#My Friend Ganesha
aiwalls · 9 months
Bal Ganesha HD Wallpapers : Cute Bal Ganesha Images
Behold the radiance of Bal Ganesha in these Murti (statue) images. His beautiful form and divine presence shine through, filling your surroundings with positivity. Divine Innocence: Bal Ganesh Images HD Delight: Bal Ganesha Images HD Cute Ganpati HD Wallpapers 1920×1080 Ekdant’s Embrace: Vinayaka Wallpaper Collection Sacred Elegance: Bal Ganesha Wallpapers Sculpted Devotion: Bal Ganesha Murti HD…
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okay actually he's right. ganesh is cool. his head is not his actual head. he rides a mouse. he removes obstacles. he eats laddoo (THAT SHOULD BE ME!!) and he symbolises new beginnings. there's even a ganesh idol that stares at me everytime I'm working and it's surprisingly motivational. who's doing it like this elephant guy
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oh my fucking god. i just learnt my favourite childhood movie's main character was played by a girl. how tf did i not know that. girl what??? i used to watch that movie every Sunday i still have its dvd somewhere. WHAT. WHAT.
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rashivermaofficial · 1 year
Delhi Police Public School (DPPS) did Nursery and KG Class Graduation Ceremony in 2023.
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evesetchings · 3 months
So in @novalizinpeace’s poppy playtime au, specifically in the cartoon portion, the critters have these magic pendants that give them certain abilities. This isn’t limited to the gang, and all sorts of different pendants exist for different characters, but there’s a catch.
In this post, they talk about how if the magic in the pendant overwhelms a critter, it can transform them into a myth, a magical, monstrous being with incredible power, but can sometimes be incredibly dangerous to the people around them.
So I decided to take the 8 main critters and turn them into horrible little beasties for my amusement, and now I wish to show you guys the fruits of my labor.
tw for mild body horror and psychological horror under the cut
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Dogday - Sol
This is the only ‘canon’ myth critter that exists in the au. Every time Dogday is pushed past his limit and gets too angry with something he transforms into sol, who is a mindless flaming warrior with no logic or regard for their surroundings. This leads to them being pretty dangerous to be around, but Sol isn’t evil, they just want to protect their user from any harm, and if left to their own devices, would probably self-isolate to protect themselves (and others) from harm.
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2. Hoppy Hopscotch - Notus
The first of my original designs. Notus is the transformed version of Hoppy, and has the same weather manipulation powers, just to a much larger degree. Although she mostly uses it to make her storms larger. Notus’s mental state is much more stable than Sol (relatively), specifically in that she can remember her past life, but not specific people, so friends and even family are hardly whispers in her mind, if even that. She is quite competitive, viewing her storms as a contest to see how big she can make them, and will never back down from a challenge, doing everything in her power to win, but she is also a graceful loser, and hates cheaters. Her name comes from the Greek god of south winds, who is associated with wetness and the coming of rains.
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3. Bubba bubbaphant - Ganesha
This guy’s name comes from the Hindu deity of new beginnings and the patron of the sciences and arts, who is also represented by a man with an elephant’s head and four arms. His mental state is similar to that of Notus, in that he can remember specific events from his past, but not people. He has become incredibly intelligent, being able to solve complex equations and understand lots of different subjects, but his already prevalent neuroticism has been turned up to eleven, with even the slightest infraction driving him to a rage, which can make him incredibly dangerous to deal with, but also rewarding, as his intellect allows him to answer many questions. He can also spin webs, because spider.
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4. Bobby Bearhug - Callisto
Callisto is a little different from the other myths. She can remember her name, and her past, and the people around her, but only sometimes. You see, her pendant’s natural power is to absorb the excess emotion around her, and it still does that, but if she absorbs to much, then it leads to her transformation into a massive bear like monster with one goal, to make the excess stop by any means necessary. This has led to her voluntary exile in order to stop herself from hurting the people around her, which causes Bobby a great deal of pain, but it’s better than letting herself hurt the people she cares about the most. Her name comes from a nymph who was transformed into (what else) a bear by a furious Hera.
