joshthemaker913 · 7 months
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
Skirata was talking about something to thwart the Chancellor. It was the first explicit proof Darman had that he was running his own operation-not in parallel with the Republic's interests, or outside them, but against them. Darman loved and respected Kal'buir, but he was under no illusions about his methods. He'd been up to something dodgy for a long time; Fi's extraction, the base on Mandalore, Ko Sai, the bank job on Mygeeto with Vau that Delta didn't talk about - something major was happening. Skirata was well off the chart
Republic Commando: Order 66
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besalisks · 6 months
Whoops. Trying to watch some cool videos about biblical archaeology while I draw and this one's about the canaanites. And he keeps saying Canaan and I'm like 'Kanan o: ?'
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isurrendertoclones · 6 months
Sev on Mygeeto: But you taught us stealing is bad and Skirata’la. 🥺
Vau: Not this stealing.
Sev: Oh, ok.
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veny-many · 6 months
Rivi-Anu, in Mygeeto.
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She always makes me weep.
+) nah they all survived Mygeeto I mean it
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kanerallels · 5 months
Things I learned/relearned during today's Wookipedia deep dive:
There's such thing as a Lothal peach, and it's canon thanks to my best friend Skoova Stev
Ryloth actually does have native trees! Which I didn't expect, for some reason
The planet where Cal was during Order 66 was karking MYGEETO, aka where Caleb Dume was barely a month or two earlier. They basically canonically know each other, I have spoken
There are plants growing on Gorse which is EVEN MORE surprising than the Ryloth thing. I just pictured nothing but mud, factories, and uh. hedonism, honestly (and Cynda, of course, I'd never say anything bad about our girl Cynda)
I'm down to two different options for what Kanan's plant is (technically they're both trees, but I digress)
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thelightismine · 4 months
having recently re-read the Republic Commando books for the fiftieth time (but the first time as a proper adult), amongst many other things that jumped out at me this time, I've been pondering the Many Failings of Kal Skirata™ - and one thing that kept me awake the other night was the realisation that...it takes Kal ages between adopting Ordo and the rest of his brothers, right??
So I went back and did the math. Kal adopts Ordo in True Colours, soon after rescuing Vau on Mygeeto, at 471 days after the Battle of Geonosis (ABG). An excerpt from the scene below:
"I never adopted you formally," Skirata said. It had been bothering him in recent days, ever since he began to think of the war as having a definite timescale. "Any of you." "Does that matter?" Skirata now felt that it did. No Mando'ad would nitpick over the bond between him and his boys, and as far as the Republic was concerned clones didn't even qualify as people, but his plans to give them a decent future had now become very, very specific. [...] "Yes," he said. He reached to grasp Ordo's hand and recited the short, no-frills gai bal manda - "name and soul," all it took to unpick history and give a child a new parentage. Mandalorians were habitual adopters. Bloodlines were just medical detail. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad, Ordo." Ordo stared at their clasped hands for a moment. He had a crushing grip. "I've been your son since the day you first saved my life, Buir." "I think you boys did the saving," Skirata said. "I don't want to imagine where I'd be without you." Skirata was now busy hating himself for not doing this before, not making the ultimate commitment, and he fretted about his five other Nulls scattered around the galaxy.
And having re-read this section in detail, it now baffles me even further that it takes him - wait for it - ANOTHER YEAR AND ~THREE MONTHS to adopt the other five Nulls??
Yes, that's correct. Kal adopts the other five Nulls in Order 66, in the scene where they all come together 'on screen' for the first time, which is set 940 days ABG. That is 469 days after he formally adopted Ordo.
At the time KT wrote these books, according to Legends, one standard year is 368 days, with 12 months of 30 days each. If I've crunched correctly, Kal adopts the other five Nulls roughly fifteen and a half months later than Ordo.
