#Miu x Keebo
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Like or reblog if you ship Miu/Keebo!
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immajustreblogthis · 4 months
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kiyosnotebook · 2 years
Miu Iruma desperately needs an Assistant, and who else better than her trustworthy robo- I mean boyfriend. (An K1-B0 x Miu Iruma fanfic)
This was requested by anonymous
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"My system doesn't seem to comprehend how this is going to work, it's beyond my reccomended use of electricity."
"Ahahaha! Of course you won't understand! Only someone with golden brains like me could ever know!"
The inventor proudly shouted across the research lab, an lab filled with metal and blueprints, her lab, Miu Iruma's lab. Yelling with fake confidence at her very trusted assistant, who was now doubting his own decisions.
Miu has been working on an rocket ship for now, a very beautiful rocket ship. She wouldn't normally make this stuff, she has better ideas, such as something that could help humans ride a scooter while sleeping, she called it slooper. Yet, she found herself wasting weeks on this clever machine.
It all started with Kaito Momota. He decided that when he's gonna go to the moon, he isn't going to do it with some classic, old-fashioned rocket. No, he wanted something big, something grand, something everyone will remember him by, his own rocket with his name on it.
Now unfortunately, he couldn't do it by himself. He needed someone who knew more about this stuff, an expert. Someone who builds stuff everyday out of passion and love for mechanisms and machinery, just like how he loved space to his very core. Who else was better than that then the very sexual professional, Miu Iruma, the ultimate inventor of Hope's Peak academy. But maybe asking Iruma about it isn't always the best idea....
Now Miu couldn't just give anything to the public without testing it, without making sure it would be something outstanding. She couldn't test it herself, of course, what if something dangerous happened while inside of the rocket? She wouldn't be able to fix it then! Therefore, Miu needed someone who wouldn't get affected to things such as poisonous gas, or the smell of oil, or all of the overwhelming electricity inside, K1-B0 or Keebo...or Keeboy...or kebab...or whatever clever nicknames Kokichi comes up with!
K1-B0 couldn't say no! His lovely girlfriend asked him something she is very passionate about, in his sources it says that refusing something your partner really adores will hurt them emotionally and will make them lose affection. K1-B0 doesn't want that!
So he agreed, no matter how much he would regret it, because love meets no boundaries even if it straps you to a chair and explodes you along with the rocket itself, right?
Which brings us here, outside of the Ultimate inventor's research lab, with an gigantic rocket towering over them.
" 'Ya ready, Kebaby?" Miu seductively whispers in her boyfriend's ear, which inevitably flusters K1-B0.
K1-B0 shyly nods as he gets pushed onto the chair in the massive rocket by it's creator. As soon as his back hits the chair straps are appearing and locks K1-B0 into the chair. With no way back, he accepts his fate.
"Ooooh, you look so lewd like that, Kebaby! All restrained and unable to move...mhmm"
Her laughs were faded out by the sound of the metal doors loudly closing, leaving no way for the robot to escape from his prison.
Some time passed, which seemed like an eternity. Suddenly, K1-B0 felt the ground move. He felt pressure. He felt the flames rise from the rockets mechanism, from the outside. The rocket was finally moving.
The rocket rose into the sky; camouflaging into the pastel sky.
"Oh, Kebaby! Where are 'ya?"
Suddenly an ridiculously loud bang was heard from both inside and outside of the ship. The lovers both knew what this is. It was just their regular explosion of Miu's creations.
Hypnotizing hues of gold, vermillion and orange were splattered across the blue canvas of the endless sky.
"M-Miu? O-Oh, I guess that invention didn't work either, huh..."
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pocketdv2ultimate · 5 months
Quais são os seus shipps favoritos em Danganronpa v3?!
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(I'm not very familiar with V3. And I've seen very little of it. But my opinion may change when I see them again)
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finsterkiibo · 11 months
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yknow, dropping my more recent older art on here has made me realize how many aus I’ve made in the past few months LMFAOOO they are just so fun to design!! to be fair though, this one’s existed for awhile! I just only recently redesigned kiibo!! sonic will always be such a special series to me cuz it’s one of the few reason I got into making art! so obviously I had to mix it w my favs (duh)
also, here’s a traditional comic i made w their meeting, and miu, who is a Fox! shes kind of like an older, Shadow equivalent to tails? almost? not really, she’s just happens to be another fox inventor lol. her lore is that she used to work w eggman and made bots for him n shit until she decided she hated being constrained by his rules and went her own way, taking his bots down for her own enjoyment and craft, and started helping out shuichi when he left the chaotix. and along that way, she met kiibo, and in turn so did shuichi!
