#Mpreg alt
danishpastri · 1 year
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alt-preg · 6 months
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Im back making Sissification captions involving pregnancy!
PM me with pics if you'd like to see them captioned!
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lizzemea · 8 months
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This is an au by @mushroomnoodles where my Boi is made of candy, special thanks to mush for letting me draw this simon! He is adorable 💖
(I was unsure what he should do, so I drew him reading a comic about other simons in the multiverse, I hope it is alright)
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 8 months
A Witches Silver Ring
Hope you enjoy this little piece it was pretty fun to try and write and it moved away from my traditional styles. Hope you enjoy this dive into Alternative pregnancy!
Long ago in an age before legends, before scripture when there was only the way of force. None exemplified this more than the warrior king Serosh. More a beast in human form than a warrior, Serosh was to be feared when in the heat of battle.  Whether armed or with his bare hands Serosh would engage in combat naked. His prideful manhood swung about. Whether by skill, fear, or his ever-present battle erection Serosh certainly yielding himself several scars but never any upon his back or manhood. He was a man without fear.
Serosh would always be found leafing ghost people into the fiercest of battles. From his village, he laid siege to all those surrounding him. He laid waste to palaces and fortresses alike. None would survive his brutal campaign. So many casualties yet he still remained. Upon one of his bloodiest sieges, he heard of a warrior who may be his greatest foe. A warrior renowned for their swordsmanship. When he called to a challenge in one on one combat Serosh came without delay. Only to meet his opponent. Dressed in fine blue silks, with a curved blade in hand. 
As he normally did Serosh battled naked. His opponent. Closed their eyes giving Serosh a moment to strike. Yet with the grace of a dancer, they dodged and reposted him. A good slay to the side left a scare but did not disembowel. Something he told his opponent, “You need to do better I’ve battled with my innards hang loose before!” 
Serosh went in for a strike. Again his opponent moved elegantly like a dancer. A flurry of strikes in numerous locations. Only cuts to Serosh’s eye. Serosh let out a battle cry and swung his blade across the horizon. The swordsman in blue moved gracefully and reposted.
“You have yet to lay a scratch upon me,” he heard the voice of his opponent
The voice of a woman. He was filled with rage.
“You may be strong but you have yet to have real power.”
Serosh charged and roared his battle cry. The swordswoman disarmed him getting his sword out of his hand. She proclaimed him finished and left the battle. Serosh was not done. He demanded satisfaction. And she would not yield to “A crying child such as you,”
In his anger, he single-handedly destroyed several villages surrounding this swordswoman encampment. She would not cop to combat against him. It led him to a lone cottage hidden away from all others. And there was a witch and her daughter. Tending to a small garden, no doubt their only source of food. Serosh made his way to them, readying his idle threats, his grip tightening around his weapon.
“RAAGH!” he cried out
The daughter screamed and headed inside the cottage. The mother stood in front of the doorway ready to protect her daughter.
“Be gone from here! We have nothing for your wanting!” she proclaimed to Serosh
“If you breathe I shall take it.” He swung his blade down
The woman moved out of the way and attempted to shove him. Serosh barely budged. He went to strike again. A single strand of cloth rose on its own and held his sword in place. The cloth did not tear against the sharp jagged edge of his blade.
“A Witch!” Serosh proclaimed
“She waved her hand holding up a few fingers, her pointer, and her pinky. That wave of her hand brought the roots up and boundSerosh. He was not fearful. He swung his sword down at the roots cutting himself free. She noticed he nicked parts of his leg.
“You would injure yourself in battle?” she asked him
“What means do I have to be fearful of injury? I fear nothing, not even death,” He went to stab his sword at her. 
The witch turned to mist and evaded his attack. Using this he charged to the door. She returned to her human form and let out a word of magic in an ancient language. Serosh appeared to have been turned around in the blink of an eye now suddenly charging at the witch. With her pointer fingers and thumbs forming a triangle with her palms facing Serosh, she froze him in place. Incapable of moving,
Serosh laughed wickedly. “I have broken such spells before. I will stain this very ground with your blood once I am free,”
“What will it take, payment? Coin or flesh? Tribute? What need does a barbarian such as you want in killing me and my daughter?”
