#Mythologi Girls
thebibliomancer · 1 year
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The inescapable dog performing a kabedon on the uncatchable fox.
Just for fun. Just a silly little idea. Just thought of this concept and it amused me enough to manifest through the power of commissioning @mai-arts.
If Laelaps did this to Ginger for real, the universe might implode from paradox.
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bashieashie · 4 months
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I just think medieval snail ladies are neat.
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voicebones · 1 month
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still dont quite know how to draw odysseus but take this
+blank ver under the cut because bro pisses so many people off i cant make all the possible versions of this on my own
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jupingisabella · 4 months
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
in middle school during my Intense Greek Mythology Phase, Artemis was, as you can likely guess, my best girl. Iphigenia was my OTHER best girl. Yes at the same time.
The story of Iphigenia always gets to me when it's not presented as a story of Artemis being capricious and having arbitrary rules about where you can and can't hunt, but instead, making a point about war.
Artemis was, among other things--patron of hunting, wild places, the moon, singlehood--the protector of young girls. That's a really important aspect she was worshipped as: she protected girls and young women. But she was the one who demanded Agamemnon sacrifice his daughter in order for his fleet to be able to sail on for Troy.
There's no contradiction, though, when it's framed as, Artemis making Agamemnon face what he’s doing to the women and children of Troy. His children are not in danger. His son will not be thrown off the ramparts, his daughters will not be taken captive as sex slaves and dragged off to foreign lands, his wife will not have to watch her husband and brothers and children killed. Yet this is what he’s sailing off to Troy to inevitably do. That’s what happens in war. He’s going to go kill other people’s daughters; can he stand to do that to his own? As long as the answer is no—he can kill other people’s children, but not his own—he can’t sail off to war.
Which casts Artemis is a fascinating light, compared to the other gods of the Trojan War. The Trojan War is really a squabble of pride and insults within the Olympian family; Eris decided to cause problems on purpose, leaving Aphrodite smug and Hera and Athena snubbed, and all of this was kinda Zeus’s fault in the first place for not being able to keep it in his pants. And out of this fight mortal men were their game pieces and mortal cities their prizes in restoring their pride. And if hundreds of people die and hundred more lives are ruined, well, that’s what happens when gods fight. Mortals pay the price for gods’ whims and the gods move on in time and the mortals don’t and that’s how it is.
And women especially—Zeus wanted Leda, so he took her. Paris wanted Helen, so he took her. There’s a reason “the Trojan women” even since ancient times were the emblems of victims of a war they never wanted, never asked for, and never had a say in choosing, but was brought down on their heads anyway.
Artemis, in the way of gods, is still acting through human proxies. But it seems notable to me to cast her as the one god to look at the destruction the war is about to wreak on people, and challenge Agamemnon: are you ready to kill innocents? Kill children? Destroy families, leave grieving wives and mothers? Are you? Prove it.
It reminds me of that idea about nuclear codes, the concept of implanting the key in the heart of one of the Oval Office staffers who holds the briefcase, so the president would have to stab a man with a knife to get the key to launch the nukes. “That’s horrible!,” it’s said the response was. “If he had to do that, he might never press the button!” And it’s interesting to see Artemis offering Agamemnon the same choice. You want to burn Troy? Kill your own daughter first. Show me you understand what it means that you’re about to do.
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nymse · 8 months
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✦ Harpy ✦
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cincinnatibeef · 1 year
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girl dinner
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wonderrosss · 2 months
Circe's Island Annabeth
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kaahmbem · 3 days
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legend has it that the young witch circe and the once beautiful nymph scylla shared a complicated past...
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intergalacticfop · 1 year
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My most recent make is this ancient Minoan ensemble! It consists of a tunic (heanos) worn under a flounced wraparound skirt shaped like a double-bladed axe (labrys). Despite how heavy the linen skirt is, the entire outfit is surprisingly easy to move around in. I even waded into the river to rescue a bee!
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Hot Girl Activities
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olympiantea · 15 days
What's up gods, goddesses, and mortal beings?
It's your favorite muse back and ready to spill the tea on both Mount Olympus' classiest and trashiest residents.
Think you can hide from me? Try. I have eyes everywhere.
I see what you're up to even when you think nobody's watching. Don't bother lying. I know you better than you know yourself.
I never imagined that I'd find myself writing a blog.... but somebody has to bring these deities down a peg or two.
And for you loyal followers out there - remember, secrets don't make friends. ;)
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
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Cool art by @mai-arts
The counterpart to Ginger the Teumessian Fox, its Laelaps the single-minded hunter!
A magical dog who always caught her quarry versus a fox destined to be uncatchable. Put them together and what have you got?
A massive paradox and a headache for Zeus, so he jammed them into the starry sky and forgot about them.
Except Ginger’s return to the world means the return of Laelaps.
Thousands of years in the stars have taken everything away from Laelaps. Everything except the hunt.
She senses the Fox out there in the world. Carefree and chaotic. And neither distance nor obstacles nor the gods will stand in Laelaps’ way this time.
Nothing can stop the hunt!
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bashieashie · 3 months
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Happy Pride Month ya'll
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aj-artjunkyard · 4 months
I’m all for Unreliable Narrator Apollo™ straight up misremembering myths instead of admitting to myself that Rick got a few things wrong
Lester!Apollo: demigods can be so weird and unpredictable! When that Clytemnestra girl murdered her husband simply because he made one tiny little human sacrifice to me… yikes, am I right?
The same Apollo 2,000 years before, sending a 3rd volley of plague arrows straight into the Greek camp: Agamemnon when I get you. When I get you Agamemnon. Agamemnon when I get you
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1mm4d13 · 4 months
I’ve finally gotten around to this trend
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gigizetz · 5 months
omg I'm doing some research of Tiresias' myths and all versions of how he became blind are the funniest things I've ever read
my favorite is the one where Hera and Zeus were arguing about which gender had more pleasure during sex (as you do), Hera being fully convinced that men was the answer. They asked Tiresias and he said women had the most pleasure, and Hera (in an act of pettiness I think?) made him blind
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