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also for a bit more lore, these three are in a sonic heroes sort of team called “Team Gadget” (after they all adjust and properly trust kiibo) and their goal is taking down tsumugi, an octopus shapeshifter related to mimic! (from the comics) she works with eggman to distract others and make it easier for eggman to target sonic!
anywho, enjoy yet another au ehehe I need to draw these guys again soon! (I say, about all my AUs)
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Hi could you do Danganronpa v3 comforting reader while they are having a panic attack dew to a triggering memory? Thank you :)
Rantaro does his best to stay calm, he’s pretty good at hiding the fact he’s nervous from you, so he’s able to calm you down quickly. He absolutely hates seeing you so upset, so he delicately asks you what it was that triggered your trauma so that he can make sure it won’t happen again.
Kaede panics a little when this happens, but she does her best to try to calm you down! She’s so sweet and optimistic, so she’s pretty good at cheering you up, distracting you with music. She would eventually try to ask you if you wanted to talk about it, or what she could do in the future to make it easier on you.
Ryoma understands and knows how to stop a panic attack, he used to go through this kinda thing himself. He does the 5 things technique typically, as it’s what works best with him but he can use other skills to help you out if it’s what you desire. He hates the idea of you remembering something so awful and he wouldn’t dare to pry about it.
Kirumi is no stranger to this sort of thing, she has had to help many people with ptsd, as the ultimate maid she’s had to help many people and assist them. This is no different and she comes up with many different methods that are best suited to you and takes very good care of you when this happens.
Tenko panics when this happens and is completely unsure of what to do in this kinda situation, so she asks you what she can do to make it better. Aside from that, she asks you in advance what would work best for the future, she feels horrible that she couldn’t be there to protect you back then, and now you have to suffer the consequences even now.
Angie knows how to help you through your panic attack, she thinks it’s horrible what happened to you, that atua decided to not protect you in that moment and now you must suffer. Perhaps it was to make you stronger? That is what she tells you. She tells you you’re much stronger than a normal person, because you deal with something so horrible. She isn’t the best at making you feel better, but she’s on your side.
Miu is horrible with comfort and panics when she sees you in this state. She freaks out, in fact and starts whimpering, wanting to make you feel better but not knowing how. In the state of her panic, she asks you what the fuck she can do to help. She probably comes up with an invention to help you with your panic attacks until she can make one that stops them completely.
Gonta actually knows how to help. Contrary to popular belief gonta is smarter than he looks and he has dealt with panic attacks when he was a little kid, his solutions may be useful but if they don’t work for you he’ll be completely lost and just try his best to get you through it. He’s pretty panicked despite knowing what he’s doing, probably because he knows how horrible panic attacks can be.
Kokichi has had a few panic attacks in his life (more than a few) as a child. So he knows exactly how to help, this is one of the few times you’ll find him being serious and genuinely caring towards you as he tries to help you in whatever way is best for you and he’s extremely soft and sweet with you for the whole day.
Kaito isn’t sure how to help, so he simply asks you what he should do. He’s very scared when this happens, since he’s just so goddamn inexperienced with this. He hates for you to remember such a horrible memory, if he doesn’t already know what it could be he’s curious as to what it could be, so he may ask about it.
Kiibo may not be sure what to do the first time, in fact he’ll be scared and at a complete loss, but afterwards would do his research on panic attacks and from then on has many solutions and is very useful and he is sure to make your panic attacks less frequent.
Himiko doesn’t know how to help in this situation, she only knows a few techniques for panic attacks since she used to get them as a kid sometimes before her magic shows but .. yours seems a lot more serious so .. she will need some guidance on what to do when you’re having a panic attack.
Maki has experience, she used to get them and was around kids that got em. She can help easily. Besides, being an assassin means being able to see the terrified looks on peoples faces.. and well.. witnessing different people have panic attacks was often. So she’s very helpful and does everything in her power to make sure you no longer have this issue.
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teddybearty · 2 years
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Some V3 thingssss 💕
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Naekusaba (Makoto x Mukuro) or Kiiruma (K1-B0 x Miu)?
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New & improved collage!
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immajustreblogthis · 3 months
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Kiibo: Hey, Miu! Don't forget to drink water and stay hydrated!
Miu: No.
Kiibo: Then become the dirt I walk on.
