#Moon Knight comics thoughts
sadwetcatmk · 1 year
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neverkayzat · 2 months
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Haha. This is what happened right.
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Ok, so!
You know all the "Doctor Strange Astoprojects the mk system and we cinematically see the three alters slipping out of the body.
But but but hear me out!
What about Dr. Strange trying to push one person out of his body and failing because it is actually a system and he needs more strength to push them away.
So Strange would hit their chest multiple times expecting something to happen but uh-uh nothing and poor Steven tries to get away from him.
Eventually he puts more effort and manages to do something, that is making Jake front by pushing Steven away from the front and suddenly gets slapped by him.
Jake gets into a fist fight with Strange while Strange tries to use his powers to teleport Jale away from him.
Eventually he manages to astroproject them for a second and he sees Jake and Marc splitting from the body holding hands until Steven pulls them back in.
They are together in this they won't let anyone separate them, Strange needs to try harder.
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plum-pitt · 18 days
I love that my ultimate alliance team up is just 3 mental patients and a fucking wizard.
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age-of-moonknight · 7 months
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“What If…Venom Had Bonded to She-Hulk?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #1.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Penciler and Inker: Jesús Hervás; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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keira-draws · 2 years
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Songs of the Moon
"Even the most drowsy summers still remain sun kissed
And the coldest winters are the ones that become nostalgic
Maybe it's another sign, it always was with us
But no one really sleeps alone when you are loved" - Rose Colored Lens by Eliza
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kayvsworld · 1 year
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thank u for the drawing suggestion @ayapandagirl..... mr knight sir we are thinking abt u <3
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copingchaos · 10 months
Layla El Faouly, the woman who is so caring kind and patient that even a broken man like marc spector feels smiley and safe around, would still judge anyone who is willfully silent on what's happening to the Palestinian people
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ghostly-wisteria-tea · 2 months
I really don't agree with how Marc is the Traveller and Jake is the Embracer as stated in the comics. I see it as the reverse, where Jake is the Traveller and Marc is the Embracer.
Why? Marc started taking in Reese to work for him, then Soldier, then talked to 8-ball. He "embraced" them, like Marc is trying to emulate what he thinks Khonshu should be. A "guiding figure" who embraces the lost. And those who he embraces stay with him. Embracing him in return.
Literally, there is a scene where Marc hugs Reese, Tigra hugs Marc. Actual Embracing. That should have been very obvious.
AND the fact that Reese, Soldier and maybe 8-balll then embraces the image of Mr. Knight. The same way Marc embraces the role of the "Khonshu" for the Midnight Mission.
Everything about him is Embracing, metaphorically and literally.
Metaphorically since by Embracing others, Marc can also stop feeling lonely. There is comfort in embracing, and Marc is shown to do it to comfort others. Though it is also a way for him to comfort himself as deep down, he craves others to stay with him. Especially since most of his old friends and allies left. And Khonshu is in jail.
Marc is a sad lonely man who wants to embrace and be embraced. And don't want to let go. Even the people he recruited into the Midnight Mission was influenced by this inability to let go. They embraced him and won't let him go.
Sure they saw Marc die (this will change as usual), but they still didn't let him go. They won't let go of this image of Marc, the same way Marc won't let go of the mantle of being Moon Knight.
Which isn't exactly healthy because it is already bordering or is co-dependence.
Edit: Really, He is starting his own cult. And he may not realize it, but he is being seen as a type of god to them. A Personality Cult that worships him. Not Khonshu, him as the "god". A Jesus/Messiah figure in some twisted parody of Monotheism. Because if you are really devoted to someone as savior-figure, you turn it to a religion.
And Jake is a Cab driver, it is his job to travel and not be stationary. He keeps moving, he keeps travelling around New York. So Jake should be the Traveller purely because of the nature of what he does. Sure he helps them, but he also doesn't overly attach them to him. He comes and goes when and how he likes. Like the wind that keeps moving at it's own pace and helping the people he meets. Regardless of their class status. And most of them are the lower class that are left behind in society.
By not being overly attached, Jake can keep on moving and not confine himself to a single spot. Like some travelling sage or something who refuses to stay put.
There is freedom in travelling and Jake, with whatever little time he is allowed when he fronts. He doesn't have much time since Marc is pretty much tend to monopolize the body. Jake may feel imprisoned, since he pretty much is, so the moment he is travelling in his cab, he relishes every second of it.
Jake just wants the freedom to be himself and help others with it by his own accord.
That and Marc is pretty much limited to a place in New York. He is confined and can't travel outside of the city without alerting the Avengers. He doesn't travel, other's travel to him. Which is the opposite of what travelling is supposed to be.
Marc has to wait for the people to come to him. He waits. He should be called the Waiter, not the Traveller.
It isn't Marc, but Jake who embodies the concept of the Traveller, both literally, and metaphorically.
