#Mystic speaks
ghostlythunderbird · 2 years
Hey Guys! I wanted to give you guys a sneak peek at what I'm currently working on.
This will be a Poly Relationship with a Female reader, which will include our top soldiers Ghost, Konig, and Keegan. It is also 18+ (This means Minors and Ageless blogs DNI) as there will be sexual themes later on but here's a snippet of what I have so far! This will be a Modern Omegaverse Dystopia, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions on this upcoming AU.
"God, if I knew how much of a handful you were, I never would have fucking agreed to this." The hurtful words spewed out of Keegan's mouth before Ghost or Konig could stop him. Those words made you bristle, your teeth clenching before slowly turning back to face the 3 significant alphas sitting in the living room. "Oh, you think you're angry because you agreed to mate with someone you don't know? How do you think I feel, being forced into a contract with not just one but THREE alphas I've never met!" Tears began to collect in your eyes as you tried to keep your gaze on Keegan.
 "At least you had a choice! How did it go for me? I was forced out of the only home I ever knew, only to be paired with three alphas, who, mind you appear to have NO experience being around an Omega whatsoever! Only to be locked on their knots and treated like a goddamn broodmare for the rest of my life." 
Tears began to run down your cheeks as your throat tightened, beginning to choke your words. "I wanted to live a normal life just like everyone else on this godforsaken planet, but no, I was told to sit down, shut up and be a 'Good lil' Omega'" Those words alone made your skin crawl; and it seemed your alphas shared the same sentiment. Konig's gaze dropped to the floor before shifting his body away from you, his scent becoming sour. The tension in the room continued to increase as your rant began its downhill slide.
"The only person here that's made me somewhat comfortable in this fucking house is Konig; you and Ghost have given me NOTHING. You've done nothing but criticize everything I've done since I got here, and you dare to say that YOU'RE angry over this arrangement?" A growl brewed in your throat. If your dam heard you right now, she'd die on the spot, saying it was Un-Omegalike. None of the alphas could meet your tearful stare; not even the battle-hardened Ghost could look at you. It only solidified that these alphas, ones you were supposed to bond with, didn't fully understand how you felt during this rough change.
You couldn't stand to be around them anymore; the need to return to your room, to your nest, was steadily becoming overwhelming. Swiftly turning on your heel, you began to leave the living room. The alpha's head snapped back to your frame as you walked away. The skull-faced alpha took a step past Keegan. "Love wai-." As you spun around to face him, your speed was near enough to snap anyone's neck. "Don't. You. Dare. Say that. After everything, you don't get to call me that; I can't fucking be in here with any of you right now. Just leave me alone" The snarl left your lips was deadly. Clearly stating, 'Leave me alone.'
The air was stagnant once you turned around and left. The Alphas soon looked at one another. No words were shared between them, but they were all in the same thought process.
They really fucked up.
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cynical-mystic · 1 month
am I the only one who finds it difficult to watch and enjoy the polin "good times" in season 3 because they're tainted by the undercurrent of Colin not knowing and so it's hard to enjoy it when I know how much pain it's going to cause later?
can they really be "good times" after colin has stated multiple times to several characters that he will ruin Lady Whistledown and the woman he's supposedly having these "good times" with is, in fact, Lady Whistledown?!?!?
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traff1csstuff · 6 months
It was sosososooo good!! Spoiler warning ahead Black Hole using his nightmare to try and explain to Fanny that he can't kill without severe repercussions. He's scared he'll end everything, even if its killing someone to save them [like with Tree] and he has a valid reason for that. I mean, He's a BLACK HOLE. He's kinda made to kill everything eventually and has the power too, I'd be overly cautious as well. I'm glad they could find a middle ground though, and allowing Fanny to cut Tree down to save him is a big step for him. He's learning to accept it's necessary to kill sometimes in order to help the people he cares about. [Especially tree. Tree x Black Hole yesyesyes]. Pillow actually feeling bad about losing the challenge made me remember she may enjoy killing but she isn't mindless and I feel like a lot of the community overlooks that. She was willing to try other things to help Book out and win the challenge, even if they lost she admitted it was worth a shot. And, thanks to Pillow forcing her, Price tag and Book became good friends. She did two good deeds [sort of] to help her team out and they both worked in their own way, maybe they're still up for elimination but good things came from it. Clock and Winner. I'm really glad they made up as well. Clock just wanted Winner to not be forgotten, just like he was in BFB. He wanted to help Winner but Winner didn't want that help. I do admit, Clock crossed his boundaries, but he apologized and tried to make it right. Winner being hurt by Loser fueled my hatred for Loser [I already hated him]. I'm glad Winner forgave Clock and even wished Loser luck on his journey to fame. More about Clock. Four and X getting pissed when he was eliminated cracked me up. I'm so happy they actually made a contestant friend, similar to Two and Gaty but in a different way [Since they're different people]. Being sad when he left and angry at Two made me happy because they really did care about him, like taking him on the boat trip and such. It just made me really happy and I could talk about them for hours and hours. Final thing, not about anybody specific but in Book's dream I like how the style changed to BFB's old style, it really stayed with the vibe of Book being "back in BFB". Also Two looked funny with the same style as old Four and X.
