#My beautiful boy and his terrible fashion sense
callme-l · 2 years
Sometimes I think I dress well, but then I remember this fashion icon
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tj-dragonblade · 21 days
[FIC] Past the Wit of Man (or, Bottom's Dream)
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Rated: M Word Count: 3657 Tags: comedy, attempted comedy, comedy devolving into feels, identity reveal, sex worker Hob Gadling, advancing my Men In Lingerie agenda, long-haired Hob Gadling agenda, stretching timelines like taffy, Desire and Dream get along AU, but Desire is not actively in this, Dead Boy Detectives comic spoilers mentioned, miscommunication, Dream of the Endless finally uses his words, happy ending
Notes: Kudos props and huge thanks to everyone in the Mr Sadman discord who creatively interpreted a snippet I posted of something else and launched the whole idea of Hob working for a supernatural escort service; this would not exist without y'all and your beautiful brainstorming. ❤️
This fills the August monthly @dreamlingbingo prompt Identity Reveal, replacing square A2 (creature: Veela) on my bingo card
Summary: Hob is nicely settled in a new career and a new identity and does not expect to see his Stranger until 2089. The universe, apparently, has other ideas.
On AO3
~ "Your client is Dream of the Endless. He is extremely ancient and extremely powerful, an underpinning concept of the universe. Absolutely terrible about loosening up and letting himself relax."
"Don't think I'd be much good at relaxing if I was an underpinning concept of the universe either," Hob jokes, opening the profile that the Agency rep has just airdropped to his phone and thumbing through it.
The rep, a foppish vampire with curly white hair and impeccable fashion sense, arches one elegant eyebrow at him. "Apparently his most recent girlfriend dumped him quite harshly and his sibling has arranged this booking on his behalf; he's—and I am quoting here—'absolutely incompetent at managing his own happiness'."
"He knows he's been booked though, right? I'm not gonna catch the fallout because no one told him what kind of appointment this is?" It's only happened once, a prank played on a shy ace nixie by her well-meaning but ill-informed friends; all the same, Hob does not care to repeat the experience—particularly with someone potentially more dangerous.
"He is very much aware and in agreement, yes. We promised him our top companion." The rep dimples at Hob, a smile of saccharine sincerity that shows only the barest hint of fang. "And that's you, sweet Nick."
"And that's me," Hob agrees matter-of-factly, frowning at his phone, then turning it to show his guest. "No photo?"
The rep glances at the screen and makes a commiserative noise. "Oh, yes. Unfortunate, that. Cameras have a very hard time with this fellow, something to do with his general relationship to reality." His tone takes on a simpering air of great melodrama. "We were forced to use an artist's rendition instead! Tragic, really; it doesn't do him justice."
"Huh," Hob says, turning his phone back and studying the cartoony hand-drawn image. Guy looks like he's got some sort of steampunk insect for a head, dark and bolt-laden and bug-eyed, with a trunk that's strongly reminiscent of a disembodied spine. "Dream of the Endless, you said? Looks more like a bloody nightmare."
The rep gives an exaggerated roll of his shoulders, as if shrugging off his delivery duty now that it's done, and turns to leave. "Well whatever the case, an Endless is far above the average client, darling. Give him your best."
"'Course." Hob grins. "That's why you brought the assignment to me, after all."
"Just so." The Agency rep gives a lazy wave in parting and Hob closes the door, still scrolling through the profile as he makes his way to the kitchen.
"Dozens of titles and names", he murmurs, glancing through the list of them. "King of Dreams and Nightmares, alright. Contains the entire collective unconscious of every living being in. Every…universe…?" He shakes his head. "Has never taken a vacation ever. Bested Lucifer Morningstar and oversaw the reassignment of Hell—okay, wow. Billions of years old." He whistles, a long sound of awed disbelief. "Maybe I throw in a free massage for this guy; sounds like he could use it."
He shakes his head again, pockets his phone, carries on with getting breakfast together.
Bug-headed workaholic foundational concept of the universe. Won't be the weirdest client he's ever serviced.
It's been ten years since his stranger showed up late for their meeting and smiled so openly and named him friend. That had been their longest meeting yet, lasting all afternoon and on into the evening and it wasn't until the Inn had started closing up for the night that they wound down. His stranger had spoken briefly of the missed appointment in 1989, making clear that something at least mildly traumatic had kept him away and also that he did not wish to elaborate, and Hob had let it go. There was so much to tell of his own century past, his friend remarking with interest on a great many of his stories, and it was enough. His stranger, his friend, had come back, and they'd had a lovely long meeting. Perhaps in 2089 he would be comfortable sharing more of his own story, but even if not, Hob didn't mind. He was confident once more in the friendship he'd declared back in 1889 and willing to coax it out bit by bit, meeting by meeting. He had all the time in the world, after all.
Within a year of that meeting he'd wrapped up his teaching career, arranged for ownership of the New Inn to transfer to a 'relative' in the States who'd keep it running the next few decades, and started searching for a new career for his next identity.
He stumbled quite by accident into the broader supernatural world after being stalked by two dead teenagers helping that de Rais creep who wanted to steal his immortality. It all turned out fine in the end but opened Hob's eyes to exactly how much the supernatural had integrated into the modern world around him. And once old Hettie clued him in to the existence of a certain Service Agency catering to supernatural clients, his next career path was all but decided. What was he going to do, not seize the opportunity for fantastical sexual exploration when presented with it? Life was for living! Werewolves, vampires, sirens and fae and merfolk, the occasional ghost and even an extra-terrestrial or two; scales, feathers, tentacles, knots—Hob's shown them all a good time and earned a stellar reputation among the Agency's clientele. He doesn't plan to do it forever, but he enjoys exploring new avenues and stretching his limits and 'Nick Bottom' is the perfect persona to let him do so.
And now sweet high-priced in-demand Nick has been booked to rebound-fuck an uptight concept in humanoid form who looks like something straight out of a nightmare.
Hob can't wait to completely take this guy apart one orgasm at a time until he's a boneless puddle of satiation and send him home afterwards a brand new man.
Concept. Entity. Whatever.
The booking is scheduled for the following day and when the time comes, Hob is fresh and clean and set up in the Agency's most lavish suite. He's let his hair grow the last few years, sports a proper Hozier-like mane at this point, is wearing it down for this appointment. His beard is several weeks old, trimmed to artfully-scruffy perfection and well-groomed. He's lounging on the bed in a short open silk robe and a pair of lace panties that hug his hips and leave most of both arse cheeks exposed, a popular outfit in his repertoire sure to please the classiest of clients with the most discerning taste. Both pieces are a matching vibrant cobalt blue that complements his skin tone beautifully. He's wondering what fucking a concept is like, idly massaging his dick now and then to keep it primed, when finally there's a peculiar displacement of air and then a figure in dark robes with a weird spine-trunked bug-eyed head is standing in the middle of the suite. He's taller than Hob and inhumanly rail-thin; the robes plunge deep from the neckline, displaying milk-white skin without a hint of chest hair and clavicles that beg to be nibbled on. He's in profile, angled slightly away, and Hob has the distinct sense that this is a deliberate pose meant to make an impression, to instill awe and possibly fear in him.
So Dream of the Endless has a flair for drama, got it.
"Hello," Hob greets in his best breathless-and-sultry tone, rising from the bed to approach his client. He layers in a suitable amount of awe, pitching his voice toward 'smitten' with a subtle ring of sincerity to support it. "Oh, wow. You must be Dream of the Endless; I'm so delighted to get to meet you! I'll be taking care of you today; you can call me Nick."
The guy, the concept, Dream of the Endless, he goes stock-still as Hob speaks, and it's like the air in the room pauses with him. He turns, slowly, until Hob is face to face with his…oh, possibly that's a mask, then; the bug-eyed lenses are somewhat translucent in the light though Hob still can't see beneath them.
"There has been some mistake." The voice is deep and distorted through the helmet-mask, bone-rattling in an almost-pleasant way and, somehow, somewhat…familiar? "I was meant to be meeting with 'Nick Bottom'." The quotes around the name are audible.
"That's me!" Hob says, raking a hand back through his hair and shaking it to settle around his shoulders attractively, flashing his most charming smile. "At your service, love, whatever you need. I'm here to make sure you have a very good time, and—"
"Hob Gadling."
That draws him up short. He's currently Robyn Gadrin for tax-paying purposes in the outside world, but the Agency wouldn't give out his current identity let alone his true name, so how—
Hob's brain is babbling insistently about the note of familiarity in that voice and he finally lights on why as Dream of the Endless reaches up to remove his helmet.
Hob finds himself staring at the slightly-more-than-human-but-still-very-familiar face of his Stranger, his centennial touchstone, his friend.
Everything about his reality tips a little bit sideways, dominoes crashing one after the other in his brain until all that's left is that awful ringing alarm tone that features in emergency broadcast alerts on American telly.
Between them, the silence stretches awkwardly, until finally Hob breaks it, the first thing that comes to his tongue spilling out while his poor brain is still rebooting.
"Six-hundred some-odd bloody years, and this is how I learn your name?!"
It is five minutes later. Hob is sitting on the side of the plush bed in his short silk robe and lace panties, clutching a bottled water and seriously considering availing himself of the bar in the next room because his emotions are all over the place. His Stranger—Dream of the Endless, apparently—is seated next to him. His eyes are not the blue that Hob is used to, are fully black with actual stars winking in and out of them; it's gorgeous but uncanny. He's currently not looking at Hob, has got the weird bug-spine helmet gripped tightly in both hands. Which are still so pretty, Hob can't help noticing, his fingers longer and more spindly than normal, splayed wide around the curve of the helm, nails painted black. Or maybe not painted, maybe they just are black.
Pretty, regardless.
Not a helpful thought at this juncture.
It's not like he'd thought his Stranger was actually human, obviously, and okay yes the possibility of meeting up with him via this particular career choice had crossed his mind once or twice, might've featured in a private fantasy or two; but also he'd never seriously imagined it because it felt so entirely implausible that his prim and lofty Stranger would ever engage in something so mundane. So casual.
Apparently, Hob was wrong about that.
He's not sure how to feel about it, either.
The smooth inhumanly-pale chest on display in the plunging vee of those artfully-draped robes is also not helping anything.
His Stranger—Dream— moves slightly, glances at him with those starry eyes, flexes those pretty fingers on the helmet. "I will. Arrange. For another. To take your place, Hob, you need not—"
"Now hold on a minute," Hob interrupts, sudden direction presenting itself for his floundering emotions to flow. "What do you mean, 'arrange for another'? What's wrong with me?"
Dream, his name is Dream of the Endless, Dream looks perplexed. "Our. History—"
"Oh yes, our illustrious storied history wherein we have met all of seven times before now and, may I remind you, you took offense to my suggestion that we might be friends until you'd had time to digest it properly, yes."
"I visited your dream, before undertaking a daunting journey from my realm to another. We shared wine. You gave a most thoughtful toast."
"I. Okay." He remembers that dream, yes; he remembers the wine that followed him out of it, and now with the knowledge that his Stranger is apparently King of all dreams and nightmares suddenly it all makes brand new sense. But he will process that later. "Eight. Still not a factor in my ability to do my job."
Mostly. It is his Stranger, after all, and it's not like he hasn't ever wanted—
"Sex would be. Awkward," Dream insists, and Hob loses it, never mind he'd half-thought the same thing until a second ago; Dream saying it makes him refute the assertion with everything he's got.
"You dare," he says, setting aside his water.
Dream boggles at him, cosmic eyes wide, mouth slightly parted.
"You. DARE. To disdain my professional services just because we know each other?!"
"Hob— "
"No. No, your booking was very clear that you were to have the very best, and that. Is. Me. So you will not be re-booking with another companion on the grounds that our acquaintance makes it 'awkward'; if you mean to partake of the services you've hired you will partake of them with me."
"My sibling."
"My sibling hired your services. Did they know—" He's half talking to himself and Hob sighs, forcefully pulling the conversation back on track.