“I want only to kill, to reign as the greatest warrior!” he proclaimed.
She pulled a silver ring from her finger. “Take this,” she pleaded with him “Take this ring and it will lead you to your victory.”
“Such a ring cannot do such things.” Serosh reposed to her.
“This one will. It will fill the gap of what you lack. And that will lead you to greater things.” She exclaimed
She explained this ring was a gift from a former master. The ring was enchanted to make a person whole. By filling in the part of their soul that they lack. She laid the ring in front of him and left. Going into her little cottage it disappeared like a shroud of mist. Serosh was able to move again.
He was tempted by the ring. Picking it up he thought very faintly about what he lacked. “Nothing, I lack only utter victory.” He without hesitation put the ring around his middle finger.
The band shrunk to fit him.
Now standing in the clearing stark naked. He cleaved his sword into the ground. He marveled at the ring around his finger seeing symbols and markings appearing across the band. He proclaimed aloud that he could feel the magic surging through him. His pendulous testicles convulse and retracted before relaxing. Their weight was easily noticeable. It didn’t stop. His balls continued to engorge getting heavier and descending further. They were already the grapefruit, bringing him to his knees.
“What manner of magic is this,” he cried out. His testicles getting bigger and bigger.
Now already the size of a small melon, he could feel something inside with each testicle. Something writing, wiggling, and moving beneath the skin of his ball sack. Serosh was unsure as to the nature of this feeling. Yet the only thing he knew was that it was alive. The ring gave him only minor clarity. Life was dwelling inside his overly engorged testicles.
Serosh ripped off the silver ring. And readied to throw it away. Unable to get his footing from the weight of his baby-filled testicles, falling to his back. He could feel his balls constricting. Bringing the closer to his cock. “What is happening!” He roared out and started to feel a sharp pain surge through him.
He could feel the base of his shaft starting to stretch as the baby moved into position. It hurt like hell, he clenched his fists gripping and ripping out blades of grass as part of his overgrown nails dug into his palm. When the baby stopped moving for a moment he tried to catch his breath. He cursed that woman's fowl magics for this. Yet without delay the baby began to move again, moving further and further into the shaft. 
He could see it. His cock looked like it had inflated well beyond the size it was supposed to be. The baby's head was just under the tip of his cock which he could feel was starting to open wide. He felt the baby descend back a little before starting to move up and stretch the head of his cock. He howled in pain as his urethra was stretched beyond its means. He was tearing up blades of grass and digging into the soil trying to find anything, something he could grip onto.
Imprints of his nails in some while the skin was broken in others. His eye of his cock was pulsing as the baby's head crept out. He was crowning. He looked down at this macabre scene and saw the baby's head as it crept through his shaft again. More of the head became exposed, as much as the forehead was out now. His eyes were watering his teeth clenched, his fists raw and bloodied. 
Once more the baby began to come through the entire head finally coming loose. But there was no reprieve, it kept sliding out. The shoulders were next as the weight of his cock flopped onto his chest. The baby was being pushed out as he writhed in pain. The greatest mass of the baby was the body as it came sliding out now free from the tightest confines of his once tight urethra. 
He could feel the newborn fussing on his chest letting out their first sounds crying in desperation all whole the after birth came slithering out as his cock. Here he was, the once-great Serosh. A conquerer, a slayer of men, reduced to this.
Serosh could no longer feel his cock as it twitched and closely closed. Yet this wasn't the end. That same feeling came to the base of his shaft. It was happening again, the numbness of his cock didn't reduce the pain he felt as another baby made its way up the shaft. Again his cock flared and swelled this time the baby wasn't stopping going up the shaft until it reached the base of the head. He dug and dug until his fingers reached a thick root to grab onto. 
Baby number two began to crown stretching his head even more. He could see the top of the head. His cock flopped back into his body, as more of the head came free. The first baby was crying, he was groaning in terrible pain. By the time the shoulders were nearly out he almost blacked out. Another baby birthed from his cock resting atop his body.
He couldn't move the sound of the babies crying as his vision went dark. He awoke hours later it was already night. The babies were off of his body and he lay next to a fire. She was barely able to lift himself.
