#Microsoft Official Partner
rimaakter45 · 4 months
Microsoft License Store: A Guide for Users and Businesses
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Microsoft, a leading provider of software and cloud services, offers a variety of licensing options to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Among these options is the Microsoft License Store, an online platform where users and businesses can purchase and manage their licenses for Microsoft products and services. In this article, we'll explore the Microsoft License Store, its features, benefits, and how users and businesses can make the most of it.
Understanding the Microsoft License Store:
The Microsoft License Store is an online portal where users and businesses can conveniently purchase, renew, and manage their licenses for Microsoft software and services. It provides a centralized platform for managing licenses across multiple products and subscriptions, streamlining the procurement and administration process.
Key Features and Benefits:
Product Catalog: The Microsoft License Store offers a comprehensive catalog of Microsoft products and services, including Office 365, Azure, Windows, and more. Users can easily browse through available offerings, compare features and pricing, and select the licenses that best suit their needs.
Flexible Licensing Options: The Microsoft License Store provides flexible licensing options tailored to the unique requirements of users and businesses. Whether it's a single-user subscription or a multi-user enterprise agreement, customers can choose the licensing model that aligns with their budget and usage scenarios.
Subscription Management: Once purchased, licenses can be managed directly through the Microsoft License Storeportal. Users can view their subscription details, track usage, renew subscriptions, and make changes to their license configurations as needed.
Automatic Renewals: The Microsoft License Store offers automatic renewal options for subscriptions, ensuring uninterrupted access to Microsoft products and services. Users can opt-in to automatic renewals to simplify license management and avoid potential disruptions to their workflows.
Usage Insights and Reporting: Businesses can gain valuable insights into their license usage and expenditures through usage reports and analytics available in the Microsoft License Store. This visibility allows organizations to optimize their license allocations, identify potential cost savings, and ensure compliance with licensing agreements.
Best Practices for Using the Microsoft License Store:
Plan and Budget: Before making any purchases, it's important for users and businesses to carefully assess their software needs and budgetary constraints. Understanding usage requirements and anticipated growth can help in selecting the right licensing options and avoiding unnecessary expenses.
Regular Audits and Compliance Checks: Periodic audits of license usage and compliance with licensing agreements are essential for organizations to ensure that they are not over- or under-licensed. The Microsoft License Store provides tools and reports to facilitate compliance checks and address any discrepancies proactively.
Stay Informed: Microsoft frequently updates its product offerings and licensing terms, so it's crucial for users and businesses to stay informed about changes and updates. Subscribing to newsletters, following official Microsoft channels, and leveraging support resources can help in staying up-to-date with the latest developments.
The Microsoft License Storeoffers a convenient and efficient way for users and businesses to purchase, manage, and optimize their licenses for Microsoft products and services. By leveraging its features and adhering to best practices, organizations can streamline their license management processes, control costs, and ensure compliance with licensing agreements, ultimately maximizing the value of their investments in Microsoft technologies.
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biglisbonnews · 11 months
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The future of business is here: How industries are unlocking AI innovation and greater value with the Microsoft Cloud Over the past six months, I have witnessed the staggering speed and scale of generative AI technology adoption, and how it has opened doors for organizations to imagine new ways to solve business, societal, and sustainability challenges. For many with modernized data estates fortified with the Microsoft Cloud, advanced AI technology is already unlocking innovation... The post The future of business is here: How industries are unlocking AI innovation and greater value with the Microsoft Cloud appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog. https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/07/24/the-future-of-business-is-here-how-industries-are-unlocking-ai-innovation-and-greater-value-with-the-microsoft-cloud/
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hunter-rodrigez · 8 months
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Microsoft is putting its foot down when it comes to unauthorized controller use. The company has begun banning any third-party Xbox controllers and accessories that aren't part of the "designed for Xbox" hardware partner program.
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Wow, what a great move, microsoft... I bet all the disabled people out there who rely on custom-made third-party controllers will just looooove this change...
Or the fighting game community who like to custom build their own fighting pads...
Or the hardcore racing game players who build custom steering wheel setups and whatnot...
Or just the people who can't afford to dish out $70 for an "official" controller.
Or pretty much anyone who doesn't use one of your controllers for whatever reason...
Well anyway, in conclusion:
Go fuck yourself, Microsoft
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mariacallous · 3 days
If you’re baffled by Skibidi Toilet, you’re not alone.
The bizarre animated YouTube series centers on an alien invasion: a swarm of singing heads, all popping out of toilets, has descended on a Los Angeles–like metropolis and triggered a surreal, cartoonish, apocalyptic war. That’s a more direct and clear explanation than you’ll find in the actual videos, since they’re all almost completely wordless. There’s no language barrier, which is a major reason why the videos have been viewed hundreds of millions of times, becoming a global cultural phenomenon among Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
Surprisingly for something so popular, Skibidi Toilet has garnered a reputation for being incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t a fan. Its impenetrable nature has raised serious concerns around the world. Some call it a moral outrage, foreign propaganda meant to prey on vulnerable young minds, or even a disease. In a cultural climate where it’s harder and harder to understand trends and popularity, people are searching for an explanation for how singing toilets conquered the world. On the May 22 episode of The Late Show, Stephen Colbert punched up a joke about the Biden campaign using Skibidi Toilet to attract the youth vote, saying that if anyone didn’t get the gag, their grandchildren could explain it “and you still won’t understand.”
As random as the videos can seem, their success isn’t. Skibidi Toilet deftly combines modern storytelling trends with nostalgic internet humor in a way that magnifies the outwardly confusing qualities of both. “It was initially appealing to young people for its utter weirdness,” says danah boyd, a partner researcher at Microsoft Research. “Parents (and many other adults) probably reacted with revulsion, as they’ve done many other times. That revulsion from adults makes it even more appealing to young people.”
That’s why the word “skibidi” has become a more general shibboleth for Gen Z and younger, in the same class as “rizz”, “gyat,” and “sigma.” Adults being shocked and confounded at kids having fun creates a feedback loop where kids want to make it even more distressing. The videos certainly have a lot of shock value, featuring surreal, disturbing, and violent imagery. In an interview with Forbes in February, Alexey Gerasimov, who creates the videos and uploads them under the name “DaFuq!?Boom!,” described the videos as being inspired by his own recurring nightmares.
In that light, it can be easy to see why the global success has been met with an equally global panic. Last August, several writers and journalists in Malaysia and Indonesia warned parents about the dangers of a “Skibidi toilet syndrome” that would cause children to refuse to stop imitating the toilet’s songs and dances. Earlier this year, Robbie Collin wrote in the Telegraph that the videos were a sign YouTube needed more strictly enforced age limits.
Other sources are going even farther, calling the surreal meme videos a threat to national security. In February, reporter Olga Sosnina claimed in a Swedish news outlet that Skibidi Toilet was Russian propaganda aimed at indoctrinating children. Russia was just as worried: In January, Moscow officials were called to investigate the videos. In April, Anna Mityanina, St. Petersburg’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights, played the videos to the city’s legislative assembly as part of an annual report on risks to children. “There is no need to pretend that there are no standards of decency,” Mityanina said. “A character in the form of a toilet, to put it mildly, is not cultured enough.”
For all of the worry, there isn’t much to be concerned about within the Skibidi Toilet videos themselves. “I see these media as reflective of our societal obsessions,” says boyd. “As always, young people twist it slightly in a way that makes adults uncomfortable because they don’t want to reckon with their own passions.”
The videos, as uncanny as they can get, don’t contain anything particularly unsuitable for children. The violence is unrelenting and large in scope, but never goes beyond cartoonish explosions and punches. Characters who appear to be killed or turned to the villain’s side regularly return to fight alongside the heroes. The largely wordless storytelling, of course, puts a limit on mature themes. Ultimately, the most “indecent” element of the videos is the toilets themselves, which will always be a hit with the younger generation.
That’s not the only area where Skibidi Toilet follows a long tradition. Gerasimov (who didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment) animates the videos using the Source Filmmaker program, but he’s modified the animation interface to emulate the 2006 game Garry’s Mod. Garry’s Mod, true to its name, was initially a fanmade modification of the game Half-Life 2 that removed any structure or objective, leading to a purely creative sandbox years before Minecraft’s Creative Mode. The game was used to create thousands of machinima videos throughout the late 2000s, and Gerasimov calls these videos a primary inspiration for Skibidi Toilet.
