you'll be walking down the aisle." You laughed, “Yeah, maybe.”
Mrs. Florence smiled warmly at you, her tone somewhat maternal. “Trust us, dear. You may think you’re not ready for marriage now, but when the right person comes along, it has a way of changing your mind.” You hummed “I’m good with Harry and Regulus.” Mr. Florence chuckled, amused by your response. "Harry and Regulus, eh? Sounds like quite a pair."
Mrs. Florence smiled as well, her gaze flicking between Regulus and you. “Ah, young love.” The two of you looked at eachother “Oh no we’re not..” you clarified. He cleared his throat, his tone cool and composure hiding his embarrassment. “Young love?” he repeated, his voice somewhat sharp. “We’re not in love.” Mrs. Florence chuckled softly, her tone somewhat teasing. "Oh, come now, dear boy. You don't have to deny it. It's quite obvious the two of you care for each other."
Regulus felt his cheeks heat up a little more as Mrs. Florence spoke, his expression somewhat defensive, as if trying to hide the truth. "Caring for each other doesn't mean we're in love," he retorted, trying to sound nonchalant. Mrs. Florence smiled warmly at Regulus, her expression knowing. "Perhaps. But sometimes those feelings have a way of sneaking up on you. Before you know it, you'll realize you've fallen head-over-heels for each other."
You cleared your throat “Uh, how is Angel? She's a year old now, yes?” Mr and Mrs Florence smiled warmly at the mention of their baby Angel. “Ah, yes! She’s one now, can you believe it?” Mrs. Florence chuckled softly. “She’s such a mischievous little thing, crawling all over the place. We can barely keep up with her!”
“Oh, then I am quite worried about Harry now, haha.” you nervously chuckled. Mr. And Mrs. Florence chuckled, their expressions somewhat sympathetic to your worries. “Ah, don’t worry too much,” Mr. Florence said. “Children are curious by nature, it’s all a part of their learning process. I’m sure Harry will be just fine.” Regulus, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, spoke up, his tone somewhat dry.
"I think you’re underestimating just how much trouble Harry will get into. He’s a Potter after all, and Potters have a talent for causing chaos." Mrs. Florence chuckled softly, her eyes flicking to Regulus. "Ah, I suppose you’re right about that. It seems like trouble does indeed run in the family." he eyed you. You frowned. “Okay hey I’m not that bad.” Regulus shot you a skeptical look, one eyebrow raised. "Oh please, you were a complete menace during our school days. Skipping classes, breaking rules, pulling pranks..."
“That’s James not me!” you protested. Regulus chuckled, a small smirk on his lips. "Oh, you’re not fooling anyone, Y/N. You and your brother were cut from the same cloth. You may not have been as loud or flashy as James, but you were just as defiant and reckless." Regulus protested. Mr. Florence chuckled, his expression somewhat amused at the exchange.
"It seems you two have quite a bit of history together," he remarked, glancing between you and Regulus. “Yes, we were classmates.” you confirmed. Mrs. Florence chuckled, her tone somewhat playful. "Just classmates, hm? With the way you’re bickering, it sounds like you were a lot more than just classmates." Regulus rolled his eyes, his expression somewhat irritated. He wasn’t too fond of the implication that there was something more between the two of you.
"We weren’t ‘a lot more than just classmates.’ We’ve simply known each other a long time, and we have a bit of a, uh, tumultuous history, that’s all." Mr. Florence smiled, clearly finding the interaction quite entertaining. "Ah, yes, ‘tumultuous history’... Sounds like the recipe for a classic romantic storyline, if you ask me."
“Err yeah.” you just smiled. Regulus noticed your uneasy smile and the way you shifted uncomfortably. He could tell that the conversation was making you uncomfortable, so he decided to intervene. Clearing his throat, he spoke up, his tone somewhat blunt.
"Anyway, I think it's time we continue to enjoy the party. We'll see you later, Mr. and Mrs. Florence."
With that, he gently guided you away from the couple. As you walk away you sigh in relief “Woo.. I’m glad you stopped it there.” you thanked him. "No problem. I could tell you were uncomfortable," he said, his tone somewhat softer. "Those two can be quite, uh, relentless in their matchmaking attempts.”
You laughed, “Oh god, they did matchmaking with Clervie once. Clervie broke the poor man’s heart.” Regulus raised an eyebrow, his expression somewhat intrigued. "Really?” Regulus asked. You sighed “She was interested, but turned out he was a fool.” you told him. Regulus chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Ah, I see. So she got tired of him being an idiot, hm?" You nodded, your tone somewhat exasperated. "Yeah, he got a bit pushy and possessive when she tried to let him down. The guy was also narcissistic and talked too much about himself. So that’s when she broke his heart." Regulus crossed his arms. "I’m sure the idiot had it coming then. Nobody likes an arrogant prick who can’t take a hint." You nodded in agreement “Yes, but no one should make Clervie angry..” you shivered.