The meal was as much a rare celebration as a meeting, and the Nulls even had a few glasses of Chandrilan wine. "I should have done this many years ago, adi'ke." Skirata raised his glass. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - Mereel, Jaing, Kom'rk, A'den, Prudii. There. It's formal, legal. You're my sons and heirs." "And we won't bankrupt you," Jaing muttered. "Not with the amount you're skimming, ner vod," Mereel said raising his glass in return. "Thank you, Buir'ika. An honor." At least one cause for guilt had been lifted from Ordo's shoulders. He was no longer the only Null formally adopted by Skirata. It was a legal detail, nothing more, but Ordo didn't want to be singled out as the favorite. He already felt he had a far easier time than his brothers.
what do you MEAN you just went on and forgot to do it, despite seeing them and speaking to them regularly for over a year, Kal?! yikes
Reading this back again, all I could think was - poor Ordo. It's explicitly stated here that he had been feeling and still feels guilty. Imagine living with the knowledge that your father had only formally adopted you, and not the other five of your closest brothers, for OVER A YEAR- (I will keep yelling it I'm not over it)
When they all make jokes about him being the Number One Son. When they all tease him for being the favourite. How do you think this knowledge affected Ordo’s relationship with his brothers?? Not wanting to mention it?? Do you think he ever did?? How do you think they reacted if they knew he was already adopted prior to this??
Not to mention, how does Kal not see this as something that might cause an issue for Ordo?? With how much he loves him??
I find their reactions interesting, because if they didn't know, they play it very cool. I'm leaning towards they did know, Ordo didn't just sit on this knowledge for over a year, maybe couldn't - because otherwise, why is no one asking why Kal left him out of the list? Why is their only reaction calm pleasantries?
Possibly because they don't care about formal adoption that much - it's worth noting Ordo's reaction is also to kind of brush it all away: "I've been your son since the day you first saved my life, Buir."
(I think it also opens up a bigger discussion about Ordo's role within his brothers as...almost a shield between Kal and his brothers, able to take the brunt of Kal's...manipulations to spare them the same attention - I wonder if they don't care as much about their adoptive status because it doesn't mean nearly as much to them as it does to Kal, because Kal doesn't rule them as much as he'd like to think he does. It’s interesting how Ordo is both uncomfortable with the position as Number One Son but also sees its…strategic value?? He states earlier in the scene that he'll swap drafts with Kom'rk because it's "his turn" to explore the Outer Rim, but as far as we know, he never actually does this - despite missing each other dearly, often, do the other Nulls willingly take missions that get them away from Kal? Which is why Ordo is almost never shown being anywhere that Kal isn't? Also the irony that so many people laugh at Maze for being a highly trained ARC being "wasted" in an office job, but Ordo also as far as we see never does anything flashier, nothing that couldn't be handled by a less superior officer, nothing that's far from Kal's side...)
I’m just baffled as to how Kal didn’t think immediately after adopting Ordo “and now the other five” - my man, what took you so long?? If you love them all as you say you do??
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stagbeetleboy · 11 months
Still thinking about how Sidious was tortured and reformed in the ice on mygeeto and Vader was remade by the fire of mustafar.
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The Chosen One Headcanon
So somebody made a comment on my fic Beauty & Rage (Padmé lives, post-ROTS, Anidala/Vaderdala) and they made a really good point that I think I should clarify.
In Chapter 12, Vader goes to Mygeeto because he is still searching for a way to bring Padmé back from the dead– he thinks she died. He goes to Mygeeto, because that's where Darth Plagueis was from, and he finds a Sith holocron there which Darth Plagueis created which could unlock the secrets of life and death. In this chapter, Vader opens the holocron, and Plagueis tells him that he created the Chosen One by manipulating midichlorians.
So… in canon Star Wars, it's never really confirmed how the Chosen One was created, but we get a lot of mixed information from various sources. But MY PERSONAL headcanon (and it always will be, no one can convince me otherwise) is that Darth Plagueis created Anakin Skywalker. And I 100% believe he did this because I think Darth Plagueis knew that the Chosen One and the Sith'ari were one and the same, that the one who would bring balance to the Force would also bring the Sith back into power.
Do I think he and Palpatine completely overestimated their abilities in controlling the Chosen One? Yeah, absolutely.
Is it canon? Well, not quite but it's very important to my fic that the birth of the Chosen One happened this way for reasons I can't divulge yet, but I'm sure some of you can guess.
If we're talking canon Star Wars (not my own headcanon or my fanfic) Palpatine was absolutely aware Anakin needed to be completely isolated from the people he loved (Padmé, Obi-wan, Ahsoka) to be turned to the Dark Side, which is why Palpatine worked so hard to drive wedges between them all (maybe Padmé is sleeping with Obi-wan, you can't trust Obi-wan and be yourself around him, he doesn't accept you for who you are, Ahsoka is definitely guilty of bombing the Jedi temple and needs to be punished for her crimes, etc…etc…) and makes sure Obi-wan was literally on the other side of the galaxy when he got Anakin to fall. He was constantly aware of the danger of Anakin turning back to the light, and it was extremely convenient for him that Padmé died because otherwise he would have had to find some other way of getting rid of her (as he had tried multiple times by using the Separatists even after knowing his "Buddy" Anakin was married to her).