"Awake I see,"
He knew that voice, it was her, it was the witch. He turned to fave her seeing her cradling her own baby with his twins nestled in baskets cleaned and swaddled. 
"You!" Serosh roared through his teeth
“I see you have yet to quell your anger. Perhaps another set will do the trick,”
He paused. Never before has he ever doubted himself. His rage faded fast like sniffing out a candle. The witch simply smirked seeing him like this. 
“Why have you come?” Serosh asked her
“To see if you have finally learned something,”
“In a way,” Serosh responded
“And that would be?” 
Serosh's response was simple “Never threatened a witch”
“Such wise words coming from a warrior who fears nothing.”
Serosh let himself fall back to the ground. 
“Rest, your new journey will begin when you are rested.” 
The silver ring appeared again on his middle finger. No runes or symbols, it was just an ordinary silver ring. Even though he felt as if there was magic still in it. His body was still sore and numb. The ring gave him what it knew he needed. Touch of kindness, that only a father would understand and compassion, that only a mother could truly know.
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mpreg-nouveau · 6 months
In 1900s omegaverse how many people do you think tried to time their trips to the US so they could secretly register as an alpha upon entry with perfumes and such, but totally miscalculated their heats and ended up mating with someone on the boat over (cause they were cramped and could take months) so they show up to Ellis island or angel island very pregnant and asking for a marriage license as well as a certification citizenship.
Or just for that matter omegas that are coming over without family and thought some quack patent medicine or traditional herbal remedy would keep them from going into heat on the ship but they end up meeting with an alpha in rut anyways and hooking up together.
Do you think they just had a justice of the peace at those places on standby cause of that stuff? With translators of multiple languages cause they two may not even speak the same language cause they got on the boat at different ports but felt duty bound to stick together for the kid/the alpha slipped up and marked the omega during their romp so they feel obligated to stick to them.
Heck the two may not entirely know each other's names or be able to write their own names in english so there's someone on standby as well to teach the english alphabet briefly for Eastern Europeans, Jewish, African, Middle Eastern, and Asian immigrants.
Or on a sadder note, do you think they have to have officers there to help with situations that turn out not so amicable?
Social workers speaking with devastated omegas who were abandoned by the alpha they met on the boat and now have to help them find a boarding house in NYC for pregnant omegas.
Or someone there to catch alphas trying to escape the omega they accidentally knocked up cause their heat scent was just too alluring, and make sure they register as the sire for legal reasons.
I'm imagining officers regularly having to console sobbing rejected omegas or dealing with crazy situations like an alpha running around and shouting, trying to get a determined omega clinging to them to let go but the omega is determined to not be a single parent in the new world.
Or sadder still, a mediator between families, some alpha who was already in America having to come to terms with the fact another one slept with their fiancee who they sent for when they were both in their hormonal periods, so now the omega has two mating bites.
And cause having to stay several days on angel and Ellis island is usually covered by the shipping companies under penalty of law, what crazy things do they try to do to avoid these things? Like make sections of the boat to hold omegas in heat, pass out condoms to everyone, charge more for omegas, etc....
....Would the statue of Liberty be depicted as pregnant or holding an infant in this universe given the prominence and focus on pregnancy in this society.
I'm having many thoughts
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theallegedbird · 9 months
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have an arthur fleckmas and a happy pale man ❤️❤️
edited by the tgelest @cemeteryydriverr 🔥
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tgirldomme · 3 months
MY ASKS KEEP CRASHING WHEN I TRY TO POST RESPONSES TO THEM !! i’m not ignoring you i promise xx
hi, im Minerva (she/her); welcome to my nsfw blog. my alt account is @dommetgirl.
im a 21yo tranny who loves tgirls, enbies and tboys - of all shapes n sizes.
not exclusively t4t but it’s a preference, respectful cis people who don’t fetishise me are the only exception, especially if you’re fat. DMs very much open to anyone under those umbrellas, as long as you’re of age.
would love to share my body with you but there’s no pressure to reciprocate, although it’d be wonderful if you did chose to <333
- mpreg/breeding
- facesitting
- femdom
- gock praise/worship (please!)
