#messages from universe
enchant33 · 1 year
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What affirmations do you need to say today?
NOTE: Each duck in every pile has a few affirmations from the universe that are very important for you to say today, so meditate for a while and intuitively choose one of these piles.
Piles order
1- Mug Duck
2- Duck in grassy field.
3- Duck that stares from afar.
4- Duck with a freshly lip filler surgery done, that stares into your soul while holding a bag of crunchy potatoes.
The cards that are used : Gaia Oracle.
Pile 1
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I release myself from all negative attachment.
I help others the most by not allowing myself or them be co-dependent .
Life constantly transforms, but in essence nothing changes.
Pile 2
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I give thanks for the changing seasons.
In solitude I grow stronger and wiser.
I am always on the right path.
Every ending marks a beggining.
Love and light fill my heart.
Pile 3
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I am free and guided.
I am free from all negative attachment.
I deserve to be happy.
I am safe and loved.
I am one with the goddess.
I express all I feel honestly and lovingly.
Pile 4
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I am the master of my own destiny.
All I truly desire, I create.
I have the power to create my reality.
My life is clear of obstacles.
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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While reading this interview with a West Bank settler, it's important to remember her views do not represent those of all Israelis just like Israel does not represent all Jews. There has been sizeable protest in Tel Aviv against the genocide (quickly squashed under Netanyahu’s police force just like all other pro-palestinian sentiment) but it’s worth reading to get insight into the minds of average people who cheer on Palestinian deaths, and draw up a chair to watch hellfire rain down on innocents. This is the impact of years of settler-colonial propaganda - a complete dehumanisation of a scapegoat population.
It also has to be said that ALL colonialist countries are complicit in encouraging this kind of extremism, by facilitating and stoking the fires of islamophobia post-9/11. Israel is not an outlier - this kind of sentiment is festering EVERYWHERE and attempting to detach yourself and your country's identity from it is like burying your head in the sand.
If you stand on the side of Palestinians in this crisis, you have to be prepared to recognise the signs of islamophobia and fascism everywhere, and stand against them.
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thesensteawitch · 4 months
What Will Your Romantic Life Look Like?
🍁Based on your current energy!🍁
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls!💕
I am back with another collective reading. This reading is about your future romantic life.
This reading is strictly based on your current energy so take it as it resonates. You can change your future based on your actions + this is a general reading.
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Pile 1
Tarot cards- The Chariot, Seven of Cups, Two of Cups, Page of Swords, King of Swords, The Moon
Hello, my beautiful pile 1. Your romantic life is going to be very much focused on a dream that you and your partner have for your relationship. Love is not a destination and you both would know that and that's why there will be days in which you would want to experience everything together. You both will somehow be forging towards your destined path (basically your north node) and time will prove to you that you both are soulmates. Number 8 is of significance in this connection. I am seeing “the strength card” too. On your path, the challenges that you will face will only make your bond stronger. It's going to be a one-of-a-kind experience for you. Once in a lifetime to be precise! Not everyone will have the kind of connection that both of you will have with each other. Strong communication will be the foundation of your romantic life with your person. There is going to be a balance between emotions and logic. When you're vulnerable you will be too vulnerable with each other. Some connections only travel in the 3d world but your connection will be of a kind that will be ever-growing and eternally travelling through different dimensions. Your romantic life is going to be very spiritual. Dates will never end, and meetings will never end. The connection will never lose its spark. There is going to be so much you both would want to do with each other that you will end up confused and will find it challenging to bring your life together. But eventually whichever direction you choose to move in you will end up bumping into each other. Because as I said this connection is fated. I am sensing strong water and air sign placements in both of your birth charts. People around you will secretly compete with the kind of connection you guys have with each other. They will wonder, “Is this even real? Does this kind of love even exist in this day and age?” You both will help each other in healing each other's shadow sides. There won't be a single moment when you both don't feel safe with each other. You guys just compliment each other like ketchup and fries, haha! They are meant to be served together. You two will learn a lot. You'll be achieving long-term goals and stability with each other. Buying a home or living together will come later in your life because you two will build everything (by everything I mean every damn thing) together from scratch so it will take time. But you're going to have the kind of life no one can crumble down. No one! You both won't be able to walk away until you both throw each other into eternal glory. And right in that glory, you will never be able to forget each other. You will never forget the karmas that you both healed together. The darkness that you both dealt with each other will hold your glory high above in the astral sky. You both will overcome so many fears together. Wow! It's such a beautiful connection. One is a dove and the other is a dolphin. Both are from different worlds but so pure, so connected. One looks above and the other below and just like that they fall in love. It's one-of-a-kind love. Not everyone will be able to understand it so don't expect the world to understand your love anyway.
If you wish to know how to manifest your soulmate then book a reading with me at $9/₹666 (5 cards pull).
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Four of Cups, The Lovers, The Magician, The Emperor, Ace of Pentacles, Knight of Wands
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. The first thing that I see in your love is the individualistic nature of you and your partner. You two will be very different from each other yet perfect for each other. There will be a lot of mirroring in your connection. You both will see your reflection in the other. It will shock you, surprise you. One will be sunshine and the other will be midnight rain. The advice you both give to each other will work wonders if you both are willing to see life from each other's perspective. Your romantic life will be quite organised. Doing something new in your connection will scare both of you. Overthinking is what will always prevail. Prioritising emotions can be a problem in your connection. As this reading is based on your current energy I also see choices will be needed to make quite often. These choices will overwhelm both of you but eventually, you'll choose each other and will make things work around the choice you make for each other. The choices you make on an individual level are what is going to bring you together. There will be a lot of risks involved in your connection. One of you may have had difficult relationships in the past so having a heartfelt communication can be a challenge. You two will end up together after going through a lot of tests and trials. The connection will have a lot of passion but it won't be easy. You both will be challenged to get rid of the unnecessary worries in your connection. There will be a healing that you would need to do before the relationship can finally emerge into something beautiful. You both will be devoted to each other and the more devoted you are the more challenges you will face. But all these challenges will act as an opportunity for you to heal the parts of you that can affect your connection negatively. Reminding each other how much you love each other will be crucial in your connection. Your romantic life will begin right after you both have faced your demons and worked on them individually. You both will only think of each other after the storm has settled and there's a comfortable quiet. You both will go to extremes to shower each other will love. I hear, “I belong with you, you belong with me. You're my sweetheart.” You both won't stop loving each other in chaos or storms it's just that you will be forced to help yourself first before loving the other. Your empty cups will fill with time and then it will never run out of love. This connection will bring an end to a never-ending pain/cycle. You both will be afraid to lose each other but also to lose yourself in the process of loving each other. But later on you both will realise the importance of heartfelt communication and your vulnerability will bring trust.
If you wish to know how to manifest your soulmate then book a reading with me at $9/₹666 (5 cards pull).
