About the Author
Finally got around to writing this lol, this is sorta a request rules page to I guess.
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Hey! I’m Mori! Responsible for all the writing, editing, beta reading, running, and responding on the multifandom-simp-page!
I write fanficton for a lot of fandoms, whether they’re new hyperfixations, or old obsessions I can’t let die.
My requests are usually open and I try to post at least once a week (a bitch gets busy sometimes yk?) but sometimes post more often
I love interacting with my readers so sliding into my req box just to chat is always welcome!
I’ve seen on tumblr people assigning emojis to their anons and would love to do that if your interested! I can also correlate your anon with a character or fandom if you so please!
I really like when people just slide in without using the anon button though cus, idk it just feels nicer interacting that way, idk how to explain it though. BUT I completely understand sending anonymous requests, lmao it’s all I ever do.
My main hobbies are writing (obviously), reading (obviously), and painting! Though during the summer months I like doing as many outdoors activities as possible (archery, paddle boarding, kayaking, etc). I also enjoy doing water sports!!
My current occupation is a full time student, which sucks but you know, gotta do what you gotta do to make a living. But I want to pursue professional writing or acting in the near future.
I am an American-New Zealand dual citizen but currently live in the US.
I have 3 dogs and a rabbit, Bella is my oldest (11), Skipper is my middle (5), and Apollo is my youngest (8 weeks), and my rabbit Lucky is a bit over a year.
About the blog
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I do not like English. Yes it’s my native language. But I have ADD and Dyslexia so my spelling and grammar sucks sometimes, I ask that you forgive me because I know it’s bad and I chose to write anyways.
Again, this is a Multifandom blog, and I mostly write things that are submitted to my inbox, but there is the occasional self indulgence here and there.
I write Drabbles, one shots, HC’s and imagines.
With my writing, I gender neutral unless pronouns are specific to the request. My comfort zone is writing GN and Fem readers, but for you male readers out there I’m willing to try my hand at it for you. I write romantic and platonic relationships! Pretty much any dynamic.
This blog does have NSFW posts, more specifically I really only write NSFW HC’s, alphabets and imagines, as I’m totally not confident in my ability to write smut lol. And for NSFW posts I won’t write male!reader. So sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable nor confident, because I don’t think I can do you guys justice.
If you submit a request and you don’t see it posted for a while, don’t think I immediately scrapped the idea, it’s probably because it’s just sitting in my inbox partially done cus I can’t find time to focus on it, but then again, there’s always a chance I didn’t feel comfortable nor confident enough to write it, and for that I deeply apologize.
I always feel so bad when I don’t write someone’s request because they’re all sooo good but I either don’t know enough about something in the req or I just feel that it’s wayyy out of my league to write.
That’s all I can think of doing right now, but if you think of anything else you’d like to know please do not be afraid to ask!
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holdmytesseract · 11 months
When a God Loves a Woman
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N (Pre-Relationship)
Summary: Loki and you get paired up on a mission, much to the god's dismay - but not because he doesn't like you, no... Quite the opposite. He's hopelessy in love with you. How is he supposed to get through this mission?
Warnings: Loki being a cute idiot in love, pining/bit of mutual pining, a few suggestive things, fluff, swear words, thirst? short mention of weapons? short mention of drugs, mentions of a w*nst - blink and you'll miss it
Word Count: 5,5k
a/n: This is a request from my wonderful friend @fictive-sl0th ! 🥰❤️ I hope you are going to like it - and everybody else, of course as well! 😁
Baby Fever Crew: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @loz-3 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @xthatpottahfanx @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @lokiforever @crimson25 @kimanne723 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @noideakitten @zombiesnips-blog @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @lokisgoodgirl @princess-ofthe-pages @coldnique @asgards-princess-of-mischief
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"No. Absolutely not," Loki stated; crossing his arms over his chest. Tony blinked in disbelief. "What does that mean 'No'? Are you kidding me, Laufeyson?" The god squinted his eyes at his 'team colleague'.
"You must be deaf - or stupid, metal man... Perhaps even both. No... I said no." Tony growled; was already annoyed. "Thin ice, Reindeer Games, thin ice." The billionaire took a few threatening steps closer. "Listen. I don't care what you want, princess. You are the one who needs to prove himself to Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D - and basically the whole world. So if you don't want to end up home and get send into a cell by daddy, you should cooperate now." Loki's jaw clenched; knowing that Tony was unfortunately right. "I'm calling the shots at this mission - which needs to be a success, and if I'm telling you to team up with Y/L/N, then you're going to fucking do it. Are we clear?"
The god was positively fuming with anger - and despair (which Tony didn't notice). "Yes," he hissed. If looks could kill...
It's not that Loki didn't want to team up with you. In fact, he wanted nothing more in his life - and exactly that was the problem. About a year had passed now since he'd been sentenced to prove himself worthy and make up for the chaos he had caused. He became an Avenger - no matter if he liked it or not. It was his only chance to escape the dungeons on Asgard.
It had been a bitter pill for the god to swallow; without a doubt.
Earning the team's trust wasn't easy. Everybody despised him; was suspicious - except you. From the first day he arrived at the Avengers compound, you tried your best to give him a warm welcome. You were nice, kind and sweet. At first, Loki didn't like this at all; thought it was just a fake show you put on. A little game you played or something. After all, why should you have mercy? Why would you accept him? It simply couldn't be.
So, Loki pushed you aside - several times; cold-shouldered you. But you stayed stubborn and continued to treat him friendly - like he deserved and didn't let yourself get shoved away by the god for long. It took a lot of time (and energy), but at some point Loki realised that your intentions were pure. You really meant it. He realised, that you gave him something what nobody else did... A second chance. And from then on, he let you in. Step by step, of course, and slow, but he did.
He talked more to you, spent more time with you, trained together with you - and at some point it came how it had to come... Loki fell in love. Hard. Something he wasn't willing to admit, of course. Norns, he'd rather die than admitting that he fell in love with a Midgardian woman. He also didn't want a single soul to get a whiff of this, so his mission was to keep it a secret - no matter what it took.
The problem was, that preserving this secret turned out to be more difficult than Loki thought. It wasn't easy for him to keep his cool around you; given the fact that he didn't feel this kind of love for ages. By Odin's beard, he felt like a lovestoned teenager! Therefore, he tried to avoid being too close to you - not always successfully, though...
"Good boy."
Tony's words brought Loki back down to earth; out of his head. He clenched his jaw. The anger flooding through his veins was back. Full force - but nevertheless, he tried to control his temper and keeping his mouth shut.
"Why don't you like to be in a team with Y/N anyway? I thought you two get along quite well - or did I misinterpret the situation? Do you have a problem with her?" Tony asked suspiciously. Loki blinked. "No, I-" Before he could say something he'd regret later, the warning bells in his head started to ring at a deafening volume; causing his brain to switch into defence mode immediately.
"I mean yes. Yes. I don't like her. She's annoying me."
The billionaire frowned; crossing his arms over his chest. "You're confusing me, Reindeer Games. No, then yes. Geez, you're worse than a diva. Do you have a problem now with Y/N, or not?" Loki was a hairsbreadth away from grabbing Tony by the lapels of his shirt and throwing him against the nearby wall of the conference room.
"Yes," the god hissed. "I can't stand her." To say those words hurt him deeply; his heart wincing in pain - but for Loki, there was no other way.
"Well..." For a moment, Tony's expression was understanding and almost soft - but then he shrugged his shoulders. "Your problem. The teams are set. I don't care. Make it work." With those words and another shrug, the billionaire turned on his heels, walked away, "See you tomorrow, princess." and left the room.
Loki's eyes followed him, before he squeezed them shut; shaking his head. A sigh left his lips. "How foolish..." He mumbled. "How foolish of me to think Stark would cooperate." Running a hand through his raven curls, he returned to his room. Tomorrow was going to be a hard day for him...
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The next day arrived way too quickly - and Loki had slept way too less and spent the whole day thinking about that damn mission, causing him to be the first to stand by the Quinjet; waiting for his 'team mates'. It was an awkward situation. Usually, he was never the first - except today.
Tony arrived only ten minutes later; a shit eating grin spreading over his whole face as he saw Loki. "Well, well... Eager, are we, Reindeer Games?" Loki just rolled his eyes; certainly didn't have the nerves for the billionaire's stupid little games.
"Mind your own business, Stark."
Tony sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Oooh and we're already in diva mode?" The god clenched his jaw; was about to say something not exactly nice to the billionaire, when a booming voice cut through the air. "Ahhh, brother!" It was Thor, of course.
The god walked over to Loki and Tony with a broad smile on his face. "Finally, the time has come! We're on a mission again together!" He said happily, giving Loki a harsh slap on the shoulder. Loki coughed, "Yes, brother, I am thrilled." and glared at Thor - who didn't even notice his younger sibling's discomfort.
"Ah! Don't fret, brother!" Loki rolled his eyes subtly; already questioning his life choices. But when he crossed his arms over his armour clad chest and slightly shook his head, the god's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of somebody approaching the team. It was Natasha - and you. Loki's gaze immediately got stuck on you - against his will; eyes widening. "This is going to be..." Thor's words faded as Loki's mouth fell agape and suddenly the world seemed to turn in slow motion around him.
You walked casually beside the Widow; your Y/H/C untamed hair flying in the wind. Unlike Natasha, you wore a white and black body suit. Several pockets were attached to it. For comms, weapons and other gear. It was tactical and convenient, but also form-fitting and especially tight. It showed off your curves to perfection - and by the holy roots of Yggdrasil... You looked stunningly sexy. Not that Loki didn't see you before in your mission gear - but you had never worn something like that before.
