#Moonlight Dim Sum
jrooc · 4 months
Weekly Tag Wednesdayyy
Thanks for the tags @heymacy @mybrainismelted @energievie @lee-ow @mmmichyyy @gallapiech @deedala @crestfallercanyon @spookygingerr you're all beautiful and amazing
name: Jess, Lizardperson
your time zone: EST
favorite food: If I hadddd to choose? Dim Sum, or hand pulled noodles
your eye color: hazel
do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? wavy but straightish
coffee or tea? Coffee in all formats
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it? Oof asking the hard questions today. Rilo Kiley the Execution of all Things or Bon Iver For Emma
how many countries have you visited? 19 I think...
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): discord
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be? house cat. I'm cranky but love cuddles.
relationship status: Sadie sadie married lady
did you go to college? if so, what did you study? Yuppers - Political Science and History
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films? Empire Records, Pride and Prejudice, The Royal Tennenbaums, Shaun of the Dead
what’s one of your pet peeves? people who take up a whole walking path and/or walk out in front of me when I'm running or cycling. Move over MF.
what’s one of your guilty pleasures? Reading fanfic every night? Eating candy. I feel too old to be doing so but fuck it, I love candy.
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn? I'd love to learn to sew! Or take a cool self-defence course (in my mind I picture Miss Congeniality lmao)
tags below the cut bc of the glitch! ✨
@deedala @roryonic @michellemisfit @krysmiss @blue-disco-lights
@mickeysgaymom @solitarycreaturesthey @heymrspatel @astaraels @ardent-fox
@suzy-queued @doshiart @transmickey @stocious @transmurderbug
@ms-moonlight-inn @rayrayor @batty4steddie @sgtmickeyslaughter @guinguin1984 @such-a-barbarian
@palepinkgoat @bawlbrayker @em-harlsnow @creepkinginc
or just waving hi!
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berryhobii · 1 year
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maybe a lil sum sum with this AI pic🤭🫣
Ahhhhhh I couldn’t help but think of merman!Yoongi with this and I actually made this a little more angsty than I intended hehe😭but I do have a spicy idea for the Taehyung photo you sent me. Please enjoy this very sweet longing romance
The moon shone down on the water, the reflection rippling and distorting as its gravitational pull worked on the water.
You felt relaxed under its gentle beams, ears picking up on its siren song—quiet as the dawn and soothing as a mother’s hand. Eternity suspended under its call and your body electric as you neared the cascading water.
Its waves lapped at your toes, a pleasant thrill going up your spine. The need to just dive in overwhelming you but you stayed strong. For fear that if you entered, you’d never leave. You left once already….who knows what would happen if you allowed the water to whisk you away….
That voice….
“What a lovely night to be out. The moon is gorgeous.” You breathed out.
“It is but it pales in comparison to you.”
You smiled, kneeling down to sit on your knees, the wet sand sinking under your weight. “You are a poet with your words, my love. They enchant me.”
He slowly moved through the waves, his large tail flapping and splashing. Under the moonlight, the colors were dim—navy and lapis blue, scales glittering and sparkling. You remember how they look in the sun, how they reflected its light and blended him with the bright water. You always said his tail was water—how it changed and moved. He was the water.
His dark hair was long, wet strands hanging in front of his face like a dark curtain but not even his hair could hide the sparkle of his eyes. Those beautiful irises you’ve stared into for decades still as iridescent and full of love as always. But now mixed in was a hint of melancholy and yearning. You were sure yours looked the same.
“You enchant me, my starlight. How I’ve longed to gaze upon you again.”
He hauled himself up onto the shore, enough so that he could dive back into the water if need be. You doubted anyone would be walking the beach this late though.
His head came to lie on your thigh, your hands resting on his hair, sighing in content now that he was touching you.
“Have you been well, Yoongi, my love? Winter is approaching so you’ll need to move to warmer waters soon.”
His head lifted from your lap to gaze into your eyes and you could already guess what he would say.
His brow furrowed and a part of you wanted to kiss it away. “I am not migrating without you. How could I when you are up here among humans?” The venom in his voice was thick and you couldn’t be upset with him for it. You two held a disdain for humans but the ones you had interacted with had shown you that there were more to them than greed. There were also kind humans and humans who loved the ocean. You’ve explained this to Yoongi but he didn’t care and you never tried to force him to. His opinion was his own and that was okay.
Still, you wished he could see your side.
“I’ve made a good life up here among the humans, Yoongi. You could be happy up here with me.”
That seemed to hurt him, judging by how his eyes changed.
“Were you not happy with me in the ocean? With our people? Everyone misses you.”
You sighed again. “Of course I was happy, my love. I didn’t come here because I wasn’t happy.”
His tail flapped against the water. “Then why did you? Why would you come here? Why did you leave me?”
A single tear trailed down his face. You knew that wasn’t a droplet of ocean water.
You reached out your hand to cup his cheek, leaning down so that your foreheads were touching.
“What did I promise you before I left? Tell me.”
He sniffed. “That you’d return one day.”
“And…….and that you loved me.”
“I do love you.” You leaned back, pushing his hair back out of his handsome face. “I promised to protect you and the pod. That starts with getting the humans on our side. Once that happens, all of us will be able to return home.”
Yoongi understood the real reason you left. Humans had threatened your home, polluting your waters and chasing the food away while destroying the delicate ecosystem. You’ve seen it firsthand and you wouldn’t stand by anymore and watch it happen. So you ventured from home and joined the humans, learning their ways and dialect and working your way into their society. Now you’ve managed to find a sure fire way that your waters would no longer be taken advantage of by humans. A little more time and Yoongi and your people could return home.
You could return home.
“Do you trust me?”
Yoongi’s glittering eyes locked with yours, all the love and trust in his body swirling within them.
“With everything I have.”
Your lips ghosted over his, “then I will make our waters safe again and bring the pod back home.” The kiss you shared didn’t dissipate all of Yoongi’s worries, yours either but it did let both of you know that your love was strong enough to handle this. That you’d be together again. Forever.
“I love you, starlight.”
“And I love you. More than the moon.”
He hummed. “Could you join me for a swim? While I think you’re beautiful no matter what, I prefer your tail over legs.”
That made you laugh. You’ve been on legs for a while and they were still weird to you.
“I’d love to.”
And as you swam with your beloved, that familiar feeling settling over your body, you knew that you were doing the right thing. It hurt a little but you’d push through.
You felt Yoongi’s hand brush against yours, your head turning to flash him a smile, him reciprocating. You opened your palm to intertwine your fingers, squeezing his hand in yours. Your tails swished past one another, his deep blue contrasting your bright lavender.
You’d protect all of them. You’d protect him.
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dreamersbcll · 11 months
“You drew stars around my scars, but now I’m bleeding”
- whumptober, prompt no. 27
(hey. let me see. show me)
There wasn’t a word for this feeling.
Doubt, maybe. Fear worked as well. Terror mostly.
But nothing quite like the word desperation would sum up this feeling.
Sam wasn’t an idiot. She knew that getting clean wouldn’t be a linear journey. Fuck, she had gone through this process at least four times, but she thought that it would be easier knowing that she was five years clean now.
Naturally, she was dead wrong.
It started slowly, like most things did. She would find herself staring at the liquor aisles in the grocery store just a little too long. It became increasingly more difficult to ignore the smell of alcohol at the restaurant she worked at, and her mouth watered more frequently. The itching started within a week of the first liquor aisle stare down, and it didn’t stop.
She couldn’t stop scratching. It was a consistent itch all over her body, and her nails couldn’t dig deep enough into her skin. Long scratches stretched across her skin, open cuts ripping each time she flexed her muscles. Weirdly, it felt good to bleed, and the pain kept her alert and aware of her surroundings.
Sobriety was a fickle thing. Just because Sam was years sober, it still was an untamed beast slumbering in the pit of her stomach. When it was ready to wake, it clawed up her body and sat in her throat, begging her to give in.
Nothing would taste better than a drink. She didn’t care if it was cold or lukewarm, fuck; she would even drink a hot swallow of alcohol. Anything to numb the terror that sat in her body.
Once it got to the point that she couldn’t stand the smell of cleaning products anymore, she knew she was fucked. It wasn’t long ago that she was taking swallows of Lysol just to tamp down the desperation tearing her apart. She wasn’t proud of it, not by a long shot, but at least everything went silent.
That’s what alcohol was, anyway. It's a way to turn down the volume and make everything tolerable. She could think clearly and make (what she felt were) rational decisions.
But she knew better now. She knows that drinking was only the start of a tumultuous period that would ultimately end with her death.
(Sam had promised herself that if she ever drank again, she would ensure it was her last time on earth. She couldn’t risk breaking her sobriety and living on to try again. She didn’t want to try again. She was so tired).
Instead, Sam stood in the mirror, letting the dim lights in the bathroom light up her reflection. She stared deep into those dark eyes, noticing how gaunt and desperate they looked.
Just give us a taste, Sam. One sip. One swallow. Give us a chance. We’re starving. Please.
“You can’t, You can’t,” she shakily whispered, her hands shaking against the porcelain sink.
Her reflection stared back, the person in the mirror cocking her head. Sam knows that person well. She knows what they’re capable of, and she knows what they want. Death and destruction were sewn into her bloodline, always there, always begging. All she wanted to do was to give in and dig up the bottle she had hidden in the back of the pantry.
Tara didn’t know about that bottle. Tequila. Sam’s vice. She had bought it on a stormy night and stayed up all night staring at the bottle. She watched the glass glisten in the moonlight, afraid to move. If she moved before daylight, she indeed would’ve succumbed to its silent pleas.
That was two months ago. She should’ve known the downfall was coming. She has an addiction, for Christ's sake. It never ended. The battle was continuous, and she couldn’t lay her armor down. For if she did, she would make sure that she died in battle, leaving Tara to pick up the sword and too-big armor to fight her own demons.
Sam couldn’t have that.
So she fought.
Breathing deeply, Sam swallowed, her mouth dry. She could feel a wave of nausea rolling through her stomach, the monster in her throat cackling at her weakness.
She looked into the mirror, pleading to the reflection. “You don’t need this. You don’t. Stop, just, please. Stop.”
Her reflection didn’t care. It took what it pleased and offered nothing in return. It wanted to destroy every single achievement and chip she had ever earned, all for the sake of a drink.
Pathetic. A servant to the drink. Absolutely pathetic.
“Stop, stop, please. Please stop. I’m good. I’ve been good. Please,” she begged, her nails scratching against the smooth porcelain.
She closed her eyes tightly, shakily breathing out. “Please,” she whimpered, her voice cracking.
Before her reflection could answer, the door slowly swung open, creaking on its hinges. Sam didn’t dare to turn around, afraid that if she left her reflection alone, she would end up with a bottle in her hand and swaying on the top of a bridge.
“Sam?” the voice whispered. Tara.
Sam screwed her eyes shut tight and tried to loosen her grip on the sink. It didn’t matter what she did, as she still looked insane, staring at the bathroom mirror in the middle of the night.
“Hey, Tara. Go back to bed, baby. I’ll be there at some point.”
Instead of turning around and leaving, Tara stood in the doorway, her eyes narrowed, and her eyebrows furrowed—her thinking face.
“Are you having… a moment?” Tara said slowly, carefully, as if Sam was diffusing a bomb.
In a way, she was.
Chuckling, Sam flexed her fingers, wincing at the stiffness. “Yeah, something like that. It’s fine, I’m fine. It’s all good,” she said nonchalantly.
Naturally, Tara saw right through her. “Are you seeing him again? Do you need your medications?”
Sam flinched at the mention of her father, noticeable enough for Tara to cock her head at the action. It had been a while since Sam had seen Billy. It seemed like her demons took a turn torturing her into submission, as right now, she was fighting the urge to break her clean streak. Delightful.
Breathing out, Sam opened her eyes, staring at her reflection. “Uh, no. Not him. It’s something else.”
Tara hummed in response and slowly walked behind Sam, her steps purposeful and loud enough not to spook her big sister. She got behind Sam, her reflection peeking out beside Sam’s. Unlike Sam’s shell-shocked face, Tara looked puzzled, her eyes tinged with somber emotion. Sam shook her head slightly, knowing she was caught.
She might as well come clean now. “I'm afraid, Tara,” she forced out, the words foreign on her tongue.
Her little sister cocked her head, her mouth downturned in a frown. “What are you afraid of, Sam? I'm here,” she paused, thinking over her words. “Show me, Sam. Show me.”
Sam bit down on her tongue hard enough to draw blood. “It’s in the pantry downstairs behind the rice and beans. It’s in that silver bag, the one I told you was a gift for Danny,” she whispered.
Without a second thought, Tara breezed out of the bathroom and went downstairs. Sam’s arms ached as she held onto the sink, but she didn’t move. She watched her reflection as she listened to Tara’s footsteps. The downstairs light flickered on, and the pantry door swung open.
Tears started to stream down Sam’s face, hot, embarrassed tears. She could hear Tara rummage through the dry food, and the bag's crinkling signified the end of her hunt. Sam bit down on her tongue, letting blood pool in her mouth, the metallic tang keeping her steady. Her tears of shame dripped onto her hands, making her grip slippery. It didn’t matter. Tara knew now.
She listened as her little sister made her way up the stairs, the silver bag crinkling as she walked. Sam closed her eyes tightly as Tara walked back into the bathroom, holding the one thing that would take Sam away from her.
Tara sighed at the state of her sister’s tear-stained face, her heart breaking in two as she saw the blood-stained corners of her mouth downturned. “Oh, Sam. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Sam laughed a bit, opening her eyes and watching the reflection of Tara taking the bottle out of the bag, her little sister’s face falling. Despite the anguish on Tara's face, Sam licked her lips, letting the blood paint her skin. Her mouth watered as the bottle gleamed in the light, and her heart raced. It was so close, within arm’s length. She could snatch it and down it within a couple of minutes.
Not taking her eyes off Tara’s grip on the bottle, Sam spoke carefully. “It’s not what I do, Tara. I suffer in silence. If I do it loudly, I’ll lose control. I can’t—fuck. I need it,” she whimpered, her hands slipping on the sink.
She loosened her grip, ready to turn around and snatch the bottle from her sister. If she did it quickly, she could lock herself in the spare room and let herself disappear.
But Tara was always a few steps ahead of her.
Before Sam could turn around, Tara had already unscrewed the bottle and poured it into the sink. Wide-eyed and bordering on a massive panic attack, Sam watched as her sister poured all her desires down the toilet, flushing it until the room stopped smelling like death.
“I— what the hell? Why, Tara? Why?” she cried, watching Tara cap the bottle and set it on the bathroom tile.
In a swift motion, Tara crossed the floor and pried Sam’s hands off the sink. Her little sister took Sam’s hands, firmly holding on as if Sam was about to bolt. She looked into her sister’s eyes deeply, digging her nails into Sam’s skin.
The pain felt so damn good, and it kept her awake. Sam matched Tara's breathing, following as her sister breathed in and out, her eyes never wavering from Sam’s.
Once she caught her breath, Tara loosened her grip and cupped Sam’s face with her hands. There, Tara searched Sam’s eyes, watching Sam’s every move. Still full of slight rage and overwhelming confusion, Sam stayed silent.
“I can’t have you leaving me again. I won’t allow it. I know you’re struggling; I’ve seen it for days. That-” she said, pointing towards the empty bottle. “That is just a way to torture yourself. Not anymore.”
