#a nice bisexual parallel
fauvester · 2 months
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nicktoonsunite's tigerghost haunting my brain
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kafkaesqueer · 1 year
Never let your wife (and son) stop you from reuniting with your ex that you haven't seen for years and never gotten over
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kyngsnake · 1 year
I think if you told Avery what demisexuality was he’d hit you with a “fym that’s not what it’s like for everyone 🤨” and then put his head in his hands and have a crisis for the next 30 minutes
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laikabu · 6 months
re: my thoughts on laios’s sexuality (long post ahead lol)
let me start this post with this. first, this contains a lot of references to the new adventurer’s bible world guide book released last february. i can read japanese, but i’m sure they’re translated somewhere. general spoiler warning in case. also… i am ESL, so sorry for any grammar errors
second, if you’re on the team that insists laios doesn’t care about humans enough to form relationships, either read the manga again or at the very least read this thread.
last, please don’t chime in with your acearo headcanons on this post. there’s already a majority of posts here that insist laios is acearo and that anything else is impossible. i don’t like it the same way i don’t like when someone declares they hc marcille as bisexual to a poster who reads her as lesbian. i already have enough people here who declare he’s ace on my own art. at least people on twitter of all places don’t do this sort of thing to me. nothing in this manga is canon, you can headcanon anything i won’t get mad if you hc him as bi or something. just. don’t be weird on my post.
okay. trust me, i love women, and i love the idea of making my favs women lovers but the idea of laios being gay really appeals to me because of his background. this isn’t fueled by yaoi since i don’t even ship the only m/m relationship i bring up here, i just think it adds a nice layer to his disconnect with his own humanity
i do think laios has a very abstract relationship with his sexuality for a multitude of reasons. he grew up in a very conservative backwater village. he has a hard time recognizing his own feelings towards others just as much as vice versa. i don’t really care for the “laios is a monsterfucker” agenda people are pushing but i do think he’d engage in sexual thoughts in his own weird way, i won’t deny his deviantart fetish shit
as an autistic person myself, i relate to how he’d prioritize his special interest over social interactions. after all, he was fixated on monster food so he’s distracted from dark thoughts. he’s not an actual glutton
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he’s shy around women, but i don’t think it’s out of attraction. i just think it’s because he’s awkward and doesn’t want to be seen as a threat. there’s a couple of times when, out of armor, he deliberately tries to make himself look smaller and nonthreatening.
he didn’t show any interest towards ashivia (the hubby hunter girl marcille replaced) and just humored her because she wouldn’t leave him alone. his other party members thought he was giving her special treatment so he had to tell her he “doesnt want to give her special treatment anymore”(even though he never did), so she left
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ashivia did her best to butter herself up to laios and he didn’t care, but laios thought shuro was his bestest friend in the whole world because he was too much of a pushover to reject him. ironically… what ashivia did to him parallels what he was doing to shuro
also… yeah sorry i keep bringing up that one comic of laios saying if he were falin he’d marry shuro and then begging him to take him back to his country, or that comic of laios wondering why he doesn’t like him(and then the first two questions he asks the magic mirror was what if he or shuro were women). i don’t even ship them! but it’s not a reach to assume that he likes men because of this, even if it’s kinda played like a joke(after all,a lot of people like chilshi even though their ‘shippy’ interaction was played as a joke)
of course, given the setting, i don’t think knows he’s gay, he wouldn’t have the vocabulary to label himself. i do want to dance around with the idea of him forcibly confronting his own sexuality after years of yaad pressuring him to produce heirs lol. laios might not be cishet but he’s a king so he rdgaf about that right now. i’m open to him having female consorts for political reasons, but i don’t think he’s into women, is all.
before anyone brings up his succubus… god forbid an author makes hetbait. a part of the plot twist was that not-marcille wasn’t the only succubus enticing laios, his other party members were copied too. she was the only one who approached him. also… succubi aren’t always inherently romantic. once it realized marcille didn’t work, it switched to appeal to his desire to be a monster.
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Because I’m sick and tired of seeing travis hate everywhere I go.
“Travis was sexist.”
Did he spout some sexist rhetoric in the beginning of the show? Sure. But it’s important to recognize that: A) he changed, and by season 2 he completely stopped, B) he was a teenage boy in the 1990s, and that kind of rhetoric was normal at the time, C) most of his sexist macho tough guy attitude was a complete act that he likely put on to compensate for his insecurity about his own masculinity, and internalized homophobia. (More on that later.)
(Also let’s be real, Travis is basically one of the girls anyway and I’m tired of pretending he’s not.)
2. “Travis didn’t care about Javi.”
Did we watch the same show??? Granted Travis may have had trouble expressing his feelings (also related to his insecurities about masculinity, likely learned from his father, as well as growing up in a patriarchal and homophobic society), but he cared deeply about Javi. In S1E4, Travis literally DUG UP HIS DAD’S GRAVE, through horror, tears, and vomit, in order to retrieve his ring to give to Javi. When Javi disappeared, Travis kept looking for him every day for months, and never gave up, even when logically it would have seemed impossible for him to still be alive. He comforted and reassured Javi when neither of them drew the card. He cradled Javi’s dead body and ate a bite of his raw heart (which was a metaphor for how much he loved him, and a parallel to Shauna eating Jackie’s raw ear.) Maybe Travis wasn’t always there for Javi in the way he needed, but he absolutely loved him, and it’s important to remember that Travis was also a traumatized, grieving, kid who just lost his dad.
3. “Travis slut-shamed Nat.”
As we are literally shown in the show, Travis was not trying to slut shame her, he asked how many times she had done it because he was embarrassed about the fact that he was a virgin, and worried that she would judge him, or that he wouldn’t measure up because he was more inexperienced than her. When she told him she hooked up with Bobby Farleigh, he did not get mad at her because she slept with another guy (he already knew about that, and was fine with it), he got mad because she hooked up with his bully, and then lied to him about it. I don’t blame Nat for this, she didn’t know about it at the time, and didn’t want him to get mad once she found out, but I also don’t blame Travis for being hurt and embarrassed and upset with her for lying about it.
4. “Travis was just kind of a dick.”
Sure, but so were all of them. He acted like kind of a jerk in the first season. So what? Shauna had an affair with her best friend’s boyfriend, lied to her about it for months, and refused to apologize. Misty tried to drug Coach Ben. Nat faked his brother’s death to him (yeah, she was trying to help him move on, but still not cool). All of them called him “Flex” (y’know, the nickname that was used to bully him for years). None of them are perfect or nice or likable all the time, and that’s ok; that’s the whole point. They’re realistic, complex, flawed, morally gray and sometimes unlikable people. They’ve all done bad things, but nothing Travis did is worse than what anyone else on that show has done. He was a traumatized teen whose dad literally just died. Also, me personally, if everyone around me was constantly calling me the mean nickname that was used to bully me since middle school, I would also probably act like a little bit of a dick.
5. “Travis is a straight man.”
Wrong. (Also not really a valid reason to hate someone… But most importantly, just wrong.)
Travis Martinez is clearly a bisexual.
So many of his issues: the insecurity, the bullying, the macho tough guy act, the whole weird complex about his masculinity, all of it stems (at least partly) from the fact that he’s bisexual and has internalized homophobia. The whole “Flex” thing is just thinly veiled homophobia. The main reason why he got bullied is because Bobby Farleigh spread a rumor about him getting back surgery to better suck his own dick. The unsaid implication there is that he’s a man who sucks dick, which is inherently queer, even if it is his own. If you look even slightly past the most surface level interpretation, it’s pretty obvious that Travis was bullied because of homophobia. His performance of stereotypical toxic masculinity was clearly over compensation for the fact that he doesn’t fit into the box of traditional straight masculinity, and was a reaction to the bullying from his peers, abuse from his dad, and internalized homophobia from growing up in a homophobic and patriarchal society. As the show progresses he starts to unlearn that toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia, and he allows himself to be more vulnerable, emotional, and feminine, and as a result, he becomes stronger, more confident, and more respectful of the people around him.
As for Travis being a man… Is he though???
In season 1, Travis is a man (narratively speaking); there is a clear distinction between Travis/Coach Ben and the girls. However, in season 2, we see a stark shift in how Travis is depicted. The separation between Travis and the girls pretty much ceases to exist. Narratively speaking, there is no distinction made between Travis and the other girls; they are one entity—one hive mind. Instead, the emphasis is now placed on the distinction between Coach Ben and the girls/Travis. When Coach Ben watches the Yellowjackets eat Jackie in horror and disbelief, Travis is right there with them, dressed in ancient greek robes along with the rest of them. In season 2, Coach Ben is the only real Man of the group (Travis has narratively become one of the girls, and Javi is just a boy, not a man) and he is shown staying separate from the rest of the group, and growing more and more uncomfortable with the cultish dynamics, while Travis, on the other hand, becomes more and more integrated with the group, as he falls deeper and deeper into cult beliefs, until he is a full-blown devout Lottie worshipper. Of the three males on the show, he is the only one who actually participates in cannibalism with the other Yellowjackets. Also he lost his virginity to a lesbian.
Whether or not you choose to believe that Travis is transfem (I do) you cannot deny that, at least narratively speaking, Travis is literally just a girl.