Maddy Buxton, the head of YouTube’s culture and trends team, says this is a major factor in the videos’ success. “One thing we know about Gen Z viewers and creators is they’re interested in nostalgia. It’s hearkening back to this earlier time, even if they didn’t grow up in it themselves,” Buxton says. Skibidi Toilet was one of the top trending topics last year on YouTube, where at one point it garnered 2.8 billion views in 28 days.
Nostalgia and scatological humor can be eye-catching, but to build up the kind of sustained interest and devotion Gerasimov has, there needs to be a story in its own right. The narrative of Skibidi Toilet isn’t communicated directly, but that only adds to its intrigue for many viewers, especially younger ones who are used to having to put in extra work to get the full picture. “We’ve been looking into the role of lore in building these big fan communities,” says Buxton. “The ones that aren’t just passively watching, but digging into the backstory.”
That digging is so popular that it’s transcending traditional structures of fandom. There’s no shortage of ways to be a fan of something online, but Skibidi Toilet’s audience has spent most, if not all, of their lives on the internet, and their work comes out in extremely online forms. Acolytes flood YouTube with breakdown videos and expand on the worldbuilding with Roblox games. Then there’s the comment-section fiction: Wherever the videos are posted, the comments are filled with dozens or hundreds of people providing their own written narratives retelling the events of the video, filling the gap left by the storytelling with their own words. It’s a cross between a liveblogged reaction and fan fiction, creating lore where none existed.
The idea of lore is now fundamental to the way many people consume any fiction, but it started in the world of video games, especially games like Dark Souls that have virtually no direct storytelling. There are hundreds of unofficial Skibidi Toilet games that let players take part in the battles, but the videos themselves invite a similar degree of participation.
“People are coming at it from different entry points,” says Buxton. “Some people are coming in from the gaming world, some are coming just for the action storytelling, some like to unpack lore.” She describes these unusual fan works as “casual creation,” saying that “this idea of being a daily creator makes it much easier to be an active fan than it was five, 10, 15 years ago. Now you can engage in the subject of your fandom by creating it online.”
Of course, Skibidi Toilet itself could be categorized as a fan creation, containing numerous echoes of Garry’s Mod and the Half-Life games. Like many recent works that emerge online, from streetwear trends to unauthorized TikTok musicals, Skibidi Toilet blurs the line between fan work and original work. “Lots of the kids who got into Skibidi Toilet don’t know anything about where these characters and assets are sourced from,” says Phillip Hamilton, an associate editor at Know Your Meme.
Beyond the actual content of the videos, their release schedule is also a factor. “Skibidi Toilet is huge with people (namely kids) who always want more,” says Hamilton. “Each episode is about a minute long and they blast by so fast, with episodes coming out super frequently.”
During the first wave of the videos’ popularity in mid-2023, Gerasimov was uploading at least two videos each week for months, sometimes uploading a video every single day. Social media algorithms have prioritized more frequent uploaders for years, and Gerasimov had been animating in Source Filmmaker for more than a decade, giving him enough experience to crank out the videos fast enough to satisfy YouTube’s algorithm.
This isn’t the first time the algorithm has popularized content that adults find inappropriate for children. In 2017, YouTube faced a public outcry when it was found that the platform was promoting hundreds of disturbing videos, and allowing them to be viewed on its family-friendly YouTube Kids app. The controversy would be known as “Elsagate,” since the offending videos featured popular children’s characters like Elsa, Spider-Man, and Peppa Pig undergoing gory medical procedures, getting kidnapped, and more.
These videos were transparent attempts to game YouTube’s recommendation system for ad revenue. Many of them had hundreds of seemingly inauthentic comments to boost engagement metrics, and a report by the New York Times found one prominent channel was creating videos with a team of roughly 100 people.
YouTube made changes to its algorithm to disincentivize scammers from making these videos. They can’t do the same to flush away Skibidi Toilet, because it wasn’t made to satisfy the algorithm in the same way. It’s a much smaller operation, made with genuine craft and artistic intention. Gerasimov made the videos longer and more ambitious as the series grew in popularity, but that growth happened thanks to people actually enjoying the series, not for associations with popular characters.
Nonetheless, they’ve become even more of a hit among the younger generation, and for parents, this seems to be the real underlying fear. “I think Skibidi Toilet’s ‘negative effects’ on kids are mostly just the obsessive, seemingly addictive aspect,” says Hamilton. “It’s the same reason parents worry about short-form video platforms like TikTok.” The videos took off at the perfect time—after the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated a general shift away from in-person social interaction—for their weirdness to feed into paranoia about what a screen-mediated life might be doing to impressionable young minds.
When it comes to children’s browsing habits, there are many scarier things they might find online than Skibidi Toilet. As strange as the videos are, they wouldn’t do very well as propaganda or even advertising. There’s no agenda, for good or ill, besides the entertainment value. In the Washington Post, Taylor Lorenz compared Skibidi Toilet to “harmless entertainment” like Cocomelon and other children’s videos. Not everyone is happy about the popularity of Cocomelon, but that popularity hasn’t caused the same kind of panic.
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We Begin!
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Hi! Welcome to the Patrol Partner event’s Tumblr! My name is Jayden, and I’m one of the mods here! There’s also Dusky, and Chimary, as well as Gil from the Batpham discord! This message is an explanation of how the event works, what it is, how to participate, etc. while it isn’t required for you to read, I encourage you to at least skim through!
What is it?
Patrol Partners is a co-authoring event! The event spans the entire month of July, with sign-ups . The event is run by myself, Dusky, and Chimary, with Gil from the Batpham discord helping us run things!
Who can participate?
Just about anyone who wants to! In order to sign up, you must fill out the form, which can be found on the Patrol Partner’s discord server. You can get an invite by one of two ways, one is by already being a member of the Batpham discord, the other is by sending us an ask. Sign-ups close on the 20th of June, and partnerships will be announced no later than the 30th of June!
When is the event?
Sign-ups will be open between May 25th - June 20th, the event takes place during the month of July; starting on the first and ending on 31st, and all writings must be submitted on or before August 8th.
Where does the event take place?
Any fandom space! You can post anything you write for the event anywhere you’d like, so long as your partner(s) agree to it. The actual event will be based out of discord and Ao3, with the actual writing process on either google docs or Microsoft word. The only rule is that the mods (mentioned above) must be able to view the story while it is in progress, and be able to contact you easily without any personal information being leaked (i.e. phone numbers, full names, personal or work emails, etc.) 
For partnering, most of you will be assigned partners at random! You will notice a few questions about partners on the sign-up sheet, and that’s mostly what we base partnering off of. We’ll look at your answers, and group you with people we think you’d both be compatible with, and learn from. In the event that you would like to work with a specific person, we can also try to make that happen!
Please keep in mind during all of this that this is our first time running an event like this, and that everything may not run smoothly. If there is an issue or a question you would like to take up with a mod/runner, our Tumblr asks will stay open. There will also be a discord server opening mid-may, where you can talk to other people interested in the event, ask questions, and eventually talk with your partners!
Here is a link to the official Patrol Partners Ao3 collection!
All fics added will have the tag ‘patrol partners event 2033,’ whether on Tumblr or on Ao3.
Hi, Dusky here with some last minute info! We will have posts once or twice a week until the event starts with more info as well as FAQ answers! But before I go, and because I know it will be asked, the tag "Patrol Partners Event 2023" tag is the official event tag and we will have an AO3 collection set up July 23rd for early posters.
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hyakinthou-naos · 2 months
I am honored to present the official symbol & logo of The Temple of Hyacinthus:
The Elysianth
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This logo is an art piece that I created in Procreate on my partners iPad through the use of his Apple Pencil. I would like to disclose that the original design I based this logo around was created through the use of AI (I created the prompt and allowed Microsoft AI to generate several images). But I altered and made the design my own, and the finished product was made by me.
Here are two variations on the logo:
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*Note* I am aware that Hyacinthus’ name as used in myth is more likely a reference to the Larkspur flower and not the Hyacinth flower. However, I have chosen the Hyacinth flower as our temples symbol regardless. Also the two flowers are (in my opinion) quite similar in appearance and energy.
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demifiendrsa · 6 months
Metaphor: ReFantazio — The Royal Tournament
Japanese version
Official website footage
Metaphor: ReFantazio will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PC (Microsoft Store, Steam) in Fall 2024.
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Key visual
Latest details
■ Story
This is a story of how people must find unity to elect a new king.
Our story takes place in The United Kingdom of Euchronia, where the assassination of the king brings chaos and unrest to the land.