"Yes, right; your sibling booked you and here you are. Did you want to get laid today?"
"You need not be so crude about it."
"Forgive me. Of course. Did you come here hoping to have a sensual skillful sexual experience with a stranger intent on your pleasure with no judgments or expectations placed upon you in return?" He makes a valiant effort to rein in his sarcasm. "Because I can still provide that. Minus the bit where we're not strangers."
Dream looks positively miserable, a sodden wet cat of a man in sex-appeal robes hunched on the edge of the decadently-plush bed, and there is certainly an understandable element of embarrassment to the situation but Dream is taking it so seriously. Hob is not surprised, exactly, but christ—he's more than willing to follow through never mind any feelings he may or may not want to admit to, and Dream is the one who'd agreed to the booking in the first place. You'd think he could handle this hiccup with a little more grace.
"It was my intent to. Do, as you say," Dream says at last, and Hob sighs.
"Is that still what you want, then? I promise I'll take good care of you." He's actually really warming up to the idea, not that he was cold to it to begin with. It's his Stranger after all. He's been willing to say yes for centuries. "They really did book you the best, and I would love to show you how well-earned my reputation is—"
"Hob—" Dream sounds pained, gives an artfully-dramatic shake of his head. "My wants are. Manageable. If no one else is available. I cannot simply engage with you so frivolously—"
Hob leaps up from the bed, stalks a frustrated few steps away and whirls back, spreads his arms. "Am I not appealing to you, Dream of the Endless?" He tosses his head, shakes his hair back, gestures at the blue silk and lace that he knows looks absolutely spectacular on him. "Would you like me to change clothes? I have a dozen more ensembles I'd be happy to put on if you'd rather peel me out of one of those. Would the Prince of Stories prefer roleplay? Golden-age pirate, biker bad boy, Mr. Darcy or Elizabeth, cowboy, librarian, Starfleet officer—I'll dress however you like." He's fired up, he's…it feels like anger but it's more like alarm; he is absolutely not about to let a colleague fuck HIS Stranger if Dream's looking to unwind. Not with all the thoughts he's entertained the last couple centuries, not when Dream is looking so entirely miserable about the whole experience. Hob wiggles his bare toes in the plush carpet, forcing a deep breath; he is jealous and possessive and protective all at once and has no idea how to safely navigate this storm to get Dream what he wants without pissing him off.
"Your…clothing becomes you greatly, Hob." He's sneaking a glance as he says it, like he's not allowed to look but can't help it. "Your clothing is not at issue."
"Then what is?" Hob rakes a hand back through his hair, frustration fizzling, careening toward concern. "If you're truly that put off by me, I'll let it go. But you're here, for sex, which you did say you wanted; this is my job and I'm good at it and you clearly need—" Someone to take care of you, he'd nearly said, and while Dream has been giving him so much leeway in this conversation he thinks that might be one straw too much for this particular camel's back.
Nice to know he appreciates Hob's hairy chest and his dick in blue lace, though.
Dream levels him with a look that almost puts him right back to 1889, and Hob has half a second to start panicking before Dream closes his eyes, draws himself up, sets his bloody weird helmet on the bedside table with a soft leathery clunk. When he opens his eyes again, they are resolute, resigned, the eyes of a man headed for the gallows despite the stars winking hopelessly in their depths.
"I do not wish to be intimate with you. When you view it as simply a job. I. Would like—but not. If it is a transaction. If I am merely a client."
Oh. Oh.
Oh shit, really?
"You want. You want it to mean something?" Hob is embarassed at how small his voice comes out.
Dream closes his eyes, something like shame written all over his beautiful otherworldly-pale face. "I had thought. At our fifth meeting. That perhaps there was the possibility of. Attraction, between us." He opens his night-sky eyes again, meets Hob's resolutely. "Had we not been interrupted…" He shakes his head. "I pondered the idea until next we met, anticipating the possibility of. Seeing, where we might have come to. But you named what was between us friendship, you named me lonely; I perceived your words as mockery and acted accordingly. I spent the next century with a surplus of time to wander my own thoughts. They turned to you, Hob Gadling, with regularity. As I expressed when last we met, I regret leaving our previous meeting so abruptly, so harshly. Your friendship is of great value to me. I am content to let it remain friendship, in the interest of keeping it. But I am unwilling to engage with you, who named me 'friend', as I would a lover when I have yet to fully bury the wish. That you might have been my lover in truth."
Hob is desperately trying to keep from bluescreening again and while he's focused on that, his mouth runs along without him. "You never even gave me a name, but you wanted us to be lovers?"
"I am. Aware, of how foolish my wishes—"
"No, oh no. Dream. Love." He absolutely cannot let him think that. "All you ever had to do was ask."
Dream looks at him, starry eyes full of misery with the faintest spark of hope underneath, glimmering with unshed tears. "I. Could not—"
"That was then. Water under the bridge. What about now."
Dream shivers, his more-than-human face wary and pleading and resigned all at once and the last of the fight drains out of Hob. He approaches gently, until he is directly in front of Dream on the edge of the bed again; he half straddles Dream's lap with one foot still on the floor and a bare knee sunk on the mattress beside him, threads both hands into Dream's hair behind his lovely ears, tips his pale face up.
"Ask me now. Please."
Dream's hand settles above his bent knee, a gentle, tentative touch; his eyelashes flutter, and the sound that leaves him steals Hob's breath. That hand travels softly around to grip the back of Hob's thigh, slides hesitantly higher, and then it's Hob making the helpless noise as Dream's fingertips card beautifully through his leg hair, run up beneath the short robe. Dream's spindly black-nailed hand caresses up over his exposed arse cheek, squeezes, and all the while Dream's beguiling uncanny eyes are fixed on him, wet and wondering, full of blossoming hope.
"Hob Gadling." His voice is hushed, almost reverent. "I should like to have you, as my lover. If you are amenable." His face is tipped up, so close between Hob's hands, and Hob.
Hob's shaking. He's actually trembling, pent up, a little scared; daring, as he leans down and his hair falls around them both, hoping—
He brushes his lips to Dream's.
He kisses his Stranger, his friend, his touchstone.
And Dream of the Endless, who is all of those things, kisses him back.
It's nothing like he might have imagined, and ten times as wonderful, and over before he realizes he's ended it.
"Do you mean it." His voice is breathless, the words spoken directly against Dream's mouth. It's a stupid question, in light of the entire conversation gone before and the hand still on his arse, but he can't help asking. This entire turn of events is just too good to be true.
But true it is, apparently, and Hob's heart soars.
"Then. Dream of the Endless. My Stranger. My friend." He presses soft kisses to those plush pink lips between each moniker, dizzy that he's allowed. "Let me add another title to the list, darling. Take me to bed; the suite is ours 'til tomorrow. Let me learn how you would have me. Let me show you how I would treat you. And let me, at long last, name you mine."
= Started: 8/21/24 Drafted: 8/27/24 Posted: 8/30/24
If you're looking for a spicier take on this concept, @delta-pavonis has you covered: Dossier 54392 - please, give it a read, it's delicious.
(and here, have a post-script-y epilogue-exchange of sorts that did not quite fit:)
= "You chose to name yourself Nick Bottom?"
"What better name for a callboy to the supernatural than the bloke who got unwittingly embroiled in a fae lovers' spat and ultimately survived the entire encounter unscathed? Feels pretty relevant to me. Empowering, a bit?"
"Nick Bottom was less 'empowered' than simply lucky, perhaps."
"Perhaps. I'll not turn my nose up at good luck, either. But a name like Bottom in this business is also too good a pun to pass up, and I figure old Shaxberd would approve."
"I believe he would, indeed."
"The irony being that fully half of my clients want me to top them, heh."
"I do not wish to speak of your clients while you are in bed with me."
"Got better uses for my mouth, have you?"
"Other sounds I would prefer to hear from it, yes."
"Fair enough. Why don't you tell me what you want, Mr. Sandman, and see if I can make your dreams come true."
"Must you be so cliché?"
"You love my clich—mmph—"
"Stop. Talking."
"Yes love."
(Dream will tell him about commissioning A Midsummer Night's Dream at some other time 💖)
= Nick Bottom's lines from A Midsummer Night's Dream that lent themselves to the title: I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was and also The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was. I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this dream: it shall be called Bottom's Dream
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crepe-of-wrath · 1 year
Sickeningly Sweet Shouta Scarf Saturday
Notes/Warnings: fem Reader; fluffy fluff; takes place in a canon divergent timeline where there was just some nice slice-of-life time after the USJ incident; Mic and Midnight make an appearance
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Who had time to eat in the cafeteria?
Your lunch time was far better spent hiding the fact that you were once again staring at Shouta Aizawa, the most beautiful boy in the entire world. He had the most perfect--the most perfect--dark hair. And he was very quiet, which you liked. Loud noises and loud people had made you anxious ever since you could remember. The only thing about quiet little Shouta Aizawa that upset you was that he always looked so tired and sometimes a little sad. You wanted to make him happy.
Your friends thought you were ridiculous. Aizawa was a terrible match for you, they said. Sure, you were both smart and that was a good thing, but Aizawa didn't appear to have much style, whereas you already had big, serious Pros interested in your fashionable and functional accessories and support gear. You were one of the wealthiest and prettiest girls at UA, but you were also a friend to anyone and everyone. He, on the other hand, always went around with his nose in the air, always thinking he was too good to have to deign to associate with the rest of the world. But then he also somehow had those two extremely lame and weird friends, Yamada and Shirakumo, and could you even imagine having to hang out with them all the time (though your friends pointed out that at least Shirakumo was built and Yamada's eyes were pretty)?! Worst of all, Aizawa was so gloomy and didn't seem to have any ambition of his own while you were already always so hard on yourself and wanted to go places. He'd never be able to give you the support you needed! What if he ran your spirits down with one of those barbed little observations of his?
You knew your friends meant well, but they just didn't see. Aizawa was a sensitive, shy and quiet boy who thought carefully before he did and said things. Not everyone needed to be brash and cocksure. And he was very, very handsome, with the prettiest black hair.
One afternoon in your second year you were happily in your own world, working in one of the Support Course studios, when Aizawa materialized in the doorway. When you locked eyes with him, the shock caused you to jam the needle you were sewing with right into one of your fingers, making you yelp, and forcing you to quickly clean up blood, lest you ruin all your work. This was not exactly the impression of competence you hoped to present.
But your metaphorical rain clouds dissipated when Aizawa said, "I'm sorry, you were clearly concentrating. I should have knocked."
(See! your inner voice shouted. He's quiet and polite!)
"It's fine," you said, as you finished putting a power pad on your finger. "Can I help you?"
"I'm having a problem getting the right--I don't even know the word--the right texture? weight? feel? for my binding cloth weapon. Everyone says you're the expert to talk to about this sort of thing."
You two spent the rest of the afternoon testing out different fibers and materials, sharing giggles over what failed, and high-fiving one another when you figured out the right amount of wire to give him just the drape and action he needed.
"Thank you, thank you very much," he said, giving you a little smile. It was the most magnificent and exquisite smile there had ever been, of course.
"I will have it ready for you as soon as I can, Aizawa!"
You pulled multiple all-nighters to make the weapon for Shouta. When it was done, and you were all alone in your studio, you kissed it for luck.
You started in on a second binding cloth not long after giving Aizawa that first one. It only made sense for him to have a second one ready for immediate use when he needed to turn in his weapon for replacement. You finished this one in the dead of night as well, and yes, you gave it a kiss. You would have died if Aizawa ever knew: he would think it was such a silly thing.
After you graduated from UA, your parents and your friends desperately tried to fix you up, and sometimes you almost let your mind wander away from the lovely dark-haired boy who held pride of place in your heart.
And then you would receive a damaged old binding cloth in the mail. You would salvage what you could from the old one, prepare a new one, and give it your secret little kiss for luck before messaging Aizawa to let him know it was ready. He would reply with a time and place for a meeting.
