#Miwa persona
jewelartbyjewel · 3 months
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Individual drawings of the characters from the 5 characters Allegra Clark voices drawing ♥️
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(Persona 4&5/Jujutsu Kaisen) Haru, Ann, Rise, and Miwa that princess carries them
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Haru is first shocked, but loves being carried like this.
It made her feel like a princess, which was always her dream.
And it also gave her an excuse to be close to her S/O!
She wouldn't mind in private, but definitely prefers not to be picked up in public.
Especially because of the cute yelp she makes.
(Haru) "Oh! Hah, carry me onwards, noble S/O!"
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Ann is completely flustered no matter how many times she's picked up.
She never gets entirely used to it.
Ann would sometimes grumble, sometimes she'd fight back and get off.
But sometimes she'd smile and try to pick them up herself. It really depended on her mood that day, honestly.
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Rise doesn't mind one bit when S/O picks her up.
If anything she loves it. Though strangely, her reactions are an inverse.
If S/O picks Rise up in public, she'll laugh and play it up. In private, she gets quiet and blushy.
Rise definitely loves the feeling of being in their arms, and will use any excuse to be in there.
(Rise) "Ah, I could get used to this~."
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Miwa is always taken off guard despite how skilled of a fighter she is.
She thinks she'd be able to notice things that'd catch her off guard, only to be swept off her feet lovingly by S/O.
Miwa is in the middle of tripping over her own words as her brain processes how close S/O is all of a sudden.
As time goes on, she gets a little more used to it, but would prefer if they didn't do it randomly out in public.
(Miwa) "UWAH?! S-S/O! Please don't scare me like that!"
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devil-of-the-field · 8 months
CFV Persona 5 AU
Let's talk about this one! Since this is my first post for this AU, it's mostly spoiler-free as per usual. For reference, here’s the quick summary I wrote before:
Kai moves to a new city for his second year of highschool to escape his past. Unfortunately for him, his normal highschool life already takes a turn for the worst on his first day, when he accidentally stumbles into a different dimension with his classmate, and comes across a talking cat rambling about “palaces” and “phantom thieves”. Despite wanting to stay out of all of this, Kai soon gets sucked into the world of phantom thievery, makes new friends, steals hearts, and maybe saves the world in the process.
This is a fun one. In case you don’t know anything about Persona 5, let me catch you up real quick:
What is Persona 5?
Persona 5: A short summary
Persona 5 is JRPG about a group of teenagers who stumble across an alternate universe called the Metaverse, where the distorted desires of corrupt adults materialize by distorting the places they reign over into so called “palaces”. But through the power of their rebellion against society, our teenage protags gain the power of the Persona, a materialization of their rebellious spirit, which gives them powers to fight in the other world and change the corrupt hearts of the adults.
Now, I don’t want to just copypaste the story of P5 for this AU. My goal is to create a story that can be read, understood and enjoyed by both Persona 5 and Cardfight Vanguard fans without prior knowledge of the other franchise, while still telling an original story. A tall order, I know. But I am nothing if not ambitious.
- in case you don’t know, the first 5 members of the Phantom Thieves are usually portrayed as its own very tight knitted group. So I thought it would fit really well if they were represented by Team Mates from Legion Mate! - every major character in the story is assigned one of the 22 Major Arcana (I don't have them all figured out yet, ideas welcome). This goes for all the teammates too. - there's 8 Phantom Thieves in canon (with some more additions in the extended universe). This AU will have up to 10 Phantom Thieves. Their identities are already set, but since a new Phantom Thief joins every arc, those would be spoilers, so you'll have to wait and see! - every teammate has a persona (aka a mythological figure, from things like history, religion, literature or even urban myths) that represents their inner self. I don't have them all figured out yet either, but I will likely be reusing already existing ones from the Persona wiki and only make up my own when necessary. Again, ideas welcome. - The magic attacks personas use have different elements. And every teammate has one assigned element. The elements in question are: Wind, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Nuclear, Psychic, Curse, Bless and Almighty. They are already assigned, but feel free to try and guess which character would fit what element! - Everyone's got weapons too. In game everyone has a melee weapon and a gun. I've still left that open, because finding 10 versions of each is bit intense, so I might given everyone either a melee weapon or a gun.
Arcana: The Fool (as all protags are)
Persona: ??? (as the protagonist, he's a Wildcard, so he has actually more than one persona unlike everyone else, but he would have an original one...)
Element: Fire(? again, he has unlimited personas, but the original one is probably a fire one)
Kai is new to the school here and just wants to be left alone, but then he runs into Miwa! And then they run into an alternate dimension by accident! Whoops. And then Kai awakens to a mystical power, and starts seeing a weird white-haired boy in his dreams talking about "rehabilitation" and "changing the world". He just wants to be left alone, but his new friends have other plans!
Arcana: ??? (The Magician perhaps? or The Chariot...)
Persona: ??? (maybe Asura bc of Asura Kaiser, but that seems overpowered)
Element: Wind
so there is a VERY annoying character in the core five, and Kamui is the perfect character to parallel him. :) That character is a simp, and also a cat. So Kamui is a cat in this one. Don't ask. He's just been turned into a cat, and he wants to become a human again, and he simps for Emi. He already knows a bit about the Metaverse and is the second team member, and he works as the initial guide.
Arcana: ??? (also a good candidate for Magician, or Lovers?)
Persona: ??? (This one is hard. He doesn't have distinctive avatar card)
Element: Electricity
Miwa gets sucked into the Metaverse alongside Kai on their first day of school. He keeps going along with all the crazy stuff of course, because it's Kai! He awakens to his persona on their second visit there to protect Kai. If it wasn't for him, Kai probably would just hanging out in his room all day (or on a random bench in a park, lol), but Miwa forces Kai to actually build relationships with others.
Arcana: The High Priestess (? or the Empress, I'm not set yet)
Persona: Amaterasu (who else? She has been used as a persona before, but she fits Misaki so well)
Element: Psychic
Misaki is member number four. She's the smart one, who does analysis for the team. Miwa is the one who dragged her into the Metaverse on accident. She's overcoming her apathy and striving to get justice for others.
