#Momo... what is your fashion sense...
taldigi · 1 month
Mona in back 2 inaba…he’s so cuteeeeeeee and him being a kid makes like 100% sense. he is so little kid coded i love him and I love you for making him such a cutie patootie
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thank you!! I love writing and exploring his character! He's got the intelligence to match the other PTs but a severe immaturity- and a large amount of that is just cause.. YEAH! he is just a kid!
What really resonated is that there is a scene ingame where Morgana and Joker are talking, and you can respond in a way that has Morgana be like: "Yeah, but I'd be the older brother" and that charmed me a lot! (And thats really reflected in simester 3 where he's taller than Ren! and he kind of looks like him too! of COURSE he'd fashion his ideal self the way he does!!)
But he's not magically perfect. Now, Mona has to learn to hold things with his new hands, how to take care of himself all over again- to learn to communicate with others or wear clothes! Simultaneously balancing his new freedom as a human and lack of freedom from loosing his cat-self.
Momo's so used to being responsible, but how can he be when he's so frustrated because he can't hold a cup very well? When he has to deal with new emotions and consequences for actions? AND he has to rely on Ren more than ever.
"Being a human is hard!" Morgana howled, his fists balled up tight and pressed firmly to his eyes. He had managed to curl up tight against the wall, shrinking away from his fallen bowl as if it had been filled with poison.
"It's only instant ramen, see- the bowl didn't even break." Ren attempted to soothe, kneeling down to gently scoop the spilled meal back into the bowl- but he was only met with a fitful quiet as Morgana huffled and hiccuped to himself. So, he cleaned in silence, turning over the outburst in his head as he went. He opened his mouth a few times to speak, but closed it soon after- finding his words- his thoughts, slightly too scrambled to articulate. Morgana knew he wasn't in trouble, right? Ren knew his fine motor skills had been warped after he had changed. An overwhelming loss, considering that it had been Morgana who had been the craftiest of the group, most skilled with their hands... Paws? Being a human is hard, huh? Well, he could certainly agree with that. "You can't be magically good at everything, you know." The words came slowly, Ren being careful not to fall into his 'leader' cadence as he spoke. "I know, but..." Morgana hesitated, then emitted a shuddering breath, "You make it seem effortless." Ren cocked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" "Being.." Morgana shifted, making a gesture vaguely at where the mess had been previously. His expression fell again, "It's.. a lot. It was way easier when all I had to do was make sure you ate and woke up on time." Ren hummed, shifting his position to sit next to the cat-turned-boy, easing his back against the wall with a sigh. His thoughts swam, recalling the many many times he had failed and their results- such as him sprawled out on the floor of the attic after overexerting himself, every time he had tried that damn burger challenge and gotten sick after- or that time he had torn the hell out of his favorite shirt by climbing over the school gate.. and all just to visit Haru on the rooftop while he was supposed to be dead. (Heck, he even failed at that, if you consider it.) "I just... feel stupid," Morgana broke him from his thoughts, "I feel stupid, and awkward, and angry.. frustrated. Wrong." "I think that's normal- to feel that way..." He furrowed his brow, head tilting down to hide his expression behind the glare of his glasses, "I've failed a lot. You will too- and you will, a lot. For the rest of your life." Morgana emitted a displeased grunt. "But those failures all add up, bit by bit, and soon they'll become lived experience. That's part of being human- the big, scary part. Making mistakes. Living with them. Learning from them... learning not to fear them." "Sheesh Joker," A short laugh, and Morgana leaned heavily onto Ren's lap, tears leaving dots on his jeans, "When did you get so smart?" Ren lowered his arm and placed his hand on Morgana's head- gently petting the soft hair. "After I failed to kill god." "We." Morgana corrected, muffled. "S'right. We." Ren paused, pulling a grin, "Then we went on to to kill him twice. Then going on to beat up Dr. Maruki- who was essentially God 2 in a fistfight. You know, usual teenager milestones."
His pat turned rough, mussing up Morgana's hair, "Anyway. Food? Do you wanna remake your ramen?" "Can't" Morgana frowned. "That was the last shrimp one." "How about Aiyas, then?" Ren asked, feeling better as Morgana's expression lifted, "It's been a while, and Kumanda-san just paid me." "I think I'd like that."
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
MHA Headcanons #02
Ochako and Momo
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Personally I would have loved if their motives were explored more in depth. Like why Momo, who is super duper rich, wanted to be a hero in first place?
And Ochako who always thought that it was shallow to be a hero just for money and Momo overhears it and berates her for coming to a hero school.
Think about it! An Ochako who is treated like an outclass by Momo and other rich kids because she comes from a rough background.
Momo especially gives her a hard time, saying that "She (Chako) doesn't belong here." and that causes a rift between them on the very first day.
Instead of making Momo all nice and kind I would have made her mean and judgemental. Plus, she thinks she is better than the rest because she was a recommended student and because of her quirk creation.
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She is best friends with Asui instead of Jirou (because just like Momo, Asui is smart, strong, calm and has an amazing all rounder quirk while Jirou is just a rogue musician who goes along better with Ochako instead)
MHA really made a mistake by making them all nice and good girls who get along well with each other.
There could have been a lot of Jealousy involved between Ochako and Momo, because Ochako is your everyday cherry girl, that gets along with everyone.
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She's friends with Deku, Iida, Jirou, Kaminari, Kirishima and the rest of the class minus Momo and the rich group (momo, Asui, Pony from class 1b)
Also, Momo is good friends with Pony Tsunotori. Ya know, the girl that was properly showcased in season 5? Has Horns and stuff?
She's a transfer student from America and has known Momo for a long time. They're childhood buddies.
But unlike Momo, Pony finds Ochako interesting and funny after season 5.
Momo is also friends with Bakugo whose parents are fashion designers and connected to Momo's family business.
Also, Momo's bg was never explored right? Wtf her parents do? How is she so rich? She has a family business? What kind? Give us a reason Hori.
This is all we have...
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Momo's backstory HC: because she comes from such an established household, PERFECTION is expected of her!
So she is jealous of Ochako who gets to do, wear, eat and be with anyone she likes.
Momo's upbringing makes her rude, arrogant, judgemental and she's always giving everyone side eyes.
Ochako on the other hand is more easygoing.
OCHAKO: has a lot of friends and after sports fest, she becomes pretty popular in the entire school but Momo on the other hand, gets a reality check that despite being one of the recommended students she could not even make it to the semi - finals.
And just like in canon Todoroki lifts Momo up. It makes more sense this way.
Plus to rescue Bakugo, Ochako goes along with Momo, Deku and bunch during the Kamino arc and this was their first team up.
And as the story goes, they become better friends by understanding each other.
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strugglingfloralclerk · 2 months
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Summary: (TodorokixOC) Sometimes it takes a little bit of blackmail and good old fashioned vandalism to get friends out of sour moods. TW: Implies domestic abuse/violence, implied self harm, and vandalism. Discretion advised.
Todoroki knew his family history was overwhelming and that was the polite way to describe it. He didn't like to broadcast that information if he didn't have to, but now...all of Japan knew.
Dabi was Touya and Touya was Dabi, and it made no sense that Endeavor tried to replicate his 'perfect heir' project not once but twice. The absolute nerve of that man.
For the past week, different members of Class 1-A tried to get Todoroki to talk about it. They wanted him to express some angry words about Endeavor and move on. 
Momo suggested he talk to the campus counselor. Toru suggested family therapy without Endeavor. Midoriya recommended Todoroki write a strongly worded letter to Endeavor about his shit parenting style. Bakugo told him to get over it.
Todoroki felt sick to his stomach. The trauma never ended, it only accelerated.
"Stop it." Taika's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Her pretty face marred by the mean expression that settled into her features. "Todoroki, this has gone on long enough."
He wanted to say something smart, something sharp at her command but he had nothing. 
"Get up." Taika ungracefully snatched Todoroki's wallet from his nightstand, and waved it front of him.
"No." Was the young man's reply as he settled further into the comfort of his bed.  What? Was she bribing him with his own money? Was she being funny?
Taika pulled out an extremely sharp pair of kitchen scissors from the pocket of her old highschool hoodie. 
Todoroki cocked his head at her, a frown cemented on his features as he felt both curious and uneasy at the sight of the scissors so close to his wallet.
"Do whatever." He replied lowly. 
Taika didn't miss a beat. "Alright, since you gave me permission." She opened the wallet and picked up Todoroki's shiny, provisional hero lisence and tapped the edge of the card with the scissors. It was easy and damn near painless to get new bank cards-getting a new hero license, not so much.
Not even rich kids could expedite that process. And Taika knew, that Todoroki knew that.
Todoroki's eyes finally sparked with an emotion that wasn't despair. "What are you doing?"
Taika flashed a playful grin at him and tapped the license with the kitchen scissors again. "Following instructions and doing whatever." She placed the card in between sharp, metal legs, and cleared her throat as she readied to give the license a eulogy before the first cut.  
"To Todoroki's hard work. It is a shame his daddy issues caused him to abandon his dreams of becoming a better hero."