At first, you had assumed these meetings would bring you joy, but they often did the opposite. Aizawa was always so sad. Grief and guilt had turned him into someone who was actually as brusque as your friends has always said he was, although he was still wickedly funny and as polite to you as he was to anyone. Still, you were worried.
So, you brought your concerns to Present Mic and Midnight, who were also clients of yours by now. You didn't feel it was your place to interfere with Aizawa's personal matters directly. You wished you knew him that well, but you didn't.
"I'm concerned about Aizawa Shouta," you said. "I've never--not once--met him to bring him his binding cloths in an office or anything that looks like it could be a home. And I don't think that he is dealing well with Shirakumo Oboro's death."
They considered what you had just said for a moment.
"Wait! Aizawa asks you to bring the scarves to him in person?" said Mic, who looked almost giddy. You felt this was a bit inappropriate, given the seriousness of what you had just told them.
"Of course he does," said Midnight. "Of course he does...I knew it." Apparently something about Aizawa being sad and needing some help was very funny, and you were happy to be on the outside looking in when it came to the joke.
After a few seconds, both of them seemed to realize how improper their reactions were, and they sobered up--at least as much as they could. "Leave it with us," said Kayama. "And thank you for looking out for our sweet little grumpy boy."
You waited for Class 1-A to leave their homeroom--they were all discussing hero names as they streamed out, so you might as well have been invisible to them. After they were gone, you poked your head in, and Aizawa invited you into the room. You acknowledged Aizawa with a bow and produced the familiar box. You hadn't kissed it this time. Apparently the luck of your kisses had run out.
"I'm sorry that this one took so long to produce, but I couldn't salvage anything from its predecessor."
"No need to apologize. It would have been irrational for me to expect you to have a new one prepared right away."
The new scar under his eye looked very painful. (And hot! Don't forget hot! said the wildly inappropriate voice in your head.)
"I'm sorry you got hurt," you said.
"Thanks, but it's part of the job."
You were both holding an end of the scarf box. Had your hands ever been this close? Why had you never noticed how large and strong his hands looked? (Think of how it would feel if he held you! said the unhelpful, inappropriate voice.) The air around you suddenly felt very, very heavy and you knew you had to leave before you embarrassed yourself.
You released the box, backed up a couple of steps and were about to turn around when you met resistance. Two hands, which revealed themselves as belonging to Nemuri and Hizashi, pushed you back toward Aizawa and closed the door to Class 1-A behind them.
Shouta looked like he was considering jumping out of one of the windows.
"I've had to watch this pining silliness for years now! I can't take it anymore!" shouted Mic.
Much more softly--which underscored how deadly serious he was--he added, "One of you better say something now, or I will."
Kayama's voice floated into your ear: "That's a promise, sweet thing."
You and Shouta just stared at each other, like terrified deer transfixed by light.
"Would you like to go to a park?" you blurted out, your nerves causing you to project at unexpectedly high volume. "Maybe sit somewhere nice and quiet? I could do some knitting while you mark your papers?"
Aizawa tried to hide his blush behind the binding cloth he was already wearing. You felt your own face heat up and sweat start to form. If you weren't so frightened of the twin cupids Midnight and Mic, whose hands were still pressed firmly into your back, you would have turned and run.
Fortunately you didn't, because the most beautiful boy you had ever seen or would ever see ignited his Erasure, which his two friends correctly interpreted as a GET OUT gesture and then, when the door was closed and it was quiet and you two were alone, softly said, "Yes, we should go to a park."
Shouta walked up to you with a small, shy, sincere smile that peeked out over his scarf. You decided you'd have to figure how to slip a kiss to the scarf that was still in its box sometime later. He slowly took your fingers one by one until he was finally holding your hand. Then, he led you out of the room.
Maybe you were just being hopeful, but you swore his eyes looked less sad.
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dramarec · 9 months
BL/GL/QL people I desire carnally
I wasn't tagged, but I wanted to participate (overshare in a long ass post) anyways.
Khun Nita (Gap the Series): I support women's wrongs. Especially hers.
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Gyoza (Love Senior): I don't think this one requires explanation. Who wouldn't want her?
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Porsche (Kinnporsche): I hate when everybody wants to fuck the protagonist, bc it usually makes zero sense. Not in this case. I, too, would risk it all for him. His beauty makes me believe in the existence of a higher power and intelligent creation.
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Sand (Only Friends): What can I say. There's something in First Kanaphan, that brings out the sadist in me. He'd look so pretty covered in tears & blood. I need him on my lap. His smile is everything.
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Eugene (Not Me): I love my sibling more than anyone else in this world, but let's just say White is stronger than me for saying no to her.
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Nadia (My Ride): She is gorgeous. She's a mess. Can I make it anymore obvious?
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Prapai (LITA): One more dommable big bambi eyed boy for the list.
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King & Uea (Bed Friend): Yes, both of them. What about it?
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Yo (Only Friends): Yes. Yes, I would take care of her.
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Kim (Kinnporsche): my cringefail crush whom I could never pull. Even if he were desperately in love with me, we're both too emotionally constipated to make a move. Yet I am allowed to dream, and I dream of him. I need him on my lap. I need him crying, covered in blood. (if you've noticed a pattern, no you did not)
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Nozue (Old Fashion Cupcake): That old man will need a hip replacement once I'm done with him. He's so attractive + he can cook.
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Tay (Kinnporsche): hey boy, it's me, the ps5! Leave his cheating ass, we don't need him~~~ Seriously, look at those lips.
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Ahn Ga In (Girlfriend Project): she makes college group projects worth it. I love women who look intimidating, but are actually soft.
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Kato Yuki (Plus & Minus): His beauty makes me dizzy. How am I supposed to be normal about him?
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Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear To Me): He's insane, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Terrible. Grabbable. Manhandleable. At the risk of repeating myself: In my lap. Covered in blood. Whimpering.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
My Happy Marriage Episode 1: The Meeting
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Once more, a series that I've been meaning to read for the better part of a year has beat me to the punch by delivering an anime for me to indulge in. Kinema Citrus wasn't who I thought would be behind this adaptation, nor did I think Netflix would land it. However, it seems it somehow is the perfect storm for a shoujo series that arguably has the potential to be the best adapted in recent memory. Seriously, there's a world of praise to give this first episode, so I'd love to shed some light on why everybody should be tuning in for this story.
So, to begin we'll start with both the beginning and the end. A bit confusing maybe, but the episode opens and ends with the same format, our main character Miyo telling her story through a poem. I think it's really beautiful, and very powerful. I love how she uses the various seasons to depict the story of her life, the warmth and happiness, the sorrow and loss, the cold and bitterness, and then the buds and blooms of happiness. I think a lot of people may look past the words of Miyo for what's in the moment, but both are equally as important in telling her story, especially in such a succinct yet roundabout fashion.
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There's just so much to talk about through this pair of scenes alone. My favorite piece though has to be how Miyo equates the existence of the Sakura tree to the ability for herself to be happy. That the child that she once was is whisked away by the blossoms that will fall and be forgotten, and that those memories and experiences will always be taken away from her, like her mother's Sakura tree was. But then at the end of the episode, the first thing we notice is that behind Kiyoka exists a Sakura tree. One that's in blossom and bestows Miyo with a single petal. Just such a beautiful moment that shows viewers that Miyo's life can, and will, contain happiness in this new home she's been forced into.
Anyways, back to the beginning we go. There's definitely piece that play a little close to stereotypes and cliches that viewers may be used to, particularly in regards to how Miyo is treated by her younger sister that was born from a different mother (the current wife of Miyo's father). I wouldn't say it's terrible or rough, but I think it's something you may chuckle at here and there because you may be used to it. The mother on the other hand? I feel like they do a really solid job of depicting her as Miyo's adoptive mother while also being explicitly hostile towards a daughter that isn't hers. A bit of a Cinderella story you might say, but with a traditional Japanese twist to it.
Just as quickly as this episode is to show us what Miyo's life is like, it's equally as eager to show off the impressive work with composition and lighting. Just a simple scene of Miyo in front of glass in a hallway, but the detail, colors, and subtle effects in regards to it create a very striking still image.
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To continue my eager praise for the visual work in this episode, I really like how effectively they use the indoor and outdoor settings. All of the cuts and scenes from outdoors are far more spacious and usually focus on wider layouts than the cramped and limited indoor ones. A really nice touch that adds quite the feel to the content of the episode.
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Regardless of praise, the story still does move on though as we get introduced to a friend/crush of Miyo's, Kouji. A somewhat meek but very heartfelt boy that visits her family often. I really like his position throughout the story, but in this initial stretch I really enjoy how it is that he interacts with Miyo, being her sole attachment to the world outside the home she lives in. Also once more, that sense of space is being used quite well.
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Also just a little aside with the above scene. The soundtrack really is great at matching emotions and tensions, but I think what may end up one of the more underrated pieces is the reserved inclusion of traditional Japanese music. It's used very sparingly, and in all the right moments to pair with the correct scenes.
Of course, this is a sort of Cinderella story, so that warm and bright relationship that this pair share does not last long. That bright and warm sunshine is later replaced with a dull and gray tone that weighs upon the world. And the space that they once shared naturally becomes awkward distance. I really, really do love how they approach the fracturing of Kouji and Miyo's relationship through this episode. Starting off with both warm colors and proximity, we soon begin to lose that vibrance before the space between the two widens.
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It's a pretty harsh scene, really. Kouji knowing he's coming to be married off to Miyo's sister Kaya, and Miyo getting her hopes up thinking she'd be getting married to Kouji. Thankfully they do a great job with Kouji's character through it all. His frustration and regret are very palpable, and the included scene of Kouji talking things over with his father to try and save Miyo from that household was a really thoughtful addition. Of course, it still means that Miyo's isolated. From the one person that treated her normally, to the family home that she's lived in all this time, to the remnants of the Sakura tree left behind by her mother. It's very well drawn out emotionally, and makes use of quite a few parallels and other moments from earlier on in the episode.
In particular, I really love how the gap and distance between Kouji and Miyo is shown post-engagement. Using things like windows or stance to show avoidance and separation is really well done. Especially when the only time Miyo faces Kouji head on during their final conversation is to thank him and bid him farewell.
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This stretch of the episode does very well with Miyo's emotions and mental state, through quite a few pieces. I think the moment that best matches up with how to describe or show how Miyo feels is the engagements. Believing she had a chance to be married to Kouji, she checks her reflection in the mirror before entering the room. However, on departure to travel to her actual fiancé's home she briskly walks past that same mirror. It's a really solid show of the duality that exists for Miyo, the young and plain girl who wishes to be pretty and be together with the young man that she loves, and the so-called beautiful woman that's been sent off to marry someone she's never met.
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Moving forward, we get a handful of scenes of Miyo travelling to meet her new fiancé with flashes of her past mixed in. Arguably, it's the best time for them to have chosen to insert those pieces of her past. An empty and silent section that allows Miyo to reflect upon her previous life, it just fits quite well. Though I'd be lying if I said that was my favorite part of her travelling. My favorite was certainly all the wonderful visuals and scenes throughout. The composition work on this series is just something else. How the different forms of lighting interact with one another and produce layers upon the various characters and pieces of the environment is just stellar. It's just so impressive how much range there is in the colors and approaches of all these scenes.
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This second one in particular really impresses me, because usually with such bright scenes like this you'll just have blown out highlights, but what's actually going on is a different story. In that washed out white light, there's actually details of the buildings that pass Miyo by. A very small and easy to neglect detail, but for me, it shows the dedication, quality, and ability placed in all facets of these scenes.
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And from here we meet up with where I spoke of the ending first, Miyo meeting her new fiancé and that feeling of happiness sneaking back into her life.
I think the story at a surface level is rather straightforward, but provides a great deal of depth (which makes it challenging to discuss without spending ages on a single moment). Take, for example, the one servant we see in Kiyoka's household. It's an older woman that uses "bocchan" to refer to Kiyoka, showing that she's been an attendant for a very long time with Kiyoka while also speaking to the more casual relationship that she has with him. Similarly, it also shows that Kiyoka either has no interest in younger servants, or that newer ones aren't willing to work in his household.