- gangbang
- praise
- degradation (for other)
- light sadism
- mommy/big sis
- oral fixation
- size difference/contrast
- intox
- facefucking
- piss… maybe…
- thighfucking
- i love boycunt and girldick like a kink
- mutual masturbation
- fatpad/fupa 😵‍💫
- extreme cnc/rape play
- raceplay
- MAP related “kinks”
- misgendering
- scat
- birthing kinks (love breeding but not giving birth)
- extreme/overly specific fauxcest
good terms
- mommy
- mistress
- goddess
- ma’am
- big sis
- gock/cock/girlcock/girldick
bad terms
- anything masculine
- anything subby
- minors (gotta have age in bio)
- MAPs (pedos)
- trans/homophobes (obvs)
- transmeds
- pro-@na/active @na accounts
- sissy blogs
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mushroomnoodles · 3 months
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
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syd/morri twins alt simon in the muumuu btw
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zangtang · 11 months
Everything can change at any point!
Create images here: https://www.bing.com/images/create?FORM=GENILP before i say anything else though: not following someone else's prompts means you'll likely find some wild and unexpected things yourself. If you follow my prompts like they're laws, you will only ever get results like mine. There are people doing much cooler, weirder things. Don't get restricted by this.
the site was VERY BROKEN for the last 6 days, you haven't been banned. You get 15 boosts a day which usually override any current downtime, but the popup thinks you get 25 a week, which is an indicator of how busted and poorly planned they were for this flood of users. It's not too hard to create illegal results, and there's millions of users, so it's very unlikely a human is ever looking at your results. Unless you're doing really spectacularly terrible things, of course. If you get the warning as soon as you enter your prompt, change the most controversial aspects of your prompt immediately, as repeats of this will get you suspended for increasingly long times. It is possible to make alt accounts with throwaway emails though. It's unconfirmed but it appears that US residents get priority access during US times, and UK residents can only reliably make things from 7am to 1pm for example. Weekend access is a crapshoot. I don't personally pay for ChatGPT so I can't say anything about the alleged priority access you get there, but even that can be slow and restricted during the worst times (I assume this will the their priority to fix though). There are many conflicting reports about whether it's more censored or not. Reports is a very fancy way of saying reddit comments.
Everything I superstitiously guess about prompts:
you can be very descriptive and write in natural english, or you can be very brief. both methods work, I suspect both versions do different things. repetition and restating the same thing in other ways also seems to emphasise (possibly.) Prompts can be quite chaotic and contradictory - you can describe a lot of things happening and it may surprise you, so have fun with weirdness! some words are "heavy" against the automated filters, and can be safe in one prompt and unsafe in another. think of it like buckaroo, the AI is trying to find meaning in your prompt and it will sometimes combine things and get mad about it. be aware of politics and words that may be used in erotic senses, and switch those up.
this is the format I use the most because i am super lazy and unimaginative. items in [ ] are optional and can be anything, and I don't know how the word order matters - in old Midjourney it mattered quite a bit according to guides, but now they're all pushing to parse natural english I'm not so sure:
[number of] [body type] [age] [nationality] [male noun or job] wearing [clothes], with a [size, shape] belly, [hair description], [pose], [location, time of day, weather, lighting, era], [facial expression or attitude], [actions]
The number of guys can be vague like "several." Also placing a number here will generally result in all men being fat. To add a second, very different person (even women! imagine the power), simply describe that in plain english later in the prompt. Try adding "with friends" or something and seeing what happens.
Mentioning body type is separate from mentioning that he has a large stomach because "fat man" alone doesn't make him very fat. also, the body type prompt will dictate his physical build underneath the belly - this allows you to make mpreg very easily, for example. Mentioning his belly separately also seems to be a key part in making clothes not cover it up. However, DallE has clearly gotten much better at this for some clothes, but not all of them. Formalwear is improving, though tactical vests no longer do the cute thing they used to do, and football shirts still ride up reliably. Nationality can be weird, and you can use it to exploit stereotypes, or it can be an eye-opening view of stereotypes from countries you barely know about - want to know what differentiates an Angolan man from a Kenyan man? Probably don't trust AI results! I suspect some countries are controversial due to current politics, and I suspect some are controversial due to fetishy stereotyping. However, if for example "English man" got censored, consider going for capital cities or famous regions, eg "London man." Maybe look up sports teams from that country. I'm a big fan of the "Italian-American" prompt but lately it's gotten quite a few results blocked, so I'd switch to "New Jersey," maybe even "New Jersey Italian."