"Norns, give me strength..." Loki whispered, before he was able to prevent it; attracting Thor's attention. "What did you just say, brother?" "Nothing!" Loki almost shouted in slight panic, before clearing his throat. Get a hold of yourself, Laufeyson!
"I mean... Nothing. I didn't say a word."
What the god didn't think of, was that his eyes were still locked on the beautiful woman only a few meters away from him - and Thor noticed; raised an suspicious eyebrow, as he followed Loki's gaze. "Um, brother, you're staring."
Loki's eyes widened even more; cheeks turning pink as he quickly pulled his gaze off you. "No, I'm not! You must be blind, brother! Or hallucinating!"
Thor wasn't stupid, though. He knew exactly what he saw - and Loki's reaction only proved his assumption to be right. The god said nothing, only smiled, before he went to greet his fellow team mates.
"Ah, greetings, Lady Romanoff and Lady Y/N!" Natasha gave him a smile and a nod. "Hey Thunderboy." You smiled and waved at him. "Hi Thor!" While the Black Widow went to join Tony already on the Quinjet, you walked up to the Asgardian princes - which caused Loki to get slightly nervous.
"Is that new a new armour I see on you, Lady Y/N?" You giggled; nodding. "It is. Nat told me to try something new and I needed anyway something more... functional, so... Do you like it?" You turned in a circle; showing off your new outfit - much to Loki's dismay. He felt his breath hitching in his throat; his chest seemingly growing tighter - just like the space within the front of his leather trousers.
By Odin's beard... How am I supposed to survive this mission?
"It suits you very well, Lady Y/N!" "Thanks, Thor." Then you turned to Loki. "How do you like it, Mischief?"
Like it? LIKE IT?! I love it. It makes me want to pin you against the wall of the Quinjet and ravish you right then and there.
"I agree with my brother."
"Thanks! Now, let's go, boys. I bet Tony's waiting already for us and we don't want to make our diva angry, do we?" You prompted; already entering the Quinjet - which caused the fabric of your suit to bend and stretch around certain body parts even more.
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You sat alone in a corner of the Quinjet; checking your weapons and mentally preparing yourself for the task ahead, since Tony had announced that you'd arrive soon. Then you heard steps approaching you. Familiar steps. You didn't even have to look up to check who it was. You knew.
"What's up, Nat?"
Your best friend sat down beside you. From the corner of your eye, you could see that she had already changed. A beautiful black, long-sleeved dress was hiding her catsuit underneath. She looked stunning - as always.
"He's into you."
You frowned immediately; were taken aback by the Widow's words. Nat was definitely not somebody who beat about the bush...
You looked up to face her; seeing her lips curled upwards in a smirk.
"W-What, I- Who?"
"Laufeyson." Natasha spoke out the god's name without even blinking; kind of shocking you.
"Whaaat?" You laughed; shaking your head. "No fucking way. I mean, yes, he probably likes my body - like the handsome naughty little shit he is, but that doesn't mean he likes me. Loki has a lot of women and men..." Natasha raised an accusing eyebrow. "Babes, no... Sorry to disappoint you, but Loki didn't have somebody in months."
You frowned. "How do you know that?" Your best friend shrugged her shoulders. "Bruce's apartment is across his and trust me, babe... I hear if he's giving somebody a really good time, 'cause fucking hell, he apparently does." You almost choked on your own spit by her words. "Nat! You cheeky minx!" Again you got just a shrug, accompanied by a grin.
"Okay, let's say you're right... That doesn't mean he's into me." The Russian beauty rolled her eyes. "Y/N... Sorry to say that, but... Are you blind? I don't mean what happened earlier. Sure, his eyes almost popped out of his head, seeing you like this - but that was just another proof." Now you were the one raising both your eyebrows.
"Another proof? What is that supposed to mean now?" Your best friend giggled; shaking her head. "You really didn't notice." "Notice what?" You asked almost desperately know. "The way he's looking at you? How his mood always seems to lift when you're in the room? He smiles - as soon as you're around him. The way he opens up to you? How kind he is to you?" You blinked; staring at your best friend.
"Uhhh, no? I, um, no..." "You should pay a bit more attention then," Nat said; winking. You were still a bit stunned and overwhelmed by those 'news'. That was never your intention. "I... I didn't mean to... I was just trying to be kind. I always knew there's more in Loki than just the bad guy everybody thinks he is. All I wanted was to give him what he deserves... A second chance and a way to proof everybody wrong."
The Widow smiled; placing a hand on your shoulder. "Well... It seems like you were successful in bringing out this other side of him. There is more. You were right about that. But it also seems like you tickled something else awake inside of him... Feelings." "Feelings?" "Feelings. That man is head over heels for you." You bit your lip. That wasn't what I wanted... "Are you sure?" Natasha stood up again, "To 100 per cent." and walked away with a smile; leaving you and your thoughts alone.
You sighed; leaning back against the wall. Your head hitting the metal with a soft thud. You couldn't help but to think about what Natasha said. He's into you. Perhaps it was true and your best friend right, but... What were you feeling? Was his love... requited?
You swallowed. Sure, he was the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes upon, with his long, raven curls, chiselled face and trained body. You loved his wit, how utterly charming he could be, how eloquent he was, how well-read, smart and his other-worldly humour. You liked to spent time with him and talk to him. You'd even go as far and say you were some kind of friends, but love? Not yet.
But when you closed your eyes and thought of Loki, you could easily picture a future with him as a couple - and who knew... Perhaps it was going to happen.
Okay, maybe you had a tiny crush on him.
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"Alright. Everybody knows what to do. Let's get those documents, so we can finally make sure that this asshole gets behind bars," Tony spoke and everyone nodded.
The mission was... Well, you wouldn't exactly say easy, but with a good team perfectly manageable. The Avengers got the assignment to help the police to get one of the biggest drug dealers of America - and literally the whole world finally behind bars. Bernardi had always managed to slip the F.B.I through their fingers the past years. Now it had to end - and it was going to.
Today was a big gala in New Haven, Connecticut - the best chance to get Bernardi. But to finally convict him, important documents of the next big drug deal were needed - and they laid safely in a safe in his security monitored and secured suite in the big building, where also the gala took place.
The plan? Tony was going to hack the security camera systems, to make you and Loki - who were going to sneak through the ventilation shafts of the building and actually 'steal' the documents. Nat was going to attend the gala with Thor as her backup and caused distraction - if needed. This time, it was no 'going like a bull at a gate' task. It was no big fight or war. It was some kind of movie like spy mission - and you were hyped.
You didn't understand first, why Tony hadn't sent you and Nat to get the documents, but then you realised that Loki and Thor probably weren't the best duo to attend the gala together. Their cover would probably blow up faster than Tony's patience...
"Y/N, are you coming?" The soft, low timbre of Loki urged to your ears; causing you to blink and snap out of your thoughts. "On my way." You checked if you had everything you needed, then joined your team mate. "Ready, partner?" Loki smiled; gesturing for you to walk down the ramp of the Quinjet. "Lead the way, milady."
Tony had given you the exact positions, coordinates and maps. Loki 'was just your helper' - like the billionaire put it and 'had to follow your orders'.
You sneaked around the big building at the dead of night; looking for the exit of the ventilation shafts. You were quick to find the exact one Tony told you to find and quietly removed the grid, while Loki's eyes scanned the area for any 'intruders'.
"Let's go." You grabbed Loki's attention with your words; nodding towards the ventilation shaft. Just when you were about to climb inside, Loki stopped you. "Y/N, wait! I, uh, I think I should go first." You turned to face him; looking a bit confused. "Why? That wouldn't make sense, Mischief. I have the maps. I know where to go. That's why I..." You climbed inside the ventilation shaft. "... go first. Now come!" Unbeknownst to you, squeezed Loki his eyes shut; face scrunching. "Loki!" "Coming!"
He sighed, then followed you. It was dark inside, of course, but you had your torch and Loki, well, his seidr. Nevertheless, the light source in addition with his position gave Loki the perfect view of your ass; sending shivers down the god's spine. Exactly what he wanted to prevent. Sure, he enjoyed the view, but it was also torturous. You were close and yet so far. "Norns... Can this evening get any worse?" He mumbled underneath his breath, while crawling behind you. "What did you say?"
"Oh, nothing!"
After crawling through the tight, dark space and crossing endless corners for what felt like eternity, you finally announced that you and Loki had reached the destination - the tenth floor of the building.
"Oh!" You abruptly stopped; causing Loki to almost bump head first in your bottom - head first. "What?" "I think we made it. According to Tony's plans, this must be the exit we have to take. The tenth floor." "Let us do that then. My knees hurt." You giggled; working on getting the hatchway open. "Not used to kneel a lot, are we?" "Sounds like you are." Loki answered dryly, without even blinking - and your jaw almost dropped. A blush creeping up your cheeks. He just couldn't help himself. You had given him the perfect opportunity.
"No! I-I mean... I do a lot of work on missions which affords... Kneeling and crawling." The god nodded, but gave you a cheeky smile. "Sure, Y/N. I do kneel from time to time, too."
Gods... You felt the heat in your cheeks increasing, so you busied yourself even more with the hatchway - and to your sheer relief it clicked open mere seconds later. Carefully, you peeked out; head first, looking for any signs of security guards. "Not a single soul to be seen. The coast is clear." You sat up; ready to jump, when your partner stopped you for the second time. "Allow me to go first this time." "Alright." Loki jumped and you followed; the hatchway falling close behind you.