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- The Emperor, Six of Wands, The Moon, Two of Wands, Two of Swords, Eight of Wands
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. I heard that your connection will be blessed by God. You'll be divinely supported in your romantic journey. I see an exchange of rings, communication and a lot of travel. Some details may get missed because you both fall for each other at first sight. There will be quickness in this connection. A lot will be overlooked and you two may end up marrying each other quite early into dating. Logically it will feel like a wrong move and you both may even question your judgement later on but divinely speaking this is exactly what is supposed to happen. There will be an instant connection between you and your partner. You may even feel caged later on but hear me out. You must be thinking then why would I even end up marrying this person? Well, I don't know the exact answer but I can see that there will be ancestors' support in this marriage. Perhaps, it's the kind of connection where it was a contract that you signed with this person on a soul level. I seriously don't know what your beliefs are pile 3 but this is something I am strongly getting. Like it is meant to go this way. I know I might sound insane. Also, this reading is based on your current energy so take it that way. You do have the power to change your future. The marriage will bring so much happiness to the families. When the love in the air will fade a bit you two will realise that one is trying to keep the peace (who wants to have soulful conversation) and the other is trying to risk their dreams to have a stable married life. And soon you both will speak your heart out to each other and things may go out of hand because of the overwhelming energy. As soon as the conversation puts you both off balance it will bring stability too as you both will understand each other and will provide the safety to work on your dreams. Wow! So that's why you would end up marrying this person. You'll achieve great things with the help and support of each other. You both will show each other the mirror of how powerful you are and how capable you are. And after this what will follow will be victory and generosity. You both will come together to give each other a strong career boon. You may not stay together for a long time but will definitely appreciate the change you both brought into each other's lives.
If you wish to know how to manifest your soulmate then book a reading with me at $9/₹666 (5 cards pull).
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puppyeared · 1 day
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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xochaithoughts · 8 months
Pick a Pile: A Message from the Universe
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breathe in, breathe out and pick a picture that resonates with you. please take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. there is love in all of these messages. the tone here is gentle, like an older sibling, best friend, or parent scolding and motivating you at the same time. :)
pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
Did this resonate with you? If you’re reading this before Friday, October 13th: I’m doing a housewarming tarot game, to celebrate settling into my new blog space! I’ll be doing 3-cards spreads for five people! Want more details?
©️2023 cancersstellium. all rights reserved.
Pile 1
(crystals: black onyx and clear quartz | bottom of deck: six of cups. nostalgia isn’t just about longing or reminiscing about old times. it’s remembering too)
Maybe you feel like in your past there is a lack of a sense of justice. Maybe you didn’t get your due, that person didn’t get their punishment. But it’s coming. Karma cannot be dealt when your “peace” depends on it. The moment you stop worrying about their karma will be the moment that they receive it. Focus on your energy instead. There’s this beautiful, chaotic energy within you waiting, like a volcano waiting to erupt. There’s a reunion coming your way, later this month. Whether that’s with an another person, a part of your self, with the divine is left to be revealed. Whatever it may be: stay open to it, stay grateful, stay blessed. The major arcanum sun here is 6, The Lovers. There’s a duality here. One that requires love, faith, and sometimes a choice to leap blindly. It’s the roses with the thorns; it’s fire and water, a place for both exist; it’s want versus need versus true desire. Lean into this time. Breathe into this time. All of your relationships will be tested. All of your relationships will be challenged. All of your relationships will be upgraded. Trust the journey. Trust the process.
may resonate with: those born in december; cheetos, specifically the hot ones; animal lovers? something about cheetahs?
Pile 2
(crystal: pyrite | bottom of deck: temperance. peace and inner knowing)
Your’s reads more like a story and less like a message. There’s a wish here, a desire. And it seems like now is an auspicious time to get it. “So why haven’t I?” You ask. You planted the seed a while ago and you’re wondering why it hasn’t grown. You’re wondering if you just need to give it time, if you should pull it up and replant it, or just give up on it entirely. Perhaps you can’t see it, but there’s a sense of grief from the Universe in this, a “Why don’t you trust Me?” sense of exasperation. Rushing only results in poorer quality and things like this, can’t be rushed. Just know that all will be revealed in due time. But there’s a compassion here, for your struggle and an understanding that we use time as a measurement. I expect you’ll see some light shed on the situation very soon. The major arcanum sum here is 10, The Wheel of Fortune. There are higher forces at work here. Step aside. (Imagine a “road at work” sign here.) Be patient. Even. More. Patient.
may resonate with: leo suns + leo 1H placements, dolphin(s?) fans, hard workers, “just send me a sign”
Pile 3
(crystal: amethyst | bottom of deck: ace of wands reversed. you’re in your own way. lack of imagination. lack of creativity.)
“When the ‘why’ is strong, the ‘how’ is easy.” Meaning: when the reason behind something is clear, the how it comes about requires little effort on your part. Why are so obsessed with ‘how’ this will happen? Why are you so sure that because you cannot see a solution there must not be one? I ask this with love because I see all the major influences here. There’s a wholeness, there’s beauty, there’s great and beautiful change. The only obstacle in your path is you. And that’s okay! That’s something you can change. In order to get out of your own way, all you need to do is look inward. You already know what you want. Go back to what you knew just before it got complicated. Therein lies your answer. Maybe it felt scary but it’s not, just look one more time. Maybe it feels like the ground is shifting beneath your feet, but what is it that you’re standing on? Have you truly looked? Look again. You’ve come so far, you’ve changed so much. I see a reason to celebrate at the end of this. Feminine energy here. Being, creating, dancing, receiving. The major arcanum sum here is 4, The Emperor. Masculine energy. All it takes is a little organization, a little logic but not the “real world” kind.
may resonate with: “i just feel so alone”, aladdin, wedding tiktoks, jenga, uno (like the card game)
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ascendanttarot · 10 months
PAC: Reassuring Messages From The Universe
Hi everyone! I have a feeling some people may need a pick-me-up at the moment hence why I made this reading. I think this may be my longest reading so far! There will be signs listed before to ensure the message is for you. If you resonate with one or more signs, that is meant to be your reading. At the end, each pile will also have a quote and channelled song to listen to that resonates with your reading. The specific lyrics that I heard are listed below the title. :)
Please remember your fate is not set in stone so your answers may change depending on the actions you take and will take if you please. Tarot is not a substitute for professional advice. The images I’ve used are not mine.
From left to right, Pile 1, 2 & 3.
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Pile 1
You may be a Lana Del Rey fan, or at least have one of her songs be your one of your favourite songs
You may be really creative. Specifically, I see most of you here are artists because I just saw an image of someone’s hand covered in paint like a make-shift palette to find the right colour, or someone wiping away excess paint on their skin
You may be left-handed. To be honest, this kind of relates back to the art thing because I just heard someone swearing because their pencil sketches were smudged by their hand again lol
You are a ride-or-die friend. I’m not picking up any signs that the people who picked this pile could be ‘low maintenance friends’ because all I could feel was a loyal and passionate heart, particularly towards their friends
Okay this is an odd message but some of you here are DEHYDRATED, like you’re not even thirsty anymore this is beyond that. Please drink some water if you haven’t at all today
Back to music here, but do some of you spend hours making playlists? I just saw someone using a lot of their free time to curate playlists. I even saw some of you here like making playlists for specific people
Another weird message here but I just smelled crayons, so I’m interpreting this in a few different ways: you may be connected to your inner child, or you may work with children/have plans to work with children, or you would like to be a parent/are a parent
Your Cards: The Emperor, Knight of Cups rx, Page of Wands rx, Justice rx, The Star, 10 of Pentacles
Your Reading:
Okay, the first thing I heard while looking at these cards were the words, “Lost time” and I think that sums up half of your reading quite well.