"Handsome" may slim your results down, or even break the prompt entirely. Consider making your men footballers or rugby players, mention trendy haircuts, or using out of date synonyms to get round it. AI isn't all that likely to give you especially ugly results anyway, particularly if you specify ages under 40. It doesn't get the hair precisely right, but even a generic prompt like "short thick hair" can help. Giving your character a job may dictate what he'll wear, but you might want to specify what clothes you want anyway. Don't mention either if you hope he'll turn out naked. Certain jobs are tricky to use, as AI strains to be as unpolitical as possible - it doesn't want you doing politicians and it sometimes seems to refuse anything that might make the police or military look bad. However, it will accept "wearing a [colour] uniform/pilot shirt" very happily, because it's duuuuumb.
Mention trousers, footwear or even just feet if your results keep zooming in too much. (It'll also zoom in if you mention too much about his face, I think.) Side view appears to make certain prompts fatter, but will often mean he's looking away - you can add "Looking at camera" if you want that. Metallic and plastic clothes can have very fun and weird results, especially if you change the location to a night setting in the rain. Gladiator costumes will reduce his clothes to a few leather straps.
"Flex pose" and "strong pose" will get butch bodybuilder poses (it will also buff up the muscle mass) and "battling strong winds" gets very superhero poses. At least when I was trying these out, I found I couldn't actually get proper bodybuilder poses or mention of superheroes past the censor, but it's been a few weeks so who knows what it's up to now. Give them all a go!
Casual poses and actions can liven things up a little if you just want portraits but don't want it to repeatedly be the same thing facing you directly. Getting out of a car, climbing stairs, leaning against things, adjusting his clothes or putting on a coat, all these kinds of things work. Smoking or drinking does quite a lot. "Tired" or "Exhausted" changes his attitude a lot too, your leans get leaned into more.
Contact words can be a little difficult, so consider ways to exploit using soft contact, or be very wordy and detailed about it so it's not misinterpreting you. "Patting him on the back" is a fairly safe phrase, but DallE isn't intelligent, so it will allow the contact but it will struggle to be precise, especially when the bodies are fat or not positioned in a way they can reach the back - the result of this is that there will be a lot of belly pats. Prodding in the stomach, pointing at the stomach, these both work, but I think DallE is vague about stomach=torso and you may want "pointing at his belt" to give a lower focus. Admiring can direct attention and vibes, whispering will draw their heads closer and make them interact somewhat. Embracing and hugging work but is very heavy for the censor, "hugging on his shoulder/belly" seems safer for some reason. Shaking, grabbing, "examining/concerned about his belly" can work. Bizarrely, squeezing past another man in a narrow corridor/doorway/cupboard works if you want a LOT of contact. And if you want unpredictable contact, fighting can work.