The hallway you had landed in was big with white, clean walls and a black tiled floor. It reminded you of a hotel, but also didn't look like such at all.
"Where to now, milady?" Loki whispered; just in case. "We have to find Bernardi's room," you answered in a hushed voice; pointing down the hallway. "This way." The god nodded; following close behind. So, you sneaked down the hallways; crossing each corner carefully. Another look on the map told you that you weren't far from your destination, when you suddenly heard voices - and they came from behind you.
"Securityguards!" You whisper-yelled at Loki, who looked surprisingly just as panicky as you did. Well, after all you were in a hallway... Not exactly many opportunities to hide there. Loki was about to just teleport you somewhere else, but before he could make use of his magic, you had reacted faster and literally shoved him inside a little broom closet you had spotted mere seconds ago. With one hand clasped over his mouth, the other gripping the lapels of his leather coat tightly and your back stemmed against the door, you hid away from the nearing threat. It caught Loki completely off-guard of course, but he found himself once more enjoying the situation. Your touch. The roughness of it. He liked it.
Once you were sure he wouldn't make a single sound, you let go of him. "Sorry. I just had to make sure that-" "I know," he interrupted you, nodding. You nodded back at him; staying quiet. You had to wait until the security men passed. Unfortunately, though, the broom closet was everything but spacious. Quite the opposite... tiny. And with cleaning supplies all around the two of you, it was a really tight fit. So tight, that body contact was inevitable. Your chest almost touched his. You were so close, you could feel his minty breath on your face. Loki's chiselled bone structure looked even more handsome from this point of view - and dear god, had he always smelled that good? Like a mix out of leather, blood oranges and charred wood? You couldn't explain why, but it smelt so comfortable to you. So rich and musky, yet sweet.
You closed your eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Focus, Y/N, focus.
Unbeknownst to you, Loki had the exact same problem; struggling even harder. His hands almost trembled from holding back from touching you. He would've loved to just kiss you right here and now; your scent intoxicating him. But he couldn't, and he knew that.
"I think we're good to go," you breathed out then; slowly lurking through the crack of the door. "Come."
Loki had noticed the slight tremble in your voice - and it sparked something inside him... Hope. Perhaps he had a chance to win your heart. A chance he never thought he had. And maybe, just maybe he shouldn't see this mission as a burden, but as the first shot he could shoot.
Loki knew that women liked to be wooed. So, he decided to try to impress you. After all, he had conquered already a lot of hearts. He knew how it worked. But you... You were different. You had conquered his heart first - and you didn't even know it.
Wordlessly, the god followed you, until you had reached Bernardi's room. A complicated lock adorned the door. Easy access? No chance. "Alright," you stated; switching on your communication device. "Tony. We're standing in front of the room. Pick the lock." The billionaire answered immediately. "Consider it done, Y/N." "Perfect."
Tony's 'consider it done' took longer than you anticipated... Almost fifteen minutes had ticked by and the electric lock still hadn't moved an inch.
"Hey Tony, what's taking so long?" "It's more complicated than I thought. Give me another minute."
And even another minute wasn't enough. So slowly, Loki grew impatient. After all was the risk very high of getting caught by security guards any momenr. Rolling his eyes, he stepped over to the door and placed his hand on the lock. "Loki? What are you doing?" You asked, eyes widening. "Unlocking this damn lock." You blinked. "And, uh, how?" The god gave you a smirk; "Seidr, darling." winking.
Not even a second after he said that, a green cloud enveloped the lock - and it clicked open. Your jaw dropped. "Woah... That's... That's pretty cool."
Step one of impressing Y/N: Done.
"Tony, we got it." "Yes, I can see that... How?!" You smiled; following Loki inside the room. "Mischief." You could practically hear how Tony rolled his eyes at your answer.
After tiptoeing through the big, spacious room and 'stealing' the documents like professionals; you and your partner left again, as if nothing happened. Loki even managed to fix the lock with his magic.
"Let's get out of here, shall we?" You nodded; checking your watch. "We should, yes. The 10 o'clock patrol will pass this hallway in exact... ten minutes. Either we hurry, or tell Thor and Nat to distract them." "I know I have no say in this mission, but I would recommend option two, Y/N. Better safe than- uh... How's this Midgardian saying going again?" You giggled - music to Loki's ears. "Better be safe than sorry." "That's it, yes. Thank you." "I guess you're right... Nat, can you hear me?" "Loud and clear, babes." "Perfect. Can you and Thor distract the 10 o'clock patrol up here? We won't make it in time." "Sure thing!"
Well, unfortunately, it turned out they couldn't...
Just as the two of you rounded the corner into the hallway of the ventilation shaft, rounded a group of five security guards the other corner. You and Loki stopped immediately in your track; standing like frozen to the ground. "Well... Now we have a problem." The guards noticed you, of course, immediately. One of them gave you an angry look. "Indeed we have," the bulky man snarled; switching on his walkie-talkie. "We have intruders on the tenth floor. Most likely burglars; calling for back-up." "Understood, Sir. Back-up is on the way."
Now you were really fucked.
You sighed; cracking your neck and prepared to fight. "Guess we'll have to-" That was the moment Loki had waited for. The ultimate chance to impress you. His hand on your arm interrupted you; pulling you gently behind himself. "Stay behind me, darling. I am going to take care of this little... issue." Loki stepped slowly forwards - like a wolf stalking its prey; read to fight, when suddenly something caught his attention... A small loudspeaker box hanging high up in the corner where both hallways met.
Smiling mischievously; he snapped his fingers. Let's put on a little show for the lady.
The security guards didn't know what was coming their way. Especially not as 'Holding Out for a Hero' by Bonnie Tyler started to echo through the empty hallways. And before any of them could react, Loki had already started his attack. Unlucky for the men, they were just as surprised and kind of shocked how you were. The god moved gracefully; dodging here a kick and there a punch. The security guards didn't stand a single chance. Not even the back-up - and by the end of the song, Loki had knocked out every single man who had stood in his way.
You just stood there; mouth agape and not quite knowing what to do or think. Loki though, had a victorious, smug and self-confident smirk on his face. Running a hand smoothly through his black curls, he leaned casually against the wall. "There we go. They won't bother us anymore."
Loki didn't quite know what he anticipated of your reaction. A nervous smile perhaps. Reddened cheeks or a impressed facial expression - but he certainly didn't anticipated what came his way... "Umm... Thank you? But I could've taken care of them as well. I know, uh, how to fight."
The god had a hard time hiding the shock on his face. And the embarrassment, which followed only a few seconds later. She didn't like it. She thinks I'm stupid. I made a fool out of myself. He face-palmed himself internally.
Swallowing nervously and clearing his throat, Loki stepped away from the wall again; trying to somehow 'save' this situation. "Sure, I... I know that, of course, Y/N. I just... wanted to be... nice." "Well, I appreciate it. Thanks." Before an awkward silence could settle between you and him; the god cleared his throat once more. "We, um, we should leave." You nodded, "We should, yes." and watched him turn on his heels; quickly walking away.
Therefore, Loki couldn't see how a dazzling smile spread across your face. Whatever it was what he just did - or tried to do... It was very sweet of him.
The rest of the mission went smoothly. You and Loki made it safely and uncaught out of the building.
When you reached the Quinjet, Natasha stood on the ramp, already changed in her black bodysuit; grinning. She said not a single word as you and Loki passed her by, just kept grinning. You gave your best friend a confused look; mouthing: "What?" All she did was winking, before she followed you as the ramp closed shut behind the three of you.
After you had handed Tony the documents and the Quinjet was in the air again; heading towards New York, you decided to seek out the Widow.
"What was that grinning about, huh?" You gently poked her side to get your best friend's attention. She turned to face you; smiling again. "Oh, nothing. Just Loki fighting off thirty guys alone," Nat said with a wink. "And this got you smiling, because...?" You looked expectantly at her, not quite getting what she was insisting.
"Gods, Y/N/N... You truly are blind," Nat stated; shaking her head and crossed her arms over her chest, before she walked towards the metallic door. "He did that in order to impress and most likely to protect you. That man is in love with you. Open up your eyes, babes."
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The Quinjet landed quite late at night on the compound. Only a few lights were on; signalling that most of the other Avengers were already asleep.
"Alright, guys. See tomorrow," you bid your goodbye to your fellow teammates. After hugging Natasha, you turned to Loki. "Good night, Mischief." The god gave you a soft smile. "Good night." Then you turned and walked away; following Nat and Tony.
While Loki couldn't help himself, but to stare after you with mixed feelings about the last few hours coiling within his stomach, Thor came to stand beside him.
"You are staring again, brother." He stated simply; smiling. "I'm not-" Loki wanted to immediately reject Thor, but the God of Thunder spoke faster. "Do not try to deny it, Loki. I saw everything. You tried to impress Lady Y/N with fighting off those men." Loki's eyes widened at Thor's words - proofing the god to be right. "You... saw that?" "Yes, brother. We all did."
Loki squeezed his eyes shut. The cameras.
He couldn't control his body longer; a blush creeping up his cheeks. Thor laughed heartily; clapping him on the shoulder. "No need to be ashamed, brother. I am truly happy you found love - and Lady Y/N is a great woman, if I might say so."
Loki grumbled, but knew very well that he had lost this game. "I don't think Y/N feels the same, brother. I made a fool out of myself. I will never win her heart."
Thor wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulder, shaking his head. "No, you did not make a fool out of yourself. I tried to impress Jane a lot of times and failed." "Yes, because you're an oafish ape. I'm not," Loki mumbled under his breath; inaudible for Thor. "Don't you give up. One day, Lady Y/N will be yours."