Todoroki suddenly rushed toward Taika, his hand reached to yank the card out of her grip; Taika merely leaned away and held his provisional license behind her back. The scissors clattered to the floor of his dorm.
"Taika, I'm not playing." Todoroki warned, his voice a mixture of anger and determination 
She could work with that much better than despair. Taika matched his tone, "You think I'm playing?"
"This is stupid." Todoroki muttered under his breath as they exited from the train station. Taika forced him into one of Sero's black and yellow hoodies, Toru's costume glasses, and Midoriya's All Might beanie right before she forced him to go on a 'self-care' journey for the night. 
"Your attitude is stupid." Taika shot back with ease as they navigated through throngs of people. She gave him a half frown. "Look, just try to get out of your head?"
Todoroki blanked; his eyes narrowed as if he heard a bad joke. "You want me to get out of my head?" 
"Don't overthink it, Todoroki." Taika did not have time to explain expressions and figures of speech right now, nor did she want to. Her eyes scanned the busy streets of Nagoya until she saw a convenience store roughly a block down the street; she lowered the bill of her baseball cap.
Todoroki felt a nudge and when he looked over he was greeted by a neatly folded (and possibly ironed?) bills right in his face. There was either a deeply mischievious or menacing glint deep in Taika's eyes. His mind was both alarmed but also captivated. If Taika stayed quiet with that focused, intense look in her eyes, Todoroki may have figured the emotion out himself. 
Alas. Taika decided to boss the sullen boy around. "Go inside and buy two egg cartons."
"...Why?" Todoroki felt offended; who was this uppity girl who decided to disrupt his night and command him to do such a menial task?  It all felt like waste, Todoroki grumbled inwardly.
"Because if you don't I'm going to put your provisional license through a shredder then use those shredded bits to start up a barbeque." Taika smiled her best smile, the one she knew that especially pissed off people. "I hope you like defeat as a side dish."
He narrowed his heterochromatic eyes at her and she merely arched an eyebrow at him and waved the money in his face. Too much like an owner that taunted their dog to play fetch if you asked Todoroki!
A tense silence settled between the two friends. 
"You know what, make it three cartons." The purple haired beauty reiterated calmly. 
Todoroki snatched the folded money; a quiet pout of frustration accompanied him as he did the little errand. I could be doing anything else. His mind wandered a bit to the unread books he ordered, to the new training techniques he could have perfected  by now, he could have watched a few soapy dramadies with Fuyumi too. He hadn't thought about the little things in his life he actually enjoyed until now. 
As Todoroki gathered the eggs, he felt taken aback for a brief moment as he exited the store.  The way he exhaled was shakey and filled to the brim with anger. He felt betrayed, kind of. His eyes fixated on the giant billboard of Endeavor high above him.
"I thought we were friends, Taika." Todoroki's jaw tightened in what could only be described as pure and utter vexation. 
Taika moved toward him; her hands sternly held onto his forearms; her eyes fixated on some location beyond them; and Todoroki suddenly found himself on the rooftop opposite of his father's billboard.
Taika nudged at him, a softer expression allowed to him as she gestured to the bag with their supplies, the tips of the fingers brushed together for a moment.  "Let's egg his billboard."  
It was insanse how warm and sincere that sounded but also.. wasn't that illegal?
"Wait," Todoroki's eyes shifted around as he looked for Pro Heroes or sidekicks in the area. He didn't see any but that didn't mean they weren't around. "Won't we get in trouble, Taika?"
"We'll only get in trouble if we get caught and we're not going to get caught." Taika added, as she handed Todoroki one of the egg cartons. "Or if one of us is a narcs, and I am not a narc. Are you, Todoroki?"
Todoroki thoughtfully examined the eggs before his eyes cut back to the billboard of Endeavor. 
He didn't notice the small sigh of relief and the way Taika's shoulders relaxed once she saw the first egg crack right on the billboard. Nor did he notice the way she smiled softly at him once she saw a faint grin on Todoroki's features.  She couldn't recall any time recently he smiled. 
If someone told Todoroki Shoto that he and the teleporter were going to be close friends the first time he met her; he'd think that was a backhanded insult. Now, Todoroki would merely shrug and acknowledge the accuracy of that statement. Which was better than how Bakugo would've reacted truth be told.
Before tonight, he never vandalized anything. Now after tonight, not only did  Todoroki vandalize three different Endeavor billboards, but he evaded building security. Twice. Maybe he should have felt guilty, or rather in fact, Todoroki knew he should have felt guilty. For the first time since finding out, Todoroki felt like he could breathe. 
I think...I think it'll be hard for me to adjust to the changes I may face, Todoroki thought as the invisible weight burried deep in chest evaporated. His eyes casted over to Taika, a genuine smile bloomed on his handsome face as the purple haired girl deligently kept an eye out. But with friends like Taika, I think I'll be okay. 
The pair huddled close under the cover of a hearty bush until it was all clear to come out.
"Don't worry." She whispered in perhaps the softest tone Todoroki's ever heard from her. "They're not cops, they won't be as thorough trying to find us right now. They have to report back to the building. Most they'll maybe do is file a report that'll go nowhere because they didn't even get a good look at us."
Todoroki tilted his head at her . His smiled faltered. "How do you know that?" Concern and curiosity burned behind his eyes. 
Taika blinked at the supposed Prince of UA. Why was he so dense sometimes!?
"Todoroki, you should know that too. We have an exam for our 'Civil Procedures and Rights' class on Tuesday!"
Oh, shit. Todoroki rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I guess I was busy wallowing, huh?"
Taika rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, but you're done now. Right, Todoroki?"
His body eased at those words. Todoroki expected some lengthy lecture from Taika, but the few words she used was more than enough.
"Hn." He nodded curtly at her. 
There were a small series of follow up questions for Todoroki after that 'Hn'.
Was he sleeping well, if at all? Was he only sustaining himself with instant ramen? When was the last time he spoke to Fuyumi and his mother? Was he drinking enough water? Her last question threw him for a loop.
"You're not...you're not a danger to yourself, right?" Taika's voice still a whisper as a they carefully exited their leafy fortress. 
Todoroki halted and his blood went cold. "What?"
Taika doubled down with an explanation. Well, a partial one anyways. Tonight wasn't really about her and her issues.
"I knew a few kids in a similar situation to you, Todoroki, when I was growing up." Taika left names out but she pictured a young face or three in her mind's eye. Her heart broke quietly for the friends she lost. "It's not pity or paranoia, Todoroki." She was covering all the bases; being thorough. 
Todoroki wondered if Taika knew he could see the way there was a small spark of fear in her eyes. He heard the slight way her voice tried to shake as she spoke.
He always admired Taika for being so resilient. Scared, nervous, or otherwise, Taika pushed through and here she was, trying to help him do the same as well. It humbled Todoroki.  
"No." Todoroki answered calmly as he fell into step with Taika's pace. "I promise."
Relief rolled through her neck and shoulders as the stress of her worry dissolved. She shifted to a different topic, happy and sure of Todoroki's reply.
"Now," Taika reached into her back jean pocket and pointed Todoroki's precious provisional license at his face. "The next time someone holds your license, ID, or any other important documents from you, you're suppose to report that to the police. Don't fall for something like that again, 'Roki. Imagine if someone with worse intentions tried to blackmail you?"
Todoroki's face wrinkled into a mix bewilderement and awe at the teleporter, a small amused grin tugged ever so slightly on the corners of his mouth.  He plucked his license away from the teleporter. "You do know that you are a bad influence, right?"
Taika pretended to take offense; she pointed at herself with a faux look of innocence. "Me? I'm a saint."
Todoroki knew damn good and well saints would not encourage him to pour sugar and salt into Endeavor's protein powder. 
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kannra21 · 1 year
I don’t understand why anime men can be drawn looking handsome while also looking normal and wearing normal clothes, but sososo often, anime women are drawn looking like their tits are going to pop out of their bras and/or they wear provocative outfits.
Do men (or male artists anyway) not care if a woman is beautiful if she isn’t being revealing? Do her facial features, the way she carries herself, her hair, etc. not matter so long as she’s not trying to act like a seductress?
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From my own experience with men I can only say one thing- they are liars. Or at least they like lying to themselves.
They will oftentimes say that they don't like women who reveal feminine features, but they do. Men like women and they like objectifying them. Bc if men are straight, logically, they're attracted to women. Bc woman's body is pretty and not just in a sexual sense. Sometimes it's just pretty for looking at; like art, nude modeling and act. Worshipped even. Woman's body is prettier than man's body in so many ways. But I think this beauty shouldn't be so heavily sexualized like it's often the case in the east. Japan has so much explicit content that they even have categorized shops at every corner, in public spaces. I don't know how Japanese women feel about this but statistics show that their birth rate is slowly declining. Besides poor economic situation, women don't feel respected or loved enough. And the feminism has risen in this part of the world as well.
Anyways, back to the point- I respect Gege for keeping his characters neat and the story heavily plot oriented without much fanservice (men are the fanservice lol). Gege also says that his parents are reading the manga so I suppose he doesn't rly want to feel like a disgrace lmao. I'm not sure if this was his marketing strategy to interest women into shōnen genre but it definitely worked, now jjk has become one of the most popular series of all time. And it's ok to have Mei Mei as one token representative of a "sexy woman" stereotype although I wouldn't rly call her sexy either. She's just a beautiful woman.
