#Mystic - 🧜🏻‍♀️
hazedxhealing · 2 years
Not-so-friendly reminder that you cannot be a system without trauma.
Some more proof; done by me, a person living with DID.
This is not syscourse, this is fact.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness (DSM-5), a history of childhood abuse and neglect is prevalent in 90% of cases of dissociative identity disorder (DID). The remaining cases involve medical trauma, terrorism, and childhood prostitution. Ninety percent is overwhelming. Other research claims that rates of abuse and neglect in DID are actually much higher.
DID develops in response to severe, recurring trauma in childhood. Children are not fully equipped to cope with continued, severe instances of abuse, so they may develop dissociation as a survival skill, which can then develop into DID. It makes sense, then, that the rate of childhood abuse and neglect in people with DID is so high.
The authors interviewed 102 individuals with clinical diagnoses of multiple personality disorder at four centres using the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule. The patients reported high rates of childhood trauma: 90.2% had been sexually abused, 82.4% physically abused, and 95.1% subjected to one or both forms of child abuse. Over 50% of subjects reported initial physical and sexual abuse before age five. The average duration of both types of abuse was ten years, and numerous different perpetrators were identified. Subjects were equally likely to be physically abused by their mothers or fathers. Sexual abusers were more often male than female, but a substantial amount of sexual abuse was perpetrated by mothers, female relatives, and other females. Multiple personality disorder appears to be a response to chronic trauma originating during a vulnerable period in childhood.
The main cause of DID is believed to be severe and prolonged trauma experienced during childhood, including emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
The development of dissociative identity disorder is understood to be a result of several factors:
Recurrent episodes of severe physical, emotional or sexual abuse in childhood.
Absence of safe and nurturing resources to overwhelming abuse or trauma.
Ability to dissociate easily.
Development of a coping style that helped during distress and the use of splitting as a survival skill.
While abuse is frequently present, it cannot be assumed that family members were involved in the abuse.
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is the result of repeated or long-term childhood trauma, most frequently child abuse or neglect, that is often combined with disorganized attachment or other attachment disturbances. DID cannot form after ages 6-9 because individuals older than these ages have an integrated self identity and history. Trauma later in life can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder or complex posttraumatic stress disorder, other dissociative disorders including other specified dissociative disorder, somatic symptom disorders, or possibly borderline personality disorder, but DID requires an unintegrated mind to form.
Other helpful links!!
DSM-5 on DID and
A explanation of each DD
NAMIs fact sheet on DID
Please see this account for OP
A PDF research paper done on the link between DID and childhood abuse
My own multi-part research thread
A post about biomarkers in the brains of pw/OSDDID
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mrsoharaa · 1 year
this is the aesthetic of what I had in mind for my new theme! :3
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celeseah · 1 year
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Today is #internationalmermaidday🧜🏻‍♀️ I’ve worked with #angels #ascendedmasters #galacticbeings and the #galacticfederation all my life as a #psychicmedium and #channelofdivinewisdomandhealing having a fascination of the #mystical and #magical As a #scorpion #watersign I have had a love of the #water and deep connection with the #ancientcivilization of #lemuria and #mu The last couple of years my connection with the #merpeople has been much stronger and I feel guided it’s the perfect time to start offering some of these #mermaid inspired #soulutions First on offer is #magicalmermaidmessages oracle card sessions that bring #pearlsofwisdom to bring insight to those deep questions and situations in your life. As it’s a #mermaidcelebration day I’m offering these readings for a special price for bookings made till the end of April. Interested DM me to book your online reading via zoom. @missionoflovefoundation @avatar.academy #internationalmermaidday https://www.instagram.com/p/CqY3YjlIZH5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lilithwithdark · 2 months
Pt. 2
Libra rising
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- gentle, balanced, flirtatious and polite nature🩷🪷🪽
- harmonious and fair personality🧚🏻‍♀️
- butt draw attention. 🍑
- likes shopping🛍. interest in law.⚖️
- in relationship: fast, easily bored, assertive
- in the family: mature, cold, serious,
- at work: emotional, supportive, thoughtful, dedicated.
