#Mirkwood Guard
warriorofthought · 10 months
A Father's Condition: A Heartbroken Son's Choice
Summary: Thranduil and you are a couple but to protect him from your father you make a deal with your father that almost kills you.
Word count: 5639
Warnings: sad emotions
Guard Thranduil x Male Reader
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You are currently alone with your father in a room. Writing something in a book as he walks over to you and stops besides you.
You look up at him " ada?"
"Mmm?" he asks "Are you done writing?"
His voice is deep and soft at the same time as he looks at you.
"Good" a slight smile appears on his face as he starts walking to the door. "Can you come with me for a second?"
You nod, stand up and follow him " where are we going?'
"My room" he says, his voice suddenly lower and more serious.
"We need to talk."
You quickly follow him further.
You enter his room and notice, he locks the door right behind him.
"Why are you locking the door?"
"It's for privacy..." he says, walking closer to you. "I really need to talk to you."
"Talk about what?"
"I... have heard rumors..." he says "I have wanted to talk about it for some time, but I did not dare." Your father finally says.
"I'm curious, my son. Do you have a lover or something like that?" Father asks you.
You can barely speak as his words shock you "A...Lover?...Why?...Is it important?"
He comes even closer, his eyes filled with curiosity.
"Why are you asking me this, have you asked that brother also?"
"You both are different, my son..."
He gently grabs your chin and turns your face to the side, slightly lifting your head.
"Look at my eyes."
His deep voice is filled with excitement.
"So different are we not, he is a bit older but also my brother and your first son."
"Yes, but he is older...you are still young and innocent but it's a very good thing."
"Let me ask you something, my son. Don't be ashamed....if you had a lover, you would tell me, wouldn't you?"
"Probably not" you answer.
His eyes slightly widen.
"What do you mean with 'probably not'?"
He comes closer again but you can notice, he has now less control over his actions.
"Why should I tell you that, just because you are my father, the king, you just will scare them away" you utter.
His grip tightens on your chin. "What did you just say?!"
"You heard me, father" you answer.
"So you DO have a lover?"
His jaw muscles tighten, the veins on his neck seem to swell, all his control is disappearing.
You step a step back and bump against the wall, you are starting to get a bad feeling.
His eyes are almost wild now. "I thought I taught you honesty?"
The door is locked, you can't run away even if you wanted.
He slowly pushs himself against you.
"I'm honest" you say hesitated.
"Then be honest with me. Do you have a lover?"
You nod slowly.
His eyes are filled with both anger and curiosity.
He bites his lips. "Is it someone in this castle?" he asks.
You nod again.
His grip on your chin becomes slightly more painful.
"Who is it?" he demands.
"Father, please, you are hurting me." You whisper.
"Then just tell me, it's simple: who is he?" He grabs your chin even harder.
"Thranduil " you squeeze out and grab his hand and try to loosen his grip on you.
"Thranduil ?..." his eyes widen "Do you mean one of my guards!?"
His voice is filled with rage now.
"Ada, please you are scaring me" you whisper.
The rage only seems to grow "I will kill him."
His grip changes slightly, now he is grabbing you, pinning you to the wall and the door.
Your chest is pressed against his. You can hear his heavy breathing.
"Tell me...have you kissed him?" he growls.
"Ada, please" you beg slightly.
"Tell me, my son...have you kissed him?"
You nod slowly.
He doesn't release you for a moment but instead, comes even closer.
"How often did you kiss him, my son?..." he asks, his voice is low and almost predatory in this moment.
"don't know" you lick your lips " often maybe over ten times"
His eyes seem to sparkle in anger now. "over ten times!"
"Who initiated the first kiss?" A wild look appears in his eyes.
"Why do you want to know that?" you ask.
"Just tell me!" He hisses.
The grip on your chin tightens again.
"Did you initiate it or did he?"
"Please, Father. Let go of my chin" you say softly but slightly scared.
His eyes still seem wild.
The grip on your chin is painful.
"Tell me first and I will release you, my son."
"He kissed me first" you breathe out.
He hisses and his eyes only seem to spark more.
"That traitor...he kissed you?!"
He tightens his grip on your chin even more.
"Did you kiss him back?" He demands.
You nod slowly.
"How often did you kiss him back, my son?"
He presses his body against yours.
His eyes are wild as he keeps you pinned against the wall with his free hand.
"Every time he kissed you, you kissed him back?"
You nod slowly.
"Did you enjoy your kisses with this traitor?"
His voice is calm now, like a predator that finally got what it wanted.
"He is not a traitor" you Protest.
You can feel his hot breath on your neck now as he leans even closer.
"I should punish him, my son." He says in a soft voice.
He starts to massage your chin now as the grip tightens slightly again.
“I punish him, for corrupting my son, his prince, this traitor, had no right in that. I think torture is the best punishment for him.” he says evil.
"No, don't do this, don't do anything to him" you say, almost vulnerable.
"I need to teach him a lesson..."
His voice is calm and he seems to be serious.
His grip tightens even more, his eyes have no anger now but excitement and a creepy sparkle.
"No, please. I can break the contact with him, if that's what you want but please don't do anything to him" you say quickly, apologetic and suffering.
He seems to be thinking.
His grip on your chin and your body is still tight but his voice is calm. "If you promise to break any contact with this traitor I'll grant your wish and keep him away from punishment...is it a deal?"
He smiles slightly.
You nod immediately, " i promise, i will talk to him and say that i don't want to see him anymore"
His smile only grows and he moves even closer to you. "Good, my son...very good."
He starts to caress your cheek with his thumb.
"Do it right away, my son. Tell him, you don't want to see him and don't love him anymore."
Your jaw tense slightly before you nod with a sad sigh.
You can feel his hot breath on your neck again as he leans right in front of you.
"Tell him you don't love him anymore, my son."
His voice is calm but you can hear how evil he says this.
Your eyes fill slightly with tears but you nod.
You can feel his fingers in your hair, stroking it softly.
"You are a good child, my son..."
"Just tell him that you don't love him anymore and that you will never see him again and that's it..." he whispers.
"I will, I promise."
He smiles and gently caresses your cheek again.
"Good child, my son...I am pleased." His voice is soft again.
"Now, be a good child and go tell him that."
You quickly walk out of the room.
"Don't come back here until you told him..." he says, while his eyes are still fixated on your back.
You wait in a secret room until Thranduil  comes to the meeting time. To do what your father wants.
When Thranduil meets you, you quickly move your gaze to the ground.
"Look at me..." Thranduil commands.
You slowly look up.
"What happened?" he asks.
You don't respond, you still can't look him in the eyes.
"Speak, please." he demands.
"I... We must talk" you answer.
He looks worried and his gaze is fixated on you, not used to you saying these words.
His voice is soft. "What happened? What is it, my love?"
You feel a slight pain move through your heart as he calls you my love.
"Maybe you should sit down" you whisper.
The pain grows even bigger as he moves and sits down.
"Please just tell me...I am worried..."
His voice seems to shake. His eyes are completely filled with worries.
"i.. we..." you stutter but you can't form words. Your hands run through your hair, nervous and stressed.
He tries to take one of your hands and looks at you.
"Please, my love...I am getting even more worried. Just speak to me."
You feel the pain in your heart rising.
Your hand moves a strand of his beautiful hair behind his ear and your eyes shows slightly the pain you feel. You already feel bad for what you're about to do to him. 
His eyes seem to show a bit of shock as you touch him there.
"My love...?" his voice is filled with worry and disbelief.
You can hear his breath quickening.
"I don't understand...tell me what is wrong...please."
He looks right into your eyes.
"you are so beautiful" you whisper longing and try to smile.
"Thank you, my love..." he says softly. "But why are you like this? Why are you so shy, so distant all of a sudden?"
His eyes are filled with worry still but he tries to smile reassuring.
You take your shaky hand away from his hair and step a step back from him "we can't see us anymore, can't continue this relationship" you finally blur out.
His breath quickens even more, his eyes only show worry. "We can't anymore? But why, my love? What made you think that? Why are you even telling me this?"
His voice seems to tremble slightly.
He starts to stand up.
"I don't love you anymore" you say emotionless.
"What?!" he shouts, in complete disbelief. His eyes fill with shock and worry.
"I...what do you mean?! How can you say this so cold-heartedly, my love?"
He moves closer to you and wants to take your hands again.
“Don't call me, ‘my love’ again” you damage low.
You move away from him. " I'm breaking up with you, I don't want to see you anymore or any close to me. Don't speak to me again and don't come close to me, Thranduil."
His jaw seems to be locked, all his emotions seem to freeze.
He stands still.
"You...don't love me anymore? You...don't want to see me? You don't want to have anything to do with me?"
His voice is quiet, you only hear shock.
He shakes his head slightly. "Is this only a bad dream? You...you can't be serious, my love."
"I'm serious, from today on I'm not your love anymore just your prince. Don't talk to me or even look at me, when I don't comment you to do that."
He seems to be in disbelief. He can't comprehend what just happened.
He shakes his head again and takes a step towards you.
"You... don't love me anymore? So all of this was...a lie?"
He can't hold back his tears now.
"All the kisses...the times where we were together...was it all a lie? I...don't understand it."
He takes another step towards you.
"I never lied, all that I was saying was true and you know it." you whisper honest but slightly painful.
The grief in his voice is unbearable.
You can see his eyes fill with more tears as he takes another step closer to you.
"Please...please tell me, why all of this?" he whispers. "Why are you leaving me like this...? I...I can't believe this..."
You step away from him "because this relationship won't work out. I'm breaking up with you." you blur out.
"I will go now, don't try to speak to me again" you whisper softly and leave the room quickly.
You hear his deep and long exhale but he says nothing to this.
The pain in his eyes is still big.
He stands still, all his emotions seem to freeze as he tries to wrap his head around what is happening right now.
When you have already left the room, you can still hear his quiet voice.
"My love...come back. Don't leave me like this..." he whispers.
You quickly walk to your room, trying not to break down in the hallway.
You feel exhausted after that conversation and want only to get in your room.
When you arrive and are able to close the door, you take a deep breath.
You start to sit on your bed but quickly lie down on it.
A tear runs down your cheek as you realize what just happened.
All these thoughts and the pain in your heart are just too much.
You start to cry as you remember all the times with him.
And then silence.
You want to sleep and not think about what happened.
You have cried yourself to sleep and the next morning you wake up, you change your clothes and walk as always in the dinner room for breakfast. Once there you greet your father and your brother.
You get out of your room and walk towards the dinner room.
"Good morning, father and brother" you greet.
Your eyes seem to be a bit red still as you try your best to not appear sad and exhausted.
Your brother looks slightly worried and Father seems to be deep in thoughts, like he is thinking about something very important.
Before you start to sit down, your father finally starts talking.
"Is everything alright, my child?"
You notice his eyes are filled with worry.
"Of course" you answer.
Your brother looks at you and seems to realize that you are sad.
"You don't look good, brother." He says and your father nods.
"Did you have a bad night?" he asks.
He seems to want to ask you more questions but decides against it.
He sighs and then smiles brightly at you. "Doesn't matter, it's better when you don't tell us. Come on, sit down and eat"
You know you need to play with his card and act totally normal now.
The next few days, your behavior goes colder, always the deal with your father in mind. When you never speak to Thranduil  again, your father would spare him.
It is still painful to avoid Thranduil but you have no choice but to do so.
You act like nothing happened, like everything is normal.
You play the game of your father and act like nothing is missing.
He notices your colder behavior and wants to ask you again about it but he also notices the pain behind your eyes and decides against it.
You can't help yourself, the pain that you feel for not being able to see Thranduil  anymore and the pain in your heart over the break up are unbearable.
A month later you fall sick. Unusual for an Elf.
You lie in your bed, the cold sweat covers your skin. You are shivering and you can't seem to shake off this illness.
Even after all these weeks you still don't feel good.
Your brother notices your sick-state and comes to your room. His face is filled with worry.
"Are you okay, my brother?" he ask.
You want to answer him with something normal like "yes, I just feel a bit off today" but your words seem to freeze.
"Please try to get better..."
"Brother" you whisper as he takes your hand.
"Can i ask you some and you are honest to me?"
He nods.
"Sure, my brother. Everything for you."
He smiles softly and waits for your question.
"Have you seen Thranduil  how is he?"
He looks at you surprised. His eyes get filled with worry.
"No...I haven't seen him...not today."
He looks at you. "Why? Is everything alright?"
"Why shouldn't it not?"
His eyes seem surprised.
"You know, you seem to have feelings for him."
He sighs gently. "I know you, my brother. I don't know if you know but I heard about you and him. I just want you to tell me the truth, please..."
He looks worried, while still smiling softly.
"father wanted to punish him, to protect him, i must hold the deal with father " you mumble.
"Is Father the reason why you cut that contact with him? To spare him?"
His facial expression seems more relaxed now.
"Is this what happened? My dear brother...you shouldn't have done that just to spare him. You are important too."
He seems more surprised now. "Father would never hurt him. He wants to teach him a lesson but he is no tyrant who wants to see someone hurt just because..."
He starts to speak more passionately now. "That is why I couldn't believe my words when I heard you broke contact with him."
"He is safe now, father will not hurt him or punish him as long as i don't talk or see him."
His eyes seem shocked again. "So you broke contact with him so that father would spare him?"
His voice seems worried. "Please, my brother...don't do this again. Don't sacrifice your own happiness like this. You are still young...you can't do something like this."
He looks into your red eyes again, worried and caring at the same time. "If you like Thranduil like you did before, it is fine with me. You can see him, talk to him."
He caresses your cheek in a reassuring way.
"I can't see him again, I would break the deal. He is safe now. As long as he is safe. I don't care about my feelings."
His eyes seem to be filled with worry again. "You can't do this, my brother..."
"Thranduil's safety wouldn't be in danger like this, you know that."
He caresses your cheek again and smiles slightly.
"I don't want you to suffer, my brother...please talk to father about this. Please don't let yourself suffer like this for no good reason."
He takes a deep breath and kisses your forehead.
You realize again that he is just worried about you and your pain.
"you haven't seen father as he told me to do that, also don't say how i should handle"
He still stares at you, his eyes filled with worry. He slowly nods.
He sits down on your bed and pats your place to signal you to sit next to him. You do so.
"You are right. I am sorry for telling you what to do in that situation...you are old enough to make your own decisions..."
His voice is filled with understanding.
He still stares at you and then speaks. "But my brother...your happiness is important. Please don't sacrifice it like this."
"I will think about it. But don't speak to father about it " you beg him.
He nods.
"No, I won't do that. Don't worry about it."
He smiles gently and caresses your cheek again.
"Try to sleep now and get some rest. You look still sick. Don't think about anything, my brother."
You quickly fall asleep beside your brother's care.
When you wake up, you realize that your illness has seemingly finally gone.
You feel a bit better now.
You look around and notice to your surprise that your brother is still with you.
He seems to sleep calmly while still caressing your cheek gently.
He seems to care so much for you.
A month later. You still haven't changed your behavior. 
You are getting colder day by day, you don't even notice it yourself anymore.
You even wonder what this emptiness that you feel right now might even mean as you never felt like this before.
You start to think that this might be what grief feels like, or at least a part of it.
You look at the empty spot in your life where Thranduil used to be and you can't stop but think of him, all the good memories you had when you were with him.
You start to miss him...a lot.
You are sitting in the place where you always watched Thranduil, hidden from everyone. You sit against a tree. You try to remember all the times you sat at this spot with Thranduil.
Your mind is filled with all of your moments together.
You smile but your eyes are watery.
The emptiness you feel right now...it is so big.
As you stare into the empty space beside you, a tear slowly runs down your cheek.
Suddenly you feel how your heart breaks again but this time you are really alone. You don't cry, but breathing gets difficult.
You feel the grief in your heart and try to hold it away.
You take deep and long breaths.
You try not to cry.
But all of the moments you shared together...all the memories you made...they all seem to be in the way of your efforts.
You can't help but think about him and you can't fight against the grief that fills your soul right now.
You feel a great emptiness in your heart, as if half of yourself isn't there anymore.
Your body can't hold you any longer upright and you lay on the ground.
You feel the ground and its soft touch against your skin but you still feel the sorrow and pain.
You close your eyes and lie down on the ground.
You don't want to get up anymore, you can't anymore.
The grief is overwhelming and you can't do anything against it.
You want to see him again, but you know you never will again.
The emptiness fills you more and more.
This is more pain than any wound could ever cause.
You hope that this is not happening.
You hope that it is just a bad dream and that you will wake up now.
Your eyes remain closed, you still try to ignore this feeling that is overwhelming you.
The grief is growing and it feels like this whole pain will consume you forever.
After sometime you manage to go back to your room but the next day you miss breakfast.
You try to get up but feel still too weak, the grief is overwhelming you and you fall back to your bed.
What is going on with you, why is your heart filled with all this pain?
This question runs through your head, you look at your clock. It already shows late afternoon, which is normal for you.
But you missed breakfast...and lunch.
Your head starts to hurt and you feel weak like never before. When you look at your hands and arms, you notice they have become thinner.
You close your eyes.
The grief is becoming unbearable.
Your heart feels like it is about to break.
In the darkness behind your eyes, all your memories of him flood you.
All the times you sat at this spot together.
All the times you were so happy when you were together.
All the moments that now seem impossible...
And then, the memories of how you broke contact with him start to appear again...
Your eyes fill with tears...
... and finally,
you fall asleep again.
Then your father comes into your room and tries to wake you up but you are unconscious.
He tries again and again to wake you.
"Child..." his voice seems worried.
He tries to shake your arm but you are completely unconscious.
He picks up your arm and realizes that it is really thin now.
The worry in his eyes turns into fear...
He quickly calls a healer.
The healer comes to you.
She checks your body and says "he is unconscious, but his pulse is very weak and I don't know if he will live long."
Your father's face is filled with fear and sadness.
He gets a bit emotional now.
"My child is dying?"
The healer nods and puts her hand on your father's shoulder. "I am sorry that I have to tell you that this...this is a case of a broken heart. It is rare, but..."
Slowly your father realizes what he has done to you." Broken Heart" king Father whisper.
He still stares at you and can't believe this is happening.
All of this time, he acted as if this was all normal.
All the suffering he caused and the pain he caused you...
"Is there nothing else we can do?" He asks desperately. "There has to be a way!"
The healer stays silent and shakes her head slightly.
He looks at you again, his eyes filled with fear and sorrow.
It seems he only now realizes that he made a terrible mistake. Too late...
"He has a broken Heart right, can we not fix it, when we Get something or someone he longs for?” Father ask. Suddenly, his face lights up and he starts to think.
"Yes, it is possible. The heart can heal itself but we need something to fix this. If we give him what he longs for, his heart can definitely be healed."
He starts to run out.
"I have an idea!" he says. "But you stay here with my Child, okay? I will be back!"
The healer nods and stays with you.
You lie there unconscious while you hear the commotion around you.
Your eyes still closed.
Minutes pass and you suddenly hear the door opening.
You notice your father, he looks really happy about his idea.
He comes closer to you.
You still can hear the healer speak but do not quite understand what she says.
Then you hear someone else's voice.
"My love..?"
You hear his voice and your finger slightly twitch, still unconscious.
You feel someone touching your fingers, you even feel his breath.
"My love...can you hear me?" a beautiful voice asks.
"My love... please wake up...it's me, Thranduil."
You open your eyes slightly and look at him.
He smiles brightly at your pale face.
"My love...how are you?" he asks.
He is filled with joy now for the first time in a month.
"I'm dreaming again?" You whisper weakly.
He gently takes your hand and caresses your cheek.
"No my love, this is no dream. I am here with you."
He smiles slightly and looks at you.
"But you...you don't look well. Are you alright?"
He stares at you and you notice the worry in his eyes.
Your eyes travel through the room and land on your father. Immediately your heart stops for a second and you move your hand away from Thranduil.
Your eyes fill with distrust and fear at this moment.
You feel this big emptiness in your heart again as you stare at your father.
Your heart starts to fill with pain again as you stare at him.
Suddenly you feel another hand on your own.
You quickly turn to Thranduil who is still holding your hand.
His face is filled with love as he stares at you.
"My love, please look at me again." he says.
He caresses his thumb over your finger.
"My little butterfly...please don't be afraid."
"I'm not breaking the deal" you whisper desperate and breathless, hoping your father understands that and will not hurt Thranduil. Father looks guilty for what he has done to you.
As you try to stand up, your legs slump away.
Thranduil quickly supports you as you almost fall down.
You try to stand up but you are simply too weak.
He holds you closely in his arms and caresses your cheek.
"Easy...no need to stand up, my love."
His voice is filled with love and you feel your heart beating faster again.
Your father looks at you and still can't believe the whole situation.
"S..Son..." he starts.
He is really torn.
He seems to feel sorry for what he has done to you.
Your head turns to him. You see this guilt in his eyes. He looks back at you.
He can't even find words right now, it seems he doesn't know how to deal with this.
He feels ashamed and that shows in his eyes.
"T...this is all my fault..." he says with a shaky voice.
He looks at Thranduil and then at you, his eyes filled with grief for what he has caused you.
“I'm so sorry, my child. I will spare him forever, I'm breaking the deal and there will be no consequences for you or Thranduil.” your father says softly and also guilty.
Your eyes slowly travel over to Thranduil, missed his presence.
The moment you look at Thranduil, your heart starts to beat faster, slowly filling with warmth again.
Your eyes meet his own...you are lost in his eyes.
He looks like a god you can't believe is real.
You forget about your father completely as you only focus on this beautiful face in front of you.
Your arms start to move up and you want to touch his face but you still lie in your bed, so weak that you don't even know if that would be a good idea.
Thranduil stares back at you, his face bright with love as he strokes your hair.
He smiles warmly and seems really happy for the first time in the last month.
He still can't believe you are there again.
"My love...I am so glad you are letting me back in. I missed you, the last months were really hard...but I am so happy that you are here again and that we can make everything right."
He can't stop his warm smile and holds you tightly.
He starts to kiss your cheek again.
As you look at Thranduil again, you notice how much he still loves you.
He looks at you and smiles gently.
His face is filled with relief as he notices you looking at him again.
It seems he misses you a lot.
And there appears another question in your mind again:
How could you break contact with him just to spare him?
This question just floats through your mind while you stare at Thranduil. Your eyes remain fixed on his while you can feel his touch on your hand.
Your eyes fill with joy and love as you look at him. There is nothing like his presence by your side.
You smile softly and caress his cheek.
He looks at you gently and caresses your other cheek.
"Butterfly..." he whispers and you feel his breath tickling your ear.
He starts to lean closer and then gives you a kiss.
You feel his breath again and your heart starts to beat faster. Your mind is filled with thoughts and it seems you can't focus on something else at this moment.
The only person you want to see at the moment is Thranduil.
You miss him, you miss his warmth and his love.
He still holds you in his arms and caresses your cheek.
"I missed you, my little butterfly."
