morglien · 2 years
since u like bees schnees so much, do you have hcs about howw their relationship would come about?
i headcanon that yang used to tease weiss A Lot back at beacon days so that she got so flustered one day she was like SO WHAT IF I LIKE U. SO WHAT. and yang was like :D holy shit wait what...!
so they get together but its not srs.. and yang and blake obvi slowburn since step one babey
v5 comes around and weiss and yang are reunited so their relationship gets a lot more serious, a lot more loving. theyre there for each other and coping with everything coming at them. i think yang freaked out when weiss got stabbed by cinder too...like Freaked out freaked out. I also think bees v5 - 6 are healing together abd thats when they rlly start to bond romantically together...
i hdc weiss is like yaas get it yang i love u💖 and they properly communicate (i love polyamory)
i also think v7 - 8 yang and blake are For Sure like getting closer romantically and weiss is lik.e Ah shit i like i like blake too. so when everyone falls and weiss is the only one left she realizes she really loves them both and in v9 its where they all rlly get to bond..im def gonna keep updating on it bc i care them sm
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sesiondemadrugada · 10 months
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So Evil My Love (Lewis Allen, 1948).
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cakiecraftvintage · 6 months
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shoverse · 1 year
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entroart · 2 months
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Made another pizza tower comic with an idea i had after therapy. Vigilante and Peppino alongside two OCs. Shroomy and Mutz (the topping girls)
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munson-blurbs · 9 months
pronouncing mozzarella as mutz-a-dell
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novemb-r · 2 months
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Gunvor Hofmo (b. 30 June 1921 Oslo/Kristiania - d. 14 October 1995, Oslo) was a Norwegian writer considered among the country's most significant modernist poets. She eventually was named "Mørkets sangerske / songstress of darkness", being one of the leading poets of the post-war period, the horrors of the war and the loss of her Jewish lover Ruth Maier left a deep mark on the majority of her writing.
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P.1: Gunvor Hofmo P.2: Gunvor Hofmo & Ruth Maier
Hofmo was only 19 when the war broke out, and several of her relatives were imprisoned or killed by the Germans. But perhaps the biggest loss was her lover, Ruth Maier, an Austrian Jewish woman born in 1920, who came to Norway as a refugee in 1939. A year later Hofmo met Maier at a voluntary work service at Biristrand, both being fond of writing, they quickly became friends. Eventually the two women became lovers and they traveled around Norway together, working from place to place, until they returned to Oslo sometime in 1942.
Ruth was arrested and sent to the Auschwitz extermination camp together with 532 other Norwegian Jews on the transport ship Danube on 26 November 1942. Gunvor followed her girlfriend to the dock and never heard from her again. Maier died 1. December 1942 in Auschwitz.
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P. 1&2: Ruth Maier
Ruth wrote several diaries that Hofmo kept after her death. She made attempts to publish them in the post war period, but it was only after her passing in 1995 that Ruth Maier's diaries were discovered and later published in 2007.
The topic of homosexuality plays a role several times in her diaries, already at the age of thirteen, Ruth discussed same-sex love and desire with a friend in Vienna but was happy when she could push the subject away: "I think about how horrible it was when I went and thought about it. I looked it up in the encyclopedia. I asked Mutz [Ruth Maier's mother] too, but she said it's the kind of thing I don't understand. Thank God it's over now. Yes , if you don't have problems, you get them!" Later, after she had gotten to know Gunvor Hofmo in Norway, she would return to the topic.
Unlike Gunvor Hofmo, it is not easy to decide whether Ruth Maier was a lesbian or not, but her love for her was clear, she wrote of Hofmo in her diary several times:
In January 1941, she wrote: "Gunvor's eyes are dark blue. They are bottomless. […] The days are brighter when you love someone." In the autumn of the same year, she admitted that she could not imagine life without Gunvor.