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What definitely helps the whole situation is Gege's taste in fashion. No male mangaka that I know ever paid attention to this one very important factor. Fashion is a type of expression, and it can tell a lot about the character themselves without incorporating their personality in words. With that said, jjk women have so much personality to them, it's fascinating.
Mei Mei and Mai could be considered sexy, Utahime is a traditional authoritative beauty, Nobara is very stylish and confident, Maki is a strong tomboy girl, Miwa and Momo are girly and cute, Ozawa is a shy girl, Shoko is your typical CEO woman, Yuki is a biker girl. And some of them have short or tied up hair which is nice bc it can be just as feminine as long hair. He even introduced women's insecurities like Ozawa being overweight and that Yuuji didn't mind bc he found her writing and table manners pretty. Momo's outlook on woman's prejudice in jujutsu world is also something important to adress. Yuuta is shown kissing Rika bc what they're having is true love and true love doesn't know shallow boundaries. Gege understands woman's struggle.
In an interview, Gege revealed that he has similar mindset to Megumi and that he doesn't want to sexualize women as much. The way he treats woman body is purely artistic. At least watching these panels didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all.
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Regarding Mei Mei's and Ui Ui's relationship, yea it's a taboo. But I think that author didn't want to promote incest, rather, he wanted to show that Mei Mei is a woman with flaws. And flaws are something that makes a person interesting, together with their virtues. She also likes money. To the point that Gojo made fun of her by flipping a coin to summon her bc apparently, Mei Mei lacks self-respect.
In contrast to her, Utahime respects herself too much. That's why she's often hysterical and Gojo tells her that hysterics won't win men (Gojo is a real mansplainer huh).
Gojo is rude and so is Sukuna. But Miwa and Yorozu don't even notice a man's flaw if they're interested in him (Gege knows a woman's mind too well, which is funny). That's why he's asking ladies to vote for Nanami instead of Gojo in popularity poll (women should set aside shallow interests and concentrate on person's kind soul).
Unlike them, Shoko is aloof and rational bc she's too aware of fleetingness of life, especially in her line of work as a doctor. Sure, she can be friendly and smile a lot, but she doesn't want to form any strong relationships with anyone. This is the only way she can keep her sanity in check. After all, jujutsu is just a marathon where the finish line is a pile of friends' corpses. Something the younger generations are a bit immature to understand.
Nobara is a very stubborn girl, she sometimes comes off as too bossy or rude (Yuuji calls her a bitch lol). But it turns out this was only her defense mechanism with people she's unfamiliar with bc she didn't want to be underestimated for being a country girl of limited thoughts and experience. Bc Nobara is indeed a great girl with many talents.
Maki is a strong, independent woman but this doesn't mean that she refuses help and support from people around her. She likes guys who are stronger than her (and Yuuta comes into picture, besides, he also suggested that he wants to crush Zenin clan together which explains her liking to him). Panda noticed that and wanted to play a wingman. Although his boobs question (Maki's insecurity) was a bit inappropriate (but it got the point across), Yuuta's answer was very polite which made him more likeable in her eyes.
Yuki and Todo are similar bc they're nosy, they enjoy exploring different people's interests and judge them whether they're considered "a person of culture" (which adds to the series' comedic aspect). I love Haibara's answer bc he says "I like women who eat a lot" bc he knows that women who eat are happy and that a hungry woman is an angry woman.
Gege understands women so much that fans are contemplating whether Gege is actually a woman himself or not. It's nice to have a mangaka who's this mindful.
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice’s 10th member gets pampered by the foreign line
A/N: Heyyy, I'm back fr lol! Sry for taking so long to post but finally the semester ended :D I hope that my friend Thira2 that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi for twice 10th member book can you do where she's clingy and want to be pampered by momo, sana, mina and tzuyu and they give her all their attention. Thank u
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
In the vibrant world of K-pop, a talented and spirited young girl named Y/N found herself becoming the 10th member of the sensational girl group, TWICE. With her infectious energy and endearing personality, she quickly won the hearts of fans all around the globe. However, being the youngest and the newest addition to the foreign line consisting of Momo, Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu, Y/N sometimes felt a little overwhelmed by the magnificence of it all. Despite her charm and talent, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of insecurity. Often finding herself longing for the nurturing presence of her fellow foreign line members, who had been in the industry longer than her. They were like older sisters to her, and she cherished the thought of receiving their guidance and affection. One sunny afternoon, as the TWICE members gathered in their cozy dorm, Y/N's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had devised a plan to seek the attention and pampering of her beloved sisters, hoping they would shower her with the affection she secretly craved. Taking a deep breath, she approached Momo, who was engrossed in perfecting her dance moves, speaking softly with a hopeful feeling behind it.
Y/N - Momo unnie, I was wondering if you could teach me some of your amazing dance techniques. I really look up to you, and I think learning from you would be an incredible experience.
Momo, touched by her lovely dongsang's sincerity, turned to her with a bright smile. 
Momo - Of course, babygirl! I'd be more than happy to help you improve your dancing skills. Just let me know when you're ready, and we'll have a dance session together.
With her heart filled with gratitude, Y/N moved on to Sana, who was busy scrolling through her phone. 
Y/N - Sana unnie, I was hoping you could give me some fashion advice. You always look so effortlessly stylish, and I'd love to learn from you.
Sana's eyes lit up with excitement as she put her phone aside. 
Sana - Love, you have great taste already, but I'd love to help you enhance your fashion sense. Let's go shopping together sometime, and we can pick out some amazing outfits that reflect your unique style.
Feeling emboldened by the warm responses she received, Y/N sought out Mina next. She found her sitting by the window, engrossed in a book. 
Y/N - Mina unnie, I've always admired your grace and elegance. Can you teach me how to be as elegant as you are?
Mina placed her bookmark carefully and turned her attention to Y/N. Her serene smile radiated tranquility. 
Mina - Darling, grace comes from within. I'd be honored to guide you in developing your inner poise. Let's schedule some meditation sessions, and we can explore mindfulness together.
Finally, Y/N approached Tzuyu, who was practicing her Mandarin. 
Y/N - Tzuyu unnie, I've always wanted to learn Mandarin, and I know you're fluent in it. Can you teach me?
Tzuyu's face brightened up, and she nodded eagerly. 
Tzuyu - Of course, sweetie! I'd love to teach you Mandarin. We can have language lessons together, and I can help you practice speaking and writing.
As the days passed, Y/N's bond with Momo, Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu deepened. They not only fulfilled her desires but also embraced her with open arms, showing her that she was a crucial part of the foreign line. From dance practice sessions with Momo to shopping trips with Sana, mindfulness sessions with Mina, and Mandarin lessons with Tzuyu, TWICE's honey basked in the love and attention she received from her cherished seniors.
In the bustling TWICE dorm, Y/N's heart was filled with warmth as she continued to receive immense love and attention from her cherished seniors, Momo, Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu. However, she had an adorable side that craved even more affection, seeking solace in their comforting presence. And so, on a peaceful evening, she decided to let her clingy nature shine. After a day filled with dance practice, fashion advice, mindfulness sessions, and Mandarin lessons, the maknae found herself nestled in the living room with Momo, Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu. Exhaustion tugged at her, but her heart yearned for something more. Like a moment of intimate affection that would make her feel safe and loved. With a playful glint in her eyes, she approached Momo, her eyes sparkling with anticipation and cheeks colored with a faint blush as she spoke hesitantly. 
Y/N - Unnie, can I... um, cuddle with you?
Momo's eyes softened since she understood Y/N's need for comfort. So she nodded while she answered warmly and patted the space beside her on the couch. 
Momo - Of course, sugar. Come here.
The youngest's heart leaped with joy as she snuggled into the crook of Momo's arm, resting her head against Momo's chest. The rhythmic sound of Momo's heartbeat filled her ears, providing a soothing melody that calmed her racing thoughts. She closed her eyes, feeling the rise and fall of Momo's breath as a lullaby of tranquility. As she lay nestled in Momo's embrace, the other members noticed her contentment and joined in, creating a cocoon of love and warmth. Sana sat beside Y/N, gently stroking her hair with a tender smile. Mina settled on the other side, her voice a gentle hum as she sang a soft melody, blending harmoniously with Tzuyu's sweet voice.
Y/N's heart swelled with love as the harmonious voices of her beloved members washed over her, embracing her in a tender serenade. The stress and worries of the day melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and security. In that moment, TWICE's angel knew she was cherished, not just as the youngest and newest member, but as a treasured part of the TWICE family. As the gentle lullaby continued, her eyes grew heavy, weighed down by the serenity that surrounded her. Momo's comforting presence, Sana's loving touch, Mina's soothing voice, and Tzuyu's melodic harmony lulled her into a state of pure bliss. With each passing note, her breathing slowed, and her body relaxed. Soon, the girl succumbed to a deep and peaceful slumber, cradled in the arms of her chosen sisters. Her dreams were filled with melodies and dance moves, laughter and love, as she floated in a world where she was embraced and adored.
