#Mylo made a post
lbulldesigns · 30 days
My little sister assaulted me but I'm somehow the bad guy because she ran away from home rather than face the consequences of her actions.
Posted 24th of May, 2021
I (20M) was recently assaulted by my (18F) sister, and rather than face the consequences of her actions decided to run away from home. And now I'm being treated as the bad because I said that it would be better if she never returned.
For context, me and my twin brother Big C were raised by our father (40?M) after our mother gave up her parental rights after giving birth to us. I have never met my mother, and this is fine because who needs someone that flakey in their lives.
Up until we were about eight it was just my dad, brother, and me. Until one month or so after our eighth birthday, our dad decided to adopt two girls. V (23F) and Jinx (a fitting name, trust me).
At first I was confused but after learning that V was biologically my sister, I got excited. At the time I mistakingly thought that Jinx must have been my biological sister also, but it turned out she had a different father. I remember asking why we were taking her in if she wasn't actually related to us and my dad growled at me to never say anything like that again, it was the first time he ever growled at me and over an innocent question no doubt.
I knew better than to ever say something like that again, I tried to be welcoming to her and although V was engaging and friendly, Jinx would not speak to anyone. She always stayed quiet and whenever our dad would go near her she would cower away and get teary eyed.
I hated how she acted like my dad would hurt her, and fully believe that this is why her therapist thought that my dad was abusive. The poor woman ended up losing her job because of Jinx's dramatics.
The sad thing is that I seem to be the only person who truly sees Jinx for what she is. Trouble.
For a while, I thought everyone else was starting to see also but nothing was ever really done about her behavior. Except to send her off to her rich uncle (maternal) who would shower her with praises for her art and grades, and give her gifts. This only made her spoilt.
I tried to counter this by reminding her that she wasn't special so that she wouldn't get a big head and all she would do was start crying and then lock herself in her room and I would be the one getting chewed out.
well, you basically get the idea.
Coming to the true crux of this post.
A few days ago, I was at home minding my own business, and trying to enjoy my gap year. When Jinx comes in and is crying, yet again.
Maybe I let my annoyance get the better of me and called her a crybaby. She stops and just stares at me, and then her face contorts into this really ugly way and she screams loudly, before launching herself on me and starts beating me up.
I was taken completely off guard and tried to defend myself as much as possible, but she is surprisingly strong despite being a skinny ass.
And she just keeps saying "I hate you, I hate you" as she beats me.
My dad came in and pulled her off of me, whilst I cradle my bloody nose (literally bloody) and I catch dad telling her to get out and I felt elated for a minuet because I thought that he FINALLY saw sense.
But after she bolts from the house my dad drives me to the hospital to make sure nothing is broken (nothing was broken thank Janna), and as we are driving home I ask if we are going to the Enforcer station. Dad looks confused and asks why, and I say to press charges. My dad states that I will not be pressing charges because an ass whooping was long overdue.
I felt shocked and betrayed and got angry, I kept asking why he's always going so easy on her.
She wasn't his daughter, not really
She was constantly causing problems with her outbursts and "trauma"
She emasculated him by getting her uncle to pay for her studies
And, she just assualted your flesh and blood.
My dad stayed silent, and I thought this meant that I won the argument. But as soon as we got home, he kills the engine and turns to me. Looks me in the eyes and tells me in no uncertain terms.
"I have tried being patient with you OP. I have explained to you again and again that your little sister is not this monster you make her out to be. Her trauma is real, she watched her parents die in front of her, and that's enough to affect a grown man let alone a small five-year-old girl who didn't know the concept of death. She experienced some shit in the foster system before finding her way to us. And I have done everything I can to help her the way she needs, whilst raising the rest of you kids. I tried to be understanding of you when you were a kid because you didn't know better, I tried to be patient with you when you were a teenager because Gods know I was a real shithead when I was younger. But you are an adult now, my patience is extremely thin. You need to start figuring your shit out because your sister doesn't, and never did, deserve the hate you throw at her"
I won't lie, this hurts. Despite how Jinx is, I do love her I just feel like I'm the only person trying to set her straight.
I pointed at my face and stated that I wasn't the one who hated her, on the other hand she saw no problem with hating me.
Dad asks why she attacked me, I said I didn't know (I didn't want him to twist my words around on me) he just looks at me and says "You're sister wouldn't just attack you without reason".
At this point, I tried to get out of the car, but my dad grabbed my arm, held me in place, and demanded again what I did.
I finally relented and said I called her a crybaby and he groans at me, I said "see she completely blew everything out of proportion". He says that Jinx shouldn't have attacked me, but then asks why I felt the need to insult her.
I lost it and said that she's always crying.
I can't walk past her room without hearing her cry, SHE IS A CRYBABY.
Dad just looked at me, and disappointment was written all over his face. Not at Jinx, but at me.
He takes a deep breath and says to me that I had two options.
I agree to go to family and individual therapy because I am an adult now, and this "petulant child" and "victim complex" is not healthy for anyone.
I continue to act the way I am, but I need to move out and start standing on my own two feet and learn what actual struggle feels like because I've had it pretty easy with life, and hopefully gain some empathy in the process.
Either way, I was never, ever going to bully Jinx again.
I spent the rest of the night in my room stewing over everything, I ignored V when she started banging on my door demanding what I did to "her little sister" before C-Man convinced her to leave me alone. But afterward, he asked me, through the door, when I was going to grow up before leaving himself.
At some point the three of them, Dad, V, and C-Man. left the house to work at the family bar. I refused to leave my room and Dad told me to take the night off to 'lick my wounds'. I fell asleep at some point and woke up briefly because I thought I heard someone walking past my door but just chalked it up to one of the others and went back to sleep.
I didn't leave my room the next morning, out of protest, but saw Dad leaving to go over to Jinx's BBF's house no doubt to continue coddling her.
However she wasn't there, and after searching the whole day, didn't seem to be anywhere.
It's been several days now, Enforcer's can't go looking for Jinx because it was proven that she left voluntarily. Apparently, that person I heard that night was Jinx scurrying off with her belongings and paperwork.
Honestly, I'm glad she's gone. But my dad is still holding up the ultimatum, he says that when she returns I will have my shit together and that he's disappointed in how unaffected I'm acting.
So long story short. My little sister beats me up, and somehow, I get in trouble instead, she runs away from the consequences BUT DAD'S ULTIMATIUM IS STILL IN EFFECT.
It's completely unfair. I'm the victim here.
Honestly, I'm considering going no contact with everyone because I'm done with JINX getting all the support.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
This is a fan fic, please read tags
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Arcane Fanfic Scenarios
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Fic scenarios that will probs never get written but are fun to imagine:
Bobby Pins and Angel Wings: Five times Jinx and Ekko nearly kissed - and the one time they did. Bittersweet snippets of childhood games and cozy rooftop chats, told in flashback form. All interwoven with Jinx and Ekko going all-out during a shoot-out in the present day.
Category: Angst, Fluff, Violence.
Ships: Jinx x Ekko
Some Like it Hot: Crack oneshot. Silco makes a guest appearance on Hot Ones and dishes out the complexities of revolution and the struggles of running the drug trade and being a single father - all while absolutely devouring the ghost peppers.
Y'all. This is Zaun. You expect them not to have spicy food?
Ends with Sean Evans going utterly non-verbal after trying one of Zaun's own homebrewed concoctions... while Silco chugs a glass of yogurt and smiles slyly for the cameras.
And then gets the hiccups<3
Category: Crack, Humor, Politics.
Ships: Zaun x Spicy cuisine.
Arcane Meets Isekai: Character-x-Reader themed Choose Your Own Adventure where reader is flung into the chaotic and magical world of Runeterra, and ends up simultaneously stealing the hearts of a shyly brilliant scientist (Viktor) and a ruthless Undercity revolutionary (Silco). Shenanigans ensue. Multiple endings and wild scenarios. Heimerdinger's poro was hurt in the making of this story - and will be hurt again.
Category: Angst, Fluff, Crack, Smut.
Ships: Primarily Viktor x Reader and Silco x Reader. But there can be so much more.
Empires Rise and Fall: Silco and Mel and up brokering a marriage pact to keep their cities united. It's an unexpected match made in Heaven - with a dash of Hell. Also a warlord mother-in-law who refuses to keep her nose out of the marital chamber. And a step-daughter creeping like a golem in the rafters...
Drabbles of the angsty, fluffy, smutty and political variety. Plus a honeymoon in Noxus. Complete with near abductions and survived assassination attempts.
"Mawwiage. That bwessed awwangement. That dweam within a dweam..."
Category: Angst, Smut, Fluff.
Ships: Silco x Mel, Silco x Power, Mel x Politics.
Through a Glass Darkly: Extremely dark fic. Silco's life post-drowning. Details everything from his recovery, to his rise as a kingpin-on-the-make, to the development of Shimmer, to his alliance with Singed, and his plans for payback. All while he watches Vander from afar with his new family, and plots to destroy both.
Also features plenty of near run-ins with baby Powder - and a sense of fated inevitability. 
The shark was always lying in wait.
Unbeknownst to him, so was fatherhood.
Category: Angst, Gore.
Ships: Silco x Vander
Snakes and Ladders: A retelling of Forward but Never Forget/XOXO from Mel's PoV. Plenty of MelJay cuteness, flashbacks of her life as a Noxian heiress, the grim legacy of Ambessa's lessons, her childhood games with Kino, and a darkly decadent slice of Mel × Silco, as her elusive arch-ally lures her deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of snakes and ladders that is Zaun...
Category: Angst, Smut, Fluff.
Ships: Mel x Jayce, Mel x Silco.
Redux: Multichapter monstrosity. A time travel AU where Jinx, twenty seven years old, is embroiled in an ongoing battle with Piltover - and with her sister Vi. Tired, disillusioned, and with only her ghosts for company, she reminisces bittersweetly about her girlhood days with Silco. Then she breaks into Ekko's workshop and steals his infamous watch, ready to tamper with it and go back all the way to the beginning, before the Day of Ash.
This time she'll make sure they all live: her parents, Vander, Vi, Silco, Ekko, Benzo, Mylo and Claggor.
Safe together.
Long story short: she miscalculates and ends up at the midway point before Vander drowns Silco in the Pilt. Now Jinx has to keep her wits and hide her secrets, as she struggles to survive in a much deadlier and more volatile Zaun. All while she ingratiates herself into their revolutionary circle, and attempts to heal the rift between its two leaders, before it can widen further.
Easier said than done when both men begin taking an interest in Jinx for their own mercenary agenda. And by the end, will slit each others' throats to see said agenda fulfilled. 
Where is that Boy Savior when you need him?
Written as a darkly comical fic from Jinx's POV. Back-to-the-Future flavored adventures. Full of booms, oopsie-loopsies, and political commentary.
All our girl wants is to undo the jinx before it jinxes everyone. Instead, she ends up getting baby Powder quite literally 'unalived,' causing heaps of destruction, and accidentally becoming a mentor figure to young Vi. Meanwhile, as Silco's peer rather than his beloved daughter, she can't help but be confronted with glaring flaws in her pedestalized Papa's ideology. All while young Silco, convinced she's either a spy in their midst, or his very own Lady of the Lake sent to illuminate the rightness of Zaun's path, finds his extremist tendencies widening by a mile. Much like Vander's violent streak and his determination to nip Silco's plans in the bud...
A fix-it fic gone off the rails. Don't time travel, folks.
Oh, and there's a sweet Timebomb twist by the end<3
Category: Angst, Horror, Fluff, Comedy, Mood Whiplash Galore.
Ships: Ekko x Jinx, Silco x Vander, Silco x Revolution, Jinx x Chaos.
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cyberkitty1 · 10 months
Part 3 Twin AU
inspo : @moodysunflowerbaby
you have only been able to think about your last reaction with them. was that the last time you would talk? will yoi ever be friends again? are they ok? why couldn’t i have been a better friend? it plagued tour mind, flying above you like a storm cloud. you wanted to talk with them but how could you? there was nothing you could think of to fix this mess.
you were sitting in your room watching a movie when you hear a quite nock on your door. absentmindedly you call “come in” you didnt even turn to see who it was. “ hey” you heard behind you causing confusion. your parents never say “hey” and the voice was oddly familiar? you turn to see miles and mylo standing with a plastic bag in hand.
all you could do was stare “ could we talk?” miles asked. you were still caught off guard so you simply nodded pausing the movie and sitting up. the both take a seat on the edge of the bed. you sat in silence for what felt like forever till you heard mylo sigh “ im sorry for jumpin to a conclusion the way i did, i felt the a jerk the moment i left. you onyl wanted us to past with the best score and if miles could have helped i should have been open to the idea. im sorry” he says sincerely gazing into your eyes searching for what you could have been feeling.