He kisses your forehead gently while looking at you.
His presence is so calming and right now you only want to be in his arms and nowhere else.
Thranduil still supports you with one hand.
He caresses your cheek with his other hand and smiles at you.
“I'm so sorry, Thranduil. I just wanted to protect you.” You whisper guilty, with tears in your eyes.
“I forgive you, I now know you have just done that to protect me. I'm a Guard of your father but something you want to protect.” He answers soothing.
"I missed you a lot, my love." he says.
He pulls your body a bit closer to him.
"I never want to be alone again… never want to be separated from you again..." he whispers.
He is completely honest with you at this moment and you notice that you can't believe how much he loves you.
He just wants to be with you and it seems like he doesn't need anything else in the whole world...except for you.
Thranduil notices your eyes and looks at you.
He caresses your cheek and smiles.
He can't believe that you are now together again.
He looks at you while keeping one of your hands.
He strokes your hair.
"My love...we are together again."
His eyes shine, he still can't believe it.
He looks at your father and then at you.
Thranduil looks back at you, his eyes filled with love.
You take a deep breath and the pain that fills your heart becomes a bit bearable.
The emptiness is still there but Thranduil 's love is taking away most of it.
You smile slightly.
"My love." you whisper finally.
He looks at you. "My love." he whispers and then kisses your forehead gently.
He caresses your cheek and takes your hand in his again.
Thranduil still holds you and caresses your hair gently.
You can see the love and worry in his eyes.
He seems to be happy to see you awake but is also concerned for your health.
He looks at you with care.
You miss his presence like never before.
These months without him filled you with emptiness and this emptiness still fills you at this very moment.
He stares into your eyes while still feeling the warmth of his breath.
It will take you a while to be completely healthy again, but with Thranduil by your side, you will become stronger day by day and will soon be yourself again.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
There they dropped off one by one into uncomfortable sleep full of horrible dreams, as evening wore to black night; and there we must leave them for the present, too sick and weary to set guards or take turns watching.
"The Hobbit" - J. R. R. Tolkien
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Arranged | Thranduil x Reader
Read on AO3
Pairing: Thranduil x Female Reader
Summary: The Mirkwood courts having successfully pushed Thranduil into accepting a new queen through an arranged marriage. However, he cannot seem to help comparing them to his former wife. When tensions run high and reader calls the whole thing off, Thranduil realises the error of his ways.
Content etc: Thranduil being a little bit of an ass I guess. Angst. Fluff.
Prompt: number 32 & 39 on this list
requested by anonymous (I’m sorry this took literally forever and I’m sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted!)
word count: 4.6k
tags: @firelightinferno​​, @achromaticerebus​​, @coopsgirl​​, @birbixo0912​​, @desert-fern​​, @ancient-rime​​, @lady-of-imladris​​​, @weepingdreammarvel​​​, @asianbutnotjapanese​​​, @deadlymistletoe​​​
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“This is wrong.” Thranduil’s voice snapped you out of your tangled thoughts and you lifted your head with a confused frown, looking back at him.
"What is?" You asked, not even having had any clue as to what it was that he was working on over there on the sprawling couch of his large private library.
Thranduil looked up and met your gaze. "The guards you have picked." He gestured to the paper in his hands as if it should be obvious. "They are not of a high enough level to guard the Queen." 
“Oh.” You gave him a quizzical look, tilting your head. You weren’t entirely sure about levels and the like. Nobody had said anything yesterday. Nobody had even really told you much at all, in all honesty, you had been sort of left to fend for yourself. “I... didn’t know anything about that. I just had to watch them fight and pick, you said. They appeared good enough for me. I think they would do just fine.”
The Elvenking blinked at you for a moment, his thoughts more critical than he would have liked. If you had not been sure, why had you not asked? Deep down, he knew that you could not possibly have known to ask because he had not told you that you could, or should. He’d told you to pick your own guards and then left you in the training grounds to attend a council meeting. However, Thranduil had simply assumed you would have asked for help or clarification if you had needed it. And clearly you had if this list was anything to go by. As it was, you had not wanted to cause a fuss, or look foolish, or add more work to the king’s heavy load. The soldiers showing off their skills had seemed capable enough and that had been all you’d thought you needed to look for. Besides, how would you know anything about their levels? You still did not yet know everybody here.
Thranduil’s silence was uncomfortable but then he simply tsk'd and lowered his gaze again. He shrugged, almost to himself, but he did not sign off on the document. He simply scored something out before setting it to one side to go back to later. He would pick, he decided. If he let you choose low levelled guards, how would they protect you?
She would have chosen better, he thought, though it was there and gone again so quickly that he did not notice he’d thought it at all.
You eyed him for another long moment before you moved to leave the library, heading away down the corridor. He had been in a fairly strange mood all day and you supposed you should leave him to it. Not bad, exactly, just... distracted, perhaps.
Most likely he was still struggling a little with this entire situation and you couldn't really blame him for that because it was still so very strange for you too. To have wound up in an arranged marriage with the King of Mirkwood. You yourself were from Lothlórien, daughter of an important elf in the Lord and Lady's court.
While unexpected, you could see the positives in such an arrangement and, truthfully, you liked Thranduil. He had been kind to you, at least when you first met and agreed to this. However, now that you had actually moved here, it seemed a little like he had been taking offence to every single decision you made. He’d give you things to do and then seem unsatisfied with the way you had done them. It was frustrating but you could only assume he was stressed and that he would soon relax.
You went to sleep that night hopeful that tomorrow he would be in a better mood.
You found him in his study the following afternoon and felt relief when he looked up and smiled at you. "I hope you slept well. Are you prepared for the feast tonight?" He asked, holding his hand out to bid you closer.
"Mostly. I just have to decide what to wear." You told him, moving into the room and seating yourself beside him. “It is still between two dresses.”
He sat there looking at you with an expression that you couldn’t quite decipher and it was almost as if he was studying something in your very soul. “Oh? You are not... set by now?” It seemed far too late to not have the entire outfit prepared.
You shrugged, always having been a bit more carefree and lazy in your decision making. You were a bit of a procrastinator and did not altogether mind if you left things to the last minute. Sometimes this was simply because you just... forgot. A far cry from the King beside you, of course. Also unbeknownst to you, a far cry from the Queen who had come before.
Thranduil raised an eyebrow but said nothing more. His displeasure, however, radiated from him in waves in the silence that followed as he looked back down at the paperwork on the desk before him.
"What?" He did not look up.
“Something troubles you.”
He responded with a non-committal grunt and you frowned at him, watching as he pretended to read whatever was on the desk but you could tell his mind was now elsewhere. You sighed and stood to leave the room. 
As you turned, Thranduil’s hand suddenly reached out and grasped your own. You turned to find him looking at you, a soft smile on his lips once more. “You will look beautiful whatever you wear.”
Returning his smile, you ducked your head to hide the blush you could feel about to spread over your cheeks, and quickly took your leave.
Thranduil watched you go and then leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh. He liked you, he always had, but you were not quite what he had expected when he had finally relented to the pushing of his court to take a new Queen.
He had obviously agreed you would be a good choice. Your station in Lothlórien, your family tree, put you in a very good position to knowing how things worked... yet not entirely, it seemed. Something was a little... off now that you were actually here in Mirkwood with him.
Oh, you were beautiful, there was no doubt about that. You made him laugh. He enjoyed your company. There was simply something niggling at him in the back of his mind, something he couldn’t quite figure out.
The feast came quickly, too quickly for you as the time just flew past. You had gotten caught up doing something completely unrelated and frowned when a maid rushed in to find you. Her relief was palpable but you didn’t understand it until you realised the time and she had ushered you back to your room to get ready.
Thranduil was irritated. There had been a delay - nobody had been able to find you - and you were not ready for the feast. You were not here, and it took so long that he had to walk into the room alone and act as though nothing were amiss. He had promptly sat down and thrown back a rather large gulp of strong wine, irritated by the hold up.
When you entered the room - finally - you were a vision. He took in your hair, the ornamentation in it and around your neck, and the royal blue dress with pleased eyes that did much to allay his frustration.
Then, you went and tripped over the hem of the damned thing because you had not bothered to see that it had been properly fitted.
Luckily, you were close enough to the table at this point for him to grab you by the arm and keep you upright, but his irritation only grew at the scene that your little stumble had caused. The attention you caught was not the type he wished for, nor were the titters of laughter around the room.
She would never have left the fit of the dress to chance, nor would she have embarrassed him as such.
This time, Thranduil did catch the thought, but he quickly dismissed it as a simple stray musing that did not mean anything.
“Are you alright?” He asked, a little tersely, as he refilled his glass of wine.
You nodded, hardly noticing his tone yet as you willed the embarrassed flush in your cheeks to go away. You felt like the entire room had seen that and you cursed yourself for not even thinking that the dress might need proper attention. It just had not occurred to you.
“Yes. Thank you.”
He grunted and you finally looked up at him and noticed the frustration he was trying to bury shining in his eyes. You frowned, feeling even worse. He could not be... angry at you? Could he?
After picking at the food on your plate and watching one dance (you dare not join in with your dress!), you rose and made your way from the table out of the room without a word. You were not in the mood now. Reaching up, you tore the circlet from your head as you walked down the hallway as quickly as you could.
“Where are you going?” Thranduil’s voice came from the door you had just exited and you realised that he had followed you out.
Turning, you eyed him cautiously for a moment, trying to ascertain his mood, but once more he was quite the mask. “I am tired, Thranduil. I am going to bed.”
He nodded, moving closer. His gaze dropped to the circlet in your hands. “You could not have waited until you were behind a closed door?”
“What does it matter?” You asked, shrugging at him.
Thranduil didn’t respond but his brow creased just the slightest bit. Did it matter? He began to walk down the hallway and you turned to walk with him since it seemed that he was heading in the same direction you were anyway. 
“Are you upset?” You ventured after a while, watching him come to a halt as your question reached his ears.
Thranduil blinked. Was he upset? He supposed that he was feeling frustrated. Annoyed. Angry, perhaps. Why? He turned his head to look at you, a soft frown of confusion on his face as he shrugged. “I suppose I am. A little.”
“What’s the matter?”
He didn’t answer right away because, truthfully, Thranduil could not fully put into words what his problem was. What had gotten him so riled up over something that, logically, he told himself did not truly matter. Thranduil shook his head. “I am not rightly sure.” He offered his arm then. “Come, I will escort you to your room.”
But you would not be shut down quite so easily, and you shook your head. “You must know what is wrong.” You insisted. “How can I help you if you do not tell me?”
Thranduil frowned at you, his frustration growing once more. “I do not need your help.” He stated firmly, moving his arm closer so you would take it, but you still did not take it.
“Well, you need something. You-”
“Stop. Please.” He snapped lightly, dropping his arm since it had become clear that you were not going to take it. He turned around and took a step away, not wishing to engage in this right now.
“Thranduil!” Was he truly going to just turn away and leave? In the middle of a conversation? You could not quite believe it. “Just tell me what is wrong! Tell me!”
“She would not behave thus!” He thundered as he spun back to face you, and then immediately fell silent. Horror seemed to fill him as he realised what he had just said.
You frowned softly back at him, shaking your head. “Who-” Your mouth snapped shut as you stared back at him, suddenly understanding with a sick sort of certainty.
She. Her. His deceased wife.
She would not behave in this manner. She would not behave how you were behaving. She would do things ‘the right’ way. She would do better.
You could not hide the hurt that bled across your face as the two of you stared back at each other in the long, deathly silence that followed. Thranduil seemed to be frozen, utterly stricken, but you did not see it past your own dismay. Then, you were gone. Turning and fleeing from him, away down the corridor towards your own rooms.
Thranduil did not see you for two days. 
He tried to seek you out that same night but he had not been able to find you and, so, retired to his chamber to wait until you were ready to talk. However, it seemed that you were not willing to talk at all as, two days later, he received word that you had been seen sneaking into the stables with a bag full of your things.
Had it not been for you carrying your own belongings, Thranduil might have dismissed it and told them to simply follow you from a safe distance to keep you safe. As it was, he was immediately up from his chair and out of the door before the guard who reported to him could blink.
He rushed to the stables, finding you still trying to attach a bag to your horse, clearly frustrated that you could not get it secure. The animal, too, seemed unamused with your attention - blowing air through its nostrils and scuffing its feet.
“Going somewhere?” He asked quietly from the doorway, causing you to jump because you had not even heard him arrive, too focused on your irritation.
You stared at him for a second and found that looking at him hurt. You did not respond, you just turned your attention back to the horse and continued fiddling with the bag but nothing would attach the damn thing to the animal so you eventually huffed in exasperation and let it drop to the floor of the stall.
A silence followed.
You could feel Thranduil’s eyes on you but you did not look up at him.
“I never meant to hurt you” Thranduil said softly after another moment and you could hear the regret in his voice but you still didn’t look up at him.
Instead, you shrugged. “But you did.”
“Yes.” He agreed quietly, sighing. “I did.”
Of course, you did not resent him thinking of his wife. How could you ever? She had been a good Queen and an even better wife from all that you had heard of her. You had never met her, not even on a trip she’d taken with the King long ago to Lothlórien. But you had heard a lot about her and she sounded amazing. She was the love of his life, the mother of his only son, and you truly had never expected to replace her but to have him compare you in such a way... it had hurt, you could not deny that.
You were so different, you understood that, but... you were two completely different people and it did not feel fair for Thranduil to hold you to this standard that you had not even realised you had to meet. Yes, you were to be a queen and yes, you had a lot still to learn especially about Mirkwood and its own politics... but you were trying. You really were! All you needed was his help, not criticism. How could he not see that?
“Please just talk to me.” He said, his voice full of obvious unhappiness. His eyes dropped to the bag on the ground. “Where are you going?”
You held in a sharp comeback about why you should be expected to talk to him when he did not wish to do the same two nights ago. At his question, your gaze turned to the bag and you sighed, shaking your head. You bent down to pick it back up and began once more attempting to fasten it securely to the horse. “Home.” You said.
Thranduil blinked. “This is home.”
You frowned and your head snapped up to look at him. “This is your home... and clearly I am not welcome in it.” You hated how your voice shook just a little. You wanted to sound brave and firm, not like a hurt little girl. “I am returning to Lothlórien. You can call off all the arrangements.”
Thranduil stared at you then, watching while you struggled with the bag, as the reality hit him. You were going home, you were... calling off the wedding?
His arm shot out and he took hold of the bag, wrenching it gently but firmly from your grip. You gave a sigh and lifted your eyes to his face. Gods, why did he have to be so handsome? You shook your head at him, throwing your hands up in a defeated manner.
“Do not leave.” He said, his voice quieter than he would have liked. He was certain it shook a little... but you did not notice.
“Why?” Was all you could ask, scoffing a little as you shook your head again. “Why should I stay here, Thranduil? I did not come here because I have no other options, I came here because I... I like you and I trust you and...” You trailed off, lowering your gaze for a moment, one of your shoes (which were absolutely not suitable for riding a horse in the first place) kicking at the straw covered ground. “I will not... settle for a life where I am never good enough, where I am always second best. A life in the shadow of a memory. A beautiful memory, do not misunderstand, and one I would never want you to forget... but I am not her, Thranduil! I am not her and I never will be and I am sorry but... I cannot stay here, not like this.”
Another silence filled the stable. 
You looked away, at the horse, running your fingers through its mane. The animal was no longer in a mood now that you had stopped messing with the bag. You watched as it lazily chewed on some hay. Thranduil still had your bag in his hands, his fingers anxiously fiddling with the strap, his eyes on his hands. He felt ashamed and for a long moment he could not speak.
“You were never second place to me.” He whispered eventually, his eyes filling up with tears as he realised just what he had done. What he had made you feel. What he had made you think. “Never. You are not. I...” He faltered, grasping for the right words but he could not find them. “I know... what I said, what I have done, it was wrong. I cannot excuse myself, I do not even know why I...” He paused, frowning. 
You didn’t look up, though you could see him in your peripheral vision. He seemed to be struggling. He was not always good with words when it was not about politics or battle.
“I did not realise I was doing it at first,” he continued after gathering his thoughts once more. “There is no excuse and I do not say this to make one. I simply... she is the only queen to have ever graced my rule. I was thrust onto the throne so quickly... and I was grieving and she had to... truthfully, she had no choice but to take control of many things until I was more... present.” More in the moment after watching his father die, after that dreadful day, after suddenly becoming a king. “My mother died long before I even began to pay real, proper attention to anything... royal. I... my wife was the only queen I have ever known here, I remember how she did everything, I grew used to it. I forgot that you... do not know and I did not help you properly when I know that I should have. So I compared you to her and it was not fair of me. You did nothing wrong. I am sorry. So, so sorry.” He did not really expect forgiveness, he did not feel that he deserved it, he did not feel that he should receive it. To have hurt you... it pained him. “I love you.”
You turned your head from the horse to Thranduil’s face, the shock evident as you stared back at him for a few very long minutes. Had you heard that correctly? Did he... did he say...? 
Over this time, you had developed your own feelings towards the king. He was not perfect, though to outsiders he may look it, but that was probably part of why you’d fallen for him in the first place. You had not been able to help yourself. 
In the beginning, after he had approached you and your father with the idea from his council of an arranged marriage, it was not something either of you had rushed into. He had spent some time getting to know you better, for he did not wish to wed somebody he did not at least get along with. He’d been clear on that with his councillors and advisors. He’d written you letters after he returned to Mirkwood, he arranged visits for you to come and spend time with him. He showed up in Lórien once with no other reason than to offer you a bouquet of wildflowers he had picked himself, then he took you on a walk through the forest and the two of you just... talked. After all of that, it had been so easy. To say yes. To agree. Though you had known, you had known, that he would never love you. He cared for you enough, you knew that, but as a friend. He would never love you as he loved her. At least that’s what you had presumed.
“You...?” Was all you could say, still staring at him in absolute shock.
Thranduil nodded, the tears in his eyes that he’d managed to keep at bay finally beginning to spill down his cheeks as he blinked. He glanced down, embarrassed, lifting his thumb to his face and swiping away a tear. “Yes.” He whispered. “I... I should have said it before, I should have... shown it better. I am so sorry... but please.” He lifted his head again, his eyes wide as he looked at you quite desperately. “Stay. Please... do not leave me.”
You were staring at him, frozen for what felt like a long time, and Thranduil began to lose hope. You would leave and he would never see you again all because of his own stupidity. He knew you did not love him that way, that you had agreed to this as his friend, but he needed you to stay here, he could not bear to lose you.
When your voice finally came, it was but a whisper, and there were now tears in your own eyes to match Thranduil’s. “...I love you too.”
Now it was Thranduil’s turn to stare at you. He looked like he could not comprehend what had just come out of your mouth. He looked like he did not dare believe it. You stepped towards him, your hand dropping from the horse as you reached for the bag in his hands. He let you take it and you swung it up onto your shoulder out of the way, taking one of his hands in yours. You were still hurt but you could not believe this had happened... and maybe this was just something you both had needed to go through, to be able to get past it. Something his mind had needed to work through.
“I love you.” You said again, a little louder. You felt his hand squeeze yours and you lifted your free one to his face, wiping away his tears. He looked like he dared not even hope that what you had just said was true. 
“You do?” He asked then, his eyes softening as he gazed down at you while you wiped his tears away. His heart was threatening to burst out of his chest as he looked back at you. He was not fully sure he had even entirely admitted to himself that he loved you until right now. He’d felt it, he’d been aware of how fond he was growing of you despite those other thoughts, but he hadn’t fully come to terms with his feelings - he had not felt such love in a thousand years.
You nodded, your anger fading away, leaving both your hurt and your love behind. “Yes... I do.” You confirmed, sighing as you took his other hand. You heard his breath catch in his throat and you gave him a sad little smile. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t.” Thranduil said immediately, shaking his head firmly as he cut you off. “Do not. You have nothing to apologise for, you did absolutely nothing wrong. I am the one who was in the wrong. You will make a good queen. I should have told you this... I should not have gotten upset over such trivial things. Dresses...” He scoffed at himself. “None of that matters.” He said, glancing down shamefully. “I do not want you to think that I... that I do not appreciate you for who you are or that I wish you to be somebody else... because I do not.” He shook his head. “I love who you are, I love everything about you. I am so sorry.”
You could practically feel your heart soaring to the heavens. You simply could not believe that Thranduil felt this way about you and, despite your hurt over his words, you were quite overjoyed. You finally smiled and Thranduil took a steadying breath before he moved. He leaned towards you, slowly so you could turn or pull away if you did not wish it, but you stayed perfectly still and waited for him to kiss you.
When he finally did, it was like electricity. It was like something you had been missing your whole life suddenly clicked into place and you removed your hands from his to loop your arms around his neck and pull him closer. His own tentatively moved to hold you gently by the waist. When he broke the kiss and you opened your eyes again, you could tell by his expression that he truly felt the same, that he was floored by all of this, and you could see how deeply he regretted hurting you, making you feel inferior, second best.
“You will stay?” He asked then, still sounding a little uncertain, despite the fact you had kissed him and admitted you felt the same way. He was worried he might have ruined everything before he even got the chance.
You gazed up at him and you nodded. “Yes... I will stay. Of course I will.” 
There was still a sadness in your eyes that broke Thranduil’s heart to know that he was the one who put it there and he vowed to do everything in his power to make up for what he had done.
“I will never make you feel that way again.” Thranduil told you, his voice extremely firm, his gaze sharp but loving. He lifted a hand to your face, cupping your cheek. “I promise.”
You smiled and he kissed you once more before he took your hand, leading you from the stables and back into the palace, back to the future with you that he was more grateful than he could ever express to have not forever ruined.
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thewulf · 8 months
Let Me Help You || Legolas
Summary: Request - hiyaa, i dont really have a specific request but could you do something along the lines of reader hiding an injury from legolas and ofc he notices and takes care of her!❤️‍🩹
A/N: As always, thank you so much for the requests. You keep me inspired and wanting to write more and more and more! Hope you enjoy my favorite price!
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.5k +
TW: Insecurity, angsty, fluffy
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You had killed thousands of spiders in the years of them slowly encroaching on Mirkwood. It was no longer a task but an annoyance to go out and take care of a nest. The only problem was the annoyance made you careless. You’d gotten a bit overconfident in it all. In the years you had been fighting them back not one had even come close to hurting you. Until today.
You were focused on a larger spider playing with it instead of just killing it, your first mistake. The second was ignoring the creeping spider on your right thinking you had more time than you really did. When you felt the stinging sensation of the spider jabbing its poison into you, you spun around and killed it instantly. Hissing in more pain than you could have imagined you ignored it and continued to eliminate as many spiders as you could. You would be fine. You would just have to head straight to a healer once you make it back to the city. Spiders poison did not work fast enough to kill you, only make you delirious.
Tauriel gave you a quick look when she saw you walking weirdly, favoring the side that had not been stung, “Is something the matter Y/N?” She pulled you back and asked once she ordered all the guard back to the castle.