Regardless, the point has been made. The story has a lot to it that makes it incredibly easy for viewers to sink into and spend ages atomizing into little details and important aspects of all the characters, but isn't required to understand and appreciate the story at large. I knew what I was getting into with the story however, given the reviews and praise I've heard for it, so the part that surprised me most is the visual through this first episode. There's not any incredible animation, but it isn't required either for a more down to earth drama. Because of that, the focus on quality has shifted elsewhere to areas like lighting and composition, and you can tell they've done some incredible work alongside the subdued but well fitted direction.
All in all, I'm very excited to see how Kinema Citrus fares with this adaptation, and am very much looking forward to indulging in this outstanding story.
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cherry-velvet-skies · 2 years
It's time for more Beatle Era Ratings! (I fixed the title 😌)
Episode 3: Johnny Boy 🥰
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Moon Dog (Pre-Beatles Era)
Teddy Boy John somehow looks older than when John was actually older
He gives the vibe of a teenage boy who dresses to look older in order to get into an adult rated movie lmao
Formed a band and felt like the coolest guy in the world (and you know what he unknowingly created one of the greatest bands in the world so he's allowed to feel that way)
6/10 because he looks great but the look is not really for me
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Twist and Shout (1962-63)
And just like I thought, he looks younger here than the previous era
John Lennon if he were an android in Detroit Become Human
He looks so uncomfortable dressed like this PLEASE 😂 someone help him
4.5/10 and I know the second they walked off stage he would rip this jacket right off lmao
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Cuddle Bug (1964-66)
One of John's best eras and that's a fact
He's so friend-shaped I'm gonna cry
This haircut suited him so well and gave him an all-around adorable vibe
100/10 and I have a personal vendetta against anyone who ever made him feel bad about his appearance 😤
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Blue Meanie Defender 3000 (1967)
If you ever wanna know what the people in the late 60s who experimented with any drug they could find looked like, just picture this mf
Bro saw God at some point and God was a walrus apparently
But this was when he actually got glasses instead of just being fucking blind all the time so I guess that's good
7/10 although I can't tell if being around him when he's high would've been nonstop laughs or literal hell on earth
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AnD nOw YoUr hOsTs fOr tHiS eVeNinG (1968-69)
An absolute gremlin of a man
But I mean if I was in his shoes I would just randomly scream for no reason too so I get it
If Get Back taught us anything it was that mans hardly showered
6.5/10 the vibes are hella confusing but not terrible. Sense of humor was off the charts though
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Bigger Than Jesus (1970)
So far John's Jesus era was the fanciest
The fur coat and wool cap are giving Bratz doll
Speaking of Bratz dolls John would've loved early 2000s fashion I JUST KNOW IT
9/10 he would've worn Juicy tracksuits religiously and ate us all up
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I Sleep Well, Thanks (1971-72)
Exhausted dude at his office job who just wants to go home and get high
You know what scratch that he shows up high and has the nerve to act surprised when he can barely function
Survives purely off of spite
6.5/10 he wants to cause problems on purpose
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I Am the Egg Man (1973)
I'm not even sure I have the certification to comment on this
Seeing John almost bald feels sacrilegious
He looks like one of those unhinged yoga instructors
2/10 I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today
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Freelance Artist (1974-77)
In his academia era
His aura feels like one of those people who you go to their apartment and it's full of giant canvases with art that deserves way more recognition
That Elvis pin is iconic
10/10 and this entire photoshoot is honestly so beautiful I wish I could've included all the photos
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Sexy Valet Driver (1978-79)
I absolutely adore the tie and waistcoat combo
It gives me an immense level of gender envy, and John is not immune to that lol I wanna look the way he does in this photo so bad
He looks both cute and handsome but I can't decide which one tips the balance
20/10 if I saw him dressed like this I would definitely compliment him (and maybe ask him out if I was feeling brave 🤭)
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Eccentrically Reserved Fashion Designer (1980-∞)
Are we gonna pretend that he didn't look absolutely GLORIOUS this year
I think I have to say this one is a dilf era because oh my god
I secretly think John would've been a great fashion designer idk he seems like he has the correct amount of insanity to pull it off
542/10 and it's a shame we never got to see how he would've evolved physically, and even personality-wise, as the years went on. I feel like he would've been a better person as he got older and I wish we would've gotten to see it 🥺💕
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theendwhereibegin · 10 months
Universally meant. Earthly bound
This update took longer than expected, but for a good reason. I had a lot of work to do and then I managed to sneak away and see my family for a week and then back to crazy town with work.
Another thing that really threw me off was Matthew Perry`s death which I really struggled with.
I am terribly sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.
Here is the latest part of this story.
Part 7
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*Olivia`s POV*
Pedro left to get ready at his place while I was debating what to wear. It took me 30 minutes and it usually doesn`t take that long, but this time it was different.
Sure Oscar and Elvira wont know that me and Pedro are dating, but I know that and I didn't want to look like a complete weirdo on our first outing as a couple. Ill scare him off further down the line with my weird fashion sense, but until then I want to look as put together as I can. It can`t get any worse than my house slippers.
I chose my favourite jeans, my Star Wars hoodie and a comfy pair of sneakers I actually forgot I had. Once I was all sorted the clock read 4 pm and my breath started catching in my throat. I was suddenly very self aware and feeling very uneasy and scared.
3 hours ago we were making out on my sofa and now I felt like I didn't deserve to even have him look my way. I felt like I wasn`t enough for him.
Get yourself together Olivia! He is your chance at happiness and you will not screw this up because you are overthinking something as beautiful as love. Wait, did I say love?
*Pedro`s POV*
The shower felt refreshing and my smile wouldn't leave my face. Ever since I met Olivia my mood has shifted dramatically and I really hope I can get it under control once we are all together at Oscar`s.
It`s not that I am embarrassed of being with her. God knows I won the lottery by running into her, but I just want to see how far would Oscar and Elvira go for us two to actually go together.
Oscar has been one of my best friends for ages and he knows how much I struggled with relationships. Its not that I was incapable of love but I never seemed to have enough time to dedicate myself fully to any of them and it didn`t seem fair to do that to them. I wanted to be all in but my crazy schedule never allowed me that so I chose to give them the freedom they needed in order to find that one man that could offer them all the attention and love they deserved.
Olivia appeared at the right time. She appeared when I decided I needed to pace myself a bit after all the attention I got after the Mandalorian and The Last Of Us were released. I love what I am doing and I have worked so hard to get to where I am now, but I always felt like something was missing. I always felt like I was the odd one at dinner parties. You know, the only single one without kids. I longed for that. I longed to have a family and little ones running around the place. I`ve always wanted to be a dad, instead I got to play all these father figures. I wanted it to be real.
Then she appeared in her house slippers and something drew me to her instantly. It was like all the walls I have built along the years came crashing down the moment our eyes met. For me, Olivia was the one.
Wait what?
Normal POV* (Olivia`s)
I was minutes away from Oscar`s house. At this point I felt like my knees would give in.
As we agreed to not show up together, I knew that Pedro was already there.
Once reaching their door I didn`t even get to knock as the door flew open with Oscar and the two boys hugging me.
"Auntie O!!!!" screamed the boys.
With that I could see Elvira and Pedro turn around from their seats on the sofa with both of them smiling widely at me.
"If it isn`t my bestest friend in the whole wide world" said Oscar while taking my coat and backpack.
All I heard was a loud and offended "Hey!" coming from the living room.
"Ohh stop pouting Pascal. She holds a very special place in my heart and you know that".
So they`ve talked about me to Pedro before? Wow, this keeps getting more interesting by the minute.
"Wait a minute Oscar. Hand me the backpack."
Once I had my backpack I started searching for the sweets and toys I had for the boys.
"If you are pumping sugar in my boys again O, I swear you are the one putting them to bed tonight!" shouted Elvira who has now moved to the kitchen trying to prepare snacks for the game.
Pedro was looking amused at the exchange me, Oscar and Elvira were having about the boys. It was like I was family to them and in a sense, I knew I was.
"I am so not doing that. Look, it says natural flavours on the package." I said in a failed attempt to look like that one aunt that would get her nephews only healthy sweets.
"Enough of that. Olivia, I want you to meet someone"
With that, Oscar took off towards the living room with me following him. I felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
"Pedro, this is my dear friend and sister from another mister, Olivia. Olivia, meet my best friend Pedro." he said while stepping aside from between me and Pedro, as he was now standing in front of me.
He extended his hand and I extended mine while looking at each other knowing full on well that this will be a hard task.
"Lovely to meet you Olivia. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady."
"Likewise, Pedro. I mean not the part with the beautiful name for a beautiful lady. Obviously." I said while shaking his hand.
The moment our hands touched I swear I felt a surge of electricity going through my body, and by the look on his face so did he. Oscar was now awkwardly standing looking at us and he eventually cleared his throat.
"Okay, so now that the meeting happened let the games begin. I mean game. Let the Monopoly game being."
With Elvira, Oscar and the boys sitting on one side of the table, me and Pedro were sat together on the other side. It was torture not being able to kiss him and touch him and I knew he felt the same.
Once the game began we were all in deep thinking trying various strategies in order to win the game. Soon enough it was only me and Oscar left playing the game as both Elvira and Pedro cashed out.
"They are so competitive. Its like they are actually brother and sister. They will not let this go so buckle up Pedro, its going to be a long night." said an amused Elvira.
She witnessed enough games to know that me and Oscar would not forfeit in any way, shape or form.
"Hey! You took more money from the bank!" said an annoyed Oscar.
"I did not! I took 100. See...20...40...60...80..100. How could I possible take more? You made Elvira the bank!" I said in an exasperated tone.
"You took 10 more. I know you and Elvira are in a secret girl team!"
"Oscar you are losing the plot! I swear to God. Fine! I will hand 10 back to Elvira but only because I don`t want you all dramatic for the next 3 months telling everyone I cheated on Monopoly which..." and I looked over at Pedro and Elvira while handing the 10 back to her " I DID NOT DO!"
Pedro got up from the table, most probably to escape the madness me and Oscar playing a game together creates and I felt my phone buzz.
"You are not to take calls while we are in the middle of a game!"
"I am not taking a call. Its a message! What if its my mom needing something? Jeez Oscar chillax mate!" I said while opening the message. Sure enough, it wasn`t from my mom, but from Pedro.
*I don`t know how much longer I can keep this secret from them baby. I want to kiss you so bad and hold your hand and have you snuggle into my chest while playing this game.
*20 more minutes baby. I will beat Oscar in this game and then we`ll find a way to drop the bomb on them. They have tried so hard to get us together. Let them enjoy it a bit more*
With that being said Pedro returned to the table looking at both me and Oscar while sipping his beer.
I was so concentrated to beat Oscar in Monopoly I didn`t even feel Pedro`s hand that lightly brushed my back while getting back to his seat. This man will be the death of me.
Sure enough, 20 minutes later Oscar was defeated.
"You are an evil Monopoly genius and I hate you for that O!" he said in a very frustrated tone.
"Yes I am and no you don`t."
After the game we all fell into a comfortable conversation and then decided to move the drinking and snacking to the sofa.
Pedro, being a gentleman let me choose the seat first and once I did his eyes went wide.
"Uhmmm, Olivia, not to be a weirdo or anything, but you are sitting in my spot." he said while scratching the back of his head.
Oscar and Elvira stopped dead in their tracks while backing away for a bit to see the interaction between the two of us.
"Are you pulling a Sheldon on me Pascal? Your spot? This has been my spot for ages. I, in fact, chose this spot because it has the best view of the TV and it`s close enough to the heater to be warm in the winter, and also, close enough to the back garden door to be nice and breezy in the summers. "
"Well then we have an issue, cause that is why I chose that spot as well! Oscar, please tell your friend to move from my spot!" said Pedro while winking at me. That`s how I knew we were about to shock the hell out of them.
