#Mysterious Lagoon
romancemedia · 7 months
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The Struggles of Young Love - False vs. True
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windydrawallday · 5 months
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Will all of you excuse me a moment if I interrupt my dinosaur hype to show off this cutie pie of a werefish/deep one? His name is "Lotto", and he is the monster form of my human OC Vincent in a casual Call of the Sea AU I share with a dear old friend x)
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la-fumettista · 11 months
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Mabs Drawlloween Club theme for today is “Black Lagoon” and who better to capture the creature of the black lagoon than everyone’s favorite fish detective, Jeremy Wade.
Internet, please send this to Jeremy Wade 🙏
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otakween · 2 years
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Anime Niche Masterposts - Maid anime edition
Hanaukyou Maid-tai (Ecchi, 12 episodes)
Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden (Romcom, 12 episodes)
He is My Master (Ecchi, 12 episodes)
And Yet the Town Moves (Comedy, 12 episodes)
The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious (Comedy, 11 episodes)
Akiba Maid War (Action, 12 episodes)
Emma: A Victorian Romance (Romance, 12 episodes)
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! (Romcom, 26 episodes)
UzaMaid! (Comedy, 12 episodes)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (Slice-of-life, 13 episodes)
Shounen Maid (Slice-of-life, 12 episodes)
Honorable mentions:
Chaika - The Coffin Princess
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2. Black Lagoon - Roberta's Blood Trail
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3. Tokyo Mew Mew
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ewniversal-art · 1 year
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"NO! No, this one goes here, THAT one goes there..."
Working out where everything fits now on my bag.
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lilothestitch16 · 4 months
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky but also based on Tales of Berseria and Kenny from The Walking Dead Game as the hero and Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa as the partner and they join the guild. Kenny turns into a water type Pokémon Vaporeon and meets a psychic type Espeon named Chiaki Nanami.
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contentabnormal · 6 months
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This week on Content Abnormal we talk 3:16 Day & St. Patrick's Day as we present The Shadow adventure "The Green Man" starring William Johnstone!
Content Abnormal episode #28: The New Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes - "The Blarney Stone"
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thewasteland2 · 2 years
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Venice (Veneto). Pellestrina. Chapel of Our Lady of Charity. Five hundred meters north of the church of Sant'Antonio, at the end of the road pavement and at the beginning of the dirt road along the lagoon, near the shipyard, stands this mysterious little church of which something has been discovered with persevering research. From time to time it is referred to as a "capitello" (wayside Shrine), a chapel; the plaque that bears (in Latin) speaks of "sacellum", but is precisely it that is revealing: "D.O.M. Almighty God. This chapel was built by the generosity of the people and in honor of B.M.V. with the title of Charity. In the year 1832, on September 30." It is not clear whether it has a bearing on the anti-Turkish fortifications that stood nearby, however one of these is the headquarters of the Institute santa Maria della Carità. Who knows more, spoileri (reveal). Documents: a) the church; b) the interior, immediately overlooks an altar dedicated to santa Maria; c) view of an unidentified lagoon barrier (probably towards Chioggia, in the background it seems that San Domenico can be glimpsed). #background #dedicated #interior #spoiler #shrine #something #research #santamaria #venezia #venice #pellestrina #veneto #island #chapel #charity #beginning #lagoon #mysterious #travel #traveling #visiting #instatravel #travelling #tourism #instatraveling #travelgram #travelingram #massimopistis #sovVERSIvi #estremisti Information for the purchase of my new book "Extremists!": The book at a cost of 12.00 euros (120 pages), can be ordered in the bookstore (ISBN 978-88-591-5719-9 - Editore Aletti) or requested to the e-mail [email protected] with additional postage (currently 1.28 euros - fold of books). https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpa7Fj0tJqk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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requinoesis · 4 months
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A glimpse of Roberto's old family home, where he was born and lived until he was 8 years old, before it was destroyed by the mysterious 'Great Storm' that devastated the downtown of Reef City.
The house was a large "Sobrado" designed by Fernando, one of Roberto's two dads and who is an environmental engineer. Fernando was inspired by the ancient architecture of the sharkfolk, called 'atoll style', a ring structure with several rooms surrounding a central lagoon. The family who lived in this type of house usually met to consecrate meals at a gazebo in the center. These houses were always built by the sea.
I was inspired to try to make a 3D model to imagine what the complete house would look like hehe
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As the house was built in a rural region of the island, Alejandro, Roberto's second dad, established a seaweed plantation around the house to make 'seaweed wine', which was aged submerged under the sea.
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Unfortunately, everything was lost in the great storm. Fernando holds a lot of resentment about this, as the house he designed was literally a dream come true. He had wished on a falling star to have the chance to build this house and honored the star with an ornament on the house's tower.
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Roberto's family currently lives in a resort called 'Seven Waves', which has been converted into a residential building to house refugees who lost their homes in the great storm.
The style of the house looked like something from Studio Ghibli hehe
I thought about preserving the model of the house on Sketchfab if anyone wants to see it!✨
I added some more details that I was missing in the construction hehe
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physalian · 7 months
What No one Tells You about Writing Fantasy, #2!
I did this list about 7 annoyances about fantasy, but I write in this genre for a reason! Fantasy knows no bounds, it can encompass all other genres within it. You can write a fantastical murder mystery, fantasy horror, fantasy romance, political drama, slice-of-life, comedy, whatever you’d like!
Whether it’s urban or high fantasy, supernatural or scientific, here’s seven great benefits of writing in this genre:
1. No modern means of communication
Unless you’re writing a world with phones or phone-adjacent devices. Phones and instant communication seriously inhibits the plausibility of dramatic irony and tension when you have to keep coming up with reasons to keep your characters from calling or texting each other everything they know. It’s exhausting, I tell you, and such a relief when phones aren’t a factor.
With that said, without phones, you have complete freedom to design your own magical channels of supernatural FaceTime, as weird and zany as you want. But without instant connections? Your character who knew too much can’t pass on the intel before they die. Your hero team can’t call for backup in their darkest hour. Otherwise easily preventable tragedies and deadly miscommunications are now very real.
2. The Monster Allegory
Fantasy and sci-fi tend to overlap more than they’re set apart, and in that overlap sits the monster allegory. Everything from werewolves to vampires to witches, reapers, demons, angels, goblins, trolls, wraiths, fairies, mermaids, ghosts, to Eldritch horrors and your classic Hollywood cast of mummies, creatures from the black lagoon, and Frankenstein.
Most of the time, the monsters aren’t just monsters, they represent a monstrous aspect of society the author wants to challenge and caricaturize in a fun and entertaining way. Or, the monsters are the good guys and the humans are the real terrors. Or, you’ve got two kinds of monsters to allegory two human sides. Sometimes they represent metaphorical demons, like vampires often representing addiction and werewolves repressed identities.
What all of this boils down to is the hyperbolic nature of science fantasy that allows you to go over-the-top with your metaphor and allegory in a way that a book grounded in reality just can’t.
3. Magic Systems!
Do you love world building? Do you love filling pages upon pages with your cool and unique set of superpowers you want your characters to have? Do you dream about your fight scenes and dramatic slow-mo shots?
Then Fantasy is for you!
There are zero limits to how you want to define your magic system. You can go classic with the familiar archetypes of elemental magic, wizards, sorcerers, and witches. Or you can step off the beaten path and design a whole new funky system of power sets. Best part? Your readers will have an awesome time imagining themselves with those powers, and debating endlessly about how it works.
4. Real-World Politics, who?
Amazon’s Rings of Power was twice-doomed when they only got the rights to adapt the appendices of The Silmarillion and when they decided to inject current political problems into a timeless story written purposefully to be divorced from those politics. You *can* write about human politics, but in fantasy, you don’t have to. You *can* interpret Lord of the Rings to be an allegory about the World Wars, but no matter how hard you argue, it wasn’t written with that intent.
Which means: Even if your story is set in the reality-adjacent fantasy version of 1543, you are free from the following: Racism, homophobia, sexism, religious bigotry, mental health bigotry, gender norms, anti-feminism, toxic masculinity, and more. “But that’s how it was-”
Nope. This is fantasy. You built this world, you decided to keep in the discrimination. Or… You can fill your fantasy world with a rainbow of gays, POCs in power, women in power, men unafraid to be compassionate and caring, a religion that doesn’t foster hate and division, the list goes on. You. Are. Free.
5. Nothing is too “unrealistic”
Both that you will always have people whining about how X would never happen so write the book you want to read, but also because fantasy is fake. Fairies aren’t real. Mermaids aren’t real. There are no rules for how they must be written and that’s how we have so much variety with so much room for interpretation by so many creators. Twilight made how much money writing about vampires that sparkle like diamonds in sunlight and crack like marble?
This is fantasy, it’s supposed to be unrealistic. Yes, your plot should make sense, but don’t be afraid to get weird. Write at least some of your story dependant on those fantasy elements. Write a story that can’t just be told in the real world minus the spectacle. Don’t be afraid to be sincerely fantastical and weird. People love weird. People love loving weird.
6. You are in complete control
But you do still need to research, unfortunately. Unless this is urban fantasy that depends at least a little on the human world, yours is completely your own to govern like a god tweezing weeds from their garden. You get to design your own geography and weather patterns and seasons. Your own countries and kingdoms and politicians. Your epic pre-canon fantasy war and the stakes that it was fought over. Your species, races, and ethnicities.
It’s a shame that a movie like Avatar (2009) set out to be this wholly unique take on aliens with music completely divorced from earthly bonds, new languages and a visually and culturally distinct alien species… and ended up a largely generic blue Pocahontas in space. It forgot that it was fantasy and didn’t go weird enough. They have horses, monkeys, wolves, rhinos, and deer just re-skinned with some extra limbs and colors. It’s pretty but it’s so, so shallow.
It could have become a cult classic like many a positively *weird* 80s off-beat fantasies, and now it just… exists. It makes a whole lot of money but its impact on the cultural zeitgeist is negligible. I’m the only person I know that can name every major character in the movie, and I’m no Avatar obsessor. They had complete creative control, and this is what they did with it. Don’t be Avatar. Take your creative freedom and run.
7. Even if it has been done before, do it again
You can say this about any genre, particularly romance, but fantasy and sci-fi, by the gatekeep-y nature of their fans, can be a lot less forgiving when it comes to claims of “unoriginality”. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Fans of these genres can get… concerningly attached to their favorite stories (mostly because the people who like them had only their fictional heroes to protect them from very real bullies).
But Game of Thrones exists because the author likes Lord of the Rings and went “yes, but what if it was an R-rated parade of misery?” Dungeons and Dragons exists because people wanted to roleplay in an LotR-esque world. Legolas and Gimli single-handedly defined what a badass elf and dwarf looks like in high fantasy. And people still gobble up media ripping shamelessly, or even good-naturedly, from this one story.
So on my other list, I argued that the sum of your parts is still original, even if the components aren’t. On this list, I implore you this: It’s not stealing or appropriating to write another Legolas if you love Legolas. Everyone loves Legolas. How many generic buff action heroes do we have and love? How many Hallmark romances tread the same predictable path? Who gives a damn if it’s unoriginal? Just make it entertaining and have something fresh to say in the end (or don’t, that’s fine too), and people will read it.
And when people say “Oh, you mean like Legolas”, take it as a compliment, not an insult. Yes, exactly like Legolas. Here’s my new elf because I adore this other book, now watch him go on a new adventure that I wrote for him.