Shaking your head as nonchalantly as possible you straightened up. You had thousands of years of practice to keep your face stoic even in pain, “I pulled a muscle in training yesterday. The healer told me to keep it easy, but I fear I did not listen to her words.” You smiled to her hoping she bought your lie.
She shook her head, “Why did you not tell me? You could have sat today out.”
“And miss out killing spiders? Who do you take me for Tauriel?” You laughed ignoring the growing pain on your side. Taking a quick peak down you wanted to curse seeing the green garment slightly stained with your crimson blood. It was dry by now, surely the wound was actually healed. You just needed help removing the poison.
The remaining walk back was spent in comfortable silence. You had known Tauriel for longer than you even remember. She had always been a constant in your long life. She was a few hundred years older than you and took you under her guidance early on as your parents were close friends. Poor families with strong daughters that wanted more than the living on the outskirts of the big city. Tauriel was the one with the plan, you were the one that followed always wondering what you would’ve been had Tauriel not been there?
Nevertheless, she decided she was going to be a part of the Silvan Guard and that was that. She trained hard, day in and day out. She brought you along once you were old enough to decide if that’s what you wanted. It didn’t come as a second thought as you accepted her offer to begin training. You’d worked your ways up through the different guards behind Tauriel. Finally, a few hundred years prior you had been selected by the king to join the guard. Tauriel was promoted to Captain of the Guard, and you had never been prouder. She was everything and more. A sister you never really had but always wanted.
You’d met Legolas properly the night of the celebration and even chatted for a while. It was not lost on you how his eyes occasionally glanced around the room and landed on Tauriel. She was truly a stunning elf maiden. It surprised you she had not been courted yet, that you knew of. Why wouldn’t Legolas be interested in her? She was stunning beyond measure, kind as could be, a true proven warrior in the field and the Captain of King Thranduil’s guard. What more could you actually ask for?
What you didn’t know was that he kept his eyes on her for security to the king. If he needed to react he was the castles first line of defense when he was home. For he liked Tauriel but only as a dear friend he had grown close to over the years. Ever since your arrival to the guard he had only seemed to have eyes for you. He was just simply good at hiding it from you. Only watching you when you were preoccupied in the ring training or on guard. He couldn’t help himself from just admiring you from afar sometimes. He found you to be the most exquisite elf he’d ever laid his eyes upon. The only problem he had was trying to get you alone. You always disappeared when Tauriel was around and Tauriel was always around, being your best friend and his close friend. It had frustrated him for centuries.
Even his father, King Thranduil, found amusement out of Legolas’s inability to string together a coherent conversation together. For as amusing as he did find it he was growing worried Legolas would never actually be able to figure out how to reach you. Thranduil was hesitant over his sons pining over the elf, but he had found in the limited time he had truly known you, not just heard of your talents, that you were a great match for his son. It had been almost a hundred years since you had joined his guard, and Legolas had grown closer to you but there was just something that was stopping you from indulging him. He had no clue you acted so distant was to protect yourself. It would be hard to pretend you didn’t have a crush on the elf.
You had nearly gotten to the castle before the familiar golden blonde elf appeared in front of the both of you. The poison was really starting to hurt now. You needed to get away from the both of them and down to the healers. You’d just have to think of a good excuse after a moment of listening into their conversation.
“Tauriel, Y/N.” He gave the both of you a quick bow which you only returned with a head nod for you were not so sure you wouldn’t be able to wince from the pain, “How did the day go?” He asked as he looked over both of you. Your heart rate picked up when he spotted the dried blood on the side of your dress. Legolas was observant and even as Tauriel answered him his eyes stayed laser focused in on your form.
“Successful day. I am positive we have not reached the nest yet though. We will be back out tomorrow if you care to join us, my prince.” She answered giving you a curious look as his eyes were still looking right at you.
He gave her a quick nod as if to almost dismiss her before turning back to you. Tauriel stood there stunned at his curious behavior before she walked away slowly hoping to hear the conversation between her two obvious friends. No matter how many times she had told you the two of them were just friends you would never seem to believe her. It was slowly driving her mad as the both of you seemed be so clueless over the others fascination with the other.
“Are you all right?” He asked after a moment of the both of you looking at the other, “You look pale and there is blood on your side.” His head tilted in concern as he stepped closer.
A quick nod, “I am just fine. A small nick on this side is all. I must get going to bathe now if we are to be back out there tomorrow.” Giving him a nervous laugh, you attempted to walk away but he was having none of it. He had let you walk away far too many times, and he wasn’t letting you do it anymore. He wanted to know you. He wanted to understand you. He wanted to spend a lifetime and more with you as he was utterly fascinated with everything he had learned and is learning about you.
You looked down at you wrist being held by his much larger hand then back up to those blue eyes you found so mesmerizing. When he saw you weren’t prepared to speak he did to fill the silence, “You are not fine. You are favoring your left side. You will not look me in the eye and that blood is not even dried! What is wrong Y/N?” He nearly begged while giving your wrist a squeeze hoping to coax an answer out of your stubborn mouth. A trait he both loved and hated when it came to him being on the receiving end.
You looked down, “It is embarrassing. Promise you will not laugh?” You asked him knowing there was no way out of this. When he was focused on something he would not let it go. You were his focus right now and you had a feeling you would pass out before he would just let you wander off now.
His eyes scrunched in concern at your request. What had happened in those woods and why were you hiding it from him? “I would never laugh at you mellon nin.” He grinned right to you.
Rolling your eyes you answered him, “That is a lie for you laughed at me just yesterday!”
He had yet to drop your hand and had no plans to as he waited for your confession, “I was merely laughing with you. Not at you.”
Narrowing your eyes at him you responded, “I was not laughing though.”
“That is beside the point.” He grinned knowing you had bested him, “Can you please tell me what is wrong then?”
“I need to go to a healer. I got stung by a spider. I was careless out there and got bested.” You spoke quietly hoping no others had heard. Your reputation would likely suffer. How could a Kings Guardself get stung so easily?
He frowned taking your words into consideration before deciding what to do, “Follow me. I will heal you. Up to my chambers.” Your feet started following him as he led you to his room. You had been there a few times, but this was beginning to feel different. He was casting gazes at you that you had never seen from the elf you’d grown to love.
“Sit there.” He pointed to his bed like it meant nothing. You hesitated as you looked over the pristinely made bed you’re sure a helper had done up for him.
“Are you sure…”
“None of that. Sit.” He waved you off not letting your brain give it a second thought. You watched as he gathered a few supplies from his bathroom before kneeling at your side.
After a few moments he spoke, “I will have to cut into your dress further.”
“You are lucky I am handy with a needle.” You nodded letting him know it was fine. You would have to show a little skin if he was to actually heal you.
“I will have a seamstress repair it. Do not bother with it.” He smiled right back at you before he began to delicately cut the fabric away. He knew he should not be enjoying this as much as he was, but he was finally getting some time alone with you. It felt like a miracle even if it was at your sake.
“That’d hardly be necessary.”
He hummed before cleaning off the wound, “It’s all right to let people take care of you, you do know that right?”
It was your turn to frown as you took in his words, “I must rely on myself. My parents live far away. My brother was killed in the war. It is just Tauriel and I now. And even then she is busy being the captain most days.”
Legolas looked up to you with a sadness you had hardly ever seen, “This may sting.” He spoke quickly in a much older version of Sindarin. You could hardly make out what he was saying. Instead, you closed your eyes fighting the growing stinging sensation in your side. It would burn until it was all out and unfortunately for you it had been spreading for some time. You clenched your teeth together as the spell worked to pull all the spiders poison from your system. When it was all clear you felt that signature wave of exhaustion come over you after all the adrenaline had finally started wearing away.
“Thank you.” Blinking your eyes rapidly you were trying your hardest to stay awake. At this rate it would be a miracle if you could make it back to your quarters without passing out due to the exhausting beating you.
He gave you a quick nod as he studied you. His concern only grew as he spotted your weary eyes giving way to your overtiredness, “Lay down. Rest your eyes.”
“Oh, Legolas I cannot.” You stood with a wobble for which he quickly grabbed at your waist steadying
“I insist. You will not make it back in your state. My bed is comfortable. Rest, mellon nin. I will be here in the morning.” He pulled the covers back guiding your over. He knew he wasn’t going to sleep at all. He was going to watch and listen to make sure your heart was steady. Your breathing was regular. He knew that you would be just fine, of course. That did not stop the twinge of worry as he saw you in a far more fragile state than he was used to. And you were trusting him instead of running away
“Thank you.” You whispered after he had pulled the covers up over you. Thankful for the night cover because you were sure your cheeks were blazing red. It felt oddly intimate to be cared for so casually. Nobody had really ever done that for you before.
“Quite literally, anytime. Now rest, I will see you in the morning.” He pushed you to close your eyes. And he was right. It did not take you more than a few moments to fall into a deep sleep helping your body recover.
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When your eyes opened sunlight was hitting them. You had slept through the night for the first time in a long time. You peaked your eyes over seeing Legolas standing close but far enough to give you your distance with a brilliant smile on his face. You admired his beautiful blue eyes that reflected even brighter than usual. It simply was not fair that an elf could be as handsome as he was.
He took a step closer when your eyes locked with his, “How do you feel?”
“Much better. I slept very well.” You gave him a lazy smile as you sat up in his bed. It hit you that you spent the night in his chambers let alone his bed. Your mother would be horrified to learn you had done such a thing. But you had the suspicion he would never let such a thing get out to anyone. He would find a way to get you out of the royal tower without a second thought. This was Legolas. He would never let your reputation suffer on his behalf.
He nodded taking another step closer, “I told you my bed was comfortable.” His smile only grew into a smirk as he witnessed your cheeks flame up with color. How easy it was to get a reaction from you now that he could properly talk to you, “You look much better this morning. Much more color in your cheeks.” He teased you only worsening your reaction.
You looked down feeling his gaze too much, “You tease me so Legolas.”
He laughed softly, “Indeed. Is it so hard to believe I enjoy seeing you blush?”
You felt you heart pick up speed, “You do?”
“Aye, I enjoy everything about you actually.” He smiled feeling like he was finally letting it all out, “You’re the most interesting elf I have ever got to meet.” He only smiled seeing your shocked expression grow.
“What are you saying Legolas?” It came out as a whisper as if you were afraid of his answer. And you were truthfully.
“I love you. I have loved you for a long time. You have just never given me the chance to show you.” He grinned once more as he kneeled next to the bed, so he was eye level with you. He grabbed at your hand holding it in his.
Your eyes snapped up to his at that admission, “I thought… I thought you liked Tauriel?” You blinked at him more confused than ever. Had you truly been that oblivious to his feelings? You felt your hand growing warm in his.
“Tauriel?” he let out a low laugh, “No, never. She is more of a sister to me than anything.” He had confirmed what she had been telling you for years.
Licking your lips, you were sure he had heard your heart rate speed up at a rapid pace, “Oh, this is news to me.”
He smiled at your sudden bashfulness, “Is that all then?”
You felt the heat creeping up your cheeks, “You like me?” You asked him in response to his question.
“I love you.” He corrected you, “Meleth nin.” He brushed messy stray hairs away from your face. He was thrilled when he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, and you didn’t recoil or run away. You seemed more at a loss for words than he had expected. You always had a quick comeback to his words, but these had you stumped.
You whispered the words, “Meleth nin.” With the widest eyes right back at him.
His grin only widened seeing your expression shift from confusion to shock right back to bashfulness. He found you adorable in every sense of the word, “I’ve been trying to tell you for yours. But you always…”
“Run away.” You laughed bringing him to laugh right alongside you. The tension in the air evaporated in an instant as the two of you enjoyed a round of laughs shared early in the morning as the sun rose for the day.
“Exactly that.” He’d confirmed bringing you back down to reality.
After your fit of giggles had ended you looked down and away from his intense gaze, “Please forgive me for I thought you loved Tauriel. I did not want to intrude.”
Feeling his warm fingers beneath your chin he brough your eyes up to look right into his blue ones, “You must here me when I say that I forgive you. I forgive you a thousand times. Although we could have started this years ago it is all right. Please, will you let me take you out tomorrow? I’ll show you my favorite path behind the castle with the most beautiful flowers.” He paused trying to read your ever so stoic expression. When you broke into another grin he breathed out that sigh of relief he so desperately needed. He never imagined it to be so nerve wracking admitting such feelings to a friend like you.
“I would love to Legolas.”
He grabbed at your hands giving the back of one of them a slow kiss, “You do me a great honor, Y/N. “He let your hands go as he stood and moved towards the door.
Your face broke into a frown, “Where are you going?” It sounded whiny as it left your mouth. How had this elf made such a mess out of you so quickly?
He smiled not minding it a bit. He found he quite liked the departure of your usual self for one that’s much more needy, “You need to eat, meleth nin. I am grabbing you a plate of food. I will be but twenty minutes.”
You shook your head, “I can go, no need for you to make a trip out of it.” But before you could swing your legs over the bed he was stopping you.
He walked back over pushing you back down in bed for the second time in as many days, “No need to. Rest, please?”
You huffed, “I feel fine Legolas.”
“Meleth nin, let me help you.” He brushed his thumb along your cheek, “Please?” He asked once more now that you had calmed down a bit.
“Fine.” You crossed your hands over your chest trying not to argue with him. He was just being sweet. Let him do this.
He leaned down placing the softest, gentlest kisses to your temple, “Thank you.” He whispered before placing another kiss on your cheek. Pulled away he knew he would leave your mind reeling for at least the next twenty or so minutes.
“I will be back. Rest please.” He insisted once more as he walked to his bedroom door. Turning back to you he only grinned seeing you tucked so cozily in his bed. A sight he had wished to see for so long.
“As you insist, my prince.” You winked. Closing your eyes, you only heard his laugh before the door clicked shut. You decided fairly quickly that you could get used to this. Somebody to help. Somebody to care. Somebody to be there for you.
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sachiko1309 · 8 months
The Kings plaything - Part 1/2
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Summary: After the dwarves have been captured, Thranduil decides to have a little fun with his wife, fulfilling his need to show of his greatest possesion.
Word count: 9223
Warnings: smut with plot, public fingering, exhibitionism, possessive Thranduil, Dom! Thranduil, sub! reader, slight hurt and angst because of something Thorin said, Minors DNI! This contains adult content
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Pov Legolas:
The guards and I had captured the dwarfs that were mindlessly roaming through our lands. Right now, we had stripped them of their weapons and escorted them through the woods. Right before the big bridge that led towards the only door into Mirkwood, I stopped the parade, turning to look at the dwarves:
“You are now going to be brought in front of the king and his queen. Let me offer you some advice as to how to act in his presence. You bow when greeting him. You shall not speak unless asked to. Nor do you insult him or her majesty. And most importantly, don’t stare at her majesty.” I rattled down the points, but I was interrupted by the tallest dwarf, they addressed as their king: “Do not worry, none of us would want to see that disgusting elven pack of you anyway!”
Before I could even react, one of my guards already forced him to his knees, a blade against his throat. That seemed to enrage the others, a slight turmoil breaking out. I waited until my guards settled it, before I spoke again: “Careful of your words dwarf. She is the kings most precious possession. You do not want to anger him, by looking at her or insulting her even.”
One dwarf pressed himself through the ranks, until he stood right in front of me. He wasn’t reaching much above my waist and I had to suppress the instinct of kneeling down like I would do with a kid. “Why are we not to look at her?” He asked, nothing but curiosity filling his big brown eyes. I suppressed a laugh, still a small sly smile crossed my lips. “Things are run differently here. You will see for yourself.”
Then I just turned, not waiting for the dwarves to follow me. I knew my guards would simply force them to.
Pov Elanore:
I was sitting next to Thranduils throne beneath his feet on my pillow. It was my usual place between his legs, leaning against one of his thighs and relishing in his soft touches while covered in his cloak. Ever since I had married him some decades ago, we had slowly dipped more into showing our relationship openly. Knowing that the elves were a race loving their routines, the king openly showing his affection caused some stir. Especially, when that affection was interlaced with our power play.
But after a while the people had gotten used to it, even smiling a bit, when he softened around me. It wasn’t often for the king to show his softer side openly, but when he did, he usually did it for me. Legolas once thanked me, that I had brought his father out of his shell. Even though he did not quite understand our relationship, he accepted me as his father’s new wife, soon becoming my partner in crime when it came to wreaking havoc.
I never wanted to replace his mother and I told him so. Legolas didn’t seem to mind either way, soon starting to teasingly call me naneth and over time the name got stuck.  
A guard racing down the hall and stopping in front of us breathless, made me turn my head to look at him. He bowed deeply, his eyes quickly washing over my face, before he looked at the floor in front of him. It was common for the guards and common people to not look at me and after I had pressed Thranduil deeply on the matter, he had admitted to make it a general rule not to stare at me. His harsh demeanor the earlier centuries still sitting deeply, that most elves took it literally and refused to look at me. The only exceptions being Legolas and Tauriel.
“My king.” The guard started. “Your son and some guards have captured a group of 13 dwarves wandering our forest. They are now on their way to be brought in front of you.”
“Is that so?” Thranduil cued, caressing my hair with a soft growl in his voice. “How long are they going to take until their arrival?”
“Not long, my king. They have already made it to the gate.” The guard answered. Thranduil raised an eyebrow. “Thank you. You can leave now.” Waving the guard off, he looked down on me. “It looks like we are about to have guests, little ithil.” Then he opened his legs. “Join me on the throne. A queen must rule besides her king.”
Quickly getting up from my place, I sorted my dress to make it look more presentable. It was made out of thin silk, a soft blue touch to it. During the time I was staying in Mirkwood, I only wore my inside clothes, that Thranduil himself very carefully picked. The dresses he picked for me to wear were far from hiding my body. Rather the opposite. Their light and see through fabric accentuating my curves, doing nothing in hiding my breasts or core from other peoples eyes.
“I am not wearing anything appropriate.” I argued, trying my best to ruffle the dress to cover the dark circles of my nipples that clearly shone through the silk. “Nonsense, meleth. You are wearing just the right dress.” Thranduil said, stopping my hands and smoothing the fabric over my breasts. His soft touches to my nipple made me sigh in pleasure and he smiled. “You are my queen. Mine to protect and cherish. Whenever I am at your side, the world shall see what a beauty lies beneath those fabrics.”
Then he fidgeted with his pants, tying them lose and signaling me to sit on his lap. My eyes widened, when I saw him freeing his cock, that was already leaking precum. “No…” I whispered, but he just pulled me towards him. Simply spreading my legs, he pulled me on top of him so that I was straddling his lap, my back towards him. Beneath my heat, I could feel his cock stroking through my folds. “You are always so wet for me, melethril.” He groaned, taking my shoulder and pushing me down on his cock.
I yelped in surprise and the slight pain the stretch brought with it. But Thranduil didn’t react to it. He simple sorted my feet to dangle besides his thighs, so that I now had no leverage of pushing me up from the throne. “You will stay right here and warm my cock, you understand?” He growled into my ear, biting the skin of my neck right beneath it.
“Yes, my king.” I whispered, leaning back onto his chest. My actions made him chuckle slightly. “You are such a good little girl for me. All it takes is my cock inside of you and you are already forgetting your worries.”
Sorting the dress between my legs, he made sure the two cut outs were delicately laid out to show my legs. Reaching up to my hips and slightly my waist the fabric closed again, just the edges of my hipbones peaking through. A dark blue leather belt securing the dress around my waist and keeping the fabric tight around my chest to not only show my hard nipples through it, but also prevent my breasts from falling out of my cleavage.
What I did not expect was Thranduil sneaking his right hand beneath the fabric of my legs, putting his fingers on my clit. With slow movements, he collected some of my slick that had run out of my core, spreading it over his fingers and my pearl. I couldn’t help myself but moan out his name. “Yes, my little petal. Let them hear you.” Thranduil whispered cockily in my ear and I clasped a hand in front of my mouth, which he quickly took away again. “Oh no, my sweet darling. You are my queen. You do not hide.”
“But you cant just…” My argument was shut down by another moan rolling off my lips, this time a bit quieter, but still clearly hearable for elven ears. “I can and I will.” Thranduil retorted. “I am the king. I can do with my plaything whatever I want and whenever I want it. Not even you will keep me from it.”
I wanted to say something, but the faint thrumming of several pairs of feet made me bite my tongue, trying my best to keep my face straight even though Thranduil had not stopped his soft touches on my core. He was not moving inside of me and thanked the spirits for it, as I would not have been able to keep quiet otherwise. I knew it was obvious for everyone what was happening on the kings throne, but none of the guards reacted openly, even though I thought to have seen some smirks quickly cross their faces.
My dress didn’t do much to hide my growing arousal, my nipples hard and stiff against the silk, Thranduils rings still glittering through the fabric between my legs. And to my dismay, he brushed his free hand over my breasts, making my head roll back onto his shoulder. “That’s it, gilgalad. Feel me.” He cued into my ear, kissing my neck and my cheek. “I will make you come and you will let me, understand?”
“Yes, my king.” I yelped out, closing my eyes at the tingly feeling, that started to slowly build inside of me. With another flick of his fingers, he made me twitch around his cock, growling slightly. “Just like that, darling.” Then his attention shifted from me towards the dwarves that stomped through the halls. Even though they were almost half the size of the elves, their steps were loud and unflattering to the ear, making me shiver and clench my jaw at the interruption.
Thranduil of course noticed, kissing my ear. “They should have taken of their shoes. But then again, I can just make them stop walking. The smell on the other hand I cant control.” I chuckled at his words, my shaking body causing his cock to hit my sweet spot deep inside of me. I yelped, biting my tongue. The hot feeling inside of my body suddenly becoming more prominent.
“Adar.” Legolas voice ripped me out of my fogged up brain and I looked at him. A smile crept on his lips, as he shamelessly stared between my legs. I tried to close them, but Thranduil kept me in place with a slight slap on my clit. I hissed out, clenching around his cock in revenge. But unlike me, the king did not react besides a slight tilt of the head.
“Legolas.” He greeted his son, shuffling a bit on this throne to look at the group in front of us properly. “I see you have brought guests.”
“They were wandering around in the forest. We saved them from being killed by spiders.” Legolas explained, still not taking his eyes away from me. He knew it was a dangerous game to play, but being the son of Thranduil he obviously grew up to be as cocky. His father did also notice his staring, raising an eyebrow. “Something else, you want to add?”
Just like his father, Legolas tilted his head the same way. “Nothing of important matter.” A sly grin on his lips, he leaned against a pillar behind him. Thranduil just scoffed, slightly speeding up the movements of his fingers. He turned his attention towards the dwarves and I could feel him suck in a deep breath.
“Thorin, son of Thráin, son of Thrór king under the mountain.” He greeted the tallest dwarf, who immediately puffed his chest, looking him straight in the eyes. “King Thranduil.” Came the short answer, a suppressed anger in the dwarfs voice. Thranduil did not openly react to it, just letting his left hand delicately brush over my nipples again. Taking the left one between his fingers, he tugged on it, making me involuntarily moan out.