"And what exactly does Clervie do when someone angers her?" He raised a brow. You hummed, thinking of an answer. “Oh, one time when I was still working in her restaurant. An old man interrupted my performance, telling me nasty things.” you said “Then Clervie absolutely destroyed him! I was afraid of her that day, but she stood up for me. She’s cool.” you continued.
Regulus chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement at your story. “Well, it seems Clervie can be quite the firecracker when pushed. I can respect that. It’s good that she was willing to defend you against that old man, though.” He paused, a smile creeping onto his lips. “Though, I can only imagine how scared you must have been, seeing her unleash her wrath.” You sighed “I’d rather be punished in Hogwarts.”
An hour passed, it was now around seven. People kept swooning to you and Regulus because of the sight of either Harry or you. The boy was still shy around people, he refused to be carried by anyone who isn’t you, Regulus or Clervie. Then Clervie told everyone to sit down so that all of you could play a game, of course since you were well known around. People were finding the chance to sit and talk to you, leaving Regulus to be two seats away from you.
Regulus found himself sitting two seats away from you, which he secretly loathed. He had hoped to be close by your side, but it seems like fate had other plans. People were constantly coming up to you, engaging you in conversation and giving you little to no attention.
He sat there, trying to keep a neutral expression on his face, as he watched people flock to you like bees to honey. It was quite irritating, but he couldn’t do much about it. After the last round of charades ended, the party was over. Almost everyone left, leaving a few staff members to clean the place. Harry was asleep in your arms, definitely tired. He spent all day with strangers afterall.
Regulus sighed with relief as the party came to an end. He was tired of putting on a polite facade and making small talk with people he had no interest in. He stood up, stretching his limbs to ease the tension in his muscles. His gaze wandered around the now empty room, taking in the sight of the few leftovers and the cleaning staff tidying up.
He saw you approach him “Hi, sorry to leave you hanging. A lot of people dragged me.” you sighed. Regulus shook his head, his expression somewhat indifferent. "It's fine. I understand you were in high demand tonight." he sarcastically said. "You certainly have a talent for being the center of attention."
You felt guilty “Reg, I’m sorry for leaving you by yourself.” you apologized, you thought that you were at fault here. Regulus softened his expression, seeing the guilt in your eyes. He could see that you genuinely felt bad about leaving him by himself earlier.
He pushed himself off the wall and walked closer to you, closing the distance between the two of you. He reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, don't apologize," he said, his tone softer than usual. "I understand you couldn't help it. People just seem to flock to you like moths to a flame."
“If that’s what you think.” you softly smiled, cradling Harry a bit. Clervie approached the two of you with a smile on her face. "Well, today was something." she sighed, her tone lighthearted. "Everyone was either fawning over you or fawning over Harry. Poor Regulus here didn't stand a chance." Regulus rolled his eyes, a slight smirk on his face.
"Thanks for the sympathy," he replied, his tone slightly mocking. "It was quite the experience being abandoned in favor of a baby." You smiled at your friend “Thank you for inviting us though.” Clervie nodded, “Of course, you better open your gifts.” she reminded the two of you. Regulus hummed "Oh yes, definitely don't forget about those." he agreed. “Well, off you go. It’s getting late, yes? I’m pretty sure the two of you are tired.” Clervie remarked.
Regulus nodded, a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. The day had been long, and he was starting to feel the weariness settle in. "You're right,” he said, a slight yawn escaping him. "We should head back and get the little one to bed." You nodded in agpreement “Well, we’re going back now. Thank you again Clervie, see you tomorrow morning.” you waved goodbye as the two of you left the restaurant.
As the two of you entered the living room, Harry woke up. It was a little dark, only the christmas and fairy lights were the brightest things on the room. Harry looked around, you felt Harry move in your hands and caught him curiously looking at at all the bright lights. You chuckled, cradling him.
“Reg, can you set the fire?” Regulus looked at you. At your request, Regulus nodded, his gaze shifting to the fireplace. "Of course." he replied, his voice soft. He pulled out his wand from his cloak, murmured a spell, and a small fire crackled to life in the fireplace.
You set Harry down and walked to turn on the christmas lights. You placed the gifts Clervie got for the two of you underneath the Christmas tree. Regulus noticed a small pile of presents sitting on the table and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He walked closer to them, his eyes scanning over the giftwrapped boxes.
"Are these the rest of our gifts?" Regulus asked, picking up one of the parcels. “Oh.” you looked at his gaze “I send those every year to Remus, Sirius.. Peter.. Lily.. James uh.. oh and you.” you answered. “I send these anonymously, so I don’t think you guys are aware that I send you these. If you guys receive them anyway, I don’t know if thy actually send.” you added.
