#Mr. 0
wigglesdtuff · 2 months
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Let's roll the dice and we'll both make our moves Playing like lovers do
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vertakin · 4 months
Happy belated Valentine’s Day dofuwani art. I just know that crocodile would be TIRED of this man 😂 I love thinking about their dynamic.
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vikvkaws · 9 months
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i've tried something very different, I think it turned out pretty well, idk. its my first painting of this style
the procediment
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and the sketch
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ideas-4-stories · 5 months
Cross Guild romance AU -
Buggy makes his own explosives, which doesn't sound all that important until you sit back and think of the ramifications and knowledge required for that. Buggy is damn good with chemistry, math, physics, and I bet he was the brain to Shanks's brawn on the Oro Jackson; he'd probably have been all over Crocus whenever he could to learn more about anything and everything.
Crocodile and Mihaw don't really put the two together, given that they see Buggy primarily as an idiot and coward. It's when an epidemic spreads on the island that some odd things click into place-
Buggy has forgone the big costume, is in comfy and sturdy clothes. His face is painted minimally, hair tied into a tight bun, bandana on, and he's working side by side with the medical professionals. He's elbows deep in checking vitals, organizing charts, and even synthesizing medications. More members are sick than not, and they go under a near-quarantine lock down to handle the illness. Between working in the medical tents and taking care of his people, Buggy has also had a hand in organizing for resources to be sent and delivered.
Neither Croc nor Hawk had even considered some of the balls Buggy has gotten rolling. They both have very strong immune systems, so they rarely face or think of illness or sickness as something to prepare for or to account for, but this just exploded one day seemingly without warning, and the clown had a plan in motion by eevening.
It's at this point that they begin to wonder if maybe there's something more to their Chairman than they first thought...
((Bonus points, they catch Buggy coming back from a long shift at the medtent, sent off by the other's to get some rest, so he's just at that sweet spot of tired enough to lose filter. They ask about the medicines, and Buggy goes on a mini infodump about chemicals, hormones, enzymes, antioxidants and antibiotics, mentions that he and a few others already have a few batches baking, and sleepily chuckles about how "the simpler ones seem to work well so far, thank goodness. I was worried... *yawn* that I'd have to dip into my supplies for my testosterone... *falls asleep at the table*.
Croc just becomes the Spiderman meme of "TRANS???" when Buggy wakes up))
I LOVE this is an understatement, this is so good!!! I love Competent!Buggy so much!!! Why can't the clown be a fucking genius while being clown-failure babygirl he is?
Buggy having a plan by evening is because he has so much anxiety, I mean, look at the poor clown! It's always the things that he didn't think of that happens that gets him in trouble. But this, he can do this. I also love the headcanon, that Buggy learn a lot of things from Crocus, so he has this in the bag!
It would be funny if Buggy could be fine in a really bad pandemics, but the flu and whatever the happened near Laugh-Tale is his biggest sickness problems. What am I saying, back to this cool ask!
Buggy being competent because he doesn't want his crew to die or get really ill, not because he needs them to work, but because he wants them healthy and happy. Buggy forgoing the pillow onesie for something better, and not taking that much time on his makeup is so good, that just shows how he priorities his Nakama before himself is so cute! I have a headcanon that Buggy has a least a Field Medic degree or a Nurse one. Mihawk and Crocodile watching at the sidelines is what I see them doing, because like the clown's being competent and they see there's not much they can do in this.
Yes, on Buggy rambling on and on about things he does, I want Buggy to infodump so hard. Like really really hard, Buggy could go on and on about things that interests him for a while.
Buggy is every gender and nothing at all to me, and the spiderman meme with Crocodile is the only one pointing at Buggy while Buggy is confused and sleepy, while Mihawk is just there on the sidelines. Is really funny to me.
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kovffeee · 2 years
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In Whitebeard's voice:
Crocomom...! The Crocomom theory is real!
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crowingoverthis · 1 year
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My piece for @opbadbone Baroque Works 🐊
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sircrocodilezine · 6 months
[Contributor Spotlight]
Give it up for our next guest artist, @humans-are-tasty ! 🐊
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capkiddo · 8 months
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، 谷 𝕆𝗇𝖾 𝐏𝗂𝖾𝖼𝗲 𝖶𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗉𝖺𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌 ⧐ 𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀. ១
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optreasurecruise · 11 months
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wan-dream · 3 months
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Mr. 0 | ミスター・ゼロ
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weebinator01 · 2 months
Cross Guild Backstory Theory #1
SUBJECT: Sir Crocodile
Alright. It's 2:20am and I was thinking, we really know nothing about Crocodile or Mihawk's past. So I started making up scenarios and theories.
