cladaidem · 2 years
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“Precious” by Clada
10″ x 10″ Acrylic on Canvas. Available. $150 USD. https://clada.bigcartel.com/product/precious
A friend of mine gifted me the canvas: Not in a thoughtful “I bought this for you” in an “I have this and have no use for it. It’s yours if you want it”. This is what became of it. Others, I am sure, have been in one-sided friendships or relationships. You meticulously tailor thoughtfulness is what you do for them: being available, gift giving, etc. This piece is a nod to “Absent,” but the female praying mantis is now alone. No solid ground, just abstracted surroundings. Because it can be easy to get lost in codependency or unhealthy relationships, she cranes over the wild daisies as if to protect them. It is a preemptive strike to guard any person's most precious thing: self-worth. I took this unfriendly exchange with zero sentimentality and made something beautiful on it. That is a gift I am proud I possess
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scum-cat · 1 year
microworld game gifset?
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wow look at that its some neat gifs of a little game project im fiddling with.... its a grid based puzzler where you can push and pull crates and hammers and there is also a snake and berries...
tbh i havent even rlly figured out exact gameplay this is all me messing around with mechanics
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube channel to check out:
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cuicuit · 2 years
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(when you see it through a microscope)
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eddzillla · 1 year
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wolf-grimoire · 8 months
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in the genetic miasma. the smorgasbord.
they swarm in tenuous chords coiling toward
engineer proper: converter of any available entropy
not even invisible, lower than peasantry--engineering riches capital refuses to see
profits on the refuse
and in the end, devours the island empires, having learned to
harvest the ligaments of time itself.
way below you all, they harvest the refuse
reengineer the meanings of things like death. decay. decadence. dimension. delay.
chlorophyll, the market of sugars and starches, thieves and the brightly faced parasitic
wars fall men in droves, women and children become something else in missile attacks--
become more like the wreckage of the architecture they inhabit
become closer in some tragic way to the earth--
but way below you, they are all still alive.
way below you, they have found the new Eden of dissolution and reentry
the new secret life of change into change, where Life and Death
are sacred, and seated in their ancient thrones
and where they will find the respect and beauty in burial they deserved in that old life
and the forest itself which is the world which is within us inevitably will weep for the senselessness
taste the blood it did not will but will give new life all the same
a beautiful life. pregnant in death and strange to human eye and hypnotic off the tongue--
way down below us all
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ojin-ngode · 2 years
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Separate Reality
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estebanestape · 1 year
“That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above,
working the miracles of one. As all things were from One”.
-Emerald tablet.
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terrorandtales · 11 months
Microworlds and You…
I don’t dream of you often, but when I do, I feel as if you’re preparing me for something. Why did this time feel like a goodbye? Why do I feel like I won’t see you for a while? If not, ever again?
My mom and I drove for miles to reach this church on the side of a dark highway. It was a cold winter evening. Snow was piled up in the parking lot. Grey muddy slush covered the asphalt. I couldn’t place exactly how I was feeling, but I felt like I was preparing to walk into a funeral… We walked through these double doors into the dark church and passed by a great hall where mass was being held. Glowing of candlelight, maybe a midnight mass was being held. I walked down a narrow corridor that resembled our sleeping quarters at school. Each door I passed was open and warmly lit by one single candle.
As I’m writing this at this very moment, I’m remembering each fine detail, but as cold water splashed on one’s face to wake them I’m realizing this was your life celebration.
I’m seeing visions of the moment the people you loved so dearly said their goodbyes to you.