Then, one fateful day, a magic known only to the king called the Royal Magic is invoked, and the world becomes embroiled in a royal tournament for the throne.
In the midst of this, the protagonist, together with his partner, the fairy Galica, must find a way to break the curse that has been placed on the prince that the kingdom believes to be dead. To do so, they depart on a journey across the vast land.
They will discover that in order to achieve their goal, they must participate in the tournament for the throne, and this great task shall require them to ally with many friends and followers of the various tribes inhabiting the world.
■ Characters
Protagonist (voiced by Natsuki Hanae)
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Together with the fairy, Galica, he embarks on a journey to lift the deadly curse placed on his childhood friend, the prince of Euchronia.
He is a boy of the elda tribe, branded as a “tainted” people by the state religion who believe they have inherited dangerous and heretical magic. Being so rare among the populous, they are detested and discriminated against throughout the kingdom.
Gallica (voiced by Sumire Morohoshi)
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Not only a traveling companion, Gallica is the guide who helps the protagonist carry out his mission to save the prince. Although she is too small to participate in battles, her knowledge of magic and ability to sense magla is superior to the protagonist due to her fairy nature. She doesn’t mince words, but she is a reassuring ally on his journey.
Strohl (voiced by Kensho Ono)
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He is a young man of the clemar tribe who meets the protagonist in the recruitment centre for the State Army. A smart young man with a strong sense of justice, he hails from a noble family. And yet, it seems his circumstances are complicated, as it is rare for a noble to enlist in the army alongside commoners.
Hulkenberg (voiced by Saori Hayami)
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A knight of the roussainte tribe and former member of the royal family’s Kingsguard who served by the prince’s side. Despite her young age, she excelled in the use of various weaponry, and was assigned to the personal guard of the prince. But when the prince was attacked, she failed to protect him and set out to wander, carrying the stigma of this failure in her heart.
Heismay (voiced by Akio Ootsuka)
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A former knight of the eugief tribe. He has acute perception compared to most others, due in part to the eugief trait of being sensitive to sound.
With an appearance that differs greatly from other tribes, it’s not uncommon for eugiefs to be discriminated against—and it seems Heismay is no exception, his past his own burden to bear.
■ Followers
Meet and bond with your followers.
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■ Game Mechanics
Unique battles that combine action and turn-based commands. Party customization offering a high degree of freedom and strategy. An evolution of the realistic day-by-day journey of the Persona series.
■ Staff
Director – Katsura Hashino (Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5)
Character Designer – Shigenori Soejima (Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5)
Composer – Shoji Meguro (Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5)
Concept Artist – Koda Kazuma (Notable Work: NieR:Automata)
Mechanical Designer – Ikuto Yamashita (Notable Work: Neon Genesis Evangelion)
■ Art and Sound
Journey through a vast and magnificent fantasy world. Explore the game alongside an intuitive and beautiful user interface that elevates the experience. Lend your ear to masterfully crafted music utilizing captivating unique chants.
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■ New Screenshots
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theomeganerd · 4 months
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Video Game News Stories for February 26th, 2024
Legal Battles Rock the Industry:
Call of Duty Lawsuit Challenges Esports Dominance: A group of gamers sent shockwaves through the esports community by filing a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard, Inc., accusing the company of monopolizing control over Call of Duty esports leagues and tournaments. This legal action could have far-reaching consequences, potentially forcing Activision to adjust its esports strategy and pave the way for a more competitive environment.
Platform Shifts and Strategic Moves:
Microsoft Embraces Multiplatform Strategy: In a surprising turn of events, Microsoft Corporation announced plans to release four upcoming Xbox titles on external platforms, including PC and potentially even rival consoles like Sony's PlayStation. This move signifies a significant departure from the company's longstanding strategy of platform exclusivity, a cornerstone of the "console wars." The new approach could lead to wider accessibility for Xbox games, potentially attracting new demographics and impacting development strategies across platforms in the face of increased competition.
Sony Adjusts PS5 Sales Target, Prepares for IPO: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. adjusted its PlayStation 5 sales target downwards, citing ongoing supply chain disruptions and economic uncertainties. This news comes alongside reports that the company is planning an initial public offering (IPO) for its financial unit in 2025. The revised sales target suggests potential adjustments to Sony's production and distribution strategies in the coming months, while the planned IPO could be a strategic move to raise capital for future endeavors.
Beyond the Headlines:
Nintendo Switch 2 Rumors Gain Momentum: Speculation surrounding the potential launch of a successor to the hugely successful Nintendo Switch console later this year continues to gather steam. Fans eagerly await official announcements from Nintendo regarding the next iteration of the popular platform, with potential implications for the continued success of the Switch franchise and the broader handheld gaming market.
Elden Ring Mobile Version: Speculation Ignites Fan Interest: Rumors of a mobile version of the critically acclaimed game Elden Ring are circulating online, sparking excitement among fans who desire to experience the title on the go. While unconfirmed, the prospect has captivated the gaming community, leading to discussions about the feasibility of adapting the game's complex mechanics to mobile platforms and the potential impact on mobile gaming trends.
"Princess Peach: Showtime" Generates Positive Buzz: The recent Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase unveiled "Princess Peach: Showtime," a new title receiving positive first impressions for its innovative gameplay and engaging story. This upcoming release has garnered significant interest within the gaming community, particularly among fans of the Super Mario franchise, potentially influencing player expectations and pre-order trends.
This Week's Video Game Releases (February 26 - March 2, 2024):
February 28, 2024:
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC)
Cook, Serve, Delicious! (Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One)
Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)
Additional News Stories:
Call of Duty Servers Crash, Player Stats Reset: Adding to the woes of Call of Duty players, server outages caused frustration and confusion due to data resets.
PlayStation VR 2 Expands Horizons with PC Support: In a move that may delight PC VR enthusiasts, Sony announced that PlayStation VR 2 will support PC games sometime in 2024, potentially expanding its player base.
Fortnite Emote Faces Lawsuit: A choreographer filed a lawsuit against Epic Games, claiming their copyrighted dance moves were used in a Fortnite emote without proper permission, raising discussions about intellectual property rights and fair use within the gaming industry.
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wolfleblack · 4 months
Microsoft announces Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, Grounded and Pentiment release dates on PS5 and Switch
Former Xbox exclusives Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, Pentiment and Grounded will all be going multiplatform over the next two months, Microsoft has officially confirmed. Earlier today Nintendo held its Nintendo Partner Direct event where we learned that Grounded and Pentiment are both coming to the Nintendo Switch. Following that, a Bethesda social media channel accidentally made public Hi-Fi…
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View On WordPress
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izicodes · 1 year
Turning TumblrTextTint Into An Extension - Part 3
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Wednesday 5th April 2023 | previous post
I am super happy with my progress in making browser extensions! I am using my TumblrTextTint as my guinea pig project to convert into an extension and things are going great!
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The first browser I tested was Firefox, which is my default browser! I made a few versions of the extension and now it works amazingly! It's now uploaded to the Mozilla Add-ons website - which you can view here!
The next browser I tested on was Chrome. It is similar to how you upload extensions on Firefox, but I had to change my .json and JavaScript code multiple times because I had to use a newer version of the manifest.json file (Manifest V3) per Google Chrome's request. Besides that, everything ran okay from the developer side so I uploaded it and now I'll have to wait for the review!
Unlike the Firefox version (because it wouldn't work on Firefox for some reason), I made an onboarding page for when the user installs the extension, they get to see a page to say the installation is a success and guides the user to the instructions page.
Microsoft Edge
The laptop I use for work has both Chrome and Microsoft Edge on it so I thought why not learn how to upload it on Microsoft Edge Addons too! I read and it said that Chrome and Microsoft Edge are connected in a way so minimal changes to your extension's code are needed. Now I've uploaded it and now I waiting for a review to say it's published!
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Comparing the different browser's process experience
Being that I used Firefox first, I had to learn everything from scratch! The Developer's Hub, where you organise your extensions and themes, is pretty straightforward! Easy to upload and update new versions of your extension. It took around 9 hours for my extension version 1 to be approved but whenever you update it, it would only take around 10-20 mins for nice approval! So, a good 8/10!
Google Chrome came in confusing me. It talked about my manifest.json file's version is out of date and that I need to switch from manifest V2 to V3. Fair enough, the documentation for the migration was somewhat confusing so I had to use places like StackOverflow for help. Plus I decided to add the onboarding page I wanted to use for Firefox on this version of the extension so a bit of extra work! The Developer's Hub is easy to use too! I'd rate the experience a 6/10 - you do need to pay a one-time payment of $5 (£4) to be allowed to upload any extension to the Web Store!