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After the kind of awkward conversation with his brother, Loki headed straight to his little apartment in the tower. He considered to go to bed straight away, in order to escape the hold you had on him, but he also was aware that his mind wouldn't switch itself off so easily. So, instead to forget you, he decided to fully indulge in his thoughts, heartache and fantasies, and took a very long shower; whimpering your name over and over again in his throes of pleasure at the imagination of you in that damn body suit.
Now the god was standing naked in front of the sink; staring at himself in the mirror. His damp raven curls falling loosely over his shoulders; pecs still glistening with water, causing a few single water droplets to drip from his chest hair.
Loki took a deep breath; shaking his head. "I'm fool... I'm such a fool..." With one simple snap of his fingers, he was perfectly dry. He sighed. "... and hopelessly in love."
After slipping into a fresh pair of boxershorts, he went to bed; laying awake for seconds. Minutes. Hours? Just like he anticipated. The god stared at the dark ceiling above him, arms crossed behind his neck; thinking. Until suddenly his mobile vibrated for a second; announcing that he just received a message. Frowning, Loki turned to reach for his phone on the bedside table and unlocked it - only for his eyes to widen. You... It was a message from you. Quickly, he entered the chat to read it.
Hey, Mischief. Just wanted to say thank you again for fighting off the bad guys. Very cute. Thanks.
Loki's whole face lit up. Cute? He was smiling so bright, like he had probably never did in his life before. She thinks I'm cute? His heart skipped a joyful beat.
Perhaps was his brother right... Perhaps hope wasn't lost yet and one day... One day you will be his.
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daytaker · 7 months
The Gang's Tumblr Pages
Inspired by this and my own reaction to it.
Perfectly curated, perfectly formatted, and whenever there's a major change to the tumblr format, he simply leaves the website altogether in a huff of peacock feathers.
Lots of HD photography of nature getting reblogged.
Has an extremely complicated and specific list of tags he uses for every single post.
He only reblogs text posts that are sufficiently visually appealing. Very few meet his high standards.
You could look through his entire blog and not learn one single thing about him except that he's a perfectionist to the point of neurosis.
He has a lot of professional art blogs following him.
Oversharing oversharing oversharing!!!!
He regularly gets himself in trouble by shouting about the shit he's done into the void of the internet.
Tried to have a tagging system but forgets about 7/10 times.
Reblogs himself all the time to say "AND ANOTHER THING!!!"
He hates looking at the actual blog pages. The text is always so tiny and some of them start playing music and changing his mouse into a weird shape? No thank you.
He has very few followers and he doesn't really care. Who goes on tumblr for the social element? Weirdos, that's who.
He's insanely easy to troll with anonymous asks. Everyone has done it. Even Lucifer, though he wouldn't admit it.
Some of his best asks:
"did u just post that you're okay with the idea of ponies and unicorns breeding. like no shade on that conceptually but why."
"If you reblog another 'reblog this for good luck' post, I will personally break down your door and steal your skin."
"ur ugly" "yeah-huh" "ugly" "no i won't 'come off anon and fight u' whhy don't you come ON anon and fight me?" "'i don't know how' sounds like something a chicken would say"
He just makes a blog like one of us. Fandom stuff.
Except he's multifandom to the extreme. It's impossible to keep track of his interests because he always has so many simultaneously.
He has the most followers of the brothers just because he gets so deep into so many fandoms that they come rolling in.
He has blocked all of his brothers except for the twins. They're okay.
His blog is a chaotic mess but there is order within the madness. He has a masterpost of tags that explains everything if you care to look at it. (I don't recommend it.)
It feels stupid to even put this in writing but...cat pics. Endless cat pics. That's like 90% of his blog.
The other 10% is a mixture of book recommendations and analysis, Lucifer shade, and a comprehensive, ever-expanding list of shit Lucifer has done to make Satan angry. It's a very long list. It's organized by theme.
"Lucifer inflicts unjust punishments." "Lucifer makes unnecessary snide remarks." "Lucifer simping for Diavolo and MC (pathetic)."
His blog itself is very minimalist and clean.
He's another fastidious tagger. He tags the cat pics by color, breed, age, number of cats, setting...
He's not very into tumblr. It's like Devilgram but more complicated and less popular.
Sometimes he'll post or reblog 'aesthetic' things. Moodboards and the like.
In general though, he doesn't really 'get' tumblr.
People don't post selfies very often. Weird.
Food blog.
Just food.
Reblogging hot dogs.
Reblogging nachos.
Reblogging ice cream.
Nothing else. Ever.
"This minimalist Tumblr has no posts."
No posts.
Default profile picture.
Sometimes he'll like something.
Usually he just looks at it.
There is no order. Only chaos.
He hardly ever uses it, then he'll come online and reblog a million things that have nothing to do with each other. Then he'll go silent again.
He has no tagging system.
He has no custom theme.
He is very friendly to all anonymous askers though.
Barbatos would never have a tumblr. Don't be ridiculous.
He only posts very rarely. He prefers to lurk.
When he does post, it's something weird as fuck, like reblogging statistics about owl pellet contents.
He likes to keep people on their toes.
Reblogging inspirational quotes, pictures of nature, and general positivity.
That is, once he figures out how the website works.
That takes a really long time.
What is a queue? What are tags? Why is it called a "reblog"? How does he track activity? How does he navigate the homepage? Why does it post things in such a strange order? What is a "Blaze"? What is a draft? Custom URL? Custom Theme? Sideblogs? Mass Post Editor?
Someone please help him.
Solomon probably does that.
He uses tumblr for recipes and images of baked goods.
But tumblr isn't even the best place to go for that, so he isn't on very often.
He sometimes likes Simeon's posts, just as a show of support since he knows how hard Simeon works to post anything anywhere.
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kaylasficrecs · 11 months
cal kestis recs
of bunk beds and confessions | imagine, fluff | @goosewriting
home stopped being a place… | imagine, fluff | @geekywritings
you see me... for me | imagine, fluff | @geekywritings
a royal escape | imagine, fluff | @calkissed
birthdays | imagine, fluff | @thedaughersofferrix
dance with me | imagine, fluff | @geekywritings
can you hold me for a while? | imagine, fluff | @geekywritings
thaw | imagine, fluff (some angst) | @goosewriting
nothing to lose | imagine, flangst | @multi-fandom-imagine
an elevator of all places | imagine, fluff | @multifandom-simp-page
i thought you were dead | imagine, flangst | @geekywritings
don't leave me | drabble, angst | @multi-fandom-imagine
can't lose you | imagine, flangst | @feyre-darling92
heartbeat like thunder | imagine, fluff | @sprout-fics
the first is always the hardest | imagine, flangst | @poedamern
proximity | one shot, fluff, smut | @vibrantbirdy
you are beautiful to me | imagine, fluff | @geekywritings
wherever you go, i go | series | @goosewriting
cost of attachment | one shot, fluff | @djarintreble
you're here, we're here | imagine, flangst | @grievedeeply
come back to bed | imagine, comfort fluff | @geekywritings
wait, what? | imagine, fluff | @novaonhere
injured | imagine, fluff | @lemonsprite
make a house a home | imagine, fluff | @writings-of-a-hufflepuff
soon | one shot, flangst | @forever-rogue
echo | imagine, angst | @psychosith
familiarity | one shot, flangst (more fluff) | @vibrantbirdy
first kiss | imagine, fluff | @multi-fan-dom-madness
touch on touch | imagine, fluff | @frost-queen
a jedi & a droid | one shot, fluff | @weevil-wallflower
constant | one shot, fluff | @goosewriting
kiss it better | headcanon, flangst, comfort | @lyssaluvs
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succubusmelt · 2 years
Welcome, honey~ ♥
Heyaa! Welcome to my yandere simp page, where all your fantasies and dreams will become true~
❥ What is this blog about?
This is a multifandom blog where you can read about headcannons, one-shots and writings of your favorite yandere character. Also, is allowed to request and send ideas for more content!
This blog is merely created for fun and entertainment. Any character belongs to the respective author. ➭ Minors are not allowed!
❥ Fandoms I write for
John Doe Game
Your Boyfriend
Something is wrong with Sunnyday Jack
My Dear Hatchet Man
14 Days with you
Lurking for Love
Maybe in the future I will join more (?)
❥ About me (?)
Well... my name is Loren (but you can also call me Melt <3).
I go by She/He pronouns.
I like to write and eat all the content that there is about my hyperfixation (that's why I made this blog, haha).
My english is not very good, sorry for that.
Maybe one day I will upload my fanarts or something else.
I like philosophy, movies, video games, drawing and writing.
My MBTI is INTP 4w5 Choleric Melancholic.
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tokyosmaddhouse · 10 months
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Hello, I’m new here! I’ve been expanding my horizons with new sites to be on and I thought Tumblr was a good idea :D
I’m a multifandom artist, primarily The Simpsons and TMNT, but many more! Most of my art will probably contain Moe Szyslak because he’s my favorite (I simp hard tbh-).
A few BYFs and DNIs because I should put some down:
I’m a minor, so I’d prefer if NSFW blogs don’t follow me? You can, I’d just prefer if you don’t.
No fetish artists, as it’s a HUGE trigger for me
No proshippers either.
I do post OC x Canon, mainly consisting of two OCs I ship with Moe Szyslak and Cecil Terwilliger from The Simpsons. Please be respectful.
I do have diagnosed GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and I may react in ways unexpected due to being anxious. If I say something out of impulse that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know!