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5. Pickypiggy - Limos
Unlike most of the others, Limos can hardly remember who she once was, much less the people in her life or what they mean to her. Instead she is driven by her one deepest instinct: to care and provide for the people around her. She works tirelessly to cook and prepare extravagant meals for anyone who might need it, leading to her neglecting her own health and her living environment. She also has to deal with a ravenous hunger that pains her every moment, and often leads her to devouring her dishes as soon as she finished, causing even further distress. Her name comes from the Greek goddess of starvation, which i don’t think is a very good comparison, but I can’t think of anything better, so eh.
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6. KickinChicken - The Roc
Kickin’s transformed state is probably the least actively dangerous to be around. He’s a large, powerful bird capable of flying incredibly fast, as well as being incredibly loud and aggressive, but never actively harmful. His mental state is kind of the opposite of Notus and Ganesha, in that he can remember specific people and places, but not his past nor his name, and goes out of his way to try and help others. The key word being ‘try’, as his loud and aggressive demeanor often end up causing more damage than assistance. His name comes from an Arabian creature that is described as a bird of prey large enough to carry an elephant, which I thought was a good choice, and I couldn’t find any mythological chickens that really fit him.
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7. Craftycorn - Apophis
Her name comes from an Egyptian monster that is said to be the embodiment of chaos and disorder, although Crafty is significantly less malevolent than her mythological counterpart. The main effect of her presence is the chaotic shifting of her environment, colors swapping and shapes changing into maelstrom of chaos around her, with the effect getting stronger the closer you get towards her, and any critter who does so has the very real risk of being torn apart. Apophis herself isn’t doing much better, with her entire body constantly melting into multicolored goop that has a consistency similar to that of candle wax. Not much is known about her mental state, as no one is brave enough to get close to her for risk of being killed, but there has to be something left of her as her maelstrom very much has the capacity to expand over the entire world and destroy it, the only reason it hasn’t is because Crafty appears to be holding it back through sheer force of willpower.
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8. Catnap - Ouranos
Ouranos is probably the one who’s the most ‘in there’, besides Callisto in her non murder mode. He can remember his past life quite clearly and the people in them. In fact the only difference between him and normal Catnap is that Ouranos is slightly more apathetic towards outside events. He’s floated off into space and now observes to world from the heavens, watching as everything drifts by, because he can’t exactly leave. He can, however, see his friends suffering, and wishes he had the capability to help them in any way he could.
Once again thanks to @novalizinpeace for the au and all concepts belong to her.
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bones4thecats · 6 months
I’m not sure if you know violet evergarden, but if you do, can you do a violet Evergarden reader and Shiva with his wives. Can be platonic or romantic, or maybe ambiguous.
A/N: My friend actually got me into Violet Evergarden a while ago, and while I didn’t remember the show to the exact point, I hope I at least did her character justice in these hcs! Now, enjoy~~
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🪩 He had just come home when his wives burst through the door carrying a young girl in their arms, he jumped and ran towards them, demanding to know what was going on
“ We found this young girl in the woods, she has wounds all over her, we think she may be a possible human. “
🪩 Shiva looked at Parvati as she spoke before ushering Kali to get a doctor with her as Durga assisted him in bringing the child to the main room to rest against the pillows and blankets
🪩 While he may not be fond of humans himself, Shiva did have a heart, and finding a child of all things alone in the woods for nothing is just painful, even for him
🪩 The God of Destruction looked down at the hands, noticing they were slightly blue and he glared, before telling Durga to grab any blanket for the human to get warmed up in
🪩 She grabbed every blanket and wrapped it around your smaller form as Shiva heated up his body to get you warmer, since you felt like an ice-block
🪩 When Parvati and Kali arrived with the doctor, they noticed how frantic the duo looked, and when the doctor check you out and just said you were cold and needed some warmth and necessities, the four looked at one another and nodded
“ We’ll take them in, after all, I think Ganesha might want a younger sibling. “
🪩 He smiled as the days went by and you adjusted to your new surroundings, it was like watching a child walk for the first time
🪩 Ganesha got along with you perfectly, and while your personality differed a lot from his, he loved you like his own little sister
🪩 Shiva and the other Hindu Pantheon members noticed how much you valued Humanity when Ragnarok commenced, and by that time, you were turned into a Goddess, specifically, the Goddess of Honor, Patience, and Humanity
🪩 While they all persisted that you go against them, it took Kali and Ganesha’s soft words to convince them that you could join Humanity’s side
🪩 And watching you hug the victors of Humanity got them wondering;
Why were you left all alone all those years ago, what happened?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Hello, I have a request, if you accept it of course, no pressure. A Thor request, Thor with a 7 years old daughter who is diffrent from him, like, she's more talktive, sociable, affectionate and is just always expressing herself and not afraid of showing her emotions, if you won't write my request then it's okay, take your time, I will wait, have a great day/afternoon/night.