Arcana: ??? (The Chariot perhaps?)
Persona: ??? (I have NO idea honestly)
Element: Fire
Naoki's the last core member to join. It's a typical Naoki moment, following people around and stumbling among them being cool and being like "I wanna do that too!". He has a strong sense of justice and is just and all around good bro. I really wanna expand on his relationship with Kai.
Other Notes
- Some non team member characters that Kai forms a relationship with (aka Confidants) are definitely Shin, Mamoru and Ryuzu Myojin. Those provide some perks to make the palace side of gameplay easier. Here it's more for just fun and character building. - A big aspect of P5 is the time management aspect. Do you go to the palace today, or hang out with your friends, or go somewhere to get your stats up? So I might let you, the audience, decide how Kai spends his days. That will mostly mean deciding who Kai will hang out with and form relationships with first. - I still need to figure out the owners of most of the palaces, aka the bad guys. That's the real sticking point. There's only so many human villains in CFV... I might have to take a Persona 4 approach if you know what I mean. - You might notice that there are some major character I haven't mentioned yet. Don't worry. Their time will come...
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
TMNT 2012: Medieval AU
This is an AU I had in mind long ago, but never did anything with it. I had a lot of ideas and concepts for this AU, but I never had the time to write a fanfic for it (busy writing other fanfics plus personal stuff going on).
However, I did write these plot/character introduction summaries of the Turtles and Karai, so I thought it would be fun to share them with you! Enjoy! <3
Plot Summary:
The Hamato Kingdom was a peaceful land full of joy and laughter. The land was ruled by King Splinter. Not only was he a wise, brave, kind and was loved by all his subjects, but he was also a loving father of his five children, a daughter and four sons, Princess Miwa, Prince Leonardo, Prince Raphael, Prince Donatello, and Prince Michelangelo. The Kingdom was happy, until one fateful day. The King mysteriously fell ill and too soon he met his untimely death. The kingdom was devastated and the king's children were in despair. Now that the king is gone, Miwa must take the throne and become the Queen her father has prepared her for her whole life, but is she truly ready for the task at hand?
Character Introduction Summary:
King Splinter's oldest child and only daughter, Princess Miwa, is known for being one of the most beautiful and most intelligent maidens in the kingdom. Though she is a lady, she is very knowledgeable when it comes to the battlefield and is skilled with a sword, though her father worries for her safety with her dangerous interests. Her whole life her father has molded her to become the perfect future queen of the kingdom. Everyday preparing her for when she must take the throne, though she does not look forward to her fate as queen. Rather she wants to see what's beyond her kingdom and be free from her royal status. She has a fascination with the dark arts of magic, wanting to learn about it, but she fears to tell her family of this secret desire and true interests. Instead she stays inside the castle walls preparing for her time on the throne to arrive, giving her family a false personality and persona and hiding her true self.
Prince Leonardo is the oldest son, but the second oldest child, of King Splinter. The Prince is as kind and wise as his father, many say he reflects his father at a younger age. The prince loves his kingdom and family dearly. He looks up to his father and idolizes him. He’s responsible, wise, and knowledgeable of the royal court, but his insecurities often take over him for he believes he’s not good enough to be given the title of King and believes his sister will make an excellent ruler instead of him. Leo instead spends his days reading, practicing his sword fighting, or riding his horse around the kingdom’s land. He’s known as a handsome young man who many of the maidens in the kingdom admire. Prince Leo is also unaware of a certain arrangement his father has made with another king from the neighboring Kingdom of Salamandria that involves him and their princess. He loves his family and his kingdom and is willing to do anything to keep them happy and safe.
Prince Raphael, the third oldest, is the most rebellious of the King’s sons. A confident and charming young man who loves to hunt and has a fiery passion to fight for and defend his kingdom alongside the royal guards. However because of his royal status he is obligated to stay in the kingdom, just like his brothers, and work on his royal duties. Though he can’t go to war Raphael still trains with his friend, one of the royal guards, Sir Casey, or chats with the royal blacksmith, Slash, there he learns more about weaponry and how to properly use a blade. Sometimes he envies his older brother Leonardo for the attention and praise he gets from the citizens, often feeling stuck in his shadow. While he’s talented with a sword, Raphael is also blessed with the skills of an artist and a poet. Next to hunting, painting is one of his favorite hobbies. Though he may not seem like it at first glance, Prince Raphael is a kind soul with the heart of an artist, who just wishes to live the life he desires, but his biggest struggle and personal sin is his blooming attraction for his older brother’s betrothal.
Prince Donatello is well known as the most intelligent young man in the kingdom, almost always seen having a book in his hand. Though he is smart he tends to not acknowledge the world around him since he practically grew up in the royal library spending most of his days reading and learning from his private tutors. Practically isolated in the library for years. Some rumor that the young prince was born in the library, hence why he almost never leaves. Being fourth in line to the throne, Donatello doesn’t care if he’ll ever become king or not. The young prince just wishes to travel the land beyond his kingdom and explore the world to learn new things. His intelligence can often make him stubborn and will often refuse to admit wrong. Though his stubbornness was one day called out by his sister’s lady in waiting, April, who told him to be more open to the world and get out of his comfort zone. After that day, Donatello has had an admiration towards April and the mysteries of the outside world.
The youngest child is Prince Michelangelo. The kindest of the four brothers, Michelangelo is rumored to have a heart so pure it's made of gold. He cares for the poor and often donates his riches to charities. His kindness however, can often be taken advantage of. It makes him naive and unsure of the dangers out there in the real world, quite often getting himself into trouble. Because of that, the young prince is required to have a personal guard, Sir Leatherhead, who must keep watch of him everyday. Even with that however, Michelangelo loves to spend time with the servants of the castle for he considers them his family as well and even assists them in their chores when his family is not looking. Michelangelo is a carefree young man with very little duties who’s loved by many and is open to try new things.
Fun Fact: I originally planned to make a fanfic of this AU instead of my other AU fanfic "Turtles in the Roaring 20's", but I had more of a story put together and more passion for the 1920s AU compared to this one, so it was scrapped.