The cards show that at the beginning of this particular situation, you felt like you were fully in your power. A very Mars-dominant energy to be in, or an Aries energy to be in wherein you felt like you could take on anything. It’s like this was a time when your confidence was at an all-time high about yourself, but also about something. For most of you, this ‘something’ was a project. For some of you, this could be a relationship. The point is, this was something in your life you felt was given to you like you’ve waited for this and finally you’ve got it, but that hope didn’t last.
As we moved on, I felt heavy feelings of frustration. Like you were ready to spring into action but something or someone else was telling you to wait, like they were stringing you along. At the back of your mind, you knew you were being taken advantage of, but you decided to stick with it anyway. I just heard, “It’s worth it.” So maybe this was something you wanted for so long that you felt like you had to stick to it because you couldn’t see how another opportunity could be better than this. I’m really sensing this was a career move for some of you here. Maybe some of you were promised a promotion but you didn’t get it. Maybe some of you were given false hope by a higher-up that this project idea of yours would be taken seriously, but you just had to wait for the right time.
And these people kept giving you excuses. If this were a relationship, I could sense that maybe this was someone who you thought would be ready to fully commit to a relationship, but they never ended up being mature enough to make that decision. It could even be a platonic relationship, and this person wanted you and them to be more casual friends, but you were ready to be a ride-or-die as I’ve stated in the signs above. The overwhelming feeling here is that you got the shorter end of the stick.
But, of course, this doesn’t last. The universe is trying to tell you that if you were broken down before and were able to build yourself back up again, then you can do that now. For most of you, I feel you’ve already left this situation and are worried that this was a mistake, and that you shouldn’t have left in the first place, but the cards are saying otherwise.
Your hope was burned out because of what you’ve gone through. You’ve sacrificed your hope and your sense of self, but the next chapter of your life won’t ask you to do that anymore. If anything, this new chapter will nurture all of those traits you have always felt were intrinsically part of who you are.
If this were a relationship, you’d probably take a break from dating for a while, but your friendships will be a cornucopia of love and support, with new and old friends alike. If this was a job or project, a new opportunity will not only cause success, but stable success. The universe is giving you the new direction you need. “One door closes so the other one opens.”
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 1!
Your Channelled Song: Let The Light In by Lana Del Rey and Father John Misty
“Put the Beatles on, light the candles, go back to bed”
“Put the TV on and the flowers in a vase, lie your head”
“Ooh, let the light in
At your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in
Ooh, turn your light on
Look at us, you and me back at it again”
Pile 2
You may be a blunt and direct person, and you may have even gotten in trouble for this in the past. Really, I could sense you’re just a BS detector. I also saw someone rolling their eyes and saying “C’mon, talk to me straight I’ve got things to do!” haha!
I just heard ‘homebody’, so I feel like plenty of introverts have picked this pile!
You may be the sarcastic, unintentionally funny friend. If you know you know. But to specify I saw someone in a group setting saying something like “I hate half of the people in this room/I didn’t want to go—I got dragged here by my friends, please don’t talk to me” and someone laughing because they didn’t think you were serious (You were)
You’ve got a dry/witty sense of humour when you do try to make a joke intentionally, but either no one gets it, or it may be a touch too dark for their taste (Nothing problematic though!)
I got tempted to swear so many times writing out these signs so you may swear a lot. Like sometimes, if you’re in a professional environment you may find it difficult to filter out your words because of how automatic it is for you
I also feel like you’re really articulate. The first word I actually thought to describe your humour was ‘sardonic’ and I wasn’t even sure what that word meant so I can guarantee you that did not come from my mind (Yes, I had to Google the meaning)
For astrological signs, you may have Scorpio and/or Virgo in your chart. Possibly a stellium. With how active your mind is coming through in this reading and how much communication is highlighted in this section, I would not be surprised if your dominant planet is Mercury, or if you have many aspects involving that planet in your chart
Your Cards: The Hermit rx, 2 of Cups, 5 of Swords, 2 of Swords rx, King of Wands
Your Reading: Pile 2, please don’t get mad, but when I opened up to your energy, I was expecting a different message than what I delivered right now. I was ready to get serious, to go into deep waters and dive face first. But when I saw the cards… I may or may not have audibly giggled.
Not in a bad way! Hear me out before you scroll, I promise I’m saying this with the same fondness as a best friend, but pile 2, I know you’ve been in hermit mode for a while and are very comfortable staying there, but the universe isn’t really going to let that slide. For most of you, I could see you not wanting to go out but being pushed to do so by a friend. For some of you, you’ve even been convinced by some of your close friends to go on blind dates or new places to meet people in general, and you go but you really don’t want to.
The message here is clear: You’re going to meet someone new. For most of you, this will be a romantic partnership. For my aromantic folks or my readers who are simply not at all interested in romance, this will be a platonic relationship. Whatever this is, I could specifically see one person here coming out of nowhere and earnestly offering you love or friendship with respectful persistence, you wouldn’t even know what to do with them at first. I think a lot of you here have closed yourself off, not to your pre-existing close relationships, but to new people. This person is going to test that wall you’ve built around yourself and despite how much you try to intimidate them, they are not going away. Think of someone with ‘golden retriever’ vibes, which is funny because as I was tapping into your energy I got ‘black cat’ vibes from you. (I just heard, “The Arthur to my Merlin” and “The Gwen to my Morgana” whether platonically or romantically doesn’t matter, but wow, do I have some Merlin fans/old Merlin viewers in this pile)
In all seriousness though, I don’t think you have this boundary up for no reason. I’m seeing a very specific message of someone in the past that you used to trust no longer being in your life because they’ve done you wrong. This could possibly even be a betrayal of trust? Like you told them a secret, but they shared it with one person, and it quickly spread through word-of-mouth. The severing of that relationship was as fast as the betrayal done by the other person.
This made you more guarded towards newer people in your life. But also, I could see this even had a domino effect making you wary of new experiences and environments too because you’re scared you’ll meet a new person that way.  The universe is saying this past relationship has clouded your judgment and will cloud your judgment when you meet this new person. What you don’t realise is that this person could actually be good for you if you take a chance. Some of you may be worried about co-dependency. The universe is actually saying that a relationship like this will actually make you more independent, and this is because this person is emotionally mature enough to actually commit. They’ll give, you’ll take. You’ll give, they’ll take. It feels like two people who genuinely see each other as equals, and therefore respect each other as such. Their commitment and genuine belief in you will make you a more confident person in the future, but more importantly, you’ll be bolder in your choices in life. You’ll grow to have a brave heart that other people will appreciate in you, and that you’ll appreciate in yourself. “Fortune favours the bold.”