DNI if you regularly use the r-slur (won’t say it), because I find it incredibly offensive.
No requests, but ATs may be considered.
I love doing QnAs, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
I’ll put more if I can think of any lmao
Also, here’s my Pronouns Page so you know where else to find me! http://en.pronouns.page/@Tokyomaddness
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zelhq · 1 year
My writing will make you uncomfortable. Art isn't always pretty, and mine's pretty ugly.
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Who am I?
I'm Zel/Zelarina (or Alex.) I spend most of my time writing, sleeping, or gaming! I'm disabled and neurodivergent so please be patient with interactions.
If you're sitting here thinking 'isn't there a dead FNaF tumblr page with the same name?' Yes, that's me. I legitimately cannot remember my login so I decided it'd be better to start fresh.
What to expect here
Fanfic previews
Casual simping
Do Not Interact
Self-N$FW accounts
Dream team stans
Personal boundaries
Do not s3xualize me. At all.
Do not send any of my content to CC's. I don't want them to see it, and they don't want to see it.
Archive of our Own (Fandom Works)
Wattpad (Original Works)
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So I Just Got a (probably terrible) Idea.
What if I made a multifandom imagines page?
I've been scrolling through so many of them lately and I kinda wanna do some of my own. I'd probably have it for fictional women since I'm attracted to women IRL. Anywho, here's some of the fandoms I'd probably write for:
The Legend of Zelda (mainly BotW and TotK)
Genshin Impact (I don't actually play it but I simp HARD for the female characters, especially Navia as of late)
Final Fantasy VII (I mean there's really only two major women I can do there, those being Tifa and Aerith, but I might do Cloud because he's cool)
Fire Emblem (I'd really only be able to do Awakening and Three Houses since they're the only two FE games I'm familiar with, and even then I haven't actually played either of them)
Kingdom Hearts (I'd probably prefer requests for Aqua since I ship Kairi with Sora and Xion with Roxas, and Namine seems too much like a minor for me to be comfortable writing for her)
Doki Doki Literature Club (a visual novel/psychological horror I like, and I simp for all four of the girls, so I could write for any of them with relative ease)
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
⸺𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀 7: how to talk to your former best friend (without making it awkward)
i should be over all the butterflies | a chuuya x gn!reader smau
a/n: the chuuya and y/n conversations are not so painfully awkward now also the journalism club is just one big simp group for oda
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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
masterlist | ↞ prev next ↠
⸺𝒻𝓊𝓃 𝒻𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈
↠ we'll learn more about 12 year old chuuya as we go on through the fic but one thing i can say for now is that he liked filling in his nails with black permanent marker
↠ dazai didn't want to mess up his first time hanging out with oda by drinking so he bribed the bartender to pour him a glass of water while pretending it was vodka
↠ the employee at the printing shop ranpo frequents is already used to printing out weird stuff for him so when he said 'can you enlarge this pic of my friend to fit the rest of the page?' he didn't even blink
@kiyoobi ​​​​ @atsumusdomain ​​​​ @laure-chan ​​​​ @goodfoodxoxoxo ​​​​ @guardianangelswings ​​​​ @kei-ya ​​​​ @loisuke ​​​​ @whootwhoot ​​​​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs ​​​​ @violentfarewll @fyoyacanruinmylifethanks ​ ​��​ @nightmare-light ​​​​ ​ @miyakiyo0mi ​​​​ @whorefordazai ​​​​ @rirk-ke ​​​​ @cross-crye ​​​ @alohablue @duhsies ​​​ @alittlesimp @tetsustation @https-inarizaki @himboos @magpiemissy @hanazou @monochromaticelliot
reblogs and comments are much appreciated
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weebswrites · 4 years
The Demon Brothers: Behind Closed Doors
I’ve fallen back into Obey Me recently and was talking to my friend about how Asmo and Luci probably act when no one else is around and I wanted to write it lol
• simp alert ??
• he cuddles you a lot, wrapping you tightly in his arms and sniffs your hair
• is always the first to notice when you run out of shampoo / conditioner and have to switch (he orders a ridiculous amount of it so your hair goes back to the smell he’s used to) 
• If he can’t be holding your body then he’s at least holding your hand, or has a hand on your thigh somewhere
• can read you like a book, so whenever you’ve had a bad day he scoops you up and carries you to a warm bath
• he either sits in it with you or gives you space, whichever you prefer
• he’s had plenty of sexual partners over the millennium, but you’re the first person he’s let into his heart and see the deeper side of him
• is actively talking to Diavolo about letting you permanently move to the Devildom, if you want to stay, that is
• tries to make moves on you all the damn time, but stops once you shut him down
• the fact that you’re genuinely in love with him for more than his looks (/ occasional money) baffles him, so he lets his sense of humor shine through
• loves making you laugh more than anything else in the world (even gambling !)
• his eyes are filled with genuine love when he looks at you, which often leads to you kissing him
• which may or may not get more heated, because it’s Mammon after all and he’s a damn good kisser
• you never sleep alone again bc he loves spooning you as you fall asleep
• f l u s t e r e d
• he’s more surprised that you’re into his looks than anything else, so when you climb on top of him that first night and press your body against him...
• before you know it Lucifer is knocking on the door because breakfast was an hour ago and neither of you were there, but it sure sounded like you were awake
• he’s an otaku, man has more toys than you can believe, and you’ll be damned if you don’t try them all
• but then once you’re done and you’re laying with your head against his chest he is soft, whispering how much you mean to him and how he’s going to treasure every second he has with you
• oh also when you casually repeat something about one of his games that he told you about earlier, his eyes are filled with such genuine and pure love for you, you swear your heart melts
• actually puts down his books to talk to you
• he confides in you, and you in him. you two can tell each other anything
• talks a lot about his thoughts, and you love getting to know his inner self
• when you aren’t uh going at it, you often hold hands. it’s a small gesture but allows you to feel connected when you’re working on things
• when he’s engrossed in reading, you often put your head on his shoulder and watch him read, sometimes stealing one of his hands to hold
• you run into him in the halls at school a lot, which turns into both of your favorite parts of the day
• people usually don’t talk to him much, because he’s Satan, but when people see the human running to him and wrapping him in a tight hug, a big smile and blush overcoming his face, his reputation changes
• showers you in little kisses and compliments
• always has an arm around your waist / shoulder / etc, as long as he’s touching you in some way, he’s happy
• if you don’t have a hickey visible, he gives you one. he has to make sure everyone knows you’re not just taken, but you’re his
• gives you a necklace that’s a vertical infinity sign with a light pink pearl on the bottom because it made him think of you (this one lol)
• when you’re watching a movie, (usually ones from the human world), you’re snuggled under a blanket
• you usually don’t make it to the end of the movie
• big hugs! wrapping you in his arms is the only thing that comes close to food on his list of favorite things
• I truly cannot stress enough the sense of relief and comfort that having you in his arms gives him
• the two of you always fall asleep together, intentionally or not
• it’s just, why sleep alone when you can sleep with each other? it’s so much warmer and happier
• sex isn’t a big part of your relationship with Beel, but when it happens it’s very good (you do oral a lot though)
• you go on picnic dates a lot and they’re genuinely the cutest thing ever
• he feeds you fruit and kisses you to taste the sweet juice on your lips
• you make his heart so happy, you’re honestly the best thing to happen to him in his whole life and he makes sure you know that (take that how you will)
• takes f o r e v e r for him to open up to you, but once he does he realizes that you genuinely just want the best for him
• you like sitting on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as the two of you chat about your day
• you nap together a lot, so have become the masters of cuddling positions
• aren’t very intimate, at first
• like exploring woods together, and end up missing dinner a lot because you get lost together
A/N: Hi guys! This is the first not haikyuu thing I’ve done on this acc but ~technically~ this is a multifandom page lol. I’ve always wanted to do a headcannon post so this was really fun (and more difficult than I thought! mad respect to people who regularly do them)
anyways if you guys want me to do any haikyuu ones let me know bc I’d love to :)
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holdmytesseract · 7 months
Ella thinks Narfi coming along means her parents won’t love her anymore but they prove her wrong by loving them both so so so much
Infinite Love
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N feat. Ella and Narfi
Summary: Ella struggles with adapting to the situation that she's not the only child anymore, who needs her parents attention.
Warnings: angst, a lot of fluff, Ella being afraid and hurt
Word Count: 2,9k
a/n: I hope you like this fic, my friend! It wasn't easy for me to write this. Hurting Ella hurts me. 🥺 But I hope it's good nevertheless! 🤗
Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @simping-for-marvel @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @smolvenger @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @cakesandtom @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake @anukulee @lady-rose-moon @ainsley30 @lovingchoices14 @lokischambermaid @irishhappiness @mandywholock1980
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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The first few weeks with a newborn baby were always stressful, tiring and a little bit chaotic - sure; but nevertheless was it a wonderful, exciting experience. After all, you finally get to hold your very own flesh and blood in your hands.
At least this is how it went with Ella - and now that Narfi had arrived, you and also Loki hoped that it would be the same way. Well, the only big difference was, that the little boy was your second child. Ella didn't have an older sibling when she arrived, but suddenly, she was the older sibling - and that was something that ghosted through your mind. It occupied you. And of course, it didn't slip your husband's notice...
Loki tiptoed into the kitchen and placed the two boxes of pizza he just got on the kitchen counter, before he decided to return to the cosiness, which was his sofa.