Tara pulled her big sister into a tight hug. Sam sank into her embrace, tears of embarrassment soaking into Tara’s t-shirt. Her little sister hummed, swaying the two back and forth. Once she felt Sam limp like a rag doll in her arms, Tara spoke again.
“I’m here. It’s time for you to get your shit together. You’re five years clean. I’m not letting you throw that away for a drink. I’m here. Let's get through this together, yeah?” she soothed, rocking the two back and forth.
Sam nodded against her embrace, kissing her sister’s shoulder.
She didn’t take her eyes off the bottle until Tara dragged her out of the room.
They smashed it on the sidewalk the very next day. As they watched the glass explode across the pavement, Sam could feel herself breathe again.
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otakuworks · 2 years
feat. Toji x GN!Reader | wc. 1.1K
sum. In spite every madness he's presented to, Toji has a home he can call his own. A home where he can expect spending more time with you tomorrow after tomorrow.
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jjk m.list main m.list
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The casted moonlight chased away the remnants of nightfall, encasing the room in a dim and soft glow. You lay dormant under the warm bedsheets, mouth open as quiet snores escaped, tangled with the pillows as the dim light portrays your feature as something peaceful.
Tranquillity is a foreign concept to Toji, chaos follows his every wake like footprints on snow, danger never allowed him to sleep with his two eyes closed, hollow anguish wails would haunt his dreams leaving him with nightmares the next day.
He told himself loving would only bring him down further in the darkness he's accustomed with. He's contented with his only companion, and doesn't need any addition in his already f'cked life.
But then you came along, not like those shitty romance trope where he fell for your bright personality. Those romance tropes are for maladaptive daydreamers, and Toji is sure ain't one.
No, you came in his life like how he would end his enemies miserable lives. It was sudden, unexpected and certainly questionable. And yet, it attracted him.
He attracts danger, but your smile shines in the dark. He craves for power, but your touch is enough to uplift him. He wants to strangle you for the feeling that's bothering him, but you don't posses any sorcery talents to hex him.
You may have a bright personality, but you were nothing short of a troublemaker. An angel in the light, sure, but your shadow had little devil horns. You were deemed as 'handful' to Toji.
But curiosity stirs within the corners of his mind, wondering what your warmth feels like. Will it be scorching and destructive? Or will he experience something cozy that's unfit for his lifestyle?
Maybe that's what compelled him to indulge his curiosity to you. Maybe it's your peaceful visage under the moonlight that made coming back home worth it.
And as you stirred awake slowly, you could feel a slight bump on your right which is definitely not there before you slept.
You knew exactly who it is. No questions asked. You wrapped your hands around his neck and bask in his wamth
"Toji? W-Welcome home, love." Your raspy voice spoke while the darkness is afloat. With your sincere and loving words, Toji really can't help to stay by your side.
Your hands subconsciously find its way to his charcoal hair, massaging the scalp that effectively lulls him to a dreamless sleep.
He burried his face in your neck, breathing the strange scent he was not accustomed before. Your perfume. It felt right at home.
Arms encircled your waist as you hummed in content before pulling him closer in your embrace in a protective manner.
"I miss ya." You heard him mumble in your neck, his breath tickling your skin, but the weird and pleasant feeling pumping in your veins whenever he becomes sentiment beats nothing.
It's not often Toji would show an ounce of vulnerability around you, and you knew he'll probably look back at it and grimace at scenarios like this. You inwardly chuckle at the thought.
"Hmm, I miss you too, hun."
As the night turns into dawn, both of your bodies tangled under the sheets and never to untangle for the rest of the night. The solace you both find in each other's arms is worthwhile.
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Chirping of birds is what woken you up with the sunlight filtering through your windows.
You blinked surreptitiously and slowly tilted your head to see the empty side of your bed. It felt cold and lonely knowing Toji probably left earlier than you thought.
He'll come home around midnight and disappear quickly as he came way before dawn approaches.
Despite that, you felt yourself smiling in the process. He came back last night, and it's enough for you start your day with a smile.
Throwing yourself out of bed, you made your way downstairs to prepare for breakfast.
Not even halfway down, the sultry scent of deep fry foods wafted your nose, it made your stomach churn in anticipation. Did you left your leftovers outside? Hopefully not.
As you came down at the last step, it was a sight in the kitchen you never even thought about.
Your boyfriend standing in all his naked back glory while flipping a pan of bacons. You don't question why he's flipping the pan.
What was he doing in here? You assumed he already left early, you didn't expect him to be making breakfast before going to work. It's the first time you saw him being domestic.
"G'morning." You nearly flinched when he addressed the greeting, his back still on you. Sometimes you just forgot your boyfriend is a top wanted assassin.
"G-Good morning. I didn't expect you to make breakfast."
As if on cue, he turned off the stove and faced you directly. God! You should've been prepared to see him in an apron!
His ripped muscles are literally for you to ogle at one pull of the strings away. No! Focus, Y/N!
He flashed you one of his genuine smiles and holds two plates down on the dining table.
Boy did that smile made your heart palpitate.
"I wanted to treat you something nice, even if it's simple."
He beckoned you to come and you can only shake off the feeling of giddiness as you skip over to him, "This is definitely the best day ever!" You exclaimed and kissed his cheek impulsively.
Now look what you've done, Y/N.
You analyze the foods arranged on your plate, unaware of your boyfriend's wanting gaze drilling behind your back.
You just had stabbed the bacon when you felt muscular arms suddenly encaged you in a tight embrace from behind, "Toji?"
His nose is nudging your collarbone, lips leaving scorching trail in its place. Your cheeks flamed up immediately.
"Let's stay like this for awhile." He didn't mean anything sensual behind his gestures, but it still never fails to flush you in deep red.
You relaxed in your seat and placed your hand over his hair, slowly patting his head as he locked you up in his arms.
The silence is fragile, vulnerable, raw and this is exactly what you think an acme of intimacy is with Toji. Just like an assassin, this is how Toji conveys his love to you, tacit confessions uttered in silence only for you to deduce. And you knew what those are.
Only you can witness your beloved's barest side, the one he can lean on when he's in dire need of love, you're the one who can deliver him back to his home. Because you are his home.
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blossom-blur · 7 months
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He's a friendly jiangshi who just wants to be your friend and is a great cook too. ^^ (I know he colors of his clothes are not great, but look, it is all I may pick for him. I'm now a bit picky to colors) Enjoy!
Name: Ying Gender: Male Age: 25 Species: Jiangshi / Jiang Shi (A Chinese vampire or zombie) Height: 6'4 Hair: A Bit Dark Brown Eyes: Little Dark Red Skin: Pale Grey Home: Dragon Town (A Chinese-like town) Personality: Friendly, Polite, Compassionate, A tiny bit Deranged, Kind, Protective, and Very Understanding Likes: Nighttime, Cooked meat, Cooking, Making new friends, Full moonlight, Freedom, Peaceful and beautiful places, etc Dislikes: Mirrors, Daylight, Peach wood, Glutinous rice, Specific talismans, Killing people to take their life force, Evil, and his father Powers/Abilities: Very Good Martial Arts Skills / Enhanced Senses like Hearing / Enhanced Strength / Can take life-force and chi from living beings (But never uses it much) / Great Cooking Skills / Speed / Flight and Hover Facts:
His favorite foods are Peking duck, pork buns, wonton soup, and dim sum
His favorite drink is tea
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
What about a little bit of Fluff and comfort with the Boys Vincent, Victor and draco?
Wooo one shots!
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Pairing: Vincent Edgeworth x reader
You buried your head in Vincent’s shoulder, feeling him rest the book he was reading on your back, every few minutes or so, he pressed a small kiss against your forehead or cheek, then went back to laying his head against yours.
You fondled with the buttons on his top, popping them open and closed, he didn’t mind it, he had already gotten rid of his blazer and shoes a long time ago, and now you just laid on top of each other in silence. You were sleepy, but didn’t doze off, just wanting to feel his embrace a bit longer. You loved the feeling of his affection, it felt so trusting, and even with his usually dark demeanor (even towards you) so comforting.
He pressed another light kiss against your head, you smiled, leaning further into his chest, it was cold, and as hard as metal, but you didn’t mind, and he knew you didn’t. Some people would long to listen to their partners heartbeat, but you didn’t need that to love him. Your finger gently ran down to his collar, pulling ever so slightly so he‘d look at you, which he did. You gazed at him, god he was beautiful, it was mean sometimes. You pulled harder, swaying him in to kiss you, his lips honestly felt a bit dry, but that you didn’t mind either, you just kissed him because you wanted him close to you.
The air always felt cold when you parted, so much so you always had to hold yourself not to reconnect yourselves. He looked at you, his lips forming a thin smile, inside you melted, you loved seeing him smile, not his cocky smirk, or the often fake laughs he gave from himself, no, that nearly transparent smile he wore at night, when you were close, you loved more than anything.
Without much hesitation, you knocked both of you down on his bed, a loud thump echoing trough the previously silent room, he didn’t say anything to it, he didn’t even make a face. As you laid back down on him, wrapping your arms and legs over his body, he simply put his hand down at your head.
„I would‘t feel complete without you…“
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Pairing: victor blake x reader
The sound of cars rushed by as the dim moonlight shined in trough the car windows, the cold breeze coming in from the only rolled down one gave you goosebumps.
You and Victor were originally just going to take a small trip in the car, but traffic seemed to have decided that today it was gonna throw a tantrum, the 3 hours car ride turned into 8, and then 10. And as it slowly got darker and darker, with 3 a.m fast approaching, you decided to just park at a pit stop, get some sleep and hope for better luck tomorrow.
While the situation might‘ve been quite stressful for most, you were honestly quite comfortable with it, Victor let you climb over into the drivers seat on top of him and gave you his vest while he smoked a few cigarettes out the car window.
You heard him exhale, sending a line of smoke into the outside air, before throwing away the burned off cigarette and rolling the window back up. You were quite lucky he used a decent amount of cologne so he wouldn’t reek of cigs, otherwise holding him this close would take a lot more out of you.
He hummed as you repositioned yourself a bit, now more sitting in his lap than laying on top of him, you made brief eye contact, he smirked pitifully, „don’t kiss me, I‘ll taste like shit“ he chuckled, you narrowed your eyes at him, then connected your lips without hesitation, they were warm but as expected he did indeed taste of tabac.
You pulled back again, your slightly scrunched up expression telling him more than enough, „told ya“ you smacked his cheek jokingly, opting him to be quiet, „im flattered you‘d still wanna kiss me like this darlin‘…“ he leaned his head into your neck, his breath was warm and steady, gently brushing up and down your neck. You both leaned back.
„I adore you, mi amor…“ he hummed quietly, making you chuckle.
„You are such a hopeless romantic dear..“
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Pairing: Draco Edgeworth x reader
A weak fire sizzled in the chimney in front of you, it had been burning for a couple hours and was slowly eating up the last bits of wood inside, despite its dying flames, you just stared into it, laying on the couch in front. The atmosphere was cozy, but also suffocating, the heat coming from the flames was both comfortable and unbearable, it just seemed to switch, outside it was storming, thunder fast approaching, so the places in the house the heat didn’t reach were very cold.
„miss/mister y/n?“ you opened your eyes, only then realizing you had closed them in the first place, you looked up to see Draco standing next to the sofa. „What with the formalities Draco?“ you asked, a hint of mixed sarcasm and annoyance in your voice.
He paused before speaking another sentence, „Its getting late, you should sleep in a bed.“ you rolled from your side to your back, looking up at him, his eyes always looked lively despite looking like single beads sometimes.
„Is everything alright miss/mister y/n?“ he asked, still not breaking eye contact with you, „So we really aren’t any closer than that, Mister Edgeworth?“ you raised an eyebrow, and you swore he smiled and chuckled for a quick moment.
He sighed, a few strand of his bangs falling out of place before he sat down in the couch next to you. You grabbed his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder, „Thats more like it.“ his lips twitched up, he was obviously trying to hide his amusement.
You sat in complete silence for a few minutes, the presence felt so calm, almost even calmer now that he was here, the fire cracked quietly every few seconds or so, and the wind howled past the windows.
„Should I stack on some more firewood?“ he asked after a while of you fondling with strands of his hair. You shook your head, „not when I get to sleep by you tonight…“
He was unimpressed by your prompt decision that he didn’t even have the choice to disagree on, but its not like he would‘ve declined in the first place. You swooned to the side, eventually laying your head down in his lap and hooking your legs over the side of the couch. He reached up and pulled off his glove with his teeth, moving down to draw lines trough your hair and to caress your face, so softly you felt you might just fall asleep right here and there.
„You fill my heart, dear.“ he hummed, but you didn’t even really hear, his touch and the atmosphere were already rocking you off to sleep, he smiled pitifully.
„Its better to sleep now honey, its not pleasant to miss the morning.“ his arms snaked around you body, and before you fell to sleep, you felt him lift you up.
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marcelwrites · 1 year
bathing in moonlight, we could submerge ourselves in the glow, drowning in the dim and distant presence, of something greater than ourselves, greater than the sum of our mere flesh and blood, marrow inside holding the secrets of our history, the antiquity of the walls and ventricles of the human heart, sinking further into that nearly timeless light, as though it were a promise, that we begged and pleaded to be whispered to us, one final time, as the last vestige of a touch lingered on our new skin, the completed totality of saying goodbye, at a bus stop in the middle of the day, the final lick of moonlight, now faded away but never forgotten, like trauma’s last hopeful dream.
‘moonlight’ a poem by matthew marcel
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ashasmonsters · 3 years
ah hello! i was wondering if i could request a lemon (( or a citrus, i don’t mind either one ! )) between a fish person — i’m talkin abe from hellboy d&d triton kind of fish person — and a fem!reader who appears intimidating but is quite jumpy? it’s okay if not, thank you!!
For the record, anon and future anons: if you're okay with a lemon, you're probably getting a lemon 😉. I hope you're satisfied with my version of a Mer; I saw The Shape of Water years ago, but hopefully my rendition is to your liking. Enjoy!
Del Toro M!Fishman x Intimidating Jumpy F!Reader - Lemon
The cove had been your secret hideout ever since you were little. Even now, decades later, the gentle crashing of the waves and the glimmer of the moon set your mind at ease. No matter what new problems or worries had arisen that day, the sea and sand were always the same… until a few months ago.
Though this region of the coast was allegedly frequented by Mer, you hadn’t seen much of them. One night, when the moon was naught but a sliver, something disturbed the sea foam. The tide was high, and the rocks you sat on had become islands. With your heart pounding, you drew your phone and turned on its flashlight.
The weak beam barely illuminated the wet rocks in the pitch darkness. Turning your head, you searched for the dark shape in the darker water. You weren’t sure what to expect. The crashing of waves mixed with the thrumming of your heartbeat.
Then, behind a rock only feet from you: dim red eyes, reflecting your phone’s flashlight and staring dead at you.
You flinched instinctively. The phone in your hand went flying. You jumped and caught yourself on the rock. Your phone didn’t stand a chance, the saltwater swallowing it up and extinguishing its light. You cursed and scrambled back to the shore. The adrenaline didn’t leave your veins until hours later.
When you returned to your usual spot (in broad daylight this time), you found a woven kelp pouch waiting for you, still wet and smelling strongly of the sea. Inside was a hefty sum of iridescent coins: currency of the Mer, minted from mollusk shells. It took traveling to a neighboring town to find a bank that would take them, but the sum equaled the exact market price of the phone you had lost to the sea.