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hazedxhealing · 2 years
Not-so-friendly reminder that you cannot be a system without trauma.
Some more proof; done by me, a person living with DID.
This is not syscourse, this is fact.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness (DSM-5), a history of childhood abuse and neglect is prevalent in 90% of cases of dissociative identity disorder (DID). The remaining cases involve medical trauma, terrorism, and childhood prostitution. Ninety percent is overwhelming. Other research claims that rates of abuse and neglect in DID are actually much higher.
DID develops in response to severe, recurring trauma in childhood. Children are not fully equipped to cope with continued, severe instances of abuse, so they may develop dissociation as a survival skill, which can then develop into DID. It makes sense, then, that the rate of childhood abuse and neglect in people with DID is so high.
The authors interviewed 102 individuals with clinical diagnoses of multiple personality disorder at four centres using the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule. The patients reported high rates of childhood trauma: 90.2% had been sexually abused, 82.4% physically abused, and 95.1% subjected to one or both forms of child abuse. Over 50% of subjects reported initial physical and sexual abuse before age five. The average duration of both types of abuse was ten years, and numerous different perpetrators were identified. Subjects were equally likely to be physically abused by their mothers or fathers. Sexual abusers were more often male than female, but a substantial amount of sexual abuse was perpetrated by mothers, female relatives, and other females. Multiple personality disorder appears to be a response to chronic trauma originating during a vulnerable period in childhood.
The main cause of DID is believed to be severe and prolonged trauma experienced during childhood, including emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
The development of dissociative identity disorder is understood to be a result of several factors:
Recurrent episodes of severe physical, emotional or sexual abuse in childhood.
Absence of safe and nurturing resources to overwhelming abuse or trauma.
Ability to dissociate easily.
Development of a coping style that helped during distress and the use of splitting as a survival skill.
While abuse is frequently present, it cannot be assumed that family members were involved in the abuse.
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is the result of repeated or long-term childhood trauma, most frequently child abuse or neglect, that is often combined with disorganized attachment or other attachment disturbances. DID cannot form after ages 6-9 because individuals older than these ages have an integrated self identity and history. Trauma later in life can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder or complex posttraumatic stress disorder, other dissociative disorders including other specified dissociative disorder, somatic symptom disorders, or possibly borderline personality disorder, but DID requires an unintegrated mind to form.
Other helpful links!!
DSM-5 on DID and
A explanation of each DD
NAMIs fact sheet on DID
Please see this account for OP
A PDF research paper done on the link between DID and childhood abuse
My own multi-part research thread
A post about biomarkers in the brains of pw/OSDDID
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it has taken me MONTHS but I am SO CLOSE to finishing typesetting @recreationalcatnip's the width of a mattress that I can TASTE IT
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mystiii-c · 1 year
i absolutely LOVE the different flavors kustard can have because of alternate timelines.
dust, killer, horror, geno/error, all who were considered “classic” in the past, it’s just too good and i’ll never get over it!!
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booklovers23 · 2 years
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munsonsfairy · 4 months
what that tongue do 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
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sogthewoz · 4 months
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I had a vision come to me in a dream
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brittle-doughie · 23 days
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Mystic Flour heard that the Y/N at the Cookie Kingdom was free and she could take them home with her. Woman was DETERMINED to get out.
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Eternal Sugar must be screaming in her container as she watched Mystic Flour leave.
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ghostlythunderbird · 1 year
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I am coming to offer this thot to anyone who wants it because I have no brain juice to even write this.
But my mind has been on some Werewolf!Ghost action for a bit now, not just the regular giant wolf that walks in two legs no no. I'm talking about the Twilight big ass doggos type of werewolves. But only only that; the werewolf’s human form also has ears and a tail (kind of like a hybrid).