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After Sunrise and After Midnight — After Mygeeto
This has been done for over a month but life has been Complicated™️ so I’m only just uploading this.
You can buy a print of the After Midnight variant on my RedBubble (or request the After Sunrise variant) or commission me yourself! I’m raising money for a surgery. There will also be an upcoming poll on the next big project piece like this one, so keep your eyes out.
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
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circle-around-again · 6 months
"The dark side ignited and fueled his anger. He was enraged by the icy water and by the entire planet of Mygeeto. He fought his way to the surface, kicking and clawing and bursting through the ice. And after he broke through the ice, while he was still gulping freezing water and struggling to keep his face above the surface, he saw his Master on the shore." (Windham, 86-7).
This is not only one of Maul's coolest moments, but perhaps a key insight into the nature of the darkside and its users.
Maul experiences the dark side as fire. Maul's dark signature is that of "ignition" -- like a machine being awakened, or a furnace of power. However, it has distinctly desperate traits -- it is one of struggle.
However, Sidious' force signature is here as well. It is ice. What feels like an entire world of awful power pressing down on Maul specifically. Something he rebels against, but is smothered in until his death. And I always preferred the interpretation that Sidious' force signature was frigidly cold.
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trudemaethien · 5 months
30m fic, Rated T, CNTW, Depa Billaba/Fenn Rau, from the pov of Depa’s padawan Caleb Dume (later known as Kanan Jarrus), ft. Force-Sensitive CIS-aligned Alpha-Ø2 Spar | Mand’alor the Resurrector, Third Battle of Mygeeto aftermath
What might it have been like, having an older padawan-brother? Would Spar have been knighted in time for Caleb to be Master Billaba’s second Padawan? He dredges up the sense-memory of the Commander of the Mandalorian Protectors on the field: fierce and impressive, sharp but at his core decidedly not wicked. Why do we have to fight each other?
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/55409902
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 Summary: Part II to Midnight Delusions where Luke's concern for your mental health gets worse, and you meet and old friend of the family's.
Warnings: Intense descriptions of anxiety and psychosis, elements of horror,
 "Last night was the worst one yet and I'm afraid that it will only get worse." 
Chewie's guttural yawn could be heard from a distance over the hologram. Leia glanced to the side once before meeting Luke's eye again.
"When was the last episode?" 
"About a fortnight ago," he sighed. "I'm at a loss for what to do anymore other than how I take care of her now." 
Leia's heart sunk at the sight of her brave twin looking more defeated than ever. His shoulders were slumped and his eyes were puffed and glazed over. 
"You haven't slept much, have you?"
Another sigh, and then "I'm afraid of her waking up without me." 
Her heart went from her stomach to her feet at that. 
"She seems to be alright in the day when I'm with my students, but then when the sun goes down I think that's when it gets worse." 
"Is there anyone with her in that time?" 
"R2 is always nearby." 
There was a long moment of silence between them as they pondered. Leia was especially saddened to hear of your worsening condition. The two of you were almost as close to each other as you were to Luke. Anytime she visited, he had to practically compete for your attention because you were always glued to her side, and her, yours. Sometimes you two even slept in the same bed, which makes him just the tiny bit jealous, but ultimately he was happy that the two most important women in his life loved each other just as much as he loved them.
"I'm on a mission as an ambassador to Mygeeto at the moment, but I will come see you two at the earliest opportunity. I regret that it's already been this long since my last visit…"
Luke smiled softly. "Worry not, dear sister. I always feel you in the force." 
"And I, you." She said, voice starting to trail off. "I must leave for now, but I will stay in touch." She said regrettably. He nodded before they said their goodbyes and Luke was left alone in the room again. 
Another great breath of air deflated his chest as he studied the forest outside the window. All the vibrant green bamboo trees and the leaves that always seemed to be reaching out to touch you. A truly gorgeous place. 
You'd gone out for a walk maybe an hour earlier after waking up to Luke still rubbing your hair back from your forehead. Your eyes had fluttered sleepily as you registered his puffy eyed stare and his sad smile while he asked you how you were feeling today. 