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rinhaler · 11 months
I will kiss you and hold you and pet you and call you a good girl if you write a toji os abt him having a one nightstand with someone and when he’s undressing them he unzips their dress WITH HIS TEETHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA……….. anyways!!! :3
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am i a good girl now :(((
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, soft dom!toji (maybe), alcohol consumption, squirting, fingering, face-sitting, vaginal sex, tit sucking, praise, slight degradation, reader passes out for a sec.
words: 2.4k
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“Can I buy you a drink?” a handsome stranger asks you as you sit by your lonesome at the bar. You came here with your friend, who has since disappeared since locating her ex-boyfriend. And you suspect he won’t be an ex for much longer. The attention makes you giddy. His scar pulling as he smirks at you, a grin that grows wider when you nod. He pulls out his card and waits to flag down a bar tender. “I’m Toji, by the way.”
You introduce yourself and you curse yourself for how pathetic you must seem. It’s embarrassing, really, feeling so accomplished that a man deemed you worthy enough to talk to and buy a drink for. He’s like a model, possessing a wide build and tall figure. He could have any woman here if he wanted, you’re sure. And despite your inner monologue telling you to act coy, you’re sure you’re a bashful fool.
He orders you the same blue lagoon cocktail you’ve already had three of, and himself a lemonade.
“You don’t drink?” you ask him.
“Nah, it doesn’t really affect me.”
You shrug, slurping the ice cold cocktail through a metal straw you brought from home. He smirks at that, noting that you’re the type to prepare this much for what he’s sure is meant to be a casual night out. And he asks you questions about yourself that you’re so willing to answer. You ask him questions about himself that he answers too, though the responses are surface level and simple. The mystery only adds to his allure.
He's funny, effortlessly. Everything he says seems to make you giggle. You’re a cliché, too, twirling your hair as you hang on his every word. It’s a mix or attraction and intoxication. Is he really so interesting and funny or are you just wet and transfixed by his looks?
Your laughter dies out when you feel a tap on your shoulder. It’s your friend, coming to say goodbye. She points at her ex and tells you she’s leaving with him.
So much for girl code.
Though she does offer you to hop in the taxi with them so you can go home. But you don’t want to leave Toji. You want to keep making a lovesick fool of yourself for him and maybe see where the night takes you. So she waves and you focus on the older looking man beside you. He licks his lips, his scar glistening under the everchanging technicolour lights flooding the club.
“Wanna get going, gorgeous?” he asks, leaning over to speak into your ear. The rough gravel to his voice rushing straight to your pulsing cunt. You shouldn’t, really, should you? It’s not smart to go home with guys you’ve never met. You don’t know him or his intentions, he could be plying you with alcohol to get you stupid enough to kill you.
“Mhmm.” you nod, dumbly, consequences be damned. If you die, you’ll die by the hand of a man so beautiful you’d think an angel would cry at his presence. He takes your hand, leading you outside and hailing a cab. You at least have the sense to go to your place, knowing your cousin lives a few doors down and will surely here if things go wrong.
He kisses you deeply in the back of the cab, fingers digging into your skin as he squeezes your plush thigh. You moan, lewdly, when he tells you to stick out your tongue and he sucks it before licking it with his own. Tongues tangling as he continues to squeeze and knead your malleable flesh.
“Head on up, I’ll follow you.” he tells you as he pulls out his wallet. You nod, agreeing, whispering your apartment number before clambering out of the car. The chill of the 2am air bites at your skin, and you hurry to the security door. You pull the key from your purse and rush inside.
Toji takes his time paying the driver, grunting as he puts his wallet away and slides out of his side of the car. He slowly skulks to the entrance, smiling when he realises you remembered to leave the latch for him to get inside. He sees a crowd gathered by the elevator and opts to take the stairs instead.
He smirks, gleefully, when he sees you waiting by the front door.
“Watcha doin’, gorgeous?” he wonders.
“Waiting for you.” you confess, looking down at your feet awkwardly as shame surges through your body.
He approaches, slowly. But before you know it you’re looking up at him and caged between his body and your front door. His hands rest against the frame as he studies your blown eyes and nervous face.
“Somethin’ tells me you’ve never had a one night stand before,” he smiles, scar pulling deliciously once again. You can barely form a thought unable to break yourself from the hypnotising mark on his lip. “Unlock the door.”
“I already did…” you gulp, nervously, still unable to tear your eyes away from his.
He likes your answer, picking you up so that your legs wrap around his waist and he lets himself into your home. Your lips lock and tongues clash as he controls the kiss, but your eagerness gets the better of you. Your hips rutting and soft moans pour from you as you portray yourself as a desperate slut for his benefit.
You pout, a little defeated, as he sets you back down. Though the disappoint dies an instantaneous death as he spins you around so your back is to him, pushing you into the wall by your entryway.
“Have you fucked a stranger before, princess?” he asks, brushing your hair from your shoulder and whispering devilishly into your ear. You shake your head, pathetic strings of ‘no!’ spilling from your lips as his fingers explore under your dress and pinch your ass. You bite your lip as you feel his heavy fingers prod at your drippy panties. He huffs out a laugh when he realises how wet you are. “Allllll of this jus’ for me? You shouldn’t have, darlin’.”
“B-Been wet… since you asked if I wanted a drink…” you tell him, giggling a little and hiding your face against the wall.
“No no no…” he objects, tugging your hair softly to draw you out. “Wanna see you, wanna see how you look when I ruin you.” you feel your body flush with heat at his words, turning your head to the side so he can see you again. You place your palms against the wall to brace yourself, not expecting him to pull your panties down your legs from under your dress.
He relishes in how you can barely keep your eyes open as he sinks two fingers into your sopping cunt and your panties drop to the ground. You bite your inner cheek, though it does little to keep you quiet as he curls his fingers against your spongy insides.
“Oh fuck.” you gasp, ashamed that you might cum after a few pathetic pumps of his fingers. Though it doesn’t feel right. You don’t want it to stop, but you don’t feel like you usually do when you’re close to cumming. “W-Wait.” you move your head and try to close your legs.
“Sh.” he stops you, kicking your ankles to keep your legs open. He holds your head against the wall with his forearm, his breathing heavy in your ear. You shudder when he kisses against it, chuckling quietly when he feels your pussy begin to clench. “Stop clenching, push. It’ll feel good, promise… push against me.” he commands.
You don’t know what’s he’s talking about. Push your body? No, he said stop clenching. You’re trying to keep him inside, keep the feeling inside. But he repeats it. Push. And like he’s the master of your cunt, it listens.
“Good girl, baby…” he praises you as he notes the pressure switch from your tender hole. You moan, and he coos. Faux sympathy as he fucks you dumb on his thick digits.
“Toji! Ngh—!” you moan. Clear liquid jets from your pussy, dripping down your thighs and soaking your panties and the floor beneath. He doesn’t let up, either, still battering his fingers against your g-spot.
“There you go, princess. Good fuckin’ girl… so good for me darlin’.” he moans, too, getting off on your pleasure and the striking realisation that you’ve never squirted before. He’s proud of himself, and he’s proud of you. “Fuckin’ soaked your pretty panties, sweetheart. Dirty little girl…” he teases.
You don’t have the energy to respond, already spent from cumming in such an alien way. He kisses your shoulder as your legs continue to shake. Any logic from the thought of telling him to stop fingering you dissipates when you think that he can you make you cum like that again.
He feels his hardened cock over his jeans as he looks down at the puddle beneath you. Still pumping his fingers against your sweet spot until your eyes roll over white. He can’t take it anymore. The unrelenting inner voice telling him to touch himself. He thinks he might die if he doesn’t stroke his length, even for a minute.
“Don’t move.” he orders.
You stay still, unsure of what he’s doing. Though you whimper as you feel his body press against yours. His head sinks to the top of your dress, and you just about cum again when you realise he’s biting down on the metal zipper, pulling it down with his teeth as exposing your bare back.
The black mini dress falls to the ground into the puddle of your lewdness and your drenched underwear.
“Good girl, stay there.”
He pulls off his t-shirt and tosses it aside down the hallway, only to be seen by the end of this dalliance. You hear him kick off his shoes and quickly throws away his socks. Eagerly, his pants follow, as do his underwear. He’s just as naked as you, now. And you choke out a breath as you hear him drop to his knees, licking up the mess on your thighs and pussy. But he turns around, sitting on his ass with his back against the wall, without a care for the wetness beneath. He wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling your cunt towards his face.
“Sit.” he instructs.
You do, without pause, moaning boisterously as he sucks at your clit and covers his face in your sweetness. One arm remains hooked around thigh while the other releases, hand in search of his aching length. He plays with himself, alternating between lazy strokes and passionate ones. The taste of your cunt makes him dizzy, unable to believe how much slick you’re producing as he relentlessly feasts on your flesh.
“F-fuck, Toji… finger me, please.” you beg. He’s leaking like crazy, and thinks your request might have come at the perfect time. He lets himself go in favour of pleasuring you, the sound of your sticky cunt squelching with each press throughout your eerie apartment. Neither of you had even found time to turn on a light, the only thing illuminating the room is the filtering light sneaking in through the cracks of your front door. “G’na cum, a-again… holy— s-shit.” you moan.
It spurs him on, maintaining all of his ministrations as he tries to coax your second orgasm out of you. He grunts, loudly, against your sodden folds as you squirt again. His face and hair doused with your release as he doesn’t dare pull away. The sadistic desire to prolong your ecstasy is fuelling him to keep going. He feels like he might cum untouched as he feels your cum cover him.
Your legs give, his burly arms hook around your thighs again in a bid to keep you stable. But his hands wander, impatiently. Fingers grip into your waist as he pulls you away from the wall.
He helps you down, hovering you above his longing cock as he guides it to your spent hole.
“I don’t have any condoms.” he tells you.
“Don’t care—” you assure him, wriggling your hips eagerly. “’m on the pill.”
“Greedy girl,” he smirks, pushing you down onto his cock. You want to scream from the stretch but you manage to refrain. He sets a ruthless pace, forcing you to accommodate to it quickly. “Been so sweet for me, darlin’. Gonna be nice ‘n do all the work for ya, okay? Say thank you.”
“T-Thank you! Thank you.” you babble nonsensically.
His knees are bent as he fucks up into your abused hole, the velocity propelling you forward. Your fingers clutch onto his shoulders for dear life as he takes advantage of your body being in such close proximity to his mouth. He sucks your tits, eliciting a dreamy moan from you. The gorgeous sounds you make for him have his cock drooling inside of your unprotected walls.
It's so sorrowful, really, thinking about how pathetic you both are. He seemed so calm and collected and yet neither of you could even make it through the hallway of your apartment before you were both stripped bare. You thought you’d be fucking comfortably on your bed. But here you are, being fucking destroyed by his monstrously large cock on the wooden, soaking, hallway floor.
“Gonna cum, baby.” he breathes against your spit soaked tits. The admission makes you cream, clenching around his thick, veiny cock as you brace yourself. “Fuck, darlin’, you’re gonna cum again. Can feel it, little cock slut. No one’ll fuck you like this again, y’know.”
“Ah- aaaah—!” is all you can say as a lesser stream of liquid shoots from you once more. The internal bliss you feel makes you pass out momentarily. But you come around quick enough to feel your untainted insides become stained with his white, creamy warmth.
He groans, deeply, bouncing you up and down his length. He wishes there was a light on to see the creamy ring and the messy puddle you’ve created together.
“You’re fuckin’ amazing, baby.” he tells you, grasping the crown of your head with his palm to guide you into a sloppy kiss. He manages to stand up whilst keeping himself slotted comfortably inside of you. You giggle as you guide him to the nearest light switch, and both of you look down at the mess you’ve made. Shame builds once again and you hide your face in the crook of his neck. “Awe, pretty girl made a dirty little mess f’me.” he teases you.