6. Travis is a victim.
I don’t know why nobody in this fandom seems to acknowledge this, but Travis is a sexual assault victim and I’m tired of people constantly overlooking and ignoring that fact. In Doomcoming, the girls (excluding Jackie and Nat) chased him down, sexually assaulted him, and then tried to kill him. That’s not something that’s up for debate or denial, that is literally canon. Stop pretending it didn’t happen. Stop pretending it wasn’t assault. Stop shaming him and making fun of him for struggling with sex, or not always being able to get it up. That’s a normal trauma response after being assaulted/raped. You guys are literally proving the point. This kind of treatment from society towards masculinity and male victims is just playing into the patriarchy and toxic masculinity, and is exactly what made him act the way he did in season 1 in the first place!
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slaket-and-sprash · 1 year
I love how people are shipping Donkey Kong/Mario bc of the Mario movie. It serves as a nice parallel to Bowser/Luigi. Plus that the idea of both Mario Brothers being bisexual monster fuckers is funny to me.
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mamibaddie · 2 years
For Whom The Bell Tolls || Vampire!Steddie x reader
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Summary: Steve and Eddie are looking for an addition to their relationship. And you’d make the perfect bride.
Authors note: This idea came to me late at night. I love spooky season. I mentioned Lestat and Louis for Eddie and Steve because I think there’s some parallels to them but not much. They aren’t meant to be exactly like those characters, just that they’re lovers and bring a third into the relationship.
Warnings: some dark themes. Some manipulation, smut (18+ only!!) slight dubcon (but reader is attracted to them and likes them, but they’re hesitate to it all.) vampire shenanigans, corruption kink.
It was late October. The leaves are beginning to turn a red-yellow color. Signaling the beginning of a new season, and the death of another. You were walking to the local library with a sweetened iced coffee. Even though there was a cool breeze, you still enjoyed iced coffee. You walked into the library, checked in with Donna, and moved to find you a table. You took your notebook out, along with your textbook and literature book.
You jumped up and the library was dim. You looked at the windows and realized it was night time. How long were you asleep?
You jumped up and the library was dim. You looked at the windows and realized it was night time. How long were you asleep?
You jumped up and the library was dim. You looked at the windows and realized it was night time. How long were you asleep?
“Hello sweetheart, you fell asleep while hard at work.”
You turned to see Eddie Munson talking over you. Eddie was your best friend. A friend you, embarrassingly enough, had a crush on. He was a little goofy and eclectic. Definitely different from the typical guys in Hawkins, but you liked different.
You rubbed your eyes. “How long was I out?”
He shrugged. “Long enough for the librarian to be off of work.”
He dangled the keys in front of you. Donna knew you’d be able to lock up and come back to give her the keys the next day. You were trust-worthy and reliable. But you hated how predictable you were.
You begin packing up your stuff lazily.
Eddie snorted and picked up your book. “Dracula, huh?” He flipped through the pages, big eyes scanning the words.
You yawned and stretched your arms out. “Yeah, I love a good horror novel.”
You both made your way out of the library. You turned around locking the door. You scanned the outside of the library but couldn’t find Eddie’s van anywhere. Were you two walking?
“Are we taking your van?” You hoped so, it would be nice to get all comfy before heading over to Eddie’s trailer.
“No, Steve picked me up. So we’re taking his car.”
Steve. You had wondered how close Eddie and Steve had gotten so fast. Not only were they complete opposites, they use to have a rivalry with one another. Now the two are inseparable. You knew Eddie was bisexual. Having accidentally discovered his choice of porn mags lead you to know for a fact he was all about giving and receiving love, didn’t matter from who.
But Steve was questionable. You knew he had dated girls but the way he is with Eddie made you start to think that he may be bisexual too. How they’d gaze into each other’s eyes and how he’d laugh at something Eddie would say if when you knew it wasn’t that funny. So, it wouldn’t really surprise you if the two were secretly dating. Either way, you hated how he looked at you lately. He practically leered at you all summer. If that wasn’t enough, his touches began to linger. Before he’d make sure to pass by you without touching you. Now he grabs your hips, making sure to give a firm squeeze before letting go. What was friendly at first could now be considered flirty. You always thought Steve was attractive but if he was dating Eddie, you didn’t want to go behind his back. That wasn’t right at all.
“Hey Stevie, finally tracked down our girl.” Eddie said, reaching out and grabbing the handle of the back door on the car. He held the door opened for you while bowing.
“Why thank you kind sir.” You curtsied before climbing into the back seat.
“H-hey,” Steve said, his voice was a bit rough and raspy while saying your name. He was looking at you through the rearview window.
“Hey Steve.” Eddie slipped into the front seat of the car and buckled up. Steve put one of his hands on the back of Eddie’s seat and turned to look over his shoulder while backing out. You felt him looking at you on occasion. For the most part you avoided him until the last minute when you looked at his face and saw that he was looking at your thighs. You squeezed them together and pulled some your skirt a little. He quickly looked at your face before turning back around.
After a bit, you decided to break the silence. “So, where are we going?”
“We’re going to my house.” Steve stated.
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at both of them. “Why are we going to Steve’s?”
Eddie turned completely around in his seat.
“You really don’t remember, do you sweetheart?”
“Eddie, please buckle up. We could get in a car crash. And no, I don’t remember.”
“You agreed to going with us to Tina’s Halloween Bash, remember? She throws it every year?”
You closed both of your eyes and slid a hand down your face. You completely forgot about the Halloween party happening tonight. You were so busy with your studies that you forgot to even have a social life. Eddie and Steve were always the more social, outgoing ones. You preferred to stay inside and watch movies. Most of the time that’s what you three did. Opting to find different activities that you all could do indoors or away from people. You decided to agree to go with them after they practically begged you for a month.
It was kind of funny because Eddie tended to hate parties with people he knew from high school. Most of them being down right rude to him.
“I’m so sorry guys. I totally forgot.”
“It’s okay babe. We get it. You’ve forgotten about us.” He turns and taps Steve on the arm with the back of his hand.
“She’s forgotten about us Stevie.”he says, his voice changes as if he’s about to cry and he covers his face with his hands. Pretending to sob.
“I’d rather drive a stake through my heart than have you forget us doll face.” Steve replied.
“You both are so dramatic. I don’t even have a costume.”
Eddie turned to look at you. “You think so little of us. How many times do we have to remind you that we got you?”
“You got me a costume?”
Steve pulled into his driveway and put the car in park before pulling his keys out of the ignition.
“Yes, we’re always thinking of you.” The way he said your name sent a chill down your spine.
You all got of Steve’s car and made your way over to his house. When Steve opened the door, it was completely dark inside. The still and quietness was enough to drive anyone crazy after a while.
Steve moves to the side and turns on a light.
“Let there be light!” He turns to you both, asking if you’d like anything to drink. You politely asked for some water, to which he nods and moves towards the kitchen.
“Hey Steve,” Eddie yells, “is it cool if we go to your room? I wanna show her the costume.”
“Sure!” Steve responds.
Eddie takes a hold of your hand with an excited grin. You both jog up the stairs and the left. Once you both entered Steves room, Eddie makes a beeline towards his closet. While you move to lay on Steve’s bed with your feet still on the ground. You close your eyes for a second. You really didn’t feel like going to a party, but since you already agreed to it, you’ll go with them. Eddie and Steve are your best friends, you’d do anything for them.
You felt a presence hovering over you. When you opened your eyes, you seen Eddie looking down at you with a Cheshire grin.
You jumped and put your hand over your heart.
“Jesus Christ!”
Eddie shoves the costume towards you, still wearing the same grin. “Ta-da! Here’s your costume!”
You sit up and examine it. It’s a white dress with poofy sleeves. It has embellished beads around the sweetheart neckline. There’s a significant amount of tulle underneath it.
“Isn’t it nice?” Steve walked in with your glass of water in hand.
“Sorry I took too long. I got side tracked.” He handed the water to you. You took a sip of it and Steve took your glass to put it on his dresser.
You looked at it and back at them.
“It’s….a lot.” They looked at you confused. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed and Eddie tilted his head to the side.
“You don’t like it sweetheart?” Eddie asked.
You thickly swallowed and looked at both of them.
“I’m just…a little confused. What are you two going as?”
“Oh, that’s right. Uh, we’re going as Vampires.” Steve replied.
“So…you two get to be super cool vampires… and I’m…?”
“The bride of course!” Eddie smiled.
You looked at him with wide eyes, your eyebrows were practically in your hairline.
“I don’t know about this…”
Ever since you three became best friends and super close, you did hear about some of the rumors spreading at school and around town. Some people thought that you three were in a relationship with one another. They’d talk about how strange it was that two guys and one girl can be that close and not experiment sexually. You remember one time you addressed some weird guy who came up to you asking you three about it. You quickly dismissed the claim but Steve and Eddie just brushed it off. They acted like it was no big deal.
“Oh!” Eddie snapped his fingers, “I almost forgot!” He went to Steve’s nightstand and pulled out a white veil.
“The finishing touch.” He gently placed it to fit the crown of your head. They both grabbed the sides of the veil to fluff it out more.
“You’ve got to be kidding me? If people don’t already think we’re in a relationship together, they’re definitely going to think it now!”