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As we all know, Crocodile has these distinct things:
1.A missing hand and scar on his face
2. Trust issues
So imagine you have Young Crocodile, we'll say maybe 4, his parents are roped into some super violent stuff (gang maybe?) They get hunted down and killed, Crocodile gets the cut across his face and thought to be dead. Crocodile is forced to survive the only way he can at his age, stealing( cause I said so for my theory 😤, also DRAMA). Anyway years pass and he gets by and he makes this group of friends. They decide to pull some huge heist, but in the middle they abandon Crocodile to get caught. And let's say he gets caught and the rich man he was stealing from was mad. So what does he do? The rich man cuts off Crocodile's hand causing him to have the stump and later the hook. And on top of that he gets trust issues from his betrayal. But i think Crocodile kept stealing getting enough money to hire henchman and.....eliminated...some rich people taking their money and essentially quickly getting rich. Rich enough to become a prominent figure in Alabasta and rich enough to run his casino and afford a gold hook.
Anyways, that's my thoughts. Goodnight!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
HELOOOO can i request for sir crocodile
With his S/O and his toddler who had recently learned how to talk
Reader calls him papa infront of their toddler so they don't call their father crocodile 💀
he knows his S/O meant it sfw-ly
But what do you think his first reaction would be 🤝
Sfw-ly yes
Thank you 💪
omg i finally got to this dear god. I LOVED THIS IDEA and I am so so sorry this took so long. i love crocodile and have been waiting for a request for this gorgeous and tall man, so thank you, anon, this means a lot. thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!!!
Sir Crocodile as a Father
Pairing - Crocodile x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 282
Notes - this is a little short, but i definitely want to write more croc as a father, so if you have anymore ideas anon, please send them in. this was so much fun! thank you again for the request and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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You giggled making little airplane noises as you flew the spoon over to your toddler’s mouth, who was also a giggling mess.
“Is that yummy?” You wiped some crumbs off of your son’s face.
You giggled and began cleaning up the lunch mess.
Being a parent was hard. Harder than you thought it would be. But god was it fun. Not to mention that you weren't alone in this affair. You had the love of your life to help out.
“I'm home.” Crocodile hung up his jacket and slipped on his shoes before walking to the kitchen giving both you and your son a kiss on the forehead.
Your son began giggling, holding his arms out to his father. You could tell he was trying to say something, but couldn't get the words out. He began looking a little frustrated about it too, especially considering that Crocodile was facing the other way getting some lunch for himself and you.
You ran your fingers through your son’s hair before he got too frustrated and decided to help him out.
“Is that daddy? Do you want daddy to hold you?”
Crocodile’s face went bright red. He never thought of himself as a great dad or someone that could take care of a child, but that never stopped him from trying. So to hear him being called a father in any way made him blush.
“Dada!!!” Your toddler called out to Crocodile, holding his arms out for upies.
Crocodile smiled softly and walked over to his high chair, pulling him out to walk around the kitchen talking to him before finishing lunch.
You loved Crocodile and knew that he was already a great father.
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ideas-4-stories · 6 months
Cross Guild romance idea: Buggy is stunned when in the middle of the night someone climbs into bed with him and it is none other than Mihawk. Mihawk is fully within his faculties, not drunk or sleep walking. When Buggy quietly asks him why he's here, Mihawk honestly says " I am lonely." When if that doesn't actually shatter Buggy's heart. He gathers Mihawk in his arms and they fall asleep together. Next day they act like nothing ever happened. Then a couple of nights later Buggy is woken up again by someone climbing into bed with him except they are way bigger than Mihawk. It's Crocodile and he's somehow fitting in Buggy's bed. He stays tight lipped when Buggy asks him to explain himself, just holds Buggy tight and they fall asleep. So begins the pattern of Mihawk and Crocodile randomly climbing into bed with Buggy, both getting closer to him, both oblivious to the other until one night they both show up to cuddle their clown and Buggy takes charge and declares they will all go to Crocodile's since he's got the biggest bed. What Mihawk and Crocodile thought would be awkward with them sharing Buggy ends up becoming the best night's sleep the three of them ever have and they progress all the way to getting married from there lol!
Buggy be like 'WTF!?!' and freezes for a bit before asking, then him cuddling Mihawk in his arms!!! That's so cute, like really cute!!!
The nothing happened, oof. Buggy is so confused and just goes on his day, then Buggy might think it's Mihawk again, but it's Crocodile!!! He not saying anything and barely able to stay on the bed.
Then not realizing each other are snuggling the clown is top tier. I can imagine the awkwardness of the situation with Crocodile and Mihawk, but Buggy is so done. Bro's like 'My bed will fucking break, Croco we're going to your bed. Let's go, come come. I'm not sacrificing my bed for this to happen.' Maybe someone watching as Buggy drags their asses to Crocodile's room. Maybe Alvida and Galdino, that would be funny.
They being married is so nice, even though they will never get out of the 'Newlyweds' stage or they're bickering like they've been with each other for a long time... These are the only stages for them and it changes, there is no in-between.
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louie-mars · 5 months
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mr. 0 🐊
((im akshually so insnwne aboutt himmmjh))
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lobotheduck · 5 months
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kovffeee · 2 years
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Why is this overgrown bastard bird so hard to draw???
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