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 2!
Your Channelled Song: King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
“We won’t run, and we won’t run, and we won’t run”
“I’ll be here to hold your hand”
“'Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart”
Pile 3
Your sun sign may be an earth sign or an air sign. I also feel like some people who picked this pile may be a Leo rising or have a Leo Midheaven, but more on the Leo rising actually
I feel like some of you here may have curly hair
You may be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community
You prefer winter palettes over lighter and pastel colours for your clothes. I’m not getting a specific style but the colours here are striking. Either an all-black outfit but with the same shade of black making you appear more put together, or someone wearing jewel-toned colours like emerald green or a very striking purple
You may like wearing statement pieces. I saw this image of you in someone else’s point of view, admiring a watch you always wear or commenting on how they know you’ve just been in the room because they smelled your perfume. Picture this, someone walks into an office and just says, “Was pile 3 here—actually, you don’t need to answer that I know they were here.” And the other person who doesn’t know you getting really confused so they clarify by saying, “Oh, I know they were here because they’re the only one in this building that wears (insert fragrance here)”
Some of you here may have a ritual of listening to music in the morning while you’re getting ready to hype yourself up. All genres are coming up right now, (No, seriously. It went from Gangsta’s Paradise to successful by Ariana Grande songs to It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll)) but what unifies these songs together is that it’s there to put you in a good mood in the morning
You may be interested in working for yourself by either starting a new business or working your way to the top. Highly ambitious energy coming from this pile, but in all the best ways possible; it makes your energy infectious. Yes. That word specifically. Just a really great energy to be around
Your Cards: 5 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, High Priestess, The Star (clarified by 3 of Cups)
Your Reading:
Okay, I want to preface this reading by saying that this pile feels similar to pile 1. You may not have had the same circumstances, but the arc is similar, so if you are attracted to pile 1, feel free to read it as a supplementary reading after this.
There’s a very clear energy here that you may have had a falling out with people in your life. This could be a group of co-workers, friends, or even family members. There was chaos surrounding your previous situation and you felt like people were constantly at each other’s throats. If it was not as aggressive as this, it is possible that at the very least you were in an environment you did not feel safe. I think these people showed their true colours, so to speak, and it made you realise how you shouldn’t have trusted certain individuals involved. The thing is though, I can feel you being an outsider in this situation. Like from the start of all of this, you made it clear to everyone you did not want to get involved. I literally just heard, “Get over yourself.” from this pile, so maybe some of you here may even feel that people were blowing up a whole pile of nothing, and/or that they all needed to act more maturely about the situation. I also feel like one person may have taken something personally when they shouldn’t and that could’ve made you particularly frustrated because you felt this person missed the point completely.
I could see that you tried providing counsel to try to smooth things out, but no one listened. This was your last straw. You left or will leave this situation and the universe applauds you for doing so. I think a lot of people in this situation had a victim complex. This is not a judgment on them, it’s simply a message that they have a lot of unhealed wounds they need to work on. You didn’t stand by this though, and this led to you making your boundaries clear and cutting yourself off completely. For some of you, this may be a temporary situation (I heard, “Fix this or don’t bother coming back.”) but for most of you, this may be a temporary step away from these people.
The universe saw that you trusted your gut and left and are rewarding you as such. I think you have a logical mind and are not used to making decisions intuitively, but this all happened because you did what felt right, and this show of trust is going to lead to positive effects.
For the people who picked this pile, I’m getting a strong message that your intuition is a muscle, and that’s true for most people but it’s especially true for yourself. I think you’ll be asked to make more quick decisions in the next phase of your life, Some decisions have larger consequences than others, but most will be small and trivial decisions such as, “Which café should I visit today?”. Before you might’ve picked the familiar or logical option, but now you’re allowing more spontaneity in your life, and this may even surprise you a little bit. I just heard one of your friends saying, “But you always go there!” and seeing you shrug before saying, “Well, I’m in the mood to try something new.”
This will reward you with a new sense of self. The 3 of cups traditionally has a more social meaning, like friends who see each other as equals coming together to celebrate, but for you, I could see this as different sides of yourself finally living in harmony with one another. With all of that stress gone, you’ll finally have the chance to recognise how deeply complex and interesting you are, and you’ll do so with an acceptance you may have not known you needed. “To know myself is to love myself.”
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 3!
Your Channelled Song: “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” by Tame Impala
“I can just hear them now
"How could you let us down?"”
“Two sides of me can't agree”
“Feel like a brand new person… I don’t care I’m in love”
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shoku-and-awe · 2 months
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Haven't used my messages from the universe tag in literal YEARS, but finding these next to each other reminded me! True serendipity.
Also, since I have many such photos lying around:
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KEEP STYLE Namennayo MATAKICHI SUPER CAT This has to be one for the ages. I'd assumed that "namennayo" was just a way to say なめるなよ ("Don't underestimate me" or "Don't treat me like that"), but apparently it refers to Perlorian photographs, which means cats dressed in real clothing and engaged human activities (usually juvenile delinquent behavior). The name Matakichi also belongs to a Perlorian cat. Spend some time googling this if you're sad. Guaranteed cheerup material.
BOSS MODE Hatere are my motivatore Amazing. Is this good Italian, I wonder? I kinda hope so; that's the only thing that would make it better..... but actually, maybe bad Italian is best. Hmm.
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spookysalem13 · 9 months
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As a trauma survivor. And someone who continues to undergo trauma daily in many forms. I understand this more than I'd like to admit.
I've become very quiet. I've become even more introverted than I ever was before. More focused on healing. Diving deeper into my spirituality. Going to therapy. Doing shadow work. Because healing is so important.
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katiifaetarot · 4 months
THE READING TODAY IS: A Clear Message from Your Higher Self ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
today's reading is REALLY (and i mean straight-to-the-point) short because i am working on two youtube videos today!
Please come support over there!! I'll be linking my youtube on my blog posts from now on, as well as opening PAID personal readings very soon!!!
⚠️HOWEVER: I want to give FREE tarot readings to keep me connected to you guys and my intentions when starting my individual journey. So be on the lookout for my blog post(s) regarding all that information for FREE and PAID readings!! (( which i will ultimately attach to every blog post going forward once i work out the logistics! ))
my youtube channel
about me + why i am a tarot reader
*** AND REMEMBER: your free will is always present within yourself; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else.
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through the Crystal Cards in the picture right below this text!!! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile to help you choose too !!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Rhodochrosite
PILE 2- Blue Lace Agate
PILE 3- Rose Quartz
PILE 4- Carnelian
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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The mental clarity is coming once you release the unnecessary burdens and get serious about your stability and future. Forget about the outside noise and focus on yourself for now! What do YOU want ? What do YOU need? Ask yourself, figure out the answers, then GET YOUR BUTT UP AND MOVING TOWARDS THAT DESIRED OUTCOME!!! Help YOU by helping YOURSELF, NOT someone else!!