“ im so sorry as well i had no right to say that, i was upset and i just didn’t know how to deal with my emotions i didn’t mean to upset you, or take it out on you could you forgive me, forgive us?”
you stay silent “ why didnt you just tell me about what happened, i would have been there for you guys. i thought thats what friends do for each other i tell you guys whats going on with me but the moment i ask about you its like im not allowed to know. and miles you asked me if i wanted to hang out after school and literally stood me up? and then i saw you hanging out with some blond girl hours later? why would you do that?”
you say with pain lacing your voice. mylo was kind of shocked he had no idea about this. miles sighs “ i habnt seen her in a long time we were just catching up and i didnt mean to forget i was stressed and busy im so so sorry.”
you couldn’t forgive him just like that… could you? “ it really hurt. and i don’t deserve to be treated like that, but if the both of you will be honest with me” you pause “ we can be friends again” you say with a soft smile “ thank you we appreciate it, and so will our mom” miles laughs “ oh so she made you guys come here? i knew it there is no way you came here willingly.” they laugh before realizing what they brought “ oh and we bought you these on the way here” mylo says handing you a bag of your favorite snacks “ thank you, you guys didn’t have to do this” “ wellllll we kind of did” miles says before scratching his neck.
“ so we good right?” mylo asks “ yea were good”
the end
btw you end up with mylo having a happy ever after 😊
🏷️: @soseoulol @shoyofroyoyoyo @pandoragalora @miles-42-morales @heavisdelulu @lilcassipuff @levanneisdumb @thebaddest @sussybaka10 @itsznanabanana @malllywally @missyysyx @c4nth3lp1t @sgmianne @miles4hour @ulovejayy @onginlove @buckleyverse @lexixiii @swaqlover @yoursidehismain @florencepughswife030196 @lethycia @edgyficuselastica @druiggf @onsimpshii @lovely-horror-show @vivsamortentia @leighs-gallery @remuslupinsno1slut @steve-harringtons-bitch @shurisbbymama @bunnybabylovesstuff @karmascute @c4rine @janaeby @mookiebutt @paraccosm @zkristuz @reflectionsinrealtime @mindymeeksrules @nagi3seastorm @popeheywardssecretgf @be3_Fl0w3er @piopio @hoodypunpurri @hiyoo-o @enchanting-violet @fiannee @itsnotino @inluvwithneteyam
also i will be deleting the post regarding the anonymous hater because my page is supposed to be filled with happy thoughts and POSITIVITY!!
i also feel me replying gave them a confidence boost or something and i don’t want then to attack anyone else.
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idkwhatimdoingbutslay · 11 months
OH ALSO, i didn't say this in my response to your response but i think what you said about "vi isn't super connected to zaun as a people" is super correct. i don't think vi feels like she really has a place within the system of zaun and piltover. we see her work against the system, outside of it, or even attempt to work WITH it at different points throughout the show. it doesn't seem to matter to her where she stands with respect to the powers that be so long at she's getting what she wants (very similar to vander). so it seems like the author of that other post wants vi to be something she just isn't, some kind of social justice warrior. but vi doesn't believe the system can be changed ("topside and bottom, oil and water, that's all there is") so she doesn't concern herself with it. she's focused on protecting the people she loves.
ironically, OP seems to be somewhat anti-caitlyn, but caitlyn is actually the one who wants to fix the system and believes it can be done. caitlyn is going to be the one to get vi to take part in solving the bigger problems, because she offers vi a new place to belong, not in piltover as part of the system but at caitlyn's side trying to bring the two halves of the city back together.
It’s been said before, but it’s always the Anti-Caitlyns who seem to have closed their eyes and plugged their ears in every single scene with Vi (and of course Cait) in it. The CONSTANT projection is crazy. Again, personal biases making it hard to critically think for people.
Vi is NOT Vander and her beef with Silco is not super similar to the beef Vander had with Silco. Vi is here for the people she loves and the collateral damage and/or improvements is not what she’s concerned about.
Like you said, Vi isn’t as progressive as people think. She was stuck in prison for SEVEN YEARS, abused constantly and beaten down her entire life to keep her in her place. She’s accepted the different positions in society, she just wants Silco GONE and her sister BACK. Not for particularly political/societal reasons, but because her sister is who’s she’s dedicated to and tied her worth to. She wants to go back to before Vander and Claggor and Mylo died, maybe even to before her parents died. She’s never been one to look for a future, but for the past. That��s why her and Cait were rocky in the beginning. Progress was never an option with her. (Idk if this got my point across just yes to what you said already 😭)
LIKE UGHHHH!!!! I’ll never understand what people who are anti-Cait want from the story (not to accuse op of being anti-Cait but that’s the vibe from their posts, sorry if that’s isn’t your intention). I WANT Zaun and Piltover to get better, I WANT Piltover to acknowledge their actions and change, I WANT Zaun to finally be respected as a population of LIVING BEINGS!! THATS ALSO WHAT CAITLYN WANTS!!!! THAT WAS HER WHOLE ARC!!!!! Ok, let me calm down.
We want progress don’t we???? Caitlyn is how we’re really going to get it.
Anyway, you’ve literally covered it all. The only person we REALLY see dedicated to the community the way people say Vi is is Ekko. Not even Vander and Silco were truly dedicated to the Undercity as a whole the way he was. Vi hasn’t necessarily really made a statement in the Undercity, Ekko has! Ekko looks at the Undercity as a whole, Vi looks at her loved ones like we’ve stated.
Ummm… yeah that’s it I think. Got my blood pumping there, jeez.
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Hey speaking of Claggor being sweet to Powder, do we wanna talk about how when she made their effigies, Mylo is big and metal and sharp while Claggor is a soft plushie and like, the perfect comfort size (I don’t think Jinx DOES snuggle with it but it says a lot about who he was to her that he was made into a comfort item while Mylo is cold and sharp and big, and probably a pain to haul around).
And something I think I made a post about years ago but never talked with you about, I love that Mylo said Powder needs to learn to take a hit sometimes and how her fighting style is the opposite of that. Like, she does take the occasional hit and hits back, but she is someone who’s main fighting style is to dodge and hit from afar and she like, SPECIFICALLY and defiantly still doesn’t take a hit (and she’s a great foil to Vi, who always takes a hit and hits in return).
Yeah, we can talk about that, no problem :')
Also, the ways we can compare Mylo and Jinx... he says she needs to learn how to take a hit, but it's not like he's a great fighter either. He did all right, but if Vi hadn't bailed him out he would have lost. Likewise, Jinx turns into a ranged fighter and nearly loses when Ekko turns their fight into hand-to-hand.
Ooh, and the way she switches to holding her gun one-handed, like he did? And how Mylo was the sneaky lock-picker who listens in on private conversations through the door, and Jinx becomes someone who hides in rafters and behind statues, who breaks into labs and fancy houses. Like, girl, do you want to be like your brother or not?
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letters-to-rosie · 7 months
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talk revolution to me: arcane fanfiction playlist
there are few moments more exciting as a fanfic author than when someone makes something inspired by your work. in this case, we have a playlist made by @arrowdite, and in this post, because there were rationales for every song picked, I wanted to respond! the playlist is a work in progress, and this post is, too! thanks again, friend! 💖💖💖
check out the fic here!
1. Black Sheep - this is pulled from my regular Timebomb playlist. I think it fits the state we find Ekko and Powder in, regardless of the universe. Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend / You crack the whip, shape-shift, and trick the past again
I really like the lines you pulled out on the past for this one. The vibe of the song, like sonically, is very Powder I feel, and the lines about the past really fit with how I just kind of drop the reader into the story, into Powder and Ekko's relationship in the main timeline, before I bothered to explain how they got like that in the first place lol. Their own lack of understanding about what really happened between them and the other's motivations when they were kids is such a big part of their arc, so these lyrics really fit, not just the ship in general but this... articulation, I guess lol, of them.
2. Run Wild - I imagine Powder listening to this song to hype herself up as she heads to The Last Drop in chapter 2. I think some of the lyrics in the chorus fit her when we first meet her, too: determined, but aimless. I’m on a mission and I won’t stop / No destination but it’s worth a shot
For two, she wasn’t going to go. She wasn’t. But then she got back to her apartment, dumped her bag out on the floor, and saw that stupid green eye staring back up at her. She has nightmares about green eyes, sometimes waking, sometimes sleeping. Her worst ones are the what-ifs—if she had just done something different that day, or any of the days preceding it, what kind of life would she be living? Some of the what-ifs hurt for their immateriality, while others make her happy for what she’s got. And with Viktor, the human manifestation of her meager impulse control, gone for the weekend, Powder put on some music, dolled herself up, and got on the move.
She'd be playing this while getting ready haha, dancing in her apartment and feeling angry in a way she can't express right. She really is wild in that chapter. And that aimless state is so important, because Ekko is kinda right when he says she's not offering any alternative, but that's not even what she's trying to do at that point. Plus, this song is just fun, and I feel like Powder would like it lol. I also really enjoy the Thutmose reference, bringing it back to Ekko!
3. Pathetic - Powder’s opinion of Ekko at this point in the story, revealed when he makes his first appearance in chapter 2. …It's been / 1460 days since we were alright / You're having trouble sleeping and I think I know why / 1460 days since we were alright / But now you're just pathetic, I said it
Okay, I just really like this one hahahahaha like?? I can't even describe what exactly it is about it, but after a couple listens, it just stuck in my head. But considering "pathetic" is a word Powder uses in their fight at the end of chapter 2, it gets that other layer of meaning. The irony here is that Powder doesn't know why Ekko has trouble sleeping—and in Ekko's POV, we see how different that night plays out to him. In her head, he's just this posturing villain, and he is like that a little bit, but she has no idea the cognitive dissonance she's about to inflict on this man. Until later, hehehe. It's also fun to imagine Powder dancing to this one with a hairbrush as a mic. I'm sure y'all get the vision.
4. Pieces Of The People We Love - A character song for Powder. She has lost a lot of people and carries their memories with her, across distance (Vi), change (Ekko), and even death (Vander, Tovan, Mylo, Claggor, her parents…). As much as it can pain her, she keeps those people close to her heart. I think this is one of her strengths. She may not know how to express it, but she has a lot of love to give. Like when her empathy is on display at the hospital; though she doesn’t know the people there, they get to her. She takes them with her. Decides to stop looking away. Start her club. In short, the pieces of the people she loves are what drive her to build a better future. And all our time together is tearing me apart / I can't hold you tomorrow but I hold you in my heart
I remember I was actually really nervous about writing Jinx as a main character, just because I tend to relate more to Vi in canon, but working on this fic led me to appreciating things that hadn't stood out to me before. Jinx literally keeps versions of the people she lost near her because of how heavily the trauma weighs on her. I wanted revolution!Powder to have some of that same energy. The song has this kind of anxious energy, and I feel like that connects well with how Powder feels throughout the chapter. She's really knocked off-kilter in chapter 3, and she has to decide how she's going to deal with not only what Ekko said but what she's going to do with these "pieces of people she loves," and that really is what motivates her. She takes off the blinders and decides to empathize with others. I'm like a proud mom lol I love her!
5. Memories - Chapter 5, Ekko and Powder’s reunion at the community center. How Powder remembers Ekko and how he appears to her now juxtapose each other in her mind’s eye. And it’s reciprocated: Ekko is baffled to see her. I imagine they’re both confused about how to rectify the discrepancy in their minds. My memories came back in the form of someone else / …Why won’t you love me now? Why won't you love me now? / …You shouldn’t be on your high horse, we’re not so stable anymore
Yeah, they were both very confused lmao. They both have very preconceived notions of who the other is, and they don't really take well to the disruption to that. I alluded to it in the notes, and he says it outright in chapter 20, but Ekko really thought Powder was following him lol. And Powder accuses him of stalking her, even though she's able to put together that he went to school in that neighborhood way back in the day and would probably have some connections in that part of the city. She's also very much on a project to knock Ekko off his high horse after he retaliates with that threat. But as the creator of this playlist pointed out in a comment on this chapter, Ekko's not the only one being self-righteous! Plus more Thutmose! Yayyyyyy (for those who might not know, he's one of the people who provides Ekko's voice for True Damage!)
6. Hard Times - Chapter 6, but applies to Powder’s whole situation. “Vi huffs. ‘You gotta stop being so hard on yourself, Pow.’ ‘Tell life to be softer on me.’”
Is this the time to admit that I fully fit into that stereotype that black people love Paramore? I have a friend who's black and Brazilian and apparently the stereotype travels lmao. But I actually hadn't heard this particular song before, and I really enjoy it! Another one for Powder to dance and have a crisis to. But the funny thing about the particular quote from chapter 6 that was pulled here is it was actually inspired by another song with kind of similar enegry? "Softer to Me" by Relient K, because I grew up during a time when "Sadie Hawkins Dance" and "Be My Escape" were big hits, and that band was pretty formative for my teen years. I used to listen to them and Paramore on playlists I made in the late 2000s, so the connection was really fun for me!
7. Same Soul - Another song pulled from my Timebomb playlist. This one is kinda meta. They’re in a different universe, literally, since this is an AU, so it’s like they’re meeting again in different bodies. But it also works in-universe, since they’re meeting again after so much has happened and they don’t recognize who they were to each other. Figuratively—but also, Ekko’s eyes are green now. Would your heart know if I met you in a brand-new set of bones? / …I’m just somebody that you used to know
Also just really love this one, particularly the chorus, and especially the one after the bridge. I also thought of it in connection to Powder's feelings about Vi and meeting her after her years in prison. There are places where I make it explicit that Powder's feelings about Ekko and Vi are interlinked in some ways (particularly the poem at the end of chapter 17). This also fits well with Powder's gradual realization of how different Ekko's life is and how he has different people in it, which comes out strongly in chapter 12.