The following morning, Y/N woke up with a smile, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The events of the previous night lingered in her heart, reminding her of the deep connection she shared with Momo, Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu. With renewed confidence, she shone through on stage, knowing that the love and comfort she received from her cherished sisters would always be there to guide and support her. Fans admired her talent, but they also fell in love with the bond she shared with the foreign line.
And so, as the music played and the crowd cheered, Y/N stood tall as the youngest jewel in the wonderful foreign line, forever grateful for the pampering and attention she had received from her beloved TWICE members. And the look on the maknae's face made, not only the foreign line but also the other members have only one thought: 
We are proud of our dear maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Yamada Pt. 1
You were trying your best to calm your racing heart and thoughts down but, nothing was working! You tugged your shirt pulling the tie loose and popping the top button completely off. "Shit." You picked up the button from the floor and stuffed it into your bag. Great. Your first day at the prestigious U.A and you already messed up your shirt. You looked at the clock and saw that you had some time before your class came in. Taking a chance you grabbed your keys and locked the door behind you making a bee-line for the bathroom. You were too busy looking at the doorways and the halls still not believing that the principal actually wanted you to work here that you bumped into someone making you fall right on your ass. 
"I'm sorry! Are you okay I wasn't looking!" That voice sounded very familiar and when you looked up your jaw dropped at the sight in front of you. Present Mic was standing in front of you in his hero costume holding a hand out to you for you to grab. You were stuck between embarrassment and pure glee.
"Y-your Present Mic!" You were too busy ogling him to realize you subconsciously held your hand out to him to grab and he hauled you up to your feet. 
"Yes, I am little listener! There are plenty of heroes who work here at the U.A! I'm going to take it that you are the new music teacher." He glanced down at your neck and arms and you felt very self-conscious of all your music tattoos and notes. You loved music and your quirk had to do with music as well. 
"T-that wasn't too hard to figure out." You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck glancing at the clock your eyes bugging out your head at the time. You had 5 minutes left! "Shit I'm going to be late. It was a pleasure to meet you in person Present Mic! Take care!" You quickly ran to the bathroom totally missing the eyes that followed you the whole way there. You made it back to your class in time having given up on the tie and opting to leave it off and stuff it into your bag. You looked down at yourself taking notice of the visible tattoos, it shouldn't be a problem, right? The principal didn't say anything so it should be just fine. You heard the bell go off signaling the end of the third period which means your class will be filling with kids any sec-
"We have two minutes before class starts! Please come into the classroom in an orderly fashion and no running!" Your eyes widen in surprise as you stared at the boy at the door making robotic choppy movements with his hands while yelling as kids started coming in. The first two are a boy with green hair and a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks. Cute. You blinked as more came in and they just got stranger and stranger by the second. When a girl with pink skin, black eyes, and horns came in you glanced down at your skin relaxing a bit in your seat. You were worried about appearances for what? 
"Hello! You are the new music teacher L/N sensei." You turned to see a girl with a giant black ponytail speaking with a small smile "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, I'm the class vice president and the boy by the door with the glasses is Tenya Iida he's the class representative." Now it made sense why he was ordering everyone in their seats and to make sure they come into class on time. He needs to get into his seat though. 
"Momo-chan! Please get into your seat!" Momo looked at him with a small smile sweat dropping.
"You're not in your seat either Iida-kun" He froze completely and in 5 seconds the boy was in his seat while apologizing profusely for not following the rules. You felt your sweat drop as you took in all the kids and figured that this was going to be a bit challenging. Maybe not. Only one way to find out.
"My name is Y/N L/N, I am U.A's new music teacher..." You continued the lesson starting with basics and learning about everyone's names and quirks and small likes and dislikes and honestly, it turned into more casual talking than actual music learning. To keep yourself from looking bad you assigned them light homework which was to go over the history of music and the different classifications of instruments. You got a couple of groans which was typical and you were more than pleased to see the earphone girl smiling at the papers. Your assumptions were right about her liking music. You looked up and saw you had one more class but had a 5-minute break so you decided to go to the teacher's lounge to get some coffee and look at your text messages quickly. You packed up your stuff grabbed your keys and headed for the teacher's lounge thanking your boss for showing you the ropes as expected from U.A. You entered the lounge and to your confusion it was empty. You would think there would be more people here but you figured no one is going to come in between classes. You pulled out your thermos pouring hot coffee into it. Once it was filled you left the lounge and pulled out your phone that had cats on it. Speaking of cats you wonder if your two cats at home were behaving or decided to damage your curtains. You'll find out later then. You were too busy looking at cat pictures that you didn't notice the person coming toward you. 
"Look up." You stopped jolting your head up ready to apologize but the words died in your throat at the intense stare the person was giving you. It was Eraserhead himself! Present Mic was standing next to him and that's when you remembered that the two of them were together. 
"E-Eraserhead! It's really you, you're so cool!" You froze and so did the other two before you face-palmed. Of course, why not embarrass yourself in front of two pro heroes? What has your life come to? You looked up at a snort from Present Mic who covered it with a cough. Eraserhead rolled his eyes brushing past you. 
"Nice cats." You looked down and saw you had pictures of you and your two cats as your home screen face blooming red. Of course, he had to be perceptive and notice that. Deciding to hurry up and hopefully calm down for the next class you missed two people looking at you and talking amongst themselves. 
"He's cute isn't he." Aizawa gave his husband a side-eyed look before huffing. 
"At least he likes cats." Yamada huffed before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"You didn't deny it though." Yamada made a quick retreat knowing better than to embarrass Shouta at school with his capture weapon. Back to you now you were fully calmed down and were prepared for the next class to come in. It was a girl with orange hair and a boy with silver hair and extremely long eyelashes who came in followed by a very loud blonde hair boy who was screaming hysterically about class 1-a before the orange-haired girl knocked him out. You felt yourself sweat drop and loosen another button just knowing this class was about to be a handful. To your surprise, they weren't hard and a few of them seemed to show some interest in what you were doing. Class finally ended and you were free to have a break, this was your off period before lunch so you took advantage by critiquing your lesson plans and coming up with more homework for the rest of the week. You were prepared to meet the other classes and figured you were going to have to be extra for them especially if they're bitter about the hero's class getting 'everything.' Before you knew it, it was lunchtime and you were free to finally escape to the teacher's lounge to indulge in food and water and your phone. You locked the door making sure you had all your stuff going straight for the teacher's lounge. You entered and saw one person there and it was Ectoplasm! How many heroes worked here?
"You're Ectoplasm! Oh my God, how many heroes work here!" You knew it was a hero's school but damn at this rate you're going to have a meltdown. 
"Judging from your expression you have no idea." You gave him an incredulous look making him burst out in laughter. So he just confirmed that you were in fact going to have a meltdown?
"I'm going to eat and try to breathe." Smooth L/N, real fucking smooth. You tried to calm your racing thoughts as you took your bento box and began to eat until the doors opened and out of the corner of your eye, you saw long blue hair and damn near choked on your food. It was Midnight! 
"You must be the famous Music teacher L/N-kun." You choked on a piece of meat grabbing your water and chugging it. Damn woman "No need to be bashful! It's quite impressive to get not only 1 but 2 classes interested in you on your first day and the day isn't even over yet!" She came up to you pulling you into a hug and smooshing your face into her chest causing you to suffocate. 
"Nem you're going to kill him." You knew that voice and thanked the lucky stars that Aizawa was the voice of reason as she let you go to breathe in precious oxygen. You fanned yourself pulling at your shirt all of a sudden hot and sleepy? What was with this pink haze? "Kayama." The pink haze disappeared and you were able to clear your head while fanning yourself. 
"I'm sorry Shota! I just couldn't help myself, he's so cute I just want to eat him up!" You felt your face blush knowing damn well there was nothing innocent about that statement. You gave her a squinted-eye look missing how Yamada and Aizawa sat on the same couch as you but on the other side. 
"You're going to scare him Nem! Hey, listener, pay her no mind she's like that with everyone." You let go of a breath you didn't realize you were holding, sheesh you were that nervous? Makes sense. "Now what's your name? My name is Hizashi Yamada and the grouch here is Shota Aizawa." Aizawa glared at him before settling his stare on you making your stomach turn pleasantly. What?
"I'm Y/N L/N, it's nice to meet you." Aizawa grunted before looking down at your phone case with the cats catching your attention "Do you like cats?" You heard a snort and turned to look at Midnight.
"They have 3 cats at home." You smiled looking back at the two of them already opening your phone to your gallery.
"Well I have two, let me tell you all about them."
I realized I write a lot and I do not want this to be 10-12 pages long so I'm breaking it up into two parts.