“Tell me dwarf. What is the matter of your visit?” He asked, not even caring to look at the other man, studying my face as it contorted in pleasure. The answer that followed would have cost the dwarf his head, would it not have been for me to sit on Thranduils lap: “We came to seek aid, because unlike you, we have much more important things to do than pleasure a little mistress.”
Immediately two guards had the dwarf on his knees, dragging him closer to the throne, while the others aimed their weapons at the group. “Watch your mouth, scum. This is the queen you are talking about.” One guard growled, harshly tilting Thorins head back, so he was forced to look at the king. Thranduil just smiled one of his arrogant but angry smiles: “What would your people know of pleasuring a woman? Clearly there is not much desirable about your kin.”
And while he was reprimanding the dwarf in front of him, he once again sped up his finger play on my core. The other hand now openly gripping my breasts, tugging on my nipples, until I couldn’t help myself but become a moaning and shivering mess on his lap. The people in front of me faded out of my brain, my focus only on the kings touches and his cock sheathed deep inside of me.
Warm desire, syrupy and all-consuming, filled my stomach. Lust clouding my thoughts. He made it difficult for me to do more than groan, desperate for his touch, as the anxiety I had felt dissipated with each swipe of his fingers. I didn’t care where I was and who was all watching me slowly but surely come undone in the king’s lap. My mind was way too fogged up with the tingly feeling that started to spread from my center towards every string in my body.
I closed my eyes, my head lulling back onto Thranduils shoulders, nails gripping his arm. “Oh god, please. This feels so good.” I moaned, my voice slurred and shaky. The only thing I could focus on was the searing warmth between my legs. Time seemed to still as everything but this, everything but being filled to the brim, ceased to exist. I was tumbling closer to the edge, as my cries were reduced to nothing more than his name. Thranduil didn’t seem to mind one bit either, every cry that left my lips spurring him on further.
“I got you.” Thranduil promised, pressing me impossibly closer to his chest. He pushed me higher and higher, not caring about anything else than my pleasure. Forcing my head back to look at him, I gasped at the sudden possessiveness that overruled everything in him. I could see it in his eyes. They were dark and blown with lust, trained on my face, taking in every twitch of my expression, feeding his arrogance with it.
And then it happened. I barreled over the edge, vision turning black at the edges and lips parting. Thranduils mouth met mine, swallowing my cries of pleasure, noises he knew would still be ringing undeniably loud through the halls. His actions drew a gasp from my lips, the warmth of my orgasm searing through me from within as I clenched around his cock. That had him nipping at my bottom lip in a warning, though a lazy grin betrayed him. “Watch it, nin iell.” He teased. “You don’t want to end it that quickly do you?”
“No!” I yelped, tugging his hand away from my center as I could feel the overstimulation turning unbearable. “Good girl.” Thranduil growled behind me. “Because you take what I give you, like the good little slut you are, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, my king.” My voice was shaky, barely above a whisper and he took it as a sign to let go of me. Just holding me at my hips, he turned to look at the kneeling dwarf before him. “Excuse me. What was it that you wanted?” The sheer arrogance, that laced his words was filling the air, dripping onto the floor, and poisoning everything it touches. Thorin took a deep breath, clearly biting down the words he wanted to say. “Aid, my king.” He repeated between gritted teeth, shaking the hands of the elven guards from his shoulder and standing back up.
Thranduil leaned himself to the side, gently resting his chin on his fingers, as he watched the dwarves. “Some may imagine that noble quest is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon. I myself suspect a more prosaic motive. Attempted burglary, or something of that ilk.”
Thorin did not say anything, but his lips twitched slightly, obviously not going unnoticed by my husbands eyes. Thranduil, tapped my hip, before he simply heaved me from his lap, making me stand in front of him as a shield. After he had sorted himself, he stepped down the stairs, while I took my seat in his throne, cuddling into his warm cloak, watching the interrogation unfold in front or my eyes.
Thranduil stopped besides Thorin, leaning down on his eye level. “You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you. The right to rule. The kings jewel. The Arkenstone” His words made Thorin look aside, while Thranduil slowly stepped back, stopping in front of me, his eyes still fixated on Thorin. Keeping on talking, he slowly entangled the plan of the dwarves. “It is precious to you beyond measure. I understand that.” Looking at me with a smile.
“There are gems in the mountain, that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help.” Thranduil bowed his head. That made Thorin chuckle: “I am listening.” Immediately my husband stone changed, growing darker, a slight threat in his voice: “I will let you go. If you but return what is mine.”
Thorin turned, walking to the edge of the platform. “A favor for a favor.” And I could hear he did not trust one thing Thranduil was saying.
“You have my word.” My husband pressed on. “One king to another.”
“I would not trust Thranduil the great king to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us.” Thorin turned around, pointing a finger at my husband, before he started yelling again. “You lack all honor. I have seen how you treat your friends. We came to you once. Starving, Homeless. Seeking your help. But you turned your back. You turned away form the suffering of my people in the inferno that destroyed us. Imrid amrâd ursul!”
I gasped, as I heard Thorin wish a fiery death upon my husband. Jumping from my seat, I was about to yell at him, but Thranduil raised his hand, my light elven feet clearly too loud for his ears. Taking a step towards Thorin, he bent down once again. “Do not speak to me about dragon fire. I know its wrath and ruin.” Knowing what he was about to do, I balled a fist, gripping tightly at his cloak, when I watched him reveal his scar. I could only see the outer edges that covered his chin.
“I have faced the great serpents of the north.” Thranduil pulled back, stepping closer to me. His whole demeanor changed. Was it before slightly arrogant but still willing to help. It was now hard and hateful. Something he rarely let me see. Still keeping his voice in check, he walked towards the stairs, giving me an apologetic look before turning back to Thorin. “I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon. But he would not listen.”
Thranduil slowly walked up the steps and I shuffled to stand up, but he just signaled me to stay seated. Taking his stand next to me, hands clasped behind his back. “You are just like him.” Then he waved his arms. The guards immediately jumping to action, grabbing the dwarves. “Stay here if you will and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I am patient. I can wait.”
The guards were about to drag the dwarves of, when I rose from my seat. “Wait.” All action stopped, the dwarves looking at me with wide eyes. Slowly, I made my way down the stairs, stopping in front of Thorin. In comparison to Thranduil he looked tiny, but when I stood next to him, he reached up to my eyes. Looking me straight in the eyes, he challenged me by tilting his head. “Look at that. Thranduils little pet, decides to come to our aid. We do not need your help, woman.” He spat directly in front of me, missing my feet by mere inches.
“Careful of your words, dwarf. I am currently the only one between you and my husbands wrath.” I smiled, mimicking my husband as good as possible. It did not seem to help anything, as Thorin just chuckled. “Are you sure you are not a dwarf yourself? You barely outgrew me.”
“I am an elf.” I said, clenching my jaw. “And only a fool would underestimate his opponent that greatly. Are you perhaps a fool, dwarf?”
“I am no fool!” He yelled out and I couldn’t help but chuckle: “Oh my apologies. Your latest actions must have misled me.” Sighing I stepped around him, taking a closer look at the rest of the group. “You really should take my husbands offer. A small chest of white stones in exchange of an army. That is a small prize to pay, considering the wealth of that mountain.” The rest of the dwarves had agreeing looks on their faces, but none of them dared to speak up against their leader.
“Why are you so set on getting those stones? Is you wardrobe not full enough?” Thorin gritted out, the hate still very prominent in his face. I waved him off. “Ah, I do not care about jewels…”
“Your clothes speak different, woman.” He spat out, interrupting me. Slowly I was getting angrier at his antics, twirling around on my heels. But Thorin wasn’t finished making fun of me: “You walk around this realm. Clothed in nothing more than what can be called an excuse of clothing. A tease to everyone’s eyes and yet, your king enables it by ordering everybody to shy away their gaze. And still, everyone is able to see your form, covered in gemstones from head to toe and you dare to claim not to care about jewels? I bet you even have them stuck up your womanhood. That’s how greedy you are for them!”
“Take his head!” Thranduils voice thundered through the halls. His words making everyone gasp out in fear, the guards holding him, now forcing him down, a blade on his throat, ready to cut it at my command. I just raised my hand to stop them. “I do not need to answer your foul accusations, dwarf. But if you may know, those stones and dresses are a gift of my husband. I wear them, to please his eye and only his. As for his orders, I have asked him to at least loosen the punishments, and for our people he has. But you are an outsider. Clearly not able to respect a woman, so why should you be allowed to set eye on her?” Stepping closer to him, I looked him deep into the eyes, before carrying on: “And for those white stones. They were an heirloom of his late wife. They hold great worth to him.”
Thorins lips contorted into a wicked grin. “An heirloom of his late wife. Look at that. The second one defending her husband. To blind to see, he will never love her the way he did with his first. Tell me how does it feel to always be second? To always be reminded of the woman he lost? The mother of his son?” That’s when it snapped in me.
I slapped him across the face, my eyes squinted in anger and I had to physically hold back my voice to not yell at him: “I have given you another chance. Offered you a way out. And yet you stand here, still spitting on the help we offer. Spitting on Legolas mother. There is no competition between us. I know he loved her with all his heart and there is still love in there for her, but that does not dull his love for me. I can see that you are bitter. Too bitter to see the good around you. Your people will die because of your wrathful greed. You lead them into death by dragon fire just because you are to arrogant to accept help. I might not have met many dwarves, but you, Thorin, son of Thráin, son of Thrór, king under the mountain are clearly the most arrogant and hateful one.”
Then I looked at the guards. “Finish my husbands order. Take them to the dungeons. Let them rot.” Turning on my heels again, I made my way away from the throne. One the one hand to give my mind peace and to hid the tears that were about to form in my eyes. Thorins words had hit dead center. I knew I should not doubt Thranduils love for me, but still. A part of me, was contemplating whether he was still hanging on his late wife or not. I did not really look where I was going, letting my feet carry me through the kingdom halls. The tears had now pressed themselves to the surface, rolling down my cheeks in big paths and making my vision blurry.
When I stopped, I realized I was in my old chambers. The one I had moved into centuries ago, when I stumbled into Mirkwood by accident. Originally, I was an elf of Imraldis. Elronds cousin to be exact, but I wanted to see the world before I was to marry. My path bringing me into the woods of Mirkwood. What I did not know, was the severity of the spiders. Underestimating the danger, I soon found myself surrounded by five of them, a venomous bit in my left shoulder. I must have passed out, because the next thing I remembered was Legolas and another elf leaning over me and caring for my wound.
After I had healed, I was brought before the king. He offered me shelter and I had taken his offer gladly. Not knowing who I was, I simply took a role as a soldier of Mirkwood, going on patrol with Legolas to keep the borders safe. It took several years, before Elrond had figured out where I went. With the cause to bring me back, he stormed into the halls, demanding to know why the king would let his cousin do such a dangerous job. Thranduil not knowing let to a big fight between the normally very close elves. And after I had refused to go home with Elrond, I was taken from my patrol and sorted to do the more strategic part of military tasks. My new role forcing me to work closer with the king and slowly we became friends. That friendship turned into love and Thranduil started to court me until we finally got married.
I was too caught up with my tears and the memories streaming into my brain, that I did not hear the footsteps approaching me from behind. So, when a hand touched me, I whirled around ready to fight. Btu strong arms held me close, the strong smell of pine, red berries and a hint of frozen mint entangling me, announcing the person holding me as my husband. “Shhh don’t cry, meleth. Please. There is no need…”
“No need?” I yelled, tripping over my own words. “He read my like a book just by looking at me. Every word of his is true!”
“Not all of them.” Thranduil calmly stated. It made me reel out in wicked laughter, the tears streaming down my red cheeks before dropping onto my chest. “Oh spare me. I know you love your late wife. You always had and you always will. I am merely a distraction for you, one you grew to love the image of rather than the truth.”
“Meleth…” He started, but I just stepped out of his hold. “No, Thranduil. Don’t call me that ever again.” My words visibly made him angry, but he held back, letting me speak my mind: “We have lived a lie. A dream. Me too blind to see and you to torn by your feelings to understand the truth. You long for your late wife everyday. That’s why you keep distracting yourself with dressing me up, so that you don’t have to look me in the eye and see I am not her. And I let you do it. To stupid to see the poison it brought to my body, believing it was just your way of loving me.”
“That’s what you think?” His voice was quiet. A slight tremble to it.
“I know it is.” I simply answered, not daring to look at him.
“So, you want this to end? Just because a bitter dwarf told you to?” He asked, angrily taking of his crown and throwing it against the wall. It splattered into thousands of tiny pieces, scattering around the floor. “That’s how much I love you. I would give up all of this, to be with you. Why don’t you see that?” He started to take of his jewels, throwing them against the wall as well. And with every piece of stone that shattered, a piece of my heart broke, until I couldn’t help myself but sink to my knees.
He was by my side immediately. “Listen to me, bereth. As it might be true, that I deeply loved my wife and that I still hold her very dearly. It means nothing compared to you. She is the mother of my child. You are the light of my life. I love you with all my heart and I want to spent eternity with you. Don’t listen to the words of that dwarf, as he knows nothing about love.”
I was still doubtful. The words of Thorin still present in my ears. “You just say that to keep me as your wife.”
Thranduil rose back to his feet, now angrily pacing through the room. “If its that what you want, we shall separate. I cannot divorce you because of our social standing. But I shall leave you be. You will be cared for and every wish shall be fulfilled, but I will never bother you again.” He forced his hands through his hair, making it all messed up, before he looked at me again: “I do not say things lightly and you know that. I have lived thousands of years to see people fall in and out of love. And if you are… Then so shall it be.”
There he was again. The cold king I had met centuries ago. The stiff shell of what he once was, hiding behind power and coldness. It broke my heart seeing him like that and the pull I felt inside of me, made me realize how wrong I was about him. About us. Before he could turn to leave, I sprung to my feet, grabbing his hand. “I am sorry.”
He stilled in his movements, tilting his head to look at me, his gaze harsh and unmoving. “I am sorry.” I repeated. “I was not thinking clearly… Thorins words… They were so hard, so… real. It made my mind underestimate your love for me. Please forgive me, herven. I… I always fear you will leave me one day. Realizing it meant nothing for you. And when he said that… It all became so real, so true. I could not bear the thought of you leaving me, so I fled. Making myself believe that if I were the one to decide, it would not be so harsh on my mind.”
A soft smile crept up his lips, before he took me in a long and warm embrace, wrapping his cloak around us both. “Oh, you stupid little girl. Why did you not tell me about your fears? I would have done more to show you otherwise.”
“Don’t call me a little girl.” I grumbled against his chest, hitting him with my fist. That only caused him to laugh out loud. “But you are. Merely overtaking dwarfs by half a head. Just a little more than a decade older than my son.”
“That is only shining a bad light upon you. Grooming an elleth that is the age of your child. You should be arrested for sacrilegious acts.” I teased, slowly gaining my confidence back. I looked up, only to be met with Thranduils love sick blue eyes watching me intently. At my words he raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? I believe you should stop me then. Or do you perhaps relish in the way I am corrupting you?”
I was speechless. My mouth opening and closing without the words coming out. My brain was mushy, melting under his strong gaze. That only seemed to spur him on even more. “Are you falling out of words, pîn iell?” Letting his hands slowly graze down my body until they reached my thighs, he lifted me up. Out of instinct I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the bulge of his pants pressing against my core. His expression turned smug, when he saw my nipples again peaking through the thin fabric. “You don’t have to say it. Your body speaks enough.”
With that he carried me out of the room, but we didn’t get far, as he crashed us into the next wall, his lips feverish on mine. I sighed deeply, when I felt him press against me as desperate as I was. Letting my hands wander through his hair, I pulled on the strands that normally were very orderly sorted on his head. But now I had turned them into a mess. “Thranduil…” I moaned, pressing myself even closer to him.
“I got you, meleth. I am here. You are safe.” He groaned against my lips.
“Bed.” I breathed out and he chuckled. “Which one? Ours or just any bed?”
“I hate you.” I said, leaning my face against his chest to hide the blush creeping onto my cheeks. He took my chin into his hand, softly turning it, so that I had to look him into the eyes. His blue orbs were burning with desire and lust, making me speechless. “I am the king. I own every bed in this realm. So, if you should ever desire something else than ours, you shall have it. Besides. I would not mind fucking you on any bed or surface. By Valar, I would even fuck you in front all of my people to show how much I love you.”
“I figured.” I retorted, cockily. “What even was that back in the throne room? I know you are a possessive man, but that was something new. Even for you.” He smirked, tilting his head. “How do you thing I have managed to stay sane over all those years? A creature living this long needs to be creative to make life worth living.”
“Mhm. Sure. And now what's the truth?” I asked, not falling for his sly answer. “I was just incredible horny for my wife.” He whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin. “So horny, that you would bring me to an orgasm in front of our guests?” I breathed, holding onto his shoulders. “Yes.” Was all he said, before he pressed his lips onto mine once again.
A scattering sound made us flinch apart, only to see a young servant standing in the middle of the hall, a load of books spread to his feet. “My king, my queen.” He bowed deeply, before he sunk to his knees to grab the books. “I am so sorry for interrupting, I did not intent to walk here, but I got lost on my way back to the library. Please forgive me.”
Quickly I shuffled out of Thranduils hold, kneeling besides the servant. I helped him sort his books, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Its alright. You are new, are you not?”
“Yes, your majesty. I am a new scribe in the library.” He didn’t dare to look at me, his eyes trained onto the books. I sighed deeply, wondering what the older elves had told him would happen if he were to look at me. “You know you can look me into the eyes.” I chuckled, ignoring the low huff of my husband behind me.
“I am not to look at the queen. That’s what I have been told by Cabron.” He answered. “He said I would be thrown into the dungeon where my eyes would be poked out and I was to rot to death.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Do not fear me or the wrath of my husband. Cabron is a very… lets say teasing ellon. He was just messing with you. The rule is not to stare at me, looking me in the eyes, when I speak with you is fine.”
“Its not.” Thranduil grumbled behind me, but I shushed him. “Don’t listen to him. He is particularly grumpy today, as he had a run in with dwarves.” Then I stepped next to him. “If you want to the library, you walk down that corridor, take the first left turn, follow the path to the end and then turn right. After that you should be close enough to the library to know.”
The servant bowed again. “Thank you, your majesty.” Then he ran off the way I described to him. Looking at Thranduil, I raised an eyebrow. “Look at what you are doing to the young ellons. The older elves might understand your words in their meaning, but they are using it to torment the young ones.” He didn’t seem to be bothered one bit. “What a shame…” Slowly stalking towards me, a grin spread over his face. “That makes me think of something I said earlier.”
“And what would that be?” I asked breathless, fleeing backwards from my husband. The grin on his lips turning more wolfish with every step he took. “I shall take you where anyone can hear you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” I shrieked; my eyes wide in shock.
“Oh, and how I would. And I will teach that scum of a dwarf a lesson.” He stopped his prowl, looking at me as if he was thinking about something. And then he yelled at me: “RUN!”
Before I even completely comprehended his words, my body reacted to his command. Gathering my skirt, I turned on the spot, fleeing down the hall, Thranduil hot on my heels. I was giggling like a little child, as I raced through the kingdom. Elves forced to jump aside, looking after us, as we passed them. Soon I was caught between a stone wall, the cliff of a path just above the dungeons and Thranduil blocking my only way out. Trying my best to catch my breath, I leaned against the wall, forcefully slowing my breathing. Then realization dawned on my face: “You routed me here…”
“I did.” There was no regret in his voice, the sly smile still present on his lips. His shoulders were heaving in big breaths, the fabric of his tunic stretching across his chest and arms as he flexed them against the wall. Slowly stalking towards me, he forced me deeper into the dungeon, until my back hit the wall. I looked to the side and down the cliff. Beneath me, I could see the dwarves being captured in their cells. Thorin looking right back at me.
He was about the same height we were currently at, the others of his company below us or him, unable to see what was happening. That didn’t keep them from listening. “Thorin. What's going on up there.” A young voice called out. Thorin’s face contorted, as he answered. “Nothing, Kili. Just the elven king giving into the desire of his flesh once more.”
“What does that even mean?” Kili asked, another voice, very similar to his answered him: “It means the elven king is about to fuck his wife just above you, you moron.”
“Fili!” Thorin thundered, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Even Thranduil had a sly smile on his lips, securely hidden from the dwarves.
“It seems like you have pulled our guests attention, nin iell.” He cockily said and I knew that he was staging a play. Tilting my head, I played along: “Good thing you are here to prevent me from any more danger.”
“Indeed.” He said, letting his eyes shamelessly run over my body. Then with one big last step, he closed the distance between us, picking me up once more. “Thranduil!” I yelped out, clutching at his arms and wrapping my legs around him. He tightened his arms around me, pressing me against the wall. It caused me to make a soft noise, something between a moan and a purr.
Thranduil grinned wolfishly, as one hand wandered from my face, down my shoulder, gripping the belt of my dress. And with one sharp tug, he ripped it from my body. I gasped at his sudden show of violence, the dress falling open. It was one of his favorite dresses. Basically, one long piece of fabric cut into two strands one side up to the middle. To wear it, I simply laid the two strands above my body, while the single strand covered my back. Then I wore a belt to safely secure it around my waist, sorting the fabric over my chest. Now those two strands were flaring widely open, only held between my legs.
Letting the belt fall to the ground, Thranduil gripped the fabric of the dress, slowly pulling it out between us, before he disregarded it onto the floor as well. Now I was naked, my back pressed against the cold stone wall.
“Please.” I begged, making the elf before me hoarsely chuckle, his teeth were grazing my earlobe, biting it gently.
“Please, what?” He asked as he pulled away, his eyes now dark with lust and desire.
“Please touch me.” I breathlessly whispered. It was all he needed. Without wasting any second, his lips captured mine, locking them in the most passionate and fiery way he could muster. The feeling of his lips against mine was enough to knock the air out of my lungs, not to mention the force of his tongue inside my mouth, it was enough to have my mind reeling.
He gently put me down, leaning me against the wall, as he knelt in front of me. Spreading his cloak on the floor to give some warmth from the cold stone. Patting the fabric in front of him, he looked at me with the uttermost desire I had ever seen a man look at me with. Fully aware of Thorins eyes upon me, I walked around Thranduil, taking my place on the ground beneath him. A sly grin on his lips, he shuffled between my legs, throwing one last glance to the dwarf watching us, before he simply dove down.
“Oh my GOD!” His tongue traced my clit lightly, barely giving much stimulation, but even that was enough to make my legs starting to quiver.