Scorpio rising
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- frightening, deep, mysterious appearance 🌑
- does not like to give information about himself🔐
- experiences transformations and traumas. ❤‍🩹❤‍🔥
- resilient, cold-blooded nature.
- 😼🍆 draw attention.
- in relationships: loyal, reliable, jealous
- in the family: free, different, no rules
- at work: confident, attention-grabbing, shining
Sagittarius rising
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- careless, talkative, humorous and optimistic nature 🗣️
- friendly, adventurous, explorer nature🎒
- likes traveling 🌍🛤🏞, collecting information
- cheeks stand out on the body 😚
- in relationship: talkative, active, easily bored, flirtatious
- in the family: altruistic, helpful, caring, emotional
- at work: critical, detail-oriented, hardworking, dissatisfied
Capricorn rising
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- serious, responsible, workaholic, cold nature🌬💼👞💵📜🖋
- doesn't like to talk too much😷
- does not like stupidity. hates repeating something. ☠️☠️
- teeth draw attention. 🦷
- in relationship: emotional, sharing, executive
- in the family: aggressive, bossy, stubborn
- at work: balanced, fair, kind
Aquarius rising
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- different, interesting, remarkable personality👽
- likes to change appearance. 👩🏻‍🦳👱🏼‍♀️👩🏼‍🦰👩🏼‍🦲👩🏼‍🦱
- wants to be different. hates mediocrity.🧪
- the chin attracts attention, it is V-shaped
- in relationship: proud, flamboyant, center of attention
- in the family: calm, reassuring,coldblooded
- at work: mysterious, assertive, powerful, transformative
Piscer rising
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- dreamer, emotionally volatile personality🧜🏻‍♀️🧞‍♀️
- pisces rising's beauty is mystical 😭
- eyes and feet attract attention 👁👁🦶🏻
- in relationship: demanding, detail-oriented, picky and cold
- in the family: talkative, loquacious, conversational
- at work: wanderlust, adventurous, truthful, honest
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chubbymuffinclub · 1 month
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A lonely wanderer meets a giant mystical water nymph 🧜🏻‍♀️
Spending time by the sea and driving through beautiful English countryside I felt inspired to do some landscape pieces infused with a folklore feel. I’ve got a few more in the drafts I’d like to get working on this week and patrons keep an eye out for some exclusive art coming your way in a few days.
As for likes saves and shares I’d be super appreciative if you could interact with this post as I think I’ve effed my reach up (as usual)
This is available to buy 😊
ID: illustration of a giant white curly haired water nymph with a huge tail laying on their front in the shallowest part of the lake. In front of them is a fat Black babe with flowing hair looking up at the giant with curiosity. In the foreground there is a mixture of wild flora and above them is a swirling night sky
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punkpandapatrixk · 7 months
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Full Snow Moon in Virgo ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
The last Full Moon of the astrological year was on 24 Feb🌝Before we delve into the exciting new astrological year, the Snow Moon in Virgo invites us to take stock of how we feel about areas of Life ruled by the 6th House of health and routine; House of public service and how we fare at the workplace🧘🏻‍♀️
There’s a need to change up some aspects of our routines so that our physical health can be in balance with our mental health. When the body is healthy (and pretty✨) the mind is at ease. All tasks become easier to navigate and thus we produce higher-quality work. Before the new astrological year begins, let’s get shinin’, from the inside and outside✨✨
Earlier this year, Pluto moved to Aquarius (finally!), signalling the start of an era that will be super exciting for the next 20 years. The year 2024 is a truly significant one for all people resonating with being a Lightworker, Starseed, and even Mystic. It’s also the year many real Twin Flames and Starseeds are going to awaken to the Truth of their reason for being born. Older Twin Flames are even going to begin moving into Union starting this year. Honestly, the year 2024 is going to be a fun ride for many that are more spiritually-based—those of you who know from deep within yourself that you’re meant to be of service to the world🌷
Virgo is the sister sign of Pisces. Virgo represents self-undoing and Pisces represents self-sacrifice—or maybe it’s the other way around LMAO Ultimately, this axis is all about sacrificing oneself for the service of another and it is essentially such a beautiful concept because it is fundamentally, Love. However, to express this aenergy properly, your body needs to be strong and healthy so your mental faculty functions sanely and reasonably. Virgo is the Body that performs service; Pisces is the Soul that fuels service.