“Who cares what people think? It’s just a costume. Try it on. Eddie was convinced this was your size. I wanted to get another dress just in case but he’s so sure of it.”
You grab the dress and carry it to Steve’s bathroom.
“You don’t want to change out here babe?” Eddie asked.
“Ha-ha. Very funny.”
You closed and locked the bathroom door. Not that you don’t trust them, you just didn’t want them to forget. You looked at yourself in the mirror. The veil was pretty. Most of it was tulle with lace around the border. You noticed some makeup on the counter.
“Hey Steve? What’s with the makeup?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah! We got you some makeup as well! Thought it go good with the costume.”
You looked through it. Now that you’re actually thinking, everything they picked complimented your skin tone perfectly. Even the face powder was practically an identical match.
“They really went all out.” You whispered to yourself.
While you were getting ready, Steve and Eddie were also putting on their costumes. At times they’d get a little distracted with one another. Eddie running his fingers through Steve’s chest hair. Steve leering at Eddie’s tattoos and toned torso. They resisted from taking anything further than that and few kisses. They wanted to wait for later.
“Okay, I’m coming out.” You slowly open the door and step out into the room. It’s the first time Steve and Eddie are seeing you like this and vice versa. Steve is dressed as Louis and Eddie is dressed as Lestat. Their costumes are so detailed and intricate, right down to the lace and fingernails. You noticed they both had large blood red rings on their ring finger.
While you were taking them in, they were doing the same. The dress fit you to a T. It flattered your figure so well. The veil cascading down your hair and over your shoulders. The makeup accented your natural beauty.
Eddie stood up first and walked over to you. Slowly drifting his eyes up and down you.
“You look exquisite, my lady.”
“Look good enough to die for.” Steve said, suddenly right beside you. He grabbed your hand and kissed every single knuckle while looking you in the eye. The attention they were giving you was nice but intense. You weren’t use to it at all. You started to shrink in on yourself.
“Did you get her shoes, Steve?”
“Yes, my dear. Want to complete the look.” Steve bent down to get your shoes underneath his bed. He walked back over before getting back on his knees. The shoes were also white with a block heel attached. He gently grabbed your right ankle and slipped the shoe right on your foot. Then did the same to the other one. After the left one, his two fingers rubbed the inside of your ankle. He went up a little further and looked up at you.
“The finishing touch.”
He kept eye contact with you on his way back to standing up. It made your heart flutter.
Eddie clapped his hands, looking at you two.
“Are we ready?”
You nodded and Steve grabbed his car keys.
You guys had been driving for a several minutes.
“So….where is Tina’s house?”
You had never been, but you heard through word of mouth that it was close to where Steve lived. He was going the other way.
“Oh, we wanted to show you something before going to Tina’s. Trust me, I think you’ll like it.” Steve said.
You blinked a few times. In all your years, you completely trusted Eddie and Steve. You couldn’t really say that with confidence lately. Though they never pushed your boundaries without your consent, they were a lot more touchy, feely. That wasn’t too out of the norm for Eddie, but it was for Steve. Both of them together was intense.
Before you could ask where you’re all going, Eddie excitedly announced that you all were there. He was hitting his hands on the dashboard happily.
You looked out the window and seen a big mansion. The architecture was gothic and worn down. Foliage had started to grow on the exterior of the mansion. Parts of the foliage had started to wither and other parts were very much alive.
“What is this place?” You asked once you all were out of the car and walking towards the house. Steve opened the iron gate that kept people out and closed it back once you all were in.
“Let’s just say it’s a little gem Stevie and I found while we were exploring Hawkins.”
Eddie took a lock opener out of his pocket and picked the lock. Once the door was open he waved his hand out, “After you.”
You and Steve both walked in together which Eddie took complete advantage of because he was able to check both of you out at the same time. The problem was that he couldn’t do it at the same time.
“C’mon.” Steve stated. Holding his hand out, you hesitantly took it and felt a another rough, calloused hand grab your other one. You gasped and looked back at Eddie. He was smiling at you and winked.
After you went up the steps and turned a corner, there was another set of steps to go up.
“What is going on? I thought we’d be going to Tina’s party.”
Steve was lighting the candles in the large room. It was shaped like an attic but was decorated much like a bedroom. While the rest of the house had layers of dust caked into the floors and walls, this room was impeccably clean. There were layers of rugs thrown throughout the room. The bed that was off to the side was rather big. So big, that it had to be custom made. It looked like it could easily fit three people, if not more. The bedding matched the theme of the house. The sheets and pillowcases were red with a black duvet covering it. The goose down inside made the bed look soft. It was all rather inviting. As mentioned, candles were strewn all around the room. Some places had lanterns on the floor while others were hanging. There was even a fireplace in the attic that Steve started to prepare after finishing the candles. The silence was killing you. If it weren’t for Eddie’s cold hands caressing and sliding up and down your arms, you would’ve almost forgot he was there.
“You’re special,” Steve said while whispering your name. “I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“I did too.” Eddie added. He moved to where his face was in your hair before he moved to place his chin on your shoulder. “You were so sweet and kind to someone like me. Someone who had a bad reputation. Someone who was known as a freak. Tell me love, did you know about the rumors or were you ignorant to them?” He was now moving the tip of his nose across your hairline, not so subtly sniffing you.
“I-I knew somewhat of the rumors but I didn’t care. I wanted to get to know you for you.”
“I told you she was the one Eddie.” Steve said from across the way, sitting on the bed.
Eddie moaned and got incredibly closer to you. So close that even through the tulle and fabric of the dress, you felt his hard length press up against you. You swallowed hard. You were incredibly taken aback.
“T-the one for what?”
“The one for us. You’ll be that for us, won’t you sweetheart? You’ll be our good girl, right?” Eddie was now gently rocking his hips against your ass through the dress. He started to gently kiss your shoulder leading up to your neck. You closed your eyes and let out a loud moan. You had always wondered what Eddie would be like, what his lips would feel like. You just didn’t think it’d be with Steve. Upon thinking that, you opened your eyes to see Steve palming himself through his pants.
“You two look so hot together.” He said.
Eddie looked at him while still kissing your neck. He starts to slowly move you to come closer to Steve and before you know it, you’re right in front of him. You’re now caged in between the two with no way out.
“You haven’t answered my question, love. Will you be ours?”
You look at Eddie and he’s looking at you with those doe eyes of his. His eyes appear to be darker in this subtle light but you can tell that lust is swimming in them. You look at Steve and he’s looking at you expectedly, rubbing his hands up and down your thighs through your dress.
“A-are you guys serious?”
“As a heart attack.” Eddie said with a grin. That’s when you noticed his sharp teeth twinkling in the candlelight. You gasped out loud before letting out a scream. You move to get out of his grasp but Steve catches you and wraps his arms around you, sitting you on his lap.
“Ssssshh. Shshshsh. Please don’t be afraid.” Steve said. You’re on the verge of crying. A few tears stream down and as soon as they fall, Steve wiped them away.
“Who are you?! I want to know what’s going on?!”
“We already told you that.” Eddie stated sternly while saying your name. “We want you to join us.”
“L-like become a v-vampire?”
Steve chuckled beside you. “Yeah, something like that. Except you’ll be our queen.”
“W-why me? Why not any of the others? There’s plenty of guys and girls that’d love to be with you two.”
“Don’t act so coy.” Steve replied. “You’re everything we’re looking for. Plus, We know you think of us the same way we think of you. It’s okay to be attracted to us. We know how you were raised. In a strict household. So you try to suppress your emotions. Try to tame that fire of yours. But it’s okay.” Steve said. He started to move back into the bed with you still in his lap. Eddie moved towards the bed and crawled to lay beside you. Steve maneuvered you to lay in between him and Eddie. Eddie took his jacket off before grabbing the hem of his linen shirt and taking it off. Steve reached down to grab the zipper on the back of the dress and lowered it down. In an instant Eddie was on you. He looked at you expectedly. Despite your worry and hesitation, you nodded that it was okay. He lowered your dress and latched his mouth onto your breast while his hand played with the other. He moaned against you which caused you to moan. He scooted closer to you while grabbing your hand and lead it to his hard-on. He squeezed your hand around it and rocked against your hand.
“Do you see?” He stated breathlessly. “Do you feel what you do to me? It’s been so hard to resist such a walking temptation like yourself. I bet you taste sweet too.” He moved to lick your neck and started to suck on it. You briefly opened your half-lidded eyes to see Steve. He’s now fully naked and stroking himself to you two. You take this time to really look at him. He has his head thrown back, muscles in his arms and torso tensing up. His chest hair makes him that much more attractive. You let out another moan at the thought. Steve snaps his head right back up and makes eye contact with you. It’s so intense that you can look away. He hesitates for a second to pull away from his cock, but does. He grabs the hem of your dress and starts to pull it down. You lift your hips up to allow him to completely take it off. Your only left in your white lace underwear. Both Eddie and Steve moan at the thought. Steve moves over behind you when Eddie looks at Steve. That’s when they both lean into one another, lips and tongue moving with each other. Eddie runs his fingers through Steve’s chest and that’s when you start to touch Steve’s torso, slowly moving down further and further until you reach his hard cock. You begin to slowly stroke it and he lets out a groan in Eddies mouth. Both Eddie and Steve get impossibly closer to you. Eddie begins rocking his hips against the globes of your ass. You’re all a hot, moaning mess. Rocking against one another while feeling each other up. Eddie takes one of his long fingernails and cuts the side of your underwear off. You let out a little gasp before he slides it off of you.