A few days later, you learned your watery beneficiary was a Mer named Cato. He made himself known to you by breaching the surface a good distance away and sheepishly waving at you. You waved back, an awkward smile on your face. With how secret your cove had been, there was no doubt those eyes that spooked you belonged to him.
“You looked mad enough to kill me,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. Flowing, deep orange gill flaps started at his collarbone and ended behind his ears like a pleated ruff.
“Angry? I was spooked, but I wasn’t mad… not at you, anyway. We’re good now,” you explained, the two of you cross-legged on adjacent rocks.
“Well, good,” he looked at you and smiled, revealing welcoming rows of razor-sharp teeth. “I’m glad I was able to make it up to you.”
You simply smiled in response, allowing the ocean to speak over you. While he gazed at the distant harbor, you gazed at him. He, unsurprisingly, had a swimmer’s build: he was slender with muscles that caught your eye once you noticed them. His scales were so fine you assumed he was rubbery, like an octopus, until you saw him up close. Translucent fins protruded from his sinewy forearms and calves and caught the light like sea glass.
You shared the cove with him from then on. While the company of the sea and moon had been fine before, they didn’t have his sense of humor… or his smile. Or his body.
Mer didn’t wear clothes, obviously.
The first time he crawled up on a rock to sit next to you, the lack of dangly bits caught you off-guard; there was an understated slit there instead, and he didn’t seem to mind letting you see it. He never crossed his legs like you did in skirts, anyway.
One night, you sat together on a beach towel with a finished platter of sashimi and seaweed salad between you. The moon was full, his eyes shining the color of burning amber.
“Thanks for sharing the cove with me.” He placed his hand on yours, his claw tips gently raking your skin. You shivered.
“Thanks for being with me, Cato,” you whispered back. He closed the distance and pressed his forehead to yours, a substitute for kissing you two devised to work around his lack of lips and serrated teeth. You reached behind his head and gently stroked his gills, eliciting purrs from him.
“You’re going to destroy my modesty if you keep doing that,” he warned, a little playful and a little nervous.
“That’s okay,” you whispered back. True to his word, his slit had grown puffy and pronounced. In the moonlight, you saw one—no, two— pink protuberances begin to reveal themselves. Aside from their duplicity, each one seemed proportional to the rest of him once fully emerged.
“Can I touch you?”
“Please,” he said, his voice dry with the beginnings of a rasp. “Before I have to get back in the water.”
You reached between your bodies. He was desperate; you felt the slickness on his cocks and each touch made his hips jump. He always got this way when he spent time on land. You loved the urgency. He did too.
“I won’t keep you waiting, Cato,” you giggled, lying down on the beach towel as he kneeled between your knees. You hiked up your dress and pushed aside your underwear.
“Good, I’m—” you both gasped as one of his cocks entered you, “—pressed for time,” he grunted, his voice rough. His other slick rod nudged against your thigh. You grabbed it, holding it to your mound. As he slowly worked himself within you, the cock outside you ground into your clit. The feeling of fullness from inside and pressure from outside drew squeals from you into the night.
His pace quickened, making you gasp. The friction, the fullness; you felt the pleasure mounting already. His hands met yours atop the member outside you and pressed it into your sensitive nub even harder.
“Come on, I haven’t got all day,” he growled, panting and pumping, “you better be close!” You only cried out in response. His hips rocked into yours like his life depended on it. You pulled him deeper into you, desperate to reach your peak.
Your orgasm swept through you like a riptide. You ground yourself into him, your clit and mound sandwiched between his two cocks, crying out and clinging to his rod with your hands. He fell forward and braced himself against the ground as he came with a growl, his voice strained. You felt him pulse several times, his liquid warmth spreading within you and spurting hot streaks across your belly. You both caught your breaths together, your faces close.
“I’m sorry about the mess... let me clean you up,” Cato rasped, clearly exhausted.
“No, don’t. I don’t want you to dry up on my account,” you commanded, idly running a hand across his defined chest.
“I don’t…” he trailed off as you gave him a stare.
“Cato,” you said sternly. His eyes met yours. He looked sheepish and a little scared... like the first time you met.
“Fine, but I’ll be right back. I promise.” You closed your eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours. You felt him withdraw, followed by the sound of his feet walking to the surf. You knew he’d be back, but for the moment, you were once again alone with the moon and the tide.
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inkedtae · 2 years
Color themes in RAC (4)
Even though I said I’d focus on the colors, I noticed this along the way !
There seems to be a few fairytale-y thing in RAC and i love it.
Moonlight Becomes You - Sinatra
Idk what the entirety of this song means lol. I mean, obviously it’s a sweet love song but there were so many things I didn’t understand in it as English is my third language and I have yet to master it 😭. So I did some research and apparently it’s from a movie (the first version of this song at least) and man sang it to serenade a princess under her balcony lol. I then thought that Taeddy could be the one serenading Angel (ofc)?? Also Angel says that Taeddy looks like a prince in D-D-D-Dim Sum and that she wishes she were his princess. Idk, just speculating (I’m looking for crumbs atp).
“With the way he holds your feet, like fragile flowers, worried they’ll be crushed in his hands, you almost feel like you’re in a fairytale. Sometimes he feels like he’s born from one… even when he’s upset. In a perfectly tailored tux and hair swept back, Taehyung looks like a prince.
Oh, how you wish to be his princess.” (Geraldson Residence).
“…It looks like a castle that’s been repurposed as a museum…” (Geraldson Residence) again princess themes lol. We know that Angel is insecure about her inexperience and the fact that Taeddy has seen so many women, so I find it really funny that you describe Anna’s house as a castle, maybe implying that she’s a princess, and then one chapter later tell us that Angel wishes she were Taeddy’s princess. 😭 Maybe Anna is everything Angel is not, or maybe she’s someone Angel wishes she could resemble. I mean, she has fucked Taeddy lol.
“A copy of The Canterbury Tales finally lays in your hand” again fairytale theme. Don’t know what this find symbolizes though as I’ve not read this book 😭.
I just thought it was adorable!
Anyway, I’ll now leave your inbox (finally)
Have a nice day/night <3
PS: I read the first chapter of your new bang Chan fic and it’s amazing as usual !
Ah! You picked up on my fairytale references! This is so exciting!
Okay so, for the most part, Rotten Angelcake is my way of working through my personal trauma. Writing a very sexy, plus sized woman who is inexperienced like me and so desperate for a sexy man (taehyung) to befriend and be close with has been my therapy lmao. With that being said, a lot of my personal wishes and life experiences tend to bleed into the story. I grew up loving fairytales so a lot of the fairytale references are a direct projection of my wants. I have always felt like a some aspect of my experiences reflect Cinderella's. I wanted to make some vague references, for Angel's context, of a rags-to-riches kind of story.
Since you mentioned a lot of examples of it, I will further break it all down. To start, Moonlight Becomes You just encompasses a lot of the atmosphere between Taehyung and Angel when they go out together. You're all dressed up to go dreaming. Now, don't you tell me I'm wrong is like the first line in the song (if I remember correctly). Do with that lyric what you wish 👀
Taehyung being a prince to Angel is more so like him being a saviour. He funds her life and keeps her company after that lull you have when you finish school and have no idea what you wanna do and all your college friends have moved on to other things. (Again, a nod to my life lmao) This is also a little nod to a Cinderella-type of fairytale since her prince saves her from her own misery as well.
The references of the Geraldson mansion being castle are simply pointing towards a world Angel does not feel very comfortable in since she does not come from a place like that. Taehyung, though is not born into riches, comfortable blends and fits in. Angel does not.
The Canterbury Tales is just a reference to my degree. It is a classic work and Taehyung is a classic, sophisticated and intelligent man. It seems like something he would pick up and read for the sentiment and not really the context. That's really why I mentioned it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share all your thoughts and observations with me! I really enjoyed hearing them all and am so excited by all this things you pointed out! I can't wait for the story to further unfold and for more of these to make sense.
Have a wonderful day/night too!! 🥰💞
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atiny-doodles · 3 years
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genre: fantasy, romance, alt. universe
warnings: drinking
disclaimer: pirate!ateez x siren!reader, mc is already given a name, female mc
series masterlist
“Cheers for defeating the Kraken!” Captain Hongjoong exclaimed. Raising his glass of whiskey, his crew followed him and erupted in cheers. The noisy pirates were sailing in secluded waters, partying like they would every night they completed a mission. The first mate scoffed and walked away from the obnoxious crowd, leaning onto the side of the deck. He was the only sober one of the crew, and as acting captain he took his job very seriously to look out for danger when the rest of his mates weren't looking after their ship. "Trusty crew mates, more like crusty crew mates." he muttered to himself in spite.
Seonghwa is the first mate of the crew that navigates the well known Hala. The ship stands for their pride and glory. Her name, meaning no matter what comes in their way, whatever obstacles they face, they will always make it to their treasure.
Looking out at sea, the slim tall man took a deep breath and tried to calm down despite the chaotic men that surrounded him. Although Seonghwa was very strong as well as an excellent fighter, his facial features were almost feminine. Tall cheeks paired with a rounded nose and plump lips. But his eyes were the dyed cold blue of Arctic water, so when he would glare at you, you could feel the sharp shards of ice pierce your soul.
As he felt someone wobble next to him on the deck, he bit back the urge to roll his eyes. “What do you want, Wooyoung?” he grumbled.
“Aye, aren’t ya bit grumpy today Seonghwa?” Wooyoung laughed. “Ye should loosen up sometime, cap’n treat us to drinks for a reason!” He leaned over the edge of the ship for support in his drunken state, but even so the sailor continued to take a big desperate swig out of his beer.
Wooyoung was the crew’s potions master. He created medicines and studied healing sorcery on the prestigious islands of Evereta. He could’ve been an elite sorcerer one day, but he ran away from that life. Anyone could’ve seen the elite life of the rich didn’t suit Wooyoung. Although he was very handsome, with his long dark locks parted in the middle and muscular arms glistening with melanin in the moonlight, he was a very loud outspoken fella. The man couldn’t be a gentleman to save his life. He belonged right here, with the rest of the crew.
“No thank you,” Seonghwa replied to Wooyoung. “At least one of us needs to stay clear minded and take care of you dim witted men.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. “Yada yada, ye were always the more uptight one of the crew Hwa.” Seonghwa furrowed his brows at the mention of his impudent nickname, but decided against saying anything about it. But much to his dismay, Wooyoung leaned closer to him, as if he wanted to tell him something in secret. Seonghwa tried to back away but before he could escape Wooyoung caught his arm.
“The truth is I actually found something.” Wooyoung pulled out an item from his trouser pockets. A circular piece of sea rock, emerald green in color and bumpy in shape. From afar it would look like any other regular sea rock, but close up, Seonghwa could make out that it was shaped like a ring.
“It fits ye slender fingers perfectly!” Wooyoung exclaimed, trying to put it on Seonghwa’ pointer finger.
“Alright, I think it’s time for you to get to bed.” Seonghwa pushed him away, clearly fed up with his antics.
He grabbed the ring from him and pushed the sulky Wooyoung all the way to his sleeping quarters. Dropping his mumbling mess on the bed, Seonghwa turned to leave his ring on the table when one of his books caught his eyes.
Wooyoung’s shelves were normally filled with potions and spell books of sorts, and it was rare he strayed away from reading outside of his magical studies.
But this shiny emerald green book matched the hue of the ring. It shined almost metallically under the candle light. The bumpy hardcover of the book mimicked that of sea rock, similar to the ring, and it was titled Sirens. He noticed Wooyoung bookmarked a page and turned to it. A picture of a mythical creature, half fish and half maiden, adorned the page. It was marked with a wanted poster, a similar picture of the half fish creature on it.
‘Wanted, dead or alive’ it read with a hefty sum of thirty thousand kroogle awarded with it. Seonghwa smirked. Of course, the only reason Wooyoung would read or research anything was if there was some treasure attached to it.
Taking a second look at the ring, he decided to keep it with him instead of leaving it with Wooyoung. Surely he would want to hunt down the owner of the ring, and it would just be a hassle to hunt down a make-believe siren.
Seonghwa walked back outside to be greeted with just the captain. Everything on the dock was cleaned and everyone else probably already went to sleep.
“Hey Seonghwa,” Captain Hongjoong greeted. “Go to sleep, I’m going to man the ship tonight.”
Although he seemed sober, he tripped over a few steps. Seonghwa didn’t miss the slight drowsiness in his eyes either. Running up to him, Seonghwa grabbed his captain’s arms to stop him.
“Hongjoong, just dock the ship. We can continue sailing tomorrow.” he said.
The captain nodded. “Yes. I think it’s good we rest tonight as well. There’s an island a couple miles south from here. I’ll dock there tonight and we can resupply tomorrow.”
Seonghwa smiled. Even in his high state, Hongjoong was still thinking like a Captain. At times he was the tough Captain Hongjoong of the Hala crew and at moments like this he took care of his members with the care of a father. Seonghwa and the crew always appreciated that.
After the Captain stopped and headed off to bed for the night, Seonghwa decided to take a well deserved peaceful nighttime stroll on the beach. Seonghwa started to trudge away from the ship. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh sea air, his body started to feel less heavy. Resting on the sand for just a few minutes would be okay, right?
Laying down, he looked up at the stars and the moon. The shiny dots sprinkled the sky blurred a bit by the painted white streaks of clouds, centered with a glistening crescent moon. From the ocean, he heard some distant light humming. Ignoring it, he thought his head was just filling in the silence of the environment. But then the humming turned into a voice.
“Laaaa” a distant woman sang. Sitting up, Seonghwa looked around. But sure enough, he was alone. The voice seemed to get closer and closer, but it was a soothing melody.
Interested, Seonghwa stepped closer to the sound. It was coming from the place where the waves of the sea splashed against some rocks in the distance. Stepping closer to the ocean, he let the water kiss the tips of his boots. Encouraged by the voice getting louder, he let the song fill all of his senses before he let his whole body sink into the water.
Oooh, Come to me my darling
Renounce thy senses stray
I’ll give you all your desires
So come join my ocean hold
With that, the mysterious humming followed, and he let it swallow his senses. He felt like he was in a deep peaceful abyss, and let everything go. He closed his eyes, slowly feeling his conscience slip away to the sea as well. Until he heard someone speak.
“Laila stop!”
Seonghwa snapped his eyes open, only to shut them again due to the stinging water. He thrashed around in the water slowly feeling the air flow out of him. Before falling into unconsciousness, he heard one last thing.
“We don’t have time for this! The princess has…”
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Worldbuilding Journal 1: part 1
The Twilight Coast
 So this week I’ll be doing something a bit different on the blog. You see, over a decade ago, back when I was first getting into D&D, and later, Pathfinder, I was eager to create my own setting, something that I could not only run for myself and others, but maybe even publish. However, between my weird neurodivergent brain, an unsupportive and uninterested family, and whatnot, it never really took off, just new ideas coming to my head here and there.
However, with the advent of writing software that helps keep things organized, I’ve been making legitimate progress now.
So, this week’s special will be a little glimpse into my progress, not only showing off a few things I’ve written, but also new things which I haven’t written down yet, but will also be simultaneously written into my notes after posting.
Of course, I won’t be putting everything into these entries, as otherwise they’d be too long, but I’ll try to sum everything up.
 We’ll start with the first region of my setting that I ever came up with, the Twilight Coast. This nation lies along the south-eastern coast of the continent of Dothmund, and is the center of a supernatural curse, one that shrouds the whole region in perpetual night, with only moonlight being able to truly pierce it, and daylight only visible as dim orange glow visible on the horizon, giving the region its name.