When he left to get the food, you and Narfi were sound asleep. Therefore, he anticipated that this would still be the case, but when he entered the living room, the god found you sitting on the sofa and breastfeeding his son. All your attention was on the two-and-a-half-weeks-old infant. Your eyes never left Narfi, as you cradled him with both hands and arms safely close to your chest. You didn't even notice Loki.
He smiled; didn't want to interrupt this precious moment at all costs and just decided to watch you for a little while - until he couldn't hold himself back any longer...
Cautiously - not to startle you, he made his way over to you. "I see you both are awake?" He whispered; gaining your attention. Loki's heart skipped a beat at how your eyes lit up when you see him.
"Hey, I- Yes, we- Babe?" You cut off your own sentence, as you watched Loki climb on the sofa beside you and laid down; moving to rest his head on your lap. "What are you doing?" You asked; giggling softly. "What does it look like, my love?" He answered with a smirk, before pressing his cheek against your soft, hoodie clad tummy and wrapped a hand around your hip. The other went to help you steady Narfi's tiny, fragile head; his hand swallowing yours whole.
You giggled again. "Cuddling?"
"Mmph." Was all the god mumbled into the fabric of your hoodie.
"But babe... I can't cuddle now. I need to feed our baby boy. He's hungry." "So?" Loki mumbled against you. "You do the feeding, I do the cuddling." "Teamwork?" You asked; grinning. "As always, my love."
So, you kept on nursing Narfi, while Loki was giving you - and his little prince cuddles.
Once your son was finished, you moved him to rest against your shoulder, in order to burp him. This caused his little legs to dangle dangerously close to Loki's face - who wasn't bothered by that at all. Quite the opposite... He smiled lovingly up at you and his baby, while one of his big hands went to gently touch the boy's tiny foot. Narfi wore a footless romper; therefore met his thumb soft, warm, cerulean skin. Loki chuckled; eyes glued to Narfi's feet. "I still can't believe how utterly tiny his feet and toes are, my love... Even my thumb is bigger. It's so sweet." He lifted his head a few inches to pepper the little boy's feet with kisses.
You giggled; shaking your head at your husband. "For you, yes! You weren't the one who had to squeeze him out of your body! Narfi is huge in comparison to how small Ella was..." Loki smiled; blue eyes gazing up in yours. "I know, my love. And I'm so, so proud of you." He took one of your hand and brushed his lips over your knuckles; leaving a few small kisses.
It was a sweet moment and kind of romantic - until you were finally successful in burping Narfi; causing the both of you to laugh together.
"Babe, I'm afraid you have to get up now. I need to put him down. The little man needs some more sleep." Your husband smiled; gesturing to his upper body. "Lay him down. He can sleep on my chest." You couldn't help but smile as well and carefully lifted Narfi from your shoulder to lay onto his father's chest. The small Frost Giant didn't like the loss of your warmth and his mama at all; face scrunching up in a rather loud, protestant cry - but once he realised that he was laying on his daddy's chest and was now covered with a blanket, he calmed down. "Shhh, little prince..." Loki whispered; pressing his lips on the infant's forehead. "Daddy's got you."
Once Narfi was asleep and Loki's head settled on your lap, a pleasant silence settled over the both of you. The only 'noise' was a soft purr leaving Loki's lips now and then, since you were running your fingers gently through his raven curls and massaged his scalp.
"Babe?" "Mhhh?" You could tell that your husband was absolutely relaxed. A content smile was on his lips; eyes closed as he softly stroked his son's back with his thumb. You giggled; tracing the contours of his chiselled jaw and cheek bones now. "You still with me?" "Mhm, of course." You paused for a second; eyes lingering on his handsome face.
"Can we talk about something? It's... been on my mind for quite a while..." The god opened his eyes again. "Sure, darling. What is it?"
You bit your lip; hesitating for a moment. "Ella."
Loki frowned softly. "Ella?"
You nodded. "I... I'm a bit worried..." "About?" You felt how Loki's 'free' hand searched for yours; fingers slipping through yours. You sighed softly. "I know that Ella wanted a sibling. We all wanted Ella to have a sibling. And I know that she loves Narfi, but... But what if she... Gets jealous someday? Or sad? Because we can't give her more attention. We both know that Narfi's going to take a lot of our attention - which is normal, since he's a tiny baby, but... You know what I'm trying to say..."
Loki swallowed visibly, before he nodded. "I have to admit that I've been already thinking about this, too... Quite a few times actually." "Yeah?" Your husband nodded again; adjusting the baby on his chest. "I just hope this isn't going to happen, love. I hope our worries are unjustified." You twirled a loose raven curl around your finger. "I hope so, too..."
"I am honestly afraid that our princess is going to think one day that we don't love her anymore - or well... Less than Narfi..." Loki said quietly; fear and worry swinging within his voice. You shook your head, "Babe, no. Don't let your mind wander to such dark places. This is never going to happen, okay? We won't let this happen." and cupped his cheeks again; gazing deeply into his eyes. He swallowed; nodding. "Okay."
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Unfortunately, life was anything but fair and it came how it had to come... Exactly what you and Loki wanted not to happen and prevent from happening, happened...
It came creeping; sneaking up on you and Loki - over weeks. Months. Loki was the first to notice... How Ella distanced herself more and more. From Narfi. From you. From him. She spent more time alone; mostly withdrawn in her room. The happy, quirky girl she once was, had slowly turned into a very quiet and sad girl. She was a master in hiding it, though. Well... No wonder with the God of Mischief being her father. Ella had learned from the best. And perhaps she was able to trick her mother - but not Loki...
"Is she asleep?" Loki's quiet voice rang through the bedroom. He was seated on the bed; one hand firmly wrapped around the edge of Narfi's little crib, as he was gently rocking the bed; trying to lull his son to sleep.
You nodded; closing the bedroom door behind yourself, "She is." and stepped over to join Loki in the bed. You immediately laid down; taking Loki with you and cuddled up against his chest.
You were so utterly exhausted and tired.
Your husband pulled you closer; gently tucking you in and making sure that the duvet was tightly wrapped around you. "Mhhh," you sighed in content; almost drifting off to sleep. Unlike you, Loki couldn't think of something else than his princess and her behaviour. It was only all too familiar.
"Love?" "Mhhm?" "I..." He swallowed hard; couldn't resist the urge to talk with you about this. He'd have loved to just let you rest and sleep, because he knew you needed it, but... Loki couldn't.
"I think we failed." "Failed wha'?" You asked; nuzzling his left pec.
The name hit you straight into the face - like a punch, and caused you to be wide awake again. You propped yourself up on your elbow; placing the other hand on the middle of your husband's chest.
"What do you mean?"
Loki sighed. "Can you remember the conversation we had quite a few months ago? About Ella getting sad or jealous, because we have to give her little brother more attention?" Your eyes widened at his words in realisation.
"I think she..." Your husband had to take a deep breath. "I think she thinks we don't love her anymore. At least not as much as Narfi." "W-What makes you think that?" He swallowed hard. "She... She pretends everything is alright, but it isn't. I can see through the illusion. She isolates herself, spends more time alone in her room. Her smile is never reaching her eyes. I should know, because..." Loki paused for a moment; trying to hold back the tears. "I did the exact same when I was a child."
You blinked; several thoughts flooding your brain. You didn't know what to say or feel for a moment - until it hit you. Shock. Sadness. Fear. But most of all, disgust. You were utterly disgusted... Disgusted of yourself.
"I'm disgusting..." You muttered to yourself as you were trying to sort your thoughts and feelings.
"Apologies, what did you say, love?"
Tears started to fill your eyes and were soon rolling down your cheeks. "I-I said I'm disgusting." Loki looked at you shocked. Appalled. "What in all the nine realms makes you think of yourself like that?!" "I-I didn't notice, Loki. I didn't notice my own daughter is struggling. How could I not see that?!" You shook your head. "I'm such a bad mother - no, I'm the wor-"
That was the moment Loki had to intervene. He couldn't let you speak so ill of yourself.
"Darling, no." He cut you off, "Please stop right there." and immediately reached for your hands; intertwined them with his. "You are a lot of things, my love... Sometimes stubborn, little bit of clumsy and once in a while overthinking - but you are not a bad mother. No. Not even in the slightest. I want to never hear you say that." "B-But-" "Ah!" The god lifted a finger; rebuked you. "No buts. You are not. You couldn't have seen it, because Ella knows how to keep up the perfect illusion - just like me."
Loki raised one hand to gently wipe your tears away. "I'm going to talk to her, okay?" You just nodded, having a hard time to keep your crying under control to not wake Narfi.
"O-Okay..." Your husband leaned forward and pressed his lips against your forehead, before he started to move and leave the bed. "And I'm going to talk to her now."
Your eyes followed his movements. "Now?"
"But she's asleep?"
Loki quietly opened the door of the bedroom, but looked back at you. "No, I don't think so."
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Loki's heart got heavier and heavier, the closer he stepped towards his daughter's room - and it broke entirely, when he already heard soft sobs coming undoubtedly from the other side of the door. That was the moment he realised that he had been right. Probably with everything he talked with you about.
Loki had never wished to be so wrong in his life before than in that moment.
Usually, Loki - and you, always knocked before entering your daughter's room. Sure, she was just a child yet, but you wanted to show her early on, that this was her privacy. Her safe haven. But today, Loki opened the door quietly without knocking. He had to. He knew that if he would've knocked, that Ella would've put up the illusion again - and he didn't want that.
"Ella..." He softly called out her name and switched on her dimmed nightlight; heart aching with the sight of her. The little girl flinched and quickly scrambled to wipe her tears away and get herself together. "D-Daddy?"