While his tongue tracing my clit felt absolutely amazing, nothing prepared me for feeling his tongue tracing along my soaked slit, before delicately prodding inside of me. “Melethron!” I shrieked out, his tongue trailing back to my clit before I felt his finger slowly enter my core. He raised his mouth from my center, looking me straight into my eyes. “By Valar, how I love this.” His voice was nearly a growl. “And by all what is mighty, I will never stop worshipping it.”
He was passionate about pleasing me, humming at my skin. Making sure to wait for me to relax, welcoming the pleasure rather than being surprised by it, before he slowly started to thrust the single digit in and out of my core. I tossed my head back, gripping the fabric of his cloak at the feeling of his long fingers reaching parts of me that I could never reach myself.
“Fuck!” I yelped out, his finger finding the perfect spot inside of me, curling to massage it gently and bringing me closer to the edge. My walls pulsating in rhythm with his thrusts, the wet and messy sounds of my pleasure filling the room. I felt him moan, even more as he brought his free hand up my chest, pinching and pulling my nipple before switching to the neglected breast, simultaneously adding a second finger. 
I cried out for him. “I’m so close, please don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” My back began to arch off the ground, as his ministrations went on, his fingers pounding into my core as his lips continued to suck eagerly at my clit. “Oh my…” I rasped, my voice hoarse and thin. “Thranduil!” I yelled, as my orgasm washed over me all the sudden. Riding it out, as he refused to cease his actions on my body until I couldn’t take any more and had to pull him away.
“Oh, how I love seeing you like this. All ready for me.” Thranduil snickered, his eyes trained on the spot between my legs. I could feel my wetness slowly dripping out of my core, running down onto his cloak. “To bad, a certain dwarf had to interrupt me fucking you on my throne. Making you the queen you were born to be. I would have fucked my seed so deep inside of you. Taking you until you are begging for me to stop.  Making you a crying mess for everyone to hear. And then I would have carried you back to our chambers, my cum leaking out of your pretty little pussy.”
I whined at his words, my body instinctively arching. “You are so needy for me. My beautiful little slut.” Playing with my folds, he pulled another moan from my lips. Forcing them into me, he curled them once more, finding my sweet spot just so easily, reaching places I couldn’t reach myself. “This pussy belongs to me, you hear me?”
“Yes.” I breathed out, my voice high pitched from the pleasure he was once again granting me.
“Yes what?” He snarled, his blue eyes squinting with a slight threat that shot the heat right between my legs.
“Yes, my king.” I mewled. “Please. I need you. Please…” Sounding like a needy child, I cried out for him, spreading my legs further to coax him in. He stopped moving his fingers inside of me, slowly pulling them out. “Do it again. Beg for it. I know you want to.”
“Thranduil…” My moan was reflected by the walls, traveling through the halls up to the throne room. “Please, my king. I need you. I want you to take me. Make me your queen, please…” Without a warning, he lined his cock up with my entrance, bottoming out in one go. I yelped at the pain of being stretched so suddenly, but it soon subsided, when he started his slow and passionate pace. He wanted to take his time. Relish in the moment.
I was a quivering mess beneath him. My eyes rolling back into my head, lips hanging open, hands gripping at everything they felt. He growled above me, causing my eyes to snap open. Like a ravenous predator, his eyes captured mine. A desire burning inside of them that only he could produce. “Please…” I whimpered once again, now completely pushed into submission by his demeanor. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. Then he turned my head towards the cliff. “Look at him.” Thranduil ordered and I opened my eyes, seeing Thorin stand in his cell. His hands harshly gripping the metal rods of the door.
Thranduil tapped my lips with his fingers and I obediently opened my mouth, taking his long digits down my throat. I choked on their length, but forced down the gag reflex. “Hands above your head.” He ordered and I quickly moved them where he wanted them. His response was taking them into his big hand, the pace switching from slow to a more moderate speed, knocking the air out of my lungs.
My head hung back, my lips being parted by his fingers, drool running down my cheeks, as I gave myself to him. The searing heat returning, starting between my legs and slowly burning its way through every fiber of my body. Soon my moans were accompanied by his groans, the sound of him growling my name and cursing in elvish dragging me towards the edge in record speed. I tried to ask for more, but his fingers restrained me from forming a coherent sentence. With a knowing grin, he let go of my mouth, looking at me challengingly: “What is it, nin iell?”
“M… More.” I moaned out. “Please. I need more.” He hummed at my request, bending down to kiss me. “Hmmm. My little petal. So eager to be fucked. Wishing to be ruined by her king.” He murmured between kisses, smothering every inch of my body he could reach. Unable to even process his words, he caught me by surprise, when he took my right leg and threw it over his shoulder, the space now enabling him to pound into me even deeper.
“Thranduil!” I cried out, twitching beneath him and trying to get away from his harsh thrusts. His cock hitting me deeply and perfectly on my sweet spot, to an extend that I wasn’t sure if it was still pleasure that shot through my body. “This was what you requested, was it not?” He cued and I couldn’t help but mewl. “It is what you begged me for. To give you more, isn’t that right, gilgalad?”
Trying my hardest to answer him, I opened my lips, bit my sentence got ripped away by the sudden moan that rushed through my lips. Even though I was staring at my husband, I wasn’t really able to focus on anything in particular. All my attention laying on the feelings he freed deeply in my body. “There… Please…” My words were slurred and hasty, my brain drunken from the pleasure overtaking my body. “Here?” He cockily asked, repeating the exact movement that had me reeling in a mixture of pleasure and overstimulation. “Or perhaps here?” Dragging his free hand over my body, he pinched my nipples hard, before he let his fingers wander lower. Circling my clit with soft little touches, he watched me, as I fell apart.
Searing hot the fire rushed through my veins. I tried to warn him from my upcoming orgasm, but my body was faster than my mind. My walls clamping down around his cock, I shakily came undone beneath him, the cry of his name ringing through the halls and echoing in the distance. A string of elvish curse words left my husband, my hip now marked in a new red bruise of his hand. But he didn’t falter in his thrusts. Relentlessly pounding into me, knowingly overstimulating me in the chase of his own release.
“I… Cant… Please… cant…” I cried out, but he cut me off with a hand around my throat. “Take it.” He growled. “I know you can. Be a good girl for me and take my cock.” His eyes were burning dark, the wild lust flaming through his pupils. And then he squeezed my throat, watching me, as my eyes rolled back into my head once more. The cry of his name, caught in my throat, my body overshooting with bliss and a blinding fire.
Trembling. That’s what I was able to do and not much more. My frame buried beneath the king, as he captured my swollen lips with his, only giving me short allowances of air. My vision got blurry, a tingly feeling spreading through my limps and I nearly missed the second wave of hot pleasure racing through my body. Thranduil of course noticed by the way my walls were gripping him once more. “Come.” He demanded. “Come for me again.”
It was all I needed to hear, when he let go of my throat, supporting his weight on both of his arms, letting go of my hands. Shattering around him a second time, I gripped his shoulders, pressing myself against his frame to find something to ground me against the violent shivers that overtook my body. It was blinding and breathtaking, as I released the blistering heat in my body with a cry of his name, that was surely heard in all Mirkwood.
I barely noticed him being brought to his own release, the stuttering pulse of my walls, finally pulling him over the edge as well. A growl on his lips, he captured my mouth with his, forcing me into a heated and passionate kiss. The once harsh and fervent snaps of his hips melted into soft bucks, rolling against my core until he slowly came to a stop.
It took him a few moments to find his composure again, but when he did, he slowly pulled out of me and I couldn’t help myself but curse. “I am sorry, meleth nin.” He whispered, stroking the hair out of my face. “I should have been softer on you.” Looking over my body, he let his hand rest against my core, cooling the heated flesh with his cold touch. Then he got up on his feet, and I only now realized, that he was still wearing all of his clothes. Smiling at him, I tried to get up, but he shook his head.
“Rest, meleth, I will take care of you.” Once he had his clothes sorted, he kneeled down next to me again, carefully wrapping his cloak around my shivering body, the coldness of the dungeons slowly creeping into my bones. “Thranduil…” I whimpered out, trying to reach out for him, but he shushed me immediately. “Its alright, little ithil. I got you.” Then he turned to grab my dress, but his action were interrupted by a sly grin. Handing me the belt, he crumpled the fabric into a ball. Getting up to his feet, he hurled it across the distance, directly between two metal rods of Thorins cell and directly into his face.
“Keep it as a reminder of your place, dwarf.” Thranduil gritted out between his teeth an arrogant and possessive smile on his lips. Thorin looked as surprised as I was, but his expression quickly turning sour. “You will pay for this, elf!” He yelled, but Thranduil just chuckled. “We will see about that.” Picking me up from the ground, he made his way through the dungeon and up the little pathways. In the distance I could still hear Thorin cursing us out in Khuzdul, his voice quickly fading into nothing more than a quiet background noise…
On our way back to our chambers, we passed several elves all of which carried a sly smile on their lips, that could have rivaled my husband himself.
Part 2:
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rivendell-poet · 1 month
*・༓˚✧❝𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭 (𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐑)❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « scenarios »
○ Aragorn ○ Legolas ○ Frodo ○ Sam ○ Merry ○ Pippin ○ Boromir ○ Faramir ○ Éowyn ○ Éomer ○ Bard ○ Thranduil ○ Tauriel ○ Lindir ○ Haldir ○ Elladan ○ Elrohir ○
GN!Reader | Wordcount : 4k (each individual around 230~ words) | Read on Ao3
TWS : Drinking, implied arranged marriage that doesn't happen & isn't between reader and Faramir (Faramir), nothing else
« 1, 2, masterlist »
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✧ As one of the Dúnedain rangers who looked after the Shire, you had instantly gone to Frodo's side once Gandalf showed up. Although you didn't know the full details of the plan (they hadn't yet trusted you with the secrets of the ring) you agreed to escort them to Bree so they could meet with Gandalf there.
✧ Aragorn noticed you first when you entered The Prancing Pony, carefully herding the hobbits in and making sure that they didn't run off, or get into trouble.
✧ When you look around to try and spot Gandalf he begins to slip into the shadows out of habit, but stops himself and stays easily seen. Aragorn doesn’t know why he lets you see him, but the tension even slightly leaving your eyes seems to make it worth it. Even in the light, you both recognise each other as Dúnedain. 
✧ After Aragorn takes Frodo to a separate room, he barely has time to begin his greetings before you swing open the door with the other hobbits and a sword to his neck demanding you release him.
✧ Normally he’d be intimidated, perhaps on guard with you, but even with a sword to his neck the first feeling he gets is admiration - it’s rare to catch him off guard like you have.
✧ The two of you work well together, even though you're slightly suspicious of him, and when Frodo decides to place his trust in the ranger you give it to him as well.
✧ While setting up the fake hobbits together there's some debate over who will keep watch and eventually both of you stay up together (sitting in a comfortable silence).
✧ Even if Denethor hadn’t approved of Faramir going to Rivendell, he did allow you to accompany Boromir to the valley. (You had gone because Faramir asked you, saying your job - a ranger who often scouted Mordor - would be valuable, even if he didn’t know why).
✧ When you had finally arrived in Rivendell you didn’t immediately admire the scenery, instead focusing on finally being (truly) clean after over a hundred days of travel.
✧ Once you were happy with yourself you thought it only right to look at the beauty of Rivendell, wandering aimlessly.
✧ It was then, after taking the same turn for the third time, that an elf suddenly appeared with a pitying look and asked if you had ever been to Rivendell before.
✧ Legolas is delighted when you take him up on his offer to show you around (Mirkwood is not exactly the best place to roam) and takes great pleasure in showing you different places.
✧ At almost every turn he asks you which places you’d prefer to see, taking you on a rather haphazard tour (although he doesn’t seem phased by it).
✧ He doesn’t recognise your Gondorian accent at first, but once he does he’s eager to ask more about it and your opinions.
✧ Eventually, as the stars and moon begin to light your walk, you apologise and explain you must be up early in the morning for an important meeting.
✧ Realising you’ll also be at the Council of Elrond, Legolas wishes you a good night’s rest and that he will see you soon.
✧ Gandalf, over the years, employed many people to subtly watch over the Shire - and you were one of them.
✧ Traditionally based in Bree, you had been honoured to be chosen by the grey wizard and kept a close eye on the Baggins family.
✧ Eventually, after being slightly careless the day before, Bilbo manages to find and confront you about your intentions (albeit aided by the one ring).
✧ After learning you're a friend of Gandalf, he quickly invites you in to talk about it over luncheon.
✧ Frodo is surprised when you suddenly appear with his uncle for food, but he accepts it.
✧ The two of you are quick to bond when you talk about your travels - even if most are only a few days away from the Shire.
✧ He's completely enamoured by you - and Bilbo eats quickly to excuse himself and let you two be alone.
✧ You reinforce his ideas of going on one of Bilbo’s grand adventures, and after luncheon is over Frodo asks you to stay so that you may talk some more.
✧ The two of you spend the rest of the day pouring over old maps as you tell him the facts you’ve learnt about those places from the wild, while he shares the facts that his beloved books tell him.
✧ When you realise the time you try to excuse yourself, but Bilbo insists you spend the night in a guest room.
✧ Like most of the Shire, you were out in the summer festival - enjoying the field that had been cleared to make way for food, dancing, tents, hobbits sitting about, and more food.
✧ Predictably, your friends had dragged you into dancing, they wanted to as well but were too scared to go alone, and then had left you without partners you knew.
✧ The first few spins had been fun, but eventually you needed to take a break and actually enjoy what else the festival had to offer.
✧ As you stand close to the dancers, a hobbit with darker curly hair (the younger Baggins) comes up to.
✧ You ready yourself to say no to dancing, but instead he asks if you’ll dance with his friend.
✧ The words ‘no’ die in your mouth as you see the hobbit next to him, shy but looking on hopefully at the dancing before casting a glance to you.
✧ “Gladly.”
✧ To your pleasant surprise, he’s a decent dancer, and when you both run out of energy to go again Sam rushes to get you both food and seats.
✧ It’s a small gesture, in the scheme of things, but over the food he’s collected and the cheer in the air you can’t help thinking of just how sweet Samwise already is to you.
✧ Being a hobbit from Bree meant you didn’t often travel to the Shire - it was a rather long distance after all - but it was always nice when you did.
✧ Like travelling to the harvest festival for when the crops started to become bountiful, and everything would be freshly picked and perfectly cooked. You could celebrate in Bree, but food based festivals are always better when done by hobbits.
✧ You’re stuck on what stall to eat from first, overwhelmed at all the options, when a young hobbit suddenly taps you on the shoulder and asks if you need help in choosing something.
✧ Deciding to trust the locals you say yes, and it’s rewarded by a large smile from the hobbit before Merry introduces himself then instantly begins to drag you to a further away stall - talking about all the different options, before trying to guess what flavour you’d like.
✧ He gets above five flavours in before stopping, and saying you should choose what you want - not what he thinks.
✧ When you decide, his eyes seem to light up even more as he tells you that’s his favourite too.
✧ The two of you spend the rest of the night together, and he eventually asks if you’re from Bree.
✧ You say yes but that you’re staying for a while, to which Merry immediately offers to show you around the Shire - offering a date for tomorrow.
✧ As one of Elrond’s advisors, you’re aware that something big is going to happen soon. Any elf in Rivendell can feel it, especially when you’re privy to whispers of information such as ‘Sauron’ and ‘the one ring’.
✧ What you aren’t expecting is for this ‘something’ to be in the form of hobbits, one brought by Arwen - and the other three to be brought by Aragorn.
✧ Knowing the Nazgul’s attack on them, you wait on the borders of Rivendell for Isildur’s heir and his company.
✧ When Pippin sees you, almost silhouetted by the falling sun, he believes for a second you might be an angel.
✧ Even when you move to where he can see you (and begin admonishing Aragorn in Elvish) he still can’t shake the feeling that someone like you is too good for him and the hobbits.
✧ He doesn’t realise he’s staring, or blushing, until you come in front of him and gently kneel to check his forehead, asking if he’s ok.
✧ It takes him a second to respond - which probably doesn’t give too much confidence - but you accept his answering, welcoming him to Rivendell.
✧ The place is beautiful, but when you leave them to inform Lord Elrond of their arrival he can’t help thinking the place is already not quite as good.
✧ It was at times like this, when you’d been called away from the crucial stronghold of Osgiliath because of ‘important meetings’, that you wished the rangers didn’t have to listen to Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, and could instead listen to his younger brother, your actual commander.
✧ This thought was probably shared among a lot of the rangers, but you were the only one brave enough to say it, which is why you were currently in what reminded you suspiciously of a school’s detention room.
✧ Apparently this was a good deterrent, seeing as only you were in here, holding a small slip of paper that says ‘Disrespectful to the Captain of the White Tower’.
✧ The door opens, finally, and you’re just about to express your thanks to them for actually showing up when you realise who it is.
✧ Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, stares back at you just as you realise you’re going to have to tell this man what you did.
✧ Trying to master the art of vanishing from Middle Earth, you can feel yourself blushing when you hand him your write-up slip.
✧ There’s a second of silence before a small laugh escapes him, and he looks at you more directly before asking what you said.
✧ You’re honest about it, and to your surprise he asks you for clarification and follow-ups, actually listening to your suggestions.
✧ In the end, it’s a bell chiming that snaps you out of your discussions and when the two of you get up to leave he opens the door with a smile, wishing you a good day.
✧ For the last three years, the Lord Steward had tried to find a betrothed for his eldest son, Boromir. For the last three years you had consistently refused to go. This year, however, your parents had finally put their foot down and made you attend the ceremony.
✧ It was a very small chance he’d choose you, and a (hopefully) even smaller chance the engagement would become anything.
✧ But on the chance it would, you decide to do what anyone would do, and get slightly drunk in a tavern to try and hook up with someone.
✧ With incredible wisdom, you had taken up a spot in a dark corner where literally no-one was approaching you.
✧ And then someone does.
✧ You’re shocked he hasn’t already found someone; not many people would turn down the man in front of you.
✧ In the tavern light his grey eyes seem to shine, his hair a gorgeous colour that reminds you of sweet caramel and looks incredibly soft.
✧ Moved, not entirely by the drink, you find yourself going over - saying a comment and trying to smile, laughing at his response.
✧ There’s a second of silence between the two of you and you realise how close you are.
✧ You close the gap, and the two of you are kissing - you’re going back against the wall and your hands reach out to pull him closer - then it stops.
✧ A muttered apology is all you get before he leaves.
✧ And in the morning you’re left with the vague memory of a kiss, a memory of a semi-familiar man, and a hangover.
✧ As Aragorn’s younger sibling, you’re no stranger to people fawning over your brother. That does not mean, however, it doesn’t amuse you and you don’t tease him incredibly.
✧ You watch Aragorn leave the stables, having just enough time to congratulate him on his new horse, and his new admirer, before said admirer appears.
✧ Although you tease your brother you’re still good to the people who fall for him, and you give a respectful nod to the girl - Éowyn.
✧ She smiles back at you, before her eyes flicker between you and your brother. It’s a tale as old as time, and you sit up slightly straighter.
✧ What you don't expect, however, is for her to compare you in terms of spirit - how both of you seem elven, and noble.
✧ Normally people make a shallower comparison, or just go to you to confirm facts, and it’s refreshing and nice to hear that instead.
✧ You confirm your relation to him, before focusing your attention back on her. That her nature seems noble as well, and that it seems like her uncles.
✧ When she glows at the compliment you smile, and the next few minutes of small talk are pleasant before you’re pulled away.
✧ You first see Éomer while waiting for his sister to arrive, humming to yourself in the great wooden halls.
✧ To your credit you only jump a little when he appears out of no-where, and on his part he is most apologetic.
✧ From his perspective, he came because he heard the sound of your humming - better than the songs sung over festivals in this hall - and wishes to know from whom it came.
✧ He’s silent at first, scared to move in case he startles you too badly - and not wanting to be loud and disrupt the song.
✧ Hesitantly, he asks who you are - and if you are the friend his sister has spoken so highly of.
✧ When you confirm that is you, he says it’s an honour to meet you and he’s glad you’ve been such a good friend to his sister.
✧ There’s a pause again, and just when you’re about to speak Éowyn appears by your side and ready to go.
✧ As happy as you are to go with her, something in you is regretful you could not spend more time getting to know Éomer.
✧ In jail for assaulting a counsellor, especially as a guard of Laketown, is not exactly how you expected your Friday shift to go. Still, when you stare at the girl next to you (Sigrid) you can’t find it in yourself to feel bad about doing what you did.
✧ You had simply seen Alfrid towering over her, her being clearly uncomfortable - and you had pulled him off when things got physical. It was bad luck Sigrid had punched him at the same time, landing you both in jail.
✧ The girl seems more apologetic around you being here than her actions, to be honest, and she keeps reassuring you that her dad will come soon to sort things out.
✧ On Bard’s part, the news that his daughter is in jail for punching a counsellor is not what he wanted to hear but he goes out immediately. He’s about to head off when Sigrid tells him about you, and of course Bard realises he needs to get you out as well.
✧ When a drop-dead gorgeous man appears outside your cell, your mind begins to debate the merits of flirting your way out before he introduces himself as Sigrid’s father.
✧ Once you get out he thanks you profusely, as well as apologising for his daughter, but you wave him off with a smile.
✧ Bard can barely believe someone with this much honour still exists in this place, and makes a small note to thank whatever’s out there for having you look after his daughter.
✧ Eventually, you manage to convince him to stop thanking you and to let you go home - although when the man gives you one more piece of sincere praise you can’t find yourself annoyed.
✧ As you sit at a beautifully carved, uncomfortable desk you realise you’re not as nervous as you probably should be to meet the king.
✧ You’ve seen him before, of course, looking at him when all the elves of Mirkwood are out - or gossiping with the other single elves about what are decidedly fantasies. But you’ve never spoken.
✧ As a private tutor, in written work and fighting, you had jumped at the opportunity to mentor Prince Legolas.
✧ The door opens and you rise to your feet immediately, going into a deep bow.
✧ As Thranduil bids you to rise, you can feel his eyes sweeping over you and looking for any imperfections.
✧ Instead of cowering you meet his gaze, and you swear you see the ghost of a smile on his face before it becomes more serious.
✧ The interview, one of many, is surprisingly pleasant and you find it easy to talk to him.
✧ When you are made to leave, he watches you exit, thinking about saying something before thanking you for your performance and interest in the role.
✧ It’s a small gesture, but to be thanked by the king? It puts a bounce in your step for the rest of the day.
✧ As the tenth shot in as many minutes hits the target perfectly, you can’t help but wish to use your sword, and against something that isn’t a training dummy.
✧ Elves are known for being archers, and although you’re skilled with a bow it’s easier to stand out with exceptional sword-mastery than exceptional marksmanship.
✧ Then, a voice behind you asks if you want to spar together - an offer almost too good to be true.
✧ Turning around you vaguely recognise the elf in front of you, her hair is distinctive, and you ask if she too is trying to join the royal guard.
✧ Tauriel confirms it, and then the two of you get into position.