The exact origin of this curse is unknown, with legends varying between a powerful witch’s curse upon the ruling king of the region at the time for betraying her, to the witch being a spurned lover, or completely different origins like a mystical storm that tore the barrier between the material and shadow planes, which is admittedly much thinner in this nation.
In any case, aside from the radius of the magical penumbra, the region also has a natural border to it’s north in the form of the Black Chain portion of the Ironwall mountain range, and beyond it, the dwarven nation of Jarnberg. Meanwhile, to the west lies the Black Serpent tributary of the Ironmill river, which enters the Midnight Sea in the form of a massive delta marsh. Further west where the shadow ends leads to the harsh land of Rhoddivic. To the east of the rive lies the Tenebros Plains, where strange plant life thrives in darkness. Further west likes the Silent Forest, the southern tip of the T’alif forest and the elven nation of T’nadil.
One might assume that the region is lifeless, but this could not be further from the truth. In this microcosm, life has found a way, with plant life growing nearly black to absorb as much moonlight as possible, with pale flowers and fruits. Animal life lives in abundance, with adaptations to survive in the darkness. Elegant starlight deer, black-furred shadow panthers, and the like.
However, the region is also a haven to both undead and living creatures of the night, who bask in the lack of daylight. A great many outside of cities are feral creatures, a danger to any and all they come across.
However, there are also pockets of civilization, where the dead and creatures of the night live alongside mortals. Farmers, tradesmen, mages, and all other sorts can be found there despite the poor reputation the land has due to its shadowy nature. Indeed, may who would not be welcome in other lands can find some solace here.
While small farming towns do dot the land, farming native crops such as blackwheat for Twilight Whiskey, and lunar melons for the famous Moon Melon Wine, the biggest two cities in the Twilight Coast are Nieut: the city that rests on the river just before the marsh proper, which is home to many vampiric nobles and merchants who profit from trade both upriver and from across the sea to the southern continent of Warazeru, not to mention presiding over the many masquerades and festivals that the city’s rich metropolitan culture is known for, And Undoma, the capitol, which rests on a hill within sight of the Silent Forest to the east. Built at the center of great swaths of farmland, Undoma is the place where the firm, but fair laws of the nation are decided, and there is no better place to find both undead and the living working together, the peace maintained by the firm, no-nonsense leadership of The Silver King. Punishment for breaking his laws is harsh, but not unfair, as even the timeless dead fear his wrath.
The mysterious ruler of the Twilight Coast, the Silver King… Nobody is quite sure where he came from, or what lies behind his mask, but this undead sorcerer king appeared about three centuries ago, all alone, and with his magic, began a campaign to bring civilization to the benighted region. He deposed of a circle of vampire tyrants, earned the respect of the lycanthrope tribes, and built the nation into the place of law and order that it is today. These days, he presides as the ever-watchful ruler of the region, listening to the cases of various representatives, and considering the fair use of the law in new situations as they arise, which is the founding principle of the judicial system in the nation.
 That does it for today, but tomorrow we’ll take a deeper look at the Silver King! I hope you enjoy this little foray into my setting!
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cosmic-goddess-leo · 4 years
Show Me Your Teeth
Vampire!Kuroo x Monster Hunter! Reader
Chapter 1
Summary: Kuroo Tetsuro finds himself in quite the predicament when an injured monster hunter stumbles into his castle seeking refuge. 
Word Count: 5,762
Warnings: Violence, blood, smut in upcoming chapter
Author’s Note: Sooooo I’m rewatching Castlevania lmao
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A cry of pain reverberated off the gargantuan trees and echoed into the night sky as monstrous claws tore through armor and flesh.
Taking on such a sizeable pack of werewolves was a calculated risk, but the rather large sum of money offered as reward for the alpha’s head was just enough for (Y/n) to throw logic and reason out the door and begin tracking the beasts.
Of course, the amount of villagers the pack had eaten or turned was taken into account as well. If no one stepped in, the village would surely be wiped out within the month. Innocent people, children, all suffering as their bodies were devoured by savage creatures of the night.
(Y/n) couldn’t allow it. The money was merely a perk. (Y/n) could rest well knowing she had done the right thing in helping the village as well as not have to starve while on her travels.
And that was the rough chain of events that led to this current shit show.
(Y/n) was now dodging attacks from the beasts left and right, which proved to be no easy task with her injured leg.
A displeased growl slipped through her gritted teeth as the huntress pulled her whip from her harness on her hip. “Since you want to play dirty...” She trailed off, cracking the whip once in the air, the moonlight catching on the bits of silver adorning the very tip of the popper.
This didn’t seem to intimidate the wolves as one lunged towards her. (Y/n) cracked the whip in his direction, the consecrated leather slashing at the beast while the silver carved into the werewolf’s skin.
Almost instantaneously, the wolf went up in wild blue flames and a horrendous cross between a scream and a howl ripped through its burning esophagus into the night.
(Y/n) smirked triumphantly, using the moment of temporary shock to put some distance between her and the pack. She broke off into a sprint, limping in a random direction away from the wolves.
She swore she could see a castle through the trees, and was relieved to find her vision hadn’t failed her once she exited the tree line.
The villagers at the tavern had spoken in hushed whispers about the abandoned castle past the great forest, how they wondered if anyone had taken up residence in the large structure.
Worst case scenario, a couple of vagrants had taken up residence in the place and would be displeased about a monster hunter bringing a pack of werewolves into their lodging.
(Y/n) grunted as she climbed the steps leading to the castle, the pain in her leg becoming increasingly evident as she put more weight on it. She attempted to heave the large wooden doors open, shakily exhaling as the doors refused to budge.
Whoever had left this castle locked it before they vacated.
The huntress cursed under her breath as she heard the wolves approaching, sparing a glance over her shoulder as she continued pulling on the large, metal ring handle on the door.
She was almost knocked off her feet when the locks clicked, the door finally swinging open towards her. Had (Y/n) not been running for her life, she would have thought to question how the doors suddenly unlocked.
(Y/n) clambered into the castle, shutting the large doors behind her and locking them in hopes of buying herself some time. She pulled a bottle from the pouch strapped onto her hip and poured the clear liquid onto her leg, the mixture numbing the pain enough for her to walk properly.
As she capped the bottle and began to place it back in her pouch, a dark figure at the corner of her eye caught her attention. She whipped her head in that direction, but the figure disappeared.
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as she continued searching for the shape in that direction, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as she swore she could feel something breathing down her back.
Before she could give it any more thought, the doors of the castle began to rattle and creak as the wolves attempted to get in.
(Y/n) got to work pouring holy water at the entrance and rubbing salt onto her silver sword, the mysterious presence now long forgotten as she prepared for battle. She then sheathed her sword and unfurled her whip, eyes glued to the door just as the wood began to crack.
The wolves burst through the door, the first to enter screeching as they stepped into the holy water. (Y/n) dispatched the immobilized wolves quickly with her whip, the room now illuminated by the blue fire burning through their flesh and fur.
The next wave of wolves leapt over the burning embers of their fallen pack members, only to be met with the crack of (Y/n)’s whip. She knew this plan wouldn’t stay viable for long, werewolves tended to be very craft creatures, their bloodlust only clouding their animal instincts for so long.
Just as she began to take a step back towards a nearby room, one of the large, stained glass windows beside her shattered. The biggest bastard of the pack, the alpha, came crashing through the glass right towards her.
(Y/n) raised her arm to shield herself on instinct, knowing the second the alpha had her head between his jaws this would all be over.
The beast took hold of her arm, its fangs clamping down on the limb and breaking through her chainmail like it was paper. (Y/n) screamed in anguish as her blood gushed from her arm and onto her body.
The alpha then tossed her body aside, as if she were nothing but a ragdoll, a ghastly laugh vibrating through its chest as it watched her body smack against the nearby wall.
(Y/n) struggled to pick herself up, arm limp at her side as she weakly gripped at her sword with her non-dominant hand. She whipped around to face the alpha, just as it began charging at her, unsheathing her sword weakly and holding it in front of her body at the last second.
The massive wolf pounced onto her, whimpering as the salted silver blade pierced its stomach. (Y/n) quickly pushed its limp body away, sending it to the floor with a loud thud.
(Y/n) looked down at her arm, a sense of dread filling the pit of her stomach as she examined the large bite. A bite from an alpha meant she would turn in only a matter of minutes if she didn’t treat it. She had no time to worry about the remainder of the pack as she pulled a pouch of salt from her hip and rubbed it onto the large wound.
She whimpered at the sting, knowing the worst was yet to come as she pulled a waterskin full of holy water from her belt. (Y/n) then doused her arm with the water, another violent scream erupting from her chest and echoing into the hall. The water bubbled against the wound, hissing quietly as it cleansed the torn flesh.
(Y/n) could feel her vision going blurry, her body beginning to wobble as her ears rang. She tried to will herself to snap out of it, tried to stand straight and prepare for the attack from the rest of the pack. But she couldn’t stop her body from collapsing onto the floor as she went into shock.
She could see the wolves slowly closing in on her, eyes practically glowing with hatred as they looked between the huntress and their slain alpha. (Y/n) never thought she would lose her life to a pack of werewolves, but at least it would be quick.
The blue fire began to dim as the burning bodies were now reduced to ash. Darkness consumed the room just as a large figure suddenly tackled the nearest werewolf away from (Y/n)’s limp form. (Y/n) fought to keep her eyes open so she could see who had saved her, eyes struggling to focus on the blur currently ripping apart what was left of the wolves.
The room was now silent, save for the click of her savior’s heels against the stone floors. (Y/n)’s eyes slowly fluttered closed as a pair of glowing gold eyes entered her field of vision. The last thing she felt was her body being lifted from the floor and into a pair of strong, firm arms.
The first thing (Y/n) noticed about her new surroundings was the plush, comfortable bed she was currently laying in. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept in a feather bed... and one with silk sheets at that.
It was then that (Y/n) realized that she was, in fact, very naked. Save for the bandages wrapped around her injured arm and leg, her body was completely bare.
“What the fuck...” she croaked, her throat raw from her screaming the night before. She lightly rubbed at her neck, wishing she had some tea to soothe her worn vocal cords.
(Y/n) then caught a whiff of something delicious, turning to find a tray of cooked breakfast and tea resting on her bedside table. “... that’s oddly convenient.” She muttered.
Her body felt stiff and heavy as she pushed herself to sit up and take the tray of food. She set the tray in her lap and began eating. The bacon was a bit burned and the porridge was very soupy, but (Y/n) knew she was in no position to criticize the cooking of whoever was showing her all this hospitality.
“Good to see I didn’t poison you...”
(Y/n) practically choked on her eggs as she turned to the door of her room. Was the door cracked open like that the whole time? She could vaguely see a tall figure with its back to the door, a long, silk cloak hanging off his broad shoulders.
“Perhaps I spoke too soon?” he inquired, referring to her weak coughing.
“N-no... it’s very good. Thank you...” she said, throat still burning and prompting her to take another sip of her tea.
The man chuckled softly, the sound sending a chill up (Y/n)’s spine. “I am glad to hear it. I don’t host very often, so I am a bit out of practice when it comes to cooking for others.”
(Y/n) set the tea back on the tray, tugging the sheets to cover her chest despite the man’s back being turned to her. “Did you undress me...?”
He chuckled a bit awkwardly at that, “I had to dress your wounds properly... to do that I had to remove your armor and your clothing. I hope that’s alright.”
“I suppose I’d rather be naked and alive rather than clothed and dead,” she said, earning a rather loud laugh from the stranger. “Why won’t you come in?”
His laughter died down and he went silent as he seemed to ponder her question. “This is my home... am I not allowed to enter a room whenever I so choose?”
“I suppose that’s reasonable...” (Y/n) sighed, not wanting to press the issue further. It was quite possible he was disfigured, or burned horribly in some sort of accident, and didn’t want the random woman who had entered his home to see his face.
“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of hosting a huntress in my halls? I suppose you just wanted to use my home as some sort of stronghold against those werewolves last night...” He declared, clearly already knowing the answer to his own question.
(Y/n) set aside the tray before shrinking into the bedding. “I’m truly sorry. The villagers told me this castle was abandoned...”
The man chuckled once more, “They’d like to think so... This castle belonged to my family before the villagers drove them out long ago...” he admitted, “I am the only member of my bloodline left.”
(Y/n) frowned at that as she made a move to stand from her bed, only to be cut off by the sound of his voice.
“You shouldn’t be moving.” His tone was stern, like a father scolding his child, deepening the frown on (Y/n)’s face.
“Well I can’t just lay naked in this lovely bed all day. I may go mad.” she grunted, ignoring the pain in her leg as she attempted to stand. “I have to retrieve my reward for the dead alpha in your foyer... I’ll be damned if I almost got turned into a werewolf for nothing.”
Movement at the corner of her eye caused her to turn towards the door as she covered her chest once more. (Y/n) could just barely make out the man’s eyes in the dark hall, body shivering as his gaze remained fixed on hers.
“You’re very tired... you want to rest.”
A wave of fatigue suddenly rolled over (Y/n)’s body, causing her to lay back in bed despite her desire to get up. Her head weakly lulled to the side, eyes struggling to stay open as she watched him turn his back to her. “What... did you give me...?”
“I mixed poppy milk into your tea... to help with the pain.” He responded, listening closely as (Y/n)’s breathing began to soften.
“Your name...” she heaved, her drowsiness slowly getting the better of her and slurring her speech.
“Kuroo Tetsuro... I’ll take care of the alpha.”
Kuroo’s name lingered on the tip of (Y/n)’s tongue, something about it seemed familiar for some reason. But before she could further question it, she was drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
Kuroo turned and entered the room once he heard that her breathing had evened out. He pulled the sheets further up her body to cover her chest. His gold eyes lingered over her throat, now exposed to him due to the angle her head was tilted at.
His tongue dragged over his lips at the thought of latching onto her neck and taking a drink... just one drop couldn’t hurt. Maybe a bit more. It had been so long since he had a proper meal, limiting the amount of people he fed on to avoid suspicion had taken its toll on him.
At least he had enough energy to compel the huntress to sleep. Kuroo lightly brushed the tips of his fingers over her throat, feeling the delicious rhythm of her pulse under his touch.
Kuroo knew once he started he may not stop... so he pulled away from her, gathered the tray of dirty dishes and left the bedroom.
He didn’t know what compelled him to save the huntress in the first place. The bloodsucker was perfectly content enjoying the show, watching her absolutely decimate the pack of werewolves she had lured into his home.
Though Kuroo hadn’t asked her to formally introduce herself, he knew by the family seal engraved onto her armor that she was a (L/n), part of a long line of monster hunters whose names were renowned throughout the land... until the church branded them as witches and had them burned at the stake for their knowledge of the supernatural.
He could tell she was perfectly capable of handling herself against those wolves, and even if she didn’t, it would be one less human in the world willing to stake him without a second thought.
So why step in? Kuroo scoffed at himself, shaking his head to clear his thoughts as he continued making his way to the kitchens. In all his years he had never questioned himself, why start now? All because of some huntress?
He decided that he would allow her to heal, maybe let her leave if he found her too amusing to suck dry. Out of the kindness of his heart, of course. Not many vampires would ignore their hunger just to appear kind. But then again, he wasn’t like other vampires.
(Y/n) awoke to the smell of cooked meat beside her bed. Her confusion about when she had fallen asleep quickly was replaced by hunger as she sat up, reaching for the tray until she saw a large shirt folded and placed beside her.