8. Starboy - This song makes me think of Revolution-verse Ekko. He’s under so much pressure and has to present a particular image to be effective in a lonely, high-stakes role he doesn’t like to play. And from Powder’s perspective, he does certain things just to hurt [her]. Look what you’ve done / I’m a motherfuckin’ starboy
Ekko definitely plays mind games. It's one of the traits I pulled out of his Arcane portrayal and turned up to eleven to make an "antihero" version of him. The first verse of this song I feel like connects to that part of him, and the second connects to the part that is tired of the games that are part and parcel of the shimmer business and take up so much of his time to push back against, even if he dismisses them as uncreative (and even if that comes back to haunt him). Everything he does is pretty much calculated to keep that inner universe steady and keep his head on amongst all Silco's allies as he comes into that more... administrative role. And Powder does see him as having particular tools to hurt her because of their history, as well.
The mac and cheese is baked as it should be. It is Powder’s sole consolation in this stupid, awful world. She ought to be able to enjoy the scene in front of her, but she can’t. Every time she interacts with Ekko, she comes away feeling like trash. Their history gives him a unique ability to make her miserable, and she knows, somewhere deep in her bones, that Ekko isn’t going to let this lie. Their little peace is over, and as long as she keeps coming to the community center, she’ll likely have to prepare for battle on a regular basis.
9. Undo - Chapter 8, the argument on the bridge from Powder’s perspective. You've been pouring gasoline in your living room / Light a cigarette while you complain about the fumes / Who are you to talk? / …Oh, come on, just say something / No, go ahead, tell me, what do I need?
Some of these lyrics kind of parallel a song I am trying to advance as a timebomb song, "Percogesic" by Gallant. But I think the lyrics here— You're so shook when I look right past you So surprised you don't get an answer Guess no one told you, now I told you We're not living in the forties Ain't it weird to feel small 'n stuff? —connect very nicely to Powder not answering Ekko's question at the end of chapter 8, even though it doesn't surprise him. He will get an answer, just not directly, and that's the surprise! But the lyrics in general remind me of them, how Powder is unwilling to give him that power over her; even though Ekko's presence does make her upset, he's far from the only problem she has. As she says at the end of chapter 9, "...she will handle Ekko. But first, she has to handle herself."
10. < Coping Mechanism > - Powder lost a lot the night of the explosion, including Ekko—from her perspective, willingly—to Silco. She sees Ekko as an adversary, but it’s because she feels betrayed. Now that he’s back in her life, she’s forced to look at some ill-timed big feelings in chapter 9. I've wasted so much time / Hating myself for trying / ...Had your eyes locked on someone else / No, you couldn't help it / Or could you?
Somehow this playlist beat me to announcing my headcanon that revolution!Powder would be a Willow fan, haha. Their energies match in my head. Plus, bi solidarity! But anyway lol, the song mentions voices in her head, which is very relevant for chapter 9, and there's this sense that the lyrics are questioning whether the situation in the song is predestined or not. I also like these lyrics for them: Fun fact, I really wanna fuckin' make you cry It just isn't right, so enticing just like you Mastermindin' every fight Rivers flowin' from my eyes No emotion from your side Fun fact, I'm the worst, it's true Fun fact, I learned it all from you I need a coping mechanism now, every night
11. An Honest Mistake - Chapter 9. Powder’s Anniversary feelings catch up to her. My old friend / I swear I never meant for this / I never meant— / Don’t look at me that way / It was an honest mistake
Powder really does see the accident as an honest mistake (because it was!!!), and I haven't written it yet, but there's a reason Powder doesn't see Ekko's expression in the scene where he finds her mid-breakdown. She's assuming he's looking at her a certain way, and she doesn't even know. I love drama lmao
12. Our Own House - Chapter 12, the porch scene. Powder’s group becomes official. It’s the culmination of and launching pad for so many things in Powder’s life, and for Powder as a character. We built our own house, own house / With our hands over our hearts / And we swore on that day / That it’ll never fall apart
The porch scene!! It really solidifies Powder's friendships with her club, and it so much of the politics I've been trying to explore is about that "own house" building. There are a lot of things we can't change, but building solidarity with people around us and working to build something that will take better care of us than the current system does is certainly a place to start. This gets a nice theoretical resonance in a book I recently read for class, Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò's Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else). The theory is doing a lot lol, but he advances it in the hopes of putting forward this idea he calls "constructive politics," which is about building new rooms and houses, as he puts it, where we can create more equal ways of relating to each other and the world. A tall order, but I like to dream big. He also talks about how Pedagogy of the Oppressed was used in the liberation struggles of Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau, and that is just super fucking cool haha.
13. Zanies and Fools - Chapter 12. The porch scene is such a pivotal moment for Powder, it deserves two songs. It may sound corny, but together, anything really is possible. (This song is a real-life reminder of that truth for me and I get emotional nearly every time I listen to it.) This song also recounts how Chance the Rapper met his future wife and I’m not saying that’s Ekko and Powder but I’m not not saying it 👀 I'm so powerful every time I look at you / No  memory of anything I couldn't do / …Everything will go right as it can / It's possible
It's true! If it weren't, there wouldn't be so much effort put into preventing solidarity on the part of the powers that be. If y'all will allow me a theoretical moment, there's this part in the Bible that says the wisdom of God runs contrary to people's wisdom, and I think that's interesting if we think of that in terms of how often we're told that humans are rationally selfish and human nature is greedy and violent and everything else. Acknowledging this is considered common sense, but we also know from practical experience that people are also often kind and generous, and we can choose to lean into that and cultivate it. Believing anything is possible is considered foolish, but how else do we change things, you know? Outside of the connection this could have to the porch scene itself, there's also a link to the way that Ekko sees Powder as constantly pushing what he thinks is possible, which is why she inspires him so much. They're so cute. Help lol
14. Montage - Chapter 13. Powder reminisces about the childhood she shared with Ekko. Tears soaked, we still make each other laugh / Fabricating a montage of our love / All the things we were gonna do fade away / We grew up and apart and we’re not the same
This one is a little funny to me just because it's so different from the song I chose to quote at the start. But it's a nice little flip side, because where I had a more... I almost wanna say cynical approach to that chapter, not necessarily in the content, but because I was the only person who knew where that moment would lead, it was almost like I was poking fun at it, but that's not how it is for Powder and Ekko. And she does make him laugh! That's how she gets through to him. The idea of the montage pairs really nicely with the play and the curtains that frame Powder's reminiscing in the chapter.
15. Let Me Down Easy - A song from Ekko’s perspective of chapter 13. Ekko expects Powder to tell him to fuck off forever when he offers, but it’s not what he wants. Despite how awful they’ve been to each other, despite expecting rejection, his care for her comes through. He holds her in higher esteem than she believes. I also like that the song mentions lemonade, a callback to the porch scene. It’s not a, a bad time, time spent with you / There’s cool lights and songs with good lyrics / We never have to talk again, whatever, up to you
Lol the lemonade needs to come back to tie things together in the plot. But this is a pretty good summary of where they are at this point. Ekko certainly doesn't think they'll be friends again, and he's willing to give Powder peace even if it means closing the door on the possibility that they could become close later. His care comes through, and he really doesn't expect the slightest bit of reciprocation, but Powder surprises him again (and gets ice cream for her troubles, lol).
16. Get Free - Another character song for Powder. I feel like this one could be Powder’s/this fic’s thesis statement: Not trying to get by / I’m trying to get free
I need Mereba to drop a new album because she keeps clowning us on instagram, and I have complained about this with a friend before lol. That said, I really think the title of the project this song (and "Black Truck," which gets quoted in chapter 25) comes from is really apt as well: The Jungle Is the Only Way Out. That phrase really sums up Powder's journey very well, and she really is trying to free herself from the structures that come more and more sharply into view as she applies herself to helping others and working towards change. And while this can be discouraging, she keeps pushing because she wants to be free. Very relatable feeling. Side note, I feel like "Sandstorm," another one of her songs featuring JID is a good timebomb song.
17. RICKY - An Ekko song. Particularly obvious in Chapter 16, at the hospital. “‘Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.’ Ekko scratches at his scalp. ‘But jealousy makes people do crazy things.’” His success doesn’t secure his safety. He has to deal with people he’d rather avoid or, at worst, would see him killed. But he’s successful because he takes wisdom from multiple—even contradicting—places, uses it the best he can, learns quickly, and doesn’t forget who he is. First they mockin', now they hoppin' / All on the wave 'cause they see me poppin' / Big-big-big large pockets, they start flockin' / Here's what I say when they ass keep knockin'
This is so funny to me lol. For reference, I quoted the title song from the ZUU album in chapter 6, and this is the track that follows it. There are a lot of themes (and I have a lot of feelings about Denzel's music, but this is not the time because otherwise we'll be here all day) about family and parenthood in Ekko's side of the story, so I think this is a good fit, even though it never occurred to me! He keeps things that belonged to his parents close and thinks about them often. Advice they've given him features in his inner monologue as well. But it's also true that people are trying to get things from him, and it's all catching up. (Chapter 16 also has a Denzel Curry song quoted in it, "Chrome Hearts" ft. Zacari and the Cold Blooded Soul Band; extra fun fact, I can rap this whole song lmao).
18. Dancing in a Daydream - Chapter 18. Ekko and Powder see each other at the club, on the balcony and dance floor respectively. This is, admittedly, the more angsty of the song options I had for this moment. I chose it because the lyrics describe a moment as temporary as the one they share. We've reached the palace but I'm betting that it won't last / Bright lights and mirror ball / We might be hurting but I'm ready for the free fall
It's fine if this is an angsty choice, because Powder's pretty angsty by the end of the chapter as she develops her plan to set things straight with Ekko, lol. The dream imagery of the chapter pairs nicely here. The song I picked for it is a pretty different vibe, and so is the song I could have picked but didn't think of in time, Kehlani's "Hate the Club," which is also a nice match. Between the three songs, you can choose your fighter lol. I like the name of this band, though. Fits the vibe, and me lol
19. Ego - Chapter 20. Ekko and Powder have a difficult conversation in Ekko’s hotel room. They’ve both been working on their egos, going by their ability to have one at all. (Thank you for recommending me this song forever ago, btw, it’s lovely.) Easy for me to care and you want me there / …I’m working on my ego
Y'ALL. This is my current favorite song. It has been since I first heard it. You gotta get like almost 4 minutes in before that switch comes in, but the strings and the bass... like it's truly magical. If you have headphones, I recommend using them. Done advertising lol. But that part at the end has nice lyrics for them too, as well as the beginning: Is that you, baby? Check when you're makin' no sense In this hotel bed Feels like, "What are we doin'?" Which is pretty on the nose lol, but I like it, and then toward the end: Don't wanna run Every time I get that feelin', I just rather be stuck Putting my favorite song at the most pivotal chapter, I'm emotional haha. The instrumental catharsis it provides matches the way the chapter is designed to build, too.
20. My Friend - By the end of chapter 20, Ekko and Powder clear the air. They reach a new understanding of each other. You’ve seen me from every side / Still down for the ride
These lyrics also capture part of why they work well as a couple; they work on most of their major issues before they even date, haha. On a more serious note, Powder really does get a real picture of what Ekko's dealing with, and to his surprise, she decides to stick by him and extend kindness. Just like in other situations throughout the story, Powder changes things by choosing to be understanding and kind. Perhaps it is cliche, but Powder/Jinx is a character who feels very deeply. I think it works.
21. Same Heart - You know I had to pick a song by Reed Shannon. This one has themes of reconnection while there’s action out in the streets. The moment Ekko and Powder part in chapter 21 feels like the start of something new, so I thought it fit. Baby, maybe we can do it again / Let’s restart, I’m your friend
In case you didn't know, Reed Shannon is Ekko's voice actor in the game AND in Arcane. As far as I know, he's the only voice actor from the game who reprised his role in Arcane. I love the 2000s r&b vibes on this one, very me. The fun thing is that Ekko realizes his feelings for Powder when he wakes up after the whole... hotel thing, and so there are a couple layers of meaning here. And it was just the night before that Scar was doing the stuff, so there was very much action in the streets! Really fun easter egg-type song to include.
22. Dirty - Caitlyn’s reveal in chapter 22 absolutely gets a song on this playlist. Full disclosure, I’m not convinced this is the one. But I like that it asks the question, “Do you love your neighbor?” because it has multiple meanings here: Piltover and Zaun are neighbor cities, and the rent strike is about helping your literal neighbors. And I like that some lyrics sound like they’re written by a schemer, like Caitlyn. I got a skeleton under the floorboard / I got a secret I need you to keep / …Aren't you fed up yet? / Do you have enough love in your heart / To go and get your hands dirty?
Caitlyn still has stuff up her sleeve in the plot! But she is very much a schemer, both in canon and the fic. Caitlyn's arc is very much about learning how the systems of exploitation that keep Piltover and Zaun in their places operate and using her influence to mess with that. Even if she doesn't get everything from the outset, she's determined to learn from Powder, and she's motivated by love, primarily for Vi, but also for the fellow people who are suffering under the name of the City of Progress.