Virgo is quite notorious for its preoccupation with perfection, so we will need to learn to be gentler with ourselves and to be more free in our pursuit of high quality. In many ways, this Full Snow Moon in Virgo could also be significant for those of you who have Chiron or Saturn in Virgo/6th House, as well as Chiron or Saturn conjunct Venus, for these placements could make a person super critical of certain aspects of their physical appearance.
If you have any of these placements/aspects, there’s a need to learn to understand where these preoccupations stem from and to transmute any senses of a body image issue back into compassionate acceptance of the normalcy of your body🧜🏻‍♀️This FM is prime time for releasing thoughts of what’s wrong with your perfectly functioning body. If you’re gonna work on yourself, work with Love with what you already have and improve healthily with Love and respect towards that body that’s working hard to hold your Soul together🤪
Healthy improvements come from full acceptance and that probably requires a great deal of self-awareness—awareness of what’s reasonable and what’s not😊This FM until the upcoming Spring Equinox, learn to be of genuine service to yourself by loving every aspect of your body and current state of being, wherever you may be in the world and whatever stage of Life you’re at, at the moment. You’ll feel like a brand-new person with a renewed sense of confidence by the time the Sun moves into Aries🐏
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Pile 1 – Let the Stream Take You Where You’re Meant to Be
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h a b i t – 7 of Wands Rx
It seems to me you’ve come from quite a harsh background when it comes to human interactions/relations. But you’re such a gentle soul and this makes you rather prone to solitude and avoiding conflicts. Basically, you can’t stand bearing witness to people being ugly to each other. To some extent, you can be quite terrified of scolding, even constructive criticism, because it triggers so much trauma response in you, or at a minimum, it’s giving war flashbacks.
In that sense, you’re quite the pacifist at the workplace or in your friend groups. The right people appreciate that you’re calm and collected and cooperative, but the wrong ones tend to take advantage of your penchant for harmony. In some sense, some really evil souls could even be triggered by your sheer presence because they can smell your ‘weakness’.
These evil ones notice that you’re inauthentic—because you’re anxious all the time—and can’t stand your ground, so this becomes an ‘invitation’ for them to be a menace to you.
r o u t i n e – 5 of Pentacles
The way I see it, you’re only gonna fight back when you’re already cornered to the max. Like that proverb that says something along the lines of ‘even a mouse that’s cornered will try to kill the cat’ or something. But it didn’t sit right with you whenever that happened in the past, right? Or at least, just the idea of it is not very pleasant. Being too patient with others doesn’t serve you well if you’re inauthentic and can’t state your case.
This FM in Virgo is inviting you to release any desperate need to be liked and perceived as a people-pleasing entity. You have such a strong mind and you have it in you to become a leader. So, if you can, and if it matters, use this period, this aenergy to assist you in healing parts of your personality that you’ve perceived as lacking or bad or terrible or plain wrong.
Taking from your aenergy, I don’t think that’s true at all. I think you were gaslit into believing that your strength of character and your assertive voice are too much.
r i t u a l – Ace of Wands Rx
Ace of Wands is a highly charged aenergy. It’s full of motivation and inspiration. In reverse, this is saying you first need to calm your nerves down before you get on with your day. It would be a good idea to practice breathing meditation first thing in the morning, perhaps just 2-3 mins, before you start the day. And if it’s your style, you could try hyping yourself up in the mirror LMAO ‘You’re a bad bitch and there’s nothing you can’t achieve. You’ve got this, bitch.’