-It’s been years since you were born and not a day goes by where Loki doesn’t tease Thor, your father, for having a daughter that is nothing like him.
-You were the definition of sunshine, you were always smiling, greeting everyone so warmly and sweetly, easily talking to others, and making friends wherever you went.
-While his teasing was growing old, Thor did have to agree with Loki that it was a little odd that you were such a social butterfly. Odin was as well, as both your father and grandfather were similar in personality, stoic and rarely smiling.
-However, they both loved you, and they would hold you if you came over to see them, letting you ramble on about your day while they just sit there quietly, looking down at you fondly.
-Loki and you fed off each other’s energy levels, if Loki was hyper, you were hyper, and vice versa, so much so that Loki was getting into trouble for teaching you pranks and for not watching you more closely.
-The day you wandered away from the Norse pantheon and you were found hours later in the Hindu pantheon, dancing with Ganesha and Shiva’s wives, while Loki was supposed to be watching you, Loki got put in time out while you just had your hair ruffled, not getting in trouble in the slightest but you were asked not to wander off without one of them with you.
-Thor adored you and adored your energy, seeing you running around, acting like a child, it warmed his heart, and Thor would give anything to keep you this age forever, so this bliss never had to end for you.
-Loki opened up a new can of worms with your papa when he saw you playing with a boy, just kicking a ball around, “Ohh~ I wonder what that will be like, when Y/N starts dating.”
-Thor chased Loki around for hours, Thor fueled by rage, as he wasn’t ready to think about that yet, while you were too busy playing with your new friend.
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Fitz: Sometimes it randomly bleeds. That’s called a bloody nose.
Sophie: Really.
Keefe: I never would’ve guessed, Fitz.
Marella: Um, so we kind of wrote a song. (each table group was assigned to visually/verbally represent over Life of Pi’s chapters 16-17)
Mr. Forkle: Let’s hear it, then!
Linh, Maruca, and Stina: Oooh!
Marella: Hinduism!
Linh, Maruca, and Stina: Oooh!
Marella: Lord Ganesha!
Some combination of the four: One! Absolute! Truth! Unity! Divine being!
Linh, Maruca, and Stina: Oooh!
Marella: Hinduism!
Linh, Maruca, and Stina: Oooh!
Marella: Bank of Karma!
All: That’s how Pi explains Hinduism!
Marella: Okay, and chapter 17...
All: *rapping* Jesus Christ died on the cross, Father Martin is a boss, he explained the Bible to Pi, and first he didn’t understand why, Father Martin told him about love, and Pi started to feel the powers from above, you already know Christianity is a religion, and now, it’s Pi’s mission.
Biana: Wait, who’s coming again?
Fitz: Tam and Linh Song. *looks at Dex* What did you say?
Biana: I told him who was coming.
Fitz: Be so for real. You’re lying. *points at Sophie* Did you hear what they said?
Sophie: Nope.
Fitz: You’re lying. You’re all lying. I don’t want to be friends with you anymore.
Dex: Well, I never wanted to be friends with you anyway. *leaves*
Fitz: Wow. That hit my feelings.
Sophie: Drama.
Fitz: Okay, seriously. What did you say?
Biana: I told him who was coming!
Fitz: This is what I have to deal with all day. You *points at Biana* and you. *points across room at Dex*
Keefe: *looks up* Wait, did you point at me?
Fitz: No! I pointed at Biana and Dex. Are you stupid?
Keefe: Yep. *finger guns*
Fitz: Golly.
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janaknandini-singh999 · 9 months
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salchat · 6 months
I'm on the train, heading up to London for my chemo, happily writing Destiel fanfic. Which makes me wonder, is there anyone else on the train into Destiel? Into fanfic, even? I hope so! If not, they don't know what they're missing!
I've started another installment of Secret Flowers, this one beginning with Dean talking to the daffodils and thinking about Doris Day.
I'm also in the middle of an AU kidfic, told from Charlie's POV, inspired by a certain pig-tailed con photo. I need to draw my version of it to illustrate my story. You can't really draw on the train, though. I've tried it. It's too wobbly.