You gave a big stretch and a tired whine before telling him you felt fine so far. 
"How about I make us something to eat, yeah?" His voice was still at half volume. 
You'd gently shook your head.
"I'm not really hungry yet." 
You'd quietly slipped on your boots and one of your oversized black cloaks: a hand-me-down from Luke. And then you were off, trudging aimlessly and thoughtlessly through the trees and the grass. You were weary as always about possible hallucinations but they usually stayed away for a good chunk of the day. Things only got bad when the sky starts to dim.
But right now, you were relieved and contented to have full control of your own mind and soon, you found a comfortable spot by a pond where you sat with your legs bent on either side of you. Curious frogs and other strange bugs pirouette around your presence. You giggled to yourself while you let some of them crawl up and down your arm and weave between your fingers. You even let a spider explore the surface of your face before gently guiding it back down into your palm again. 
You always had a special relationship with the wildlife here. The animals and the trees and even the dirt beneath your feet. Perhaps that was why Luke picked this place out for the two of you. It was special and it was easy to strengthen one's connection with not only the force, but the universe itself. It was a soothing remedy to your delicate mind. Like being kissed and tucked back into bed after a horrible nightmare. 
"You have a strong connection to the force here." 
You froze, refusing to look at who spoke or to even blink. Was this a real person or was this another product of your damaged psyche?
"But you're not a force user, are you?" 
The sound of footsteps approaching set every one of your nerves on edge and you started to shake. The spider you were holding scurried away after sensing your fear along with most of the bugs and frogs that have also come to visit. 
The footsteps stopped about a meter away and finally, you turned to the side just slightly to see a tall figure looking down at you, but not with malice. At least, you hoped that was what you were sensing. 
They had their arms politely behind their back, something shiny and silver was clipped to their belt. 
"I have a different kind of power." You said meekly. 
"One that most don't understand." 
You only gave a small nod as the stranger got closer, but still far enough away so as not to startle you. You still hadn't looked at her head on.
"But it's a power that can also leave you vulnerable." She continued.
Slowly, you turned to finally see who this stranger was and even though you'd never seen her before in your life….your breath still caught in your throat. 
She was tall and confident and exuded power. Her mannerisms alone suggested great wisdom and maturity. Someone who has seen a lot, someone who has done a lot. Someone from way before your time. From before Luke's, even. 
You recognized her as a togruta woman with the signature white facial markings. You were briefly mesmerized by the striped head tails draped over her shoulders. 
You frowned slightly after a long moment of unsure silence. You didn't look her in the face when you talked. You rarely looked anyone in the face when you did. 
"Why are you talking to me?" 
A strangely worded question but she knew what you really meant. Why was she here? Why was she interested in your power? Why did she care about your mental turmoil? 
"I was called by the force to come here. My help will be needed very soon."
"I don't need your help." You tried to sound as polite as possible. 
"Maybe that is true. But you'll need the help of people very close to you." 
'He already helps me every single day. Even if he doesn't have to…'
"I'm not talking about Luke."
You whipped your head around, eyes wide with alarm. 
She only gave a reassuring smile.
"We met once a few years ago when he trained his first student. I'm…a friend of the family."
Your alarm slowly dissipated until you were gazing off to the side again. You still didn't understand her interest in you or your condition.
"Something dark is plaguing you."
"Well…I've always been a little sick."
"It's different than that." Her tone darkened. "I sense an outside entity. And it will only continue to get stronger if you don't reach out." 
You shook your head. "No, this isn't something anyone can ever save me from. My own mind is poisonous. And you're right, it will get worse. Slowly, but surely. And no one, not even I can stop it. The way to cure me is to kill me."
Your silence after that was horribly telling. Something in the stranger was saddened and suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. You were almost surprised that you didn't startle. 
"There is always another way." 
Your eyes started to water when you answered. Your words were wobblier than before. 
"Not for my family." 
Neither of you spoke for several minutes. She looked at you with a mix of sympathy and concern while you fought to even out your breaths. To swallow back the tears and quickly wipe away any that escape. 
"I…I have a rule…If I ever…" 
Your eyes leaked despite you struggling to keep it together. Just the thought alone of this worst case scenario was overwhelming. It felt blasphemous. You were sickened to even say it out loud. 