“H-hey, what are you doing?” Steve asked. You looked at the both of them, Eddie finally releasing himself from his pants, pulling them down a little past his ass. “I’m going first remember?”
He states while tugging on the head of his cock and squeezing it, giving it much needed relief.
“Maybe we should our love who she wants first, hm?” Steve looks at you. “Who do you want in you first?”
You shook your head. “It doesn’t matter, just put it in me please. I need to feel one of you inside me.”
Eddie growled. “That’s good enough for me.” With that, he entered in you slowly. He is determined to feel every ripple and ridge inside of you. You see that he already has a fucked out face, eyes brows furrowed and his mouth in a perfect O shape. He leans his forehead against your shoulder. He mutters something to himself before going further. While you’re a moaning mess already, wishing he didn’t go so slow. Subtly trying to meet his hips but his hands are on yours stopping you from doing so. You turn to Steve who immediately starts kissing you. You pull away and look him in the eye while reaching down to tug on him.
“Can I put it in my mouth?” You ask. Steve could’ve cum right then and there. He nods and moves to where his hips meets your mouth. You all stay like this for a while. Entangled with one another while moans and groans feel up the room. The sounds of skin hitting skin becomes so erotic and adds to the slick that you’ve already gotten from Eddie fucking you and rubbing your clit. Steve cums first from your mouth. His head thrown back and his hand in your hair. You continue to suck him off through his orgasm. Eddie looked at you two and then down between you and him. He pulled out a little, his pubic hair all wet from yours and his juices. There was even a milky ring around his cool. His eyes rolled back and he groaned at the sight.
“F-fuck, I’m about to cum. You’re so good, sweetheart. So wet, you’re practically drowning me.” He says with shaky breath.
“Is it okay if I taste you, my love?”
You were so wrapped up in the erotic euphoria of it all that you nodded your head without even wondering what he meant.
Eddie proceeded to thank you while grabbing your wrist. He sunk his teeth into your wrist. In the beginning it hurt but as soon as he began to lick and suck from the blood flowing out of it, it added a weird sense of euphoria. You ended up cumming just from that. He groaned into your wrist and continued to fuck you through your orgasm. Steve came back down to meet you eye-to-eye.
“Don’t worry, my love. You’ll come to love your new life with us. If you haven’t already.” He took one of his long fingernails to his wrist and created about an inch long slit. Blood came rolling out and he held his wrist over your mouth. Before you knew it, a couple drops landed on your lips and you subconsciously licked them. Steve smiled and looked over at Eddie, who smiled into your wrist. He also added an inch long slit to his wrist and held up for it to drip into your mouth as well. Steve placed his hand behind your head and tilted you to the side. Allowing enough space for him to be able to make his two small punctures and take his turn sucking your blood. As he did so, you felt movement on the other side of you. Eddie had got off the bed and reached into the drawer on the nightstand for something small before he came back to bed.
“The things you want to do with us are the same things we want to do with you.” Eddie stated. “And if you’re worried about it being a sin or something, don’t worry.” Steve lifted off your neck and helped you turn your head to look at Eddie. You felt so drained but so alive at the same time. Eddie pulled out a small square box and opened it up. A gold ring with a red heart was placed right in the middle of it. He took it out the box and slipped it on your ring finger.
“You’re bonded to us now. In this life and the next.”
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katsu-curry835 · 8 months
Why Bisexual Jon Snow Could Work /srs
Jon Snow is bisexual and here's why.
Aight, I'm aware the queer rep in asoiaf is pretty eh for the most part. Sweets is cool, and Loras and Renly have a nice implied relationship but Dany and Cersei having gay sex scenes felt way more fetishized than actually meaningful representation, especially since neither character considers a romance with a woman. Because of this, I'm gonna say that while I think this could be a valid direction to take the story, I'm like 50% sure that GRRM won't write it. Then again, it's been so long between books that times have literally changed and FnB seemed to have a ton of queer relationships so who knows.
Ok, ok, so I've laundered my argument; we all know why we're really here. Jon Snow could be bisexual and that could be really important for the story. Why?
First and most obvious is that it's another parallel with Dany. Jon and Dany have had storylines that directly mirror each other, especially in books 3 and 5. Dany is confirmed bisexual by the narrative, since she has regular sex with her handmaiden Irri, although because of her position of power over her, she tries to limit them. And, as already mentioned, she never gets to be romantically attracted to a woman. Maybe that's coming in future novels, who knows, but all that to say Dany and Jon mirroring each other on the bi front is not inconceivable, especially when you consider that there is already evidence for Jon being bi.
I'm sure most of you deep into this discourse(?) have probably predicted that I'm going to talk about Satin. And if this story does go in the 'Irri' direction, Satin is definitely the candidate for Jon's male love interest. He's a former prostitute from Oldtown, which mirrors another of Dany's handmaids (Doreah I think) and he's Jon's steward, like Irri is to Dany. Other characters also seem to think that Satin has kinda slept his way up the ranks to being Jon's steward, confirming at least that this idea is in GRRM's head. I wanna take a look at a few scenes and see how they could imply a future relationship between Jon and Satin. Take a look at this fight scene between Jaime and Brienne (I promise this is relevant.)
"'Give me the sword, Kingslayer.'
'Oh I will.' He sprang to his feet and drove at her, the longsword alive in his hands. Brienne jumped back, parrying, but he followed, pressing the attack. No sooner did she turn one cut than the next was upon her. The swords kissed and sprang apart and kissed again. Jaime's blood was singing...
...The dance went on. He pinned her against an oak, cursed as she slipped away, followed her through a shallow brook half choked with fallen leaves. Steel rang, steel sang, steel screamed and sparked and scraped, and the woman was grunting like a sow at every crash, yet somehow he could not reach her."
To me this scene has always read as implicitly foreshadowing Brienne and Jaime's future romance. Words like "kissed" or "grunted" or "pinned her against a tree" feel implicitly romantic/sexual, even the way the scene is described as a "dance." Jaime even says at a later point "Might I have this dance my lady" to mock her. Of course there is plenty more in the story as a whole that foreshadows Brienne and Jaime having a relationship, but I use this as an example because I want to point out how GRRM sometimes writes a fight scene as romantic and sexual foreshadowing, or at least that can be how some scenes are interpreted. Now I want to look at the scene where Jon trains Satin.
"It's too heavy," the Oldtown boy complained.
"It's as heavy as it needs to be to stop a sword," Jon said. "Now get it up." He stepped forward, slashing. Satin jerked the shield up in time to catch the sword on its rim, and swung his own blade at Jon's ribs. "Good," Jon said, when he felt the impact on his own shield. "That was good. But you need to put your body into it. Get your weight behind the steel and you'll do more damage than with arm strength alone. Come, try it again, drive at me, but keep the shield up or I'll ring your head like a bell . . ."
This scene reads similarly to me. Words like "jerked," "rim," "get it up," even the one word sentence "Come," can read as sexual foreshadowing in a similar way to Jaime and Brienne if you are given context that Jon and Satin do end up together. In particular, "ring your head like a bell" reminds me of a scene where Gendry gets approached by a girl but rejects her advances.
"I'm named Bella," the girl told Gendry. "For the battle. I bet I could ring your bell, too. You want to?"
I would be remised if I didn't mention that Jon calls Satin pretty three times in the chapter where he's supposed to be engaged in a battle with the wildlings. Like yeah, that's a bit weird, why are you thinking about that now Jon. Or I could mention the fact that he described Satin’s voice swearing his words as being like song and that he could smell the fresh sweet oils Satin rubbed into his beard. Jon… buddy you got something you wanna say? I’m joking of course: you don't have to be queer to recognize another man's beauty. What I think puts this into perspective is if you compare this to how he describes Val, someone who it's generally agreed upon that he takes an interest in.
Here's a quote where Jon describes Satin:
"The boy claimed to be eighteen, older than Jon, but he was green as summer grass for all that. Satin, they called him, even in the wool and mail and boiled leather of the Night's Watch; the name he'd gotten in the brothel where he'd been born and raised. He was pretty as a girl with his dark eyes, soft skin, and raven's ringlets. Half a year at Castle Black had toughened up his hands, however, and Noye said he was passable with a crossbow."
Now here's Val:
"Val stood on the tower roof, gazing up at the Wall. Stannis kept her closely penned in rooms above his own, but he did allow her to walk the battlements for exercise. She looks lonely, Jon thought. Lonely, and lovely. Ygritte had been pretty in her own way, with her red hair kissed by fire, but it was her smile that made her face come alive. Val did not need to smile; she would have turned men's heads in any court in the wide world."
I mean, the fact that "pretty" is a word used to describe both Ygritte and Satin is a connection that I shouldn't need to point out the significance of, but I digress. If you actually compare these quotes, both look like neutral descriptions of someone's appearance in isolation, however in context, you have to ask why the author shows you this stuff. Why does Jon comment on how good looking both of these characters are so often? It doesn't seem like there would be any other purpose to these, again, repeated descriptions of both Val and Satin other than to highlight that the fact that Jon finds both of them attractive is important.