"I cant really do that P. She will have my head on a silver platter if I do. Can`t you choose the spot next to her? I mean it will still be on the same sofa."
"Choose another spot? Nonsense. You know what. I`ll get my spot back and she can have her spot too. We just need to figure it out, don`t we Olivia?" said Pedro while moving towards me.
He didn`t even need to tell me what to do. It felt like everything with him was like a second nature to me, so I got up from the spot and let him sit. My next move is what made Oscar scream and Elvira nearly pass out.
Instead of leaving and choosing another spot, I went and sat on Pedro`s lap while my arms were draped around his neck.
I swear Oscar`s eyes were about to pop out of his skull.
Pedro`s hand was on my back and his other was on top of my knees while his nose was pressed above my ear and his lips inches away.
"I told you. I can`t stay away from you for a second" Pedro whispered in my ear sending shivers up and down my spine.
"How? What? Why? Who?"
"Oscar your questions do not make sense at all" I said while laughing lightly.
"No, but how? We have tried to get you guys to meet for about 3 years now. " said Elvira while taking her place on the sofa in front of us.
I looked at Pedro and Pedro cleared his throat while preparing to speak.
"Remember the Grogu house slippers girl I told you I ran into at the coffee house?"
"No way! No way! No way! I was close to dragging you both to this house to make you meet and you are telling me you met Olivia in a coffee shop? Wait! Why were you even in your house slippers?" asked a dumbfounded Oscar.
"Breathe Oscar! Long story short, I was late for work didn`t realise what I had on my feet and just left the house. The whole day was a disaster, that`s until I properly met Pedro hours later at the studio. We clicked instantly and it just went from there."
"I knew they would click. I knew it!" said an excited Elvira. "So that means from now on you`ll actually be joining us for dinners? Valid for both you! You both started saying no around the same time"
The look in Pedro`s eyes was different. He looked at me like he has found his purpose in life. He looked at me like I was what he needed in his life. I understood right then and there. I loved him and there was no backing out, because he was the one I was meant to meet all along.
"We sure will." we said at the same time. I swear Oscar and Elvira were on cloud 9 at this point.
We chatted a while longer, mainly about me and Pedro. They fought on who is the captain of the ship, to which me and Pedro both laughed at. They agreed they need to share the captain role and named us Pedrivia but then realised Olidro would be an option too.
It was funny seeing our two best friends acting like teenagers in high-school.
"Right guys, it`s getting late and I have a huge photo-shoot to take care of tomorrow. I need to be on my A game otherwise we might lose the contract with Netflix. "
"What do you mean lose the contract with Netflix? You are the best photographer ever!" said Oscar.
"Remember I was away for a week about two months ago?" he nodded to that. "Well, because I wasn`t in Graham had to hire another photographer and Alexis told me he was very bad. I can`t remember the name of the actress, but I was told the guy was very rude towards her the whole time and the photos turned out bad. This is a remake for that so I will try my best to mend the relationship in between Graham`s photo studio and Netflix."
"Do you know who the photographer was?"
"I have no clue, nor do I want to know. I do know that Graham will never hire anyone else without me giving my opinion on the person and their way of behaving. We can`t lose our contracts. He won`t say it, but I know the studio is struggling at the moment. When I found out Disney + was looking for a photographer long term with a studio, I went and bargained with Netflix because they didn`t want to let us do this. So basically I am the one that made Pedro`s photo-shoot happen. I am glad I did" I said while pressing my lips to his cheek.
" Is there anything we can do to help the studio?" asked Elvira with Pedro and Oscar joining her concern.
"There`s nothing you can do. I am basically trying to keep it running as best as I can. There are so many good people working there, people that rely on those jobs in order to keep their families afloat. I have managed to get some money in, from my own gigs. Half of what I made with National Geographic was put in new backdrops, equipment, paying for one of our colleagues maternity leave. Whatever I can get, half of it will always go there. Graham has been my light at the end of a very dark tunnel and I promised myself I will always have his back." I didn`t even realise that there were tears in my eyes. I felt Pedro`s hand lightly brush a tear of two off.
With that I made my way to the door as I really needed to get some sleep. Pedro followed me and we parted ways with Oscar and Elvira.
While walking to his car, he stopped which made me stop as well.
"Why didn`t you tell me the studio is struggling?"
"Because it`s not your battle to fight baby. It`s mine. I will figure it out. The fact that we have the Disney contract now will help the studio and I still have some gigs lined up for the next few months."
"You are too good for this world. But, please let me help you. You are not alone anymore. I will be here with you every step of the way. I`ll be here even when you will get tired of me, because, baby, I know it`s so early in our relationship, but I can`t see myself without you. "
His hands were on my cheeks and my arms were around his torso. I never wanted the moment to end. The way he looked at me right there and then, it`s something I have always dreamed about. And just before he kissed me he said something that will stay with me forever.
"Liv, you are the one for me and I will do everything in my power to keep you happy and loved. Always and forever."
I was never the one for anyone, and now my Chile trip was playing on my mind over and over again, because whatever the old lady said back then was happening now and I couldn`t believe that it was.
Hope you enjoyed it !!!
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 , Part 6
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in2thenewworld · 7 months
Hello! May I request a Final Fantasy VII matchup?
𝗦𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀: Transmasc (AFAB) Genderfluid, Biromantic and Pansexual; He/They
𝗔𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲: 22 years old, 5'1.5", Southeast Asian (Filipino). Chubby with Messy Medium brownish grayish hair [mistakenly thought to be dyed], Chocolate brown eyes, and a Small beauty mark on my forehead.𝗦𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲: Feminine Tomboy, Soft Punk/Rocker Chic, Casual Chic, Modernist Chic, and Rustic fashion style (like Malia Tate)
𝗠𝗕𝗧𝗜, 𝗘𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 & 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁: ENTP-T, 4w5, Neutral Good
𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀: Gentle, Warm, Polite, Supportive, Religious, Unassuming, Creative, Multifaceted, Diplomatic, Nurturing, Booksmart, Fair-minded, Enthusiastic, Insightful, Adventurous, Well-rounded,and Childlike
𝗡𝗲𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀: Complex, Sarcastic, Driven, Wary, Reluctant, Loud, Outspoken, Keen, Sensitive, Chatty, Traditionalist, Feisty, Clumsy, Humorous, Stubborn, Hopeless romantic, and Dogmatic
𝗡𝗲𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀: Volatile, Flighty, Inconsistent, Aloof or Dependent (depending on the mood), Potty-mouthed, Gullible, [a bit] Manipulative, Exasperating, [can be] Possessive [but needs your own space], Restless, Tenacious, Indecisive, Overly dramatic, Moody, Blunt, and Condemning
𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Arts, Literature, Creative writing, History, Old cathedrals, Theology, Catechism, Saints, Choir, Amateur-fact reading, Social commentary, Beauty pageants, Makeup, Cute minimalistic items, Eating, Night sky, Astronomical events, Galaxy color palette, Karaoke, ASMR, Rock bands (Fall Out Boy, MCR, and Evanescence), 2000s-2010s music, Kpop (ATEEZ, Seventeen, TXT, and Enhypen) Cartoons, Memes, and Chilling both Indoors and Outdoors
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Stereotyping (I hate it when I labeled as sunshiny girly girl), Forced obligation, Being left out, Interrupted plans, Emotional invalidation, Apathy, Judgemental people, Hypocrites, Pressuring, No privacy, Forcing to do I'm against with, Gaslighters, Telenovelas, Dirty bathrooms, blackout, Lightning, Firecrackers, Toads, Snakes, Cockroaches, Toxic Masculinity, Misogyny, Fake wokes, Nitpickers, Trash talkers, Extremists, Colonial Mentality, and Overly girly things
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀: Drawing, Conceptualizing original characters, Writing, Reading random subjects (except math), Singing, Dancing [when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it)], Walking like a so-so called model (if I ever feel so confident), Sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, Sleeping, Listening to music, Chatting in social media, Watching videos on YouTube, Watching cartoons, Creating clay charms, Making terrible jokes/puns, and Cooking
absolutely! let’s do this thing!
loading your match! ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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* Reno shares your sarcastic humour, loud nature and everything that comes with it. It’s a little bit nightmarish for people who are more composed on the surface like Tseng or even Rude 😅 But you’re a dynamic duo, there’s really no changing the two of you.
* Reno isn’t very traditional in any sense of the word, so whatever that means to you, you may have to compromise every now and again.
* Reno the type of mf to be like “Look! It says gullible on the ceiling!” tbh. He’s always trying to prank you. You’re welcome to try and get him back though.
* I think Reno would adore all of the bands you like (10/10 taste btw OP) and would probably watch a lot of cartoons with you as well. That’s your down time to just relax together. You wanna rock out? He’s so here for it. Always always always. And the music will be blasting as loud as you’ll allow.
* Reno will do his best to be considerate of your emotions. He’s the type to act on impulse at times and has a tough edge, so he understands in a way! If something bothers you let him know. He hates people who aren’t direct and will dance around the truth.
* He’s a very strong individual. He doesn’t like to be tied down, told he’s wrong or what to do. So long as you don’t do it to him, he won’t do it to you. He’ll also very much make fun of people who follow in a flock, sooo…
* You should conceptualise some cool weapons for him if your artistic abilities lend themselves in that avenue! He’ll love anything you make because it’s you, but thats a sure fire way to really pull him in.
* Will try get you to troll on servers or websites with him. He comes up with the most unhinged shit ever. It’s so strange to watch.
* Is casually affectionate, but struggles to open up. He’ll flirt and throw his arms around you, be absentmindedly always making physical contact in a subtle way, but he hates doing big public displays of affection or getting all sappy. If you want to know what he’s really feeling or if he’s struggling, it’s gonna be a bit of work.
hi I hope this is good! :D also as a runner up I would choose aerith it was definitely a close call
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phantomisawesome · 8 months
File one
Okay, so you probably picked up this book thinking whoa I wondering what this will be about.
So let me your best friend, icon, and legend tell you all about this wonderful story.
It all started on the last day of college before summer break, my terrible fate. Okay, so I know what you're thinking wow Masato is being dramatic much?
But I’m not!! 
College is supposed to be the type where you spend your parents' money going to parties, doing crazy hijacks, and trying to study last minute for your essay.
That didn't work like that
Well it did for the first of the semester but today it started weird
Like really weird.
Slouching on a desk with a headache from yesterday's party, Masato stared at his professor’s mustache barely hearing him talk. He wondered if the professor looked at himself in the mirror for the past year or if he woke up every morning next to his partner proud that he looked like an emperor tamarin.
Yawning he leaned back on his chair while picking up a pencil. He began trying to balance it between his nose and upper lip.
Turning his head he stared at his friend Vitus who seemed to be contratied on whatever Mr.Emperor Tamarin was saying. Funny for being his best friend Vitus didn’t go to parties like at all, super boring if you asked him. 
Suddenly Vitus started to point at the screen, he seemed to be panicking. 
Masato raised an eyebrow, wondering what could be so special happening. He turned his head to only feel his heart stop beating.
The screen showed not the video essay he thought he sent right after coming home from that party but instead
It was his video from his internet show.
Which is pretty good if he says so himself.
Now he normally should be feeling a sense of pride but what was supposed to be an essay about his mother’s fashion company is instead,
“Hello guys, It’s me your boy Masato Hisakawa!” Said a grinning Masato in the video
“And Vi-” Vitus added
“And today we are going to walk through this spooky graveyard to find out, is Do ghosts actually exist!”
Masato groaned, he hid his face, trying to ignore the fact he was going to fail this class and embarrass his mother.
He doesn't even deserve to be a Hisakawa anymore, let alone be on the next cover of Vogue.
Finally, the video stopped after 15 minutes of torture of listening to himself, he wished he could have made his editor make him sound better but it was too late.
Now everyone in his class knows he isn’t just a rich beautiful boy with lots of money. 