"If I ever…g-go after him. If-If I ever hurt him…" 
You squeezed your eyes shut as her hold you tightened just a bit. 
Though you couldn't finish the thought, she knew exactly what you were saying. You'd kill yourself if you ever hurt Luke. 
"We don't have to let that happen. Whatever that darkness was that hurt you yesterday, it can be killed." 
You frowned at her seemingly endless knowledge of you and your life, but you also had to remember that she was a vetted force user and could probably see into your past just as well as you could. And if she was older than Luke, which she was for sure, you could imagine just how powerful she was.
"You need to call your sister." 
Once again you whipped your head, eyes even crazier than before. 
"How do you know about my sister!?"
"Luke has mentioned some things. But mostly I can sense it. You need help from your own kind, your own blood."
"I thought you said your help was needed?"
"The force works in ways we don't always understand at first. But I'm meant to be here at this time." 
You shook your head again, mostly to shake away the confusion. Your head was already starting to ache and you suddenly wanted to far far away from this stranger. 
You gave her one last fearful look before rising, making her hand fall limp to her side. You brushed past her, only stopping when she spoke again. 
"You'll understand soon. Better than I ever could. You'll be ready soon."
You didn't say anything, just wrapped your cloak tighter around you and slinking off into the woods. 
At home, Luke was winding down after a long day of teaching, training, and coaching. He was changing into his night robes when R2 started beeping away at him. 
"You know she likes to go for walks often. Don't worry, I can always tell where she's at or if she's safe."
More electronic beeping and squealing and Luke exhaled harshly.
"She's okay R2. Trust me, I'll be the first to jump into action if something happens."
The mouthy droid only got more frantic and frustrated at Luke's dismissal until finally, after a good five minutes of arguing, he slipped on his boots and went out after you. Mostly just to humor R2, who followed eagerly.
You trudged farther and farther into the woods, that stranger's words still replaying in your head. You couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities of what could happen. 
What if she was right? What if you were being attacked? What if you did need your sister's help? What if this unseen force ends up killing you before you kill yourself? What if it ends up killing Luke?
At some point, your hands ran down your face as you cried out in agony, trying to scream away all of these terrifying thoughts. And on and on you walked, occasionally stumbling a bit off to the side.
You passed a bamboo cluster when you heard someone calling out your name. Your husband.
That was when you realized just how long you'd been gone because the sky was dark again and suddenly you knew you had to get home before things got bad. 
But things weren't going to go bad, you told yourself. If you expect it, it will happen. So you repeated to yourself over and over while you headed towards Luke's voice. 
"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine…" Over and over until the words no longer sounded like real words. 
Luke called for you once more and you called back, telling him you were coming. But he didn't seem to hear you. 
You must be too far away for your voice to carry. You did have a pretty soft voice especially compared to Luke, who's screeching could rival that of a wookie's. Thankfully, he's calmed down since his younger days. 
You groaned and continued on, still reassuring yourself as you went. 
Luke's hands floated back down to his sides after calling you for the umpteenth time. R2 beeped and he only glanced at him once before speaking.
"That is weird. She usually always answers, even if it's just a small wavelength…" A subtle wave of energy that can carry any type of emotion. 
The magic you practiced, or at least used to, was vastly different to what he tapped into. But it also made it easier to sense your presence. It calmed him, made him at ease. But now, he couldn't sense you at all. It was like you'd just disappeared off the face of the planet. 
His heart sunk lower and lower at this until he ordered his trusty droid to keep watch where he was while he ran off through the thick trees, calling your name louder and louder until he was screaming your name like you'd just died in front of him.
You passed the same cluster of bamboo sproutlings for the third time when Luke's voice started to distort into something else. A demonic bastardization of his real voice and you were struggling to find your way out of this endless loop. Because soon, you were certain that you were being chased by whatever was calling you and you sprinted until you could hear the quick footsteps of someone right on your heels. 
No matter which way you ran, you always passed by the same cluster and no matter how hard you screamed, no one would hear you. You were trapped in a loop and you clawed at your own face, yanking on your hair, pounding on your own head. Trying to get it to stop, trying to escape this hell. 
It was only when you saw him in the distance, clad in all black and covered with a great cape that a new adrenaline passed through you. You ran faster to catch up, calling and reaching out for him until he was within arms reach. You grabbed first for the fabric of his cloak to turn him around so he could face you but he wouldn't move. He was a statue. Cold and unfeeling. 