Again, none of this proves anything outright. I mention this because this is the sort of thing where if you reread the books with this lens, suddenly more things start to jump out at you, and it can read like obvious foreshadowing you missed. Like when Catelyn sees her reflection in some armor and comments on how "drowned" she looks. It doesn't mean too much on a first read, but when you know what happens to her, it's some clever foreshadowing.
Another big reason I think Jon getting with Satin might be important is that you can see it as a pivotal part of Jon's character arc, specifically Jon's sexual awakening storyline. When Jon first has sex with Ygritte, she's the one who initiates the interaction. In fact she has been doing that the whole time he's had her hostage, teasing him with advances and mocking him for his inexperience. In the famous cave scene, Jon's thoughts are how he wants to bang her, but also about how it would be in conflict with his vows. That's the main reason he never has sex with her until she incites it on her own; it's not because he doesn't want to. It's because he thinks it would violate the words he swore at the weirwood.
So Ygritte begins this part of his arc, and Jon discovers that he likes having sex, how original. But he still feels reservations about it, during the act and afterwards. After all, his people resent him for being able to openly take a woman to bed with him, while they have to go to Mole's Town to dig if they want to get any action at all.
My view on this is that the story is heading in a sex-positive direction with respect to Jon. There’s plenty of theming about this “why is it a sin if it feels so good” etc etc. The books are full to the brim of people feeling needlessly guilty about having casual sex, Jon especially. Where I think this is headed, therefore, is probably something like a wildling understanding of sex; Jon has to view sex as Ygritte did, because that was always the healthiest way for him to go about it. Except this time, to complete his arc, he is going to need to take the initiative himself and embrace his desires like Ygritte did. Her teasing him for not doing this was trying to get him to come out of his shell. It would feel strange to me if this went nowhere. Jon needs a future romantic/sexual partner so that he can feel no qualms with taking the initiative with them. How he learns to do that is up to George but suffice it to say, however uncertain I maybe that this partner will be Satin, a future romance is in the cards for Lord Snow.
So Jon's in a bit of a bind here from a meta perspective. If we want him to complete his sexual awakening storyline, he's going to have to take the initiative himself with a partner without feeling any inhibitions. But he can't do that if he's still a brother of the Night's Watch because of the aforementioned conflict with his vows. But he's not going to stop being a crow, his vows are important to him. So how do we reconcile the fact that Jon's character arc about his sexuality needs to be resolved, but he also needs to keep to his words? Simple: make his next partner male so it doesn't violate anything.
I've actually thought this could work as a plot point for anyone either in the Night's Watch or the Kingsguard. One of these men surely has to consider at some point the obvious loophole of "so I can't bed a woman, but what about a man?" and how that affects their honor or whatever. It just slots kinda nicely into Jon's storyline here. Another reason it really works is that Jon is looking to socially progress the Night’s Watch: unity with the wildlings, defending Satin from homophobia etc. Him realising the obvious flaw of the vows for not considering that men can be romantically involved through his own experiences as a bi guy can help him begin to dismantle the outdated nature of the customs. He’s framed as this sort of reformer, and being a queer bastard (who is also probably the lost heir to the Targaryen dynasty) makes this thematically poignant. He’s an outcast, but also a king.
Of course, he’s always been an outcast, being queer would just help add to that. And this is just one way of writing this arc; I’m not married to this take on this basis alone.
I can so imagine a scene where Jon is having sex with Satin and the lit hearth is positioned behind Satin's head from Jon's POV and it looks like Satin's been 'kissed by fire.' Also, Jon considering how Ygritte would feel about him doing this and coming to that conclusion that she would be proud seems like a great way to end a chapter about the two hooking up because Jon's arc would be basically resolved.
This final part is something that I feel should not be left merely implied: Jon being canonically bisexual would be great representation. This is one of the most beloved and famous heroes in all of fantasy, hell, in all of modern fiction. Making him queer would be a really important step forward for queer rep that should not be underestimated. Verity Ritchie (VerilyBitchie on yt) did an excellent video essay on bisexuality in reality tv, a point from which I'm going to paraphrase: it's really hard to effectively depict bisexuals because any confirmed relationship with another character would look like they 'picked a side.' But in order to continually show someone's openness to sexual attraction to two or more genders, you risk going to far the other way, falling into the bisexual sex demon stereotype. This is a really difficult needle to thread, and is why we have characters like Nick Nelson constantly having to remind us that they're bi, rather than having us just assume they could be. Put simply, we need better bi representation, especially with men and Jon Snow is excellent casting for the role. His relationship to Ygritte is constantly referenced throughout the narration as something he treasures and misses, so there would be no doubt that he was not 'gay the whole time.' But, if the Satin story goes ahead, there can be no doubt he's not queer either. Literature is a great place to put bi characters, I think, since an internal monologue can remind you of past relationships with other characters of different genders and how they mean something to the character in question, but never undermining the integrity of the current relationship.
Me personally, I'd be buzzing for Jon Snow to be confirmed as bi. Really interested to see people's thoughts on this.
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azulasmommyissues · 6 months
ATLA sexuality headcanons, part 2, Roku's era:
due to the limited information regarding this era, i might just be spouting bullshit. but! it's mY bullshit.
-bisexual, male lean
-he mainly dated men when he was younger because he was trash at talking to women, but after mastering the avatar state he actually started seeing women (because raava is a lesbian)
-he is the master of homoerotic friendships, i tell you. sozin? gyatso? sud? no heterosexual explanation for any of them
-with sozin, roku was oblivious as fuck. he loved him, but he could never pinpoint exactly how. there were many moments of unresolved sexual tension.
-he fell in love with ta-min because she's absolutely raava's type
-but literally wore sozin's crown until the end of hid life and keeps it in his spirit form despite everything??? roku, please.
-he is gay but he's also awful
-contrary to all I've written until now, these things CAN co-exist
-being the golden child, a direct azula parallel, and also obsessed with roku?
-the fire nation law allowing married couples to legally annul their married was drafted and ratified by firelord sozin at around 44BG on the eve of avatar roku's wedding
-and gay marriage was made illegal after roku died.
-and he banned dancing in his oldest bitterest years of being alive because roku liked dancing, “sozin, It's my wedding! have a cookie! dance with someone!” (he didn't)
-he basically proposed to roku with his crown bfr
-i imagine that he was the one to kill gyatso. personally.
-absolute lesbian
-in the avatar universe the lesbian masterdoc is a philosophical text that she herself wrote
-SO sick of sozin's imperialist, fascist bullshit. girl same. be gay study philosophy.
-she canonically bore no romantic love for khandro and he bore no such feelings for her either. the marriage was strictly political and based on mutual respect.
-rioshon, on the other hand? the love of zeisan's LIFE fr fr
ta min
-you've got no idea how much I'm looking forward to getting to know her when roku's book comes out. she seems nice. the roku episode barely gives her any attention, though. she's definitely raava's type that's for sure-- not a coincidence roku wifed her up AFTER mastering the avatar state, raava had been WAITING
-the vibes are relatively heterosexual
-girl was BEEFING with sozin
-"may i borrow your husband for a moment" if i were ta min and that was my wedding day idc if he was the firelord he would have gotten his ass beat (/j) so she's definitely a better person than me
-I'm a big fun of the theory that each avatar has the face of their past life's true love and aang looks a LOT like her so i think her and roku are sweet
-gay bitch
-i don't know i just genuinely can't imagine him with a woman,,
-he had feelings for roku which weren't reciprocated and a nice old homoerotic friendship. his difference with sozin is that he didn't commit genocide and he DIDN'T leave roku to die in a volcanic eruption
-he loved roku enough to settle for being his friend if it meant he'd be happy
-he would have protected aang with his life, he was like a son to him,,, and he reminded him so much of his best friend
-after gyatso caused so much damage to the fire nation troops, sozin came to kill him himself. and god was it personal.
-another homoerotic roku friendship
-roku you slutty slutty old man
-sud was roku's bi awakening, in fact. obviously sozin was the first one he loved but he couldn't explain it or understand it back then. he was old enough when he met sud to figure it out.
-him snd roku had tea dates after training, come on now
-they were friends first and foremost, though, lifelong friends.
-bisexual but never realises. I have to imagine he's at least somewhat conservative since he's from the northern water tribe and all—at least at first.
-then again, he was very spiritual and soft-spoken since his childhood. he travelled the world as a diplomat and saw many different walks of life
-he was perhaps in love with his good friend nai, and that's why his betrayal shook him to his core and gave him such terrible trust issues
-also asexual
-perhaps she also fought sozin during the comet.
-maybe it was more personal for her than it was for him.
-she mourns the life she could have had with zeisan, if only she'd spoken out. if only she'd been honest with her feelings. damn the consequences! sozin won anyways. they wasted their lives and their love for nothing.
-aromantic and asexual
-bro finds rioshon captivating and respects the grind
now... nyanchi, boin, ezra, zeebee, bo, chegu, ema, sherab, and norbu, etc, who all appear in avatar legends as regenerated characters—i actually don't know what to say about them. they barely feel like characters-and they're not really that connected to roku. i just want this era to get fleshed out like kyoshi's and yangchen's! like their novels were so good. I'm more excited to find out more about the past avatars than to get new avatars, honestly, but that might just be me.
