#Messages from Oracle
ladygoofball · 7 months
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Well it looks like my little Saturn Return sketchbook is almost full after starting it March 7th 2023. Looks like i’ll need to get another little baby one like this for every year until February 18th 2026
Let’s see what else I can manifest with my little witchy sketches…
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
Pick a Card: Message from your Inner-Child
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Your inner baby needs you to listen. This reading will help them speak their mind clearly. Will you hear them out? Take what resonates and let go of all the rest but be willing to accept new experiences.
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(fund my inner child's joy)
Feel free to drop any reading suggestions in my inbox. I'll keep them in mind when divining the wisdom that needs delivered to y'all's lil ears. Thank you in advance for all your help and support!
Decks used are The Kawaii Tarot, Pure Magic Oracle, Romantic Lenormand and The Karma Cards.
Astrology: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra
Song: Pantsuit Sasquatch by Molly Lewis
Vibes: Green, red, night sky, thorns, bouquet, red flowers, chess, star gazing, alligator, aroma therapy, herbal remedies, apothecary, rabbits, snake skin, olive branch, Zues, Demeter
Cards: 6 of Swords, Saturn, Tower, Lilies, Herbal Craft, Hallowed Heart
Hello, pile 1. Your inner child is really tired of having to be the adult for people who are older than them. They are tired of playing mentor for those who should be mentoring. They want to be done with those people. They are holding up a building with their tiny arms and their shaking frame. As if someone put the world on their shoulders and asked them to carry it with bones that were not developed enough to hold it and without the mental fortitude to withstand the pressure. They wish to rest. They wish to lash out at the adults who relied on them before they were ready or willing. I see your inner child resembles Alice in Wonderland. After the wicked adults in your inner child's life grew white flowers, they demanded it was your fault and made you paint the white roses, red. They took their purity. They hurt you a lot.
The main message I am hearing from them is, "Please be gentle with my little heart and my small frame. I was treated harshly purely for being alive. I need healing. I need time to rest and recuperate. Please do not yell at me for my mistakes. Please do not hurt me for my shortcomings. I did not ask to be here. I only wish for it to get better than it is now. I'm sorry I wasn't mature. I'm sorry I've been impatient but I have been patient for so long. I've spent so much time waiting for my caretakers to do their jobs. Please. I don't need structure. I need relief."
They do not hold you accountable for everything that happened to you, my dear. They are reaching their little hands out for you to help them up. They want to be more present in your life. They want to have fun again. They didn't have enough of it as a child. They want to play outside. The last message I'll leave you with is some advice I find very important.
"Play is the psychological opposite of Trauma."
Astrology: Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer (maybe libra)
Song: Burn Your Village by Kiki Rockwell
Vibes: Grey, pink, purple, corvids, pinecones, sage, lavender plant, grizzly bear, spider, scorpio, eagle, hummingbird, long hair, video games, D&D, law, Zephyr, Eurus, Callisto, Artemis, Hecate
Cards: Justice, Clouds, Bear, Hecate's Path, Songbirds, 8th House
Hi, pile 2. Your inner child is full of vengeance. I see that without the vengeful energy they are very respectful and kind. Their anger is extremely understandable and a reaction induced by the environment they grew up in. Your inner child has an intense sense of justice. They know they have been treated unjustly by the authority in their life. Those in control of their circumstance took their autonomy and right of trial. The authorities judged you harshly for no good reason and were unpredictable. The authority would explode at random instances making them hard to anticipate. They were dangerous. Purely because they wanted to make your life miserable to cope with their own miserable life. Your inner child did not deserve that. Your inner innocence was corrupted into a furious and resentful person. They are aware they deserved better. They were conscious of their mistreatment. I see they could have been mistreated because of their race or gender.
The message I am hearing the loudest from your inner child is, "Those filthy horrid people deserve to atone for their wrong doings. No one helped me. They didn't even listen. They took that authorities word for truth and no one heard my side of the story. I am not a liar. I am not guilty. I did nothing wrong and now my older self doesn't even believe me either. The people who did this to me will pay. They will face justice if I have to be the one to dish it out. I hate them. I hate what they turned me into. I was pure. I was innocent. Now look at what they have made me. This isn't fair. This isn't right! Why was I treated this way!? Why does no one believe me?! I will never abuse power like that person did. I will end this cycle of abuse. I release and remove everyone who blamed me without learning the whole story. I am letting go of the pain they put me through. They do not deserve me or my kindness. They only deserve my hatred and resentment. I hope they burn."
Your inner child begs you to protect them from the people who did this to you. I can feel they are still in your life. It might be a father or a brother or an uncle. I also see it could be a pastor. Your inner baby will continue to lash out at random times because they have no where to aim all this negative emotion. They want to be free of guilt that shouldn't be theirs. They want to be free of judgmental eyes. Free them from the illusion that this authority laid over everyones eyes. I leave you with one last message.
"The weakest link will target the strongest link to avoid that they're useless."
Astrology: Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius
Song: Heart of a Dancer by The Happy Fits
Vibes: Blue, pink, forest green, androgenous, duality, 2b hair texture, robins, blue jays, coffee mugs, sculpting, yin/yang, balance, rose quartz, pearl, magnolia tree, gardening, bonfire, 3rd eye, Aphrodite, Hermaphroditus, archangel Samuel, Lucifer Morningstar, Baphomet
Cards: 8 of Cups, Birds, Woman, Pyro-kinesis, Closing Circle, Virgo, 7th House, North Node
Hey there, pile 3. I feel many complex emotions from your inner child. I see how they were conditioned is much different than how they genuinely are. They were conditioned to be quiet, serene and passive. But when they are acting genuine it is exact opposite. They are loud, angry and active. There is a need to walk away from their conditioning and those who conditioned them. They don't know how to ask that of you because of how they were taught. They do not speak unless spoken too and this makes it difficult for them to communicate with you. They are anxious they will be punished if they ask for anything of you. Invite them forward and allow them to speak their mind. They hold back a lot of emotion that needs to be expressed. You need to be open to hearing what they have to say.