Anyway, here's a bit of my Charlie-fic, which is as yet untitled:
“Hey, Charlie?”
She closed her eyes and sent a quick prayer to Ganesha, who she’d recently come across in a solo expedition into the humanities section of the local library and thought was a pretty cool kind of guy. Then she took a firm grip on her trusty pencil-lance and sat up, smiling brightly and, she hoped, unattractively.
His lips wobbled, like he thought he should smile back, but cool, tough-guys didn’t smile.  The potential smile got diverted into a choking splutter and his face turned bright red.  Oh no.  No.  Please don’t, Dean.
He shifted awkwardly against the metal frame, which must be digging into his back.
“Uh, so…”  One hand made a bit for freedom from his crossed arms.  It rubbed the back of his neck and then scratched through his hair, which was a bit longer and more floppy than Dean’s usual short spikes.  “Um…yeah, so, uh…”
This was torture.  If he was going to declare undying love, he should just spit it out.
“So, uh…”  Dean’s throat bobbed as he swallowed hard.  And then there was a blurting mix of maybe ten or so mashed-up syllables, with an uptick at the end to show it was a question.
Charlie stared at him.  “What?”
Dean’s eyes darted from the dusty ground to hers and back again.  He took a deep breath and then ran through his word-mess again, just marginally slower.
Charlie ran the jumble through her mind again - slower, like re-inputting a line of code with the correct syntax.
“You like someone?”
He shrugged.  “I dunno.  Yeah, I guess.”
“Like like like?”
“Sorry.  I mean, the more than friends kind of like.”
His mouth twisted, his eyes darted around the playground and he ran a hand over his head, totally messing up his hair.
“Yeah.”  His voice was a strangled husk of its usual self.  “I think.”
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bitxhbanana · 2 years
omfg: oh my friend ganesha (tu rehna saath hamesha)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 days
Some cool stories you should check out-
1. You should definitely check out the story of Samudra Manthan. It ll be in one of Shivas short stories but if it's not, you should google it.
2. Did you know Ganesha had a brother and two wives...you should check out that story too. Again there was a cartoon about Ganesha's tales that used to come on Disney maybe? I used to love it.
OH it's not exactly mythology but you should see the movie Oh My Friend Ganesha!
3. Krishna had a sister too.... you can check out the story of the Jagannath temple!
4. You should read about Vishnu and Parvatis Avatars!Such good stories.
5. Try to find stories of Shatrughan- youngest brother of Ram, Nakul and Sahadev- youngest twins brothers of the Pandavas. It's so interesting that there's hardly any stories of them. Google helps!
6. Characters that I think are vastly underrated are
Hanuman- I think he was the og best friend/soldier anyone could have. He redefined loyalty.
Naarad Muni- such a great character. I have sadly not come across any stories dedicate solely to him but he pops in everywhere and I just love his characterisation and personality.
The Sheshnag- another creature who deserves the credit... do check out his story
Mushak Raj- Ganeshas friend and ride/vahaan...there is definitely stories related to the mischief they used to have..adorable stuff
I know I have been ranting..these replies were more like reminiscences of my old favourites😅 I hope something comes out to be helpful..
Thankyou Dani for being the messenger🤍🤍
Thank you! You're the best 💙
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(Unexpected) Meeting Angalaparameshwari!
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Don't Worry! I am not changing this blog to a Hindu/Eastern focused blog! LOL
Had to get that out of the way lol, but yeah in amazing turn of events and if people know from my old posts that I do/did work with ganesha on multiple occasions in the past. I mean I currently have a permanent place for Ganesha beside in a separate altar to my other atlars. A dream of Ganesha lead to me finding a south indian guy on marketplace who was offering his Home Mandir/Puja altar for sale and I decided hmm that might be a good thing to buy! When I went there I was mind-blown by the energy of the house and the house's altar I felt drawn to it! I was even grateful to be allowed to take picture of that house altar and meet the kula devata/ancestral tutelary deva of that family, Angalaparameshwari. The whole interaction felt orchestrated and I didn't expect the gods would play hands into leading me to find this person, find Angala devi and seeing her, getting that shelf, and I couldn't put my finger on it except that Ganesha definitely pulled some strings to make this happen! I don't know the ramifications of this blessed meeting but I feel like there's an aspect of work where even the gods help us when we offer them the respect and place in our life for them and not treat them like tulpas or imaginary friends. I am still mind blown and grateful for this sudden random event I was thrust into and of the vision of the goddess.