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gottagobackintime · 1 year
I find it fascinating to witness the straight audience of any media not being able to pick up what the makers of the movie/show puts down.
It’s like when people reacted to the “You wear fine things well” scene in Our Flag Means Death with “aw, they’re such good friends” whereas the queer audience went “omg, this is happening”. We all had access to the same scene, we’d all watched the build up to that scene but the straight audience wrongly read it as friends/straight whereas the queer audience had suspected they were building up to a romance but this was the confirmation. Even the creator of the show was baffled that people were surprised that Ed and Stede fell in love. Because he thought they had made it obvious.
And as I said, we, the queer audience picked up on it. And I feel like the same thing is happening with Ted Lasso. Do I know that Ted and Trent will get together? No, I am unfortunately not a writer on Ted Lasso. But you can’t deny that there are clues pointing to it. But the straight audience barely pick up the fact that Ted and Trent like each other, be that in a platonic way or romantic way. I’ve seen several reactions to the last episode of season 2 and ONE of them included the scene where Ted reacts to Trent not being in the press room. All of them severely cut down the scene in the parking lot. One of the scenes most of us Ted/Trent truthers point to as a huge piece of evidence for it going canon. The parallel of them meeting in an empty parking lot, just like Ted and his ex-wife and Roy and Keeley. But because Ted and Trent are both men it couldn’t possibly mean anything. And Ted has an ex-wife and a kid so he can’t possibly be into men, as if there is no such thing as being bisexual. “But I’m pretty sure Trent has a family, he has a kid right?” So? He could be divorced, we also have no idea if his daughter has another dad or a mum. And the same thing applies to him, it doesn’t mean he can’t be into men (take also into account all of James Lance’s interviews, and his choice of shirt in one of them, friend of Dorothy anyone? He's the captain of this ship, we're just along for the ride tbh.)
Then we have the wonderful “I’m so not homophobic, in fact, you are homophobic because you think Ted is gay just because he likes musicals and has ‘feminine’ traits” um no… it’s the fact that he kind of acts in a way that an ally wouldn't. Yeah, he called himself an ally in that one episode. But every single person who is now out as queer who at one point considered themselves an ally because "I’m not one of them but I sure think they're neat" raise a hand 🖐️ (been there, done that. Was very into queer things before I realised I myself am one of them). What it always comes down to is "it's pandering", "it's tokenism" (having the main character on the show be queer wouldn't be fucking tokenism), "not everything has to be gay", "why can't men just be friends, there is a severe lack of male friendships on tv". And like the last one makes me go??? There are a MILLION friendships between men on TV. There are even multiple friendships between men in Ted Lasso. Beard and Ted, Ted and Higgins, Ted and Roy, the himbos and so on. Having Ted and Trent become a couple wouldn't really change anything because there are still friendships between men. They also claim that Ted is needed as the "straight without toxic masculinity" representation. As if Beard isn't right there. The man who has no problem going to an immersive show about the menstrual cycle. Has no problem with shrieking when he's surprised and so on.
I also like that if we'd get Ted and Trent together, we'd get two middle aged queer dads. Which isn't that common. It's not even super common to see people realising they're queer late in life on TV, and yet it happens every day. Because let's face it, most queer men on TV kind of look like Colin, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. And I'm looking forward to his storyline. But it's also nice seeing middle aged or old people finding themselves and being allowed to be who they are (see Ed and Stede from OFMD). Also would enjoy seeing people lose their minds when they realise they've been fooled this entire time. It'll be like Black Sails all over again.
I do not have any doubts about the fact that, had Trent or Ted been a woman and they saw Trent give up his career because of Ted's influence, they sure as hell wouldn't protest people thinking they'd become a couple. But because it's two men it's just delusional for some reason (homophobia).
What I'm saying is, it's clear that the straight audience has a hard time picking up subtext and clues that the makers are planting. Because they've never had to do that. Because they are always clearly represented. They don't have to look for minor side characters and hope that they might be queer. Because the main character is straight and most of the supporting cast too. When you've grown up with a lack of representation or with representation that is meant to be subtext, you'll learn to pick up on it. And you do look at media differently. I just wish that the straight audience could listen to us for once, without getting defensive and dancing around the fact that they are uncomfortable relating to a character that turned out to be queer.
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Ultimately, I’m perfectly happy to see where the show takes us and just enjoy the ride, but I’ve been thinking about it and I’m actually really conflicted on whether or not I want an Edwin and Charles romantic endgame. I might as well just write my thoughts here.
Why a romantic endgame would be nice:
They’re cute ☺️
Actual canon gay couple between two of the lead characters in an explicitly queer narrative!!! (Idk why some people think this is a common thing nowadays - it actually still isn’t…)
Bisexual Charles woooo
Maybe some people will stop assuming characters who have no stated sexuality are automatically straight.
We need at least some acknowledgement of Charles’ jealousy towards Monty and no one else. It doesn’t get discussed in s1; in fact, Charles has not yet properly confronted a lot of his more uncomfortable feelings in terms of how they impact himself and not just other people. This boy does not introspect lol
Charles’ response to Edwin’s confession is not actually a complete rejection. This is outright acknowledged by the actors in interviews. I suspect if there wasn’t going to be at least a little exploration of the idea of something romantic between them, his response would’ve been far less open-ended.
Hand on heart parallel!!!
Why a platonic endgame would be nice:
It would be nice to see acknowledgement that someone can be your most important person and that not have to be romantic. Charles loves Edwin deeply, that is not up for debate.
I almost never see relationships where one has unreciprocated feelings and the relationship grows stronger for it instead of it being a source of angst. Extremely refreshing.
No fear of dropping the ball on the Crystal and Charles dynamic developing naturally, or on Crystal’s character focus itself (though I’ll say I trust these writers not to do that anyways tbh)
Idk. I’d be interested to hear if anyone else has thoughts on the matter (so long as you’re polite about it!). I think I really do just want to wait and see how things play out with the show. Just enjoy the ride. Either outcome is lovely, really.
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
making a complete list of my thoughts of the show vs books since I finished it and will probably leave some stuff out since I’m super forgetful, sorry 💀
1. once again love that they upped the ages. glad we didn’t have centuries year old Magnus chasing teenager Alec or all the other inappropriate relationships in the books
2. Malec is fucking perfect on the show and it really showed that if any actually cares about them, they can make the characters much better and give the characters a better shot than the author ever did. I seriously love all the details Matt, Harry, and whoever wrote their episodes did. only one I cannot stand is when Alec doesn’t realize right away that Magnus and valentine switched bodies. but alec handled the immortality thing wayyyyyy better than book Alec ever could. book Alec (and pretty much TMI content and etc) barely exists let’s be real
3. Izzy and Simon are way too rushed in the series but at least they have more do a friendship and there’s no cheating storyline. but I kinda like Maia and Simon together. I feel that Maia understood Simon.