Again in 1941, "I can't say how warm I feel with Gunvor. I love her deep eyes. I love her reserved way of talking about things. Gunvor is a valuable human being. I would sacrifice a lot to make her happy."
In her diary after Maier was admitted to Ullevål Hospital in Oslo after a nervous breakdown, the doctors asked her about her feelings for Gunvor Hofmo as well. In her diary, she noted: "I can't do anything for that I feel so deeply for her. The doctors must have thought that I in this regard have an unnatural inclination. That is not the case. What I feel for her is completely natural. I feel spiritually connected to her. There is not the slightest hint of physical lust in me. But it may be that I have a need for love that requires its expression, where Gunvor is a (dear)welcome object."
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Gunvor Hofmo and her girlfriend Ruth Maier
After the war, in 1946, Gunvor Hofmo published her first collection of poems: Jeg vil hjem til menneskene / I want to go home to the humans.
It is here that we find the iconic post-war poem "Det er ingen hverdag mer / There is no everyday anymore":
God, if you still see: There is no everyday anymore. There is just silent screams, there is just black corpses that hang in red trees! Hear how quiet it is. We turn to go home but we always meet them. Everything we sense one day is the breath of the killed! If we in hiding go: it is their ashes that we tread. God, if you still see: There is no everyday anymore.
In the debut collection, as in all of Hofmo's later releases, it was grief and suffering that stood at the center.
In the post-war period, she was to become a long-term patient at Gaustad Hospital in Oslo. Doctors diagnosed her with "schizophrenia, paranoid form" in 1954. She was there for shorter and longer periods for 22 years - until she was discharged in 1975. Before and after this period, she produced a large number of poetry collections.
Just before she was admitted to Gaustad, she wrote one of her most famous poems, Jeg har våket / I have awakened. The last part of the poem, about Maier:
... I saw my friend, the only one, I saw her go to die. And since the trees have mourned, and since then Death has drawn my body and soul and voice into the sea of ​​despair!
In 1947, Hofmo began a long term relationship with Astrid Tollefsen (1897-1973) and became one of the first Norwegians living in an openly lesbian relationship. They continued to live and travel together until Hofmo was incapacitated and committed to Gaustad for her illness.
Afterwards there was a period of 16 years silence where she published no new work until she broke her silence with the collection 'Gjest på jorden / Guest on earth' in 1971.
She lived an anonymous life in the capital city, refusing to be interviewed nor did she read her work aloud. Her last years spent mostly in solitude and isolation apart from a few friends who were allowed in. She died suddenly in October 1995, debilitated by diabetes with which she had been struggling for a couple of years.
Hofmos work was little translated during her lifetime. And there seems to be no official translated works in English. (The poems you see on this post have been translated by me.)
Sources: x x x x
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By: Ryan Burge
Published: May 8, 2024
I've always been a bit fascinated by people who live with inherent tensions in their lives. For example, I reside in a small, rural town that will likely vote overwhelmingly for Trump in 2024—probably by forty points or more. Yet, there are some hardcore liberals here. I know a few of them. They advocate strongly for their beliefs, aware that their efforts might not significantly sway the majority. Many spend considerable time in St. Louis, about an hour's drive away, seeking a cultural environment more aligned with their values.
I’ve written about this before - people who are just in a weird situation. Most notable, I put together a paper about people who both identify as lesbian/gay/bisexual but also say that they are evangelicals on surveys. It was published with the title, “To be of one mind?: integrating an LGB orientation with evangelical beliefs” at Politics, Groups, and Identities. Long story short - these folks are more religious than other LGB people but not quite as active as non-LGB evangelicals.
We have a term for this in political science, it’s called being cross pressured. I consider this piece by Diana Mutz to be one of the foundational works in understanding the concept. The field of religion and politics presents me with a whole bunch of combinations of folks who would clearly fall into this cross pressured category. I wanted to focus on one today that may be the most incongruent - people who identify as atheist or agnostic on the religion question but then say that they are Republicans.