Lastly, Microsoft Edge was also a bit confusing on where their actual 'create an extension' page was located. I looked everywhere for 20 mins looking for it and turns out it was on the hamburger menu to the left... silly me for not looking there. You do need to sign up to their Microsoft Partner Center to be able to upload (free). Besides that, everything was the same and now I am waiting for the approval! I'd rate the experience an 8/10 too!
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Thanks for reading! 🥰🙌🏾💻💗 I'll share some links involving this mini-project! :
The GitHub Repo for TumblrTextTint - LINK
The official website for TumblrTextTint - LINK
Want to add the extension to your Firefox browser?* - LINK
Want to learn how to make your own extension for Firefox?** - LINK
* I will make add the links for the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge when they are approved and published
** I will make Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge versions of the tutorial in the near future!
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rimaakter45 · 4 months
مزایای استراتژیک شریک مایکروسافت بودن
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در قلمرو همیشه در حال تحول فناوری و کسب و کار، مشارکت های استراتژیک بستری هستند که نوآوری و رشد بر آن بنا می شود. به عنوان یک محترم  همکار رسمی مایکروسافت, شرکت‌ها به مزیت‌های فراوانی دسترسی پیدا می‌کنند که سفر آنها به سمت موفقیت را تسریع می‌کند. این مقاله به بررسی مزایای استراتژیک پیوستن به مایکروسافت می‌پردازد و توضیح می‌دهد که چگونه چنین مشارکت‌هایی باعث تمایز، گسترش و افزایش ارزش ارائه شده در چشم‌انداز رقابتی امروزی می‌شوند.
دسترسی به راهکارهای فناوری پیشرو
مزیت اصلی همسویی با مایکروسافت به عنوان شریک، دسترسی اعطا شده به راه حل های فناوری پیشرفته است. از مجموعه‌های بهره‌وری مانند مایکروسافت 365 تا پلتفرم‌های ابری مانند Azure، شرکا این اختیار را دارند که از مجموعه گسترده محصولات مایکروسافت استفاده کنند. با استفاده از این فناوری‌ها، شرکا می‌توانند نیازهای متنوع مشتریان را برطرف کنند، تحول دیجیتال را به پیش ببرند و راه‌حل‌های نوآورانه‌ای را ایجاد کنند که آنها را در بازار متمایز کند.
تقویت بازاریابی و توانمندسازی فروش
شرکای مایکروسافت از حمایت بازاریابی قوی و ابتکارات توانمندسازی فروش با هدف افزایش دسترسی و تسریع رشد برخوردار هستند. مایکروسافت از طریق کمپین‌های بازاریابی مشترک، فعالیت‌های تبلیغاتی مشترک و دسترسی به منابع شریک، شرکای خود را به ابزارها و راهنمایی‌های مورد نیاز برای افزایش دید و افزایش درآمد مجهز می‌کند. چه از طریق وثیقه بازاریابی دیجیتال، رویدادهای شریک، یا تلاش‌های فروش مشترک، شرکا می‌توانند به طور موثر پیشنهادات خود را به نمایش بگذارند و از فرصت‌های بازار سرمایه‌گذاری کنند.
توانمندسازی فنی جامع
همگام بودن با پیشرفت های تکنولوژیکی برای حفظ مزیت رقابتی بسیار مهم است. مایکروسافت برنامه‌های فعال‌سازی فنی جامعی را ارائه می‌کند که برای تجهیز شرکا به دانش و مهارت‌های مورد نیاز برای برتری طراحی شده‌اند. از طریق انواع ماژول های آموزشی، گواهینامه ها و کارگاه های عملی، شرکا می توانند تخصص خود را در فناوری های مایکروسافت عمیق تر کنند و از روندهای صنعت جلوتر بمانند. این مهارت فنی شرکا را قادر می‌سازد تا راه‌حل‌های برتر ارائه دهند، از انتظارات مشتری فراتر رفته و موفقیت بلندمدت را تقویت کنند.
اکوسیستم همکاری و شبکه
به عنوان بخشی از شبکه شریک مایکروسافت (MPN)، شرکا به اکوسیستم پر جنب و جوشی از فرصت های همکاری و شبکه دسترسی پیدا می کنند. از طریق انجمن‌های شریک، رویدادها و انجمن‌های آنلاین، شرکا می‌توانند با همتایان خود ارتباط برقرار کنند، دیدگاه‌های خود را به اشتراک بگذارند و راه‌های همکاری را کشف کنند. MPN چه از طریق پروژه‌های توسعه مشترک، ابتکارات مشترک برای ورود به بازار، یا مشارکت در اکوسیستم، ارتباطات معنی‌داری را تسهیل می‌کند که نوآوری را هدایت می‌کند و فرصت‌های تجاری جدید را باز می‌کند.
پشتیبانی و راهنمایی ورود به بازار
ارائه راه حل های نوآورانه به بازار نیازمند برنامه ریزی و اجرای استراتژیک است. مایکروسافت برای کمک به شرکای خود در پیچیدگی‌های بازار و به حداکثر رساندن تأثیر آن‌ها، پشتیبانی جامع از ورود به بازار را ارائه می‌کند. شرکا از طریق بینش‌های بازار، منابع برنامه‌ریزی به بازار و فرصت‌های فروش مشترک، می‌توانند استراتژی‌های خود را اصلاح کنند، بازارهای هدف را شناسایی کنند و مسیر رشد خود را تسریع بخشند. این پشتیبانی، شرکا را قادر می‌سازد تا به طور مؤثر پیشنهادات خود را قرار دهند، تقاضا را افزایش دهند و به موفقیت تجاری پایدار دست یابند.
شناخت و تمایز
شراکت با مایکروسافت به شرکت ها امکان شناسایی و تمایز فوری در بازار را می دهد. آرم Microsoft Partner به عنوان نمادی از برتری عمل می کند و به مشتریان نشان می دهد که شریک استانداردهای دقیق مایکروسافت را برای کیفیت و نوآوری رعایت کرده است. علاوه بر این، شرکا ممکن است از طریق جوایز شریک، گواهینامه‌ها، و گنجاندن در فهرست شرکای مایکروسافت، قابل مشاهده باشند و اعتبار و شهرت خود را در صنعت افزایش دهند.
در نتیجه، مزایای استراتژیک بودن شریک مایکروسافت بسیار زیاد است و به شرکت‌ها مسیری برای موفقیت و مزیت رقابتی بالاتر ارائه می‌دهد. شرکا از طریق دسترسی به راه‌حل‌های فناوری پیشرو، تقویت بازاریابی، توانمندسازی فنی، فرصت‌های همکاری، پشتیبانی از بازار و شناسایی، این قدرت را پیدا می‌کنند که نوآوری را هدایت کنند، حضور خود را در بازار گسترش دهند و ارزشی بی‌نظیر به مشتریان ارائه دهند. با ایجاد مشارکت با مایکروسافت، شرکت‌ها می‌توانند سفری متحول کننده را آغاز کنند که آنها را به سمت رشد و شکوفایی پایدار در عصر دیجیتال سوق می‌دهد. لطفا به اینجا مراجعه کنید  همکار رسمی مایکروسافت  برای اطلاعات بیشتر.
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ablegaming · 2 years
How Xbox is Stepping Up Their Game and Making Gaming More Accessible
A few days ago the official Xbox YouTube channel shared an incredible video with us, the Xbox Accessibility Showcase 2022:
In this new video, we learn about the Microsoft Gaming Accessibility Testing Service (MGATS), which is a program in which game developers submit their games to be tested, to see how they line up with the Xbox Accessibility Guidelines. This process gives them valuable feedback on which aspects of their game need to be worked on in order to be more accessible to a wider audience. MGATS connects developers not just with the Xbox Accessibility team, but with gamers that have disabilities as well, giving them the opportunity to offer important feedback on their gaming experience directly to designers in the industry. The MGATS program went live fully as of the airing of this video.
More information on the MGATS program can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/accessibility/mgats
In addition to the MGATS program, Xbox has expanded their support page to include even greater support functionality for gaming on both Xbox and Windows PCs.
The Xbox Support page can be found here: https://support.xbox.com/en-US
We also learned about the UK-based charity Special Effect (https://www.specialeffect.org.uk), who works to test and develop innovative new ways to play games, even including eye movement-based gaming. Charities like this and Able Gamers (https://ablegamers.org) help children and adults with all kinds of challenges to overcome their struggles and to be able to play games, while encouraging healthy social interaction through gaming to help with feelings of isolation.