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Celebrate your success(es) with trusted, loving family and friends because YOU HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TOO!! Get excited about how far you've come and how exciting it is to finally achieve this success! And dont worry about the hardwork required to maintain this achievement or even achieve another NEW thing! You have the drive, tenacity, and spirit to overcome any and all hardships that could knock you off your path/trajectory!
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You have to CONTINUE to walk away from people, places, things, old belief systems, perspectives that aren't helping expand your mind or actions, OLD WAYS OF BEING OR DOING!!! ;;; to be able to achieve what it is you so desperately want and deserve!!! + start collaborative projects with other people!!!! It starts with realizing no one or NO thing can stop you from creating the change you wish to see within yourself or the world. You hold the answers to shifting your current reality to match your desires!!
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You're powerful, You're charismatic, You're so smart and intelligent OF COURSE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT!! That new beginning ( specifically in your finances, but can apply to all new beginnings ) you want for yourself is achievable but you must be willing to plan, be decisive, and work hard through them trenches and missteps you may make to be able to actualize it into your reality!!!! Believe in yourself and watch yourself take what you deserve to have AND help yourself achieve your dreams! Dont get discouraged!!!! KEEP MOVING, KEEP GOING!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else.
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god help me i accidentally just copy pasted a message about the shadowmonkeys big bang into the chat with my tinder match 💀
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
🦋Channeled Messages from Spirit 🦋
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Use your intuition & pick which mood board is calling u!
Decks used: The HooDoo Tarot & The Love oracle
Pile 1:
Channeled Messages:
♡ Flower dress- cottagecore
♡ The color pink??
♡ breadwinner
♡ shame
♡ gossip
Cards pulled: Father of Baskets, 9 of sticks, the sun, son of knives, bottom of the deck; justice
You carry yourself respectfully,and you come off lady-like/ feminine. But I feel like you don't bs around, people may think your not very smart. People comment on your looks alot (maybe your hair) to make you feel self conscious about your appearance. (Cuz' their jealous) The first card that came out for you was the Father of Baskets and the energy I'm getting is maybe a father or perhaps a boss or love interest either way I feel like this person tries to tell you what to do and wants to keep you in harsh situations or puts you in harsh situations. You may find yourself in a position to defend yourself and your ego. This may have something to do with your reputation or how others view you this person could have been sneakily putting out rumors about you. I'm getting you deserve justice for this and your going to get it. Honestly, this could even be a legal battle your going through. I'm getting like legally blonde vibes from this pile. I feel like people think your too pretty to be smart. They try to pick you apart and get mad once they realize your more mentally strong than you gave off. This man gossiped and talked about you so bad. I feel so hurt and betrayed for ya'll. You could've trusted this person and talked to them about your emotions but they were very two-faced to you. You may have learned they were doing this to you because you were eavesdropping. If you haven't then you will and I'm getting the energy that's it going to come out pretty soon. Alright pile 1, I hope this helped and you guys cuss this person out because you have every right to. 😘😡
Pile 2:
Channeled Messages:
♡ falling/ Tower card moment
♡ unexpected
♡ confusion
♡ lost
♡ tired
♡ starseed
♡ scorpio
♡ necklace
♡ overestimated/ exhaustion
Cards pulled: The lovers, 5 of cups, ace of knives, 3 of Baskets, 5 of sticks, the high priestess.
Oracle: coffin- growth,change liberation,change
Heartbroken- deeply hurt,sad,seperation,breakup, feeling lost grieving mourning,
The runner- fear of intimacy, listening to ego
Ascending- transcending, obstacles, learning expansion, new phase, preparing for union
You are very confused right now, I feel like you guys hit rock bottom or you were just thrown down a hole or like a maze where you keep going around in circles. It could feel like something or someone is chasing you. I just had a dream similar to this, so this message could really resonate with this pile. You may be scared of a love interest hurting you, because we have the lovers card here, this person could have actually hurt you and left you feeling disappointed in love. That experience is what could have put you in this tower energy. I think your ancestors sent you into this to get clarity on something that's spiritual. You have the ascending card and the High priestess. Your in a maze and you have to find a way out instead of running from what your scared of face it head on. That thing your running from could be the thing that's going to protect you. You also have the 5 of wands there could be some spiritual warfare going on for you this may be affecting your mental. This is such a complex pile and I love it because your message is very deep. I felt the need to go on pinterest after channeling and I saw a cross necklace with Jesus and a picture that said Evara. Evara means gift of God. Your very connected to the ETHERS and your being called to pull out that ace of swords to beat whatever enemy you have. You have the gift of God and you are protected. You may be in some type of religion it doesn't have to be Christian, you could be like a witch/ apart of some type of cultural group or in a cult. I'm getting vibes like that. I feel like you work very well with dark energy. Because you are of light & dark and know how to transmute. Something could also be affecting your sleep or, you could literally avoid sleeping because you feel attacked in your dreams. I did also channel starseeds before I pulled your cards. You could be confused on why all of this is happening to you and this could be why. A certain celebration also could have not turned out the way you wanted to. There could have been a fight or smth like that. Theres also a few of you who are going through this because your running from your person, and they are trying to protect you. Im getting a lot as i close this energy out but yall are tired try to go to sleep. You could get alot of psychic downloads which leads to overstimulaion & paranoia try to journal and speak aloud. Maybe even psychic attacks. Some of you also could have lossed a partner. Im so sorry. I hope this helped in some way, and I pray for mental/ spiritual insight for you. Pls do some protection/banishing wrk if ur in2 that. 😘🔮
Pile 3:
Channeled messages:
♡ Thick/ nice shape
♡ Monochromatic/ Luxury
♡ Natural hair
♡ single mom
♡ callou/ Arthur
♡ writer
♡ Family by dream girls
♡ the box- Roddy rich (this is so random ik 🤣 but maybe there's a message 4 u 🤭)
Cards pulled: Son of Baskets, 2 of knives, Mother of baskets, 4 of wands, Hierophant,  Father of swords
Oracle: Photograph- looking at your photos, missing you, Nostalgia, make new memories
For those of you who chose this pile, you could have children or your pregnant. While I was started channeling I started rubbing my stomach so maybe your expecting. I also started remembering shows from my childhood like callou and Aurthur (2000s babies know). You could be a young parent reflecting back on your childhood because your energy pulled  the Photograph oracle card and this represents old memories and Nostalgia, I kinda got like a melancholy feeling from this like you miss it. Your now realizing your entering a new phase in your life. You may be having/ have a boy too since both of those shows have little boy as the main characters. I feel like you have two options with the two of swords here. You may not know the specifics of each option and feel like you don't know enough about either to choose. 4 of wands here im getting family but also you have the hierophant and this card represents traditional values. The hierophant can also represent marriage so you could be getting married and starting a family with the father of knives soon. (I'm seeing 717 as I'm writing this) look up that number it could have a meaning for you. This person could feel you have very mothering energy. Your energy is the mother of cups. I see you and this person have built a very solid foundation. You may be worried about being pregnant or whatever your case is but whichever turn you make you'll be fine. I'm also getting your family will have your back no matter what. You may be worried about being a single mom or conforming to traditional roles of being married before you have children. You could have this mindset because of your family. It was a pleasure reading for you guys, yall energy feels so venusian & Lunar. Best wishes to you and your decision! 🌺🦋
Catch ya later lovelies! Til' next time!
𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 xx🤎💋
~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 (Do not copy or steal my work)
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atzupdates · 1 year
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HJ 🌠 [221223] Universe Messages
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thesensteawitch · 6 months
How Does Your Spirit Guides See You?🤍👁️‍🗨️
Pick A Pile
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello Senstea Souls!
In this reading, you'll learn how your spirit guides see you and what message they have for you. Feel free to pick more than one pile if your intuition says so. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Feel free to message me in case of any tarot reading related questions :⁠-⁠)
Booking Form|My Rate Card|Tip My Jar
Pile 1
The color your spirit guides associate you with: Yellow
My beautiful pile 1, there's a very strong message coming from your spirit guides which I would like to spill first. They want you to know that they see you as someone rare. You are one of a kind. To them, you're one of the most attractive beings on Earth. They love you for your grounded spirit. They love your brain. You may look intimidating to others but from within you're such a child. I sense strong Sagittarius and Libra placements. Your spirit guides are very protective of you. They see you as someone who will never let the scales go imbalanced. They see you as someone artistic with the capability to fill the souls of the world with art, metaphors, and colors. You're so strong to them that no matter what happens they know that you can turn your hurt into an artistic masterpiece. I am getting a strong victorious vibe from the pile. They adore how no one can ever take away the kindness that you possess. No amount of pain can make you empty of love. Wow, beautiful! One day you'll hold a prestigious position in life all on your own. That's where you are headed and that's where your spirit guides are helping you get to. Who says we come empty-handed? You are walking this Earth with a bag full of something to give to the world. Surprisingly, it's never empty. It never fails to give. They see you as someone who learns from life no matter what. You consider yourself to be the eternal student of life. Your pieces of advice are precious. Your spirit guides see you becoming a great teacher or inspiration for others. This is unusual but they love your colored hair. And if you don't have your hair colored then take it as a sign to get them colored. It would suit you. Some shade of blue or pink. Your spirit guides want to tell you that nothing is set in stone for you so you can always change your path and you'll only learn something new that will eventually help you in serving your greater purpose. I hear, “And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear. Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?” Wow! What a beautiful message. Some spirit guides may be lovers from your past lives or loved ones who have passed away. They love you very much!
Pile 2
The color your spirit guides associate you with: Blue/Green
Hello my beautiful pile 2. The straightaway message from your spirit guides is that they know that you know what you are doing. Your spirit guides see you as a very aware and alert being. They love that you know what you wish for and what is the intention behind the wish. They see how hardworking you are and you don't take your achievements for granted. You recognize them and give yourself credit for your own hard work. They sometimes see you getting tempted by worldly matters but at the same time with your strength, you pull yourself back from the hell hole and can balance things out. They see that you are emotionally attached to your materialistic achievements. They see you as someone who has no shortage of ideas. Great and achievable ideas keep coming to you. Because of your strong mind, you can manifest the desired outcomes. Your spirit guides know that you don't know when to stop. You'll probably keep working till the end of your life and will keep achieving things. In their eyes, you are an overachiever. Your spirit guides sometimes test you to see if you'll fall into the temptations of materialistic pursuits. They want you to learn detachment from the results. Because in life you'll get disappointed. And they don't want you to struggle when you receive a rejection or a failure. They want you to cherish the work you put in. Because they adore the quality in you to rebuild things and take care of the minute details in every project. They love how you make sure nothing misses your sight. They see that there is an air of mystery around you. You don't show every side of yours to everyone. If someone knows one then the other knows another. You've come a long way from feeling small to feeling accomplished. Your spirit guides want you to know that you are not alone they are always with you. They want you to be honest and not hide your true self from the world. Don't block your emotions thinking that they don't exist. Don't let work distract you to the extent that you forget why you even started in the first place. Don't let your emotions be the price you pay to get your thirst quenched. They know you can achieve anything you put your mind to but your spirit guides are only asking you to not ignore your social life. Take it as a sign and call an old friend.
Pile 3
The color your spirit guides associate you with: Gray/Red/Orange
Hello, my dear pile 3. Your spirit guides feel so sorry for you. They have been sending messages to you. They see that you have choices but you always choose the road that is going to bring suffering you. You burden your soul with the decision you have been consistently making. They see your fear. They see you getting overwhelmed and losing hope. You say that you are committed to something but over and over again you have been making a terrible choice. A choice that seems easier but is heavier on your mind, body, and soul. It's pure torture. You are choosing to take the responsibility of the world on your shoulders. You are performing takes which are impossible for a human being to carry for their whole life. You are trying to achieve everything at once. They see your wishes and they too want them to come true. But they want you to take one thing at a time. You are ignoring the fact that the tasks you think can be managed can't be. They want you to know that you can do ANYTHING in your life but not EVERYTHING. Especially not all at once. There's no doubt that you work so hard but they want you to put that hard work only on one goal or a maximum of two at a time. Not more than that. They are going crazy trying to tell you this. Now you have brought havoc in your own life. Through chaos, you will learn. They see you as someone very stubborn. All these qualities are of an achiever. The only problem is that you are not focused on one task or else you would have achieved a goal by now or at least would have seen the desired outcome. They see that you are indecisive and are afraid to take a decision. You need an adventure or a break to find your true purpose. Currently, your spirit guides see you as someone with so much potential and they don't want it to be wasted. I hear, “I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It's me Hi, I am the problem it's me.” They know you can do it. Your spirit guides want you to know that they stand with you during this test of time. They know you can make it through it.