No, he was worse
He was a nerd.
He could feel the shame crawling down his back as he watched his Professor slowly clap.
Masato stood up hastily “Professor Tamr-Mercery I can explain!”
Professor Mercery smiled brightly “No need my boy, that video you published is art completely art. Now I know you must all that summer is coming up and all you newbies must have heard I give hard and grueling tasks for you all. Now thanks to Hisakawa’s brilliant essay, which although didn't fit the prompt I gave. It still has given me a brilliant idea for this debate class.”
Masato sat back down in his chair wondering what curse he had inflicted on his classmates.
“I want you to create a logical debate about the existence of Paranormal activity. Explore your surroundings this summer, and make a film just like young Hisakawa has done. Do some digging in your local historical sights and show me why the paranormal exists there and why. You will get 5 credits if you made a plausible reason. “
His jaw dropped “I don’t believe it.” he muttered
This is going to be the best summer ever. 
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Heaven and Hell 19
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Natsume, Kanata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"You “should not” force yourself to talk “too much”, Shu. I “worry” your “soul” will slip out alongside your “voice”."
Season: Autumn
Location: fine Stage (Past)
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Shu: Your complexion looks terrible, little boy.
Natsume: …You shouldn’t be the one telling me that, Shu-niisan.
Is it safe for you to come heRE? I’m a fortune tellER, not a psychotherapiST, I can’t tell you what’s right to dO, but…
Your mental health has broken down noticeably since autuMN, Shu-niisan.
Shu: I’m fine. All of you are here.
Even if everyone else here are all enemies, you see.
It’s always been that way for me. I’ve always thought that everyone surrounding me is my enemy.
It is why I was so pressed to open the eyes of the vulgar masses who understood nothing.
However, as I continued to recklessly challenge myself against this vague world, I began to be joined by fellow companions who came to my side, despite such exasperation towards me.
Of course, this doesn’t refer to you, the Five Eccentrics.
But about the children of Valkyrie of whom I called my dolls, and turned into pawns.
It’s too late to realize it now, however.
Alas, I have brought needless shame upon those kids who had devoted themselves to me and offered me their support. We fell into a trap and swam in a cesspool of manure, all because of my own shallow-mindedness and arrogance.
I have dirtied those beautiful children. I have dirtied their youths.
That is what I regret the very most.
If only I could do it over—
No, that is a foolish thing to say.
Life is precious and beautiful solely because it cannot be redone.
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Natsume: (Nii-san really doesn’t seem to be mentally weLL… He’s mumbling about abstract things in a quiet voiCE. It’s a little scaRY.)
(BuT, the words he’s mumbling are more positive than I expectED. No, they’re filled with self-reflection and the will to improve himseLF.)
(Niisan didn’t just break and stOP. I think he's just saving up strength so that he can get back on his feet in a more skillful fashion one dAY.)
(That’s whY, I’m sure you’ll be fiNE, Shu-niisan.)
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Kanata: You “should not” force yourself to talk “too much”, Shu.
I “worry” your “soul” will slip out alongside your “voice”.
Shu: As always, what you say doesn’t make any scientific sense.
Kanata: There is more that “exists” in this world than what is recognized by "science".
You need to be more like myself, probably.
Natsume: (On the other haND, Kanata-niisan appears to be fine.)
(It’s as if he hasn’t been defeated at aLL, like he hasn’t lost a thiNG.)
(It’s like the calamity that struck the Five Eccentrics somehow never existED.)
You’re stroNG, Kanata-niisan.
Kanata: No, no, I am not strong. I am weak, helpless, and always the one being saved.
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Kanata: It’s simply because, unlike Shu, I had been “finished off” by gentle people.
And, I was “saved” by kind, strong people.
That is why I am so energetic. I am a “fish” out of water, flopping vigorously.
And so, because I am fine, I want to support everyone.
I do want to just be given, but to give, this time around.
We have gone through a bad experience. We have been hated, bullied, and trampled by everyone.
But, if I am able to give something “kind” in “return”…
Little by little, I feel that this strange “world” can even become something soft, warm, and “wonderful”.
So that is what I want to do, and will do, now. It is difficult to explain, ehehe.
I want to “digest” the “bad things” given to me, and turn it into something beautiful.
I’m sure that is what my “role” is originally supposed to do.
Thanks to everyone, I have realized this.
That is why I am able to say that I am glad for this.
So this all wasn’t just “senseless incident” that nothing good could have come out of… I’m sure.
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Natsume: Learn from our mistakes and tragediES, and grow as human beinGS, huH?
You’re also very positive about thIS, Kanata-niisan.
Kanata: I can’t “force” Nacchan to also be, though. If you don’t like it, it’s okay to say you don’t like it, and it’s okay to cry if you want to.
But, once you’ve cleared it up and feel better, let us start walking again.
With our own two “feet” that were given to us.
Look, Wataru seems to be doing so as well.
Natsume: Wataru-niisan—
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ameriebanefort · 9 months
The Babe of the River
(TW: depiction of dementia. amerie learns of the existence of a sibling through a retelling of her favorite bedtime story, that turns out to be a manufactured version of the truth)
"have i ever told you the tale of the knight and the lady of the river?"
had it been any other day, or year better yet, the question might have conjured a smile to the solemn ladies face. an answer of "only a million times." would be followed by jestful laughter and she'd beg to hear anything else. amerie couldnt treat such questions with the flippancy she once did, though. the maesters say it will only worsen, the way her memories ebb and flow to darkest depths of her mind and all the woman could do to soothe her is exactly what she's doing now. curve of a silver comb is grasped in her left hand, gently working through the soft tresses that remained uncut for the better part of 20 years.
"of course, mama. it's your favorite." reflection in the mirror paints the portrait of disappointment and confusion. its difficult to watch her get so wrapped up in recollections that her eyes begin to shift rapidly, as if going through every moment she can remember to find the missing piece. quicky, she places her free hand on the womans shoulder, like an anchor keeping her from drifting too far away and gives it a reassuring squeeze. they've had a better day than most and she wont see it spoiled. "its my favorite too, and i'd love to hear it again."
remembrances of when she was a girl sat behind her mother, little fingers doing their best to plait the womans hair in the western fashion of her fathers family while absorbing every story uttered by a once vivacious voice. only now it was weak, weary and one note short of losing breath. amerie had suffered a broken heart long before the illness set in, but watching her mother wither away before her eyes with no cure in sight, shattered her in ways she never thought possible.
so she listens, lips silently moving along with each dramatized sentence of a knight and lady, whose love was destined for disaster from the moment they laid eyes on each other. the warring families who would rather kill one another than let the lovers be together. the beautiful baby boy that would be the catalyst of peace and love between them. it seems to be the one of few webs she can weave without missing a beat and if telling it is what it takes to coax her away from another day of staring blankly at the shoreline, then the devoted daughter ask to hear it as many times as she would indulge her.
lines began to stray from the usual script, causing once fluid movements to cease entirely. "what a beautiful babe he was, edie. favored his father over me if you could believe it. grandmother would be turning in her grave to know a blackwoods genes defeated that of a bracken." said with such ease that it leaves amerie taken aback. its evident from ameries experience that shes slipping back to a time when sybella and her beloved sister would chat and gossip the way amerie and her own sisters do. only this story is one shes never heard before. she'd remember it amongst the hilarious opinions and retellings of romance with her late father that she has to cut short when she hears them bubbling to the surface. is it the illness? it must be, for amerie was the first child to be birthed by the woman. it was recorded.
"what're you on about, syb?" best impression of her aunts cadence resonates from between pursed lips. some days, the refusal of who amerie is strikes harder and pretending brings her a sense of calm. "you haven't a babe."
one could hear a pin drop in the dead silence that took over the room. the lady watches as her mother leans towards the direction of the door, listening closely before grabbing her hand. "i miss him terribly... and you are all i have to confide in, edina, please do not deny him when its just us and the ghosts." theres little to deny about the sincerity that dominates her tone. if it weren't based in truth, would the tears welling in her panicked eyes be so free to fall? the look of yearning for someone lost is unmistakeble. shes seen it in her own reflection enough to recognize it.
"my apologies, sweet sister, please go on." once the permission is given, its like her mother sprung back to life. so passionately she speaks of the child left in the hands of their families blood rivals. how rosy his little cheeks were, how his large eyes peered so curiously at his surroundings once they'd adjusted to the light of day. and the last memory she shared before retiring to her bed for the evening. one that would seem minute to someone else, but only solidified the truth in what sybella told her.
"he smelled of sunshine, and all things love."
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a phrase used to describe every child after him. she thought it a sweet way for a mother to remember their childrens most vulnerable moments. now she feels unsettled by the sentiment, knowing what weight the secret holds. years of unwavering lineage at risk if she could keep her mother from repeating it to anyone.
all for the bastard of blackwood.
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Autumn Air, Season Fair
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The cold autumn air catches the noses and fingers of many as the leafs, dead and colorful, fall to the waters and ground of dried grass. Stone walls are cold and standing still. It's peaceful and quiet.
Well almost-
"Young Master, what are you sayin???" Barked Bard, his blue eyes widen in shock as the other four servants are the same expression. Ciel sits at a chair drinking his tea as he looks at them unphased, "I'm saying you lot are free to marry. It's a silly rule that the master controls what his servants want. You four deserve someone to care for."
The news came a shock to the four, each one different than the other, who simply came over to help clean up the manor that was left untouched for a while and now are told they are free to marry if they so wish?!
Before more protest happen, the sound from down stairs catches their ears.
Ciel's lone eye widen. "She did not-" He stands fast and hurries out the room with the servants following after.
And what a sight to behold!
There in the mansion's entrance hall is Doll and Soma side by side giving away bowls of soup and plates of bread to many children of all sizes and ages and shapes, dirty and clean, a smile full of pearly whites and missing gaps, loud chatter and children squeals erupting as it goes on.
The Earl grabbed the stair rail and called out in a beckon of a mighty voice, "What have I told you about doing things without asking me first, Doll!?" The brunette turned and looked up at him, instantly her freckles face once so cherry turns so sour and cold she looks nearly sick. "Last I check you're just a boy not the blood Queen!" Ciel's eyebrow twitch hard in annoyance as he feels a fire burning in his chest in high volume.
Sebastian was luckily there to calm him before he dare pops off like a kettle screaming for tea, "Miss Doll, Prince Soma, as much as the young master and I are grateful for your actions we do need some sort of warning before hand to help prepare." Soma, who has no adopted a more mature sense of fashion, who's golden eyes of beauty has no recently finally brighten back in light after the lose of his dear friend and butler Agni, turned to Ciel and smile. No longer does he cling onto the boy while talking loudly, he is a mature man now after all, "Sorry about that, just that Doll was telling me about the F.O.L. Orphanage and I just felt they deserved some food with some of my new friends!" Said he in joy.
Doll smiles to the prince but looks back to Ciel and gave him a stick of her tongue.
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"Find a ground to stand with her" he says, "It'll be easy" he said... Ciel grimace when staring at the street of London to the very brunette he's been having issue dealing with for the last month. Easy my bloody ass! She is an absolute terrible lady!
He cringes from all the examples he can name the times she was indecent. The way she so casual tried to strip him nude on their first day together. The fact she made him feel her chest. The many times she swore out a word that makes even a sailor of the army blush mad like a virgin in a brothel. The way she ate like a starved piglet in a barn. Her walking around so freely in bloomers and top. Her constant disrespect to the very Earl who has let her live in his manor since the very end of reopening old wounds!
From the distance stands Lizzie who simply sighs in pout, "Honestly, this outing was meant for fun not so people can glare at each other with wire shut jaws."
Not far from her are stalls of fruit where Finny walks rather simple with a hum of his lips. The gardener reached out to a cart of apples and accidentally brushed the hand of another. He jumps and looks to the figure. "I'm sorry-" He stops when he sees who it is, a petite woman with long curly dark brown hair dressed in a red gown with white lace, her eyes big and a beautiful shade of light brown, her skin a warm flush of a darker tone. "Lo siento, ¿puedo ver las manzanas?" Her voice was sweet, like warm honey.