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I acquired the small altar shelf and was overall grateful for the darshan of Angala Devi! I didn't figure out how to properly use it until I use it as my jesus altar! I don't know if this is cultural appropriation but I found the altar to be in the perfect spot and it just "clicked" in spot with all other altars I have! I am definitely grateful for this incidents!
Who has a Curved Trunk, Large Body, and Who has the Brilliance of a Million Suns, O Lord, Please make all my Works, free of Obstacles, always.
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rashivermaofficial · 1 year
Delhi Police Public School - Primary Graduation Ceremony 2023
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arcane-abomination · 3 months
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“It was in my flaws, I found a much deeper truth and it is from them, I bloom; a black rose.” -Segovia Amil
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 🌹
⚜️ Path: Tenebris Luna
⚜️ Magick: Grey/Crooked/Left Hand
⚜️ Title: Chaote/Chaos Witch or Cosmic Occultist
⚜️ Magick Name: Oculus Bloodmoon
My path began in my childhood, where I struggled with the yolk of Christianity and its cruel, fear bated chokehold. I remember calling to the universe, begging to be taken away from the church and its perverse tactics of belief, not focusing on any singular god. Slowly, I came through my depression, led to freedom by an unseen force, laying a path out of the religious cage that bound me. However, it was easier said than done and even though I became a witch at 15, the PTSD from the lasting wounds inflicted by the church made my launch into paganism a difficult one.
Much of that fear still controlled me and I practiced under the label of a Christian witch for some time. Not out of a sincere belief, but rather out of the leftover fears and control the church had on me. Luckily, the spirits that led me, would not abandon me and slowly but surely would take my hands and guide me through the ridged terrain from which I found myself and slowly I would emerge from the filth of religious torment, blossoming into the creature of chaos I am today.
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕻𝖗𝖆𝔠𝖙𝖎𝔠𝖊𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Primary Focus: Chaos Magick, Death Magick, Void Magick, Psychonautics, Eldritch Magick, Vampyre Magick, Blood Magick, Astrological Magick, Alchemy & Sex Magick
⚜️ Secondary Focus: Dragon Magick, Divination, Ancestral Veneration, Druidry, Shamanism, Hedgewitchery, Animism, Energy Healing, Kitchen Witchery, & Baneful Magick.
My practice mainly focus on the chaotic forces of the void and of worlds beyond our own. I spend my time diving into realms of viscous conception, dancing with death, and connecting my third eye to otherworldly entities that defy traditional comprehension. How I work isn’t always considered “normal” by many modern day practitioners. I take what’s comfortable and turn it on its head, cultivating methods that make sense to my own madness rather than tradition.
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Working Pantheon: Loki, Hecate, Leviathan, Shub-Niggurath, Yog Sothoth, Mi’Taal, Lilith, Necros, Azazel, & Creator Azathoth.
⚜️ Veneration Pantheon: Ganesha, Set, Horus, Odin, Sobek, Artio, Bastet, & Veles.
⚜️ Other Entities: Chernobog & Belobog
⚜️ Spirit Court: Spirits that each have a specific role within my life. Some of the names as well have been left out for the spirit’s privacy.
Hör’hem - Black Adder Snake - Sacrina Guide
Florentine - Scarlet Rose Spirit - Astral Partner
Rakshaw - Panther - Moon Magick Guide
Khami- White Pteralykos - Shaman Guide
Jefi - Raven - Void Guide
Familiar - Thoughtform - Reaper Appearance
Dragon Guide - Storm Dragon
The spirits and deity I work with are partners. They are not above me and I not above them. They do not stand high on a pedestal but rather walk beside me hand in hand. We are the same, living on different plains for the time being. They offer me energy and I offer them the same, an equal exchange of talents and abilities between friends, family, and coworkers. I do not worship, I venerate. Nor do I buckle in subservients to beings without claim on this realm. I honor, and show gratitude but I do not bend a knee.
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🌹 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕯𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Gender: Androgynous / Librafemme
⚜️ Pronouns: They/Them/It
⚜️ My Sexuality: It’s complicated…I’m a grey ace that likes masculine women, AFAB NB, Trans Men, monsters, & fictional characters of any sex. I’m also Demisexual, Ageosexual, and Panromantic.