ANYWAYS I had a thot about how Price and Laswell could be were keepers parse a and they would recently capture another werewolf (I think of them being a female were because I do a lot of self inserting over here don't mind me lol) that they could potentially pair Ghost with; or whoever your thinking of babe it could be Gaz, Soap, Keegan, or even König the possibilities are endless in the spooky month.
As for you my dear sweet reader, your story is quite different; you were a lone wolf for a long time and you've never really been in a werewolf friendly place. People are fearful of your kind as most think your a mindless creature lingering for their flesh; well soon your found out to be a werewolf and are captured by a “Rehabilitation project” specifically for your kind. Your time there was actually pretty nice, you had shelter, food and you felt safe. The environment itself reminded you of your birth pack’s old hunting grounds.
Well soon after your feeling well and the veterinarian team clears you are in good health, your soon ready to be paired with the boys. But who could be a perfect fit? You needed someone to be strong and quite dominant, they also needed some pretty good genes is you know what I mean *aggressive eyebrow wiggles*
But at the same time could you IMAGINE all the trial and errors of being paired with these boys who have NO idea on how to court you properly. Ghost does show interest but doesn't even know where to start much less make a conversation with you, Gaz and Soap are beyond excited of finally having another werewolf (can guarantee soap will be too head over heels where his brain don't work much), Keegan might become too standoffish and poor König tries his best and you end up being gifted a whole ass moose.
Thanks for coming to my 12 am ADHD Ted talk (I have so much brain rot for this I just had to get it out there for you all to suffer with me please send help)
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cynical-mystic · 6 months
Commentary prompt!
Not for the first time, Claude wonders just why Sylvain invited Felix to join their weekly tea and chess time, despite Sylvain’s explanation that he wants the two of them to get to know each other better. Instead of learning more about Felix, Claude’s guard has gone up tenfold, helped along by the fact that he soon realizes he can’t ever really know Felix, not like Sylvain does. The face of the one person he’d ever thought of as a friend as a child flashes behind his eyes and he has to focus on not breaking the teacup in his hands.
“That’s just because you don’t care about strategy,” Sylvain says, waving off Felix’s complaint as he studies the board. “You’re all go, go, go, you rarely stop and think.”
“Look who’s talking!” Felix snaps. “You’re the fool who’ll throw himself in front of anyone being attacked if there’s the slightest chance they might get hurt.”
Umber and vermilion eyes turn to him, but Claude is already grabbing for a napkin to wipe up the small amount of tea that was left in the cup he just broke. Thankfully it was his turn to provide the tea set, so he doesn’t have to worry too much about replacing the damn thing. Sylvain leans over to take the pieces from Claude while Felix watches, eyebrow raised.
“You okay, Claude?” Sylvain asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says, still not looking at him. “Just a stupid accident.”
Claude knows that the only reason why Sylvain accepts this as easily as he does is because Felix is there; otherwise, he’d press Claude for what actually happened.
Once everything is clean, he realizes his hands are shaking, so he clenches his fists.
“I think I’m going to have to bow out early,” Claude says, reaching out to knock over his king. “Sylvain, do you think you can take care of all of this?”
“Sure, but–”
Claude all but knocks his chair over getting up and walking away.
Jose, I love you, but did you really have to pick the one scene in that fic where I wrote it and was like "I'm not even quite sure why this is the way it is?" 😅😂🤣 Thanks for the submission! I love this fic so freaking much. I'm putting the rest under a cut because we get kind of long. Hope you enjoy!
This excerpt is from Chapter 9, "Proof of Pain," in Tangled Winds, the first entry in my Green Sarabhas series. I wrote this fic in a month and a half, and it's the longest thing I've ever written.
Not for the first time, Claude wonders just why Sylvain invited Felix to join their weekly tea and chess time, despite Sylvain’s explanation that he wants the two of them to get to know each other better. Instead of learning more about Felix, Claude’s guard has gone up tenfold, helped along by the fact that he soon realizes he can’t ever really know Felix, not like Sylvain does. The face of the one person he’d ever thought of as a friend as a child flashes behind his eyes and he has to focus on not breaking the teacup in his hands.
Okay, so you know that writing advice that says to write what you know? When I write, I put so much of myself into what I'm working on that sometimes I can go back and say "ah yes, I know exactly what I was trying to work through while I was writing this."
This is not one of those times!
In this fic, Claude is so insecure. There's this through line of this childhood friend that betrayed him and essentially ruined his ability to trust other people. For this scene specifically, Claude is struggling with the concept of letting Felix into his life. He's built a relationship with Sylvain to the point where he trusts him, but he knows next to nothing about Felix, and the one thing he does know is that Felix has been friends with Sylvain since they were children. Claude's assumption here is that, no matter how close he and Felix may wind up getting, Felix's first loyalty will always be to Sylvain.