I don’t think I need to provide a huge theoretical justification for why this is a weird combination of factors. The Republican party is basically 85% Christians right now. So to be an atheist who also identifies with the GOP puts you in a really small subset of the population. Let me start by just showing you that - this is the share of Democrats and Republicans who identify as atheist/agnostic over the last several election cycles.
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Even back in 2008, atheists and agnostics were much more at home in the Democratic coalition than with the GOP. Twelve percent of all Democrats were atheist/agnostic compared to only 3% of Republicans. Over time, both numbers have increased but the trajectory is completely different. For Democrats, that percentage has risen from 12% to 21% between 2008 and 2022. For Republicans, it’s much more modest - from 3% to 5%. One in twenty Republicans are atheists or agnostics. It’s one in five Democrats. There are four Democrat atheist/agnostics for every Republican.
I think part of the reason for this finding is not the fact that Republicans are just a whole lot more religious than Democrats, it’s that Republicans just don’t like that atheist/agnostic label that much. So, they may be functionally non-religious but they would never want to call themselves a term that they believe to be repugnant like atheist or agnostic. The empirical evidence for that is pretty clear when you limit the sample to people who report their religious attendance as seldom or never and then calculate the religious composition of those low attenders.
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For Democrats who attend less than once a year, a majority are nones - 35% are atheists/agnostics and nearly the same share are nothing in particular. That percentage has grown by about ten percentage points since 2008. Only 27% of never/seldom attending Democrats say that they are Protestant or Catholic today.
However, those same figures for Republicans who are low attenders are much different. Among those who are seldom/never attenders, 56% of them say that they are Protestant or Catholic - that’s twice the share as the Democrats. Meanwhile, only 11% of low attending Republicans are atheist/agnostic - compared to 35% of Democrats. Pretty strong evidence here that when Democrats are far from religion, they have little hesitancy in embracing the atheist/agnostic label. Not so for Republicans.
But let me take that a step further and add another question to the mix - religious importance. I calculated the share of Democrats and Republicans who said that they were atheist/agnostic broken down by level of religious attendance and religious importance. This is where my thinking crystallizes quite a bit.
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Obviously there’s not much happening in the top right of these heatmaps - those are folks who score both high on religious importance and religious attendance. Almost none of them say that they are atheist/agnostic. The real action is happening on the left side of the graph and the color coding tells a lot of the story. Look at the bottom left square, specifically. Those are people who never attend religious services and say that religion is not at all important. Among Republicans, 33% of those in this box are atheist/agnostic, it’s 58% of Democrats.
Those huge gaps are evident across a number of combinations of importance and attendance. For instance, among those Democrats who say that they seldom attend religious services and religion is not at all important - 40% are atheists/agnostics. It’s only 24% of Republicans in that same square. In fact, there’s not a single combination of these two factors in which a Republican is more likely than a Democrat to identify as atheist/agnostic.
Okay - I think it’s pretty well established that even if you control for other questions related to religion, a Republican is just less likely to identify as an atheist or agnostic compared to a Democrat. There’s some clear hesitancy there. But I was curious about something else - are Republican atheists/agnostics that different politically than the Republican party as a whole? And, just for the fun of it, I did the same thing for the Democrats. The area of inquiry was questions about abortion. That seems like a topic that could be deeply impacted by religious convictions, so I wanted to see if an atheist Republican was less conservative than the average member of the GOP.
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The data on this is pretty convincing, atheist/agnostic Republicans are more moderate on abortion across a variety of scenarios. For instance, while only 30% of all Republicans would favor a woman having access to an abortion for any reason, that share rises to 51% of atheist/agnostic Republicans. Only ten percent of the latter group favors a complete ban on abortion, compared to 25% of Republicans in general. On the bottom two abortion questions, there’s a thirteen point gap. Atheist/agnostic Republicans are less willing to support a ban on late term abortions and less willing to favor a prohibition on federal funds for abortion.