“Stop! ‘m so embarrassed!” you tell him, the sentence muffled as you talk into his skin.
“S’okay, rest up.” he tells you, stroking your back soothingly. “Give me a tour, wanna see the next place we can make a mess of.”
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© 2023 rinitxshi
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romancemedia · 9 months
Most of the time, you are rooting for couples to get together, this time it's the opposite. You are rooting for them to BREAK UP!
These couples were NOT meant for each other for different reasons...
They simply weren't meant to be together, they're better off as friends
They didn't treat their partners right and took them for granted!
They didn't have any chemistry
They were in the relationship for the wrong reasons
They were blind to their partners true mean and selfish colours
They were in a toxic and completely unhealthy relationship to begin with!
Finally it made you sick just watching them together! 🤢🤮
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girlrotterr · 2 months
Milk Of The Siren pt.2
captain!abby x siren!reader a/n: literally soo late with this! But it's here now!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ ⇢ part one 𓈒ㅤׂ 𓇼
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The first light of dawn filtered through the cave entrance, casting a soft, golden glow across the lagoon. The water, once a mysterious shade of midnight blue, now shimmered with pink and orange hues, reflecting the rising sun's vibrant colors. 
You emerged from the depths of the lagoon, your iridescent scales catching the early morning light, creating a mesmerizing display of colors that danced across the cave. The air was cool and fresh, filled with the scent of salt and seaweed, and the gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore.
"I've returned with—AH!" you exclaimed, just in time to see a thick piece of wood hurtling toward you. Instinctively, you dove back into the water, the sudden motion creating ripples. Causing nearby sea creatures to scatter, their glowing forms disappearing into the shadows.
Beneath the water, you grumbled to yourself, peering up through the distorted surface at Abby. The underwater view warped her figure, her movements slow and dreamlike as she wiped her forehead with her forearm.
"My apologies!" Abby called out, her voice muffled and distorted by the water. "I'm still learning to use..." She glanced down at the makeshift tool you had crafted for her—a blend of driftwood and seaweed bound together to serve as a hammer. "Well, this."
You peeked above the water, your eyes glinting with annoyance. It had been months since Abby had begun constructing the boat, and progress had been slower than expected. The small boat, meant to be her ticket out of the lagoon, still lay incomplete, its frame sturdy but still lacking. 
Abby was kneeling by the boat, tinkering with a piece of rope that she had looped awkwardly around one of the driftwood supports. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, her fingers fumbling with the knots. Peeking above the surface, you observed her silently.
"You treat it as if it were a toy," you murmured to yourself, your voice carrying through the water in a soft echo. The tools and materials you had previously gathered were scattered around her.
Abby then stood up, her movements casual as she reached for her shirt. She pulled it up to her face, wiping away her sweat. From the glow in the cave, you couldn't help but notice the intricate details of her body—the defined lines of her abs, the toned muscles that flexed beneath her skin. 
The cave's cool air kissed Abby’s flushed cheeks, Her hair, tousled from the sea breeze, framed her face like a halo, with strands of wet hair clinging to her temples and neck.
You felt a pang of curiosity, a flicker of fascination. But you resisted, diving your gaze back into the water where the distorted view might calm the intensity of your thoughts.
"I will have to depart soon," you said, your voice creating bubbles through the water. 
Abby looked down at you, her shirt still clutched in her hand. Her gaze met yours, eyes wide with concern. She held the fabric tightly, the remnants of sweat dripping from its edges.
"Why?" Abby's voice was soft, almost lost in the gentle sounds of the cave. The question lingered in the air, laden with the weight of impending separation.
You sighed, the sound bubbling through the water as you peeked above the surface, your eyes never leaving hers. "The materials I have supplied for you will occupy you for the time being," you continued, your tone firm.
Abby nodded slowly, her gaze shifting to the assortment of gathered seaweed, branches, and shells laid out neatly beside her
"My absence will soon be noticed by the other sirens," you admitted, " It has been months."
Abby nodded slowly, her mind processing your words. The sudden realization that time had slipped made her eyes soften with understanding. “I understand.”
You inclined your head in agreement, the movement fluid and natural as you regarded her. You studied her expression with keen eyes, noting the subtle shift in her demeanor.
"I’ll return by the next full moon," you continued. The sunlight filtering through the cave entrance created a soft, shimmering glow around you. "I will continue to supply you with materials. You must have everything you need to complete the boat."
Abby looked up at you, a mischievous smirk tugging at her lips. “Of course,” she said, her tone light and teasing. “You must ensure my leave.”
You grumbled under your breath, a mix of irritation and amusement flickering across your eyes. “You mock me.”
Abby's eyes locked onto yours with a sudden, piercing intensity, causing you to flinch involuntarily. Her azure eyes, a striking shade of blue, held a depth that seemed to mirror the very waters you roam, stirring a knot in your stomach—an unfamiliar sensation.
“I only tease.” she said, her voice softening into a gentle, soothing tone. The warmth of her words contrasted with the mischievous glint in her eyes, leaving you at a loss for words.
“Before you go,” Abby said, holding out a few seashells toward you. “Here,” she added, her voice soft. “I believe I no longer have use for them..”
You hesitated, your hand hovering above the shells. The contact with her skin was always a strange sensation—warm and oddly comforting, stirring feelings you were reluctant to acknowledge. Every time your fingers brushed against hers, it sent a thrilling jolt through you, a sensation both exhilarating and unnerving.
“Are you certain?” you asked, your voice betraying a hint of hesitation. “I put in a lot of effort to gather your supplies, and I’d rather not see them go to waste...”
Abby’s gaze locked onto you, her eyes searching your face. You shifted uncomfortably, unable to hold her gaze, feeling a flush of warmth rise to your cheeks. Her eyes, filled with an unreadable emotion, made you look away.
“It isn’t fair to the ocean,” you continued, your voice softening. “It provides for us, and you must respect that.” The seashells glinted in the dim light of the cave, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the shadows. “Every piece, every bit of the sea, has its place and purpose.”
Abby smiled gently, her expression reassuring. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do such a thing,” she said, settling down at the edge of the lagoon. “I simply can’t find a use for them; they’re all cracked.”
You glanced at the shells in her hand, and she was right—their delicate structures were indeed fractured, not sturdy enough for any practical use.
“Surely they can.” you replied, reaching out to take them from her. 
Your fingers brushed against her palm, the warmth of her skin sending a thrill through you, leaving you momentarily breathless. It was a sensation you couldn’t quite comprehend—a confusing mix of pleasure and unease. Perhaps it was your instincts craving her warmth, or something deeper and more mysterious.
The thought of feeding upon her, though a familiar part of your nature, seemed strangely less appealing compared to the comfort she offered. You tried to focus on the practical aspect, but your stomach turned with each lingering touch.
“You see,” you began, forcing yourself to concentrate on the seashells, “even these cracked shells can be useful. They can be used as decorative elements or for crafting pieces.” You hoped that by redirecting your attention, you could brush off the moment. 
Abby tilted her head, curiosity evident in her eyes. “How so?” she asked.
“I’ll demonstrate,” you replied.
 You took the cracked shells from her hand and set to work. With careful movements, you began transforming the fragile pieces into intricate hair clips.
The process demanded precision, and you could feel Abby’s eyes on you.. Her gaze seemed to weigh heavily on your shoulders, making your fingers tremble slightly as you worked. Each time you looked up, you caught a glimpse of her observing you intently, and it only added to the tension you were feeling.
You could feel your frustration mounting, anger and embarrassment rising within you. The sirens often spoke of the danger of being affected by humans, and here you were, struggling to maintain composure while a mere human’s gaze seemed to unsettle you. It felt as though your control was slipping, and the very act of creating these clips, which should have been straightforward, was becoming a struggle.
You felt exposed, vulnerable, and it made you angry—angry at yourself for allowing a human to have such an effect on you.
Abby’s gaze remained fixed on you, her eyes softening as she watched you work. “I don’t mean to distract you,” she said quietly, sensing the shift in your demeanor. “It’s simply… fascinating to see what you can do.”
You gritted your teeth, forcing a tight smile as you finished the last of the clips. “It’s nothing.” you said sharply, trying to regain your composure.
Abby’s expression was a mix of admiration and something else you couldn’t quite decipher. “They’re beautiful,” she said softly, reaching out to touch one of the clips. 
You felt a surge of irritation as Abby’s hand moved closer to the clips. Without thinking, you sharply slapped her hand away. “They’re delicate.” you blurted, trying to mask your frustration behind a flimsy excuse. The abrupt action seemed to echo through the quiet of the cave, your pulse quickening in your ears.
Abby’s hand recoiled from your slap, and she looked at you with surprise and amusement. Her laughter, light and unexpected, filled the space between you. “Okay, okay,” she said, her voice carrying a playful tone. “I didn’t mean to overstep.”
Despite her reassured demeanor, you couldn’t shake a feeling. The irritation you felt was not just about the intrusion but about the conflicting emotions stirred up by this human. The very fact that Abby’s presence could make you feel so vulnerable, was deeply unsettling. The urge to lash out, to push her away, was strong, but the notion of harming her felt wrong.
You looked away, feeling a flush of both anger and embarrassment. “Just… handle them carefully,” you said, your voice rough. “They’re not as sturdy as they seem.”
Abby nodded, still chuckling softly. “I’ll be sure to be gentle with them,” she promised. She seemed genuinely intrigued by your reaction, her eyes reflecting an unexpected warmth. It was clear she found your fierceness endearing, but for you, it only added to the chaos inside.
“I’ll place them in your hair for you,” you offered, trying to mask the anxiety with a sense of control. “I don’t quite trust that you’ll handle them as carefully as they deserve.” Your voice was firmer than you felt, a desperate attempt to maintain composure.
Abby’s eyes widened with a hint of amusement, and she raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?” she said, a teasing note in her voice. “Very well.”
Your hands, usually so steady and confident, now felt shaky as you reached for Abby’s hair.  
Her long, dark blond hair cascaded like a waterfall of sunlight and shadow, each strand woven together with a silky smoothness that felt almost unreal. As you gently sifted through her hair, you could feel the soft texture against your fingertips.
The longer you worked, the more you became aware of how deeply you craved to tangle your fingers in her hair, to feel the fullness of it wrapped around your hands. There was something thrilling about the idea, an urge to pull and entwine. The sensation was so unfamiliar, as if each touch of her hair awakened a part of you that had long been sealed. You couldn’t believe how such a simple act could stir up such feelings.
As you looked down at Abby, the details of her face seemed to magnify, each feature more captivating than the last. Her long lashes fluttered softly with each blink, her nose was lightly rounded with a gentle bump, seeming to need the trace of a fingertip, an urge to explore its contours. Her lips, slightly pouting with a hint of curiosity, their natural shape perfect.
Abby’s eyes, now focused on you with an almost conspiratorial glint, made it even harder to concentrate. “You’re surprisingly gentle,” she commented softly, her voice just above a whisper. “I didn’t think you'd be so concerned.”
You swallowed hard, your throat dry. “I—” you started, but the words caught in your throat. You were acutely aware of every detail: the way her hair fell against her shoulders, the faint scent of the sea that clung to her, and the undeniable pull you felt toward her.
Abby looked up at you, her gaze locking onto yours with an intensity. There was an unspoken connection in the way she studied you, her eyes dark with a mix of curiosity and something deeper. You could feel the weight of her gaze, a sensation that seemed to pull at something inside you, making you hyper-aware of every movement and emotion.
"Is something the matter?" you asked, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness.
Slowly, Abby reached up with a tentative hand, her fingers brushing gently against your skin. The touch was feather-light, but it sent a jolt through you.. Her eyes, still fixed on yours, seemed to search for something, a deeper understanding or perhaps a connection that words could not express.