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furinana · 13 days
Thoughts on Kaneko's departure, the current state of Megaten and etcetera
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When scrolling through jpn Twitter, I got reminded of a certain Atlus survey from years ago. For those unfamiliar, Atlus surveys often wonder about how receptive people would be regarding derivative content (spinoffs, remakes etc) of several titles you could think of. Among those that would turn out real were Soul Hackers and obviously the Personas.
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[Left: Nocturne, both SMTIV games and Digital Devil Saga as part of the selectable options for a "full remake title" in an Atlus survey from 2020. Right: Shigeo Komori's comment on the future of the franchise in 2022]
The good: the current staff (still) cares enough to attempt to shine a new spotlight on old entries even if some would be deemed less profitable for the current fanbase's standards. The hmm: with Kaneko gone and cementing that "the old days won't return", the shoes become large for newcomers to fit in. Even if one has soul behind the job, the current industry prioritizing long developments and less risky directions makes it tough for them to create even one third of what the original staff was able to do in the same amount of time. On top of it, seeing this huge list of "potential works to get rehashed" almost in a Disney remake vein isn't particularly exciting. SMTIVA was only 4 years old in that goddamn screenshot and you already are throwing the possibility of a remake? Hello?
Non-Persona stuff is so far in-between nowadays that it's hard to write a conclusive piece regarding how far the current staff can go without relying on already established works.
Well... we can comment on the mixed reaction on popular illustrator Shirow Miwa being hired for a "sequel" of Soul Hackers.
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The main point of concern here: with one-time artists and non-centralized direction, it becomes harder to achieve a worldbuilding where the worlds of different games smoothly connect together like they did back in the golden era of Megaten.
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Recurring characters like Lucifer or Tamaki felt appropriately part of the universe even across different games they were at due to Kaneko's design philosophy of sticking closely to real-life fashion aside having a character's personality and background closely define how they would look staying consistent in the entries he contributed to.
On the other hand, Shirow Miwa was specifically told he should just design on his own instead of working around Kaneko's style that molded the franchise to this day. The feeling that long-time Devil Summoner fans didn't like it due to aesthetic clash was on the air thus contributing on the motives for why the game couldn't grab a significant part of potential buyers.
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Before going too deep on this, let's not get the wrong idea: non-staff illustrators being collaborators aren't at all new for Megaten titles. Yasuomi Umetsu for SMT Nine, Suzuhito Yasuda for the Devil Survivor duology, toi8 for Tokyo Mirage, Tatsuro Iwamoto for Dx2, the list goes on. But behind those entries, there's noticeably a lack of commitment prevalent in those decisions. Most are treated as self-contained worlds separated from the world of games Kaneko worked as the main designer, thus they're treated as their own thing instead of another part of the puzzle hence considered "safer to experiment".
Anyone can understand the amount of expectation that such a bold numbered title like Soul Hackers 2, in a subseries well-known for hit after hit like the Devil Summoner series carries above these, however.
Specially when one-time collabs have been shown to carry the risk of underperforming considerably.
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[SMT Nine and Tokyo Mirage had the excuse of being in flopped consoles but how lenient can you be to Soul Hackers 2?]
Another recent example of mixed reactions (albeit to a minor degree) were the SMTIV-exclusive demons drawn by Tokusatsu media-related artists Keita Amemiya, Yoshihiro Nishimura and Kyouma Aki: most didn't reappear even for the SMTIV sequel and the few ones that leaped had to be redrawn by Doi, the actual staff artist that took over the role of main character & demon designer thus the face of the current mainline.
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[Doi-designed demons such as Chironnupu or Mermaid are the sole examples of SMTIV reps carrying over to other games]
The thing is, SMTIV was the fastest-selling mainline game (even compared to big ones like Nocturne or SMTV) while Apocalypse sold enough to beat Strange Journey's sales. Did it sell well because of the collabs or despite them? Either way, they seem to have decided to stick with style consistency over quantity.
Doi worked under Kaneko for several years before being given the opportunity to produce original designs for the games thus the picture of a recurring staff artist that is deeply involved in how the franchise shaped itself and is well-acquainted with elements that both old and new fans want earns more trust and familiarity compared to one-time contributors.
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[It's also important to acknowledge that Doi isn't the only artist retouching art for current Megaten around: Akira Odagaki was the one behind the remake of Strange Journey, with Doi only providing Alex and the exclusive demon additions]
While Kaneko's resigning was understandably a shock for many fans, one cannot argue against his desires towards a career path of more freedom, considering the unstable state that many creatives go through in the game industry, veterans and greenhorns alike:
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Is Kaneko a misunderstood genius that Atlus was extremely foolish to let go? Or is he out of touch and will be another Keiji Inafune/Yuji Naka case? Only time will tell. But both things can be true
As a sidenote, Kaneko's interest in shady business practices feels similarly disconnected from reality as something Ishida said in the Soul Hackers 2 interview:
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[Nevermind doxxing, bots taking over or drones killing innocent people, guys. Technology turned out to be completely harmless]
What else do we have left?
When talking of style consistency and thought-provoking worldbuilding ties to other titles, mainline SMT as of now stays as the one thing I have been interested on even when under a different team.
SMT5 went through the shortcoming of being another unfinished debut release requiring an inhanced version to truly shine its full potential (which is unfortunate for day1 fans but then again, Nocturne was fully guilty of this for three times).
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Kaneko is irreplaceable. But I also enjoy Doi's contributions (alongside Yamai's and Kozuka's) and given the appropriate time and budget, I believe in the potential that the staff responsible for the latest SMTs has in building ground on their own, even regarding new ways of twisting expectations of long-time players and extending the world of SMT to bigger horizons instead of plain soft resets in the continuity.
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And at the end of the day, other members of the original staff exist beyond Kaneko and are amazingly receptive to keeping on celebrating the franchise such as Tsukasa Masuko (that recently released a new soundtrack arrangement for Megami Tensei 1&2 funded by Kickstarter) or of course, original franchise creator Aya Nishitani himself that often deepdives into Megaten worldbuilding concepts and theories to the franchise on his Twitter account, even going as far as translating for free the last book of the Megami Tensei novel trilogy for the enjoyment of English-speaking fans.