The important message I need to tell you from them is, "You will benefit from our collaboration. I'm sorry for speaking up but you are not following your heart anymore. You are following what you have been told. This is not authenticity that you display. It is fake. Even if it is well-meaning you are not yourself. You are pretending to be someone else. Please let me express my rage. Please let me express my heart. I can't hold it anymore. I don't wanna feel this way anymore. Let me chatter and chirp and yell and scream. I wasn't allowed to when I was young. I need the freedom to do so now. Allow me to open doors I was never allowed to enter. Please see me in my full complexity. I am more than just a pretty face. I am more than my body. I am a person. I have personality. I have beliefs. I am a benefit to society when I can speak. I am not a waste. I am good as I am. I don't need to bottle my true self to make others comfortable. Free me, please."
They are asking you to allow yourself and your inner child to be themselves. They deserve space to exist freely without having to hide themselves away. I honestly don't need to say much more but I will leave you with one more piece of advice.
"Authenticity is the most powerful way to exist."
Astrology: Taurus, Aries, Pisces (maybe aquarius)
Song: If My Heart Was a House by Owl City
Vibes: Muted colors, yellow, orange, fairies, sunflowers, barn owl, cat mint, raptors, vase, eyes, beards, lotus, candles, chimneys, diamond, playing cards, hobbits, anime, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite
Cards: King of Pentacles, Sun, Owls, Ancestors, Gnomes, Aquarius, Venus
Hello and welcome, pile 4. Your inner child is asking me to tell you that you won't find the love you are looking for in other people. You won't find it in romance. You won't find it in friendship. At least not until you can find it in them. They didn't have the luxury of building their life on an identity that was theirs. They don't even know who they are. You need to explore them. Discover yourself in them. Be friends with them. They long for connection and the only one who can give that to them is you. They spent their whole life just trying to survive that they found identity in the pain they experienced. There is so much more to them than victimhood. So much more than their trauma. They are bright as the sun and immensely smart. They are funny and creative. Let yourself and your inner child grow beyond your collective pain and become something more. Your family isn't the pinnacle of humanity. I have a feeling that your family might have a narcissist among them. They are only a facet of humanity, my friend. There is so much more to your life than being approved by others. You are made of magic. You need to see that.
The message I hear from your inner child is, "I'm done striving for love from people who never intend on giving it to me no matter how perfectly I perform. I'm tired chasing something I'm never going to catch up too. I've always known I'm better than that. They made me feel so small though. They made me feel so pointless and useless. I worked so hard for their love but they will only ever love themselves. They will never have enough room in their heart for me. They make me feel like I'm not enough. I want to give myself the love they never could afford for me. I want to be loved so much. I want to be held and cherished the way I deserve to be. I am enough even if they say I'm not. I've always been enough even though I'm small. They are a giant black hole of emptiness and nothing. They are jealous of my light. I wish my older self could see that. I'm not selfish for wanting to be loved. I'm not wrong for wanting to be adored. I'm worth the effort. Please, see that it's true. I want to be known for who I am. I want to be discovered. I wish so deeply to be seen and appreciated. I'm the only one who can do it."
Your inner child is asking something of you. They ask you to take the role of mother and father for yourself. A role that was never filled even if you had your parents in your life. They neglected you. So much so you felt like you didn't deserve love but you desperately craved it. My dear, I will leave you with one last message and then the rest is up to you.
"You are worthy of being loved by you."
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thesensteawitch · 2 months
Pick A Pile Reading
Left to Right (Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, SENSTEA Souls!💕
Aah! Such a long time!!!!!!!! How have you all been? Missed me?🥹🫶🏻
I have been healing and purging and focusing on other things so I couldn't make time to write for you. But I will be trying to make one post in a week. 🌜
Now without any delay let's get into your reading. You know the drill right? Just pick one pile intuitively and scroll down to read your pile!🫶🏻
Also, if you wish to book a PERSONAL READING with me you can message me directly. And if not, then I am sharing the links to my rate card and booking form.
Tip the blog to keep it going! (It's not mandatory but appreciated!🐈‍⬛✨)
Here is your reading:
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- The Moon, 8 of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 7 of Cups
This pile is intense. I heard, “If you dance, I'll dance. If you don't, I'll dance anyway.” You do not care if people do not believe your truth as long as you know that what you know is made known to you by the divine. Your spirit is magical, and hence it's called to explore mystical subjects. If you are someone who is not interested in mysteries or the intensity of your purpose, then I would suggest you choose a different pile because this group follows the calling of their spirit naturally. You're rebellious when it comes to your career. You are supposed to combine your purpose with your career. Anything related to digging deep, mystical, esoteric subjects, tarot, astrology, metaphysics, science, astronomy, diving, writing, art, detective, law, or surgeon is where you fit the best. You may have strong Scorpio placements. Check if you have Scorpio in your 11th house or if your Mars is in Scorpio because I am picking that strongly. Zodiac signs that are coming off strongly are Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
You require a lot of silence while working. Your path isn't easy; there are immense transformations in your journey. Your spirit continuously seeks to ascend through what you do. There may be times when your finances come to a halt and you need to do a perspective shift to do better. I can see that your body, mind, and spirit must be aligned with your purpose so that you rise to the top. What you're called to do is so powerful that illusions can easily take over. You are a truth seeker, and truth cannot be multiple, so finding it cannot be a race in your case. You need to move at a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow. Your spirit is like that of a magician walking on Earth. To the world, you may seem alluring, but you know what it costs you to follow your purpose. Every loss, death, and transformation that you come across drastically shifts your life. Speak more. Speak the truth. Your words will shock the public in a good way. You're here to open people's eyes to the truth through your work. Express often. Your power and your purpose are not scary; it's divine! You may also hold multiple degrees.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Justice, 3 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, The Chariot, The Emperor
This pile is really intelligent. Anything that allows you to make use of your mind the most is something that will suit your spirit the best. A career where you'll be continuously learning and enhancing your skills. Teaching, medical (dentist I heard in my mind), law, business, accountant, marine officer/captain, and research are what I can think of looking at your cards. Your spirit demands and deserves to be the leader in your field. There will be challenges in your journey, which you will have the courage to overcome if you keep your emotions in balance. Your spirit will make you start from the basics. You are supposed to study a lot to be able to reach the top. You seem to be a multitasker or interested in multiple subjects, but that can bring a lot of chaos into your life. So your spirit is encouraging you to master one subject. If you throw yourself in multiple concepts, you will waver from the truth. Don't let your intellect go against you.