This FM in Virgo, try not to run away from conflicts anymore if you know you’re not in the wrong. Stand your ground. Stop letting people walk all over you. Speak clearly and authoritatively. And get grinding at the things that truly matter to you. And if you need a change of environment for the sake of your development, do it. This is the time for that—Spring Equinox is just around the corner!
Ugly people stressing you out are only making your skin look bad, hon~ You deserve a prettier environment, ugh.
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – You Belong Where It’s Easy for You to Love
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h a b i t – VI The Lovers Rx
You’ve been disappointed in people more than anybody else you could think of. The heaviness in your heart is not easy to verbalise and others can’t even begin to imagine. The scars of past terrible relations—whether professional or romantic or whatever—take a lot longer to heal than most others not because you’re lame or weak. You get hurt more by this sort of thing because your heart is pure—when you trust, you trust with ALL of your heart and soul.
You’re intense like that and yeah, this could be to your detriment or whatever, but because I’m a selfish bitch, lemme tell you that being intense like that isn’t a downfall of yours; if anything, it’s a superpower to feel so much. It’s your environment that’s not deserving of all your affection. So it’s a good idea to learn from the past and exercise discernment—discrimination, even.
Know that you belong in a beautiful pond of consciousness with other flowers who are just as soft and kind as yourself and not in a battlefield sprinkled with hard eggshells around which you tippy-toe like a stupid bitch😏
r o u t i n e – 6 of Cups
For quite a while now, you’ve been yearning to be in a more beautiful spectrum of Reality. There’s this feeling of always wanting to run away from ugly, conflicty situations and you’re right to feel so. These nudges are coming from your Higher Self, telling you it’s time to move realities. Like birds migrating to a warmer, more abundant place when it’s time to do so. Your Higher Self has been reminding you of your innate power to shift realities.
I sense many of you who have chosen this Pile resonate with being a witch? Or at least you’re big on spiritual technologies like tarot, astrology, subliminals, reiki, frequency healing, reality-shifting potions and some such? This Snow Moon is inviting you to invite a more positively loving Reality for yourself through the conscious choice of calling that Reality to be yours.
It has to be conscious followed by practical actions, no matter how small, because your Higher Self is training you to become a Wizard! One day you will be helping those you love to manifest the way you do~ WOW, who are you, bro? ksksksksk
r i t u a l – 2 of Cups
Hmm…you’re such a magical being, am I sure I’m tapping into a Human consciousness here? LOL You have a very high-level Soulmate guiding you from the aethers in terms of your navigating physical Reality. I feel like, around and during the time of the Snow Moon on 24 Feb you were probably feeling some sort of a calling for something higher, more pure, more spiritual, you’re meant to pursue in this lifetime. I do sense there’s a feeling like you need to move locations as well (for some) or perhaps simply change up some aspects of your home environment.
Perhaps, some of you felt the need to change up something about your diet and exercise routines. Well, that’s most in alignment with the intro of this PAC so this is your confirmation that you’re on track already. What else can I give you? hahah You’re well on your way to balancing every aspect of your beingness—mind body and soul as ONE—and this is literally the foundation of high-quality positive manifestations.
You’re so loved and protected, and your Spirit Guides are tremendously proud of how far you’ve made it~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – You’ve Got Impactful Stories You Haven’t Even Begun to Whisper to Anybody~
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h a b i t – Ace of Cups Rx
Are you happy with the version of yourself you’re showing to the world? Do you love that persona yourself? Is this an ideal portrayal of who you truly are?