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A List Of All Of My Current Works Pt.1
Genshin Impact
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
Breaking An Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
Triad Pt.1 (Ningguang X Beidou X Reader)
Sara Kujou X Reader
Eula, Hu Tao, Sara, Ninguang and *Spins wheel* Barbra’s reaction to an S/O who has gone loopy after taking some medicine to fight their fever randomly confessing their undying love.
Jean Gunnhildr N.S.F.W. Headcannons
Lumine, Eula, and Jean With A Reader Who Uses A Frying Pan As A Weapon
Catching Her Eye-Ningguang X Reader
Worthy Of You-Sara X Reader
Differing Types Of Art-Yoimiya X Reader
Kokomi X Injured Reader
Ningguang Brainrot
Yandere Raiden Shogun
Holiday Gift-Layla, Furina, and Kokomi X Reader
A Gift To A Friend- Kaeya, Childe, Beidou, and Furina X Reader
100 Followers Event: Ei X Reader-Sharing
Reverse 1999
Dikke X Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O Pt.2
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
SFW And NSFW Jacques De Molay Foreigner x Reader
Morgan, Baobhan, Melusine, and Barghest With Master Reader
SFW and NSFW Anastasia Hedcannons
Gareth And Mordred Fluff Scenarios and Headcannons
Fairy Knights and Morgan with a Depressed Master Reader
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Angst-
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Hurt Comfort-
"I'm So In Love With You" Artoria Pendragon X Reader
"You're Beautiful" Medusa Rider and Gorgon X Reader
"Do you trust me?" Serenity and Shuten Douji X Reader
"You're Cute When Your Angry" Rin Tohsaka and Mordred X Reader
"I'm So In Love With You" Medusa and Gorgon X Reader
"I Want To Protect You!" Mordred and Quetzalcoatl X Reader
Bradamante X Reader
Caenis X Reader
Penthesilea X Autistic Master Reader
Poly Scathach, Nightingale x Reader
Lancer Artoria X Reader With Powers Like Alucard From Hellsing
The Knights Of The Round Finding Out About Artoria Saber, Lancer, and Alter's S/O
Medusa, Caenis, and Gorgon With An S/O They Like To Tease
Nobu with a former Master Reader who became a servant
Penthesilea and Caenis with A Reader Who Loves Their Personality
Artoria And The Child Of Mordred X Reader Being Called "Grandpa"
Nagao Kagetora x Reader
Death By Snu Snu- Shuten Douji, Mash, Raikou, Barghest, and Castoria X Reader
Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, and Reader Poly Headcannons
General relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons-Toko, Jack, and Mikan
Mahiru, Kaede, and Ibuki caring for an S/O with a broken leg
Celestia, Miu, and Kyoko when their S/O who's the opposite calls them cute for the first time
Himiko and Kirumi with an energetic and affectionate S/O
Himiko X Tenko X Reader
P3: Mitsuru With Someone Who Loves To Play With Her Hair
P5: Futaba and Makoto X Smart Delinquent Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
100 Followers Event: P3: Mitsuru Kirijo-Secret
Gehrman X Reader
Micolash X Reader
Impostor Iosefka x Reader
Choir X Reader
Elden Ring
Malenia NSFW Alphabet
Guilty Gear
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.2]
What Dates With Them Would Be Like-Testament
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
"You're Beautiful"- Bridget X Reader
Baiken Teaches You How To Fight!
Testament NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Undercovers, Ramlethal
Stealing Their Hat-Testament x Reader
Elphelt X Dragon Install Gear Reader NSFW
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
Tsubaki Yayoi X Reader
Mai Natsume X Reader
Wagner With An Affectionate S/O
Hilda Relationship Headcannons
Yandere Wagner x Reader
Orie X Affectionate Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
Incorrect Under Night In Birth X Reader Quotes
Miss Fortune, Black Dahlia, and Eliza x Reader
Street Fighter
Cammy White NSFW-A Nice Hot Shower
Juri Han X Reader
Married Life With Juri Han X Chun-Li
Elena & Menat X Reader Headcannons
Rivals To Lovers With Sakura & Makoto X Reader
Laura & Karin X Reader Dating Headcannons
Elena X Reader Fluff Headcannons
Getting Caught In The Act With Cammy, Elena, & Karin
Death By Snu Snu With Chun-Li And Juri Han X Reader
Tis But A Scratch! - Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki X Reader
Decapre X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Kissing Chun-Li, Juri, and Cammy's Abs
Calling Them Sugar Mommy-Karin Kanzuki & Mitsuru Kirijo X Reader
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine X Reader
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockart X Dragoon!Reader
Sephiroth X Reader: 100 Followers Event-Bite
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
The Freedom Of Choice-Levi X Reader (Platonic)
Marina And Abella Relationship Headcannons
Marina X Reader She Met Post Termina
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Atsuya Kusakabe Headcanons generales(TRADUCCION)
Género: Headcanons
Lector: neutro
Advertencias: violencia de canon general, algunos spoilers del manga. Fluff.
todos sabemos que Kusakabe si bien es bastante fuerte realmente no quiere arriesgarse a morir y prefiere las tareas que no pongan en peligro su vida, como evacuar civiles y enfrentar maldiciónes de grado menor.
en parte porque aprecia su vida...y en otra porque no creo que quiera causarle dolor a las pocas personas que quiere (lector incluido).
el quiere VIVIR SU VIDA con su s/o, no quiere morir prematuramente y dejarla sola!
creo firmemente que si el tuviera una pareja probablemente seria un civil, porque 1- asi no tendria que preocuparse de que mueran por culpa del trabajo de hechiceria y 2- finalmente puede tener algo de normalidad y tranquilidad.
me lo imagino en parte como un novio-padre, que si bien suele ser bastante serio suele mostrar que le importas de otras maneras, como preguntarte si has comido, comprar comida si no lo has hecho, salir a pasear para despejarse si te sientes abrumado. ese tipo de cosas.
cómo dije antes, es alguien que aprecia bastante la tranquilidad en comparación a su vida bastante agitada, por lo que creo que conoceria a su s/o en algun lugar donde el frecuente como civil, talvez (de forma similar a Nanami con la chica del pan) de algún lugar donde el va a comer después de sus misiones.
se podria decir que ver a su s/o le da un golpe de dopamina.