23. Choose Me - Chapter 27, Powder and Vi’s fight. Powder is working hard to build a life she and Vi can be proud of, but they need different things. Vi doesn’t see what Powder does for Zaun and why, so Powder wonders how Vi can see her for who she is. How can Vi want her? I know there are places that I can't go with you / …I'd rather you choose me every day
OH BOY, there's a reason chapter 27's title has "tragedy" in it. Powder does want to be chosen by Vi, all of her, and not just the parts Vi understands. Vi's own trauma really does prevent her from seeing things from Powder's perspective. There are places she can't go because of how much pain they cause her, and while Powder's working on reaching out more, she wants the same from Vi. At the same time, Vi feels like Powder is choosing Zaun over her in a sense, so it works on both levels.
24. Call You Mine - Chapter 30. “Yeah, she decides later, lying in bed and looking up at the ceiling. She’s going to tell him.” Baby, can I call you mine, mine? / ‘Cause you're always in my mind, mind
This one is so hopeful! It's a big shift after the content of chapter 30, but Powder really is at that point where Ekko represents a bright spot in her life. They've been working to know each other better, and Powder's friends are cheering her on to go after something that would make her happy. It speaks to how sweet these two turned out to be in the fic, which was probably a surprise to everyone (including me lol, since it grew out of things I came up with as I was writing).
25. Hummingbird - Ekko and Powder steal moments when they can, resulting in long text convos and late-night phone calls. Pen pal on the night shift / She’s who I get away with / …And hummingbird, I know that’s our time / But stay on / Stay on, stay on with me / And hummingbird, I can never unsee / What you've shown me
The OG interlude! Even if it makes them both tired, they prioritize each other in those long convos and calls. You could almost imagine this playing in the background while the two of them are shown split-screen talking on the phone, lying in their beds.
26. Like 90s R&B - Ekko spends the night at Powder’s place and already she can’t wait to see him again. Feel like I was only seeking you, already got me feening for more / I spend all my time daydreaming, got me living for the weekend, oh no
I am an r&b girlie, what can I say. This one was a lot of fun! Powder really is in too deep, like the lyrics say. But so is Ekko, haha. I think the song will only fit more as they keep getting closer, getting frustrated with the things that make it so they can't be as open with their relationship as they'd want.
27. Offense - End of chapter 33. Powder announces herself to the wealthy of Piltover with her excellent award acceptance speech. Figured I should say some', but you don't wanna hear me vent / You can talk bad all day long, I will never be impressed / Dunno what I did to make you feel that you be earnin' my respect / …I said it with my chest and I don’t care who I offend, uh huh
Simz always has so much confidence in her music, haha. This song goes really nicely with the title of chapter 33, "polemics in free verse," which implies that Powder is attacking someone else's ideas through poetry. It really fits perfectly; Powder refuses to be taken in by the glitz and glamor, choosing instead to point out the people who make it all possible. All Power to the People indeed.
gif was sourced from here
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band--psycho · 1 year
Vander x Reader-A Surpise On Valentines Day
For the lvoely @conretewings 💛 who requested the prompt Valentines Day on a budget
I know my Valentines Day Drabbles are running a little late -I'm sorry- this last week has just been super hectic! But I am hoping all of the stories will be posted at the end of this month!
Word count:500
I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
“Vander?” Y/n called out, knocking on the door of the usually bustling bar, that tonight was unusually quiet. 
It was silent. Earilly so.
Especially for a night that should’ve been full of people seeing as it was Valentine’s Day. 
“Y/n,” four familiar voices said in harmony, making Y/n almost jump out of her skin, as they opened the door to the Last Drop.
Vi, her little sister Powder, Mylo and Claggor all shared a very suspicious look on their faces. 
“Did we scare you?” Vi smirked.
“We totally did,” Mylo teased, nudging Claggor slightly.
“Where’s Vander?” Y/n asked; glancing at the four children.
“He’s uh-he’s busy,” Mylo stated,his tone completely different to a few moments ago. 
“Busy doing?”
“He’s making-” Powder began very excitedly before Vi carefully placed a hand over her sister's mouth,  only adding to both Y/n's confusion and curiosity. 
“Way to nearly ruin the surprise,” Mylo muttered, earning a death glare from both Vi and Powder.
It wasn’t meant to be loud enough for Y/n to hear; yet she did.
“A surprise?”
“Congrats, Mylo,” Vi hissed, before turning her attention to Y/n.
“Go in,” she said simply; opening the door behind her.
Cautiously, Y/n did so, expecting it to be a prank they were pulling on her. 
But when she was inside, she saw a table that was at the center of the room with a singular lit candle flickered in the middle of the table. A white tablecloth with hand drawn love hearts covered the table that two plates and matching cutlery were on.
It made her heart melt.
“You’re early,” Vander said, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts, making her look up at him and the trays of food he was carrying. 
He seemed stressed. 
Very stressed.
“Do you need a hand?” She asked softly; trying to hold back her smile.
“No,” he answered simply, setting the trays down on the bar before walking over to Y/n. 
“What I need you to do is sit down,” he continued, pulling out her chair so that she could sit down in it; she did and he pushed the chair back in. 
“What’s all this for?” 
“Valentines Day,” he cooed, placing a kiss on the top of her head before taking the plate in front of her away and heading back to the trays of food on the bar.
Money was tight for both of them most weeks; she didn’t exactly earn a lot and although Vander had a good income, most of it went on the children and keeping the bar open. So they’d both agreed to not do anything for Valentine’s Day. 
And here he was, with a closed bar, treating her to a homemade meal.
“Vander, you didn’t have-”
“I wanted to, darl,” he continued, as he placed down a plate of food in front of her. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he smiled, leaning down to place a delicate kiss on Y/ns lips. 
@xacatalepsyx @barbersjoy @conretewings @yn-ymn-yln @book-dragon03@bookworm1767 @the-lone-librarian @cass-brightwood @munsinner @withmyteeth @bestbitchsstuff @fortune-fool02 @arielpanda1 @wildestdreamcatcher @simping-ella @mothratic @stickyrice5096 @levis-butterfingers @justabigass-simp
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ecargmura · 5 months
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 13 Review + Final Thoughts - See You In Season 2
This may be the final episode, but it’s a Christmas present! The staff announced a second season! I’m so glad! This show was so fun that it’d be a waste to not have a continuation. Since it’s still in production, the release date has yet to be finalized. Let’s just hope it steps up the story more than the first season. Because it’s the final episode, the opening updates one last time; Mii and her grandfather, the mayor, are added onto the table behind Ron when Toto and Ron meet up.
Tumblr media
I did like how Toto actually did try to solve most of the case this time around; too bad he couldn’t figure out the final step, which was the location of the key murder weapon, the rope. I’m proud of Toto for not relying too much on Ron this time around. 
The episode basically concludes the murder case by exposing the culprit, the mayor. I did predict the mayor and Muroi, so getting the former right made me happy. Though, I didn’t really predict the murder weapon or the motive, so getting into why he did it got me intrigued. It turns out that the mayor was hiding something in the mountains and killed the official as he knew what it was and threatened to expose him. What he was hiding was none other than Spitz’s brother, Shepherd.
The reason Shepherd hid himself for the past eleven years was that he learned crucial information that could’ve gotten him and his loved ones killed, which was why he disappeared without saying anything to Spitz. The villagers, the Mayor and Mii knew he was hiding, so they all did whatever they could to protect him. Throughout those eleven years, Mii developed feelings for Shepherd and they most likely hooked up after the mayor gets arrested. It was really nice seeing Spitz reunited with his long-lost brother, but I am also curious; what did he learn that warranted him into hiding? Was it something that had to do with the M Family?
Ron’s magic eyes almost gotten Toto killed, but I’m glad that he’s not too shaken up over it this time as Shepherd came in last minute with the rope. Back in Episode 6, Ron was so shaken up about how Toto almost got killed, but Toto didn’t mind risking his life. I’m glad that for this case, Ron was able to trust Toto and not get too vulnerable. I make it seem like it’s a good thing he doesn’t care; I promise I’m not!
Another twist happened when Spitz carries out his promise to Ron by infiltrating BLUE’s secret stash but gets caught by Eme Emmerich, the principal of BLUE. I was on edge when he got caught, thinking he’d get killed or exposed, but it turns out that the principal isn’t as strict as she initially seemed. She has a fondness for Ron, which was why she gave Spitz a special message for him to pass onto him. The message says that Ron really isn’t the culprit of the Bloody Field Training incident and that he was framed; the framer was an unknown third party who deleted everything about the case to conceal Ron’s innocence; yep, there’s a mole in BLUE. Not only that, she then tells who the mole belongs to: the House of M, a very notorious crime family; every crime they do is left unsolved. We already did see a hint of what they could do back in the observatory case. They’re clearly terrifying adversaries.
I liked the post-credit scenes with the House of M, mainly Winter Moriarty, making their move. I liked learning why the Moriarty, or mainly Mylo (or Milo) does this. He does this because he wants to see if Ron is worthy to become a member of their family; the reason why Ron got expelled and didn’t get his detective license was because the M Family didn’t want him to become a detective; it makes sense as he has the blood of both Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty in him. The family seems quite a strict household as they dispose anyone considered a failure; this was why Alice, one of their siblings was disposed of. I’m really anticipating what Winter and Mylo bring to the table next season. Winter hates Ron for being mixed-blood while Mylo is a sinister, palette-swapped version of Ron. Now that Winter is making their move, what sort of crimes will they commit for Ron to solve? Will it be a step up in difficulty or will it be a step down? Given the family’s rumored track record, I expect it to be a step up—no, five steps up in difficulty; if the first season was Normal mode, I expect Season 2 to be on the hardest difficulty.
I honestly can’t wait for Season 2. I’m impatient, so I might read the manga while I wait. I think that I may gain new perspectives on the cases if I read both the original source material and watch the anime when it airs. What are your thoughts on the finale and are you anticipating Season 2 as much as I am?
Final Thoughts
This show is honestly one of my Top 5 favorites for this year. I came into this show because I like Amano’s works, but it made me become a bigger fan of the mystery genre. Heck, I recently got some books as a Christmas present and one of them happens to be a mystery book. I feel like watching this show gives you a craving of mysteries.
The characters are so quirky and entertaining; they really beat the generalization that mystery stories have to have serious characters and tone. Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective goes the opposite direction with the characters. Ron is seriously hilarious with his eccentric personality. Toto seems like the quintessential earnest detective, but the way he’s written is perfect as he is the ‘normal’ guy in a world and cast full of weirdos. The other characters were great too. I just wished Amamiya had a bit more screen time, but what the first season gave to us regarding her was enough for me to get a good sense of who she is. My personal favorite besides the main duo happens to be Spitz. He’s not as weird as Ron, but weird enough to be the funny man to Toto’s straight man.
The mysteries were fun, but some of them were hit or miss. My favorite case was the Observatory case where it spans three episodes and did new things like having a second known murder victim and it being a locked-room mystery. My second favorite would be the psychic case that introduced Dr. Usaki; I liked how Ron and Toto had to prove that Torage killed the victim with normal murder methods and not via ESP.  My least favorite of the bunch was definitely the Hand Collector case; I even openly admitted how much I didn’t like the case because it was all over the place. I do admit that the cases do get a bit better as the story progresses, so hopefully nothing like Episode 5 every pops up again.
The music was nice to listen to. I especially liked the opening! You can’t go wrong with UNISON SQUARE GARDEN and the fact that the song they sang for this show was super unexpected. For a show with gruesome murders, you wouldn’t expect an upbeat, jazz and swingy tune, but it fits the quirky nature of the show. I also love how soothing the ending song is. Speaking of the opening, I loved how it updates during or after every important case; I read somewhere that it speculates Ron opening up to the world after keeping himself isolated from cases for five years. I like that theory, so I am believing it too. I can’t wait to see if Diomedia will continue the trend with the next season.
The voice actors are great! This is the first time I heard Yohei Azakami in an anime and I’d love to watch more anime with him. He does a perfect job with Ron’s eccentrics and seriousness. The way he made a gremlin voice when doing the hand puppet and also mimicking the television show jingle was seriously hilarious. He may be a new face, but if he can do that effortlessly, he has a great career ahead of him. Junya Enoki has always been a good voice actor. He was a good choice for Toto as he can do the “good boy” and the straight man aspects of him perfectly. The other characters had perfect voice actors too. What amazes me the most is that the anime staff casted high quality voice actors to voice the minor characters. Like, getting Maaya Uchida, Yui Ishikawa and Sayaka Senbongi as those girls from the Poisoned Latte case was crazy. Even getting Katsuyuki Konishi as Spitz’s brother was crazy too! Mylo and Winter’s voice actors are amazing too. I can’t wait to see who they cast for the second season, whether it be for minor or supporting characters.
While this isn’t the best mystery anime out there, I do recommend giving it a watch if you’re a fan of the genre. I mean, it’s also created by Akira Amano. If you’re a fan of Reborn!, come check out this show and story! Seriously! Also, when are we getting a Reborn! reboot?
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hungryistrying · 1 year
it would be a hundred times easier (if we were young again)
"How about," he swallows, and Jinx's eyes are drawn to the bobbing of his throat, "we call a truce?"
Her eyes snap back up to his face, and she mockingly grins. "Oh? You don't wanna kill me?"
"Haven't decided yet," he shoots back. "Let's make it out of here alive first and raincheck that." 
And Jinx's grin widens at his response. She's always loved playing with Ekko because he's so good at playing with her too.