I don’t think you’re a sneaky bitch trying to accomplish something sinister in the world—because if that were the case I’d love this aenergy so much LMAO Rather, you’re simply hiding a lot of true colours—your real thoughts and emotions that are actually quite substantial—because you’re afraid of getting rejected. You don’t so much fear getting mocked or teased; you fear that internalised feeling of being denied your true personality.
Doing this to yourself hurts more than others rejecting you, if you really think about it, because you’re the one person who’s rejecting yourself before anybody else even gets the chance to do that. You’re already telling yourself that your ideas and everything important you have to say to contribute to a cause or a discussion wouldn’t be accepted, wouldn’t matter…
r o u t i n e – Page of Wands
This FM in Virgo is inviting you to take a real deep look into these psychological imbalances, so you can unravel the threads of fear… aaand… self-gossip… sooo you can transform yourself for the next couple of decades that are promised to be incredibly exciting!
Sometimes, people who are only learning to voice their thoughts/opinions/ideas convincingly can come across as rude. Presumptuous, at the minimum. You know how children are with their bold honesty hahah But don’t be afraid of making these ‘mistakes’ no matter your age; you are finally in the learning phase of your Life to know how to take up space in the world. You’ll mellow out when you’re older LOL The most important thing is that you make the effort to learn to tell your stories.
No more biting your tongue when it matters. Let’s say you’ll be in this awkward teenage phase when it comes to speaking up and mingling. You’re learning what being part of a society is all about, carrying yourself out at public functions with weird fervour AHAHAH Let’s not be afraid of making a fool out of yourself because after all, you’re incredibly intelligent. You’ll get the hang of it in no time at all~
r i t u a l – 8 of Swords
Ultimately, every silly scenario you’ve been afraid of, all of this impostor syndrome, is all a prison of your own mind. Maybe you can’t see it now but one day when you’ve calmed down and can see things for what they truly are, you’ll see just how much people do actually like you :D
You’re like the only person who’s keenly observant of all your failings and imperfections, again, actually because you’re intelligent. But you’re just being too harsh on yourself. So much so that often you’re quite numb to the presence of admirers. I do sense this self-image issue may have stemmed from a childhood in which adults were punishingly critical of your smallest mistakes. They didn’t know how to value you, so now you don’t know how to value you.
This calm and serene Snow Moon in Virgo is inviting you to release all of these false narratives that weren’t even created by you. Forgive yourself and promise yourself you’re gonna do great in the future in a manner that’s faithful to your true personal values. Your daydreams matter and they can manifest if you give yourself a chance to try. Focus instead on the praises you receive from those who do truly see your good because those views are a lot closer to the truth of your loveliness~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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aradiyatoys · 1 year
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A Pirate and his loyal companion, Parrot 🦜 embarked on an extraordinary adventure in the Mini Kingdom 👑 Guided by an ancient map, they set sail on their Majestic Ship 🛳️ in search of a legendary treasure. Through stormy seas 🌊 and mystical lands, they encountered thrilling challenges, but their unwavering determination led them to a hidden island 🏝️ Deep within a dense forest, they discovered a magnificent Treasure Chest adorned with intricate carvings. As they opened it, a dazzling array of jewels, golden trinkets, and ancient artifacts sparkled before their eyes. Overwhelmed with joy, they returned to their Ship, sailing back to the Mini Kingdom to share their spoils and tales of their epic journey, forever leaving their mark in its history. Some claim they encountered a real Mermaid 🧜🏻‍♀️ and an old man with a large fork on their way back, but it sounded too fantastical to believe, so it remained as just a legend!
Treasure Island 🏝️ – the sea-themed set of toys from the ‘Mini Kingdom’ collection. This pattern describes how to create the following four toys: Pirate, Parrot, Majestic Ship and Treasure Chest.