✧ There’s something incredibly satisfying about a good match-up and the two of you fight well together.
✧ You’re mostly evenly matched, and it takes a lot of effort to push on the offensive and get her closer to the wall.
✧ Eventually, she wins the first fight. But as you both stand there, catching your breath and smiling at each other, you bear no grudge.
✧ You only ask if she wants a re-match.
✧ Anyone wanting to become a healer knows that the halls of the elves are the best places to go, if you wish to learn, so here you are. Three weeks travel deep into your route to Rivendell.
✧ Whilst riding you can’t help feeling something is off about the place - almost as if you’re being watched - but you chalk it up to elven magic.
✧ Then you see an elf, near the borders and picking some kind of flower. He has long, dark hair and you’re reminded just how ethereal the elves are compared to the race of men.
✧ And then all hell breaks loose.
✧ Just as you’re about to call out in greeting, a small band of orcs come out of the trees - you recognize the monster as what they are, instantly drawing your bow.
✧ Lindir sees the orcs approaching, quickly getting out his dagger while cursing his luck.
✧ As an orcish blade pierces him, blood instantly spilling from his side, he begins to wonder if this could be the end before an arrow suddenly goes though the orcs head.
✧ There’s barely time to react as a horse with a rider gallops past him, holding their hand out and pulling him up before wheeling back around to finish off the last orc.
✧ You barely have time to celebrate your victory when you feel the elf beside you slump into unconsciousness, clearly from the bloodloss.
✧ You wish you could say you entered Rivendell in a better way, rather than with a highly wounded elf at your side, but enter Rivendell like that you do.
✧ Haldir had been alerted of people in the woods of Lothlórien by the Lady as soon as they had arrived, and had found them quickly.
✧ He was rather disappointed in how easily his troops went undetected, not even by Isildur’s heir or the elves from a distance.
✧ You had been uneasy as soon as you walked into the woods, convinced something was watching you. As an elf you of course knew of Galadriel’s powers, but whatever you could sense was more imminent.
✧ Then, with the quietest of sounds, you hear bows being drawn and arrows knocked into place.
✧ On instinct you draw your bow at the same time as your prince does, except you're quick enough to fire the arrow.
✧ The second the arrow leaves your bow you recognise the elves, and instantly you attempt to bat the arrow down again - wincing as you knock it just enough off target to miss the lead elf.
✧ As Haldir feels the arrow whistle past him, his first thought is that of admiration - the intensity in your eyes to protect this band of people.
✧ Opening your mouth to apologise, he holds a hand to stop you and congratulate you on your shot before turning to the more serious matters of the Fellowship.
✧ As one of only a handful of elves still in their first century, it’s no wonder that you were eventually introduced to the Sons of Elrond.
✧ It had been in one of Rivendell’s great libraries, and although both looked interested to meet you there was one you were more interested in meeting.
✧ Elrohir had been the one to make introductions first, declaring their names before politely asking yours.
✧ Elladan on the other hand hung back slightly. You were beautiful, a full elf, and something about that made him slightly intimidated.
✧ It wasn’t until you had all sat down and you were looking around the library he realised just how compatible you were.
✧ “What books would you recommend?”
✧ The question is simple, but Elladan immediately latches onto it and begins to ask questions - what genre are you looking for, would you like something sad? Would you like a story or a historical account - and if so from which time period?
✧ He speaks fast enough that his elvish begins to flow together, but you keep up with him just as well.
✧ In almost no time the two of you are off the chairs, and he eagerly leads you to the section you're looking for.
✧ Your eyes widen as you gaze upon the piles of stacked books, neatly organised and in shelves.
✧ From the sidelines Elladan watches eagerly, and for the first time since his brother he feels he has finally found a kindred spirit.
✧ When Elrohir rides into the Battle of Pelennor Fields with the army of the dead he can practically feel the relief of the soldiers, and wonders if there are many greater feelings in life that this.
✧ Almost two hours later, as the fighting dies down and he begins to look for the wounded he decides there probably aren’t.
✧ He doesn’t realise someone is calling, or at least calling specifically him, until the person yells for the ‘half-elf with the horse’
✧ Elrohir has no idea who the person is, but the fact they don’t refer to him as an elf already makes him love them.
✧ Going over, he sees you crouching beside a clearly wounded soldier - one of their legs incredibly damaged.
✧ Looking up you ask if he can transport them to the Houses of Healing, as not to aggrevate the wound further.
✧ He instantly agrees before hesitantly asking where they are.
✧ Upon seeing the slight despair in your eyes, he holds out the reins of his horse to you.
✧ “Fly swift with him. I’ll keep searching for wounded and sending more up. Return him to me when he’s no longer needed.”
✧ You can hardly believe your luck - but it isn’t for you to question, instead thanking him on behalf of Gondor before going as quickly as you can to the Houses.
Hope you enjoyed! Here are the details about requests, and again thanks for reading!
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bbr0wni3 · 2 months
Melting like gold.
(One shot)
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♡ -> Legolas x reader
-> Content & warnings: female reader, fluff, love confession, Thranduil and Tauriel's scene reference, narrated in 2nd person.
Summary: After a harsh "supposedly" private conversation with Thranduil, you seem to not handle the strong emotions well, letting you burst on tears and run deep into the forest..
-> word count: 1.8k
-> (a/n): hii, this is the first time Im going to upload one of my silly fanfics on tumblr ^^ I recently finished the lord of the rings and the hobbit trilogy so what's better than a one shot of the pretty elf ;)
Sorry in advance if there are some misspelled words/grammar/phrases,etc. English is not my first language!!
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The sound of your heels hitting the floor echoes along the halls of Mirkwood, your hair swings and the sun hits your face as soon as you head through the garden to get to the other side of the palace, and to Thranduil's chamber.
You were informed that he wanted to speak with you privately.
You stand outside the door for a moment, taking a deep breath and knocking three times on the long and white glass door.
"Come on in" is heard from inside the room.
Stepping inside, you see Thranduil standing from a distance with his arms behind his back, walking slowly in circles around the room. Your eyes meet his, and you keep your lips separated for a moment before you speak out loud.
"My lord, I must apologize, the spider nest failed to be destroyed, we were able to clear the forest as ordered, but more spiders kept coming up from the south, they are spawning near the ruins of Dol Guldur, we were soon outnumbered, but it was my task to accomplish and i-"
As you mouth non-stop your concern to the king, he eases your chatter.
"That is not the term I wanted to discuss." He stops his walking and turns his body to face you. There's a pause as he makes direct eye contact and starts walking towards the giant window where he has the most stunning view of not only Mirkwood but beyond the lake and the shape of mountains. You now follow his steps so you're both focused on the view, the silence breaks.
"Legolas said you fought well today" Thranduil began to speak. Your gaze falls to the ground as you try to hide the slight smirk that appears on your face. Locking in your expressions, you face the window again.
"He's grown very fond of you." He continues to speak. Your eyes are wide open now, trying to glance at Thranduil's face, as also avoiding eye contact, to maybe catch a glimpse of how he feels about these sudden words he's sharing with you.
"I assure you, my lord, Legolas thinks of me as no more than a captain in the guard." You speak while you are once again looking out the window. Your heart breaking in your own hands, set on fire, and shattered like glass.
As much as you wish to believe that what you're saying was a lie, you're only being truthful when you wish you wasn't.
"Perhaps he did once, now I'm not so sure" Thranduil responded while taking a place behind you, his words echoing in your mind, you can't believe that that's the way he thinks about Legolas and you.
"I-i do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly silvan elf like me." You close your eyes, every word that you pronounce feeling like you're being stabbed with a sword. Your own sword of dilusion, as you dream of hearing Thranduil deny your response, but he does not.
"You're right, I would not. Still, he cares about you. You do not give him hope where there is not." His harsh demeanor and cold tone completely finishes to sink your heart beyond measure. As you slowly open your eyes again, you can almost feel how they burn as you fight back tears.
"Of course, my lord." Is all you get to say, straightening up and swallowing your pain.
"Let it pass, let it pass, don't cry now " you repeat over and over inside your head.
"Alright, you can go now" His words now a key that unlocks you from this cage, you bite your lip and just nod, walking towards the door where you came from.
As soon as you step outside, a single tear goes down your cheek, and you quickly wipe it off as you only want to get out of there, you escape so fast you don't even realize Legolas was hiding beside the door this whole time, hearing all and watching how your tears began to stream down your face.
His eyes open, and his lips separate, almost mouthing something, but he does not, he only watches you leave.
"How can i stand here and do nothing?!" He thinks to himself, questioning his behavior and angry at himself but mostly angry with his father for making you cry, for making you think there wasn't any other path but to never try and fall out of love.."love" he though for a moment, that's what he feels for you.
He grabs his bow and places it behind his back. He runs across the palace and heads to the gates.
"Open the gates!" Legolas yells at the elven guards that secure the entrance.
"As you order my prince." one of the two guards said, as they see their prince so desperate to go out for some reason.
The gates open, and he heads to the bridge and into the forest. He knows his father is watching from above the tower, through his window, and for sure judging his own son. But Legolas doesn't care enough, not even a command from the king would stop him from going out and looking for you, even if he had to cross mountains or fight a thousand orcs to get to you, believe me, he would.
However, that won't happen now because he knows exactly where you are.
He knows exactly the place your heart seeks the most when your day doesn't go as you expect, because you know you'll always find him there, only a place the two of you know and always kept a secret, it's your place.
"Across the lake and behind the trees, promise me you'll look for me, and this would be our secret place. " Your voice in Legolas' memories came back to him as he kept pacing through the forest, a sweet promise under the stars. That night, he knew what love was meant to feel like, that night and many others, where he kept this promise of being there for each other.
And you were there, as Legolas predicted. Your back laying on a big mossy rock, your hair shining through the last remaining light of the sunset, your eyes closed as you felt the breeze of the approaching night coming in, the one that blew dry the tears that were still falling from your beautiful eyes.
Legolas tried to be as quiet as possible as he wants to give you this moment of silence before he speaks, he fails to do so when he steps on a branch that even made the birds from the trees fly away.
Alerted you grab your bow, turning your whole body to face the unknown danger, pointing towards the sound, ready to shoot. Only for Legolas to meet with your face full of tears while you meet his sapphire eyes, the ones that you die for, the ones that are now painted with worriedness.
You lower your bow and stand up in front of him. You want to run to his arms and melt like gold in his embrace, but the words of Thranduil resonate in your head "you do not give him hope where there is not."
The blonde elven man starts to step closer to you, your heart beating so fast that you wouldn't be surprised if it got out from your chest, you're sure that if he extends his arm he can feel it pounding, and that's how closer he stood from you.
Another tear falls from your eyes, you turn your face to the right to try and hide it, but he already saw it, and soon I know I would miss the blue if his eyes.
"I heard your conversation with my father." He confesses. You close your eyes to let a second tear fall, and choose to look at him again.
"Then you should not be here." The words scrape your throat. The resistance that lies upon them is a chain forged by Thranduil for you to grab on while leaving marks on your hands by doing so. You search his face focusing on his eyes, trying to see if you can find a way for him to notice that your words are only a mirror of Thranduil demands, and not what you actually want to say.
"But I choose to be here, with you" He steps even closer, you take a small step back even if you don't want to, but he does want to feel you close so he grabs your wrist with his right hand and pulls you closer, and for a few inches you notice that he is now even closer than before.
"Please legolas, you're making it harder for me to-" your words almost coming out as a whisper, a sigh.
"To what? To finally correspond my feelings?. I choose to be here for a reason." He insisted. His thumb took a place on your cheek, caressing the wetness from your old tears and preventing a third one from falling. You close your eyes at his touch, warm and soft.
Your body surrenders and calls for this warmness, you place your hand on top of his, you cannot play as if you didn't want to he like this forever, you crave his touch more than anything else, and by the way your face leans towards his hand he knows you do.
"You've heard what your father said. He would never allow us to be together, not like this." You open your eyes, his eyes pierced on your face, he looks bewitched, enchanted by your beauty, by having you so close, a way he had dreamed of many times.
In that moment you realize he kept his promise, he came looking for you and now is holding you with such love and desire.
"I don't care what my father allows or wants, not even a little bit, for as I already know what i want, what my heart wants. I would never, not even in a thousand elven years not choose to love you, and i cannot think of a lifetime without you, so please...please"
There's a small pause as he tries to catch his breath from speaking so quickly, you decide to take it away from him one last time as you lean to kiss him, finally breaking the chain that kept you longing for this reciprocated love.
You let your whole body be held by him, his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck. His long hair twirled around your fingers and also tickling your cheeks, which are now fully dried, because he took the time that nobody else would've taken to stop this storm that clouded your thoughts and drowned your eyes.
He came as the sun and gifted you a rainbow.
You both separate your lips and let yourself breathe against each other, your foreheads touching and the tip of your noses brushing on one another. You both let a breathy laugh as you share a strong hug.
It seems like the same stars that crowded the sky that one promising and memorial night are above you both again, shining again under another lovely promise.
Thank you for reading! <3
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annwrites · 1 month
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—meet me in the woods
say goodbye to who i was. i ain't never been away so long. don't look back, them days are gone. — thranduil x modernday!reader ; 𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.
a/n: while i've listened to bluefax's dramatic audiobook version of the hobbit, listened to phil dragesh's audiobooks of lotr (fellowship twice now), watched all of peter jackson's films multiple times, & seen s1 of trop, i'm not terribly versed in tolkien's lore. as such, i intend to be taking great liberties with this fic in regards to it.
i'm putting this note out there now, bc i know how tolkien's fans can be when it comes to lore accuracy & i'm not going to tolerate being attacked for discrepancies in a fanfic i'm writing for free & for fun. not to mention, first & foremost, for myself.
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Thranduil’s nostrils flare and he rests his arms behind his back. “What are you doing out here?”
You jump at the unexpected sound of his voice, gripping the hem of your dress more tightly in your hands.
You settle your feet firmly in the softly flowing current of warm, shimmering water you stand in before you meet his gaze. “Wading.”
“You should be inside,” he spits.
Your brows furrow. “There’s guards,” you say, glancing across the way to a pair of archers, then back to him. “And at least being out here puts me out of your way.”
He takes a small step closer, leaves crunching beneath his tall leather boots. “You’ll do as I command.”
You stare up at him in disbelief.
He loathes your presence, so you come out here as an attempt to diffuse tension—to start instead enjoying your days in this unfamiliar place, away from his insufferable company—and still he’s displeased by your actions.
You step out of the river, climbing up the embankment, dropping your skirts around your bare feet while you blink up at him. “At once, your highness.”
He sneers at you, grabbing you roughly by the arm, pulling you into his chest.
You stare into his eyes, and he into yours, glancing between them and…your lips.
Finally, he releases you with a huff and a shake of his head—long silver hair slipping over his shoulders—marching back into Mirkwood.
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He seats himself beside you upon lush green grass, watching as tree branches sway in the wind, birds flitting between them, chirping a musical tune, the scent of damp soil invading his senses.
You remain silent, fighting back tears.
“What is it today?” He asks with exasperation.
You shake your head, looking in another direction.
He rolls his eyes upwards. Difficult girl.
He remains silent, however, waiting for you to answer him.
“I’ve been here for weeks,” you state. “And I still can’t remember…anything. Not where I came from, or how I got here.”
Your chin wobbles. “I don’t even have a name.”
Silence settles into the space between you, hot tears slipping down your soft cheeks while you wrap your shawl more tightly around you.
“Would you like for me to, then?”
You look at him with furrowed brows. “What?”
He reaches up—swallowing thickly when you flinch away from his touch—tucking a lock of hair behind your ear before resting his hand in his lap again. “Name you.”
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One day while exploring the woods near your house, you come across an open novel lying atop a rotting tree trunk, weeds sprouting from its pages. Wanting a closer inspection, you lean down, glancing over the faded printed words—something about a place called ‘Mirkwood’ and an elf named Thranduil—before you grip the page’s edge, about to turn it, and an overwhelming feeling comes over you before you blackout entirely.
And when you awake, it’s in a new world, with no knowledge left within you of your previous one. Not even your own name.
You’re quickly discovered by men with pointed ears who bear swords and bows, who begin a swift interrogation as to who you are and how you passed through their boundaries unnoticed.
You plead with them not to hurt you. That you have no idea where you even are—who you are—so they decide to bring you before their king, so as to answer for your crime of trespassing.
A king who immediately finds displeasure at your mortal presence in his home—eager to rid himself of you nigh-immediately—until you beg him not to banish you into an unknown land. To please help you—you’ll do anything he says—you just need to bide your time until your memory returns and then you will be gone, never to return.
With great reluctance, he takes a kernel of pity upon you. But he assures you: his hospitality has its limits, so you best tread carefully.
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reader’s memory will eventually return, but in random spurts.
when that starts occurring, it actually makes thranduil uneasy, afraid that once it’s been fully restored, she’ll leave him & mirkwood behind.
i know he’s not half-elf, but reader is going to be legolas’ mother.
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meluiloth · 6 months
Mirkwood Elves
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POV: you’ve stumbled into the Elvenking’s feast for the third time (because you were starving) and they’re fed up with you
I’m super super happy with how this drawing turned out!! Started out as a just-for-fun sketch of some guards for my wip fan fiction, Misfit, but I really liked the sketch so I just threw on some base colors to spice things up and then … I just kept going and ended up with this! The first project I’ve actually completed, start to finish, in months, and I am so proud of myself.
These two aren’t canon characters or ocs (yet?) but sometimes it’s just nice to draw a character without the pressure of getting their looks exactly right. It’s fun to go in without a plan and see where the road takes you.
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Mirkwood Guard: Ahh! A ghost! Legolas, running outside: There’s a ghost?? Bilbo, quickly pulling off the Ring: I’m not a ghost!! Legolas, raising his bow: I can fix that.
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intoxicated-chan · 6 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ༻ 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬
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(A/n) ➳ Going over this, I just now realize how similar it is to the first episode of House of the Dragon and I apologize for that! Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Take care of yourselves and take a break, eat a snack, drink some water!!
Word Count ➳ 2.7k
Content Warnings ➳ 3rd, P.O.V, violence, blood, injury, mentions the Doom of Valyria, mentions of death…
AWOIAF Masterlist
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The sun set hours ago… Lake-town was cold enough during the day and when the sun came down, it felt like a winter storm.
Bard was preparing to set off to collect fish again. He hated leaving for so long and coming home for a day or two, it broke his heart whenever he had to tell his children he was leaving again.
Bard climbed the wooden planks and up to the rooftop where his young son, Bain, sat. He leaned back, his head up towards the sky with widened eyes.
“Come Bain, it’s cold.” Bard said, his arms resting on the rooftop. “It’s time for bed.”
Bain turned to his father. “Da, is the dragon gonna come for us? Like the one in the stories you told us?”
Bard hopped onto the rooftop, kneeling to his son. “No, son. The dragon sleeps within Erebor. It has for a hundred years.”
But Bain pointed to the sky. “But there’s one.”
Bard followed his finger and squinted. He felt his heart drop when he saw the shadowy figure soaring through the sky. He could barely make out the size or his wingspan.
A gasp left his lips as he grabbed his son’s shoulders. “Go, go inside.” He demanded, pushing him. But his eyes remained on the dragon. “Quickly now.”
Watching him take a couple of laps around the Lonely Mountains. His heart raced, was the dragon trying to tempt Smaug? He followed his son inside, trying to remain calm for his children.
He didn’t see the dragon descend towards Mirkwood.
The dragon flapped his wings as he touched the ground, sending out a cloud of dust, twigs, and leaves out of his way.
The dragon grumbled as the guards surrounded him. “Rȳbās.” His rider told him, taking off the leather belts that held her to the saddle. “Lykirī.”
The dragon bent his neck, allowing the rider to dismount. She smiled rather widely, running her hands along his scaly neck and to his head.
She placed her hand under his eye, seeing her reflection in his eye. She laughed as her dragon rumbled under her touch, she placed her forehead onto his skin, closing her eyes, humming a soft tune.
Tauriel approached her with a stern expression. Usually, she would happily greet her but considering that nobody was supposed to be leaving Mirkwood, let alone at midnight, she was frustrated.
“The King does not like repeating himself.” Tauriel warned her, coming close even if the dragon seemed to be displeased. “No one is allowed to leave unless granted.”
She pulled back from her dragon and turned to face her, the smile still on her face. “Aegar is more than big enough to saddle two. I know how much you love the sky.”
Taruiel shook her head in disappointment. “Come, the King wishes to speak to you.” She walked with some of the guards, two waiting for her.
She sighed and followed her, leaving Aegar to lay and rest.
She may have been here her entire life, but the Kingdom of Mirkwood never ceased to amaze her. They have been friends for her entire life as Tauriel was the one who taught her how to use a bow from a young age.
They walked arm in arm through the halls of Mirkwood. Tauriel found herself unable to contain her laughter and smile.
“It is difficult to understand you.” Tauriel giggled. “Do you take pleasure in seeing all of us scramble to locate you?”
(Y/n) grinned sheepishly. “Admit it. You wish to ride a dragon.”
“I believe I’m content with seeing you fly.”
“Your loss.” She pushed her lightly. “So tell me, how angry is he?”
(Y/n) then pulled her arm back as they approached the throne room, Thranduil sat there, observing a jewel in his hands.
Tauriel took her leave but not before looking back at her, her smile had faded but she remained calm. Tauriel left before Thranduil could say anything else to her.
“(Y/n).” Thranduil’s voice was calm yet assertive. But there was an edge of frustration. “You know how I feel about these reckless flights of yours. And to venture out without my permission, disappointing.”
(Y/n) bowed her head, her gaze focused on the floor. “Forgive me, My Lord.” She replied. “Yet you don’t allow me to go flying with your permission.”
Thranduil sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You must remember there are dangers out there, worse than what Aegar poses. You dare fly close to Erebor? Are you asking to battle with Smaug? A dragon three or more times larger than Aegar. He may be a dragon but you are not.”
(Y/n) straightened, lifting her head to meet his eyes. “Aegar is strong, he is loyal. I wouldn’t dare use him as a weapon.”
“The time is coming, (Y/n). You are a formidable soldier, you two make quite a team.” Thranduil admitted. But with a wave of his hand, he dismissed her. “Take a bath, you stink of dragon.”
It has been several days since Thranduil warned (Y/n). His words lingered in her head.
She shouldn’t have to feel frustrated with him, afterall, he was the one to find the items left behind by your family.
There were many things gifted to her when she was old enough to read. Books of her great- great- something grandfather’s handwriting, it was worn, some words difficult to read.
Before she even learned of High Valyrian, she thought the words were a remembrance of her home or maybe her family. But no.
It was far from it. A warning.
Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor.
A dragon is not a slave.
She managed to grasp her forebear’s language with some help but she wouldn’t say she mastered the tongue of High Valyrian. Rather, she knew the basics.
It was noon, the sun casting a warm glow over the wooden yard. (Y/n) focused on fastening the leather straps to the saddle, she had a feeling that it was becoming loose.