DEFINITIVAMENTE NO HAY FORMA EN LA QUE DEJE QUE SUS ALUMNOS SEPAN DE SU S/O. quiere ahorrarse las burlas y las preguntas constantes de Miwa.
aunque puede que después de un tiempo (y solo a Miwa) le muestre UNA(1) foto y presuma un poco sobre ellos.
tambien hay una posibilidad de que le termine hablando un poco de su s/o a Panda en Shibuya, simplemente par calmarse y no estar taaan estresado, podrias decir que es el efecto que tiene sobre el.
puedo verlo como un novio protector, mas que nada porque al igual que el aprecia mucho su vida, aprecia MUCHO la de su s/o, y le dara prioridad por encima de la de los demas(cree que es adecuado, después de todo son civiles después de todo).
no hay muchas posibilidades de que termine topandose con su s/o durante una misión, pero eso puede o automáticamente bajarle considerablemente el nivel de estrés o subirlo a niveles inimaginables.
si fuera una misión normal, lo mas probable es el primer caso, ya que ahi el simplemente puede saludar a su s/o y hacer que vayan a otro lado por "temas de seguridad" y estar tranquilo de que estan lejos del peligro. incluso si es una maldición de grado menor.
ahora, si su s/o estuviera involucrados en una misión como la de SHIBUYA definitivamente esta perdiendo su mierda. y los esta escoltando todo el tiempo con panda a donde sea que sea seguro y lejos del peligro.
le salen canas verdes, como decimos en mi pais.
¡no significa que este en contra de que su s/o vaya a verlo al trabajo! todo lo contrario, pero prefiere que lo vaya a ver cuando hace de profesor.
creo que le gustaria especialmente si su s/o le trae comida(ya sea hecha por ellos o comprada)o algo por el estilo(mas cigarros) y se lo agradece bastante.
si bien no le gusta compartir su vida amorosa con sus alumnos, DEFINITIVAMENTE esta presumiendo con sus compañeros sobre como el SI TIENE TIEMPO para cosas buenas y que no se arrepiente de nada >:)
el esta como "eso te pasa por no hacer las cosas de la manera facil, no como yo, que hasta tengo una pareja INCREIBLE y muy bonita😎" es un descarado.
diria que su principal lenguaje de afecto seria cumplidos en cierta forma, el sabe lo que debe decir para salirse con la suya en situaciones en las que lo requiere, pero con su pareja eso se traduce a qué sabe que decir para animarles o mejorar el dia.
aparte de que es bastante mas atento de lo que uno pensaria por su naturaleza vaga.
el recuerda bien los disgustos principales de su pareja, aunque a veces usa eso en su contra para bromear con ellos(por ejemplo, si no les gustan los bichos, los perseguira con una araña por la casa) pero nunca lo lleva demaciado lejos. solo es un poco de diversión entre ambos.
aparte de que el sabe muy bien cuando a su pareja le gusta algo realmente o si solo dice que le gusta para no herir sus sentimientos, lo cual es lindo, pero el prefiere la sinceridad en ese tipo de aspectos.
muy directo.
digamos que justamente como aprecia mucho su vida y SABE que podria morir en cualquier momento, no quiere perder el tiempo, por lo que va a ser lo mas directo posible con su s/o si lo que quiere es algo duradero o algo pasajero, lo cual es muy bueno para la relación honestamente.
creo que su talon de aquiles con la relación seria el PDA, digo, no le incomoda cosas como agarrar las manos o los besos en público, pero no creo que haga mucho mas o por lo menos con gente cerca.
low key su s/o sera quien inicie el contacto fisico al inicio.
las citas suelen ser o en algun lugar de preferencia de ambos(cualquier lugar donde no sirvan ojos de salmon, porfavor) o justamente en su casa viendo películas ridículas para desconectarse un poco de la realidad.
o incluso simplemente estar en silencio un rato con su s/o, en PAZ y dejar las cosas fluir en su cabeza, esto lo hace mas que nada en un dia especialmente malo en el trabajo.
a veces le suelta balbuceos repentinos sobre pensamientos que se guarda del trabajo a su pareja, es completamente no intencional, pero le ayuda a abrirse mas honestamente con su pareja.
en general es bastante abierto con casi todo, MENOS con su trabajo, por lo que su s/o tiene que apreciar ese tipo de momentos de vulnerabilidad.
en cuanto a temas de, por ejemplo, sentar cabeza, creo que el no estaria en contra para nada.
su trabajo ya le causa suficiente estres, no es descabellado pensar que algun dia quisiera retirarse y funcionar solo como profesor o cualquier otro trabajo comun(cualquier cosa parece juego de bebes comparado a las maldiciones).
junto a eso, puedo verlo en este caso proponiendole matrimonio a su s/o, queriendo que esten en su vida de forma permanente y "oficial" por asi decirlo.
en cuanto a los hijos...eso creo que no. simplemente no se ve alguien que le agraden(apenas soporta a sus propios alumnos dios mio), asi que le vendria bien un s/o que tenga esa misma opinión.
¿viste que Kusakabe tiene una hermana llamada Urami? la que quedo destrozada por la muerte de su hijo asi que le dieron algo similar a Panda.
me imagino que Kusakabe tomaria MUY en cuenta el si a su hermana le agrada su s/o para continuar la relación, Urami es de las pocas personas que le importan y cree que es adecuado tener su aprobación.
¿se imaginan si es aue Kusabake hubiera conocido a su s/o por medio de su hermana?? eso seria lindo
probablemente tambien su s/o es de las pocas personas con las que confia secretos como lo del hijo de su hermana, no creo que revele cosas importantes del trabajo, pero definitivamente le hace saber a su s/o que es por un bien mayor y sobretodo por su seguridad.
vi en la wiki que aparentemente le gusta pescar, probablemente seria un hobbie que le guste hacer solo normalmente, pero si su s/o muestra interes, tratara de enseñarles las bases de manera descente y que formen su propia opinión al respecto.