For someone trying to build allies to help him when he takes the Almyran throne, that won't work.
For a scared, lonely boy who wants absolute assurance that he's the most important thing to the people he cares about, that won't work.
“That’s just because you don’t care about strategy,” Sylvain says, waving off Felix’s complaint as he studies the board. “You’re all go, go, go, you rarely stop and think.”
“Look who’s talking!” Felix snaps. “You’re the fool who’ll throw himself in front of anyone being attacked if there’s the slightest chance they might get hurt.”
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Claude hasn't seen Sylvain in real battle yet, and has no idea how much of a self-sacrificing idiot the boy he loves is. The fact that this revelation comes from Felix reinforces the idea that Claude will never be enough for Sylvain, and that he'll always need Felix too.
While emotionally healthy, well-adjusted adults know that you can be the most important person to someone while they still have other friends who fill niches you can't, Claude is none of those things here.
The reminder that Sylvain could die and therefore leave Claude by doing something Claude can't really fathom doing himself at this point certainly doesn't help.
Umber and vermilion eyes turn to him, but Claude is already grabbing for a napkin to wipe up the small amount of tea that was left in the cup he just broke. Thankfully it was his turn to provide the tea set, so he doesn’t have to worry too much about replacing the damn thing. Sylvain leans over to take the pieces from Claude while Felix watches, eyebrow raised.
Okay, I will claim this paragraph as me protecting and not just being possessed by these idiots like I was while I wrote this entire series.
When I'm panicking, I tend to focus on mundane details as well, and when I try to remember things later, sometimes I'll pick out those mundane things instead of the thing that made me panic. It's a comfort thing, something I can relatively control.
“You okay, Claude?” Sylvain asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says, still not looking at him. “Just a stupid accident.”
Claude's thoughts here: Don't show weakness, don't show weakness, don't show- because in Claude's world, weakness is severely punished.
Claude knows that the only reason why Sylvain accepts this as easily as he does is because Felix is there; otherwise, he’d press Claude for what actually happened.
Anyone else use situations like this to their advantage? No, just me? 😅 Maybe there's more of myself in this scene than I thought.
Once everything is clean, he realizes his hands are shaking, so he clenches his fists.
“I think I’m going to have to bow out early,” Claude says, reaching out to knock over his king. “Sylvain, do you think you can take care of all of this?”
I'd like to focus on Claude's king for a moment. This fic was supposed to be "Sylvain and Claude get to know each other over chess after Claude harbors Sylvain for a night and gets curious," and while it spun widely out of my control, I went into this with no plan, so we're still clinging to the vestiges of that original idea here.
Also, I really don't think Claude would be able to stand leaving a game hanging like that.
Now that I think about it, it's also kind of symbolic of Claude's general submission in this situation. Instead of facing his fear and talking it out in the moment, he's leaving.
“Sure, but–”
Claude all but knocks his chair over getting up and walking away.
This is meant to portray the haste with which Claude gets up and flees. I'm not quite sure how exactly he would go about almost knocking his chair over while he stands, but that level of detail is typically irrelevant to me.
I love this ship, I love these three, and I love this entire series. Thanks again, @astaraxion, for the ask, and for being the best beta a person could ask for, and for being my friend. 🧡💜
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Can we just acknowledge how silly some of the Beast's names are-
We got the
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Forgive me for not gaf about the actual drawings
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
[ cw: assumed death / assumed sibling death / assumed child death / solitude ]
Thinking about Leo being trapped in the Prison Dimension and keeping himself warm through the power of his own ninpo - this ability is shown to us as a flame, after all, so imagine if, when he lets his mystic energy run through him, it warms him up, just a little.
In this desolate place, all cold and alone, he focuses on that flame and leans into its warmth.
He relies on it, and he realizes it that he’d relied on it too much when it goes out, and he’s once again cold.
(In another dimension, the Hamatos believe they lost one of their own.)
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mysticotta · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
Tagged by @blueinkscribe and @masque-of-plague
Gem wraps it back in a hug, clinging to them for life. “She’s dead. Gone. I murdered her.”
A bit of an OC Drabble I’m working on!
Tagging: @hydeomonster @little-orphan-ant
@inkystaar @transfemjimmysolidarity
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mystiii-c · 1 year
sapphic scifell is literally bubbline send post
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