Jinx loves picking a fight wherever she goes. Ekko just so happened to be along for the ride.
rating: mature
word count: 4796
crossposted to ao3
Most days are a blur to Jinx. Her awareness and lucidity dulled by violent snippets of a past she doesn't want to remember. They occupy her mind like a kaleidoscope of bad memories. Flashes of Vi slapping her and confirming her worst fears; of Vander’s corpse lying there and it being her fault; of Mylo and Claggor dying because of her mistakes. On the days when her head was so loud, and it was just too much to bear, Silco would help keep her from spiraling out of control. 
But today is not most days, and Silco…Silco isn't around anymore to help her either. So Jinx does what a jinx does best. From her outpost on one of the bridge's towers, she gleefully watches as the enforcers' precinct she set alight goes up in smoke and flames. 
She had waited with bated breath for those slowpoke enforcers to spot her looking down on them from her post on a rooftop nearby. She made a quick scan of their faces as they began to point at her and take their guns out. When she didn't spot a familiar mob of pink hair in the crowd, her grin fell, and her excitement momentarily dimmed.
With a frustrated sigh, she stands up from her post, reaching for the bombs holstered to her side and pulling their pins before tossing them down into the crowd. Jinx cackles as she hears more screams of panic erupt from the crowd below. Oh, they're so cute when they freak out.
Their bullets shoot right past her through the blaze of smoke and the erratic way in which she makes her grand escape. She hops from one rooftop to the other with practiced ease as her bombs explode in the distance.
"Vi wasn't there," Mylo's treacherous voice taunts. "You know she doesn't care about you anymore, right?"
Jinx grits her teeth and snaps, "Shut up. You don't know anything."
She ignores him as she continues to run, looking over her shoulder and watching the few unscathed enforcers struggle to give chase. The sight makes her cackle as she continues to run. 
Vi might not have been there, but she was still able to wreak havoc, and Jinx has no doubt this'll reach her sister and that dumb girlfriend of hers one way or another.
The moment plays over and over in her mind. Silco and Vi yelling– Mylo and Claggor terrorizing her…And worst of all Vander, with his quiet, disappointed expression– Then Jinx picks up the sound of a gun being reloaded and her body moves on auto-pilot, shooting rounds of bullets–
And then she realizes she killed her own father. 
Another family member dead because of her; because she's a jinx.
And Vi…Vi didn't get it. Vi didn't care. She just wanted Powder…but already Powder died, right along with their brothers and Vander.
So Jinx decided she didn't want Vi anymore– didn't need her anymore. And she did what she does best and blew up the council's building. One final fuck you for all the ways in which they've ruined her life; for all the ways they practically led her down this destructive path.
When she pulled the trigger it had been in rage, agony, bitterness, and spite. Yet as she watched her rocket hit the council room – watched it explode in a flurry of fire and smoke – she felt nothing at all.
Jinx had done it. Had destroyed the source of all her misery. Those disgusting, high and mighty councilmen who drowned in luxury while everyone in the undercity suffered. She'd avenged Silco; the father who’d cared for her and accepted her unlike anyone else; the father who she killed with her own gun.
And she felt nothing. Her head was quiet for once, and instead, everything else was so loud. Screams of terror. Rocks crumbling. sirens. Panic– The chaos around her allowed her to drown out the hisses, prickles, and whispers in her head for once.
And Jinx started laughing. Hysterically. She laughed until tears filled her eyes– and then she was bawling. Everything was always so, so loud, but for a moment in time, it was finally quiet—a moment's reprieve from her mind's self-inflicted torture.
But the bliss didn't last long. The voices– the hallucinations, they reared their ugly heads back around, haunting her day and night. And so, Jinx realized she needed more; more chaos; more pretty explosions; more destruction. It's what she's best at and it was the only thing keeping the ghosts of her past at bay.
And well, if the added benefit was further riling up Vi– Vi, who was a traitor; Vi who had become an enforcer, everything she said she would stand against– and her newly-appointed sheriff of a girlfriend, then how was Jinx possibly supposed to resist?
When Jinx at last makes it back to the undercity, she weaves through its nooks and crannies unnoticed. She knows these streets better than the back of her hand, silently slipping into the parts only occupied by shimmer-addled addicts who are too far gone to even register her presence.
"Stay in formation! She'll pluck us off one by one if we spread out." Jinx halts her step at the enforcer's booming voice, peaking out of the back alley and spotting two dozen or so enforcers from her position.
Oh, they managed to track her down here? Not too shabby. Jinx grinned, playing with Pow-Pow at her side. She'll have fun figuring out how she's going to take them all out.
Before she can get to the fun, however, she'll have to figure out what exactly she's up against. Grasping onto a vent pipe for leverage, she quietly lifts herself up and climbs to the roof of the shabby building, making sure to stay out of sight as she raises herself onto the vantage point.
"Let's have a look now," Jinx mutters under her breath, reaching for her spyglass and looking through it. 
She spots dozens of enforcers down below, all clad in full gear and walking in a boring, neat formation as they scan the slums for any sight of her. Twenty-seven enforcers. That's totally doable. Jinx hums as she snaps shut her spyglass, climbing down the roof. 
She quietly lands in the back alley again. Let's see, what would be the best way to sneak up on–
"Where'd that bastard go?!"
What the hell?
Jinx presses herself against the wall. That voice is too close for comfort when she's very much still in hiding. She swerves her head in the direction of the booming voice, making sure to stay low so she doesn't get spotted from her position. 
A group of mercenaries carrying chemtech makes their way through the streets, checking all nooks and crannies while kicking down everything in their way. 
The chembarons' goons? Jinx frowns in confusion. Who the hell are they looking for? She hasn't done anything to piss them off lately…As far as she remembers, at least. 
The enforcers and those thugs spot each other, but neither bothers acknowledging the other, simply going about their own way. Jinx clicks her tongue. Well shucks, this makes things a teeny bit harder. Just because she hasn't done anything to those dumb barons as of late doesn't mean they like her either.
Great, now she gets to fight them too. Whoever they're really after better write her a thank-you note after she's done here.
She cranes her head as far as she can without getting spotted. Their numbers combined make…forty-six people for Jinx to fight. She can make that work, it'll be a challenge but that just makes it all the more fun when she's killed them all.
Jinx excitedly weaves her way deeper and deeper through one of the undercity's many alleys. Oh, how she can't wait to ambush those dumb oafs and take them all down.
Abruptly, she stops dead in her tracks. A faint rustling can be heard from around the corner. Now, what the hell is that sound?
Jinx unstraps her gun, placing her finger on the trigger and turning the corner with the gun aimed at the source of the noise–
The clockhand stops mere inches in front of her face, just as Jinx's finger precariously hovers over the trigger. She's greeted by a familiar owl mask and can't help the grin that spreads on her face. "Well, what do you know? It's the boy savior again."
For a moment, he doesn't answer and they both remain frozen in place. Waiting to see what the other will do before making their next move. Then Ekko uses one hand to remove his mask, letting it rest around his neck and pushing his hood back.
A scowl is plastered onto his face as he says, his voice impassive, "So you’re still alive."
"Could say the same to you." They circle around each other, weapons still pointed at one another as they assess the situation.
"Fuck, where's that stupid little bird?!" they hear one of the men yell again.
Ekko frowns at the sound before returning his attention back to her. He presses the cold metal bar against the column of her throat, making her step backward until her back is pressed against the wall. And Jinx lets him because she's always loved playing games with him. Her finger is still on the trigger of her gun, pointed at Ekko.
And he's close now. Very close. The cold metal is at odds with the heat radiating from his body. And maybe the timing is terrible, but it excites Jinx how she can count his individual lashes from here, how he's nearly pressed up right against her.
"How about," he swallows, and Jinx's eyes are drawn to the bobbing of his throat, "we call a truce?"
Her eyes snap back up to his face, and she mockingly grins. "Oh? You don't wanna kill me?"
"Haven't decided yet," he shoots back. "Let's make it out of here alive first and raincheck that." 
And Jinx's grin widens at his response. She's always loved playing with Ekko because he's so good at playing with her too.
He steps away from her, and even though he cautiously lowers his weapon, he still grips it tight as he waits on her response.
Ignoring the disappointing coldness she feels now that he's no longer in her personal space, Jinx puts her gun back in its holster and asks, "I'm guessing you're the reason the chembarons' oafs are running around?"
"Are you the reason a bunch of enforcers are on alert right now?" Ekko shoots back.
Jinx rolls her eyes, "Okay, smartass. What are they even after you for?"
"That's my business," he shuts her down, rounding near the corner of the alley with a frown as he observes their soon-to-be enemies.
"Already counted, there's forty-six of them," she supplies, slinking up beside him and leaning against the wall. "Come on, don't be so boring. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine?"
Ekko studies her for a moment and then just shakes his head, amusement dancing in his eyes and his tone light as he asks, "No need. You blew up one of their buildings again, didn't you?"
Jinx scowls. Sheesh, was she getting that predictable? She should do something to switch it up. Maybe she could plan a heist…The Ecliptic Vaults sounds like a good place.
"Whatever," she scoffs. "We gonna kick their asses or what?"
He nods, putting his mask and hood back on before he asks, his voice now distorted, "What's the plan?"
"The plan is," she takes her gun back out, ensuring every chamber is loaded, before taking out a smoke grenade, "we get 'em before they know what hit them."
Jinx feels like she can see his unimpressed expression through his mask, and she just grins when he shakes his head and reaches for his hoverboard. "Fine, just don't get in my way."
"Me?" She spins to him in disbelief. "Worry about yourself, boy savior."
He shakes his head in disbelief, turning his hoverboard on and stepping on it with one foot. "I'm never worried." With that, he flies off.
Jinx rolls her eyes but readies her own position, pulling the pin on the smoke grenade and tossing it down in the middle. She grins at the collective panic it awakens, her enemies startling and aiming to bat the grenade away with their weapons. It's just a smokescreen, but that’s exactly what she needs.
Taking advantage of their panic and now-reduced vision, she quietly sneaks behind the two enforcers furthest in the back and unpins two flame chompers, hooking each to their back.
"Surprise!" she gleefully yells, giving away her position, before pushing both enforcers deeper into the crowd and backing away herself as her bombs explode.
Jinx cackles at the smell of smoke and panic, at the sound of fear and chaos. This is what she lives for. Noise so loud and sights so violently vivid that they drown out any terrorizing vision her mind might conjure.
They try to shoot at her, but by the time those slowpokes finally come to their wits she's already on the move, gunning down as many as she can before evading. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight– she counts before she's on the move again. 
Another smoke grenade hits the ground, further obscuring everyone's vision before they realize where exactly Jinx is – who has already taken momentary shelter to reload her gun. She realizes it must've been Ekko, who effortlessly glides in and out of the cloud of smoke, as she hears the familiar whirl of that hoverboard and screams of panic and curses erupt from the crowd of mercenaries.
She grins as rolls her gun's cylinder back into place and jumps back into the chaos. They both focus on their own sides as they fight, not meddling with the other but further perpetuating the air of chaos and panic that makes it hard for their enemies to catch them.
Suddenly Ekko shouts "On your left!" Jinx startles but doesn't hesitate to immediately spin to her left, knocking out the enforcer who nearly caught her off-guard.
The shimmer in her veins makes the hit lethal, and she catches Ekko staring at her in the aftermath. She simply smiles at him as the glow fades from her eyes, “Surprise!” He shakes his head but brings his focus back to the fight, dodging a hit from one of the mercenaries in front of him.
Jinx hates working with people. She's used to being told that she's a liability because they don't see the method behind her madness, to people getting in her way. But Ekko doesn't, seamlessly adjusting to her fighting style while staying focused on the fight in front of him.
As she shoots wildly and throws bombs left and right, he keeps on the move on his hoverboard, making sure to never get hit by any of them (the mercenaries he's fighting are not as fortunate). Every once in a while, when she's too caught up reveling in the violence, he shoots another warning, making sure no one catches her off-guard.
Jinx remains aware of Ekko in her periphery, who keeps on the move as he takes down their opponents one by one. She notices a mercenary with a chemtech arm waiting on Ekko, waiting for him to be unable to change his trajectory so she can knock him off the hoverboard. 
Jinx attempts to yell out a warning, but before she can so much as blink, a light flashes from the device on Ekko’s back–
In a flash, he’s gone. The mercenary nearly loses her balance as she punches nothing but thin air. And Ekko – who has somehow, inexplicably teleported back to where he was only a few seconds ago – takes advantage of the mercenary’s stupor and hits her in the head with his clock hand as he flies by again.
Startled, Jinx can only dumbly blink. As if sensing her eyes on him, Ekko turns back to her, and with that distorted voice, he says, “You’re not the only one with surprises.” 
Jinx can’t hold back the bewildered laughter that bubbles in her throat, even as she just barely dodges a hit from an enforcer in front of her, who she shoots in the head as retaliation.
When the remaining enforcers and mercenaries finally decide to use their little brains, they group together to take both of them down. Jinx and Ekko are faster and more agile than them all, but they’re also getting tired, worn down by the duration of the fight and the scrapes and bruises they’ve collected. And so their enemies– a dozen or two left if she had to eyeball it– are becoming hard to manage.
They need to reduce their numbers and Jinx has a brilliant idea. Reaching for her minigun, she yells, “Hey, boy savior, give me a ride!” as she turns the gun on. Ekko doesn’t hesitate, catching onto her plan and flying in her direction. He grabs onto her waist and uses the momentum to lift her up on his hoverboard. 