⚜️ Beliefs: I consider myself a “Pagan Omnist.” I don’t believe in one single truth but rather the fact that everything has a level of truth to it, but nobody will ever be 100% correct because our mortal minds prevent us from comprehending or glimpsing the full truth until we leave our bodies behind.
⚜️ Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, cooking, gaming, ghost hunting, & witchcraft
⚜️ Likes: Horror, Gore, Monsters, Dead Things, Storms, Autumn, Eldritch Things, & Roses
⚜️ Dislikes: Doing dishes, Hallmark movies, parasites, heights, talking on the phone, & doctors
⚜️ Disabilities: I have ADHD, OCD, and Depressive Anxiety disorder. Sometimes I misunderstand, misread, and process things a bit differently.
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Can I please ask for Shiva and Poseidon and Thor and Buddha but how are they react to kianna ( Crush)
Like say they're hesitant to ask her to be with them because of her bad experiences with God's and just for them to walk in on her and with a maid
she's just like
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Kianna: if (insert God's name) asked me to marry him I would say yes
A/N: This was a fun prompt to use! I hope you enjoy this!
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🪩 He knew you and Gods as a species were on rough terms, and with his feelings, it really made your ‘friendship’ strain
🪩 Shiva was taking a walk after training with Rudra and he stopped when he noticed Ganesha’s room was open, so he went around to find his son
🪩 After a while, Shiva stumbled upon you and one of your personal maids, and what he heard made his heart stop
“ If Lord Shiva asked me to marry him, I would say yes. “
🪩 He smiled and flushed, covering his face with his top hands as his bottom ones did fists in the air as he walked to his chambers
🪩 There he found his three wives all relaxing and speaking to one another
“ How would you guys feel if Y/N joined our marriage? “
🪩 After the motivation from the women he loved just as much as you, Shiva eventually started planning both your engagement and your wedding
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🔱 Poseidon normally took a light walk before heading to bed some nights, but because of work, he had taken a few days away from it
🔱 So, he decided to take one that night, just for a small break before returning to work
🔱 He walked against the light currents of the ocean and stopped when he heard the familiar tone of your voice and his head of the maids
🔱 Taking a light turn, he listened in as you spoke to the elderly nymph
“ And what would you do if Lord Poseidon proposed to you? “ “ If our Lord of the Seas proposed to me, I would say yes. “
🔱 You answered without any hesitation, and that made his heart stop for a moment or two
🔱 There was no shame in your voice as you spoke, and Poseidon enjoyed that
🔱 Maybe he would have to invite you on a walk with him soon, so he could make that confession a reality
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🌩️ You and Thor were friends for quite a while
🌩️ From spending time training together, to sitting in the gardens of Asgard together, you and him were inseparable by many
🌩️ Thor was cleaning off Mjölnir from a battle that he had partaken in earlier that day, and during this, he heard the doors open from the back of his father’s residence
🌩️ He laid his hammer down as he sat silently
🌩️ In the meantime, he was making sure his hair was out of the little braid you had put it in earlier that day before battle
🌩️ He smiled as he looked at the delicate piece of hair before slowly peeling it apart
“ Well, my dear, what would you do if Thor had proposed to you? “
🌩️ Now he was really listening!
“ Well, “ you chuckled, “ If Thor ever proposes to me, I will say yes. “
🌩️ Okay, now he wanted to marry you even more than before
🌩️ Shuffling with the box in his hands, Thor smiled, he guessed he would have to move this gift to tonight
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🍭 He was relaxing in a fig tree as he hear your voice approach with an elderly woman’s
🍭 Buddha opened his one eye and hid himself deeper in the branches and leaves of the majestic tree that he once meditated underneath before achieving enlightenment
🍭 He planned on scaring you at first, but when he heard the question that the woman asked you, he stopped and decided to listen instead
“ If Lord Buddha proposed to you, what exactly would you say, Y/N? “
🍭 You chuckled, and for a moment Buddha thought you would say no, which would’ve broken his heart
🍭 He had liked you for a while, but he was unsure if you liked him, after all, your experience with Gods wasn’t exactly the best
“ If Buddha had asked me to marry him, I’d have to say yes. “
🍭 Frozen solid.
🍭 You would say yes?!
🍭 Cue the screaming and the cheek pinching
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