Right. She was still naked.
She quickly put the shirt on, eager to get to her dinner as she placed the tray in her lap and started eating. The meat was a bit dry and some of the vegetables undercooked and crunchy, but she wasn’t about to complain about getting treated to another free meal.
(Y/n) jumped at the sigh she heard from the doorway as she bit into a particularly crunchy carrot.
“Apologies... I told you I’m not much of a cook.” Kuroo said, the embarrassment in his tone almost humorous to his guest.
“I appreciate your hospitality nonetheless... Truly I do.” She said through a mouthful of meat, washing it down with a sip of tea. “Since you’re clearly intent on keeping me here till my wounds are fully healed, I suppose I should give you my name...”
His lips twitched into a small smile at that, one (Y/n) couldn’t see with his back to her as it was earlier. Kuroo knew the second he allowed the huntress to see him fully, she would probably rip off one of the bed posts and shove it through his chest.
“Judging from the seal on the armor I had to pry off you, you’re a (L/n)... Never thought I would see one in person. I heard they had all died off.” He declared, absentmindedly running a hand through his messy hair.
“That I am...” (Y/n) confessed, glancing at said armor in the far corner of the room. “My sister and I were the sole survivors of the siege on our house… now I am all that’s left...I’m surprised you’ve heard of us,” she continued. “Usually only clergymen and older people recognize my family name and seal.”
“And what makes you think I’m neither of those things, (L/n)?” he chuckled.
“It’s (Y/n).” she corrected.
“Any clergyman would have quite literally left me to the wolves the second he recognized my seal...” (Y/n) trailed off, eyeing his figure in the crack of the doorway carefully before she continued. “And I don’t think any old man could have taken on the remainder of the werewolf pack on his own the way you did... are you a trained hunter?”
Kuroo leaned against the doorframe, making sure not to push the door open any further and reveal more of himself to her. “I was trained in swordplay at a young age... Once I arrived in the foyer you had already fallen and your sword was tossed aside. I took it upon myself to defend you with it.”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel suspicious at that. Though her memory was fuzzy, she didn’t remember seeing him carrying a sword as he slayed the rest of the wolves. There were possible explanations for it: (Y/n) couldn’t see very clearly, the room was dark, etc.
“Well... thank you. Being ripped apart by a pack of werewolves isn’t exactly how I pictured my life ending.” She said, taking another bite of her carrot as she glanced around the room, eyes stopping on a stack of books placed on the bedside table she hadn’t even noticed. “And what are these?”
“Books? I thought that would be quite obvious.”
(Y/n) scoffed at his sarcastic tone. “I can see that. Why are they here?” She set the tray of food aside, replacing it with a rather hefty book that she patted some dust off of.
“Your wounds may take some time to heal... and I can’t have you wandering around the castle on that bum leg of yours. There are parts of this building that are dangerous...”
(Y/n) glanced up at him, quirking a brow at the back of his head. “Is that your friendly way of telling me I’m confined to this room for the duration of my stay?”
“That’s precisely what it is. Very perceptive of you.”
She almost choked at his bluntness, setting the book aside and resuming her meal. Kuroo technically wasn’t lying, there were parts of the castle that had been destroyed during the siege, leaving many staircases collapsed, bedrooms destroyed and floors unstable.
Plus it would be rather awkward if she ever stumbled upon him draining a squealing pig of its blood in the kitchen one day.
“I will ensure you have everything you need to heal... just please trust me, (Y/n).” He pleaded, hoping (Y/n) would agree to his terms. He imagined that this would be a rather lucrative deal. The only surviving child of an exiled and excommunicated family, loved by few and hated by many, being offered free lodgings while her wounds healed? How could she refuse.
He was pulled from his thoughts as (Y/n) heaved a sigh as she finished her dinner. “Fine... but I have some rules of my own.”
Kuroo couldn’t help but laugh at that, crossing his arms as he glanced at her over his shoulder, straightening out his posture once he remembered he was supposed to keep hidden. “And what are those?”
“Don’t undress me without my permission again. If you do I’ll bury you alive.”
‘Wouldn’t be the first time.’ he thought to himself.
“And cook your vegetables at least 10 minutes longer.” (Y/n) quipped. “Other than that, nothing else comes to mind...”
The vampire snorted through his nostrils, an amused smile on his face as he lightly shook his head. He was really going to take orders from a human? A huntress no less?
“You have a deal...”
The next couple days consisted of (Y/n) waking up to her meals, exchanging short pleasantries with Kuroo until he eventually left to do... whatever it is he did. For the first couple days of her stay, (Y/n) made a game out of thinking up what he did when he wasn’t bringing her meals.
Maybe he crocheted. Or he painted. Or he ran a secret brothel in the bowels of this castle and that’s why (Y/n) wasn’t allowed to try and explore it. Once she reached that train of thought she quickly stopped playing that game.
She found herself going stir-crazy from the lack of interaction, and there was only so much the books Kuroo brought to her could do to entertain her.
(Y/n) was maybe a week into the healing process when she asked Kuroo to stay with her rather than leave. She couldn’t hold back her relieved sigh when he agreed to keep her company.
Kuroo figured if he humored her just once she would be satisfied. However, he himself had spent the past 60 years alone in that castle, no one to talk to. He had gotten used to the loneliness by now.
He didn’t count on actually enjoying their conversations they had that day, he especially didn’t expect to spend the night restlessly waiting for her to wake up in hopes of speaking with her again.
Sometimes they spoke about what random things they had on their mind, Kuroo had decades worth of unspoken thoughts he wanted to share, each one interesting, amusing, or bewildering her. If they weren’t going on tangents together, he would ask (Y/n) to read a passage of whatever book she was attempting to finish.
That would usually get her tired enough to nap and allow him to leave to make her next meal and place it beside her bed. He had gotten much better at cooking as well, but Kuroo dreaded the trips he would have to make to the market in the village, fearing he would be caught sooner or later by some nosey townsfolk.
It didn’t help that he had to make these trips during the day, when any clumsy child or old man could step on his cloak and expose him to the sunlight. But he very well couldn’t allow his guest to starve under his roof, so he continued his lowkey trips, satisfied that he had not been caught... at least so he thought.
Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and soon (Y/n) was healed enough to walk on crutches. Kuroo knew he couldn’t keep his secret much longer with her on her feet, so he would have to send her on her way soon... a thought that filled his undead body with dread.
He could never admit it to himself, but he found his chest aching when he wasn’t with her, and when he sat at the door of her bedroom he only wished he could be closer to her. Kuroo hadn’t felt such an emotion in decades... but he recognized it almost instantly, making the subject of having to send her away even more painful.
The pain only festered when he wondered if she felt the same... this longing to be closer to him, and to be with him always. Longing to hold him to her, press her lips to his... He never asked. So he never knew that the answer was ‘yes.’
Kuroo gnawed on his lower lip, wondering how he would even go about mustering the strength to ask her to leave until her voice interrupted his thoughts.
“You never told me why your family was chased out of here...” she murmured just low enough for him to hear, trying to occupy herself with repairing her damaged armor.
The vampire was thoroughly caught off guard by the question, his fingers slipping on the pattern he was currently sewing by hand and pricking his pointer finger.
“Well you never told me why your family was excommunicated...” he replied, hoping that would change the subject and take the spotlight off of him.
“You know why my family was excommunicated... everybody does,” she sighed, glancing at the doorway sadly. “I’m curious... and you’ve never told me when I’ve answered practically every question about myself that you’ve asked...”
Kuroo took his lip between his teeth once again, huffing as he tried to think up a delicate way to put it without getting staked.
“Your family was accused of witchcraft for their knowledge of the supernatural... Mine was actually guilty of it.” He paused, listening as (Y/n)’s heart rate quickened.
“My father... he was a man of science. He studied the world as we know it and everything it had to offer. He became enraptured with studying the supernatural... creatures that went bump in the night, and tales we told children to scare them into behaving that had hints of truth to them.
Eventually... he got his wish of studying one of these creatures up close when a vampire came to our door one night. She seduced him... turned him... my mother and I didn’t learn this until the mob with torches and pitchforks arrived at the castle weeks later. He and my mother were killed... I was the sole survivor.”
He was met with silence, causing him to glance at (Y/n) through the crack in the door and quirk an eyebrow at her. “Not the answer you were expecting...?”
(Y/n) slowly shook her head, staring wordlessly at her damaged armor until clearing her throat. “No... I figured it had to be something major enough for the village to take action against you... but I thought it would have been a misunderstanding, as with my family...”
Kuroo slowly shook his head, eyes now cast down at the fur resting in his lap. “No... it was all true... So much suffering and for what... his foolish curiosity...”
(Y/n) could sense his sour tone, partially regretting that she had asked him about it in the first place. “I’m sorry... it wasn’t my place to ask such a question.”
“You were curious,” he responded, all too quick to feel the need to comfort her.
“Yes well curiosity killed the cat, didn’t it?” (Y/n) sighed, continuing to fiddle with her armor.
“Well you’re a rather tough cat, aren’t you? It would take a lot more than curiosity to kill you...” he teased, hoping to bring the mood back up. A smile tugged at his lips at the sound of (Y/n)’s light laughter.
“My sister used to say the same thing…” (Y/n) chuckled, a sad smile playing on her lips.
Kuroo tilted his head towards the door, sensing the sadness in her voice. “You never told me what happened to her…”
(Y/n) gnawed at her lip, her work on her armor long forgotten now. “Vampires…”
HIs undead heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. Fuck.
“We had never encountered them before… but she knew they were tailing us through a forest after we had been turned away from a village… She made me leave her behind as she attempted to fight them off…” (Y/n) explained.
Kuroo’s eyebrows knitted together as he processed her words, “Was that the only time you’ve encountered them…? Vampires, I mean…”
The huntress nodded. “Yes… I count myself grateful for that. I found her remains in the morning and- shit!” she hissed as the scent of blood filled the air. Kuroo froze in place already feeling his fangs growing at the mere smell of the blood dripping from her cut finger.
“Damn,” she hissed, taking her thumb between her lips and sucking at the small but deep cut in hopes of stopping the small beads of blood from staining the silk sheets.
One would think that would be enough to quell Kuroo’s hunger, but now he could practically taste the blood on her lips. He could feel himself aching, the need to feed overcoming his senses.
(Y/n) heard Kuroo scramble onto his feet before he abruptly left the doorway, his heeled boots echoing down the hall as he got further and further away. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as she got up to retrieve an ointment for the cut.
(Y/n) didn’t see him the rest of the day, eventually falling asleep out of boredom and waking to find her dinner where it always was. But a note was placed beside her tea, directing her to open the parcel placed at the foot of her bed. She didn’t even notice it until then.
She tore at the parchment, smiling brightly as her hands ran over the large fur pelt. (Y/n) looked back at the note, chuckling softly as she read Kuroo’s complaints about having to skin the alpha after taking its head to the village for the reward. She then noticed the large bag of coins placed on the floor beside her armor.
But her attention was more focused on the pelt. No one had ever gotten her a gift before, and it was clear that Kuroo had put a lot of work into this given the intricate stitching and needlework. Perhaps her theories about him crocheting were correct...
(Y/n) happily ate her dinner with the pelt draped over her shoulders, protecting herself from the cold winter air that seeped through the walls and into her bedroom. She purposefully avoided the tea, knowing Kuroo always added poppy milk to the mixture to help her sleep through the pains her healing wounds brought her during the night.
Kuroo was a creature of habit... living with him for almost 3 months had made that very clear to her. It was obvious he came to take her dishes once she had fallen asleep, doing so to keep her from seeing his face.
Maybe it was that curiosity again, or her desire to look into the eyes of the man who had saved her and nursed her back to health. All (Y/n) knew was tonight was the night she would finally see his face.
She laid back in bed, getting comfortable once she had finished her dinner and waiting for him to enter her room. It was hard to stay awake with her belly full and her new fur pelt warming her, but somehow she managed it and a surge of excitement filled her body when she finally heard the bedroom door creak open.
Kuroo stepped towards the bed, overcome with relief that the smell of blood was completely purged from the room. The click of his heels came to a stop as he stood above (Y/n), admiring her peaceful expression as he gently brushed a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear.
He glanced down at her throat, breath hitching for a moment before he forced his eyes onto the tray of food. He hadn’t processed the full cup of tea until he felt (Y/n)’s fingers graze his wrist, causing his body to jolt as he looked down at her in shock.
Kuroo didn’t know if he should be angry, mortified, ready for a fight, or all three. To his surprise, (Y/n) made no move to retrieve her sword from the other side of her bed. She didn’t even glance in the weapon’s direction. She only stared up at Kuroo almost in disbelief.
She really wasn’t lying when she said she had never encountered a vampire before. A (L/n) with no clue as to what a vampire looked like, possibly only hearing misleading tales about the creatures rather than facing one herself. Kuroo could have laughed at that, but he was too preoccupied with trying to read (Y/n)’s expression as she lightly gripped his shirt sleeve.
He was... the most beautiful thing (Y/n) had ever seen. Messy jet black hair, intense amber eyes and soft, pink lips, parted as he watched her with bated breath. Why had he kept hidden from her?
“I take it you weren’t in the mood for tea, tonight?” he gulped, watching as she slowly took his hand. If his appearance weren’t enough of a giveaway, his cold skin would be... right?
A quiet gasp escaped her lips as she felt his skin like ice against her touch. She slowly sat up on her knees, taking his hand and slowly cupping his cheek with the other. Kuroo shuddered at their close proximity, his undead heart hammering in his chest as (Y/n)’s thumb ran over his bottom lip.
“You’re so cold...” she whispered, sending another chill down his spine as her warmth seeped into him. “Let me warm you...”
Tag list: @iwaxme @vventure @lydzisanerd @bb-noya @gemini-writes @ochacostrange @yams046 @tokyoghoose @madireyn @global---weaboo @achoohq​ @ardorwrites-hq-mha​
161 notes · View notes
galen066 · 5 years
All characters are creations of @reddpenn ,who graciosly allowed me to do this facfic.
The lock on the apartment door was a joke. He loided it with a stolen credit card in seconds and slipped in. Not even a door chain. Whoever lived in here deserved to get ripped off. He'd cased the job for a week, and knew the weirdo who lived here wouldn't be home for hours. Plenty of time to do the job and get away clean.
Pillow cases from the bedroom would hold the loot. Those dumbass collectables over the desk always got a few bucks. Into the pillowcase sacks.
A faint, distant whisper. He didn't even look up. The laptop was next into the sack.
The small DVD collection would get a tidy sum, maybe five bucks each.
"...sponge...bob..." A whisper of anguish, ignored. The first sack was full. The odd bits of jewelry weren't much, but it paid to be thorough.
His head came up. He swore he just heard someone. A quick look around the dim apartment confirmed he was alone.
A flicker at the corner of his eye as he reached to disconnect the game system and flat screen TV monitor. He'd heard some oddball rumours about the building, about how people had died of various causes. He dismissed his nerves with a scoff, lifting the game console into the second sack.
Okay, he heard that. Standing, he whipped around, flicking the folding knife clipped to his pocket open. "Alright! Quit screwing around! Come on out, and you won't get hurt!", he hissed.
"...liar..." Movement to his right, a flicker of long black hair. Whirling, slashing with his blade. Nothing there.
Time to go, he decided. Folding the knife and stowing it, he grabbed the TV.
"Not. Yours."
'Oh God', he thought. 'There is someone in here.' He dropped the monitor, and grabbed the two pillowcases of loot. It would have to do.