Kusabake quiere que compartan el pasatiempo porque a ambos les gusta después de todo, no ve el sentido en que sea solo para pasar tiempo juntos si no lo disfrutan :/
ahora, llendo al elefante de la habitación, un s/o hechicero o parte de la academia.
seria mas util en el aspecto de verse seguido, pues de verian constantemente si es que su s/o es un profesor en Kyoto también.
podrian incluso hacer clases conjuntas para enseñarles a sus alumnos un oar de trucos(y asi el no tiene que dar todo el solo yey). irónicamente los estudiantes respetarían mas al s/o que su sensei normal.
incluso si el s/o fuera de Tokyo, no es que hubiera un problema grave en verse, lo mandan a misiones cerca seguido, por lo que podrian aprovechar y verse después de terminar el trabajo o mejor aun, ir a las misiones juntos.
el problema seria que su lado mas protector sale a la luz, que no es necesariamente malo, pero puede llegar a ser algo molesto.
siempre pone al s/o detras o hace el trabajo antes de que el s/o pueda hacer su parte, especialmente si es una maldición de grado intermedio.
lo cual puede llegar a ser irritante porque HOLA son del MISMO RANGO se supone que pueden hacer las mismas cosas.
Kusabake tendria que aprender a dejar de asustarse tanto cuando su s/o hechicero va a alguna mision con el y dejar que hagan su trabajo.
aunaue siendo sinceros, pasada esa fase, hacen un buen combo, especialmente si su s/o le alienta a salirse de su zona de comfort y no ser tan perezoso.
seria como la dinamica de "sin energia" y "mucha energia" resumidamente.
el encuentra adorable que crean tanto en el, pero al mismo tiempo cree aue deberian ser menos ingenuos antes de que el mundo del Jujustu los trague vivos.
le seguria gustando la idea de establecerse, pero en esta situación tendra que ser su s/o quien de el primer paso. es un presentimiento.
en general, si eres de las pocas personas que le importan a este hombre, ten por seguro que no va dejar por sentado tu afecto o tu compania. lo apreciará tanto como pueda y te APRECIARA tanto como pueda .
solo quiere vivir otro dia. con suerte contigo.
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weregreatatcrime · 10 months
o hey btw yeah in two daughters au, Leo ends up being trans
he's nonbinary and ends up going by he/they later on once they have a few personal revelations
this is spawned from a hilarious discussion with Karai of "Yeah no I don't care, gender is a human thing and I am not human" which derails pretty much everything because she ends up having to explain TROLL gender and changeling gender, which are similar, but very different
thus Karai ends up explaining that she's basically nonbinary, just sticks with she/her because she doesn't mind them and has used those pronouns for so long she doesn't care about using any other pronouns. She's a bit influenced by Miwa so she's fem presenting but overall doesn't give a fuck about gender
This is GENERALLY how many changelings feel about gender- it's a human construct that they have to adhere to for their covers, so they generally end up being fond of one or the other. Many changelings end up nonbinary. Changing up your gender presentation between personas and covers is pretty common
their gender talk makes the turtles contemplate gender stuff and Leo is in the corner having a heart attack because "what is gender??? why does everything Karai says feel familiar???" and eventually comes out as nonbinary
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linkspooky · 1 year
What’s your Top 5 favorite JJK female characters? And why is it your top 5?
I have a top two female characters in Jujutsu Kaisen anon, does that count? I like all the characters in Jujutsu Kaisen by the way, and I love Utahime, I'm just picky on what kind of character I call a favorite.
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Miwa is the most well developed character in Jujutsu Kaisen, and there's no point in arguing with me because I'm right. A character is defined by their weaknesses more than their strengths, and no one is more weak than useless Miwa.
Miwa is, probably the only female character in Jujutsu Kaisen who displays her vulnerability openly eschewing all the other tough as nails personas that the girls have. She has low self esteem, and an admittedly self-interested reason for fighting. When facing off with Maki she even admits she doesn't really care about Yuji's well being and will follow orders because she's in it for the money. She loses right away, gets her sword broken, and gets tricked easily by Inumaki and that's the extent of it. Then she beats herself up for being useless after the fact.
Sounds underwhelming I know, but Miwa gives us a rare glimpse into what life as a sorcerer is like for a normal person with no outstanding qualities. People always act like female characters are so hard to write and make as complicated as their male counterparts but, there is nothing more complicated than an average teenage girl. A normal character can be as compelling as the strongest character because what makes a character interesting is the depth and range given to their emotions, and how they struggle.
Miwa is the softest, most open of the girls, and she is arguably the one who is hurt the most by these qualities because Miwa suffers a lot of loss. She's the only one who makes an effort to reach out to Koichi in spite of the fact she might lose him, and that loss hits her the hardest. She was his reason for betraying Jujutsu High, and the one he wanted to protect, and yet his betrayal and the loss of him only makes her suffer more. She tries to put everythig she can into avenging Koichi on Kenjaku and... her sword breaks again. Miwa is completely powerless in those situations and all she can really do is break down.
And this is all for a character with very limited screentime. Miwa doesn't have the story importance of Nobara or Maki (not to knock on them) but she displays the widest range of emotions from low-self esteem, to affection, to optimism, to crushing loss. Teenagers have it hard, and nobody understands.
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This isn't going to be as long as Miwa's because Mai has even less screentime, but once again what makes a character interesting isn't the attitude they project but what's on the inside. Mai is beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside and that's what makes her lovable.
A character's internal world is how they react to things and process them, and the unique way they see the world, it's different than just surface level characterization. For example, Yuji reacts to things different than Megumi, we see an internal narration for both of them to give us a clue what is going on inside their heads. Mai is a good character because we know her, we know her resentment and insecurities.
I like the idea of Mai embodying the "weaker" sibling to Maki, because while Maki struggles to be stronger, Mai struggles with weakness itself. Mai's short story in the second light novel goes on about how scared she constantly is of cursed spirits, and how ugly the things she sees all around her are... because cursed spirits are scary. Mai dreams of being a normal girl, but that's kind of exactly what she is. She's a normal girl dealing with problems and grief most adults would struggle with, and yet she doesn't feel especially heroic like Yuji, she just stews in her own misery, and resents, and hates herself and hates her sister but also loves her and it's a very complicated mess.