Aegar laid comfortably on the ground, snoring.
Legolas leaned against a nearby tree, watching her and noticing the furrowed brow that she had for nearly an hour.
“Something is on your mind.” Legolas commented. “Speak, looking bothered does not suit you.”
(Y/n) paused, her fingers picking at the old and peeling leather. “It is nothing.” Offering a smile.
But Legolas saw through her smile, he could see it in her eyes. “You forget I know you, I knew you from the start… You’re worried that once Aegar is old enough, you’ll be forgotten.”
She sighed, tying the leather back into the saddle. “I only worry for Tauriel. The King does not respect her enough.”
“You worry too much, you need to place some of it on yourself and Aegar.” Legolas stepped forward. “You have earned your place here.”
“I have no place here. My home is gone and I’m an outsider, I’m no elf. If I had not appeared with my dragon, Thranduil would’ve sent me away.” She explained, standing to her feet as she observed the saddle.
Legolas was ready to push that idea out of her head. He had no idea she thought of herself so lowly. He grabbed her arm.
Tauriel suddenly appeared. “There’s trouble.” She announced tension in her voice. “The King has ordered another nest to get rid of.”
(Y/n) pulled her arm back. “Aegar!” She shouted, waking him up from his slumber. “Iōrās.”
Aegar stood on his feet, stretching his wings. She grabbed the ropes to mount him.
“(Y/n), wait,” Tauriel grabbed her hand. “The King has requested you stay behind.”
(Y/n) frowned and scoffed. “It would be easier if Aegar-”
But she could see it in Tauriel’s eyes, Thranduil was going to keep her and her dragon here. “A dense forest with a large dragon?” Tauriel laid it out for her. “He fears the damage it could cause. Aegar could not maneuver properly in those woods.”
“Alright.” She muttered, stepping away from Aegar. “Alright.”
“I’m sorry.”
(Y/n) watched them go, annoyed and saddened. She longed to be by their side, joining them in a fight.
Thranduil was going to make her wait and watch. He was going to make her feel like a burden. His way was punishment.
(Y/n) watched from the corner, watching as each dwarf was pushed into a cell. Their complaints were falling on death’s ears.
She stepped out from the shadows and towards Legolas’s direction, wanting to know where the dwarves came from.
“What do you know of dragons, girl?” The dwarf’s voice was gruff, laced with bitterness as he eyed the dragon sigils embroidered into her clothing. “You wear it like a badge of honor.”
(Y/n) eyed him as well, realizing who the dwarf in the cell was. “You’re Thorin Oakenshield? Heir to the throne of Erebor.”
Thorin’s fists clenched around the iron bars. “You have yet to answer my question.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened in amazement. “I cannot believe it. I’ve-”
“(Y/n)! Dina!” Legolas commanded her to come. “Get away from the dwarf.”
With that, she walked away, leaving no room for Thorin or (Y/n) to say anything.
“Must you speak to them?” Legolas sneered, following you down the steps. “What reason do you have?”
“I’ve always wanted to see the infamous Thorin Oakenshield. It was not disappointing.”
“...Is it?”
(Y/n) nodded, a smile on her lips. “Yes. If what they say is true… If they reclaim the mountain, I would love to see the glory of Erebor.”
Legolas froze in his steps. “I am beginning to wonder where your allegiance lies.”
“What makes you wonder that?”
“...Go, I need to report to the King.”
She rolled her eyes, asking herself if her curiosity made Legolas or anyone else question her loyalty.
Of course, her loyalty lies with Thranduil, he saved her and took a human and a dragon in. A human not from this world.
The sun had begun to set when (Y/n) stood at Thorin’s cell. “Might I ask you something?” She began, breaking the silence.
He looked up at her, eyes wary. “What is it? Dragon rider?”
“If you had no memories of the kingdom or its riches, would you still fight to reclaim it?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation. “For it is not the gold or treasures that drive me, but the honor and memory of my kin who were lost. To reclaim Erebor is to honor their memory, to give those who wish for their home.”
He stepped closer to the bars as he spoke his words, loudly enough for the rest of the Company to hear. He spoke with bravery and pride, not a single ounce of shame in them.
(Y/n) listened to his words closely. It made her think of her own home, the writing of the book could not describe the doom correctly.
Only a dream, unsure if it came true…
(Y/n) became lost in her thoughts, she began to speak aloud. “I wonder…” She uttered. “What it would be to see Valyria, to walk the streets, see the dragons fly into the sky with my people on its back. I wonder if any Targaryens remain.”
She sighed, sitting down on the steps. “I wonder if the dream was true and the doom of my home was correct.”
Thorin, still irate from the encounter from earlier but genuinely curious about her side of dragons, sat as well. “Was it taken?”
“It was destroyed. A Targaryen had a dream, D… Daenys had a dream. She had foresaw the destruction. But I have no way to know if it was true, I do not know if Valyria still stands or if any Targaryens remain to rule the skies.”
(Y/n) looked up to the ceiling, closing her eyes to remember how Valyria was described. “To be home. I would give my life just to see it.”
“…May you find your way home, dragon rider… And safely.”
It was a chaotic scene. The dwarves and Bilbo found themselves stuck in wine barrels but their path down the rough rivers were blocked by the portcullis.
Kili’s cry was loudly heard as he fell back, clutching his leg that the Morgul arrow stuck out of.
Thorin felt his heart sink, hearing his nephew’s cries as he was unable to do anything.
Legolas, Tauriel, and the other Elves fought against Blog and his party.
The Orcs were relentless, fighting to the point until their bodies gave out and welcomed death.
Arrows flew into their bodies, daggers stabbed into their hearts or heads.
Kili’s eyes shut tightly, hissing loudly as he attempted to get back up.
His eyes opened and widened, his eyelids fluttering as the pain was flowing throughout his body… He could see a dragon flying… A dragon?
He could make out the dragon’s silhouette against the sunlight, circling the river before he saw him make a dive. He could hear him roar, loudly.
Tauriel’s eyes immediately shot to the sky, Aegar’s body casting a shadow over the river.
Aegar descended from the sky and landed into the river, his landing sending waves that splashed anyone close.
Thorin couldn’t see Aegar but the sound of his roar was enough to send chills down his back. He looked back and saw the rest of his Company staring up at the dragon.
(Y/n) swiftly unchained herself from the saddle, her feet hitting the ground. She drew her sword, cutting down the Orc coming towards Kili.
She took a quick glance around and estimated the amount of Orcs, she could hear another group coming.
Aegar let out another roar, lunging forward and his massive jaws snapped shut on the nearest orc, easily crushing him into two pieces.
He exhaled a quick stream of flame at the incoming group, the Orcs screaming as they threw themselves into the river.
The Orc swung his ax at her, she ducked and cut his leg, making him kneel with a shriek. She pierced his head with force, making sure he was dead.
She continued to cut through the Orcs with Aegar protecting her, coming down on an Orc that nearly came down on her.
“Tauriel!” She shouted as she tossed one of her daggers past Tauriel’s head.
She grabbed the dagger lodged into the Orc’s chest to stab it once more before using it on another, she tossed it back and (Y/n) caught it.
She heard Kili loudly groan once again, Thorin’s Company were sitting ducks in those barrels and they could only do so much with little to no weapons.
That’s when she noticed why the Company was just floating. The portcullis was shut. It must’ve been why Kili wasn’t in his barrel and why he was on the ground, holding his knee.
(Y/n) dodged another Orc’s attack, managing to move behind him. She grabbed his head and slid her blade across his neck, she then let him fall to the ground.
She came to Kili’s side. “Now’s your chance!” She stated, crossing blades with another. “Go! Before they outnumber us all!”
Kili managed to conjure whatever strength he had left and grabbed the lever, opening the portcullis, and allowing the Company to escape.
“Kili!” His brother cried out, watching Kili slump to the ground once again but push himself into the barrel.
Kili felt and heard the arrow snap, sending another wave of agony throughout his weakening body.
(Y/n) watched as one-by-one, the Company fell into the water and their barrels carried them through the rough stream.
She turned back the Orcs, immediately impaling one Orc coming down on an Elf, and used her dagger to finish the job.
She looked up at Legolas drawing another arrow. “Secure Mirkwood.” He ordered. “Worry about damages later.”
Legolas ran off, following the Orcs that were focused on the Company, Tauriel was behind him.
She rushed to Aegar, she climbed onto Aegar who lowered his neck, allowing her to quickly settle herself.
“Sōvēs!” Aegar began to run, flapping his wings a couple of times before taking off.
(Y/n) directed him towards the gates, wanting to spread the word first. Thorin looks back into the sky, watching Aegar and noticing (Y/n) upon his back.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @mrsdurin , @marsmallow433 , @oneiratxxia10 ,
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LOTR/ The Hobbit Preference: How You Met (3/4)
(1) (2) (4)
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Aragorn and you met when you were a guest in Rivendell. You were reading in the library and once he spotted you he couldn’t help but introduce himself.
Getting lost in the tale of the large book in your lap, you didn’t notice someone approaching your comfortable spot on the fancy elvish lounge.
“Hello.” You heard a gentle voice announce.
Startled, your legs jumped down from the couch and were quickly placed on the ground below, book thrown beside you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. My names Aragorn.”
“It’s alright, in a world of my own. My names y/n, it’s lovely to meet you.” You smile up at the handsome man before you.
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Bard and you met one evening at a lavish elvish ball in Mirkwood. Bard felt very out of place at such a fancy party, but you managed to remedy his anxieties.
“Are you alright?” Bard heard from beside him. Turning he notice a lovely elf standing beside him.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, not fully catching what you had said.
You can’t help but giggle at the handsome mortal man’s confusion.
“I was just asking if you were alright, you seem a little nervous.”
“Oh, hah, yeh. I’m just not used to such lavish parties.” He responded nervously.
“I understand, they can be a little intimidating sometimes. Would you care for some company, we don’t have to dance but it might help to have a friend. I’m y/n, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“A friend sounds nice. I’m Bard, nice to meet you.”
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Boromir found you one afternoon on a snowy day in Gondor, taking your horse for a walk. Being new to Gondor you’d decided to get to know the land and become familiar with your new home.
Petting the dark brown mane of your horse, you turn as you heard the crunching of the snow.
“Oh, hello.” You turn to see the handsome man before you.
“Hello, my lady. Are you alright out here?” He asked, concern lacing his voice.
“Im alright, just going for a walk. I thought I’d get to know the town. I’m y/n, I just moved here last week.” You introduced.
“I’m glad you’re alright, my lady. Such a cold and snowy day, I didn’t want you getting harmed. I’m Boromir, a pleasure to meet you.” He smiles sweetly, talking your hand and giving it a light kiss.
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Eomer and you first met at the battle of helms deep. He knew immediately that you were a witch when he laid eyes on you and immediately was filled with distrust. It wasn’t until you healed his sister that he let his guard down.
“Aragorn, let me assist.” You announced as you walked over to the two men and the young woman on the cot.
“You leave us be, witch, we don’t need your kind of help.” Eomer sneered.
“Eomer, let her help. I know how magic has affected you and your family but y/n is a very powerful healer and I give you my word that she means you no harm.” Aragorn defended you.
His attitude was changed as he saw his sister awaken, life returning to her eyes. Walking away, you let the siblings have their moment together.
“Y/n!” You heard Eomer shout.
Turning you see him standing before you.
“I apologise for how I’ve behaved toward you and I thank you for helping my sister and fighting beside us.” He spoke softly.
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Faramir met you the first time he came to The Shire after the war. You had been sitting in a field making daisy chains and flower crowns with the young hobbits.
Your laugh filled his ears like sweet bells. Turning he saw you sitting in the lush field, surrounded by flowers and smiling little hobbits.
“You should go and talk to her.” Aragorn smiled at the blushing man.
“Her names y/n. Shes a friend of Rosie’s, comes into town every now and then to help with the children and sell her jam.” Samwise smirked at Faramir at his other side.
“Y/n.” He smiled with wonder in his eyes
Walking over his smile grew the closer he got.
“Hello, my lady. I heard you were the one to go to if I wanted to become an expert flower crown maker.” He smirks down at your seated position in the grass.
“Well you heard right. I’m y/n.” You beamed up at the handsome man.
“Faramir.” He politely bowed.
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Stop Running | Thranduil x Reader
Read on AO3
Pairing Thranduil/Reader
Synopsis: Thranduil confesses his feelings for the reader but they feel they are not well suited for a king and basically avoid him until they come face to face once more.
Content: Angst. Fluff.
Prompt: (#10 & #14 on this list). They’re in bold in the text below.
Requested by anon (so freaking long ago, I know! I’m so sorry lmao)
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“I'm pretty sure about my feelings.” Thranduil had told you four days ago, in a soft voice while brushing his fingers through your hair.
Thirty seconds before you had fled from his sight.
You had been avoiding him ever since and he was growing weary of it. Of appearing in a room only to hear that, not even a minute before, you had hurriedly vacated it. Of not being able to just find you in these very halls that he knew like the back of his own hand!
Thranduil knew what he wanted and what he wanted was you. He had thought that you were of the same mind. So, how had him asking - very nicely, he might add! - to court you, ended up like this?
It was another week before you found yourself once more face to face with the King of Mirkwood.
As a very last resort, he had sent an official summons and guards had turned up at your door to take you to him in the throne room. There seemed to be no other way to get you to speak to him and he knew that you could not ignore an official summons, though he also knew that if you did have the courage to do so, he would have to be ready to dole out the consequences.
As it was, you went as willingly as you could given the circumstances. You had always been one to follow the rules, after all.
Once you were finally standing in front of him, Thranduil dismissed the guards from the throne room altogether. You kept your gaze forward, but not up, so you would not look at him.
Thranduil looked down at you from on high for a few long, silent moments, before he finally spoke.
“You are most difficult to find of late.” His tone was devoid of any real emotion but you could detect the hint of bitterness lingering in the background. Hurt. You could read him well enough... you always had been able to do so.
It was not that you did not feel the same way for Thranduil. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was because you felt the same way that you had withdrawn from him so suddenly. He was the king, he could not be seen courting somebody like you.
Thranduil was staring at you, waiting for you to speak, yet you gave him nothing. His frustration further spiked. He felt quite humiliated, truthfully, as he had never truly experienced a rejection such as this before and he would not have even spoken of it if he had not been so certain that his feelings were returned. So how could he have gotten it so wrong? He still was not entirely convinced that he had but he could not figure out why you would lie.
“Do you truly have nothing to say?” He asked, tutting as he suddenly rose from his seat upon the throne and turned, descending the stairs with slow, careful steps. He paced the floor until he was standing directly in front of you, looking down upon you.
Still waiting.
Still receiving nothing.
“If it is that you are uncertain as to my sincerity, I can assure you that I do not say things for the mere fun of them.” Thranduil stated, leaning down into your personal space just a little. “I am sure about my feelings.”
“As I am about my own. As in, I have none.” You snapped in response, not missing the hurt look that flickered across his expression before you turned your face away from him. “Please let me get back to my work, aran nin, or I shall fall behind.”
Thranduil straightened, silently glaring down at you before he shook his head. “I do not believe you.”
You blinked, lifting your attention back to him with a frown. “I am expected to take you at your word but you will not take me at mine?” You could not help but point out the hypocrisy.
Thranduil only scoffed.
“I do not love you, Thranduil.” You said quietly, doing your utmost to keep your voice steady as you all but forced the words out. You could not break, not here, not now. You needed to stand firm in your decision... even if it broke your heart to do so.
“And I said I do not believe you!” He hissed, reaching out and taking gentle hold of your arm as you tried to turn away from him. He tugged you back to face him, his other hand tilting your chin up and forcing you to meet his gaze. “Do you expect me to disregard all these years?” He wondered, his voice softer now, tinged with sadness. “All those long nights? All those talks? The ways in which you looked at me? You tell me now I imagined it all?”
You almost broke. You almost gave in. The pleading look in his eyes was enough to completely undo you but somehow you held firm, pulling yourself from his grasp and shaking your head. “You saw something that can never be.” You told him, turning and making for the exit. If he wanted to punish you then so be it but if you stood there much longer, you were going to break down.
“Stop running away from your feelings!” He exclaimed from behind you, his tone full of sorrow. Thranduil knew he was not insane. He knew he was not making it up in his own head. He knew that what he had felt between the two of you was real. The only thing he did not know was why you were now trying so hard to pull away from him.
“It was all just a dream, Thranduil!” You cried, spinning back round to face him, finally having reached your limit.
The silence that followed was deafening as you both stared back at each other for a long while. Thranduil studied you keenly, trying to read in your expression what you meant by your words but not entirely understanding.
“What does that mean?” He asked, breaking the silence first. He did not move, just stood where he was and hoped that you would not leave again until this matter was fully resolved.
You were frustrated. If he had just kept quiet, if he had not said a word in the face of your retreat, you would have been gone in a matter of seconds and you might have been able to continue to stand firm.
Yet, as well as you could read him, he too could read you. Thranduil could tell - he could see - that you were running from what you felt, from what he knew was real. Trying to squash down the truth of it
You sighed heavily, resigned as you lowered your gaze to the floor, shaking your head. “You are a king.”
“Yes.” Came his reply, his tone as if nothing about that fact mattered. “And?”
You lifted your head again, looking at him once more. He looked confused and you envied him for it. “And... I am not enough as to be matched with a king.”
His brows drew together as he stared at you, immediately shaking his head. “Nonsense.”
You let out a humourless chuckle, one hand raking up through your hair in exasperation. “It is the truth!” You cried. “I am nothing, I am no one! It was just a dream.”
Thranduil moved then, crossing the distance between the both of you in less time than you could process. He took your face in his hands and this time you could not find the strength to push him away. The fight had gone out of you.
“You are not nothing.” Thranduil’s expression was pained as he looked at you. “Not to me.”
“I am low born, Thranduil, I am-”
“What should that matter?” He interrupted, shaking his head as he kept your face carefully in place with his hands. His hands were soft, his touch gentle. He was afraid you would turn away from him again, afraid that your fear would come back and you would run from him.
“Why do you think it should not?” You hated how your voice shook but you could not help it any longer.
“I am king, yes, but that should not mean that I am doomed to cast aside the one I love, regardless of who they are. Would you have me take someone more ‘suited’ but wholly uninteresting to me, simply for the sake of being ‘proper’? Who cares if you are not some high born noble? Who cares! You can do anything, be anything. You can be taught the necessary work of a queen. It is not-”
“Queen?” Now was your time to interrupt him, blinking at him in surprise, though half of you wondered why. If he loved you would it not stand to reason that he would wish you to be his queen some day? “You... you would have me...?”
“Well, of course.” Thranduil said matter-of-factly, shaking his head as if he could not believe you had any doubt. “Do you truly believe this some passing fancy? Do you truly think me capable of such?”
He looked hurt and you were quick to shake your head. “No! No, I mean... I... I do not know. I just... you would make me your queen? In front of the whole realm? You would... you would truly?”
“Yes.” His answer came without hesitation.
You were not sure if you had known whether or not he was quite so serious about it. About you. You had been far too tangled up in your own doubts, your own worries and fears. However, something about him saying out loud that he wished to eventually take you as his queen was... shocking somehow. It also put into perspective just how seriously he must really feel. Even if you had known on some level, even if he had asked to court you, part of you must have still been a little unsure. As if you thought perhaps he would hold the beliefs you did about your status and would eventually change his mind. To be thinking of you as his queen, beside him... he would not say that lightly.
Thranduil watched your expression change. Your soft frown faded away. Your eyes widenened. The tension seemed to fall out of you and he dropped his hands from your face, skimming them down the length of your arms before he took your own hands in his.
“Please.” He whispered, not above begging, not when it came to this - to you.
You did not speak another word. Instead, you moved forward just a little and leaned up towards him, pressing your lips softly against his own. One hand let go of yours and his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss.
Relief flooded through him as he understood your action for what it was. Apology. Acceptance. Adoration. Love. Everything you had been running from.
Thranduil knew then, as he swept you up into his arms and turned to carry you from the room, that everything would be okay.
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thewulf · 8 months
With You? Always || Legolas
Summary: This was supposed to be a request but I took it in a very fluffy direction. Like no angst. Just teasing and reuniting with Legolas after the events of LOTR. Hope you guys enjoy!
A/N: Thank you for the cutest request anon even tho I didn't follow it! I had too much fun writing this one. It's so much fun to write these LOTR imagines. Thank you guys for sending them in!
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k +
TW: Insecurity, angsty, fluffy
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“King Thranduil suspects he will be back by nightfall.” Your father spoke breaking you from the trance you had seemed to be in. Your eyes were scanning the emptying kingdom among you. Just like the Elves of Rivendell the Elves of Mirkwood took to the sea’s too, many more than you suspected would leave so quickly. You were yet to get the calling. You were sure your father had felt it just as your mother did so long ago. But he had a duty to the king as his head guard, and he wanted to be around for you and your life milestones, “His elk can sense Legolas but a few hours away.”
You let out a small gasp with glee, “The Elvenking is hardly ever wrong.” Your eyes upturned into the smile that had now graced your usually withdrawn face since he had left here almost two years ago. You hardly lived your thousands of years without Legolas in tow. It’d been well over a year since he set off to destroy the ring. Being that you had lived thousands it should have been quick, but it felt like more than a century since you had spotted Legolas’s nearly silver, blonde hair.
“Indeed, my daughter. It is unwise to not listen to the king.” He gave you a knowing smile before retreating from your room and heading to his chambers to get ready for dinner. Leaving you to be with your thoughts. Quickly you got ready making sure to take extra care of you appearance just in case he had arrived early enough for it. It would be rather obvious of your intentions for you had been rather careless since he had been gone. You found no point to go above and beyond since you knew your eyes only landed on Legolas. No one else stood a chance even if they tried.
Sliding on your finest evening attire that wasn’t too over the top you set off for dinner. You scanned the castles dining hall for any sight of him but only slumped when you came up short not finding his normally intricately braided blonde hair.
It wasn’t often Elves could be snuck up on but when your eyes were desperately searching for the one that had been on your mind nonstop it was rather easy to sneak up on you, “He has yet to arrive my lady.”
You jumped turning to the elf standing beside you, “Galion! Where did you come from?” You placed a hand over your rapidly beating and rather startled heart that felt like it got caught doing something it shouldn’t have been.
“From across the room.” He smiled giving you a bow, “I was hardly being quiet.” He gave you an answer you weren’t really looking for.
You nodded quickly looking away, “Right. Thank you Galion. I was searching for my father.” It was an obvious lie and even he knew that for he knew of the feelings between the two elves. It had been painfully obvious for centuries. Even King Thrandruil was growing tired of son not courting you. He had long since accepted you as an extended member of his family. He had practically raised you alongside Legolas. He was eager to see the two of you together before he set sail. He had wanted to rejoin his wife and was growing impatient to Legolas’s growing timidness to asking you the question.