Finny blinks fast as he tries to process what she said. "She apologize and asked if she would like to see the apples Finny." Said Sebastian from behind. He jumped back as he stammers, "O-Oh of course!" The girl giggles, causing the poor boy to blush, and looks at the stall. His green eyes instantly flash to Sebastian, "You understand what she said Sebastian?" The butler chuckles, "Yes. It's quiet easy." "U-Um could you maybe ask her her name?"
Sebastian thought for a moment before going to the woman and the two talk, "Mi amigo pregunta por tu nombre." "¿El rubio?" "Si." The woman look at Finny and smiles bashfully before speaking, "Mi nombre es Valentina, acabo de llegar de Puerto Rico." "Puerto Rico, eso está lejos."
Finny waited patiently until his much older friend comes back, "She says her name is Valentina. She's from Puerto Rico." The blond tilted his head. "Puerto Rico? Where's that?" "It's just by America, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Sea." His green eyes shine in wonder, pausing when Sebastian handed him a paper as the girl walks away, "She has also inform me she works as a maid from a family of a singer, and if you would like you can see a show coming up and see Valentina again." Sebastian's poor ears weren't ready for the level of excitement bawl that Finny's voice created upon hearing that and his many many "Yes of course"s.
From the side lines Lizzie giggles upon watching the scene, her spot seated between Paula and Mey-Rin who sits enjoying the air. "Looks like Finnian might've been nipped by Cupid." She giggles, the two maids giggling along side her. Suddenly, the girl with pig tails turned her head fast to Mey-Rin, "What about you? Do you think you might fall in love?" The way Mey-Rin blushed you could've sworn her face morphed into her hair so fast. With a crack of her pitch and stutters galore she croaked, "O-Oh my- I-I never really believed I would, no I didn't! I'm no where near are pretty as you Lady Elizabeth, no I'm not!" Lizzie pouts, "Don't say that Mey-Rin, you're very pretty!"
The conversation was soon interrupted with Ciel walking over with a angry look on his face, his face flustered and puffy in emotion. "What happened young master?" Asked his maid in worry before glancing behind him with Doll who walks pass purposely kicking his leg as she does.
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Doll sits on the floor of her new room, knees held tight to her chest as she dressed in only her undergarments and soft wool grey socks, her eye puffy and damp while her nose is wrinkled and snotty. It doesn't take a genius to show she has been feeling distress lately, in fact it increased since February of this year. That night was a lot like this one, nippy and cold, cold enough to reveal your breath, and much like that night she feels so...empty.
Yes, she has the orphans who care for her and she cares for them. Yes, she made fast friends with Lady Elizabeth Prince Soma and Alois Trancy. And yes, she still has Snake. But nothing truly shapes the feeling of whole again as back then...
Back when she was young and free from all the pains of life throws at you with each inch you grow. Back when she could run bare footed across the grass and creeks. Back when the very aches of growing up never affected her. Back when it was just her in that work house with the other children and her family...the only ones who could understand her fully.
Numb, Doll slowly grabbed forth a sheet from the best she was resting against and lazily wrapped it around her frame as she stands upright like a puppet being pulled up by a string. Cold, she slowly made her way to the bedroom window as voices speak forth her hearing, "Come on Doll, let's play!" Her shaking fingers unlatched the hook of the window and slowly pushed it open, her face instantly chilling with the effects of a gush of the wind and the scent of dirt and dried plants that carry through the wind.
As water begin to flow in the corners of her eyes, Doll looked to the grey sky to see her family eagerly waiting for her to join them, open eyes and bright smiles. She doesn't see them in those outfits the circus made nor does she see them as the dirty children she met them as, but as the real them all happy and good. Peter and Wendy are bigger and looked their age, Beast, Dagger, and Joker all have their missing limbs healed, No blood no scars no burns no pain just them...
For a very small moment she felt guilt build, guilt of making them wait for so long and so the quick image of the white roses being splattered red when her head hits the ground, and as quickly as it came the guilt disappeared as she carefully reached a hand out. Out the window to the sky. Out reaching for the family she longs for more than anything in the world. Preying to be set free from this cage of misery and leave this pained empty body behind with all it's cracks and cob webs of trapped wonders.
Suddenly, there's a knock at the door and the door opens.
Doll turned her head to see Ciel stepping into the room with a shy expression. "I'm sorry to intrude this afternoon Doll, I simply have something." Curiosity arose within her tender chest as he stepped closer. Soon Ciel presented what he apparently came by to show, a box of many candy goods of colorful wrappings and ribbons, a familiar shadow of a bunny catching her eye as her nose catches the scent of sweet. Ciel looked away from her undressed self as he spoke in a soft tone, "Erm... I figured you'd like this since you talked about them back then. I just finished giving Alois some products as well so it isn't like you were the soul gifter so..."
As her gentle hands slowly took the box, her heart felt light. He...remembers...All this time... With a soft smile she carefully knelt down to his height more in a scooped dip and lightly kisses his cheek and whispered, "Thank you Smile. They're lovely..."
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As the seasons change so does everything else.
Church bells ring out and echos across the sky as large doors opened to show a blond lad dressed all nice and formal beside a beautiful girl in a white gown and a bouquet of lilies and sunflowers, both matching in tears in eyes and bright smiles. No one was the least surprised when Finny and Valentina, his new apple of his eye, were getting married. The two simply just had that strong bond authors can call "love-at-first-sight". Finny has long sense grew to learn her language as she does the same back, even learning some German, and the two haven't dare not speak or see each other since that one concert he was so graciously invited to.
As the two ran off the steps of the chapel, their friends toss rice and flower petals in their way until they made it to the horse drawn carriage, many smiles were tossed and gifted and given back as cheers echo out the crowds. Valentina stops once she gets to the carriage's step and throws her flowers in the air with a smile. Many eyes were on the bouquet and watched as it falls into the hands of Mey-Rin who quickly blushes as her friends cheer. "You know the rule Mey-Rin!" Called out Bard as he chuckles.
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As the air grows a touch warmer and less harsh, new chapters have continued to grow.
"Are you serious??" Bard's voice echoed the Midford manor as his eyes grow misty and fast as he stands before his beautiful wife Paula who smiles back. "Yes, I am." She said as she rubs her stomach. The chef and maid have recently tied the knot after much back and forth fluttering lashes and beating hearts of will they, won't they hell everyone witness.
Bard quickly scooped his wife in his arms and spun around. "I'm gonna be a father!" The two laughed as the summer sun shimmers in the air.
Across the way of the forest by a stream of cold water, pass the trees and right pass the beautiful green grass that shine under the sun and flow in the wind, is a wooden swing and a picnic blanket where three people laze about in each other's company. Different shades of blues and different tones of skin mix together as soft kisses come from each lips. Ciel hummed at the taste of honey and peaches from one and strawberries and cream from the other as he laid on the blanket simple minded in calm and peace.
Their bodies have molded and grown over time like clay dolls being shaped by life's invisible hands. No longer are they boys and a girl but a woman and two men.
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As many seasons change, so does the people.
As a smooth fire burns it's heart out in the fire place, a shadow of a man walks back and forth across the carpet. In the room with him are many faces of different forms dressed in different colors and styles like a odd box of paints.
Suddenly, a loud scream of a female echoes the hall, causing a lot of people to pause and some to shutter. "I somehow feel the urge to apologize to my mother giving birth to me..." Mumbled Alois as his face pales.
A figure dressed in red look to the pacing man and softly tap him with the tip of a boot and sooth of a voice, "Due calm down Will, she's a tough girl I'll have to remind you."
Since the first spring after the Earl of Phantomhive's 15th birthday celebration, it seems demons, angels, and even reapers have found some sort of common ground. Buried the hatchet some human mortals say. Since then on a very important call some reapers would come by and help on cases much like how Undertaker had before the incidences. And since then a certain stern reaper fell in love and courted a lovely assassin turned maid who accepts his ways and the fact he's a reaper.
Another scream happens which resulted in William running down the halls faster than a very breath, cold sweat fall from his forehead as he reached the room he was searching for. With a hot chest and cold stomach he grabbed hold the knob of the door and swung it open. He blinks as he felt his knees grow weak faster than a melting ice block in the summer heat and sun and his eyes burned with tears as he stared at the bed where his tired dove rests with a freshly cleaned and coddled infant laid gently in her arms crying as tears stream her red face.
After a moment, people came into the room after him to see the scene and quickly offer their congratulations.
William fell to his knees the moment he reached to Mey Rin, tears staining his cheeks like a form of fashion, his finger slowly reach out to the small pink being in soft fabric crying their little lungs out to the world. "My nose...they have my nose..." He chocked when a small hand grabbed hold of his finger and squeezes, his body shaking with this whirl-wind of emotions invading his body. Paula whipped a tear from her eye as she speaks up, "Do you have a name planned for him?" The reaper sniff when hearing the gender. His son, his little boy.
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"Xiu and Bella and Brair seemed to have tuckered themselves out."
Indeed, three children lay on the floor of the Midford manor's play room all cuddled together, crayons and papers scattered around, each dressed in their finest little ruffles and ribbons of style like precious gems they are to many, two of them wear a form of glasses perched perfectly on their noses or dangling halfway off their sweet adorable faces and the two are one with soft lavender curls and dark skin while the other is dark hair of ebony black and softer flush pale skin.
The three children's parents smile and softly gathered their respect child into their arms, Hannah and Mey Rin having to silence their giggles as they trade glasses. Sebastian stands tall and softly rubs the back of Bella, admiring how small she is in his arms.
As the rain falls to the window and the soft wind howls, he began to walk down the halls and sing so softly as warmth covers his heart, "Hush little baby don't say a word, papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, papa's gonna buy you a looking glass..."
"And if that looking glass gets broke, mama's gonna buy you a billy goat..."
Sebastian smiled at the sweeter voice that joins his tune as he undoes the ribbon tangled in Bella's dark hair. As both he and Lizzie sing they help each other get their little princess to bed. "And if that billy goat won't pull, papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull. And if that cart and bull fall down, you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town..."
Lizzie leaned down after the covers of silk consumed the small girl and lightly pressed a kissed upon her head. As she rises Sebastian leans down and mimics the motion, but stays still as he whispers, "You have no idea, my dear, but I will do all those things and more if you so wish it...My dear light of my darkness."
This is yet another prequel of my two previous fics:
This fic is still dedicated to @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @sebalizzie, @nullb1rdbones, and now @onehellofashadynerd and @docmartensanddietcoke
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moorishflower · 2 years
Hi again ❤️ Reporting back after finishing Wings last night - I actually read it as a part of a darling little internet reading circle: we decided on two chapters a day, would read it in our own time, and write pages and pages of blackout poetry for each other to avoid spoilers since we span the whole gamut of time zones. This is the first time I've done anything like this re fic, and boy did we pick a good one. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing such wonderful work with us all.
(and as to my older question about baobabs - haha yes the little prince reference would not make sense. We don't want Hob to have such strong roots as to threaten the foundation of the Dreaming! 🤣 The callback to the angel reference in the epilogue is a thing of beauty - I might've cried a little there).
Question (the main point of this message was to gush in gratitude haha but will include a question here to justify the ask): towards the end of the story, in the epilogue but also in the section with Alex, the narrative relaxed the previously very dominant Hob POV. Would love to know a bit more about your thinking on this - was it just because the story called for it? Were there any points in the earlier parts of the story where you would consider an alternative POV?
asxdfgh tumblr ATE my last answer to this. And so. Thank you. I am so, so unbelievably grateful that people are getting what they get out of Wings, and the idea that there was an actual READING CIRCLE for MY WRITING is. Baffling and wonderful to me. And I hope you enjoyed it very much, and know that my heart legit feels so full it could burst and I do very much want to cry with happiness rn. <3
As for the POV switch! There's two points where there's a different POV, and the first one is in the very beginning, where The Fashion Thing introduces the story. I wanted there to be a very clear delineation between the Dreaming and the Waking, and so the story about the Dreaming is introduced by a dream. When we transition to the Waking for the first time, I wanted there to be a similar demarcation. Alex was always my first choice, because I wanted to portray him as a sympathetic character. Because he very much is. He's a product of his upbringing by an abusive, grief-maddened father, and the fact that he's never given more of a chance to change, either in the comic or in the show, is a source of some sadness for me! So Alex's POV is part framing device, and part that I wanted to try and do him some justice as a character.