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batsplat · 17 days
It's a thing I already knew but all your beautiful analysis really made obvious (to me) how much of a grudge holder vale is. That man is never letting it go he's gonna hold his grudges into his grave
you know, I do think this is an interesting issue, because I'm not sure this is true of all his grudges. just sticking here with the grudges he accumulated in his capacity as a competitor, rather than just his general approach to life or whatever... how you judge this will kinda depend on how you feel about the 'reconciliation' he's experienced with some of his rivals - and whether you read the whole thing as sincere or not. now, personally I reckon he still dislikes biaggi, but also you are allowed to just dislike people so I'll give him a pass for that. some of the others, I'm a little more convinced by the whole reconciliation schtick
let's get valentino's take:
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interesting that he mentions those three together, isn't it? and like, he's still not messaging biaggi or inviting him to his home - "even with max" kind of tells you all you need to know - but the other two? they said some proper nasty things to each other over the years!! I mean, the casey rivalry, there's some remarks from both sides where quite frankly I think I would struggle just a touch to get over it
I don't know, obviously this could all be pr stuff, but I kind of feel like... y'know, why bother? it's 2022, you're retired, who gives a fuck? sure it's a good look to be all magnanimous, sure it can be a bit of a way of twisting in the knife to the guys left in the cold, but also, who would care if you don't play nice? I think especially with jorge, you surely don't need to do all that, inviting him to your home and dancing with him... (which, again, some of the spats those two had...) and with the casey rivalry, if there's one guy who's still hung up about what happened between the pair of them, it's obviously casey (speaking of blokes who can hold a grudge). maybe this is giving valentino too much credit, but personally I buy it's more or less sincere. there's nothing to really indicate he's still particularly bothered by any of their past disagreements - he's basically going for the 'all's fair in love and motorcycle racing' approach. he knows he was an asshole, he accepts they were assholes too, whatever, that's how these things work. he's generally a fan of drama in rivalries, unsurprisingly, and he was happy enough to contribute his fair share - but he does see it as fundamentally being part of the game
to point out the obvious, check out who he's left out: sete and marc. that's where he can't let go of the grudges... because it's not about the offence itself as much as it is about the betrayal. this is the thing with valentino, right, it's about what kind of bond you had with him. if you weren't his friend in the first place and then piss him off as a rival then, y'know, whatever. obviously he's going to be vicious in trying to get back at you, but also he's really not going to waste his time feeling too aggrieved by it. I mean, think about how all the bullshit between him and casey dropped off sharply post-2012... from valentino's end anyway. think about how jorge and valentino pretty quickly got on again whenever they weren't fighting for supremacy within yamaha. they weren't friends in the first place, then they were enemies for competitive reasons for a while there, then it's over and valentino is basically happy enough to call it bygones
but... if it's a certain kind of bond you had with him and then you wrong him... that little mental list of all his past grievances, all your past transgressions, that's where it comes in. that's where he ices you out. denies you any emotional warmth. ensures that any interaction going forward is conducted entirely on his terms. where even any public 'reconciliation' won't truly be sincere.... or, certainly he's not going to forget what happened. if something else happens... it's like you've always got the potential of triggering this lingering resentment, in a way, where all that past stuff is still primed and ready to be called upon. he certainly doesn't just let it go
or, as he puts it in his autobiography:
Biaggi and I never talk to each other. I mean, we've never had a real conversation, anything that's lasted more than the requisite time to insult each other or put each other down, in the nastiest way possible. In any case, I don't hate him. It's true, we've never been friends, but hatred is something different, and that's too serious a word to describe our relationship. Far too serious. No, we have a reciprocal antipathy. No doubt this is a result of what we do for a living and the fact that we both want to win every single time. And perhaps it's also a function of the fact that we have very different personalities and very different ways of seeing things. Still, I don't think this means we hate each other, as some journalists have written. I think I could feel hatred for someone, but only for someone far worse than anything Biaggi has done. For example, if I were betrayed by a friend, then, yes, I could hate him. But Biaggi will never betray my friendship for the simple reason that we are not, and never have been, friends. Our relationship is very clear: we compete on the track - outside the track, each goes his own way. You could say we detest each other cordially.
... I mean. he said it, not me. and given this book was first published in '05... biaggi can't betray his friendship because they were never friends... I'm not saying he's thinking about sete, but it has to at least be a possibility, right? he's talking about one rivalry here and refusing to even mention the other... and the one he's refusing to mention is the one where he was friends with the other bloke. I don't know, maybe that's reading too much into it! and anyway, even if this passage wasn't really about sete, it's obviously still revealing. "detest each other cordially" is essentially what he was doing with casey and jorge (or from his point of view in any case, not entirely sure they'd agree with that). the grudge comes when he feels let down by you... and then, yes, he'll never let it go
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of course, he's willing to set aside his grievances for a while if there's sufficient motivation for him to do so. in 2009, when he had so definitively won that rivalry with sete, why bother kicking up a fuss? in 2016, quite frankly it was just too much, and it was getting to the point where it was obviously hurting him too. on the one hand there was the media furore that had been going on non-stop since sepang, on the other hand it was also hurting his own approach to racing. there's reports from the time how visibly aggrieved he still was in the first few races of the season, and it took until they got back to europe for him to... y'know, have fun again. it's not sustainable to be walking around with a constant dark cloud over your head and broadcasting burning resentment towards your two main rivals. certainly not for someone like valentino - he needs to be having fun! the slight rapprochement needed to happen, in a way, because otherwise those years would have been even worse for everyone involved. but that doesn't actually translate to forgetting any of those grudges. this is about convenience more than anything else
goes to show, really... most of the time he doesn't take these things personally. I talked about it a bit in this post, how maybe it's also something that changed over time for him: the question of whether he was willing to develop these kinds of bonds in the first place with competitors... because he does possess a certain level of self-awareness in terms of what these kinds of rivalries are like and what they do to interpersonal relationships. ideally, you don't want to be hurt by a friend like that, right? better not to have that kind of emotional attachment with your competitors in the first place. how unfortunate it'd be if all those years after sete the circumstances aligned for him to see a competitor as something like a friend again... because, after all, those are the only people who could betray him. those are the only people where he thinks he could truly hate them
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aphrostarot · 1 year
What do your Spirit Guides want to say to you right now?
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
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Pile One:
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What is your “sign” to let them know you are around?
The Emperor:
You could be an Aries or have significant Aries placements in your chart. If not, it may just be that The Ram is significant in your life in some way, this could be a symbol for you. You may also play chess, because in this specific Tarot card, The Emperor is holding a chess piece (The King) and sitting on a chess board. Mars could also be a symbol for you as well. Tattoos could also be a symbol for you as well. Also in this specific card The Emperor has a tattoo of an Ankh scepter, that could also be a symbol for you.
What lesson are you here to help them learn?
Temperance and Three of Pentacles:
It may be hard for you to work with others. You may be a very independent person who prefers to work alone because you find that when others try to help you they just get in your way, which annoys you. It seems that these specific guides who came forward with a message for you today are in your life to teach you how to work well with others. They are with you when you are put in positions where you have to work with others, and in those moments they are helping you remain calm. Their message to you today has to do with this. There may be opportunities headed your way where you will have to work with others, and in order to do this successfully you will need to learn how to keep a level head and allow people to help you. You don’t need to do everything by yourself, it is okay to let others in. This guide is here to help you take a step back and release some of your control so you can begin to heal.
What obstacles do they need to look out for?
Page of Pentacles:
See, here's the thing, you have control issues, which we have established. However, these control issues sometimes mask themselves in the form of ambition and drive. In your eyes, you are just an extremely ambitious person who has the drive and focus to complete any goal you set your eyes on. You don’t see the problem in always doing everything by yourself. Just because you can do it by yourself, doesn’t mean you should. This mindset is your obstacle. You need to get out of your own way, and to do this, you need to change your perspective. Sometimes it is okay to let people in and to let people help you get to your end goal, whatever it may be. Their help is helping you, not hindering you, as long as you align yourself with people who have similar goals as you.