You're supposed to continuously research in your particular field and stand firm on your beliefs, so choose wisely and make sure you enjoy it for the rest of your life. Zodiac signs that I can sense are Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, and Libra. In your particular field, you need to find a perfect teacher or organization that suits you and can help you achieve your goals. Learning through all the sources again will not be good for you. Pick one source and commit to it for at least a good amount of time. Your spirit feels at peace when you speak your truth without fearing what others may think of you. It's very important for you to have strong boundaries to do good in your career. Not having boundaries and sharing your business with everyone can do more harm than good to your career. Your brain is like a sponge. It absorbs everything without filtering the information. Rather than stimulating yourself with so much information, pick one path and find your truth. Talk to yourself more than you talk to others. You'll find your answer.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Swords, The Star, Nine of Wands, 6 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Oh my God, pile 3, your cards were just not coming out. What are you so afraid of? There are two opposing thoughts going on in your mind when it comes to your career. You want to do something but you're doing something else. Your heart is at another place while your mind is at another. Your spirit wants you to get over this fear of the worst. There's no room for instant gratification when it comes to following your dreams. Believe me, you're not late when it comes to pursuing your dreams. You've definitely struggled in your career or are still struggling. Every day feels like another battle. Stop living like that. A new beginning lies on the other side of closing the door behind you. Be willing to let go of the old ways. So you're afraid of the challenges and the mountains you are supposed to climb to catch your dream? Well, aren't there struggles in what you are currently doing? Believe me, from where I see these challenges will refine your spirit and will take you closer and closer to your dream life.
Follow your heart, sweet soul. Believe me, it's all in your head. You have it in you to pass the tests that will come your way to achieve your dreams. Don't keep drinking poison just because you've gotten accustomed to the taste of it. Your taste buds can compromise, but your body will remember the damage that the poison is doing. Zodiac signs that I am picking up are Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, and Sagittarius. Either you can lead with courage or with fear. The choice is yours! Honestly, nothing is strongly coming off as to what career will suit you the best because right now your energy is guiding you to first free yourself of your own limitations. After that, you can think of what you want to do. But one thing I can say is that you're being called to do something that frees your spirit. There's such a deep desire in you to be someone else and do something else, but somewhere there's a thought that you won't ever reach there, so why even try? My goodness, you really need to talk to someone regarding this or just have a day of silence and be brutally honest to yourself. You are literally going opposite of your destiny, and that's why you don't feel the sense of accomplishment. I hear, “Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.”
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moonsunmermaid · 28 days
Heavenly guided messages ✨✨✨Pick a Pile
Disclaimer: Please remember, this is just a general reading from the collective, apply how it might resonate and take in consideration that tarot readings are not 100% real, you have the power to change your life anytime. Also please, regarding any kind of health issues this is no game, go to a doctor, I or spirit will never give you any advice regarding your health in this blog.
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Pile 1- Reiki Magic
In this moment and age, with all the things going on in this planet earth, heaven wants to assure you you are protected and safe. Angels and your spirit guides want you to know you can trust your intuition, they whisper the best advice possible and you can feel it if you connect to them and your heart.
If you have any practice that helps you connect to your guides, they want you to know they are with you all the time and encorauge to keep going with the practice. Sometimes even when we can't hear, feel or see, faith is imporant. Anyways, here's your message, keep trying connect with them.
Also there's a message from the moon, you can call her Selene, Diana, Artemis, Ix Chel, Khonsu, Hecate... or just the moon itself, however you like to call her, she whispers teachings that benefit you. I recomend you learning about the moon cycles and moon magic if you're into witchraft.
Pile 2- Glitter Wings
Energy sorrounds you and your aura, you are picking up on too much from others and you have to learn to let go of what is not yours. Your love for humanity is appreciated and venerated in heaven, yet you also have to love yourself. Angels don't want you depleted because of the efforts you put onto others!
Mother Kwan Yin, who always helps me , wants to tell you she's there for you too. Maybe this is too specific, but if you're suffering, you can call her and she will try help and allievate your pain.
Try be super soft with yourself and allow yourself to rest your mind as much as possible. Sometimes we need reset days when we don't talk with anyone, listen to anything and we just are. Maybe this is an extreme, and extremes are never ok, but try ligthen outside stimuli and kiet the mind. Do not force it, be kind to yourself, but try relax, please, also when I was reading the cards a huge amount of messages came to me, my ears started ringing and I almost had to stop the readings because it was too much stimuli for me. If this is how you are feeling in life, please, stop for a while and breathe!! (🙏🙏🙏 this is also a message from me )
Pile 3 - Angel Doves
For some reason, you got extra cards... also while I was shuffling the cards I felt a strong pain in my heart. I don't even know how to start, but I feel you, ok? I sense you are now healing from a very toxic situation, but you are determined to achive a goal or a dream, or maybe you only want to be free of this pain. One day at a time, progress takes you to the final goal, not perfection.
There's angels surrounding you to help, they are guiding you through the dark waters of uncertainity and want you to know comparing yourself to others is what makes it harder. They want you to remain calm and look inside, your light is never ending and your heart holds the magic to heal thousand million pains and more.