There's an extra layer of conflict where you are not stronger, or more determined than your problems, and so you keep struggling against them without winning. Mai isn't determined like Maki, or bold like Nobara, she's not even a main character, but she shows up to fight anyway and that makes it more effective because we know what a selfish and whiny brat she can be. (Seriously I love her <3).
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myriad-mage · 1 year
She was beyond exhausted. Elated and cotent but exhausted nonetheless. Alice immediately had to sit down, letting out a sigh which was soon followed by a giggle at his words.
" Tired but fine..Nu miwa*.."
She answered, holding her arms out to him for an embrace. The adrenaline from the concert was still pumping in her veins but that didn't mean that they couldn't cuddle!
*My love
There was the aspect of her being single that gave some more appeal to her persona as a performer, but for those that knew Alice when she wasn’t working, it was apparent that she was taken. No one knew for how long the two had been together, but not like it mattered. 
He didn’t want to push more on her plate, but seeing her holding her arms out toward him, he didn’t hesitate to take the offer. He would head over to her and wraps his arms around her. 
“Uio jywa cmittinaf ep ymm ytqadvt ig vja xisf.*“ He coos sweetly as he cuddles her, his right-hand cradling and caressing the left side of her face, thankful there was a way to make his hands, smoother and less scaly as his left hand gives attention and affection to her horns.
*You have blossomed in all aspects of the word.
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jewelartbyjewel · 3 months
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Characters voiced by Allegra Clark! Love them all so much, can't wait to see her tomorrow! I'll also post close ups and individuals soon ♥️
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tempenensis · 2 years
Guy teasing a girl = likes her is such a typical stereotype that society has nowdays that it's immediately assumed Gojo likes those he teases which is obviously not the case. He is literally indifferent to the people he provokes around him it's just that some of them have more exaggarated reaction to his obnoxious antics. So no, he doesn't like Utahime, i don't see him being interested in anyone that it's blatantly obvious by now that not many understand him and the fact that many people think his "childish" persona is just a facade while i strongly believe that he is actually like that despite.
Adding on that Gojo liking any of the girls would actually be a bad writing considering that many of them are so underdeveloped and to only serve the plot for a mediocre romance would ruin it enough as it is.
(2) Gojou teased almost everyone lol.. He teased Megumi, also Nanami a lot. Even Yuuta and Nobara.. and of course Principal Gakuganji..  But Gojou-Nanami interactions will always be the funniest imo 🤣🤣 that jujusanpo and audio drama
Agree, anons. He likes to tease people because it annoys them, he is just being obnoxious. And Gege has said that he doesn't see romance happening in the series, other than Mechamaru and Miwa
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Rules page
Property of the NFF and Towa Industries writing department
Howdy hey everyone this one the ultimate puppeteer and this is my rules page
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These are the fandoms this one I'll write for:
Danganronpa from THH, Goodbye Despair, Killing Harmony,Ultra Despair Girls to Danganropa 3, Fate/Grand Order, Fate stay night, RWBY, Jujutsu Kaisen and Persona 4 and 5 Royal, Helluva Boss, Honkai Star rail andI also write for the My hero academia
Rules for Requesting: 
What I will write
I’ll write fluff and Angst to fluff
I love writing romanic relationships and yanderes,I'm also open to yandere's
I write Character x Male Reader mostly and the reader will be either male or gender neutral
Characters I write for
Danganropa: All female characters along with Makoto and Chihiro
RWBY: All Female characters.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Maki, Miwa, Mai, Utahime, Mei Mei and Nobara
Persona 3- 5: Phantom thief girls and Confidants, Investigation team girls along with Ai Ebihara and Marie, Sees Girls and Yuko and Chihiro
Helluva Boss: I write for Stella, Octavia, Loona, Verasika mayday, and Millie.
MHA: Class 1A girls, Kendo Itsuka, Nejire, Camie Utsushimi, Rei Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki, Rumi Usagiyama| Mirko Ryuko Tatsuma| Ryukyu, Himiko Toga, and Nemuri Kayama| Midnight
I especially love writing for Danganronpa girls : Junko, Mukuro, Ruruka, Mikan, Maki, Tenko, Monaca, Hiyoko, Himiko and Ibuki
Honkai star rail : Kafka, Acheron, March 7th, Serval Black swan, Natasha, Silver Wolf, Seele, Qingque, Herta and Yukong
The coffin of Andy and Leyley: Ashley Graves
My character limit 1-3 characters
I'm okay with writing for topics such as Self harm and suic!de, but only for the purposes of comfort. I don't romanticizing or fetishizing these topics.
I'm able to write for topics for mental illness like ADHD, Depression, PTSD, Autism,Schizophrenia and Schizotypal personality disorder. I also write for DID
Please keep in mind that I have the right to deny requests
My main form of writing is headcanons but if I like the idea enough and you request I can write in story format.
What I won't write:
No abuse, unless it's recovery or comfort
I don't write incest either
I won't write for trans readers since I wouldn't be able to really write them and it feels odd to try too
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sir-mantis · 2 years
Soul Hackers 2
This was an incredible game for me. It’s now tied with Persona 5 Royal for my absolute favorite megaten game, even surpassing it in some areas. Everything from the story, the characters, music, and gameplay I thoroughly enjoyed.
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I love the games art style and presentation. The character designs and portraits are really well drawn and expressive. It was my introduction to Shirow Miwa’s work and I’m already a fan! I also love the design and vibe of the many hubs like Karakucho and the Roppo Realm.
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All of the characters are so well rounded and just full of personality; they all have their own goals, motivations, and don’t start immediately as friends which I love. After a while they kind of come together in a found family kind of dynamic and it feels so natural throughout the story, especially if you complete their Soul Matrix floors and invite them to hangout events. Hangout events were nice little rewards to side quests and completing parts of the story, nice humorous moments where the characters bounce off each other so well. The voice acting in the game is stellar, everyone does an amazing job here.
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The standout character for me is Ringo. She’s my absolute favorite protagonist now in this series. I’m so glad Atlus decided on her to be the protagonist, and for her to have an actual character. Her journey to learn to connect with others as well as her humor and charisma, I found to be mega endearing. A great balance of quirky and sarcastic that never gets grating after a while. And she’s got a great design that is fun to draw lmao.