The shadow between him and the door, blocking his escape. A shadow, and no one there to make it. "Not. Yours.", the shadow said. And then the shadow opened its eyes, and smiled. "Not. Yours... Lily's."
The pillowcases were dropped, forgotten, and his knife snapped open, slashing at the shadow, that parted like moonlight. How, when did it get so dark in here?
"...Naugh..ty...Naugh...ty", the shadow laughed like a dark broken promise. And smiled wider, more teeth. Those awful, needle teeth. A hand, pale as the belly of a floating fish reached for him. Muffled sounds of screams, thrashing and struggle, while a whisper voice sing-songed "...Who lives in a pineapple...under the sea..."
Grocery bags in hand, Lily trudged up the stairs. It had been a very long day, made longer by the shopping she'd needed to do. Keys in the worn lock, then through the door before it swung shut. "Hey, Spoop! I'm home!", she called good-naturally to her spectral room-mate, putting the bags on the floor and flicking on the light. Was it her imagination, or was it...cleaner in here?
Tulpa looked up from the TV which was playing Spongebob. "...Li..ly..." A gentle smile.
945 notes · View notes
i-like-plan-m · 4 years
for a prompt, how about xue yang does the soul summing ritual for wwx, with the condition that he restore xxc’s spirit? your writing is really good!! thank you for answering prompts!!
usually not a Xue Yang fan, but this one was intriguing [Posted to Ao3]
*TW for blood, injury, implied self harm, and canonical death of XY*
The thing about powerful men was that they always thought they were smarter than you. Jin Guangshan, for example, was an honest to fuck moron, and stupid enough to shovel money over to the first stranger that demonstrated a little demonic cultivation.
Powerful men never thought that the homicidal street orphan could be a threat, because said homicidal street orphan worked for them and therefore would remain docile and in his place, subjugated to another rich asshole bloated on women and money.
Jin Guangyao, though… he was dangerous. He knew what it was like to be without power. He knew how those men thought, what they wanted, and how to make it happen.
In the end, though, he too fell victim to the lure of power and the curse of arrogance that came with it.
He forgot that Xue Yang was the most dangerous of them all, because he had no power but enough balls to do something genuinely insane to win.
It wasn’t that hard, in the end. He’d used up all of his goodwill, had been cast aside by Jin Guangshan and politely threatened by a smiling Jin Guangyao, who clearly had plans of his own that he didn’t want to risk Xue Yang fucking up.
So the killing curse wasn’t a surprise. The strength of it was, though; for cultivator with an embarrassingly underdeveloped golden core, Jin Guangyao knew how to put down a threat.
But Xue Yang had something neither of them did— the rambling journals of Wei Wuxian, the Yílíng Lǎozǔ. The greatest demonic cultivator to ever live.
Xue Yang knew no one alive was capable of succeeding in the tasks he’d set forth. So he’d turned to the dead instead, and found what he was looking for and more.
Blood dripped from a smile that bared his teeth as he smeared the array into the ground, shivering as the pain wracked through him. He embraced it. Welcomed it. Pain made him feel real, alive in ways that he’d never experienced without the bite of agony.
Xue Yang laughed to himself as the array came together, triumph burning hotter than the death curse searing through his veins. He knelt in the center, hair a wild, tangled mess around his face, robes hanging half off of him from when he’d needed to make another cut to draw the array.
He was panting now, breath coming short and harsh as the curse reached his lungs. The moon was a fierce, radiant light through the open windows, spearing down onto him. Through him.
It should have felt cold, harsh. Angry. Instead it was warmth and hope, neither of which he deserved. Neither of which he wanted, he reminded himself, but still could not bring himself to withdraw.
“I know you,” he whispered, pausing his work to watch the play of frosted light across his blood-soaked hand. Blood streamed steadily from his mouth as the light drifted across the array, exploring. “Have you figured it out yet?”
The moonlight was soft sorrow against his skin.
“It won’t be long now,” Xue Yang promised. “I figured it all out. All of it, and I made sure he would bring you back.”
If anyone could manage it, it was him. He would inherit the tasks of retribution and redemption Xue Yang had anchored to this body, would seek justice on Xue Yang’s behalf whether he wanted to or not. This summoning was Xue Yang’s final revenge, as a way to shatter Jin Guangyao’s carefully laid plans with the one thing he would never see coming.
After all, who would expect a dead man to crawl out of the shadows? Much less one with gifted Xue Yang’s final ambitions carved into his skin: one of wrath and ruin, and another of atonement and restoration.
One was more important than the other, but not even Xue Yang knew which.
Xue Yang tipped his head back. Let the light of the moon wash over him, embrace him. It was forgiveness that he did not deserve.
He set a small white bag between his knees, handling it with more care than he had anything in his life. He laid a snow-white sword reverently in front of it, the hilt and blade both smeared with his blood. As it should be, he thought with satisfaction.
The killing curse was close to his heart— but not close enough. Jin Guangyao was ruthless, but he should have killed Xue Yang long ago.
Xue Yang would make sure it was his fatal mistake. He would make it his undoing.
Resolved, with a victorious, manic grin, Xue Yang activated the array and embraced his end.
The array exploded into light, glowing so violently the moonlight was thrown back, out of reach. Xue Yang was left to face his death alone, to experience the sacrifice of his forsaken spirit with no one by his side.
He could not help the scream as his soul was ripped from his body, as the array flung it into the ether where it would remain without rest, without redemption. And oh, how it burned.
It felt like vindication.
It felt like salvation.
Xue Yang took his final breath, hand stretched towards the rays of moonlight reaching across the blood-streaked floor, and died with a smile on his face.
The moonlight dimmed as the light faded from his eyes. The sun rose bright and burning in its place, and Wei Wuxian opened his eyes for the first time in thirteen years.
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bearseokie · 4 years
𝐃𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐓 (M) | pjy
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Offered a sum to retrieve an important dragon skull, you find out that Jinyoung has been tasked to find the same one, and he’s not going to make the battle to get it any easier.
DETAILS — [ M | maroon series | 5.6k ] PAIRING — jinyoung x fem! reader GENRES — video game (skyrim)! au, fantasy, romance, smut WARNINGS — mature + sexual content, violence, language, blood, gore, physical altercations, battles with weapons, injuries (cuts + rope burns), mentions of bees + snakes + spiders, fingering, dirty talk, oral (giving), cum eating, clumsy jinyoung
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Stone paths led your way, nothing but torches and the moonlight guiding you. It was just after nightfall, the world growing darker by the second. Given the once in a lifetime chance to retrieve a dragon skull, you couldn't resist. A sum was at your waiting, a map drawn for you to follow. Everything was set.
Offered to stay in their village, you weren't able to disguise your giddiness to be out in the world searching for the one object that would bring your family riches and honor. Refreshing yourself, you headed out immediately. People in the village gave you respect, hearing of your mission by gossip through the area. They held their heads high and gifted you large smiles for good luck, which you returned it to each and every one of them.
The map listed that the voyage wouldn't be easy. Multiple trails of water and mountains were to stand in your way, but you had enough knowledge to know your real challenge would be the people you came across. People noted that those around your village were tedious when it came to anyone leaving, nearly ravaging on those that traveled alone; such as you were doing.
Aware of the risk, you set your nerves aside, rushing on the cobblestone path until it ended at the edge of tall grass, a wooded area before you.
Owls sounded throughout the forest, insects craving your skin as you smacked them away. The night was peaceful as you walked, enjoying the dark blue sky above filled with as many lights as needed to guide you. With the air chilled, you tugged on your thin clothing, sniffing as you thought about the warmth of fire coming soon when you could stop to rest.
Hours passed, the trees all looking the same as the moonlight allowed you to read the map dimly. Following along the first path you were sent on, it was well past midnight as you came across a dark spot fit to rest in. Gathering a few sticks and twigs, you picked up a rock and twisted it into the middle of the section. The friction ignited a small amount of smoke as the brush inside turned into a little flame. The warmth taking over your body, you gently dozed off into a slumber laying beside the fire, the crickets around singing you a lullaby.
Loud stomping broke your sleep, eyes opening as you shook awake and sat up. A man stood beside your fire, foot inside of it as he crushed it. The flame fell dim as you sent him an angered look and hopped to your feet.
"What the hell?" you seethed, the taller man's eyes looking at you for a second as he watched his foot flatten out the remains of the fire.
Left hand clenched, he raised his right hand to you and pointed his index finger at your chest.
"You trying to get yourself killed?" he hissed, pushing his finger between your breasts in anger. "Don't you know fires attract dragons?"
You stood, eyes wide up at the man as your tongue twisted. Unable to respond to him, he huffed and tugged at the bag over his torso. Shaking his head, he began to walk away from you. Snatching your own bag from the ground, you straightened out your hair, running to catch up with the stranger.
"I'm looking for a dragon skull," you stated, almost out of breath from the rush.
He scoffed, turning his head to stare at you with his brows together. "You're searching for a dragon skull and you don't even know that fire attracts dragons?"
"I didn't know." you sighed. "No one gave me much knowledge prior to me spawning here. If they had, I might have known to be more careful. I don't think I have long here."
"Yeah, good luck with that." he half-chuckled, trying to keep a faster pace than you.
"I-I'm Y/N!" you called out, making him slow down and give you another strange look.
"Keep your voice down, the last thing we need right now is for someone to come out and attack us."
"Why didn't you loot me? I was asleep, you could have stolen my bag and been on your way. Left me to get killed by a dragon." you said, his deep exhale making you realize you had asked too many questions at once.
The dawn was rising, the man's brown hair neatly pushed back on his head as his clothing was better kept than your own. His thick top was a blue color you had never seen, pants black and carefully tucked over his shirt and cuffed around his ankles - even his shoes were in better condition than your own.
"Jinyoung," he stated, keeping a closed fist around the strap of his bag as he walked, you alongside him.
"Where are you headed, Jinyoung?" you questioned, another glare sent your way as you bit your tongue and walked quietly.
"Why are you following me?" he asked, slowly stopping near a large tree as he stared up at the purple sky.
"I haven't met anyone outside of my village before. I'm sorry - I'm just curious."
"Now's not the time to be curious," he spoke bluntly, turning to keep on his invisible path. "I'm on a mission."
"So am I!" you said, a smile on your face.
"I'm looking for a dragon skull, such as you are," he spoke, keeping a side glance at you as his free arm swayed.
"Maybe we're looking for the same one?" you said, tilting your head in his direction as he scoffed again.
"Even if that is so." he began. "I work alone."
"How long have you been hunting dragon skulls?" you asked.
He seemed angry, walking with both fists clenched now as he ignored your questions. You followed him, his faster pace making him walk ahead of you while you trailed behind him.
"Why the fuck are you still following me?" he yelled, turning around on his heels to meet your scared expression.
"I'm just following my map," you spoke softly, scared of his sudden change of tone.
Handing him the wide map you read, his top lip lifted to one side in frustration. Eyeing you and the brittle map, he hissed.
"So." he chided. "We are searching for the same one. Well, clearly you're very under-managed for this position. I suppose you should turn back now while you're still safe."
"I'm sorry, I cannot do that," you said, staring at the wet grass beneath your feet. "I need the sum given for the skull to return home."
His foot stomped into the ground, the thud sounding squishy from the muddied area. He shook his head, hand on his hip as he mulled you over. Your tethered clothes and small bag made him suck in another breath.
"I'm not in charge of your life," he stated, continuing on his walk.
"But we have to go in the same direction."
"Incorrect," he said, halting again. "Your map." he pointed towards a section coming up soon on the map. "Reads that you must follow this path. I'm not going that way."
"Well, why not?" you asked, contemplating what he meant considering the section of the map he pointed to showed that there was only one path, the rest surrounded by mountains and caves.
"Because I have my own path. One that's quicker," he said, tongue between his teeth. "One that you will not be following."
"You said you're not in charge of my life, so what makes you believe you can decide on which path I take?" you asserted, his eyebrows furrowing again.
"Because my path is much more dangerous than yours. Trust me, you don't want to be on it."
The two of you meandered the path, stopping in the area Jinyoung knew he'd part with you. Standing at the invisible fork in the road, you turned to face one another.
"Are you going to be okay?" you asked him, a small tug on his lips as he looked over you.
"You shouldn't be worried about me," he spoke, voice deep. "Don't light fires in open areas. At all," he said as he moved from you, making his way into the forest beside the path.
Fighting your way into a fast running river, the path you had been listed was turning into a nightmare. The elements seemed to be after you, a constant array of bees and spiders, cold, thin air around the mountains, animals you were wary of as they passed.
An hour before you made the tread into the fast waters, you were hiding from two men that walked adjacent to your path. Seeing them come by before they noticed you, you had just enough time to climb up into a tree. Their ragged, unkept beards along their faces swayed as both walked with limps. Their frightening appearances made your breathing skip, watching as they walked beneath you, clamoring through the long grass as they huffed. Not seeming to be on the same mission as yourself, you kept the precautions in case they were bandits. The objects rattling in their bags gave you your answer as they finally made it far enough away for you to get down and continue on your way.
The ice-cold water skimming past your calves kept you fully awake, the day turning into sunset in the blink of an eye. Pulling your feet from the sand below the river, you scuffed through until you reached the middle. The wide body of water made you conscious of your decisions, keeping an eye out for any snakes or dangerous fish as you pressed on. The water was built up as you walked, pulling one leg at a time as it was almost at your waist standing in the middle of the river. As you went to move your right leg, something clunked against it, catching your attention. Able to see through the clear water, you noticed a large brown thing against your ankles, the water tugging at it. It moved past your body and headed down with the other loose objects. The mysterious item not swimming, yet heavy, made you curious. Trying to keep up with it, you finally dived down, reaching for it and pulling it back up.
Jinyoung's bag was in your grasp, the objects within it, including his map, soaked. The wind came out of your lungs, glancing around the - becoming rapid - waters in search of Jinyoung himself. Moving side to side in the river once more, you realized he was nowhere near the area you found his bag floating.
You drifted with the water for a second, contemplating if you should help him. His words reiterated in your mind of him wanting you to focus on your own situation. Morality pulled at your brain and heart, so you got out and set off beside the river, moving up it in an attempt to find Jinyoung.
The sun was nearly set when you came across him, tied to a tree by a thick rope as he laid with his head back against the bark. Opening his eyes slowly, he fought against the ropes to block out the lasting sunlight as his eyes met yours.
"Shouldn't be worried about you, huh?" you said, a half-smile on his face.
"Can't predict the future entirely." he laughed lightly, watching as you set his wet bag down and moved to untie him.
Cutting and pulling the ropes from his body and the tree, you put them into your bag for safe-keeping, helping Jinyoung to his feet as he collapsed back to the ground with a groan.
"One of those bandits smashed my ankle," he said, your eyes noticing that he had a few gashes along his face and chest too. Cuts from the rope gathered around his body managed to rub his skin raw, and he looked nearly fragile from being under the sun.
Letting him sit as you gathered both of your bags, you helped him wrap his arm around your shoulder, lifting him up as you both walked towards a close mountain. An opened cave sat deserted, the inside dry a few feet in before the water near the mountain met the cracks in the rocks. Helping Jinyoung inside, you got him situated against the wall, placing your bags across from him as you dug through your own. Retrieving a jar of medicine, you sat beside him, running a small cloth covered with the healing liquid across his cuts and bruises. His eyes watched you warmly, lips pressed together as you cleaned him up.
"Maybe you are more prepared than I assumed," he said, offering you a small smile as an apology, words unnecessary in the situation.