When we come to earth (or any other planet to be honest) we separate from source and we become individuals. Ego makes us believe we are not in comunication with source, society makes us believe we are not good, we are not God, they tell us God is a separate entity from us. Even in spiritual circles sometimes I heard we are nothing and we are bad compared to angels!!! But what angels want to remind you here and now is you are them. We all are Achangel Michael, we all are Kwan Yin, we all are God. Their energy is within us, and in this case: the energy of a thousand suns is within you, to heal or to achieve any goal. Allow the voice of angels get to you because you are them, you have the power, never foget this, please.
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wolfofcelestia · 5 months
I'll Be Home Soon - Zayne x MC
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“I just finished my last operation of the day. I’ll be home soon.”
Zayne stared at his phone after sending the text message, seeing the familiar “MC is typing” being displayed on his screen.
But this time, it was different. There was no immediate answer, but the message “MC is typing” continued to be displayed.
He raised an eyebrow at this but figured she must have gotten distracted, being scatterbrained as she was. He left his phone on the table and started packing papers and files into a suitcase to get ready to leave the office.
Whatever she wanted to tell him, she could tell him in person.
It was on the drive home that he finally heard the special ringtone he set specifically for her. But, being behind the wheel, he knew better than to take his eyes off the road.
He’d be home in a few minutes anyway.
When he parked his car in his driveway, he picked up his phone to see a simple message, one he’s received often from her but now, with how out of place it was, brought on anxiety, fear, concern, and worry.
His demons crept up from behind him, wrapping their murky, shadowy claws around his throat, squeezing tighter and tighter, and showing him visions of one worst case scenario after the other.
“I love you.”
Zayne rushed to the door, fumbling with his keys, and ran through the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom, everywhere, calling her name with increasing desperation.
There was no answer.
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun 🔆🌑😎
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Sup y'all. Welcome to my lil end-of-March reading! Thank you for voting in the polls for April's next PAC topic for the 1 year special, which will be coming up next. Also thank you very, very much once again for participating in my 2nd tarot game! I'm still answering feedback and I'm glad so many of you enjoyed it as I did. I'm looking forward to the next game in summer (possibly a Midsummer game? 🧚‍♀️🐈🎶☀)
I was shuffling my Alchemy Elements deck and noticed that three random cards I pulled out were from the Sun suit (the four suits in this oracle are Moon, Sun, Star, and Earth). I had no topic in mind, so I allowed different mystery messages to come through. These light messages will be relevant to you as you pass through the new moon solar eclipse and all through the next lunar month.
Pick which one of the three sun cards resonates with you:
Flower 💐 Animal 🐎 River 🌊
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Pile 1. Flower 💐
Gratitude, Bird of Paradise, Knowledge; Mountain, Astral Travel, Tower, Promise, Garden
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The world outside is calling you, pile 1. You can't smell the roses blooming if you keep containing yourself under the roof. The beautiful days want you to explore and wander like a child discovering nature for the first time. Perhaps there are flowers you've never seen up close, maybe it's been a while since nature gave you new things to learn and marvel. Botanical gardens are filled with surprises, as are concrete cracks in the city.
Your hands seem too easily tied up in the working world, fulfilling task after task as if every day was meant to be the same. I see a person staring outside their cubicle, wondering when they'll find the time to make it to the park. Wondering when they'll be able to go to that fair, or practice surf lessons. Wondering, hoping, dreaming of the day when the walls can come down, and there will be no separation between daily life and the life filled with endless creative possibilities, waiting to be picked and weaved into crowns.
The path is neither just up ahead, nor light years away; it's right in front of you now. Accept the moment you find yourself in, even if it's impossible, because the surprises you are looking for are already surrounding you. It may feel like you have to climb far to see any hope of change, but you're asked to find stillness and beauty hidden within the climb. Even if you're not wandering through a field of wildflowers yet, there may be chance blossoms within your reach. Be thankful for the present peace you find. Ivy wraps around ivory walls; nature will find a way to you.
Wherever you intend to go, you may need to leave behind the opinions of others that don't help or encourage you. Let them have their perspectives, for they have their own paths to walk. You have yours waiting just outside the door. The light outside may overwhelm you, but it beckons you to appreciate what it has in store for you. So much more awaits you. But what you have today is just as beautiful.
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Pile 2. Animal 🐎
Balance, Lenten Rose, Insight; Letter, Mirage, Heart, Bouquet, Moon
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I hope the sun brings you brighter days, pile 2. There are friends (including animal friends!) who want to bask under the warm luminous skies with you. This time encourage us to stretch our arms out, walk with an extra skip, and enjoy what tomorrow has in store. However, there is anxiety keeping you held in, preventing you from racing ahead. You are being called to expand, move your body, and find ways to embrace joyful freedom more.
Before email and mail trucks were a thing, we had pony mail, which could take weeks to arrive to your mailbox. The information you're receiving doesn't match up to the reality you're soon living in. By the time you're reading the newspaper you have, another one will be on its way, contradicting the one in your hands. Reading over and over can help us feel ready to take on the world, but does it? Or is it keeping you in a loop of confirming news that confirms the news that conforms to the news you're expecting?
Newsflash: the most important place, the space that occurs before it's recorded in the papers, is the place your attention should focus on. If you can meet up with your friends in person, try hanging out with them outside of chatting online. Allow yourself to experience life alongside someone, to feel the wind in your hair as they drive; if you have a pet, spend an afternoon with them on a long walk. A friendly person who can help you desires connection.
Life is a mix of bright and sunny days, mixed with cloudy and rainy days. There are days to be serious and days to be goofy. There are times to stay at home online and times to go out with others. There are moments to feel sadness and worry, and moments of humor and happiness. Take it easy on yourself, pile 2, and whatever topic has you fixated on it, allow yourself the chance to step outside, walk away, and feel the light of the sun and moon on your face.
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Pile 3. River 🌊
Desire, Cyclamen, Reminiscence; Tree, Protection, Animus, Star, Crossroads
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It's okay to not know everything about your path ahead, pile 3. You may be figuring things out as you go along, without any set marker. You're being reminded that whatever path you take, things will turn out okay. Many twists and turns can make a long river, but you will be prepared. It's safe to keep moving in the flow with the currents. When the rolling waves seem slow and steady, it's best to ride along with it, for you have more time than you think to row through.