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carbon--14 · 11 months
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not putting this on the art blog cuz it’ll probably never get finished but re: that other post, WOE. STEVEN GRANT BE UPON YE
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moon-knights-balls · 9 months
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Moon Knight 2021 and Vengeance of Moon Knight starts with Reese which is so AUGH GAH
Man im so excited for this run sksjjs
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wortsandall · 6 months
Jake Lockley-the lies we tell ourselves au
buckle in, this one's long next
my biggest inspiration for this whole au was this man right here. mostly from reading fanfiction and thinking-who is this man to me? and noticing the pattern that jake had become kind of one note.
the fanon jake lockley had become a kind of stereotype-the rough macho man, slinging Spanish and banging ladies-and rarely did I see anything go past those interpretations. now there's nothing really wrong with that and I don't mean to shit on anyone's perception or enjoyment of the character.
in the show, the only things we know are that
he fronts in violent moments to get marc and jake out of a bind
he speaks spanish
he has to be the one who asked the woman out at the museum
and thats exactly why we get the jake that we often see.
personally, I just wanted to explore beyond that. maybe as a black person as well i found that one note portrayal to almost be in poor taste and starts to infringe on some Latino stereotypes even if it's not purposeful. (again you do you. and I don't mean to speak over any Latino voices who may feel differently)
but jake to me can go so much deeper than that. the framing of him as the "violent" alter is so harmful when it comes to D.I.D. we all remember split. those that are uninformed about disorders like D.I.D usually don't see the harm that can come in that kind of portrayal or can be dismissive. I don't have D.I.D myself, but I do have an unfinished psych degree focusing on abnormal psych and dissociative disorders and a LOT of free time.
my main point being that I didn't want jake to just be the violent alter. it was so obvious to me that jake engages in violence as a form of protection. and that alone brings so much more depth to his character. jake only fronts in the show to get them out of a dangerous situation. and when he doesn't have to kill-he doesn't. like with the kid.
so jake immediately screamed protector to me. and the violence that comes as his form as protection is the most effective that we've seen. it's not about making sure that marc feels okay with what's been done or happy. it's about keeping them physically safe.
tw for discussions of abuse, bullying
the show shows us that marc, and in extension all the boys were abused by their mother. it may be jumping to conclusions but my next thought would be that's where jake gets the violence from. and I don't mean that he enjoys it or wishes to hurt people like he was hurt as some sort of outlet. but that now they get some kind of control over when and how they are hurt.
to make some more leaps, I thought that it's not far-fetched to believe that there could be bullying in their childhood due to potentially being seen talking to themselves. or if I wanted to make it sadder, for being both Jewish and Latino. I've seen my fair share of mixed people being forced to "pick" one or being ostracized for not fitting in the way they are supposed to.
hell, I'm fully black and have had to deal with not fitting the standard due to the way I speak, or dress, or what music I listen to, etc. if something like that was going on, I can imagine dots being connected. that in order to be left alone-violence can actually be the answer.
my mom beats me -> I tend to stay clear of her as much as I can -> these kids are bothering me -> I can make them steer clear of me
and if I'm hurt -> then its my choice -> a side effect of being in a fight -> not something done on purpose to me
I imagine that's jakes origins. he's not great for anything else in his eyes, that's all he's used to. marc wouldn't register these fights as anything abnormal. marc sees himself as broken and angry, and even as a child I think that's what he would boil these fights down to. he wouldn't remember the specifics of it-just the aftermath. feeling so angry then nothing but seeing the bully on the ground holding his nose. and just fill in the blanks for himself.
as a physical protector, jake's concern is physical safety. as they get older and they end up in psych wards or other mental facilities after their dad's growing concern about the out of character behavior. (steven, not knowing how to be covert) jake would be more aware. they are in this strange place, away from what's familiar and being treated like an invalid.
I think jake would front much more often, even if he's just watching from a corner of marc's mind. he'd be used to that kind of hyper vigilance. I don't want to demonize mental health facilities, though I know that a lot of them can be very harmful. but I don't think marc would be the one causing "trouble" in there, nor is steven.
this is where the other alters that I want to add for this au to come in. where marc remembers these wards as no big deal and steven has zero memory. but jake remembers more of the unpleasant aftermath caused by outbursts of a different alter leo. I'll get into him and what I imagine his character to be in a different post but just know that this is leo's origin: the wards they were in and out of as a teenager.
I think that once they left, they weren't fully an adult. maybe 17, about to turn 18 but marc hits the bricks. tired of his mother's abuse and his father's enabling of it. I imagine that in those couple months before 18, marc would rather be anywhere else. and jake would be the one helping with that, guiding marc without him realizing. turning them away from potential areas of danger, fully fronting in order to fight off a robber. I don't think this would be a long period-maybe a month or two. and that's why marc thought they could just leave until the military. (jake, tired of being the one to watch marc's stupid ass would wish that marc had just toughed it out at home until their 18th birthday. their mother was a known danger, the streets are not)
joining the military and everything after is mostly marc. jake only fronting similarly to the show, in life and death situations. steven and the other two alters wouldn't be fronting at all. and in these long year periods is where I think jake's role would change slightly. as marc learns how to better protect himself on his own, jake would become more of a gatekeeper. maybe not a great one, still concerned more about their physical safety than anything else.