Special Effect partners with the Family Gaming Database, a website that reviews and catalogues the functions and content of all kinds of video games for parental reference (I’m working on a website that will function similarly, but will focus primarily on accessibility features, issues, and methods to overcome many of these issues).
The Family Gaming Database can be found here: https://www.taminggaming.com/en-us/home
The Accessibility Showcase also included interviews with two development teams who are focusing on including accessibility features in their games, the teams behind As Dusk Falls and Stories of Blossom. As Dusk Falls is currently available on Windows PC, Xbox One, Xbox X, and Xbox S. Stories of Blossom is set to be released in spring of 2023 for both Windows PC and Xbox platforms.
The Xbox Adaptive Controller was a massive success both for the accessibility community and for Xbox, allowing countless new and old gamers alike to be able to experience and enjoy gaming. The Adaptive Controller works with both the Xbox One console and Windows PCs, and offers two methods of input: the arcade-like layout of the buttons and control pads, as well as the ability to plug in and program a wide variety of controllers and electronics to each button command. These can also be mixed and matched with some functions played on the Adaptive Controller itself and some played on other button extensions.
More information on the Adaptive Controller can be found here: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller
Following the success of the Adaptive Controller, Xbox developed their Xbox Accessibility Guidelines web page for developers to reference and work with during the design and testing processes. The Xbox Accessibility Guidelines provide game developers with the functions that need to be included in their game for full accessibility, and the parameters that these settings need to operate within.
These are the 23 categories of functionality that are focused on: Text display Contrast Additional channels for visual and audio cues Subtitles and captions Audio accessibility Screen narration Input Game difficulty options Object clarity Haptic feedback Audio description UI navigation UI focus handling UI context Error messages and destructive actions Time limits Visual distractions and motion settings Photosensitivity Speech-to-text/text-to-speech chat Communication experiences Accessible feature documentation Accessible customer support Mental health best practices
The Xbox Accessibility Guidelines can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/accessibility/guidelines
We can only hope that having the current year attached to this new Accessibility Showcase video means that we’ll be getting annual accessibility updates going forward, and by the looks of things that may very well happen! Many of us worried that accessibility would fall by the wayside as a priority in the gaming industry, but Xbox is showing us that they’re serious about helping the widest range of gamers to be able to play! As their new slogan goes, “When everybody plays, we all win.”
I have no affiliation with Microsoft and Xbox, I’m just a disabled gamer who’s thrilled to see inclusive changes like these being made in the industry! Game on!
This post can also be read and listened to (text-to-speech) on my Medium page at: https://medium.com/@AbleGaming/how-xbox-is-stepping-up-their-game-and-making-gaming-more-accessible-5ff6935b94f7
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mariacallous · 10 months
Kremlin Ties
The Trickbot and Conti leaks have shaken up the ransomware industry. In June 2022, after attacking Costa Rica, members of the Conti ransomware group disbanded. And in February of this year, the UK and US governments sanctioned seven people for their alleged involvement with Trickbot.
One of those sanctioned was Vitaly Nikolayevich Kovalev who, confusingly, uses the online handles “Ben” as well as “Bentley.” Alongside the sanctions, the US unsealed a 2012 indictment accusing Kovalev of conducting bank fraud between 2009 and 2010. Multiple sources tell WIRED that Kovalev’s use of the Bentley handle isn’t connected to what they believe to be Galochkin’s use of the same moniker.
Though cybercrime groups like Trickbot aim to be efficient and professionalized, two individuals using the same handle, even years apart, illustrates the disorder and fluidity within these organizations. And as gangs in Russia’s cybercriminal world clash or disband to evade international law enforcement, new combinations of the same familiar faces often emerge under the banner of a new group.
Tracing the real identities and relationships of Trickbot members also underscores the gang’s prominence within Russia’s flourishing cybercrime scene. “We know that ransomware actors value their anonymity, so exposing their identities via sanctions designations affects their reputation and relationships within the cybercriminal ecosystem,” says Will Lyne, head of cyber intelligence at the UK’s National Crime Agency, the country’s equivalent to the FBI. Lyne says the sanctions against Trickbot members puts them under more scrutiny and blocks them from accessing UK, US, and global financial systems.
The FBI declined to comment on Trickleaks or recent Trickbot activity. A US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency official, who would only speak to WIRED on the condition of anonymity, says it has been alerting “international partners” about Trickbot malware since August 2021 and has sent out 55 alerts in the past year.
“Over the past 12 to 18 months, we have seen a shift in power within the cybercriminal ecosystem from the ransomware operators, who control the malware behind the schemes, and the affiliates,” Lyne says. “This has resulted in some affiliates working much more loosely with multiple ransomware variants simultaneously.”
Microsoft’s corporate vice president of customer security and trust, Tom Burt, wrote of Trickbot in October 2020 that “research suggests they serve both nation-states and criminal networks.”
Digital crime syndicates operate globally, and particular types of scams often evolve in different regions as a result of lax enforcement that criminals use to their advantage. In Russia, the Kremlin has broadly allowed ransomware actors and other cybercriminal groups to operate with impunity—as long as they don’t victimize Russian targets. As the global law enforcement community has scrambled to address high-profile ransomware attacks, the question of how deeply Russian cybercriminal groups are tied to their government has taken on increased significance.
In January 2022, amid a series of particularly ruthless attacks on US and UK targets, Russian law enforcement arrested more than a dozen alleged members of the ransomware gang REvil, though the suspects were reportedly only charged with credit card forgery. This enforcement action was an isolated event and seemed to further underscore that the Russian government has a vested interest in managing optics and ultimately protecting its criminal hackers.
Speaking about Russia’s war against Ukraine at the RSA security conference in San Francisco in April, US National Security Agency cybersecurity director Rob Joyce said that criminal and “hacktivist” attackers are a “natural resource” for the Kremlin. He added that Russian intelligence “is able to maintain relationships and use all the coercive power of the Russian government” and that such a relationship was “pretty disturbing.”
As the war in Ukraine drags on, Russia’s inability to break through has become both embarrassing and destabilizing for Putin’s regime. But researchers say that the more geopolitically isolated Russia becomes, the more likely it is that the relationship between cybercriminals and Russian intelligence services will endure and even deepen.
“The Russian criminal problem isn’t going anywhere. In fact, now it’s probably closer with the security services than it’s ever been,” says John Hultquist, Google Cloud’s chief analyst for Mandiant Intelligence. “They’re actually carrying out attacks and doing things that benefit the security services, so the security services have every interest in protecting them.”
Analysts have repeatedly concluded that cybercriminals working in Russia have connections to the Kremlin. And these connections have become increasingly clear. When the UK and US sanctioned Trickbot and Conti members in February, both countries said members were associated with “Russian intelligence services.” They added that it was “likely” some of their actions were directed by the Russian government and that the criminals choose at least some of their victims based on “targeting previously conducted by Russian intelligence services.”
Chat logs included in the Trickleaks data offer rare insight into the nature of these connections. In 2021, two alleged Trickbot members, Alla Witte and Vladimir Dunaev, appeared in US courts charged with cybercrime offenses. In November 2021, according to Nisos’ analysis, the Trickleaks chats show members were worried about their safety and panicked when their own cryptocurrency wallets were no longer accessible. But someone using the handle Silver—allegedly a senior Trickbot member—offered reassurance. While the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was “against” them, they said, the intelligence agencies were “for us or neutral.” They added: “The boss has the right connections.”
The same month, the Manuel handle, which is linked to Galochkin, said he believed Trickbot leader Stern had been involved in cybercrime “since 2000,” according to the Nisos analysis. Another member, known as Angelo, responded that Stern was “the link between us and the ranks/head of department type at FSB.” The previous Conti leaks also indicated some links to Russia’s intelligence and security services.
Unmasking Trickbot, One of the World’s Top Cybercrime Gangs
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ecl0wn · 1 year
a totally un-biased review of amnesia: memories
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AMNEƧIA: memories
Release Date: 25 August, 2015 (North America) | 11 August, 2011 (Japan) Developers: Idea Factory, Otomate Publishers: Idea Factory Platform(s): PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch
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Amnesia: Memories is an unforgettable otome experience. Before I start, I need to mention, this is covering the game and not the anime. The anime is a trainwreck - mostly because it tries to cover every route in it and it becomes a mess, leaving you feeling confused and having little attachment to the characters. If you want to watch the anime, go ahead, but I personally wouldn’t recommend it. The only saving grace of the anime would be the OP, “Zoetrope” sung by Nagi Yanagi (stylised as “yanaginagi,”) which is just beautiful.