“Who knows? Maybe someone special is receiving free gifts every christmas.” you joked. Regulus never knew, he had never received a gift like this before. So sadly, your gifts probably did not reach him. Regulus listened to your explanation, a mixture of surprise and curiosity on his face. He had never suspected that you were the one behind the mysterious gifts.
As you mentioned how he and the others might never even receive them, he felt a pang of disappointment. The thought that he might have missed out on receiving your gifts all these years was kind of saddening. "That’s..” he paused, clearing his throat. "That's very kind of you. Though I've never received any of your gifts."
“Oh.” you frowned “That’s unfortunate.” Regulus noticed the slight frown on your face as you sat down beside Harry. He could tell you were disappointed that your gifts hadn’t reached him. “Well, I can’t really.. send these to anyone now.” Regulus felt a pang of sympathy in his chest as he heard the sadness in your voice. He understood what you meant, that now with the war going on, it wasn’t safe to reveal your identity through sending gifts.
He reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I know,” he said. "It’s a shame. But if they ever know about your deed, I’m sure they’d be happy.” Your frown turned to a smile “Well, I’m glad that they will.” you reached two gifts under the christmas tree. It was the gifts Clervie gave for the both of you.
“Okay, here are the ones from Clervie.” Regulus nodded, taking the gift from you. He examined the wrapping paper and the neatly tied ribbon, curious about what it could be.
"Let's see what she got us." he said, a hint of anticipation in his voice. He began to carefully unwrap the present, peeling off the wrapping paper and removing the ribbon. Meanwhile, you started opening your gift as well. The sound of tearing paper filled the room as you ripped off the wrapping. Regulus peeked glances, trying to catch a glimpse of what Clervie had gotten for you.
You opened the box and out came a hat and a ribbon. “Oh, this is beautiful.” you said. You turned to his gaze “What did you get?” Regulus had finished unwrapping his gift and was now holding it in his hands.
"I got a scarf and a bottle of perfume." he said, holding up the items for you to see. "Pretty typical gift, I suppose.” You peeked “Theres seems to be more.” Regulus raised an eyebrow in surprise. He had not noticed there was more. He began to rummage through the box, and sure enough, there was another item inside.
“A bottle of red wine.” he said, “A fine choice, I must say.” You widened your eyes “What!! Give me some.” you took the wine from his hands. Regulus chuckled at your eagerness as you took the bottle from him. "Greedy, are we?" he teased lightly. "But fine, help yourself. Just leave me some.”
You stood up and went to the cupboards and took two wine glasses. You went back and sit down with him. Regulus watched as you got up and walked over to the cupboard. He smiled slightly as you returned with two wine glasses.
He took the glasses from you and poured the red wine into each one, filling them about halfway. He handed one to you. “Thanks, oh yeah. Heres my gift for Harry!” you reached out a present box under the christmas tree. You took the red box, shaking it in front of Harry. “Like what you see Spark?” Harry's eyes, full of innocent curiosity, couldn't help but follow the box as it was shaken in the air. He made some soft, cooing sounds, his tiny hands reaching out as if to grab it.
Regulus chuckled softly, watching Harry's reaction. "He seems rather intrigued." he commented, a hint of amusement in his voice. As you opened the red box, Harry's eyes widened with curiosity. Inside the box, there was a soft, red blanket adorned with a cute owl pattern. The fabric was smooth to the touch, and Regulus could tell it was of high quality.
Harry's attention was immediately drawn to the blanket, and he made a small noise, reaching out his hands towards it. As you handed Harry the blanket, he grabbed it with his tiny hands, his fingers clutching the soft fabric. He seemed fascinated by the owl pattern on it, his eyes tracing over the design.
Regulus watched in amusement as Harry started to clumsily drape the blanket over himself, his movements somewhat uncoordinated due to his youthful age. You turned to Regulus “As for you. I think you’d be quite baffled at my gift.” you chuckled. Regulus raised an eyebrow in curiosity, intrigued by your comment. He leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued.
“Baffled, you say? Now I’m curious.” You took a small sip of your wine. “Check the closet under the stairs.” you said. Regulus stood up from from the carpet, a puzzled expression on his face. He set down his glass of wine and walked over to the closet under the stairs, curiosity driving him forward.
He opened the closet door and peered inside, wondering what you could have possibly hidden there for him. Regulus reached into the closet and grabbed the huge box. It was heavy in his hands, and he had to strain a bit to drag it out.
Finally, he managed to pull the box out, stumbling slightly as he set it down in front of you. He looked at it, his curiosity growing even stronger.
“Bloody hell,” he muttered, “This thing is massive. What on earth did you get for me?” You chuckled “Well? Unwrap it!” As Regulus finished unwrapping the box, his eyes widened at the words printed on it: Grand Piano.