There are gaps among the Democrats, too, by the way. Atheist/agnostics here are consistently more pro-choice than the party as a whole. You can see that especially on the question about late term abortions. About a third of all Democrats would support a ban after 20 weeks of gestation, it was only 13% of atheist/agnostic Democrats. My guess is that a lot of Black Protestants and Hispanic Catholics in the larger Democratic sample are skewing the numbers a bit there.
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But do atheist/agnostic Republicans actually vote any differently than Republicans as a whole? Yeah, they do. That’s what is coming through when I calculated the vote choice of those two groups over the last four presidential elections. The gaps aren’t huge, but they are certainly noticeable.
For instance, McCain only got 82% of the atheist/agnostic Republican vote in 2008. But, Romney did a whole lot better in 2012. His percentage jumped up to 89%. However, Trump did really poorly with this group in his first campaign in 2016. He only got 80% of Republicans who identified as atheist/agnostic. It’s interesting that the remaining 20% was fairly evenly split between Clinton (12%) and third party candidates (8%). However, in 2020, Trump did much better with this group - getting back to near Romney levels. This may have something to do with the fact that third party candidates were not as viable in that election cycle.
Here’s what I know - there are going to be more atheist/agnostics who identify as Republicans in the future. It’s almost inevitable at this point. A group like the nones can’t get to 30% of the population by just drawing from the same segments of society over and over again. It will have to get more politically diverse in order for it to grow. How can the GOP be hospitable to this group, while still remaining the party of a whole of evangelicals? Time will tell.
I do think that Trump’s posturing on abortion is probably a good strategy in this regard, for what it’s worth. Making it a state’s rights issue is a way to sidestep the larger moral questions at the federal level and letting voters decide in those states is probably a pathway forward that doesn’t turn off many Christian conservatives and likely doesn’t repel the growing number of Republican nones.
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fiammarock · 7 months
Too Mutz Blues Band - Since I've been loving you / Lyrics
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Meraviglioso pezzo dei Led Zeppelin... questa è una cover, ma è ben fatta... merita
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der-papero · 1 year
Papero, me la togli una curiosità??
Tipo come quando chiedono alle modelle qual è il loro profumo preferito… 😆
Tu, che mouse, tastiera e monitor usi? 😝😝
Siccome questa risposta sarà per te una delusione, ti racconto una storia, a mo' di risarcimento danni e anche perché, non ci crederai, questa domanda è stata anche l'argomento del mio attuale pranzo con un collega.
Correva l'anno 2012, e io prendevo l'aereo di Novembre (cu' 'nu cazz 'e fridd) per andare a Berlino, alla mia prima pseudo-conferenza sul C++, i Qt Developer Days, una conferenza che durava 3 giorni, se non ricordo male, di cui il primo tutto incentrato sul C++11, uno standard da poco diventato produttivo.
Il nostro "prof" era nientepopodimenoche Marc Mutz, che potete ammirare in questa foto con la camicia bianca e la coda di cavallo
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Ad inizio corso si fa prestare un portatile da uno dei ragazzi seduti in prima fila, per proiettare le slide e fare qualche demo. Embè, desktop muto, colore neutro, niente icone, nessuna taskbar, nessuna reazione col mouse, nessun tasto che attivasse alcunché. Lui prova a fare qualche azione, senza ottenere risposta, ad un certo punto in preda alla disperazione si rivolge al proprietario e gli fa "senti, si può aprire un cazzo di terminale qui sopra?", il ragazzo arriva, tipo preme 3 o 4 tasti insieme a mo' di accordo di pianoforte e si aprono una fraccata di terminali. Marc lo guarda e lo manda affanculo.
Tutta 'sta manfrina per dirti che io preferisco essere come Marc, ovvero diventare un genio nella conoscenza pura, ma non mi ammazzo la salute con 1000 gadget da nerd, quindi so di lasciarti tanta amarezza su questo punto, ma ho una tastiera Amazon da 10 euro, mouse Cherry e un monitor tipo schiaffo sul lato quando non prende bene la Rai.