Unlike other otome games, where you would have to build up your affection with a certain character to enter their route — Amnesia starts off by selecting a “World.” The world you pick determines which route you’ll be on, only once you enter a route do you have to worry about gaining affection.. amongst other things.
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It was the 1st of August. That morning, when she awoke, the heroine found herself without any memories from before August 1st. Everything, from the sort of life she lived, to the relationships she had, was a blank...... A young boy named Orion appeared in front of her, referring to himself as a "spirit." Under Orion's guidance, the heroine began the struggle to regain her memories. She searched her house for clues about her everyday life, and received a message on her phone... What was displayed on the screen was an unknown name to her. Now, she is asked to meet with him, a boyfriend whose name and face she doesn't know. In a position where who to trust is uncertain, the heroine must move in a way that her memory loss remains undetected by her partner. Because of this, the story becomes tangled in complex ways. With no memories of "him," our heroine will write a new love story starting today... — Game Description from the Official English Website
Yup. Amnesia is the name of the game (literally,) while trying to recover your memories, you deal with your love interests and have to try to play it cool, so they won’t notice that you’re missing your memories.
One of the things I found interesting when I first discovered Amnesia back in 2016 was the parameters.
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You have three parameters to focus on:
Affection: The heroine’s favor toward the chosen character Trust: How strong your relationship is with him Suspicion: Suspicion elicited by the heroine’s memory loss
Actually you have four in one route but I’ll touch on that later.
Since each route takes place in a different world — the story background varies depending on which world you’re in, but for the most part things are pretty much the same.
In the prologue of the game you’re introduced to Orion, who serves somewhat as a tutorial figure and a voice of reason throughout most of the routes. His goal is to help you recover your memories and live a normal, happy life. The more you delve into your chosen route, the more you’ll see how difficult that can really be.
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Shin ♥ Blunt, Earnest
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Shin is the main love interest of Heart World. Childhood friend turned lover, and also a tsundere.
Shin’s route feels like a murder-mystery V/N rather than a romance V/N, which is fine actually. He speaks with harsh words (as any tsundere does,) but as they say, actions speak louder than words; he is very protective of you and it’s clear, by behaviour alone, that he cares about you. Despite the romance in his route not being as focal as in the other routes — it’s still handled well. His route doesn’t really get too emotional until the end but that’s alright. During my first playthrough, it left me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who the culprit was, however the further you get into the route, the more obvious it becomes (at least to me.)
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Ikki  ♠ Alluring, Fascinating
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Ikki is the main love interest of Spade World. Co-worker turned current boyfriend... with a time limit?
I can say this; when I started Ikki’s route, I did not expect to like him as much as I did by the end of his route. He is the flirtatious playboy character of the love interests, incredibly popular — so popular in fact, that he’s garnered himself his own fan-club. The fan-club is so incredibly annoying to deal with, however, during his route you find out how and why he has a fan-club and why you two got together in the first place. His route feels a lot more... sexy? Than the other ones, which has to do, in part, to the incredible voice acting of Taniyama Kishō. The route starts off feeling weak, and in all honesty, annoying — but as I got further along, I found myself intrigued and enjoying it.
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Kent ♣️ Cool, Logical
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Kent is the main love interest of Clover World. Complete relationship-noob with a pure heart.
Kent is the shadow MVP of Amnesia, to be honest. He is blunt and speaks without a filter (he’s unaware when he’s being rude,) but he tries his hardest in this relationship of yours, and he’s just so precious and cute. His route is pretty vanilla but can get some emotions out of you when the time calls for it. Considering the other suitors of the game, his route is unexpectedly refreshing; mostly because even though he tries his best — the outcomes of his endeavours are usually awkward as all hell, which is cute in it’s own way. The only thing I have to say negatively about his route; is that he makes me do math. Not even kidding. Kent is a graduate student in mathematics, and although the questions he gives you are relatively simple, I still feel stupid every time I have to do them while replaying his route. A simple and cute route about Kent letting go of all his apprehension while learning how to fall in love.
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Toma ♦️ Affectionate, Intense
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Toma is the main love interest of Diamond World. Miscommunication: The Route! Also yeah, “Intense” is one word to describe him..
I’m going to be completely transparent: I like Toma. His route? Pretty meh, in my personal opinion but, as a character I like him, and apparently, so do a lot of other people considering he won 1st place in the 2011 Amnesia Popularity Poll.
Spoilers Ahoy!
I just want to get it out there real quick, that Toma is a character who fits with the yandere trope. Here are the trigger warnings for his route if you need them: drugging, isolation, imprisonment.
Oh yeah, remember how I briefly mentioned one of the routes has a fourth parameter? ...Yeah! Doubt: Measure of doubt felt by the heroine In his route, you need to actively doubt the things he does, which is just another thing to worry about on top of all the other things you’re currently worrying about.
If you can look past those things, or in fact, if you enjoy characters like this; Toma’s route will be a breeze... maybe. The thing that annoyed me the most about his route is how short it could have been and how many problems could have been avoided with proper communication. However, since the Heroine lost her memories, it’s unavoidable on her end. His route is Intense. With a capital ‘i.’ However, I found it enjoyable enough. More enjoyable, however, is his routes in the other games post-Amnesia.
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Ukyo  🃏 Mysterious, Enigmatic
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Ukyo is the main love interest of Joker World. If you’ve played any of the above routes, you might recognise him.
Spoilers Ahoy! This entire route has spoilers so proceed with caution.
Upon successfully finishing your fourth route, and moving on to replay the game once again, you might notice a fifth world option: Joker World. Welcome to the final frontier!
That strange green-haired guy who makes appearances in every route? This is him! Complete with all the questionable behaviour he’s shown in the past — however this time, we get backstory. Joker World is often considered the “True Route” which you’ll understand why upon finishing the good ending, however, I personally don’t believe that there’s any “True Route.” However, this route is the best one (not biased.)
You get backstory onto what really happened before you lost your memories, who you were, what your real life was like before picking a random world to continue into. If you thought Toma’s route was intense, just buckle up; this is one hell of a ride.
Even now, with over 99 hours put into the game — I still cannot blind my way through Ukyo’s route and will have to resort to the walkthrough. Why is this? Well, because if you mess up even one line of dialogue; it can ruin the entire route somehow — just, trust me, okay? The difficulty level skyrockets — if Kent’s route was 10% difficult, Ukyo’s route would be 90% difficult. So, what’s there to gain from such a difficult route? Is it worth playing through it?
Yes. (Not biased.) No matter how difficult his route is, it is always satisfying to complete it and get that good ending. Always. (Still not biased.)
There is something, however, I will briefly mention: despite his behaviour — Ukyo is not a yandere, and if I have to say that again I might implode.
Spoilers Ahoy! No going back.
Upon finishing his good ending it should be completely apparent on why he isn’t a yandere; but I’ll spell it out anyhow.
Ukyo has travelled across different worlds — either dying in horrific agony, or killing the love of his life, causing him to jump to another world to try again. Repeating this cycle over and over, the amount of trauma he inflicted upon himself, caused a new personality to be born.
The definition of yandere is as follows: A character who has an obsessive and possessive side in regards to their crush, ready to use violent and murderous means to maintain an exclusive bond.
Anyone can see clear as day, that this isn’t Ukyo. As his alter-ego is only violent and murderous towards the Heroine because if she doesn’t die, he will. It’s a fight or flight response, and his response is to fight.
OK. Rant over, let’s proceed.
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Amnesia’s score is good, albeit often forgotten. Amnesia’s OST is composed by MANYO. Known for composing the Collar×Malice OST and also worked on the STEINS;GATE 0 OST and HIMOUTO! UMARUCHAN OST.
Both themes for Amnesia are sung by the incredibly talented Oda Kaori, both taken off from her fourth single “Reverberation.”
The voice acting is immersive! Each actor really did their best and you can tell, the quality is superb and suits each character really well!
“Orion” — Hiromi Igarashi (五十嵐裕美,) known for: Anzu Futaba (IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS,) Aoi Hyoudou (Kaichou wa Maid-sama!)