"Everyone has their perks." you gifted him a smile, watching his cheeks cover his eyes as his teeth shined in the dim cave.
His smile made you understand that he must be out of it from sun-stroke or such. The man you met before was more harsh-witted than the looped man before you now. You helped push his hair back from his face, gently moving the cloth over the few cuts along his cheek and nose from the altercation.
"Were they bandits?" you questioned, watching his mouth fall flat again as he chuckled.
"Let me guess, you saw them first?"
"They didn't seem nice."
"I would presume not, considering they robbed me after we dueled. Thankfully, they aren't as good of a team as we seem to be. One of them lost my bag in the river as they crossed back. I guess they gave up trying to find it before you did." he cackled, taking in a sharp breath as the medication stung against the rope burns on his arms.
"Sorry," you spoke, calming his hisses.
His words were in the back of your mind as you finished cleaning him up. Adjusting your bag, you allowed him to rest while using it as a pillow. Gathering some sticks, you used some extra clothing from both his and your bags to cover the entrance of the cave just enough to create a fire safely. Pulling out some jars of food, you began to heat up a small meal for the both of you.
You sat opposite of Jinyoung, staring down at your small cup of food as you listened to the crickets outside. With the fire popping, his eyes opened slowly, moving as his frame turned to sit upright against the cave's wall. Eyes swelled from sleep, he yawned and looked over you staring at him from across the fire.
"How long was I out?" he questioned, running his right hand over his face.
"It's past midnight," you spoke, a sheepish smile on his face.
He stretched out his arms, holding his hands over the fire as he let his skin take in the heat. Rolling his head, his neck popped as he rubbed his nape. Sitting up on his knees, he reached for a cup to retrieve some food. You took notice that his hair was fluffed on one side where his head laid against your bag. As he sat back with a spoon clinking into the metal cup, you couldn't help but stare at his relaxed state.
"The cut on your cheek is bleeding again," you said, setting your empty cup to the side as you rose to your feet, grabbing the medicine and cloth to clean it.
The liquid ran back over the cloth, his breath hot against your face as you moved close to him to see the cut in the dark. His eyes watched you, the deep brown irises glowing in the light of the fire as he scanned your features. With your tongue between your teeth, you pressed the cloth to the cut, Jinyoung's stilled state making you chuckle.
"No more hissing?" you joked, watching his head shake lightly below your hand as you pulled the cloth back and poured more, dabbing it on the wound again.
He continued staring at you, your eyes meeting as you glared up at him. His hand raised to wrap around your forearm as his face moved closer to yours. His breath smelled of your light porridge, lips silked as they met your own. Lightly pushed against yours, your breathing hitched as your lips sat perfectly between his.
The kiss was subtle, Jinyoung pulling back to set his head against the wall as he watched you run your tongue over your bottom lip, a smirk on his face as you sat with red cheeks.
Setting out the fire, the two of you laid beside each other as you listened to the night-life sing. His breathing slow but deep, you felt his hand brush against your arm as you turned to lay on your back. The moonlight shined past your extra clothing - but still hung to give privacy, his eyes still glowing in the blue light. His fingertips skimmed over your arm, gingerly moving on your chest as he sat up with his elbow against the laid out blanket, his hand holding up his head.
"I'm sorry," he spoke, eyes blinking slowly from sudden restlessness.
"Hm?" you called out, eyebrows furrowed.
"For being so harsh. I'm quite lucky to have stumbled upon you that morning. I'd still be tied to that tree otherwise. I'm grateful." he smiled largely, your chest tightening at his graceful appearance beside you.
His arm moved up, settling between the two of you as he raised up his body, face moving toward yours again as he captured your lips. Moving quicker than earlier, his hand moved back to your body, pressing against your hip bone as he held on to you. Lips together in sync, his tongue slipped into your mouth. A small moan at the back of his throat as his torso covered yours, the position over your body making you moan as his legs moved between yours.
Your hands moved up his arms, holding on to his shoulders and wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. He kept a confined touch to you as his hand skimmed over your chest more, drifting over your breasts as you gasped, giving him a chance to deepen the kiss as his lower body gently pushed into yours. Both of you moaning, his hand moved down to your pants, slipping past the waistband and underneath your underwear as your heat connected with his fingers. Pressing his middle and index finger against your clit, you gasped again and rutted into his hand. The friction made your mouth fall open, his kiss moving to gentle pecks against your cheek and down your neck.
"Let me show you my gratitude," he whispered into your ear, a whimper coming from your lips as you pushed against his hand.
His fingers moved your core in circles, your head was thrown back as he worked the nerves precisely. Quieted moans filled the cave, his fingers working harder and faster on your bundle as his teeth left small bites into your skin. Replacing the pressure on your clit with his thumb, the pad of the finger made your eyes shut tightly as his fingers delved into your soaking wet hole. You let out another whimper as he gently hushed you with another kiss, telling you to stay quiet to not draw the attention of potential dangers outside.
"If they don't manage to hear you, they may smell you. Ahh," he spoke to himself, groaning as his fingers moved in and out of you with little effort, the feeling on you clenching around him making his hand work faster. You were bouncing against him. "Fuck, you're so right around my fingers - so wet."
His words had you on edge, hips swaying into his hand as his crotch rocked against your hip, moans falling from him now, too. His hand kept its pace, your eyes meeting his as his mouth gaped open, silent groans escaping as he watched your body shake beneath him. "Are you gonna cum? Cum all over my fingers. Come on, you deserve it."
You shuddered as you came over his digits, his thumb stilled and pressed deeply into your clit as you moaned loudly in the cave, panting. He smirked down at you, pulling his hand from your pants as his fingers sunk into his mouth. You watched them soaked with your orgasm as they slipped between his lips, his tongue meeting them just as his lips closed. He hummed at the taste, sucking on them gently as he pulled them away.
Your eyes scanned down to his pants, his hardened member noticeable as your fingers latched to his own pants. Untying the simple belt, you tugged at his pants and moved them down his thighs along with his underwear, his cock in the cool air as it leaked precum out of its tip.
"Eager to return the favor already?" he chuckled as you pushed him, his back flat against the blanket and cave's dirt floor.
He hissed as your hand met the bottom of his cock, running your thumb up a single vein as it throbbed under your touch. Putting your tongue flat against his tip, a hiss came from him. Your lips enclosed around him, a deep moan leaving him as his head was thrown back, his neck glistening from sweat. Roaming your hand up and down his length, his hand moved up to his face. Index finger horizontal between his teeth, he tried to keep from making too much noise.
Your face contorted, annoyed by his silence as you took him your mouth without warning, a loud groan coming from him as his entire palm covered his mouth. Silence still sat outside, showing that you were safe. You smirked against his cock, tongue going flat against the bottom as you sucked on him, his hips jerking into your face on instinct from the friction.
"Oh, fucking. Oh," he whined into the air, hips stuttered as you continued your endeavors. "Oh my god," he called out.
You kept moving up and down, sucking when he thought he had a second to breathe again only to take the oxygen back out of his lungs. Soon enough, his hot cum was shooting down your throat as you sat up, gently moving your hand up and down him to coax his orgasm.
Birds chirped outside, the night's events filling your mind as you smiled up at the rocks of the cave. Though the air had become warm, a sudden cold breeze was beside you, Jinyoung's place now vacant. Sitting upright, you looked around the lit cave, finding his bag and extra fabrics gone. The extra light from his clothes not hanging at the entrance of the cave was blinding now that you noticed he had vanished, nothing more than a note beside your head that read "Stay on your own path this time."
You huffed, kicking the side of the cave as your fists balled up. Jinyoung had taken a head start to get to the dragon skull before you - even though he's injured. Understanding that you had the advantage, being that your limbs weren't as sore as his would be, you set off on the trail your map listed in hopes of catching up with Jinyoung again soon. Or, at least, gaining on him enough to get ahead.
Bleak Falls Barrow was listed on your map as the area the skull was most likely in. Having walked half of your path by now, you were near exhaustion, and you had yet to see any signs of Jinyoung passing through. Trying to set your worry for him aside, seeing as he was equipped with enough knowledge to manage most situations - aside from being run into by bandits and tied to a tree - you assumed he was fine.
The warmth of the sun wore off many miles ago. Now the air was filled with a short blizzard and snow almost up to your knees. You had dreaded this part, the cold easier at killing you than most other elements.
You treaded up a mountain, coming closer to a section that was layered with stone steps for easier access to the delve where the dragon skull lies. Watching your every step, your feet were sent from under you as a cane met your legs. Two men - the bandits from before - peered down at you with gruesome expressions, wicked smiles on their faces.
"Come to meet your demise?" one asked, the other one chuckling above you. "What would a lonesome one like you be doing out here climbing this area? Searching for a rags to riches story?"
"Ahh, see it here. She may not be alone." One spoke as he dug through your bag, lifting out one of Jinyoung's extra coats - which he must have snuck into your bag. "It's the same one from the man at the tree. Silly boyfriend run off on you, miss?" he cackled.
"I'd hate to know I lost a pretty one like this to two old men on a mountain. Sure enough, though, you'll be out of here soon." the one spoke, rummaging through your bag as he pulled out dull, useless items to themselves.
"Can't seem to find anything useful?" one asked the one digging through the bag as he huffed and threw it by your head.
"Blank as the other, what is with these new ones? Not enough material to give a poor, old man a piece of something treating." he stared down at you, his pale skin almost translucent as he shook from the cold.
"Not much you have left to do here. Go along now, go home. The delve is already used." the two men spoke along with each other, gesturing for you to leave.
"No!" you yelled at them, snow tumbling down from a nearby cliff as your voice rattled the side of the mountain from the ground. "I've come all this way, I am going in that cave."
"Well alright then." one smiled at the other, both gesturing for you to enter the delve.
You took in a sharp breath, walking into the opening as you were met with more steps that fell downward. Watching your step, you peered around awaiting dangerous traps. Nothing unhooked, swayed, or fell. Trying to understand the area where your map said the skull was, the caves' long walls drew nothing but emptiness as you huffed and made it back up and out.
"Come to find it empty after the previous venture? You must be full of sorrow."
"Pardon?" you questioned.
The two men looked between each other and shared a good laugh. "Believed your boyfriend to have been kind? No, the man was well in and out with the skull moments before you made it up here. He's gone along that way."
They both simultaneously pointed down the other side of the mountain as you witnessed Jinyoung climbing down, hopping off onto the snowed ledge as he was nearing the edge of a forest.
"Fuck!" you yelled taking the two men by surprise.
They both jumped, ones shoe leaving his foot as he fell back against a hill of snow behind him. Both watched as you stomped, shifting on the ground and rushing down the steps. Looking between one another, they both shrugged.
You were skidding down the snow, seeing red as Jinyoung surpassed the brush of trees. Disappearing from your sight, you rushed down the rest of the mountain at full speed, wrestling through the pointy pines on the branches.
"Jinyoung!" you screeched, seeing him nowhere as you ran through the unbearable pine trees.
The man was a ghost, not a sound or sight anywhere you could see as you tried to keep up. Breathing in the cold air made your lungs hurt, the oxygen levels changing from going up and down the mountain making you seconds from falling over. Stumbling through more of the trees as fast as your feet could carry you, the snow was melting as the grass was turning green again.
You ran for miles, seeing Jinyoung in neither direction as you would search up and down the aisles of trees and bushes.
Finally, you heard a sound come from your right, moving toward it as you saw him walking to a dirt path. Collapsing against his body, not minding his injury, he fell back against the bark of a tree.
"What the fuck?" he yelled, eyes moving from the ground to your sweaty body before him.
"I have run" you began. "For fucking miles trying to catch up with you!" Panting, you tried to catch your breath as your mouth ran dry. "I was on the mountain, didn't you hear me screaming?"
"No!" he yelled. "The wind was too hollow to hear anything but my own breathing."
Your chest puffed in and out as your hand reached for a tree, collapsing against it.
"You look like hell."
The dragon skull was medium size in his hand, his fingers holding on to it so hard that they were white. He stood before you, hair lightly damp as his eyes were wide staring at your frenzied state.
You stared back at him with dark eyes, watching as he gripped the skull. You looked between his face and the carcass of the dragon, blood boiling as your cheeks grew red with anger.
"You really want this skull, huh?" he mocked, watching as your eyes grew darker. "Well okay then."
He set the skull down on a nearby log, rummaging through his bag as he pulled out a dagger.
"Grab a weapon," he spoke at you, jaw clenching as you quickly pulled out a small hammer from your bag. "You didn't think I'd let you get this skull without a fight, did you?" His head tilted with a cocky smirk on his face. "You think that just because I made you moan last night, that I'd just gift you the skull and let you gain fame?"
He clicked his tongue, swinging his arm in a circle as you dropped to the ground, your body shuffling away quickly as the dagger nearly grazed your leg.
"Up for close combat, baby?"
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." you seethed, angered enough to hit him over the head with the hammer. "You're already injured."
"Come on. Put up a fight for me so I can bend you over that log and take you with some respect."
His words made you rage even more, sending your hammer whistling at him as it slammed against his forearm, making him yell and push back. His stance was stiff - circling you - waiting for you to make the first move so he could step in and hit you in a weak spot as you retreated.
Pushing in further, your hammer grazed his arm once more, his dagger slicing against your thigh as he drawled back.
"I know you're better than this."
"Keep at it, and you're gonna be the one on that log begging."
His mouth opened with a loud laugh, eyes keeping on you as you both stood. Bent at the knee, his ankle giving every few seconds, you swung your hammer where he was truly vulnerable. The main section of the metaled weapon hit against his crotch, balancing your wrist down for it to strike against his ankle in the process. With a loud cry, Jinyoung tumbled to the ground with his thighs clenched up to his chest, hands around his ankle to comfort the pain.
"Still want to tease me, baby?" you hissed at him, claiming the skull as you pushed it into your own bag.
Picking up his dagger, you put it back into the cover and into his bag as you pulled him over to the log. Helping him sit against the fallen wood, you aided him carefully.
"You won that." he chuckled, groaning in pain as your fingers ran over his hurt ankle. "Fair and square."
"Did you go through all of this trouble just to piss me off?" you fumed.
"You're on to me, now?" he smiled. "I knew from the second we met that you'd play a big part in my mission. I was also aware that you were going to give me a hard time."
"Me?" you shouted. "No! You gave me a hard time! Having to trail up the river just to see if you were still alive, having to care for you in the cave last night in case you grew ill, having to speed up my pace to the mountain just to make sure you weren't hurt again, having to duel wi-"
Your ranting was cut off by his hand grabbing your face, pushing your lips against his in a deep kiss to shut you up. His tongue ran over your bottom lip, hand tangled in your hair as he pulled you into his lap. With your body pressed against his, you were both panting as he finally pulled away.
"But it was worth it, wasn't it? Now you have the skull."
"Jinyoung, I never would have imagined I would meet someone like you."
"I'll take it." he chuckled with another smile.
You sighed, looking over to the skull as you brought it between the two of you. Looking it over, the dragon seemed different than the others the person that was paying you had on display, it looked almost new.
"It's yours," he stated.
"It's ours."
"Huh?" he questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he stared into your eyes.
"Come back with me. We can gift it together, and you can take half of the sum. You struggled enough - even if you considered yourself against me during the mission."
"Amiable and gutsy. Seems I have a lot to learn about you on the trip home."
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horrorstoryfanfics · 4 years
Summer To Remember: Part Three
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So this one has some fluff and a little bit of tension. It also has some Xavier POV at the end. Let me know how you feel about it! If you guys like it then I’ll make sure to write more in the future ! 