I remember walking into a room. Except it wasn’t a room, but a doorway into an outdoor space. The door frame resembled the outline of a room, a portal into a new Universe, but once I stepped through the world, it shifted into a place that I’d never seen before. Flashbacks to another time filled the space. Years before now. People were dressed in black. Some were celebrating different occasions. Life was moving on within this world. So many moments happening within this space. People I haven’t physically seen in ages whom I know have married, had kids, and entered different phases of their lives were scattered amongst the green pastures. It was all happening here. Life. I was sitting atop a grassy hill, cross-legged, or maybe with my knees to my chest. My head rested calmly on my crossed arms, which were gently hugging my knees. Taking it all in with each breath. Swaying side to side, witnessing all these private events that had dropped into this Universe. Your Universe. All these ephemeral snippets of life simultaneously pass us by. The people in these core memories couldn’t see what you and I were seeing.
You were visiting each loved one. Immersed in their realities. They couldn’t see you at all, but you were there spiritually. Holding them when they needed it most. Celebrating and cheering them on when warranted. Experiencing life amongst them as a ghost, a spiritual guide, giving all your love to each person you’ve loved so dearly. Life was moving on… without you physically, but you remained… moving between moments to share joy, laughter, sadness, and all that needed to be felt and held in those snippets of time.
As you moved from moment to moment, person to person, you started to fade. You looked tired. Your somber expression weighed upon your once jovial spirit. You looked like you aged… or what I imagined you to look at the age of 28…
It’s been nearly 6 years since we lost you. Since your last living breath escaped your once-smiling lips. You made a choice that broke our hearts and left us confused, afraid, and so incredibly sad. I’m reminded of your bravery and your wonderful smile. I can no longer hear your voice. When I close my eyes, I just see your smile and I hear the waves of those old Navy days.
I remember wanting to be swept away by the current. To dissolve into the tears of the Earth. I was too afraid to step into an unknown fate, so permanent. I was too afraid to leave behind the people I loved. I was so incredibly low. Screaming for help, but those screams couldn’t escape my lips. The cold night swallowed me. The stars shined brightly upon my tear-streaked face. I wanted an out of this life. From the stress and disappointment I felt, I couldn’t bear it. You, along with a few people, pulled me out of that darkness. I’d love to believe that even now you’ve helped to place beautiful people in my life who have recognized my darkness and helped to keep me tethered to the present moments of my life. Even in your waking days, you never knew of that night. Those nights, I drifted closer and closer to the shores of permanency. I knew you could feel my pain. You’d listen to me for hours. Make me smile and laugh. You truly were the sun to a lot of my darker days, and I never got the chance to properly thank you for our friendship. It didn’t hit me until a few days after hearing about your passing. I knew I had lost pieces of you along the way when our journeys went separate ways. Physically, you are gone, but we remain connected in different realms. Tethered together spiritually.
You exist in the ether. Supporting, loving, and caring for us all. Walking alongside us on our journeys. I want to say that I knew you felt my presence… Of course, you did. You brought me here. For a reason…
You allowed me to witness you being a part of all these precious moments. I sat patiently and watched in awe. Mystified by your grace.