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usagirln120 · 2 years
Danganronpa Pregame Headcanons (2/2)
Angie Yonaga
• Joined in a suicide pact with her two best friends (Tenko & Himiko).
• Grew up in a religious and abusive household. She was so desperate to get out of it that even death sounded better than staying with her family.
• She wrote a suicide note to her boyfriend Kiyo which he accidentally found which is what led him to auditioned to protect her.
Tenko Chabashira
• Auditioned in a suicide pact with her two best friends (Angie & Himiko).
• She was kicked out when she came out to her parents and revealed that her brother had r#ped her.
• She moved in with Himiko’s family afterwards.
• Danganronpa turned her sexuality to hatred towards men.
Korekiyo Shinguji
• Auditioned to save his girlfriend Angie from suicide.
• Was one of the top students in his class.
• Works a part-time job after school to help with his sister’s medical bills.
Miu Iruma
• Auditioned alongside Kokichi to help his brother win.
• Is very shy but if you get to know and befriend her, you can see her ingame self slowly emerge.
• Has a crush on the son of their science teacher, Mr. Idabashi.
Gonta Gokuhara
• Auditioned out of worry for his best friend Kaito.
• Is one of the few people in school that knows the real Kaito.
• Is a part of the martial arts club and was rumored to become the new club leader after the current third year graduates.
Kokichi Oma
• Auditioned alongside his best friend Miu to help his three minute older brother Kaito win.
• Is very shy but if you managed to gain his trust, he becomes more like his ingame self.
• Is the president of the gaming club with Miu as the vice president.
• Gay but has only came out to Miu.
• He and Kaito never knew their true parents since they were adopted as babies.
• Has scars from their adopted father’s abuse.
• They were taken in by their grandparents after their parents passed away in a car accident.
Kaito Momota
• The school bully.
• Smokes weed with Rantaro and Ryoma behind the school.
• Bullies practically everyone but his weed buddies, his best friends Gonta and Kaede, his younger twin brother Kokichi and honorary little sister Miu.
• Has been on a manhunt for a whole year to find the owner of the account who bullies Kokichi.
• Is a bully due to his father’s influense and hates it.
• Has a crush on the class president Maki.
• So far in the Bi-closet that he doesn’t even know he’s in it.
• He and Kokichi are actually Mikan and Junko’s twins but since Mikan gave them up for adoption when they were still babies, they never knew.
Tsumugi Shirogane
• Survivor of previous season alongside Rantaro.
• Differently from Rantaro who grew to hate Danganronpa after participating, she grew to love it even more and was overjoyed when they asked her to come back as the next mastermind.
• She is Shuichi’s cousin.
Keebo Idabashi
• Auditioned when he find out that his crush Miu was going to auditioned.
• The son of the science teacher.
• Became practically a cyborg after an car accident which cost him his leg and arm.
• He and Miu were unaware that their feelings were reproduced.
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nabateaprodigy · 11 months
I'm Now Taking Requests for Danganronpa!
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The games I'll write for are Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, and Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony.
I'll write character x character requests. I'll also write x male, female, and gender-neutral readers.
I'll write for any scenarios you want involving things such as fluff, angst, hurt to comfort, etc. However, I will not write anything for smut sorry.
I'll write for the 3 main games and the characters I'll be writing for those 3 main games. Can be found below.
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Makoto Naegi
Sayaka Maizono
Leon Kuwata
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Hifumi Yamada
Mondo Owada
Toko Kukawa/Genocide Jack
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Sakura Ogami
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mukuro Ikusaba
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Hajime Hinata
Akane Owari
The Ultimate Imposter
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Nekomaru Nidai
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Teruteru Hanamura
Izuru Kamukura
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Shuichi Saihara
Korekiyo Shinguji
Angie Yonaga
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tenko Chabashira
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Maki Harukawa
Ryoma Hoshi
Rantaro Amami
Himiko Yumeno
Gonta Gokuhara
Miu Iruma
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 22 days
I know you talk mainly about dr2 on your blog, but what do you think about Kiiruma (Kiibo x Miu)?