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The story does start off a bit simple, but grows into this interesting personal story about putting an end to conflict and learning to communicate with others. Both of these story beats really spoke to me on a personal level, and on an inspirational level for my own writing. Watching these characters develop as you complete the Soul Matrix was a huge incentive for me to get the true ending. Unlocking the true ending was a fun game of balancing the group’s soul levels, and it was extremely satisfying to unlock on my first playthrough. Without going into spoilers, I’d view the bad ending first, then view the true ending. The bad ending strengthens the true ending to a huge degree for me, but both play to the themes touched on in the story very well.
I found the gameplay to be very fun, the sabbath system is a a pretty cool mechanic. Strategizing on maximizing stacks and damage kept me entertained throughout. The ways you can gain stacks really opens up when you get some character skills from the Soul Matrix. Upgrading the groups COMPs and demons to best fit certain play styles and boss fights was also very fun. Speaking of boss fights, I really liked all the major boss fights here. They all have a nice challenge and they complimented the sabbath system very well.
The soundtrack really grew on me as the game went on. Hopeless Call is an amazing song for the opening intro and the credits theme still makes me swell up in tears. The final boss theme is incredible, probably my favorite of the OST. Some of my other favorites from the OST are the normal boss fight theme, COMP smith theme, and the Axis theme. I do wish there were more than one track for the dungeons besides the final one and the Soul Matrix though. Overall, a great OST!
The dungeons are probably the game’s weakest part but they didn’t really bother me. Besides the final dungeon, I do wish they were a bit more visually interesting but it is what it is. I also wish some side quests like the Aion directives had more variety to them. Some of my other minor complaints like Ringo’s speed and encounter rates are getting updated this month so I can’t really complain too much about them.
This game really surprised me. I went into it thinking it was going to be an enjoyable enough experience, but left out of it really adoring it. Soul Hackers 2 more than earned it’s spot in Amazing on my tier list, and it’s my personal game of the year.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
Completely unprompted but you had Mai as your icon at some point so you’re the best one to ask- how do you think Mai from Avatar and Mai Zenin would get along?
oooo okay this is a very interesting question,,
in my very professional opinion, there are quite a few similarities between these two characters - i mean, just look at their upbringings. mai (atla)'s parents were likely less physically abusive and more emotionally / verbally abusive, but both characters were made to feel small and insignificant by their families. both characters learned to suppress their emotions as a survival tactic leading to a more cold-hearted persona when they're first introduced to viewers. mai (jjk) leans more into a mean girl stereotype while mai (atla) goes for apathetic and emotionless, but at the end of the day, they're both just masks they've created to protect themselves. we see mai (jjk) break down because she didn't want any of what she has - she just wanted maki to stay with her. we see mai (atla)'s outburst in the beach episode where she essentially says she acts so cold and heartless because she has to - because it was the only way her parents could even pretend to love her. in any scenario, i think they would find familiarity in each other at the very least
how they interact i think would vary based on circumstances. if maki were to introduce mai (atla) to mai (jjk), mai would just write her off because she refuses to be friends with maki's friends out of principal and mai (atla) would probably just shrug it off. if mai (atla) started attending kyoto jujutsu high and they met there, i think it would take some time before they really knew how to interact, but i do think they would get along. it would probably take hanging out in a group with momo and miwa for them to actually like. talk to each other. because they're both reserved and not great at starting conversations. i think they would start by bonding over using long range weapons (throwing knives / gun) and as they got to know the other a little better, they would recognize the familiarity in how they were raised and having to mask how they truly feel in order to survive it. i feel like they would regard each other as equals and have an appreciation for the other's skills. if mai (jjk) was placed in the atla universe and met mai (atla) at a fire nation school, i think they would just have like.. a faraway respect for the other? mai (atla)'s attention would have to be taken up by azula (and ty lee) so she wouldn't really be allowed to have other friends, but based on what she knows about mai (jjk), she would be able to tell that they aren't so different. if they met post-canon in the atla-verse, their friendship would probably go similarly to mai (atla) attending jj high, except instead of momo and miwa being the connectors in the beginning, it would probably be ty lee and/or zuko.
so basically: if they met in not so fortunate circumstances, they would probably respect the other and understand that they're similar, but wouldn't really be friends. if they met in better situations, they would probably get along pretty well and might even help the other open up more. (mai jjk learns to be more confident over the course of her story; mai atla learns to open herself up to loving and being loved - they find different strengths in their arcs and could help the other with what they've learned)
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
I know it's a little bit late, but here some birtday gifts for Leroy.
Arth Yuu: Happy birthday Leroy!!! I backed some cookies with jam from berries from Ramshackle's garden.
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Arth Yuu: Hope they are tasty.
Hikari Yuu: But don't forget to share with your dorm mates...
Hikari Yuu: Happy birthday Leroy. I know you like mangas... so here is copy of first volume of my favourite series from my world...
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Arth Yuu: *whispers* Don't worry. She has three more of those.
Arth Yuu: ...Also there is pin I have made.
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(In his version there is also Leroy's dorm)
Hikari Yuu: I hope you like our gifts. Again, Happy birthday.
Before leaving, Mythra left small box with an attached letter:
Happy Birthday Violet,
I could just tell Mythra that this gift is from me, but Miwa persuaded me to write "wishes" or something. I'm not good writer, so in short, good luck and anything you want. In box are basic gifts: food, drink and sticket. But that's not all. Log in to your mailbox and check message from HiNova. Thank me later.
See you online,
Inside box:
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(Kobeni sicket isn't huge)
In mail, there is link to download audio with wishes from character voiced by M.T.M(Metwra's persona)
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He chuckled at all the gifts he received and thanked them all.
"Hey I am always one for treats, its good for once I don't have to make them myself... Oh right Black butler... I jokingly wanted to show the series to Kayne cause it fits him well but... yeah he is hard to approach... understandably so..." He smiled bright and then send them off as he tended to the other package.
"Oh shit I haven't had these in a while... the sticker comes right to my collection... I need to thank Metwra later..."
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