Warnings: Mentions of death, gore, Trevor’s bulge, loads of Xavier being cute, some built up sexual tension, alcohol. 
As we got into the cabin Ray was in a beanbag, Montana was on the floor with Chet, and Brooke was seated on the couch. I opted to go sit on the closest bunk, Xavier following and plopping down beside me.
"I'm going to go check on the hitchhiker guy, make sure he's okay." Brooke smiled innocently as she stood up and went out the door.
Montana raised an eyebrow and brushed it off as she looked over her shoulder to me, "So, how do you deal with Margaret as your mother?" Her eyebrow twinged up as she spoke.
"Montana!" Xavier snapped, sending a stern look her way.
She raised her hands in defense as I laughed, his demeanor changing as he saw I took it as a joke. "On a wing and a prayer," I winked as Montana chuckled lightly.
"She's very...." Montana made an implying face as she tried to find the right word.
"Overprotecting, unbearable, over the top, crazy, bogus?" I finished before she could, "Yeah those all pretty much sum her up." I sighed as I shifted a bit.
"She's off her rockers if she thinks I'm gonna listen to that no sex rule." Chet scoffed as he took a swig of his beer.
I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah and who are you fucking?"
"Maybe you if you're lucky," He winked at me before taking a sip.
"As if," I scoffed lightly as I rolled my eyes. "You aren't my type."
Chet looked hurt as if he thought he was every girls type.
"And what is your type?" Montana teased as her eyes quickly darted to the man beside me.
"Well," I started, glancing over at Xavier before looking back at the others, "I have this wicked things for blondes."
My goal was to tease Xavier, there was just something about him that brought upon my attraction. I enjoyed the look of amusement on his face whenever I teased him and I just wanted to make it happen more and more.
Xavier leaned back smugly while sending a shit eating grin over to Chet.
"Montana has more of a chance than you do," Ray joked as he took another sip of beer.
Chet pushed his shoulder, almost knocking the alcohol out of his hand, "Shut up," he sneered. Causing Ray to laugh even more.
"It just so happens that you're also my type," Xavier whispered in my ear, sending cool shivers all over my body. I kept my composure as I played it cool.
"That'll break Bertie's heart," I gasped, jokingly grabbing my heart in shock.
He shrugged coolly, "What can I say, when you find the one you gotta break some hearts."
My lips twinged into a faint smile as I bumped him with my shoulder. He bumped back which started a game of "Who could knock the other over first". And I was determined to win. We kept bumping each other until eventually he grabbed my arms and pinned me to the bedpost. My breath being taken away as I just sat there.
I cocked my eyebrow, "And what're you going to do now?"
He leaned in, no doubt about to whisper a comeback as the door slammed open. He jumped back, letting go of my arms as we all turned to stare at Brooke hurrying her way inside.
"That guy is crazy!" She said out of breath as she sat down on the couch. "He completely wigged out. I think he has a concussion."
"I mean we got him here, made sure he didn't die. Karmically, we're cool." Montana stated casually.
"He kept saying something bad was gonna happen." Brooke said as her voice rose a little in fear.
We all looked over to the door as we heard heavy footsteps approaching. The door opened unexpectedly as a man busted in.
"Hey!" He paused dramatically, "Don't you guys know you're not supposed to be coed fraternizing?"
We all looked around nervously as the man's laughter filled the room. "I'm just fucking with you," He waved his hand dismissedly, "I'm Trevor, the activities director. So technically I'm you're boss but don't worry, I'm not gonna be enforcing any of Margaret Booth's rules for godly living." He dropped his beer into the cooler, "Between you and me, I bet myself fifty bucks I'd bang her by the end of the summer."
"Good luck with that one," I laughed while making a face, "The only one my Mom gives it to is God."
He looked over at me, about to say something when Montana interjected. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"
And this brought on the uncomfortably long conversation that was a battle of Trevor and Montana's sexual tension. Montana bringing up how he was in a Jane Fonda work out video and how he had to be removed because a certain part of him was taking the focus away from Jane. And the knowledge that that was the first thing Montana masturbated too, a little tmi. They had a stare down before deciding to sneak off together to take care of said tension.
As soon as they left I let out a loud laugh, "That was a little more information than I wanted to know."
"And see," Brooke chimed in quietly, referring to the bulge that Trevor proudly placed in front of her.
"He literally just walked through the door and he's getting laid." Chet waved his hand in their direction the sound of disappointment threaded through his voice.
I rolled my eyes, standing up and brushing off my pants. "I'm going for a walk, I don't want to hear you complain about being a virgin anymore."
Chet scrambled for words, "I-I'm not a virgin."
I looked back before rolling my eyes and heading out the door.
Making my way down the steps and hearing the door open with a creak behind me. Curiously I turned around to see Xavier trotting to my side.
"Mind if I join you?" He asked casually hoping off the last step to stand beside me.
"Not at all," I smiled back, secretly I had hoped that he would.
We made it away from the main camp and into one of the dimly lit paths in the woods.
"Y/n, aren't you afraid that Mr.Jingles is out here right now?" He said beside me, trying to scare me.
"No," I looked over at him and smiled, "And if you're trying to get me to jump into your arms you're gonna need a little more ammo than trying to spook me."
He laughed lightly, "I like a girl that doesn't scare easy."
"Then you're gonna love me," I gave him a flirty side eyed look. I don't know what it was about him that drew me in but it did. After only knowing him for a total of about six hours I wanted more. I had never felt like this before and it was exciting. Even if it would just turn out to be a summer fling.
"Oh sweetheart I have no doubt." He lightly grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me to a stop. I turned around quickly to see him pull back, "Let's stop here for a bit."
We sat down on a log and looked out across the lake, admiring the moonlight glazing over the water. The low hum of the crickets was the only sound, a nice change from the busy streets of LA.
"So what made you decide to come here?" I asked, casually trying to make conversation. I looked over at his face to see his features lightly dusted with a mixture of the moonlight and the dim camp light.
"I had some things I needed to get away from, even if it was just for a little bit." He sighed lightly as I nodded with him. "What made you decide to help Mommy dearest with this place?"
I chuckled and looked out to the lake, "Honestly, I turned her down a thousand times...I wanted nothing to do with it until she wore me down and eventually I caved." I turned towards him, our eyes meeting "And now I'm glad I did."
His nose turned up as he looked down at me with a change in his eyes, "Well I hope I can make it a summer to remember," he leaned in ever so slightly.
I also leaned in so my lips were ghosting over his, "I'm sure you will," I whispered before leaning back. The corners of my mouth turning up into a wicked smirk.
He bit his lip gently as he stared at me, "I'm really regretting my dibs now. But they're unretractable." He threw his hands up, "I was just so blinded by lust," he joked.
"You're no different now," I mocked lightly. His blue eyes now dark as he hovered over me.
He parted his lips which caused me to look down at them, "I'm not blind baby, I know exactly what I want."
My heart rate increased as his hand came to rest on top of mine, "And what is that?"
His cocky grin grew as he knew the effect he was having on me, "Whatever you can give me." He gripped my hand and leaned in so close that our noses were almost touching.
Every atom in my body was telling me to just lean in and kiss him but I enjoyed teasing him way too much. So instead I took my other hand and rested it above his knee, "Well we'll just have to see what you deserve." I squeezed his leg before I stood up.
His mouth was ajar and his eyebrows were furrowed, he looked godly but I didn't want to give up my plan of  messing with him just yet. Instead I sauntered back up to the girls cabin. In a few seconds Xavier was on my heels.
When we made it back inside the guys were sat on the couch watching the Olympics as Montana and Brooke were asleep on their bunks. The guys didn't pay any attention to us as we snuck over to the beanbag chair on the ground.
Before I could sit down Xavier sat in it first.
"I wanted to sit there," I pouted playfully stomping my foot.
He had a devilish glint in his eye, "You still can," Before I could object he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his head on top of my shoulder.
I wanted to pretend to be annoyed, to rile him up even further but all I could focus on was how warm he was and the sweet sent of his cologne. Not to mention how comfortable I was with him this close.
Now he was the one messing with me, "Sweetheart your heart sounds like it's going to burst. Are you okay?" His lips were touching my ear as he whispered.
My mouth parted as I was going to say something but then the door slammed open, my mother bursting in. Xavier and I both jumped up, nearly stumbling over each other again.
"Boys and girls together after dark," she reprimanded, looking from me to Trevor, no doubt angry at the fact we didn't enforce her rule.
"Lights out in twenty minutes," She looked down to her watch, "The boys will leave and remove themselves from temptation." She looked accusingly at Xavier as she spat out her words.
Ray sighed and Trevor headed over to the door, opening it, "Let's go boys." Chet and Ray left sunkenly, following Trevor out the door.
Xavier gave me a wink before smiling and striding to the door, stopping in front of my Mom. "You gonna make us pray the boners away?" He challenged a cocky glint in his eyes.
Montana and I laughed as Mom turned around quickly, "A clean body is a clean mind. How many times do I have to go over the rules? Boys shower at night. No exceptions. Now go wash the filth off so you can wake up pure and refreshed for morning prayer."
He looked over his shoulder and blew me kiss before striding out after the others. I bit my lip to hold back the smile that was fighting to get free.
Mom turned around to look at me, "Whatever it is that you have going on with that boy needs to stop before he corrupts your soul."
Before I could get a word in she slammed the door shut and left.
"Bitch," I muttered. I was twenty and she had no hold over me anymore. Whatever I wanted to do and with who was my decision. Not hers. I wasn't going to let her try to dictate me anymore.
Brooke and Montana were awake now, no thanks to my mom's sudden intrusion. Brooke sat up on the bed and Montana got up to crack open another beer. I walked over to the other bed across from her and laid down, leaning against my palm.
Brooke looked uneasy so Montana sat beside her, "Look, some dickhead broke into your apartment and attacked you, that's super scary. I mean, a stranger once grabbed my boob outside a Sam Goody, so I get it. But not everyone is out to get you."
I nodded, taking in her words as Brooke sniffled. "He said he was going to come back...that he was going to find me."
I sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed, "Trauma's a bitch Brooke," I hesitated before deciding to share my story with them, "When my dad died...I was the one who found him." I paused, looking at the floor. "His guts were spilled over the tub and all over the floor. For years all I saw was that image. They also never caught who did it..." I sighed and held my hands together, "Every sound I heard, every creak in the floorboards had me convinced that the killer was back and that I was going to end up like him." I looked up at her, tears threatening to spill out, "But it turned out they were just noises. You're going to be paranoid for a while...but eventually everything turns out okay." I gave her a reassuring smile.
I felt weird telling two strangers who I just met a very personal side of me, but I saw how upset Brooke was and if my story could help her just even in the tiniest bit, I wanted to try.
Montana gave me a short smile, "She's right," she turned back to Brooke, "If you imagine the worst, that's all you see."
"You don't have to imagine the worst when it's already happened." Brooke mumbled.
Montana and I sat there listening to Brooke relive her past summer trauma. She was engaged and on the day of her wedding her fiance snapped, thought she slept with his best man when in reality she just didn't want to be alone. Her man didn't believe that and shot the best man in the head, Brooke's dad, and then killed himself. It was horrific.
I just sat there in shock, we've all been through something or another that's made us who we are. We all are just hoping for something good, hopefully it can be this camp.
Xavier's POV
"I can't see shit," I mumbled while I swung the light in front of me, trying to get any kind of clarity. "If you had to give up one of your five senses which one would it be?" I asked, turning around to the others.
"Smell, definitely." Ray said.
"Yeah but then you could never smell bacon." Chet stated. He did have a point there. But out of all the senses I think that's the easiest one to justify losing.
We all were walking through the dark aimlessly. Ray and I were the only ones who had flashlights. They weren't really doing much for us as we stumbled over to the showers. Almost every step stumbling over rocks or vines.
"Montana's skin smells like vanilla frosting." Trevor said dreamily, "We had a real connection down there at the lake. Like a...meeting of the souls. First base never felt so good."
"Wait," Chet paused, "All you did was kiss?"
"'Course not," Trevor said as he strode radically.
"That's what first base means." Chet said matter of factly.
"Maybe for you.." Trevor said as Chet felt embarassed for the thousandth time tonight.
"If he gets dibs on Montana, and Xavier has Y/n, then I get first shot at Brooke." Ray said.
"Y/n, nice. She's real cute." Trevor held out his hand for me to fist bump and I did while a smirk played across my lips.
"Talk about connection," I patted my chest over my heart lightly. My thoughts ran back to her. She was fiery and didn't give in to me as easy as other girls did. I liked it, it was a different feeling.
"Wait..." Chet paused, "Who does that leave for me?"
"Margaret," Trevor stated. I stifled a laugh as Ray couldn't keep his in.
I walked over and patted Chet's shoulder. "Yeah you can be my new father in law." The others laughed while Chet shook my hand off and stormed inside the showers.
We all followed inside, genuinely forgetting how much of a shit hole the showers really were. I took the flashlight as I strolled through the showers as I scoffed, "Where's all the towels and little soaps?"
"This isn't a spa." Trevor said as he chucked a towel at me, "Here, I brought two." I caught it and thanked him casually, I genuinely didn't want to walk all the way back up to the cabin.
We all started undressing by the lockers, Ray brought a radio and turned it on. I was actually shocked it got reception out here.
I started washing all across my body, over my chest, down my arms, all over.
"So what base did you make it to with Y/n when you two snuck off?" Ray raised an eyebrow as he played with the toothpick in his mouth.
I smirked, "None yet, I'm along for the ride." I paused remembering how close we were to kissing and how I wanted nothing more than to taste her and see if her lips were as soft as they looked. "She's doing things to me man." I sighed, already wanting to see her again.
"I hear ya," Trevor agreed as he sent a wink over to me. "Montana is just something else." He turned over to me and tilted his head back, "Maybe summer love is real."
My head shot up as he said the word "love". It wasn't something I had thought of or even felt in a really long time. But it could be at play here, considering I'm not just thinking with my dick.
"When Brooke came and helped me bandage up my hand...I dunno. I just felt something too." Ray took the toothpick out and shook it while he looked up to the sky, thinking.
"Great well while you all find the one I guess I'll just be jacking off in the cabin alone." Chet huffed, he started scrubbing his body harder in annoyance.
"Don't lose hope yet Chet," I started, "You still have Margaret." I bit back a smile as he hurled the soap at me, I ducked before it could hit me as I couldn't hold my laughter anymore.
"Rita is cute.." Trevor mentioned, I nodded in agreement.
"Rita would kill him before he could even get a word in." Ray mentioned, he was kidding but there was a bit of truth to his words.
Trevor laughed, "Yeah she'd probably stab you with a needle as soon as you walked in." We all laughed as Chet scoffed.
The lights suddenly powered down.
"Guess our 20 minutes is up," I mumbled as I quickly rinsed the remaining soap and turned the water off.
When we were finished Ray and Chet immediately fell asleep, leaving me to stare up at the ceiling. My thoughts circling back to Y/n. I'd just met her today but something felt different about her and I just wanted to make sure she was safe. Like back at the campfire, I could tell she was getting a little tense about all the Mr.Jingles talk...I just wanted to help her.
"This camp," Trevor whispered as I looked over at him, "Has a way of making people feel things." I turned so I was laying on my side, completely facing him now. "Like making that guy snap all those years ago, what if we're snapping in our own good ways."
Taglist: @felicityofbakerstreet​
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