Oh, I like Kiiruma! XD To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to their relationship when I was playing the game, but I started to like it when I looked at some of the fan art. I like the type of Kiiruma that Miu sometimes curses at clumsy Kiibo, but after all, she adores him. 😊
Here is a very cute Kiibo and Iruma Valentine's Day story from Ultimate Ask Blog that I often talk about on my blog, I would like everyone to see it!:
It begins with Kiibo being suggested to give Miu some chocolate 🍫: https://www.tumblr.com/ultimateask/742594134083289088/poor-miu-bro-keebo-get-your-girl-some?source=share
2. At the first answer, Kiibo hesitates, but when it is suggested again, he decides to give Miu a chocolate! 💝 But the chocolate is......... (See the actual post!): https://www.tumblr.com/ultimateask/743756747680956417/keebs-it-can-be-platonically-she-deserves-to?source=share
3. Then, Kiibo tries again! 🥛 : https://www.tumblr.com/ultimateask/744511778844770304/keebo-i-think-that-chocolate-needs-a-little-milk?source=share
4. And finally...! 🌟: https://www.tumblr.com/ultimateask/745780042162995200/keebo-thats-not-really-ugh-just-heat-up-the?source=share
Kiibo's hard work for Miu is cute! 🥰
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funishment-time · 2 months
Ask game on here too, huh? Well. At the risk of being predictable. I gotta go with Miu, she's the best.
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she IS the best
Sexuality Headcanon: this one's a toughie. i don't think Miu really knows herself, to be honest. with Kaede, my chosen Wife for her, she'd probably refer to herself as Gay or [insert Slur here] even if she had an attraction to men, but wouldn't really have a true label. outside of the narrative, though, the closest i'd call Miu is "pansexual though leans towards women." she isn't completely shut off from Dudes but also a lot of her attraction to them is, in fact, comphet
Gender Headcanon: cis, BUT. my self-indulgent headcanon about her gender presentation is that it, once again, is mostly tied to comphet. she shows off her Body because she thinks it's the right thing to do and she's comfortable with people ogling the Irumussy. additionally, i headcanon that she "filled out" all at once during puberty, and doesn't quite know how to Dress for her new body type still. yet if you divorced her from all that she'd wear overalls and a lab coat (but still probably whip out her tits at every possible opportunity and bend over like a porn star at weird angles. it's Miu, after all)
A ship I have with said character: everyone who follows me knows that Irumatsu is my big Miu (and Kaede) ship. however, i like any ship where people portray her as genuinely happy and being treated well, yet also not Walking All Over her partner. i just happen to think, in terms of purely in-character vibes, Kaede is the only one who would love Miu properly but wouldn't let Miu act up so to speak
A BROTP I have with said character: my crack-ass friendship for her is with Angie, who would civilize our dear Miu but also psychologically kick her ass if she started Being Weird. i've mentioned before that i also prefer stories where Miu and Keebo are more sibling-like
A NOTP I have with said character: since i like Miu happy but (for lack of a better term) disciplined (ha), my NOTP is any relationship where, canonically, she and her Partner would probably tear each other apart. i'm also kinda becoming ehh on Miu x Keebo though not for that reason. something about it Weirds me out, but this opinion could change over time
A random headcanon: she has a beloved sticker collection, as well as a pin collection. eventually this becomes how Kaede, fellow autist and hyperfixator, keeps her in line
General Opinion over said character: 11/10 my sweet baby girl my daughter my blorb
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sonicstalker123 · 5 months
Korekiyo x Reader who commits s***ide because of Korekiyo’s death
CW: sewerslide, gore, knives, hints of sh, fainting, screaming in anger and sadness, mentions of bugs
Content: EXTREME angst
(This is my first and only time I’ll write one of these as it’s a sensitive topic for not just me, but others as well.)
She/her pronouns used.
It was almost time for the class trial. Gonta was brutally murdered in the library. His mouth was taped shut and he was hanged upside down with several stab wounds. There was a LOT of blood on the floor. Once Kaito, Y/N and Shuichi find his body, Y/N gets pale and passes out. Fortunately Korekiyo was nearby and catches Y/N. “I have you now, Y/N, you’re safe with me.” He sits on the ground with Y/N in his arms. One arm hugging her and the other arm on her head.
“Kiyo? Is that Y/N?? Is she okay??” Keebo asks, concerned. “I’m sure she will be okay soon. It is concerning that she is… very pale, though.”
Keebo thinks to himself. “Kiyo, please let go of her for just a moment, I’d like to scan her for just one moment. It’s a new upgrade that Miu gave me and I want to test it out!” Korekiyo nods and gently moves her a few inches to the left.
Kiyo watches with curious eyes. He hears a humming noise coming from Keebo’s eyes?? He quite literally scans her. “The scan is complete! Vitals and everything else seems normal. It seems like she just fainted at the sight of blood. Do you know if that is normal for her?”