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ceourdefil · 5 months
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hello, hello everyone! (^..^)ノ   i’m soul ( she/her, 22, est ) if you've seen me before, pretend you didn't! anaïs is still very a work in progress as i've taken a break from roleplaying for a while and i'm still getting back into the grove of things! apologies if her background makes no sense, i'm more than happy to explain her again. i have disco.rd avail and i'm fluent in yappanese, so please never hesitate approaching me about plots or threads! :3  
is   that   mishti   rahman?   oh,   no,   that’s   anaïs   sarkar,   a   thirty-one   year   old  aquarium   curator   at   fish   frenzy   aquarium   in   valparaíso   who   uses   she/her  pronouns.   they   currently   live   in   viña   del   mar,   and   the   character   they  identify   with   most   is   marceline   from   adventure   time.   hopefully   they   find  their   own   little   paradise   here   in   el   país   de   los   poetas!
trigger warnings: mental health and financial trauma.
full name: anaïs sarkar. birthdate: june 21st, 1992. ( thirty-one ) zodiac: cancer sun, scoprio moon, libra rising. gender: cis woman. ( she/her/hers )
birthplace: portland, maine. residence: one bedroom apartment with her pet cat affectionately named momo after her favorite snack growing up. orientation: demiromantic/sexual.
class: nouveau riche ( in her eyes ), newly appointed aquarium curator at the fish frenzy aquarium. can be described as a bunny-eared lawyer type; her eccentrics are tolerated because she gets the job done, albeit not all on her own. double majored in business administration and marine biology. runs a small etsy shop where she makes jewelry out of seashells she finds along the shore.
neurological: lacks any sense of social propriety, which exacerbates her cognitive dissonance and emotional dysregulation. probably depressed, but she’ll blame it on her quarter-life crisis and go about her business like usual. experiences bouts of emptiness, unsure of what to make of her identity even now that she seemingly has it all. will put herself in risky situations occasionally.
tropes: big ego / hidden depths, broken bird, and byronic heroine.
tdlr: sea witch / seafaring siren immortalized in a brooding business woman trying to enjoy what she's been reaping! it's hard to forget her, really.
jobless mondays, experiencing jamais vu for the first time, taking up space somewhere you’ve outgrown, simultaneously being your parent’s favorite, least favorite, and only child, stuffing tissue paper in your shoes to make them fit you better, your clothes wearing you instead of you wearing them, raising and soothing yourself, stuck behind playing the cards you’ve been dealt and disappearing forever, finding yourself at your lowest and forgetting it all at your highest.
positives: resourceful, off-kilter, neurotic, cogent, tight-fisted, and tender. ( when she wants to be ) negatives: mendacious and reticent by fault. unreadable at times.
likes: seashells, salted caramel cookies, in the mood for love ( 2001 ), arguing with a smile, fashion houses like yves saint laurent / fancì club / blumarine, jellyfish, satin finishes and metallic shines, five star cigarettes, learning how to tie different knots, ylang ylang scents, bookmarking tweets instead of liking them from people she hates, never finishing anything she starts, simone de beauvoir's ideologies, mutually assured destruction, and letting it linger.
dislikes: imperfection, fingernail tapping, unfunny people, distant people ( even though she is ), and early mornings.
style: hyper-feminine, fond of flowy silhouettes, ruffles, and lace. leans into the siren look with jellyfish like tendrils following behind her in dress form. overdressed constantly, adorning designer brands she knows the average person won’t recognize. prefers muted colors and will always be seen in heels, whether it be pumps, boots, and whatever else. likes to tower above the rest. never seen with unbrushed hair, she maintains her long hair routinely. will do her makeup no matter what the occasion, believes that the more put-together she seems, the validity of feeling that way will increase.
family: born and raised in portland with her immigrant mother, a lightning rod for all of her grief growing up poor; she blamed her mother for not setting up a life that her off-springs could be proud of and even wished fervently that she had never given birth to her. she feels as if her conditions have severely stunted her and she’s been reduced to a machine, only until arriving to new york city did she open herself up to what it means to be a person, much less a powerful person. still doesn’t know much about her father, but got along decently well with her grandmother before her death; she wouldn’t say they had emotional sustenance in their relationship, but for what it was worth, she knew she was preening her for whatever kind of person she choose to be. since individuality was not appreciated nor encouraged in her upbringing, she struggles with her ever-shifting personality and by extension, letting others understand and know her. 
grew up in your quintessential first generation immigrant family; was always aware of the financial burden she was on her mother who didn't exactly shelter her from how hard it was to raise her. it was subtle, it was in the way she knew how much the food in her stomach costed, how much she was wearing on her skin, even down to how much the rubber bands holding her braids together costed. her mother would never explicitly tell her how dire their situation was, but her grief was palpable and children are god's greatest sponges! grasping the concept of money at such a young age put a dent in her head, leading her to have deep-seeded financial trauma. unlike other traumas, hers didn't wax and wane; it stayed stagnant in every altercation with money she had. once the dread stifles, comes the mass consumption— the greed. alwaaaays has a hoard of luxury item packages waiting for her at the post office and obnoxiously over-enunciates the names of the brands she's been buying from to the clerk, she's pretentious like that. :T she will also ALWAYS come overdressed ( like why is she wearing cunty heels and a chiffon blouse on her way to the grocery store? ) so please do not hesitate on having your muses comment on how much of a try-hard she is!
growing up in a port town, she did find some solace in walking along the salty shoreline during late winter during her formative years, watching from the waves rocked to and from the magnetic moon. the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide seemed to synchronize with the rhythm of her own thoughts, feeling quite literally one with the ocean at a time where she felt as if she fell far beyond the realm of being understood by anyone… anything, too. she doesn’t like to admit it, but her love for the ocean had taken a backseat for a grueling stretch of her life, and coming to valpo as another port city is her idea of reconnecting to an affinity that seems to own her as much as she owns it.
going back to her upbringing, she's worked a plethora of odd jobs to put extra money on the table and has honestly seen it all back in portland. though she never strayed too far from the light in how she earned her living, she's not a stranger to how money runs through a community. while school was secondary to working, she did well enough to get into college down in new york city and that's when she realized she's not actually poor ( poor in her mind renders as hopeless, like how her mother was ) she's actually just broke? the american higher education system is cruel to her and the only plausible means of pushing herself through her degree ( you guessed it... majoring in business, like a moth to a flame! she did double-major in marine biology because she knew she would never be able to afford coming back to school ) is having to borrow money from uncle tom. in actuality, though... getting a loan is harder than paying it off, so she learns after finishing up her masters. money / power / anything that will lift her up from the hole she's been born in to her is like that dirtbag boyfriend who tells you time and time again that he'll get better, a loan-shark that grips you when you're at your softest, like ripe meat waiting to be cut through. a bit bloodied in theory? yes! but so is anaïs... ( everyone boos )
and so, she starts off working shitty entry level positions at start-ups that don't give her a lick of social mobility while taking up space ( literally and figuratively ) in the double bed she shares with her mother every night. it's depressing in a way that separates her humanity from her; she feels her lack of existence day in and day out. there's something about working a mundane, uninspiring 9-5 that takes away what being human is to her; as if she's been reduced to an animal, only focused on the hunt of the day and where she's gonna lay her head. that is until the miracle that is her workplace being under investigation for gender discrimination landing her an overdue promotion. from there, her success only grows. her mother is all for it, "you'll finally be able to take care of me," is the sentiment that comes from her, typical immigrant family filial debt bullshit— anaïs never asked to be born and she surely didn't sign up to be a makeshift "retirement plan" ( if you can even call it that ) after years of practically having a tax to how many times she breathes a day. still, she's mommy's favorite ( and only ) and it's an ongoing joke that her mother didn't even want the doctors to cut her umbilical cord.
she's unsure if the person she is now was predestined for her or if she's like this because she finally has the will power to live instead of survive. if her greed and compulsive need to consume has been ingrained into her since birth or if she's just enjoying what is hers by birthright. regardless, she's learned that she's chased her love ( money ) all of her life and it's finally chasing her back. she's heard some whispers of how she has a hefty appetite and that she is not exempt from the kind of hunger she used to chastise others for. you can starve her, but she’ll always come up hungry. there's a gradual build up to the amount of gall she has nowadays.
that’s when she finds herself in valpo, a half baked attempt to reconnect or truly connect to who she thinks she’s meant to be.
you can never quite know anaïs; she's very mouthy yet there's a twinge of sincerity in everything she says, even when she's being deceptive. she vehemently denies being vulnerable, unwilling to see any slight in the position she holds amongst the web of contingencies that is her life. she'll listen to anyone, though. she never stopped being a sponge for other people's grievances and insights, which is why she's willing to take into account even the most unreliable sources because there's validity in their experience and perception. pathetically intense underneath all of her glamor, all of the chest-puffing and high-heel clicking is to hide her self-pity and deliberating hatred for what she's been handed in life. oddly enough, it drives her, too. still, she won't be caught giving anyone her sob story. in fact, she makes up a different background for herself every time someone asks her about how life was like for her before valpo and yes, she does keep track of what she told to who! veeeery unserious and unfiltered; believes that "ingenuity" like hers must be reckon with. upon interacting with her, you can definitely tell there's something fundamentally wrong with her, but she can still hang!
as for plots, i'm rawdogging it as in i'd love to see how she would fit into your muse's story and i'm always down to brainstorm our own specially crafted plot. :3
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menstitsillness · 9 months
thank you @comradejoanmir for the tag <33
rules: answer these 15 questions then tag 15 people you'd like to know better 💐
1. are you named after anyone?
not a person but i am named after a city
2. when was the last time you cried?
a month and a half ago i think, my cousin's wedding had gotten a bit. emotionally overwhelming
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
basketball! never got to play it competitively tho :/
5. do you use sarcasm?