At times you may desire to keep your boat docked, unable to leave the shore and its many amenities. You may look back on what you used to love (or perhaps found addicting) and wish it were easier to wave it away. Don't be afraid to take souvenirs with you, to remind you of the good times you had. It'll make the transition smoother for when it's time to depart to your next destination. Big changes often require carrying things lightly.
Your north star is shining its beacon out to you. To find it, you must make it; to make it, you must find it. You must set your course by getting clear on where you most want to go. No one else can make this choice for you, for it's your unique trip. The map is with you, provided to you by years of experience and growth. There may be many different distractions, and it's okay to stop to them first just to explore instead of making it to the end goal right away. It's all part of your grand adventure, and the many secrets and surprises make it all the more exciting..
When there's a wish, there's a way. You have the drive within you to set sail towards your greatest yearning in life. Even if it doesn't seem it, you are able to channel the bravery and passion from within. When the skies are dark and you cannot navigate with the stars, you can look to the light beaming out from your soul to find your own way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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thedivineart · 8 months
2024 ۵ tarot game by thedivineart
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Hii! it's me @thedivineart from this date and so on I will start reopening my account again and I hope y'all support me again ♡... To start this I would like to open a game for everyone, you could ask anything that you would like but I don't promise I could answer them all— to guarantee you, I'll try to answer everyone who will join the game. Thank you and at least enjoy:>
ꪮꫀ. rules
there are some rules that need to follow first :
• follow me & reblog is must
• submit your question w/ initial and zodiac
⤷ please remember that I will only entertain question that I know how to seek answer through tarot.
• be patient, once the ask box is gone the game is already closed!
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xochaithoughts · 1 year
Pick a Pile: A Message from the Universe
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breathe in, breathe out and pick a picture that resonates with you. please take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. there is love in all of these messages. the tone here is gentle, like an older sibling, best friend, or parent scolding and motivating you at the same time. :)
pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
Did this resonate with you? If you’re reading this before Friday, October 13th: I’m doing a housewarming tarot game, to celebrate settling into my new blog space! I’ll be doing 3-cards spreads for five people! Want more details?
©️2023 cancersstellium. all rights reserved.
Pile 1
(crystals: black onyx and clear quartz | bottom of deck: six of cups. nostalgia isn’t just about longing or reminiscing about old times. it’s remembering too)
Maybe you feel like in your past there is a lack of a sense of justice. Maybe you didn’t get your due, that person didn’t get their punishment. But it’s coming. Karma cannot be dealt when your “peace” depends on it. The moment you stop worrying about their karma will be the moment that they receive it. Focus on your energy instead. There’s this beautiful, chaotic energy within you waiting, like a volcano waiting to erupt. There’s a reunion coming your way, later this month. Whether that’s with an another person, a part of your self, with the divine is left to be revealed. Whatever it may be: stay open to it, stay grateful, stay blessed. The major arcanum sun here is 6, The Lovers. There’s a duality here. One that requires love, faith, and sometimes a choice to leap blindly. It’s the roses with the thorns; it’s fire and water, a place for both exist; it’s want versus need versus true desire. Lean into this time. Breathe into this time. All of your relationships will be tested. All of your relationships will be challenged. All of your relationships will be upgraded. Trust the journey. Trust the process.
may resonate with: those born in december; cheetos, specifically the hot ones; animal lovers? something about cheetahs?
Pile 2
(crystal: pyrite | bottom of deck: temperance. peace and inner knowing)
Your’s reads more like a story and less like a message. There’s a wish here, a desire. And it seems like now is an auspicious time to get it. “So why haven’t I?” You ask. You planted the seed a while ago and you’re wondering why it hasn’t grown. You’re wondering if you just need to give it time, if you should pull it up and replant it, or just give up on it entirely. Perhaps you can’t see it, but there’s a sense of grief from the Universe in this, a “Why don’t you trust Me?” sense of exasperation. Rushing only results in poorer quality and things like this, can’t be rushed. Just know that all will be revealed in due time. But there’s a compassion here, for your struggle and an understanding that we use time as a measurement. I expect you’ll see some light shed on the situation very soon. The major arcanum sum here is 10, The Wheel of Fortune. There are higher forces at work here. Step aside. (Imagine a “road at work” sign here.) Be patient. Even. More. Patient.
may resonate with: leo suns + leo 1H placements, dolphin(s?) fans, hard workers, “just send me a sign”
Pile 3
(crystal: amethyst | bottom of deck: ace of wands reversed. you’re in your own way. lack of imagination. lack of creativity.)
“When the ‘why’ is strong, the ‘how’ is easy.” Meaning: when the reason behind something is clear, the how it comes about requires little effort on your part. Why are so obsessed with ‘how’ this will happen? Why are you so sure that because you cannot see a solution there must not be one? I ask this with love because I see all the major influences here. There’s a wholeness, there’s beauty, there’s great and beautiful change. The only obstacle in your path is you. And that’s okay! That’s something you can change. In order to get out of your own way, all you need to do is look inward. You already know what you want. Go back to what you knew just before it got complicated. Therein lies your answer. Maybe it felt scary but it’s not, just look one more time. Maybe it feels like the ground is shifting beneath your feet, but what is it that you’re standing on? Have you truly looked? Look again. You’ve come so far, you’ve changed so much. I see a reason to celebrate at the end of this. Feminine energy here. Being, creating, dancing, receiving. The major arcanum sum here is 4, The Emperor. Masculine energy. All it takes is a little organization, a little logic but not the “real world” kind.
may resonate with: “i just feel so alone”, aladdin, wedding tiktoks, jenga, uno (like the card game)
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atravesty · 6 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse Messages
This is my first ever 'pick a pile' style reading, so I greatly appreciate any & all feedback. If any of this resonated with you, please heart and share. I'm currently refining my intuitive readings, so happy to do a couple free or exchanged readings as well - slide in my inbox.