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“This is a first for me. She has seen blood before and hasn’t fainted.” Kiyo casually responds. “Where…. Have you both seen blood..?” Keebo asks, concerned and also disturbed. “We watch horror movies sometimes. They get pretty gorey.” Kiyo responds. “WELL. I’m out, I must resume the investigation.” Keebo responds, disturbed by how casual Kiyo is with his responses. Korekiyo picks up Y/N and holds her close to him, with her head on his chest.
About ten minutes pass and Y/N wakes up, startling Kiyo. She looks up at him, a little dazed. “Dearest, you’re awake! How are you feeling?” Y/N soon realizes that her head is on her boyfriend’s chest, causing her to blush. Her blush causes Kiyo to blush slightly. “I-I was just protecting you!” Korekiyo responds, sounding embarrassed. “From… what?” Y/N asks, turning her head slightly and she almost sees Gonta’s lifeless body. “Darling, Gonta… passed away. Somebody ended his life… and his killer is somewhere in this very academy.” “W-What?! We were just talking about bugs and he was showing me a bunch of cute caterpillars JUST yesterday!” Y/N starts to sob, burying her head in Kiyo’s chest.
“D-Darling… cry as much as you need to. I’m here for you.” He pats her head and gently hugs her. Himiko turns around and sees Y/N crying and she starts to just BAWL. “We’re… gonna find your k-killer and bring them to j-justice..!”
Y/N eventually calms down and shakily sighs. “I… I think it’s almost t-time for the class trial. We will find who did this to you, Gonta! I promise!”
The TV monitor thing turns on. “Yup, she’s right! It’s finally time for the long anticipated class trial!” Monokuma exclaims.
Everybody makes their way to the Shrine of Judgement. “Kiyo… I was wondering if I could go with you to your lab after all of this is finished?”
That question stabbed Korekiyo like a knife, knowing he wouldn’t be able to do that. “Of course, my rose. Anything for you.” He responds.
Time for the class trial.
Everybody debates for a what felt like forever. Y/N is putting the pieces together and can’t believe it. “The killer is you, Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist!” Shuichi yells and Y/N gasps and falls to her knees. “Bahaha! Your vote was correct, Shuichi! Though Y/N? You did an oopsie and you’re risking everybody else’s lives by voting for yourself! DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN. YOU’LL GET PUNISHED.” Monokuma growls.
Y/N walks up to Korekiyo. Everybody turns their head to watch Kiyo and Y/N talk. “But… why? Why would you do that?! Why did you kill Gonta?!” Y/N asks, in between her cries. “He was a threat! Last week, he almost broke your spine giving you a tight hug! He literally almost squeezed the life out of you, Y/N! I know he was worried and said “Gonta so sorry”, and all that SHIT, but he almost KILLED you!”
“Aaaaand that’s the tea.” Kokichi says, snickering to himself.
“I also wanted him to feel the same pain you felt. I taped his mouth shut so nobody could hear him.” Korekiyo responds, almost proud of himself.
“Yeah, I couldn’t move for days and Gonta watched over me and took care of me as his way of apologizing but you didn’t have to resort to MURDER! Gonta was innocent!” Y/N yells.
“Oooh, she’s big mad now.” Kokichi says.
“Kokichi, shhh. I’m invested in this tea too, so I wanna listen.” Tsumugi responds.
Korekiyo sighs and hands Y/N his mask and his hat and wipes her tears.
“ITS PUNISHMENT TIIIIIME!” Monokuma exclaims. “No…. NOOOO!” Y/N exclaims. “TAKE ME INSTEAD OF HIM!” Korekiyo looks at Y/N and sighs sadly. “My dearest rose, I did the crime, so I must pay… with my life. I don’t want to leave you, i-in fact, it pains me greatly to leave you, but this must happen. I love you and I will miss you. I’ll still be with you, in your heart. Every time you look at my mask and my hat, that’s me.” He gives her one final kiss, leaving a little kiss mark on her cheek from his lipstick.
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Y/N starts bawling.
As Korekiyo gets his punishment, Y/N falls to her knees and starts bawling hysterically. When he gets dropped into the boiling hot pot, she yells so loud that she loses her voice. Korekiyo can faintly hear her screams and it shatters his heart, causing him to feel despair.
The pot gets even hotter, finally causing him to literally melt, turning him into a ghost. His sister is gone good fucking riddance, she will not be missed… She’s burning in hell
Korekiyo floats to a building’s roof and sits on it, sighing sadly. “I hope to see you again, my beautiful rose. My dearest.”