Both the enforcers and mercenaries look like blurry flashes this way. Jinx cackles as the wind blows past her face, recklessly shooting at them all as Ekko soars through the air too quickly for their opponents to accurately shoot either of them.
“I can’t hold on much longer,” Ekko yells over the wind, his hoverboard momentarily sputtering at their weight. “Tell me when to drop you.”
Jinx turns off her minigun, unhooking one of her flaming chompers and tossing it in the middle of the crowd. They disperse with panicked screams as it explodes, a grin spreading across her face at the sight. “Now!”
At her signal, he doesn’t waste time dropping her into the crowd. Jinx doesn't hesitate as soon as she hits the ground, invigorated by the smell of smoke and blood that hangs in the air. 
They're onto her like coyotes, but she's faster and more vicious. For every bruise they give her, she punches one of them in the throat; for every scratch they get on her, she shoots one in the chest.
They call for someone to get reinforcements, and she thinks good, more. Even as she runs out of bullets, even as her arsenal of explosives starts feeling lighter. 
Jinx thinks she may hear someone yelling her name, but she's not sure if it's real or just in her head. She doesn't really care either, taking advantage of the shimmer in her veins to become faster and lighter and stronger until she feels like she might explode with it.
Someone manages to hit her back with a baton – she grunts at the impact, her skin and bones screaming with pain – before turning around to hit the enforcer in the head with the back of her gun. She's long run out of ammunition.
Ekko? Why is he–
Her head explodes with pain.
And then her vision goes black.
Everything is dark. Dark, cold, and quiet. All Jinx hears is a steady drip of water as she slowly regains her awareness. 
What the hell? Wasn't she in the middle of a fight? Jinx groans as she feels a dull ache all throughout her sore body. Yep, she was definitely in a fight.
"Jinx?" her eyes flutter open at the quiet sound of Ekko's voice.
She realizes her head is resting on his thigh when she looks up at him. Jinx attempts to sit upright and hisses when she feels a sharp pain in the back of her head.
"Easy now," Ekko says, gently lowering her head on his thigh, "you got hit pretty bad." He holds a hand in front of her face and asks, "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"
"Four, I'm not that out of it." Jinx groans, glaring at him.
He lets out an amused hum and lowers his hand again. "Well, at least you don't have a concussion."
Jinx attempts to sit up again, much more slowly this time. Something slides off her shoulder and into her lap, and she realizes Ekko covered her with his jacket. Ignoring the pull she feels in her chest at that, she asks, "So where are we?"
She hears him take a deep, sharp breath beside her before he answers, "Benzo's old shop…"
At his response, her body tenses. Her eyes flicker around the room, recognizing the layout of the now desecrated backroom. Dust and cobwebs cloud the old place, and rust decorates whatever machinery still remains there.
When they weren’t in the old hideout, Ekko and Jinx spent a lot of time tinkering here as kids. This brings back memories. And there’s nothing Jinx hates more than her old memories.
She mercifully gets snapped out of her thoughts when she hears shouts from the streets down below. “Where did they go?! Don’t let those little rats escape!”
“Damn reinforcements,” Ekko curses under his breath, peaking out of the dust-covered window to no doubt observe the mercenaries now searching for the both of them.
"What the fuck happened?" she grunts, eyebrows furrowing as the full extent of her headache hits her. The shimmer in her veins took care of the brunt of it, but shit, that still hurt.
"Someone knocked you out, genius," he says. "I kept trying to warn you, but you wouldn't listen and then one of them hit you in the head. So I grabbed you and got us both out of there to hide."
Jinx clicks her tongue, disappointed, “We totally could've won."
“Yeah,” he agrees, his lips quirking up, “we were handing them their asses.”
Despite the unfortunate ending, she can’t help but grin as she thinks back on the fight. “Guess we make a pretty good team.”
At her words, Ekko’s smile falters. He looks at her thoughtfully, brushing some dirt off her forehead. His voice is quiet as says, “I guess we do…”
The air between them feels too vulnerable, too tentative. Jinx can’t stand being looked at like that by him. So she turns away from him, leaning out of his touch and clearing her throat. Ekko doesn’t say anything, but it still unsettles her.
So she scowls at him, and abruptly complains, "But why did you run? We almost had them all.”
"Me?" Ekko scoffs, taking the bait. "If you'd just listened to me and backed off when I told you to, you wouldn't have gotten your head bashed in."
"You're the one that dropped me into that crowd," she hisses, tossing his jacket in his lap, "remember?"
"I dropped you into that crowd," he twists his body to face her, his face contorting in irritation, "after you told me to. Or did you conveniently forget about that?"
And perhaps none of this really matters in the aftermath, but Jinx has always loved getting a rise out of Ekko. He’s still trying to keep his temper in check. But Jinx knows how to read his little tells. The furrow between his brow, the way he clenches his jaw, and his shoulders tense. It’s all so easy to read now that he’s this close to her.
“And what a good listener you are,” she sardonically laughs. “Since I was caught up in the middle isn’t obvious that you were supposed to back me up, little man?” She wields the old nickname against him like a weapon.
He bristles for a moment, and she thinks he might finally snap at her so she can have a little fun. 
Instead, he takes a deep breath and with a collected sort of rage says, “I was too busy fighting off their backup to play support, Pow.” Her entire body tenses at the sound of her old nickname. “Maybe you would’ve noticed that if you’d listened to me.”
She grabs him by his scarf, pulling him closer and crumpling the material in her fist. Her voice is tight as she practically spits out, “Don’t fucking call me that.”
For a moment he remains quiet, his gaze piercing as he glares at her. She only realizes how close they are when their noses brush as he taunts, “Or what?”
“Or,” she moves her hand to the back of his head, the corners of her lips rising when she feels him shiver after she teases his skin with her nails, “I’ll make you.”
“Bet you won’t.” His smirk is a challenge and Jinx has never liked to lose, so she doesn’t hesitate to tilt her head and close the space between them.
Ekko doesn't miss a beat, angling his head to deepen the kiss as he moves his lips against hers. And Jinx feels like she’s on fire as she kisses him, capturing his lower lip between her teeth and pulling back before leaning in to connect their mouths again. And again. And again.
She just wants more; more as Ekko groans when her nails dig into the skin below his collar; more as his own hand finds its way to her waist and digs into the flesh; more when he breaks the kiss to catch his breath before he’s on her again, his tongue teasing hers.
Jinx can’t take it anymore. It’s just not enough. She feels dizzy with every brush of his lips against hers. Dizzier as he grows bold and slides his hand down to her thigh, squeezing the flesh.
She breaks the kiss for a moment, catching her breath. Ekko looks disheveled in front of her, his lips swollen and his scarf fallen to the floor beside them. Fuck, she still needs more, needs him closer before she grows insane. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice hoarse and his throat bobbing as he swallows.
“Shut up,” she whines, leaning in to kiss him again and maneuvering her body to straddle his lap. Ekko groans when she settles down on his thighs, firmly wrapping his arm around her waist to pull their bodies flush together.
He then wraps his other hand around her hair and tugs. Jinx can’t help but gasp at the mix of pleasure-pain, heat simmering in her stomach as he separates their mouths to press kisses against her jaw, working his way down to the column of her neck.
Her head is spinning as he sucks on her skin, his teeth scraping against the sensitive flesh. But she wants his mouth on hers again, so she cups his face between her hands and presses their lips together again.
Jinx sighs into the kiss, letting one of her hands wander down his chest and working her way down and down–
“Wait.” He abruptly grabs her hand, halting its trajectory.
Jinx stills above him. Everything feels frozen as she apprehensively waits to see what Ekko will do now. What he will say.
Then he opens his mouth, and pulls his hands back as he says, “I…I think the coast is clear.”
It feels as if he threw a bucket of ice water all over her. Her voice is more fragile than she’d like it to be when she asks, “You don’t want me?”
He doesn’t say anything, simply remains tense below her, conflict contorting his face as he looks up at her. He frowns up at her, sadness in his eyes as he shakes his and says, “Not like this.”
Jinx recoils from him as if burned, stiffly nodding and looking anywhere but him as she wraps her arms around herself. “See you around then, boy savior.”
Silence settles over them, and Jinx holds her breath, thinking maybe he’ll change his mind. Instead, she realizes, he’s just gathering his things before he replies, “Yeah…see you around.”
And it’s a blow to her chest when Jinx realizes she had fun with Ekko. Fighting with him, kissing him, arguing with him. Everything. And now he’s leaving and taking that all with him. 
Then again, maybe she was the one who took it all from him first. All those years ago, when they were just two naive kids whose entire lives had just fallen apart. When he’d come for her, asked her to put him first and she couldn’t. Maybe, in some odd, twisted way, this is just him settling an old score. 
As she hears him retreat, she wants to get up and fight him, yell at him, goad him– Whatever it takes to make him stay just a little longer. 
But she doesn’t.
And so, instead, he just leaves.
Ekko's departure is followed by quiet. Both in her head and out of it. Rather than the relief she usually feels, however, she just feels hollow.
Jinx realizes she may not enjoy the silence as much as she thought she did.
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lbulldesigns · 19 days
How do I convince my 20-year-old son that I'm serious about kicking him out if he doesn't agree to therapy?
25th of May, 2021
I know that the title sounds bad but please bear with me, this is my first time using Reddit.
I (43 M) am the proud, single father to four children. V (23 F), P (18 F), and twins M and C (20 M). V, C, and M are my bio children (from different mothers) and P is my adoptive daughter and V's bio sister (same mother).
The girl's mother and I had an ugly break-up because I was dumb and panicked when I found out I was going to be a father for the first time with V, at the time I refused to take responsibility and ended up breaking my then girlfriend's heart. Because I never took responsibility, I never accepted my parental rights when my eldest V was born. I paid Child support but that was about it, and then a year and a half into my idiocy I got into a pretty bad accident and was declared dead for two minutes. Doctors at the time were able to resuscitate me and using a series of experimental drugs was able to save my life, however, I now need to live the rest of my life as a shifter (wolf).
This was something I struggled to accept for some time but eventually, I came to accept my new way of life and condition. I spent a year going through intense therapy and seminars, and through this time I had two major revelations. 1) I had failed spectacularly as a man and father, and 2) I didn't want to ever die with regret again.
The first thing I did when getting through my therapy was reach out to my ex and establish contact with my daughter, I was FINALLY ready to take responsibility but was too late. My ex had found someone new, someone who wasn't afraid to step up and do what I wasn't willing to do. He took responsibility for my daughter, and she was calling him Daddy instead of me. I won't lie this hurt but I swallowed my pride and accepted that it was no one's fault but my own.
My ex wasn't willing to disrupt V's worldview just to cater to my change of mind, which I accepted, but she was willing to slowly integrate me into her life on the condition that we didn't reveal anything until our daughter was old enough to understand. Which I agreed to.
Her husband was a good man and wanted to make this situation work for everyone, there was a bit of awkwardness when V would run up to him for hugs and look at me as a stranger (which I was) but he never rubbed it in my face or ever got antagonistic with me. I had, and still have, a great deal of respect for the man and I will forever be grateful to him for doing what I was too bullheaded to do.
Half a year after I became a father to my twin boys, a one-night stand who never informed me of the pregnancy and just left the two on my business's doorstep. Two years after that, my ex gave birth to P and I was named her and V's Godfather after my ex witnessed how quick I was to take responsibility for the boys after getting a paternity test done and it coming back positive.
And then five years after, my ex and her husband were shot dead by two trigger-happy Enforcers and they, in an attempt to cover their tracks, buried the girls in the foster system it took a year to find them both. They had been separated at some point and it was a miracle that I found either let alone both of them. After I found them, I made quick work to adopt both of them and go from a single father of two to a single father of four.
It was rough, I'm not gonna lie, V was angry at the world, P was scared of the world, and my boys were confused but C managed to adjust quickly and whilst M took to V he had an instant dislike for P.
I had explained to the boys that V was their bio sister, this secret came out to V when she was found by a friend of mine and as a result, was angry and confused about everything. M accepted this but kept asking why we were taking P if she wasn't family, which I quickly corrected that she was family.
My condition seemed to be a huge concern for P's therapist, who tried to convince P that I was untrustworthy and abusive. P told me what her therapist said and the woman was investigated and proven to be biased towards anyone who wasn't 100% human.
I tried to get P back into therapy but nothing ever worked out, she had a strong distrust for them and was also influenced by V who was adamant about not going to therapy. I know I should have continued their therapy but they seemed okay on their own after a while, both girls would open up to me about their problems and V was able to find an outlet for her anger through boxing, which I taught until she was old enough to join a team around her age group.
P in turn took up learning gymnastics and even won a few competitions, she also took up art and was a natural science whizz.
I apologize for the long story but wanted to give some insight into my family. Whilst we were able to find some stable ground, there have been some issues outside of the initial teething stage. The first obstacle was the girl's maternal uncle (42 M), he had been an old friend of mine since childhood. His sister was my ex and after I abandoned my responsibilities to his sister and niece, we lost touch. He and his sister had a falling out, I don't know the specifics, and he was never contacted when his sister died. When he found out I had both girls he wanted custody of them, but because my name was on V's birth certificate and P was attached to V, the court saw fit to grant custody to me with visitation rights granted to Sil (maternal uncle).