adding: I don’t mind Simon and clary in the show dating and the way they end things is not as harsh as it is in the books. maybe clary (I’m being kind lmao) actually cares about Simon in the show but still kinda uses him at times
4. might be the only thing I’ll say about the books that’s nice but it would’ve been cute to see the vacation storyline (eldest curses) in the show. would’ve been cute to see a Malec holiday and moving towards them having children 🥹
5. Maia doesn’t get enough credit. she’s one of the few sensible people on the show and gets more attention than book Maia ever did
6. speaking of Maia, I’m glad they didn’t go too extreme with the Jordan plot. in the books, I think she was made to feel to get over how Jordan treated her. but man, why does the actor have to be attractive 😭
7. I really like Maryse and Luke together. they fit each other quite well. Maryse has some of the best development in the show and I loved seeing her grow
8. glad Jocelyn was killed off. she was more insufferable in the books so glad the show decided they didn’t need that energy
9. Jace and clary are both clearly insufferable but it’s worse in the books. I feel like in the show they’re still pretty bad but it’s a little tamed
10. Alec deserved better than jace. dude had the audacity to act as though Alec is a fling, expected Alec at his beck and call to do whatever he wanted while not understanding or caring about Alec’s feelings and his needs, practically invites himself at Magnus’s place while being the worst roommate, and then taking for granted all the people who sacrificed (MAGNUS AND HIS MAGIC LITERALLY THIS LOVELY MAN LOSES HIS MAGIC AND HIS HOME AND HIS MIND) once again to help his worthless ass
11. wish they wouldn’t have killed ragnor off. we got to see a lot of vampires and wolves but not a lot of warlocks. would’ve been great to see more of Magnus’s friends. you could seriously make a whole show based off on Magnus and his life
12. kinda wish they kept camille around. I know she was drama for malec in the beginning but she’s still a very fascinating character
13. I’m 100% thankful for the show not following the books and creating their own world
14. I would’ve loved to see more of the alternate universe episodes. one of the best episodes
15. ALL THE MALEC PARALLELS. these two beautiful and desperately, devoted, in love with one another men are seriously the best part of the show 😭 the fact that there are no cheating stories (when Alec is all drunk, underhill is flirting and all Alec can talk about is Magnus. Magnus defies bisexual stereotypes when dot tries to kiss him.), no taking away immortality or throwing fits or bierasure, or any toxic storylines is one of my fav things about Malec. they’re just two beings who are so in love with one another, who communicate, and are just completely devoted to each other. and it’s one of the reasons why everyone was so hooked on Malec. they’re healthy but you’re also excitedly rooting for them 🫶🏼
16. Clary deserved to lose her ability with runes. the angels message was to not use her rune ability for whatever she pleased but she took advantage of it. but I will say, some helped but I feel that the rest she just used because she didn’t care
17. season three breakup wrecked me and I’ll not emotionally recover from that. it breaks my heart seeing Alec break his own heart and Magnus’s all so Magnus can have his magic and be whole again. I’m so glad they got married in the end 💓
18. I’m glad the twinning rune went to clary instead of jace because how many times does this worthless fucker need saved????? SERIOUSLY HOW MANY
19. I think Magnus recognizing what Alec needs at the beginning when they meet is beautiful. I don’t think it’s creepy (as some book fans state.) and it shows that Magnus understands that Alec is not ready to be out. I’m glad Magnus doesn’t get shitty with Alec on not being out like he does in the books
20. also book vs show thing. I actually like the whole marrying Lydia plot. I get the whole grand gesture of kissing in wherever they were- sanctuary???? (y’all cannot pay me enough to read TMI again, I will not go through that torture again) but I really hate that it’s not even in Alec or Magnus’s pov. CC makes a point of giving characters she chooses to have unnecessary pov
21. I probably forgot something but I mainly skipped all the clace content that didn’t involve Alec or Magnus but otherwise, messy show but so amazing for the Malec content. Izzy, Maia, Raphael, and Simon are a bonus as well. I’m just saying that the show could’ve been a whole lot worse lmao
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Benlie: Why I love these two
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A lot of people in the Ben 10 fandom don’t really like this ship these days. Even back when UAF was airing, most were gushing over Gwevin and there was very little Benlie content like AMVs, fanfics or fanart. Many view Julie as a bland character and while she could have been fleshed out more, I think that’s a bit unfair as well as the idea of her being controlling, toxic or abusive. On the flip side are those that view Ben as a misogynistic incel who only saved Jennifer, Elena and Eunice to get in their pants, when he did care a lot more about Julie than some say. I am aware that there are overzealous stans who treat Benlie like the greatest romance in history and usually do it to drag down Omniverse, but many of us who still ship or enjoy it do so because we wish it could have been done better.
I like these two as a couple, partially because they’re a nice contrast to Gwen and Kevin. Gwevin was the “bad boy and smart girl” opposites attract, angst filled romance people loved. Ben and Julie by contrast are people with similar interests and personalities like Sumo Slammers, horror movies, sports and can be pretty headstrong while having a more compassionate side. Both also used “you’re not a monster, you’re better than this” to get the Dragon/Ship to come to their senses, ironically both incidents involved the Forever Knights. Friends to lovers can be overused or cliche but it can also be wholesome.
One other thing I love about these two is how they bounce off each other. Julie is someone besides Gwen who can remind Ben that there’s more to life besides being a hero, something the original Ben 10,000 struggled with and who pushes him to reign in his jerkass tendencies. Sort of like Robin and Starfire in Teen Titans. She brings out the best in him and he is aware that he’s not a great boyfriend, but he does better than most give him credit for. No hate to Benkai fans but they really brought out the worst in each other while Julie got the short end of the stick from the writers.
I also really like how she’s the one that saved him from being corrupted by the power of Dagon, keeping him from letting the power go to his head which is a nice parallel to Azmuth and Zenith. She was kind of the fourth member of the team before Rook, having helped Ben during Big Chill’s pregnancy, and helping stop the Highbreed war, Ultimate Kevin’s rampage and Ben from abusing the power of Ascalon. She also saved him twice from Elena and as well as when he got his hand cut off and was trapped in the Null Void and reassured him when his identity was leaked.
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As stated above, many of us Benlie fans ship it because of its missed potential. The show should have really fleshed out their parents more as we never see them interact and Julie’s dad was shown to hate Ben in his only appearance. Julie could have staged an intervention with Carl and Sandra after the Ultimate Kevin incident and over their concerns about Ben’s fame as that arc needed more consequences. I think Julie would also have been fun to see interacting with Rook as well as the other characters Omniverse introduced.
One other reason I really like Benlie is it has a similar vibe to some of my other favorite ships like Hodaka x Hina or Connverse and it feels very animesque, which makes since as the series is quite similar to a magical girl anime. They genuinely care about each other despite their ups and downs and have a very cute vibe. I headcanon both as bisexual or biromantic given Ben’s “crush” on Nemesis and his interactions with Rook, Rex and Kevin. Julie also seems a bit queer, coming from a strict family, keeping secrets like Ship and slowly breaking out of her shell, realizing what she wants out of life.
People use them arguing or Ben screwing up as a reason it was toxic but I like seeing characters work out their issues and succeeding. They got together in AF and were fairly stable. Then conflicts arose in UA when Ben became famous and Julie began her own career in tennis, but they appear to have reconciled by the finale. Then OV could have had them as partners with Rook, having worked out their issues. Regardless of whether you like them as a couple, fans can all agree that Julie deserved better from the writers and isn’t as bad as the fandom makes her out to be. I’m aware that they were not a perfect romance but they don’t need to be for people to like them.
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thee-horny-thicky · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
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Okay, so, technically, Satoru and Suguru are two different characters, but they're canon parallels to each other, two halves of a duo. When that stopped being the case, a chasm was created and their worlds shifted. Their relationship is a major part of both characters stories, so separating them is difficult.
It isn't hard to guess that I love them. They're complex characters, and both serve as a cornerstone of JJK. It's impossible to imagine the series without either one of them, and their respective ideologies and the reasons behind them can be essay material. (I know because I've written one for school)
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Bella Goth is an iconic Sims character. She's a baddie, and has some of the most intriguing lore of the game. I think it's a shame the Sims 4 slacked up on the storylines of the townies, because even though I've never owned the original game or Sims 2, the lore of the first two games is compelling. I have fond memories of her, often revolving me breaking up her marriage, and protecting her from those mean, scary aliens.
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I was six when this movie came out, and my mother took my sisters and I to see it in the theater. That first watch is something I'd never forget, and even though I was upset that my older sister stole my snacks, the magic of the movie overrode it all. To see a princess movie set in New Orleans endeared it to my entire family, and the fact that she's the first and only Black princess gives Tiana a special place in my heart. She's hardworking, ambitious, and persistent. Not to mention, she's a baddie.
Her and Naveen's love story is one of my favorites, and I adore the fact she showed you can have a loving husband and a prosperous career. She's an independent woman, but can still accept love.
Speaking of....
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The original Disney baddie, (argue with your mama), and the first to spark my interest in martial arts. I thought she was so cool, and seeing her growth always puts a smile on my face. When she sat on the top of that pole, I was so proud of her. She started out headstrong and determined, and more honorable than most of the men around her. The crowd bowing to her was exactly what she deserved, and her Father giving her her props was such a sweet moment to me.
As a side note, she deserved better than Li Shang. I fully subscribe to the theory that Li is bisexual and developed an attraction towards Ping. I love the hypothetical queer representation, even if he ends up in a straight relationship. What I don't love is how he left her to die. He tried to pose it as an act of mercy, showing his gratitude for her heroic actions, but he still left her on a freezing mountainside in barely anything. Then, when she escaped and tried to warn him, he refused to give her the time of day. Put short, he was raggedy.
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Saiki is one of my favorite anime protagonists. The way the anime pokes fun at tropes is so funny, and Saiki being done with the world around him is a mood, as is his fear of bugs. Anime is riddled with all powerful characters, and a lot of the time, they have a copy and paste personality. Seeing Saiki longing to be normal, (to the point of stalking someone who's scarily average), whilst also being over reliant on his powers and being comedically apathetic is a nice change of pace. It also makes him surprisingly complex. Though this is a theory and not canon, he's great ace representation. He's content with having no romantic partner, and I like how he grows to deal with having friends without having a sudden interest in romance.
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Another good example of Ace representation, in my humble bisexual opinion, is Barbie. She shows that friendship and sisterhood can be fulfilling on its own, without any need for a romantic relationship.
Now, I don't think the Barbie movie is as revolutionary as people made it out to be. It was feminism 101, with the core message being the patriarchy oppresses women, and grossly limits men. A message that's still controversial in 2024, but not one we haven't heard before.
Still, it was an incredibly fun movie, and Barbie was a great heroine. The moment she chose the high heel over the Birkenstock, I knew I'd love her, and I was right.
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I love Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was so ahead of its time, and is an example of how complex 'kid' shows can be. It's pretty hard for me to pick a favorite character, but if I was forced to choose, I'd say Uncle Iroh.
Long ago, I saw a comment about how if there was a character that embodied the pleasant warmth of a fire place or cackling campfire, it'd be Uncle Iroh. I completely agree. He's the perfect mentor, standing in Zuko's corner no matter what he wanted to do, while subtly guiding him down the right path. He also wasn't blind to his nephew's flaws, but never addressed them in a way that made Zuko feel unwanted. Even after being backstabbed, he was simply sad that Zuko lost his way.