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morglien · 7 months
Oh shit, Morg Marcille icon era ‼️
spent two days straight reading the manga shes ABSOLUTELY my fav 😭
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sesiondemadrugada · 11 months
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Wanted for Murder (Lawrence Huntington, 1946).
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cakiecraftvintage · 11 months
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nenasmidnitelavios · 3 months
I realize I haven’t introduced myself
A little About meh :)
My name is Rylie. I’m 5’6 and I’m 21 ⚡️ I’m from L.A🫦 I looove matcha lattes (with oat milk of course) . I developed my ED late last year. I just this account as motivation and support others in their ED journey ❣️
SW:182 lb
CW:150 lb
GW:120 lb
UGW: 110 lb
The goal by the end of this month is to be at my GW! Like to become mutz, Let’s support each other to reach our skinny bitch lifestyle !!!! 🫡🩵
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waluigijpeg · 1 year
most mozzarella recipes you find online are lying to you. (OR they only show half the process. but THAT one is for a good reason.)
nearly all recipes you see call for adding acid, either citric acid or vinegar, to milk, which curdles it and lowers its PH and makes it stretchy, and then stretching it. some recipes add rennet.
that is… well, it's not really our beloved mozzarella. that will make you cheese that tastes like milk. now cheese is still cheese, i'm not hating! and you can call it whatever you like.
but it's missing two major processes of making delicious mozzarella, which i'll get to in a second.
SECONDLY, you'll sometimes see videos of "making mozzarella" that are just: cutting up mozzarella curds and stretching them.
now this is for a good reason. because making mozzarella curd is a pain in the ass! it's expensive, time consuming, takes up unreasonable space, and milk gets contaminated SO easy. so these cooks are letting the dairy make good mozzarella curd, which transports way better, then stretching it fresh.
this is basically the best of both worlds. your old-school new york italian spots tend to do it like this, ordering curds from a good dairy. your italian-american grandad, if he makes mutz, might make it this way. it's great.
NOW, back to the real topic, what are these fake mozzarella recipes missing?
first, they're missing culture. the sourness of really tasty cheese comes from lactic acid produced by certain bacteria. this kind of fermentation also produces many other flavors, most of which we find pretty delicious. in the recipes i have, that bacterial culture is usually thermophilic (enjoys growing at high heat) lactic acid bacteria. but if you're careful with heat, you can use a mesophilic culture, which also exists in yogurts, so you can start your cheese with yogurt or buttermilk or whatever.
the bacteria grow, they sour the cheese, and they also make it delicious! something that citric acid doesn't do.
the SECOND missing ingredient is even more important. it's lipase. lipase is an enzyme that exists in milk that breaks fats into fatty acids. for instance, it's what's responsible for the flavor of provolone. it's got that bite to it. that little bit of "mmm!" that's characteristic of good italian cheese.
it is also what makes milk go rancid.
thankfully, it is deactivated by heat pasturization. this is usually ideal, but we want this enzyme in cheese! so we add it back.
without lipase, your cheese will have no piquancy. without culture, your cheese will be okay, but it will have no character.
i would say that these flavors are essential to good italian-style cheeses of all varieties. also i barely mentioned it, but please add rennet too.
cheese is delicious and you deserve the good stuff. thank you. that's all
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collaredkittyboy · 1 year
hi you're literally so epic and i kinda wanna interact more (we r mutz) but ngl i am a bit of a coward so testing the waters like this ig,, bUT ANYWAYS UR BLOG IS LITERALLY SO GNDFBBSBF pup brain melted lol
Aaaa tysm!!!! Well feel free to interact moreeeee especially since we're mutuals I probably already love you from afar 🥰 and also puppies are always welcome here but I might kiss you with tongue so be careful what you say
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