As for previous points of divergence, I think the main one could have been a Dream POV for the scene in Fiddler's Green, or else a Lucienne POV for when Hob is allowed into the Dreaming castle. I'd contemplated doing an alternating Hob/Dream POV, but ultimately decided that most of Dream's perspective would be long periods of just like, doing his job. And then short but intense scenes of angst over falling in love with a human. So, not terribly riveting after the first two times or so, lol.
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 years
Hi there, may I request an Enhypen matchup? Pardon if my info is lengthy, thank you so much ❣️
𝗦𝗘𝗫𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬/𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗦: Transmasc (AFAB) Genderfluid, Biromantic and Pansexual; He/They
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 21 years old, 5'1.5", Southeast Asian (Filipino). Chubby with messy shoulder length brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. Feminine Tomboy archetype, Soft Punk/Rock Chick and Rustic fashion style (like Malia Tate) but loves to wear Korean makeup look
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Libra-Scorpio cusp, Slytherin with patronous spirit of Hummingbird, ENTP-T, my enneagram is 4w5 and Neutral Good. I may have introverted and awkward tendencies and anxious nature also behave as modest, gentle, dainty, and polite, I describe myself as fiery, confident, loud, humorous, and, passionate ambiverted individual who doesn't mind to be vocal about everything and would always stand on what I truly believed claiming to be a realist, plus I swear on a daily basis contrary to my soft features. Though sarcasm and savagery are my main language, I'm religious, super talkative, hyper, giggly, joyful, supportive, intellectual, friendly, sweet, nice, curious, [somehow] optimistic, young-at-heart, clumsy, unfortunate,. and inattentive who gets lost in my fantasies so easily but unashamed to be true to myself and could act as a mediator, a boy scout friend, and baby of the group all in all, additionally I'm spontaneous, procrastinator, lazy, quick-tempered, and a bit frightful. I will act noble and good-natured to someone who deserves respect the most. Gifted in artistic fields (mainly visual arts and singing) and extremely devoted with my ambitions aligned with them---will never stop until I get what I want cause' I know what I'm doing; Might come off as carefree, I can be serious, unruly, and competitive especially in academics though I never show it. The darker side of mine would be feisty and aggressive (due to anger issues) when someone triggered me where I may become cold, intimidating, and scary when enraged, would don't give a f and discreetly shady towards the people that I hate, and will cut off a connection with someone if needed without any hesitation; Sometimes I call someone out in secret when they dare to invalidate my feelings. My deepest side is I'm a soft-hearted overthinker that cry over small things sounding so petty and dramatic, frustrated for being a perfectionist provoking even more due to living up with expectations which stressed me out, and undeniably hopeless romantic recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal.
𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦/𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, eating, random conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, biographies about saints, cute minimalistic stuffs, reading interesting things, talking about social issues, creative writing, memes, cartoons, and chilling both indoors and outdoors
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦: Stereotyping, mandatory necessities (without a logical reason), being left out, interruptions, emotional invalidation, judgemental people, no privacy, forcing to do I'm against with, gaslighters, telenovelas, hypocrites, dirty bathrooms, blackout, lightning, firecrackers, toads, snakes, cockroaches, toxic masculinity, misogyny, fake wokes, colonial mentality, and overly girly things
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: Drawing, conceptualizing artworks, writing, singing, dancing when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it), walking like a so-so called model (if I ever feel so confident), sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, sleeping, listening to music (2000s, rock, kpop, and EDM), chatting and browsing on social media, watching videos on YouTube, creating clay charms, making terrible jokes or puns, watching cartoons, cooking, reading interesting things, and running an HTML color value code (occasionally). I also used to study Italian language a bit
Hi yes thank you so much for requesting lovely! 💗
I ship you with…
Kim Sunoo!
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Song recommendation: Style - Taylor Swift
- Okay I think you guys would be so nice together, like y’all share some of the same interests and I think he would be a nice refreshment to you!
- When he met you, he would find you so cute! I think yalls relationship would form into a friendship at first and then something more romantic slowly on
- You are a strong person sunoo is always supportive of that, and he’s so glad he’s with someone as so special as you. He admires your ambition so much! he’s like that one supportive wife that loves seeing their husband accomplish his goals
- He loves just goofing off with you sometimes and acting like two little kids together ( i just know you guys have the BEST fun 😹)
- You guys can also get down on some karaoke date nights for sure! (he always tells you how good of a singer you are and reminds you that you guys should do a duet together anytime y’all go out for karaoke)
- He will always valid your emotions and feelings! He wants to be a shoulder you can always cry or lean on at anytime.
- He also admires your passion so much! He sees you as his own protector sometimes because he knows you will ALWAYS be there and stick up for him whenever!!
- canon: Okay one time he caught you dancing home alone and he thought it was SO cute, and when you catching him watching you he will just be there with the cutest smile ever clapping his hands
- He LOVES when you cook for him omg 😫 to him food is like a love language and always appreciates it when you cook for him!
- But overall y’all would be the sweetest adorable couple ever 😭 I’m shipping so hard rn LITERALLY
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
For your top 5 (or 10) fandoms who is your fave for each and why do you love them?
Oh god, that's a tough ask but boy howdy and I'm glad you said (or 10) cause honestly top 5??? Ooof.
This is gonna be a mix of new and old fandoms since, honestly, I feel like I've been part of so many TT^TT
1. Top Gun - Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
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What can I say? His mustache and terrible fashion sense compel me (not me wishing my wardrobe was his). But on a more serious note, I just love how he is with Carole and Bradley. He's also Mav's rock; the comedic support and his vibes are just immaculate. He's very "man written by a woman" energy, a complete dork, and I love him.
2. Top Gun: Maverick - Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
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Am I splitting hairs calling these two different fandoms? Maybe. Do I care? No. Because Ice needed to be on this list. I love him. I mean, look at that smile? Also, I think Ice is just one of these characters that everyone likes to paint as super serious, and I just??? Did this man not snap his teeth in a show of aggression? He's got a petty streak a mile long and knows how to keep up with Maverick verbally and in the air. He's got the range, and I love digging into him. Also also, it's Val Kilmer.
3. Six of Crows - Kaz Brekker
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This one was hard cause I could have pulled another above and separated book from the show, but for the purposes of variety, I will stick with the book on this (if it was the show, it would be Jesper). I love my fictional men a little deranged and willing to burn the world down for the people they love. Kaz is honestly the epitome of that, even if he's very stupid about it. I genuinely love his character. He's unapologetically a bastard and self-aware enough to admit it without finding too much fault in himself. He's got depth and violence, and I love that.
4. 9-1-1 (TV) - Evan "Buck" Buckley
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Buck is such a great character, and even after 6 seasons, he's still growing and coming into himself. He starts at such an interesting place as this earnest but dumb jock-headed fuckboy, and we get to watch him come to terms with himself, his struggle with intimacy and romance, and even now with his self-worth. I think Buck so easily could have been a stereotypical ego-driven character, but he's balanced on this knife's edge of cocky and sensitive, just wanting to do well for the people around him, that he's honestly very compelling.
5. Stargate: Atlantis - Carson Beckett
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Carson TT^TT (if you know, you know). Look. I've got a thing for sensitive characters, and Carson is great. He's also a character that grows out of his cowardice and fear, and I love that for him. He's a bit of comic relief and a good mix of level-headed and completely done that balances out Sheppard's more boyish energy and McKay's snappish ego.
6. Supernatural - Gabriel/The Trickster
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He's goofy, damaged, and makes it so sexual predators get eaten by sewer gators? Ummm? Yes. Gabriel could have been just a one-off character, monster of the week, but bringing him into the story at large and giving him this anger and hurt over the situation he can't control and thus, takes it on himself to force others into so they might feel like he does? I eat that shit up. He's not just this comic relief relatable angel, there are these brilliant moments with him that are just filled with depth, and I honestly can't get enough.
7. Beyond Evil (괴물) - Lee Dong Sik
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Please see above with Kaz Brekker and my love for slightly deranged characters. Dong Sik is this seemingly confident character who is always 1 step ahead, always thinking, and quick on the draw with his quips. He toes the line of "am I crazy or just that much smarter than you" and fuck if it doesn't work. But fundamentally, he is damaged and traumatized, and when we get to see that? Witness the broken man beneath the facade of control? It's as beautiful as it is devastating.
8. Law & Order: SVU - Rafael Barba
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God, never has a character had a better introduction to a series, in my opinion, than Barba. I mean... he literally let a sexual sadist choke him out in court with his own tie, I- christ above he's great. Dry humor, whip-smart, but not infallible. He's fun and funny in an interesting way, and there's just something about how sharp he is that's so great.
9. Star Trek (2009) - Leonard "Bones" McCoy
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Southern, snark, and unofficial James T. Kirk brat handler? What's not to love. Also, sorry OG Star Trek, but Karl Urban wins this one. That being said, of all the remake characters, no one embodies the original well as Karl Urban does, so I could have swapped him with DeForest Kelly, and my reasons would still be the same. The sass and attitude are just so great. He's grounded and witty and a fucking joy on screen.
10. Underworld - Selene
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She is iconic, and I would let her step on me. But also, as a character, I just really fucking love her? She's a badass, plain and simple, she honestly does what she wants and looks hot doing it, but more than that, I really appreciate her as someone who is distinctly cold and detached from the world and the people around her, but finds love that doesn't change her as a character, just elevates and encourages her choices. Her falling in love with Michael doesn't suddenly make her a ray of sunshine; it just gives her something more important to fight for than what she grew up believing she had to.
This was a lot of fun anon! Thank you for sending this in to me :3
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semper-legens · 2 years
19. Mistborn: Secret History, by Brandon Sanderson
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Owned: No, library Page count: 167 My summary: This story should not exist. The mere existence of it is impossible. There is always another secret. And someone is about to find them out. My rating: 5/5 My commentary:
Oh hey, more Mistborn? Yeah, after saying I wasn’t sure I was going to continue with the series, I happened across this at work. And like. The summary was just ‘this story should not exist’. It bills itself as being a followup to the first three Mistborn books. And it’s a 167 page novella, so I can read it over my lunch break in one sitting. Reader, how could I resist? And I was so glad that I gave into that urge.
Kelsier! My boy! He’s back! And he’s super dead! Yeah, he’s not necessarily back from the dead (yet) but in typical Kelsier fashion he’s managed to cling onto existence and influence things from behind the scenes. One of the first things that Kelsier does in this novella is deck Preservation in the face. Immediately after learning that Preservation is a god. What a guy. Kelsier’s charisma leaks through the page, even when he’s clearly suffering or in trouble. I’ve mentioned several times that I love brooding heroes who are trying so hard to do the right thing in the face of terrible odds, and hot damn does dear ol’ Kelsier scratch that itch for me. His grief and remorse over the mess he’s inadvertently gotten everyone into is heartrending, and his final acceptance of Vin as his daughter was beautiful.
Also, Ruin and Preservation are here. It’s interesting to see Preservation being a bit more lucid, before they were completely killed in Hero of Ages. Ruin is, of course, up to its old tricks, quite literally given that these are events we’ve seen before in the series. Though the revelation that Kelsier was the one to stab Eland was a surprise! And yet, it makes perfect ruthless sense. He did what he needed to do to ensure a better world. That’s Kelsier all over. And I love him.
Next up...I am not going to lie to you, it’s more cannibalism, folks!
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