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Pick an Object - 1. Raccoon Skull, 2. Unicorn, 3. Dragon
1. Raccoon Skull
I felt a similar energy for 2. Unicorn so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Thumbs Up - The Howl & The Hum
Numbers: 1, 3, 4
The Starseed Oracle: The Courageous Peony Multifaceted, unique nature. Let yourself be seen.
You're being called to embrace all of what you are and show it off to the world, without comparing yourself to others. Own your unique gifts without apology, as we all have something different and special to offer. Embody all of who you are and share your voice. You may feel insecure and vulnerable about owning your truth, but it becomes easier every time you practice it. By being your true, authentic self, you attract your soul tribe and those who are truly meant for your highest good.
How are you being called to allow yourself to be more visible and seen in the world?
Tarot: Sun Reversed, Justice, Emperor, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups Reversed
Perhaps you are currently in an unfulfilling situation or relationship (platonic, romantic, business, etc.) that is making you question your self-worth and self-esteem. Despite your best efforts, you may feel as though you're not being given the recognition or treatment that you know you deserve. If so, you are being guided to protect and defend your standards; stand up for what you believe in and deserve, as karma is on your side. You are being encouraged to walk away from any unfulfilling situations or relationships in pursuit of better opportunities that align with you and empower you. You are being supported by the Universe to identify what it is that truly fulfills your soul, not what fuels your egotistical desires, and align yourself with what makes you happy.
2. Unicorn
I felt a similar energy for 1. Raccoon Skull so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Double Negative (Skeleton Milkshake) - Dominic Fike
Numbers: 2, 6, 8
The Starseed Oracle: Karmic Relationships Orion energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.
You are being called to use polarity and separation in relationships to promote growth and unity. Open your heart and mind to see things from a different perspective; avoid reacting from your own past woundings. Grow closer through conflict and use challenges as a means for self improvement.
What relationships are the most challenging? How can you see things from a different perspective? How are you being called to allow growth through the conflict?
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune Reversed, 10 of Cups, Hanged Man, 9 of Swords, Hierophant Reversed
You may have experienced a string of bad luck in the past that is currently causing you to resist necessary change, out of fear that it will only result in another failure. However, what you may not be aware of, or reluctant to truly believe, is that the fulfillment you seek in your relationships (romantic, platonic, career, etc.) is just around the corner and waiting for you to make the changes to align yourself with it. You are being guided to refresh your perspective and release yourself from your self-imposed limitations. Your fears and anxieties may be preventing you from taking the first steps, but the Universe supports you in your journey of rebelling against old belief systems and structures that have been imposed on you by others and your past self. This is a time to be unconventional.
3. Dragon
Channeled song: Sorry You're Not a Winner - Enter Shikari
Numbers: 1, 6, 7
The Starseed Oracle: Messenger Sirius energy. Bringing harmony and balance.
You are being called to bring harmony and balance in everyone by creating it in your own life. Your soul has dedicated lifetimes to the upliftment of this planet - you may be destined to become an Ascended Master. Hold the frequency of pure love, and help balance masculine & feminine energies within everyone. You may have an affinity for music, which you can infuse with healing vibrations and share with the world.
How are you being called to bring harmony to your life or the planet? How are you being called to honour the sacred masculine & feminine within you?
Tarot: Knight of Swords, Devil Reversed, 10 of Pentacles Reversed, Moon, Empress Reversed
The relief you seek from your current situation may require you to take powerful action using the information that you already know. Be quick to move forward, but remember to think things through and do not be hasty or cut corners. You are being guided to release yourself from your temptations to fill the void with material items and spend wisely to plan for a stable future. You may be spending recklessly and living beyond your means and/or accumulating wealth and possessions that inflate your ego, but do not serve your soul. There may be deeply rooted subconscious fears and illusions that are influencing how you live your life. Instead of trying to control external situations and people, the Universe is supporting you in your journey to connect with yourself to truly know what you need to take care of yourself and others.
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katiifaestarot · 7 months
THE READING TODAY IS: A Clear Message from Your Higher Self ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
today's reading is REALLY (and i mean straight-to-the-point) short because i am working on two youtube videos today!
Please come support over there!! I'll be linking my youtube on my blog posts from now on, as well as opening PAID personal readings very soon!!!
⚠️HOWEVER: I want to give FREE tarot readings to keep me connected to you guys and my intentions when starting my individual journey. So be on the lookout for my blog post(s) regarding all that information for FREE and PAID readings!! (( which i will ultimately attach to every blog post going forward once i work out the logistics! ))
my youtube channel
about me + why i am a tarot reader
*** AND REMEMBER: your free will is always present within yourself; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else.
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through the Crystal Cards in the picture right below this text!!! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile to help you choose too !!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Rhodochrosite
PILE 2- Blue Lace Agate
PILE 3- Rose Quartz
PILE 4- Carnelian
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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The mental clarity is coming once you release the unnecessary burdens and get serious about your stability and future. Forget about the outside noise and focus on yourself for now! What do YOU want ? What do YOU need? Ask yourself, figure out the answers, then GET YOUR BUTT UP AND MOVING TOWARDS THAT DESIRED OUTCOME!!! Help YOU by helping YOURSELF, NOT someone else!!
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Celebrate your success(es) with trusted, loving family and friends because YOU HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TOO!! Get excited about how far you've come and how exciting it is to finally achieve this success! And dont worry about the hardwork required to maintain this achievement or even achieve another NEW thing! You have the drive, tenacity, and spirit to overcome any and all hardships that could knock you off your path/trajectory!
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You have to CONTINUE to walk away from people, places, things, old belief systems, perspectives that aren't helping expand your mind or actions, OLD WAYS OF BEING OR DOING!!! ;;; to be able to achieve what it is you so desperately want and deserve!!! + start collaborative projects with other people!!!! It starts with realizing no one or NO thing can stop you from creating the change you wish to see within yourself or the world. You hold the answers to shifting your current reality to match your desires!!