For more dynamic safe contact, try sporting actions. Baseball slides, football tackles, that kind of thing. It's hard to get them to lie flat and the AI seems to resist allowing heads to touch the ground, but "lying in a hammock" works pretty well, and sometimes specifying what the head is touching works. pretty much every minor prompt variation and scenario I've ever used:
"falling onto a broken chair/breaking an object with his weight" "washing windows" "with waiters helping him up" "with friends bringing him food" "falling over another man" "outside of a skyscraper washing windows, harness for safety, hoisted" "hyper-obese man wearing denim dungarees with an enormous inflated belly, drinking from a hose" ("blowing into a hose" gets better expressions for that IMO) "stuck in a broken narrow red british phonebooth with another man, bursting out with his enormous belly, black trousers" "bent over eating at a pie eating contest wearing a dirty white tank top with an enormous round belly and his face hidden buried in messy pie" "sitting on a throne next to a very fat 35 year old spanish monarch" "lying on his back the floor, enjoying a banquet, side view, tired expression" "very fat 35 year old handsome british man wearing tracksuit and gold chain with a hugely distended beerbelly, man with a massive round stomach, washing his car in a carpark at night side view" "at water park, stuck in a water slide" "before and after weightloss picture, in the left he is X and in the right he is Y" "with a large round belly spilled over eating at a banquet with an enormous round belly, bronzed, with waiters helping him up/being prodded with a fork" "washing dishes and leaning over his belly on a freestanding enamel pedestal basin" "climbing and leaning against a stepladder to change a lightbulb on the ceiling [with friend holding the stepladder steady]" "side view, photo of two 40 year old beefy handsome fat italian-american rugby player with a hugely distended round belly, resting hand on his chest, wearing a tracksuit with a gigantic round sagging stomach, gold chain, raining, whispering in a car park at night, leaning/hugging on shoulder, tired, stern expression looking at camera, smoking a cigarette" "side view photo of two strong 40 year old handsome samoan rugby player with a hugely distended round beerbelly, chest hair, wearing a white formal shirt and black suit, hugging on his belly, proud expectant father, boyfriends outside a busy pub at night, stern, looking at camera, raining" "two fat los angeles rams handsome footballers wearing white pilot shirt and plain tie and black trousers pushing through a narrow saloon door with their enormously distended beerbellies, stern" "photo of very fat 30 year old hunk rugby player with enormously distended belly, carrying his belly in a wheelbarrow" "very fat 35 year old man wearing white pilot shirt with an enormous round belly, tough man with a very large beerbelly, too fat for small broken airplane seat sitting on another man, fat belly spilling over armrest and pressing against over man, black trousers, slightly concerned, suave" "being carried on the back of a flatbed truck" can turn them into horrific lardvalanches but you don't get much control over it
original characters do not steal prompts: "30 year old man who looks like he's the main character from the game Uncharted with an enormous distended round beerbelly, with one hand on a bar in a pub, nathan" This is sometimes surprisingly effective, but most often it'll simply draw vibes from the IP mentioned, so you can use it to get specific settings at least
Try spelling the names wrong or reversing the name order - sometimes it'll even accept names sprinkled throughout the prompt. Repeating the name may increase its effect (it might also not!) Also it's speculated that placing the celebrity fraud in a place or situation they would normally be found in helps. That said, I could only get a Robert Downey Jr if I made him dress as a gladiator. So maybe weirdness and ingenuity are your strengths. see also https://www.tumblr.com/baron-bear/731903035856584704/what-do-you-use-for-your-ai-stuff
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alt-preg · 6 months
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Im back making Sissification captions involving pregnancy!
PM me with pics if you'd like to see them captioned!
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weird-obsessed-girl · 7 months
Wolfstar Raises Harry Fic Rec/TBR
Below is a list with links to fanfics that focus on or include Sirius and Remus raising Harry, all of these are completed (cause I’m too impatient) and will be a mix of fics i have read or that i want to read. Organised by word count smallest to longest.
TW fics will include Harry’s abuse from the Dursleys.