The second obstacle we had was my son M. As I mentioned he took an instant dislike to P, and despite my hopes that deep down he cared for her, never warmed up to her presence in our lives.
He would constantly make her cry with his insults, and he for a time would hide her school projects from her (which stopped after the fifth time when I confiscated his game console and laptop).
I tried for a long time to get him to bond with P and explain to him that his behavior was harmful, I spoke with his school counselor to get him some unbiased opinions on his behavior, and when I would bring up therapy he would retort that if I wasn't making the girls go to therapy then I shouldn't be making him go. None of my tactics seemed to work and the more I admonished him the meaner he would be towards my youngest. After some time I decided to reward him if he didn't bully his sister, which seemed to work for a while, but now I am wondering if I didn't just make him more subtle about his bullying.
About a week ago I was in my kitchen preparing dinner when I heard a loud banshee-like scream and a loud thump. I went running into my entryway where I found P on top of M hitting him again and again shouting that she hated him. I was taken by surprise by this and pulled P off of M, it was surprisingly difficult to do so because she was determined to pummel him. I'm not proud of this but I ended up taking her by the shoulders and growling at her to calm down, which she did but she looked scared and I saw that she was ready to either fight or run, I started to tell her to get out of the house for a bit and go stay at her friends to cool off but all I got out was "Get out" before she bolted from the house. I shouted after her to go to her friend's house but she was already gone.
After checking up on M and taking him to the hospital (he was fine, just some bruising and blood) I interrogated him about what happened after he blew up at me for always "going easy" on P, and he said that P was crying so he called her a crybaby. This felt extreme on her part but I knew that there was something else at play and decided to ask her the next day when I saw her. I said that P shouldn't have attacked him but asked M why he insulted her rather than ask if she was okay, and he just said "She's always crying. I can't walk past her room without hearing her cry. She is a crybaby" I felt disturbed and still feel disturbed and disappointed by his lack of empathy.
At this point, I felt something had to give and I gave him an ultimatum. Therapy or leave the house.
I know I shouldn't have given an ultimatum but P is 18 and struggling with a few personal things (I won't elaborate) and her unemployed 20-year-old brother constantly being on her back wasn't helping.
I'll try to dot point everything that happened afterwards because this is getting really long:
I went to see P the next day and found out she never went to her friend's (ex-friends?) house. I should have called and made sure she was there but she always goes to his house when upset so I just assumed she was there. No words can describe how shameful I feel for not checking.
We went to the Enforcers but they "couldn't help".
We discovered that P had at some point snuck back into the house grabbed some of her belongings and left a note saying she was leaving, and her being 18 means that we can't make a missing persons report because she's left voluntarily.
M refuses to speak to me because he feels betrayed by my ultimatium, which I'm still holding up.
I've felt like absolute dirt for the past week, and am absolutely wrecked with guilt over P.
A few hours ago my son C showed me a post from r/offmychest where M was talking about how he hopes P never comes back home, and is talking about going NC with me.
I know that he isn't taking me seriously with the ultimatium. I know I probably shouldn't still be holding true to said ultimatium but something needs to give.
He is 20, he can't keep going through life with this lack of empathy.
I plan on talking to him soon.
What can I say or do to make him see that I am serious?
And how can I do it in a way that won't tear my family apart even more than it already is?
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novapark · 1 year
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Now for our Founders 
As I have mentioned before I tend to play/write with specific families I’ve had in my game since forever (or at least 2011) with so of course I was going to use my precious OC’s for this. Unfortunately I realized most of them are VERY, VERY related to each other at this point. So I had to dip into my newer stocks of sims to fill in some of this and avoid instant genetic wreathing.  So for each of my major families (the Rasks, Nova/Yager/Kent/Flake genetic block, Eagan/Weist/Rose block, etc.) I used a randomizer to choose one person from the current generation. The only exception is Izan, who is my son this generation is will probably be in everything until I grow tired of having him in everything.
Anyway here’s our lineup (note I have the five traits mod cause srsly this game should have done that by default. Under the cut because I am being lazy and using cas shots): 
Izan Rask - 
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 Terra Yager (I forgot to update her name for gameplay before I took this) - 
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Dani Lee ( @hobissims​ remember our WoL family?) -
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Allison Eagan -
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Mylo Weist  (Io and Wes’ grandson if anyone remembers them) -
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I have a major confession here, Allison and Mylo are related and I didn’t remember until I made this post. THANKFULLY it’s distant, like 4th cousins? So I am just gonna keep pretending I didn’t know cause I’m like over two sim weeks into this save and I ain’t going back. 
Now here are the new babes that won the major random.org lottery and will have the pleasure of joining one of my dysfunctional sim families. 
Tertia Edassi -
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Cato Vietori -
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Amadeus Numa -
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I made most of these for my royal story so their names are pretty thematic to that.
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kyra45-but-animals · 2 years
List of Pets
This post will be used to link to posts I’ve made for animals I’ve currently located the owners of. This list will be updated as sources are found. Any animal posted and linked here is owned by Facebook users or was found on gofundme.
Last updated 3/10/2023
(Currently the links have broken due to tumblr changing the link system. However, searching on my blog will bring up any posts with the name.)
Louise Shredder Smudge Griggs Bear Buddha Felix Lucky Patches Pumpkin Aries Tabby Riot Tigger CJ Mylo Milo Sangria Cora Anakin Baymax Patterson Leah Hudini Eeyore Chico Ella Geo Max Turbo
One More Dog Rescue
List of pets whose owners requested no info to be shown but I posted to show they are stolen by scams
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abitohoney · 1 year
Missing Scenes - A Collection of Jinx, Silco, & Sevika One-Shots
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Part 2 - Practice Makes Perfect, Unless You're Jinx, Then You're Already Perfect
Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6
AO3 Link
Rating: Teen, mostly SFW (note my blog is not for minors)
Tags: Sevika, Silco, Jinx, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Good Parent Silco, Found Family, Father-Daughter Relationship, Humor, Jinx Needs a Hug, Silco Needs a Hug, Sevika Deserves a Raise, Young Jinx
Word count: 2k
Summary: A collection of one-shots set during the time-skip, mostly centered around Jinx growing up as Silco's adopted daughter. Many will likely involve Sevika, whether she likes it or not. Lots of awkward, funny, and good family feels.
Chapters will not necessarily be in chronological order, nor do they require that any other chapter be read for clarity.
AN: This has been posted on AO3 for quite some time. I'm just now getting around to posting it here.
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Sevika leaned against the wall just outside the door to Silco's office, sneering down at little Jinx as she walked past her and into the office. Jinx tipped her head back out through the doorway to stick her tongue out at Sevika just before slamming the door behind her.
Jinx trotted over to Silco's desk where he sat in his chair, reviewing paperwork as usual. He set the stack down on the desk, turning his attention to Jinx.
"I know you've been a bit bored being cooped up in here lately and that got me thinking of ways to get you outside," Silco waved a finger around towards the rafters, drawing attention to the multiple doodles scribbled across the beams, an obvious reference to said boredom. "What skills do you have beyond creating explosives?"
"Uhm, well…" Jinx scanned the room as she tried to come up with an answer. "I'm great at drawing!" she exclaimed.
"That you are," Silco replied while eyeing his neon decorated ash tray sitting on the desk before him. "Although that's not quite what I was going for," Silco added flatly, but a tiny tug at the unscarred side of his mouth told Jinx he wasn't upset with her reply, but rather amused. "I was thinking more along the lines of combat skills. Skills that will give you an advantage when in danger," he clarified.
"Ooohhh," Jinx replied. Her eyes scanned the room again before they widened excitedly. "I have great aim with a gun!" She extended her arm, creating the shape of a pistol with her fingers and pretended to take aim at something behind Silco. "Bang!" she added theatrically as she pretended to pull the trigger.
Silco sat back in his chair, brows raised in surprise. "Really?" he replied, though not really doubting her claim. Leaning forward again, he rested his elbows on the desk and his chin on his entwined fingers, pondering.
"Yup!" Jinx replied with a curt nod, her blue braids bouncing. "I had several paint guns and I made a target practice rig for me and Mylo and…" She trailed off, her excitement suddenly fading into distress, her eyes threatening to fill with tears.
Recognizing the signs of what had been fairly frequent episodic breakdowns, Silco quickly intervened. "I bet you're a better shot than anyone here," he replied, giving her a little wink with his blue eye. When he could see a small smile return to her face at the compliment, he continued. "I think you should continue practicing… further perfect that skill," he suggested.
"Really?!" Jinx's mood took another huge swing, at least for the better this time. She bounced in place, clasping her hands together excitedly. "Maybe I can get my targets back up and running!"
Silco nodded. "I think that's a wonderful idea." He paused for a moment, as if contemplating what he was about to say next. "I think someone should accompany you though."
"Like… you?" Jinx questioned, but it sounded more like pleading.
Silco sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry Jinx, but not today. I have some important business to tend to."
Jinx's face fell sullen. "Ok," she mumbled, looking at the floor while gently kicking a foot into some imaginary object in front of her.
"I'll take you out for dinner tonight. How's that sound?" Silco offered in consolation.
"Yes! I get to choose where?!" Jinx exclaimed.
Silco nodded.
"But who will come with me to practice then?" Jinx questioned, clearly dreading the answer.
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Just outside Silco's office Sevika stood absentmindedly picking at the stubby nails of her flesh hand, her mechanical hand resting against the door frame. She glanced down at Jinx as the door flung open and came stomping out, a sour expression on her face. Sevika smirked, as though enjoying seeing Jinx unhappy. After Jinx had stormed out of sight, Sevika made her way into Silco's office.
"What's her deal?" Sevika sneered as she took a seat on Silco's couch.
"Jinx needs to get out for a while. Get in some practice, hone in on her skills," Silco began matter-of-factly. It wasn't exactly an answer to Sevika's question, at least not yet. Sevika just quietly watched him, arms across her chest, a metal finger slowly tapping her other arm as she listened to him continue his explanation. "She says she's quite good with a gun, used to practice on some hand made targets. I told her she could continue, today, but that she'll need someone with her."
Sevika's tapping suddenly ceased. "Let me guess, that someone is me?" Had she not already worn an eternal look of utter loathing, she certainly would now. When Silco did not reply, she hastily stood, throwing her arms up in exasperation. "Why the hell does it have to be me? I don't use guns. I have nothing to offer her."
"I'm not expecting you to teach her anything, just keep an eye on her. I wouldn't trust her with anyone else," Silco replied.
"Fine," Sevika grumbled, apparently satisfied with the small stroke to her ego, or perhaps it was just that she understood it wasn't wise to argue with Silco.
Silco flicked a hand toward the door, dismissing Sevika before returning to his paperwork.
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Down at the empty bar of the Last Drop, Jinx sat at one of the bar stools, swinging her dangling legs as they dangled. Her chin rested on her hands which were sprawled across the counter, still sulking over her assigned baby-sitter for the day.
"Let's get this over with," Sevika snarled as she passed behind Jinx, a freshly lit cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth.
Jinx gave a loud harrumph as she slumped off her seat dramatically.
"I don't want to do this any more than you do, brat," Sevika pointed out as they both made their way outside.
"I don't understand why I even need to practice," Jinx whined, kicking a random piece of garbage lying in the middle of the street.
Sevika pulled her cigarette from her mouth, releasing a long plume of smoke as she spoke. "Haven't you ever heard the saying 'practice makes perfect'?"
Jinx rolled her eyes. "Yes, but Silco says I'm already perfect."
Sevika stopped in her tracks, glaring down at Jinx as she unknowingly walked right into her large backside.
"What?!" Jinx exclaimed, staring up at Sevika incredulously.
"You two make me sick," Sevika growled before taking another long drag of her cigarette and continuing down the barren street.
Jinx followed, this time putting more distance between them and mockingly sticking her tongue out at Sevika's back.
When they reached their destination, Jinx excitedly ran to her target practice rig, surprised that after nearly a year of abandonment it was still intact.
She reached across the counter to grab a large box, flipping the lid open to reveal several small guns and a plethora of brightly colored paintballs. "Yes!" she exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air triumphantly.
Sevika found a spot against the wall nearby to lean against, continuing to smoke what was left of her cigarette and glance around the room, looking rather bored and unimpressed.
Jinx hopped over the counter, grabbing two large cables from the floor and coupling them together. Her eyes lit excitedly as she spun around to watch the targets suddenly pop up, shapes of neon colored baddies making their way around the small room in what appeared to be a random pattern. She hopped back over the counter again and began filling two of the guns with the paint-filled ammo.
Just as Sevika was stomping out her finished cigarette, Jinx's little boots stepped into her peripheral. Jinx extended an arm, holding out one of the guns for Sevika.
"I don't use guns," Sevika grumbled.
"Why? Scared I'll do better than you?" Jinx taunted.
"How about we try fists instead?" Sevika retorted.
Jinx rolled her eyes. "You just don't want to get shown up by a kid."
"Give me the damn gun," Sevika snarled, snatching the gun from Jinx's hand. She stomped over to the counter in front of the targets and took aim. Jinx stood several feet behind, watching with a cocky little smile on her face.