Putting up the illusion. But it was already too late. Loki knew.
"W-What are you doing here?" She gave him a half-smile, causing Loki to immediately shake his head. "No, please..." He said; moving to sit on her bed and staring at her reddened face and puffy eyes. It felt for Loki like he got pulled back in time. He saw himself in Ella. The small boy, who wanted nothing more than the same love and attention his brother received from his father.
He swallowed hard.
"Don't, my sweet princess... Please, I know something is wrong. Don't shut me out. Tell me what is bothering you." Ella pulled her legs up against her chest and averted her father's gaze, as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "I-I-I..." She sobbed; then shook her head.
Loki had to fight his own tears.
"Please," he begged softly. "I want to be here for you. I want to help you."
Sure, Loki had a guess what was going on, but he wanted to hear it from Ella.
The little girl wiped her tears away with her shirt sleeve and bravely tried to face her father again.
"I... I am afraid that... That y-you and m-mommy don't love m-me anymore, n-now that Narfi is here." She finally poured out her heart to Loki - and the god knew that it was coming, but nevertheless felt her words like he's been stabbed in the heart. The pain was on the borderline of unbearable.
"I-I know Narfi needs a-a lot of attention, because... Because h-he's a baby, but..." Ella grimaced; trying desperately to suppress fresh tears - unsuccessfully. "I m-miss you s-so much, daddy... A-And mommy, t-too," she cried.
That gave Loki the rest. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He felt like throwing up - all at once. To see his daughter so broken straight up broke his heart.
All his fatherly instincts told him to somehow fix this; make Ella feel better. Comfort her. It was all he could think about - so he did. Without thinking twice or wasting any more second, he climbed on the way too small bed for his height and pulled the little girl into the tightest hug he could give her, without hurting her.
Ella practically melted into his arms; still crying. She clung onto him. Her father was everything she ever needed.
"Oh Ella..." Loki whispered - almost whimpering. "My sweet, precious princess..." He ran his hand through the girl's identical raven curls; breathing in her scent. His tears dropped onto the pillow. "I'm sorry. We are so sorry. Mommy and I never... Never wanted this to happen. We love you, I promise. With all our hearts." He paused; fighting another wave of tears. "I love you, princess. Words are not enough to tell you how much. You are so, so special, sweet girl. I promise you, we are going to spend more time with you again. We miss you, too."
Loki pulled slightly back from the hug; just enough to look into his daughter's red, puffy eyes. "Okay, princess?"
Ella nodded; giving him a soft smile. "I... I'm sorry for being jealous of Narfi. He's my brother and I love him, but... I-I just couldn't help myself." Loki swallowed hard. He knew that feeling. "I know, sweetheart. I know exactly how you feel. See, I felt the same back when I was a child." The girl's eyes widened. "Really?" He nodded. "Yes. Your uncle Thor got way much more attention from your grandfather than I did." "But... Uncle Thor is older!" Loki chuckled gently at Ella's words. "He indeed is, but... Thor was more important than I was."
She shook her head. "That's not fair, daddy. Why?" Loki sighed; the memories of his past flooding his brain. "That, my princess, is a story for another time. When you're older, alright?" "Alright."
Loki smiled. "And now come here. I want to cuddle you aaaaall night." Ella giggled. "But daddy, I have to sleep!" He nodded; switching off her nightlight. "I'm sure we can manage both." The god paused then; hesitating for a moment. "Do you even want me to stay?" Another giggle from Ella. "Yes!" Loki felt how Ella climbed on top of him and laid down on his upper body; head placed on his chest, legs and feet angled beside his legs and arms resting by his side.
Just when she was a baby, Loki thought with a smile. He had placed Ella often on his chest when she was tiny and helped her sleep. Seems like it was still working. The god smiled even brighter.
"Good night, princess." He pressed a kiss on Ella's head. "I love you." She cuddled closer underneath the blanket; closing her eyes. The little girl was so much more calm now. "Night, daddy. Love you, too."
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
word count: 1.6k
kabuto x sai, college au, enemies to lovers ish, same age au
this is my first server collab with @konoblog-simps! the prompt was college au for august, and you can see the rest of the multifandom fics and artwork here!
As a biochemistry major focused on pharmaceuticals with a five year plan included finishing this undergrad degree, moving across the country for a masters in organic chemistry, then likely moving again for a doctorate in organic, along with four internships along the way, so that he could become a renowned creator of antianxiety medications, he was pretty confident in his knowledge. There was nothing a chemistry professor could ask that he couldn’t answer. Calculus came to him as a breeze. His psychology courses presented absolutely no challenge to him. Statistics, courses in professionalism and building his portfolio, and meetings with potential employers never caused him to break a sweat.
This fucking art class might kill him, though.
He had resented for years that humanities courses were required in science degree paths. It was his junior year and he had fought with his advisor for the past four semesters before finally giving in and agreeing to take a class on charcoal sketching. There was no way he would be caught dead in the hugely popular pottery class taught by the blond professor with tattoos of mouths on the back of his hands. Nor would he voluntarily take any basic introductory course in drawing or painting.
That was how he found himself in an advanced charcoal techniques course, prepared to blow through a handful of drawings and easily earn high marks.
However, in a class size of eight, he was drawing attention for the wrong reasons.
To start, the others all seemed to know each other from previous courses, which immediately made him the outsider. To make matters worse, the professor greatly preferred their work to his own. A part of him couldn’t blame the man who insisted he be called Tenzo rather than by any title or honorific. His drawings were definitely in a different style to the rest of the class, and it was a style that didn’t seem to be changing or improving as the weeks passed.
It wouldn’t be so frustrating if it wasn’t the first thing he had ever tried that was proving to be a struggle. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, the asshole in the front row seemed to take to charcoal like breathing.
On the first day, when Tenzo had gone over the syllabus, he had also made them all introduce themselves and play a get to know you game. They all pretended that it wasn’t for Kabuto’s benefit. Fu and Torune had begun, making a point of making physical contact with each other the whole time they spoke, though he had never seen Torune take off his gloves. The had tuned most of the others out as they spoke, noting Shin seemed decent enough, though he’d prefer if the man stopped coughing for more than a moment. What grated him to no end was the final person to speak.
He spoke with a fake smile plastered across his face, eyes closed and voice dripping with confidence. He listed his credentials off without any thought, and it infuriated him that the list of accomplishments and certifications rivaled the length of his own. Sai listed his specialty in art as black and white realism, and his preferred medium as painting, though he was looking forward to learning more about charcoal. From there, he had turned to Kabuto with that same overly-relaxed smile and offered:
“Your turn, flash cards.”
The familiarity rubbed him the wrong way and he had been irritated with him ever since. What made it worse was that Sai was actually really good in the course. He hadn’t been lying about his skill in realism—anything he rendered looked like it was about to run off the page. He seemed to prefer birds, in all species, but every individual feather breathed and flowed and he never got the black dust accidentally smudged on his paper. In fact, he never got the dust anywhere. Kabuto always left the class covered in black smears on his skin, clothing, and bag, and there would always be some hidden patch of charcoal that he never found until he showered that night.
It infuriated him to no end that this shallow jerk who modelled his personality around whoever he was with was also, genuinely, so much better than him at this class that he desperately needed to pass.
Midterm grades had come back the other day and a vein had nearly popped out of his forehead when he saw the disastrously low score. Tenzo had noted that he saw improvement between this and where Kabuto had began the class, but it was still not on level with the rest of the class and where he would need to be in preparation for the next level pastels course. Apparently, it didn’t matter that he wouldn’t be taking the next level course. If he didn’t pass this course with a reasonably high grade, his scholarship sponsor, Orochimaru, would be furious. Risking the scholarship not being renewed meant risking the entire five year plan, and for that—
He’d have to suck it up.
“Hey, Sai?” he asked, forcing himself to keep his tone level. Admitting weakness was not his strength and he had no intention of making this a habit.
The crop top wearer glanced up from the hyper-realistic sheet of mice that he was effortlessly rendering. “Ah, Kabuto,” he said, the same smile from before falling across his face. “Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?”
He gritted his teeth, then forced his jaw to relax. “The rain we’ve had all week? Sure, Sai.” He pulled up a stool, settling in to the easel next to him. “I wanted to ask you a question.”
Sai nodded, not pausing his movement as he gave life to a mouse’s tail. “My answer is yes.”
Kabuto blinked. Was asking for help really this simple? “You’re willing to tutor me for the final?”
That caused Sai to hesitate, tilting his head slightly to the side. After a beat, he replied “I suppose I could do that. You appear to be capable of learning how to improve your questionable techniques.”
Ignoring the dig, he pressed on. “I would appreciate that. Tenzo said that my linework is improving but my shading is still not where it needs to be. Something about being more mindful of my light sources.”
“I agree with his analysis,” Sai said, continuing on his sketch. “Your grasp of line weight is abysmal, which is a step up from your initial attempt, which was horrific. Your shading on our last assignment, the brickwork, was essentially nonexistent. All of your pieces so far have had at least four light sources that have no apparent source. It’s clear from your work that you have no regard for art and no passion for creation at all.”
He delivered the critique without halting a single graceful stroke on his canvas. There was no malice in his tone, and he said the words almost pleasantly, despite the cutting content.
“I am willing to teach you more technique and skill so that Tenzo is able to assign you a passing grade in this course. However, I do not believe you are capable of being an artist or creating anything of value in the world as you currently are.”
Kabuto froze. He had only meant to ask for a few tips, not to be dragged for all he was worth in this godforsaken art course. How dare this arrogant prick think he was incapable of creation?