Eventually, you made your way towards me. You walked up the mossy hill, and our eyes locked. I didn’t notice myself standing up and being pushed toward the door. You were lifting me and moving me with your gaze. Effortlessly, my body was being pulled back into my world and further from yours, from you. The gravity of my Universe pulling me back into my person, my soul. You couldn’t speak. You haven’t spoken to me in years. I haven’t heard your voice in so long, but your eyes, your eyes said it all… Tears fell from your sad eyes. You were pushing me out of your world, and I wanted to stay with you a little while longer, but I didn’t belong here. I begged you to stay with me for a moment more. We stood face to face. Our eyes never broke contact, and within the depths of your brown eyes, I saw our pain. Melodically intertwined. Blending within our worlds. I felt your loss all over again. Washing over me, between us, around our spirits. I was crying and asking you not to go. I hugged you, but it didn’t feel like I was holding you at all. I couldn’t feel you within my embrace. You didn’t feel human. I don’t know how to explain it exactly. I knew I was hugging and clinging to something that I needed to let go of. Something both foreign and familiar. Heavy and fleeting. Dispiriting eyes gazing into my tearful brown pools of sadness. My spirit was beyond the doorway. Taking in this moment. Seeing our embrace, us holding onto each other within the doorway of our Universes’. Time stood still, but only for a second, and as quickly as you came, you vanished within my grasp… The glimpse within your world melted away. Slowly dissipating before my eyes. All that was left was a dark room. Empty and hollow… I turned away, fresh tears falling from my dull eyes. I walked through the lonely, narrow hall, stepping within my reality. Peering into the once warmly lit rooms, and I saw our friends in pain. Hunched over in agony because of your loss. I kept walking until I passed the great hall. Stepped through the double doors of the church out into the frigid cold. My mom reappeared on the steps. Waiting for me. I was crying uncontrollably. Frantically searching for my car keys. Once I found them, I slid into the driver’s seat and wept. All my fears, disappointments, and traumas fell out of me. My shaky hands couldn’t start the car. My mom didn’t understand at all. She had not witnessed our moment. My moments of despair. She became frustrated and made me switch seats with her. I was in no condition to drive. I got out of the car and made my way to the passenger side. The air was cold. Each inhalation burned my lungs. The sky was as black as the hallowed room you once occupied. All was still, quiet and unbothered. I opened the passenger door. Climbed into the seat, took a deep breath, and woke from this dream. My sheets were pooled with sweat. My mind was disoriented… My body was exhausted from the trip… When my eyes opened all, I could see or wanted to see was your face.
The alarm rang… Time to get up… Time to keep living…
Was that your message to me? Keep living… The longer I think about your visit, the more I start to see our similarities… I have these moments in my waking life where I’m aimlessly drifting from moment to moment. Depression capturing the essence of my presence. I’m fading within reality, and I no longer want to live this way. I need to let go… Let go of the things that don’t bring me joy. Let go of the pain. Let go of the trauma. Let go of it all and step into my life. It’s not enough to be faded and ghostly amongst the living. Was this your message? Was this our final goodbye? Will I see you again? I’m not so sure, but I think this is a good start…
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rainbowclashart · 2 years
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#fungi . . . . #nofilter #nature #macrophoto #macrophotography #microworld #moss #mushroom #green #rainbowclash #photo #photography #art #forest (helyszín: Kismaros, Pest, Hungary) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClgzWCaN5Cn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cladaidem · 2 years
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“Nervous” by Clada
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scum-cat · 1 year
the long snake is guarding a sword
level i built to test mechanic interactions... i think this might turn into an evil tiny puzzle game
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chimerqa · 2 years
Jaki świat jest mały, to pojęcia nie miałam. Jest tak maleńki, że aż ciasny.
Jakiś czas temu koleżanka Panny Ptaszki umarła. No słabo ją znałam... Dziś się okazało za to, że jej mamę poznałam dość dobrze lata temu. Jak byłam nastolatką. Nasze drogi się rozlazły. I niech tak pozostanie.
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0petonajmostarac · 2 years
macro zoom insects world 🪰 🪳 🕷 🦗
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cthomasself · 2 years
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seeking to bypass you beyond intrepid into the night and clear cool shock of life let mistakes and judgments go drip like water through your thick hair through my thick lips and skin no other method no time like now now we seek a soul explosion that pressure harder than the weight of tears moving faster than your hands across my flesh hotter than the muffled cries searing the architecture of our hearts ~ #bridge #GoldenGateBridge #skyline #BridgeOverTroubledWaters #city #SanFrancisco #BayArea #California #Sunset #Endofday #🌅 #dusk #sky #SkyPorn #PaintedSky #TinyPlanet #SmallWorld #MicroWorld #ComeExploreWithMe #AllWhoWander #PoemOfTheDay #poetry #📝📆 #PictureOfTheDay #PhotoOfTheDay #📷📆 #CTSelf (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjO5qDhOlka/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apv1suals · 11 months
Making Pokemon In Photoshop | Microworld | Photo Manipulation | Speed Art
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