“You’re possessing..” she said softly, her voice almost a whisper, but filled with an underlying intensity. Her gaze shifted to your lips, lingering there with a look that conveyed longing. Her touch, though gentle, seemed to hold a promise of something more, an invitation that made your pulse quicken.
At that moment, a stark realization overcame you. The thought of sharing Abby with anyone else, of another discovering her, made your skin crawl with a deep unease. The notion of her dying at the hands of another siren was unthinkable—if she were to meet her end, it would have to be at your own hands.
“I must go..” you said, the words coming out strained and reluctant, as though they were being forced from you against your will. 
Isaac gestured towards a chair with a nod. “Have a seat, please.”
Ellie hesitated at the door of Isaac's office, her heart racing. The room was shrouded in darkness; the heavy curtains were drawn tight, letting in only a faint, eerie glow from the lights outside. The air was thick with the acrid smell of cigarettes, lingering like a heavy fog. She took a seat in the worn, leather chair opposite Isaac's desk, her mind already racing through possibilities.
“If this is about the delays in our hunts, it’s because we’re still waiting for the ammunition shipment. Jessie was supposed to handle it-”, her voice trembling slightly. She had been feeling the pressure of the delayed shipments and hoped this meeting wouldn’t be about her failures.
“Williams.” Isac cut her off with a sharp, authoritative tone. 
Ellie fell silent, her mouth snapping shut. She looked up at Isac, confusion knitting her brow.
“This is nothing of the matter,” Isac continued, his tone indicating the gravity of the situation. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk. He slid a dossier across the desk towards Ellie. The file was thick, its surface marked with a red stamp that read “ANDERSON.”
Ellie’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of the dossier. Her confusion deepened as she picked up the file, feeling the weight of it in her hands. 
“As you’re aware, Anderson was responsible for delivering crucial cargo to Europe,” Isaac's voice was calm but carried an undertone of tension. “There’s been a serious breach. We suspect Anderson of taking the cargo for her own gain”
Ellie’s hand gripped the file tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. The words seemed to ring in her mind, the gravity of the accusation sinking in. She stood abruptly, her face flushed with shock and disbelief. “No!” she exclaimed, her voice rising in protest. “Abby would do nothing of the sort!”
Isaac's gaze remained steady, his expression unyielding. “We have evidence the cargo never reached its intended destination,” he said, his voice cold and precise. “The delay is suspicious, and Anderon’s sudden disappearance only proves our concerns.”
Ellie’s eyes widened, her voice trembling with both anger and desperation. “You can’t honestly believe that Abby would steal from you! She’s been nothing but reliable. If there’s a problem, there has to be another explanation.”
Isaac's voice cut through Ellie’s mounting frustration. “That’s where you’re mistaken, Williams. There’s no other explanation.”
A jolt of realization struck Ellie. She suddenly understood that this wasn’t just about finding Abby or ensuring her safety—it was about the missing cargo. 
“You only care for the cargo!” Ellie shouted, her voice echoing sharply against the dim walls. ““You don’t give a damn about Abby’s well-being!”
Isaac’s expression remained unreadable as he met her fiery gaze. The silence that followed was heavy, filled with the weight of unspoken truths. Finally, Isaac spoke, his tone as cold as the room’s oppressive atmosphere. “A thief doesn’t deserve my concern.”
Ellie’s anger flared, her hands trembling as she struggled to control her emotions.
Isaac's face remained impassive, his eyes cold and unyielding. “My concern is for the cargo and its value to our operations,” he said flatly. “Abby’s personal fate is irrelevant if she has compromised our interests. The priority is recovering what was lost.”
In a surge of frustration, Ellie grabbed the dossier from her hands and hurled it towards Isaac. The file flying through the air, papers scattering in a chaotic flutter as they rained down around him. The sudden movement shocked him, his eyes widening slightly as he watched the documents drift to the floor. The dim light from the desk lamp illuminated the disarray, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Ellie’s face was flushed with anger and resolve, her breath coming in sharp, uneven gasps.
"I'm not helping you," Ellie declared, her voice falt despite the storm of emotions swirling inside her.
Isaac's gaze remained steady, though his surprise was evident. He leaned back in his chair, his expression a mixture of irritation and contemplation. “You refuse?” he asked, his voice tinged with a cold edge.
Ellie met his gaze with a fierce determination. “I refuse to be part of an operation that disregards the well-being of the people involved,” she shot back. “I’ll find Abby, and I’ll make sure she’s safe. If you want to know what happened, you’ll have to look elsewhere.”
With that, Ellie turned sharply and stormed out of the office, the sound of her footsteps echoing down the corridor.
"At last, you've returned," Dina said, swimming towards you with swift, graceful movements. Her tail, a shimmering blend of emerald and sapphire, caught the faint light, creating a mesmerizing glow. Mel followed closely behind, her tail a deep, rich violet that faded into midnight blue at the tips, moving with the fluid elegance of a predator.
Dina and Mel were among the most skilled of all sirens, their abilities in both hunting and navigating the treacherous waters unmatched. Dina's lithe form and sharp eyes had made her a master of stealth, while Mel's strength and agility made her a formidable force in any confrontation. Both of them now circled you with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.
"What has occupied you?" Mel asked, her voice carrying an edge as she swam around you, her gaze never leaving your face. "There have been whispers."
You tried to steady your breathing, keeping your expression neutral. "Hunting," you replied, attempting to sound casual. “I ventured further than usual, looking for richer waters.”
“You must’ve ventured to another sea for you to be gone for months ,” Mel remarked, her violet and blue tail flicking with curiosity. Her eyes, still tinged with suspicion, held yours firmly.
Dina’s eyes narrowed, and she sniffed the water around you, a hint of skepticism in her gaze. “You reek of human,” she said, her voice tinged with suspicion.
Mel swam closer, her eyes piercing as she scrutinized you. “Bloodbathing alone?” she asked, her tone accusing. The act of bloodbathing—killing multiple humans at once—was a serious offense among sirens. The act is carried out alone, and is viewed as both selfish and gluttonous.
“No.” you snapped. “I was merely exploring new territories.”
Mel’s tail flicked impatiently, the violet and blue shimmering in the water. “Exploring or hiding something?” she challenged. “Your scent is too strong for just simple encounters.”
Dina’s gaze remained fixed on you, her expression unreadable. “The council isn’t too fond of such an act,” she warned.
In the ocean’s darkest depths, the Council of Elders—composed of the oldest and most powerful sirens—gather to pass judgment. Bloodbathing was deemed a serious crime, and the penalties for such an offense were severe.
Exile being the most common consequence, with a siren being marked with a scar and cast into treacherous currents. In more extreme cases, the council performs Scouring, removing a siren's scales and leaving them vulnerable to attacks. The worst punishment was Soul Binding, where a siren's soul is anchored to the sea floor, enduring endless darkness and crushing pressure—a fate deemed worse than death. 
You hardened your expression, "You believe I'd risk everything for mere humans? Don't insult me."
Mel swam closer, her fingers gently tucking your hair behind your ear. "The sirens whisper you’ve gone soft since you’ve  returned" she murmured, her tone a mixture of curiosity and challenge.
"You humor me," you snapped, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "I've been focused on finding new hunting grounds and ensuring our safety. That is all."
Dina's smirk widened, but her eyes remained sharp and assessing. "Prove it.”
Dina looked at Mel for a moment, their eyes communicating a silent conversation. After a brief pause, Mel turned back to you with a sharp, authoritative tone. ““Accompany us on a hunt. We received word of a small ship approaching.”
Dina’s eyes narrowed slightly as she added, “You were not present for the previous one.”
Mel’s expression darkened.“Unfortunately, our feast won’t be as grand,” she said with a frown. “Only one human.”
Dina nodded in agreement. “We’ll split it,” she said. Her tone was final, a clear signal that the decision was made and there was no room for disagreement.
“It should arrive by the next full moon,” Mel said, her voice carrying the calm assurance of someone well-versed in the rhythm of the ocean. “We have ample time to prepare.”
You tried to keep your outward demeanor composed, “What exactly do you have planned?”
Dina, always the more strategic of the two, began outlining their plans with detailed precision. “We need to position ourselves well, use the currents to our advantage, and ensure we’re ready when the ship arrives.”
As you listened to Dina and Mel discuss their plans, a wave of panic surged through you. The full moon was just days away, and you couldn’t shake the thought of Abby being alone, possibly running out of food and materials. 
Your mind raced with images of Abby in the cave, struggling without the supplies she needed. The small boat you had promised to help her construct was still incomplete, and you feared that she would be left in a dire situation while you were away hunting. The realization that she might be unprepared or worse, in danger, gnawed at you.
“I heard there’s a possibility it’s a woman!” Dina said, her voice bubbling with excitement as she swam in circles. Her emerald and sapphire tail flicked with anticipation, and her eyes sparkled with intrigue.
Mel joined Dina, leaning in closer. “Marlene mentioned she’s freckled.” 
You swam swiftly through the dark waters, the urgency in your movements matching the pounding of your heart. The familiar rock formations loomed ahead, and you maneuvered quickly to reach the lagoon’s entrance.
Bursting into the cave, your sudden entrance sent a splash of water onto the rocky shore where Abby was seated, her back turned to you. She jerked around, her eyes wide with surprise as droplets dripped from her wet hair.
"Back so soon?" Abby asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and amusement. She raised an eyebrow, her expression playful. "You yearned for me that terribly?"
You tried to steady your breathing, forcing a calm demeanor despite the rush of adrenaline. "I had to return quickly. Things are more complicated than I anticipated."
Abby’s eyes softened, but there was a hint of a teasing smile on her lips. “Complicated? What could possibly be more complex than helping me build a boat?”
You met her gaze, trying to conceal the worry you felt. “It’s not just about the boat. There are... other factors to consider.” You hesitated, glancing around the cave to check on her supplies. “I came to make sure you have everything you need and to bring additional materials.”
You quickly checked the supplies and added what you had brought, trying to mask your anxiety. The weight of your secret and the looming threat of the hunt pressed heavily on you, but for now, your focus was on ensuring Abby had what she needed.
"I see.." Abby said, her smile widening as she looks at you. 
Night had fallen, casting a gentle darkness over the lagoon as Abby continued her work on the boat. The soft glow of a lantern illuminated her focused expression. You stayed nearby,comfortably settled on a smooth rock, enjoying the quiet moments and the rhythmic sound of Abby’s steady work.
Abby’s hands moved swiftly as she shaped and fitted wooden planks, concentrating in measuring and adjusting each piece. The cool breeze carried the scent of salt and sand, mixing with the faint aroma of the wood. The occasional clink of tools and the soft rustle of materials were the only sounds breaking the stillness of the night.
After a while, Abby paused, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. She glanced over at you, her expression relaxed. "You know," she began, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "it’s interesting how different our worlds are, yet we have managed to find common ground."
You looked up, intrigued. "In what way?"
Abby leaned back against the boat, her eyes thoughtful. "Well, for instance, the way humans and sirens view the world. We’re always so focused on creating and building—like this boat. It’s a way of shaping the world to fit our needs."
You nodded, considering her words. "And sirens?"
"You have a different perspective," Abby said, her gaze turning toward the lagoon. "You view yourselves as part of the natural world, more attuned to its rhythms. Your creations are often more about harmony.” 
You smiled, finding her observations entertaining, “I agree.” 
"You know," Abby continued, her voice reflecting a touch of nostalgia, "when I was younger, I used to spend hours just sitting by the water, listening to stories about sirens and their legends.” 
"I never truly expected to encounter one,"Abby said, her eyes locking with yours. There’s a moment of silent connection, the gravity of her words hanging in the air between you.