After the trial, she falls asleep from crying. Tenko picks up her up and carries her to her dorm room. She puts his hat and mask on her nightstand. A few weeks pass. Y/N just looks empty. Eyes look empty. She hasn’t spoken to anybody after the trial.
At the cafeteria, Tenko looks concerned. “I’m worried about Y/N. I haven’t seen her in days.” Right as she said that, Y/N was seen, but only for a second. She looks pale, literally as if she has no life in her. “Y/N! There you are! Are you okay???” Tenko asks. No response. Y/N just walks outside and sits at the table outside. Ryoma sighs and catches up with her. “Hey, Y/N. Are you alright? We haven’t seen you in days.” Y/N looks up at the sky.
“No response, huh? Listen… I know all too well what it feels like to lose somebody. I had somebody important to me, too. It took a long time to heal from those wounds. So we’re in the same boat, haha. Don’t tell anybody I said this, but I cry every now and then when I think about her.” Y/N starts to cry once more, but still doesn’t say anything. Ryoma turns his head to see her crying. “Hey now, it-it’s alright. Gosh, I’ve never been good at this sort of thing.”
Y/N fidgets with her hands. “This….. this was our favorite place. We would sit here for hours and I would be so happy to just listen to him tell me his stories… Now… I can’t do that anymore.” “Oh, she speaks once more. Haven’t heard your voice in quite some time. If you need to talk to me, I’m here.” Ryoma jumps off the side of the table and walks away.
Y/N makes her way to Kiyo’s lab and just lays on the floor. “I miss you like crazy. It’s only been a few weeks but… it feels like just yesterday that we were in here on a date, with K-Kiyo infodumping teaching me about the Dog God and everything else imaginable. It hurts. It hurts knowing that I… can’t do that anymore. I wish I could feel your embrace just one more time….” Y/N gets up, goes to her dorm room and grabs a pillow, blanket and his mask. She locks the door and goes to sleep. For three days.
When Y/N wakes up, she grabs Kiyo’s mask, sneaks into Tsumugi’s lab and grabs her scissors, grabs her new hat and makes her way back to Kiyo’s lab. “Forgive me for this, Korekiyo. But always said that humanity was beautiful…” some time passes and looks down at her wrist, seeing that she cut herself with the scissors that she stole. She then starts wearing long sleeve t-shirts.
“I just saw Y/N, only for a moment. It seems that she looks more upset. We are all upset, but she’s more upset than all of us combined.” Keebo states, sighing sadly. Oh if only he knew.
Y/N makes her way to the kitchen and grabs a knife. She walks back to Kiyo’s lab and places the knife next to her. She scrolls through old selfies she’s taken with him… she hesitates for a moment but gets a pen and paper and decides to write her final words. “I will see… you soon, my love.”
‘This is goodbye, isn’t it? Kiyo made me feel special. He made me feel loved. He really made me feel wonderful. Appreciated. I’ll never forget the memories we made. I couldn’t bare the thought of being away from him for much longer, it was just tearing me up inside. Take this hat and mask and put it on my bed. As a reminder that we will be with one another forever. See you guys in another life. I thought you all were amazing friends.’
She sends Kaito a text. ‘Goodbye.’ SEND.
“Guys, Y/N just sent me a text a text saying “goodbye”. What does that mean?” Shuichi gasps. “She’s been by herself for days and we haven’t seen her. Could she be in Kiyo’s lab? That’s where I think she could be. I’m gonna go investigate. Kaito, do you want to come with me?” “Of course! You too, Maki Roll! We’re sidekicks! Off to Kiyo’s lab!”
The three run to Kiyo’s lab, with everybody anxious. They tried to open the door, but it is locked. Kaito bangs on the door. “Y/N! ARE YOU IN THERE?? ARE YOU OKAY?!” “Hold on, I got this.” Maki says and kicks the door open. “Being the Ultimate Assassin means that you have to be strong in all depa-“ Maki turns her head to see a lifeless Y/N, bleeding out with a cut throat and a knife in hand, blood everywhere holding Y/N’s note. “She really did commit…”
“A body has been discovered!!”
(Gosh, this was rough to write. Should I do a “part 2” to this, where Kiyo and his gf are reunited?)
EDIT: made a part 2! https://www.tumblr.com/sonicstalker123/747513052154478592/korekiyo-x-reader-who-commits-side-because-of
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