“Shin” — Tetsuya Kakihara (柿原徹也,) known for: Subaru Akehoshi (Ensemble Stars!,) Azuma Yukishiro (A3!,) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
“Ikki” — Kishō Taniyama (谷山紀章,) known for: Shinomiya Natsuki (Uta no Prince-sama,) Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs,) Jean Kirstein (Shingeki no Kyojin)
“Kent” — Akira Ishida (石田彰,) known for: Shun Kamiya (TRIBE NINE,) Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa,) Aru Akise (Mirai Nikki)
“Toma” — Satoshi Hino (日野聡,) known for: Kyoujurou Rengoku (Kimetsu no Yaiba,) Momonga (Overlord,) Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
“Ukyo” — Kōki Miyata (宮田幸季,) known for: Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa,) Hanataro Yamada (BLEACH,) Aiichirou Nitori (Free!)
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I give it a good out of very. Go play it.
...Hey. If you enjoyed this incredibly-not-biased review, I run some twitter bots of otome characters, so follow them if you’re interested. This was less of a proper review and more the ramblings of a hyperfixated teenager, sorry about that.
MY BOTS: Ukyo Quote Bot, Ukyo Pics Bot, Zen Bot
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satoshi-mochida · 11 months
Neon White physical edition for PS5, Switch launches September 15
Gematsu Source
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iam8bit and distribution partner Skybound Games, alongside publisher Annapurna Interactive and developers Ben Esposito and Angel Matrix, will release a physical edition of Neon White for PlayStation 5 and Switch, the companies announced. The retail edition will be available at global retailers for $39.99 / £34.99 / €39.99 on September 15, while the iam8bit Exclusive Edition will be available in Q4 2023 for $44.99. Pre-orders will open on July 13.
The retail edition includes an original 11 by 17 inches foldout poster and artwork by character artist Rebecca Ryan. The iam8bit Exclusive Edition includes five Neon White anime-style “character peeker” stickers, an exclusive cover sheet by character artist Rebecca Ryan, and the official soundtrack by Machine Girl.
Neon White is available now digitally for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam, and is coming soon to Xbox Series, Xbox One, and Microsoft Store, as well as Xbox Game Pass.
Here is an overview of the game, via Annapurna Interactive:
Neon White is a lightning fast first-person action game about exterminating demons in Heaven. You are White, an assassin handpicked from Hell to compete with other demon slayers for a chance to live permanently in Heaven. The other assassins seem familiar, though… did you know them in a past life?
You play as Neon White, an assassin plucked from Hell to compete with other demon slayers for a shot at redemption.
Collect “Soul Cards” to attack your foes or discard them to use unique movement abilities.
Compete for the best times by cleverly combining cards to discover massive shortcuts.
Uncover Heaven’s mysteries by getting to know the other assassins… did you know them in a past life?
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cloudatlasinc · 1 year
Accelerating transformation with SAP on Azure
Microsoft continues to expand its presence in the cloud by building more data centers globally, with over 61 Azure regions in 140 countries. They are expanding their reach and capabilities to meet all the customer needs. The transition from a cloudless domain like DRDC to the entire cloud platform is possible within no time, and a serverless future awaits. Microsoft gives the platform to build and innovate at a rapid speed. Microsoft is enhancing new capabilities to meet cloud services' demands and needs, from IaaS to PaaS Data, AI, ML, and IoT. There are over 600 services available on Azure with a cloud adoption framework and enterprise-scale landing zone. Many companies look at Microsoft Azure security compliance as a significant migration driver. Microsoft Azure has an extensive list of compliance certifications across the globe. The Microsoft services have several beneficial characteristics; capabilities are broad, deep, and suited to any industry, along with a global network of skilled professionals and partners. Expertise in the Microsoft portfolio includes both technology integration and digital transformation. Accountability for the long term, addressing complex challenges while mitigating risk. Flexibility to engage in the way that works for you with the global reach to satisfy the target business audience.
SAP and Microsoft Azure
SAP and Microsoft bring together the power of industry-specific best practices, reference architectures, and professional services and support to simplify and safeguard your migration to SAP in the cloud and help manage the ongoing business operations now and in the future. SAP and Microsoft have collaborated to design and deliver a seamless, optimized experience to help manage migration and business operations as you move from on-premises editions of SAP solutions to SAP S/4 HANA on Microsoft Azure. It reduces complexity, minimizes costs, and supports end-to-end SAP migration and operations strategy, platform, and services. As a result, one can safeguard the cloud migration with out-of-box functionality and industry-specific best practices while immaculately handling the risk and optimizing the IT environment. Furthermore, the migration assimilates best-in-class technologies from SAP and Microsoft, packed with a unified business cloud platform. 
SAP Deployment Options on Azure
SAP system is deployed on-premises or in Azure. One can deploy different systems into different landscapes either on Azure or on-premises. SAP HANA on Azure large instances intend to host the SAP application layer of SAP systems in Virtual Machines and the related SAP HANA instance on the unit in the 'SAP HANA Azure Large Instance Stamp.' 'A Large Instance Stamp' is a hardware infrastructure stack that is SAP HANA TDI certified and dedicated to running SAP HANA instances within Azure. 'SAP HANA Large Instances' is the official name for the solution in Azure to run HANA instances on SAP HANA TDI certified hardware that gets deployed in ‘Large Instance Stamps’ in different Azure regions. SAP or HANA Large Instances or HLI are physical servers meaning bare metal servers. HLI does not reside in the same data center as Azure services but is in close proximity and connected through high throughput links to satisfy SAP HANA network latency requirements. HLI comes in two flavors- Type 1 and 2. IaaS can install SAP HANA on a virtual machine running on Azure. Running SAP HANA on IaaS supports more Linux versions than HLI. For example, you can install SAP Netweaver on Windows and Linux IaaS Virtual Machines on Azure. SAP HANA can only run on RedHat and SUSE, while NetWeaver can run on windows SQL and Linux.
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network or VNET is a core foundation of the infrastructure implementation on Azure. The VNET can be a communication boundary for those resources that need to communicate. You can have multiple VNETs in your subscription. If they weren't connected, we could call them Pierre in Azure wall; there will be no traffic flow in between. They can also share the same IP range. Understanding the requirements and proper setup is essential as changing them later, especially with the running production workloads, could cause downtime. When you provision a VNET, The private blocks must allocate address space. If you plan to connect multiple VNETs, you cannot have an overlapping address space. The IP range should not clash or overlap with the IP addressing in Azure while connecting on-premise to Azure via express route or site-site VPN. Configuring VNET to the IP address space becomes a DHP service. You can configure VNET with the DNS server's IP addresses to resolve services on-premise.VNETS can be split into different subnets and communicate freely with each other. Network security groups or NSGs are the control planes we use to filter traffic. NSGs are stateful but simple firewall rules based on the source and destination IP and ports.
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 Azure Virtual Gateway
 For extensive connectivity, you must create a virtual gateway subnet. When you create a virtual gateway, you will get prompted for two options: VPN or Express Route Gateway; with VPN, you cannot connect to the Express Route Circuit. If you choose the Express Route Virtual Gateway, you can combine both.
 There are two types of VPN;
1) The point-to-site VPN is used for testing and gives the lowest throughput.
2) The site-site VPN connection can offer better benefits by bridging networks.
This VPN offers zero support for SLA and uses this connection as a backup for the recommended connection on Azure, called the express route. Express route is a dedicated circuit using hardware installed on your data center, with a constant link to ‘Microsoft Azure Edge’ devices. Express route is inevitable for maintaining the communication between application VNET running in Azure and on-premise systems to HLI servers. The express route is safer and more resilient than VPN as it provides a connection through a single circuit and facilitates second redundancy; this helps route traffic between SAP application servers inside Azure and enables low latency. Furthermore, the fast path allows routine traffic between SAP application servers inside Azure VNET and HLI through an optimized route that bypasses the virtual network gateway and directly hops through edge routers to HLA servers. Therefore, an ultra-performance express route gateway must have a Fast Path feature.
SAP HANA Architecture (VM)
This design gets centered on the SAP HANA backend on the Linux Suse or RedHat distributions. Even though the Linux OS implementation is the same, the vendor licensing differs. It incorporates always-on replication and utilizes synchronous and asynchronous replication to meet the HANA DB requirements. We have also introduced NetApp file share for DFS volumes used by each SAP component using Azure site recovery and building a DR plan for App ASCs and the web dispatches servers. Azure Active directory is used in synchronization with on-premises active directory, as SAP application user authenticates from on-premises to SAP landscape on Azure with Single Sign-On credentials. Azure high-speed express route gateway securely connects on-premises networks to Azure virtual machines and other resources. The request flows into highly available SAP central, SAP ABAP services ASCS and through SAP application servers running on Azure virtual machines. The on-demand request moves from the SAP App server to the SAP HANA server running on a high-performance Azure VM. Primary active and secondary standby servers run on SAP-certified virtual machines with a cluster availability of 99.95 at the OS level. Data replication is handled through HSR in synchronous mode from primary to secondary enabling zero recovery point objective. SAP HANA data is replicated through a disaster recovery VM in another Azure region through the Azure high-speed backbone network and using HSR in asynchronous mode. The disaster recovery VM can be smaller than the production VM to save costs.