“Is it more surreal than you had anticipated?” you asked, meeting her gaze with equal intensity. 
Abby’s lips curved into a playful smile as she replied, “It’s captivating.”
Her reply made you momentarily freeze, a sudden warmth rising to your cheeks. The air between you seemed to crackle with tension, and you quickly looked away, trying to compose yourself. 
Abby’s gaze softened as she studied you more closely, her earlier teasing giving way to concern. “I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been a bit off since you returned. ”
You hesitated, the words caught in your throat as you grappled with the decision to reveal your feelings. The weight of Abby’s gaze, filled with genuine concern, nudged you toward honesty. Finally, you took a deep breath and decided that it’s better to be straightforward.
You sighed, “The sirens are planning a hunt,” you confessed, your voice low. “It is scheduled for the same night I am meant to be with you. That is the reason I’m restocking your supplies so early.” 
Abby’s eyes widened slightly, and she fell silent, processing your words. Her gaze dropped to the ground, a conflicted expression crossing her face. “You’re saying they plan to kill humans. They will be out hunting that night, and you are expected to be involved?”
You nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. “Yes. A hunt is a significant event for the sirens. If I don’t participate, it could raise suspicion and jeopardize everything.”
Abby’s face was a mask of turmoil. ““It’s difficult to imagine you taking a life,” she said quietly.
You met her gaze with a flat, almost detached expression. “I’ve killed countless.” you said, your tone devoid of emotion, as if you were discussing a mundane fact of life. To you, it was a normal part of existence, a necessity that had become ingrained in your world.
“It is the main source by which I obtain my energy,” you explained, your voice carrying a note of resigned practicality. You knew how your actions must appear to others, but to you, it was simply how things worked. The reality of your needs was an intrinsic part of your existence, one that was hard to reconcile with others’ perceptions.
“Besides,” you added, your tone shifting slightly to convey a sense of fairness, “You take the lives of our animals and sea creatures to sustain your own energy. It is only just that I do what is necessary to maintain mine.”
You sank down onto a flat rock near the edge of the cave, exhaustion and worry pressing heavily upon you. Resting your head in your arms, you closed your eyes momentarily, the cool surface beneath you offering a brief relief from the tension.
“Don’t worry,” you said softly, though the words felt hollow even to you. “It’ll only be one.” You tried to sound reassuring, as if the number of lives at stake would somehow make the situation any less dire. “A freckled one at that.”
Abby’s eyes widened, “Freckled?” she repeated, her tone laced with seriousness. “Are you certain?”
Her sudden intensity made you tense, and you could see the gears turning in her mind. "Why is it significant?"you asked, trying to remain calm, though the unease in your voice betrayed your agitation.
Abby began to pace back and forth, her movements sharp and agitated. “From where did you obtain this?”
she demanded, her voice tight with urgency.
Your eyes widened in shock. “What—?”
“where did you obtain this information?”” Abby repeated, her tone cracking under the weight of her concern. She stopped pacing and fixed you with a piercing gaze, her eyes searching yours for answers. 
“The other sirens received information about the ship,” you explained, your voice steady despite the situation. . “I am unaware of who the human is.”
Abby’s face paled, and she began to pace again, her movements more frantic this time. “If that ship is marked as originating from Jackson…” She stopped abruptly, her eyes wide with dawning realization. “It is possible that they may be searching for me.”
“I need to see it.” Abby said, her tone urgent and determined. “You must take me with you.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What—?”
“That ship could be my opportunity to return home,” Abby explained, her voice growing more fervent. “If I am able to board it, I will not even need to complete this.”” She glanced over at the boat she’d been diligently working on, the unfinished vessel now seeming less significant.
“Are you hearing yourself?” you said, frustration edging your voice. “Bringing you to a hunting location is pure stupidity. It’s dangerous—”
Abby cut you off, her expression hardening. “ If that ship is indeed what I believe it to be, the risk is justified. I cannot afford to miss this chance.”
Her words seemed to blend into a confusing haze, muffled by the chaos of emotions swirling within you. The idea of Abby leaving your care, of potentially losing her, caused your body to tremble. As the realization of her departure hit you with an intensity you hadn’t anticipated, your breathing grew uneven.
The thought of returning to solitude, of reclaiming your cave, felt almost insignificant in comparison of her leaving. The connection you shared with her had evolved into something far more significant.
Abby’s hopeful gaze met yours, her expectations clear in her eyes. “Please,” she urged softly, “Help me do this.”
The impulse to lunge at Abby was almost irresistible, to wrap her in your arms with a force of desperation, clinging to her as if your life depended on it. You wanted to hold her so tightly that she could never escape, to preserve the warmth and comfort she had brought into your life.
A thought flickered through your mind, an irrational impulse to end her life right then and there, so that she could remain with you for eternity. 
How could you possibly let her go, knowing how her presence had woven itself into the fabric of your existence? The thought of her departure felt like a gaping void opening up, an emptiness that threatened to consume you. 
“No.” you said, locking eyes with her, the finality of the word hanging heavily in the air. 
The single word echoed in the space between you, the weight of it settling heavily. Abby’s hopeful expression faltered, a flicker of hurt and confusion crossing her face. She stood there, the tension of the moment etched deeply in her features, as the reality of your refusal sank in.
Abby’s voice trembled with confusion. “What…?”
“No.” you repeated. 
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la-fumettista · 10 months
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Jeremy Wade VS The Creature From The Black Lagoon Art print, now available on Etsy.
Attention all River Monsters fans! One of my greatest illustrations. Everyone's favorite fish detective, Jeremy Wade takes on the creature from the black lagoon.
You can buy one right here.
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distuff · 29 days
Floating in The Blue Lagoon
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Summary: Another day stuck in this world, another shady job from Crowley to Yuu, this time surrounding the aware, eerie Octavinelle. What can possibly go wrong?
Inspiration: The new tweels cards- Come on nOw
Side note: Between me and u, I was first going w the faceless first POV Yuu so everyone could imagine whatever. But then I saw M Yuu fanarts and I was like fck... another fandom where I imply gay rel!! ���
"Thank you soo much dear!" The familiar nasal voice spoke behind Yuu as the tall man nudged him toward his office door. "You're such a treasure for doing this, truly!"
"M-Matte-" Yuu began to protest, but before he could say more, Crowley pushed him out, Grim swaying in his arms with the mysterious box Crowley had trusted into his paws moments ago.
He spun around, hoping to be fast enough to stop the door from closing - even considering sacrificing Grim by throwing him like a Pokémon at the madman in the crow mask.
Yet before Yuu could do just that, Crowley was already giving them a wide grin, bidding them, Au revoir~ , and, Good luck, with a little wave before shutting the door in their stunned faces.
The sound of the door closing echoed through the empty hallway in the upper tower, leaving Yuu and Grim blankly staring at the bold golden letters spelling 'The Greatest Headmaster' on the dark wood.
They both blinked, bewilderedly, as the reality of their newly assigned 'homework' fully sunk in, making them soon grimace in annoyance.
'Maybe if I wish hard enough the chicken will combust into crispy KFC.' Yuu thought, glancing briefly at Grim in his arms once he spoke up.
"Soo..." Grim trailed off, his piercing blues peered up at Yuu, who kept glaring at the door. "Are we doing this or-"
Before he could finish, Yuu cut him off with a flat voice, "You think we can pass the RWA entrance exam?"
Silenced followed his 'question' until Grim spoke again, his voice resigned. "We are doing this."
Not a question, but a statement that simply stated the fact of the matter. Feeling there was no need to verbally confirm and make the situation that much more annoying, Yuu simply nodded with a blank face.
Choosing not to comment on Grim's swishing tail or how the Hades flames raised just so from his ears as he huffed and grumbled, the soft noise of sharp claws damaging a tough surface sounded through the halls right after.
Seeing no sense in standing around and prolonging the inevitable, Yuu let out a long sigh. Turning to leave, he fully accepted that instead of proper sleep, they'd return to their dorm around one AM.
'If luck enables us that is.' He grumbled internally, 'Should probably avoid Vil for two days…' Even the mental image of Pomefiore's house warden seeing his panda eyes brought chills down his spine.
And don't let him start on Riddle. Ugh...
Yuu trailed off with his thoughts to the potential scenarios they could experience if not careful in avoiding certain house wardens, not minding the feeling of Grim's tail encircling his hand as the grey furball continued throwing foreign words under his breath.
A slightly twisted thought crossed Yuu's mind - how bad would it be to let Grim unleash his irritation on the headmaster? But before the bitter seed could flourish into a poisons flower, Yuu quickly shook his head.
'This world is getting to me the longer I stay.' He mused. Part of hin started to feel comfortable in this magical world they were thrown into, and yet...the other part still longed to return to the warmth of his home.
Truly...Yuu truly didn't know what was the thought process when he oh so optimistically thought that, hey! I have friends, right? Me and Grim don't need to share this 'experience' alone.
Attempt NO 1,
6-Happy brain cells
- Heey guys!! Ik its late but do u wanna go w me and grim to Mostro lounge?? (10:45 PM 1)
Doll: Sure when?? (10:50 PM 1)
Doll: Who TF changed my fcking name again!? (10:50 PM 1)
Deunce: It suits you... (10:53 PM 1)
Aceless: "Sure when" Are u 4-real?? Like hell I'm goin back to that hell hole (10:53 PM 1)
Doll: aight' (10:54 PM 1)
Doll: It's a date then @ Yo-Yo (10:54 PM 1)
Aceless: Objection???? (10:54 PM 1)
Deunce: I second that (10:55 PM 1)
Doll: State the time pls (10:55 PM 1)
Aceless: Dont ignore me u lil purple haired troll! (10:57 PM 1)
Aceless: U forgot that we are a group?? If one doesn't go neither does others capiche?? (10:57 PM 1)
Doll: Aight' (10:57 PM 1)
Aceless: Aight' tf u mean 'aight' (10:57 PM 1)
- Doll removed Aceless from 6-Happy brain cells -
Doll: Deuce? (10:58 PM 1)
Doll: Do you agree with the exiled dud philosophy? (10:58 PM 1)
Deunce: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (10:59 PM 1)
Doll: Good 🍵 (10:59 PM 1)
Doll: @ Yo-Yo ?? (10:59 PM 1)
- Ah yes! Gomme gomme (シ_ _)シ (11:01 PM 1)
- Was getting the wooden boat out of the shed (11:01 PM 1)
Doll: Why? (11:01 PM 1)
Deunce: Why... (11:01 PM 1)
- ...why did u remove Ace?? (11:02 PM 1)
Doll: Why are U gettin a boat at 11 PM?? (11:02 PM 1)
- I asked whether u wanted to go to Mostro lounge (11:02 PM 1)
- Me and grim have to deliver a strange box to Azul and the Octavinelle's members in the lounge said he already gone back to the dorms so boat it is! (11:03 PM 1)
- Guys?? (11:05 PM 1)
- @ Doll?? (11:07 PM 1)
Attempt NO 2,
24/6 at Ruggies
- Is anyone free?? (11:09 PM 1)
Trey: And what are you doing up at this hour? (11:15 PM 1)
- Shouldn't I be asking you that with the whole rule number who knows which and ur bedtime? (11:15 PM 1)
Trey: Touché. (11:15 PM 1)
Trey: It's Sunday btw. (11:15 PM 1)
- Sht- I forgot (11:16 PM 1)
Idia: Ortho is asking why are u snooping behind the lounge @ Yuu (11:17 PM 1)
- Tell Ortho to mind his own business (11:17 PM 1)
Trey: Uuh...snappy 🍿(11:17 PM 1)
- 🚿🚿🚿 (11:17 PM 1)
Idia: Ortho is saying "You became our business the millisecond you prove yourself to be a valuable component in the system" (11:18 PM 1)
Before Yuu could follow up with a replay that would ask the Ignihyde brothers to come down and help them, the bold letter spelling 'Chat restricted until 10 AM, tomorrow' flashed over the screen.