Here’s the link to my other recs and TBR’s Harry Potter Fic List (mostly Drarry)
Raising Harry - mm5729
Domestic fluff, slice of life, fist full moon with Harry | G | 652
Up To No Good - dramaticwitchbitch
Harry learns his first swear word, alt universe, domestic fluff | Not rated | 1k
That’s My Moony - toofadedtofight
Possessive Sirius, discussions of grief, black family tapestry, Wolfstar explaining nicknames to 4 year old Harry | G | 1.7k
Family doesn’t give up, harry - paintblob
Protective Sirius, Vernon gets decked, Wolfstar rescue harry from Dursleys, this is also apart of 2 part series | G | 2.7k
& home & home & home (or, a time loop) - decemberista
Time loop, alt timelines, time travel fix-it, bring back Black, bittersweet, Marauders Era | T | 3.1k
Raising the boy who lived - hufflepuffchaos
A small series, hurt/comfort, good reacher, domestic fluff, Dursley bashing, slice of life | G | 3.7k
A world for us - a_threereasonswhy
Daily prophet headlines, angst, everyone needs a hug, Sirius is bad at feelings, drinking | T | 3.3k
Make it up, fall in love, try - astrolupins
Established Wolfstar, panic, vomiting, Remus fights for fair trial, Sirius is freed, raising harry implied but not in fic | M | 4.1k
This is my family - Patriceavril
Canon divergence, Sirius is free, Christmas, fluff and angst, families of choice, nightmares | T | 7.3k
Another Cheese Sandwich - Notawriter_17
Christmas, domestic fluff, Harry leaves Dursley family, fluff and angst | Not rated | 8.8k
My Anonymous Wolfstar Fics
Anonymous collection of small fics, def recommend ‘Moony and the Wolf’, child Harry, pre and during Hogwarts, fluff, past child abuse, explaining werewolves to harry | T | 10.3k
Baby On Board - aqua_myosis for MsAlexWP
Fluff, mpreg, non-explicit sex, overbearing Sirius, preggers Remus | E | 12k
(The Anatomy of an) Accidental necromancy - roseemma, rosemaldrge (roseemma)
Halloween 1981, POV Remus, hurt no comfort, Sirius free from Azkaban, fanart | Not rated | 13.5k
Rhythm & Blues - lez_writes13
Sirius is freed, heals with Remus, time to get Harry, sign language, domestic fluff, angst, memory loss, hurt/comfort | T | 18.8k
Beautiful boy (darling boy) - roaming_the_greenwood1
Friends to lovers, book 4, trans Remus, Sirius accidentally knocks up Remus, happy ending, kid fic, coparents to lovers, pining | M | 67.9k
Folklore Chronicles - throughthemist
A series of small fics about Wolfstar first meeting and adopting Harry when he’s hogwarts age, canon divergence, Sirius gets a trial | T | 189.7k
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Last updated, August ,2024
For now:
Nobody and Yours · sfw
Soft Nikto HCS + scenes · sfw
Seeing his face · sfw
Young · sfw
Seeing his face alt: " Accidentally " · nsfw
Licking · nsfw
Thigh Riding - Hcs · nswf
Inaccurate kisses - sfw/mutual suffocation
Sick Reader - kinda sfw
Accidental Pains - sfw
Scarred up Reader - sfw
Mr.Z's Head On A Silver Platter
A wee bit lost · allusions to sex
Forgetful · sfw
Accidental purchase · sfw
shirt · sfw
Chronically Ill SO · sfw, req
Nikto Whimpering · nsfw
Stalker Nikto · sfw, req
Taking care of Nikto · sfw, req
Watching you sleep · sfw
Silly hours · angst
Comforting nikto · ask, sfw
Nikto biting and regrets · nsfw
Mpreg Nikto - · nsfw
Burger hold · sfw
Kidnappee Nikto - gore
Nikto Period
Bending Nikto over -nsfw
SubNikto/punishing -nsfw
Collared Nikto · ehhhhh ain't even suggestive just some puppyplay.
Maybe for you · sfw, angsty 2
Giggly drunk nikto · sfw
Sweaty Nikto · sfw
👉👈😞 · sfw
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latinotiktok · 11 months
hablando de fanfics cagados.
No sé por dónde empezar pero voy a tratar de explicar esto lo mejor que pueda. Para el que no sepa hay un fandom de "countryhumans", que es países humanos (y no, no como en hetalia. eran bolas pelonas con las banderas todas pintarrajeadas en la cara. por lo menos en todo lo que es Hetalia tienen la DECENCIA de tener un medio de origen) donde todo el fandom se crea sus propias versiones y propio canon. cómo se pueden imaginar lleva a cosas muy... problemáticas a veces por decir de menos.