What intuitive gifts do they have?
Seven of Cups:
The Seven of Cups is the card of indecision. What this tells me about you, and your intuitive gifts, is that you hardly struggle with indecision, that even when you find yourself faced with many options and don’t know which to pick, you always find a way to make the right one. You are good at weighing the pros and cons and knowing what is best for you. You can pretty much always see the right path ahead, it's like a sixth sense, you just know which way is the right way. You could have earth placements in your chart, particularly Capricorn or Virgo.
What colors is their Aura?
The Fool:
Your Aura may be blue/green, maybe turquoise. You may be drawn to music, or nature. You may also have a very powerful mind. It is very easy for you to speak your truth. You have a very kind heart, especially to animals and nature. You also love to surround yourself with your friends and family, they help to ground you.
What is their next step towards their life purpose?
Page of Wands and Three of Wands:
There is definite fire sign energy (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) with this pile, you could be a fire sign or be ruled by one. This guide is telling you that the next step towards your life purpose is to be confident in yourself and your guides. You may doubt yourself, your guides, or both, and to that this guide is saying it is only holding you back. Have faith in yourself and them because an optimistic mindset will help you reach your purpose.
Extended Reading (more specific Channeled Messages)
Pile Two:
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What is your “sign” to let them know you are around?
Six of Coins and Nine of Swords:
The color pink may have some significance for you. Purple flowers may also be a symbol for you. Gloomy weather, or just clouds, may be a symbol. Trees could also be a symbol for you.
What lesson are you here to help them learn?
Ten of Wands:
The simple message here is to not give up. This specific guide is saying that they are in your life to help you get through any struggle you may face in your life. They say that you may be prone to feeling like you want to give up and that the odds are stacked against you, however, they are here to change your outlook. They want you to know that whenever you are feeling this way, they are there to help you get through these dark days.
What obstacles do they need to look out for?
Knight of Swords and Page of Wands:
You are a very ambitious person who will stop at nothing to get what they want. However, this ambition is the thing that is holding you back. What I mean by this is, you are so blindly ambitious that you fail to see how some of your actions may be holding you back. Excitement is a good thing, but when this excitement blinds you to the negatives you are heading to, this is a bad thing. On the other side, though, there is another side of you that fears the future and may be afraid to make movements towards your goals because you don’t want to fail. This guide is telling you here that, if you don’t learn how to balance these energies, they will continue to hold you back.
What intuitive gifts do they have?
Queen of Coins:
You are a very generous person who knows how to care for your loved ones. I am getting strong earth sign energy from this pile (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo). You may come across as a homebody with strong maternal energy but, you have a hidden side to you that you rarely show to people, and that side is your strong business sense. You are very practical and know when an opportunity is good for business and when it is not. However, based on what I said above, you may not be fully aware of this natural talent you have. You are currently struggling with anxieties and unbalanced energies that are holding you back from reaching this full potential. So, this guide is telling you here that once you balance these energies, you can tap into this gift and be able to use it to your advantage.
What colors is their Aura?
Seven of Coins:
There are strong pink and orange aura colors coming through with this pile, like a sunset, which may be significant to some of you in some way. You may be someone who holds your friends and family near and dear to your heart. It may be fairly easy for you to make friends and to keep those friends in your life. You are a very gentle, kind, and caring individual with yourself and the people around you. You want the best for your loved ones, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make them happy because they make you so happy.
What is their next step towards their life purpose?
The Star:
The bottom of the deck energy is the Three of Swords, so, you may have recently gone through a heartbreak, or just have gone through heartbreak in your life that you still hold on to. What this guide is telling you here, with The Star coming out as your next steps, is that you need to find hope in your life. I know this may sound silly but, for you, this may be something that doesn’t come easily. You may struggle to maintain a positive outlook because of everything you have been through in your life, which is understandable. However, this guide is telling you here that the only way to move forward in your life is to change your outlook and to be more positive. Look for the light in your life, and start focusing on the positives rather than the negatives.
Extended Reading (more specific Channeled Messages)
Pile Three:
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What is your “sign” to let them know you are around?
Queen of Swords:
Birds could be a symbol for you from your guides. Butterflies are another symbol for you, you may see them around you often, or you may just be drawn to them. Clouds are another symbol with this card that may be another message from your guides. With all of these symbols being around nature, you may be drawn to nature, or your Guides are telling you that connecting with nature will connect you with your guides.
What lesson are you here to help them learn?
Four of Swords:
You may be someone who never stops. You are constantly moving and never stop to give yourself a break. This mindset is because you have experienced many traumas in your life that you are too afraid to feel because you may have been shamed for experiencing your feelings and expressing those feelings as a child. You believe that constantly distracting yourself from feeling these feelings will make them go away, but this guide is in your life to teach you how to rest because at the end of the day the way you are going about life is only putting more stress on your shoulders. This guide is here to teach you how to rest and feel these feelings that you are so adamant of ignoring.
What obstacles do they need to look out for?
The Empress:
The Empress reminds us to get in touch with our sensuality, and having this come out as an obstacle tells me that this is something you struggle with. You may reject all things femininity because you view them as weak, and that is your biggest fear, being seen as weak. This is something you need to work on in order to reach your full potential.
What intuitive gifts do they have?
Nine of Wands:
Your gift in this lifetime is your ability to push on no matter what. The persistence you have in the face of any struggle is this gift. You never let anything bring you down, no matter how bad it gets. The Universe gave you this gift, so you could be successful in this lifetime. You have faced so many downs in your life that would make anyone give up, but you haven’t and your ability to stand strong in the face of disaster will bring you so far in life.
What colors is their Aura?
The Hierophant:
Red is a strong color with this pile, a bit of blue and purple but mainly red. You are grounded in your goals in life. You know what you want and have a zest for life. Not only that, but you like to have fun and hate to not get what you want out of life.
What is their next step towards their life purpose?
The Sun and The Seven of Wands:
You have been protecting yourself from feeling for so long that you don’t know what true happiness feels like. You think that you are protecting yourself from outside forces, but it really is yourself that you are protecting yourself from. This is why you can understand what feelings are but can not actually feel them, you are stuck in trying to understand why instead of just letting it be. Your next steps need to be to stop intellectualizing your feelings and to actually feel them. Experience pure joy in life, not the joy you have been deluding yourself into believing is pure.
Extended Reading (more specific Channeled Messages)
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bloodpen-to-paper · 4 months
I'm realizing now how reasonable the economics and paywall system might seem from the Koreans' perspective in comparison to our older members. Acau and Jungryeok from what I know play a lot of vanilla, where something like the warpstone system isn't even available. The fact that it exists here is already a huge buff, so having to work for it doesn't take away from that. The members who had it for free before feel cheated, but the new members see a reasonable opportunity they haven't had before
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