He gripped his charcoal stick so tightly in his fist that it crumbled. “Listen, inky. Just because I’m focused in science doesn’t mean I can’t create anything meaningful. My goal is to be a pharmaceutical chemist, to create medications to change people’s lives. Just because I can’t draw some fucking—I don’t know, a fucking rat or a bowl of fruit or whatever, doesn’t make you better than me. So fuck off with that.”
Sai smirked, his eyes closing in his familiar pattern. “I never implied anything about our worth relative to each other. But I do think that it’s cute that you’re concerned about appearing to be less than me. That will create an excellent motivation for self-improvement for both of us in our relationship.”
The light caught Kabuto’s glasses, a white reflection flashing across the lenses. “We don’t have a relationship.”
Finally, Sai put his rectangle of charcoal down on the easel and sat up. “Do we not? What was the intent of your original question to me?”
Kabuto spluttered. “What do you mean? I came up and asked if you’d help me with the final and you said yes, then you were an ass.”
It was now Sai’s turn to blink. “You said that you had a question for me. I replied that my answer was yes. As a result, we are now boyfriends.” He wiped his fingers on a handkerchief hanging on the corner of his easel. “Was your question you intended to ask me not if I would be interested in a romantic relationship with you?”
He flushed a deep red. Sai was attractive, that was undeniable, but that was not how this encounter was meant to go. Romance was not in the five year plan. “I—”
“Just do it,” sighed Tenzo, sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. “For the love of God, both of you, stop staring at each other and bickering and just go out, would you?”
Sai smiled, the classic closed-eye smile that looked more genuine each time he did it. “Thank you, Tenzo.”
Kabuto was confused, but in order to learn the skills he needed to pass this class, he’d need to go along with the game. Without another word, he reached out and took Sai’s hand. Might as well give it a shot, right?
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tsukimi-writes · 4 years
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hiiii !!
this is a blog where hoes users kimi and tsu share their creative minds with the world via headcannons, oneshots, && snippets ✌😪
we’re multi fandom (more about that later) and we will gladly take up any requests you might have!!
feel free to stick around and maybe even request something! ✨✨✨
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just wanted to thank you for stopping by, it’s greatly appreciated haha! my name is tsu, a co-owner of this blog 😼😼 
i am pronoun indifferent, an anime enthusiast, i listen to sza religiously 😎 oh! and you can find me @min-tsuzuroon as well 🤩 
i'm multifandom; haikyuu, fairy tail, and twisted wonderland are definitely some of my specialties 🙈🙈 i do decently well at bnha, diabolik lovers and obey me too! 
also i simp hard for kuroo and bokuto lol so if you do as well, this is your damn place ✋😌
wattpad: TSUZUROON-
ao3: tsuzuroon
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your favorite genz bimbo besides chrissy chlapecka 💞 
thank you so much for stopping by tsu and i’s page !! i promise we’re nice but know that we love you so much 💓
i’m kimi 💖 the other co-owner of this blog !! my pronouns are she / her. i’m a fashion obsessed and baby fevered bitch who tsu has to constantly deal with lmfao
i do all of the fandoms tsu does as well ! 
i’m a hardcore ushijima stan, and if you are too? you got amazing taste 🌷✨
bops aggressively to “best friend by saweetie ft. doja cat” w/ tsu
tumblr: mrsush1j1ma
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obviously there's gonna be some things that we not gonna do so! here is a heads up before you request! 
— haikyuu 
— twisted wonderland
— bnha
— diabolik lovers
— obey me
— kuroko no basket
— brothers conflict (do yall still exist out there lmfao)
— ouran high school host club
— violet evergarden
— fruits basket
— fairy tail
what we take!!
— character x readers
— headcanons and onehots
— both sfw and nsfw can be taken!
— readers of all genders!
— crossovers
— multiple characters x reader
— aus!
— (for nsfw) sub readers, dom readers, switches! 
— if you're not sure what is acceptable and what isn't, just ask! 
what we do NOT take!! 
— character x character, sorry, x reader only!
— incest 
— (for nsfw) minor reader x non-minor, non-minor reader x minor character
— that's some pedo shit right there and we do not fuck with that! 🥰
— knife play
— piss kinks
— no hate on people who like knife play, but if you have a piss kink… 😀 are you alright? sincerely, tsu
— when requesting, please add the pairing, type (sfw or nsfw), any kinks (nsfw only lmao), and any extra info!
— the more detail, the better!!
— we have the right to refuse any requests!
— all reader x children! characters must be strictly platonic (ex. cheka and ortho from twisted wonderland) 
— swear to god if you don't follow that rule kimi will block u 👊😀 SO HARD
— (for nsfw) all characters will be aged up to 18+ here.
— we both know how easy it is to plagiarize and copy on here. but please! don't steal our works or graphics.
— or we will punt you into the sun like a football!! 🤗🤗
aaand that’s it! thanks so much for stopping by!
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— WITH LOVE, tsu && kimi  ♡♡
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mythologymadness · 4 years
hiii my name is Cassie but you'll find my stuff under the tag ''muse cas''
I'm 15, he/him or she/her and i run @greek-mythographer !
hello, dear innocent bystander 😌 i'm des but you could also call me dessy. here to hang out and do a bit of commentary and shitposting.
minor, she/her. my mess here is under the tag, "muse des" and you can find me @greekschist!
yo what up it’s ur gal, Vans, back at it again with yet another mythology side-blog. i’m 18, she/her, and i’m the chick who runs @godsofhumanity :)
hey! it’s emma, here to continue to conquer mythology tumblr. i’m fifteen, she/her, and you’ll know me on here as ‘muse emma’. otherwise, you know me as @incorrectgreekgods
HELLUUU I'm Xan aka Mims! I'm 19, he/them, I used to run @greek-suitehearts, now going by @sukizula as a multifandom acc, but i still love greek mythology 💙 you can find my stuff under "muse mims" :>
shiloh is currently unavailable so i'll be doing this for her. she's just your local chaotic wine aunt energy. minor, she/her pronouns. her stuff will be under "muse shiloh" and she can be found @mynameisshilohnow
what’s up motherfuckers it’s @loloisafangirl . you can call me lolo or lemon (or baby girl if you wanna catch a case😏). she/her. 14. you can find me under “muse lemon”. also—join the poseidon is a bottom movement. btw i’m stunning
Hi I’m Alea, Lea, potato whatever you wanna call me honestly I’m fine with as long as it wasn’t inspired by Des or Shiloh. I go by she/her and I’m 13 you can read my posts under “muse lea” if you like me my page is @potatochipship
Hello. We are Sol, or Solar, whichever you wish to call us. We just discovered we were a system- look up DID or OSDD if you are unclear what I am referring to- and Phoenix (Nix or Nemo) is the host. We do not have a carrd or a list for our system members, just refer to us as Sol and use they/them until you ask who is fronting at the current point in time and ask them what their pronouns are. The body is 16, though our ages vary. Find us under “muse sol” and check us out at @solar--serenity or our other greek mythology sideblog @lets-get-greeky . Peace ✌🏻
Hello our dear peeps, I am Hyde going by he/they/it/Vamp pronouns and a minor. A certified hera and Zeus simp too. Y’all can read my post under muse Hyde and if you wanna meet me on my blog it's @hydestudixs
hello peeps! i’m eden, so you can find my posts under ‘muse eden’ (or just look for the many emoticons :D)! i am 15 years old and go by she/her. my main @localgreekmythologywh0re is very awesome btw ... just sayin’
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dxvilmanlev · 3 years
About me
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My name is Lev or you can call me Moss!
I’m 22
I’m non-binary and use They/Them pronouns!
my pronouns page
I’m Bisexual
pisces sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising
likes: drawing, painting, video games and anime
My other blogs:
@roronoalev (reblogging blog)
@eustasskidsbunny (self-ship blog)
@mossbunxx (multifandom writing blog)
@mossartgarden (art blog)
Will NOT tolerate Lgbtq+ phobia, racists, ableists, misogyny, or TERFS
Currently watching: One Piece, Black Clover, Jojos bizarre adventure, re: zero
Currently simping for/my favorites: Zoro, Kidd, Killer, Ace, Robin, Shanks, Smoker, Rayleigh, Buggy, Law, Bartolomeo, Thatch, Izou
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lilikags · 3 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ about me // general
Lili, minor, multifandom simp
interests in writing, gaming, coding, drawing, etc
I like documentaries, I think they’re interesting. TV shows I watched as a kid were house remodeling/buying/flipping or travel/food shows. 
simping for shirabu, kazuha
selfships with shirabu
fandoms: hq, epic 7, genshin impact
please come into my inbox! 
requests open. matchups closed. [unless i hit 500 before i reach 6k posts!]
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ about me // hq
has rewatched the show at least 20 times
it was a thing I did for months before going to school and taking forever to eat breakfast
first love was kageyama 
has had about 4-5 shirabu brainriots (can’t even count at this rate)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ about me // epic seven
been playing since the first seaside bellona banner
hard f2p
i may have ml5s but it took 9 months for me to get a necklace for my arby
camping masters arena
rank 70, abhorsens guild, global server
need friends who can help with expeditions
forever in wyvern jail
⇢ ˗ˏˋ about me // genshin impact
launch player
light spender, got welkin for a few months
i have 180′d xiao and 160′d zhongli. windrise and the tea place zhongli likes going to are not good places to summon in my experience.
c99999999999 diona. am literally overcapped.
proud kaeya main 
first love was diluc
current obsession with kazuha, last obsession was xiao
ar 53, as of 5/3/21
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