He stared at the words for a moment, not quite believing what he was seeing. His heart skipped a beat as he suddenly realized what was inside the huge box. “A grand piano?” he asked, his voice laced with disbelief. "You got me a bloody grand piano?”
“Soo? Do you like it?”
Regulus looked at you, his expression still one of disbelief and surprise. He was speechless for a moment, his mind trying to process this extravagant gift. Finally, he spoke, his voice filled with awe. "Like it? I am utterly speechless. This is... this is..” he trailed off, his eyes fixed on the box. He couldn't believe that you would go to such lengths for him. He knew how expensive a grand piano was, and this gift was nothing short of lavish.
Regulus swallowed, his mind still buzzing with shock. This was undoubtedly the most extravagant Christmas gift he had ever received. He took a deep breath before finally speaking. "I love it," he said, his voice soft. "It's perfect. I can't believe you'd get me something so expensive."
“We will set it up tomorrow okay?” you looked up at him with a smile. Regulus nodded, a smile slowly forming on his face. The shock was fading away, replaced by a sense of gratitude and excitement. "Tomorrow, then." he agreed. The thought of having a grand piano to play was exhilarating. He already had countless melodies in mind that he wanted to try.
You looked back at Harry, he was getting tangled by the blanket.
“Oh no, Spark- no, no..” you tried to untangle him. Regulus chuckled as he watched you struggle to untangle Harry from the blanket. The little boy had somehow managed to ensnare himself in the fabric, his limbs sticking out at odd angles. "Looks like Harry needs a little help there, doesn't he?" he said, amused by the scene unfolding before him. You chuckled as well, continuing to try to untangle Harry's limbs from the blanket. The little boy cooed and squirmed, making your task more difficult.
Regulus couldn't help but find the situation endearing. It was these simple moments, where Harry's innocence shone through, that made his heart melt. “There we go, be careful next time Spark.” you kissed Harry’s cheek and settled him back on the ground.
Harry, now free from the blanket, looked up at you and made a soft, babbling noise. His tiny hand reached out, grasping for your shirt. Regulus looked over at you, a thought suddenly crossing his mind. He had almost forgotten that he had gotten you a gift too.
"Oh, I almost forgot," he said, rising from his seat on the carpet. "I have something for you as well."
“About time.” you scoffed playfully. "Hey, I had to keep you guessing, didn't I?" he retorted, walking over to the Christmas tree. He rummaged through the presents until he found one with your name on it.
"Here," he said, handing you the gift. "This one's for you." You took the box, it had black wrapping and a pink box. You opened it to see a camera. You gasped in awe “A camera, this looks nice!” you complimented “Looks pricey.. wait, how did you buy it?” Regulus couldn't help but smile as you opened the box and saw the camera. Your reaction was everything he had hoped for - surprise, excitement, and a touch of disbelief.
“Price is not exactly a concern for me." You softly sighed “Reg, you don’t need to buy me an expensive gift.” you told him “But, I’ll let this slide. I love this so much.” Regulus raised an eyebrow at your comment. "Now, what do you mean? Just because I'm well-off, I shouldn't spoil you?" he joked, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"I wanted to get you something nice, something you'll enjoy and use. Besides, the look on your face when you saw the camera was priceless."
You elbowed his shoulder “Oh you!” Regulus chuckled as you elbowed his shoulder. He feigned a wince, pretending to be hurt. "Ouch, watch it with those elbows, I'm fragile, you know." You prepared the camera, and a few tinkers here and it started to work.
“Smile.” you snapped a photo, but Regulus was caught off guard. “I said, smile silly.” you chuckled. Regulus blinked, stunned for a moment as the camera flashed in his face. He hadn't been prepared for the quick snap and hadn't had time to compose himself.
"Fair enough," he said, "but at least give me a little warning next time." You sighed “Okay okay. One, two smile.” This time, Regulus was ready. Upon hearing the count, he plastered a small smile on his face. The photo printed out “You’re so stupid here.” you laughed. "Oh, very flattering," he said sarcastically, "I'm sure that one will go straight to the top shelf of the best photos ever taken of me."
You took a sip of your wine. “Yes, I’ll hang it on my wall.” Regulus rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. "You're enjoying this a bit too much, aren't you?" He couldn't help but admire your playful demeanor. The way you teased and laughed, it made his heart flutter in a way.
“Some celebrations are best behind closed doors aren’t they?” your murmured. Regulus noticed the change in your expression, a soft look washing over your features. For a moment, the playful banter ceased, replaced by a more tender mood. He understood your implication, the subtle hint at the intimacy that could be shared behind closed doors. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded.
"Yes," he agreed, his voice softening to match your tone. "Some celebrations are indeed best kept private, where we can relish in each other's company without any distractions."
taglist: @jqtaro @ampal98
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