We don't see his character arc on screen, but we know he underwent an incredible transformation, going from a fearsome Fire Nation general, to a humble old man reflective about life, though he can still kick ass if needed.
Leaves From The Vine still makes me feel mushy and teary-eyed. It's bittersweet knowing that losing his son was the catalyst for him to become the character we see, and the reason he's so dedicated to Zuko. He's trying to prevent him from suffering the same fate, and right a wrong that's haunted him for so long. Learning that the tears in Iroh's voice was genuine, because that was one of the final things Mako Iwamatsu recorded before passing, made me want to curl up in bed. He brought the character to life, and is one reason he's so iconic.
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Finally, Mr. Shouta Aizawa's fine ass. Now, besides just being fine, I love him for many of the reasons I love Iroh. He's nowhere as cheerful and warm as Uncle Iroh, but he takes his role as a teacher and mentor seriously. He stands in his students corner no matter what, and has shown time and time again that he'd give his life for them. Furthermore, he isn't a hero for fame or recognition, but because he believes it's the right thing to do. He knows the society he lives in is flawed, and tries to right U.A's quirk prejudice system by mentoring Hitoshi.
One might not peg him as it, but he's a very parental character. It's shown with his students, with Hitoshi, and most especially Eri. He's dedicated to guiding the next generation to achieve their fullest potential. Plus, his quirk is cool as hell, and he can throw hands.
Anya Forger and Nezuko, because they make me reconsider my stance on children. They're so cute, and highlights of their respective shows. And I love how Anya is shown to be childishly intelligent. It's due to her powers, but still.
TF141 also gains an honorable mention, especially my baby girl Ghost. Despite being the most secretive character of the task force, we have the most information on his background, and I love his fruity friendship with Johnny. Likewise, I love the mentor relationship Gaz and Price have. On a hornier note, I wish there were more threesome fics with Gaz and Price taking a lucky lady to Pound Town. All and all, these four awful people are my favorite pieces of military propaganda.
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raccoon-in-a-dumpster · 5 months
tell me ... about william.... fun facts maybe? or how he copes after getting springlocked?
ok so we all know he's lactose intolerant and has an alcohol addiction. he does cocaine sometimes. yes. yes with henry.
he has a faggoty little walk. swingin his hips around. think of the feminine or snooty walk styles in the sims 4 (just made this up)
putting cameras and shit in the fredbear plush genuinely didn't come from a bad place. he just wanted to keep an eye on his new baby boy, afterall, his wife was dealing with michael and elizabeth, why not lighten the load a little?
he's very loud and showey and eccentric. mentally ill theater kid style.
he kinda hated how he looked post-springlock (the scars weren't the problem. it was the weight loss that irked him. he could feel his bones thru his body. very uncomfortable. also he was cold 99% of the time)
FUCKASS SILVERY EYES. whiteboy stare.
he's soo materialistic he NEEDS the next big thing
VERY market savvy too. he probably bought stocks and made a good profit off of those.
he could prolly sell time to a clock honestly
BANJO PLAYER. he did it to get money with henry. good singer too :)
bunny themed EVERYTHING. bunny lamps. bunny pens. bunny telephone. bunny paintings. bunny porcelain figures. bunny plates. bunny cups. bunny.
not the artist of the duo but he can draw
he wanted ti be in the circus when he was little..
he has a union jack outside his house hanging parallel to the american flag.
he has sooo many fun patterned suits and ties...
hyperopia boy. he has reading glasses for that.
he wants henry to pull his teeth out honestly.
he's bisexual. genderqueer. and nonebiney. he has no biney.
homophobic :(
he is so sad and pathetic post springlock he's in pain all the time and weaning off opiates. his hair is always greasy and he gets these bad pains (esp in his limbs, since that's where the wounds run deepest) and honestly the sprnglocks might've ruptured his appendix. cause fuck him. his skin is thin and his hair isn't as nice as it used to be. he recovers some of that but his skin always seems just a bit too pale sometimes. smile just a bit too wide for how sharp his body is. he probably would be unable to go on a modern day plane for awhile after the springlocks. metal detectors and whatnot. he broke a lot of bones. those bills. man.
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freak-attorney · 3 months
Random Ace Attorney headcanons!!! :D
Feel free to leave ur own in the notes or if u agree/disagree!!
(Also please keep in mind that I'm basing these off of the first trilogy since that it all I've played so far!)
Feel free to ask/request any other specific headcanons from me :D
Phoenix Wright
Barely passed the LSAT
Used to have panic attacks in court (is now in therapy)
Always has a hair tie for Maya
Has learned how to do Pearl's hair for her
Chronically online
Finds millennial humor funny
ADHD undiagnosed
His hair ALWAYS has traces of gel in it
He's a dog person but loves cats
His suit is always a bit wrinkled
Survives on red bull and microwave dinners
*finger guns*
Love language is physical touch and acts of service
Falls asleep at his desk every night during a case
Needs 5+ alarms to wake up in the morning
Uses concealer to hide his eye bags
Doesn't floss
Sleeps like a starfish
Has sweat stains on several shirts
Naturally wavy hair but he straightens it
Miles Edgeworth
Always hours early to a case because he's very anxious about being late
Sometimes wishes he had a different career (outside of law) but never even considered it an option until recently
Very argumentative over silly things, eventually apologizes with a small gift or note
Love language is gift giving
Enjoys parallel play.. like he enjoys just having someone in his office while he's working even though he doesn't acknowledge them
Has good stamina from always using stairs over elevators
Can cook very well, enjoys cooking for others
Autistic (late diagnosed)
Has a collection of fidget toys that only a few people know about
Chronically OFFline
Enjoys animal crossing and other peaceful games
Has excellent hygiene
Started dying his hair grey as soon as he found one strand of grey hair
Makes a photo album for Franziska for her birthday each year
Has a blanket that he's slept with for 10+ years
Keeps every trinket that Pearl or Maya might give him
Has fresh clothes and toiletries at the office in case he sleeps there
Prefers gold over silver
Is a cat person but is okay with dogs (he thinks dogs are messy)
Has an ironing board in the wall of his office
Probably gay or somewhere on the aroace spectrum
Wears a full face of makeup to court (gatekeeps his sweat proof foundation)
Sleeps curled up in one corner of his bed
Maya Fey
Loves to do cartwheels (can't actually do a proper cartwheel)
Tries learning Japanese on DuoLingo (can't keep more than a 5 day streak)
Taught Pearl basically everything she knows
Love language is quality time
Is very good at rhythm games
Has "childish" interests like Sailor Moon, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, etc.
Enjoys older arcade games like Galaga, Frogger, and Mappy
Wanted to be a veterinarian at some point but is a bit too squeamish for that
Is ALWAYS late even if she plans to be early
Sleeps with a night light
Has a collection of rocks that Pearl gave her growing up
Loves abstract art
Hugs very tightly
Since Mia's death her last words to anyone close to her when they separate for any amount of time is "I love you" just in case
Is naturally unorganized but started keeping a planner when she started working with Phoenix... she sometimes forgets the planner exists but she TRIES okay??
Dick Gumshoe
Love language is gift giving and acts of service for SURE
Would gladly give someone his umbrella in the rain knowing he'd get soaked
Doesn't know how to cook because he doesn't have the resources but he'd like to learn
Forgot to put water in his ramen once and almost burned his apartment down
Doesn't always shower because his water gets cut off
Smells pretty rank but Edgeworth gifts him nice body sprays sometimes
Always makes sure Edgeworth is up at a reasonable time for a case/trial even though he really doesn't need to
Always chewing gum
Dream car is a Jeep Wrangler
Memorizes little details about people to give them good birthday/holiday gifts
Gets very excited about fortune cookies
Loves buffets
Gives the BEST hugs
Is scared of thunderstorms and terrified of hurricanes
Really appreciates small gifts like keychains or trinkets
Lets Maya and Pearl paint his nails
Has really large and calloused hands
Sleeps all snuggled up hugging a pillow
Used to collect magnifying glasses
Bites on his pencils/pens
Franziska Von Karma
She wears press ons
Stalks the social media accounts of her clients
Sleeps in a grandma nightgown
Has two planners: one physical and one on her phone
Really wants a pet rabbit
Has so many decorative pillows on her bed and arranges them every morning
Hits people next to her when she laughs
Quietly gives gifts for holidays/birthdays without making it a big deal
Casually gives super expensive gifts
Plays Genshin
Forces Edgeworth to watch reality TV with her (Say Yes to the Dress, My Strange Addiction, ANTM, Jersey Shore)
Really likes horror movies but can't handle too much gore
Classically trained in ballet
Enjoys photography
Watches the Kentucky Derby every year
Basically raised Miles when Manfred didn't
Knows how to sew but doesn't have the time
Collects Monster High dolls
Likes dogs but LOVES cats
Finds dumb people really attractive
Needs complete silence when doing paperwork or she can't concentrate
Autistic (undiagnosed)
Doesn't plan on ever getting married
Probably one of the only characters that gets proper sleep
Prefers pleated skirts over pencil but wears them in court to look professional
Hates the texture of chiffon fabric
Always wearing a different pair of earrings
Has a couple small tattoos but covers them well
Has the sharpest eyeliner known to man
Fluent in a few languages including Mandarin Chinese, French, and Italian
That's all for now!!
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