“Fuck,” Sevika snarled as her first shot missing the target almost entirely. Jinx’s smile only grew in amusement. Sevika took another shot, this time hitting a target, but just barely. Sevika's grimace was replaced with her own cocky smile, but her victory was quickly squashed as her last several shots missed the targets. “Fucking waste of time,” she cursed as she tossed the empty gun across the counter, knocking the box of ammo to the floor behind the counter.
Jinx made no effort to hide her arrogant smile as she stepped up and aimed her gun. Sevika returned to lean against the wall, arms across her chest as she watched Jinx hit every single target dead on, with what looked to be no effort whatsoever. Jinx spun on her heels, flashing Sevika the most snotty little smile.
Sevika pushed herself off the wall and came to stand within inches of Jinx, towering over her threateningly. Jinx showed no signs of intimidation though, placing her hands on her hips defiantly. The two of them just glared at each other in silence for a moment. Sevika’s mechanical arm suddenly released a long blade at her side, causing Jinx to jump back. Dread fell over Jinx’s face, but only for a moment as she watched Sevika stride over to the counter and lift her blade, sweeping it across the targets in one long swift motion. Jinx watched in awe as the several targets nearest the counter were cleanly sliced through, the top halves falling to the floor in a clang.
“What the hell?!” Jinx exclaimed as she ran and jumped behind the counter to turn off the rig before more damage could occur.
Now it was Sevika’s turn to flash a snarky smile. "Where's that shit eating grin now?"
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Silco sat in his desk chair, back to the door of his office as he gazed out the round green window, quietly enjoying a cigar in solitude. He spun in his chair when the door suddenly swung open and closed again with such force that the chain on his table lamp swung and clanked against the glass shade.
Jinx stormed in, fury on her little face as she stomped over to the couch at the side of the room and flopped down dramatically.
“What’s the matter, Jinx,” Silco asked coolly, releasing a puff of smoke before resting his cigar on the side of his decorated ashtray.
Though Jinx’s brows were furrowed in obvious anger, her eyes were starting to fill with tears. “Sevika broke my targets!” she hollered, but it fell somewhat flat as she choked on the last word.
“You out-performed her, didn’t you?” Silco asked knowingly as he stood from his seat and sauntered over to the couch to take a seat beside Jinx.
Jinx’s beady eyes looked up at Silco as she nodded, a tiny smile tugging at her lips. She sniffled, still trying to hold back the tears.
Silco patted Jinx’s head, gently ruffling her blue hair. “Sevika is just a sore loser,” he added.
“Yeah,” Jinx replied, scowl now fully replaced with a proud smirk.
“How about we get you some parts to make a new setup. I think we’ve got some room in the basement where you can put it. It will give you a place to continue experimenting with your other gadgetry as well.” Silco suggested.
Jinx beamed up at her adoptive father. “I would love that!” She threw her arms around him in a bear hug.
Silco gave Jinx a gentle pat on her back. “Alright. Run along, and I’ll come grab you later for dinner, just the two of us.”
“Okay,” Jinx replied, still grinning from ear-to-ear as she skipped out the door.
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Next Chapter >
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Age Headcanons for the Concept Album Characters
After mentioning Whatsername and Johnny’s ages in my last post, I thought I’d put together a post compiling my headcanon ages of all the concept album characters, or at least their ages during canon and also during Strange Fascination: A Love Story. (And yes, I’m doing this instead of actually writing the fic, wheee)
Pink: Pink’s backstory is based heavily on Roger Waters’ real-life story, and I’ve modeled his career after the band Pink Floyd, so to maintain that continuity, I’ve decided that the story of The Wall takes place in 1979 (the year that The Wall was released), which therefore means that he’s 36 during the events of The Wall and most of SF: ALS. (In my head, he was born in November, the same month that The Wall was released.) “Little Pink” from the movie is about five years old, whereas “Young Pink” is about ten years old (unless this was ever stated to be different in canon, I can’t remember).
Ziggy Stardust: Ziggy would be the human equivalent of about 29 or 30 during the events of SF: ALS. When I listen to the album, I picture him being younger (like 25, the same age as David Bowie when the album was released), but I shifted his age up a bit in my fic because I didn’t want the age gap between him and Pink to be too great, and I also felt like it made more sense for him to be a bit older (though he can be naive occasionally, and of course he’s a child at heart, so most people who meet him on Earth tend to assume he’s younger than he is).
Rael: 19 during SF: ALS and probably 20 during the events of The Lamb (he and Peter Gabriel share a birthday- February 13th).
Mylo: 17
Xyloto: 18
Johnny/St. Jimmy/Jesus of Suburbia: 20
Whatsername: 22
As for the side characters from canon… the Spiders From Mars are all around the same age, with Henry being 29, Gilly being 30, and Weird being 33. Cyrus, Pink’s manager, is in his mid-fifties, like 54 I think. Tunny and Will, Jesus of Suburbia’s friends, are the same age that he is- 20. And Rael’s brother John was two years younger than him, so he would have been 17 during the events of SF: ALS and 18 during canon.
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space-blue · 2 years
I’m sorry, I know you’ve been getting a lot of asks, so please don’t feel pressured to answer this right away-
I know we all hope to get SOMETHING of Silco in S2. Flashbacks, him being a new ghost to Jinx, even the (incredibly low chance) of him still being alive/brought back to life. But do you think we’ll actually get any of it? Or is this just wishful thinking?
If we do get flashbacks, what do you think they’ll be of? Him with Vander or him raising Powder? Or maybe both? Or something entirely different?
As far as the “ghost” theory goes, do you think he’d be a comforting voice for Jinx or another bad one because she’d carry the guilt around with her for killing him?
Just wanted to know all your thoughts about this, it’s really interesting stuff to think about.
Hi Anon! My brain is a little toast, so i'll be prattling, fair warning :
But do you think we’ll actually get any of it?
Yes, I believe so, in memories or in ghosts only. I don't think it's wishful thinking. Silco speaking as Fishbones is pretty likely, since she canonically speaks to the gun, and I don't think shooting down the Council will be therapeutic enough to make the voices and trauma go away lol
If we do get flashbacks, what do you think they’ll be of? Him with Vander or him raising Powder? Or maybe both? Or something entirely different?
I think it'll depend who is having them. Jinx may give us flashbacks of her time with him. Warwick is established to have no memories of his past besides a girl screaming, so depends how flexible they want to be, but flashes of him and Silco being young and wholesome bringing a ton of rage and hurt to WW would be... **YUMMY**
I don't see a lot of other flashbacks happening with him (unless Sevika goes into main character mode and somehow gets one that includes Silco?)
I just don't think he'll be that prevalent, because his role was to bring us Jinx, and to set up the politics of Zaun and Piltover by the end of the show. Cait has zero story besides discovering poor people suffer, and Viktor and Jayce have only tiptoed towards their own becoming... I just don't think there will be narrative room for a lot of Silco.
As far as the “ghost” theory goes, do you think he’d be a comforting voice for Jinx or another bad one because she’d carry the guilt around with her for killing him?
I think he'll be there, and I'd appreciate him being a positive voice. I think it's likely, because Fishbones seems to have positive voice lines. Or wellllll "we should do laundry and pay taxes" voicelines, which is much better than blowing stuff up. So it's possible that he'll balance out Mylo. Well. Arcane is made out of pain so it's just me HOPING.
the (incredibly low chance) of him still being alive/brought back to life.
Funnily enough... I don't believe this will happen, nor do I want it to happen, in any way. Shimmer Silco is amazing, and I love all the fanarts of him I've seen post season 1, either turned to a creechur like WW, or with white hair and shimmer eyes...
But within the show, I sure as all hell hope he stays dead. Because otherwise, it would make the finale's emotional drama fall flat. It would make Jinx's pointless and cheap emotional beat. "Oh, oof! She cried and killed people but it's all good! All fine! Big scare, but he isn't dead after all!" This is what reviving him would tell me.
Silco's death made me ball my eyes out like a little bitch. I want him to stay dead because I want this scene to hurt and to matter forever. He's a martyr who sacrificed his life for this city, and I want that to matter in itself. I want his daughter to have her own story and grow up to take on her own causes. I want Sevika to step into his shoes and maybe see him in a new light as she struggles with leadership.
I want him to be a ghost over the lives of characters moving forward. Either a bad one, or an inspiration, or a voice in their ear.
I want Vi and Cait and Pilties to still be stepping in his shit a decade after he's dead. I want him to live on through his legacy, and that someone drinks in his memory when Zaun gains its independence.
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band--psycho · 1 year
Vander x Reader - Surpirse Christmas Gifts
I'm really sorry I didn't post a story yesterday, time kinda ran away away with me!
Anyways, here is the story I was meant to post yesterday, I hope you all enjoy this!💛
Prompt - I know I said no presents this year but…
“Vander? Are you okay?” Y/n asked, her eyes scanning over Vander suspiciously, as she placed the last of the kids presents under the Christmas tree. 
“I’m okay, just worried you’re gonna kill me,” Vander chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck as his anxiety grew, while the other stayed behind his back. Vander wasn’t usually an anxious man, hell the last time he was this anxious was when he was preparing himself to ask Y/n out on their first date. 
“Why would I kill you?” Y/n asked lightheartedly, walking over to him with a questionable look in her eyes, trying to work out what he had done that would be worthy of her killing him.
“Well, I know we said no presents this year for us but…” he began moving his arm from behind his back to reveal an almost perfectly wrapped present. 
“I know you’re probably gonna be mad, doll, but I just saw it and I couldn’t resist buying it for ya,” Vander continued, passing the wrapped present over to Y/n. 
She tried to act annoyed but she couldn’t; the fact that he’d done this made her heart swell with nothing but love. 
“Well now I am curious,” Y/n stated, carefully unwrapping the present that had been placed in her hands.  
She didn’t think she could love Vander anymore, and yet somehow he always managed to make her fall more and more in love with him. 
In her hands, was a book; now for most people a book wouldn’t be an amazing gift but for Y/n it was absolutely everything. 
“Vander,” Y/n breathed practically in awe. 
The book was a fairytale book that she owned when she was younger; throughout the years it had grown tattered and torn, and here it was in her hands looking brand new. 
“Is it okay?” Vander asked, terrified that something about it just wasn’t right. 
“It’s perfect,” Y/n answered, with a beaming smile on her face as she all but practically jumped into his arms.   
“I’m so glad you like it,” Vander sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around her waist, spinning her around in a circle for a few seconds, before placing her back in the spot she’d been standing. 
he only reason Y/n and Vander had agreed to not get each other Christmas presents this year was because they wanted to make it more magical for the kids. They wanted to give Vi, Powder, Mylo and Claggor as many gifts as they could afford and decorate the house in a festive style. 
But it also allowed Y/n to put some money away for a little unexpected bundle of joy….their fifth child. 
“I…um…I actually have an admission to make,” Y/n began, quickly sorting through all the presents she’d put under the tree until she found the small wrapped up box she was searching for.
“I got you a present too,”
It wasn’t until a few days ago they Y/n found out she was pregnant. Her period was later and she took the test to rule out the possibility of pregnancy, but instead of the test coming back negative…it came back positive. 
She wanted to tell Vander as soon as she saw the result but then she remembered how close to Christmas it was so decided to wrap it up in a little box that he could unwrap. 
Although she was beyond excited at the result, she couldn’t shift the nervousness that was burrowing away in the back of her mind.
They’d often discussed having another child but they had never really talked about officially trying for a baby. 
“Well our not buying each other gifts agreement has worked brilliantly,” Vander chuckled as he started to unwrap the present. 
It was like her world slowed down as he lifted the lid off of the box. 
“You're pregnant?” He whispered, the shock evident in his voice. Though his voice was but a whisper it was loud enough for Y/n to hear. He glanced up at Y/n, before looking back at the test in the box. 
Y/n nodded nervously; not trusting her own voice; as the silence continued she noticed her heart was beating faster and faster. So much she thought it was going to beat out of her chest. 
Y/n didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence before she saw Vander bend down slightly as his hands made their way to her stomach. 
“There’s a little human in there?” He asked, his eyes brimming with tears. 
Y/n nodded again.
Almost instantly (and very carefully) Vander wrapped Y/n in his embrace. Completely and utterly overjoyed with the news that Y/n was pregnant. 
“I love you so much, doll, so, so much,” he breathed, placing multiple soft kisses on the top of her head as he held her close.
“I love you too Vander,” Y/n cooed, feeling relief wash over her as he held her in his arms.
“Yknow we’re gonna have to tell the kids?” 
“We know,” Vi stated, making both Vander and Y/n jump as they turned towards the staircase to see Vi, Powder, Mylo and Claggor on the staircase. All four of the kids looked extremely serious as they made their way down the staircase until they were standing in front of their adoptive parents; before all four of them hugged Vander and Y/n.
“Take it you guys are happy about the news?” Vander asked, with a beaming smile on his face.
“Another addition to our family? Of course we’re happy,” Vi responded, with a similar smile on her face. 
“I won’t be the youngest anymore,” Powder squealed excitedly as Y/n picked her up. 
@barbersjoy @xacatalepsyx @yn-ymn-yln @bookworm1767 @book-dragon03 @conretewings @the-lone-librarian @cass-brightwood @withmyteeth @bestbitchsstuff @fortune-fool02 @arielpanda1 @wildestdreamcatcher @simping-ella @mothratic @stickyrice5096 @levis-butterfingers @justabigass-simp @munsinner
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