'Fair.' Yuu thought.
Attempt NO3, aka the last resort, shows just how desperate he was at this point and regretted the second after sending the message to them.
Die Schönheit und die Süßen
- So... (11:20 PM 1)
- Anyone up? (11:20 PM 1)
For a hot second, Yuu thought no one would thankfully respond, but alas, that ping made his heart stop, and the message made his body tensed up.
Vil S.: What in the seven are YOU doing up at 11PM!? (11:21 PM 1)
- What are YOU doin up at 11PM?! (11:21 PM 1)
The three dots were far more threatening than they should have been, and Rook with Epel sending gravestones emoji did not help one bit. Yuu saw only one way out.
Without a second thought, Yuu left the group chat. There was no need to try to ask the group for the house warden only; Yuu wasted no time in leaving his phone on the shore with his blazer, putting his focus on helping Grim push the boat into the calm waters before jumping in.
"We are indebted to you they said. We'll support you when needed, they said," Yuu grumbled, rowing in sync with Grim, who stood on shaking paws before him. "Bullshit!" He threw his hands up in frustration - unaware his sharp movement made Grim wobble a bit before he glared at him.
With just the two of them, they started paddling across the lake nestled behind the lounge, the cursed box safely placed on the seat between them.
The oars fell with a heavy thud on the side of the boat, thankfully secured by the iron rod. His attention was more on the wildlife startled by his outburst. Frogs jumped into the water, and wings flapping filled the air, drawing Yuu and Grim to turn in the direction.
Familiar pink and blue flamingos were taking off and landing further away from the rowdy noise.
"Aren't those..." Grim began, pointing at the grooming flamingos in the distance. "Aren't those the ones Riddle is lookin' for?"
Yuu's eyes widened; knowing the implications of finding the lost Heartslabyul pigeons, he whirled his head towards Grim. "We didn't see anything, got it?"
Grim nodded vigorously, grabbing their individual oars they resumed rowing towards the lagoon that was getting closer much faster than before.
Once the flamingos were covered by the lake flora, they started to slow down, muscles starting to strain from the unplanned evening exercise.
"What do ya think is in it?" Grim asked, nodding at the box. His paddling may have slowed down, but by the strained expression, he refused to stop trying to help.
Unable to help it, Yuu gave his friend a small smile, knowing if he were to voice his appreciation, Grim would grumble and stop altogether, 'Stupid tsundere.' He thought, shrugging at his friend's question.
"Don't. know." Yuu grunted out each word, having to put more strength into his paddling, "Documents, money, dismembered body-"
"What?" Yuu repeated, meeting Grim's wide-eyed stare. They both paused, silently eyeing each other for two different reasons.
Grim looked him up and down, his eyes settling on Yuu's gaze, narrowing suspiciously into slits. "You had a tea party with that old geezer," he growled, showing his small pointy teeth.
If this was past Yuu, he would have backed away and maybe fallen into the deadly yet enchanting water, but the present Yuu knew the reason behind Grim's irritation.
So, to spare some of his friend's feelings, Yuu discreetly turned his gaze to the side, mumbling, Maybe...
That, however, had the opposite effect. "And what did I say about that?!" Grim cried out, throwing his little paws up into the air with the oars dropping by his side.
Yuu hung his head, sighing at the familiar dance. "Not to go?" He replied in an even voice.
"And what did you do?" Grim asked back with an annoyed voice.
Prompting Yuu to look up, noting how his friend was now standing in the middle seat, closer to him. "Hey, now!" He shot back with furrowed brows, "I'm not going to limit myself just cause you're jealous!"
Grim gasped theatrically, a paw over his heart with wide blues gazing at him in horror before they narrowed in anger. "Am not!" His screech sent the remaining wildlife scattering with the sound of splashing and ruffling feathers.
Ignoring the commotion, Yuu playfully smirked, leaning on his palm, gazing mockingly at Grim's priceless reaction. "Oh, you so are." He moved his head left and right, leaning close with a sharp smile.
Their expressions mirrored each other, both showing their own set of teeth in a laughable display of dominance. However, it was just a matter of time before Grim would- Heh.
Yuu watched fondly as Grim averted his large eyes, huffing and crossing his paws. "I thought we were a team!" Grim said, bordering on whining, "A duo!"
He won't lie; his heart almost melted when Grim turned, his blues shining with feigned hurt that still made his eyes glitter. 'Stupid cat charm.' Yuu thought, biting his bottom lip to resist falling for Grim's antics as he continued dramatically,
"Where I go, you go, and where you go, you take me with you!"
Alright, the charm was broken, freeing Yuu to groan into his hands, his whining muffled. "But Lilia's teacakes are soo tempting~"
Something shifted in the air, making Yuu raise his head, only to meet Grim's disgusted expression as he tried leaning as far away as possible.
"We can't be that poor..." Grim muttered, making Yuu wince at his friend, offering him a wobbly smile.
"It's not so bad..." He said, trying to ignore the judgmental look he was getting, adding almost desperately, "It's just...he has a bitter taste.
Yuu kept up his awkward smile, partly focusing on the lulling rocking of their boat before Grim's sour expression caught his attention. "You're disgusting."
Blowing strands of hair from his eyes, Yuu was quick to retort back. "And you're just salty."
In a blink of an eye Grim was nose-to-nose with him, growling, Am not.
Yuu pressed back, eyes blazing. " You. Are." He emphasised. " It annoys you that Lilia doesn't invite you because you're hairy!"
The response was immediate as Grim recoiled back with an offended gasp. "How dare you! It's not my fault that geezer's allergic to my greatness!"
Feeling a surge of fondness, Yuu was unable to help but reach forward to boop Grim's nose, which scrunched up in response. "More like your-!"
Yuu felt his eyes widen together with Grim's, neither expecting the music that suddenly started filling the air. Both he and Grim turned cautiously to the side, trying to pinpoint how music could be playing in a middle of a fucking lake.
With their cheeks pressed together, they instinctually reached to embrace the other, watching in reality shuttering disbelief as five frogs appeared at the edge of their boat, jerking back when the frogs began singing along to the melody.
You and Grim exchanged a glance, but before they could voice the question of their sanity or check the lake's toxicity level, something started pushing their boat towards the lagoon hidden within the willow trees.
Shocked by the unfolding events, neither of them had the time to process as two seagulls pulled back the long branches, letting them into the lagoon - too entrance to notice the subtle harsh nudge to their boat.
They could only gape more at the number of animals joining in, with the music intensifying and the boat getting gently turned in the water.
The singing grew louder with the music while fireflies started to illuminate the space inside, making the water seem like a starry night outside.
"Sha-la-la-la, let the music play, do what the music says. You gotta kiss the- gwak! "
The sharp noise of something shooting from the water cut through the un-natural concert, snatching one of the seagulls mid-flight. The bird let out a distress cry before being dragged into the depths, all in the span of a second.
Frozen in shock, silence fell over the lagoon, everyone staring at the spot where the seagull had disappeared. Yuu barely had time to blink before the chaos erupted.
Water splashed, feathers ruffled, and leaves rustled. Yuu and Grim stood rigid as the previous silence returned, thick with tension.
Without hesitation, they embraced each other, holding on tightly. When no sound entered their space beside their breathing, Yuu thought in passing how the lagoon would seem enchanting if they hadn't just witnessed a murder.
He restrained himself from glancing at the spot, which Yuu could only assume would be a red mixed with rich blue by now. Instead, Yuu willed his wide eyes to move around, searching for any sign of danger as their boat slowly rocked in place.
"We are not getting paid enough for this!" Grim cried out, his twitching whiskers tickling Yuu's cheek as the cat spoke, his words echoing in the quiet space.
Tightening his hold on Grim, Yuu cried out next. "I can't go down for a shitty box!"
As a response, both of them stilled when they felt something heavy bump into their boat, rocking it harder. Yuu swiftly covered Grim's mouth as the cat prepared to screech in fear, hoping to avoid drawing attention from whatever lurked beneath the surface any further.
With bated breaths, Yuu bit his bottom lip as Grim's claws dug into his skin. 'I just clipped them!' Was his last train of thought before his mind went blank.
Yuu's heartbeat thundered in his ears, the rapid rhythm a stark contrast to the ominous silence that filled the lagoon. The boat hadd ceased its unsettling rotations, coming to an eerie stop.
His breath, shallow and rapid, stirred Grim's fur, the soft rumble of the feline's growls offering the only semblance of comfort.
Grim unconsciously leaned further into his chest, large blues sharpening into slits with his fur rising in alert as his forked-tail swished back and forth.
Splash. Two sets of eyes snapped to the rippling water, both braced for what was to come when-
Yuu screamed, a high-pitched, girlish sound that echoed through the still air. The familiar boyish voice behind him and the cold, clammy hand on his shoulder sent a jolt of terror though his body.
In his panic, Yuu jerked away, inadvertently tossing Grim into the air right as he was yanked back into a slimy, wet chest, his shirt absorbing the icy droplets that clung to the perpetrator's skin.
"Grim!" Yuu shouted, his voice thick with horror as he watched his yowling friend tumble through the air.
For a fleeting moment, he twistedly hoped that a hungry seagull would snatch Grim, mistaking the cat for a sardine. Anything was better than what- who was lurking in the lake's depths.
But such hope was snapped the instant Grim hit the water with a resounding splash, plunging the lagoon back into an uneasy silence.
Yuu's mind raced as he stared at the spot where Grim had vanished. He was too distracted to notice the two webbed cyan hands creeping over his chest - the now see-through shirt thoroughly drenched.
Only when he wanted to instinctually move towards the edge of the boat to check the surface did Yuu quickly realise he couldn't move a muscle.
The grip was firm yet deceptively gentle, with cold fingers pressing against his skin, sending a chill down his spine as they began to squeeze just so. The sharp nails dug in just enough to threaten without breaking the skin.
Yuu tensed when hot breath tickled his ear, sharp teeth grazing his earlobe, making him shudder involuntarily as blood flowed to his ears - no doubt taunting the predator with the promise of live prey.
His breath hitched as the grip on his chest tightened, a possessive hold that made it hard to breathe as he spoke in a low voice, making his heartbeat quickened.
The nickname was unmistakable, uttered with a boyish tone laced with a dangerous edge. There was no questioning which Leech twin had ensnared him.
"F-Floyd." Yuu stammered, his voice trembling as he forced out the name, a shaky smile plastered on his face.
His pulse pounded underneath his skin as Floyd's grip tightened, pulling him closer against the merfolk's cold, smooth chest. The wet fabric of his button-up clung to his skin uncomfortably, but he knew better than to squirm or complain by now.
Any sign of resistance would only aggravate the eel that had meticulously twisted around its prey. Not yet intending to harm only to play.
Floyd's chest vibrated against Yuu's back, a low rumble that sent a shiver down his spine. "You should know by now ya can't just come here uninvited," Floyd murmured, his voice carrying a subtle threat that made Yuu's breath hitch.
He opened his mouth, fully indenting to explain their nightly visit, but the words on the tip of his tongue were swallowed down as Floyd's nose brushed against the side of his neck.
Familiar tingly of electricity travelled from his neck down to his fingertips. The merfolk's breath was hot against his skin, and Yuu had to fight the urge not to flinch away. Any movement, any sign of weakness, would only provoke Floyd further.