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
honestly idk. their sense of fashion/style maybe?
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. i get too freaked out by scary movies
9. any talents?
none <3 except for being able to maintain a slightly more than surface level knowledge abt a broad variety of subjects which always impresses my mom
10. where were you born?
delhi-ncr, india
11. what are your hobbies
reading, watching (too many) sports, sometimes i play the guitar but it's v infrequent
12. do you have any pets?
yes! a dog named momo
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
english, chemistry also used to be there till organic chemistry got involved
15. dream job
to have a job at all would be a dream so. really anything except for consulting.
tagging: @cityprix @russilton @darwinology @hamiltvn @raceweek and anyone else who wants to!
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nectarage · 11 months
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mimsy "mims" chowdhury picked up their key from the front desk 10 years ago! the thirty-two year old uses [she/her] pronouns and is a teaching assistant at universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso from london, united kingdom. according to their apartment application, people have told them they look a lot like mishti rahman, and the character they identify with most is camille preaker from sharp objects. santa moneda gives you a warm welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay.
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hello, hello everyone! (^..^)ノ   i'm soul ( she/her, 21, est ) and this is my very unhinged girl, miss mimsy! the header credit goes to thatporcelain. i'm a bit of a newbie to this side of tumblr, so please be gentle on me if i mess up or you see me post the same shit over and over again.
trigger warnings: familial death and mental health issues.
playlist. pinterest board. wanted connections.
ೀ basics .
full name: mimsy "mims" chowdhury. birthdate: february 21st, 1991. ( thirty-two ) zodiac: pisces sun, scorpio moon, libra rising. gender: cis woman. ( she/her/hers ) residence: one bedroom apartment with her pet bunny affectionately named momo after her favorite snack growing up. orientation: demiromantic/sexual. class: enrolled as a phd student at universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso, concentrating in physics, minoring in mathematics. currently a full time teaching assistant to the mathematics' department's head. also helps out with the debate team. neurological: lacks any sense of social propriety, which exacerbates her cognitive dissonance and emotional dysregulation. probably depressed, but she'll blame it on her burgeoning quarter-life crisis and go about her business like usual. will put herself in risky situations occasionally. tropes: ambiguous innocence, bratty half-print, broken ace, and uncanny valley girl.
tdlr: think… sikowitz from victorious if he slayed. beast mode, but make it girlboss. very much the cooky, zany, what-have-you scientist! a woman in stem! ( scheming, theorizing, eavesdropping, making plans )
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ೀ dig deeper .
positives: lion-hearted, observant, humorous, and thoughtful. very neurotic and high-strung. ( in a productive way, of course ) negatives: mendacious and reticent by fault. unreadable at times.
likes: exotic fruits, candid pictures, vanilla lattes, neon genesis evangelion, woodland animals, painting her nails, the smell of fresh laundry, arguing with a smile, fashion houses like sandy liang + blumarine + tong/shushu, sonny angels, reddit ( sigh ), game theory, people that live underneath her skin, and her pet bunny. dislikes: corny jokes + people, loud noises, being out in the heat too long, distant people ( even though she is ), fingernail tapping, and breaking down to taylor swift songs.
style: hyper-feminine, fond of flowy silhouettes, ruffles, and ribbons. never seen in pants, even during the colder months. already bought every piece from kimchi blue's urban outfitters line. prefers muted colors. cannot walk in high-heels whatsoever, so you'll always find her in her mary-janes. never seen without gold jewelry! will do her eyeliner no matter what, feels naked without it. known for putting bows in her hair and her side bang which is oddly shaped like a radical sign.
family: born and raised in london to an overly protective public safety worker, his estranged wife, and their first daughter who would soon pass after the couple's divorce. mimsy grew up in a tumultuous household, learning the art of people pleasing and inherently soaking up other people's grief as she did when her older sister passed away. she felt as if she had to out-preform in every aspect of her life after, haphazardly throwing away anything that couldn't aid to the betterment of her studies and professional life. since individuality was not appreciated nor encouraged in her upbringing, she struggles with her ever-shifting personality and by extension, letting others understand and know her. she thinks she misses her sister more than she remembers her. hobbies: collecting lip-glosses, jump-scaring her friends, grading papers, origami, and watching obscure movies.
personality: mimsy is very definition of female hysteria. clever and unconventional, priding herself in the personality she dug out of the semblance of a person she used to be back home. her mannerisms display her quirky character, often having a cheeky little grin across her face regardless of the occasion. silver-tongued and witty, plans her words carefully and meticulously, never at a loss for words. she likes to banter and will often take playful quips at others for the sake of stirring a reaction and can be rather sadistic about it. she is incredibly perceptive and observant. she picks up on things that no one else does, and can figure people and their feelings out flawlessly. she likes to think of herself as invincible, but she can be hilariously caught lacking if you look close enough. has a karmic pull to her, often acting as a beacon to others to express thoughts that they would otherwise keep to themselves. embraces the macabre despite her cutesy disposition and is honestly pathetically intense underneath all of her jokes.
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ೀ tidbits .
one unfortunate event away from turning into the joker.
moved to valparaíso, chile about ten years ago to complete her undergrad years far away from home, wanting to throw herself into being self-efficient and capable compared to how shackled she felt in her previous home life.
struggles a lot with her individuality as a person and how much of her life is really her own.
very fond about the ideology behind fate and the progression / patterns of time, mainly why she's so interested in game theory. surprisingly very devout despite not having a particular religion she believes in.
personification of the nerd with glasses and finger emoji combination, unironically goes "actually…"
that one friend who’s chill as fuck but is harboring a deep indescribable sadness!
into pretentious indie music. :eyeroll:
honestly... her pinterest says it all + i will be adding to this as i go on!
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ೀ wanted connections .
i have a few outlined plots as a pop-up on my theme, but here are some more ideas i would love to have for mimsy:
she's currently kicking her feet, giggling to herself because she's been planting little baby figurines all over the apartment building and your muse decides enough is ENOUGH!
i would love her to meet her match when it comes to intellect ( particularly in board games ) and have them always stump the other + always find themselves at standstills, completely frustrated knowing they're only two steps away each to another stand-off.
mimsy is constantly losing her shit and has to continuously label her belongings with her initials, so maybe your muse is hellbent on finding out who the hell "m.c" is?
"the reading comprehension in valparaíso is piss poor..." "who said we piss on the floor!?"
nonsensical banter threads are always wanted by me! i've been out of the tumblr game for a while; i much prefer getting to know other muses and forming connections based off conversations, so please don't hesitate when it comes to plotting!
always looking for your quintessential frenemies, fwbs, casual package thievery, unfriendly neighbors, severe angst with a sprinkle of unseriousness, whatever your little heart desires!
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wanderlustniezel · 9 months
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Momo is one of the idols to get inspiration from when it comes to style! Especially with her versatile choice at clothing and aesthetic
To begin with, momo has excellent fashion sense going for both elegant and simple looks. She likes wearing cotton tops in black or white, or faded lightened or darkened colors that take various forms and colors, and when she has tightly fitting tops, she styles them with cool jacket in different design with. The design stands out due to its colo, focal point of her outfit. And for the bottoms, she likes jeans or wide pants that make it comfortable and easy to move— we don’t forget what an amazing dancer she is, right? but there are so many things to mention, from girly dresses to hair accessories so we won’t take anymore time for introduction, lets dive in!
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To start with the most loved and comfortable piece of clothing and not only by idols, we present you oversizes t shirt! Momo likes them and prefers basic white tees or mostly pastel and faded ones
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Momo is famous for her soft and feminine features, and a delicate simple croptop in creme color is just right for any bottom you choose and any occasion you go to.
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No idol lives without hoodies in their closets, and momo is no exception! She is a hard worker but also a big goof ball and she doesn’t need to always be this perfect girly girl bold diva, or any kind of fancy lady on a daily basis. She love’s baggy clothes and comfort of a hoodie just like any of us, and owns a number of them, mostly in light, especially with color. Even in this legendary pic of her jokingly hanging like a part of her own wardrobe, she wears a simple white hoodie
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Another top piece you can wear with almost anything underneath, momo gives us city girl aesthetic and always goes for classic checkered jackets
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With her iconic short dark hair and bangs, she wore a white dress that looks just like an oversized button down shirt. It reminds us of her look in TWICE’s “what is love?” Scene where she wore an oversized shirt like this while recreating the scene from pulp fiction even with the same short hair; but of course, this time is a dress, and the one to definetely add to your shopping list!
And if you’re afraid of its shortness, add some white shorts underneath and you’re all set for a day at the beach or any other adventure, even if it’s just meeting friends or going on a date
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
saw the ask about video games and it was so so delightful and now im wondering if you have headcanons on their music taste??? i just really love music so :3
(also. i think seto and marry could play dating sim /other visual novel games together and get Really into it and discuss the story together)
DATING SIMS NOD NOD THATS TRUE. shintaro's also into those. all 3 getting into arguments abt the love interests
ALSO MUSIC HUH... i know i said idk much abt games so it's rly lame that im gonna say i also dont know much abt music.