Sometimes I ask you which characters you’d like to see and a Pirate suggestion has come up frequently in your comments. What’s even more interesting is that I’ve been wanting to create one myself! The Ship was always a challenge, but not this time! Making something so unique was an enjoyable experience. I hope you’ll also have fun with this pattern! 🥰
The pattern is already available in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch in my shops! French and Ukrainian are coming soon! 🤗
Pattern -> https://etsy.me/3s9djFf 🤗
HUGE thanks to incredibly talented girls: Celine, Isa, MJ, Clarissa, Sabrina, Roberta, Sarah, Gwendoline and Liubov! 💛💙
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thelonesomequeen · 5 months
“Here is the logline: a high end charity gala is raided by a violent group of radicals on a mystical quest to fulfill a prophecy.”
This is the plot!? I kinda hope Chris is one of the radicals 👀
OH MAN LOL 🧜🏻‍♀️
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To make people’s feeds more magical and mystical 🧜🏻‍♀️💗🥰😍
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Hey! I don’t know if I’m doing this right haha I’ve never done this before but I want to enter your Love Game💖 if you have time of course 💝 I was born January 15th 2004 ❣️
Emojis: 🌙🌺🐉🌹🍃
From your page you give off like this calming mystical vibe, like a nostalgic mermaid movie from my childhood (if that makes sense haha) 🧜🏻‍♀️
I don’t know if I did this right hahaha 😝
Awe sweetie💕you did this perfectly 🥰💞 as if you describe me as a nostalgic Mermaid movie 🧜‍♀️💖 that's very mystical and very my style 😄😉 your submission caught my eye I don't know if you are taken buf you seem to have about 4 soulmates dude !! Its neat !! 👌 so check this out , I'll shoe you these songs that describe the vibe of your relationships , then I'll tell you their birthdays ;
Soulmate #1 and #2 : born between Oct 21 - Nov 20th
Here are the birthdates and zodiac of your soulmatss ;
will be either a Libra or a sagittarius
Soulmate #3 and #4 : born between Feb 19 - March 20th
Will be a Piscss with Mars and Mercury dominant
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damedarcy · 3 years
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#happyholidays! This is in the new newsletter! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 To sign up to get announcements and see the full blog go to @damedarcy .com ❤️🧜🏻‍♀️💦 Thank you! @jade.light.tarot @spiralpathcauldron and @independencestnola for profiling #damedarcymermaidtarot One Week Only Nov 14-20 Use code: CORAL at Checkout for 20% Off Tuck box Mermaid !!! 🧜🏻‍♀️💦 #damedarcytarot #mermaid #independantpublishing #tarottribe #tarot #tarotdeck #tarotreader #mystic #magic #coral https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUDP3qlGdW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iconhaze · 3 years
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What a beautiful and warm weather it’s been when “Locked Inside” videoshoot day came🌞🌿 I had the forest fairy moodboard made for very gloomy atmosphere, because the skies didn’t show any signs that the summer will kick in for the last time🤷🏼‍♀️ and also I really like anything mystical and hazy🌬🌫🌫 I even felt a little sad because I had very magickal vision in my mind in the haze ☁️🥲 if I need to explain why - what are you even doing here🤭🔮😀 anyways, there was no time to be sad, only to bath in the forest, and river too. The second one was not so warm experience, especially after a tiring day, but I did it!🧜🏻‍♀️🌊 watch the result if you didn’t on ICON HAZE youtube channel🤍 photo by @razmutevilma
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
Punk Panda Affirmations
Concept Affirmations for advanced interface of Reality👾Just for fun, really~🕹These are concepts following a Pick-A-Card reading🃏Have fun affirming self-concepts you resonate with~🎲🎳⛳️
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🧜🏻‍♀️What’s Your Signature Style?
🧝🏻‍♀️Mystical Glow-Up Secrets
🏖Your Own Standards of Beauty
❤️‍🩹I Just Want to be Loved
❣️How Abnormal Are You in Love?
💓The Greatest Romance of Your Life!
🍯New Age Money
🍀Lady Luck on Your Side
🪷Sacred Lotus Within You
🍷Scent of Your Destined Person
🌻Thinking About You
🌈Would You Marry Me, Honey?