Instead, he tried putting the focus on more pressing matters as the merfolk started to move Yuu backwards little by little, where he had to dig his hands into the wood underneath him to prevent Floyd from pulling him into the cold waters.
"Could you- I don't know, could you maybe go down and...you know," Yuu's voice faltered as Floyd paused to study him, his heterochromatic eyes unredable with his right faintly glowing within the dimmed lagoon.
Yuu forced a nervous chuckle, his eyes darting around as he tried to avoid Floyd's gaze. "Go down and get him?" Yuu suggested weakly, quickly adding, for a price of course! with a strained smile when he saw Floyd's unchanged expression, webbed ears twitching in clear irritation with his hold tightening just so.
Their eyes locked in a silent exchange, an unspoken conversation that sent a shiver down Yuu's spine. He watched, heart pounding, as Floyd's hands slowly slid down his arms to the edge of the boat.
The eel merfolk used it to lift himself up until he was looming over him. Sharp fins flaring in a clear challenge with dual eyes locked with his flittering gaze.
Droplets of water landed on Yuu's face, cold and startling, but instead of listening to the alarms in his head to look away and accept defeat, he squared his shoulders, his gaze hardening with determination.
Floyd leaned closer, a soft growl escaping his throat, revealing a razor-sharp canine poking from his lips. A gesture meant to threaten, to send fear through the body, freezing it in place. And yet...
Yuu knew all too well that if Floyd wanted to, he could easily flip the boat and trap him in the dark, cold depths of his domain, where he was rendered useless more than he already was on land.
But Yuu had spent enough time with the moody twin to understand his twisted sense of 'fun'. He didn't flinch as he watched the golden eye seemingly gleam even more. He didn't let his heart's frantic rhythm distract him when Floyd's longer strand of hair tickled his cheek.
He held his ground, calmly staring into Floyd's golden eye, not paying much attention to how the eel's body slid into the boat, inch by inch.
In that tense moment, Yuu could only prey that Grim's lazy brain had paid some attention during Mr Vargas's lessons on holding one's breath underwater.
Either that, or Yuu would have to find a way to win in Floyd's game without losing a limb, or-
A sharp splash of water and a loud gasp shattered whatever bubble Yuu was willingly drowning in. Both he and Floyd snapped their attention forward just as his vision was suddenly obscured by a ball of grey fur.
Grim, shaking more from fear than cold, clung to Yuu's face, his little heart pounding against his forehead. Yuu groaned, prying the terrified creature off his face, all while ignoring the irritated tut behind him.
He was about to ask Grim whether they would have to sneak into the collages infirmary again when his attention was stolen by the second twin, who Yuu notated was already half way in their boat.
Jade's smile feigned charm, which was nothing if not sadistic, with heterochromatic eyes glinting with amusement as he moved closer, using the middle plank which Yuu was sitting on to prop himself up.
Grim, still shivering, clung to Yuu's now drenched shirt, the fabric clinging to his ski nearly see-through, with the realisation settling in that they were now trapped between the two merfolk.
Yuu could do nothing but wait for either of them to speak as he was the one intruding on their territory with his heart hammering against his chest. 'If only the ghosts in Ramshackle were this territorial.' Yuu thought, desperately trying to keep his wits about him.
Jade tilted his head to the left, his eyes scanning them as they were once more clutching the other, the left eye glowing eerily, deepening the melted gold.
"Well, if it isn't the little Prefect..." Jade's voice was smooth, almost calming to the situation, served as a further threat by the way his sharp teeth peeked through his empty smile. "May I inquire as to your reason for being here?"
Yuu was more than aware of the strict policy every dorm oblige to. Every having their own set of rules and habits with only one being shared between them. The Entry policy.
Unless a member of said dorm or invited by the housewarden personally a student could only get in if send by the principle. Which Yuu was, naively thinking would be taken care of by said chicken!
Feeling his brows furrow, Yuu was quickly reminded of his current predicament when he felt Floyd move behind him, a large hand reaching over to grab Grim, who immediately started squirming and protesting about, how dare you treat the great Grim like a rat!
Yuu's mind provided an image of a trashing Grim facing a grumpy-looking Floyd who dangled him in the air like a wet socks.
He bit his tongue, knowing all too well what would follow if he were to turn around in a fruitless attempt to help. Instead, Yuu stayed still, his eyes never trailing away from Jade's inquisitive ones.
Taking a deep breath, Yuu nodded towards the box that was now underneath Jade. "Sir Crowley tasked me- us. Tasked us with delivering this to Azul," he explained, trying to stay calm despite the snickers and hisses behind him and the feeling of another body sliding closer to his right
The way Jade looked down and Floyd stopped tormenting Grim to peer over his shoulder in almost puppy-like curiosity helped Yuu ease up some of his nerves. Yet it never fully lost its guard, which heightened once more when the silence that followed was heavy.
Even Grim seemed to sense the unease in the air when he stopped trashing in Floyd's hold. Not being able to stay silent no more, Yuu quickly added in a dire attempt to smooth over the tension.
Not noticing how both eels' spins flared, eyes narrowed, and their webbed ears flattened or ruffled, he started spouting elaboration.
"I would have left it at the lounge, but he said Azul asked for it to be delivered immediately! I thought he sent notice to you guys before I-"
But before he could finish, the boat suddenly flipped over. The realisation of what had happened came too late, and Yuu found himself plunged into the cold water with a mouthful of it before he could have a chance to react accordingly.
With blurry vision and pounding hear, Yuu's other senses heightened almost immediately where he jerked away from the feeling of the familiar smooth muscles gliding over his back.
The sensation had prompted Yuu to shook off the shock and quiclky swam upwards, partly noting the smooth muscle of one of the twins tails ssliding under his feet.
Being in no position to think whether it was meant to help or strain him more, his sole focus was on the faster approaching surface.
Gasping for air as he broke the surface, Yuu pushed his wet hair out of his eyes, only to feel a cold present settle behind him with tail coiled around his feet, immobilising him and forcing him to sit on the powerful muscle.
"Our apologies, we didn't account for the heaviness of this form. I hope you can forgive us, Mr Prefect." Jade's smooth voice sounded behind him, his hands easily sliding over Yuu's arms, settling under his palms with a deceptive gentleness.
Blaming the cold water for his tremble, Yuu fight to ignore the soft electric feeling under his palm, opting to glance over his shoulder and narrowing his eyes at Jade's insincere smile.
"Oh, I'm sure you both feel so guilty," Yuu glowered, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Why did you push it over?"
Jade blinked at him 'innocently', but before Yuu could press for an answer, the sound of cackle behind him followed by something slimy brushing against his exposed arm, drew his attention to Floyd, who was now lazily circling them in the water, with shivering Grim on his chest as the twin leisurely yet roughly patted him.
Yuu winced in sympathy at the ministration, his eyes widening when Floyd's hand emerged from the water, the silver box in his hand as the twin rattled it with a mischievous grin.
"Lookie, Jade!" Floyd called out to his brother, who in turn smiled knowingly at his twin. "It's that."
Floyd stopped before them, ignoring how Grim cringed in his hold with his body partly submerged under the water. 'At least I won't have to bathe your stinky arse.' Yuu thought, refocusing on the question he and Grim wondered about before.
"What's in that box?" Yuu asked, nodding at the silver box in Floyd's possession. Yet, instead of answering, the twins exchanged a glance before focusing all their attention on him.
Yuu instinctively retreaded a bit, unintentionally pressing closer to Jade, who tightened his tail around Yuu's legs in response.
A gesture that could be either threatening or comforting settled at the back of his mind when he fought the shiver induced by Jade's low voice near his reddening ear.
"If you're so curious..." He began smoothly as Floyd swam closer with Grim tightly pressed against his chest, rendering the creature speechless as Floyd mimicked his twin's looming presence.
"Why not come down with us?" Floyd finished with a boyish voice. Both brothers peered down at Yuu who felt the tip of Floyd's tail effortlessly take off his shoes with both the twins working down the buttons of his blouse to-
"N-No, we good! But thanks for the offer, truly!" Yuu stammered, his smaller human hands pushing theirs away, no doubt letting him to; otherwise, Yuu was hundred percent sure he and Grim would already be dragged into the water half way on their way to the Octavinelle dorm.
The twins exchanged another look, Jade had his usual calm expression while Floyd was clearly dissatisfied with his rejection of their proposal.
What followed next was a bunch of chatter sounds where mostly Floyd was showing his annoyance through soft glowers with his sharp spine fin occasionally flexing.
But whatever they were discussing in their own language that Yuu couldn't even phantom to decipher, it was clearly affecting Jade as well as his tail tightened more than once around his legs where Yuu started to stop feeling his feet.
Thankfully, the brothers cleared their disagreement pretty fast, with Jade turning to him with a tight smile and Floyd huffing, letting go of Grim as he crossed his arms with the box in his left hand, enabling Grim to quickly try paddling to Yuu only to be caught by the ever smiling Jade.
"Very well then," Jade said, his golden eye glowing briefly as he began to unwarp his long tail from around Yuu's legs. Thinking he was being let go, he got ready to start kicking his stocking feet that would otherwise make him grimace if all his clothes were not wet as well.
You could only internally groan at the prospect of laundry once he and Grim returned to their dorm, which sounded heavenly right now.
But instead of the freedom he hoped he was granted, Yuu found himself being pulled into a suffocating embrace. Floyd grinned in satisfaction with one glance at Jade telling him this was planned.
With a stretched smile, Jade continued. "It wouldn't do you good to swim all the way to shore. Please, let us escort you Mr Prefect." A command that was poorly disguised as a question.
'It wouldn't do me good to swim with you two either!' He wanted to say out loud, but instead, he let his eyes fall on something behind the ever-patient Jade.
Yuu paid no mind to Floyd's hands slipping around him, the eel nuzzling into his neck once more, sending waves of soft electricity down his arms and leaving iron taste in his mouth.
Glancing between the flipped boat and Jade with large, hopeful eyes, Yuu pointed at it with a wobbly smile. "Eh..You could just turn it around-!"
He should have expected it Jade's respond, truly, it was his fault.
Before Yuu could finish his suggestion, Jade, without turning around, brought his powerful tail down, smashing the boat into pieces with a single blow. THe sharp sound echoed in the quiet lagoon, the silence only broken by Jade's silver voice.
"You were saying?" He asked 'innocently' with a tilted head.
Making a quick eye contact with Grim who froze in Jade's hold, thankfully unharmed from the flying pieces of wood. Yuu knew it was either yes and a gentle ride home with a clingy leech or no and a forced ride back to shore with water entering his nose-
"I was saying that I'd be grateful for your assistance." Yuu replied with a strained smile, which Jade returned with a much more charming one while Floyd let out a short huff.
As if all the patience Floyd had to stay silent through their back and forth was finally all used up, the merfolk submerged underwater before Yuu had the chance to see his expression.
His tail slid under Yuu's legs before disappearing entirely. Unsure of what Floyd was planning, Yuu looked to Jade for answers, but the other twin only smiled back, moving forward and smoothly sliding into the water as he let Grim walk over his shoulder onto his back, continuing onwards.
Yuu didn't know what to say or do as he watched the Leech brother getting farther away, sharing a confused look with Grim Yuu sighed. Seeing no other reason for Floyd's disappearance other than boredom, he was not surprised by the eel's whimsical nature.
With no other choice left, Yuu started to follow Jade who was already a good distance away from him, his drenched clothes not making the swimming any easier.
"Stupid chicken with his stupid tasks and his stingy-!" Grumbling under his breath without choking on the water, he was suddenly pushed upwards by a strong and refine muscle which moved him faster forward.