I HAVE some hcs? for example i think momo listens to pop 100%.... we are living in a material world and im a material girl!! yknow. i feel like momo's room should look like a disney channel teenage girl's room from the 2000s. any 2000s bops playlist is for momo. she also probably looooves kpop. i think hiyori shares her music taste and she's also INSANELY into boy bands like if we assume kagepro takes place in 2013 you know damn well hiyori was a RAGING directioner. and of course hiyori also loves idols in general!!!!
and it's canon that kido's fave bands are radiohead and oasis LOLLL kido is soooo. funny. i think kido had a mcr phase and all that. was super into panic at the disco and all those other bands popular in 2013... crying to simple plan's im just a kid... (not derogatory cuz my thing with music is that i listen a bit of everything and i dont think any music is cringe❤️) kidomomo is amazing to me... can a y2k bimbo girlie and a mall goth fall in love??? (they can)
i think shintaro listens to a lot of vocaloid and anime ops lol but i think he'd listen to pretty much anything?? since he's a musician he's interested in listening to all kinds of music, and he's into discovering smaller artists too. he probably prefers stuff more on the chill side. i think shintaro keeps gifting momo earbuds in a passive aggressive way but momo keeps BLASTING her music. so shintaro ends up memorizing a bunch of her music and bursts into song with momo a lot. do not take this from me. like once he realises that he's scream singing britney spears toxic with momo he stops but He does it. i know so.
i dont have strong opinions on seto, mary, kano and hibiya?? i think hibiya doesnt even listen to the radio cuz his ass didnt know who the hell momo was LMAOOOO if u have any ideas for seto mary and kano let me know... i feel like no one would know kano's music taste bc at least personally i always feel so vulnerable abt my music taste. ppl are so mean about it and what u listen to. i think kano would completely hide it and lie abt what he actually likes listening to.
HARUKA AND AYANO i think share music taste. im also not sure what they'd listen to though i just know they share their fashion sense and music taste. i know so. they probably listen to taylor swift or something. lofi hip hop beats to study to bitches.
takane obviously loves music. headphone bitch. shes canonically into rock, haruka's first description of takane is the best ever he says something like. she has a mischievous smile, dark circle under her eyes and her headphones around her neck had rock music playing he could hear from his seat. also haruka mentions takane went to see a rock concert that was held at their school before they attended. so she's also into concerts. sorry i love takane she's so cool hehe.. i think takane's rly into punk/garage/alt rock kinda stuff. i think she listens to stuff like mike krol, slutever, be your own pet.. the louder the better. the more the singer screams the better.
sorry for linking my takane playlist again but i think she'd actually listen to some of the music there OK🙄🙄🙄!!!!! i actually went to my playlist bc i read this ask and then got lost in the sauce and added a few more songs LOL
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
dms are awful truly., tell me about harukawa maki and why the fandom is wrong about her^_^
[Drags hands down my face]
preliminary: y'know how like. Kirigiri is. The Girl of thh? and Chiaki is for the sequel, and so overt 'THE GIRL' that her backstory was rewritten to be More Tragic in the special anime?
Haru is that for V3. Aka is bait.
It's, easier to comprehend n Digest Haru w/ that in mind. "Right. She's Kodaka's girl…" the reversible cover of V3 features Haru, prominently. That sort of thing. Genuinely shocked she doesn't have a figure yet, esp in the fashion of the bunnygirls, but Haru is quite controversial re: popularity. That might be why.
I could ramble. I've talked abt her, at length, and i'll spare you the howlings of 'SHE! ANGIE! NARRATIVE FOILS!!!' lucky you, on this special day
overall fandom re: haru has, a sort of, pendulum effect. One side or the other. 'She abuses, tortures, prolly would waterboard Ou,' or, 'sad girl who deserves the best,' y'know. The first part, I see mostly, in 310 fic. Whump. Ou bruised for h/c and Sai gives Haru n co. a PIECE OF HIS MIND!!! The latter… hahhhhhh.. Haru/Momo fic, or, 'Right! Haru's here too!' gotta include her somewhere. Give her a happy ending, a relationship w/ Momo. Done.
/head on hand, swaying
Neither of these are, true. At least if I had to pick, #2 - and I think that'd be Kodo's answer, too, lol. HAVE YOU SEEN HER LOVE ACROSS ANSWERS? SO EDGY. If this was a '00s game, Haru would be top of the charts in fan favorites. Her 8track playlist would start w/ the song, 'Pain' by TDG. Released in the wrong era, sad. A girl allowed, ENCOURAGED, to be sad… but bloody! Wow…!!! And she's pretty!
The 'why'. Well. Now, okay, lean forward, steel your heart……. why is the fandom so bad at Haru…?
Because she's a girl…………!!! I know. What? How? Girl hate?!
You're GONNA hear. 'No, i dislike her bc her motives don't make sense,' 'she fucks up the lategame plan,' 'she's too mean,' 'so bland,' degrees of these are true. I'm not saying basement Joe dislikes Haru solely due to her endowment. But fandom-wise, overall, yeah… altho vthree, particularly, has. Uhm. [twirls hair] 'Opinions' I'd disagree with, re: characters. All of them. The game is meant to be subjective, so of course there's a variety of feelings.
But girls are, mm, unwelcome? Generally. She [any girl] has to Warrant mere existing, and 10x that warrante for x-minutes of screentime. They become watered down, for ease, to be enjoyable. Fans heighten desirable characteristics, if they Mostly-like her, or her negatives if they Mostly-hate her. This sort of Upping the Ante isn't female-restricted, no, but the dials are ticked furthermore.
I can't think of any vthree girl that fandom 'gets,' really. N don't misunderstand me - the girls of the cast aren't TOO COMPLEX for these IMMATURE VIEWERS to UNDERSTAND!!! No, 'you have to have a high IQ,' bullshit. Rather, I think, people are tired and more inclined to extremes. Either tired of being 'annoyed' by girls - this is how we get Haru-basking - or tired of girl-hate, which is how we get to Haru, or Aka, [x girl here]-loving. Both of which don't cusp the truth of the girl.
And - I do this. You do this. I wave away a lot of Tenko's, Loudness n Hatred re: men, but not out of ignoring. I do acknowledge, even like it, due to my view of her backstory from the gleams we see. But I don't talk abt it, or depict it often, bc it's 'minor' when compared to the features I want to emphasize. 'Best girl, because of her purity!' It's inoffensive…….
UNTIL WE GET TO FAN META!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like, 'meta made by fans of vthree,' not meta made by fans of Haru. Clarifying.
[stepford smiler] Ignore all haru fan meta. All of it. I'm right about her, nobody else. Especially Haru + Ou meta. Everyone is wrong. OK? You promise? Don't look at anybody else's take… okay…? Let's do a blood pact, I'll start. [reaches for a prop knife]
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ren-deru-16 · 2 years
Choose your SSR card.
Idolish7 OC edition: Yume
"The young Superstar"
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Yume, despite being ten years old, is shown to have natural-born talent as an idol.
In reality, Yume was from another world, where her parents are TRIGGER. Her world was where alpha, beta and omegas existed and she was transported to the canon universe coincidentally after an accident happened to TRIGGER.
She at first was taken in by Ryu's mother, and that's how she met Ryu right before he was about to meet Gaku and Tenn. However, she refused to use any last name.
The fans consider her as some sort of "mini-TRIGGER"/the mascot because of her energy that matched TRIGGER. Tenn enjoyed her company as well as her sense of fashion, Gaku would take her out to his mother's soba restaurant after knowing she likes soba, Ryu was initially being the protective older brother but he relaxed and let her wander on her own, as long as she stays with Anesagi. Anesagi, on the other hand, absolutely adored her, even allowing the girl to call her "nee-nee".
Despite being that, Yume has a trauma from her world. The accident traumatized her and she subconsciously developed separation anxiety to the three, especially to Tenn.
Many would mistake her as teen because of her physique when she's just ten years old, thanks to the genes from Ryu. Her silver leopard like eyes resemble Gaku when serious and her hair and face resemble Tenn. The trio originally did not know her history but they always wondered why she's very attached to them. Now that Yume revealed the truth, they only accepted her and let her be.
Tenn in her world was the omega, and her alpha parents were Gaku and Ryu. She would accidentally call present Tenn mama but noe that the truth is out, Tenn allowed it as long as it's only them, the same goes for the other two where called as Papa Gaku and Papa Ryu.
Yume is can be also two-faced depending the situation, but with her emotions she is as straightforward as she can be with her words.
Idolish7 gradually got to know her history and when Tenn and Gaku were kidnapped, Sogo calmed her down and promised that they'll rescue them. Ryu saw that she was too shaken uo and he decided to perform alone for their sake. But Yume was able to recover and the two performed Negai wa Shine on the Sea, like father and daughter.