You tugged again and called his name with a warbling voice. 
Still nothing. 
"Luke?" You paused to see if he'd do anything. When he didn't, you grabbed his arm hoping to get him to look at you but the second you did, a cold, clammy hand overtook yours.
You gasped instantly as the color of its skin resembled a decaying corpse than the golden color of Luke's complexion. When he turned to look at you, your blood froze in your veins when you were greeted with the gaunt face of a monster you hadn't thought of in years. One with razor sharp shark teeth and soulless royal purple eyes.
Her snarl was demonic. Every once of color drained from your face so you were just as pale as her. 
Your knees already started to give out. 
Your petrified whisper echoed through the woods around him as the droid tried his best to keep up. 
He screamed your name much louder this time and was only met with another one of your scared whimpers. 
He stopped when he caught just a whiff of your presence; you were close. He scanned every which way with a determined scowl, still unsure where to run. He could feel you but just barely. Something else was shielding you from him. Hiding you. Something evil, he was sure of it.
And then your scream filled the air more than the air itself. It made him run harder and harder until his legs were shouting at him to rest but he couldn't. Not until he knew you were safe. 
When he did finally find you, you were curled up in a fetal position with your legs to your chest. You were crying like a child, he wasn't even sure you knew where you were. But he couldn't feel that foreign presence anymore. There was no one to protect you from it seemed. 
He rushed over to your side and put a gentle hand over your head, but you recoiled from his touch. He jerked back, not knowing what to do. R2 came slipping out from the dark mass of trees, panicked with worry and trying to wake you with his incessant beeping and whistling. But Luke was quickly to softly talk him down before whispering and cooing to you, slowly bring you back down to reality until it was safe to touch you without you getting scared. 
You peeked through your arms covering your face at his smiling form, coaxing you to open your eyes. 
The world was still a haze and you could hardly move but you were there. You were aware. 
"Oh, Maker…" he whispered, too low for you to hear. 
Tonight was worse than before. But now he was starting to question the validity of your sickness. Was your mind really tainted? Or was there something else at play here? He felt that outside energy, something he'd never sensed before. He didn't know if it was human, or of any species he knew of in this galaxy. He knew it couldn't have been a Jedi, but it also felt far too sinister, even for a sith. Because this force, this entity, whatever it was, it didn't draw its power from rage. It felt too cold for that. Too unfeeling. 
After several minutes of slowly bringing you to a lucid state, he slipped his arms beneath you to carry you in his arms like a bride. Though you still weren't fully sure what was going on, you wrapped your arms loosely around his neck, resting your head against his chest. 
"I think she was right…" you mumbled on the way back home. 
Luke frowned. 
"Who was right?"
You didn't answer for a long time. But you just as he thought you weren't going to at all. 
If anyone is still reading, thank you, first of all. And second, please give me your feedback on if this story should be continued or not. I wrote this several months ago when I was still struggling with addiction to alcohol and this story was a way for me to comfort myself, but, as you can see, describes some harrowing mental spirals that I'm not entirely sure I can recreate, especially now that I'm sober.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I'm also a little afraid to continue this story. But I'm nevertheless, still proud of what I have written so far, so maybe it can be a good standalone and maybe someone else will use this idea to branch off into something better. Anyways, may the force be with you all.
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sugarpsalms · 1 year
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP
Hmmm ok ok, this is pretty far ahead in my vaderwan WIP, but it's part of the first scene I daydreamed up while plotting it. So! Have a tiny, tiny teaser from the future of The Night Over Mygeeto Lay
"A kinder master would've relieved you of this burden," Obi-Wan pressed, as though he still couldn't stand to let a dead thing lie.
A hot, familiar rage licked at Vader's gut. Through a seize of pain, he rolled his head aside and rasped, "It was a kinder master who shouldered me with it in the first place."
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veny-many · 6 months
*after Order 66, in Mygeeto*
Bacara: Really, General? After all that happened to your family and still you betrayed the Republic? I never should have trusted you if you were just like those karking Sith.
*Long after somewhere in the Force*
Bacara: I hate my life.
Mundi: Well this is awkward.
Bacara: I hate Force magic shit.
Mundi: Well atleast we could fix some misunderstanding in the Force.
Bacara: And I still hate you for being optimistic idiot for nonstop.
Mundi: I'm Jedi what did you expected
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