Galion nodded knowing you were lying through your teeth. Being the kings longtime advisor, he had known you just as well as the king and your father did. He knew all your little quirks. One being that you couldn’t lie to save your life, “Right my lady. He’s in the corner with the king.” Galion pointed to the two elves sitting there snickering about something.
Ever since the Kingdom of Mirkwood received word from Legolas that he was safe, and the ring had been destroyed the usually stoic king that hid away made himself more present and smiled far more often than you remembered. You were excited to catch glimpses of the old king you’d grown to see as a second father. Ever since Legolas’s mom and his wife has passed the king has grown cold. But now that there was finally some good news and hope he was becoming more of his old self.
Your thanked Galion before making your way your father. You weren’t planning on eating with him especially not that you learned that he was eating with the king. It’s not that you didn’t like them. No, you loved your king. It’s that he seemed to know of your longing feelings of his son no matter how well you tried to hide it. He always found a way to bring Legolas up and embarrass you in the process. Surely he would show no mercy due to your father sitting next to him.
“King Thranduil, Father.” You bowed before the two elves with utmost reverence. You knew how precious your spot in the Kingdom of Mirkwood was. If your father wasn’t who he was you would be nothing but a peasant elf the king could care less about. You tried your hardest not to take it for granted.
Before your father could speak the king did instead, “You look rather put together tonight Y/N. Special occasion?” He asked with a hint of smirk on his face. And that was why you were trying your hardest to avoid said king who was beginning to antagonize your efforts.
“None that I am aware of.” You spoke another obvious lie. Your father watched in amusement as your usually cool demeanor crumbled over the look the king was giving you. He too was not dumb. All of Mirkwood would have to be blind had they not known you and Legolas were to be bound together. It was just the two of you who seemed to lack the awareness.
His eyes looked over your outfit before replying, “My son’s favorite color is red. It is most uncommon to wear that color here, no?” He waved his hands before him showing that nearly elf was either in green, gray, or beige.
“Is it?” You tried to play dumb feeling utterly nervous under his looming gaze. How had he managed to make you feel so silly was beyond even you. Because he was right. Red wasn’t so common for greens were usually the chosen Mirkwood shades.
His stoic expression broke with an innocent smile, “Indeed it is. He will like this dress on you Lady Y/N.” Your father cracked a grin from beside the king seeing your dumb expression. He too was tired of watching you pine from afar and wanted to see you happy and in good hands before he departed.
You coughed trying to think of anything to say to him. You eyed your father for help, but he simply shrugged leaving you high and dry. He was enjoying this interrogation far too much, “Oh, my king, this is not meant for Legolas…”
He held a hand up to you letting you know to quiet, “Be that as it may. Which is a lie. He will be most happy to see you even more so in that dress.” You dared not disagree with the elf as he was in a chipper mood. Surely his sons return had something to do with it.
“Aye.” Your father agreed which earned a laugh from the normally stoic king. Were they drunk? They had to be. But you didn’t see any wine on the table nor smelled any alcohol on their breath. So, they were just enjoying seeing you squirm? You’d have a word with your father after it was all set and done.
The kings gaze softened seeing you truly so dumbfounded at his conclusion, “He will be here within the hour Lady Y/N. Take a stroll in my private garden after dinner. Galion will escort you after supper. I will see to it that he meets you out there after his arrival.”
You gulped. Was King Thranduil trying to get the two of you together? It seemed as if you were not as sneaky as you thought yourself to be, “Oh, I would not want to impose my king.”
“I insist.” And that was that. He had you escorted through his chambers to the garden even you had yet to see. It was small but truly, one of them most beautiful spaces you’d ever had the pleasure of stepping into. You walked around admiring the roses and flowers that seemed endless as they tangled with the grass and trees. You had sensed why he had kept it to himself after all of these years.
“My father was right. You are a vision Lady Y/N.” The familiar voice of the man you loved snapped you out of the trance the dancing roses captured you in. For the second time that night you had been snuck up on. Most unlike you.
Your face broke into a smile seeing the blonde elf in person finally, “Is red really your favorite color?” You asked not fully believing the king.
He bowed to you, “It’s been over a year, almost two and that’s the first thing you ask me?”
“It is. Is that an issue my prince?” You gave him a dramatic bow in return. That was just one of the many things he had grown to adore about you. You never really gave care in the world of his title. To you he was always just Legolas your friend. For he hadn’t a clue of how you felt about him.
“Hardly. Indeed, red is my most cherished color. This color precisely.” He stepped closer to you grabbing at the extra fabric on your arm. If your heart could simultaneously stop and explode all at once that was what was occurring. He was so close so suddenly. Was Legolas flirting with you?
“Well,” You cleared your throat trying your best to respond to him as your brain tried its best to keep up with him, “Hopefully I wear it all right.” You joked around trying to shift the growing tension between the two of you.
His hands did not drop from your arm as his eyes snapped up to yours, “My lady, you wear it finer than any elf in this kingdom and all kingdoms beyond.”
What was he doing? Your face paled before your cheeks exploded with color. You were usually so good at hiding emotion such as this but his outright honestly instead of the joking he would normally play in had taken you off your guard.
He smirked now knowing his father’s push was really all he needed. You would not blush so had you no feelings for him. He did not wish to ruin the grand friendship he had with you for it was the most cherished thing in his life. For in his mind, you had no feelings for him.
“Oh, thank you Legolas.” He noticed you flexing your hands. He had long since learned that was your tell for being unsettled. He’d often caught you doing the same before an attack would commence or when you had a terrible feeling of something.
“There is no need to be nervous Y/N. It is just me, Legolas.” He hid his smirk away for a softer smile. He held his hands out for you to take.
Slowly you placed your much smaller hands in his, “Indeed. That is what’s making me nervous.” You admitted out loud before your brain could stop you.
“What do you mean?” He turned his head to the side just so as his eyes scanned over your face searching for something, anything.
“You have occupied my thoughts every day since you left.” You spoke quickly before you could decide it would be a bad idea letting him know you had feelings too, “Are you being sincere?”
He stepped forward placing a tentative hand on your hip, “Aye, my lady. I would not lie to you. You look beautiful tonight.”
You placed your hand on his face making sure he really was back, “I missed you Legolas. This had been the longest year of my life. For I did not know years could take so long.”
He tested the waters by bring you closer to him. He fully wrapped an arm around your waist. You thought your heart was going to leap out of his chest as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I survived out there because of you.” His hair tickled your neck, but you could hardly care as you processed this information he had just told you.
“Pardon?” You had asked him to expand on that ever so bold statement.
He brushed your hair behind you ears, “When we wanted to give up, when all hope was lost, when I surely thought this life was over…” He paused seeing the horror in your expression. You must not have known how dangerous the quest truly was. But he continued trying to get to the point, “I thought of you. Coming home to you in Mirkwood kept me going.”
He surely heard how fast your heart was beating now, “I am glad I could provide you the strength to come home to me. For I do not know how I would fare middle earth without you.” This moment in the garden was the most intimate the two of you had ever been with the other. The most truthful too. You would have to thank his father later for the push the both of you needed. He must have been planning to leave soon as he never meddled so obviously before.
“I could not let that happen. I have made sure of that.” He smiled, eyes gazing down lovingly at you. You’d seen the gaze before but told yourself he meant something else. You were mistaken clearly.
“Legolas.” His name slipped out of your mouth so effortlessly. By Eru were you thrilled you could speak his name out loud because he was actually in front of you.
Ignoring your soft plea he asked you, “May I ask you a very important question?”
Your eyes piqued in curiosity as you nodded, “You may.” Wondering whatever he may ask you.
He took your hands in his gently rubbing his thumb along your much softer skin, “I wish to court you. I want to spend the rest of this life together, meleth nin. Would you do me the honor?”
You repeated his words slowly, “Meleth nin…” You repeated back to him before continuing in your disbelief, “For am I dreaming right now Legolas?” You asked not sure if you were truly in reality any longer. For as long as you pined for the blonde elf from afar this was happening faster than you had imagined.
“I certainly hope not, it took me far too long to work up the courage to ask you.” He grinned feeling like he could do anything in the world. His love, you, had said yes to him. He was going to have you as a partner, lover and more for the rest of his life. He could not wait to start the next part of his life with you. A youthful pang of excitement went off in his heart as he felt a new sense of adventure in the near future with you.
You laughed giving his hands a squeeze, “Then it is my greatest honor to accept. May I ask for how long?”
This time it was his turned to blush. It was a rare sight to see the kings son so squirmy in any sense, “Give or take a few hundred years?”
You smiled, “I have you beat then my prince. I had a growing crush nearly a thousand years ago. I thought it would go away so I just buried it deep down. See what good that got me.”
“Half our lives?” His eyes went wide as if he was finally seeing you for the first time.
You nodded you head trying to hide the embarrassment of hiding yourself away, “I suppose it is then half our lives so far. It was when you got back from Minas Tirith with your father. I had missed you far too much for the feelings to be simply friendly.” It wasn’t so bad admitting it to him for it felt more of a relief. He was going to know your truest feelings finally.
He placed his hands on your uppers arms, “I am nothing but a fool. I did not notice.”
You half laughed, half groaned, “I did not give you a chance my prince.”
“Why did you hide away from me?” He asked sincerely as he took a handful of your long straight hair in his hands. He was certainly more comfortable getting more handsy with you after you had accepted his proposal. It was no question to you. He was the only one you would say yes to.
“I am nothing but a Silvan Elf.” You spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. When Legolas’s face turned to nothing but confusion you continued, “I heard the king talking, years ago now, about how lowly he view the Silvan elves he presided over. I would never have the approval.”
“What are you talking about meleth nin?” He sounded genuinely confused, “How long ago was that?”
You shrugged, “A long time ago.” You didn’t want to admit it was nearly two thousand years ago you heard his decree. Even by elf standards that was some time ago.
“You know even stubborn kings can change their minds given some time.” He pinched your side lightly letting you know your thoughts were mistaken for the king had all but forced him to tell you this evening.
He held his hand out after he admired you for a moment longer than needed. He could not help it though for he couldn’t believe that you were his, “Come with me.”
“Where are we going?” You asked curiosity getting the better of you as you placed your hand in his.
He sighed turning back to you with that glimmer in his eye, “We may have an audience on the other side of the door waiting to see if you said yes.”
You let out a hearty laugh, “Unbelievable! Who is there then?” You followed him as he began walking.
“Your father and mine… and Galion” He smiled sheepishly almost afraid to see your reaction.
But your laugh let him know you didn’t mind, “Those meddling older elves. They need to mind their own business.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, that adorable blush forming over his cheeks, “I am thankful for their meddling for I never would have had the courage to ask you my lady.”
You gave his hand a squeeze before you walked through the thick wooden door, “I would have waited another two thousand years for you Legolas.”
He looked down suddenly bashful. You were beginning to adore the far more emotional side of the man you had grown to love truly throughout the centuries. It had made falling even further in love with him a less daunting task. You were more than excited to explore life as a courting couple. You’d make big decisions in this stage of life. How many children did he want? Where did he want to live? Was Thranduil going to give the crown to his son? Would he accept?
“You have always had such a way with words meleth nin.” He brushed the side of your face breaking you away from your thoughts.
You grinned at his kind words, “Meleth nin.” You whispered back to him for the first time. You could get used to calling him that. Your love. Your lover. Your everything.
He put his hand on the door before turning back to you, “Are you ready to deal with them?”
A smile broke out on your face in consideration of his actions, “With you? Always.”
He gave your hand a squeeze before opening the door before both of you. Sure enough not a second later both King Thranduil and your father pounced on the both of you with questions while Galion stood back with a relieved expression on his face. You laughed with utmost glee as Legolas pulled you into his chest shielding you from the questions and answering them all. If this is what it meant to be loved by him then you could surely get used to this.
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Please King Thranduil, who falls in love with Lord Elrond's captain of the guard. She thinks she offended him in some way by the way he looks at her.
A Glance Misunderstood
Word count: 782
Pairing: king Thranduil x guard!reader
The great halls of the Woodland Realm were silent, save for the soft crackle of the fire in the hearth. King Thranduil, the Elvenking of the Woodland Realm, sat upon his throne, his sharp gaze fixed on the flames. He was lost in thought, a rare occurrence for one as sharp and present as he. His mind was occupied by a vision that had been haunting him for weeks—one of beauty, elegance, and unparalleled skill.
Her name was Y/N, the captain of Lord Elrond’s guard. She had come to Mirkwood as part of a diplomatic envoy, tasked with ensuring the safety of the Elven emissaries. She was a formidable warrior, and her strategies in battle were nothing short of brilliant. But it wasn’t just her prowess in combat that had captivated the Elvenking. There was something else, something deeper.
Thranduil had always prided himself on his ability to remain detached, to view all things through the lens of logic and reason. Yet, when Y/N was near, he found his usual composure wavering. His gaze would linger on her, his thoughts would drift, and a feeling he had not known for centuries stirred within him.
But Y/N, unaware of the king’s growing affection, had misinterpreted his attentions. Every time she caught him staring, his eyes intense and unreadable, she believed she had done something to offend him. Perhaps her manner was too blunt, or her strategies too bold for his liking. The thought troubled her deeply, for she held the Elvenking in the highest regard.
One evening, after a long day of strategizing with Thranduil and his advisors, Y/N lingered in the great hall, hoping to understand what she had done wrong. The king’s gaze had been particularly piercing that day, and she could not bear the thought of leaving Mirkwood with his disapproval.
“Your Majesty,” she began hesitantly, approaching the throne. Thranduil turned his gaze to her, his blue eyes once again unreadable.
“Captain Y/N,” he acknowledged, his voice smooth as silk. “What troubles you?”
She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. “I fear I may have offended you in some way, my lord. You have often looked upon me with such… intensity. If I have done anything to displease you, I beg your forgiveness.”
Thranduil’s expression softened, a rare sight for those who knew him. He rose from his throne, descending the few steps to stand before her. He was tall, imposing, and yet, in that moment, there was a gentleness about him that caught Y/N off guard.
“You have not offended me, Y/N,” he said quietly, his voice carrying a warmth that was almost foreign to her ears. “If my gaze has lingered upon you, it is not out of displeasure, but rather… admiration.”
Y/N blinked, surprised by his words. “Admiration, my lord?”
Thranduil nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. “You are a remarkable warrior, Captain. Your strategies in battle are unparalleled, your leadership is exemplary. But more than that… you possess a beauty and elegance that is rare, even among our kind. It is not often that I find myself so captivated.”
Her breath caught in her throat. The Elvenking, known for his aloofness and indifference, was confessing his admiration for her? It was almost too much to believe.
“I had thought…” she began, but her voice faltered. “I had thought you were displeased with me.”
A small, almost amused smile tugged at the corners of Thranduil’s lips. “Displeased? No, Y/N. Quite the opposite. You have stirred something within me that I thought long dormant. You have not offended me, my dear captain. You have enchanted me.”
Y/N felt a warmth spread through her chest, her earlier fears dissipating like morning mist. “My lord,” she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. “I did not know…”
Thranduil took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently lift her chin, so she would meet his gaze. “There is much we do not know about each other, Y/N. But I would like to change that. If you are willing.”
Her heart raced, and she felt the weight of his words settle over her like a warm blanket. There was no command in his voice, only a quiet hope, a desire to know her better, not as a captain, but as a woman. As someone he cared for.
“I am willing, my lord,” she replied, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions within her.
Thranduil’s smile deepened, and for a brief moment, the great Elvenking looked almost boyish, as if a great burden had been lifted from him. “Then let us begin, Y/N. There is much I wish to learn about you, and much I wish to share.”
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faeriichaii · 7 months
Could I request a Legolas x Elf Reader .
Were the Reader is a apart of the guard along with him and taruiel . The reader and Legolas grew up together .
The reader goes out on patrol with a group to kill the spiders that were getting too close to Mirkwood borders but as the weather turns sour as the group returns but Legolas notices the reader isn't with them and sets out to find the reader
Stormy Patrol ~ Legolas x Elf!Reader
A/N: Ohhh that's cute!! I really hate spiders (well I mean if they don't hurt me I won't hurt them tbh) funfact but I was dressed as an elf yesterday and like idk this story made me feel as if I was there as well and like saw everything happen haha I kinda wrote it while I was pretty tired so idk how it turned out hahaha But yeah I hope you enjoy the story!!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.5k࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: Tauriel and you were out on patrol without Legolas. But a storm takes you by surprise, resulting in you getting lost in the dark forest.
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Placing a few arrows into your quiver, you got ready to go on patrol with Tauriel and Legolas. The three of you have known each other since childhood, constantly meeting up and playing with each other. And the bond between you only grew as time passed. So did also your feelings for Legolas, which merged from merely friendly feelings, to your heart beating faster as soon as your eyes meet. “Are you ready to go out (Y/N)?” Tauriel asked you, as she stood in the doorway. Her bow was in her hand, while her quiver was strung across her back.
“Yes.” Taking your own weapons, you followed her through the door and out into the garden of the palace. “Isn’t Legolas going to join us?” You ask her. A little chuckle left her, as she gently smiled at you. She knew about your fondness towards the prince. It was very obvious to her as your behaviour began to change subtly so she once asked you about it and you told her everything. Even the doubts you had that he would reciprocate the feelings.
“You should tell him sometime.” She suddenly said, as the both of you began to meet up with a few other guards. A sigh left your lips. “I want to, but I do not wish to risk our friendship over some silly feelings that will pass eventually.” “But you don’t even know what he feels. Have you ever considered, that he might be in love with you? I see how he looks at you.” You tilt your head to the side at her words. “What do you mean?” “The prince looks at you as if you were his world. How come you don’t notice that?” Tauriel asks you.
Warmth spread across your face, as you looked ahead at the trees of Mirkwood. “I absolutely have no idea what you are talking about.” She rolled her eyes at your dismissal, before standing in front of the group of guards. “We will now enter Mirkwood. Everyone, please remain in formation and remember all the training sessions if we end up under any kind of attack.” After her speech, she takes the spot beside you and together you enter the forest.
Cold air seeps through the layers of your clothes, making you shiver as you wandered through Mirkwood. “Legolas had to attend a very important meeting with the king.” Tauriel broke the comfortable silence between the both of you. “Do you know what the meeting was about?” She shrugged her shoulders at your question. “Probably something about the upcoming festival.” You knew that the festival was in a few days and you even got yourself a few new garments for the occasion. You even got some accessories for your hair. “Are you going to attend the festivities?” “I was thinking about it but-“ Tauriel suddenly stopped talking, as she heard the sound of some twigs snapping close by.
Instantly, everyone got their weapons ready and got into formation. Your fingers tightly held onto your bow, as you made sure to properly align the arrow. Suddenly, a few spiders jumped through the bushes. Firing the arrows, you made sure that they couldn’t get the chance to take anyone of you down. Slowly rain began to pour down, as your patrol group took down spider after spider. However, it seemed like there were more than you expected. A guard close to you got himself stuck in one of the webs. Quickly taking out the daggers, you sliced him free, before launching the sharp object at another one of the spiders.
The rain got heavier, making it almost impossible to see the enemies in front of you. Stumbling you look for Tauriel. Spotting her further away, you shoot an arrow at the spider in front of her, making her turn to you. “I think we should retreat.” You shout at her, the rain almost swallowing your words. She nodded at you, before signing everyone to get back towards the castle grounds.
Swiftly you were thrown to the ground by a force on your back. You kicked with your legs and wriggled around, until the thing was thrown off of you. Taking your dagger into your hand you sliced through it, before quickly standing up and running away from the spiders. Stumbling through the woods, you searched for Tauriel and the other guards, but you couldn’t find them. The rain was pouring down heavily around you, as thunder clapped through the sky. Panick slowly began to settle in your heart. You didn’t know where you were and you lost all of your group members. Being alone in Mirkwood during a storm is one of the things you have been warned about as a child. In general, being alone in this forest is something that was not recommended. Of course, you had to memorize your way around the area at some point, but this did not make it any less dangerous. Especially during such weather.
A lightning bolt lit up the dark sky. You spun around in circles, as you continued to pass through trees. The rain began to lessen up which made you feel a little more hopeful about your situation. Another thunder shook through the forest, making you flinch in the process. There need to be some kind of shelter somewhere around here. Even the palace grounds could not be that far off. Looking around, you spot a dark silhouette in the distance. You squint your eyes, as you watch them begin to approach you. Your grip around your daggers tightened, not knowing if the person is a friend or fiend. That is until you spot his white-blonde hair.
“(Y/N)!” Legolas quickly approached you. His hair was slightly damp, which lead you to believe that he must not have been outside for long. He quickly wrapped his arms around your drenched body, before dragging you towards the familiar building. “What happened? Why weren’t you with the others?” “A spider tackled me to the ground and I just lost my group.” His arm around you tightened, as he pulled you closer toward his warm body. Once inside, he handed you a warm fluffy blanket, before ordering you to take a seat by the fireplace.
“I just am glad that Tauriel immediately came to me and explained the situation.” A soft smile graced his lips. Shivering slightly, you scoot closer towards him for warmth. “I apologize my prince. I did not mean to worry you in any kind of way.” Your eyes were casted down, highly focused on your fingers that slowly began to gain a healthy colour once more. Legolas fingers gently lifted your face up to his. “It is okay Meleth Nin. I just am so glad to know that you are safe once more.”
A blush dusted your cheeks, as the endearment he just muttered echoed inside your head. Meleth Nin. Never had he called you that before. “I wanted to tell you that during the festivities, but I think now would be a better timing to confess.” “Confess?” You tilted your head to the side, as you stared into his eyes. They always remind you of stars or jewels. The way they shine so brightly when he talks to you. Legolas suddenly laid his hand against your cold cheek, making you lean into his touch.
“Confess my love to you. I have loved you since ages but I did not know how to tell you that. I was worried about how you would react and how this would change the relationship we had.” His thumb wiped away a water droplet that fell from your hair. “I was worried as Tauriel arrived without you. She explained what happened and I immediately went outside to search for you. But during that time, I realized that I had to tell you about my feelings. I wanted to wait until the festival to make it somewhat more romantic, but I just can’t wait this long.”
Smiling at him, you put your hands on each side of his face. “I love you Legolas. I have loved you so long and I even constantly told Tauriel about it.” A chuckle left his lips, before he placed them upon yours. Warmth spread through your entire body, as you pulled him closer to you. His lips were warm and soft. Exactly like you always have imagined. It felt as if you were kissed by the sun. Gentle and warm. Pulling away, the both of you smiled at each other for a moment, before Legolas decided to stand up. His hand was stretched out for you. Taking it, you stood up beside him. “How about you change out of your wet clothes and afterwards I can braid your hair?” You giggled at his proposition. “I think that sounds like the perfect plan, but only if you allow me to braid your hair as well my prince.” He gave your knuckles a gentle kiss. “Of course, anything you wish for Meleth Nin.”
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