She has lowkey intrusive thoughts, thinking of murdering Ryo and how to hide his body, run the car (if she can drive) the paparazzi who were pestering Ryu,
(person - what she calls them - what they call her)
Tenn - Tenn-san/Mama - Yume
Gaku - Gaku-san/Papa Gaku -Yume
Ryu - Ryu-nii/Papa Ryu - Yume/Yu-chan
Anesagi - nee-nee/Anesagi-san - Yume
Sosuke - shachou/gramps - Yume/brat
Yuki - Yuki-san - Yume-kun
Momo - Momo-san - Yume-chan
Rinto - Rin-san/Okazaki-san - Yume-chan
Iori - Izumi otoutou-san/iori-san - Yume-chan
Yamato - Yama-san - Yu
Mitsuki - Izumi ani/ Mitsuki-san - Yume-chan
Tamaki - Tamaki-san/pudding-san - Yumecchi
Sogo - Sogo-san - Yume-chan
Nagi - Nagi-san/otaku-san - yumecchi
Riku - Riku-san/Riku-jii - Yume-chan
Banri - Ban-san/Ogami-san - Yume-kun
Tsumugi - Tsumugi-san - Yume-chan
Otoharu - granpa, Otoharu-ji - Yume-kun
Kinako - kii-chan - *kinako noises*
Kujo Takamasa - Kujo(-san) when forced to be formal since she never likes him - Yume
Aya - Aya-san - Yume-chan
Haruka - Isumi-san/tsundere-san - Yume/You
Toma - Inumaru-san - Yume
Minami - Natsume-san - Yume-san
Torao - Mido-san/gigolo-san - Yume-chan/kid
Ryo - *insert any foul names*/Tsukomo Ryo - Yume-kun
Shirou - Manager-san - Yume-kun
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shapom · 16 days
stupid question but do you have any hcs or any pic references for the members in nynfgf? like how they dress or how they look etc etc… love ur writing so much ^_^🩵
not a stupid question! thank you for asking !!
😅😅 this makes me feel like a bad writer but i feel like most of my headcanons will just be in the story ? i do have a lot of ideas that build the main couple up but maybe I should have some ideas that are separate..
headcanons (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK bc most of these will be in the story later):
-nayeon has penis envy. she tried to use the bathroom designated for alphas as a kid and got in trouble. she's comfortable and doesn't have dysphoria but she does really want one. she has an absurd collection of straps in every length and thickness to please the omegas she hooks up with -jeongyeon's first gf was significantly older than her and it was an *interesting* dynamic -momo is an omega who has only ever dated omegas. she's been in love with mina since they met -sana is capable but was not ambitious in school so she worked low stakes jobs after college before taking a sales (phone operator) job at jeongyeon's company. she worked on a different floor before she was promoted to a contract hire (her current role) and happened to spot jeongyeon 1.5 years before the start of NYNFGF. she had a huge crush on her and immediately tried to meet her but was unsuccessful. that's why she's so casual about offering to help jeongyeon and hooking up with her, she never forgot about jeongyeon (but she isn't obsessed) -jihyo isn't closeted but is pissed at having to perpetually come out as an alpha who is into alphas. she likes really masculine types who are never into her -mina had some internalized homophobia before she dated momo and tried to date alphas. all the relationships ended badly (she also had bad taste in alphas) and she is kind of an omega version of a misandrist
SMC will show up at some point but have very small roles so i'll save their details for the story
i have somewhat deliberately not visually defined the members bc i want people to imagine what they like. nayeon definitely has that brown hair she will never give up though HAHA
visual references:
i have two ideas for Jeongyeon. i mainly like to imagine her similar to this WIL look, but with actual hair / not the bad wig lol. she has jet black hair (or black or brown) and it's short
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if people don't like this look i have also imagined her around FS era. the point is she has a natural hair color and a low maintenance haircut
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style wise she wears suits (black or gray with a white collared shirt and simple tie) to work but doesn't wear the jacket when she's at her desk. i don't have any jeongyeon references here bc all the suits she has worn have been too fitted or too baggy. i imagine this jeongyeon to have less of a feminine body/less curves so the suit does fit her more like a man (loose, isnt tight on her hips or bust). her height is supposed to be the same IRL but if ppl want to imagine her a little taller that's fine too
Sana i imagined her close to how she is now, but maybe less supermodel looking? less thin, with a fuller face, but with brown hair. i like this IGY pic bc it's recent but she doesn't look intimidatingly hot like she does in her Prada ads..
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style wise she dresses very in line with japanese fashions, except her clothes are kind of simple and structured. she doesn't wear clothing with a lot of ruffles or overly feminine patterns but always looks very feminine in contrast to how simple her clothes are if that makes sense?
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sorry for potato quality
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these photos are not examples of what she would wear because she is a little more feminine than this but they're an example of how feminine she looks wearing a simple outfit if that makes sense ??
omg i think i spent an hour on this ask i hope this helps anon and sorry if the visuals are different that what you wanted!
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Got Stray today Kinda disappointed that you can’t really jump everywhere a bit but it’s fun nonetheless Also the way robots talk to a cat is funny like yeah, send this little fella on the mission as if it’s not a little animal fgdlfkhjdlkgfjkdsfhj
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kpop · 3 years
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K-Pop Spotlight: TWICE
Nine-member girl group TWICE are back with their latest summer hit, “Alcohol-Free,” and a new mini-album, Taste of Love. To celebrate, we caught up with the group to chat about their new music, style and aesthetics, and their dream dinner dates. It’s been nearly six years since TWICE’s debut under JYP Entertainment, and the girls are as busy as ever: between juggling solo performance videos and projects, a reality show, and talk show appearances, there’s never been a better time to be a ONCE. Check out our full interview below!
Can you tell us the inspiration behind your new mini-album, Taste of Love, and what you hope your fans take away from it?
DAHYUN: The taste of love has very diverse charms: sweet, happy, special, etc. I hope our fans can share this warm feeling with each other and build memorable moments with TWICE this summer through Taste of Love.
TZUYU: The title track of Taste of Love, “Alcohol-Free,” is made from J. Y. Park’s inspirations. Other tracks’ lyrics were written by some of the members, which have their own interpretation about what Love tastes like. I hope our fans can experience the different definitions of taste of love through our new album.
The three different versions of your mini-album represent Taste, Fallen, and In Love—what do each of those terms mean to you, outside of your music and fans?
NAYEON: K-food for Taste, because K-food is always tasty. For Fallen, I would say spicy food and ice vanilla latte, and baby blue color for In Love. I’ve fallen in love with baby blue color, which is why the song I wrote the lyrics for in this album is about baby blue love.
CHAEYOUNG: All three terms expressed the feeling of falling in love after tasting. I can relate to this feeling when I eat strawberries. ONCEs know how much I love strawberries.
Who and/or what influences your overall aesthetic—from your music to your style to your fashion sense?
CHAEYOUNG: I think the music I create and the fashion I wear naturally reflect my favorite movie characters, photos, and collectibles. Therefore, I try as much as possible to discover new styles and to love what I already love deeper so that I can broaden my aesthetic.
SANA: My feeling at that exact moment. I try to express my current thoughts, feelings, atmosphere, mood, and interest through my aesthetic, so I guess the answer to this question is my own self.
This year marks six incredible and busy years since your debut—what advice would you give to women who are just starting out in the music industry?
MINA: Instead of copying others, if you really spend time with yourself and find your true self, you’ll be able to shine brighter than any other people. Loving yourself and believing what you think is right is the most important advice I’d like to give to future stars.
JIHYO: There is a saying in Korea, “Well begun is half done.” The courage to start itself can propel you to achieve so many things. Instead of doubting yourself, love yourself more and the work you make for the world. Before you know, you’ll be at the top of your world.
What is your self-care routine?
TZUYU: I always try to stay fit and healthy so that I can be with ONCE as long as I want and deliver the best performances! This motivation helps me take care of myself.
MOMO: Eating a lot and staying healthy by exercising. My self-care tip is to laugh out loud and smile since staying happy is the most powerful and important self-care routine. I try to spread this tip with TWICE’s members and ONCEs by making them laugh.
What’s your favorite lyric from your discography?
JEONGYEON: These days, I’m into “YOU IN MY HEART.” I want to perform this song in front of ONCE and treasure ONCEs’ individual faces and cheer in my heart.
JIHYO: I love the lyrics of “Feel Special.” The overarching storyline behind this song is that I’m able to smile again because of you. I especially like the first part of the song, “There are one of those days. Days when I suddenly feel all alone. When I feel like I don’t belong anywhere and my head is hanging down,” because everyone can relate to this moment. I hope “Feel Special” can energize whoever is experiencing these days out there!
If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
DAHYUN: My dad. Because I wasn’t able to spend a lot of time with my family after debut due to living apart, I would like to have healing moments eating warm and delicious dinner with my family.
MOMO: If it’s just one person, it’s too hard to decide, because there are so many people I like, including our very special fans, ONCE! If I can’t have dinner with each and every one of them, I’d rather have dinner by myself while connecting through livestream, eating all the food for ONCE.
Want more of TWICE? Check out their brand new mini-album, Taste of Love, here.
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