SAP systems are network sensitive, so the network system must factor the design decisions into segmenting the VNETs and NSGs. To ensure network reliability, we must use low latency cross-connections with sufficient bandwidth and no packet loss. SAP is very sensitive to these metrics, and you could experience significant issues if traffic suffers latency or packet loss between the application and the SAP system. We can use proximity placement groups called PGS to force the grouping of different VM types into a single Azure data center to optimize the network latency between the different VM types to the best possible.
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 Security Considerations
 Security is another core pillar of any design. Role-based Access control (RBAC) gets accessed through the Azure management bay. RBAC is backed up through AD using cloud-only synchronized identities. Azure AD can back up the RBAC through cloud-only or synchronized identities. RBAC will tie in those cloud or sync identities to Azure tenants, where you can give personal access to Azure for operational purposes. Network security groups are vital for securing the network traffic both within and outside the network environment. The NSGs are stateful firewalls that preserve session information. You can have a single NSG per subnet, and multiple subnets can share the same energy. Application security group or ASG handles functions such as web servers, application servers, or backend database servers combined to perform a meaningful service. Resource encryption brings the best of security with encryption in transit. SAP recommends using encryption at rest, so for the Azure storage account, we can use storage service encryption, which would use either Microsoft or customer-managed keys to manage encryption. Azure storage also adds encryption in transit, with SSL using HTTPS traffic. You can use Azure Disk Encryption (ADE) for OS and DBA encryption for SQL.
Migration of SAP Workloads to Azure
The most critical part of the migration is understanding what you are planning to migrate and accounting for dependencies, limitations, or even blockers that might stop your migration. Following an appropriate inventory process will ensure that your migration completes successfully. You can use in-hand tools to understand the current SAP landscape in the migration scope. For example, looking at your service now or CMDB catalog might reveal some of the data that expresses your SAP system. Then take that information to start drawing out your sizing in Azure. It is essential to ensure that we have a record of the current environment configuration, such as the number of servers and their names, server roles, and data about CPU and memory. It is essential to pick up the disk sizes, configuration, and throughput to ensure that your design delivers a better experience in Azure. It is also necessary to understand database replication and throughput requirements around replicas. When performing a migration, the sizing for large HANA instances is no different from sizing for HANA in general. For existing and deployment systems you want to move from other RDBMS to HANA, SAP provides several reports that run on your existing SAP systems. If migrating the database to HANA, these reports need to check the data and calculate memory requirements for the HANA instances.
When evaluating high availability and disaster recovery requirements, it is essential to consider the implications of choosing between two-tier and three-tier architectures. To avoid network contention in a two-tier arrangement, install database and Netweaver components on the same Azure VM. The database and application components get installed in three-tier configurations on separate Azure Virtual Machines. This choice has other implications regarding sizing since two-tier, and three-tier SAP ratings for a given VM differs. The high availability option is not mandatory for the SAP application servers.
You can achieve high availability by employing redundancy. To implement it, you can install individual application servers on separate Azure VMs. For example, you can achieve high availability for ASCS and SCS servers running on windows using windows failover clustering with SIOS data keeper. We can also achieve high availability with Linux clustering using Azure NetApp files. For DBMS servers, you should use DB replication technology using redundant nodes. Azure offers high availability through redundancy of its infrastructure and capabilities, such as Azure VM restarts, which play an essential role in a single VM deployment. In addition, Azure offers different SLAs depending on your configuration. For example, SAP landscapes organize SABC servers into different tiers; there are three diverse landscapes: deployment, quality assurance, and production.
Migration Strategies:- SAP landscapes to Azure
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 Enterprises have SAP systems for business functions like Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), global trade, business intelligence(BI), and others. Within those systems, there are different environments like sandbox developments, tests, and production. Each horizontal row is an environment, and each vertical dimension is the SAP system for a business function. The layers at the bottom are lower-risk environments and are less critical. Those towards the top are in high-risk environments and are more critical. As you move up the stack, there is more risk in the migration process. Production is the more critical environment. The use of test environments for business continuity is of concern. The systems at the bottom are smaller and have fewer computing resources, lower availability, size requirements, and less throughput. They have the same amount of storage as the production database with a horizontal migration strategy. To gain experience with production systems on Azure, you can use a vertical approach with low-risk factors in parallel to the horizontal design.
 Horizontal Migration Strategy
 To limit risk, start with low-impact sandboxes or training systems. Then, if something goes wrong, there is little danger associated with users or mission-critical business functions. After gaining experience in hosting, running, and administering SAP systems in Azure, apply to the next layer of systems up the stack. Then, estimate costs, limiting expenditures, performance, and optimization potential for each layer and adjust if needed.
Vertical Migration Strategy
The cost must be on guard along with legal requirements. Move systems from the sandbox to production with the lowest risk. First, the governance, risk, compliance system, and the object Event Repository gets driven towards production. Then the higher risk elements like BI and DRP. When you have a new system, it's better to start in Azure default mode rather than putting it on-premises and moving it later. The last system you move is the highest risk, mission-critical system, usually the ERP production system. Having the most performance virtual machines, SQL, and extensive storage would be best. Consider the earliest migration of standalone systems. If you have different SAP systems, always look for upstream and downstream dependencies from one SAP system to another.
Journey to SAP on Azure
Consider two main factors for the migration of SAP HANA to the cloud. The first is the end-of-life first-generation HANA appliance, causing customers to reevaluate their platform. The second is the desire to take advantage of the early value proposition of SAP business warehouse BW on HANA in a flexible DDA model over traditional databases and later BW for HANA. As a result, numerous initial migrations of SAP HANA to Microsoft Azure have focused on SAP BW to take advantage of SAP HANA's in-memory capability for the BW workloads. In addition, using the SAP database migration option DMO with the System Migration option of SUM facilitates single-step migration from the source system on-premises to the target system residing in Azure. As a result, it minimizes the overall downtime. In general, when initiating a project to deploy SAP workloads to Azure, you should divide it into the following phases. Project preparation and planning, pilot, non-production, production preparation, go-live, and post-production.
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Use Cases for SAP Implementation in Microsoft Azure
 Use  cases
How  does Microsoft Azure help?
How  do organizations benefit?
Deliver  automated disaster recovery with low RPO and RTO
Azure  recovery services replicate on-premises virtual machines to Azure and  orchestrate failover and failback
RPO  and RTO get reduced, and the cost of ownership of disaster recovery (DR)  infrastructure diminishes. While the DR systems replicate, the only cost  incurred is storage
Make  timely changes to SAP workloads by development teams
200-300  times faster infrastructure provisioning and rollout compared to on-premises,  more rapid changes by SAP application teams
Increased  agility and the ability to provision instances within 20 minutes
Fund  intermittently used development and test infrastructure for SAP workloads
Supports  the potential to stop development and test systems at the end of business day
Savings  as much as 40-75 percent in hosting costs by exercising the ability to control  instances when not in use
Increase  data center capacity to serve updated SAP project requests
Frees  on-premises data center capacity by moving development and test for SAP  workloads to Microsoft Azure without upfront investments
Flexibility  to shift from capital to operational expenditures
Provide  consistent training environments based on templates
Ability  to store and use pre-defined images of the training environment for updated  virtual machines
Cost  savings by provisioning only the instances needed for training and then  deleting them when the event is complete
Archive  historical systems for auditing and governance
Supports  migration of physical machines to virtual machines that get activated when  needed
Savings  of as much as 60 percent due to cheaper storage and the ability to quickly  spin up systems based on need.
n.d. Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Services. Accessed June 13, 2022. http://azure.microsoft.com.
n.d. All Blog Posts. Accessed June 13, 2022. https://blogs.sap.com.
n.d. Cloud4C: Managed Cloud Services for Enterprises. Accessed June 13, 2022. https://www.cloud4c.com.
n.d. NetApp Cloud Solutions | Optimized Storage In Any Cloud. Accessed June 13, 2022. http://cloud.netapp.com.
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