"survive. don't die." that's jake's priority. so in these combat scenarios it is impertinent that alters who can't fight, won't. in this sole endeavor, he becomes a gatekeeper. anything that might trigger steven and the others gets heavily locked down. he has a tight hold on the front, making sure only he or marc could possibly do it. I can't imagine he'd be able to keep that tight hold at all times. maybe there's small moments where their guard is down and any of the others could front for a moment. but for the most part, he's successful.
and when he gets tired of this, maybe the others are starting to front more or marc's fatigue starts to impact him, he makes the decision that in order to stay alive, they have to go. and that he's the one who tried to leave in a fugue state.
we all know what happens next and fast-forwarding through that, jake has less of a need to front. marc has the suit now. but jake is still a gatekeeper. marc's belief that steven and everything that came with that was over is partly due to jake keeping them all neatly held back and marc unaware.
due this backstory of jake's I don't imagine him getting out much. he hasn't had time for much else and doesn't know who he is outside of protecting them. after their mother's Shiva, I think jake would be the reason why marc and steven's life start to recombine. that he'd notice how shaken marc is after her death and know that it's not a problem that he can fight. so steven starts to front more, taking the brunt of these emotional moments. jake takes an even further step back, thinking steven has his role. as a caretaker and emotional protector this would be good for marc.
in this relative calm, where marc is trying (and failing) to balance his life and steven's, jake has a lot of time on his hands. maybe he watches how marc crafts a fake life for steven and thinks that it'd be nice to have one of his own-but not know how to go about it. he's never really been a person. in his eyes. he doesn't know how to be. so maybe he takes a small step on asking out the woman at the museum (I can't remember her name or if it's ever been mentioned, sorry)
thats the last part of fanon jake that I would like to dissect. I know in the comics I've read (and its only the 2016 and 2021 ones I apologize for that) there are references to this "woman-loving" personality. there are scenes where marc, steven, and jake are all talking and jake is in a club environment with dancers. and for me, it's never read as him being some kind of playboy hounding or thirsting after woman. in most of these scenes, jake is namely talking about finding community and people to care for in the rougher crowds. the crowds that might frequent these types of areas and crowds.
that's what I'd like to focus in on. jake may be a part of a system but it is a fairly isolated one. and part of that is due to his choices, but that doesn't mean he can't yearn for community. jake would be around during the time that marc was with layla. I imagine he'd probably have fronted a number of times as well. jake wouldn't know to navigate more emotional and intimate moments making him uncomfortable around her. he's covert enough to pretend to be marc in day to day scenarios, but not this. at the same time he'd see the way they interact and clearly love each other and become envious. so when he gets a chance, he tries it out for himself. though he never gets to go on that date.
all this to say jake lockley is aroace. he wants connection, community, family. due to circumstances both in and out of his control he'd never experienced that. and the couple times he has, it's been in a romantic sense. so he tries to copy that, thinking maybe that will be the key. but it isn't. he doesn't need that. he just needs some form of intimate connection to help him learn and remember how to be human. not just as a weapon, not just as a human shield. but as a person with his own wants and needs and personality outside of what the system wants.
that's my jake lockley.
the lies we tell ourselves au masterpost
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Spoiler for moon knight vol9 #30
Thinking about this while reading moon knight #30 and crying my self to sleep. But ok they didn't get to die MANY times so... BUT STILL LET THEM LIVE
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neverkayzat · 1 year
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Steven's appearance in issue #24 summarized
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age-of-moonknight · 1 month
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“Three Moments,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #8.
Writer: Jed Mackay; Penciler and Inker: Devmalya Pramanik; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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lionofstone · 1 year
thinking about diatrice alraune again (thanks, @xenonmoon for your mk blogging!) and how much her existence frustrates me. that run has a multitude of flaws but the one that always gets me grinding my teeth is how little of diatrice's existence makes sense. i can understand marlene hooking up with jake (even if i do think it's slightly ooc because marlene always seemed to like jake the least—i do like that jake likes and cares for her, and later runs do somewhat interesting things with it) but i HATE that they act as though jake isn't her father?? jake is the only one, at this point, who has any kind of relationship with marlene. he's the one who slept with her, he's the one who goes to visit her, and yet diatrice knows him as uncle jake?? literally WHY. why did they tell her that marc is her father??? why does marc immediately accept this???? i think it's such a disservice to all the characters involved. marc is made to feel like an absent father, jake isn't even allowed to refer to his daughter as such, marlene continues to be so incredibly blasé about the system and her treatment of them, and diatrice is given a really incomplete impression of her family dynamic. (also what about steven?? does steven even play in at all? i don't remember. but like, in the og comics, steven was the one who marlene liked best/was dating, even if they retconned that sometime in the 90s. shouldn't he also care about this child he knew nothing about???)
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