Bueno, por ahí de 2019 yo caí en el fandom ese, y como era un usuario de Wattpad pues me puse a buscar fanfics en esa página rancia y maligna. Y ahí encontré un fanfics del que no me acuerdo el nombre, pero era de una usuaria (? que se llamaba "mami-onu" en Wattpad. El fanfic si no mal recuerdo era uno donde la ALEMANIA NAZI volvía a la vida y decidía ir hacía un barrio? o edificio de la ONU(hasta las organizaciones eran humanos, y todos hombres también. Yaoi world.) y de ahí pasaba muchas cosas, la Unión Soviética tenía tensión romántica con la ALEMANIA NAZI. REPITO. ALEMANIA NAZI. y también El imperio de Japón y Italia Fascista estaban ahí como amigos del NAZI y creo que también eran shippeo. cuestión que esto sinceramemte era MUY común en esta comunidad, pero a mitad de la historia (o al final?) hay una fiesta por alguna razón, y en esta fiesta todos los países y organizaciones se empedan y cogen. algunos de los shippeos canonizados fueron; La ONU, la CIA, el FBI y no se quien chucha más, Norcorea y Surcorea (que eran HERMANOS EN EL FIC), Italia Fascista y Japón imperial, y LA ALEMANIA NAZI y LA UNION SOVIETICA.
y eso no es lo peor. lo peor de todo es que a este final tan ESTELAR le siguió un fanfic donde LA MAYORÍA DE LOS SHIPPEOS, INCLUYENDO A NOR Y SURCOREA QUE COMO MENCIONE ERAN HERMANOS *SE EMBARAZABAN Y TENIAN HIJOS A LO MPREG.* era horrible, los estados unidos de embarazo de rusia y perdió al bebé, portugal y españa tuvieron una hija ciega (la escritora lo trataba como lo peor del mundo), no estoy seguro si la alemania nazi se embarazo y ya no me importa. pero uno de los capítulos más absolutamente repugnantes fue uno donde China y Japón son el ship principal.
resulta que Japón era un bebé cuando China era un adulto, y China lo conocía. y lo tuvo en brazos. y pensó que era un bebé muy atractivo, lo suficiente como para DARLE UN BESO EN LA BOCA?? y se implica que el imperio japonés (quien es el padre de Japón) vio esto y lo único que hizo fue HACERSE EL MEDIO ENOJADO?? todo esto en un flashback, por qué en el presente China se estaba COGIENDO a Japón. Y OTRA VEZ SU PADRE NO DICE O HACE NADA??? btw Japón es una caricatura muy asquerosa, se viste y actúa como mujer y se implica que su padre está decepcionado en el (no hablemos de las políticas de nada de esto por que termina todo mal)
bueno cuestión que yo era un fan de seguir está serie y burlarme en los comentarios, y un día una cuenta recién hecha me empezó a responder a mis comentarios muy enojado. y se perfectamente que esa cuenta era un alt de "mami-onu" para q no le cayera una funa por decirme tales barbaridades que no colaban ni abajo de tal fanfic.
bueno, había MUCHO más en ese fanfic, y en esa cuenta en específico. pero creo que o se borró la cuenta/fanfics o se cambió de nombre el usuario ese. y francamente no tengo ganas de volver a revivir esos momentos xD. perdón por mucho texto mods de latinotiktok, pero tenía que dar mis dos granos de arena.
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bigbarabelly · 5 months
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Ayo! Opening sketch coms!!! As usual I need some bill money and groceries OTL
I go by paypal but ask!
I draw men and mpreg primarily but will draw furry/human and relatively any body type! Just give me refs and we’re good
Hard no on kids, scat, and any obvious racism nazi shit but just ask!
Multiple alts and complex designs may have an upcharge of $5-10. I go by usd hmu!!!
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uftopia · 4 months
posted mpreg on twt and some weirdos found it which i find .. interesting . if they weren’t pricks i’d ask them
untagged post, no names mentioned, on an untagged alt account………….. fascinating
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typicalopposite · 26 days
🍼 + 🍹
— @nine-one-wanton 💜
🫶🫶🫶 three for Tommy Mpreg, and Alt First Meeting Coming right up!
Tommy Mpreg
If only it was truly that easy. …Don’t you think that’s a little selfish, Tommy… …Be a little more considerate… …Stop hogging her from her actual family… It might be possible to not think of the person, but he is struggling with not thinking of her words. It’s not made any easier by his own mother’s persistence for him to go to Evan about it.
Alt First Meeting (below the cut for… reasons 👀)
He has missed this, he thinks as he starts to kiss his way down the heated, panting body. He has wanted this for a while; needed this for a while. And here it is, he smirks at the freed cock before him. All his for the taking… so he takes it in his mouth.
Added to the list of lines I cannot believe my fingers have typed 😂
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