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You're powerful, You're charismatic, You're so smart and intelligent OF COURSE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT!! That new beginning ( specifically in your finances, but can apply to all new beginnings ) you want for yourself is achievable but you must be willing to plan, be decisive, and work hard through them trenches and missteps you may make to be able to actualize it into your reality!!!! Believe in yourself and watch yourself take what you deserve to have AND help yourself achieve your dreams! Dont get discouraged!!!! KEEP MOVING, KEEP GOING!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else.
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mosscreektarot · 2 years
Pick a Pile: A Message from Your Soul Mate
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From top to bottom, and left to right there are 4 groups. Pick the image you feel drawn to, or can't stop looking at. Take your time.
Group 1: Top Left
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Oracle Card: 
Energetic Clearing: “During crises, the Holy One Herself may be emptying you of fear and attachments, preparing you to receive Her luminous Plan." 
You are stepping into your power. It's frightening and painful. But, you have an iron will and are learning that practicing discipline is KEY for getting where you need to be. Your fiery wit and sharp sense of humor are admired by all. 
Be strong my love. The time of suffering is nigh over. A new dawn has risen. Fear not feeling lost, for you are creating your own way. 
Focus on your career at this time~your well-being, energy, and confidence are boosted by your success. You’ve got this! 
Group 2: Top Right
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Oracle Card: 
Acceptance: "Radical Acceptance in the Now opens the Flow"
You may have been drawn to Group one’s photo as well, in which case group one’s message is also for you. The Queen of Wands appears in this spread as the first card again, staring straight ahead.
You know what you want and you are going for it. You’re present, resilient, kind, and the next 6 months will be blooming for you. Romance is in the air, and it’s high time we meet, my darling. 
Take care of your home and hearth. Recharge. Enjoy your times of quiet contemplation, for as life changes, so too your idea of peace. 
Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew, and it gets you so riled up! Pause before you act, take a breath, accept that fate has the best life in store for us, and enjoy the little moments. 
Group 3: Bottom Left
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Oracle Card: 
Grounded: “Many of the most evolved beings on earth are “regular” folks living with joy, dignity, and courage.” 
Passion. So much passion and love is in store for us, honey. The life we always dreamt of, happiness, laughter, and adventure. The world is our oyster, and we just need to crack the shell of knowing one another. 
Time and distance have kept us apart, but our waiting will soon be over. 
5 months of hardship for a lifetime of happiness. 
Do not let fear make you reckless. Forgive your mistakes; we are all imperfect human beings on a wild and mysterious planet. Cosmic star, death cannot keep us apart. I await thee. 
Group 4: Bottom Right
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Oracle Card:
Divine Flow, Rx: “Eventually, one sublime desire takes precedence over all others: to follow the Tao, the Divine Flow, at all costs.”
Saddle up, sad one. I’ve got a lot to say to you. You’ve been burned recently. Your heart’s on fire. Life isn’t going your way, and never seems to be progressing or changing. 
You’re moving forward. 
One step at a time. 
Don’t lose sight of your artistic endeavors. The light shines more brightly when it touches your skin. You are a star, a luminosity so mysterious and beautiful I marvel to behold you. 
Find balance. Ease into it. Create routines in your life and rituals you stick to. Fill your own cup. Stop worrying about if, how, when, and start doing. Find your flow. 
You can’t resist the universe. 
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thetarotwitch111 · 11 days
Here’s the advice of the day:
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Sep 11 2024
Advice of the day: be in your power!
It’s time to fully step into your power and realize that you have everything you need to create the life you desire. Whether you’re celebrating a harvest, making tough decisions, or clearing out old energies, it all comes down to believing in yourself and your abilities. The universe is opening doors for you, but you have to walk through them with confidence. Empowerment isn’t just about taking action—it’s about trusting yourself enough to know that whatever you do will lead you in the right direction. You’ve got this, so own it.
Witch’s empowerment tea: brew a tea that embodies strength, clarity, and confidence: rosemary, cinnamon, and orange. Rosemary sharpens your mind and enhances wisdom, cinnamon sparks inner fire and motivation, and orange adds a burst of joy and optimism. This will help you feel more grounded in your decisions and actions. Drink it when you’re planning your next move, or just when you need a reminder that you’re in control of your life.
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feistyvirghoe · 1 month
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭, 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐮 𝐠𝐨 ⋆·˚ ༘ *
it’s over for you…or almost but the cycle is complete and over with, there’s no need for you to hold on to it anymore. they only think you’re doing too much because they’re not doing enough themselves, it’s weird but holding onto someone else’s twisted energy. they don’t know you…you’ve changed and evolved, if they can’t accept it then move on from them. it’s not worth it to hold on to these dead end people and things, and habits that are getting you nowhere. you’re always protected, it may never really settle in that you’re actually being protected and guarded but you are…invisible things tend to make us feel like we’re going crazy and that it’s all in our head but when you pay attention, it’s really not. it’s right there in your face. 777 and 999, releasing the old bringing in new for real, newer and better, i always hear new things are coming but is it good for us? it’s good for you, you don’t deserve to suffer and feel like your world will just be full of chaos until you die. we deserve peace and happiness. you have to open yourself up to receiving, it’s not easy, i swear it doesn’t feel so, but letting yourself finally take in the present moment is more enlightening than worrying and fearing a future that we truly can’t predict even when our predictions may be spot on…you’re not doing too much, embrace who you are, your unique self, ur unique qualities. saying IDGAF ANYMORE! don’t stop, please don’t give up. 🩵💫🧿✨🌈🌬️
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thesensteawitch · 8 days
What Change Is Coming Toward You? 🍀🧹✨
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left To Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea SOULS!