With legs on both sides of what was moving under him, Yuu blinked away his short-lived surprise. It didn't take a genius to understand that he was sitting on Floyd's waist who flashed him a crooked grin, with hands behind his head, as his powerful tail pushed them forward.
"Were ya thinkin' of swimming away from me, Shrimpy?" Floyd teased, his voice playful, clearly waiting for his response.
Yuu let out a tired sigh, his expression softening into a reluctant smile. "How could I when you would clearly catch me no matter what." Yuu replied, hand curiously spreading on Floyd's smooth, cyan-white skin, which shimmered under the moon's light.
The merfolk rumbled in response, the vibration travelling through Yuu's fingertips as Floyd's annoyed tut finally drew his attention back to his face. Yuu only saw Floyd's furrowed brows just as webbed hands grasped his and pulled him closer.
Sprawled over Floyd, his nose barely brushing against Yuu's forehead. "Ya wouldn't make the chase boring though, right Shrimpy?" Floyd asked in a low voice, his other hand brushing Yuu's hair behind his ear, claws lightly grazing his sensitive skin, sending shivers down Yuu's spine. "I know you wouldn't, right?"
Yuu swallowed nervously, his wide eyes meeting Floyd's duals. The golden eye seemed to glow brighter under the open starry night. Knowing one wrong move or word could trigger a different mood with a different response where Yuu would either end up safely on the shore or drowned in the peaceful lake.
He couldn't help the relieved sighed when Jade's stern voice interrupted the charged air between them. "Floyd."
Floyd's gaze dropped, lazily meeting his twin's disapproving stare. "I thought you wanted him to enjoy the ride back in peace." Jade reminded him.
Yuu and Grim exchanged wary glanced, their eyes darting between the two Leech brothers, settling on Floyd's sharp grin which grew as he locked eyes with Jade.
Without another word, Floyd lowered his head on the water's surface, his teal hair fanning out as he swam just a little faster, ahead of his brother.
"Ya never asked for my definition of peace, now did ya." Floyd quipped cheekily. Jade easily let his twin have the last word, recognising that his brother's appetite for chaos was, for the moment, satiated.
Knowing what the other Leech brother did, Yuu waved his hand to gain Jade's attention, which the more composed twin immediately gave.
A brief but genuine smile crossed his lips as Yuu mouthed a silent, thank you. Jade nod in respond, redirecting his focus to the path ahead.
Determined to maintain the fragile peace, Yuu subtly motioned for Grim to stay quiet. The little feline rolled his eyes with a huff as he crossed his paws, but wordlessly complied. Not daring to challenge the Leech twins' unpredictable nature.
Satisfied, Yuu turned his attention forward, observing Floyd's unexpectedly peaceful expression. Here he was, sitting on a merfolk, a being capable of tearing him to pieces, snapping his bones as if made of porcelain.
Yet instead, Floyd had chosen to help with his brother. To protect, in their own twisted way.
'Even if you may be seen as morally grey, selfish, animalistic and twisted. I...' Yuu thought, his fingers absently tracing the smooth skin, barely feeling the hidden scales. 'I can't help but admire the authenticity of your actions.'
Be it the Leech twins, Azul or other students he met in NRC Yuu never felt he was being lied to. Tested or even secretly deceived. Hell! The trio never hid their scheming nature when they tried luring students into making deals.
'This place truly lives up to its name.' Heh. A bitter smile tugged at Yuu's lips when, instead of the expected fear, disgust or resentment, all he could feel was...peace.
Throughout their serene ride, Yuu couldn't help but return to the same old thought. Was this world changing him, or was he letting it change him?
How long until he would fully forget about returning back to his home, to his family and life? How long until he would stop fighting the pull and let himself drown in the murky waters.
Yuu felt his eyes dim with each question, hands fisting before he willed them to relax. He truly needed sleep.
The journey back to shore was much quicker with the twins' assistance than when he and Grim rowed on their own.
The moment they reached the dark-sandy beach encircling the lake, both Floyd and Jade swam as close as possible allowed them to, their massive forms gliding effortlessly though the water.
As soon as they hit the shallows, the brothers settled on the sand, allowing Yuu and Grim to slide down.
Wasting no time in staying longer than needed, Grim leapt from Jade's back, muttering a quick, Thanks! Just as Yuu drilled into him, scurrying to the safety of the shore, far from the water's edge.
Yet when it was his turn, he didn't get far. Choking on his thanks, Yuu stumbled forward with a jolt of fear travelling through him when a webbed hand clasped around his ankle, causing him to crash to the sand.
Heart pounding, Yuu instinctively braced himself for the fall, intending to turn and yell at Floyd. But before he could, the merfolk was already flipping him over with ease, his golden eye glinting with playful malice.
"Floyd, what the hell-" Yuu's words died in his throat as he saw the sharp, glinting teeth inching closer to his foot. His breath quickened, and a primal fear gripped him. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the painful feeling of teeth tearing into flesh.
But instead of pain, he felt a strange, tickling sensation. Confused, Yuu slowly opened his eyes to find Floyd nibbling on his ankle, his sharp teeth grazing the skin without breaking it.
A familiar heavy feeling of guilt settled on his heart as he watched Floyd finish his ministration that was probably meant as a goodbye for him, tail softly thumbing behind the brother as he gave him a large grin, oblivious to what Yuu thought he would do.
'And right after I thought you shouldn't be seen as mindless monsters.' Guess old habits do die hard, Yuu thought solemnly. He is still not used to some of the 'cultural' differences between his world and theirs it seemed.
"Let's play like this again soon, alright?" Floyd's question interrupted Yuu's self-demeaning thoughts, his voice unusually soft, but with an undeniable edge to it.
His tail flicked water playfully onto the shore with Jade next to his twin, silently regarding Yuu with an unsettling intensity, his duals gleaming with an eagerness that could be seen as a predatory curiosity from a different angle.
"Please take care and get home safe, Mr Prefect." Jade said, his expression already washed down by his empty smile as he respectfully bowed his head while his twin nodded vigorously, his expression equally unreadable.
"Hai, hai! The land is far more dangerous than water anyways." Floyd followed, his usual playful demeanor fading into something more serious. "If ya get into trouble, don't hesitate to jump here."
"I'm sure we could make an...expectation for you if you're in dire danger." Jade added, slowly moving closer. Yuu's eyes shifted between the two twins, whichever spoke, noting that both were now looming over him on each side.
Yuu took into account their uncaring nature, reasoning no matter how long they lived ashore, they wouldn't care for something obvious like personal space.
"Azul might even allow you to stay in Octavinelle for a while too..." Floyd said next, bending so his duals with his gleaming gold would easily lock with Yuu's hesitant gaze that slowly melted into a more interested look.
"Indeed..."Jade followed next, mirroring his twin's posture as well as expression, "For a price, of course. But don't fret, it won't be too hefty, I promise you that our little Prefect."
Yuu felt the weight of their gazes, the two pools of melted gold gleamed with a mix of amusement and something more possessive.
He barely registred the feeling of their webbed hands - one gentle, the other more forceful - clasping his own, nor did he hear Grim's muffled panicked cries.
All Yuu could focus on was the two glowing golds and the subtle pressure of being pulled back towards the water when an arrow suddenly whizzed through the air, landing inched from Yuu's groin, easily pushing the two eels from him.
The shared shock between them broke whatever chain was encircling Yuu's neck, making all three turn their heads sharply in the direction the arrow that nearly castrated him had come from.
Yuu's breath hitched, the low sound of growls ignored as his brain settled on far greater danger than those two merfolks' that retreated further into the waters.
There in the distance, a familiar figure marched towards them with a scowling expression and scary speed, considering the heels that seemed sharper than usual.
The peaceful night was shattered. Without a second thought, Yuu scrambled to his feet, the adrenaline surging through his veins as his eyes locked with blazing amethysts; Grim's loud voice going ignored as he shouted, Rook!?
Yuu couldn't decipher whether it was from excitement or fear as his friend pointed up at the trees with heavy foliage, his attention solely on,
"V-Vil! What are you doing here at this fine hour?" Yuu stammered, his voice trembling slightly as the blond bore down on him. Vil seemed like a man on a mission, his dress robe adorned by fur fluttering behind him like a royal robe.
Seeing movement in his peripheral vision, Yuu quickly glanced to the side, seeing the two twins slowly sliding away from him before his focus was turned back due to the familiar scent of caramel apple engulfing his senses.
"Fine? Fine, you say," Vil's voice was low, dangerously calm, with an edge that sent chills down Yuu's spine that was not from the wind brushing against his drenched state.
Suddenly, the taller teen grabbed Yuu by the collar, yanking him closer, their faces mere inches apart. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" Vil demanded, his amethysts burning with a fury that Yuu felt only he was privileged to see from the 'perfect' male standing before him.
Yuu forced an awkward smile at his senior, raising his hands in surrender. Out of the corner of his eye, Yuu caught sight of Epel, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
The lavender-haired boy who was bent over still found the strength to furiously shake his head with a paled expression, motioning with his thumb a cutting gesture over his neck.
But Yuu, despite knowing better, couldn't stop himself from speaking. "Somewhere around eleven-"
"Twelve. Thirty. AM." Vil's voice cut through the night like a blade, dripping with venom from the usually composed 'Queen' of Pomefiore.
Feeling the unusual statick in the air, Yuu willed himself to take a deep breath in, scanning Vil's flawless face that was adorned with faint lines of stress.
His heart sank at the thought that he was the cause of the blond's distress. Eyes softening, Yuu opened his mouth in an attempt to soothe the blond, but before he could say anything, Vil huffed a shaky smirk, speaking of Yuu's inevitable doom.
Too slow to react, Vil turned on his heel, tugging Yuu forward with surpsiing force. Tumbling over his stocking feet, Yuu tried to regain his balance, but Vil didn't give him the chance.
With a firm grip on the back of Yuu's drenched shirt, Vil marched forward, dragging him along the ground like a beat-up plushy that was about to get thoroughly washed.
The pompous 'Queen' whistled a short tune as they passed Epel, who had just caught his breath only to realise he had to go through all that again.
However, before he could ask his friend why he was even out here, his head snapped to familiar yowl of Grim. Scanning his around where he heard him, Yuu didn't had much time to pin point where he was as Vil's voice dragged his attention back to him.
"Going on some evening endeavour this late at night, leaving the chat and then daring not to answer any of the calls. I hope you know I expect you to sit obediently once we get back to Pomefiore and not make a peep while I try to save this disaster."
Vil looked over his shoulder, peering down at Yuu with amethysts that gleamed with the promise of punishment if defiance were to be noticed.
Feeling wronged for nothing, Yuu stupidly tried to explain his and Grim situation before Vil's tense voice easily cut through his voice. "Do you understand?"
Wide eyes searched the hardened violet gems before he let out a long sigh. Slumping his shoulders, Yuu replied with a short, aye, sir.
Clearly satisfied with his respond, Vil humped as he continued listing all that they would have to go through to ensure neither of them would get dark circles or dry skin once they woke up.
Hearing the torture they would have to go through, his eyes swiftly locked with Epel's wide ones, I expect full compensation the boy's gaze said which made Yuu promptly snap his attention at his only salvation.
Yet when his fearful eyes met two pairs of duals shining with sadistic mischiefs in the moonlit night, he found no solace - only the eerie, synchronised wave of the two merfolk, making Yuu rethink his previous thought before all this.
'I take it all back. All of you are sadistic bastards!'
Thank you all for reading! I hope ya enjoyed yourself. Pls don't be shy to comment any of Ur thoughs or leave a like. It was fun to write!
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pulpsandcomics2 · 9 months
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The Creature from the Black Lagoon Mystery Game (Hasbro, 1963)
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