🐶The Moon’s Message to Your Inner Child
🌓Sweet Girl Venus
🥀Sad Bitch Lilith
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 years
This is a Masterlist of all PACs I’ve done👹They're all timeless☘️ and hopefully you find them healing to your psychology🎑They come in parts most of the time🧩
Posts with ♨︎ are Public on Patreon🃏Just click the access link for bonus content🌷
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🔮Special Patreon-exclsv🔮
🎋What’s Your Love Story Written in the Stars?
🤹🏻‍♀️New Paradigm of A Lifelong Career
🍒Your Reservoir of Abundance
👗Breaking Conventions with Determined Softness
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⭐️Zodiac Girl Culture Patreon-exclsv⭐️
List here
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🍃Tumblr PACs w/ Bonus Content🍑
⛩Lion's Gate Portal to Xxx
💫Current aenergy Check-In
💐A Scenery of You and Me
👑Your Destined Person's Anima vs Persona
🌉Your Exciting Urban Love Story
🎡Cosmic Messages for Workers of Light
🧜🏻‍♀️What’s Your Signature Style?
🧝🏻‍♀️Mystical Glow-Up Secrets
🏖Your Own Standards of Beauty
🌬Mother Earth’s Message for Children of the World
❤️‍🩹I Just Want to be Loved
❣️How Abnormal Are You in Love?
💓The Greatest Romance of Your Life!
💝Valentine & White Day Love Transmission
🍯New Age Money
🍀Lady Luck on Your Side
🪷Sacred Lotus Within You
🌟Blessings to Expect throughout 2024
🍷Scent of Your Destined Person
🌻Thinking About You
🌈Would You Marry Me, Honey?
🌓Sweet Girl Venus
🥀Sad Bitch Lilith
🐶The Moon’s Message to Your Inner Child - collab with @faerytreealtars
🥧The Love You Spiritually Deserve
☕️Soul Story with Your Divine Counterpart
✍🏻Destined Person’s Words of Love
🕷Awakening Your Femme Fatale
👠Your Life as A Celebrity
🪩Your World-Changing Talents
🎨Colours of Your Destined Person💐🌷🌻
🦋Destined Person’s Character Development
🌸Home Life with Your Destined Person
📝Your Ideal Self-Concept
🎐Let’s Be Happy
🏮Who’s that Girl I See?
🧸Life With Your Destined Person
🦂Biggest Fight You & Destined Person Could Have
🐌Destined Person's Spiritual Assistance in Your Personal Development ♨︎
🔊What Noises Are Disrupting Your Mind?💥
🩰A Little Tune to Sooth Your Fears
🌱The Story of Your Character Development🍊
🌸Love Messages from Your Destined One
💘Describing Your Destined Person
🎠Imagining Your First Date!!🍮
💞Your Very Next Relationship
🌃Are They Aware of Your Souls' Connection?
🧁Your Higher Self to Them
💌Their Higher Self to You ♨︎
🐠Your Higher Self to Your Human Self
💸How're You Gonna Get Rich? ♨︎
🌌How’re You Gonna Get Famous?
🍨What’ll Make You Truly Happy? ♨︎
😈What Demons Are You Fighting?⛓
☘️What Healthy Habits Are You Developing?🍀
👻Past Life Trauma that Still Haunts You
🗺Your Life Purpose
🍃Where Are You Going Spiritually?
♥︎How You’ll Recognise Your Soul Fam ♨︎
🚬What’s Toxic About Your Love Style ♨︎
🩸If you’re thinking of giving up… ♨︎
♨︎Why People Underestimate You
🖇Your Duality
❤️‍🔥Your Talents the World Needs to See
🏺The Genius You don’t Know You Are
🌠What You Need to Forgive About Yourself ♨︎
🤡What’s Your Crazy? ♨︎
😰What’s Your Debilitating Fear?
👹What’s Scary About You?
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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