This is a collective reading with written and an audio message which you'll find at the end of this blog. So take what resonates and claim this reading in the comments!🫶🏻
Also, feel free to DM me if you wish to book a TAROT READING WITH ME !✨
Take a deep breath before you start reading.🪄
Pile 1
A drastic shift of energy is happening in your life. It seems you felt really stuck in a connection. You've thought of everything when it comes to this person. All possible scenarios have been exhausted. It was a tough way to come out of something until you had nothing left to give. But it's over now. Suddenly the energy will shift from you having nothing to everything. Luck is on your side, especially when it comes to finding love in the area of your life you most desire. You seem to be having zero hope toward finding the one. But something positive is happening behind your back (in your favor), which will surprise you. Keep wondering what it could be, but it's going to be better than you ever imagined.
You may be seeing numbers- 1010, 222, 11
In the END of this blog you can find the audio message about how you will feel after the change enters your life and what signs you will see as a confirmation.🫶🏻 (Time Stamp- 00:00)
Pile 2
You're about to begin a new journey. The path that was meant to be walked by you is now ready to be explored. You've always wanted something more out of life. There was a feeling of emptiness within you. Without meaning, you do nothing. You're about to find the emotional fulfillment and the deepest meaning in something that you are about to pursue in your path ahead. It's going to be magical, vast, and mysterious. Expect to live in the enchanting world that you once thought existed when you were a kid. A lot of mind-blowing ideas will be sent to you by the universe. You're centered and grounded to receive the downloads from the universe without any blockage. You'll now realize why it was necessary for you to be alone. Why were you kept away from people? Because only you can realize your purpose. God wanted you to be in the quiet so that you could listen to the purpose of your life. Your vision is expanding.
You may be seeing numbers- 555, 3939, 111, 333.
In the END of this blog you can find the audio message about how you will feel after the change enters your life and what signs you will see as a confirmation.🫶🏻 (Time Stamp- 1:19)
Pile 3
You've been waiting for your life to change. I feel there's an opportunity right around the corner, and you know it. But you don't know if it's really that good as it claims it to be. You're juggling between two thoughts, jobs, or wishes. You're trying to keep your balance, not letting your hopes high. You're in self-delusion. Your mind is playing tricks with you. What is coming towards you is going to give you the epitome of success or happiness. Until now you have been struggling to make your ends meet (be it in love or finances), and suddenly you will be surprised to see the amount of fortune this new opportunity is going to give you. Don't try to sabotage your success. You deserve it. You were living your life for less than what you deserved. Thinking won't help you. Just listen to your intuition and let this opportunity come to you. You're about to be blessed. Your intuition knows what's coming towards you, but your mind wants to keep you safe by sending false messages. It seems you'll be receiving two blessings.
You may be seeing Numbers- 1010, 234, 432
In the END of this blog you can find the audio message about how you will feel after the change enters your life and what signs you will see as a confirmation.🫶🏻 (Time Stamp- 2:20)
Here is the AUDIO MESSAGE!⭐🌈
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tarotwithfreya · 17 days
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🍃 Coming your way #Taurus #Leo #Scorpio #Aquarius
Feelings of guilt after choosing to move on from a situation that wasn’t going anywhere. Don’t hold on to that, it’s not worth it!
Some truths coming to light, trust your intuition.
Someone is reaching out to you again.
Stalker energy around 👀
Great moment financially, whatever you persist in now will bring quick results.
Invitations to go out. Accept them, you deserve to unwind.
Your routine might feel heavy if you don’t take some breaks.
Investing in something long-term will be good for you. For example: learning a language, preparing for a course, developing a new skill.
Any pending issues will be resolved in your favor, whether it's money owed or a legal matter.
You need a calming bath to clear your mind. Boldo is a great option.
This is a collective message. For a personal reading on your energy, book now! $5
🍃Coming your way #Gemini #Virgo #Sagittarius #Pisces
Yay, new things in love, especially for those who’ve been single for a while. Someone new is coming into your life!
A bit of mental confusion about not being sure what the other person wants. Darling, isn’t that what tarot is for?
Holding onto situations that aren’t moving forward could be keeping you from experiencing good things. Let it go for now.
Strong manifestation power—be mindful of your words and use them in your favor. Write, declare! What’s yours deserves to come to you.
A friend is missing you but doesn’t know how to reach out.
Time to focus on that moneeeey!
Heart racing… allow yourself to feel it!
Spending time near a maternal figure will be good for you.
You need to reorganize both your physical and mental space.
This is a collective message. For a personal reading on your energy, book now! $5
🍃Coming your way #Aries #Cancer #Libra #Capricorn
Great time to understand your mission as a spirit, your gifts, and lessons. Strong connection with spirituality—be honest with them! Talk, listen.
Fear of taking risks—you want to, but insecurity is holding you back.
A need for introspection.
Psychic dreams.
Thinking of someone from the past due to a heavy heart.
Something you’ve wanted for a long time is starting to come your way.
A worry is lifting off your shoulders.
This is a collective message. For a personal reading on your energy, book now! $5
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enchant33 · 1 year
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What affirmations do you need to say today?
NOTE: Each duck in every pile has a few affirmations from the universe that are very important for you to say today, so meditate for a while and intuitively choose one of these piles.
Piles order
1- Mug Duck
2- Duck in grassy field.
3- Duck that stares from afar.
4- Duck with a freshly lip filler surgery done, that stares into your soul while holding a bag of crunchy potatoes.
The cards that are used : Gaia Oracle.
Pile 1
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I release myself from all negative attachment.
I help others the most by not allowing myself or them be co-dependent .
Life constantly transforms, but in essence nothing changes.
Pile 2
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I give thanks for the changing seasons.
In solitude I grow stronger and wiser.
I am always on the right path.
Every ending marks a beggining.
Love and light fill my heart.
Pile 3
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I am free and guided.
I am free from all negative attachment.
I deserve to be happy.
I am safe and loved.
I am one with the goddess.
I express all I feel honestly and lovingly.
Pile 4
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I am the master of my own destiny.
All I truly desire, I create.
I have the power to create my reality.
My life is clear of obstacles.
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